On-Chip Continuous Blood Cell Subtype Separation by
On-Chip Continuous Blood Cell Subtype Separation by
On-Chip Continuous Blood Cell Subtype Separation by
device was placed onto a Leica inverted microscope equipped
with a MotionPro MP1 000 high speed camera (Redlake MASD 200
LLC, Tucson, AZ) for visualization and image capture. All I +GOullm s
allow heparin to adsorb on the device surface in order to separatio n dlista nce at th e ouitlet ({ ni)
prevent cell adhesion. To prevent microbeads and cells from
settling during the separation experiment, 20% glycerol was Figure 3. Separation profiles of 8ptm and 9ptm polystyrene beads at two
added into each sample solution to adjust the solution density. different flow velocities.
to the fact that some of the platelets were out of focus and diameter was about 23pim. Because the 25p.m beads are larger
therefore were not counted accordingly. Note that the total than almost all of WBCs, both beads and bead-cell complexes
separation throughput is about 1,000 cells per second. were expected to be isolated from the other WBC subtypes.
After separation, the isolated cells can be detached from the
microbeads by adding a second antibody as a competitor and
pure T helper lymphocytes can be harvested. Meanwhile, the
other WBC subtypes can also be harvested with this specific
lymphocytes depleted.
Since the deterministic lateral displacement principle
allows all of the 25pim beads and bead-cell complexes to be
isolated, the purity and recovery ratio for the target cells are
mainly determined by the beads attachment procedure. By
performing a second round cell staining using FITC conjugated
CD4 mAbs, we quantitatively determined that about 91% of T
helper lymphocytes were attached to the 25ptm beads and thus
could be separated afterwards. Also, about 98% of cells
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attached to the microbeads were stained fluorescently, which
indicated that almost all of the cells that attached to the beads
were T helper lymphocytes. The non-specific binding of other
cell types to the beads was therefore negligible. This high
purity is due to the especially high affinity and specificity
associated with the antigen-antibody interaction. Figure 6
shows a CD4+ T lymphocyte attached to a 25ptm bead and its
associated fluorescence.
Figure 4. Trace of platelets, RBCs, amd WBCs through the two stages of the
whole blood separation device. The sample and sheath flow rates wuie
0.1IL min and 1 iLtmin respectively. Picture was generated by superimposing
multiple video frames. (A) First stage. Separation of platelets (top pathway-
zigzag mode) from RBCs and WBCs (bottom pathway-displacement mode).
20X maginification. (B) Second stage. Separation of platelets (top pathway-
zigzag mode), RBCs (middle pathway-zigzag mode), and WBCs (bottom Figure 6. FITC stained CD4+ T helper lymphocyte attached to a 25pim
pathway-displacement mode) from each other. I OX magnification. polystyrene beads.
Summary rate, however, may also pose a problem, since it can cause
Deterministic lateral displacement technique has been some cells to deform to some extent and not follow the
demonstrated to successfully separate polystyrene microbeads predicted pathway.
with different sizes, three major components of human whole In the future, the WBC subtype separating efficiency will
blood, and WBC subtypes with surface marker bound to be further characterized using fluorescence activated cell
microbeads. Figure 8 is the summary of all our experiments. sorting (FACS). Also, a micro cell Coulter counter, which has
Particles that followed the displacement mode are plotted as already been demonstrated in our lab [17], will be incorporated
filled squares, while particles that followed the zigzag mode into current device to count the separated cells.
are plotted as filled circles. All experiments were performed
under laminar flow conditions so that the flow profile between REFERENCES
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