Thermodynamics 1

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1. The internal energy of an ideal gas depends on:

(a) Pressure (b) Volume
(c) Temperature (d) Size of the molecule
2. A gas performs minimum work when it expands
(a) adiabatically (b) isothermally
(c) isobarically (d) isochorically
3. According to first law of thermodynamics,
(a) heat neither enters nor leaves the system
(b) heat is constant in isothermal system
(c) energy is conserved
(d) none of these
4. An ideal gas is taken through a cycle ABCA as shown in Fig. The work done during the cycle is:

(a) PV/2 (b) 2PV

(c) 4PV (d) PV

5. An ideal gas undergoes cyclic process ABCDA as shown in given P-V diagram (Fig.).
The amount of work done by the gas is:

(a) 6P0V0 (b) –2P0V0

(c) +2P0V0 (d) +4P0V0

6. A given system undergoes a change in which work done by the system equals the decrease in its
internal energy. The system must have undergone
(a) isothermal change (b) adiabatic change
(c) isobaric change (d) isochoric change
7. During melting of a slab of ice at 273°K at atmospheric pressure,
(a) positive work is done by ice water system on the atmosphere
(b) positive work is done on ice water system by the atmosphere
(c) internal energy of ice water system increases
(d) internal energy of ice water system decreases.
8. An ideal gas undergoes four different processes from the same initial state (figure). Four processes
are adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric and isochoric. Out of 1, 2, 3 and 4 which one is adiabatic?

(a) 4 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 1
9. Thermodynamic process in which temperature remains constant is called an __________.
10. First law of thermodynamics is just a restatement of the law of __________.
11. In a cyclic process, work done by the system is __________.
12. When there is no change in temperature whether heat is taken in or given out then heat capacity of
the substance is __________.
13. As per sign conventions, heat absorbed by a system is __________ and heat given out by a system
is __________.
14. Write the second law of thermodynamics.
15. Is first law a conservation law ? How ?
16. What is the principle of calorimetry.
17. Is it possible to heat a body without providing heat energy ? How ?
18. How much will be the internal energy change in (i) Isothermal process (ii) Adiabatic process ?
19. A body at higher temperature contains more heat. Comment
20. What thermodynamic variable is defined by (a) Zeroth law (b) First law ?
21. If on giving 40 J of heat to a system, work done on the system is 10 J. What will be the change in
internal energy of the system ?
22. State First law of thermodynamics.
23. What is calorimetry ? What is the principle of calorimetry ?
24. What happens to the change in internal energy of a gas during (i) isothermal expansion ?
(ii) adiabatic expansion ?
25. Define temperature on the basis of the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
26. What is an isothermal process ? Also give essential conditions for an isothermal process to take
27. A system containing one mole of an ideal gas is expanded adiabatically. If the temperature falls
from T1 to T2, find the work done by the gas.
28. Compare an isothermal and an adiabatic process.
29. Prove that the slope of P–V graph for an adiabatic process is γ times that of the isothermal
30. State the first law of thermodynamics. List the sign conventions used in the energy dealt by the
31. Obtain an expression for work done by a gas in an isothermal expansion.
32. Show that an adiabatic curve is always steeper than an isothermal curve
33. Define molar specific heat capacities at constant volume and pressure. Considering
thermodynamical process in a cylinder with parameters P, V and T, derive the Mayer’s relation.
34. A gas undergoes reduction in volume (i) adiabatically, (ii) isothermally. Find the work done in the
35. Write Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements for second law of thermodynamics.
36. Two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are connected to each other via a stopcock. 'A' contains a
gas at S.T.P. 'B' is completely evacuated. The entire system is thermally insulated. The stop-cock
is suddenly opened. Answer the following :
(a) What is the change in internal energy of the gas ?
(b) What is the change in the temperature of the gas ?


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