Upgrade Your Vocabulary

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Hi I'm Rebecca from inid in

this lesson you're going to

learn six Advanced verbs you
can use these verbs in
conversation in discussions
okay and you can also use
them in writing you can use
them for academic writing
professional writing or just
your personal writing okay
because they're just kind of
more intelligent verbs that
communicate certain ideas in
a high at a higher level okay
of vocabulary but the
meaning is not hard to
understand the meaning is
quite easy so remember you
can also use these verbs in
exams if you're appearing for
the iels or the TOEFL or
anything like that certainly if
you use any of this kind of
vocabulary it will improve
your score because it's higher
level vocabulary okay but
don't be afraid when I'm
learning other languages to
me any word that I don't
know is a new word and I
need to learn it so the same
way in English of course first
you learn the basic kind of
verbs but once you pass that
basic level and you're at an
intermediate or advanced
level any new word is a new
word and you're going to
learn it so it doesn't matter if
it's kind of considered
Advanced or intermediate it's
new to you you can learn it
you can Master it and you can
start to use it so let's see how
to do that with these verbs
today so the verbs are to brace
to emulate to abour to Jer to
vacillate and to implore now
you might have heard them
before you may not have it's
okay one way or the other I'm
going to show you exactly
what they mean and how we
can use them with lots of
collocations and expressions
and also how to pronounce
them we'll practice that also
all right so the first one to
brace for something so when
you're bracing for something
you're getting ready for
something which is going to
be difficult a difficult
situation a difficult context
okay so you brace for it you
get ready so for example you
need to brace for a storm okay
if there's a bad storm coming
you need to do certain things
to prepare for it to get ready
for it but it's not just that
you're getting ready like when
you get ready to go out for
dinner you're getting ready for
something difficult that's the
key part of this verb to brace
for something to brace for an
attack if there's going to be an
attack of something or some
people uh you can brace for a
hurricane if there's going to be
an accident somebody has to
brace for the impact of that or
brace for unrest uh any kind
of violence and so on all right
so you brace for that you
prepare for that you get ready
for something difficult all
right next the next one you
ready to emulate say it after
me to emulate so basically
emulate means to imitate to
copy to try to be as good as
something else this is a
positive thing you want to
achieve something that you
know that someone else has
and you would like to your
dream is your hope is to be at
that high level it could be that
you want to emulate your
parents okay maybe you're
and you want to emulate your
father you want to emulate
your mother that's definitely
possible you could also want
to emulate some kind of an
artist could be a singer a
dancer someone who has a lot
of talent or a sportsman okay
an athlete you could also
emulate not just people but
the behavior of those people
or the qualities that certain
people have so you can
emulate behavior and
qualities as well okay so you
want to try to copy them or
imitate them and try to rise to
that higher level okay let's
look at the next one to abhor
say it after me abore okay
there's an H in there which we
do pronounce so abhor
basically is a fancy word that
means to hate the opposite of
love hate to abhor violence
okay somebody who really
believes in peace may also
abhor violence to abhor
spinach okay unfortunately
this poor vegetable gets a lot
of negative pu publicity and
some people especially kids
sometimes say that they abhor
or hate spinach all right so it
could be something as simple
as that uh some people abhor
horror movies they don't like
to feel scared and frightened
and uh they might also abhor
the attitudes that some people
have towards certain things
okay but basically abhor
means what to hate basically
what does emulate mean to
copy or to imitate and
basically what does to brace
for mean it means to get ready
for something tough and
difficult all right let's look at
the next three this one is to Jer
have you ever been to an
event or a sports event or a
concert where people were
very unhappy with what was
happening and so they started
to shout and Boo and they
started going like this and
they're going boo boo and
they're making a lot of noise
and they're not happy they are
complaining kind of so that
kind of complaining when it's
done by a lot of people when
it's done by a crowd when it's
done by an audience at an
event or by fans at a sports
event for example that action
is called jering to Jer so it's
like to boo or to make noise to
show that you're unhappy
you're unhappy with the
performance maybe with a
speaker people don't like what
a speaker is saying and
sometimes they're not quiet
they don't just sit and listen
they start to make noise they
start to protest they start to
shout and make noises and
they are jering okay so this is
to Jer a speaker you could Jer
another sports team okay
because maybe they did
something or they scored
something or they did
something and the referee
said yes we're going to give
them a point but the other
fans are very unhappy so they
start jeering okay and you
could also Jer people
sometimes Jer a performer if
they feel the performer um
isn't is doing a very poor job
or something like that okay so
that's the meaning of the word
to Jer all right next to
vacillate so to vacillate means
to go this way and then that
way and you're not sure which
way to go so you are
vacillating you're not sure
which decision to make so
you're vacillating so you see
with my hands that basically
it means going this way and
then you go that way you're
not sure right so you could
vacillate over an issue okay
you're not sure where you
stand on this this problem
there's a social problem
there's this situation and
you're not sure what your
opinion is exactly so you're
vacillating okay you could
vacillate over a decision okay
should I take this job with a
large company should I take
that job with a small company
I don't know should I live in
the city should I live in the
country should I get married
should I not get married
whatever okay to vacillate
you could also vacillate not
just over an issue but between
this and that okay so those are
the different prepositions that
you might use with the verb
to vacillate next to implore so
to implore means to beg if
somebody says please please
please when a child is is
doing that because he wants
you to buy him candy then
he's imploring he's saying
please please please right so
that's like begging but another
word for that is to implore it's
the more formal word for that
action so you could implore a
leader to take a certain action
or not to take a certain action
basically when you're
imploring you're asking
people to be able to do
something or sorry to do
something or not to do
something in effect right
you're saying please do this or
please don't do that you could
be imploring someone not to
hurt someone else or you
could be imploring someone
to take the right steps to solve
a problem okay and you're
usually imploring you're
probably going to be
imploring a person in
Authority okay like that
whether it's good or bad so
let's look at the pronunciation
again implore vacillate Geer
abhor emulate and Brace all
right so we've looked at the
verbs you've learned the
meaning the first time around
now we're going to check that
we've going we've checked
the pronunciation we've
looked at many ways ways in
which we can use it in with
different kinds of vocabulary
and expressions and
collocations now let's try a
little quiz to see if you can
choose the right one from
these six words ready let's get
started number one so what
should you say the crowd
vacillated the referee's
decision or the crowd Jered
the referee's decision which is
the right verb it should be the
crowd Jered the referee's
decision right do you
remember Jer like to boo to
say no no no who make a lot
of noise all right so this is to
Jer all right let's look at
number two they braced for
the snowstorm or they
implored the snowstorm
which is the right answer they
braced for okay they braced
for the snowstorm means
what they got ready they got
prepared for something
difficult which in this case
was the snowstorm implored
is not correct because what
does that mean like to beg say
please please no they didn't
beg the snowstorm they got
ready for the snowstorm they
got prepared for it and here
the crowd booed the referee's
decision they didn't vacillate
which means going this way
and that way okay you can get
these words there are six
words you can get them
number three she emulated
the habits of successful
people or she vacillated the
habits of successful people
which one is correct she
emulated okay remember
emulate to imitate to copy
right she emulated the habits
of successful people not
vacillate which means going
back and forth all right
number four he abhor his job
so he resigned or he braced
for his job so he resigned
which word is correct which
verb it should be he abhor
right because what does it
mean he resigned it means he
left his job okay he said no I
quit I don't want to work here
anymore why because he
hated his job all right so abore
as we said means hated and
brace for means to get ready
but he didn't get ready for it
because in fact he left all right
so that was number four let's
look now at number five they
emulated the prime minister
to change his policy or they
implored the prime minister
to change his policy which
word is correct they implored
okay They begged him they
said please change your
policy all right emulate means
to copy or imitate so that
word does not make sense
there but they pleaded with
him they said please change
your policy all right that was
correct for that one let's look
at the last one we have here
she vacillated between staying
and leaving or she braced
between staying and leaving
which one is correct here she
vacillated okay as we've said
many times as we were
looking at these exercises to
vacillate means to change
your mind go this way and
then that way and then go this
way and that way right she
vacillated between staying
and leaving first she thought
she should stay then she
thought she should leave and
back and forth all right and
that means to vacillate so
these are six advanced level
verbs that I hope you'll be
able to use in in your
conversation in your
discussions in your writing
and so on and a good way to
do that is to take one or two
of them right now and see if
you can write some sample
sentences of your own think
about something that makes
sense using these verbs the
sooner you use them the more
likely you are to use them
again if you let a lot of time
go by you may not use them
you may forget them so do
something soon to lock them
in so you can remember them
and improve your vocabulary.


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