Driving Intent in Football Training Ebook

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Strategies To Maximise Your Training Environment And Get
The Most Out Of Your Players

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training

The information presented in this ebook is based on an interview with Ben

Rosenblatt, a sports science and conditioning expert, and is intended for
educational purposes only. The strategies, techniques, and recommendations
discussed may not be suitable for all individuals or situations. It is essential to
consult with qualified professionals and tailor the training methods to the
specific needs and abilities of the players involved.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the
information provided, the authors, contributors, and publishers disclaim any
liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred as a direct or indirect result of
the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.
The content within this ebook does not replace personalized advice from
qualified professionals. Individuals should engage in physical activities at their
own discretion and under appropriate supervision. Any training program or
methodology carries inherent risks, and individuals should assess their own
abilities and physical condition before engaging in any activities described in
this ebook.
The authors, contributors, and publishers disclaim any liability for any injury,
loss, or damage incurred as a direct or indirect result of the use, application,
or interpretation of the information presented herein.
Readers are advised to consult with their healthcare providers or qualified
professionals before implementing any training or conditioning program. The
authors, contributors, and publishers are not responsible for any errors or
omissions in the content or for any actions taken based on the information
Please use your discretion and exercise caution when applying the concepts
and techniques outlined in this ebook. The authors, contributors, and
publishers cannot be held liable for any consequences arising from the use of
the information provided.

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training

In the fast-paced and highly competitive world of football, success is often
attributed to the players' physical prowess, technical skills, and tactical
understanding. However, there is a crucial element that underlies all these
aspects and has the potential to take performance to new heights: intent. In
this ebook, we delve into the concept of driving intent in football and explore
its significance in maximising physical preparation for elite and high-level
players. By understanding and harnessing intent, coaches, players, and
enthusiasts can unlock the true potential of their training sessions and elevate
their performance on the pitch.

We uncover the key principles and environment that fosters growth and
strategies to structure training improvement.
sessions effectively. My extensive
experience in working with Promoting accountability is another
professional footballers enables me critical aspect discussed in this
to shed light on the limited time and ebook. We explore the challenge of
opportunity for physical preparation maintaining accountability in a
that athletes face. By emphasising football environment and offers
specificity and intensity in training, insights into utilising leaderboards
players can optimise their and reports to ensure that players
adaptation and ensure that every stay committed to their training
minute spent in preparation goals. Moreover, leveraging data to
contributes to their on-field success. identify areas for improvement not
only enhances accountability but
One of the fundamental aspects of also enables players to make
maximising physical preparation is informed decisions about their
structuring training sessions with training and performance.
precision. In this ebook, we explore
the principles of teaching and Applying intent and competition at
learning in a gym-based the club level is a key focus of this
environment, enabling coaches to ebook. By completing prescribed
choose exercises that elicit maximum work with intent, players can
output from their players. By maximise the benefits of their
understanding the spectrum of training sessions and translate them
competition, from individual into improved performance on the
challenges to team-oriented pitch. Furthermore, the use of
exercises, coaches can create an biofeedback for technique reflection

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training

and improvement enhances players' performance. By embracing intent

learning and engagement, enabling and incorporating these strategies
them to constantly evolve and refine into your football training, you can
their skills. unlock the true potential of your
abilities and elevate your
Metrics and gamification are performance to new heights on the
explored as effective tools for pitch.
creating competition and driving
performance. Coaches will gain
insights into the versatility of ABOUT BEN:
Output's metrics and learn how to Ben led the physical performance of
adapt exercises and competitions to the England men's pathway and the
suit different skill levels. Senior Men's team to 2 World Cups
Periodisation of intensity and (2018 & 2022) and 1 Euros (2020).
gamification in training cycles helps Prior to this he physical prepared
maintain motivation and optimise the GB & England Women's
performance gains. Hockey team to become Olympic &
European Champions. He led the
Integrating data for injury rehab science of the BOA and EIS ,
rehabilitation and performance has a PhD in biomechanics and has
enhancement is an area of coached in the PL and EFL. He is
increasing importance in football. By the founder of 292 Performance
understanding the demands of the which provides high performance
game and customizing training support to high performing people
activities based on player profiles, & teams. Ben can be contacted at
coaches can reduce the risk of [email protected] or
injuries and improve players' follow him on X (Twitter)
performance in meaningful actions @ben_rosenblatt.
on the pitch.

In conclusion, this ebook serves as a

comprehensive guide to harnessing
intent for success in football
training. Whether you are a coach,
player, or enthusiast, the insights
shared will provide valuable
guidance on how to structure
training sessions, create
competition, promote accountability
and leverage data to enhance

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training


If we were to capture the problem, As training time is limited, the
the time and opportunity for intensity of effort for each repetition
physical preparation in elite or high- must be above the threshold which
level football is extremely limited. will stimulate an adaptive response.
Therefore, the specificity and the Additionally, the movement
intensity of work must be high challenges we set, must prepare the
enough to stimulate adaptation. tissues for the actions and tasks that
Otherwise, you’re wasting some of they will need to deliver within the
your training time and not being game.
efficient. Demanding schedules and
limited options for training make it There are two types of player. The
essential to optimise the first category consists of players who
effectiveness of each session. are still learning how to train
Footballers have very limited time to effectively. For these players, it is
actually prepare physically. They paramount to gradually increase the
play a lot of games and have to training load and focus on
travel. So, it's about trying to fundamental movement skills.
maximise the time they have to The second category includes
prepare them physically. players who have a solid training
foundation. For these players, there
Need for high specificity and is a need to introduce higher
intensity to stimulate adaptation: intensities and more challenging
To make the most of the limited exercises to drive adaptation.
training time, we cannot ignore the
importance of specificity and Using feedback to teach intensity
intensity. Players need to train in a of effort and maximise output:
way that directly prepares them for Teaching players to train with the
the most demanding events within required intensity is a crucial aspect
the game. You want the training to of maximising physical preparation.
be specific to the sport and the tasks Utilising feedback mechanisms to
the individual must complete to be help players understand the effort
successful. they need to put in during training
By pushing the boundaries of effort sessions is key. By providing real-
and challenging players to reach time data and metrics, such as
their maximum potential, adaptation velocity-based training and reactive
and improvement can be achieved. strength index, players can gauge

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training

their effort and strive for optimal

performance. We want to try to
create an environment where
players are competing against their
own outputs, so they can see how
hard they're working compared to
what they've done before.


When it comes to structuring game. Furthermore, exercise
training sessions for maximum selections means nothing without
efficiency, we must emphasise the applied progressive overload. By
importance of creating a conducive gradually increasing the intensity or
learning environment in the gym. difficulty level over time, players can
We need to guarantee clear continue to challenge themselves
instructions and explanations that and stimulate adaptation. In
ensure the players understand the essence, we want to find exercises
purpose and execution of each that we can gradually progress. So,
exercise. We have to be really clear starting with exercises that are at an
with our communication, so players appropriate level and then
understand what they're doing, why progressing them over time.
they're doing it, and how to do it
well. When structuring training sessions, I
advocate for incorporating various
As coaches, we should also be levels of competition to promote
providing feedback during the engagement and accountability.
learning process. By providing
immediate feedback and correction,
players can refine their technique
and optimise their performance. To
structure training sessions
effectively, we must choose
exercises that yield maximum
output. We're looking for exercises
that target the muscles and actions
that are going to have the greatest
demand placed on them during the

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training


Me vs. Me: This form of competition Individual vs individual in a team vs
involves players aiming to improve team: If I win I get a point for my
their own performance over time. team, if you win you get a point for
This self-driven approach fosters a your team. This is highly effective in
sense of personal growth and creating competition. The intensity
motivation. We want players to of effort is very high and the
compete against themselves. So, accountability is extremely high
we're trying to improve on what given that the players are
they've done before and set targets performing to their best for the good
for themselves. of the team.

Leaderboard: Introducing a
leaderboard system allows players
to compete against each other while
maintaining a friendly and
supportive environment. If it is a
general leaderboard with everybody
on it, the intensity is great for the
top 5-6, but if you are not in that
top 5-6, interest drops. Output is
really good because you can have
multiple groups and leaderboards
for the same activity and just group
them differently. This can account
for differences in skill level, body
weight, etc.

Me vs. You: This type of

competition adds an element of
challenge and intensity to the
training sessions where players go
head to head. We can set up drills
where players are competing against
each other. It adds another layer of
intensity and competitiveness to the

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training


Accountability plays a crucial role
in football training, but it can be
challenging to establish and
maintain. The football
environment presents unique
challenges due to its team-based
nature. In such a dynamic and
fast-paced sport, it's essential to
find effective ways to hold players
accountable for their training
efforts and adherence to the
program. To enhance
accountability, I advocate for
implementing leaderboards and
Output's custom leaderboard feature promotes
reports. These tools provide a healthy competition amongst players and
visual representation of individual drives intent through gamification.
and team performance, allowing
players to track their progress
and compare their results with

Additionally, reports can be

generated to summarise
individual and team performance
over a specified period. These
reports provide valuable feedback
and enable players and coaches
Instantly visualise key trends and compare set
to identify strengths, weaknesses, V set and athlete V athlete. Share key KPIs
and areas for improvement. with athletes, coaches and stakeholders with
one-click dynamic reporting.
Reports can show players what
they're doing well and where they
need to improve. It's a way of
holding them accountable for
their performance.

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training


Adherence to a strength training In club-level football, utilising
plan is one of the biggest challenges biofeedback can be a valuable tool
in professional football. I think if for technique reflection and
you’re asking anyone in the clubs improvement. Biofeedback refers to
and asked how many players the use of technology to provide
actually complete all of the real-time information about
physiological responses during
prescribed work, a good club might
training or matches. Biofeedback
say 70-80%. There are a lot of
devices, such as IMUs, help players
players that will go in and only understand their body's response
complete one set instead of 3 and and optimise their technique. When
that lack of accountability may be teaching and coaching someone how
one of the reasons. There are to reduce their contact times, you
players who don’t value that physical give them the coaching cues and you
preparation environment as much as have tangible evidence of the
other aspects of their preparation as outcome of the verbal cues that
well. connect and resonate with the
athlete. From a learning perspective,
At the club level in football, getting players to reflect on how
completing prescribed work and they’re delivering these types of
ensuring accountability are crucial performances is really useful. By
aspects of player development. It is incorporating biofeedback into
training sessions, players can gain
essential to establish clear
insights into their movement
expectations and guidelines for
patterns, intensity levels, and overall
training sessions. We prescribe performance. This information
certain exercises or drills for players enables them to refine their
to complete. It's important for them technique, increase efficiency, and
to understand that they need to do reduce the risk of injury.
the work assigned to them. To foster
accountability, coaches and trainers
must create an environment where
players understand the importance
of completing the prescribed work
and take responsibility for their

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training

Learning and engagement are

essential elements in a football
context, particularly at the club THE COST OF ACTIONS
level. Creating an environment
where players are actively involved Understanding the specific demands
in their development and have a of the game is crucial for effective
thirst for knowledge is crucial for training in football. Coaches and
long-term success. trainers need to assess the game
demands, particularly focusing on
To achieve this, aim to incorporate braking and sprinting actions.
various learning strategies, such as Football involves various movements
interactive discussions, video such as accelerating, decelerating,
analysis, and practical and changing direction. By assessing
demonstrations, to enhance player these actions, we can tailor training
engagement. When players are programs to better prepare players.
engaged and actively learning, they
are more likely to take ownership of By analysing the game demands and
their development and apply what identifying the key actions that
they've learned on the field. players frequently perform, coaches
can design training sessions that
In addition to knowledge acquisition, target specific physical qualities
coaches must foster a positive and required for braking and sprinting
supportive learning environment. actions. This approach ensures that
Players need to feel comfortable players are adequately prepared for
making mistakes and taking risks. the dynamic nature of the game.
It's through these experiences that
they can truly grow and develop as Quantifying exercises and monitoring
footballers. the neuromuscular system play a
vital role in optimising training
outcomes and reducing the risk of
injuries. Technology and data can
allows coaches to track and measure
various training parameters. By
quantifying exercises, such as
measuring force production or
analysing movement patterns, we
can gain insights into the
neuromuscular system's response to
training. This information allows
coaches and trainers to make data-

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training

driven decisions, individualise By proactively identifying and

training programs, and identify addressing activities that may
potential areas for improvement. increase the risk of recurring
injuries, coaches and trainers can
Quantification helps in monitoring create a safer training environment
fatigue levels, tracking progress, and and support players' long-term
identifying any imbalances or health and performance.
asymmetries that may increase the
risk of injuries. By closely
monitoring the neuromuscular
system, coaches can make informed
decisions about adjusting training
loads, managing recovery, and
optimising performance.

Reducing the risk of recurring

injuries is a critical aspect of player
welfare and performance. It is
Assess readiness and recovery to avoid
paramount to identify activities that overtraining. Automated readiness
may increase the likelihood of dashboards allow you to quickly assess which
recurring injuries and taking athletes need attention.
appropriate measures to mitigate
those risks.

By analysing injury history and

closely monitoring players during
training sessions, we can identify
activities that may place excessive
stress on vulnerable areas. This
knowledge enables coaches and
trainers to modify or substitute
certain exercises or movements to
minimise the risk of recurring

Players need to communicate any

discomfort or previous injury
concerns to the medical staff and
coaching staff. This information
Output has an automated subjective wellness
allows us to make informed assessment that athletes can complete before
decisions about training they train. This can help coaches and athletes
modifications or interventions. identify whether they should be closely
monitoring readiness during warm-ups.

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training


The below exercises are my top staples in football strength and conditioning.
Their effectiveness lies in their ability to target specific aspects of
performance while offering a variety of challenges, including intensity,
perturbation, and neuromuscular control. By incorporating these exercises
into training programs and gradually increasing their complexity, coaches and
trainers can help football players develop the necessary physical attributes for
success on the field.

Kettlebell swings: are often

underrated but have been highly
impactful in their application. This
exercise is known for its ability to
develop lower body power,
particularly eccentrically in the hip
extensors. This is an important
exercise to protect the hamstrings
and enhance their capacity to
generate explosiveness during
movements such as sprinting and
changing direction.

Drop Jump Squats: This exercise

involves a drop before a jump,
resulting in a high eccentric demand
during the task. The drop squat with
a concentric jump is an underrated
exercise that can generate a
significant eccentric impulse despite
employing low loads. This exercise
helps improve explosive power and
eccentric strength while
simultaneously challenging the
neuromuscular system.

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training

Drop Jumps: This exercise also aims

to reduce contact time and enhance
ankle stiffness, which can be
beneficial for football players. By
incorporating biofeedback and
tracking contact times, players can
monitor their progress and make
necessary adjustments to optimise

Multi-directional lunge: Involve

performing lunges in multiple
directions. By introducing
perturbation through a slosh bag or
an external object, players are
required to challenge their postural
control while executing braking
tasks. This exercise provides a low-
intensity stimulus to the lower body
while promoting high levels of
perturbation, making it an effective
training tool.

Lateral hops: Over a given distance,

combined with feedback on contact
times, are a highly valuable exercise.
This exercise targets lateral power,
stability, and coordination, which
are essential for cutting,
sidestepping, and changing direction
on the football field. These types of
activities are often performed by
players, but the intensity of effort
required to elicit a physical change is
frequently overlooked.

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training


The Output Sports device offers a range of metrics, versatile equipment
options, and the ability to quantify various exercises, leading to improved
training outcomes and player performance. One of the reasons I have found
Output so valuable is the variety of metrics you can use to compete with and
the versatility of the equipment. This flexibility allows coaches to introduce a
wide range of exercises and activities, even those that require minimal
technical expertise. For example, exercises like med ball slams, which don't
require technical excellence but can still be competently performed by all
players. The Output Sports device allows for the attachment of the unit to a
piece of equipment rather than the performer, making sessions flow more
smoothly, particularly for players who are not accustomed to using the device.

The ability to quantify exercises using the Output Sports device is another
feature that as a football S&C coach, I find invaluable. It allows coaches to
objectively assess and track the performance of players in more complicated
exercises. An example of this is hopping sequences, which previously lacked
objective measurement. With the Output Sports device, coaches can quantify
these sequences, which not only increases the intensity of effort but also
provides objective feedback to the players. For instance, lateral hops can be
used to improve reactivity, change of direction, and lower limb protection.

The device adds objectivity to the

process, allowing coaches to
monitor progress and make data-
driven decisions. The Output Sports
device also plays a crucial role in
enhancing performance during key
actions on the pitch such as running
in behind, winning physical duels,
aerial battles, and 1v1 scenarios. By
utilizing the versatility of the device,
coaches can design exercises that
specifically target these actions,
tailoring training to individual needs
and tracking progress over time.

© 292 Performance, 2023

Driving Intent in Football Training

The device provides coaches with a metrics, and ability to quantify

shared language and a systematic exercises provide coaches with
approach to improving player valuable tools for optimising training
performance in these critical areas. sessions and enhancing player
Another significant aspect of the performance. By incorporating this
Output Sports device is its value in technology into their coaching
longitudinal monitoring and methodologies, coaches can solve
accountability within football individual player problems, foster a
strength and conditioning programs. shared disciplinary language,
Coaches can use the device to track identify trends over time, and make
player progress over time and data-driven decisions that ultimately
ensure that desired adaptations lead to improved player outcomes
occur during task-specific exercises. on the pitch.
This longitudinal monitoring helps
coaches understand how players
are adapting and make informed
decisions regarding training
interventions. Additionally, the
device aids in maintaining
accountability within the training VBT// RSI// JUMPS//

environment, ensuring that players

adhere to the prescribed exercises
and intensity levels.

Data profiling can be a useful tool to STRENGTH// CONTACTS// SLAMS//

inform training program design. By

leveraging data during sessions,
coaches can ensure that desired
intensity levels are achieved,
allowing players to train at the MOBILITY//

appropriate effort levels. Moreover,

data analysis after training sessions
helps monitor adherence, ensuring
that players are performing as
intended. These practices become STRENGTH BALANCE// WELLNESS//
particularly important in managing ENDURANCE//
large squads and optimizing
performance outcomes. With 200+ available metrics, Output is my
go-to solution for all data analysis.
In conclusion, the Output Sports
device offers significant benefits for
football strength and conditioning
programs. Its versatility, variety of

© 292 Performance, 2023

292 Performance was founded by Dr Ben
Rosenblatt to bring high performance services to
high performing people and teams.

292 Performance provides consultancy support

to elite teams, as well as rehabilitation camps
and bespoke training plans and coaching to
individual players.

Take the next step by talking to one of our experts to see if

Output is the right fit for you and your business.

© 292 Performance, 2023

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