Leadership and Team Building - 035046vb
Leadership and Team Building - 035046vb
Leadership and Team Building - 035046vb
What is Leader?
A leader is someone who is in charge of organizing, guiding, and managing others. They are
visionaries who motivate and encourage their team to reach the desired outcome.
What is Leadership?
A leader is someone who directs and motivates a group of people or an individual to accomplish
a certain goal. Those who are leaders inspire followers to take the initiatives necessary for
success. The abilities required to be an effective leader must be developed via learning and
Features of Leadership
Inter-personal process: It is an interpersonal process between the leader and the followers.
The relationship between the leader and the followers decides how efficiently and effectively
the targets of the organization would be met.
Group process: It is a group process that involves two or more people together interacting
with each other. A leader cannot lead without the followers.
Dependent on the situation: It is situation bound as it all depends upon tackling the
situations present. Thus, there is no single best style of leadership.
Leadership Styles
Autocratic leadership style: It refers to a leadership style where the leader takes all the
decisions by himself.
Democratic leadership style: It refers to a style where the leader consults its subordinates
before taking the final decision.
Laissez-faire or Free-rein leadership style: It refers to a style where the leader gives his
subordinates complete freedom to take the de cisions.
Leadership Functions:
Following are the important functions of a leader:
1. Setting Goals:
A leader is expected to perform creative function of laying out goals and policies to persuade the
2. Organizing:
The second function of a leader is to create and shape the organization on scientific lines by
assigning roles appropriate to individual abilities with the view to make its various components
to operate sensitively towards the achievement of enterprise goals.
3. Initiating Action:
The next function of a leader is to take the initiative in all matters of interest to the group. He
should not depend upon others for decision and judgment. He should float new ideas and his
4. Co-Ordination:
A leader has to reconcile the interests of the individual members of the group with that of the
organization. He has to ensure voluntary co-operation from the group in realizing the common
It is the primary function of a leader to guide and direct his group and motivate people to do their
best in the achievement of desired goals, he should build up confidence and zeal in the work
6.Providing Motivation: A leader motivates the employees by giving them financial and non-
financial incentives and gets the work done efficiently. Motivation is the driving force in an
individual’s life.
7.Providing guidance: A leader not only supervises the employees but also guides them in their
work. He instructs the subordinates on how to perform their work effectively so that their efforts
don’t get wasted.
8.Creating confidence: A leader acknowledges the efforts of the employees, explains to them
their role clearly and guides them to achieve their goals. He also resolves the complaints and
problems of the employees, thereby building confidence in them regarding the organization.
Responsibilities of Leadership
1.Encouraging Subordinates
Good leaders develop strong workplace morale by encouraging their employees, helping them
develop professionally and achieve individual pre-established goals and objectives. Leaders
solicit input, provide evaluation and feedback and offer constructive criticism when necessary.
Additionally, effective leaders will assist employees in troubleshooting work issues, handling
problematic customers and helping them focus on the positive aspects of their performance.
2.Conflict Management
Many leaders are tasked with mediating interoffice disputes between colleagues. This can
involve the responsibilities of listening to employee concerns, documenting problematic areas
and helping staffers resolve workplace issues.
3.Communicating Clearly
Good leaders have effective written and verbal communication skills. This allows them to
fulfill their leadership responsibilities such as communicating with employees regularly on a
variety of levels, providing feedback and offering suggestions.
4.Disciplining Employees
Leaders are charged with reprimanding and disciplining employees when necessary. The
process typically includes responsibilities such as counseling, setting improvement goals and
following up on problem areas.
A key responsibility of a leader is overseeing the daily activities of his staff. This typically
includes scheduling, assigning tasks, developing work flow charts and project plans. It may
also involve setting goals with individual employees and helping them secure the tools and
resources necessary to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities.