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By : S o n u M a d h e s h i y a | www.linkedin.


Roadmap Learning : Cypress Automation

Tool with JavaScript or TypeScript
Cypress automation with JavaScript or TypeScript offers a powerful solution for web automation
testing. This roadmap outlines a comprehensive path to mastering Cypress workflows, integrations,
and optimizations, ensuring you gain proficiency and expertise in web automation.

Module 1: Fundamentals of JavaScript or TypeScript

Topic 1: Introduction to Programming Language

• Syntax and Variables: Basic syntax, variables, and data types in JavaScript or
• Control Structures: Conditionals (if-else), loops (for, while).
• Functions: Definition, invocation, and scope.
• Objects and Arrays: Basic data structures for organizing data.

Topic 2: Advanced Concepts (JavaScript/TypeScript)

• ES6 Features: Arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and spread operators.
• Promises and Async/Await: Managing asynchronous operations effectively.
• Modules: Organizing code using modules.
• Error Handling: Techniques for handling errors gracefully.

Module 2: Getting Started with Cypress Automation

• Cypress Locator Strategies: Constructing locators using CSS selectors, XPath, and
text-based selectors.
• Cypress Inbuilt Plugins: Utilizing the Cypress test runner to generate locators
• Basic Assertions: Writing and validating test cases using Cypress assertions.
• Handling Invisible Elements: Understanding logs and using Cypress commands to
manage hidden elements.
• Interacting with Elements: Clicking, typing, and interacting with radio buttons and
• Interacting with Dropdowns and Auto-Suggest Options: Utilizing the Select class and
interacting with auto-suggest options.
• Handling Alerts: Automating interactions with browser alerts.
• Handling Windows and Frames: Navigating and interacting with multiple windows and
frames within Cypress.
• Handling Mouse Events: Automating mouse events like hover, double-click, etc.
• Handling File Upload: Automating file uploads within web pages.
• Usage of Hooks and Tags: Implementing hooks and tags for test organization.
• Fixtures and Data-Driven Testing: Using fixtures and integrating data-driven testing
within Cypress.
• Creating Custom Commands: Building reusable Cypress commands for consistent
testing workflows.
By : S o n u M a d h e s h i y a |

Module 3: Introduction to API with Cypress

• What is API Testing?: Understanding the role and importance of API testing in
• HTTP Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE – Differences and use cases.
• Understanding Network Analysis from Browser: Analyzing network requests and
responses during test execution.
• Understanding Interception: Capturing and modifying network requests and
responses within Cypress.
• Validations and Verifications on API: Implementing assertions to validate API
• Assertions on API: Writing assertions to check for expected API output.

Module 4: Integrating Cypress with Other Tools

• CI/CD Integration: Connecting Cypress with CI/CD platforms like Jenkins, Travis CI,
and CircleCI for automated test execution.
• Test Reporting: Utilizing reporting tools like Mochawesome and Allure to generate
detailed test reports.
• Integration of Cucumber with Cypress: Using Cucumber with Cypress for BDD testing.
• Creating an E2E Framework in Cypress from Scratch: Building an end-to-end testing
framework using Cypress.

Module 5: Real-world Scenarios and Use Cases

• User Authentication and Authorization Testing: Writing test cases for login, signup,
and user role verification.
• Form Submissions and Validation: Automating test cases for form validation, error
handling, and submission.
• Payment Gateways Testing: Ensuring smooth payment processing on e-commerce

Module 6: Best Practices and Optimization

Topic 1: Best Practices for Automation

• Code Organization: Structuring test code for readability and maintainability.

• Reusable Components: Creating reusable functions and page objects for efficient test

Topic 2: Performance Optimization

• Improving Test Speed: Optimizing tests for faster execution.

• Parallel Testing: Running tests in parallel to reduce overall test suite execution time.

This roadmap offers a thorough guide to becoming proficient in Cypress automation for real-world
use, using JavaScript or TypeScript.

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