Astm C1740-10

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Designation: C1740 – 10

Standard Practice for

Evaluating the Condition of Concrete Plates Using the
Impulse-Response Method1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1740; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope stress-wave testing of concrete and refer to Terminology E1316

1.1 This practice provides the procedure for using the for additional terms related to nondestructive ultrasonic exami-
impulse-response method to evaluate rapidly the condition of nation that are applicable to this practice.
concrete slabs, pavements, bridge decks, walls, or other plate- 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
like structures. 3.2.1 impulse-response method, n—a nondestructive test
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as method based on the use of mechanical impact to cause
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this transient vibration of a concrete test element, the use of a
standard. broadband velocity transducer placed on the test element
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the adjacent to the impact point to measure the response, and the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the use of signal processing to obtain the mobility spectrum of the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- test element.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Discussion—Fig. 1 shows the testing configuration
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. for the impulse-response method. The hammer contains a load
1.4 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes cell to measure the transient impact force and a velocity
that provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes transducer is used to measure the resulting motion of the test
(excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered object (see top plots in Fig. 2). In plate-like structures (as
as requirements of the standard. defined in Test Method C1383), the impact results predomi-
nantly in flexural vibration of the tested element, although
2. Referenced Documents other modes can be excited. Waveforms from the load cell and
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 velocity transducer are converted to the frequency domain and
C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag- used to calculate the mobility spectrum, which is analyzed to
gregates obtain parameters representing the element’s response to the
C1383 Test Method for Measuring the P-Wave Speed and impact. These parameters are used to identify anomalous
the Thickness of Concrete Plates Using the Impact-Echo regions within the tested element.
Method 3.2.2 mobility, n—ratio of the velocity amplitude at the test
D5882 Test Method for Low Strain Impact Integrity Testing point to the force amplitude at a given frequency, expressed in
of Deep Foundations units of (m/s)/N.
E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations Discussion—For a plate-like structure, mobility is
an indicator of the relative flexibility of the tested element,
3. Terminology which is a function of plate thickness, concrete elastic modu-
3.1 Definitions: lus, support conditions, and presence of internal defects. A
3.1.1 Refer to Terminology C125 for general terms related higher mobility indicates that the element is relatively more
to concrete. Refer to Test Method C1383 for terms related to flexible at that test point (1,2).3
3.2.3 mobility ratio, peak-mean, n—the ratio of the peak
mobility value between 0 to 100 Hz to the average mobility
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on Concrete between 100 to 800 Hz
and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C09.64 on
Nondestructive and In-Place Testing. Discussion—A high ratio of the peak mobility to the
Current edition approved Dec. 15, 2010. Published January 2011. DOI: 10.1520/ average mobility has been found to correlate with poor support
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of
the ASTM website. this standard.

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C1740 – 10

FIG. 1 Schematic of the Test Set-Up and Apparatus for Impulse-Response Test


FIG. 2 Typical Force-Time Waveform and Amplitude Spectrum Plots for Hammer with a Hard Rubber Tip

conditions or voids that may exist beneath concrete slabs 3.2.5 slope, mobility, n—the slope of the mobility spectrum
bearing on ground (1,2). obtained from the best-fit line to mobility values between 100
3.2.4 mobility, average, n—average of the mobility values Hz and 800 Hz.
from the mobility spectrum between 100 and 800 Hz, ex- Discussion—A high mobility slope has been found
pressed in units of (m/s)/N. to correlate with locations of poorly consolidated (or honey- Discussion—This parameter is used to compare combed) concrete in plate-like structures (1,2).
differences in overall mobility among test points in the tested
element (1,2).

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C1740 – 10
3.2.6 spectrum, mobility, n—the value of mobility as a Discussion—The initial slope of the mobility spec-
function of frequency obtained from an impulse-response test trum defines the dynamic compliance (or flexibility) at the test
at one point on the surface of the tested element. point. The inverse of the initial slope is the dynamic stiffness, Discussion—The mobility spectrum, also referred to which is an indicator of the relative quality of the concrete, of
as the transfer function, is obtained by converting the recorded the relative thickness of the member, of the relative quality of
waveforms of the hammer impact force and velocity response the subgrade support for slabs-on-ground, and of the support
into the frequency domain (3,4). The resulting spectra are used conditions for suspended structural slabs and walls (1,2).
to compute the mobility spectrum as follows:
4. Summary of Practice
V~ƒ! 3 F*~ƒ!
M~ƒ! 5 (1) 4.1 A grid is laid out on the surface of the concrete element
F~ƒ! 3 F*~ƒ!
to be tested. Grid spacing normally ranges between 500 mm
and 2000 mm and is selected on the basis of the size and shape
where: of the element to be tested. A closer spacing is used for smaller
M(ƒ) = mobility spectrum, elements and to locate smaller anomalous regions.
V(ƒ) = velocity spectrum, 4.2 A hand-held hammer with a force measuring load cell is
F(ƒ) = impact force spectrum, and used to impact the concrete surface and generate transient
F*(ƒ) = complex conjugate of force spectrum. stress waves in the concrete test element. These waves set up
flexural and other vibrational modes of the element in the
The numerator is the cross power spectrum of the force and vicinity of the test point.
velocity and the denominator is the power spectrum of the 4.3 The impact point is within 100 6 25 mm of the velocity
force. Matrix multiplication by the complex conjugate of the transducer used to measure the response due to the hammer
force spectrum is required because the velocity and impact blow.
force spectra are matrices of complex numbers. By the rule for 4.4 The force and velocity waveforms are recorded and
division of complex numbers, the numerator and denominator subjected to digital signal processing to obtain the mobility
have to be multiplied by the complex conjugate of the spectrum at each test point. Key parameters are computed from
denominator, that is, the force spectrum. Fig. 3 is an example the mobility spectra at the test points and displayed in the form
of a mobility spectrum. The vertical axis represents response of contour plots from which the likely locations of anomalous
velocity amplitude per unit of force and the horizontal axis is regions can be identified.
3.2.7 stiffness, dynamic—inverse of the initial slope of the 5. Significance and Use
mobility spectrum from 0 to 40 Hz, expressed in units of N/m 5.1 The impulse-response method is used to evaluate the
(See Fig. 3). condition of concrete slabs, pavements, bridge decks, walls, or

FIG. 3 Example of a Mobility Spectrum Obtained from an Impulse Response Test of a Plate-Like Concrete Element

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C1740 – 10
other concrete plate structures. The method is also applicable 6. Apparatus 4
to plate structures with overlays, such as concrete bridge decks 6.1 Fig. 1 is a schematic of the basic components of a
with asphalt or portland cement concrete overlays. The suitable test system.
impulse-response method is intended for rapid screening of 6.2 Hammer—A nominal 1-kg hammer with a 50-mm
structures to identify potential locations of anomalous condi- diameter cylindrical rubber tip of sufficient hardness to produce
tions that require more detailed investigation. an impact force amplitude spectrum spanning at least 2 kHz.
5.2 This practice is not intended for integrity testing of piles. The hammer shall have a built-in load cell, capable of
For such applications refer to Test Method D5882. measuring dynamic forces up to 20 kN. The resonant fre-
5.3 This practice can be used to locate delaminated or quency of the load cell shall exceed 10 kHz.
poorly consolidated concrete. It can also be used to locate NOTE 2—Commercially available hammers equipped with load cells
regions of poor support or voids beneath slabs bearing on have been found to produce the required force amplitude spectrum. Fig. 2
ground. shows a typical force-time waveform and force amplitude spectrum for a
hammer with a hard rubber tip. The maximum frequency in the amplitude
5.4 Results are used on a comparative basis for comparing spectrum of the waves generated by hammer impact is related inversely to
concrete quality or support conditions at one point in the tested the duration of the impact.
structural element with conditions at other points in the same 6.3 Transducer—A broadband, induction coil, velocity
element, or for comparing a structural element with another transducer (geophone) that responds to normal surface motion.
element of the same geometry. Invasive probing (drilling holes The transducer shall have a natural frequency less than 15 Hz
or chipping away concrete) or drilling of cores is used to and a constant sensitivity over the range 15 to 1000 Hz.
confirm interpretations of impulse-response results.
NOTE 3—Commercially available induction coil velocity transducers
5.5 Because concrete properties can vary from point to point with a base diameter of 50 mm have been found suitable. Such a
in the structure due to differences in concrete age, batch-to- transducer is housed in a case with three protruding screws or spikes
batch variability, or placement and consolidation practices, the around its perimeter forming a tripod for stability during testing. No
measured mobility and dynamic stiffness can vary from point coupling material such as gel or grease is needed to couple the transducer

to point in a plate element of constant thickness. to the concrete.

6.4 Data-Acquisition and Analysis System—Hardware and
NOTE 1—The flexural stiffness of a plate is directly proportional to the software for acquiring, recording, and processing the outputs of
elastic modulus of the material and directly proportional to the thickness
the hammer load cell and velocity transducer. The system shall
raised to the third power (5). As a result, variations in thickness will have
a greater effect on variations in mobility than variations in elastic
be capable of displaying test results immediately after impact
modulus. and storing test results.
NOTE 4—A portable computer with a two-channel data-acquisition card
5.6 The effective radius of influence of the hammer blow
or a portable two-channel waveform analyzer is acceptable. A computer
limits the maximum concrete element thickness that can be data-acquisition card with a voltage range of 6 5 V and 8-bit resolution
tested. The apparatus defined in this practice is intended for has been found to be suitable for the transducer described. Higher voltage
thicknesses less than 1 m. ranges and resolutions are also suitable.
5.7 For highway applications, results may be influenced by 6.4.1 The sampling rate for each channel shall be 10 kHz or
traffic noise or low frequency structural vibrations set up by higher (sampling interval of 100 µs or less). The recorded
normal movement of traffic across a structure. The intermittent waveforms from the load cell and velocity transducer shall
nature of these noises, however, may allow testing during contain at least 1024 points each (see Note 5). The system shall
traffic flow on adjacent portions of the structure. Engineering be capable of triggering on the signal from the hammer
judgment is required to determine whether the response has channel.
been influenced by traffic-induced vibrations. NOTE 5—The sampling frequency should be about 10 times the
5.8 Heavy loads on suspended slabs may affect test results maximum frequency of interest. For typical concrete structural elements,
by altering the frequencies and shapes of different modes of the maximum frequency of interest is about 1 kHz. For a sampling rate of
vibration. Debris on the test surface may interfere with 10 kHz and 1024 points, the frequency resolution is about 10 Hz. For
faster sampling rates, the number of points in the waveforms should be
obtaining a sharp impact and with measuring the response. increased to maintain a similar frequency resolution. Typical signal
5.9 The practice is not applicable in the presence of vibra- processing software that is used to compute the velocity and force spectra
tions created by mechanical equipment (jack hammers, sound- requires that the number of points in the waveforms be a power of 2 (for
ing with a hammer, mechanical sweepers, and the like) example, 512, 1024, 2048 and so forth).
impacting the structure. 6.4.2 The voltage range of the data-acquisition system shall
5.10 Tests conducted next to or directly over structural be matched with the sensitivity of the transducers so that the
elements that stiffen the plate will result in reduced mobility peak hammer force and response velocity are measured with-
and not be representative of the internal conditions of the plate. out clipping of the signals.
5.11 The practice is not applicable in the presence of 6.4.3 Software shall be provided for acquiring, recording,
displaying, analyzing, and storing data. The display shall
electrical noise, such as that produced by a generator or other
electrical sources, that is captured by the data-acquisition
system. 4
Suitable apparatus is available commercially.

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include voltage versus time waveforms for both the impact 7. Preparation of Test Surface
force and velocity measurements for each test. The software 7.1 The test surface can be dry, moist or wet, but not
shall compute the mobility spectrum from the recorded wave- inundated. Remove any debris from the immediate vicinity of
forms. The mobility spectrum shall be displayed immediately each test point.
after the waveforms have been captured. 7.2 If the test surface is extremely rough so that it is difficult
NOTE 6—Fig. 4 is an example of a computer display showing the time to achieve good contact between the transducer base and the
domain waveforms in the upper plots and the mobility spectrum in the concrete or obtain the correct impact duration, grind the
lower plot. surface so that good contact and proper impact are achieved.
6.4.4 The data-acquisition system shall be operated by a Remove loose material before placing the transducer on the
power source that does not produce electrical noise detectable surface.
by the transducers and data-acquisition system when the NOTE 8—Surface roughness may be a problem when testing weathered
system is set at the voltage sensitivity required for the or deteriorated concrete surfaces, but is not normally a problem when
particular structural element under test. testing highway pavements with roughly textured or grooved surfaces. If
the hammer impact fractures the surface or dislodges particles, grinding
NOTE 7—Battery-powered data-acquisition systems have been found may be needed to obtain an impact of sufficiently short duration, that is,
suitable. less than about 0.5 ms.
6.5 Cables and Connectors—Use shielded cables to connect 7.3 Tests are not to be performed within 300 mm of the
the force and velocity transducers to the data-acquisition edge, a continuous crack, or a joint of a plate-like structure
system. Connectors shall be high quality and attached tightly to because of the effect of a plate boundary on test results.
the cables.
6.6 Calibration of Hammer Load Cell—The hammer load 8. Procedure
cell shall be calibrated by the hammer manufacturer, and a 8.1 Connect the load cell and velocity transducer to the data
certificate shall give the sensitivity factor in mV/N. Load cell acquisition system. Verify that the test system is functioning
calibration shall be renewed at least every 12 months or sooner properly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
if there is an indication of improper performance. 8.2 Ready the data-acquisition system with appropriate
6.7 Calibration of Velocity Transducer—The velocity trans- data-acquisition parameters (sampling rate, voltage range,
ducer shall be calibrated by the manufacturer, and a certificate triggering level, and transducer amplification).
shall give the sensitivity in mV/(m/s). Transducer calibration 8.3 Position the transducer at the intended test point so that
shall be renewed at least every 12 months or sooner if there is it measures velocity perpendicular to the surface. Position the
an indication of improper performance. hammer to strike at a distance of 100 6 25 mm from the

FIG. 4 Valid Set of Waveforms for Hammer Voltage Versus Time and Velocity Transducer Voltage Versus Time (Mobility Spectrum is at

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C1740 – 10
transducer. If testing on a roughened or grooved surface, 9.1.1 average mobility;
position the transducer on its tripod support so that no rocking 9.1.2 dynamic stiffness;
of the transducer base occurs. 9.1.3 mobility slope; and
8.4 Perform the impact. Examine the acquired waveforms. 9.1.4 peak-mean mobility ratio.
If the waveforms from both the hammer and transducer are 9.2 Use the values of these parameters at each grid point to
valid (See Note 9), compute the mobility spectrum and display construct contour plots of each parameter. Select contour
the calculated average mobility from 0 to 800 Hz. Store the intervals that are consistent with the ranges of values of the
data for subsequent analysis. parameters obtained at the grid points.
8.5 Repeat the test at the same impact point. If the second
average mobility value is within 6 5% of the first value, NOTE 10—Fig. 6 illustrates a contour plot of average mobility. Appen-
proceed to the next point on the test grid, and repeat 8.3 and dix X1 provides guidance on interpreting results.
8.4. If the second average mobility value is not within 6 5% of
the first value, move the transducer location or impact point to 10. Report
within 50 to 75 mm from the original test point and repeat 8.3 10.1 Report the test grid parameters. These include the test
and 8.4. If the new test point does not result in a repeatable spacing, number of test rows and columns in the grid, and
value, move to the next grid point and indicate in the report that reference points for grid location.
a repeatable test was not obtainable at that grid point. 10.2 Provide description of the condition of the test surface.
NOTE 9—Fig. 4 is an example to illustrate a valid set of waveforms and 10.3 For concrete slabs-on-ground, report the design slab
mobility plot. A valid force-time waveform has a half-cycle, sine-curve thickness, the type of material supporting the slab, if known,
shape with a constant base voltage. A valid velocity transducer waveform and the locations of joints, cracks, or edges.
has a constant base voltage, with the response signal oscillating 10 to 15 10.4 For suspended slabs and walls, report the design slab
times about the base value with continuously decreasing amplitude. This thickness, the support conditions, such as beam and column
indicates that the velocity transducer is stable during data acquisition and
no extraneous vibration affected the test. Fig. 5 is an example of an invalid
locations, and locations of cracks or joints.
velocity transducer waveform, as a result of movement of the transducer 10.5 For each test point, report average mobility, dynamic
base during the test. This is evidenced by a varying base voltage on the stiffness, mobility slope and peak-mean mobility ratio, in
waveform and a large amplitude peak at a low frequency on the mobility accordance with the definitions in Section 3.
spectrum. 10.6 Provide contour plots for each parameter.
9. Calculations and Presentation of Results
9.1 For each test point, use the values in the mobility 11. Keywords
spectrum to calculate the following parameters as defined in 11.1 concrete plate; dynamic mobility; dynamic stiffness;
Section 3: impulse response; nondestructive testing

FIG. 5 Invalid Waveform (Upper Right Plot) Caused by Movement of the Velocity Transducer Base

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FIG. 6 Typical Contour Plot of Average Mobility (White Regions Indicate Higher Mobility)


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Impact Response given frequency at the test point per unit of applied impact
X1.1.1 The impact response of a structural element is force. A high mobility means that the unit force results in a
complex and depends on the geometry and boundary condi- relatively high velocity. Thus mobility is related to the flex-
tions of the element, the material properties, and the location ibility of the structural element at the test point. For plate-like
and duration of the impact. Because of these complexities, it is structures, the mobility is related to the plate thickness, support
not practical to use absolute values of measured impact conditions, the density and elastic modulus of the concrete, and
responses to infer the internal conditions of a test element. The the presence of defects. A series of regularly-spaced, high

practical approach is to evaluate the response at different test peaks in the mobility spectrum usually indicate resonant
points on a comparative basis. Those regions of the structure frequencies.
with unusually higher measures of mobility (velocity per unit
of force) can be selected for further examination, either by X1.3 Average Mobility
other test methods or by invasive probing. This appendix X1.3.1 The test element’s vibrational response to the
provides basic information about the parameters measured by impact-generated elastic wave will be moderated by the
impulse-response testing according to this practice. Interpreta- element’s intrinsic rigidity. For a plate, the average mobility
tion of results should be done only by trained personnel. value over the 100 to 800 Hz frequency range is related directly
to the density, elastic modulus, thickness, and whether there are
X1.2 Mobility Spectrum defects in the plate (1,2). Fig. X1.1 is a schematic of a concrete
X1.2.1 The output of the impulse-response method de- slab-on-ground with a sub-grade void and a region of honey-
scribed in this practice is the mobility spectrum, which combed concrete. As will de discussed, the response of the slab
summarizes the response of the member as a function of to impact will be affected by conditions in the vicinity of the
frequency. Mobility represents the maximum velocity at a impact.

FIG. X1.1 Example of Slab-on-Ground with Different Types of Defects

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A reduction in plate thickness corresponds to a large increase X1.5 Mobility Slope
in mean mobility, because flexural rigidity is proportional to X1.5.1 It has been found that when the mobility plot from a
the thicknesses raised to the third power (5). As an example, test on sound concrete is compared with the plot from a test on
when total delamination of an upper layer occurs in a plate, the concrete with honeycomb inclusions, the honeycombed zone
mobility at that test point will be much higher than for a test shows increasing mobility with increasing frequency over the
over a sound portion of the element. Cracking or honeycomb- frequency range 100-800 Hz, whereas the solid concrete
ing in the concrete will reduce rigidity, and experience has maintains a relatively constant average mobility over the same
shown that mobility plots show a characteristic increase in frequency range (Fig. X1.2) (2,7). The rising mobility with
mobility with frequency (6). Variations in average mobility frequency is a direct function of reduction in mass damping of
recorded across a tested element that is known to have a the velocity response over this frequency range. The mobility
consistent thickness can indicate anomalous regions that may slope is determined from the best linear fit to the mobility
require further investigation. Additional testing, such as by the spectrum between 100 and 800 Hz. A contour plot of mobility
impact-echo method (Test Method C1383) or invasive probing slope can be used to indicate regions where there is high
should be performed in areas of higher average mobility to likelihood of poorly consolidated (honeycombed) concrete.
confirm possible variations in concrete quality. Variations in Because honeycombed concrete often occurs in small pockets,
average mobility recorded across a test area with only one side closer grid spacing may be required to locate such regions. The
visible (such as slabs-on-ground or retaining walls) can be due existence of honeycombing should be confirmed by invasive
to changes in element thickness, material properties, or support probing or by impact-echo testing in combination with invasive
conditions. Impact-echo testing may be used to verify whether probing.
there is a change in thickness.
X1.6 Peak-Mean Mobility Ratio
X1.4 Dynamic Stiffness X1.6.1 When debonding or delamination is present within a
X1.4.1 The slope of the portion of the mobility spectrum up structural element, or when there is loss of support beneath a
to about 40 Hz defines the dynamic compliance or dynamic concrete slab supported on ground, the response behavior of
flexibility of the area around the test point (1,2). The inverse of the uppermost layer dominates the response. In addition to the
the dynamic compliance is the dynamic stiffness of the increase in average mobility between 100 and 800 Hz, the
structural element at the test point in units of N/m. The dynamic stiffness decreases greatly. The peak mobility below
dynamic stiffness is a function of the elastic modulus of the 100 Hz becomes appreciably higher than the average mobility
concrete, the element thickness, element support conditions, between 100 and 800 Hz (see Fig. X1.3). The ratio of this peak
and presence of internal defects. to average mobility is an indicator of the presence of either

FIG. X1.2 Example of Steep Mobility Spectrum at a Test Point with Poor Consolidation Compared with Spectrum at Point with Sound

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FIG. X1.3 Example of Mobility Spectrum for Test on Slab-on-Ground with Void Below Slab Compared with Test at Point Without Void

debonding within the element or loss of support beneath a ground is likely (6). Loss of support may be confirmed by
slab-on-ground (6). Based on experience, when the peak-mean drilling holes and inspecting the conditions at the bottom of the
mobility ratio exceeds 2.5, loss of support beneath slabs-on- slab.


(1) Davis, A. G. 2003, “The Nondestructive Impulse Response Test in N.J. Carino, Eds., CRC Press and ASTM International.
North America: 1985-2001,” NDT & E International (Elsevier (5) Amick, H., Xiong, B., Tang, N., and Gendreau, M., 2009, “Voids
Science), Vol. 36, pp 185-193. Beneath Slabs-on-Ground,” Concrete International, Vol. 31, No. 7
(2) Ottosen, N. S., Ristinmaa, M., and Davis, A. G., 2004, “Theoretical July, pp 29-33.
Interpretation of Impulse Response Tests of Embedded Concrete (6) Davis, A.G. and B.H. Hertlein, 1987, “Nondestructive Testing of
Structures,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 130, No. Concrete Pavement Slabs and Floors with the Transient Dynamic
9, September, pp 1062-1071. Response Method,” Proc. Int. Conf. Structural Faults & Repair,
(3) Higgs, J.S., 1979, “Integrity Testing of Concrete Piles by Shock London, July 1987, Vol. 2, pp 429-433.
Method,” Concrete, Vol. 13, No. 10, October, pp 31-33. (7) Nazarian, S. and Reddy, S., 1996, “Study of Parameters Affecting
(4) Carino, N.J., 2004, “Stress-Wave Propagation Methods,” Chapter 14 in Impulse Response Method,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engi-
Handbook of Nondestructive Testing of Concrete, V. M. Malhotra and neering, Vol. 122, No. 4, July/August, pp 308-315.

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