SDET Curriculum v2

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Impact Unbound

Engineering a better future

through the power of technology

UST – Fresher’s Enablement Program
Foundations Advanced
(10 weeks) (6 weeks)

● Basics of SDLC and Agile Development Java FSD Advanced Stream

• Advanced Concepts based on the specific
● Introduction to Programming fundamentals
- Programming language constructs and their
usage. Understanding the meaning of • Architecture, data, test and design
Key Activities compiled and interpreted languages and patterns to support rapid addition of new
capabilities SDET Advanced Stream
their difference
● Basics of Data Structures and Algorithms • Review/Re-Architect Capstone Project
● Introduction to Requirements Management, (Based on learnings from Advanced concepts)
NFR. Ability to write Algorithms, Pseudo
code based on Requirements Data Advanced Stream

After completing all modules and all assignments, learner will be able to:
● Demonstrate good foundation on Core Java – Build & Test code, Implement OO principles
● Build and test Java based Micro-services using Spring Boot
● Build interactive and responsive web pages. Build a SPA with rich front-end*
Outcomes ● Combine Programming and Tools to build a Full Stack Web Application – MVP Prototype
expected ● Build and test end-to-end application (Responsive web pages, Rich SPA, RESTful API, persist data)
● Work as part of Agile team & Work in a CI/CD Environment
● Apply software engineering practices to develop acceptable level of code quality
● Understand the basic Cloud concepts. Build, Test and Deploy on Cloud**
* SPA can be built with Angular or ReactJS. ** Cloud Platform can be AWS or GCP or Azure

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Foundations (10 Weeks)
• Common Foundational curriculum for Java FSD, SDET and Data

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Module # Weeks Topics / Areas Covered
Module 1: Fundamentals & Core Language: Java (Common for all tracks Java FSD/SDET/Data)

● Basic Java Fundamentals (Syntax, Data types, Variables, Operators, Control Structures, Arrays, Methods
Foundation: Java and Programming ● Introduction to IDEs, Plug-ins, Setup, Tools, Enablers to standardize/speed up development
Fundamentals ● Documentation and Communication - UML, Mental Maps, PowerPoint etc.,
● Basics of working with Source Control systems like Git
● Exercises

● OO Programming (Classes, Objects, Interfaces, Packages, Access modifiers, Encapsulation, Abstraction,

Inheritance, Polymorphism etc.,), Generics, Collections, Strings, Multithreading etc.,
3 ● Entity classes, Serialization/De-Serialization
● Error/ Exceptions Handling, Custom Exceptions
Core Language: OO Programming in ● Reading and writing data from files, JSON, and XML
Java, Code Quality, QE Concepts, DB ● Unit testing with Junit, Mockito & Basic Debugging skills. Introduction to BDD approach
concepts ● Importance of Code Quality, Coding Standards, Standard Solution/Project Structures. Ensuring Code Quality,
Code Coverage using tools like SonarQube
● Introduction to Quality Engineering, various phases of Testing along with gist of tools (Selenium, TestNG
etc.,) in the Market. Introduction to Headless Testing. Aspects around Shift Left approach
● Introduction to Database, SQL concepts (Working with MySQL/PostgreSQL) – Tables, Columns, Querying –
simple joins, inner/outer joins, “where” clauses, aggregation functions, subquery, stored procedures, index;
query tuning basics
● Exercises

● Java Versions, LTS, Release Cycles

● Java (8 – n) Features Understanding (Interface Enhancements, Functional / Reactive / Modular / Fluent /
Advanced Language: Programming
1 Stream Based Programming. Functional Interfaces, Lambda Expression / Functions. ForEach – Iterable,
Paradigms and Coding in Modern Java Method References, Streams API etc.,)
● Introduction to SOLID Principles, Design Patterns
● Exercises/Hackathon

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Detailed Coverage
Module 2: Web Test Automation & Framework (ONLY for SDET)
Module # Weeks Topics / Areas Covered
1. Overview of different functional test automation tools –
a) Selenium,
b) Appium,
c) Playwright,
d) Postman,
e) Karate

2. BDD Framework – Cucumber, Feature files, Step Definition, Parameterization, Background, Scenarios,
Data Tables, Tags, Hooks, and Report Generation

3. TestNG Framework – Use of all important annotations including @Factory, @DataProvider with the
capability to read test data from an Excel (both Apache POI/ Fillo library-based approaches), CSV,
Web application automation 3
JSON, run tests in sequential or parallel, Order of test execution (priority and dependsOn based),
Assertions (Hard and Soft), different types of Hamcrest matchers, Report Listeners and customization of
report, Emailable report format, Rerun failed only tests

4. Selenium Automation – Handling different types of browsers, Getting different types of locators, handling
different types of web elements - links, buttons, images, radio button, check box, drop-down list, drag
and drop, mouse over, alerts, handling multiple browser windows and tabs, taking screen shots (page
level / element level), handling elements in multi-level nested frames, using java script executor, using
Page Object Model and Method chaining based design and script development, integrating with different
types of Reporting frameworks - Allure, Extent, Report Portal
5. Jenkins – Maven Type Project Configuration for the automation framework and test suite execution from
git location, including HTML Report Publisher plugin setup with archival of reports for all builds

Module 3: API Test Automation & Framework (ONLY for SDET)

1. RestAssured – API Automation (BDD framework)

API automation 1
2. Karate Framework – API Automation

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Module 4: Cloud Basics and App Deployment Pipeline (Common for all tracks Java FSD/SDET/Data)
Option 1: Build AWS Pipeline (Preference for Java batch)

● Introduction to Cloud computing – Cloud concepts, SaaS / PaaS / IaaS, Private / Public / Hybrid
Clouds, Cloud Native Development
Cloud Basics & App Deployment: 1 ● Compute, Storage, Network concepts & Services (S3, EC2, VPC, EBS, Files etc.,)
Build AWS Pipeline ● DB Concepts (RDS, DynamoDB overview etc.,)
● Security Concepts & Services (IAM, Security Group, Policies etc.,)
● Build and deploy the full stack application to AWS, Elastic Beanstalk
● Exercises/Hackathon

Option 2: Cloud Basics & App

Deployment: Build GCP Pipeline 1 ● Similar as above with GCP Services

Option 3: Cloud Basics & App

Deployment: Build Azure Pipeline 1 ● Similar as above with Azure Services (Preference for .NET Batch)

Module 5: Capstone Project (ONLY for SDET)

Capstone Project:
Skill Evaluation ● Automation framework development for both Web and API technology
1 ● Sample Web Site / Rest API test suite development
● Demo for framework features
(*Project will start from earlier stages) ● Live execution of test suite from Jenkins job

Common Aspects ● Presentation on what they learned each week (as teams)
● Every member of the team presents a small chunk
● Demonstrate individually the successful completion of exercises
Introduction or Basic concepts
Detailed Coverage
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Advanced Topics (6 Weeks)
• Separate Advanced Track for Java FSD, SDET and Data

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Advanced – SDET
Module # Weeks Topics / Areas Covered

UST QE Practice - Automation UST Skriptmate Framework

Framework 0.5

3 1. Appium automation - Android native & web app

Mobile Automation 2. Appium automation - iOS native & web app

Playwright automation with Java for the technologies

Playwright Automation 1.5 a) Web,
b) API

• Security Testing
NFR 1 • Performance Testing

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