SPOS Factsheet

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Reduce voyage costs while ensuring safety

with real-time onboard route optimization

Route-planning and optimization

involves juggling safety, efficiency,
navigation, costs, port rotation,
ETAs, speed ranges and additional
constraints, such as seakeeping.
For ship captains, this is a complex
challenge that requires the aid of
a decision-supporting tool to give
them confidence in their decisions
and support with execution.

Benefits Users and key use cases

ABB Ability™ SPOS – Ship Performance Optimi- SPOS supports captains and senior crew responsible
zation System enables captains to safely navi- for the planning and adjustment of shipping routes:
gate the globe with minimal fuel consumption
and emissions by calculating and recalculating • Weather forecast analysis: Analyze weather and
optimum routes and anticipating oncoming ocean forecasts prior to and during voyages.
weather and sea conditions. With SPOS you can: • Route planning: Plan and update detailed routes
and port itineraries prior to voyages.
• Save fuel and time: Expertly calculate routes with • Route adjustments: Calculate and recalculate
the lowest voyage cost. The industry’s first vari- ­optimum routes based on updated forecasts
able speed algorithm allows severe weather to be during voyages.
bypassed and voyage trim optimization further re- • Reporting: Report positions, planned routes and
duces fuel consumption. additional parameters to shore during and af-
• Increase ship safety: Avoid heavy weather and ex- ter voyages.
perience reduced downtime, reduced damage to
ships and cargo and improved crew safety. SPOS Customers
ensures a shared view across fleets with system Leading shipping companies, charterers and
integration and add-ons. marine system integrators put their trust in us.
• Unburden captains: Pre-built ship models support ­Contact us to learn more about how we help these
captains with more accurate routing and configu- prestigious organizations safely and economi-
rable back-to-shore reporting, eliminating duplica- cally plan routes covering millions of sea miles.
tion and redundant reporting.
Features tions based on time, cost or fuel constraints, ei-
SPOS optimizes shipping routes, taking into ther with or without a given ETA. Use weather op-
consideration sea conditions, such as wind, timized route network to plan port-to-port routes,
waves and swell, currents and other weather el- including navigational constraints and port ap-
ements. Timely weather updates and forecasts proaches. Variable speed routing functionality en-
ensure crews are continuously aware of their sur- sures ships can avoid severe weather.
roundings and the conditions that are ahead. • Ship-to-shore reporting – Share travel updates with
configurable reporting options. All routes, commu-
SPOS offers the following input features nications and performance indicators are available
and ­functionality: for onshore stakeholders via the Fleetguard web
• Weather forecast input – Receive input up to four platform. Integration with Fleetguard and
times a day, via e-mail or http download. Weather Routeguard ensures a shared view across fleets.
maps can be displayed on screen or printed. Over
20 input parameters for voyage optimization, sa- SPOS offers additional modules to further increase
linity for ballasting, humidity and dew point for performance and safety and to secure a shared re-
cargo ventilation. ality across fleets:
• Conditional parameters input – Specify and up- • Sea Keeping – Protect motionsensitive ships and
date vessel and voyage data during transit. Use the cargoes.
Ship Profile Library, developed with MARIN, which • SPS2GRIB – Export forecasts to other onboard
contains advanced algorithms for the resistance ­display systems.
impact of wind and waves on specific vessel types.
• Route planning and adjustment – Create route op-

SPOS unique capabilities
SPOS builds on decades of experience in weather forecasting and severe weather
routing. With SPOS users access the following unique capabilities:

Marine Forecasting System Route Network

Utilizes weather information from the most Provides routing options based on the thousands
respected global forecasting models (EC- of routes created over the years. It includes all
MWF, UK Meteorological Office & NCEP) pro- possible passages to and from ports, through
ducing a single higher quality forecast. canals, through TSSs and ECAs, and more.

Ship Profile Library Variable Speed Routing

Contains advanced algorithms for the resis- Calculates optimum routes using vari-
tance impact of wind and waves on specific ves- able-speed routing algorithms, considering
sel types. Developed with MARIN, the Maritime elements, such as bad weather, traverse ECA
Research Institute Netherlands, it increases zones, RPM/ speed ranges or fixed ETA.
route planning accuracy and removes complex-
ity for captains and crews in comparison to
traditional separated, speed-down tables.

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SPOS Support: document without prior notice. With re- tained therein. Any reproduction, disclo-
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ticulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not ac- contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden
cept any responsibility whatsoever for without prior written consent of ABB AG.
potential errors or possible lack of infor- Copyright© 2024 ABB
mation in this document. All rights reserved

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