Tds Barnacle Buster

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Barnacle Buster®

Marine growth remover

Barnacle Buster® is a safe, effective environmental solution

to all your marine growth problems
Barnacle Buster® is a safe, non-toxic, and biodegradable marine growth
remover. It is specifically formulated to meet an industry wide need for a fast,
safe, & cost effective alternative to mechanical cleaning of water cooled
equipment. With minimal dismantling of equipment required, Barnacle
Buster® can safely be recirculated through sea water cooling systems,
dissolving barnacles, zebra mussels, calcium, rust, lime and all other mineral
deposits. Most applications can be completed within 4 hours!

Barnacle Buster® along with our Advance Descaling Technologies®

have many advantages including rapid execution, low corrosion rates, & the
ability to either spot clean or flush the entire system .

Types of Applications
Barnacle Buster® can safely be used to remove marine growth from:
 Engines seawater cooling systems  All types of heat exchangers Before After
 A/C & refrigeration cooling systems  Bow thrusters
 HULLS  Water makers
 SEACOCKS  Propellers
 Boat bottoms  PIPING
Engine circulation chart
1 gallon , 5 gallon pail, 55 gallon drum
or a 250 gallon tote tank
Light 10 – 250 Hp 1 to 2
Barnacle Buster® is also available in a concen-
Small 250 – 800 Hp 2 to 4
trated format: Buster Concentrate’s® dilution rate
Medium 800- 1800 Hp 4 to 6 is 1:4 (1 part of Buster Concentrate in 4 parts of
water). This dilution must be performed prior to all
Large 1800 + 6 to 12
 Barnacle Buster® is biodegradable & can be disposed of through regular sewer system.
 Barnacle Buster® is safe for your personnel
 Barnacle Buster® passed the California Fish Toxicity Assay Test, Department of Hazardous Substances (Title 22) and complies
with NSF International standard 60.
 Based on current EPA guidelines, Barnacle Buster® is classified as non-flammable and meets all requirements
regarding hazardous and dangerous materials.


TRAC Ecological
Dealer/Distributor Label 1103 Old Griffin Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33004 USA
001.954.987.2722 Voice - 001.954.583.4933 Fax ~ [email protected]

Q. What About Zincs And Aluminum Anodes?

A. Barnacle Buster will dissolve small quantities of zincs or other sacrificial anodes. Many times small section of anodes will flake off and clog water passages. Barnacle Buster will dissolve these
‘flakes’ while also removing all of the marine growth. It is recommended that you temporarily remove your anodes while flushing with Barnacle Buster.

Q. How Can I Circulate Your Product Without Running The Motor. The Thermostat Would Keep Water From Circulating In The Engine Block?
A. As you pointed out, the thermostat would prevent the solution from reaching the engine block, so the only efficient way to flush these is to remove the thermostat and use a flushing system to
recirculate the solution. The solution should be injected at the lowest end and return from the highest end of the system, and at the end of the flush we recommend back flushing the system to
help remove any loose debris.

Q. I Cannot Recirculate, How Long Should I Leave Barnacle Buster Soaking In My System?
A. If you are not able to recirculate, you may soak your system. We recommend soaking between 6-12 hours, depending on the amount of scale.

Q. How Often Should I Use Barnacle Buster?

A. We recommend flushing your systems twice a year as preventative maintenance. However, in warmer climates, you may want to consider flushing more often.

Q. Does Barnacle Buster Have A Shelf Life?

A. Barnacle Buster does not have a shelf life. The product will remain active until it has been thoroughly used. Each gallon of ready to use solution will absorb 1.5 pounds of marine growth. Once
that amount has been taken in, the product is no longer active and should be discarded. While we understand that it is sometimes difficult to see how much has been absorbed, you may drop a
sea shell (calcium based object) in the solution. An active solution will dissolve the shell within 20 minutes.

Q. Can I Flush More Than One System At A Time?

A. CAN I FLUSH MORE THAN ONE SYSTEM AT A TIME? Yes, you can, that’s what’s great about TRAC! By pumping two systems together in a series you can easily flush both systems concurrently,
saving you a lot of time.

Q. How Do I Remove The Product Once The Cleaning Is Done?

A. In most cases you can simply turn the equipment on and let it flush itself out. Although all of our products are safe to dispose of through your sewer system, you should check your local laws on

Q. How Can I Tell If My Product Is Still Active?

A. If you do not have access to a pH meter, try dropping a small seashell in the solution. The shell should completely dissolve itself within 20 minutes time. You may purchase pH strips from Trac.
Our test strips measure 0.0 - 6.0. The correct pH for Barnacle Buster is between 1.0 - 1.25 click here to order

Q. How Can I Make Sure That The Cleaning Has Completed?

A. The best method is by measuring the pH level. The pH will rise during the application as deposits are dissolved. Once the pH has leveled off, or maintains at a set level for about 1 hour, the
solution is no longer dissolving any material and has completed the cleaning. If a pH meter is not available, a visual inspection of the product will work but it is not 100% reliable. Once the
foaming reduces, the application should be complete.

Q. When Using The Concentrate, Can I Dilute It More Than It Is Recommended?

A. You can, but you will not obtain the desired results with a diluted solution.

Q. What About Carpets And Wood?

A. The product will react in the same manner as water would on carpets and wood.

Q. Do I Need To Be Careful When Handling Your Products?

A. These products by nature will etch most metals. In other words ANY polished aluminum, marble, or tile will lose its shine. Covering your work area and removing deck plates is recommended.
As far as any immediate danger to the applier of our products, TRAC solutions are safe, non-toxic, biodegradable, non-corrosive, and non-hazardous.

Q. Do I Need To Rinse After The Application?

A. In most cases, yes. Usually this entails starting the engine, or turning on the air conditioning. FOR DRINKING, BLACK, and GRAY WATER SYSTEMS: a good flush is required because you do not
want to leave the chemical in the system for an extended amount of time.

Q. What About The Metals In My System?

A. If used as directed, our solutions will not harm metal. Galvanized metal, zinc, tin and some aluminum oxides should be closely monitored when using TRAC solutions. The aluminum designed
for uses in a water system, which most marine equipment is, is normally compatible with Trac Products. NOTE: ZINC ANODES WILL NEED TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO OR REPLACED AFTER

Q. Will Trac’S Solutions Attack My Gaskets, Seals, Or Plastics?

A. NO! All of our solutions are specifically formulated for these types of applications. These materials can stay in contact with the products for several weeks without being corrupted.

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