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Arguement about Crank Lab questions.

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2008-07-21, 00:27

Ok so were all educated grads, talking about old drug times and chemistry classes since and how things could have went better or different back in the young days. So arguement goes about times we were around people making meth, and seeing how its made or boasting making it yourself. The few arguements were this. 1. Red devil lye is not made no more, but a substitute like NO NAME BRANDS cleaning crystals will fill the spot ? Correct or not? 2. Use NO NAME BRANDS. 3. If someone screwed up and put muratic in the distilled water at the end process where your about to pan out there is no way to fix this ? Or can you do something to fix the issue? Since basically your at the point of just steaming off the distill water waiting to throw on acetone, but someone stated putting in muratic acid at that point by accident, and theres NO WAY to REVERSE it. IS THERE A WAY? 4. During the procedure of mixxing all three main chemicals, I+E+phos, some say heat it with an open jar.. and argued it, why do you use another mason jar with surgical tubing connected to another jar filled with distill water thats not the cook jar? What does this process actually do anyways ? 5. if the pills have no wax coating, and are plain white, contents being psuedo ephedrine HCI 60mg, and Triplodine as a common psuedo sold box.. can the same process of extracting the psuedo with the methyl alchohol (bottle of heet) still work fine without extracting blockers? Some argues using one coffee filter, grind the pills , and put it in one coffee filter, then take a second coffee filter, fill it with cotton balls, and wrap it around the first coffee filter containing the ground psuedo, then rubber ban tighten it, and leave it in a jar filled with HEET for 4 hours. Will this keep the blockers out?

stupid noob Do not list name brands, or I will ban you.

2008-07-21, 01:13


2008-07-21, 03:33

I appologize ! Oh well.. just an arguement, but I myself always did wonder what the need for having two jars while doing the cook was for. Like why one jar has to have distill water in it, and be connected to the cook jar on the heating element. What does it do chemically ? Or does it just vaporize the smoke ? Like an elders breathing machine?

Does anyone know the answer to this? Is there a flawless way to successfully make the product without error each time? Biggest argument of all was that everyone talkin their experience said you will never do it each time and every time, but if your good most of the time. Being a physics enthusiest always beleiving in numbers, I feel you can 100% do this every time. For example. the process showed on this website, is this a flawless tutorial ? There were things found that could have been done better easier. Such as getting the phospherous by cutting the red off the match boxes with a razor takes a long time. Why not just cut the strips, throw it in a mason jar filled with acetone, and shake it to death and then filter it through a coffee filter, then pan out the acetone to get the phospherous on the pan to scrape? Is there error in this way of doing it? Why leave the pills in the ISOMETHYL ALCHOHOL for 4 hours waiting for the trash to settle at the bottom when you could filter it through a coffee filter. (filtering through coffee filter hasnt been working lately for some people)) and that is my question.. why sit it for 4 hours if your just trying to seperate the trash from the psuedo in the ISOMETHYL ALCHOHOL.. (the YELLOW BOTTLE NAME BRAND CANT BE SAID, but its at



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most auto stores for taking water out of gas tanks)). Also, Licking the wax covering off the pills is easier than using alchohol and rubbing it off .. trust me on that one. the main questions of not understanding.. is primarily why using the tube connected to the two jars during the reaction cook????? Why is it bad to go Open Jar, and placing another pyrex pan over the open jar? ALso, WILL using "more" than JUST one drop of muratic when your in the end phase of the process cause any problems that cant be reversed ? BIG ARGUEMENT: What do you use to clean out the bottles and stuff your using for all of the process ?? I argued that it was acetone you used when cleaning your bottles and pans etc... But the others argue saying only use distill water??? last but not least.. the ONLY water ever being used in the process is DISTILL correct ?


2008-07-21, 09:19

Apart FROM THE RANDOM CAPITALS, i believe your question(s) can all be answered on WD. :)

stupid noob

2008-07-21, 11:38

All of your questions can be answered with some searching around this forum, and WD. We aren't going to hold your hand and explain every single step of a reaction for you.

fcknut If I were going to answer those questions, I reckon I'd need a translator...

2008-07-21, 11:43


2008-07-21, 12:50

Ok so were all educated grads, talking about old drug times and chemistry classes since and how things could have went better or different back in the young days. So arguement goes about times we were around people making meth, and seeing how its made or boasting making it yourself. The few arguements were this. 1. Red devil lye is not made no more, but a substitute like NO NAME BRANDS cleaning crystals will fill the spot ? Correct or not? ==> Lye is lye - The old Red Devil brand was discontinued as it had such an engrained association with Meth manufacture - Some thought you HAD to have R.D. lye and no substitute would do. Lye as a whole is not as easily available as it once was but it is still about and there is even a company that has started a copy of Red Devil! 2. Use NO NAME BRANDS. 3. If someone screwed up and put muratic in the distilled water at the end process where your about to pan out there is no way to fix this ? Or can you do something to fix the issue? Since basically your at the point of just steaming off the distill water waiting to throw on acetone, but someone stated putting in muratic acid at that point by accident, and theres NO WAY to REVERSE it. IS THERE A WAY? ==> Yes, there is a way to undo the MAJOR FUCK-UP. However, firstly one should address the problem of the confusion in the first place, was the HCl (Muriatic) not in it's original container? maybe someone had decanted some into a handy bottle which was in fact similar to the one the Tone had been decanted into also and thus the HCl was confused for Tone...OR was everything in the correct bottles but they guy was just ....a dick? Whatever, if one does decant ensure labels are printed off from the net with the correct info/hazard details too and the MSDS is a handy essential, too (Something only truly appreciated if the need arises but excellent practice to get into and should be read (and thoroughly understood) PRIOR to using any chemical) Anyway, I digress, all one has to do is after it has evapped and there is a sludgy dark yellow mess left behind, put all of said sludge into a paper filter or two and wash away ALL of the excess HCl with COLD DRY ACETONE. The product will come back beautifully white, neutral or thereabouts and clean as fuck. ALLOW each addition of acetone to drain before adding the next. This works extremely well don't use too much acetone as it can and does take a small amount of product with it (tiny amounts) - use approx 1ml per g per



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wash. 4. During the procedure of mixxing all three main chemicals, I+E+phos, some say heat it with an open jar.. and argued it, why do you use another mason jar with surgical tubing connected to another jar filled with distill water thats not the cook jar? What does this process actually do anyways ? Heating with an open anything is not a good idea at all as the gases are toxic. However, some individuals did used to run a tube from their 'cook' to an outside window whether this is wise or not is debated by those who do it (not many) and those who give a fuck (less than those who do it) However, that said have seen in a lab set up on the net where a 'wet reaction was used that was NOT smoking through lack of water and thus an open condenser was used just to recycle vapour. The jar set-up is known as a push-pull and is used a) As a form of controlling the gases from reaching the air (same way as a toilet's U-Bend protects us from the awful smells from the sewers b) The distilled water collects an iodide I believe, probably from the Phosphorous Tri-iodide and the Hydrogen iodide that has been used in the reduction and this can be reclaimed at some point in the future and returned to Iodine.

5. if the pills have no wax coating, and are plain white, contents being psuedo ephedrine HCI 60mg, and Triplodine as a common psuedo sold box.. can the same process of extracting the psuedo with the methyl alchohol (bottle of heet) still work fine without extracting blockers? Some argues using one coffee filter, grind the pills , and put it in one coffee filter, then take a second coffee filter, fill it with cotton balls, and wrap it around the first coffee filter containing the ground psuedo, then rubber ban tighten it, and leave it in a jar filled with HEET for 4 hours. Will this keep the blockers out? I'd say No, probably not. Methanol pulls on PSE as an easy pull of the PSE were used many years ago and they did work but many gaks have been added to fuck with this single process. However, Wet Dreams has some up to date info on extractions I believe. The extractions used today appear really long and tedious though, so be prepared. Another thing which is overlooked a little too much these days is trying things for oneself, it's a good way of cracking things and getting tons of experience. Just use 5 - 10 pills and hit them with what one likes and see how things go. Things change and what as been written off may begin to work again and it's only through experimentation that new methods appear. Sheeeet, many of the greatest discoveries ever made were made by accident!![b] [b]NB: NEVER USE MASON JARS TO HEAT THINGS IN, IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME UNTIL THEY BLOW WHEN IT DOES, ONE WOULD NOT WANT TO BE THERE!!!!

MrSparkle Random capitals. Madness.

2008-07-21, 13:11

steve-o13 Is English your first language?

2008-07-21, 14:20

SpeedyDreamer Quote:

2008-07-23, 15:08

5. if the pills have no wax coating, and are plain white, contents being psuedo ephedrine HCI 60mg, and Triplodine as a common psuedo sold box.. can the same process of extracting the psuedo with the methyl alchohol (bottle of heet) still work fine without extracting blockers? Some argues using one coffee filter, grind the pills , and put it in one coffee filter, then take a second coffee filter, fill it with cotton balls, and wrap it around the first coffee filter containing the ground psuedo, then rubber ban tighten it, and leave it in a jar filled with HEET for 4 hours. Will this keep the blockers out?



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The answer to this is yes heet. Swirl it around real evap. No need for all the you will pull most all you DONE!!!

and no. All thats needed on these U.S. pills is to grind them put them in a jar with good. Wait for everything to settle, decant (pour off liquid) run through coffee filter, wrapping and rubber banding. And no need to wait 4 hours. 10 minutes tops and are going to get.

stupid noob Quote:

2008-07-23, 15:38

5. if the pills have no wax coating, and are plain white, contents being psuedo ephedrine HCI 60mg, and Triplodine as a common psuedo sold box.. can the same process of extracting the psuedo with the methyl alchohol (bottle of heet) still work fine without extracting blockers? Some argues using one coffee filter, grind the pills , and put it in one coffee filter, then take a second coffee filter, fill it with cotton balls, and wrap it around the first coffee filter containing the ground psuedo, then rubber ban tighten it, and leave it in a jar filled with HEET for 4 hours. Will this keep the blockers out?

The answer to this is yes heet. Swirl it around real evap. No need for all the you will pull most all you

and no. All thats needed on these U.S. pills is to grind them put them in a jar with good. Wait for everything to settle, decant (pour off liquid) run through coffee filter, wrapping and rubber banding. And no need to wait 4 hours. 10 minutes tops and are going to get.

DONE!!! I gotta call bullshit. Unless of course I have missed something somewhere. That hasn't worked in years though man. Everyone remembers this is 2008 right? This topic is straight from 2002.


2008-07-23, 17:45

I gotta call bullshit. Unless of course I have missed something somewhere. That hasn't worked in years though man. Everyone remembers this is 2008 right? This topic is straight from 2002. You never know, sometimes the best answer to complicated things is the simple one (KOH boil anyone?)


2008-07-24, 04:47

while on the subject about new age pills and gakk, i have a question about tackling 30mg pse tablets with ibuprofen (200mg) - a while back a trial took place and the pills were ground, put through a fine seive, and tce added and let to dry on paper, the powder was then soaked in acetone (over night), as i was told the actone would help dissolve the ibuprofen - and then the solution would be ran through a filter, where the actone would have hopefully collected the ibuprofen, and it was then soaked in ethanol and evaporated to await the collection of the pse - i noticed the formation of the pse on the evap plate, but a gakk was still present, like a wax layer over the pse crystals, and the yield was very small, im guessing that the pse was also disolved in the acetone, anyone know how to get a good yeild from 30mg pse/ 200mg ibuprofen tablets? pretty much only pill stock available where i am, any help appreciated and i appologise for any spelling/grammar errors, many thanks kelz

JoePedo a gakk was still present, like a wax layer over the pse crystals ...I'm... noticing all your solvents were nonaqueous? and the yield was very small, im guessing that the pse was also disolved in the acetone

2008-07-24, 05:14



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How dry was your acetone?


2008-07-24, 05:37

i hadnt placed baked epsom salts in the acetone prehand to make it anhydrous, but it was pharmaceutical grade, so do you think this is where i could have lost all the pse?, any other errors you could point out when i consulted others on whether this may work, they gave me a thumbs up, but in hindsight, it was a waste of money, but there has to be a way, perhaps it takes only an acetone wash and not a soak to absorb the ibuprofen, i think that is possibly why alot of the pse was lost, when the solution was left to sit along with the acetone not being anhydrous - is that correct, im assuming you refer dried acteone, to being anhydrous, when you add baked epsom salts..so on...?? or another way? please inform if i am way off track, thanks Kelz

stupid noob

2008-07-24, 20:26

i hadnt placed baked epsom salts in the acetone prehand to make it anhydrous, but it was pharmaceutical grade, so do you think this is where i could have lost all the pse?, any other errors you could point out when i consulted others on whether this may work, they gave me a thumbs up, but in hindsight, it was a waste of money, but there has to be a way, perhaps it takes only an acetone wash and not a soak to absorb the ibuprofen, i think that is possibly why alot of the pse was lost, when the solution was left to sit along with the acetone not being anhydrous - is that correct, im assuming you refer dried acteone, to being anhydrous, when you add baked epsom salts..so on...?? or another way? please inform if i am way off track, thanks KelzThat's what happens when you don't do your own research. You end up listening to people, who have no investment in your project, and hence don't care if you fuck it up, which means you end up fucking it up. Do your own research.


2008-07-25, 11:11

so if i may ask then stupid noob, what is it you are suggesting or implying, either that i do my own research, and still more than risk fucking up again through trial and error, where it may take many trials and errors and wasted pill stock, or do i put forth a question to my totse members of 'Lab tips', and hope to seek advise and direction from the more experienced, inturn leading me on the right track, without having the bother of making mistakes, financially and potentially criminally, as all pill-stock purchases are recorded in my area. it would make more logic in this case to ask for more experienced advise, or if you dont know the answer to the question, you should just say so, any ideas? recall seeing abit on wet dreams about a similar situation, but nothing deadproof, any help much appreciated

stupid noob If you researched properly, you wouldn't be fucking up, is what I am saying.

2008-07-25, 12:53


2008-07-25, 14:05

so if i may ask then stupid noob, what is it you are suggesting or implying, either that i do my own research, and still more than risk fucking up again through trial and error No, sorry man...i think you missed the point, what he is trying to tell you is to kill yourself, if you can't do some research and clicking and reading you have no value here :)

danzig you are all so smart.

2008-07-27, 20:54

stateofhack you are all so smart. You! Link me to your "road trip/hobo story" I wanna read that shit again!

2008-07-27, 22:44



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danzig You! Link me to your "road trip/hobo story" I wanna read that shit again!

2008-07-27, 23:29

can't you search the threads i made? my first hobo adventure is threaderized. i may never get around to threaderizing my travels earlier this year.

stateofhack can't you search the threads i made? no. Link me!:mad:

2008-07-28, 08:25


2008-07-28, 15:36

I gotta call bullshit. Unless of course I have missed something somewhere. That hasn't worked in years though man. Everyone remembers this is 2008 right? This topic is straight from 2002. Call it what you wish, but its done weekly around these parts. Even the 30mg red hots is no more than wash the red off, crush, tce bath, soak in denat, pull, evap, tone wash, USE. Nothing as gaaked up as you may hear. You know Speedy wouldn't be speaking up if he were not 100% sure. LOL!


2008-07-28, 17:16

Call it what you wish, but its done weekly around these parts. Even the 30mg red hots is no more than wash the red off, crush, tce bath, soak in denat, pull, evap, tone wash, USE. Nothing as gaaked up as you may hear. You know Speedy wouldn't be speaking up if he were not 100% sure. LOL! Are you saying that all the deal with the pills is not as bad as it actually is? Either that or people are stupid.

stupid noob He may very well be right, I haven't touched pills in ages.

2008-07-28, 19:21

stateofhack He may very well be right, I haven't touched pills in ages. Well then the people are WD are freaking out over nothing!

2008-07-28, 22:00

stupid noob Speedy is the ONLY "dope cook" whos word I actually take seriously. Dope cook as opposed to chemist. And that's saying quite a bit, because I fucking hate dope cooks.

2008-07-28, 22:08


2008-07-29, 18:32

Are you saying that all the deal with the pills is not as bad as it actually is? Either that or people are stupid. Correct! Not stupid people, just different parts of the world. Most at WD are not from the US and the pills overseas are more gaaked up than in the US. Speedy is the ONLY "dope cook" whos word I actually take seriously. Dope cook as opposed to chemist. And that's saying quite a bit, because I fucking hate dope cooks.



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Well thank you. Speedy is no chemist and doesn't try to pretend to be one. Thats why he loves ya'll. He reads alot and likes to think of himself as a smart or well read dope cook. LOL If it weren't for some of ya'll he would be lost. But many years of trial and error are worth a lot. (good thing cause it damn sure costs alot. lol)


2008-07-29, 22:54

Correct! Not stupid people, just different parts of the world. Most at WD are not from the US and the pills overseas are more gaaked up than in the US. As in Europe? Now way dude, i mean i have checked in the Italy,Germany, France, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg and they all are not to hard to clean. The UK is the only one to me which appears to be quite involved. I have seen some very crap free pills in Easter Europe (Russia and Latvia). I dunno, its not really my sort of thing, but i always thought that the USA had the worst pills for this sort of thing :)

stupid noob

2008-07-30, 05:41

As in Europe? Now way dude, i mean i have checked in the Italy,Germany, France, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg and they all are not to hard to clean. The UK is the only one to me which appears to be quite involved. I have seen some very crap free pills in Easter Europe (Russia and Latvia). I dunno, its not really my sort of thing, but i always thought that the USA had the worst pills for this sort of thing :) As have I, and was under the impression that there are several pills over that way which can still be cleaned with a simple methanol extraction. Not that I even give a rats ass these days, though it is fun to discuss.


2008-07-30, 09:00

As have I, and was under the impression that there are several pills over that way which can still be cleaned with a simple methanol extraction. Not that I even give a rats ass these days, though it is fun to discuss. In the US? As in a simple MeOH wash will do? That sounds crazy! Knowing the whole fuss about pills it sounds wierd!

stupid noob

2008-07-30, 09:27

In the US? As in a simple MeOH wash will do? That sounds crazy! Knowing the whole fuss about pills it sounds wierd! No, I meant east, when I say over THAT way, I mean over in europe, I am american, remember?


2008-07-30, 11:02

No, I meant east, when I say over THAT way, I mean over in europe, I am american, remember? Ah yeah sorry :( I know that it the countries above there are a couple of specific brand which a simple MeOH wash sill do, i was thinking USA :(


2008-07-30, 13:56

while on the subject about new age pills and gakk, i have a question about tackling 30mg pse tablets with ibuprofen (200mg) - a while back a trial took place and the pills were ground, put through a fine seive, and tce added and let to dry on paper, the powder was then soaked in acetone (over night), as i was told the actone would help dissolve the ibuprofen - and then the solution would be ran through a filter, where the actone would have hopefully collected the ibuprofen, and it was then soaked in ethanol and evaporated to await the collection of the pse - i noticed the formation of the pse on the evap plate, but a gakk was still present, like a wax layer over the pse crystals, and the yield was very small, im guessing that the pse was also disolved in the acetone, anyone know how to get a good yeild from 30mg pse/ 200mg ibuprofen tablets? pretty much only pill stock available where i am, any help appreciated and i appologise for any



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spelling/grammar errors, many thanks kelz Wax can normally be removed by chilling the solution and thus forcing it out. What is important is the amount of solvent used in extraction, this is so rarely mentioned and yet can have a massive effect on the outcome. Know each solvents properties and exactly why that particular one is being used at that particular time (sequence). PSE doesn't readily disolve in acetone even if it's at room temp and not been dried (unless of course the acetone is from a majorly crap source). ALWAYS keep the acetone that filters off and evap it to see what it has removed. In fact keep everything and label at the time neatly and in a manner that you will understand. Always tidy up well, be neat and methodical, it pays major dividends. I'd say it definitely wasn't lost in the tone unless the tone was left in the open air and sucked up moisture from the air. *Everyone was doing straight MeOH pulls for years in the US but then gaks started showing up and it was considered obsolete BUT sometimes it's worth going back to see if the older ways can be re-used in full or in part. Was the pse being used in Ammonia or are you saying it's good n clean enough for RP n I, Speedy?


2008-07-31, 19:47

if you must know how to make meth that tastes just like CRACK when you hit it follow these directions at your own risk? crush the sudos then get 6 cans of prestone starting fluid tip upside down to release gas then poke hole in can and drain in new 2 gallon gas can then take 3 to 5 batteries new kind and take apart and unwind but be fast they will get hot and burn up submerge in ether in gas can mix crushed sudo in mixture then this is the key ingredient get ahnydrous amonium about 3/4 ball jar , you can steal from any farmer or coop but be careful will severly burn skin and lungs. poor in can wait 1 to 2 hours then use coffe filter to drain 1/2 ball jar then use industrial strength drain cleaner any with skull and cross bones on it and mix with uniodized salt in 20 0oz plastic pop bottle drill hole in cap and glue small fish filter hose when mixed will smoke squeeze bottle 5-6 times in 1/2 filled ball jar wait a few minutes then refilter with new coffee filter and squeeze out liquid and let dry and what you have now is best meth ever warning be careful when you r done with filters or any biproduct dont let touch water or moisture cause thats how you burn up happy cooking:eek:

dlw2385 oh yeah flip starting fluid upside down and spray into wet rag to avoid fumes

2008-07-31, 19:49


2008-08-01, 04:09

Hey SN, can we flame that guy^? Please? :D IDK if he is a troll or just so stupid he seems like a troll :confused: lol @ putting hot batteries in starter fluid


2008-08-01, 04:18

Was the pse being used in Ammonia or are you saying it's good n clean enough for RP n I, Speedy? No ammonia. RP & I. if you must know how to make meth that tastes just like CRACK when you hit it follow these directions at your own risk? crush the sudos then get 6 cans of prestone starting fluid tip upside down to release gas then poke hole in can and drain in new 2 gallon gas can then take 3 to 5 batteries new kind and take apart and unwind but be fast they will get hot and burn up submerge in ether in gas can mix crushed sudo in mixture then this is the key ingredient get ahnydrous amonium about 3/4 ball jar , you can steal from any farmer or coop but be careful will severly burn skin and lungs. poor in can wait 1 to 2 hours then use coffe filter to drain 1/2 ball jar then use industrial strength drain cleaner any with skull and cross bones on it and mix with



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uniodized salt in 20 0oz plastic pop bottle drill hole in cap and glue small fish filter hose when mixed will smoke squeeze bottle 5-6 times in 1/2 filled ball jar wait a few minutes then refilter with new coffee filter and squeeze out liquid and let dry and what you have now is best meth ever warning be careful when you r done with filters or any biproduct dont let touch water or moisture cause thats how you burn up happy cooking:eek: This is very similar to the crock of shit thats going around here now. They call it "shake & bake" or "fake & shake". They crush up pills(whole thing and any will work, 120's are the preference) and in camp fuel they put 2 lithium strips in 2 liter bottle. To that they add the crushed pills, 2 cups fertilizer, 1 cup lye, and a capfull of water. Close lid and shake the hell out of it. Periodicaly the top must be cracked to let off pressure. Then when the shit quits reacting (bout 45 min to hour)the furl is filtered off and then gassed for a return of about 90-95% of something resembling meth. It has a strong annie/ fert flavor, wires one up for a bit, and leaves some with a terrible headache. LOL. Bad part is people are buying it as fast as it can get made.:(


2008-08-01, 04:26

This is very similar to the crock of shit thats going around here now. They call it "shake & bake" or "fake & shake". They crush up pills(whole thing and any will work, 129's are the preference) and in camp fuel they put 2 lithium strips in 2 liter bottle. To that they add the crushed pills, 2 cups fertilizer, 1 cup lye, and a capfull of water. Close lid and shake the hell out of it. Periodicaly the top must be cracked to let off pressure. Then when the shit quits reacting (bout 45 min to hour)the furl is filtered off and then gassed for a return of about 90-95% of something resembling meth. It has a strong annie/ fert flavor, wires one up for a bit, and leaves some with a terrible headache. LOL. Bad part is people are buying it as fast as it can get made.:( :(wow

stateofhack No ammonia. RP & I.

2008-08-01, 19:13

This is very similar to the crock of shit thats going around here now. They call it "shake & bake" or "fake & shake". They crush up pills(whole thing and any will work, 120's are the preference) and in camp fuel they put 2 lithium strips in 2 liter bottle. To that they add the crushed pills, 2 cups fertilizer, 1 cup lye, and a capfull of water. Close lid and shake the hell out of it. Periodicaly the top must be cracked to let off pressure. Then when the shit quits reacting (bout 45 min to hour)the furl is filtered off and then gassed for a return of about 90-95% of something resembling meth. It has a strong annie/ fert flavor, wires one up for a bit, and leaves some with a terrible headache. LOL. Bad part is people are buying it as fast as it can get made.:( I hope your fucking joking, i have heard some bad lab techs and shortcuts but fuck, this tops it all so far :(


2008-08-02, 05:36

Not a joke. Idiots are buying it up as fast as other idiots can keep it made. With the crackdown on pills, and no real meth being sold (those who know how to make real shit are only making enough for themselves and close friends) whatever this shit is (i believe it to be just cranked up ephed) will get them a buzz and thats all they care about.

UK_TOM No ammonia. RP & I.

2008-08-02, 14:16

This is very similar to the crock of shit thats going around here now. They call it "shake & bake" or "fake & shake". They crush up pills(whole thing and any will work, 120's are the preference) and in camp fuel they



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put 2 lithium strips in 2 liter bottle. To that they add the crushed pills, 2 cups fertilizer, 1 cup lye, and a capfull of water. Close lid and shake the hell out of it. Periodicaly the top must be cracked to let off pressure. Then when the shit quits reacting (bout 45 min to hour)the furl is filtered off and then gassed for a return of about 90-95% of something resembling meth. It has a strong annie/ fert flavor, wires one up for a bit, and leaves some with a terrible headache. LOL. Bad part is people are buying it as fast as it can get made.:( Actually, I used to have a load of pics of that very same process and a DEA reconstruction - they thought a new technique was being used at first (different chems to rp/I or Annie) and were finding variations on that theme also, some w ere all-in-one jobs and some were producing annie on the fly and cooling in a bucket of dry ice n tone with coiled copper pipe in to condense the ammonia. I'll try and dig it up again, nice to see the various ghetto rigs discovered here, there and everywhere.....but yes, you are right, venting is paramount or the container will blow


2008-08-03, 02:19

I'll try and dig it up again, nice to see the various ghetto rigs discovered here, there and everywhere.....but yes, you are right, venting is paramount or the container will blow that would be interesting to see, please do.


2008-09-01, 00:36

Heating with an open anything is not a good idea at all as the gases are toxic. However, some individuals did used to run a tube from their 'cook' to an outside window whether this is wise or not is debated by those who do it (not many) and those who give a fuck (less than those who do it) However, that said have seen in a lab set up on the net where a 'wet reaction was used that was NOT smoking through lack of water and thus an open condenser was used just to recycle vapour [b]NB: NEVER USE MASON JARS TO HEAT THINGS IN, IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME UNTIL THEY BLOW WHEN IT DOES, ONE WOULD NOT WANT TO BE THERE!!!![/QUOTE] when mixing the three precusors one should mix the weighed portions at the correct ratio of e or pse with the rp first and place in reaction vessel and then place the vessel in an ice bath then add iodine crystals this is to slow down the reaction at first. the use of mason jars will soon cost you more than you are saving by using them.swiwpcc has first hand expirience with exploding mason jars,it is costly and very damaging to the structure you are in,unless of course you have concrete walls and it is very unhealthy to breathe the gases and fumes of the reaction. peace out swihpj


2008-09-15, 19:46

NB: NEVER USE MASON JARS TO HEAT THINGS IN, IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME UNTIL THEY BLOW - WHEN IT DOES, ONE WOULD NOT WANT TO BE THERE!!!! [/QUOTE] Someone using mason jars like this doesn't deserve to live...its just asking for it :mad:


2008-09-16, 01:25

speakin of the ol shake n bake, thats the way of the warrior. that shits got better legs than any of that other bullshit take your sweet time mostly tasteless. were not all degreed chemists with all day on our hands. tried and true. shit i got short cuts that would get me laughed off this site =] but... results are always perfect, but thats old news.


2008-09-16, 07:27

speakin of the ol shake n bake, thats the way of the warrior. that shits got better legs than any of that other bullshit take your sweet time mostly tasteless. were not all degreed chemists with all day on our hands. tried and true. shit i got short cuts that would get me laughed off this site =] but... results are always perfect, but thats old news.



Arguement about Crank Lab questions. [Archive] - Community

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The only shake and bake i can remember find is from bandil from the hive: "One pot synthesis of 4-methylaminorex (Rated as: excellent) Bookmark Reply Hi! Further exploration of an initial suggestion by Rhodium - to perform both the preparation of the carbamoyl norephedrine as well as its cyclization to trans-4-MAR in one pot gave the following results: Theory: When the initial norephedrine hydrochloride is mixed with potassion cyanate, it forms the carbamoyl coumpound in near quantitatie yeilds with respect to the norephedrine. The original patent's uses a slight molar excess of the cyanate in order to give complete conversion. When the first reaction is done, there should thus be a mixture of: N-carbamoyl-norephedrine, potassiumchloride and traces of of cyanate. The remaining cyanate will be destroyed by the huge excess of acid which will be added later. In the end these impurities should have no influence of the ring formation, catalysed by the acid. It should in theory be possible to do the initial reaction and simply add the acid in one portion while heating continusouly till the reaction is over. With this in mind, it seems kind of a waste to isolate the intermediate, so this has to be tested :) Practice:(in theory of course) 5 grammes of norephedrine.HCl(26,5 mmoles), was placed in a 100 mL FBF, and 2,3 grammes of KOCN(28,4 mmoles) and 25 mL's of distilled water was immediately added in succession. This was heated to reflux directly on the hotplate for two hours. After this time, 30 mL's of 2M HCl(60 mmoles) was added. This caused a bit of bubbling(probably from the excess cyanate being broken down to gasseus -i-cant-remember-what-). Reflux was continued for an additional two hours. The mixture took on an ever so slight pinkish tint, which the "old" synth also tend to do at this stage. After 2 hours of reflux, the mixture was cooled and basified with sodium carbonate and presto a lot of pretty white crystals precipitated on the bottom of the beaker. The yeild looked like that which is expected from the normal reaction. They will be measured shortly. Conclusion Total success!! We'll the usual cyanate route to 4-methylaminorex was easy, but this is more like baking a shake-n-bake cake really ;)(which is VERY easy if you didn't know). Bioassay's are pending though, but nothing that was put into the flask would have reacted the way, the final product did. The yeild will also be measured shortly! Have a nice and productive weekend! Kind Regards Bandil " Is is this one?

fcknut The only shake and bake i can remember find is from bandil from the hive: *synth* Is is this one? Erm, I believe he's talking about this:

2008-09-16, 09:34

This is very similar to the crock of shit thats going around here now. They call it "shake & bake" or "fake & shake". They crush up pills(whole thing and any will work, 120's are the preference) and in camp fuel they put 2 lithium strips in 2 liter bottle. To that they add the crushed pills, 2 cups fertilizer, 1 cup lye, and a capfull of water. Close lid and shake the hell out of it.


2008-09-16, 10:34



Arguement about Crank Lab questions. [Archive] - Community

Page 12 of 12

Erm, I believe he's talking about this: Ah ok :( So its just another fucktard redneck piece of shit..oh well :( i thought we had some 4-MAR discussion going on :( (btw the reaction by Bandil is nice because there is no need for the nasty cyanogen bromide *wink*wink*)


2008-09-19, 02:41

in response again, that route almost resembles mine, but its never a "one pot" nor is lye and water added. fert, lith, till metal is dissolved. stock added, stirred for while, fuel is added, stirred more. waiting until fert is done boiling and reduced 240 stock settles. filter off liquid and refilter several times. made salty and not recrystallized due to personal pref


2008-09-19, 13:21

in response again, that route almost resembles mine, but its never a "one pot" nor is lye and water added. fert, lith, till metal is dissolved. stock added, stirred for while, fuel is added, stirred more. waiting until fert is done boiling and reduced 240 stock settles. filter off liquid and refilter several times. made salty and not recrystallized due to personal pref That sounds retarted. I presume there are going to be a lot of impurities and non reduced Ephedrine! Why not go for the "new"birch? If you want some info i can more then happily provided, but what your doing right now sounds like you end up with some crappy product :(:mad:



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