SW Quality

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Software Quality

Software Quality

• An effective software process applied in a manner that creates a useful

product that provides measurable value for those who produce it and those
who use it.
• Software quality determines how well the software is designed (quality of
design), and how well the software conforms to that design (quality of
• Set of activities designed to evaluate the quality of developed or
manufactured products
• A quality factor represents a behavioral characteristic of a system. Some
examples of high-level quality factors are correctness, reliability, efficiency,
testability, portability, and reusability.
Software Quality

• Customers may want an efficient and reliable software with less concern for

• The developers strive to meet customer needs by making their system

efficient and reliable, at the same time making the product portable and
reusable to reduce the cost of software development

• The software quality assurance team is more interested in the testability of a

system so that some other factors, such as correctness, reliability, and
efficiency, can be easily verified through testing.
• The testability factor is important to developers and customers as well:
• (i) Developers want to test their product before delivering it to the software
quality assurance team and

• (ii) customers want to perform acceptance tests before taking delivery of a

The Software Quality Dilemma
• If you produce a software system that has terrible quality, you lose because
no one will want to buy it.

• If on the other hand you spend infinite time, extremely large effort, and huge
sums of money to build the absolutely perfect piece of software, then it's
going to take so long to complete and it will be so expensive to produce that
you'll be out of business anyway.
• Either you missed the market window, or you simply exhausted all your
resources. So people in industry try to get to that magical middle ground
where the product is good enough not to be rejected right away, such as
during evaluation, but also not the object of so much perfectionism and so
much work that it would take too long or cost too much to complete. [Ven03]
McCall software quality model

What is Software Quality Model?

• Software quality models were proposed to measure the quality of any software model.
• There are three widely accepted models when it comes to measuring software quality

• McCall’s Quality Model

• Boehm quality model
• Dromey’s quality model

McCall software quality model was introduced in 1977.

This model is incorporated with many attributes, termed as software factors, which influence a software.
The main intention of this model was to maintain harmony between users and developers.
Mc call Quality Factors
McCall software quality model
• Correctness: A software system is expected to meet the explicitly specified
functional requirements and the implicitly expected nonfunctional requirements. If a
software system satisfies all the functional requirements, the system is said to be
correct. However, a correct software system may still be unacceptable to customers
if the system fails to meet unstated requirements, such as stability, performance, and
scalability. On the other hand, even an incorrect system may be accepted by users.

• Reliability: It is difficult to construct large software systems which are correct. A few
functions may not work in all execution scenarios, and, therefore, the software is
considered to be incorrect. However, the software may still be acceptable to
customers because the execution scenarios causing the system to fail may not
frequently occur when the system is deployed. Moreover, customers may accept
software failures once in a while. Customers may still consider an incorrect system to
be reliable if the failure rate is very small and it does not adversely affect their mission
objectives. Reliability is a customer perception, and an incorrect software can still be
considered to be reliable.
McCall software quality model
• Efficiency: Efficiency concerns to what extent a software system utilizes
resources, such as computing power, memory, disk space, communication
bandwidth, and energy. A software system must utilize as little resources as
possible to perform its functionalities. For example, by utilizing less
communication bandwidth a base station in a cellular telephone network can
support more users.
• Integrity: A system’s integrity refers to its ability to withstand attacks to its
security. In other words, integrity refers to the extent to which access to
software or data by unauthorized persons or programs can be controlled.
Integrity has assumed a prominent role in today’s network-based
applications. Integrity is also an issue in multiuser systems.
McCall software quality model

• Usability: A software system is considered to be usable if human users find it

easy to use. Users put much emphasis on the user interface of software
systems. Without a good user interface a software system may fizzle out even
if it possesses many desired qualities.

• However, it must be remembered that a good user interface alone cannot

make a product successful—the product must also be reliable,
• for example. If a software fails too often, no good user interface can keep it in
the market.
McCall software quality model

• Maintainability: In general, maintenance refers to the upkeep of products in

response to deterioration of their components due to continued use of the
products. Maintainability refers to how easily and inexpensively the maintenance
tasks can be performed.
• For software products, there are three categories of maintenance activities:
corrective, adaptive, and perfective. Corrective maintenance is a postrelease
activity, and it refers to the removal of defects existing in an in-service software.
The existing defects might have been known at the time of release of the product
or might have been introduced during maintenance. Adaptive maintenance
concerns adjusting software systems to changes in the execution environment.
Perfective maintenance concerns modifying a software system to improve some
of its qualities.
McCall software quality model
• Testability: It is important to be able to verify every requirement, both
explicitly stated and simply expected. Testability means the ability to verify
requirements. At every stage of software development, it is necessary to
consider the testability aspect of a product. Specifically, for each requirement
we try to answer the question: What procedure should one use to test the
requirement, and how easily can one verify it? To make a product testable,
designers may have to instrument a design with functionalities not available to
the customer.
• Flexibility: Flexibility is reflected in the cost of modifying an operational
system. As more and more changes are effected in a system throughout its
operational phase, subsequent changes may cost more and more. If the initial
design is not flexible, it is highly likely that subsequent changes are very
expensive. In order to measure the flexibility of a system, one has to find an
answer to the question: How easily can one add a new feature to a system?
McCall software quality model
• Portability: Portability of a software system refers to how easily it can be adapted to run in
a different execution environment. An execution environment is a broad term
encompassing hardware platform, operating system, distributedness, and heterogeneity of
the hardware system, to name a few. Portability is important for developers because a
minor adaptation of a system can increase its market potential. Moreover, portability gives
customers an option to easily move from one execution environment to another to best
utilize emerging technologies in furthering their business.

• Good design principles such as modularity facilitate portability.

• Reusability: Reusability means if a significant portion of one product can be reused,
maybe with minor modification, in another product. It may not be economically viable to
reuse small components. Reusability saves the cost and time to develop and test the
component being reused. In the field of scientific computing, mathematical libraries are
commonly reused. Reusability is not just limited to product parts, rather it can be applied
to processes as well. For example, we are very much interested in developing good
processes that are largely repeatable.
McCall software quality model

• Interoperability: In this age of computer networking, isolated software

systems are turning into a rarity. Today’s software systems are coupled at the
input–output level with other software systems. Intuitively, interoperability
means whether or not the output of one system is acceptable as input to
another system; it is likely that the two systems run on different computers
interconnected by a network.
• Example of interoperability is the ability to roam from one cellular phone
network in one country to another cellular network in another country.
McCall software quality model
How do we achieve Software quality?
• Achieving quality will ensure maximum profit for your software business. But
the biggest hurdle is to achieve quality and here are some of the ways.

• Define characteristics that define quality for a product

• Decide how to measure each of that quality characteristic
• Set standards for each quality characteristic
• Do quality control with respect to the standards
• Find out the reasons that are hindering quality
• Make necessary improvements
Software Quality Assurance

• The purpose of QA activity is to enforce standards and techniques to improve

the development process and prevent the previous faults from ever occurring.
A good QA activity enforces good software engineering practices which help
to produce good quality software.

• The QA group monitors and guides throughout the software development life
cycle. This is a defect prevention technique and concentrates on the process
of the software development.

• Examples are reviews, audits, etc.

Garvin’s Dimensions Of Quality

• David Garvin suggests that quality ought to be thought-about by taking a

third-dimensional read point that begins with an assessment of
correspondence and terminates with a transcendental (aesthetic) view.
Though Garvin’s 8 dimensions of quality weren’t developed specifically for
the software system, they’ll be applied once software system quality is taken
into account.
• Eight dimensions of product quality management will be used at a strategic
level to investigate quality characteristics. The idea was outlined by David A.
Garvin, formerly C. Roland Christensen academician of Business
Administration at Harvard grad school (died thirty Gregorian calendar month
Garvin’s Dimensions Of Quality

• Performance Quality-
Will the software system deliver all content, functions, and options that are
such as a part of the necessities model during a method that gives worth to
the tip user?

• basic operating characteristics

• Feature Quality-
Does the software system offer options that surprise and delight first-time
finish users?

• Extra items added to basic features

Garvin’s Dimensions Of Quality

• Reliability:
Will the software system deliver all options and capability while not failure?
Is it obtainable once it’s needed?
Will it deliver practicality that’s error-free?

• Probability product will operate over time

• Conformance:
Will the software system adjust to native and external software standards that are
relevant to the application?
Will it conform to the factual style and writing conventions? as an example, will the
computer program conform to accepted style rules for menu choice or knowledge
• Meeting pre established standards
Garvin’s Dimensions Of Quality

• Durability:
Will the software system be maintained (changed) or corrected (debugged) while not the
accidental generation of unintentional facet effects? can changes cause the error rate or
responsibility to degrade with time?
• Lifespan before replacement
• Serviceability:
Will the software system be maintained (changed) or corrected (debugged) in a tolerably
short time period?
Will support employees acquire all data they have to create changes or correct
defects?Stephen A. Douglas Adams makes a wry comment that appears acceptable here:
“The distinction between one thing that may get it wrong and something that can’t
probably go wrong is that once something that can’t possibly go wrong goes wrong it
always seems to be not possible to urge at or repair.”
• Ease of getting repaired, speed and competence of rapairs
Garvin’s Dimensions Of Quality
• Aesthetics:
There’s no doubt that every folk includes a totally different and really
subjective vision of what’s aesthetic.
And yet, most folks would agree that an aesthetic entity includes a sure class,
a novel flow, and a clear “presence” that are arduous to quantify however are
evident still. The aesthetic software system has these characteristics.
• Perception:
In some things, you’ve got a collection of prejudices which will influence your
perception of quality. as an example, if you’re introduced to a software
product that was engineered by a seller United Nations agency has created
poor quality within the past, your guard is raised and your perception of the
present software product quality may be influenced negatively.Similarly, if a
seller has a wonderful name, you will understand quality, even once it doesn’t
very exist.
What is Software Quality Assurance?

• Software quality assurance (SQA) is a process which assures that all

software engineering processes, methods, activities and work items are
monitored and comply against the defined standards. These defined
standards could be one or a combination of any like ISO 9000, CMMI model,
ISO15504, etc.

• SQA incorporates all software development processes starting from defining

requirements to coding until release. Its prime goal is to ensure quality.

SQA Activities

• #1) Creating an SQA Management Plan:

• The foremost activity includes laying down a proper plan regarding how the
SQA will be carried out in your project.
• Along with what SQA approach you are going to follow, what engineering
activities will be carried out, and it also includes ensuring that you have a right
talent mix in your team.
• #2) Setting the Checkpoints:
• The SQA team sets up different checkpoints according to which it evaluates
the quality of the project activities at each checkpoint/project stage. This
ensures regular quality inspection and working as per the schedule.
SQA Activities

• #3) Apply software Engineering Techniques:

• Applying some software engineering techniques aids a software designer in
achieving high-quality specification. For gathering information, a designer
may use techniques such as interviews and FAST (Functional Analysis
System Technique).

• Later, based on the information gathered, the software designer can prepare
the project estimation using techniques like WBS (work breakdown structure),
SLOC (source line of codes), and FP(functional point) estimation.
SQA Activities

• #4) Executing Formal Technical Reviews:

• An FTR is done to evaluate the quality and design of the prototype.
• In this process, a meeting is conducted with the technical staff to discuss
regarding the actual quality requirements of the software and the design
quality of the prototype. This activity helps in detecting errors in the early
phase of SDLC and reduces rework effort in the later phases.
SQA Activities
• #5) Having a Multi- Testing Strategy: By multi-testing strategy, we mean that one should not rely
on any single testing approach, instead, multiple types of testing should be performed so that the
software product can be tested well from all angles to ensure better quality.

• #6) Enforcing Process Adherence: This activity insists the need for process adherence during the
software development process. The development process should also stick to the defined

• This activity is a blend of two sub-activities which are explained below in detail:
• (i) Product Evaluation:
• This activity confirms that the software product is meeting the requirements that were discovered in
the project management plan. It ensures that the set standards for the project are followed correctly.

• (ii) Process Monitoring:

• This activity verifies if the correct steps were taken during software development. This is done by
matching the actually taken steps against the documented steps.
SQA Activities

• #7) Controlling Change:

• In this activity, we use a mix of manual procedures and automated tools to have a mechanism for change

• By validating the change requests, evaluating the nature of change and controlling the change effect, it is
ensured that the software quality is maintained during the development and maintenance phases.

• #8) Measure Change Impact:

• If any defect is reported by the QA team, then the concerned team fixes the defect.
• After this, the QA team should determine the impact of the change which is brought by this defect fix. They
need to test not only if the change has fixed the defect, but also if the change is compatible with the whole

• For this purpose, we use software quality metrics which allows managers and developers to observe the
activities and proposed changes from the beginning till the end of SDLC and initiate corrective action
wherever required.
SQA Activities
• #9) Performing SQA Audits:
• The SQA audit inspects the entire actual SDLC process followed by comparing it against the
established process.

• It also checks whatever reported by the team in the status reports were actually performed or not.
This activity also exposes any non-compliance issues.

• #10) Maintaining Records and Reports:

• It is crucial to keep the necessary documentation related to SQA and share the required SQA
information with the stakeholders. The test results, audit results, review reports, change requests
documentation, etc. should be kept for future reference.

• #11) Manage Good Relations:

• In fact, it is very important to maintain harmony between the QA and the development team.
• We often hear that testers and developers often feel superior to each other. This should be avoided
as it can affect the overall project quality.
Software Quality Assurance Standards

• In general, SQA may demand conformance to one or more standards.

• ISO 9000: This standard is based on seven quality management principles
which help the organizations to ensure that their products or services are
aligned with the customer needs’.
Software Quality Assurance Standards
• 7 principles of ISO 9000 are depicted in the below image:
Software Quality Assurance Standards
• CMMI level: CMMI stands for Capability maturity model Integration. This
model was originated in software engineering. It can be employed to direct
process improvement throughout a project, department, or an entire

Software Quality Assurance Standards
• Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi): Based on CMMi, this model
focuses on maturity levels in software quality management and testing.

• 5 TMMi levels are depicted in the below image:

Elements of Software Quality Assurance
• There are 10 essential elements of SQA which are enlisted below:
• Software engineering Standards
• Technical reviews and audits
• Software Testing for quality control
• Error collection and analysis
• Change management
• Educational programs
• Vendor management
• Security management
• Safety
• Risk management
Software quality metrics
Software metrics can be classified into three categories −

• Product metrics − Describes the characteristics of the product such as size,

complexity, design features, performance, and quality level.

• Process metrics − These characteristics can be used to improve the

development and maintenance activities of the software.

• Project metrics − This metrics describe the project characteristics and

execution. Examples include the number of software developers, the staffing
pattern over the life cycle of the software, cost, schedule, and productivity.
Software quality metrics

• Software quality metrics are a subset of software metrics that focus on the
quality aspects of the product, process, and project. These are more closely
associated with process and product metrics than with project metrics.

• Software quality metrics can be further divided into three categories −

• Product quality metrics
• In-process quality metrics
• Maintenance quality metrics
Software quality metrics

• Product Quality Metrics

• This metrics include the following −
• Mean Time to Failure
• Defect Density
• Customer Problems
• Customer Satisfaction
Software quality metrics
Product Quality Metrics

• Mean Time to Failure

• It is the time between failures. This metric is mostly used with safety critical systems
such as the airline traffic control systems, avionics, and weapons.
• Defect Density
• It measures the defects relative to the software size expressed as lines of code or
function point, etc. i.e., it measures code quality per unit. This metric is used in many
commercial software systems.
• Customer Problems
• It measures the problems that customers encounter when using the product. It contains
the customer’s perspective towards the problem space of the software, which includes
the non-defect oriented problems together with the defect problems.
Software quality metrics
Product Quality Metrics

• The problems metric is usually expressed in terms of Problems per User-

Month (PUM).
• PUM = Total Problems that customers reported (true defect and non-defect
oriented problems) for a time period + Total number of license months of the
software during the period
• Where,
• Number of license-month of the software = Number of install license of the
software × Number of months in the calculation period
• PUM is usually calculated for each month after the software is released to the
market, and also for monthly averages by year.
Software quality metrics
Product Quality Metrics

• Customer Satisfaction
• Customer satisfaction is often measured by customer survey data through
the five-point scale −
• Very satisfied
• Satisfied
• Neutral
• Dissatisfied
• Very dissatisfied
Software quality metrics
Product Quality Metrics

• Satisfaction with the overall quality of the product and its specific dimensions
is usually obtained through various methods of customer surveys. Based on
the five-point-scale data, several metrics with slight variations can be
constructed and used, depending on the purpose of analysis. For example −
• Percent of completely satisfied customers
• Percent of satisfied customers
• Percent of dis-satisfied customers
• Percent of non-satisfied customers
Usually, this percent satisfaction is used.
Software quality metrics
In-process Quality Metrics

• In-process Quality Metrics

• In-process quality metrics deals with the tracking of defect arrival during formal
machine testing for some organizations. This metric includes −
• Defect density during machine testing
• Defect arrival pattern during machine testing
• Phase-based defect removal pattern
• Defect removal effectiveness
Software quality metrics
In-process Quality Metrics

• Defect density during machine testing

• Defect rate during formal machine testing (testing after code is integrated into the
system library) is correlated with the defect rate in the field. Higher defect rates found
during testing is an indicator that the software has experienced higher error injection
during its development process, unless the higher testing defect rate is due to an
extraordinary testing effort.
• This simple metric of defects per KLOC or function point is a good indicator of quality,
while the software is still being tested. It is especially useful to monitor subsequent
releases of a product in the same development organization.
• Defect arrival pattern during machine testing
• The overall defect density during testing will provide only the summary of the defects.
The pattern of defect arrivals gives more information about different quality levels in the
Software quality metrics
In-process Quality Metrics

• Phase-based defect removal pattern

• This is an extension of the defect density metric during testing. In addition to
testing, it tracks the defects at all phases of the development cycle, including the
design reviews, code inspections, and formal verifications before testing.
• Because a large percentage of programming defects is related to design
problems, conducting formal reviews, or functional verifications to enhance the
defect removal capability of the process at the front-end reduces error in the
software. The pattern of phase-based defect removal reflects the overall defect
removal ability of the development process.
• With regard to the metrics for the design and coding phases, in addition to defect
rates, many development organizations use metrics such as inspection coverage
and inspection effort for in-process quality management.
Software quality metrics
In-process Quality Metrics

• Defect removal effectiveness

• It can be defined as follows −

This metric can be calculated for the entire development process, for the front-
end before code integration and for each phase. It is called early defect
removal when used for the front-end and phase effectiveness for specific
phases. The higher the value of the metric, the more effective the development
process and the fewer the defects passed to the next phase or to the field. This
metric is a key concept of the defect removal model for software development.
Software quality metrics
Maintenance Quality Metrics

• Maintenance Quality Metrics

Although much cannot be done to alter the quality of the product during this
phase, following are the fixes that can be carried out to eliminate the defects as
soon as possible with excellent fix quality.

• Fix backlog and backlog management index

• Fix response time and fix responsiveness
• Percent delinquent fixes
• Fix quality
Software quality metrics
Maintenance Quality Metrics

• Fix backlog and backlog management index

• Fix backlog is related to the rate of defect arrivals and the rate at which
fixes for reported problems become available. It is a simple count of
reported problems that remain at the end of each month or each week.
Using it in the format of a trend chart, this metric can provide meaningful
information for managing the maintenance process.
• Backlog Management Index (BMI) is used to manage the backlog of open
and unresolved problems.
Software quality metrics
Maintenance Quality Metrics

• Fix response time and fix responsiveness

• The fix response time metric is usually calculated as the mean time of all
problems from open to close. Short fix response time leads to customer
• The important elements of fix responsiveness are customer expectations,
the agreed-to fix time, and the ability to meet one's commitment to the
• Percent delinquent fixes- It is calculated as follows −

Software quality metrics
Maintenance Quality Metrics

• Fix Quality
• Fix quality or the number of defective fixes is another important quality metric for
the maintenance phase. A fix is defective if it did not fix the reported problem, or if
it fixed the original problem but injected a new defect. For mission-critical
software, defective fixes are detrimental to customer satisfaction. The metric of
percent defective fixes is the percentage of all fixes in a time interval that is
• A defective fix can be recorded in two ways: Record it in the month it was
discovered or record it in the month the fix was delivered. The first is a customer
measure; the second is a process measure. The difference between the two dates
is the latent period of the defective fix.

What is Software Quality Management?

• Software Quality Management ensures that the required level of quality is

achieved by submitting improvements to the product development process.
SQA aims to develop a culture within the team and it is seen as everyone's

• Software Quality management should be independent of project management

to ensure independence of cost and schedule adherences. It directly affects
the process quality and indirectly affects the product quality.
Software Quality Management

• Activities of Software Quality Management:

• Quality Assurance - QA aims at developing Organizational procedures and
standards for quality at Organizational level.

• Quality Planning - Select applicable procedures and standards for a

particular project and modify as required to develop a quality plan.

• Quality Control - Ensure that best practices and standards are followed by
the software development team to produce quality products.
• What is Quality Assurance?
• Quality Assurance is defined as the auditing and reporting procedures used to
provide the stakeholders with data needed to make well-informed decisions.

• It is the Degree to which a system meets specified requirements and

customer expectations. It is also monitoring the processes and products
throughout the SDLC.
Quality Tools

• 7 QC Tools are basic Quality Control Tools which helps in solving quality
issues through data collection, Analysis of data, identification of cause and
measuring results.
Quality Tools
• Cause-and-effect diagram (also called
Ishikawa or fishbone diagrams):
Identifies many possible causes for an
effect or problem and sorts ideas into
useful categories.
• A fishbone diagram’s causes and
subcauses are usually grouped into six
main groups, including measurements,
materials, personnel, environment,
methods, and machines. These
categories can help you identify the
probable source of your problem while
keeping your diagram structured and
Quality Tools

• Pareto chart: A bar graph that shows which factors are more significant.
• As a quality control tool, the Pareto chart operates according to the 80-20
rule. This rule assumes that in any process, 80% of a process’s or system’s
problems are caused by 20% of major factors, often referred to as the “vital
few.” The remaining 20% of problems are caused by 80% of minor factors.

• The goal of the Pareto chart is to highlight the relative importance of a variety
of parameters, allowing you to identify and focus your efforts on the factors
with the biggest impact on a specific part of a process or system.
Quality Tool
Pareto chart:
Quality Tools
• Scatter diagram: Graphs pairs of numerical data, one variable on each axis, to look
for a relationship.
• Out of the seven quality tools, the scatter diagram is most useful in depicting the
relationship between two variables, which is ideal for quality assurance professionals
trying to identify cause and effect relationships.
• With dependent values on the diagram’s Y-axis and independent values on the X-
axis, each dot represents a common intersection point. When joined, these dots can
highlight the relationship between the two variables. The stronger the correlation in
your diagram, the stronger the relationship between variables.
• Scatter diagrams can prove useful as a quality control tool when used to define
relationships between quality defects and possible causes such as environment,
activity, personnel, and other variables. Once the relationship between a particular
defect and its cause has been established, you can implement focused solutions
with (hopefully) better outcomes.
Quality Tools

• Control chart: Graph used to study how a process changes over time.
Comparing current data to historical control limits leads to conclusions about
whether the process variation is consistent (in control) or is unpredictable (out
of control, affected by special causes of variation).

• this quality improvement tool can help quality assurance professionals

determine whether or not a process is stable and predictable, making it easy
for you to identify factors that might lead to variations or defects.
Quality Tools
• Control charts use a central line to depict an average or mean, as well as an
upper and lower line to depict upper and lower control limits based on
historical data. By comparing historical data to data collected from your
current process, you can determine whether your current process is
controlled or affected by specific variations.

• Using a control chart can save your organization time and money by
predicting process performance, particularly in terms of what your customer
or organization expects in your final product.
Quality Tools

• Flowcharts (Stratification: ) as one of the seven basic QC

tools. Flowcharts are most commonly used to document organizational
structures and process flows, making them ideal for identifying bottlenecks
and unnecessary steps within your process or system.

• Mapping out your current process can help you to more effectively pinpoint
which activities are completed when and by whom, how processes flow from
one department or task to another, and which steps can be eliminated to
streamline your process.

Quality Tools

• Histogram: The most commonly used graph for showing frequency

distributions, or how often each different value in a set of data occurs.

• Quality professionals are often tasked with analyzing and interpreting the
behavior of different groups of data in an effort to manage quality. This is
where quality control tools like the histogram come into play.
Quality Tools

• The histogram can help you represent frequency

distribution of data clearly and concisely amongst
different groups of a sample, allowing you to quickly
and easily identify areas of improvement within your
processes. With a structure similar to a bar graph,
each bar within a histogram represents a group, while
the height of the bar represents the frequency of data
within that group.

• Histograms are particularly helpful when breaking

down the frequency of your data into categories such
as age, days of the week, physical measurements, or
any other category that can be listed in chronological
or numerical order.
Quality Tools

• Check sheet: A structured, prepared form for collecting and analyzing data; a
generic tool that can be adapted for a wide variety of purposes.

• Check sheets can be used to collect quantitative or qualitative data. When

used to collect quantitative data, they can be called a tally sheet.

• A check sheet collects data in the form of check or tally marks that indicate
how many times a particular value has occurred, allowing you to quickly zero
in on defects or errors within your process or product, defect patterns, and
even causes of specific defects.
Quality Tools

• With its simple setup and easy-to-read graphics, check sheets make it easy
to record preliminary frequency distribution data when measuring out
processes. This particular graphic can be used as a preliminary data
collection tool when creating histograms, bar graphs, and other quality tools.
Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that seeks to

provide long-term success by providing unparalleled customer satisfaction
through the constant delivery of quality IT services.

To properly execute on TQM methods, the entire organization needs to operate

as a single unit in the pursuit of excellence.
• Why Is Total Quality Management Important to an Organization?
• Implementing a TQM philosophy can help an organization:
• Ensure customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
• Ensure increased revenues and higher productivity
• Reduce waste and inventory
• Improve design
• Adapt to changing markets and regulatory environments
• Increase productivity
• Enhance market image
• Eliminate defects and waste
• Increase job security
• Improve employee morale
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management Principles
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management Principles

• Customer first. TQM’s first and foremost pillar of success is an unwavering focus on
the customer’s experience in all interactions with the organization. From first contact
through purchase and continued support, the customer should always be the main

• Employee ownership. TQM requires the involvement of every team member to

ensure that complete quality control is offered at every level. TQM doesn’t focus on a
single department because the goal is to provide customers with a great experience
from every level of the organization.
• Process-based. TQM focuses on the creation and implementation of processes that
provide organizations with the ability to find success and repeat it. Quantifying
success and defining the steps taken to get there are essential for successful
implementation of TQM.
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management Principles

• System integration. TQM strategies revolve around leveraging every asset

available to the company. This is best achieved through system integrations
that combine disparate parts of the organization into a single, well-oiled
machine working in complete synergy.

• Communication. TQM requires every team member to be at their best and to

function as a value-adding member of that team. This means communication
and transparency is a core tenet of successful TQM practices.
Total Quality Management

• Data-driven. TQM doesn’t employ guesswork. Instead, data is leveraged for

the improvement of the organization and decisions are made based on
quantifiable facts.

• Constant improvement. TQM isn’t a one and done process. Perfection is

impossible, so it must always be pursued to get the organization as close as
possible to it.

These pillars of TQM act as a framework for every decision made within the
methodology. Whenever your organization feels lost, the TQM ideals are your
guiding stars for righting course.
How to implement TQM

• The first step for implementing any new system is an honest assessment of
the organization as it is today.

• Implementation of TQM is something that has to be applied to the current

structure of the organization; there is no step-by-step guide that will tell you
how to do it for your business. Each business is unique and requires its own
approach, but the core tenets of TQM can guide each decision.

Total Quality Management
How Do You Implement Total Quality Management?
• PDCA lies at the core of many 20th
century quality efforts. PDCA began
in the 1920s as a conception by
engineer and statistician Walter
Shewhart. It was originally called
PDSA (plan, do, study, act).
• Widely disseminated by Deming, who
referred to it as the Shewhart cycle, it
is now often referred to as the
Deming cycle.
Total Quality Management
How Do You Implement Total Quality Management?

• Plan: The planning phase is the most important. That’s where management, along
with the associates, identify the problems to see what really needs to be addressed
— the day-to-day things that may be happening on the productivity side that
management is not aware of. So they’re trying to determine a root cause.
Sometimes, employees do research or high-level tracking to narrow down where an
issue may originate.
• Do: The doing phase is the solution phase. Strategies are developed to try to fix
those problems identified in the planning phase. Employees may implement
solutions and if a solution doesn’t appear to work, it’s back to the drawing board. In
contrast to Six Sigma, it’s less about measuring gains and more about whether the
employees judge the solution to be working.

Total Quality Management
How Do You Implement Total Quality Management?

• Check: The checking phase is the before and after. So after you’ve made
these changes, you see how they’re doing.

• Act: The acting phase is the presentation or the documentation of the results
to let everybody know, ‘Hey, here’s how we were doing it. Here’s how it is
now. This is the new way, and this is what this should address going
How to implement TQM

• Emphasize customer satisfaction

• Creating an emphasis on customer satisfaction will change the way
departments think about their duties. If something they are doing isn’t aiding
in the improvement of the quality of the product or increasing the customer’s
experience, they aren’t headed in the right direction.

• Each employee should take ownership of their role and be ready to consider
ways in which they can improve their own department and outputs.
How to implement TQM

• Communicate with everyone

• Communication throughout the organization is essential for educating
everyone about the changes that are coming while also providing an avenue
for receiving feedback.

• As they say, communication is a two-way street. Employees will have a much

easier time establishing a feeling of ownership over the process when they
know their voice is heard and they had a hand in guiding the changes.

How to implement TQM

• Manage errors
• One of the most important aspects of delivering quality is managing errors.
No matter how focused everyone is on driving quality, IT organizations will
always run into one issue or another.

• Creating processes that mitigate issues is essential for TQM success. Errors
should be addressed and dealt with as quickly as possible of course, but they
should also be recorded and tracked.
Total Quality Management

• TQM is everyone’s responsibility

• TQM requires that all parties take ownership of the part they play and this
applies equally to admitting fault and giving out praise. A focus on improving
the quality of products and services requires accountability. Learning to
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat is the pursuit of quality management
when it comes to dealing with incidents and outages.
Total Quality Management
Key Players in Total Quality Management

• The Key Players in Total Quality Management: Customers, Suppliers, and


• To achieve success with a total quality management program or any other

improvement methodology, managers must understand the quality goals for
their product or company. They must then communicate those goals, in
addition to the benefits of TQM, to the company, as employees play a vital
role by contributing their intimate, day-to-day knowledge of product creation
and processes.
Total Quality Management
Key Players in Total Quality Management

• TQM is a philosophy that values comprehensiveness. Therefore, suppliers are

a crucial part of TQM execution. Companies must vet new suppliers and
regularly audit existing suppliers to guarantee that materials meet standards.
Communication with suppliers about TQM goals is also essential.

• Customers are the most significant part of the TQM equation. After all, they’re
the reason for TQM’s existence. Aside from the obvious feedback the sales
team provides, customers — product or service users — give information
about what they want from the deliverable, whether that deliverable is
tangible or a service.
Total Quality Management

• Benefits of Total Quality Management

• The benefits arising from the implementation of a Total Quality Management
in an organization are:

• This will increase the awareness of quality culture within the organization.
• A special emphasis on teamwork will be achieved.
• TQM will lead to a commitment towards continuous improvement.
Software Testing Tools

• Software testing tools are required for the betterment of the application or

• With the help of testing tools, we can improve our software performance,
deliver a high-quality product, and reduce the duration of testing, which is
spent on manual efforts.
• The software testing tools can be divided into the following:
• Test management tool
• Bug tracking tool
• Automated testing tool
• Performance testing tool
• Cross-browser testing tool
• Integration testing tool
• Unit testing tool
• Mobile/android testing tool
• GUI testing tool
• Security testing tool
Software testing tools
• Test management tool
• Test management tools are used to keep track of all the testing activity, fast data analysis, manage manual
and automation test cases, various environments, and plan and maintain manual testing as well.

• Example-1)TestLink -This is one of the very few open-source test management tools that are available for use
in the market. It is a web-based tool with typical features like test case creation abd maintenance, test suite
management, test runs, tracking bugs, reports, and integration with some common issue trackers.

• Bug tracking tool

• The defect tracking tool is used to keep track of the bug fixes and ensure the delivery of a quality product.
This tool can help us to find the bugs in the testing stage so that we can get the defect-free data in the
production server. With the help of these tools, the end-users can allow reporting the bugs and issues directly
on their applications.

• Example-1) Backlog is a popular bug and project tracking tool in one platform. It’s easy for anyone to report
bugs and keep track of a full history of issue updates and status changes. Development teams use Backlog to
work with other teams for enhanced team collaboration and high-quality project delivery.
Software testing tools
• Automation testing tool
• This type of tool is used to enhance the productivity of the product and
improve the accuracy. We can reduce the time and cost of the application
by writing some test scripts in any programming language.

• Example- Selenium is a very well-known tool when it comes to testing

automation. It allows its users to write scripts in a lot of different languages,
including Java, C#, Python, Perl, and Ruby. This tool also runs in several
operating systems and browsers
Software testing tools

• Performance testing tool

• Performance or Load testing tools
are used to check the load,
stability, and scalability of the
application. When n-number of the
users using the application at the
same time, and if the application
gets crashed because of the
immense load, to get through this
type of issue, we need load testing
Software testing tools

• Example- 1) LoadNinja -It allows you to create scriptless sophisticated load

tests and reduces testing time by half. It also replaces load emulators with
real browsers and gets actionable, browser-based metrics at ninja speed.
LoadNinja empowers teams to increase their test coverage without giving up
on the quality by removing the tedious efforts of dynamic correlation, script
translation, and script scrubbing.
Software testing tools
• Cross-browser testing tool
• This type of tool is used when we need to compare a web application in the
various web browser platforms. It is an important part when we are
developing a project. With the help of these tools, we will ensure the
consistent behavior of the application in multiple devices, browsers, and
• Example-LambdaTest is a cloud-based cross-browser testing platform that
helps you perform compatibility testing on your web app or websites easily.
You can run automated Selenium scripts on LambdaTest’s scalable cloud
grid, or can even perform live interactive testing on real browser
Software testing tools

• Integration testing tool- This type of tool is used to test the interface
between modules and find the critical bugs that are happened because of the
different modules and ensuring that all the modules are working as per the
client requirements.
Example-1) Citrus -: It is the most commonly used integration testing tool,
which is a test framework and written in the Java programming language. It is
used to take the request and respond to both server-side and client-side.
2) TESSY- It is an essential tool for integration testing that is used to execute
the integration and unit testing for the embedded software. It will take care of
the whole test organization along with the requirements, traceability, test
management, and the coverage measurement.
Software testing tools

• Unit testing tool

• This testing tool is used to help the programmers to improve their code
quality, and with the help of these tools, they can reduce the time of code
and the overall cost of the software.
• Example - 1) Junit: Junit is a free to use testing tool used for Java
programming language. It provides assertions to identify test method. This tool
test data first and then inserted in the piece of code.
• 2) NUnit: NUnit is widely used unit-testing framework use for all .net
Software testing tools

• Mobile/android testing tool

• We can use this type of tool when we are testing any mobile application.
Some of the tools are open-source, and some of the tools are licensed. Each
tool has its functionality and features.
• Example-1) Calabash-Calabash is a mobile application testing framework
that works with multiple languages
• 2) Selendroid Selendroid is also known as selenium for mobile apps for
Android. Testers can do native and hybrid mobile application testing using
• 3) obotium Robotium is a popular open-source tool dedicated for testing
android applications only.
Software testing tools
• GUI testing tool
• GUI testing tool is used to test the User interface of the application
because a proper GUI (graphical user interface) is always useful to
grab the user's attention. These type of tools will help to find the
loopholes in the application's design and makes its better.
• Example-Eggplant is a GUI test automation tool, which is developed
by Test Plant. It is a licensed tool. To execute the end-to-end testing
process, eggplant can be integrated into the micro focus quality
center, Jenkins, and IBM rotational quality manager. It will use the
two-system model, where the first one contains the controller
machine where scripts are written and executed, and another one is
SUT (system under test) that runs on the VNC server.
Software testing tools

• Security testing tool

• The security testing tool is used to ensure the security of the software and check for
the security leakage. If any security loophole is there, it could be fixed at the early
stage of the product. We need this type of the tool when the software has encoded
the security code which is not accessible by the unauthorized users.
• Example-1) Wfuzz- Developed in Python, Wfuzz is popularly used for brute-forcing
web applications. The open-source security testing tool has no GUI interface and is
usable only via command line.

• 2) Wapiti- One of the leading web application security testing tools, Wapiti is a free of
cost, open source project from SourceForge and devloop. In order to check web
applications for security vulnerabilities, Wapiti performs black box testing. As it is a
command-line application, it is important to have a knowledge of various commands

• 1. S. Naik, P. Tripathy,” Software Testing and Quality Assurance”, Wiley, 2010/

Latest Edition

• 2. Yogesh singh, “Softwrae Testing”

• 3. Web resources

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