F.Y.B.Sc. NEP2.0 Microbiology

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Deccan Education Society’s

Fergusson College (Autonomous)Pune

Learning Outcomes-Based
for 3/4 years B.Sc. / B. Sc. (Honours)
Programme as per guidelines of

F. Y. B. Sc. (Microbiology)
With effect from Academic Year
Program Outcomes (POs) for B.Sc. Microbiology

PO1 Disciplinary Knowledge:

Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the disciplines that form a part of an
graduate programme. Execute strong theoretical and practical understanding
generated from the specific graduate programme in the area of work.
PO2 Critical Thinking and Problem solving:
Exhibit the skills of analysis, inference, interpretation and problem-solving by
observing the situation closely and design the solutions.
PO3 Social competence:
Display the understanding, behavioral skills needed for successful social
adaptation, work in groups, exhibits thoughts and ideas effectively in writing
and orally.
PO4 Research-related skills and Scientific temper:
Develop the working knowledge and applications of instrumentation and
laboratory techniques. Able to apply skills to design and conduct independent
experiments, interpret, establish hypothesis and inquisitiveness towards research.
PO5 Trans-disciplinary knowledge:
Integrate different disciplines to uplift the domains of cognitive abilities and
transcend beyond discipline-specific approaches to address a common problem.
PO6 Personal and professional competence:
Performing dependently and also collaboratively as a part of team to meet
defined objectives and carry out work across interdisciplinary fields. Execute
interpersonal relationships, self-motivation and adaptability skills and commit to
professional ethics.
PO7 Effective Citizenship and Ethics:
Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centered national
development, and ability to act with an informed awareness of moral and ethical
issues and commit to professional ethics and responsibility.
PO8 Environment and Sustainability:
Understand the impact of the scientific solutions in societal and environmental
contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable
PO9 Self-directed and Life-long learning:
Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the
broadest context of socio-technological changes.
PSO Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
No. Upon completion of this programme the student will be able to
PSO1 Academic competence: (i) Understand fundamental concepts, principles and
processes underlying the field of Microbiology, its different subfields and its
linkage with related disciplinary areas/subjects. (ii) Demonstrate an
understanding of a wide range of Microbiological techniques (e.g., basic
microscopy, sterilization and disinfection methods, cultivation of
microorganisms, isolation techniques, characterization of pathogens, blood
grouping, microbiological assays of antibiotics and vitamins, enzyme kinetics,
chromatography, electrophoresis, immunological assays.
PSO2 Personal and Professional Competence: (i) Carry out laboratory-orientated
numerical calculations and be capable in data visualization and interpretation.
(ii) Analyse biochemical data (e.g., in enzyme kinetics, biochemical analysis of
serum components, sterility of pharmaceutical products). (iii) Formulate ideas,
write scientific reports, demonstrate effective presentation and communication
PSO3 Research Competence: (i) Apply microbiological methodology in order to
conduct research and demonstrate appropriate skill to seek solutions to
problems that emerge in various fields of Microbiology and interdisciplinary
fields. (ii) Integrate informatics and statistical skills to explore and authenticate
biological data for experimental and research purposes. (iii) Exhibit awareness
of ethical issues in research with emphasis on academic and research ethics,
scientific misconduct, intellectual property rights and issues of plagiarism.
PSO4 Entrepreneurial and Social competence: (i) Employ skills in specific areas
related to Microbiology such as industrial production, technology development,
clinical, health, agriculture and ensure multilevel commitment to health and
human welfare.
Fergusson College (Autonomous), Pune
First Year Curriculum as per NEP 2020
NEP 2.0 Subject Credit Distribution Structure 2024-25
Department of Microbiology
Course Structure

Course Structure Semester I

FYBSc Sem -I Theory/ Paper Paper Title Credits Exam
Practical Code type
Discipline Theory MIC-1001 Introduction to the Microbial 2 CE +ESE
Specific Core, World
Discipline Practical MIC-1011 Microbiology Practical -I 2 CE +ESE
Specific Core,
Open Elective- Theory MIC-1021 Microbiology in Everyday 2 Only CE
1 Life
(For other

Course Structure Semester II

FYBSc Sem -II Theory/ Paper Paper Title Credits Exam
Practical Code type
Discipline Theory MIC-1002 Essential Methods in 2 CE +ESE
Specific Core, Bacteriology
Discipline Practical MIC-1012 Microbiology Practical -II 2 CE +ESE
Specific Core,
Open Elective-2 Theory MIC-1022 Human Microbe Interactions 2 Only CE
(For other
Skill Theory/ MIC-1032 Techniques in Haematology 2 Only CE
Enhancement Practical
Course, SEC-1

* OE – Open Elective, SEC- Skill Enhancement Component.

Teaching and Evaluation (Only for FORMAL education courses)
Course No. of Hours per No. of Hours per Maximum CE 40 ESE 60%
Credits Semester Week Marks %
Theory/Practical Theory/Practical
1 15 / 30 1/2 25 10 15

2 30 / 60 2/4 50 20 30

3 45 / 90 3/6 75 30 45

4 60 / 120 4/8 100 40 60

Eligibility: As per the rules and regulations of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I
Evaluation Criteria for (Major- Theory)
Discipline Specific Course
MIC – 1001 : Introduction to the Microbial World
Credits: 2
Hours: 30
Sr. Course Outcome Blooms Weightage Exam
No. Taxonomy in % type
1 CO-1: Describe the evolution of the Remember 20 CE+ESE
microbiology field and the early scientific
discoveries relating to each field. Write about the
different characteristics of various groups of
2 CO-2: Diagrammatically explain the principle, Understand 20 CE+ESE
working and applications of different types of
microscopic techniques. Explain different types
of aberrations in objective lens. Discuss different
methods of sterilization & disinfection
3 CO-3: Outline various physical & chemical Apply 20 Only CE
methods of sterilization. Demonstrate the diversity
of microbial world
4 CO-4: Classify different species according to the Analyze 20 CE+ESE
six kingdom classification system and write about
the morphological and differential characteristics of
different groups of microorganisms. Explain the
diversification of microbiology into different fields.
5 CO-5: Determine the mode of action and Evaluate 10 CE+ESE
application of various methods of sterilization &
disinfection. Compare various types of
microscopic techniques.
6 CO-6: Design models of different types of Create 10 Only CE
microscopes. Write scientific contributions in the
field of microbiology by different scientists.
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I
MIC - Discipline Specific Course Credits:
1001 Introduction to the Microbial World 2
(Major- Theory) Hours:
Course Outcome (COs) Bloom’s
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: cognitiv
e level
CO1 Describe the evolution of the microbiology field and the early scientific 1
discoveries relating to each field. Write about the different characteristics of
various groups of microorganisms.
CO2 Diagrammatically explain the principle, working and applications of 2
different types of microscopic techniques. Explain different types of
aberrations in objective lens. Outline different methods of sterilization &
CO3 Outline various physical & chemical methods of sterilization. Demonstrate 3
the diversity of microbial world
CO4 Classify different species according to the six kingdom classification system 4
and write about the morphological and differential characteristics of different
groups of microorganisms. Explain the diversification of microbiology into
different fields.
CO5 Determine the mode of action and application of various methods of 5
sterilization & disinfection. Compare various types of microscopic
CO6 Design models of different types of microscopes. Write scientific 6
contributions in the field of microbiology by different scientists.

Unit No Title of Unit and Contents No of

I i. Evolution of life: Biogenesis Vs Abiogenesis (Hypothesis
and experiments)
ii. History of Microbiology
Significance of Scientific contributions in development in
Microbiology as a discipline:
a. Early contributions: Robert Hook, Anton Van
Leeuwenhoek, Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, John
b. Scientific contribution leading to
diversification of Microbiology: Milestone
discoveries in the field of microbiology.
1.Medical Microbiology and Immunology: Edward 15
Jenner, Paul Ehrlich, Ellie Metchnikoff, Joseph
2.Food Microbiology and Fermentation: Alexander
Fleming,Louis Pasteur, Selman Waksman
3.Soil Microbiology: Sergei Winogradsky,
Martinus Beijerinck
4.Microbial Genetics: Watson and Crick,
Hargobind Khurana, Griffith, Avery, McCarty, and
c. Recent developments in Microbiology
iii. Microscopy –
a. History of Simple and compound microscope
b. Terms in microscopy – Magnification, Refractive index,
Numerical aperture, Resolving power
c. Aberrations in lenses
d.Principle, working, ray diagram and applications of Bright field
e.Principle and applications of:
a. Dark field microscopy
b. Phase contrast microscopy
c. Fluorescence microscopy
d. Confocal microscopy
e. Electron microscopy – SEM, TEM
II Diversity of Microbial World
i.Six kingdom classification system.
ii.Introduction to different groups microorganisms with respect to
Morphological and differential characteristics, Nutrition and
cultivation methods, habitats, classification, economic importance,
harmful and beneficial activities: -
a. Bacteria and Actinomycetes
b. Yeast
c. Fungi
d. Algae
e. Viruses
f. Protozoa/ parasites
g. Viroids and Prions
iii. Modern methods of taxonomy 15
iv.Sterilization and disinfection:
A. Physical methods of sterilization-
1. Heat
a. factors affecting sterilization
b. concept of decimal reduction time
c. sterilization using dry heat
d. sterilization using moist heat
2. Radiation
a. ionizing radiation
b. non-ionizing radiation
3. Filtration
a. earthenware filters
b. glass filters
c. Membrane filters
d. HEPA filters
B. Chemical methods of sterilization - Ethylene oxide
C. Disinfection - Mode of action and application of
Aldehydes, Halogens, Quaternary ammonium compounds,
Phenol and Phenolic compounds, Heavy metals, Alcohols,
Dyes and Detergents
Learning resources:

1. Ingraham J. L. and Ingraham C.A. (2004). Introduction to Microbiology. 3rd Edition.

Thomson Brooks / Cole.
2. Daniel Lim, Microbiology, 2nd Edition; McGraw-Hill Publication.
3. Michael J Pelczar, JR. E.C.S. Chan, Noel R. Krieg. (1993) Microbiology, 5th Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill Press.
4. Prescott L.M., Harley J.P., and Klein D.A. (2005). Microbiology, 6th Edition.
McGraw Hill Companies Inc.
5. Prescott, Lancing. M., John, P. Harley and Donald, A. Klein (2006). Microbiology,
6th Edition, McGraw Hill Higher Education.
6. Salle A.J. (1971) Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology.7th Edition. Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Co.
7. Review articles
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I
Evaluation Criteria for (Major-Practical )
Discipline Specific Course
MIC – 1011 : Microbiology Practical I
Credits: 2
Hours: 60
Sr. Course Outcome Blooms Weightage Exam
No. Taxonomy in % type
1 CO-1: Describe the good lab practices and Remember 18 CE+ESE
biosafety measures to be adopted while
working in a microbiology lab. Identify and
observe different types of microorganisms
from natural samples.
2 CO-2: Give examples of different nutrient Understand 18 CE+ESE
media popularly used in culturing
microorganisms and compare different
methods of sterilizing them. Explain principle
and applications of instruments used in
microbiology laboratory.
3 CO-3: Carry out isolaion of bacteria using Apply 18 CE+ESE
streak plate method. Examine the effect of
disinfectants on skin microflora. Carry out
aseptic transfer techniques.
4 CO-4: Classify bacteria based on their Analyze 18 CE+ESE
nutritional requirements and explain various
methods to cultivate them.
5 CO-5: Validate different methods of Evaluate 18 CE+ESE
sterilization. Measure dimensions of
microorganisms using micrometry. Evaluate
the efficacy of disinfectants using phenol
coefficient test
6 CO-6: Write standard operating procedure of Create 10 Only CE
various instruments used in microbiology
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I
MIC - Discipline Specific Course- Microbiology Practical I Credits: 2
1011 Hours: 60
Course Outcome (COs) Bloom’s
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: cognitive
CO1 Describe the good lab practices and biosafety measures to be adopted 1
while working in a microbiology lab. Identify and observe different
types of microorganisms from natural samples.
CO2 Give examples of different nutrient media popularly used in culturing 2
microorganisms and compare different methods of sterilizing them.
Explain principle and applications of instruments used in microbiology
CO3 Carry out isolaion of bacteria using streak plate method. Examine the 3
effect of disinfectants on skin microflora. Carry out aseptic transfer
CO4 Classify bacteria based on their nutritional requirements and explain 4
various methods to cultivate them.
CO5 Validate different methods of sterilization. Measure dimensions of 5
microorganisms using micrometry. Evaluate the efficacy of disinfectants
using phenol coefficient test
CO6 Write standard operating procedure of various instruments used in 6
microbiology laboratory.

Unit No Title of Unit and Contents No of Practicals

I i. Introduction to Microbiology laboratory
a. GLP and Biosafety
b. To study Principle and applications of instruments:
Microscope (observation of slides under oil immersion
objective), Autoclave, Hot- air oven, Centrifuge, pH 1
meter, Incubator, Refrigerator, Distillation apparatus,
Laminar Air-flow system, Water-bath, Colorimeter,
Spectrophotometer and CE I -SOP writing.

ii.Preparation of different types of culture media

a. Minimal and complete media
b. Selective media 2
c. Differential media
d. Enriched media
e. Enrichment media
iii. Isolation of bacteria by streak plate technique and study of 1
colony characteristics using above medium.
iii. Assessment of sterilization efficiency of
a. Autoclave
b. Hot air oven
c. Membrane filtration process
iv. Aseptic transfer technique
a. tube to tube transfer 1
b. flask to tube transfer
II i. Disinfectants and disinfection:
a. Primary demonstration of effect of disinfectants on skin
microflora 2
b. Phenol coefficient test - Demonstration of Rideal Walker
coefficient /Chick Martin test
ii. Observation of microorganisms:
a. Observation of microorganisms from pond water
b. Wet mount of fungi from different natural samples
ii. Demonstration of cultivation of actinomycetes by slide 1
culture technique and coverslip technique.

Learning Resources:
1. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology by Salle, A.J. McGraw Hill Book Company Inc.
2. Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Aneja, K.R.
3. Benson's Microbiological Applications, Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology, Short
Version Alfred Brown; Heidi Smith.
4. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, 10th Edition James G. Cappuccino

5. Handbook Media Stains Reagents Microbiology by A. M. Deshmukh.

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I
Evaluation Criteria for
Open Elective I
MIC - 1021 - Microbiology In Everyday Life
Credits: 2
Hours: 30
Sr. Course Outcome Blooms Weightage Exam
No. Taxonomy in % type
1 CO-1: Cite examples of various types of useful Remember 25 Only CE
and harmful microorganisms and their ubiquitous
2 CO-2: Discuss the applications of Understand 25 Only CE
microorganisms in various fields. y.
3 CO-3: Outline the relatedness of the different Apply 25 Only CE
upcoming areas of biological sciences to the field
of Microbiology.
4 CO-4: Classify the microorganisms into different Analyze 25 Only CE
types and compare their characteristic features

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I
MIC - Open Elective I - Microbiology In Everyday Life Credits: 2
1021 Hours: 30
Course Outcome (COs) Bloom’s
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: cognitive
CO1 Cite examples of various types of useful and harmful microorganisms and 1
their ubiquitous nature.
CO2 Discuss the applications of microorganisms in various fields. 2
CO3 Outline the relatedness of the different upcoming areas of biological 3
sciences to the field of Microbiology.
CO4 Classify the microorganisms into different types and compare their 4
characteristic features.

Unit No Title of Unit and Contents No of

I i. Introduction, Definition of Microbiology, Useful microorganisms, 15
Harmful microorganisms, Microorganisms are everywhere (ubiquitous
nature of microorganisms), Applications in various fields.
ii. Types of Microorganisms: Bacteria (including actinomycetes),
Archaea, Fungi, Algae, Protozoa and Viruses
II i. Role of Microbiologists- to solve a range of problems affecting our 15
health, environment, food, agriculture and defense.
ii. Microbes used in day-to-day life, Use of sanitizers and disinfectants,
Role of antimicrobials in toothpaste and cosmetics, antimicrobial
activity of kitchen spices, Role of microorganisms in making fermented
food like curd, idli and dosa. Role of microorganisms in spoilage of
Learning Resources:
1. Bender K.S., Buckley D. H., Stahl D. A., Sattley W. M. And Madigan M. T. (2017). Brock
Biology of Microorganisms. E-Book, Global Edition. United Kingdom:Pearson Education.
2. Dubey R. C. and D. K. Maheshwary. (2012). A textbook of Microbiology. S Chand and
Company. New Delhi, India
3. Goettel M. S. and Wilcks A. (2012). Beneficial Microorganisms in Agriculture, Food and the
Environment: Safety Assessment and Regulation. United Kingdom: CAB International.
4. Klein D. A., Harley J. P. And Prescott L. (2001). Microbiology. United Kingdom: McGraw-
Hill Higher Education.
5. Stanier R. Y. (2003). General Microbiology. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan Limited.
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester II
Evaluation Criteria for (Major- Theory)
Discipline Specific Course
MIC – 1002 : Essential Methods in Bacteriology
Credits: 2
Hours: 30
Sr. Course Outcome Blooms Weightage Exam
No. Taxonomy in % type
1 CO-1: Define different terms involved in Remember 20 CE+ESE
nutrition of bacteria. Outline the basic concepts
of bacterial growth & nutrition. Describe the
significance of extremophiles.
2 CO-2: Diagrammatically explain the structure of Understand 20 CE+ESE
eubacterial and archaebacterial cells. Explain
concept of staining, types of stains and role of
various reagents used.
3 CO-3: Outline various methods of measurement Apply 20 CE+ESE
of bacterial growth. Illustrate various patterns of
growth of bacteria . Classify bacteria based on
their nutritional requirement.
4 CO-4: Distinguish between eubacterial & Analyze 20 CE+ESE
archaebacterial cell envelopes. Explain chemical
composition & functions of cellular structures &
cytoplasmic inclusions.
5 CO-5: Compare different types of bacteria. Evaluate 10 Only
Compare growth conditions of various types of
extremophiles. CE

6 CO-6: Design models explaining the cytology of Create 10 Only CE

bacteria. Prepare models/posters based on different
patterns of bacterial growth.
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester II
MIC - Discipline Specific Course Credits: 2
1002 Essential Methods In Bacteriology Hours: 30
(Major- Theory)

Course Outcome (COs) Bloom’s

On completion of the course, the students will be able to: cognitive
CO1 Define different terms involved in nutrition of bacteria. Outline the basic 1
concepts of bacterial growth & nutrition. Describe the significance of
CO2 Diagrammatically explain the structure of eubacterial and archaebacterial 2
cells. Explain concept of staining, types of stains and role of various
reagents used.
CO3 Outline various methods of measurement of bacterial growth. Illustrate 3
various patterns of growth of bacteria . Classify bacteria based on their
nutritional requirement.
CO4 Distinguish between eubacterial & archaebacterial cell envelopes. 4
Explain chemical composition & functions of cellular structures &
cytoplasmic inclusions.
CO5 Compare different types of bacteria. Compare growth conditions of various 5
types of extremophiles.
CO6 Design models explaining the cytology of bacteria. Prepare models/posters 6
based on different patterns of bacterial growth.

Unit No Title of Unit and Contents No of

I Bacterial nutrition and growth
i. Nutrition
a.Nutritional requirements and nutritional classification (Concept of
fastidious organisms)
b. Extremophiles and their significance
ii. Growth
a. Definition of binary fission, growth, generation time, growth rate,
specific growth rate
b. Batch culture - Growth curve and growth kinetics
c. Methods of enumeration: Merits and demerits of each method 15
1.Microscopic methods
2. Plate count methods
3. Estimation of biomass: Dry mass and wet mass.
4. Optical density measurement (Mac-Farland standard)
5. Chemical methods - cell carbon and nitrogen estimation, ATP,
d. Different patterns of growth
1. Continuous growth:- concept of chemostat and turbidostat
2. Diauxic growth
3. Synchronous growth
II i. Bacterial Cytology
A. Cell wall: Composition and detailed structure of Gram positive and
Gram negative cell walls, Acid fast bacterial cell wall , archaebacterial
cell wall, Lipopolysaccharide, Sphaeroplasts, protoplasts and L:
forms. Effect of antibiotics and enzymes on the cell wall.
B. Cell membrane: Strucure, function and chemical composition of
bacterial and archael cell membranes.
C. Endospore: Structure, formation and stages of sporulation
D. Capsule: Structure, composition and function.
E. Flagella: Structure, composition and function F. Fimbriae and pili:
structure, composition and function
G. Cytoplasm: Ribosomes, mesosomes, nucleoid, chromosome and
plasmids. 15
H. Cell inclusions: Gas vesicles, carboxysomes, PHB granules,
metachromatic granules and glycogen bodies.

ii. Concept of stains and staining solutions

a.Stain: Definition, Concept of chromophore and auxochrome group
b.Acidic and basic stains Role of fixatives, accentuators, mordants and

Learning resources:

1. Daniel Lim, Microbiology, 2nd Edition; McGraw-Hill Publication.

2. Ingraham J. L. and Ingraham C.A. (2004). Introduction to Microbiology.
3rdEdition.ThomsonBrooks / Cole.
3.Madigan M.T.Martinko J.M.(2006).Brock’s Biology of Microorganisms.11th Edition..
Pearson Education Inc.
4. Michael J Pelczar, JR. E.C.S. Chan, Noel R. Krieg. (1993) Microbiology,
5thEdition,TataMacGraw Hill Press.
5. Prescott L.M., Harley J.P., and Klein D.A. (2005). Microbiology, 6th Edition.
MacGrawHill Companies Inc.
6. Prescott, Lancing. M., John, P. Harley and Donald, A. Klein (2006) Microbiology,
6thEdition, McGraw Hill Higher Education.
7. Willey J.M.,Sherwood L.M.,Woolverton C.J.(2013) Prescott’s Microbiology 8th Edition,
McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
8. Salle A.J. (1971) Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology. 7th Edition. Tata MacGrawHill
Publishing Co.
9. Stanier R.Y., Adelberg E.A. and Ingraham J.L. (1987) General Microbiology,
5thEdition.Macmillan Press Ltd.
10. Tortora G.J., Funke B.R., Case C.L. (2006). Microbiology: An Introduction. 8 th
Edition.Pearson Education Inc
11. Wilson K. and Walker J.M. (2005) Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. 6th Edition. Cambridge University Press.
12. Hans G. Schlegel (1993) General Microbiology, 8th Edition, Cambridge University Press.
13.David T. Plummer (1993) An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, 3rdEdition,
TataMcGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
14. Review articles.
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester II
Evaluation Criteria for (Major-Practical )
Discipline Specific Course
MIC – 1012 : Microbiology Practical II
Credits: 2
Hours: 60
Sr. Course Outcome Blooms Weightage Exam
No. Taxonomy in % type
1 CO-1: Show an experiment to isolate the bacteria Remember 18 CE+ESE
and determine the total count of bacteria from
different environmental samples using different
plate methods
2 CO-2: Differentiate bacteria based on their cell Understand 18 CE+ESE
wall composition using differential staining
3 CO-3: Examine morphological characteristics of Apply 18 CE+ESE
bacteria by different staining techniques.
4 CO-4: Detect the phototaxis and chemotaxis in Analyze 18 CE+ESE
bacteria. .
5 CO-5: Determine the growth curve of bacteria in Evaluate 10 Only CE
batch culture under standard environmental
6 CO-6: Design experiments to determine the Create 18 CE+ESE
effect of different environmental parameters on
the growth of bacteria.
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester II
MIC - Discipline Specific Course- Microbiology Practical II Credits: 2
1012 Hours: 60
Course Outcome (COs) Bloom’s
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: cognitive
CO1 Show an experiment to isolate the bacteria and determine the total count 1
of bacteria from different environmental samples using different plate
CO2 Differentiate bacteria based on their cell wall composition using 2
differential staining techniques.
CO3 Examine morphological characteristics of bacteria by different staining 3
techniques. Demonstrate presence of microorganisms in the air.
CO4 Detect the phototaxis and chemotaxis in bacteria. 4
CO5 Determine the growth curve of bacteria in batch culture under standard 5
environmental conditions. Compare various methods of preservation of
bacterial culture.
CO6 Design experiments to determine the effect of different environmental 6
parameters on the growth of bacteria.

Unit No Title of Unit and Contents No of

I Isolation, enumeration and motility
A. Enumeration of bacteria from soil/ water (TVC): Spread plate
technique. 5
B. Enumeration of bacteria from soil/ water (TVC): Pour plate
C. Enumeration of yeast cells using counting chamber
D. Observation of bacterial motility by Hanging drop technique
E. Demonstration of microflora from air
F. Preservation of bacterial and fungal cultures

II Staining and growth

A. Observation of morphology of bacteria by Negative staining
technique, Monochrome staining technique.
B. Differential staining: Gram staining technique
C. Growth curve of bacteria.
D. Effect of environmental parameters on bacterial growth: pH
and temperature
E. Effect of environmental parameters on bacterial growth: Salt
and Heavy metals.
F. Measurement of cell dimension by Micrometry.
Learning Resources:

1. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology by Salle, A.J.Publisher- McGraw Hill Book

2. Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology. Aneja, K.R.
3. Benson's Microbiological Applications, Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology,
Version Alfred Brown; Heidi Smith
4. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, 10th Edition James G. Cappuccino. Handbook
Media Stains, Reagents Microbiology by A. M. Deshmukh.
5. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, 10th Edition James G. Cappuccino.
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester II
Evaluation Criteria for
Open Elective II
MIC – 1022: Human Microbe Interactions
Credits: 2
Hours: 30
Sr. Course Outcome Blooms Weightage Exam
No. Taxonomy in % type
1 CO-1: Describe the normal flora of the human Remember 25 Only CE
body. Define the various types of associations
between host and microorganisms.
2 CO-2: Give examples of different pathogens. Cite Understand 25 Only CE
the significance of immune- privileged sites in
the human body
3 CO-3: Explain the origin and importance of Apply 25 Only CE
normal flora of the human body. Chart different
routes of transmission of diseases
4 CO-4: Differentiate between different types of Analyze 25 Only CE
host- microbe interactions. Compare and contrast
between air- borne and water-borne infections,
food borne, zoonotic and vector borne infections.

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester II
MIC - Open Elective II - Human Microbe Interactions Credits: 2
1022 Hours: 30
Course Outcome (COs) Bloom’s
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: cognitive
CO1 Describe the normal flora of the human body. Define the various types of 1
associations between host and microorganisms.
CO2 Give examples of different pathogens. Cite the significance of immune- 2
privileged sites in the human body
CO3 Explain the origin and importance of normal flora of the human body. 3
Chart different routes of transmission of diseases
CO4 Differentiate between different types of host- microbe interactions. 4
Compare and contrast between air- borne and water-borne infections,
food borne, zoonotic and vector borne infections.

Unit No. Title of Unit and Contents No. of

I A. Microorganisms residing on and in human body: Importance of 15
normal flora

B. Normal flora of skin, gastro - intestinal tract, genitourinary tract,

respiratory tract

C. Immune - privileged sites: eye, brain, reproductive system

D. Associations: symbiosis, parasitism, commensalism

II A. How do humans catch infections? 15

B. Host defence against infections: Overview

a. Importance of Public Health Microbiology

b. Microorganisms infecting our body when immunity lowers down-
skin infections, disorders of the digestive system
c. Infections of our body after visiting a hospital- Respiratory tract
d. Pathogens infecting our body through air- Upper and Lower
respiratory tract infections
e. Pathogens infecting our body through contaminated water- Disorders
of the gastro- intestinal system

Learning resources:
1. Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R., Case, C.L, 2016. Microbiology: An introduction. 12th Edition,
Benjamin Pub. Co. NY
2. Indira T. Kudva, Nancy A. Cornick, Paul J. Plummer, Qijing Zhang, Tracy L. Nicholson, John
P. Bannantine, Bryan H. Bellair 2016. Virulence mechanisms of bacterial pathogens. 5th edition.
ISBN: 978-1-555-81927-9.
3. Ananthanarayan, R. and C.E, Jayaram Panikar, 2020. Ananthnarayan and Panikar’s Textbook
of Microbiology, 10th edition, Universities Press.
4. Cruickshank K.R., 2005, Medical Microbiology Vol I & II Livingstone, Longman. (Topic II
5. Chakraborty P. 2009, Textbook of Medical Parasitology, Central Publications, Kolkata, India.
F. Y. B. Sc. Semester II
Evaluation Criteria for
Skill Enhancement Course 1
MIC1032: Techniques in Haematology
Credits: 2
Hours: 30
Sr. Course Outcome Blooms Weightage Exam
No. Taxonomy in % type
1 CO-1: Describe steps involved in blood Remember 16 Only CE
collection and storage, define different blood
components and state their uses.
2 CO-2: Identify and interpret different blood Understand 16 Only CE
groups in human beings, Summarize different
blood group systems in human
3 CO-3: Demonstrate hemoglobin estimation, Apply 20 Only CE
determination of ESR, PCV and blood group
4 CO-4: Explain biochemistry of blood group Analyze 16 Only CE

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester II
MIC Skill Enhancement Course 1:Techniques in Haematology Credits: 2
1032 Hours: 30
Course Outcome (COs) Bloom’s
On completion of the course, the students will be able to: cognitive
CO1 Describe steps involved in blood collection and storage, define different 1
blood components and state their uses
CO2 Identify and interpret different blood groups in human beings, 2
Summarize different blood group systems in humans
CO3 Demonstrate hemoglobin estimation, determination of ESR, PCV and 3
blood group classification
CO4 Explain biochemistry of blood group antigens 4
CO5 Assess and analyze presence of pathogens from body fluids using rapid 5
diagnostic tests
CO6 Compile the hematological data and prepare the report 6

Unit No. Title of Unit and Contents No. of

I Principles of immunohematology: 15
A. Blood group antigens

B. Biochemistry of blood group antigens

C. Human Blood group systems -ABO, Rh system of blood grouping

D. Other blood group systems

E. Components of blood

F. ESR, PCV, Hemoglobin estimation

II Routine practices during blood collection 15
A. Preparation for blood collection
B. Blood transportation after collection
C. Storage of blood
D. Preparation and use of blood components
E. Tests for pathogens after blood collection

Learning Resources:
1. Chakraborty, P., 2003. A textbook of Microbiology, 2 nd Edition New Central Book Agency,
2. R.S. Satoskar, S.D. Bhandarkar, 2007.Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, Popular
Prakashan, 20th edition.
3. Kanai L. Mukherjee, 2006. Medical laboratory technology.
4. Medical Physiology by John E. Hall and Michel E. Hall 3rd South Asia Edition, Elsevier

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