C0404 CCTV - Radio Based EN

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Open Standards for CBTC

and CCTV Radio-based

Train control places high demands on effective

wireless roaming because of the high-speed
mobility. Unlike a home or office environment,
where roaming is rare and deferred
communication is tolerated, Communication-
Based Train Control (CBTC) demands continuous
communication in an environment where
roaming is a certainty and often occurs at very
high speeds. The authors explain the concept of
continuous wireless scanning and seamless
roaming handover to provide reliable and
sustained communication for smooth CBTC
operation. They also take a brief look at CCTV
trials in Hong Kong and commissioning of the
Las Vegas Monorail.
E. Kuun, W. Rickard


Alcatel’s CBTC and CCTV radio-based systems incorporate
commercial off-the-shelf components using open standard wireless
local area network technology.

Introduction that open standard technology will be proven in service,

Alcatel is pioneering the implementation of an open that two of its divisions are collaborating on several
Radio Frequency (RF) communication technology, based proposals and trials in which this technology will support
on the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers CBTC, CCTV and/or Internet access within an urban rail
(IEEE) 802.11 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum environment. In the realm of CBTC, radio is a free space
(FHSS) standard, for trains moving in excess of communication medium used as an alternative to inductive
120 km/h. Whether it is used for Communication-Based loops for the transmission of train control data between
Train Control (CBTC) or Closed Circuit Television operation control and trains. CCTV provides security;
(CCTV), IEEE 802.11 is the preferred choice as it is the cameras onboard trains transmit video to operation control
only standard that supports mobility and protects via the radio link.
against obsolescence. Alcatel adopted the 802.11 FHSS
technology in 1999, since then it has carried out several Integrated Network
trials and demonstrations. The Data Communication System (DCS), which
There are several benefits from adopting radio provides communication between all the major CBTC
technology for CBTC, including: subsystems, is an integrated seamless Ethernet-IP
(Internet Protocol) network that includes both a wireline
• Complete link redundancy, typically not found in and a wireless component. Although simple in concept,
other systems. the DCS is a complex mix of network equipment and RF
• Less overall equipment. wireless components, all protected by a robust security
• High data throughput available for other services. system using the open IP Security (IPSec) protocol. The
• Easily upgradeable. DCS uses only commercial off-the-shelf components and
• Straightforward expandability. open standard software and protocols.
• Radios located adjacent to the
track, with the equipment
Fig. 1 Wired network
protected from trains.
• Simplified fault detection.
Station A Station B
As pioneers in the use of open Single-mode fiber
standard radio technology in the Network Switch
harsh railway environment, Alcatel
has attracted its fair share of
skepticism from competitors and rail Media Converter Subrack Access Point Radios
operators alike. However, a major
milestone will be the start of
commercial operation of the Multimode fiber
driverless Las Vegas Monorail
project, the first train control system
to be based on open communication Railway Track
standards. Alcatel is so convinced

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An important distinction between Alcatel’s open • Uses an accepted standard, thereby reducing costs
standard DCS and other proprietary systems lies in its as a result of economies of scale.
future migration capability. It is comprised of three • Offers additional bandwidth, which is available for
distinct elements: a radio link, a wayside network growth.
(running adjacent to the track and providing a link
between wayside applications and trackside radios) and IEEE 802.11 supports three physical layers: FHSS, Direct
a security system which can be modified/upgraded Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) and infrared. All
independently as technology advances. incorporate a common Medium Access Control (MAC)
The wired component of the DCS is a combination of layer. Alcatel chose to use FHSS in preference to DSSS
Ethernet hubs/switches and fiber-optic cabling, as because it is a robust technology whith little influence from
shown in Figure 1. The Ethernet hubs/switches, which noise, reflections, radio stations or other environmental
are installed inside station equipment rooms, not only factors. In addition, the number of simultaneously active
aggregate the interconnection of numerous radio Access systems in the same geographic area (collocated systems)
Points (AP) and wayside control units, but also form a is significantly higher than for DSSS systems.
high-speed Ethernet backbone. The numerous APs are DSSS radios operate using 22 MHz of bandwidth per
interconnected by connecting them to the network channel; if the receiver picks up a narrowband interference
switches via media converters, using multimode fiber signal anywhere in the 22 MHz operating band, the entire
optic cabling to establish ground radio connectivity. The band is affected. Thus only three discrete channels or up to
high-speed Ethernet backbone is realized by seven overlapping channels can be collocated.
interconnecting the Ethernet switches together using In contrast, FHSS radios only use 1 MHz channels, so the
single mode fiber-optic cabling. presence of a narrowband interference signal on a specific
The wireless component consists of APs and Station frequency will only affect one hop. If the FHSS receiver is
Adapter (SA) radios. APs are typically placed at fixed unable to operate on a specific hop, the radio will only
locations and serve as the access interface between the transmit on the next hop and the receiver will receive it on
wireless coverage area and the wireline network. Because that hop.
the APs can be subjected to damp and/or dusty Since FHSS radios are less sensitive to signal delays, they
conditions in tunnels and to harsh weather conditions, are more tolerant of noise and multi-path reflections than
these radios are housed in National Electrical are DSSS radios. FHSS uses both time and frequency
Manufacturers Association (NEMA) enclosures, which diversity, so any retransmissions use a different hop
meet established railway standards (e.g. American frequency to ensure successful execution. In addition,
Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way FHSS systems are more secure than DSSS systems as they
Association, AREMA) for thermal and vibration can use up to 79 available frequency channels and a unique
resistance. hopping sequence, and can accept and apply customized
The SA is the mobile component of the wireless dwell times.
solution; it is installed as an integral part of the train’s All these features make FHSS technology the best choice
communications/control subsystems. for installations designed to cover wide areas where a large
Located at both ends of a train, each radio is number of collocated systems is required.
connected to two antennas to ensure diversity. Using
antenna diversity, two independent wireless signals can Wireless Performance
be received and compared by the SA; the better of the Designing uniform wireless coverage is the foundation
two signals is then used. This is especially important in for delivering uninterrupted wireless communication. The
harsh environments where noise, obstacles, bad weather fundamental principle for maintaining consistent wireless
and multi-path reflections exist. performance is a strategy based on a balanced
combination of the following:
Wireless Technology
The main reason for choosing a wireless radio solution • interference;
based on the IEEE 802.11 FHSS standard is because it: • antenna selection;
• antenna diversity vs coverage;
• Supports mobility. • station adapter threshold settings;
• Ensures a stable future migration path. • access point location and signal strength.
• Comes with an abundance of professional published
documentation, which is freely available. Any unbalanced combination of these will produce
• Provides universal IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet-IP) erratic behavior within the wireless coverage area,
interfacing. including irregular mis-associations, an excessive number
• Uses IEEE 802.11 radios, which are commercial off- of retransmissions, an unacceptable number of dropped
the-shelf components. packets and/or unpredictable sporadic SA resets.

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Interference Fig. 3 Multipath interference

The interference/noise floor is the basis for wireless
signal strength requirements as the operation of IEEE
802.11 is based on efficient signal-to-noise ratios. The Ceiling
minimal operational signal strength threshold for an SA-
AP association should be between 12 dBm (decibels
referred to 1 milliwatt) and 18 dBm above the identified TX RX
interference/noise floor.
When the level of interference is not uniform across
the frequency spectrum, defining the interference/noise
floor warrants some additional consideration (see
Figure 2). A single 22 MHz WiFi channel within the
2.4 GHz spectrum will block approximately 30% of the
spectrum, thereby causing retransmissions and potential
packet loss. This potential for WiFi interference may Floor
expand to three discrete WiFi channels in the same
coverage area. In time it could quite possibly increase to
full overlapping of collocated coverage areas consisting
of 14 WiFi channels.
Each mobile SA is configured with a roaming and lead to a high probability of interference affecting
joining threshold value. An AP signal level lower than roaming and data transmission throughout the wireless
the roaming threshold places the mobile SA in roaming spectrum.
mode and an AP signal level above the joining threshold
directs the mobile SA to join that AP. Therefore, values Multipath interference
for either the roaming or joining thresholds with less Multipath interference (see Figure 3) occurs when a
than a 15 dBm differential from any interference peak wireless signal traverses more than one path between a
receiver and a transmitter. These
multiple signals combine in the
Fig. 2 WiFi signal spectrum receiving antenna and the receiver
and distort the signal.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 The effects of receiving multiple
(Roaming) Effective signals as a result of the signal
Throughput traversing several paths are
Signal-to-Noise analyzed in both the time and
12 dBm - 18 dBm
(Carrier Sense) frequency domains. The paths
Interference along which the transmitted signal
(Noise Floor)
2400 2412 2422 2432 2442 2452 2462 2472 2483.5 MHz travel differ in length, so the signal
22 MHz Single WiFi Channel
propagation time is different for
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 each path, resulting in multiple
signals arriving at the receiver at
(Roaming) Effective
slightly different times.
(Joining) FHSS radios generate a very
12 dBm - 18 dBm low rate, 330 ns wide transmission
(Carrier Sense)
signal, which is less sensitive to
(Noise Floor) delays than the narrow 90 ns
2400 2412 2422 2432 2442 2452 2462 2472 2483.5 MHz
22 MHz 22 MHz 22 MHz Three Discrete WiFi Channels pulses employed in DSSS.
Consequently, FHSS systems are
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 more robust against multipath
(Roaming) Effective effects.
Throughput FHSS systems use time diversity
Signal-to-Noise to retransmit lost packets, until the
12 dBm - 18 dBm receiving part acknowledges that
(Carrier Sense)
Interference they have been received correctly.
(Noise Floor)
2400 2412 2422 2432 2442 2452 2462 2472 2483.5 MHz They also use frequency diversity
Eleven Overlapping whereby packets are retransmitted
WiFi Channels
on different frequencies (hops).

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Even if some frequencies encounter multipath effects or fading. Two identical antennas are located a short
noise, others will not, so the FHSS system will transmit distance apart to cover the same physical area.
the information successfully. A diversity antenna system can be compared to a
As the mobile SA is continually moving, another type switch that selects one antenna or the other, but never
of diversity merits consideration. Positional diversity both at the same time. The receiving radio switches
occurs when the wireless RF signal quality differs from continually between the two antennas listening for a
one instant to another as the SA moves towards or away valid radio packet. When the radio receives the start
from the signal from the associated AP. sync of a valid packet, it evaluates the sync signal of the
packet on that antenna, then switches to the other
Antenna selection antenna and evaluates that signal. The radio then
An antenna gives the wireless system three selects the best signal and uses only that antenna to
fundamental properties: gain, direction and polarization. receive the remaining part of that packet. When
Gain is a measure of the increase in power, direction is transmitting, the radio selects the same antenna as it
the shape of the transmission pattern and polarization used the last time it communicated with that particular
relates to the orientation of the antennas. Each type of radio. If a packet fails, it switches to the other antenna
antenna has different coverage capabilities. As the gain and retransmits the packet.
of an antenna increases, there is some tradeoff to its
coverage area. Usually high gain antennas can cover Antenna diversity vs antenna coverage
longer distances, but only in a particular direction. The path taken by a radio signal between two
antennas is seldom a straight line; the reality is that
Omni-directional antennas there are many elevation changes and curves. A good
An omni-directional antenna (see Figure 4) is example illustrating antenna diversity at the expense of
designed to provide a 360-degree radiation pattern. This antenna coverage is when the SA approaches a curve on
type of antenna is used when coverage in all directions is the pre-determined path and where the existing and/or
required. next AP is not visible to the SA’s directional antennas.
Diversity antenna systems with a full overlay of their
Directional antennas 120 degrees of spatial coverage (see Figure 5) make
Directional antennas (see Figure 4) come in many it highly likely that the SA will lose contact with both
different designs and shapes. An antenna does not add the existing AP and following AP as the SA
any power to the signal; it simply redirects the energy it approaches curves along its path. As the SA
receives from the transmitter. By redirecting this energy, approaches a curve with APs located before and after
it effectively provides more energy in one direction, and the curve, the SA potentially loses contact with the
less energy in all other directions. As the gain of a next AP just after passing the previous one. This will
directional antenna increases, the angle of radiation result in unnecessary beacon loss, retransmissions and
usually decreases, increasing the coverage distance at possibly lost packets.
the expense of reducing the coverage angle. Directional An alternative worth considering is to angle the
antennas include Yagi antennas, patch antennas and diversity antennas outwards by as little as 15 degrees
parabolic dishes. each to widen the SA’s coverage area (see Figure 5).
This can improve the total coverage by as much as
Diversity antenna systems 30 degrees while still maintaining a 90 degree angle of
Diversity antenna systems are used to overcome a antenna diversity. Widening the coverage area in this
phenomenon known as multipath distortion or multipath way will lessen the probability of losing communication
between the SA and AP on curved sections of the track.
As the SA approaches a curve with APs located
Fig. 4 Wireless antenna coverage before and after the curve, the SA establishes contact
with the next AP just after passing the previous AP.
This approach provides the potential for a more
continuous SA-to-AP association, which will result in
minimal beacon loss, few retransmissions and
insignificant packet loss.

SA threshold settings
The mobile SA roaming/joining thresholds must be set
to maintain the appropriate signal-to-noise differential
Omni-Directional Directional with respect to the interference/noise floor across the
entire spectrum.

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A roaming threshold set below Fig. 5 Antenna diversity schemes

the appropriate signal-to-noise
Antenna diversity with limited coverage
ratio may cause a prolonged AP
association to the extent that the
SA loses the signal altogether as it
passes the AP. This condition will
produce intermittent beacon loss
disconnects, rescans and re-
associations, resulting in excessive
retransmissions and/or dropped
A joining threshold below the
appropriate signal-to-noise ratio
can potentially result in an
association with a downstream
AP that provides a low signal
strength and poor signal-to-noise Antenna diversity with wide coverage
differential, choking the effective
throughput of the AP-SA
association and causing
excessive retransmissions and/or
dropped packets.

AP Location and Signal Strength

AP locations and the associated
wireless coverage must ensure a
uniform end-to-end signal strength
to guarantee seamless roaming
handover. The distribution of APs
along the path of the mobile SA
will depend on the SA’s roaming
and joining thresholds, which in
turn are based on the interference/noise floor. An SA can only be associated with one AP at a time to
APs must provide full track coverage with a consistent ensure that it maintains only one connection to the
minimum signal level above the measured noise floor. network. In contrast, many SAs can be associated with
FHSS radios can operate with a signal-to-noise ratio as the same AP at the same time.
low as 18 dB. A site survey establishes the noise floor The IEEE 802.11 specification provides for roaming
within a given environment and includes interference from the coverage area of one AP to that of another.
measurements taken from other operators using the The conventional roaming logic implemented in 802.11
same frequency band. Once the noise floor has been devices is based on an election process, where the
established, it is possible to determine the minimum premise for association with the next best AP is based
signal coverage required throughout the system; this in on moving towards a stronger signal while the existing
turn aids in AP positioning. signal is reducing in strength. While in the roaming
mode, the mobile SA selects the next best AP from a list
Wireless Roaming of neighboring APs, at least one of which will have a
The concept of wireless roaming involves a series of signal level above the SA joining threshold. This
SA-to-AP associations, disconnects and re-associations roaming logic ensures robust and seamless handovers in
(see Figure 6). During the roaming process, only the SA omni-directional cell-based topologies where the SA can
is responsible for initiating an association with the AP. A move in any direction and where there is more than one
disconnect between an SA and an AP occurs when an AP to roam to.
existing association is terminated in one of two ways: a
roaming disassociation or beacon (signal) loss Omni-directional antenna topologies
disconnect. A disconnect may be initiated by either the Mobile wireless environments utilizing omni-directional
SA and/or the AP. Re-association occurs when the SA antennas that provide AP coverage based on a pre-
either re-associates with a new, or the previously determined path, such as a road or rail track, create a
associated, AP. more predictable roaming pattern based on direction and

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speed. This type of linear roaming moderates the need stronger signal level than that of the old AP, and the SA
for a multi-destination, election-based AP selection continues in the specified direction until the roaming
process; if properly designed, only one AP should qualify process is triggered again.
as the next best AP to roam to.
An omni-directional wireless RF coverage profile will
present a gradual increase in signal strength as the SA Fig. 6 Wireless coverage and roaming
approaches each AP. There is a slight dip in signal
strength while the SA is adjacent to the AP, followed by
a gradual decrease in signal strength as the SA moves
away. This result is based on the notion that when using AP
an omni-directional antenna, the SA can “see” in all AP
directions – a full 360 degrees.

Conventional hysteresis
(LOW-to-HIGH threshold roaming) AP SA
The conventional theory of operation for omni- AP
directional roaming handover is for the mobile SA to
‘Roam LOW’ and ‘Join HIGH’ (see Figure 7a). This is
based on the notion that as the mobile SA moves away
from its currently associated AP, the signal level will AP
gradually drop to below the SA’s roaming threshold.
Here the SA enters into roaming mode.
While in roaming mode, the SA selects an AP from a Cellular based roaming
list of neighboring APs and attempts to associate with
the next AP that has a signal level at or above the
joining threshold. The new AP will now have a stronger
signal level than that of the previous AP; the SA
continues in the specified direction until the roaming
process is again triggered at the next AP-to-AP
coverage boundary. SA
This type of operation is best suited to omni-
directional wireless coverage designs where AP signal Linear based roaming
levels might vary between each of the APs. However, in
the case of uniform wireless
coverage, an attempt should be Fig. 7 Wireless roaming
made to provide a signal of
consistent strength between AP (a)
coverage areas.
Analogous hysteresis
(EQUAL threshold roaming)
Analogous hysteresis implies
Conventional Hysteresis
equal roaming and joining
thresholds (see Figure 7b). As the
mobile SA moves further away
from its currently associated AP,
the signal falls below the SA’s
roaming threshold and the SA SA
enters the roaming mode. While in
this mode, the SA selects the next (b)
best AP from a list of stored
neighboring APs, each of which has Roaming and
a signal level above the SA’s joining
threshold and equal to the existing
AP’s signal level. In this case, the
new AP has an equivalent to or Analogous Hysteresis

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This type of operation relies on a Fig. 8 Faulty roaming characteristics

common roam/join signal level (a)
intersection between the AP
coverage areas, and is therefore AP AP AP
less tolerant of unbalanced wireless SA
coverage designs. Consequently,
measures must be taken to ensure
uniform AP signal levels between Beacon Loss Beacon Loss Beacon Loss
each of the APs in order to support Disconnect Disconnect Disconnect
continual seamless handover.
Uni-directional antenna topologies Roaming
Reducing the number of APs Roaming
and Joining
required to provide wireless
service for a specified distance
Erroneous Foward Roaming
requires the use of two uni-
directional antennas (facing in
opposite directions) per AP. (b)
These antennas are either narrow
beam, high gain antennas that
cover long sections of straight SA SA
track, or are sectored antennas
that are best suited for areas of
curved track. The combination of
two antennas per AP provides a Joining
wireless service to a specific area Roaming
known as the coverage area. and Joining
Uni-directional antennas
installed in a mobile environment
Acceptable Reverse Roaming
where trains operate along a track
introduce many challenges to
wireless roaming. While the
roaming pattern is still linear and predictable, based on • Directional antennas can be mounted inside trains
direction and speed, the wireless RF coverage profile is and will not be damaged by train washing
dramatically different from an omni-directional signal equipment.
profile. Although each AP will have two coverage lobes
in opposite directions, The wireless coverage signal profile resulting from the
a mobile SA with uni-directional antennas can only use of uni-directional antennas imposes uncompromising
associate with the coverage lobe that it is facing. challenges for the delivery of seamless roaming handover.
Roaming takes on a whole new dimension in a Although directional antennas working with the SA
railway environment; movement is not a mere onboard a moving vehicle dramatically extend the wireless
possibility, but is “reach” between the SA and APs, they also result in rapid
a reality, and may occur at very high speeds. APs are signal drop-off once the SA passes the associated AP.
positioned at specific intervals alongside the railway The uni-directional wireless RF coverage profile is
track. Trains are equipped with two SAs, one at each characterized by a gradual increase in signal strength as
end. Each SA is equipped with uni-directional the SA approaches each AP, with a slight dip in signal
antennas for the following reasons: strength while the SA is adjacent to the AP, followed by
an acute drop-off in the signal immediately after the SA
• Directional antennas offer a much stronger signal in passes the AP. When using uni-directional antennas, the
a single direction than omni-directional antennas. SA can only see in one direction – limited to the
• Directional antennas are suited to a linear path, antenna’s spatial range (e.g. 90-120 degrees). SAs
such as a rail track. moving at high speeds don’t help this situation, as the
• Omni-directional antennas are more susceptible to signal will drop-off in less than half a second in the case
adjacent interference sources, especially in stations of an SA moving at 130 km/h.
where there is a strong possibility that WiFi Since the SA can only associate with an AP within its
hotspots will be present. antenna’s field, it is essential to properly overlay the

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AP’s coverage area to achieve a seamless roaming degradation in the wireless signal strength and roam to
handover environment between the APs positioned the next AP when the appropriate threshold conditions
along the predetermined path. are met (see Figure 8b).
The application of either conventional or analogous However, when the mobile SA must support roaming
hysteresis in uni-directional wireless environments operation in both the forward and backward directions,
results in a high probability of producing erratic and neither conventional nor analogous hysteresis is suitable.
unreliable wireless behavior. Roaming in the forward
direction, with respect to the orientation of the uni- Inverse hysteresis (HIGH-to-LOW threshold roaming)
directional antennas, may produce unreliable roaming To overcome the challenges of two-way roaming
handover conditions; the SA might hold it’s association operation imposed by uni-directional wireless roaming, a
with the existing AP for too long then disconnect new theory of operation is recommended. This proposed
abruptly as the SA passes the AP (see Figure 8a). Such alternative implies inversing the conventional hysteresis
abrupt disconnects can result in a high probability of roaming logic by configuring the SA to Roam HIGH and
retransmission and packet loss. Join LOW (see Figure 9). In this case, the SA will be in
With the SA configured to Roam LOW and Join HIGH, a constant state of pro-active roaming to ensure
or to Roam/Join at an EQUAL threshold, the SA will be seamless roaming handover as the SA moves between AP
satisfied with the existing AP’s connection and maintain coverage areas.
its association with that AP until it passes and In a train control environment, mobility is a certainty
subsequently loses that AP’s signal. with uninterrupted data communications across the
Roaming in the reverse direction, with respect to the wireless network being essential for continued operation.
orientation of the uni-directional antennas, presents a Pro-active roaming assures that the uni-directional
functionally stable roaming handover condition for both mobile SA will roam to the next AP before losing the
normal and analogous hysteresis. Movement in the signal of the existing AP while traveling in either the
backward direction allows the SA to observe a gradual forward or backward direction. Since the SA is
continuously moving, the previous AP
will probably not qualify for re-
Fig. 9 Seamless hand-over roaming with inverse hysteresis association after a short period of time
as it’s signal strength will either
abruptly disappear or gradually fall
below the joining threshold.
AP AP AP Setting the SA roaming threshold
parameter to a high value will ensure
that the SA is never satisfied with the
current signal level. Consequently it will
always be in a roaming state in which it
will examine the table of neighboring
APs and attempt to select the most
suitable one. Setting the joining
threshold parameter to a low value
allows the SA to associate with the next
Functional Forward Roaming AP at a lower signal level, knowing that
the next AP’s signal will continue to
improve. As the SA approaches the
next AP’s coverage area, the signal
AP AP AP strength of that AP will increase to
SA SA above the roaming threshold and the
SA will associate itself with the next AP.
This demonstrates proactive scanning
and roaming along the pre-determined
path in a seamless fashion.
When moving in the forward
direction, the SA will associate with
the next downstream AP, even though
it has a lower signal, before abruptly
Functional Reverse Roaming losing the existing AP’s signal as the
SA passes that AP.

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Hong Kong CCTV Trial Simulation testing revealed that it can take up to two
The Hong Kong CCTV trial took place in two phases; seconds for an SA to disconnect and re-associate with a
the first included a site survey and installation, while the new AP when using the site data representing sawtooth
second involved optimizing the system and concluded signal coverage. As the SA on the train passes the AP to
with a successful customer demonstration. which it is currently connected, it no longer receives
The main objective of the CCTV trial was to use beacons from that AP. The SA is configured to
wireless radio technology to provide smooth streaming disconnect from an AP if it receives 15 beacon losses.
IPvideo transmission from moving trains. The customer The APs were also configured to send a beacon every 32
expectation was to witness IPvideo streaming with a ms. The beacon loss disconnect process therefore takes
quality of no less than 4 frames per second (fps) with 15 x 32ms = 480 ms. The mobile unit can then take a
the train traveling at speeds in excess of 120 km/h. further one and a half seconds to associate with the next
The site of the trial was the existing Airport Express AP. The resulting two second communication gap could
tunnel located under Victoria Bay between the Kowloon extend to over three seconds if additional latencies are
and Hong Kong subway stations. The signal coverage experienced in the network, resulting in train stoppages.
survey led to the installation of five APs over a distance It was found that optimizing the radio settings could
of approximately 1.5 km. reduce these gaps but not eliminate them. Since the
decision to roam comes from the SA, the roaming and
Phase One joining values are only configured in the SA. Several
Fiber optic cabling was used to connect the five APs to an alterations to these settings were considered, but
Ethernet network switch at Kowloon station. The IPvideo during simulation the idea of reversing the roaming
feed was to be transmitted from the SA on the train to the logic of the SA by inverting the roaming and joining
APs as the train moved through the tunnel beginning at the values (inverse hysteresis) was introduced; inverting
Hong Kong station. The IPvideo feed would then reach the these values resulted in continuous video streaming.
centralized network switch at Kowloon station. A laptop
connected to the switch would record the video feed. Phase Two
Noise and interference measurements were low and After a few unsuccessful attempts using
meant that the noise floor settings in the radios did not conventional hysteresis, the concept of inverse
require modification. Several signal measurements were hysteresis was applied to the radios used in the Hong
made during the first phase and were later used during Kong trial. A train carrying passengers was equipped
simulation testing. with two cameras, both of which were connected to a
digital video recorder; in turn the recorder was
Simulation Testing connected to the SA. The final configuration was such
Simulation testing in the Toronto lab took place between that the video signal from both cameras was set to
the two phases of the trial. The objective was to determine transmit at 15 fps. After some minor tweaking,
how to perform seamless radio roaming, ensuring smooth successful results began to appear; smooth streaming
video streaming without data loss. Simulation equipment IPvideo was transmitted from the train to the track-
included a roaming simulator, AP and SA, cameras and a side network and back to the station where it was
digital video recorder. The roaming simulator was recorded on the laptop.
configured with signal level profiles as measured on site Phase two concluded with a successful demonstration
and proved invaluable in configuring the radios. to the customer, who is very pleased with the results.

Radio Network commissioning in Las Vegas FHSS requires an 18 dB signal-to-noise ratio, which
The concept of inverse hysteresis was also applied to means the signal coverage for the entire system had to
the radio network in Las Vegas during the be above –35 dB. Further testing in Las Vegas later
commissioning phase of the communication system. revealed that the FHSS radio operated nearly flawlessly
Since the Las Vegas Monorail site is above ground, where APs are spaced in such a way that the signal
there was the additional challenge of interference. A level coverage was at least –35 dB. Operating above
site survey resulted in the detection of WiFi this threshold resulted in less than 10%
interference levels as high as –50 dB in one of the retransmissions, whereas operating below this level
DSSS 22 MHz channels, with the future possibility that resulted in retransmission rates as high as 75%.
all channels would become occupied. Ensuring a minimal signal coverage of –35 dB and
In order to mitigate against this interference, the configuring the SA to operate between –25 dB and –35
noise floor of the radios was set to –60 dB; the carrier dB has resulted in continuous communication between
sense level was set to –49 dB, providing an 11 dB the control center and the trains operating over the
carrier sense differential, as required by the radio. wireless link.

10 | Alcatel Telecommunications Review - 2 nd Quarter 2004


In the reverse direction, the SA will join the next Conclusion

AP with an equal to better signal. Because the SA is The use of open standard wired and wireless network
moving towards the next AP, its signal will improve technologies provides numerous benefits ranging from the
very quickly and then slowly weaken, while the signal use of universally accepted protocols (Ethernet and IP) to
of the existing AP will gradually degrade down into the use of a well developed architecture and documented
interference levels. standards. It is recognized that the use of an open
In either direction, since the SA is continually standard data communication system offers a stable future
moving, the previous AP will not qualify for re- migration path as any of its three distinct elements can be
association after a very short period of time as its independently modified/upgraded as technology advances.
signal strength will either abruptly disappear or FHSS is more robust and better suited to a rail
gradually fall below the joining threshold. environment where roaming is a certainty and where noise
Implementing inverse hysteresis with a joining and multipath interference are often present. FHSS radios
threshold set to at least 15 dBm above the highest level are also more secure as they use frequency hopping and
of interference, and setting a roaming threshold above customized dwells.
the joining threshold, assures pro-active roaming and CBTC, CCTV and the wireless environment in which they
seamless handover with effective throughput are deployed, each present unique challenges. However, as
throughout the wireless coverage area. explained in the article, these can be readily overcome using
For both forward and backward operations, the Roam the same equipment and methodology. It is evident that
HIGH and Join LOW ‘inverse hysteresis’ roaming three major factors continue to contribute to the success of
method has been proven to provide a very stable and Alcatel’s DCS deployments, namely the performance of
effective wireless communication environment with interference measurements, ensuring that roaming
seamless roaming handover, including minimal beacon parameters are set well above interference levels, and
loss, few retransmissions and insignificant packet loss. establishing uniform signal coverage throughout the system.

Ed Kuun is Product Manager, Data Communication Wayne Rickard is Solutions Manager, Network
Systems, Product Strategy, in the Alcatel Transport Architect, Solutions Design and Integration, in the
Solutions Division (TSD), Weston, Ontario, Canada. Alcatel Integration and Services Division, Texas, USA.
([email protected]) ([email protected])

Alcatel Telecommunications Review - 2 nd Quarter 2004 | 11


AP Access Point
AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance
of Way Association
CBTC Communication-Based Train Control
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
DCS Data Communication System
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
fps frames per second
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IP Internet Protocol
ISD Integration and Services Division
MAC Medium Access Control
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
RF Radio Frequency
SA Station Adapter
TSD Transport Solutions Division

12 | Alcatel Telecommunications Review - 2 nd Quarter 2004

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