Skripsi Adhe Riski

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Sarjana Degree Majoring in American Studies of English Department
Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University



The writer honestly confirms that she compiled this thesis entitled “Behind the
Media in America: News Coverage and Media Bias; as Reflected in Nightcrawler” by
herself without taking any results from other researchers in S-1, S-2, S-3, and in
diploma degree of any university. The writer ascertains that she did not quote any
material from other publications or someone else’s paper, except from the references

Semarang, July 27, 2016

Adhe Rizki Mulkiana

- ii -

Life is just a bowl of cherries,

Sometimes it's afraid filled with worries
Don't be afraid, when things go wrong, just be strong.
Don't you give up, keep your chin up,
And be happy!

- Mocca –

I proudly dedicate this thesis to my beloved family and to everyone who supported
and helped me accomplished this thesis.

- iii -

- iv -


All great praise be to God the Almighty Allah, who has given strength and
spirit to me, so this thesis entitled “Behind the Media in America: News Coverage
and Media Bias; as Reflected in Nightcrawler” came to a completion. On this
occasion, I would like to thank all those people who have supported and helped me in
completing this thesis. I especially extend my sincere gratitude ti the following:
1. Dr. Redyanto Noor, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Humanities
Diponegoro University;
2. Sukarni Suryaningsih, S.S.,M.Hum as my thesis advisor who has guided,
helped, supported, and suggested me continuously, so this thesis comes
into completion;
3. Dr. Agus Subiyanto, M.A. as the Head of English Department Diponegoro
4. All my Lecturers for the learning in English Department, especially in
American study section Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University
who have given the writer much useful knowledge and experiences;
5. My beloved parents, Nurkholis and Umi Masnunah, and also my beloved
younger brother, Aribi Zainul Umam, thank you for your love, supports,
advices and prayers;
6. All of my friends in English Department, Diponegoro University 2012
especially Class A. Thank you for your supports until this day;
7. My best college friends, especially Angitya Pangestika, Nailah, Arassari
Kusumah Dewi and Finasari who have supported and given me a lot of
useful knowledge and information in completing this thesis;
8. My beloved boarding house friends, Angitya Pangestika, Nailah, Sri Nur
Aini, Dessy Putri Haryani, Dwi Ristanti Putri, Alvi Fitriya, Alhaq Fara
Nabella, Rizqi Chairunnisa, Intran Prastiani, Dina and Eti whom I have
assumed as my own family in Semarang. Thank you for your togetherness,
stories, advices, supports, and experiences so far;
9. My other family in BEM FIB Undip, Enormous English Club, Team
KKN, my Purwokerto friends in Semarang. Thank you for being my
family in Semarang. Thank you for the stories, experiences, togetherness
and support.

I realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I will be glad

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to receive any constructive criticism and suggestion to make this thesis better. I
expect that this thesis will be useful for the reader.

Semarang, July 27, 2016

Adhe Rizki Mulkiana

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TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i
PRONOUNCEMENT ............................................................................................. ii
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ............................................................................... iii
APPROVAL ........................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGMENT........................................................................................ vi
TABLE OF CONTENS........................................................................................ viii
LIST OF PICTURES ……………………………………… ..................................x
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study............................................................1
1.2 Scope of the Study .....................................................................3
1.3 Aims of the Study.......................................................................3
1.4 Methods of the Study .................................................................3
1.4.1 Methods of Research.........................................................4
1.4.2 Methods of Approach........................................................4
1.5 Organization of the Study…. .....................................................6


CHAPTER 3 THEORITICAL BACKGROUND ................................................11
3.1 Intrinsic Aspects ...................................................................11
3.1.1 Narrative Elements ......................................................11 Theme..................................................................11 Character .............................................................12 Major Character ...................................12 Minor Character ...................................12 Setting .................................................................13 Plot ......................................................................14 Conflict................................................................15
3.1.2 Cinematic Elements ........................................................15 Camera Distance .................................................16 Mise-en-scene ...................................................19 Sound ..................................................................19
3.2 Extrinsic Aspects ….................................................................20

- viii -
3.2.1 Agenda Setting ................................................................20
3.2.2 Media in Creating News Coverage .................................22
3.2.3 Media Bias ......................................................................24
MEDIA BIAS; AS REFLECTED IN NIGHTCRAWLER ….. ...............................25

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION .. ...........................................................................50

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................52

- ix -
1. Picture 1 ………………………………………………………………………1
2. Picture 2 ………………………………………………………………………16
3. Picture 3 ………………………………………………………………………17
4. Picture 4 ………………………………………………………………………17
5. Picture 5 ………………………………………………………………………18
6. Picture 6 ………………………………………………………………………18
7. Picture 7 ………………………………………………………………………25
8. Picture 8 ………………………………………………………………………25
9. Picture 9 ………………………………………………………………………26
10. Picture 10………………………………………………………………………29
11. Picture 11………………………………………………………………………30
12. Picture 12………………………………………………………………………31
13. Picture 13………………………………………………………………………31
14. Picture 14………………………………………………………………………32
15. Picture 15………………………………………………………………………32
16. Picture 16………………………………………………………………………34
17. Picture 17………………………………………………………………………34
18. Picture 18………………………………………………………………………34
19. Picture 19………………………………………………………………………34
20. Picture 20………………………………………………………………………45
21. Picture 21………………………………………………………………………45
22. Picture 22………………………………………………………………………45
23. Picture 23………………………………………………………………………45
24. Picture 24………………………………………………………………………45
25. Picture 25………………………………………………………………………46
26. Picture 26………………………………………………………………………46
27. Picture 27………………………………………………………………………48
28. Picture 28………………………………………………………………………48


Nightcrawler is a movie which is written and directed by Don Gilroy shows how
media works. This movie tells about a freelancer cameraman named Louis Bloom
who looks for footage of a news, records it and sell it to a news station. The aims of
this thesis are to describe the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of the movie. The intrinsic
aspects cover the narrative elements (theme, characters, setting, plot and conflict) and
cinematic elements (camera distance, mise-en-scene and sound) while the extrinsic
aspects cover how media works based on agenda setting theory, the news coverage
and media bias in Nightcrawler. The writer used library research to support the data
analysis obtained from some references, such as some related books, journals and
articles. The result of this thesis is in the process of how the news produced, there are
some modifications of information so the news will be more suitable with the value
of where the company comes from. The process itself contains some editing process
of how media covers an issue, which can lead into media bias.

Keywords : media, agenda setting, news coverage, media bias

- xi -


1.1 Background of the Study

In modern era, the existence of media industry cannot be separated from

social life. Media become the part of modern society not only to deliver any

important message, but it also has the power in creating public opinion. Long time

ago, traditional people used smoke as the media to deliver the information to each

other. However as the development of technology, people start to use better tools in

delivering information.

The development of mass media in America has begun since 1780s with the

appearance of American first daily newspapers, Pennsylvania Evening and Daily

Advertiser. As the development of technology, mass media then becomes various, not

only printed media such as newspaper or magazine but also electronic media such as

television or internet.

As a country which is known with its freedom, America has the written rule to

protect the freedom of press as appear in Bill of Rights in the first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or

prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of
the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
government for a redress of grievances (U.S. Const. Amend. I).

Among all of mass media, television became the most influential media to

human life. Based on survey done by BLS American Time Use Survey, A.C. Nielsen

Co in February 18th, 2016, about 99% of American have television in their home and

spend average 5 hours 11 minutes a day watching television (Statistic Brain (2016)

Television Watching Statistic). Television becomes more popular than other media

because of the way it presents the information is equivalent with the effectiveness of

how a media delivers the information, like Brent D. Ruben mention in his book,

Communication and Human Behaviour (1992): whether message are presented via

print or illustration, gesture or dress, film or microfiche, radio broadcast or the spoken

words of a friend, can have a direct, and in some cases obvious, influence (1992:145).

However, the written rule in American amendments which show the freedom

of speech somehow makes media industry becomes too free in delivering the news.

Media industry which is usually also close related with political things somehow also

creates media bias effect. Media biased effect is the bias of journalist or newsmaker in

mass media when selecting the events or information reported and how the

information are covered. In this thesis, the writer uses Nightcrawler movie as the

object because this movie shows how television as part of mass media delivers its


Nightcrawler is a movie written and directed by Don Gilroy. This movie

shows the life of a freelancer cameraman who looks for a footage of a news, records

it and sells it to a news station. From this movie, the writer founds that news station

or press has the power in shaping the news by the choice of stories and words to

influence the audience (Liaugminas, 2002). Therefore the writer decided to use

Nightcrawler movie and entitled the thesis: Behind the Media in America: News

Coverage and Media Bias; as Reflected in Nightcrawler.

1.2 The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is the parameters which the study will be done. The

parameter will help the writer to gives the limitation of the problem which will be

discussed in order to make the explanation more focus and clearer. In this thesis, the

writer limits the object of research into intrinsic aspects and extrinsic aspects. The

intrinsic aspects consist of the explanation of narrative and cinematic elements of the

movie, meanwhile the extrinsic aspect explains behind the scene how media creates

news coverage in America and how the news tends to be bias of media interest.

1.3 The Aims of the Study

After watching the Nightcrawler movie, the writer finally could determine the

aims of the study for this thesis. The aims of the study are presented as follows:

1. To describe the intrinsic aspects in Nightcrawler movie;

2. To explain the extrinsic aspects of behind the scene of how media creates

news coverage in America and how the news tends to be bias of media


1.4 Method of the Study

Method of the study is methodology which is used by the writer in analyzing

the object of the thesis in order to find the answer of the research problem. Method of

study helps the writer to explain how the information sources needed come from and

how to collect the data needed to analyze the thesis. To analyze the problem of the

thesis, the writer differ two methods which are method of research and method of


1.4.1 Method of Research

Method of research is the process used in collecting the data and information

in purpose of making a decision and support the analysis of the thesis. In method of

research, the writer watches the movie and uses it as the main reference. Besides

watching the movie, the writer also uses library research which is collecting the data

by books to get the related information needed to support the analysis of the thesis.

1.4.2 Method of Approach

Method of approach is the methodology used to analyze the data obtained

before. In method of approach, the writer uses objective approach to analyze the

intrinsic aspects and agenda setting approach to analyze the extrinsic aspects. The

objective approach is an approach which interprets a work purely based on the work

itself. The objective approach here means the writer analyze the movie pure as

literary work, without adding the writer own point of view.

The theory of agenda setting was basically first introduced by Walter

Lippmann in his book, Public Opinion (1922). Agenda setting is an approach which

describes the ability of media to "press" the topic of public agenda and make the

audience believe that the agenda is really an important agenda. So in other words, in

agenda setting theory, every issue media makes to look important, society will also

think that it is an important issue. In this case, media is assumed to have a strong

effect to society, relate to media ability in delivering any important information.

In 1963, Bernard Cohen follows Lippmann in observing the press role and

gets the same result like Lippmann's theory which is:

Press may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think,
but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about. The
world will look different to different people depending on the map that is
drawn for them by the writers, editors and publishers of the paper they read.
(Cohen, 1963 : 13)

Max McCombs and his college, Donald Shaw in 1972 then completed agenda

setting theory through their observation in presidential election in 1968. From their

observation, McCombs and Shaw find that there are two basic reasons which lead to

the theory. First, the media does not deliver the real fact of an issue but construct the

reality. Second, media prepare some issues and "press" them and shape the public to

make their judgment about which issues is more important than the other.

Previous study about Nightcrawler movie has been conducted by Ricky

Nugraha Kusuma from English Department of Undip. However, the study focuses on

hierarchy of needs in Don Gilroy’s Nightcrawler. This study focuses on other aspect

of the movie, which is behind the media in America: News Coverage and Media Bias;

as reflected in Nightcrawler movie. Through this study, how media creates news

coverage and how the news tends to be bias will be discussed. This study is expected

to enrich the information regarding media in America.

1.5 Organization of the Study

The organization of this thesis consists of five chapters as follows:


This chapter consists of five sub chapters. They are

background of the study, scope of the study, aim of the

study, method of the study and organization of the study.


In this chapter, the writer gives the synopsis of

Nightcrawler movie, which is written and directed by Don



This chapter contains the literary review used by the

writer. Theoretical background consists of intrinsic and

extrinsic aspects. In the intrinsic aspects, the writer will

analyze the narrative elements which are theme,

characters, setting and plot and cinematography elements

which are camera movement, distance and sound effect of

the Nightcrawler movie. While in the extrinsic aspects,

the writer will focus on the theme of the thesis which is

behind the scene how media creates news coverage in

America and how the news tends to be bias of media





In this chapter, the writer will analyze the intrinsic and

extrinsic aspects proposed.


This chapter contains the conclusion of the thesis which

contains the result and summary of the previous chapters.



Nightcrawler (2014) is a movie written and directed by Don Gilroy. This

movie tells about Louis Bloom, a jobless who is desperate for a job. One day he was

caught by the security guard because of stealing in a construction site. Because of the

recessive situation, Bloom attacks the security guard and steals his watch. Bloom

leaves the location with the stolen materials, sell it to a scrap yard foreman and ask

for a job. However the foreman says he does not hire a thief.

On the way driving home, Bloom sees a car crash and he finds it interesting.

In the location, he meets a freelance cameraman who is shooting the crash, named Joe

Loder. Bloom who is standing next to the freelancer's car sees there are cameras and

radio police scanners and he decides to start his own freelance cameramen business.

At night, Bloom sees another carjacking accident and starts to record his own video.

However, because of too close with the location, Bloom was kicked off the crime

scene. Bloom then eavesdrops his rival's phone conversation about selling the footage

to a news station. After knowing the news station, Bloom then goes to the same

station to sell his footage.

In the news station, Blooms meets Nina Romina, the morning news director

who said that Bloom's footage is better than the other footage because Bloom's

footage shows the condition of the victim, which is bloody, clearer than the other

footage. Finally, they deal about the selling. After dealing with the footage, Nina told

Bloom that news station is most interested in footage of violent incident. Hearing the

information, Bloom starts to record footage only about violent incident using his new

camera. Bloom also hires an assistant, Rick, a young man desperate for money to help

him in shooting the incidents. As his business getting better, Bloom starts to buy

better camera and car to support his job. Bloom and Nina relationship also get better

and Bloom starts to fall for Nina. However Nina said that she can not be with Bloom

and their relationship is only business relationship.

The next day Joe Loder beats Bloom on an important plane crash footage and

makes Nina explodes in anger and said Bloom to get the better footage. Bloom then

sabotages Loder's car and causing car crash which makes Loder suffer severe injury.

Bloom then comes and pretends that he just arrives to record the scene.

One day Bloom and Rick arrive at the site of home invasion before the police

arrive. Bloom starts to record the situation around the home, the murder victim, even

the gunmen who is leaving the location. Bloom sends his footage to Nina but he

keeps the footage about the gunmen identity. Since it is a big issue about

neighborhood, Bloom demands public credit and more money and Nina agrees with it.

The next day, the police visit Bloom, ask him about the robbery and ask for the copy

of footage. Bloom gives them the edited tape and keeps the complete video tape with

the identity of the gunmen. At night, Bloom and Rick trail the gunmen. Rick who is

scared with the gunmen asks for half of the money and threaten Bloom he will tell the

police if Bloom refuses it and Bloom agrees.

When the gunmen stop at the restaurant, Bloom phones the police informing

about the location of the gunmen. The police arrive and there is shootout between the

police and the gunmen. One of the gunmen is killed while the other manages to

escape. Following the polices who are chasing the suspect, Bloom and Rick witness

how the suspect's car involve into crash and makes the car flip over. Bloom asks Rick

to film the gunmen in the car and claiming that the suspect is dead. However, when

Rick gets closer into the flipped car, the gunmen, who is actually wounded, shoots

Rick through the glass and tries to escape but then was shot by the police. On the

other hand, Bloom films the whole scene and tells the dying Rick that he cannot work

with someone he does not trust.

The next day, Bloom shows his footage to Nina and makes her awed by the

footage. In addition, the news team discovers that the home invasion is actually a

drug deal gone wrong. However, Nina insists to keep the information and end the

news as home invasion news to maximize the story's impact. In the end, Blooms hires

a team and buys a new van to expand his freelance news cameramen business.

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3.1 Intrinsic Aspect

Intrinsic aspect is one of the essential elements in analyzing literary work.

Movie can also be categorized as literary work because it consists of intrinsic and

extrinsic aspect to construct the whole story. Therefore, intrinsic aspects help us to

understand the movie well because it depicts the situation and condition of the movie.

Intrinsic aspect in the movie can be divided into two major elements, which are

narrative element and cinematic element.

3.1.1 Narrative Element

Narrative element is one of the elements in intrinsic aspect. Narrative

elements include theme, characters, setting and plot (Fulton et. al., 2006:1). Narrative

element contains the meaningful information which is hidden in the theme, character,

setting and plot to be delivered to audience. Therefore, it can be concluded that

narrative element is an essential element in literary work such as movie. Theme

Theme is the central or dominating idea in a literary work (Thrall and Hibbard,

1960 : 486). In the movie, theme can be seen when watching the dominating idea

from the whole story of the movie itself. The dominating idea here means the general

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idea or the main topic of the movie itself. Character

Character is "a brief descriptive sketch of a personage who typifies some

definite quality. The person is described not as an individualized personality but as an

example of some vice or virtue of type..." (Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 : 79). Characters

in movie play an important role in delivering the message through their act to the

audiences. That is why in a movie, there are so many characters appear in order to

strengthen and make the story "alive". In general, character is divided into major

character and minor character. Major Character

Major character or also known as main character is the character who has the

largest portion of role and gives the biggest influences to the whole story. According

to Thrall and Hibbard in their book, A Handbook to Literature, major character need

three-dimensional treatment which means that the major character "may present us

with so convincing a congeries of personality traits that a complex rather than a

simple character emerges" (Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 : 81). Minor Character

Minor character or also known as supporting character is character who plays

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small portion of the story. According to Thrall and Hibbard in their book A Handbook

of Literature, minor characters are handled two dimensionally which means they are

"striking and interesting but lack depth" (Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 : 81). Even though

the portion of minor character is not as much as major character, minor character also

has big role in softening the whole story of the movie. Minor character can be

protagonist or antagonist. Setting

According to Thrall and Hibbard, setting is the physical, and sometimes

spiritual, background against which the action of a narrative takes place (Thrall and

Hibbard, 1960 : 453). Setting element is really important because it gives the deep

feeling about the movie itself. When we are talking about setting, actually we are not

only talking about the place of the movie but also about the situation, the time when

the activities happen and social environment situation.

Thrall and Hibbard (1960: 453) in their book A Handbook to Literature divide

setting into four elements which are (1) setting of actual geographic location, its

topography, scenery, and such physical arrangements; (2) setting of the daily manner

of the character; (3) setting of time or period where the action takes place which is not

only about the date or the year when the action takes place, but also about the natural

condition such as night, morning, rain season, etc; and (4) setting of general

environment of the character; which helps the director build the emotion of the movie

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because it contains the mental, moral and social emotional where the characters in the

narrative move. Plot

Plot is a planned series of interrelated actions progressing, because of the

interplay of one force another, through a struggle of opposing forces to a climax and a

denouement (Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 : 356). Plot is also known as the pattern of the

story which has causal-effect role in the story. Plot has big rule to help the audience in

understanding the whole story of the movie. Thrall and Hibbard describe the function

of plot "is to translate character into action" (Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 : 358).

Thrall and Hibbard in their book, A Handbook to Literature, also explain there

are three main part of plot, which are (1) Planned; the author must arrange and select

the incidents according to a plot purpose; (2) a series of actions which consist of

beginning, a middle and an end. These incidents will grow one upon another to create

the whole stories; and (3) conflict. Conflict is like the struggle which grows out and

makes the characters opposing each other. The conflict may appear from physical

(external) or may be spiritual (internal). Conflicts provide the interesting element into

the movie because the existence of conflict will create the climatic episode. The

climatic episode is the situation when the rising action comes to end and the falling

action begins as the result of the problem finished (Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 : 357).

- 14 - Conflict

Based on Thrall and Hibbard in their book, A Handbook to Literature, conflict

is the struggle which grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in plot

(Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 : 357). Conflict and plot can not be separated from each

other because they are connected to build the story. Conflict is the raw material

needed to construct the plot.

The conflict may appear from physical (external) or may be spiritual (internal).

In a story, there are four basic kinds of external conflict which may appear in the story,

which are (1) the struggle against the nature; (2) the struggle against another character,

usually protagonist against antagonist; (3) the struggle against the society; and (4) the

struggle against the mastery (Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 : 105). However, based on

Thrall and Hibbard, the term of conflict does not always refer to the struggle of the

main character against someone or something. Conflict also refers to the existence of

motivation for the conflict or some goal to be achieved by it. This conflict is also

known as internal conflict.

3.1.2 Cinematic Element

Cinematic elements are the elements which related to the camera and movie.

Cinematic element shows the action in front of the camera and starts to work if the

condition in front of the camera is ready to be shot. Cinematic elements consist of

camera distance, mise-en-scene, and sound.

- 15 - Camera Distance (Shots)

Camera distance is the distance between the camera placement and the taken

scene when taking scene of the movie. Camera distance also affects camera angle.

The right camera movement and camera angle will produce the balance and flow

image. Camera distance and angle is important because it will help the audience to

feel what they watch is makes sense (Ablan, 2002 : 87).

In general, there are six kinds of camera distance which are:

a. Extreme Long Shot

Picture 1
(Vineyard, 1977 : 10)
Extreme long shot help establish a character in a specific location page (Ablan,
2002 : 94). In extreme long shot, we can see the background or the location where the
scene was take place because the camera takes the scene from far away distance.
b. Long Shot

Picture 2
(Vineyard, 1977 : 10)
Long shot or full shot is taken in nearer distance than extreme long shot. Long

shot usually taken to show body language, nervousness, and even anticipation (Ablan,

- 16 -
2002 : 93). Long shot also use to show the actor's tapping foot and awkward hand

movements, emphasizing the nervousness (Ablan, 2002 : 93).

c. Medium Long Shot

Picture 3
(Vineyard, 1977 : 10)
In medium long shot, we can see the character expression and also the

surrounding of the character. Medium shot or also known as wide shot helps identify

both the character and his environment to establish the single character's position in the

frame and his relationship to his surroundings (Ablan, 2002 : 94).

d. Medium Shot

Picture 4
(Vineyard, 1977 : 10)
Medium shots are used for dialogue sequence, and they allow the viewer to pick

up on the character's movements and gestures (Ablan, 2002 : 93). Medium shot is also

categorized as the safest shot because camera did not need many movements to capture

the moment in the scene. Medium shot usually use to take a conversation between

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characters or conversation in small group. In medium shot, the camera remains close

enough to capture the emotion allowing the viewer to still be a part of a character's

emotion (Ablan, 2002 : 93).

e. Close Up

Picture 5
(Vineyard, 1977 : 10)
Close-up shot can be used for dialogue, also referred to as a "talking head"

(Ablan, 2002 : 92). In close up shot, the focus of the camera is on the expression of the

character because it only captures little bit of the environment situation. Close up shot

allows the audience to see the emotion of the character, which is important to telling the

story (Ablan, 2002 : 92). Dan Ablan, in his book, Digital Cinematography and

Directing, said that

using a close-up shot on a dialogue sequence serves more than one purpose.
First, it brings the viewer into the action. Second, it saves you, or your staff,
time and effort because the shot is full with a single subject (Ablan, 2002 : 92).

f. Extreme Close Up

Picture 6
(Vineyard, 1977 : 10)

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Extreme close up usually use to capture the emotion of the characters through

their expression in the face. Extreme close up usually takes the expression in the eye,

mouth or hand of the character closely. Mise-en-scene

According to Thrall and Hibbard, mise-en-scene is the stage setting of a play,

including the use of scenery, properties, etc., and the general arrangement of the piece

(Thrall and Hibbard, 1960 :291). Mise-en-scene includes costumes and make-up and


Costumes are the dress worn by the characters in the movie. Costumes are "a

quick signal for characterization and how we feel about characters often comes

simply from the way they are dressed" (John Golden). Make-up in the other hand is

can not be separated from costumes. Make-up supports the character role by adding

some effect on their appearance. Lighting is used to create moods, feelings, or

dramatic effects (Ablan, 2002 : 57). Sound

Sound plays important role in movie because it delivers the emotion of the

movie. Sound also create the tension depends on the situation in the scene. Sound

effect is not only about the voice of the character or the background music but it also

about the room tones or natural sound. For the music editor, their job will be

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categorized as success if the audience did not notice their work, which means the

sound effect is fit perfectly with the scene of the movie.

Sound effect also helps the movie to be more alive. Dan Ablan in his book

Digital Cinematography and Directing (2002 : 167) wrote that

Without sound, even just a single note extended over time, animation is not
living up to its full potential. Audio is every thing. You can make your pictures
come alive with the right audio. The most appropriate sounds and special
audio effects often can make or break your animation work. (Ablan, 2002 :

3.2 Extrinsic Aspect

Extrinsic aspect is an important element to understand the movie. Extrinsic

aspect in this research will be behind the media in America: news coverage and media

bias; as reflected in Nightcrawler movie. The writer chooses those main extrinsic

elements because the writer found that in Nightcrawler movie, the main concerns of

the movie are about behind the media in America: news coverage and media bias. In

the extrinsic aspects, the writer chooses to focus on the agenda setting theory, shaping

the public opinion and the bias effect of media.

3.2.1 Agenda Setting

In analyzing behind the media in America: news coverage and media bias; the

writer uses agenda setting theory. Agenda setting theory is first introduced by Walter

Lippmann in his book Public Opinion. Without using the term "agenda-setting,"

Walter Lippmann was writing about what we today call as "agenda-setting" theory.

- 20 -
Agenda setting theory said that every minds of public issue in the world are shaped

by the media. In his book, Public Opinion, Lippmann said that

The analyst of public opinion must begin then, by recognizing the triangular
relationship between the scene of action, the human picture of that scene, and
the human response to that picture working itself out upon the scene of action
(Lippmann, 1922 : 17).

Lippmann theory describes that every issue or action can be big issue

according to how our mind response and how society react to the issue. According to

Lippmann in his introduction of his book, Public Opinion, "freedom of thought and

speech present itself in a new light and raises new problems because of the discovery

that opinion can be manufactured" (Lippmann, 1922 : xiv). Just like any rule which

always have both good and bad side, freedom of speech also brings bad effect

because it "blocks" the truth. People can speak every thought in their head without

thinking about the real fact. Lippmann also said that "news stories also dominate by

the emotions and hopes of the men and women who comprised the news organization

rather than by the fact" (Lippmann, 1922 : xiv). Here we can see that the truth has no

any effect to public opinion as long as the public likes the story, then fact will be in

number second. According to Lippmann, news depends on stereotypes,

standardization, routine judgment and a disregard for subtlety (Lippmann, 1922 :


Because of the ambiguity between the border between the truth and news in

media industry, Lippmann distinguished truth and news.

- 21 -
The function of news is to signal an event; the function of truth is to bring to
light the hidden facts, to set them into relation with each other, and to make
picture of reality on which people can act. what one normally gets is not truth
but fact, and that fact is circumscribe by a variety of reporters, fear of libel,
and that which is superficial (Lippmann, 1922 : xviii)

Walter Lippmann is not the only one who known with his agenda setting

theory. In 1963, Bernard Cohen follows Lippmann in observing the press role and

gets the same result like Lippmann's theory which is:

Press may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think,
but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about. The
world will look different to different people depending on the map that is
drawn for them by the writers, editors and publishers of the paper they read.
(Cohen, 1963 : 13)

However in 1972, Max McCombs and his college, Donald Shaw finally

completes this theory and officially named it as "agenda-setting" theory. Max

McCombs and his college, Donald Shaw in 1972 then complete agenda setting theory

through their observation in presidential election in 1968. According to McComb and

Shaw in their book, The Public Opinion Quarterly:

Readers learn not only about a given issue, but also how much importance to
attach to that issue from the amount of information in a news story and its
position. In reflecting what candidates are saying during the campaign, the
mass media may well determine the important issues-that is, the media may
set the "agenda" of the campaign (McComb and Shaw, 1972 : 176)

3.2.2 Media in Creating News Coverage

Media is a source of information for the public. In its function of giving

information, media has ambiguity. The ambiguity comes as the media is trapped

- 22 -
within its purpose and its operational purpose. In operational purpose, media is an

organization which runs as a business. Media needs to get benefits both material

profit and prestige profit. However, based on its purpose, media is a message

conveyor to public. In conveying the message, media has its ideal purpose to deliver

the objective message without looking for profit.

As an organization, media has a purpose to gain profit. Media needs to get

benefits both material profit and prestige profit. In this case, some mass media

organizations, especially the big one, give more attention to prestige profit than

material profit. The prestige profit also includes the interest of having influence or

power to society. The more prestigious media is the respectable it is and it can even

spread its power towards society. Not only the big scale media but also the small scale

media needs prestige profit to spread their power, even though the power is also in the

smaller scale.

On the other side, media is a message conveyor organization. The purpose of

media as a message conveyor media has to deliver the news based on the fact and free

from any business purposes. However in the practice, media is trapped in different

situation. The news released by media as an organization produce the fact which is

designed so the audiences follow and agree with the flow of the news. Even though

media wants to be objective in delivering the news, the fact is in the process itself the

message should pass some bureaucratic system which resulting a news with certain

interest purpose.

- 23 -
3.2.3 Media Bias

Based on Liaugminas in her book Media Bias is Serious Problem (2002 : 21)

media bias is the stance of journalist and the people behind the media in making and

selecting the events and stories which will be reported or aired and how the news are

covered. Media bias appears because of the different perception between the audience

and the news maker. Media is judged to be biased only if the content of the news does

not suitable with the society expectation. However, media bias is not entirely bad

because when the media is bias, it only means it serves the news from different point

of view.

Basically, even though most people said that they prefer good news rather

than bad news, but the fact is people mind gives better response and more attention to

bad news rather than good news. This cause the mass media prefers controversial

news because mass media is also an organization which needs profit. This causes

media to produce the news which is not purely objective because it is shadowed by

the interest of media to gain profit.

For example in reporting about the case of WTC in November 9, 2001, most

of mass media more focus on the theme of Islam phobia, in the form of report that

state the suspect of the bombing are Moslem. Unconsciously that kind of news

coverage is the one preferable by society. It is very rarely that the media choose to

reveal the real suspect and the real situation behind the case because the news is

believed to be less engaging. This causes the emergence of media bias for those who

- 24 -
do not believe in Islam phobia.

- 25 -



4.1 Intrinsic Aspect

4.1.1 Theme

Nightcrawler is an American movie written and directed by Don Gilroy.

Nightcrawler depicts the life of a footage freelancer named Louis Bloom. This movie

shows many criminal, accident and bloody scene, that is why the theme of the movie

is about crime. In the movie we can see many criminal thing, not only the crime that

happen for the news, but the main character, Louis Bloom, also commits in crime

such as when he sabotages his rival's car and when he tries to get a good news by

victimize her partner, Rick.

Picture 7 Picture 8
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:58:06) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:00:50)

Rick : What the hell happened?

Bloom : According to witnesses, they were driving at a high rate of speed,
probably toward Griffith Park, when, apparently, they ran head-on
into this light pole. No other car. Single vehicle.
Rick : How did they just run into pole?

- 26 -
Hey, don't film that, man. He's one of us.
Bloom : Not anymore, Rick. We're professionals.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:59:53 - 01:00:19)

In conclusion, the theme of the movie, which is crime related with news

coverage and media bias. It is because Bloom, as the representative of mass media

covers the crime accident into the footage news for society consumption. It also can

be seen how the news turns into media bias in the movie because of how Bloom

covers the footage for KWLA. Bloom makes the coverage based on the demand of

news in the market.

4.1.2 Character Major Character

In this movie, the major characters are Louis Bloom and Nina Romina. Both

of them become the major character because they have important role and give big

influence to the story in the movie. Louis Bloom

- 27 -
Picture 9
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:57:31)

Louis Bloom is the major character of Nightcrawler movie because he has big

role which affect the whole story. From the picture above, it can be see that Louis

Bloom is a man in about late 20 or 30s years old with wavy hair and blue eyes. The

character of Louis Bloom rarely shows his emotion. Bloom described as a man who

can manage his emotion very well. Bloom has behavior that he will smile weirdly

when he hide or get interested about something.

In the movie, Louis Bloom is described as a calm man with soft voice and

intimidating aura. Louis Bloom also a confident man, just like when he was talking to

the foreman for a job, he can promote himself very well. Bloom also known as the

character who will get angry easily if other people beat him. It can be seen when

Bloom got angry when his rival beat his footage. Nina Romina

Nina Romina also can be categorized as major character because together with

Bloom, she has quite big role for the story of the movie. Nina Romina is a woman in

about 40s years old, or maybe older. In scene minutes 00:43:48 Nina said to Bloom

- 28 -
that her age maybe twice of Bloom's age.

Nina : I have a rule, Lou. I don't date people I work with. And I'm twice
your age.
Bloom : I like older women. Besides, I don't work with you. You're someone I
sell to.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:43:48 - 00:43:56)

Nina is a director in news station who has big role in choosing which news

will be aired. Nina Romina can be described as a hard worker which not only loves

her job but also knows how to attract the audience's attention using the news. Nina is

also a passionate woman who will do everything to get the best news. It can be seen

in the scene when Nina tries to get the footage of home invasion, even though the

price Bloom said is very high.

Bloom : I just gave you two.

Nina : $3,000
Bloom : I got $3,000 for the food truck stabbings
Nina : There were more dead
Bloom : Those were poor Mexican people in a roach coach. Two of them were
illegals. These are three wealthy white people, shot and killed in
their mansion including a suburban housewife shotgunned in her
head. I know you Nina. I know your interest and excitement in this
product is greater than the amount you're offering.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:10:12 - 01:10:29 ).

In short, Bloom and Nina are called as the main characters because as

already explained in the chapter 3, the function of main character is as the center of

the story. In this movie, the character of Bloom and Nina are the center who play the

role as them who cover the news and create the media bias in the KWLA news.

- 29 - Minor Character Rick

Picture 10
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:24:23)

Rick is Bloom's employee. From the picture above, it can be predicted that

Rick is a young man in about late 20s years old. From his dialogue with Bloom, it is

known that Rick comes from not very educated level. He is also a homeless with

unsettled job. In the movie, Rick is described as a silent young boy who can not speak

well. When Bloom talks to him, he usually answers it fluttery.

Rick : My old jobs? I did landscaping for a couple months. Mow, blow
and go.
Bloom : (writing his answer in the pad)
Rick : I learned I had hay-fever so I quit.
Bloom : Other jobs?
Rick : I don’t know, week here, week there.
Bloom : Why hire you? Sell yourself. Go.
Rick : Okay. Well, I'm Rick, of course. I took three buses to get here. I
finished high school. I need a job. I’ll do just about anything. That’s
me. Hire Rick.

- 30 -
Bloom : What’s your address?
Rick : I don’t have one. Not permanent I mean.
Bloom : You’re homeless.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:24:32 - 00:25:23) Joe Loder

Picture 11
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:46:35)

Joe Loder is Louis Bloom rival in news freelancing. He is described as a man

in his late 30s years old or maybe in the beginning of his 40s. He is showed as a man

who did not want to lose to anyone. In his first meeting with Bloom, he said that he

did not want to work with Bloom, but when Bloom finally becomes more success

than him, he asks Bloom so they can work together.

Loder : I want you running my second van. Two crews. Half the area to cover.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Half of the money, right? You
should be thinking, twice the sales. Because we're going to be the first
at every scene. Why compete when we can work together? You can
share my press card. Puppy dog off my police connections. This is the

- 31 -
big move, the next level. We can corner this whole thing. I'm talking
about putting some heavy digits in our pocket, brah.
Bloom : Thank you for offering me the position but working for myself is
more in line with my skills and career goals.
Loder : Take a few days to think about it
Bloom : No. You'll need to hire someone else, and I don't want to hold up the
Loder : You want to be on the inside of this, man because I'm going to be
tag-teaming every call.
Bloom : You keep talking like it's something that I may be interested in, but
I'm not
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:45:36 - 00:46:23)

It is concluded that Rick and Loder are called as the minor characters because

their role in this movie is to help the main characters to build the whole story of the

news. It can be seen in the movie how the character of Rick helps Bloom in collecting

the footage for KWLA and witnessing how Bloom turns the footage into bias footage.

As for Loder, he helps to strengthen the feel of character Louis Bloom and turn him

into the part of mass media agent we know in the movie.

4.1.3 Setting Setting of Geographic Location

Picture 12 Picture 13
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:24:58) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:44:16)

- 32 -
Picture 14 Picture 15
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:47:01) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:37:15)

From picture 12, it can be seen that the setting of geographic location or

setting of place in Nightcrawler movie is in Los Angeles. This can be seen in the

dialogue of Bloom and Rick below:

Bloom : Do you know L.A.?

Rick : I grew up all around here.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:25:36 - 00:25:39)

From picture 13, it can be seen that the setting of the movie also taken in TV

station where Nina Romina works. From picture 14 the setting is taken in Mexican

restaurant. In the picture we can see Bloom and Nina are having dinner in Mexican

restaurant. This scene shows the relationship between Bloom and Nina, and is used to

show the audience about the other side of Bloom who likes Nina.

In picture 15, the setting is taken in the location of accident where Bloom

takes the footage. Most of the setting of place in this movie is taken in the location of

crimes or location of accident.

- 33 - Setting of Daily Manner

The setting of daily manner of the movie shows the manner of Louis Bloom

and Nina as the main characters. In the movie, the character of Louis Bloom is a calm

man who always calculates everything he does. It can be seen when the police come

to Bloom's house to ask for the copy of the footage for home invasion. Bloom already

know that the police will come to his house to ask for the footage, that is why she

edited the footage and give the edited one to the police.

Police : I'd like a copy of that footage

Bloom : Do I have to give it to you? (CHUCKLES)
Police : Is there any reason why you wouldn't?
Bloom : No, no, I made you a copy. I expected someone to come
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:20:57 - 01:21:05)

Nina, in the other hand, is a passionate woman, especially when she finds the

news she likes. It can be seen every time Bloom shows her his best footage. The

reaction of Nina shows that she is a passionate woman. She will do everything as

long as she can get the footage she wants.

Nina : Oh, for Christ's sake. Are we breaking the law by showing this?
Linda : Block the faces, don't give out the exact address. Do that, I guess... I
don't know. I wouldn't think so, no.
Frank : Journalistically and ethnically?
Nina : This isn't Hatford
Frank : We are beyond all broadcast standards.
Nina : Have you seen this the overnights? I'll risk the fine
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:09:31 - 01: 09: 45) Setting of Time

- 34 -
Picture 16 Picture 17
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:01:49) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:45:22)

Just like the title of the movie itself, the setting of Nightcrawler is dominantly

taken in the night. This is to emphasize the crime theme of the movie itself, because

commonly crimes happen at night. In picture 17, based on the dialogue of Bloom and

Loder, it can be seen that the movie is taken with setting of time in about 2010. Loder

is asking about Canon 305 to Bloom, and Canon 305 is first introduced in 2010. So

there is high probability that the setting of this movie is in around 2010. Setting of General Environment

Picture 18 Picture 19
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:44:16) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:37:15)

The setting of social environment of this movie shows the atmosphere of

media industry. It is shown in the picture 18 there is TV station where Nina works, or

in picture 20 which is taken in the location of accident where Bloom takes his footage.

- 35 -
Almost all of the scenes show the atmosphere of media industry from how the news is

taken, how they select which news will be aired until how it is aired.

In conclusion, the setting of the movie dominantly happen around the location

of the accident in the news station and usually it happen at night. The setting of time

which dominantly happens at night gives the strong impact about the situation in the

location of accident. Both of the locations are the important setting to deliver the

meaning behind news coverage and media bias. The location of the accident is the

first potential place of news coverage happen. It can be seen how Bloom records the

footage and sometimes change the position of the dying victim to get better shot.

However the KWLA news station is the place where all of the footage are edited and

added some effect to strengthen the impact of the news.

4.1.4 Plot

The beginning of the movie is started with the view of night in America which

is calm and silent. Bloom appears in construction site, stealing some materials and

caught by security guard. In the first scene, the audience is introduced with the

character of Louis Bloom who is jobless and did bad things to get money. The raising

action of the movie is started when Bloom finally knows the job called footage

freelancer for news. He begins to get footage for the news and involves in many

criminal things.

The climax of this movie is started when Bloom and his partner, Rick,

- 36 -
suddenly eyedrop big case which is a house of rich man was being attack by some

gunmen. Bloom and his journalist feeling start to record the situation in the house.

The case being bigger in society and Bloom decides to trail the gunmen to get more

material for his footage. When the gunman was shot by the police and their car was

flipped over, the movie comes to its falling action. In the end of the movie, as the

resolution, the police and people in news station know that the gunmen attack the

house because of they fail in drug deal, not a home invasion like the news they aired.

However, Nina decides to close the news as home invasion news.

In short, it can be seen from the movie the beginning of the plot story starts

when Bloom records the footage of the home invasion case for KWLA. The footage

then aired and become big issue around neighborhood. However it turns out that the

news is bias because it shows the dramatization of condition inside the home and

aired without waiting the legal confirmation from the police about the case.

4.1.5 Conflict Internal Conflict

Louis Bloom is described as a calm character who rarely shows his true

emotion. In this movie, in almost scene it can be seen how Bloom maintains his

emotion and expression very well. Even thought it is quite hard to find the internal

conflict of the character, but in minute 01:02:23 until 01:07:14 the internal conflict in

Louis Bloom. Bloom was having internal conflict whether he decides to come in to

- 37 -
the house after seeing the gunmen or just shot it from far away. When he finally

decides to come in and shot the situation inside the house, Bloom also has internal

conflict fighting his nervousness and his fear. External Conflict

In Nightcrawler movie, there are many external conflicts shown. In the

beginning of the movie, the internal conflict is between Bloom and the police officer.

As the movie goes by, Bloom also has external conflict with Joe Lader who is trying

to recruit Bloom into his team. However, the major external conflict in this movie

happens when Bloom involves in home invasion case. The police start to dig

information from him and start to oversee him. In the other hand, Rick, his partner

also involves a conflict with him. Rick asks for more money because of the big case

they face, which turn into Bloom's anger and he use Rick as a trail to get closer to the

dying gunmen to get a nice footage which turn into Rick's death.

Rick : Okay I want more money. A lot more

Bloom : What makes a job desirable, Rick, isn't just the dollar amount
attached to it. You're at the ground floor of a growing business. Your
reward is a career.
Rick : Fuck that. You're talking about some seriously messed-up shit. You're
just expecting me to just go along with it. I want more.
Bloom : I can't make people do things, Rick. You have a choice if you wanna
do this. And I have a choice if you don't.
Rick : Are you threatening to fire me? Hey, I... I got something, too. How
about not calling in criminals, waiting for them to start some shit so
you can film it? That's against the fucking law. Yeah, cops would be
majorly interested in that, no doubt. Okay? So, I... I want more money.
Bloom : We can re-open negotiations, Rick. But, remember, when it comes to
your work reputation, you can't un-ring the bell.

- 38 -
Rick : I want half of whatever we make tonight.
Bloom : how did you arrive at that number?
Rick : There's two of us out here. So, 50-50
Bloom : I'll counter at $10,000
Rick : You don't set the numbers on this. I want half. I want half.
Bloom : If you're saying I can't negotiate, then I guess I'm... I'm just gonna
have to give it to you.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:26:51 - 01:28:29)

From the movie, it can be conclude that the internal conflict affect the external

conflict. It can be seen how the internal conflict in Bloom when he record the footage

of home invasion case, he was so scared but intrigue. This affected the external

conflict that is related to the relation of Bloom and Rick, because at that time Rick

saw Bloom recording the whole case and editing it. Bloom edits the footage because

he wanted to satisfy the demand of the news.

4.2 Extrinsic Aspect

4.2.1 Agenda Setting

Television is one of the most effective media in shaping public opinion.

Television is easy to access and many people watch television everyday. In

Nightcrawler movie, TV news station also has a big role in shaping society mindset,

just like Nina and Louis conversation:

Nina : I want you to contact me when you have something.

Bloom : Something like this?
Nina : That's right
Bloom : Bloody
Nina : Well, that's only part of it. We like crime. Not all crime. Carjacking in
Compton, for example. That isn't news, now is it?

- 39 -
We find our viewers are more interested in urban crime creeping into
suburbs. What that means is a victim, or victims, preferably well-off
and white, injured at the hands of the poor or a minority.
Bloom : Just crime
Nina : No. Accidents play. Cars, busses, trains, planes. Fires.
Bloom : But bloody
Nina : Well, graphic. The best and clearest way that I can phrase it to you,
Lou, to capture the spirit of what we air is think of our newscast
as a screaming woman running down the street with her throat cut.
Bloom : I understand
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:20:12 - 00:20:58)

From the conversation it is shown that Nina taught Bloom about which news

people prefer as the news. Nina said that their viewer like something bloody.

However, this can not be separated from the role of the news itself. News always

aired crimes and bloody things which makes the viewers, whether they like it or not,

watch the news. News makes the viewer believe that crimes are something important

and can be experienced by every people in every situation.

Nina chooses Bloom's footage instead of the other footage because she thinks

people will like to see the crime from the closer side. People like to see bloody things.

In minute 00:19:21 Nina said that they should air criminal-bloody news every day.

Nina as the actor behind the scene of the news makes the decision based on her

company motto to be shared to the viewer. Nina also said that their viewer show more

interest in criminal news. However, that is happens because the news always air crime

news and makes the viewer believe that crime news is the headline of the news. This

scene shows Lippmann theory that news depends on stereotypes, standardization,

routine judgment and a disregard for subtlety (Lippmann, 1922 : xviii).

- 40 -
Another example of agenda setting can be seen in the home invasion case. In

that case, the news crews put big interest to the news because the victims of the case

are white people and they are rich family.

Nina : Well, that's only part of it. We like crime. Not all crime. Carjacking in
Compton, for example. That isn't news, now is it?
We find our viewers are more interested in urban crime creeping into
suburbs. What that means is a victim, or victims, preferably well-off
and white, injured at the hands of the poor or a minority.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:20:12)

This is really different with Nina’s reaction when Bloom gives her a footage

about what she think as unimportant case because it does not has sale value.

Nina : A car crash. Well, none of this is gonna knock anybody out. I can’t
use any of this in my rundown. Is this it?
Bloom : No, I have a stabbing in Corona.
Nina : Where’s the plane crash at Foothill?
Bloom : I don’t mind saying that I’m trying to bring you storie that happen
here on the ground.
Nina : Two has it. It’ll be their lead.
Bloom : Well, I hope that works well for them. Now, let me show you the
stabbing in Corona
Nina : I don’t give a goddamn about fucking Corona! You know how
important this week is. This shit is fucking death to me!
Bloom : I understand your frustration. I was just trying not to be too hard on
Nina : I sold you upstairs as some kind of fucking a sweeps savior. And I’m
leading with a goddamn stabbing. In Corona!
Bloom : So, you want that, then?
Nina : I want you to get in the goddamn game! I want something people
can’t turn away from.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:56:10 - 00:56:57)

Even though the movie did not really show the result of the news to the

- 41 -
society, but from some scene we can predict that the reaction of society must be good.

Good here means that society pay big attention to every news aired, because they

believe that the news aired is important. In picture 21 it is predictable that the society

response to the news from Bloom and Nina conversation

Nina : I can't spend a month's budget on a single story

Bloom : What if the story's not over? The people who did this escaped.
They're still out there, walking around with the rest of us. If I had
family and I lived in a home, that might make me nervous. I'd want
updates on what was going on. With this footage, people would
turn your channel for the story.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:11:17 - 01:11:32)

From the dialogue above, it can be seen that Bloom shows the perspective of

people who do not know anything, suddenly become panic because of the home

invasion case. Knowing that the home which should protect you now is not a safe

place for you because of the gunmen who can attack you and your family, even in

your home.

4.2.2 News Coverage

News coverage is about how media cover the news, or in other word what

happen behind the screen until the news is aired. In Nightcrawler movie, it can be

seen that the news footage should pass some editing session before aired. This editing

session makes the news cannot purely objective because the director put some “extra

feeling” to strengthen the feel about the news.

- 42 -
Male editor : Right here
Nina : okay. Put the neighbor here, and the kids with their mother by
the door. You can get it back from 2:16.
Male editor : yeah.
Nina : Then I want to lay in some nat-sound. Let’s loop the neighbor’s
dog barking. And then try taking the crying kid from B-roll and
dropping that in the background.
Male editor : got it.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:17:18 - 00:17:32)

Ben : A young woman, I’m guessing from this angle. A young woman on a
sofa, there. All the faces, though, have been blurred out.
Nina : (on microphone) They’ve escaped. They’re on the loose.
Lisa : That is the first of what we understand are three bodies in the home in
Granada Hills and this was committed by a suspect, or suspects who
are still out there…. thought.
Nina : (on microphone) repeat that
Ben : yes, scary, and very concerning, particularly given what we’re looking
at here, the savagery of what these pictures show, and now, look, there
on the floor. Lisa, what is that? A bloodied article of clothing?
Lisa : it looks like a silk shirt. Maybe a woman’s silk blouse
Ben : it’s just so sad.
Director : stand to dissolve, two
Ben : obviously, there is the second body.
Nina : (on microphone) they’ve escaped. Repeat it
Ben : the person or people who committed all of this brutal home invasion
robbery, they’re presently unidentified and at large, still on the streets.
Nina : (on microphone) hit it again. Harder.
Ben : this has got to be a huge worry not only to the resident in this
neighborhood, Granada Hills area as well
Nina : (on microphone) build it
Lisa : yeah, you’re just praying that that crib is empty because this is
definitely a child’s room
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:14:57 – 01:16:29)

From both of the dialogues above, it shows Nina and the male editor are

editing the footage video which will be aired in the news. They also arrange how the

- 43 -
announcers deliver the news such as which point should be repeated or emphasized.

From dialogue, it shows Nina add and subtract some effects which are supposed to

give deeper impression which support the coverage of the news. This proves that the

news is selected and packed based on the wish of the journalist for certain aim and


According to the theory in the previous chapter, media has big role in shaping

an issue to society. In Nightcrawler movie, how an issue is shaped by the people

behind TV station can be seen clearly. In minute 00:19:08 - 00:19:37, it shows how

Nina makes decision which footage will be aired according to the most interesting


Nina : That's the lead. I want to break it up and do a wrap-around from

the scene. I want a walking stand-up, teaser at five, repeat on the
half and I want the copy to start with a warning.
Frank : You're going to show this?
Nina : With a warning
Frank : It's excessive
Nina : We should have packages like this every day
Frank : People are eating breakfast
Nina : And they'll talk about it at work. Tie it in with the carjacking last
month in Glendale. And the other one, the van in Palms. When
was that? In March?
Man : March, yeah.
Nina : It's a carjacking crime wave. That's the banner. Call the victim's
family, get a quote, mic it. You know what to do
Frank : Yeah
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 00:19:08 - 00:19:37)

Another news coverage in the movie is when Nina wants to air a news footage

about home invasion with terrifying scene. Even though Nina knows that the news

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station is under the broadcast standard, but she decides to air the footage because she

knows that it is a good issues. This shows that broadcast standard is only kind of

formality because in the end, the station TV is the one will decide the content of the

news itself.

Nina : Home invasion in Granada. He got there before the cops. We have 10
minutes to airtime. How much of this can we show?
Linda : You mean, legally?
Nina : No, morally. Of course, legally.
Linda : Have they been identified?
Frank : It just happened, so you have to assume no, and that's just one of the
Linda : We can't broadcast their identities without notifying the next of kin.
Nina : We're not identifying them
Linda : You are by proxy, by showing their faces
Nina : We pixelate the face
Linda : Where did you get this?
Nina : Stringer
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:08:21 - 01:09:25)

Both of dialogues above show the part of news coverage inside the news

station industry. Nina is trying to wrap a horror excessive footage as if it is a normal

crime happen every day. Even though the footage should be covered with some

violence warning about the content of the news, Nina insists to air the news, no

matter how. This scene shows that Nina insists to air the news not only because it is

an important issue, but also because Nina knows that that kind of news will be big hit

for her news station.

4.2.3. Media Bias

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Picture 20 Picture 21
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:06:54) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:07:04)

Picture 22
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:07:07)

In the movie, the media bias happen when Bloom and Rick get the footage

about home invasion. In the real video, Bloom accidentally shoots the face of the

gunmen, but in minute 01:07:04 Bloom cut the video and keep the real one for

himself. Bloom then hand and sale the edited video to the news station with the high

price and take the chance to promote his company. Here, it shows that the news

station choose to focus on the frame “home invasion” instead of digging on what is

the fact behind the case because they know that the frame “home invasion” will be

more profitable for them.

Picture 23 Picture 24
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:18:33) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:18:38)

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Picture 25 Picture 26
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:18:43) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:18:51)

Even though the reaction of the society can be seen clearly in the movie, but it

is predictable about the reaction of the society about the news. It can be seen in the

scene in minute 01:18:31 when in a peaceful morning, your television suddenly

full of home invasion news with the free gunmen who can be everywhere, it can

be predicted how panic and chaos the society is. People will be panic and worried

all the time. The other result to public can be seen in the scene when the police

come to Bloom's apartment because of his footage in home invasion case. Bloom

spreads the footage without waiting for the legal confirmation from the police

about the case. Bloom spreads the footage and makes the chaos to society since the

news of home invasion becomes bigger than no one can imagine. Here, the news

station decides to buy the footage without waiting the legal confirmation about the

case and create their own story, makes the news become bias.

Nina : Home invasion in Granada. He got there before the cops. We have 10
minutes to airtime. How much of this can we show?
Linda : You mean, legally?
Nina : No, morally. Of course, legally.
Linda : Have they been identified?
Frank : It just happened, so you have to assume no, and that's just one of the

- 47 -
Linda : We can't broadcast their identities without notifying the next of kin.
Nina : We're not identifying them
Linda : You are by proxy, by showing their faces
Nina : We pixelate the face
Linda : Where did you get this?
Nina : Stringer
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:08:21 - 01:09:25)

Director : Twenty seconds to back. Ben and Lisa, 20 seconds to back. Set up a
sting dig. Camera two and a two-shot.
Nina : Where's the banner?
Director : Did we decide on one?
Nina : Horror House. What did we talk about?
Director : Can you build that? Put it on CG-one. Back in 10 seconds. Nine,
eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Sting it. Mic. Dissolve.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:13:26 – 01:13:50)

Announcer man : Hello everybody. This is KWLA with breaking news. Over
the last half-hour or so, we've now received word of an
apparent home invasion triple homicide in the Granada Hills
area of the San Fernando Valley. Now, at present, the
number of those dead…
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:13:52)

Media bias can be seen from how KWLA like in the dialogues above, the

news station where Nina works, deliver the news about home invasion case. KWLA

more focus on the situation inside the home and the condition of the victim after the

case and also the dangerous environment around the place which should be the safe

neighborhood instead of focus on revealing the identity of the gunmen and their

motive. Because of too focus on delivering the news only from one sided, KWLA

seems like they create their own story based on their interpretation of the case and

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they forgets to be objective about an issue. As finally the case appear as the case of

drug dealer gone wrong, KWLA insists to end the case with the “proper ending for

their story” as the home invasion case.

Picture 27 Picture 28
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:15:13) (Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:47:55)

In the picture 28 when the news is aired, Nina gives some instruction to

emphasize that the news they aired is very important issue which everybody should

know. The news announcers, through Nina instruction, makes people believe that the

gunmen in home invasion case can be sit next to you without looking for or waiting

for the right information from the police. When finally this issue becomes bigger, it

becomes difficult for TV news to fix their mistaken information about the home

invasion case. In picture 28, it shows that in the end, when they know that the fact

behind home invasion case is a failed drug dealing, they decide to wrap the case as

home invasion case, for the sake of their news rating.

Frank : Joel has got a source on the taskforce who says they found drugs at the
Granada Hills house. Cocaine in wrapped package hidden in
crawlspaces. Over 50 pounds. And he confirmed it with an
investigator at the scene. It wasn't a home invasion. It was a drug
Nina : Give it to the noon crew
Frank : This is news

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Nina : It detracts from the story
Frank : It is the story
Nina : The story is urban crime creeping into the suburbs. That's the story.
(Nightcrawler, 2014 : 01:47:55 - 01:48:22)

Overall, the agenda setting theory can be seen from the movie from how the

media cover the news. In this movie, Bloom, as the representative of media,

manipulates the news by setting up the condition of the crime scene to get the better

shoot. He also edits and cuts some part of the footage before hands it to KWLA and

the police. In the other hand, KWLA, as the news station which buy the footage from

Bloom also implements editing process before it is aired. KWLA also air a footage it

gets from Bloom before waiting from the legal confirmation from the police, which

then lead into media bias to the society.

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In this thesis, “Behind the Media in America: News Coverage and Media Bias;

as Reflected in Nightcrawler” the writer analyzes the intrinsic aspects and extrinsic

aspects of the movie Nightcrawler. In analyzing the extrinsic aspect of the movie, the

writer uses agenda setting theory, Agenda setting is part of communication theory.

Agenda setting theory explains about every minds of public issue in the world are

shaped by the media. There are three focuses on discussion in this thesis which are

agenda setting theory, how media creates news coverage in America and how the

news tend to be bias of media interest. Those focuses are based on Nightcrawler


From the analysis, it can be concluded that there are many factors behind a

news before it is published. Agenda setting tells us about how an issue is used to

create public opinion by the hand of reporters and TV news crews. The news we

watch every day is not pure fact as we think before. When an issue or event is caught

by media, it will be processed by the reporters and crews to create an issue which is

suitable with the value of the company itself. In the process, it contains some editing

and adding some extra opinions from the crews or reporters which can make

ambiguity of the truth itself. This is why the theory of agenda setting which explains

about behind the scene of media cannot be separated with how media cover an issue

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which can lead into media bias.

However, even though media has the power to create public opinion or to

spread some issues, the fact is we create the issues by ourselves unconsciously.

People tend to be more interesting in bad news than good news, which makes media

aired more bad news than good news. However, news coverage and bias media can

not be separated. They affected each other. The way media creates news coverage

somehow creates media bias. This happen because media can not be purely objective

in delivering the news. An issue or topic need to pass some stage before aired which

makes the issue direct the news maker’s opinion.

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