The Struggle For Family Existence An Analysis of Little Women A Novel by Louisa May Alcott

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Student of Faculty of Educational and Teacher Training

Department of English Language Education

Reg. No. 140203010




2018 M/ 1440 H

In the name of Allah SWT. The Lord of universe, the Most Gracious, the

Most Merciful, I would like to thank to Allah for His favor and guidance to me in

completing this thesis. I do believe there is nothing I can do without His help.

May peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his families,

companions, and his followers.

I would like to give my greatest appreciation to my main supervisor, Dr.

Muhammad Nasir, M.Hum. and my co. supervisor, Fera Busfina Zalha, MA who

have offered insightful guidance and assistance. I would also like to thank my

academic advisor, Drs. Mustafa AR, M.A., Ph.D who has guided me throughout

my academic years.

Further, I would like to express the deepest gratitude to my best motivators

in the world, my parents, for all their trusts, patients, supports, loves, and prayers.

I also would like to dedicate the grateful to my little sister who cheers me up day

by day and also my dearest cousin Ayuna Netta who helped me so much to finish

this thesis. Finally, I wish to thank to my bestfriends and all of my beloved friends

(Unit 01, 2014 UIN Ar-Raniry) in this department for sharing inputs and ideas in

finishing my thesis.

Banda Aceh, December 11th, 2018

Miftahul Jannah


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... i
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................. ii
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. iv

A. Background of Study ....................................................................... 1
B. Research Question............................................................................ 4
C. The Aims of Study ........................................................................... 4
D. Significance of Study ....................................................................... 5
E. Scope and Limitation of Study............................................... .......... 5
F. Terminology ..................................................................................... 5


A. Literary Characters ........................................................................... 8
B. Personality........................................................................................ 12
C. The Big Five Personality Theory ..................................................... 18
D. Family............................................................................................... 25
E. Brief Description of the Novel................................................. ........ 31


A. Research Design .............................................................................. 33
B. Material of Analysis ......................................................................... 34
C. Data Collection Procedure................................................................ 34
D. Data Analysis ................................................................................... 35


A. Result................................................................................................ 37
B. Discussion ....................................................................................... 45


A. Conclusions ...................................................................................... 67
B. Suggestions....................................................................................... 68


Name : Miftahul Jannah
SID : 140203010
Faculty / Study Program : Tarbiyah / English Department
Title : The Struggle for “ Family Existence ” An Analysis
of Little Women: A Novel by Louisa May Alcott
Examination Date : December 31st 2018

Thesis Thickness : 75 pages

Advisor I : Dr. Muhammad Nasir, M.Hum
Advisor II : Fera Busfina Zalha, MA.
Keywords : Little Women, Personality, The Big Five


This study aims at analyzing the personalities of the main characters in “Little
Women” a novel by Louisa May Alcott. The descriptive-qualitative method is
used to analyze the personalities of the characters. In analyzing the data, the four
factors character analysis proposed by Migrant Education Program Consortium
Incentive (2012) which focused on appearance, words, actions, and feelings is
used followed by the concept of The Big Five Personality traits by Paul Costa and
Robert McCrae (1990) which focused on Conscientiousness and Agreeableness.
The data is collected by reading the novel, understanding sentence by sentence,
and analyzing the personalities within the characters through the four factors
analysis as well as identify the characters through The Big Five theory. The
results indicate that all characters have the two traits of The Big Five in particular
sides. Agreeableness was mostly found in the characters’ personalities specifically
their feelings, the Agreeableness is categorized by modest, patient, altruistic,
considerate, unselfish, helpful, humble, loyal and cheerful. Meanwhile,
conscientiousness is found in the characters’ personalities coincide with
appearance, words, and actions as categorized by hard working, ambitious, and
persistent. Shortly, each character has different personalities belonging to The Big
Five traits.
Keywords: Little Women, Personality, The Big Five Personality



A. Background of Study

Everybody needs a family as a shelter. Family is the most precious

treasure a man can have. There are a number of reasons why the existence of

family is essential for man’s life, for instances, family gives warmth and love, it

always helps and receives, and it always fulfills a person’s needs. According to

World Health Organization (1978, p. 7) family is the most crucial social

classification in the first phase of life that human belongs to.

However, living in a family is not merely for happiness, sometimes a

family member even all of them have to sacrifice. This can happen if the situation

of the family has faced the ups and downs. Hence, people have to struggle in

order to bring back their family’s happiness. The struggle over the family

sometimes also brings the family members to be stronger than they were, but

sometimes it can make them weaker.

As what Nationwide (n.d) cited in Desetta and Wolin (2014, p.6), they

highlight that some of young people have to live into foster homes and some

others live in foster care due to their family circumstances such as when illness,

death, and insufficiency beyond their control avoid their biological families to

take care of them genuinely, this occurs approximately to 500.000 adolescence.


The family life struggle is commonly represented through a novel. The

story can be illustrated by the lifestory of the authors themselves. One of the

classical novels that illustrates a life problem is Little Women written by Louisa

May Alcott. She represented her life story into this novel and modeled herself as

Josephine March.

Concerning with the prior study, Laire (2009, p.94) analyzes the feminist

implication in Little Women and how Alcott influences many girls in affirming

their own identity concludes that the novel fully dedicates to the individuality of

young girls and exemplifies the opportunity of women in exaggerating their

existence in the nineteenth-century by which illustrated the admission of young

girls to become real woman, as well as Alcott upholds a model of intellectual

bravery and honesty so that the main focus of this novel leads to female education

and the process of becoming a woman like Amy and Jo who are pursuing their

own careers. Meanwhile, Wester (2005), who emphasizes on the patriarchy and

domesticity issue, states that “ in Little Women, the March family serves as an

example of a reformed, egalitarian family in which women exercise self-reliance,

employ their non-domestic talents, and still maintain femininity.” He also points

out that Little Women has successfully served some deep messages described by

Alcott throughout the novel and also through her own life about ideas of

struggling women artists, domestic feminism and reform, patriarchy, as well as

spiritualism (Wester, 2005, p.42).

Based on the struggle that the women faced in the novel, there is an

interesting side that the writer would like to know deeply. Therefore, to expand

the study of the novel, the writer is interested in analyzing the personality of the

characters in Little Women especially Josephine March as the main character and

also her mother and sisters as other sub-characters who highly affects the essence

of the story. The writer only focuses on part 1 of the novel. Hence, this study aims

to analyze the personality of the characters especially for their struggles in

mantaining their existence in the family.

To analyze the characters’ personalities, the writer obtains a deep

understanding of the novel by using the four factors analyzed by Migrant

Education Program Consortium Incentive (2012) which focus on appearance,

actions, feelings, and words. Furthermore, the data is then analyzed more

specifically by using the concept of “The Big Five Personality Theory” proposed

by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae (1990) to establish the sort of characters in the

novel that the author portrays. Soto and Jackson (2013) state that The Five-factor

model as “a set of five broad trait dimensions or domains; Extraversion,

Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience.”

However, to give the limitation for the study, the writer will only focus on

analyzing two traits of The Big Five Personality Theory, that are

Conscientiousness and Agreeableness.

Concerning on their efforts to maintain their existence in the family, the

selections of Conscientiousness and Agreeableness of these characters are to

avoid redudancies and time consuming, besides, these two traits are related to the

essence of the struggle for family existence.


The purpose of analyzing the characters’ personalities are due to their

personalities that Alcott portrays in Little Women which are particularly different

and those personalities intensively affect the essence of the story. This leads the

curiousity of the writer to deepen the knowledge in literature.

B. Research Question

Based on the background of study above, the writer would like to

formulate the problem into the following research question;

What are the personalities of the main character, Josephine March, and

other sub-characters including her mother and her sisters that are portrayed in

Little Women concerning on struggling for family existence?

C. Aim of Study

Based on the research question, this study aims at analyzing the

personalities of the main character, Josephine March, and other sub-characters

including her mother and her sisters concerning on their struggles for family

existence presented in the novel.


D. Significances of the Study

This study is expected to be beneficial for further study and enrich the

literary works, especially for the next writer who is interested to analyze the same

type of literary work (novel). Besides, it is also hoped to be beneficial for readers

who want to know personality of all characters in details as shown in the novel.

Moreover, studies on Big Five Theory are still rarely found, therefore, it improves

amount of literature on this theory.

E. Scope and Limitation of Study

This study is limited and only focused on analyzing the personality of

Josephine March as one of the main characters and other sub-characters (her

family) in struggling for family existence as portrayed in Little Women. All the

characters will be analyzed in accordance with the above theme, in which Alcott

presented intrinsicly and extrinsicly in her novel based on the concept of “The Big

Five Personality Theory” proposed by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae (1990).

F. Terminology

a. Character

Janovsky (2003) defines character as any living and non-living thing in

which interpreted in literary work.


According to Robert (1993, p.20) as cited in Napitupulu (2010, p.8),

characters are as creatures with moral qualities and nature contained in dramatic

as well as narrative works interpreted by the reader through what is said and done.

Gill (1995) states that “Character is someone who has some sort of

identities which are made up by appearance, conversation, action, name, and

possibly thoughts going in the head.”

From the definitions provided above, it can be concluded that character

has two meanings that are, first, character can be defined as the representation of

fictional things created by human more spesifically written by an author. Second,

character can be defined as the nature of human being that influences their

behavior and mind. In this writing, the term character refers to the former

definition, where it is defined as a fictional role found in a literary works.

Meanwhile, character as a nature of human being is referred as personality,

which is defined in the following subtopic.

b. Personality

Uher (2017) defines personality as a broad sense of human’s characteristic

pattern of behaviors included to thoughts, feelings, and motivation.

Fromm (1947, p.50) defined personality as “the totality of inherited and

acquired psychic qualities which are characteristic of one individual and which

make the individual unique.”


In short, Personality is defined as the complex set of unique psychological

qualities that influence an individual’s characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling,

acting, and behaving, across time and across situation.

c. Family

Binh (2012, p.173) states the family as “ home where people are raised,

taken care of, educated and mature. It is in the families that people absorb life

experience, moral and cultural standards of societies.”

Engels (1884, p.18) as cited inMorgan (n.d, p.444) stated that family

brings lower progress toward higher progress due to the progress of the rising

society, therefore the family is regarded as an operative principle.

Hence, the family is a place for fulfillment of certain basic functions

which are crucial for human survival.



A. Literary Characters

Basically, one of the important elements of the novel is character. Besides,

there are plot, setting, point of view and theme as well. In terms of defining what

character is, the concept of character is a quite problematic term sometimes.

Characters are generally divided into two meanings. Characters can be referred to

fictional character, but characters can also be referred to individual’s character.

Individual’s character here means that person’s collection of character traits, and

these can be defined as relatively stable dispositions to think, feel, and behave in

certain ways in certain situations (Webber, 2006, p.95). This character can be

referred to one of psychological parts.

In other definitions, the term character has a wide number of definitions in

literature, it generally tends to be considered as imaginary human beings. Another

common definition of literary characters is a person who is somehow present in

the story. It is referred to the study that will be discussed.

Literary character is one of the most essential elements in fiction

channeling the plot of the story. It has become a dogma of modern theory that

literary characters do not belong to the real world in which people have internal

motivations but to a fictional world in which everything they are and do is part of


a larger structure whose logic is determined by purely artistic considerations

(Paris, 1997, p.5).

Martin (2004) defines characters as ‘credible’, ‘real’, and ‘consistent’.

Vidhya and Arjunan (2015, p.77), they also define a broad definition of characters

as what characters are related to their nature and function, they are classified into

different kinds that are “round” and “flat”, a round character is a dynamic

character which makes the story more alive, unlike a round character, a flat

character is known by its certain characteristic and never raises like round


Intrinsically, characters are useful tool to create a narrative story. The

importance of character claimed by Weststeijn (2004, p.55), he states that, “ there

have been periods in the history of literature when the existence of character as a

single entity was not only taken for granted, but also played a prominent part.”

Besides, characters make a play active, interesting and consistent and it

should execute the speculated movement within the dramatic timing (Vidhya and

Arjunan, 2015, p.77). Hence, character is considered as a purely functional

component that determines the essence and level of the story.

To see how the characters portrayed in the novel, an article proposed by

Migrant Education Program Consortium Incentive (2012, p.1) suggests that they

can be analyzed from different aspects, which are ;

1. Appearance : What does the character look like ?

2. Actions : What does the character do? What do those actions tell about

the type of person the character is?


3. Words : What does the character say?

4. Feelings : What does the character feels?

There are many ways to describe and interpret someone’s characters in a

story, some common methods that people generally use are through dialogue,

appearance, thoughts, behaviour, and other people’s comments or opinions.

Candlers (2012, p.8) divides several clues of character traits, as follow :

1. Action Clues

The utterance of these character traits are through the actions and reactions

of the character.

Example : Standing up to a bully shows courage.

2. Verbal Clues

These character traits are uttered by what the character says and how the

words are conveyed.

Example : A character who yells, “ No! We’re going to do it my way! “ it

might be considered bossy.

3. Other Clues

These character traits can be analyzed by some other clues like physical

appearance, the way the character dresses, his or her interests and hobbies,

and where he or she lives, and etc.

Example : A tiny girl who wears frilly dresses might be considered dainty.

Candler (2012) also divides a number of examples of character traits such

as adventurous, bossy, brave, careless, cautious, clumsy, loving, honest, loyal,


messy, imaginative, obedient, selfish, spoiled, shy, stubborn, helpful, happy, hard-

working, and so on.

In addition, there are some other types of characters in a story which have

a function to strengthen the plot of the story and make the story seems more alive.

Bernardo (2012, p.1) defines several types of characters as follow;

a. Major or central : where the plot and the resolution of conflict turn around

those characters.

b. Minor character : as a complement of major characters and help move the

plot of the story forward

c. Dynamic : refers to a person who changes overtime.

d. Static : refers to a person who does not change overtime.

e. Round : refers to anyone who has a complex personality who is often

ilustrated as a conflicted person.

f. Flat : the opposite of round character.

g. Protagonist : refers to the main character of the story, and is generally

categorized as a central person in the story who is confronted with a

conflict that has to be resolved.

h. Antagonist : refers to the character who represents the opposite against the


i. Anti-Hero : a major character (usually protagonist), who lacks

conventional nobility of mind and struggles for values not deemed

universally admirable.

j. Foil : any character as an important supporting character usually the

antagonist whose personal qualities contrast with other characters.

k. Symbolic : a major or minor character that his/her existence or role mostly

exemplifies some major aspects of society.

l. Stock : a character who has turned into an acceptance through repeatedly

used in particular types of stories.

B. Personality

Human are not born as a person. At birth they are an infant who were born

with the potentiality of becoming a person. After birth they asociate themselves

with other human beings and come under the influnces of their own culture. As a

result of many experiences that they have during the association process with

others and getting social influences, they become a person and come to possess a


Futhermore, they, of course, can perceive that people act, behave, and

appear differently in that way. Thus, when we talk about personality they usually

refer to the totality or the whole of the person.

The word “personality” has been differed by a number of psychologists

until recent time. Most of them agree that the word “personality” originated from

the Latin word persona, which referred to a theatrical mask worn by Roman

actors in Greek dramas. The using of the mask (persona) by the ancient Roman

actors was to venture a role or fake appearance. This outward view of personality

is correctly not an acceptable definition. The term “personality” used by

psychologists can be reffered to something more than the role person plays.

One of personality psychologists, Gordon Allport (1961, p.28) as cited in

McLeod (2017) defines personality as “ the dynamic organization within the

individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristical

behavior and thought.” Feist and Feist (2009, p.129) also define personality as

“the study of the uniqueness of each person, it is relevant to any person and any

place.” In the other side, Mayer (2007, p.1) defines personality as ”a system of

parts that is organized, developed, and expressed in a person’s actions”. He also

agrees that, from most of all definitions, personality has a common view that

personality is a psychological system, composed of a group of parts, that interacts,

develops, and impacts a person’s behavioral expression.

Apart from the definition of personality, Freud (1856/1939) as cited in

Boeree (2006) in his psychoanalytic theory, assumes that personality is governed

by unconscious forces that we cannot control, childhood experiences play a

significant role in determining adult personality, and personality is shaped by the

manner in which children cope with sexual urges.

Boeree (2006) also reports several structures of personality from Freud

(1856/1939), he states that personality is divided into three structures;

1. The Id, it is “the primitive, instinctive component of personality that is

operated according to the pleasure principle.”


2. The Ego, it is “the decision-making component of personality that is

operated according to the reality principle.”

3. The Superego, it is “the moral component of personality that incorporates

social standards about what represents right and wrong.”

He also discovered that (who’s) mind is like an iceberg and we have

limited conscious awareness. Freud (1936) proposed that psychological forces

operate at three levels of awareness;

1. Conscious Level; The thoughts, feelings, and sensations that one is aware

of at the present moment.

2. Preconscious Level; It contains information of which one is not currently

aware, however, they can easily enter conscious mind.

3. Unconscious Level; It consist of thoughts, feelings, wishes, drives etc. of

which we are not aware of. However, it influences our conscious level of


a. Factors Determining Personality

Personality is shaped by biological as well as social factors and it is not

determined by a single factor. Based on Social Guide (2018), one of websites that

discusses about personality determinants, the author of the website assumes that

personality is resulted from the combination of four factors which are physical

environment, heredity, culture, and particular experiences. Besides, the author

also suggests that personality is also determined by particular and unique


experiences. There are two types of experiences: one, those that grow suddenly

and are not potentially getting back; and second, those that appear from continous

association with one’s group.

According to Meer (2017), he compiles some sorts of the most influential

factors that determine personality as follow;

1. Brain

Almost the same type of brain stimulation is adopted by between father

and the child, later its differences may result from the environment in

which the child grows up.

2. Physical Characteristics

An individual’s physical characteristic is one of the most important factors

determining personality. Those factors play a vital role in determining

someone’s behavior in social organization. Those physical characteristics

include height, skin tone, weight, hair color, and beauty. It’s all influence

interactions with other people as well as personality development.

3. Social Experiences

Memories and things that happened around a person on a regular basis

determine how the person will behave and perceive themselves. He also

points out that a person’s social experiences affect cooperation,

coordination, involvement in communities, workplaces relationships,

family relationships, and organizational relationships.


4. Culture and Religion

The culture in which a person lives almost generally involves traditional

practices, norms, customs, procedures, rules and regulations, precedents,

and values which highly influence the personality.

5. Heredity

It turns out that perhaps heredity is the most surprising and impressive

personality determinant, for mostly all other determinants, for instances,

physical characteristics, gender, psychology, and many more, are passed

down through genes.

Kuravatti and Malipatil (2017, p.608) also point out that intelligence, sex

difference, and nervous system are the factors affecting personality development.

They believe that intelligence can make a person better at adjustment in home,

school, and society than those who are less intelligent. Besides, sex difference can

also be a vital role in individual’s personality development. Boys are generally

more assertive and vigorous, but girls are quiet and more injured by personal,

emotional, and social problems. Then, nervous system is also part of personality


b. Types of Personality

Some attempts have been made to classify personality into types.

According to Mohita (2017), in the 5th century B.C. the Greek physician

Hipocrates divides human beings into four types that are; the sanguine, the

melancholic, the choleric, and the phlegmatic. Besides, A Swiss psychoanalyst

Carl Gustac Jung (1921) as cited in Feist and Feist (2009, p.122) divided two

main types of personality, as follow:

1. Introversion

Introversionis the turning inward of psychic energywith an orientation

toward the subjective. Introverts are tuned in to their inner world with all its

biases, fantasies, dreams, and individualized perceptions. These people perceive

the external world, of course, but they do so selectively and with their own

subjective view.

2. Extroversion

In contrast to introversion, extraversionis the attitude distinguished by the

turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward the

objective and away from the subjective. Extraverts are more influenced by their

surroundings than by their inner world. They tend to focus on the objective

attitude while suppressing the subjective.

Meanwhile, Mohita (2017) states that there are three types of personality

which are introvert, extrovert, and ambivert. She argues that ambivert is whom are

neither the one nor the other but vacillate between the two. She also points out

that the majority of people are ambiverts.


C. The Big Five Personality Theory

Each of us interacts and communicates with other people even in the broad

area of societies. However, apart from unity of course, we can find the diversities

on their appearance and behavior. As human being, people certainly show a

specific pattern of acting, thinking, and feeling. Thus, it has attracted people,

especially psychologists who demand to know a personality of each person which

ultimately constructs some new theories about personality.

More importantly, there are some perspectives from psychology experts,

they argue that character and personality have different time to puzzle out and

there are distinct differences between these two words and their meanings. As

what Lickerman (2011) argues that personality is easy to read instead of character

that takes longer time to be figured out, people can read a person’s personality

such as funny, lazy, and so on while they are interacting with each other.

However, character is more specific and sometimes it appears in uncommon

circumstances such as kindness and honesty.

Relatively, character traits as compete with personality traits is based on

beliefs. On the other hand, Bell (2010) defines character and personality as “A set

of behavior traits that defines what type of person you are” while personality is

defined as “the traits with which you were born.”

In summary, personality is inborn, sedentary and influenced by heredity

while character is formed and designed due to the learning of values and beliefs,

more specifically, character is developed by itself through a person’s relationship

with the others nearby and supported by the circumstances he/she lives.

As human beings, people certainly build a connection in community as

well. Therefore, we need to know people in person at aims to meet the purposes of

life. Hence, this problem can cause humans as critical beings, it means that people

not only know about themselves but also know about others.

The most influential personality research over the past few decades is

indicated to the five basic personality traits that are posed by Costa and McCrae

(1990) as cited by Pervin and John (1999). This personality traits model is known

as “The Big Five”. The Big Five Personality or Five Factor Model (FFM) is

divided into a set of five broad dimensions which is well-known by the acronym

OCEAN (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,

Agreeableness, and Neuroticism). This personality traits are used to measure those

five dimensions in someone’s personality.

Costa and McCrae (2003) define that ”Personality traits are typically

defined as descriptions of people in terms of relatively stable patterns of behavior,

thoughts, and emotions.” Then, McAdams and Pals (2006, p.204) as cited in

DeYoung (2014) strengthen the purpose of personality traits is also provided in

various objectives, for instance, “The mission of personality psychology is to

provide an integrative framework for understanding the whole person.”


The big five personality theory has been widely used in many cases. This

personality theory was firstly proposed by Lewis R. Goldberg (1960s) and

confirmed valid by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae (1992).

Substantially, the measurement of many personality traits have been

studied and tested by numerous researchers. Allport (1897, as cited in Boeree,

2006) believes that opportunistic functioning is a tendency to satisfy the needs of

biological survival in which something is capable of motivating people, but it is

rather unimportant for understanding most of human behavior. His functional

definition became a developmental theory, it has seven functions that tend to rise

at certain time in person’s life, that are sense of body, self-identity, self-esteem,

self-extension, self-image, rational coping, and propriate striving.

Meanwhile, Freud (1961), in his Psychoanalytic theory believes that the

most primitive parts of the human mind consists of three levels : Id, Ego, and

Superego. Feist and Feist (2012) define the Big Five Personality Theory as one of

the personalities that can predict and explain behavior, this is the approach that is

used in psychology to see the personality that has been formed by using factor

analysis. The five traits are divided into extraversion, agreeableness,

conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experiences.

The history of personality research intrinsically has been laid out

approximately into seven periods (Ackerman, 2017). These five factors are

actually identified by Lewis R. Goldberg (1981) as the most prominent researcher

in the field of personality psychology, but these five model factors have been

entrenched by Costa and McCrae as the renowned personality researcher.


The “ Big Five “ or the five-factor model of personality has been applied

in several countries and even cultures around the world due to a valid and reliable

assessment scale for measuring the five factors, hence this “Big Five” is the most

popular personality framework (Ackerman, 2017).

Wiggins (1996, p.40) assumed that “McCrae and John (1992) have

advocated labeling the five factors by their initials (E, A, C, N,and O) because of

the easy interpretability and high mnemonic value of letters as compared to

numbers. This suggestion could lead others to assume that the Big Five are equal

in importance and replicability.” Then, he also added that The Big Five model

does not define any limits for personality research. Rather, the research leading to

the Big Five structure simply constitutes a body of findings too powerful and

crucial to be ignored by anyone who seeks to understand human personality.

1. Openness to Experience

Openness indicates a person who is imaginative, creative, and artistic. The

word openness refers to the ability to tolerance, the capacity of reserving

information and focus. Openness to experience has been exemplified as the

intensity and complexity of a personal’s experiences and mental life (John &

Srivastava, 1999). “Openness to experience concerns an individual’s willingness

to try to new things, to be vulnerable, and the ability to think outside the box”

(Ackerman, 2017).

Pytlik Zillig, Hemenover, and Dienstbier (2002) found that openness to

experience had a consistently strong cognitive component, and emotional stability

had a strong affective component.

Common traits related to openness to experience recreated from John and

Srivastava (1999), include :

- Ideas (curious) - Fantasy (imaginative)

- Aesthetics (artistic) - Actions (wide interests)

- Feelings (excitable) - Values (unconventional)

2. Conscientiousness

Conscientiousness is related to the ability to focus on goals and about

achieving those goals. Traits within the conscientiousness factor according to

Ackerman (2017) include :

- Persistent - Ambitious - Thorough - Self-disciplined

- Consistent - Predictable - Controlled - Reliable

- Resourceful - Energetic - Persevering - Planner -Hard working

According to Ackerman, people with conscientiousness are capable of

working within the rules, effective in planning and organizing their works, and

win in their ability to suspend satisfaction.


3. Extraversion

Extraversion is a trait that is associated with easily visible characters or

not. Extraversion-Introversion is a continuum of a single trait, with extraverts

being talkative, outgoing, impulsive and uninhibited with many social contacts

and being frequently involved in group activities while introverts are described as

quiet, introspective, retiring, and not very socially active (Riggio & Riggio, 2002).

In addition, Introverts tend to acquire more depression from interacting with

others than do extroverts (Srivastava, Angelo, & Vallereux, 2008).

Traits within the extraversion factor according to Wilt and Revelle (2008);

- Active - Assertive - Energetic - Quiet (-) - Reserved (-)

- Enthusiastic - Outgoing - Talkactive - Silent (-) - Shy (-)

4. Agreeableness

Agreeableness is a trait that is closely related to altruism. This trait

indicates a person who is friendly, humble, easy to budge, and avoiding conflict.

Agreeableness is a major dimension of inter-individual dispositional variation that

propound in the five factor model of personality, a person with high agreeableness

is connected with friendliness, warmth, altruism, and willingness to help each

other that considered as a high prediction of harmonis relationship, in negative, a

person with low agreeableness is connected with interpersonal arguments, anger

and aggression (Nettle & Liddle, 2008). This factor concerns of how well people

get along with society .


Ackerman (2017) divide this traits, as follow :

- Altruistic - Trusting - Modest - Humble - Patient

- Moderate - Tactful - Polite - Kind - Loyal

- Unselfish - Helpful - Sensitive - Amiable - Cheerful

- Considerate

She argues that, people with high agreeableness are likely to have few

enemies, being respected, and have sensitive personality to the needs of others. In

contrast, people with low agreeableness tend to be less trusted and avoided by


5. Neuroticism

Neuroticism indicates the individuals who have emotionally labile,

anxious, maladjusted, sentimental, and having difficulties in controlling emotions

that extensively lead to the influence and control of emotions that refers to the

form of somatic symptoms, a person with low neuroticism can be characterized as

emotionally stable, non-anxious, and confident (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1968) as

cited in (Riggio & Riggio, 2002, p.200).

Ackerman (2017), points out some traits that are generally associated with

neuroticism, as follow :

- Awkward - Pessimistic - Moody - Jealous - Testy

- Fearful - Nervous - Anxious - Timid - Wary

- Self-critical - Unconfident - Insecure - Unstable - Oversensitive


D. Family

Family is described to be universal because the function is more than

societies outside the family itself such as educational organization, economy,

religion communities which focus in one side of thing, however family can cover

up those all sides. The importance of family is massive in life. Family is a place

where we begin our life and is the greatest supporter in life. Besides, family has

many responsibilities for life such as taking care of each other, trust, loving, and

many more.

As what DeFrain, Brand, Friesen, and Swanson (2008) quoted from David

R. Mace (n.d), one of a pioneer in the field of marriage and family enrichment

says that “Nothing in the world could make human life happier than to greatly

increase the number of strong families.” From that statement, the writer can

assume that the existence of family has a huge impact for the necessity of

human’s life.

However, there are also some rules that generally must be obeyed by the

family members. Those rules are made up for the sake of maintaining good

relationship among the members and it is for the sake of defending the existence

of family itself as well.

The meaning of family is various because the definition has been

described by many experts who conduct the study about social field. How people

define it sometimes might be crossly-debated because people have different

perceptions of defining family.


Elliot and Gray (2010, p.6) as cited in Abdul (2014, p.81) argues that “The

family is not necessarily, or even essentially, a biological unit. He claims that it is

a social construct. The ‘myth’ of biological relations has been used inarguments

about property and inheritance but has little relation to the way people operate in

terms of families.” On the other hand, it is in the family people learn and take in

life experiences, understand the societal norms and cultures, because family is a

home where people are raised, educated, taken care of and grown up (Binh, 2012,


1. Characteristic of Family

Family is believed as human most intimate social environment. Families

teach their members, more specifically their children in aspect of how to build a

social relationship in wider communities and to get involved in it as well as how

to survive and thrive in the world.

According to Carribean Examinations Council (2009, p.157), it classifies

that, there are several characteristics of family which can be concluded as follows:

a. Universality: There is no single society that the functions for the

individuals can work concurrently such as the economic, biological, social

as well as psychological which performed sistematically and efficiently

like family does. Thus, family is considered as universal because there is

no single society in this world where family cannot be found.


b. Emotional Basis: The members of family have an unconditional love to

one another, they even sacrifice themselves to protect and share love, this

leads to the family members who emotionally bound to each other.

c. Limited Size: Family is a small group where its membership is restricted

to those who are related by either blood ties or marriage.

d. Nuclear Position in Social Structure: To all social groupings, family is

behold as basic, nuclear, or fundamental.

e. Social Regulations: Family is directed accordingly to social norms and

trained to follow the rule of customs and norms in socialization process.

Their inter-relationships and interactions are guided under social and legal


f. Its Permanent and Temporary Nature: The family institution is universal

and everlasting. However, an individual family lasts after the marriage

occurs and the new family conserved new name and tradition.

DeFrain, Brand, Friesen, and Swanson (2008) argue that there are many

obstacles faced by every family, one of its parts is in building family-friendly

communities and also building marriage-friendly communities at the same time.

They also agree that, the involvement between both sides either father and mother

or husband and wife, it is better to build the balancing in running their household,

for instance; a father should get involve in children’s and family’s day-to-day life

and a mother should not have to carry all the burdens of childrearing alone.

Family life can be very joyful or even grueling pain, it is depending upon how

well family relationships are going.

2. The Function of Family

Basically, family is a primary pattern in society where its pattern began

from two person who maintain a forceful bond continue with family inheritance.

Family day to day life has a number of functions which applied indirectly, but

these functions are being heredity and ingrained in cycle.

It is important to teach the family members, especially children to

understand the various structures of families and make them realize that different

families may have different problems, needs, strengths and values (Morgan and

Edwards, 2012).

Macvay (n.d, p.30) divided three parts of family function, as follow;

a. To Raise Children Responsibly; It is crucial that parents not only bear

children but also feed, clothe, and shelter them during their growth period.

Furthermore, the family properly needs a member who is trained in the

ways of culture and trustworthy member of the group, all of these require

that children be responsibly raised. A related family function also

responsible for controlling and educating their children about several

reasons to take control of sexual activity in recent, the parents need to

socialize their children.

b. To Provide Economic Support; Every member of a family is virtually care

for one another in additional to practical side, for instance, nursing during

illness. This engages the family in activities aimed at providing such a

practical needs, pooling resources, and making decisions together. Thus, in

assisting one another economically, family members create some sense of

material security.

c. To Give Emotional Security; Naturally, family is a place where a person

may be himself/herself, even the worst self of him/her. Eventhough,

family sometimes cannot solve all of the member’s longings for

companionship, affection, and intimacy, but a family as a source of

emotional security and it bounds intimate relationship that occasionally

offers important emotional support to children and adults.

3. Family as a System

Basically, a family is considered as a system because generally every

family has their own derivatives and objectives. Moreover, its reflect the same

behavior indirectly and need each other as well. This consideration also

strengthened by Morgaine (2001) who mentions out the components of family

system theory into five classifications which are; 1) Having interrelated elements

and structure; 2) Interacting in patterns; 3) Having boundaries and can be viewed

on a continuum from open to closed; 4) Having subsystems; 5) Using messages

and rules to shape members.

1) Having interrelated elements and structure. The elements here mean

the members of the family with each element has the characteristics

that have relationships in between. Then, it is in those relationships

have their own functions related to interconnected manner.

2) Interacting in patterns here means there is a repetition cycle of

interaction patterns that predictably appears in family system which

helps to maintain the family’s composure and gives an indication about

how they should functions.

3) Having boundaries and can be viewed on a continuum from open to

closed means. A family is considered “open” if the family is accessible

and has an obscure boundaries that allow the external elements and

situations influence it, where the closed boundary systems isolates its

members from external elements. Thus, there is no family system that

is fully open nor closed.

4) Having subsystems contain a number of small groups usually consisted

of 2-3 people and their relationships are known as subsystems,

coalitions or alliances that have their own rules and unique


5) Using messages and rules to shape members. Messages and rules are

considered as relationships agreements that decide and bound a family

member’s behavior.

E. Brief Description of the Novel

Little Women (1868) is one of the most successful novels written by a

classical author namely Louisa May Alcott. The novel was basically published

into two volumes, the first volume is Little Women, also known as Meg, Jo, Beth,

and Amy which was published in October 1868 and second volume is Part Second

or Good Wives (the title mostly known in England) published in April 1869.

The story of the novel Little Women (part 1) tells about a family who lives

in New England during Civil War in Concord, Massachusetts. March’s family has

four young children namely Margaret March (as Meg), Josephine March (as Jo),

Elizabeth March (as Beth), and Amy March (as Amy) who grew up with a

grateful mother, Mrs. March (called as Marmee).

They were born as a rich family, but one time has fallen on poor and

having hard times. They are taught to be a faithful person and build a good

relation with the society, and love each other. Together they live with their mother

and their bestfriend, old Hannah (an old servant) who stays with them since Meg

was born.

Meanwhile, their father off to Civil War as a chaplain and had suffered

the illness (pneumonia) while he stayed there. Both of the elder Meg and Jo work

outside the house to earn money in order to support the family.

The author illustrates a strong and a kind mother Mrs. March and four

young women who have significantly different attitudes. lovely Meg, talented and

tomboyish Jo, frail and shy Beth, and spoiled Amy. The fourth sisters are

struggling hard to reach their dreams, even they have to pass the ups and downs.

The novel also implies the vary of circumstances, such as lovestory, dreams,

desires, plays, letters, illnesses, marriage and lost.

Together the fourth sisters uplift their attitudes while their father has gone,

they want to make him proud of them when he returns. Jo takes the responsibility

to her family as long as their father cannot be there for them. They are accustomed

themselves to decrease their emotions, help each other, and keep mantaining good

family circumstances.

At the end of the story, the joys come close upon the sorrows and sacrifies

they have passed. Jo have reached one of her dreams and took the first step toward

a good writer, Amy continued her willingness to be an actrees and improved her

ability in sketching, Meg get married with a gentle man also as the March’s

friend, and Beth lives to keep warm and cheer up the family circumstances as well

as keep improving her ability in playing piano and to be a musician someday after

she had passed Scarlet Fever that made her almost die.


A. Research Design

Research methods in education helps writers in evaluating research

literature as well as mastering research methodology, that is why each scientific

writing must have a certain kind of method to analyze some sorts of study.

In conducting this study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method to

analyze the novel in details, including to understand the text and dialogue as well

as to identify the meaning of the text and dialogue related to the characters that are

portrayed in the novel. Sandelowski (2000) notes that, “in doing such descriptive

qualitative studies, researchers tend not to penetrate their data in any interpretive

depth. These studies present comprehensive summaries of a phenomenon or of


The terms of descriptive qualitative are various. According to Lambert and

Lambert (2012, p.255), “The goal of qualitative descriptive studies is a

comprehensive summarization, in everyday terms, of specificevents experienced

by individuals or groups of individuals.” Similarly, Patton and Cochran (2002,

p.2) note that the characteristic of qualitative research is at its aims that refer to

the understanding of the aspect of social life in which the methods are generally

tend to produce words instead of numbers as data for analysis.


The reason why the writer chooses to use descriptive qualitative approach

is because the writer wants to describe each characters’ personality that highly

affects the story through what they say, appear, do and feel which the author

portrayed in Little Women in detail explanation.

B. Material of Analysis

In this study, the source of the data is the novel itself, Little Women (part

1) written by Louisa May Alcott in1868, published by The Penguin Group.

C. Data Collection Procedure

In this study, the writer uses the novel as the primary resource. The novel

that is used in conducting this study is Little Women novel written by Louisa May

Alcott. Here, the writer only focuses on part 1.

To collect the data, the writer conducts this study through several steps,

that are:

1. Reading and understanding the story of the Little Women novel (part 1)

which contains 23 chapters and 217 pages.

2. and Finding the personality within the characters through the four factors

character analysis proposed by MigrantEducation Program Consortium

Incentive (2012), that are;

a. Appearance, which means how the author portrayed the characters in

physical appearance. For instances how they look like or how they dress

up in their daily life.


b. Actions, which refers to manners or something that they tend to do in daily

life. For instances, they habitual action and they works.

c. Words, which refers to what they say and their conversation to one another

d. Feelings, which means how the author described their feelings in their

circumstances based on the author point of view.

3. Identifying the characters through the concepts of The Big Five

personality traits theory by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae (1990) as well

as correlate the character’s personality with the Big Five traits. Here, the

writer only focuses on analyzing two of the five traits that are

Conscientiousness and Agreeableness in order to avoid redudancies and

time boundaries. Besides, the selection of these two traits has a close

relation to the essence of the story that is the struggle for family existence.

D. Data Analysis

The data would be analyzed by using the following steps:

1. Reading and understanding the story in detail.

2. Identifying the personality of each the main character (Jo, Meg, Beth,

Amy and Mother) by using the four factor character analysis by Migrant

Education Program Consortium Incentive (2012) which focuses on

character’s Appearance, Words, Feelings, and Actions.


3. Identifying as well as describing the correlation between the data analysis

by using the concept of “The Big Five Personality Theory” by Paul Costa

and Robert McCrae (1990).

4. Drawing Conclusion.


A. Result

As stated in the first chapter, this writing focuses on five characters of the

novel who are the main characters named Josephine March and other sub-

characters that are Josephine’s sisters: Margaret March (the first sister), Elizabeth

March (the second sister), Amy March (the fourth sister), and Mrs. March (

Josephine’s Mother ). All of them are main family.

This character analysis aims at figuring out how they struggling for their

family existence and what efforts maintaining their life including their existence

to help each other that are implied dominantly in the novel. To know the

personality of these characters, the writer analyzed the characters based on four

factors. All of the four factors analysis are emphasized by their struggle for their

family existence.

Therefore, to simplify the scope of this study, the writer gave some

limitation to avoid redundancies and time boundaries. In other words, the author

only focuses on the two dimensional characteristics of The Big Five personality

traits, that are Conscientiousness and Agreeableness because the two dimensions

of the character related to "family existence". After the writer read the novel,

understood sentence by sentence in detail, then analyzed the data based on four

factors character analysis as well as identified it with two traits dimension of The


Big Five personality traits that are Conscientiousness and Agreeableness, the

writer found the result, as follow:

1.1 Table Conscientiousness and Agreeableness of Josephine March

Page Corpus Four Explanation Big 5

/Cha Factors Personality
-pter Analysis Theory
p.5/ “..Round shoulders - Accepting
chap. had Jo, big hands her own
1 and feet, a flyway Appearance imperfection
look to her clothes,
and the
-Live her life
appearance of a girl
who was rapidly
shooting up into a
woman and didn’t
like it.”

p.33/ “Well, we can’t have -Never

chap. it, so don’t let us complained
4 grumble but Words Agreeableness
shoulder our bundles -Encouraged (Patient)
and trudge along as her sisters and
cheerfully as herself
Marmee does.”

p.15 “ I hadn’t the least -She tried hard

1/cha idea of selling my to help her
p. 15 hair at first, but as I mother to earn Agreeableness
went along I kept money (Altruistic)
thinking what I could Action
do, and feeling as if -She dared to
I’d like to dive into cut her hair as
some of the rich her own beauty
stores and help

p.14 “Jo’s breath gave -She felt

5/cha out here, and satisfied with
p. 14 wrapping her head her effort in Conscientiousne
in the paper, she writing -ss
bedewed her little

story with a few -Possessions (Hardworking)

natural tears; for to and
be independent and Feeling achievements
earn the praise of
those she loved were -She felt happy
the dearest wishes of that she can
her heart, and this support herself
seemed to be the first and her family
step toward that and also got
happy end.” praises from
her family and

1.2. Table Conscientiousness and Agreeableness of Mrs. March

Page Corpus Four Explanation Big 5

/Cha Factors Personality
-pter Analysis Theory
p.8/ “She was not -She never
chap. elegantly dressed, strived for
1 but a noble-looking Appearance herself to dress Agreeableness
woman, and the girls elegantly (Modest)
thought the gray
cloak and -Down to
unfashionable earth, wise,
bonnet covered the hardworker,
most splendid and religious
mother in the appeared from
world.” within herself

p.92/ “I want my -She is an

chap. daughters to be affectioned
9 beautiful, Words mother who Agreeableness
accomplished, and wished the (Considerate)
good; to be admired, good things
loved, and always
respected; to have a happened to
happy youth, to be her children
well and wisely

married, and to lead

useful, pleasant
lives, with as little
care and sorrow to
try them as God sees
fit to send,”

p.37/ “ Her mother was -Always cared Conscientiousne

chap. called to devote her and helped -ss
4 skill and energy to Action others first
Soldier’s Aid (Hardworking)

p.75/ “ I’ve been trying to -Accustomed

chap. cure it for forty herself to not
8 years, and have only complain and
succeeded in avoide
Feeling Agreeableness
controlling it. I am temptation
angry nearly every
day of my life, Jo, -Did not make
but i have learned the problems
not to show it; and i as an obstacle
still hope to learn to continue
not to feel it, though living
it may take me
another forty years
to do so.”

1.3. Table Conscientiousness and Agreeableness of Margaret March

Page Corpus Four Explanation Big 5

/Cha Factors Personality
p-ter Analysis Theory
p.79/ “ A pair of silk -She always
chap. stockings, that pretty eagered to
9 carved fan, and a Appearance dress elegantly Conscientiousne
lovely blue sash. I and sort of -ss
wanted the violet luxury (Ambitious)
silk, but there isn’t
time to make it over, -She always

so I must be herself of
contented with my having a fancy
old tarlatan” things

p.80/ “ I won’t be so silly -She often

chap. or hurt Marmee’s competed her
9 feelings, when she Words desire and the Agreeableness
took so much pains fact that she (Unselfish)
to get my things. It’s wasnot as rich
a nonsensical notion as before
of mine, and i’m not
going to give up to -She never
it. My silk stockings forced to
and two pairs of new change things
gloves are my in an instant
comfort. You are a and fulfilled all
dear to lend me her wishes.
yours, Jo. I feel so
rich and sort of

p.62- “ How much will -Never

63/ pay them off, and objected to
chap. restore your help her sisters
7 credit?” asked meg,
taking out her purse.
Action -Feeling of Agreeableness
showing care,
“Not much; you may love, and pity
have my share. to her sisters
Here’s the money.
Make it last as long
as you can, for it
-She taught her
isn’t very plenty, you
sister not to be
wasteful and
use money as
much as she

p.35/ ”Poor Meg seldom -Eventhough


chap. complained, but a Feeling she felt envy to Agreeableness

4 sense of injustice other’s live, (Patient)
made her feel bitter she never
toward everyone angered for
sometimes, for she herself
had not yet learned
to know how rich she -happiness and
was in the blessings possession
which alone can
make life happy.”

1.4. Table Conscientiousness and Agreeableness of Elizabeth March

Page Corpus Four Explanation Big 5

/Cha Factors Personality
p-ter Analysis Theory
p.35/ ”Elizabeth or Beth, -Although she
chap. as everyone called was shy,
4 her was a rosy, Appearance everyone who Agreeableness
smooth-haired, knew her (Humble)
bright-eyed girl of believed that
thirteen, with a shy she was lovely
manner, a timid and kind girl
voice, and a peaceful
expression which -Always calm
has seldom and rarely
disturbed. Her father asked for
called her “Little something
Tranquillity,” and
-Being loved
the name suited her
and protected
excellently, for she
by people
seemed to live in a
happy world of her
own, only venturing
out to meet the few
whom she trusted
and loved.”

p.13 “Mine is to stay at -She only

3/ home safe with wanted to stay
chap. Father and Mother, Words safe with her Conscientiousne
13 and help take care of family forever -ss

the family,” said -Home was a (Persistent)

Beth contentedly. place where
she could be

p.38/ “She sang like a -She never

chap. little lark about her stopped to
4 work, never was too Action make progress Conscientiousne
tired to play for in her music -ss
Marmee and the (Persistent)
girls, and day after -Did what she
day said hopefully to can do very
herself, “I know I’ll hard and
get my music some always
time, if I’m good”.” satisfied the

p.16 “Beth was very -Being strong Agreeableness

9/ patient, and bore her and
chap. pain Feeling independent (Patient)
18 uncomplainingly as
long as she could
control herself.”

1.5. Table Conscientiousness and Agreeableness of Amy March

Page Corpus Four Explanation Big 5

/Cha Factors Personality
p-ter Analysis Theory
p.6/ “.. A regular snow -excessively
maiden, with blue cares about her
chap. eyes, and yellow hair Appearance look Conscientiousne
1 curling on her -ss
shoulders, pale and -tends to be (Ambitious)
slender, and always mature not in
carrying herself like time
a young lady mindful
of her manners.”

p.13 “ I have so many -She made her

3/ wishes, but the pet efforts in
chap. one is to be an artist, Words drawing Conscientiousne
13 and go to Rome, and -ss
do fine pictures, and -She was crazy (Ambitious)
be the best artist in about Rome
the whole world,” and things that
referred to art

p.18 “ In her first effort at -She wanted to

0/ being very, very make
chap. good, she decided to Action something Agreeableness
19 make her will, as right at least (Loyal)
Aunt March had once in her life
done, so that if she
did fall ill and die, -She wanted to
her possessions make her
might be justly and family loved
generously divided. her as what
It cost her a pang they loved
even to think of Beth
giving up the little
-She tried to be
treasures which in
loyal and
her eyes were as
unselfish sister
precious as the old
lady’s jewels.” -Possessions

p.17 ”But Amy was a -Although she

9/ young pilgrim, and felt so lonely,
chap. just now her burden Feeling but she never Agreeableness
18 seemed very heavy. complained (Cheerful)
She tried to forget about it and
herself, to keep did anything
cheerful, and be that could
satisfied with doing make her feel
right, though no one good
saw or praised her
for it.” -Independent
and sincere

B. Discussion

Based on the above results, the analyzing of the main characters'

personality that are Josephine March, Margaret March, Elizabeth March, Amy

March, as well as their Mother concerning on their struggle for family existence,

more specifically their efforts in maintaining their life through the use of four

factors character analysis proposed by Migrant Education Program Consortium

Incentive (2012) as well as identifying the characters through The Big 5

personality theory promoted by Costa and McCrae (1990), all their personalities

represented their own effort and existence in the family. the detail explanations

will be drawn in the following discussion.

1. Josephine March

Josephine March is the second sister in March family and also the main

character as Alcott portrayed in Little Women. She is known as Jo who is

ambitious, brave, high temper and compassionate girl. She has a strong

willingness to be a writer and to be able to travel to many countries that empower

her to struggle it. Jo’s character always makes people think that anything is

possible and anything is possible for woman (Neary, 2008). Jo is also considered

as the strongest daughter among her sisters and her father gave her responsibility

to take care of her family and not half-hearted calls her ‘son’.

a. Appearance

Based on the above result of the study that the writer found, Josephine is

described as a daughter whose manner is like a boy, she is inclined to behave


herself as a boy, dress up in unfeminime way, she prefers to wear boots rather

than girl’s slippers. She likes to speak in high volume and use slang. She has a

high temper and sarcastically feels that her creaturer created her as a girl that she

feels it is totally fault.

A brief explanation of Jo’s appearances portrayed by Alcott in page 5

chapter 1:

”Fifteen year old Jo was very tall, thin, brown and reminded one of a colt,
for she never seemed to know what to do with her long limbs, which were very
much in her way. She had a decided mouth, a comical nose, and sharp, gray eyes,
which appeared to see everything, and were by turns fierce, funny, or thoughtful.
Her long, thick hair was her one beauty, but it was usually bundled into a net, to
be out of her way. Round shoulders had Jo, big hands and feet, a flyway look to
her clothes, and the uncomfortable appearance of a girl who was rapidly shooting
up into a woman and didn’t like it.”
Similar to the above result, the author also described Jo’s ignorance about

her unfeminine look in page 23, chapter 3, as follow:

“ Mine are spoiled with lemonade, and I can’t get any new ones, so I shall
have to go without,” said Jo, who never troubled herself much about dress.
Furthermore, the writer assumed that the result is referred to one of the Big

Five traits that is Agreeableness which categorized into Modest.

According to King (2011), he argues that “forgiving” as the tendencies

which people have in high agreeableness. It indicates that eventhough Josephine

has a body which is inappropriate with her pretension, still she tried to forgive and

accepted her imperfection and she did not care about her look the way her dressed

up, for example, she never asked to have a beautiful dress and other fancy things.

b. Words

Basically, verbal or words is one of the ways to predict or analyze the

characters, it is the representative of someone’s mind that conveyed through

her/his mouth. As the writer found the result of Josephine’s words which

represent her personality especially for her struggle to maintain their life in page

33 chapter 4, the writer concluded that Josephine has one of the Big Five traits

that is Agreeableness which indicates Patient. According to Denissen and Penke

(2008), they argue that “Agreeableness as motivation to cooperate versus compete

when resources are scarce.”

Besides, the author also provided another example of Josephine’s words

that indicate her patient and effort to pursue her dreams as well as her sister,

Elizabeth’s dreams, as follow:

Page 132, Chapter 13

“I’m the one that will have to fight and work, and climb and wait, and
maybe never get in after all,”
“You’ll have me for company, if that’s any comfort. I shall have to do a
deal of traveling before I come in sight of your Celestial City. If I arrive late,
you’ll say a good word for me, won’t you, Beth?”
The dialogues above show that Jo encouraged her sister’s future ahead

with impulsive words by imagine their ‘Castle in the Air’ and she never used such

words that bring down her shy sister.


c. Action

Josephine or Jo is described as an active, extrovert, ambitious, brave, love

to do some experiments and merciful. She is also a hardworker and never gives up

to take care of her family as long as her father off to Civil War. In page 151

chapter 15, the writer found that Jo has a sort of The Big Five personality traits

that is Agreeableness that indicates Altruistic, which means “How well people get

along with others” Ackerman (2017). As what the author provided the whole story


Page 151, Chapter 15

“ Well, I was wild to do something for Father,” replied Jo.. “ I hate to
borrow as much as Mother does; if you ask for ninepence. Meg gave all her
quarterly salary toward the rent, and I only got some clothes with mine, so I felt
wicked, and was bound to have some money, if I sold the nose off my face to get
“ I hadn’t the least idea of selling my hair at first, but as I went along I
kept thinking what I could do, and feeling as if I’d like to dive into some of the
rich stores and help myself. In a barber’s window I saw tails of hair with the
prices marked, and one black tail, not so thick as mine, was forty dollars. It came
over me all of a sudden that I had one thing to make money out of, and without
stopping to think, I walked in, asked if they bought hair, and what they would give
for mine.”
“ Oh he was a little man who looked as if he merely lived to oil his hair.
He rather stared at first, as if he wasn’t used to having girls bounce into his shop
and ask him to buy their hair. He said he didn’t care about mine, it wasn’t the
fashionable color, and he never paid much for it in the first place; the work put
into it made it dear, and so on. It was getting late, and I was afraid if it wasn’t
done right away that I shouldn’t have it done at all, and you know when I start to
do a thing, I hate to give it up; so I begged him to take it, and told him why I was
in such a hurry. It was silly, I dare say, but it changed his mind, for I got rather
excited, and told the story in my topsy-turvy way, and his wife heard, and said so
kindly, ‘ Take it, Thomas, and oblige the young lady; I’d do as much for our
Jimmy any day if i had a spire of hair worth selling,’”

In that story told by Josephine, the writer concluded that the author

portrayed Josephine’s willingness to cut her hair as her prominant beauty in

reason for helping her mother to earn money and off to Washington due to serious

illness that her father suffered. She did it willingly without complaining about the


d. Feeling

In spite of feeling so vigorous about earning money to help her family, she

also feels so eager about achieving her dream to be a writer. She writes several

stories day by day untiredly. She does love to write and read many books, she also

spends her free time to read books as much as she could, she wastes her time in

uncle March’s old library or borrows Mr. Laurence’s books.

By the explanation above, the writer found the result supporting

Josephine’s feeling in the story, one of her feelings that the author described is in

page 145 chapter 14. Costa and McCrae (1988), as cited in Leduc, Feldman, and

Bardi (2015), they state that according to social standards, the proactive aspect of

conscientiousnessis related to motivation for success.

Based on the above result, the writer concluded that Jo’s feeling refers to

one of The Big Five Personality traits that is Conscientiousness which indicates

Hardworking. At the same time, the author also portrayed Jo’s hardworks in

writing which caused her feeling so great about her achievement. That effort was

illustrated in page 137, chapter 14:


”...Jo seated on the old sofa, writing busily, with her papers spread out
upon a trunk before her, while Scrabble, the pet rat, premonaded the beams
overhead, accompanied by his oldest son, a fine young fellow, who was evidently
very proud of his whiskers. Quite absorbed in her work, Jo scribbled away till the
last page was filled, when she signed her name with a flourish and threw down
her pen, exclaiming “There, I’ve done my best! If this won’t suit I shall have to
wait till I can do better.”
Summarizing the above results of Josephine March related to the struggle

for "family existence", she played the prominent role in the family. she exerted

herself to protect her family, for instance, she cut and sold her hair to help her

mother's departure to meet her father. Then, she always kept her sisters' spirits to

overcome their problems, and she never dreamed herself to live in rich sphere but

to be a successful writer.

2. Mrs. March

Mrs. March or known as Marmee is the mother of the four sisters. She is a

pleasant mother who supports and looks after her daughters alone through the

hard times of the Civil War because her husband’s departure to Washington. Mrs.

March is also claimed as “the most sympathetic character” in Little Women

(Laire, 2009, p.15). For the girls, she is a guidance and hope. She taught them to

live simply, pleasantly, socially, and religiously.

a. Appearance

Based on the above result that the writer found, it indicates that Mrs.

March is a noble-looking mother, dress simply and sociable. The description of

Mrs. March’s appearance is provided in page 8, chapter 1. From the result, the

writer concluded that Mrs. March has one of The Big Five personality traits, that

is Agreeableness which indicates Modest.

According to King (2011, p.9) a person who has high level of

Agreeableness tends to be “good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, and courteous.”

Another Mrs. March’s appearance of Agreeableness is also portrayed by the

author in page 55, chapter 6:

“But, after a while, they found that he considered them the benefactors,
and could not do enough to show how grateful he was for Mrs. March’s motherly
welcome, their cheerful society, and the comfort he took in that humble home of

Based on the corps, the author tells about Mrs. March’s personality of

sympathetic and friendly through Mr. Laurence’s point of view.

b. Words

Mrs. March known as a wise mother, she loves to speak dearly and she

always encourages her daughters by giving them some good preaches and some

motivational stories. As what the author portrayed in page 92, chapter 9, the writer

found the result that Mrs. March has a sort of The Big Five personality traits that

is Agreeableness which refers to Considerate.

In addition, the author also provided one of several conversations of Mrs.

March that empowers her daughters in page 110, chapter 11:

“Then let me advise you to take up your little burdens again, for though
they seem heavy sometimes, they are good for us, and lighten as we learn to carry
The reason why Mrs. March has a sort of consideration, because she

wished her daughters to be the happiest daughters and she hoped that their life

will ended by beautiful things. Nettle and Liddle (2008) note Agreeableness is

related to companionship, warmth, altruism, and compliance to others’ needs.

c. Action

Mrs. March or so called Marmee is a person who has a sort of sincerity.

Based on the above result that the writer found in page 37, chapter 4, the writer

concluded that Mrs. March has one of The Big Five personality traits that is

Conscientiousness that indicates Hardworking.

Bekkers (2005), as cited in Brown and Taylor (2015, p.4), in their

investigation of the association between personality traits and charitable behaviour

agree that openness, conscientiousness and extraversion are the traits that has a sort of


Not only helped her daughters to overcome every pitiful situation that they

faced, she also helped other people who needed helps. This personality is also

strengthen by the author in page 16, chapter 2:

“Mrs. March gave the mother tea and gruel, and comforted her with
promises of help, while she dressed the little baby as tenderly as if it had been her

d. Feeling

Mrs. March is described as a mother who is patience, wise, hardworking,

and rarely got angry. She also feels that her life is full of blesses such as having

four beautiful daughters as her most priceless treasure. Based on the above result

that the writer found in page 75, chapter 8, the writer concluded that Mrs. March

personality is related to Agreeableness, that is Patient. Larsen, Olsen, and


Emanouilov (2018) argue that parents who are agreeable more likely to give

support to their children, giving them a warm and safe environment to thrive on.

In spite of feeling so heavy about her situation, she prefered to choose to

feel her life as a blessedness rather than feel it as a burden. The author described

Mrs. March’s feeling of blessed as follow:

Page 41, Chapter 4

“ He spoke so cheerfully, looked so sincere, and seemed so glad to give his
all, that I was ashamed of myself. I’d given one man and thought it too much,
while he gave four without grudging them. I had all my girls to comfort me at
home, and his last son was waiting, miles away, to say good-by to him, perhaps! I
felt so rich, so happy, thinking of my blessings, that I made him a nice bundle,
gave him some money, and thanked him heartily for the lesson he had taught me.”

Based on the story of Mrs. March and her meeting with an old man in a

room, while at the same time she thought about their loneliness without

father/husband and she felt so anxious about him, she got a very blessed and

motivated story from the four sons of the old man which two of them were killed,

one was prisoned and the last one was dying. She felt so rich with her life despite

her hard life in Civil War, she still have complete children who stay beside her all

the times.

Summarizing the above results of Mrs. March related to the struggle for

"family existence", she played an important role in the family. She was described

as a noble-looking mother, patient, helpful and guidance for the daughters. she

worked hard to earn money to support her family while replacing her husband's

role, and the biggest hope in her life was to see herdaughters grow into good

people and have a happy life.

3. Margaret March

Margaret March or Meg is the first sister in the March family. She is a

sensible one among the girls, very matronly and maternal. She seems like mother

for the sisters who always thinks of appearances. She loves to lecture her sisters

and manage the house since her mother was absent to work. She longs for many

of the luxuries she can no longer enjoy (Elbert, 1984). Eventhough she doesn’t

need material things, but she often misses it. In the family, she is considered as the

most beautiful girl among the sisters.

a. Appearance

Margaret or Meg is described as a beautiful daughter, independent girl and

adores wearing fine dresses and nice things that remain out of reach as what the

author stated a brief description of Margaret March as follow:

Page 5, Chapter 1
“Margaret, the eldest of the four, was sixteen, and very pretty, being
plump and fair, with large eyes, plenty of soft, brown hair, and sweet mouth, and
white hands, of which she was rather vain.”
Beside having a beautiful appearance, Meg is also portrayed as a girl who

impressed with all luxurious things, and wished to had a pleasant life as before her

father went poor. One of her desires to dress elegantly is found by the writer in

page 79, chapter 9 as the result of Meg’s appearance.


Based on the above result, the writer concluded that Meg’s personality is

related to one of The Big Five Personality traits that is Conscientiousness which

indicates Ambitious because Meg debuted herself into high society and tried to

dress herself elegantly. John and Srivastava (1999) note that “Conscientiousness

is a trait that can be described as the tendency to control impulses and act in

socially acceptable ways.”

b. Words

Meg is described as girl who feels rewarded when she is able to please

anyone around her. She is contented to give lecture and act motherly to the girl.

Likewise, Meg is also known as an affectionate sister who looks after her sisters

in order to minimize her mother’s obligation.

Based on the above result that the writer found in page 80, chapter 9, the

writer concluded that one of Meg’s conversation indicates to one of The Big Five

Personality theory that is Agreeableness, which considered as Unselfish. The

reason why Meg’s words indicate to Agreeableness leads to her effort to dampen

her desire to have some ornaments that she wanted to wear.

Another example of Meg’s conversation that show her having unselfish

personality in page 125, chapter 12:

“I’m glad I live in it then. I don’t like my work, but I get a good deal of
satisfaction out of it after all, so I won’t complain; I only wish I liked teaching as
you do.”
Based on this conversation, the writer concluded that eventhough Meg

feels uninterested with her work, but she tries to enjoy it. According to Adler

(1938/1964) cited in Graziano and Eisenberg (1997), in their conceptualization of

agreeableness labeled that Agreeableness comes from successful resolution that

requires “social interest” in which consisted of such traits as cooperation and

empathy, selflessness, and identification with others.

c. Action

Meg is also known as a hardworking daughter in March family. When her

father lost his property in helping his unfortunate friend, Meg as the oldest as well

as her sister Josephine were begged to be allowed to do something to support their

family. She works as a governess for the Kings, who have two children.

Meg was portrayed as helpful sister, she devoted herself to help her sisters

whenever they need her help such the result that the writer found in page 62 to 63,

chapter 7, the writer argued that Meg has one of The Big Five Personality traits

that is Agreeableness which is considered as Helpful. De Jong, Van Eck, and Van

Bos (1994) argue that Agreebleness is required when the superior’s consideration

such as sociability and warmth is high.

In addition, the author also provided one of Meg’s action in page 151,

chapter 15:

“Meg gave all her quarterly salary toward the rent..”

Based on the conversation, Jo told her mother and sisters about Meg’s

effort to help her mother’s departure to Washington.


d. Feeling

Beside having many wishes such as having beautiful life like others, being

rich, and surrounding with fancy things and good people, Meg rarely complains

about her situation. She tries to deal with herself and never wants to give any

burden to her family, especially her mother.

Based on the above result that the writer found in page 35, chapter 4, the

writer concluded that Meg has one of The Big Five Personality traits that is

Agreeableness which considered as Patient.As what DeYoung (2014) notes that

Agreeableness as “the ability to empathize.”

Similar with the result in page 35, chapter 4, the author also portrayed one

of her biggest feeling of her family in the following part:

Page 169, Chapter 18

“Then it was that Margaret, sitting alone with tears dropping often on her
work, felt how rich she had been in things more precious than any luxuries money
could buy-in love, protection, peace, and health, the real blessings of life.”
Based on this description, the writer argued that although Meg’s

selfishness possessed her mind, but she always tries to make it disappears by

accustoming herself to live her life, earn money, and help her family instead of

gruelling with other’s life.

Summarizing the above results of Margaret March related to the struggle

for "family existence", she played an essential role in the family. In spite of

feeling so vigorous of having a luxurios life, she always learned to accept her

situations and never complained it. To support the economic, she worked outside

the house to earn money and helped her sisters to fulfill their needs.

4. Elizabeth March

Elizabeth March or Beth is the third sister in March family, she is known

as the sweet one, shy, introvert, warmth, supportive and considered as a

peacemaker. She chooses to study at home because she is too shy to attend the

public school. She likes to keep her house neat, helping their servant Hannah, and

loves to create happy circumstances around the house. She is also musically

inclined. Beth, the domestic, is “physically weak and painfully timid, even around

her own family” (Wester, 2005, p.9).

a. Appearance

Elizabeth is described as a modest girl, she never insults about anything.

Eventhough she has shy manner, people who know her will considere that she is

friendly. Besides, she never demands herself to dress beautiful and have any

luxurious things.

As the result that the writer found in page 35, chapter 4, the writer

concluded that Beth has a soothing personality, beautiful, warmth, and friendly.

Those personalities indicate that Beth has one of The Big Five Personality traits

that is Agreeableness which considered as Humble. Likewise, Agreeableness is a


human’s tendency to be cooperative and compassionate toward others (The

Personality Insights, 2018).

Her humble personality also portrayed by the author in page 170, chapter

18, when Beth got serius illness, everyone missed her in the following description:

“Laurie haunted the house like a restless ghost, and Mr. Laurence locked
the grand piano, because he could not bear to be reminded of the young neighbor
who used to make the twilight pleasant for him. Everyone missed Beth. The
milkman, baker, grocer, and butcher inquired how she did, poor Mrs. Hummel
came to beg pardon for her thoughtlessness and to get a shroud for Minna, the
neighbors sent all sorts of comforts and good wishes, and even those who knew
her best were surprised to find how many friends shy little Beth had made.”

Best on the story, the author described that Beth has humble personality

because she made so many friends without anyone knows it.

b. Words

In conversation, Beth is representated as a girl who always supports her

family no matter how the condition is. She tends to speak slowly and never get

angry with her sisters. She never makes plans for her future and never talks about

having any dreams, she feels comfortable with her own life, stay safe at home,

and expects her life to stay the same.

As the result that the writer found in page 133, chapter 13, the writer

concluded that Beth has one of The Big Personality traits that is

Conscientiousness which is classified to Persistent. According to an article titled

“Personality models” (2018), in its overview of Big Five personality models

mentions that Conscientiousness is a human’s tendency to act in an organized or

thoughtful way.

Beth never wants any changes to happen to her life, she is dependable with

her desire to make those people around her happy and is perfectly content with her

life as the author portrayed her conversation about dreams with her sisters and

their friend Laurie:

Page 133, chapter 13

“ Since I had my little piano, I am perfectly satisfied. I only wish we may

all keep well and be together, nothing else.”

c. Action

Beth is known as a helpful girl, she likes to help her sisters and neighbors,

and assembles her energy to carry out people she loves. Her biggest talent is

music, she loves to sing many songs, especially at night to cheer up the girls after

they went home.

As the result, the writer found in page 38, chapter 4, the author illustrated

Beth’s effort to play music for her family and herself. Based on the result, it

indicates that Beth has one of The Big Five Personality traits that is

Conscientiousness which categorized as Persistent.

”Conscientious individuals are clean and tidy, work hard, follow the rules

of society and social decorum, think before acting, and are organized.” (Jackson et

al., 2010)

d. Feeling

Elizabeth or Beth was described as a an introvert daughter among the

sisters. She puts her own feelings and emotions under the pressure and she rarely

told her feeling and sorrow because she never wants to make the girls worry about

her, thus she prefer to sob alone rather than sharing her sadness to her family.

That’s why it makes her as the dearest sister. Nevertheless, Beth has gratitude and

always feels satisfied of what she has.

As the result the writer found about Beth’s feeling in page 169, chapter 18,

it indicates that Beth’s has one of The Big Five Personality traits that is

Agreeableness which is considered as Patient.

The result indicates Beth’s feeling of patient is also portrayed by the

author in page 162, chapter 17, as follow:

“When her heart got heavy with with longings for Mother or fears for
Father, she went away into a certain closet, hid her face in the folds of a certain
dear old gown, and made her little moan and prayed her little prayer quietly by
herself. nobody knew what cheered her up after a sober fit, but everyone felt how
sweet and helpful Beth was, and fell into a way of going to her for comfort or
advice in their small affairs.”
Based on the description, it explains that Beth is patient with her feeling of

her parents, she choosed to pray for them rather than telling her sadness to her

sisters. As Nattle and Liddle (2008), they state that “Agreeableness largely

concerns the mental states of others.”

Summarizing the above results of Elizabeth March related to the struggle

for "family existence", she playeda very touching role in the family. She was

described as the most patience sister among others. She was a shy, beautiful,

humble, and friendly girl. Everyone who knows her will consider her as a

loveable person. She dedicated her life to keep safe her family and cheered them

up. She had a high willingness to master her skill in playing piano without telling

anyone about her hard works to pursue it. she was described as a daughter who

never wanted to burden anyone eventhough she suffered a serious illness.

5. Amy March

Amy Curtis March or Amy is the youngest of the March girls, she is

portrayed as the artistic and feminime one among the sisters. In the story, the

author described her as a spoiled girl and likes to throw tantrums which lead her

family strive to correct her bad manner before she grows old.

Amy has the same interest of luxuries, like Meg. She tends to make some

interest with her own appearance in which unsuitable her as someone who is so

young (Elbert, 1984). Her biggest pride is her beautiful hair but her biggest trial is

her nose because it looks rather flat than aristocratic point she wanted most. Her

talent is to be an artist and to master the skill in drawing.

a. Appearance

Amy was portrayed as a girl who puts herself as a lady, she is prim and

proper. She doesn’t care much about love and romance like Josephine does. In her

age, she wastes her time to think about financial advantageous and all sorts of

fashion. Her pride is her curly hair and her nose is the greatest trial in her life.

Besides, she feels very confident about her taste of art, fashion, and

luxuries. Amy is always concerned much about her appearance. Based on the

above result that the writer found in page 6, chapter 1, the writer concluded that

Amy personality is related to one of The Big Five traits that is Conscientiousness

which is considered as Ambitious. Warner (2016), as she quoted from the study of

2011, in which the researches focus on studying the behavior of conscientious

people, he highlights that “Conscientious people tend to write down, important

dates, comb their hair, polish their shoes, stand up straight, and scrub floors.”

Besides, Warner also adds that conscientious people are more concern with their

appearance and keep things tidy.

Page 38, Chapter 4

“One thing, however, rather quenched the vanities. She had to wear her
cousin’s clothes. Now Florence’s mama hadn’t a particle of taste, and Amy
suffered deeply at having to wear a red instead of a blue bonnet, unbecoming
gowns, and fussy aprons that did not fit. Everything was good, well made, and
little worn, but Amy’s artistic eyes were much afflicted, especially this winter,
when her school dress was a dull purple with yellow dots and no trimming.”

Based on this description, the writer concluded that Amy was always

complained about her appearance that she thought it never satisfied her mood of


b. Words

The way she talks, Amy is described as a spoiled girl and outspoken, she

tends to express her feelings in honest way. As a child, her ambitions seem

ridiculous, she is always misusing big words and quiet affecting snobby

behaviors. However, she is an ambitious girl, just like Josephine. Amy

wholeheartedly pursues her dream to be an artist. the result was found in page

133, chapter 13.


Based on the above conversation, it indicates that Amy has one of The Big

Five Personality traits that is Conscientiousness which is considered as Ambitious.

A person who is conscientious commonly feels more comfortable when she/he is

well-prepared and organized, more goal oriented in her/his motives, and more

ambitious in their academic efforts or at works (Psychologist world, 2017).

The reason why Amy’s personality is related to ambitious is because of

her strong-willed to go to Rome (to be able to travel the world) and to be a famous

artist. Another Amy’s ambition is also portrayed by the author, as follow:

Page 146, Chapter 15

“Jo and I are going to make fortunes for you all. Just wait ten years, and
see if we don’t,” said Amy, who sat in a corner making mud pies.

Those words indicate that Amy has strong willingness to uplift her life as

well as her family. By mentioning her sister Jo, they dedicated themselves to work

hard in order to make some fortunes.

c. Action

As the youngest, Amy rarely does anything for her family that points as

struggle at first. She only asked to go to school and help Hannah and Beth to keep

the house. However, Amy realised how beloved and petted she had been at her

own home, and this realisation caused her to change for better. This happened

when she was sent to live with her Aunt March during Beth’s serious illness.

Though she never truly lost her willingness to be popular or her fondness

of luxuries, Amy matured into a graceful and compassionate woman who looked

out for those who are less fortunate than her. Thus, she tried to do her first effort

to her family, hope that it will be worth for them. Amy’s effort is portrayed in

page 180, chapter 19.

Based on the above result, the writer concluded that Amy has one of The
Big Five Personality traits that is Agreeableness which categorized as Loyal.

People who have agreeableness have a tendency to feel a sense of duty towards

others. They are aware of the effect that their words and actions can have on

people in everyday situations (Psychologist world, 2017)

In that illustration, Amy tried to minimize her selfishness and thought that

her fondness of luxuries is not the guarantee for happiness, but her family.

d. Feeling

Although Amy was described as an out-spoken girl or her manners which

sometimes make the girls annoyed, but she is personally fun, extrovert, and

always tells what she likes and doesn’t like.

The most touchful feeling of Amy which the author portrayed is when

Amy moves to Aunt March house for a moment because a serious illness that

Beth suffered. In that time, something that seemed dramatic happened to Amy

which caused her to realise that there were so many blesses that she has gotten

during her lives with her family, those realisations changed her to be better.

The description of Amy’s feeling can be found in page 179, chapter 18.

Based on the story, the writer concluded that Amy has one of The Big Five

Personality traits that is Agreeableness which considered as Cheerful. Cherry

(2018) argues that Agreeable people tend to take their pleasure in helping and

devoting happiness to others.

Instead of mourned her loneliness, Amy choosed to create her own

happiness, be independent, and tried to not complain about the problems that she

and her family faced without hoping anybody sees or praises her.

Summarizing the above results of Amy March related to the struggle for

"family existence", she played a touchful role in the family. besides having an

annoying attitude, Amy tried to make her existence useful for her family, for

instances, she had a willingness to be a famous artist in order to make fortune for

the the family, besides, she made her will to her sisters if she died as her first

effort. Then, she never wanted to make herself feels sad, that is why she always

created her own happiness.


A. Conclusions

This chapter provides conclusions and suggestions that can be drawn

regarding to this writing. This thesis aimsat analyzing the personalities of the

main characters that are Josephine March, and other sub-characters including her

mother and her sisters asportrayed inLittle Women (part 1) novel written by

Louisa May Alcott (1868),concerning on struggling for family existence based on

the concept of “The Big Five Personality Theory” by Paul Costa and Robert

McCrae (1990).

After analyzing the personality of the characters as shown in chapter four,

the conclusion is the main characters’ personality of Little Women that are

Josephine March, Margaret March, Elizabeth March, Amy March, and Mrs.

March indicates some sorts of The Big Five Personality theory, more specifically,

two traits of The Big Five that are Conscientiousness and Agreeableness

concerning to their struggle for family existence.

Related to The Big Five Personality traits, all characters represent their

personalities of Agreeableness and Conscientiousness in particular sides. The

Agreeableness mostly categorized by modest, patient, altruistic, considerate,


unselfish, helpful, humble, loyal and cheerful. Likewise, the Conscientiousness

mostly categorized by hardworking, ambitious, and persistent.

Lastly, in this characters’ personality analysis, Josephine and Elizabeth

have a close personality in particular side, for example, Jo and Beth quiet

unconcern with their appearance the way they dress up and any luxuries. In

contrast, Margaret and Amy have the same interest in particular side, whereas

they assemble themselves to imagine living in the rich sphere. Compared to their

willingness to dream high, Jo and Amy, in contrast to both of their sisters Meg

and Beth, have set their goals for themselves that lay outside their domestic


Nevertheless, the fourth sisters take their own responsibilities to help

maintaining their family. Jo and Meg choose to work for earning money, while

Amy and Beth do their duty in keeping their house and creating happy

circumstances. On the other hand, Mrs. March is described as a guidance for the

sisters, she is a noble-looking woman, a strong mother, a hardworker, as well as

religious woman.

B. Suggestions

From the study of characters’ personality analysis, it can be suggested for

those who want to deeper their study in literary character especially about

characters in the novel, the researcher needs to know the story of the novel,

understand every circumstances that the author portrayed in the novel, and

understand every emotions the writer described through the role of the characters.

Moreover, for those who want to conduct the same study in analyzing the

personalities of the characters in the novel by using The Big Five Personality

theory by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae (1990), the future researchers are

suggested to read some sources of The Big Five Personality Theory such as from

books, journals, researches, articles, websites, references and other sources.

In sum, this study hopes will be beneficial for further researchers

especially for those who want to conduct the same study and it will be interested

for future reseachers to increase the number of literary works especially the study

of using The Big Five Personality traits because it is still rarely found.

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1. Name : Miftahul Jannah

2. Place / Date of Birth : Banda Aceh / June 21st,1996
3. Sex : Female
4. Religion : Islam
5. Nationality / Ethnic : Indonesian / Acehnese
6. Marital Status : Single
7. Address : Jl. T. Iskandar, Lr. A, No. 15, Beurawe,
Banda Aceh
8. Occupation / Reg. No : Student of English Language Education
Faculty of Teacher Training / 140203010
9. Email : [email protected]
10. Parents
a. Father's name : Mahyuddin M.H.R
Occupation : Self employed
b. Mother's name : Ernidawati
Occupation : Housewife

11. Address : Jl. T. Iskandar, Lr. A, No. 15, Beurawe,

Banda Aceh
12. Educational Background :
a. Elementary School : SD Kartika XIV (Graduated in 2006)
b. Junior High School : MTsN Model Banda Aceh
(Graduated in 2010)
c. Senior High School : MAN Model Banda Aceh
(Graduated in 2014)
d. College : Department of English Language
Education Faculty of Teacher Training Ar-
Raniry State Islamic University (From 2014
until 2018)

Darussalam, December 11th, 2018

The Writer

Miftahul Jannah

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