Math 4 q3 Week 2 DLL
Math 4 q3 Week 2 DLL
Math 4 q3 Week 2 DLL
Describing and Illustrating Describing Triangles and Describing Triangles and Identifying and Describing
II. CONTENT different Kinds of Angles Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals Triangles
(Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 208-211 pp. 211-213 pp. 211-213 pp. 213-216
2. Learner’s Material
pages pp. 158-159 pp. 160-161 pp. 160-161 pp.162-163
3. Textbook pages Essential Math Connections and SDOIC Workbook SDOIC Workbook SDOIC Workbook
Communication 4 p. 259 Enjoying Life with Mathematics Enjoying Life with Mathematics
Math Beyond Time 4 pp. 304-307 pp. 271 - 286 pp. 271 - 286
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource examples/
LR portal
B. Other Learning PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel, PPT, realia, pictures, tarpapel,
Resources show-me-board with marker and show-me-board with marker and show-me-board with marker and show-me-board with marker and
eraser, Group Activity cards, eraser, Group Activity cards, eraser, Group Activity cards, eraser, Group Activity cards,
models, illustrations, figures, etc. models, illustrations, figures, models, illustrations, figures, models, illustrations, figures,
geoboard, graphing paper, etc. geoboard, graphing paper, etc. geoboard, graphing paper, etc.
A. Drill/Reviewing previous Answer the following. A. What kind of angles do the Give what is asked for in each Summative Test
Lesson or presenting new 1. Draw three lines that intersect figures show? item. A. Write the letter of the correct
lesson each other at only one point. 1. Name 2 objects with right answer.
2. Draw two parallel lines. angles. 1. What geometric figure is
3. Draw perpendicular lines 2. Name 2 objects with acute formed when two rays meet at a
angles. common endpoint.
3. Name 2 objects with obtuse A. line
angles. B. point
C. angle
D. polygon
2. Which is the same as angle
D. O
3. What kind of angle is formed
by the corner of a square table?
A. right angle
B. acute angle
C. obtuse angle
D. straight angle
4. What kind of angle is shown by
an opened book whose measure
B. Game: What Am I? is greater than 900?
Use cue cards. A. right angle
a. I am the common endpoint of B. acute angle
an angle. C. obtuse angle
b. I am an angle whose measure D. straight angle
is 90⁰. 5. What kind of angles is
c. I am an angle whose measure illustrated when the hands of a
is less than 90⁰. clock form 1:20?
d. I am an angle whose measure A. right angle
is more than 90⁰ but less than B. acute angle
180⁰. C. obtuse angle
D. straight angle
B. Match Column A with Column
B. Write the answer on your
answer sheet.
7. Quadrilateral
8. Triangle
Column B
B. Draw a star if it is True and
a heart if it is False.
1. A triangle is a 3- sided
2. All triangles have right angles.
3. Any 4-sided polygon is a
4. A quadrilateral that is divided
diagonally forms 2 triangles.
5. All angles of quadrilaterals are
6. All triangles have 3 equal sides
and 3 angles.
7. All quadrilaterals have 4 sides
and 4 angles.
B. Establishing a purpose for Look around and name some Look around the classroom. Can you identify the triangles? Show objects or pictures of
the lesson objects with emphasis of angles. What shapes do you see? Write Quadrilaterals? In the following objects with the shape of
Examples: on the board and classify them if figure. Name them. triangular.
triangle or quadrilateral.
Elicit from them the idea that
everything around us has shape.
Emphasize the importance of
appreciating God’s and men’s
creation composed of different
shapes. Ask: What do you see in the
What did you observe with their pictures? What is the shape?
angles? Which objects with acute Can you describe the triangles?
angles? Right angles? Obtuse
C. Presenting examples/ Read and understand. Read and understand. Read and understand. 1.Read and understand.
instances of the new Rey, Andrei, and Clair attend The Math class of Mr. Mrs. Orteza bought a cartolina for
2.Miss Ferrer assigned some of her
lesson piano lessons every Saturday. Manalastas drew kinds of her Math class. She needs two pupils to bring different objects in
Rey starts his lesson at 3:00 polygons. Two girls showed their triangles of the same size withoutthe shape of a triangle. Benilda
p.m., Andrei at 2:00p.m., and drawings. Marqus drew a 3-sided wasting any part of the cartolina.brought a picture of a house,
Clair at 12:45 p.m. polygon while Kassandra had a How will she divide it? Grace showed a picture of a
4-sided polygon. traffic sign, and Joy prepared a
triangular flaglet.
D. Discussing new concepts Who attends piano lessons every What is a polygon? (A polygon is What shapes are formed? Observe the different triangular
and practicing new skills. Saturday? At what time does Rey a closed figure made up of A triangle is a polygon with 3 objects. How will you describe
#1 start his piano lesson? How several line segments that are sides and 3 angles. A polygon is the different triangular objects?
about Andrei? Clair? If you are joined together. The line a closed figure made of several
going to show on the clock the segments are called sides and do line segments that are joined
time their lessons start, how will
not cross each other. There are together. The line segments are
you do it? exactly two sides that meet at a called sides and do not cross
point.) What do you call a 3-sided each other. There are exactly two
Work in pairs. Draw the hand polygon? What about a 4-sided sides that meet at a point.
positions of the clock based on polygon? A quadrilateral is a polygon with
the situation given. 4 sides and 4 angles.
E. Discussing new concepts Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity
and practicing new skills Group 1: Write right, acute, or Group the pupils into 5. Work in small groups. Group the pupils into six groups.
#2. obtuse. Distribute a geoboard/graphing Be little architects or engineers! Distribute cutouts of different
paper to every group. Build your model of any structure triangles to each group. Let them
Let them form the following: made up of triangles and describe the triangles given.
quadrilaterals. You may use Have them paste the cutouts and
Triangle barbeque sticks, toothpicks, write their output on a manila
Quadrilateral popsicle sticks. Glue to build paper.
them. (Cutouts should be show the
Let them tell something about Display your work on a table. Be different kinds of triangles
Group 2: Draw the hands of the their output then post on the sure to label your work. according to sides and angles)
clock that will represent the given board. Examples After all groups have finished, let
time. Then, identify the kinds of them display their outputs and
angles. present them to the class.
Ask the following:
Do all triangles have equal
1. 4:00 Do they all have equal angles?
Go over the output of each group
as the discussion goes on.
2. 7:00
3. 2:25
4. 9:00
5. 11:40
Group 4: Identify the angle with
the given measures.
1. 87⁰
2. 90⁰
3. 130⁰
4. 109⁰
5. 25⁰
F. Developing Mastery A. Write True if the statement is A. Tell whether each A. Using the drawing below, tell A. Directions: Identify
(Lead to Formative correct and False if it is incorrect. figure is a triangle or a whether the figure labelled by each triangle according to
Assessment 3) ___ 1. A right angle measures quadrilateral. each number is a triangle or a sides and angles.
less than 90⁰. quadrilateral.
___ 2. An obtuse angle is greater
than a right angle.
___ 3. Two acute angles can
sometimes make a right angle.
___ 4. A ruler is used to measure
an angle.
___ 5. The vertex of an angle is a B. Describe each figure in 3
point. sentences.
G. Finding practical Game: Name Me! Do what is asked creatively. Solve these problems. Use Identify the triangle being
application of concepts Draw a rectangular garden. At drawings to prove your answers. described below.
and skills in daily living 1. Name 2 acute angles. the center, draw a triangular pool. Ivan has rectangular paper. He 1. It is a triangle with three equal
Design your garden with any 4- cut it diagonally. What did he sides.
sided object that will make it form? How many triangles? 2. It is a triangle with two equal
beautiful. sides.
3. It is a triangle with no equal
2. Name 1 right angle. sides.
4. A triangle with three acute
5. A triangle with an angle that
measures more than 90º.
6. It is a triangle with a right
3. Name 2 obtuse angle.
H. Making Generalizations An angle is formed when two Triangles are 3-sided polygon Triangles are 3-sided polygon Triangles can be classified
and Abstraction about the rays meet at a common endpoint. sum of the triangle =180degrees. sum of the triangle =180degrees. according to angles as right,
Lesson. It is measured in degrees (⁰). acute, or obtuse triangle. It can
Angles can be classified A triangle has 3 sides, 3 vertices, A triangle has 3 sides, 3 vertices, also be classified according to
according to their measurement. and 3 angles. and 3 angles. sides as equilateral, scalene, or
A right angle measures 90⁰. It isosceles triangle.
forms a square corner. An acute A triangle has altitudes, heights A triangle has altitudes, heights
angle measures less than 90⁰. It but not diagonals. but not diagonals.
is smaller than a right angle. An
obtuse angle measures more Quadrilaterals are 4-sided Quadrilaterals are 4-sided
than 90⁰ but less than 180⁰. polygons with the sum of 360 polygons with the sum of 360
degrees. degrees.
I. Evaluating Learning Describe the angle shown in Draw a triangle if the object Describe the following figures Draw a triangle if your answer is
each object. mentioned represents a triangle. according to the number of sides Yes or a diamond if it is No.
1. Amber is reading a book? and angles. 1.Does an isosceles triangle
2. Ian is using a tripod in doing have 2 equal sides?
his experiment. 2. Does an acute triangle have
3. Cristine is opening the door. an obtuse angle?
4. Gary is standing near the 3. Does an equilateral triangle
1. traffic sign that says, “Children’s have equal sides?
Crossing”. 4. Does a scalene triangle have
5. Jenny is writing on the no equal sides?
chalkboard. 5. Does a right triangle have a
right angle?
6. Does an obtuse triangle have
2. an acute angle?
A. Additional Activities for Study illustration. Do what each item asks you to
Application or do.
Remediation 1. Draw at least 2 objects that
have the shape of a triangle.
2. Draw at least 3 objects that
have the shape of a quadrilateral.
A.No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80%
___ of Learners who earned
80% in the evaluation above above above above
80% above
B.No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation who scored below remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work? ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
No. of learners who have caught ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up
up with the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
Prepared by:
Head Teacher I