Enfield+130 Sterndrive

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DESCRIPTION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... 4

DATA .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ...... ... ... 5


INSTRUCTIONS ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6

INSTALLATION DETAILS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 8

DIAGRAM, POWER TRIM-TILT ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9


130 NON SWIVEL ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... 10

OVERHAUL SECTION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11

PARTS LIST .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19-29

ILLUSTRATION, MODEL 130 Plate A ... ... .... ... ... 20

ILLUSTRATION, MODEL 130H Plate B ... ... .... ... ... 22

ILLUSTRATION, MODEL 130 NON SWIVEL Plate C ... ..... ... ... 26

ILLUSTRATION, "Z-DRIVE", OUTSIDE VIEW (B) ... ... .. ... ... 24

ACCESSORIES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... 28-29

This booklet is published by BKPS LIMITED and every endeavour is made to

ensure that the information contained in this manual is correct at the date of
publication, but due to continuous development, the manufacturers reserve
the right to make alterations without notice.

Sales and Service Enquiries should be directed to:




The ENFIELD "Z-DRIVE" transom unit is a transom engines can be used providing manufacturers are
mounted drive unit incorporating a reverse and informed when ordering.
reduction gear. It is suitable for adaption to either petrol
or diesel engines within its power capacity.
Installation is easily accomplished, the standard GEAR CHANGE
mounting plate being arranged to suit a transom raked An external lever, on the port side of the unit,
aft at 12° to the vertical. Where the transom is at a controls the gear change by an internal linkage to the
different angle an adaptor block is used. sliding dog clutch on the propeller shaft. A lock comes
into operation automatically in the astern gear position
to prevent the unit kicking up under reverse propeller
thrust. The external gear change lever is arranged to
DRIVE suit a single lever control cable and quick release
Power from the engine is supplied through a flexible cable fittings are embodied. Gear positions are
rubber-metal coupling to the drive unit input shaft. Two forward, neutral and reverse.
constant-velocity universal joints transmit the power to
the top bevel gears and thence via the floating
mainshaft to the gearshift bevels on the propeller shaft.

PROPELLER ROTATION The unit must be filled with oil, up to the centre line
The standard propeller rotation is left hand, i.e. of the input shaft. The filler plug Ref.169 is situated on
anti-clockwise looking forward when in forward gear. the upper housing top cover, and the level plug is on
Rotation can be in the opposite direction so that the port side of the upper housing. Ref.172 Plate.E.
contra-rotating twin units may be used.
The "Z-DRIVE" transom unit is to be used on
engines which rotate anti-clockwise when viewed from
aft. Clockwise rotation Steering is by a tiller arm which is adaptable to
either wire rope and pulleys or a proprietary push pull

The unit serial number, consisting of 6 digits
commencing with 2ZE, is found stamped on the port number should be quoted on all spares and service
side of the Drive Housing. This queries. The Power Trim Model carries its own serial
number and the suffix "H".

130 130H 130 Non Swivel

* 140 lb. ft. torque at speeds
Torque Capacity
up to 5500 rpm.
Weight 90 lb. 95 lb. 90 lb.
41 kg. 43 kg. 41 kg.
Lubricating Oil Capacity 8.5 pt. 8.5 pt. 8.5 pt.
4.8 L 4.8 L 4.8 L
Type of Lubricant E.P. 90 E.P. 90 E.P.90
Where hydraulic
heed lift is fitted
Oil for Power Trim - gear box
use automatic
fluid gear box fluid

Reduction Ratio 1.65:1 or 1.65:1 or 1.65:1 or

2.0:1 2.0:1 2.0:1
Lift Rearward (total) 55° 55° 55°
Trim Angle Forward 6° 6° 6°
Steering 34° 34° 34°
(30° at steering (30° at steering (30° at steering
arm) arm) arm)
Athwartships Rotation 135° -
Transom Angle 12° 12° 12°
Propellers Small Spline
(for further details 11'/z in. dia. to 14 in. dia.
see Page 28)

For a recommendation of propeller size,

consult our Technical Sales Department

*Torque is given by Horse Power multiplied by 5250 divided by

RPM at Horse Power Rating.

The Z-DRIVES are a transmission system for boats (218) just forward of the propeller. These should be
allowing a direct coupling to an engine without a inspected and replaced as they become eaten away.
gearbox being required. Also incorporated are steering A craft must be fitted with sufficient anodes to
and either a kick-up system or power trim. protect its own hull and fittings otherwise the whole
STEERING sterndrive may act as such. Consultation with an
This is done usually with a proprietary push-pull expert on such anodes may be a wise precaution if in
system and the patented exterior linkage will require doubt.
little maintenance. NEVER use any paint on the hull or Z-DRIVE that
GEARSHIFT contains copper.
There are ahead, neutral. and astern positions of PARKING MODEL 130 Z-DRIVE
gear movement and the angle of movement and If it is wished to leave the boat with the Z-DRIVES)
length of the Z-DRIVE operating lever are designed to parked, adopt the following procedure:
suit one recommended stroke of a cable system. Just before stopping the engine, engage astern.
These systems have alternative strokes available by (This ensures that the drive will not slip off the reverse
selecting a different anchoring hole on the control catch bar because the astern lock pin is under the
head. catch). Pull on the plunger release cable to withdraw
Operation is simple. Select neutral once the engine the locating plunger. The winding handle, when turned
is started and is idling at its operating temperature, the in the socket of the Z-DRIVE, will cause the body to
control head lever can be moved to engage the swing sideways to starboard. (This will be possible in
desired gear. Further movement of the control head starboard direction only because of a stop plate on the
lever will give an increase in engine speed but no swivel plate). Continue winding until the plunger
further gear engagement. re-engages. The Drive is then parked. For trailing
The engine may be stopped when a gear is support the Z-DRIVE body with ropes or blocks, etc.
engaged but starting should always be when in
neutral and no gear shifting should be attempted
when the engine is NOT idling.
Before entering service and at regular intervals (20
hours or monthly, whichever is the shorter period) the
oil level in the unit must be checked. The level plug is
on the outside near the top of the Z-DRIVE body. The
Power Trim Models have a dipstick in the transom Operation
plate. Should the colour of the lubricant become grey If the system is correctly assembled, when the
switch is pressed down the body will be trimmed
or creamy, contamination by water has occurred and
inwards. This trimming will be finished when the rams
the cause should be ascertained. The lubricant should
be changed at least once per season. are completely closed. There is no indication of this on
the gauge but a change of note on the pump may be
ELECTROLYTIC CORROSION heard. Trimming out is achieved by pressing the
As protection against galvanic action, the Z-DRIVE switch upwards. If underway, a reading will be shown
has a zinc block (5) fitted to the underside of the on the gauge (up to 600 p.s.i.) and when the needle
transom plate and a zinc ring swings quickly up to 1000 p.s.i. end of travel is
reached. Continued operation under this condition will
result in overheated wiring and damage.
It is recommended that the Power Trim Model
Z-DRIVES are left parked with the bodies down. The
rams are fully closed and there is no chance of
marine growth on the piston rods.

The assembly is bolted through the transom Remote control of both engine throttle and gear
which should be prepared as shown in Figs. 1, change is by means of a "single lever" control
2,3,4,5.. It will also be noted that suitable re- which is available as an optional extra with cable
inforcing must be introduced to the transom. The lengths up to 30 feet (9.14 metres) and all
drive unit is arranged to suit a standard transom necessary fittings. For details of remote control
angle of 12° although it is possible to accommodate cable kits available refer to Accessories Section.
other angles by making up a suitable adaptor block. Page 27.
Generally speaking, it is recommended that the
cavitation plate should be located within 0-'%4 inches
(0 to 19 mm) below the keel (see Fig. 2). As the unit is of aluminium alloy construction,
On the 130 Z-DRIVE the out-drive unit should be and copper alloys are commonly used in wooden
installed initially with the locating tilt catch rod in the boat construction, some trouble due to galvanic
centre hole and the propeller shaft horizontal. A action should be anticipated unless precautions are
small angular adjustment of the propeller shaft with taken.
the rod in the other two holes is possible if it is It is recommended that an anti-fouling paint, as
found necessary to alter the trim. With fast single used with aluminium hulls and specifically free from
engine craft, where speeds over 30 mph (48 kph) copper, be applied to the bottom of the boat. This
are anticipated, it may be advisable to locate the can also be used on the underwater part of the
engine and drive about 1'/4 inches (31.75 mm) off "Z-DRIVE" transom unit. Paints based on red lead
centre towards the port side to minimise torque should not be used.
reaction. A zinc sacrificial block is provided on the
underside of the transom plate. The purpose of this
The distance between a pair of "Z-drives" will
block is to attract electrolytic erosion which would
depend on the engines and their size, in the case
otherwise attack other "ZDRIVE" components. This
of 130 "Z-drive" the minimum distance is more
sacrificial block should never be painted. As it is
critical than with the 130H because when cranking
the normal function of the sacrificial block to erode,
up to the parked position (normal) the port unit
it should be replaced periodically, as necessary. A
must not foul the other.
zinc ring is also fitted forward of the propeller.
STEERING GEAR A master switch should be fitted in the earthed
The tiller arm is adaptable to either a wire rope lead between the battery and starter motor to
and pulley system or a proprietary push pull cable isolate the engine when the boat is out of use.
system, with 9 ins. (228 mm) travel. The special Care should be taken to avoid earthing the unit to
steering linkage does not have to be disconnected the engine or other metal work with the mounting
from the drive before swivelling to the parked bolts, controls, steering gear, etc.
position or when the unit is tilted. When connecting radio, echo sounding
equipment, etc., check polarity of engine earth.


When assembling the "Z-DRIVE" transom unit to POWER TRIM MODEL 130H
the craft for the first time, it may be an advantage to 1. Loosen the clip around the gaiter over the
use the "Z-DRIVE" transom plate for marking off universal joints (transom plate end only.
purposes. 2. Remove the screws holding the steering arm
Removal of Transom Plate assembly to the transom plate. Withdraw the
from "Z-DRIVE" Unit steering arm through the hole in the plate, and
When new, there will be no oil left in the unit, but on allow the steering linkage to swivel away to one
all other occasions, before removing the transom plate side.
from the "ZDRIVE", the oil must be drained. 3. Remove circlips off the end of the shaft on which
The oil drain plug should be removed from the the hydraulic cylinders are mounted, withdraw
skeg, and the oil allowed to drain into a suitable clean the shaft to one side, retaining the nylon and
container. stainless steel washers as this is done. Note the
1. Loosen the jubilee clip around the gaiter over the order in which they are assembled. It is most
universal joints (transom plate only). Engage important that the hydraulic cylinders are not
reverse gear to lock reverse catchdown before rotated when at the innermost extreme of travel.
removing swivel pins. I nstruction 4. 4. Loosen the allen screws found on the
2. Remove the screws holding the steering arm top of each leg of the swivel fork.
assembly to the transom plate. Withdraw the 5. Tap outwards the two swivel pins connecting
steering arm through the hole in the plate and the fork to the transom plate, until the latter is
allow the steering linkage to swivel away to one free. The transom plate can now be handled
side. separately from the "Z-DRIVE" body, which can
3. Remove the two grubscrews at the top be put on one side until required.
of each leg of the swivel fork. 6. The transom can be marked off according to
Fig.4 and after some preliminary cutting of
4. Tap outwards the two swivel pins connecting the holes, the plate may be offered up for drilling.
fork to the swivel plate until the fork can swing 7. When all the necessary holes have been cut in
away. the transom, the plate can be attached together
5. Move the gear lever to neutral which withdraws with the gasket using the 'Z-DRIVE" bolting kit
locking plunger from under reverse catch. The 8093.
reverse catch can be pressed down and the
body lifted away from the swivel plate.
1. To remove Transom Plate from Drive Leg follow
6. Remove the flexible coupling wormwheel and
instructions as for Standard 130 instructions 1
worm-wheel housing from the transom plate.
to 5. Cut hole in Transom of Boat according to
7. The transom can be marked off according to the
Fig.5. Place Transom in cut out position
Figs. 2 & 3, and after some preliminary cutting of
correctly for height from bottom of boat to
holes, the plate may be offered up for drilling.
centre of input shaft Figs.3 & 5. When all the
necessary holes have been drilled the Transom
8. When all the necessary holes have been cut in
Plate can be attached together with the Gasket
the transom, the plate can be attached together
using the Z-Drive bolting kit 8093.
with the gasket using the "Z-DRIVE" bolting kit


If the Hydraulic Hand Lift is to be used. Cylinder. Smear Cylinder liberally with water
Before placing Cylinder into Recess Housing proof grease and position into Recess in
draw Piston from Cylinder close valve on Transom Plate. The system is now ready to lift
Pump and Prime Hose and Cylinder until oil unit to parked position. When unit is in
is level with '0' Ring at top of Cylinder, the lift position for long periods or storage
Position Piston into oil open Release Valve on the unit should be supported with rope or
Pump and press down Piston to end of blocks etc.

1. Transom Plate Assembly - 130 TRANSOM PLATE ASSEMBLY 130
2. Transom Plate Assembly - 130H. 130 Non Swivel.
To Disassemble the Transom Plate Assembly
If the transom plate assembly has been removed from
3. Swivel Fork
the craft with the close coupling components still
4. Hydraulic Trim Tilt Equipment
connected, remove these first.
5. 130 "Z-DRIVE" Housing, Lower Knock back the tabwashers (61) locking the set screws
6. 130 "Z-DRIVE" Housing, Upper (60) that hold the flexible couplings (59) to the input
7. Checking for Backlash shaft (55). Unscrew the bolts (60) and remove the
flexible coupling (59).
Undo the nut (57) on the universal coupling input shaft
(55) and remove with the washer (58). The input shaft
(55) can now, without the aid of special tools, be pulled
out of the transom plate. It will bring with it the inner
race to the roller bearing (21). Using a suitable drift,
the universal coupling shaft (56) can be tapped
INTRODUCTION through its ball bearing (22) in the opposite direction to
Disassembly of the "Z-DRIVE" transom unit for which the input shaft was removed.
inspection may be accomplished by following the The oil seal (24) and bearings (21) in the swivel hub
procedures outlined below: (20) can be inspected and if necessary changed.
1. Transom Plate Assembly:
2. Drive Housing
(a) Lower
(b) Upper


When the disassembly ,procedure for any given
section has been completed, any further disassembly
indicated by inspection may then be carried out by
following in detail the necessary additional procedures. Removal of Swivel Hub from Transom Plate
When removing or refitting ball and roller bearings, it is Remove from the hub the six socket screws (42),
recommended that the housings, etc., should be (retaining the wormwheel). (41)
heated in water to maintain manufacturing tolerances, Remove the seven socket screws (40) that retain the
and so avoid possible loosening of the bearings in the wormdrive housing (33) to the transom plate (1)
housings. Rotate the swivel plate (44) and hub (20) so that the
When re-assembling the unit, all gaskets and '0' rings lug clears the hook in the transom.
must be removed. Dirt is a major cause of wear and Undo the six nuts (51) or the countersunk screws (54)
failure; therefore, conduct all maintenance operations and withdraw the swivel plate from the hub.
in an area which is as clear and clean as possible. Using a suitable drift on the inboard end of the swivel
Place the disassembled parts on a clean surface and hub (20) tap the swivel hub through the transom plate
if they are to remain for an extended period of time, (1) in a rearwards direction. When the hub is clear,
cover exposed-surfaces, which can be contaminated the sealing '0' rings (29, 30) and nylon thrust washer
by salt air, etc. For parts identification numbers refer to (32) and bearing strips (31) will be evident and can be
the illustrations contained in the Parts List section. removed.
The following instructions assume that the unit has It is not necessary to remove the swivel hub (20) to
been removed from the craft. For ease of dismantling replace the front oil seal (24) as this can be done after
the unit can be split into two parts. These are (1) the the input shaft (55) has been removed.
Transom Plate and (2) Drive Housing. To accomplish If the bearings roller (21) and ball (22) require
this the following procedure should be adopted: renewal, the swivel hub (20) must be heated such as
Drain off the oil into a clean container. in boiling water and the bearings tapped clear with a
drift or extractor.

The ball bearing (21) is retained by circlip (23) which To re-fit the swivel plate assembly to the transom
should be removed before the bearing (21) is plate, the plate has to be slid over the spigot on the
withdrawn. swivel hub and at the same time the lug at the bottom
The new bearings are pressed home hard against their of the swivel plate engaged within the hook of the
locating shoulders with the bearings (22 & 21) cold and transom plate. The swivel hub is then rotated to align
the hub (20) hot as before. If the oil seal (24) has been the holes within its flange with those on the swivel
removed a new one may be fitted at this stage but after plate. The nuts (51) or countersunk screws (54) are
the hub (20) has cooled. re-fitted.
The '0' rings (29 & 30) should be inspected and
renewed if necessary. The washer (32) is located in its
correct position and the nylon strips (31) fitted into their
respective grooves. An application of a suitable water
The seven socket head screws (40) are fitted through
resistant graphite containing grease should be applied
the worm drive housing (33) and into the forward face
to the outer diameters.
of the transom plate (1). This is done with the cone
The swivel hub is replaced within the transom plate,
pointing vertically upwards. The wormwheel is then
taking care that the nylon strips remain within their
attached to the swivel hub by six socket head screws
grooves as this is done.
(42). The constant velocity joint is tapped, from the
rear, through the ball bearing (22) until fully home.
The input shaft (55) is fitted from the front of the
transom, engaging with the splines of the constant
velocity joint (56) and care should be taken when it is
THE SWIVEL PLATE ASSEMBLY passing through the oil seal (24).
The only items on the swivel plate that may require If the roller bearing (21) has been replaced within the
replacing from time to time are the buffer (46), the two swivel hub, the inner race previously fitted must be
bushes (45), the rod (47) and nuts (48) left. I n addition removed and the inner race to the new bearing fitted.
to these there is the swivel plate stop (49) with its Races and bearings are not interchangeable.
screws (50) which may be moved to the opposite side The input shaft is tapped along the shaft of the
of the swivel plate to allow for swivelling for parking in constant velocity joint until itself is hard against the
the opposite direction to that normally used. bearing.
NOTE: If this parking procedure is adopted, it is necessary to disconnect The washer (58) and nut (57) are then fitted on to the
the gear change cable before parking to avoid damage to the cable. exposed thread of the constant velocity joint, the nut is
To remove the buffer (46) merely unscrew as if it were tightened to 140 lb. ft. torque. The flexible coupling (59)
a small bolt. Re-fit a new one, making sure that it is screws (60) tabwashers (61) may now be re-fitted to
screwed up tight. the input shaft.
To renew the swivel bushes (45), place the swivel
plate somewhere where the part of the plate that
contains the bush can be adequately supported.
While using a suitable drift the bush is pushed through
with a press or gently tapped through using a
The reverse is the procedure for fitting the new
bushes but ensure that they do not protrude either
side of the lugs.
The reverse catch rod (47) is normally positioned in
the middle of the three holes but can be removed and
used in either of the other two, whichever appears to 2. TRANSOM PLATE ASSEMBLY 130H
give the best boat performance. 130 NON SWIVEL
The removal of this bar can be done at any time and Disassembly of the Transom Plate
does not necessitate the dismantling of the Dismantle the input coupling (59) from the input shaft
"Z-DRIVE". I f one of the nuts (48) is undone, the bar (55) by removing the set-screws (60), plain washers
can be slid out sideways and re-fitted into whichever (62) and tab washers (61, 68).
of the holes is thought to be the best position. Remove the input shaft nut (57) and washer (58) from
the internal bore of the input shaft. Using a soft drift,
carefully drive out the constant velocity joint (56) from
the input shaft. Using a suitable press, remove the
input shaft from its bearings (21). After removal of the
circlip (23) press out the bearings (21) and (22) and
seal (24) from the transom plate.

The ball bearing (21) is retained by circlip (23) which To re-fit the swivel plate assembly to the transom
should be removed before the bearing (21) is plate, the plate has to be slid over the spigot on the
withdrawn. swivel hub and at the same time the lug at the bottom
The new bearings are pressed home hard against their of the swivel plate engaged within the hook of the
locating shoulders with the bearings (22 & 21) cold and transom plate. The swivel hub is then rotated to align
the hub (20) hot as before. If the oil seal (24) has been the holes within its flange with those on the swivel
removed a new one may be fitted at this stage but after plate. The nuts (51) or countersunk screws (54) are
the hub (20) has cooled. re-fitted.
The 'O' rings (29 & 30) should be inspected and
renewed if necessary. The washer (32) is located in its
correct position and the nylon strips (31) fitted into their
respective grooves. An application of a suitable water
The seven socket head screws (40) are fitted through
resistant graphite containing grease should be applied
the worm drive housing (33) and into the forward face
to the outer diameters.
of the transom plate (1). This is done with the cone
The swivel hub is replaced within the transom plate,
pointing vertically upwards. The wormwheel is then
taking care that the nylon strips remain within their
attached to the swivel hub by six socket head screws
grooves as this is done.
(42). The constant velocity joint is tapped, from the
rear, through the ball bearing (22) until fully home.
The input shaft (55) is fitted from the front of the
transom, engaging with the splines of the constant
velocity joint (56) and care should be taken when it is
THE SWIVEL PLATE ASSEMBLY passing through the oil seal (24).
The only items on the swivel plate that may require
replacing from time to time are the buffer (46), the two If the roller bearing (21) has been replaced within the
bushes (45), the rod (47) and nuts (48) left. I n addition swivel hub, the inner race previously fitted must be
to these there is the swivel plate stop (49) with its removed and the inner race to the new bearing fitted.
screws (50) which may be moved to the opposite side Races and bearings are not interchangeable.
of the swivel plate to allow for swivelling for parking in The input shaft is tapped along the shaft of the
the opposite direction to that normally used. constant velocity joint until itself is hard against the
NOTE: If this parking procedure is adopted, it is necessary to disconnect bearing.
the gear change cable before parking to avoid damage to the cable. The washer (58) and nut (57) are then fitted on to the
To remove the buffer (46) merely unscrew as if it were exposed thread of the constant velocity joint, the nut is
a small bolt. Re-fit a new one, making sure that it is tightened to 140 lb. ft. torque. The flexible coupling (59)
screwed up tight. screws (60) tabwashers (61) may now be re-fitted to
To renew the swivel bushes (45), place the swivel the input shaft.
plate somewhere where the part of the plate that
contains the bush can be adequately supported.
While using a suitable drift the bush is pushed through
with a press or gently tapped through using a
The reverse is the procedure for fitting the new
bushes but ensure that they do not protrude either
side of the lugs.
The reverse catch rod (47) is normally positioned in
the middle of the three holes but can be removed and
used in either of the other two, whichever appears to 2.TRANSOM PLATE ASSEMBLY 130H 130 NON SWIVEL
give the best boat performance.
The removal of this bar can be done at any time and Disassembly of the Transom Plate
does not necessitate the dismantling of the Dismantle the input coupling (59) from the input shaft
"Z-DRIVE". I f one of the nuts (48) is undone, the bar (55) by removing the set-screws (60), plain washers
can be slid out sideways and re-fitted into whichever (62) and tab washers (61, 68).
of the holes is thought to be the best position. Remove the input shaft nut (57) and washer (58) from
the internal bore of the input shaft. Using a soft drift,
carefully drive out the constant velocity joint (56) from
the input shaft. Using a suitable press, remove the
input shaft from its bearings (21). After removal of the
circlip (23) press out the bearings (21) and (22) and
seal (24) from the transom plate.

This will enable the main body of the "ZDRIVE" to be Lift the propeller .shaft (204) complete with bearings,
lifted clear of the hydraulic cylinders. Now, from inside bevel gears, thrust washers, seal and dog clutch from
the hull, unscrew the two tubing nuts (94) which hold the housing.
the oil supply and return pipes to each cylinder, arid Withdraw the seal circlip (217) and seal (213)
remove the pipes. complete with housing (214) from the rear end of the
Now undo the large nut (91) with nylon washer (92) propeller shaft. Using a suitable extractor remove the
and remove. ball bearing (166) from the rear end of the propeller
It will be necessary to keep the main body of the shaft. It will now be possible to remove the rear thrust
"Z-DRIVE" lifted out of the way whilst the hydraulic washer (211), rear bevel gear (210), rear bevel gear
cylinders are removed. bush (205), dog clutch (212), front bevel gear (205)
Checking the Hydraulic Cylinder Units for Leakage and front thrust washer (211) from the propeller shaft.
A simple method of checking the hydraulic cylinder Remove the front bearing circlip (209) and bearing
and pumps for leakage and to observe that the spacer (207). Press off the front bearing (206) and
cylinders and pumps function remove the second spacer (208), circlip (209) and
correctly is to re-connect the pipes (96) to the front bevel gear bush (205) from the propeller shaft.
hydraulic cylinder. Loosen clamp screw (136) and remove the gear
The hydraulic units can now be suitably clamped and change operating lever (135) and key (132) - See
operated several times to both extremities to remove Section C - C Plate A illustrated.
air inclusions, checking that the pump reservoir is Remove the piug (139), washer (140), spring (138)
correctly filled to the level of the oil filler hole. and gear change locking plunger (137) from the gear
It will be observed whether leakage occurs at the change lever shaft bearing (126) or in the case of R.H.
knuckle joint seals, piston rod seals, or any of the pipe rotation units (126A). Remove circlip (85) and thrust
connections. washer (134) from the gear change lever shaft.
If new rings are fitted into the grooves in the hinge Release and remove the six screws (40), sealing
tongue, the hinge fork must be very carefully fed over washers (128) and plain washers (129) securing the
the tongue. gear change lever shaft bearing (126) to the housing.
The parts should be well lubricated with oil before Remove the bearing and joint (127) from its location.
starting to re-assemble, making sure that absolute Withdraw the pin (141) which connects the operating
cleanliness is maintained. lever (133) to the astern lock operating fork (142). See
Re-fit the pivot pin. section D D Plate A, not present on 130H.
5. MODEL 130/130H/130 NON SWIVEL Disconnect the gear change operating rod (150) or
To Disassemble the Drive Body (Lower) (151) on R. H. rotation units from the gear change
Knock back the tabs on the locking washer and lever (133) by removing the securing pin (149) and
turning anti-clockwise remove the propeller shaft withdraw the operating rod and lever from the unit.
spinner nut. Withdraw the propeller and distance piece Remove the '0' ring (131) and circlip (85) from the
from the propeller shaft (204). gear change lever shaft (130). The shaft can now be
Remove the clutch operating lever pivot pin (155) and pressed out of the gear change lever and the
sealing washer (156) from the skeg. Remove the two woodruff key (132) removed.
socket screws (219) and withdraw the zinc ring (218)
from within the boss surrounding the propeller shaft.
Release and remove the ten socket screws (163) and
sealing washers (129) which secure the skeg (162) to
the body (161) and remove the skeg.
Remove the split pin (144) from this gear change
operating rod (150, 151). I n the case of R.H. rotation
units - drawing section F F refers to Plate A. Remove
clutch operating lever (153) together with the dog
clutch operating fork (154).

Note: Position of lever reversed on R.H. rotation units.

Withdraw the astern lockpin (145) and fork (142) from
the lockpin bush (175). Remove the split pin (144),
washer (143) and fork (142) from the astern lockpin.
Release and remove the two setscrews (196),
washers (197) and vertical drive shaft retainer (195)
from the housing. Using a suitable extractor remove
the bottom bevel gear (193) from the vertical drive
shaft and bearings.

The vertical drive shaft (194) can now be removed, fitment of the gear change shaft bearing (126) and (126A) as this
care being taken to prevent the removable collar (198) varies with left or right hand rotation units.
from falling and becoming lodged in the housing.
With a suitable extractor remove the roller bearing Assemble the thrust washer (134), circlip (85) and
(165) and ball bearing (166) from the bottom of the woodruff key (132) to the gear change shaft.
housing. Disassembly cf the drive housing (lower) Fit the locking plunger (137), spring (138), washer
comprising the skeg bottom bevel gears and the lower (140) and plug (139) to the rear change shaft bearing
housing, is now complete. (126) or 126A on R.H. rotation units.
Before inspection and reassembly, all parts should be Fit the key (132) and the gear change operating lever
thoroughly washed in clean paraffin. Carefully inspect (135) to the shaft (130) and secure with the clamp
all components for wear, pitting and cracks, etc. screw (136).
Renew all parts considered unserviceable N. B. It should be noted that on L.H. rotation unit the lever will point
aft, whereas on a R.H. one it will point forward; two key-ways are
To Reassemble the Drive Body (Lower) provided on the shaft for this purpose.
Using a suitable press, fit the bottom bevel drive gear
ball bearing (166) and roller bearing (165) to the body Onto the front end of the propeller shaft (204)
(161) ensuring that each bearing is fitted in to the full assemble the front bevel gear bush (205), the
extent of its recess. rearmost of the two circlips (209) and bearing spacer
Refit the vertical drive shaft (194) with collar (198) into (208) then press on the front bearing (206), fit the
the drive housing and using a press, fit the bottom foremost spacer (207) and secure with the second
bevel drive gear (193) into the roller bearing (165) and circlip (209).
ball bearing (166). Onto the rear end of the shaft assemble the front
Fit the vertical drive shaft retainer (195) to the housing bevel gear (210), the dog clutch (212), the rear bevel
and secure with the two setscrews (196) and washers gear (210) and the rear thrust washer (211), press on
(197). the rear bearing (166) and fit the propeller shaft seal
Fit the '0' ring (176) into the astern lock pin bush (175) (213), complete with housing (214) and '0' ring (215).
and refit the' bush and sealing washer (169) into the To ensure that the bearing (166) is correctly
body (161). Refit the fork (142) and washer (143) to positioned, place the assembled propeller shaft in its
the astern lock pin (145) and secure with split pin location in the housing, ensuring that the seal housing
(144). Assemble the lock pin into the bush. locating pin (216) engages with the locating hole in
Fit the woodruff key (132) to the inner end of the gear the seal housing (214). Check that clearance exists
change shaft (130) and using a suitable press, between the front face of the bearing and the rear
assemble the gear change lever (133) to the shaft and face of the rear bevel gear thrust washer (211), and
secure with the circlip (85). also between the rear face of the bearing and the
Place the gear change operating rod (151) (151 R.H. front face of the seal housing (214).
rotation unit), in position in the housing and connect With the propeller shaft assembly correctly positioned,
the gear change lever (133) to the rod with the pin check the backlash between the bottom bevel drive
(149). gear (193) and both propeller shaft bevel gears (210).
N.B. As the assembly of this item varies according to direction of Clearance between these gears should be within the
rotation, it should be noted that the above instructions refer to the L.H. limit of 0.008 in to 0.012 in. (0.20/0.30 mm). Should
rotation unit and is illustrated in the main drawing whilst the assembly the backlash require adjustment, thrust washers (211)
of the R.H. rotation unit is illustrated in Section F F -Plate A. of the required thickness should be fitted to bring the
backlash within the above limits.

When the dog clutch operating fork (154) is in the

groove of the dog clutch, place the clutch operating
lever (153) in position. Connect it to the gear change
operating rod (150), (151 for R.H. rotation units) and
secure with the split-pin (152).

Connect the gear change lever to the astern lock

operating fork (142) with the pin (141). (Not on 130H).

Fit the '0' ring (131) to the gear change lever shaft and
using a new joint (127) fit the gear change shaft
bearing (126) (126A for R.H. rotation) to the housing
and secure with the six screws (40), sealing washers
(128) and plain washers (129).
N. B. Refer to illustration for correct method of
The faces of the skeg and housing are

machined flat. On these units when re-fitting the Thoroughly clean and inspect all components for
skeg a suitable jointing compound should be used. wear, pitting and cracks, etc. Renew worn or
Place the skeg (162) in position on the housing, defective parts.
ensuring that the tabs on the thrust washers (211)
locate in their respective slots in the skeg. Secure To Reassemble the Drive Housing (Upper)
the skeg with the ten socket screws (163) and
sealing washers (129). Fit the rear seal housing If the centre swivel bushes (45) have been
retaining circlip (217). removed for renewal, fit new bushes.

Fit the clutch operating lever pivot pin (155) and Fit the ball bearing (166) roller bearing (165) to the
washer (156) to the skeg, ensuring that it is housing, ensuring that the bearings are fitted to the
correctly located in the clutch operating lever (153). full extent of their recesses. Replace the vertical
drive shaft (194) and ensure that collar (198) is
Replace the zinc ring (218) in the boss surrounding correctly positioned and reassemble the lower
the propeller shaft and secure with two socket housings, as described in the earlier section. Re-fit
screws (219). the vertical drive shaft bevel gear (192).
Refit the distance piece, propeller, lock washer and Fit the inner bearing circlip (23) to the housing and
spinner nut. With the spinner effectively tightened, fit in the universal joint shaft bearing (22). Fit the
secure with the locking washer tabs. second of the circlips (23).
Refill the unit to the correct level with oil. Oil Press the universal joint and input shaft assembly
capacity of the unit is 8'/z pints (4.8 litres). E.P. 90 (199) into its bearing (23) and secure with the
gear oil should be used. circlip (203).
Fit the ball bearing (166), roller bearing (165) and
bevel gear (192) to the bevel gear housing (177)
ensuring that the races fit in to the full extent of
6. To Disassemble the Drive Body (Upper) their recesses.
Remove the eight screws (171) securing the top Fit the bevel gear bearing housing (177) to the
cover (167) to the housing and remove the top body (161) using a new joint (178) and secure with
cover and joint (170). the six socket screws (40) and spring washers
Remove the six socket screws (140) and spring (179). With the aid of a feeler gauge, check the
washers (179) which retain the bevel gear bearing backlash between the top bevel gear and the
housing (177) to the body. Withdraw the bearing vertical drive shaft bevel gear. Clearance between
housing and joint (178) from the body. these two gears should be within the limit of 0.008
in to 0.012 in. (0.20/0.30 mm). Adjustments to the
Using a suitable extractor, carefully remove the clearances is obtained by the addition of extra
bevel gear (192), roller bearing (165) and ball joints (178) to the bevel gear housing (177).
bearing (166) from the bevel gear bearing housing
Assemble the top cover (167), using a new joint
(170) to the housing and secure with the eight
Remove the circlip (203) from the universal joint screws (171).
and input shaft assembly (199). Using a suitable
press, remove the universal joint from its bearing
Remove the two circlips (23) from the housing and
press the universal joint shaft bearing (22) from the
Withdraw the vertical drive shaft bevel gear (192).
Before the bearings (165 and 166) can be
removed, the vertical drive shaft (194) and collar
(198) must be withdrawn. This can be
accomplished by dismantling the lower housing as
described in the earlier section. The vertical drive
shaft can be withdrawn and using a suitable
extractor, remove the vertical drive shaft bevel
gear (192), roller bearing (165), ball bearing (166)
and collar (198) from the housing.
If renewal of the centre swivel pin bushes (45) is
intended, press out in the normal manner.

Re-fit into bearings in bearing housing top bevel gear shimming is done by using extra joints (178)
(220). Slip gear (221) into bearings at the top of the On ahead and astern gears (238) on propeller
housing. With two joints (178) offer the bevel gear shaft assembly, adjustment is made by fitting
housing with the gear up to the body. Check as different thickness of thrust washer (236).
follows: When backlash is correct, the assembly may
(F,) When looking at the inner faces of the gear, not continue:
the teeth, ensuring that the edges of the teeth Slip vertical bevel gear (221) on vertical
are in line with the edges of the teeth of the driveshaft (223). Re-fit washer (225) and
mating gear. setscrew (226).
(b) When a clock gauge is mounted with its stylus Holding hose clip (189) loosely over gaiter (190)
on the pitch circle diameter, the other gear being put gaiter over spigot provided on the body (180)
held, the reading given should be 0.008 in. - and tighten clip to seal.
0.312 in. (min. to use). Using soft-faced mallet, tap constant velocity
To correct for (a) :- joint (227) through ball bearing (22) until
shoulder of joint is hard against bearing. Fit
retaining circlip (203) into groove on shaft. The
assembly of parts in bearing housing may be
It is unlikely with minimum shimming to start with re-fitted and held in place with six screws (40)
that either gear will be too high, so the first step and washers (179). Top cover (167) with gasket
is to observe which gear has teeth whose faces (170) is fitted back into place and fixed with
are behind those of mating gear. The gear that screws (171).
has such teeth requires additional shimming.

To correct for (b) :

However, when faces are in line, backlash may
not be correct. I f it is too much, additional
shimming will be necessary on both gears.
If it is too little, shimming has to be taken away
from both gears. On vertical gear (221) shim is
put between gear and ball bearing. For top input
gear (220)

METHOD OF IDENTIFYING AND Plate Assembly on Page 18 is read as:
ORDERING SPARE PARTS 33432309 Sleeve, Swivel Plate
The Parts List contains the numbers and descriptions Locking Plunger
of all parts comprising the Model 130, 130H, 130 Non This is indicated 'S' and, therefore, is
Swivel Transom Units, together with a Supplementary available as a spare part.
Section giving those of the recommended propellers
and other principal accessories. (For further details of
Accessories, see separate leaflet).
(b) If the part is indicated 'ICS.' then it can
only be supplied inside its containing
assembly, e.g. Ref. No. 112 in the
IDENTIFICATION Steering Linkage Section on Page 22 is
read as:
Each part contained in the Unit is located in its section 7067 Link, Steering Upper
in columns headed as follows: This is indicated 'ICS.' and can ONLY be
Ref. No.
supplied inside the assembly of which it is
Relates the item concerned to its position on the
part. This assembly is covered by the first
number in the next left hand column
S or N.S.
reading upwards which is:
'S' indicates that the item in question is available as a 7225 Assembly Link and Bushes
spare part. and is the one that should be ordered.
'ICS.' indicates that the item is not available as a
spare part by itself.
(for various reasons, some sub-assemblies or component
parts can ONL Y be supplied in the complete assembly. It is
therefore necessary, before ordering, to determine whether ORDERING
or not the part required is, in fact, available separately).
Qty. Req. When ordering parts, it is imperative to quote the serial
Indicates the total quantity of the particular item in the number of the Unit and to specify the part number,
assembly, or group, in which it is contained. description and quantity of the items required. If in
doubt, then the reference numbers should also be
given to facilitate identification by your Dealer.
The Unit serial number will be found stamped on the
port side of the Drive Housing; it consists of six digits,
commencing 2ZE. The power trim model has its own
Part No. & Description Is self-explanatory.
suffix H. We would again stress the importance of
always quoting the number and giving complete
Remarks Contains supplementary notes and information if parts orders are to be promptly
information. expedited.
As a guide for use of the Parts List, the following All enquiries relating to parts and accessories should
examples are given: be addressed to:
1.Locate the item required and its Ref. No. BOB KNOWLES PLANT SERVICES LTD.
on the drawing. MARINE DIVISION
TEL: 0116 253 8685
2 Locate the Ref. No. in the list, so as to check FAX: 0116 251 4977
whether 'S' or 'ICS.' determine quantity, and
ascertain part number and description.
(a) If the part is indicated 'S', then it can be
ordered separately, e.g. Ref. No. 7 in the
Transom and Swivel

S For

Ref. or Qty. NS Part Description Remarks

No. NS Req. Model No.
- S 1 130 only 37814125 Assembly, transom plate comprising:-
) NS 1 37537182 Transom Plate
2 S 10 32815117 Pin, Nylon
3 S 1 32114126 Plug Breather
4 S 1 7055 Nipple, Greasing
5 S 1 36131314 Block, zinc
6 S 1 2224568 Screw, zinc block to transom plate
7 S 1 33432309 Sleeve, swivel plate locking plunger
8 S 1 2725499 Circlip, sleeve locating
9 IS 1 37811111 Plunger pin and 'O' ring asst'.
10 S 1 32815117 Pin, nylon
11 S 1 31744128 Spring
12 S 1 2415702 '0' ring
13 S 1 36285105 Fork end plunger release
14 S 1 32713113 Pin, shackle, cable
15 S 1 2221281 Grub screw
16 S 1 2131037 Washer
17 S 1 2117269 Split pin
19 S 1 130 only 36863113 Gasket "Z-DRIVE" to transom
S 1 130 only 710947 Swivel hub assembly, comprising:-
20 S 1 33426381 Hub, swivel
21 S 1 2546106 Bearing, roller, input shaft
22 S 1 0040020 Bearing, ball, input shaft
23 S 1 2721790 Circlip locating bearing
24 S 1 2415507 Seal input shaft
29 S 1 2415821 'O' Ring - rear (Swivel hub to transom plate)
30 S 1 33824117 'O' Ring - front (Swivel hub to transom plate)
31 S 2 36841412 Strip (Swivel hub to transom plate)
32 S 1 33822406 Thrustwasher (Swivel hub to transom plate(
- S 1 710914 Assembly, housing worm drive and
assembly worm and shaft comprising:-
S 1 710951 Assembly worm drive housing
33 S 1 37522441 Housing, worm drive
34 S 2 2513089 Bush, worm drive housing
35 S 1 32456408 Shaft, worm drive
36 S 1 31173109 Worm gear
37 S 2 2513970 Thrust washer, worm drive
38 S 2 2115261 Pin worm to shaft and tube assembly to
39 1 37442415 Tube assembly
40 7 2222712 Socket screw, worm drive housing to Stainless
transom plate.
41 S 1 31173201 Wormwheel
42 S 6 2222712 Socket screw Stainless
43 S 1 710915 Handle, cranking asst'.
S 1 130 only 710938 Assembly, swivel plate comprising:-
44 NS 1 38167553 Plate swivel
45 S 2 2513911 Bush top pins/swivel fork to plate
46 S 1 2634018 Buffer, swivel plate
47 S 1 32524137 Rod, locating catch - swivel fork
48 S 2 2211284 Nut, retaining rod
49 S 1 36113133 Plate, stop - swivel plate
50 S 2 2222712 Screw - plate to swivel plate
51 S 6 7349 Set screw swivel plate retaining Stainless
52 S 6 2131041 Washer - to swivel hub Stainless

S For
Ref. Qty. Part
°r NS Description Remarks
No. Req. N°,
NS Model
55 S1 130/130H 37466511 Shaft input (contd)
56 S1 2584601 C.V.. Joint - input
57 S1 33531116 Nut. C.V. Joint to input shaft
58 S1 130 33121412 Washer. C.V. Joint to input shaft
59 S1 Non swivel 2581215 Coupling, flexible
60 S2 0096635 Setscrew - Coupling to input shaft
61 S2 36478311 Tabwasher - Coupling to input shaft
62 S2 2131043 Washer, plain - Coupling to input shaft
7285 Assembly Transom Plate, with 5, 6, 45,
21, 22, 23, comprising:-
69 S1 130H 7003 Transom plate
70 S1 130 7074 Oil filler neck extension
71 S1 Non swivel W18275 Oil filler neck extension
72 S1 DE2010 Oil filler cap
73 S2 7076 Pin, locating hydraulic cylinders
7286 Assembly Transom Plate, with 5, 6, 22,
23, 45, 69, 70, 71, 72, comprising:-
Transom Plate
75 S1 130 ~ 7008 Gasket, "Z-DRIVE" to transom
Non swivel
76 c1 130 37378571 Fork, swivel
77 S2 32716123 Pin, pivot - locating catch
78 S1 36671134 Catch, swivel fork locating
79 S2 2221281 Socket screw, retaining pin to fork
80 S1 31751111 Spring, swivel fork to catch
81 S1 130H 7005 Fork, swivel
82 S1 7007 Shaft hyd cylinder pivot
83 S4 33117417 Washer, plain cylinder to shaft Stainless steel
84 S2 7010 Washer, nylon cylinder to shaft
85 S2 2727177 Circlip, cylinder to shaft
86 S1 All 32716121 Pin, centre-fork to body
87 S2 Models 33813312 Washer, thrust - to body
88 S2 32716119 Pin, fork upper
89 S4 130 ~ 2221285 Socket screw retaining pins
89 S3 130H 2221285 Socket screw retaining pins
- -1 130H 9003 Assembly, comprising:-
91 S2 7100 Nut
92 S2 7099 Washer
93 S4 7103 Elbow stem
94 S8+ 7105 Nut - tubing
95 S8+ 7104 Sleeve - tubing
96 S To suit 7217 Hose
97 S1 7219 Motor pump
98 S3 7216 Tee
1 9008 Gauge kit with items 92, 93, 96
99 S1 7218 Gauge
100 S1 7166 Reducer
101 S To suit 7163 Hose
102 S2 7165 Nut
103 S2 7164 Sleeve
104 S1 7162 Adaptor
105 S1 7214 Clamp motor pump
106 S1 7213 Relay bank
107 S1 7215 Switch - and shroud

Plate B Model 130H Assy.

Ref. S Qty. For Part
°r NS Description Remarks
No. Req. N°,
NS Modet
108 S 7 7167 Terminal
109 S 2 7161 Connector - bullet
110 S 2 7291 Terminal - bullet
111 S 1 7242 Assembly steering arm and tee link
130/ 7225 Assembly link and bushes comprising:-
112 NS 1 130H 7067 Link steering, upper
113 S 6 2513906 Bush steering, upper link
115 S 1 37374601 Link steering - lower
116 S 1 32762115 Ball, lower steering link
117 S 1 32813107 Cup, inner - steering ball joint
118 S 1 33825111 Cap, outer - steering ball joint
119 'S 3 32716125 Pin - upper link to steering arm & lower link
to steering arm
84 S 6 7010 Washer - upper link to steering arm & lower
link to steering arm and tee link
120 S 3 2221281 Socket screw - upper link to steering arm and
lower link
121 S 4 2222712 Screw, linkage to bevel gear housing
122 S 8 33111411 Washer hsg retaining
123 ~ S 1 33825426 Gaiter, steering arm to transom
124 S 1 7238 Housing steering arm pivot
125 S 4 7335 Set screw steering hsg retaining
Gear change linkage
126 S 1 37421511 Bearing, gear change, L.H.
126A ~ S 1 or 37421512 Bearing, lever shaft, R.H.
127 S 1 36822517 Gasket, bearing to body
40 S 6 2222712 Socket screw bearing to body . Stainless steel
129 S 6 33111411 Washer, plain - bearing to body Stainless steel
130 S 1 32732113 Shaft, gear change lever
131 S 1 0730135 '0' Ring, sealing shaft
132 S 2 0500003 Key, gear change shaft
85 S 2 2727177 Circlip, retaining
133 S 1 37376481 Lever, operating gear change & astern lock
134 S 1 33812114 Washer, thrust
135 S 1 37366641 Lever, operating
136 S 1 2222712 Socket screw, clamping
137 S 1 32455506 Plunger, locking gear change
138 S 1 31742126 Spring, locking gear change
139 S 1 32168104 Plug retaining spring gear change
140 S 1 33812113 Washer plug sealing
141 S 1 130 32711408 Pin, astern lock form to lever
142 S 1 36512111 Fork to astern lock pin
143 S 1 33114411 Washer, astern lock pin operating
144 S 1 0610016 Split pin, astern lock pin to fork
145 S 1 130 only 32724105 Pin astern lock
147 S 3 As req. 33111411 Washer
148 S 1 32148311 Screw adjusting
149 S 1 130/ 32114125 Pin - gear change rod to lever
150 S 1 130H 34161109 Rod, gear change operating - L.H. Rotation
151 S 1 or 34161111 Rod, gear change operating - R.H. Rotation
152 S 1 0610002 Split pin rod to lever
153 S 1 7280 Lever, bell crank clutch operating
154 S 1 37378551 Yoke operating dog clutch
155 S 1 32182112 Pin, pivot - bell crank lever
156 S 1 33811111 Washer, sealing - pin to body
122 S 1 41476002 Nylon cup steer arm to transom plate

1 1 1
124 S 1 33823113 Nylon cap steering arm to cup

S For
Ref. Qty. Part
No. or Req. NS No. Description Remarks
NS Model
S 1 130/ 710954 Assembly body and bearings, comprising:-
S 1 130H 0999999 Assembly body comprising:-
161 NS 1 37522491 Body, drive
162 NS 1 37171751 Skeg
163 S 10 2222256 Socket screw, skeg to body Stainless steel
129 S 10 33111411 Washer, plain Stainless steel
45 S 2 2513911 Bush, centre pin swivel fork
165 S 2 7222 Bearing, roller-gear, vertical shaft
166 S 2 0040005 Bearing, ball-gear, vertical shaft
22 S 1 00040020 Bearing, ball - C.V. joint - rear
23 S 2 2721790 Circlip, locating ball bearing
167 S 1 All Model 37532891 Cover top
168 S 1 32168105 Plug, oil filler - top cover
169 S 1 0920351 Washer, plug oil filler to cover
170 S 1 36857407 Gasket, top cover to body
171 S 8 2222712 Screw top cover to body Stainless steel
172 S 1 32168104 Plug, oil level
140 S 1 33812113 Washer, plug foil level) to body
173 S 1 32158105 Plug, oil drain (skeg)
174 S 1 33812112 Washer, plug oil drain to skeg
175 S 1 130 only 33533114 Bush, astern lock pin
169 S 1 0920351 Washer, sealing bush to body
176 S 1 2415710 'O' ring, sealing astern lock pin
168 S 1 130H/ 32168105 Plug - blanking
S 1 130/ 710948 Assembly housing top bevel gear comprising:-
177 S 1 130H 37446221 Housing, top vevel gear
165 S 1 7222 Bearing, roller
166 S 1 0040005 Bearing, ball
178 S 2 or 36861724 Gasket Housing top bevel gear to body
to suit
40 S 6 2222256 Socket screw Housing top bevel gear to body Stainless steel
179 S 6 33111411 Washer plain Housing top bevel gear to body Stainless steel
183 S 1 130/ 37584125 Splash plate
130 H
185 S 2 All 33134428 Distance piece, splash plate to body Not used on
186 S 2 Models 2227285 Setscrew (rear) splash plate to body Z. drives from
187 S 2 2227283 Setscrew (front) splash plate to body serial number

Ref. S Qty. For Part
°r NS Description Remarks
No. Req. No.
NS Model
188 S 1 130/ 33884112 Gaiter - C.V. Joint cover
189 S 2 130H 7002 Clip, sealing gaiter
192 S 2 130/ 31174141 Bevel gear top (1 in body and 1 in rear
130H bearing housing)
193 S 1 31174132 Bevel gear - lower
194 S 1 32462114 Shaft - vertical drive
195 S 1 36612118 Retainer - vertical drive
196 S 2 0748352 Screw - retainer to body
197 S 2 0920052 Washer - retainer to body
198 S 1 33177512 Collar - locating vertical shaft
S 1 710911 Assembly C.V. joint (rear) and
intermediate shaft, comprising:-
199 S t 2584602 C.V. joint (rear)
200 S 1 33451522 Shaft intermediate
201 S t 2724459 Circlip retaining, shaft to C.V. joint
202 S 1 2725191 Circlip retaining, shaft to C.V. joint
203 S 1 2724410 Circlip - C.V. joint to bearing
Assembly propeller shaft
204 S 1 32767422 Shaft propeller
205 S 2 33431405 Bush, propeller shaft
206 S 1 7147 Bearing, double row ball
207 S 1 33123118 Spacer bearing to shaft
208 S 1 7146 Spacer bearing to shaft
209 S 2 2724322 Circlip bearing to shaft
210 S 2 31174152 Bevel gear - propeller shaft
211 S As 31138101 Thrust washer (0.0279/0.282) bevel gear
S As 31138102 Thrust washer (0.292/0.295) bevel gear
S As 31138103 Thrust washer (0.285/0.288) bevel gear
212 S 1 33571122 Dog clutch, propeller shaft
166 S 1 0040005 Bearing, ball propeller shaft
213 S 2 2415520 Oil seal propeller shaft
214 S 1 33411503 Housing, oil seal propeller shaft
215 S 1 2415817 'O' ring sealing housing propeller shaft
216 S 1 2116024 Pin, locating housing
217 S 1 31736114 Circlip, retaining oil seal housing
218 S 1 33131507 Ring (zinc)
219 S 2 2221281 Socket screw
260 S 1 7389 Hydraulic hand pump Complete onl
261 S 1 7386 Hydraulic hose and end fittings
262 S 1 7392 Hydraulic cylinder Complete onl
263 S 1 7383 'O' ring cylinder to piston sealing
264 S 1 7380 Leg kickup bump stop
265 S 2 2222712 Socket screw bump stop retaining
266 S 2 33111411 Washer to socket screw
267 S 1 7362 Non swivel transom plate

Ref. S Qty. For Part Description Remarks
No. or Req NS No.
NS Model
245 S 1 130 7114 Instruction - Transfer (top link)
246 S 1 7125 Motif - Port (Body)
247 S 1 7126 Motif - Starboard (Body)
248 S 1 130H 7114 Instruction - Transfer (Top link)
249 S 1 7115 Motif - Port (Body)
250 S 1 7116 Motif -Starboard (Body)


Attachment of "Z-DRIVE" Transom Unit to Boat Transom. GASKET SETS

All models
Coupling "Z-DRIVE" Transom Unit to engine. To suit various
installation requirements, close and distance coupling
arrangements are available as follows:
130 and 1ØH recommended engine coupling components: 130

8101 Stub shaft (short) Part machined 8090 Seal Set comprising:-
7130 Stub shaft (long) undrilled. Customer to 245821 Ring
1130 H) finish to suit engine. 33824117 'O' Ring
2415507 Oil seal input
2415520 Oil seal propeller shaft
37463734 Coupling, half 2415817 'O' Ring, housing oil seal propeller shaft
2581215 Coupling, flexible 0730135 'O' Ring sealing shaft gear change
0096637 Bolt, flexible coupling to half coupling - 2 off 2415710 'O' Ring sealing astern lock pin
0576101 Nut, flexible coupling to half coupling - 2 off 2415943 Washer, sealing housing astern lock
2415702 'O' Ring, sealing plunger swivel plate stop
Close Coupling.-
8009 Close coupling kit comprising:
130H Comprising:- 2415507
36133118 Distance piece
0096642 Bolt Flexible coupling, distance piece to 2415817
0576101 Nut "Z-DRIVE" coupling, 2 off 0730135

from MORSE CONTROL LIMITED Distributors. The plunger release cable, fitted within the craft, allows for remote
Each unit will require a Single Lever Remote Control Box, a Pair of operation of the swivel plate locking plunger when cranking the unit
Cables of predetermined lengths, a Gear Change Connection Kit to into or out of its Port and Starboard parking positions.
match the direction of propeller rotation and a Throttle Connection 8096 Plunger release cable assembly 8 ft. (2.4m)
Kit to suit the type of engine employed. comprises:
41718422 Cable assembly, swivel plate locking plunger
36562118 Bracket, plunger release cable support

Ref. No. Part Number Description Model
256 7112 Spinner Nut 130/130H
257 33177511 Tabwasher 130/130H
259 33144114 Distance Piece 130/130H

Reference 261
Part Number Part Number
Left Hand Description Right Hand
Rotation Rotation
8005 Propeller Assembly - 11'/," (292mm) dia. X 11" (279mm) pitch X 3 blade 8004
8003 11'/x" (292mm) dia. X 12" (305mm) pitch X 3 " 8002
8006 121/2" (318mm) dia. X 11" (279mm) pitch X 3 " ' 8005
8056 " " 12'/a" (318mm) dia. X 12" (305mm) pitch X 3 " 8057
8058 12'/z" (318mm1 dia. X 13" (330mm) pitch X 3 " 8059
8060 " 12'/x" (318mm) dia. X 14" (356mm) pitch X 3 " 8061
8062 " 12 1/2 (318mm) dia. X 15" 1381mm) pitch X 3 " ' 8063
8064 13" (330mm) dia. X 8" (203mm) pitch X 3 " ' 8065
8100 " 13" (330mm1 dia. X 9" (229mm) Pitch X 3 " 8066
8067 13" (330mm1 dia. X 10" 1254mm1 pitch X 3 " ' 8068
8073 14" (356mm) dia. X 9" (229mm) pitch X 3 " 8074
8075 14" (356mm) dia. X 10" (245mm) pitch X 3 " 8076
8077 14" (356mm) dia. X 11" (279mm) pitch X 3 " 8078
8079 14" (356mm) dia. X 12" (3O5mm) pitch X 3 " 8080
8081 14" (356mm) dia. X 13" (330mm) pitch X 3 " 8082
8083 14" (356mm) dia. X 14" 1356mm) pitch X 3 " 8084
8085 14" (356mm) dia. X 16" 1406mm) pitch X 3 " 8086


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