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Researchers: Grade 11 Humss 4












A Research Paper Presented to Faculty of

Molave Vocational Technical School, Senior High School Department

Burgos Street, Brgy. Makugihon, Molave Zamboanga del Sur

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1

Mr. Cirilo Jun Monleon - PR1 SUBJ. TEACHER

May 14, 2023


Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background

Absenteeism can be defined as persistent, habitual, and unexplained

absence from school. Leasly (2004) defines absenteeism as a period when a

student does not attend school will generally fall behind their classmates in

their academic success.

Indeed, numerous studies conducted to answer question that is why

students miss classes. Leasly (2004) added that there are numerous risk

factors that contributed to student’s absenteeism such as family health, low

income, poor school climate, drug and alcohol use, transportation problems,

and community attitude towards education. Pehlivan (2006) found that the

major reason by students for non-attendance at lecture for school were bored

at school, dislike of school, encouragement of friend, and lack of expectation

about education.

With these, researchers had also observed numerous students who

had failed their subjects because of frequent absenteeism. The researchers

would like to determine the effects of absenteeism to the performance,

participation and social relationship of the students with each other.

Researchers are prompted to conduct the study about the effects of

absenteeism to the academic performance of the Grade 11 Senior High

students of Molave Vocational Technical School to minimize this problem in

order to lessen the possible number of students who come up. The

researchers wanted to further understand the students so they could minimize

their absences, if not eradicate it completely.



In any research work, objectives are basically important to provide

direction. For researcher objectives are statements of activities to be

performed to shape research work. This section includes the specific objective

of this study.

1. To identify the causes of students absenteeism.

2. To find out how absenteeism affected student's performance.

3. To identify ways to reduce the rate of absenteeism.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the impact of absenteeism to the

Academic Performance of Grade 11 students at Molave Vocational Technical

School, school year 2023-2024 Specially, this study will seek answers to the

following questions:

1. How can Grade 11 students be describe in terms of:

a. Sex.

b. Strand

c. Section

d. General Average

e. Birth order in the family

f. Monthly family income

2. What are the possible causes of absenteeism?

3. What can be the effects of absenteeism to students?


4. Is there a significant relationship between absenteeism and their academic


5. What can be the implication based on the result of the study?

Research Hypothesis

1. The study will test the hypothesis in its alternative form.

2. There is significant relationship between absenteeism and academic

performance of the students.

3. There is an impact if an individual doesn’t attend classes in their academic


4. There is a significance difference between the student who’s habitually

absent in class and student who’s always attending class.

Scope and Delimitation

This research only covers the effect of absenteeism to the selected

students of Humanities and Social Sciences. The researchers will seek at

least 10 selected respondents in each section that belongs to the Grade 11

HUMSS student as the primary source of data and information.

Significance of the study

Students: The students will become aware of how being absent from class

can impair their academic achievement. They are able to assess the effects of


Teachers: They’re the one who are capable in guiding their students towards

the effect of absenteeism in performance of school. It response in advising


their students in a positive way since, teachers are the second parent in


Parents: In order to identify problem areas and support their children, parents

must grasp the effects and reasons of absence.

Future researchers: It will create new theories that will serve as basis for the

future researchers of this topic.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

It is an undeniable fact that kids occasionally miss school-

related events and lessons. However, if the student will be absent from

class for a long period of time, it becomes an issue.

Keter (2015) states that there are common causes of

absenteeism e.g. Phobic adolescence, lack of interest, teacher

approach, private coaching, disorders, entertainment, and school

infrastructural facilities.

Absenteeism can have pronounced negatively impacts on

students of poverty (Ready.2010) and according (Baltane and

Bymes.2012) absenteeism can reduce the like hood of post-secondary

enrolment. These is also evidence of a pattern of non-attendance

among university students, with most absenteeism accusing on

Monday and Fridays being of one day in duration (Tmmins.2002,

Rodgers, 2002).

Successful schools cannot survive without physically present

students. According to the “Excessive Absences Intervention” research

study by author Linda L. Williams, excessive absenteeism by students

may result in unlearned course material from fewer hours of

instruction. And a disruption of class instruction for teachers who have

to administer remediation for the absent student when he returns to


Excessive student absenteeism can lead to an increasing

disinterest in school and academics in general. According to author

Jason A. Schoeneberger’s “Longitudinal Attendance Patterns” study,

excessive absenteeism increases the chances of a student eventually

dropping out of school, which can lead to long term consequences for

these students, such as lower average incomes, higher incidences of

unemployment, and a higher likelihood of incarceration.

For more than a century, school districts all around the country

have worked on lowering the rate of student truancy and absenteeism.

Surprisingly, very little study examines what schools may do to

enhance and maintain students’ daily attendance, and even less

research looks at how families, schools, and communities can

collaborate to achieve this aim. Corville and Smith, (1995) state that

“Despite the long history of concern over student attendance, the issue

has received relatively little attention from educational researchers”.

“Dropping out of school, although defined by a single event

reflects a long process of disengagement and withdrawal from


schooling and educational institutions”. (Finn. 1989. Newman,

Wehlage, & Lamborn, 1992). In order to understand and reduce the

problem of students dropping out of school researchers should first

investigate the early warning signs in students behavior before it

escalates to students actually leaving school.

Research on truancy and absenteeism suggests that “students

with better attendance score higher on achievement tests than their

more frequently absent peers” (Lamdin, 1998). If schools across the

nation are being met with the challenge of making adequate yearly

progress, which is a state mandate, then more programs need to be

funded in schools to address the issue of truancy.

Historically, schools have always held the student accountable

for truant behavior. Corville-Smith, (1995) and Hoyle (1998) state that

“Truant and chronically absent students were considered deviants”. In

many cases, schools didn't get in touch with families until the issue

was so serious that the student was failing courses. Additionally,

studies demonstrate that a single student's attendance issues can

have an impact on the learning environment of the entire school. The

number of students who regularly attend their schools determines how

much money most schools receive. Low attendance rates in districts

and schools jeopardize educational resources and activities.

Studies investigating family practice have suggested that “not

all parental involvement activities are associated with attendance”

(Lee, 1994) for example: parent involvement that requires “checking


homework and reading with a child is associated with improved report

card grades, achievement scores, and subject-specific skills” (Epstein

1991; Epstein. Simon. & Salinas, 1997; Muller, 1993). Other

researchers have reported that “specific family involvement practice

such as parental monitoring, parent-child discussions, parent

participation at the school PTA membership are linked to student

attendance” (Astone& McLanahan, 1991; Duework & Dejong, 1991

Lee, 1994, McNeal, 1999).

Students are at risk of dropping out for a variety of reasons

across gender groups, academic levels, and places. While some of

these characteristics apply to all dropouts, some are more closely

related to certain groups. Regardless of whether a dropout is male or

female, in elementary school or secondary school, or in lower or higher

education, the negative impact of poverty on children’s involvement in

school is evident in all cases. Families with limited financial resources

prioritize their expenses, allocating whatever little money they have to

more pressing family necessities like food (Capili, 1992). Second, due

to their economic circumstances, children from rural areas are

compelled to participate in family chores and income-generating jobs.

This is only possible when parents have enough money to pay for

school supplies and expenses. Boys from rural areas, regardless of

their age, assist their parents in generating income by working in a

variety of jobs, from menial jobs like weeding to physically taxing jobs

like farming and fishing. This result is consistent with a previous study

that showed that a sizable proportion of young boys were involved in


child labor (National Statistics Office & International Labor

Organization, 2001).Aside from financial difficulties, school-related

causes such as loss of interest and lack of motivation are also

associated with dropping out. Teacher factor is particularly most

prominent among young boys.

Wennzel (2001) states that adolescent’s supportive

relationships with parents, teachers, and peers were examined in

relation to motivation at school (School and class-related interest,

academic goal orientations, and social goal pursuit).

Absenteeism from school is a problem that impacts the social,

emotional and educational development of the children Hearman

(2011). Previous studies reported among factors contributed to this

phenomenon were teaching method, competency of the teacher and

student-teacher interaction (Lopez-Bonilla, JM & Lopez-Bonilla, LM

2013), weekend scheduled classes and graded assignment

completion (Khong, Dunn, Lim, & Yap, 2016). Additionally, it results in

poor academic achievement because they already missed out

receiving instruction on a consecutive basis

School attendance is recognized as contributing to academic

achievement and the development of social and work-related skills

(Skedgell & Keamy, 2018). This research clearly confirms that school

absenteeism can be linked to lower academic achievement and

engagement that also affects social development (Balkins, Arlans, &


In addition, Henry (2007) has noted that parents education

levels contribute to student’s absenteeism. Simons, Hwang Fitz

Gerald, kielb, and lin (2010) found that there are an association

between absenteeism of student and unfavorable school conditions In

addition, some researchers argued that student’s attitude and

motivation for learning was a key factor in student. Issues related to

the student’s physical and mental health appears directly related to

student attendance (Kearney 2008). Then, Walters (2008) states that

attending school regularly is a vital factor in school success for both

students and teachers.

Broader indicators of student conduct, engagement, school

atmosphere, and well-being have long been linked to academic

achievement, educational attainment, and the risk of dropping out,

according to education studies.

Theoretical Framework

The student body is the greatest contributor to the success or

the ground falling of the school. An individual who have habitually

made absences in class may have lost the chance of learning. He or

she might have less chances of getting an aimed position. The school

who plays an important role to a child’s motivation has known the

impact of absenteeism to a student and to the school performance


The spread of absenteeism may have roots that affects the

attendance of an individual. “ A constant doing may lead to a constant

results, just like Domino” ( Asia Child Data Trend, 2008). Coping up is

never easy, especially when there is a lot of work to be done. Some

teachers are considerate that slows down the run of class discussion.

Absenteeism alone when a large part of the school population is

involved may not only cause a problem to the school but also to the

local administration ( William L., 2001). The performances being

recorded at the diagnostic tests or midterm exams for example will

determine the school’s performance.

Conceptual Framework
The figure below shows how absenteeism affects the academic
performance of the student.

This study used the descriptive survey method of research. It

helps to determine the effects of absenteeism in academic

performance of Grade 11 Humss Students of Molave Vocational

Technical School.


This study will use a descriptive research design (also

called descriptive research) in order to determine the effects of

absenteeism in academic performance of the students. It is also

best served to answer the questions and the purposes of the study.

The descriptive method helps to describe the Effect of

Absenteeism to Student’s Performance of selected Grade 11 Humss

students in Molave Vocational Technical School S.Y 2023- 2024. The

researcher use survey checklist to determine the effect of absenteeism

among grade 11 student. The method was considered appropriate to

use since the data were strained from the 10 respondent in Molave

Vocational Technical School. The descriptive method of research study

involves as a certain data gathering process on prevailing conditions

and practice or description on it, it also predicting for identifying among

available choices.

To gather information, the researchers will use a survey

questionnaire which is related to the study.



The target population for this research defined to include the

students of Molave Vocational Technical School that experienced

absenteeism or not. Not every student had a chance to be involved in

the sample thus, we only gathered those students who have free time

on the time we toured around the school to give them the research

instrument which is a 10 item survey questionnaire.

Research Instrument

The instrument used in conducting this study was a researcher-

made survey questionnaire to investigate the effects of absenteeism to

the academic performance of Grade XI Humss Senior High School

students in Molave Vocational Technical School.

Gump, S (2005). The cost of cutting class: Attendance as a predictor of
success. College Teaching, 21-26.
Kearney, C (2008)., School absenteeism and school refusal behavior
in youth; A contemporary review,. Clinical Psychology Review
Lopez-Bonilla, JM & Lopez- Bonilla, LM. (2013) Factors of contributed
competency of the teacher and student-teacher interaction.
Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 52(2), 185-
195. http://www.factors.com/article/absenteeism/1223433
Wentzel, K. (1998). Social relationship and motivation in middle
school: the role of parents, teachers, and peer relationship.
Journal of educational psychology. Psycnet.apa.org,90(2), 202.
Williams, L. (2001). Excessive absences intervention. Retrieved May
12, 2010

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