Нискооктанов бензин ЛУКОЙЛ-Нефтохим-Бургас

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“LUKOIL Neftohim


1. Technical requirements and test methods

№ Properties Unit Value Test Method

min max
1. 0 3 - 732,0 ASTM D 1298
Density at 15 C kg/m
ASTM D 4052
2. Distilation range 0 ASTM D 86

IBP 30 -

10 % (V/V) recovеred at temperature - 75

50 % (V/V) recovеred at temperature - 125

90 % (V/V) recovеred at temperature - 170

FBP - 180
3. RVP kPa - 85,00 ASTM D 323
4. Seybolt colour units 20 - ASTM D 156
5. Sulphur content % (m/m) - 0,0700 EN ISO 20846
ASTM D 5453
6. Water soluble acids and alkali none ASTM D 1093
7. Lead ppb - 50 AАS
(weight) company method
8. Aromatic hydrocarbons % (m/m) - 12,00 ASTM D 5134
9. Paraffines % (m/m) 65,00 - ASTM D 5134
10. Naphthenes % (m/m) 12,00 40,00 ASTM D 5134
11. Olefines % (m/m) - 1,00 ASTM D 5134
12. Chlorine (organic) ppm - 5 UOP 779
13. 0 klass - 2 ASTM D 130
Copper strip corrosion (3 hrs at 40 C)
14. Mercaptan Sulphur % (m/m) - 0,02 ASTM D 3227
UOP 163-10
ppm (v/v) - 50 IP PM BG/91(mod)
15. МТБЕ ppm (m/m) - 54 or
ASTM D 7423-09

2. Product description
Colourless transparent inflammable liquid.
Feedstock for olefines production.
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“LUKOIL Neftohim


3. Method for production and sampling

3.1 Atmospheric distillation of crude oil.
3.2 Sampling procedure corresponds to BDS EN ISO 3170.
Batch is the quantity of one kind or brand product, with same qualitative indices, produced by the same technologies,
stored in one or more tanks and accompanied by a test document.

4. Storage
In covered tanks.

5. Transportation and documents

5.1 Tankers, tank lorry and rail tanks, observing the transport regulation of fire hazardous materials.
5.2 The product has UN № 1268 according to UNO (United Nations Organization).
5.3 Each shipment shall be accompanied by Quality Certificate of the test results according to point 1.
5.4 Product MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is submitted to the user prior or at the time of first delivery.


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