Social Influence Group Leadership and Followership

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In this lesson, we explore the fundamental
concepts of social influence, group leadership,
and followership. These concepts are essential in
understanding how individuals interact within
groups and organizations, influencing each
other's behaviors and decisions. We will delve
into the various forms of social influence, such as
conformity, compliance, and obedience, and
examine how they shape group dynamics.
• refers to the ways in which individuals change
their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors in response to
real or imagined pressure from others. It's a
pervasive force in social interactions and can
manifest in various forms, including conformity,
obedience, compliance, and persuasion.
• Conformity: Explanation of how individuals
change their behavior to fit in with a group.
• Compliance: Discussion on how individuals
respond to direct requests or commands from
• Obedience: Examination of how individuals
follow orders from authority figures.
• is a primary vehicle in fulfilling the goal of a team. It is a social
influence relationship between two or more persons. Becoming
a good leader is not an overnight process or just attending a one-
day seminar workshop. It requires. willingness to devote your
time wholeheartedly in managing, helping, and coaching your
team without compromising your family time. In short,
leadership is a two- way process, leaders and constituents may
work together to get things done easily and smoothly.
1. Set example a good leader sets the best example. It is the first
rule. Walk the talk. Do not compromise anybody in the
organization or team integrity. Never take shortcuts.
2. Assume and do responsibility you should be guided by your
own duties and responsibilities. Be proactive in guiding,
teaching, and developing excellence in everyone.
3. Show Initiative find out what needs to be done. do not wait
for anyone to tell you what to do.
4. Life-long learner capacitate yourself. Learn everything you
need to know about the current job.
5. Show enthusiasm if you come to work happy and cheerful, it provides
motivation. Enthusiasm is contagious. Never let personal issues affect
your performance.
6. Willing to serve this quality is known of a servant leader. Showing this
kind of characteristics can inspire thought and action of your own
7. Active listener to become an active listener, you must maintain an eye
contact. Pay attention to facial expressions and body language, and start
a sentence with "I" instead of "You. This will enhance a good
communication and understanding.
8. Show empathy Try to understand where people are coming from and
their point of view. Put yourself in the other people's shoes
9. Be sensitive to the need of others as a good leader, you must be
the one who should know and feel the needs of your constituents.
10. Delegate work sharing work among members at the
organization should be divided into a manageable task. Explain
completely what you are asking the person to do.
11. Learn to appreciate If someone has done great with the
assigned tasks, be sure to let them feel they are appreciated.
Simply saying thanks will do. This will motivate them to work
12. Be patient Do not get easily annoyed if untoward incident
happens. hold your temper. This might require constant practice.
• involves the process of guiding, directing, and
influencing the activities of a group toward the
achievement of common goals. Leadership within a
group can take various forms, ranging from formal,
appointed leaders to emergent leaders who arise based
on their expertise, charisma, or situational factors.
•Authoritarian leadership.
•Democratic leadership.
•Laissez-faire leadership.
Authoritarian Leadership: Leader holds all power,
makes decisions without group input. Effective for quick
decisions, but may stifle creativity.
Democratic Leadership: Leader involves group in
decision-making, promotes collaboration and shared
responsibility. Can be time-consuming, but boosts
Laissez-Faire Leadership: Leader provides minimal
guidance, trusts individuals to manage tasks
independently. Fosters autonomy and innovation, but
may lead to confusion without sufficient structure.

•Communication skills
•Decision-making abilities
•Emotional intelligence
•Vision and goal-setting
• Communication Skills: Ability to convey information
clearly and effectively, listen actively, and foster open
dialogue within the group. Strong communication
promotes understanding, collaboration, and trust among
team members.
• Decision-making Abilities: Capacity to analyze situations,
evaluate options, and make timely and effective decisions.
Good decision-makers consider relevant information, weigh
risks and benefits, and take decisive action to achieve goals.
• Emotional Intelligence: Skill in recognizing, understanding, and
managing one's own emotions, as well as those of others. Emotional
intelligence enables leaders to empathize with team members,
resolve conflicts constructively, and inspire and motivate others.
• Vision and Goal-Setting: Ability to articulate a compelling vision for
the future and set clear, achievable goals to guide the group towards
that vision. A strong vision inspires and aligns team members,
fostering unity of purpose and direction. Effective goal-setting
provides clarity and motivation, driving progress and success.
• A ROLE defines a set of norms, values, behaviors, and
personality characteristics attached to a status such as
leader, follower, or club president. Every leader assumes
role in a society. They are expected to behave a pattern
usually determined by individuals in the society.
• To become a great leader, you must be a good
follower. This will give high impact to a society.
You must have the important leadership qualities
that can affect constituents and can be developed
by anyone.
•is the counterpart to leadership and refers to
the behaviors, attitudes, and actions of
individuals within a group who willingly align
themselves with the goals and direction set
by a leader or the group as a whole.
• Active Followers: Proactively engage in group activities, contribute ideas, and
take initiative to support the leader's vision and goals. They are enthusiastic,
committed, and willing to go above and beyond their assigned tasks.
• Passive Followers: Tend to be more reserved and less involved in group
activities. They may follow instructions without questioning or offering input,
preferring to avoid conflict or responsibility.
• Independent Followers: Possess a strong sense of autonomy and self-
direction. They may challenge the leader's decisions or ideas, offering
alternative perspectives and contributing to constructive debate within the
• Critical Thinking Skills: Ability to analyze information, evaluate
options, and make informed decisions. Effective followers
question assumptions, anticipate consequences, and offer
constructive feedback to enhance group performance.
• Initiative: Willingness to take action and assume responsibility
without waiting for instructions. Effective followers are
proactive, resourceful, and able to identify opportunities for
improvement or innovation.
• Loyalty: Demonstrates commitment and allegiance to
the group's mission and values. Effective followers
support the leader's decisions and actions, even in
challenging or uncertain circumstances.
• Supportiveness: Provides encouragement, assistance,
and cooperation to fellow group members. Effective
followers foster a positive and collaborative
environment, promoting teamwork and mutual respect.
• Mutual Influence and Dependence: Both leaders and followers
exert influence on each other's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
The leader's actions and decisions shape the followers' attitudes
and actions, while the followers' support and feedback influence
the leader's effectiveness.
• Follower Empowerment: Effective leaders empower their
followers by delegating authority, providing opportunities for
growth and development, and encouraging autonomy and
initiative. Empowered followers feel valued and motivated,
leading to increased engagement and performance within the
•Followershipmeans when people express
words, actions, respect, and support to a
leader. But what are the role of a follower?
Roles of an Effective Follower that Leaders Need
• 1. Courage to do responsibility Effective follower feels a sense of personal responsibility
and ownership for his or her own behavior in the organization.
• 2. Courage to challenge If the leader's actions contradict the best interest of the
organization, effective follower takes a stand. Do not sacrifice your own integrity or the
good of the organization just to maintain harmony.
• 3. Courage to participate in transformation- Effective followers view the struggle of
change and transformation as a mutual experience shared by all members, support the
leader and does not afraid to confront the changes.
• 4. A can-do attitude- A leader's job becomes smoother when he or she has followers who
are positive and self-motivated, can get things done, accept responsibility, excels in
required tasks, and willingly accept difficult assignment.
• 5. A collaborative approach- Each follower is a part of the
leader's larger system and should realize that his or her
action affect the whole. Work effectively as a team
• 6. Courage to serve and subservient Effective follower
understands the needs of the organizations and seek to
serve those who need.
• 7. The passion to drive personal growth Leaders want
followers who seek to enhance their own growth and
development rather than depending on the leader to do

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