WL4e L2 StudentWorksheets BridgeTo Unit04

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A Complete the sentences with the simple present or present continuous forms of the verbs
in parentheses.
1. David (live) lives in a small town near London.
2. At the moment, we (stay) with friends in Beijing.
3. Kate (study) in Paris this term.
4. I (have) five brothers and sisters.
5. Antonio and Jeremy (play) basketball on the weekends.
6. Luisa (learn) Portuguese in Brazil right now.

B Write questions to match the answers. Then practice asking and answering the questions with a
1. A: When did you graduate from high school ? B: I graduated from high school two years ago.
2. A: Who ? B: Jose helped us with the project.
3. A: How long ? B: Gloria worked at the school for ten years.
4. A: Was ? B: No, Kim wasn’t a good art student.
5. A: How ? B: They learned photography by taking lessons.
6. A: Did ? B: Yes, Silvia passed the history exam.

C Correct the errors with comparative adjectives in the sentences below. Two of the sentences are correct.
1. This hamburger is more tastier than the one I ate last week.
2. That restaurant is famouser than this one.
3. Which is more delicious, your cooking or mine?
4. Wow! This sausage is spicyer than I expected.
5. What goes more well with baked chicken—potatoes or rice?
6. Your pizza is bigger than mine.
D Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the You can use cognates to help you
learn new vocabulary. Cognates are
adjectives in parentheses.
words in two different languages that
1. Thai food is (spicy) the spiciest food in the world. look and sound similar and have the
same meaning. For example, delicious
2. Piccola Italia is (popular) pizza
and delicioso are English / Spanish
restaurant in town. cognates. Keep a section for cognates
3. That was (good) ice cream I ever had! in your vocabulary notebook.

4. Food trucks are (trendy) way to eat However, be careful of “false friends,”
lunch. which are words that look similar but
have different meanings. For example,
5. I’m taking my girlfriend to dinner at large and largo are English / Spanish
(romantic) place I know. false friends. They do not mean the
6. Yesterday, I had (boring) meal of my same thing. Large means big. The
English word for largo is long.


E Complete the sentences with the simple present or present continuous forms of the verbs in the box.

appreciate believe live make not own work

1. I never believe anything Carlos tells me.

2. The apple pie you smells delicious!
3. At the moment, Leah with her parents.
4. She an apartment yet.
5. We on a research project this week.
6. I always your help around the house.

F Unscramble the words to make statements. Remember to capitalize the first word in each sentence
and add a period at the end.
There could be life on other planets.
1. could / on / other / be / there / life / planets
2. water / some / may / planets / have
3. life / be / the / we / only / intelligent / can’t
4. theory / might / correct / the / be
5. lights / from / a / may / the / plane / be
6. everything / scientists / know / galaxies / can’t / about / other


A Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Some of the words need to be in the plural form.

boyfriend coworker get along well neighbor

classmate friend going out spend time together

1. Gemma is my girlfriend. We started going out last year.

2. Lisa, Mario’s , lives across the street from him.
3. My Enrique and Isabel study with me at Central College.
4. Jen started going out with her Andrew last year.
5. Julie and Kate are best —they met in elementary school.
6. Leo’s from the store are all students.
7. Hadija and Soon-mi are old friends. They live far from each other, so it’s hard for them to
8. The colleagues on the team , so it’s easy for them to work together.

B Work with a partner to match the parts of the expressions. Words can be used more than once.
Then make sentences that are true for you, using the expressions. Share them with your partner.

fail a class
get an exam
have fun
pass a good / bad grade
prepare for lessons

When you are having a conversation in English, pay attention to
I am taking a class in Latin people’s gestures (communication with their body or hands). Gestures
American art. It’s really interesting! help you understand what the other person is saying. Which gestures
do you use when you speak?

C Describe the foods with the adjectives in the box. You can use some words more than once and
more than one answer may be correct. Then ask a partner if they like each food and why or why

delicious juicy oily salty sour spicy sweet tasty

1. delicious, juicy, sweet 3. 5.

pineapple potato chips yogurt

2. 4. 6.
sausage hamburger lemon

Do you like pineapple?

Yes! It’s delicious and sweet.

D Circle the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. Charlie always has good luck / bad luck—last week he broke his leg going down the stairs.
2. We saw Marta on purpose / by chance at the grocery store. What a nice surprise!
3. We need to include facts / intuition in our report.
4. It’s my lucky / unlucky day! I just found $100 on the street.
5. Scientists are still investigating / making sense why the Nazca lines were created.
6. Many buildings don’t have a 13th floor because people think 13 is a(n) lucky / unlucky number.


7. Archaeologists solve / do research to learn about ancient people and places.
8. There’s no proof / theory that Bigfoot is real.
9. I wear my lucky necklace to bring / avoid bad luck.
10. S
 cientists spend a lot of their time collecting explanation / data so they can analyze it and learn
something new.
11. She usually buys one lottery ticket, but today she bought five to increase her chances / take a
chance of winning.
12. I cannot figure out / investigate the answer to this math problem. It’s so difficult!


A In your notebook, write a short paragraph comparing two restaurants that you know. Use the
comparative and ­superlative forms of adjectives. Include this information:
• Types of food • Service
• Food quality • Best dishes
• Prices • Your rating (1–5)


A Read these words aloud to yourself. Count and write the number of syllables in each word. Then
check your answers with a partner.
1. coworker 3 7. benefits TIP
English does not have simple rules
2. neighbor 8. prevent for which syllable receives the
3. exams 9. avoid main stress in a word. You should
learn the stress in each word as
4. preparing 10. unlikely
you learn its spelling and meaning.
5. delicious 11. investigate Dictionaries point out word stress
6. terrible and pronunciation.
12. explanation

B Work with a partner and practice saying the words in A. Are you putting the stress on the right
syllable? Underline the syllable in each word that has the main stress.

C Match each word to the pronunciation pattern that best describes it.
1. In English, two-syllable nouns and adjectives often a. colleague
have the stress on the first syllable. b. prepare
2. Two-syllable verbs often have the stress on the c. increase (v.)
second syllable.
d. explanation
3. Words that end in -tion always have the stress on
e. tasty
the second to last syllable.
f. lessons

g. reduce


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