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Solution Manual for Introductory Chemistry A

Foundation 9th by Zumdahl




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Solution Manual for Introductory Chemistry A
Foundation 9th by Zumdahl
Full download link at: https://testbankbell.com/product/solution-manual-for-

1. The specific answer will depend on student experiences. In general, students are intimidated
by chemistry because they perceive it to be highly mathematical, requiring a great deal of
memorization, and having a difficult technical vocabulary. Many students taking chemistry
as a foundation science cannot see its relevance to their major.

2. The answer will depend on student examples.

3. There are obviously many such examples. Many new drugs and treatments have recently
become available thanks to research in biochemistry and cell biology. New long-wearing,
more comfortable contact lenses have been produced by research in polymer and plastics
chemistry. Special plastics and metals were prepared for the production of compact discs to
replace vinyl phonograph records. As for the “dark side,” chemistry contributes increased
global pollution if not conducted carefully.

4. Answer depends on student responses/examples.

5. This answer depends on your own experience.

6. This answer depends on your own experience, but consider the following examples: oven
cleaner (the label says it contains sodium hydroxide; it converts the burned-on grease in the
oven to a soapy material that washes away); drain cleaner (the label says it contains sodium
hydroxide; it dissolves the clog of hair in the drain); stomach antacid (the label says it
contains calcium carbonate; it makes me belch and makes my stomach feel better); hydrogen
peroxide (the label says it is a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide; when applied to a wound, it
bubbles); depilatory cream (the label says it contains sodium hydroxide; it removes unwanted
hair from skin).

7. David and Susan first recognized the problem (unexplained medical problems). A possible
explanation was then proposed (the glaze on their china might be causing lead poisoning).
The explanation was tested by experiment (it was determined that the china did contain
lead). A full discussion of this scenario is given in the text.

8. The scientist must recognize the problem and state it clearly, propose possible solutions
or explanations, and then decide through experimentation which solution or explanation
is best.

9. A law tells what happens; a theory is our attempt to explain why it happens. Examples of
laws include the law of conservation of mass and the ideal gas law (for gases). A theory
includes Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Solution Manual for Introductory Chemistry A
Foundation 9th by Zumdahl
Full download link at: https://testbankbell.com/product/solution-manual-for-
10. Answer depends on student response. A quantitative observation must include a number.
For example “There are two windows in this room” represents a quantitative observation,
but “The walls of this room are yellow” is a qualitative observation.

Solution Manual for Introductory Chemistry A
Foundation 9th by Zumdahl
Full download link at: https://testbankbell.com/product/solution-manual-for-

11. Flow charts will vary. Figure 1.1 in the textbook shows a nice example with various parts of
the scientific method. The first step in the scientific method is to state the problem and collect
data (make observations). Observations may be qualitative or quantitative. The next step is to
formulate hypotheses. A hypothesis is a possible explanation for the observation. The final
step is to perform experiments. An experiment is something we do to test the hypothesis. We
gather new information that allows us to decide whether the hypothesis is supported by the
new information we have learned from the experiment. Experiments always produce new
observations, and this brings us back to the beginning of the process again. To explain the
behavior of a given part of nature, we repeat these steps many times. Laws and theories come
out of applying the scientific method.

12. False. Theories can be refined and changed because they are interpretations. They represent
possible explanations of why nature behaves in a particular way. Theories are refined by
performing experiments and making new observations, not by proving the existing
observations as false (which is something that can be witnessed and recorded).

13. Answer depends on student responses/examples.

14. Scientists are human, too. When a scientist formulates a hypothesis, he or she wants it to be
proven correct. In academic research, for example, scientists want to be able to publish papers
on their work to gain renown and acceptance from their colleagues. In industrial situations,
the financial success of the individual and of the company as a whole may be at stake.
Politically, scientists may be under pressure from the government to "beat the other guy."

15. Chemistry is not just a set of facts that have to be memorized. To be successful in chemistry,
you have to be able to apply what you have learned to new situations, new phenomena, and
new experiments. Rather than just learning a list of facts or studying someone else’s solution
to a problem, your instructor hopes you will learn how to solve problems yourself, so that you
will be able to apply what you have learned in future circumstances.

16. Chemistry is not merely a list of observations, definitions, and properties. Chemistry is the
study of very real interactions among different samples of matter, whether within a living cell,
or in a chemical factory. When we study chemistry, at least in the beginning, we try to be as
general and as nonspecific as possible, so that the basic principles learned can be applied to
many situations. In a beginning chemistry course, we learn to interpret and solve a basic set of
very simple problems in the hope that the method of solving these simple problems can be
extended to more complex real life situations later on. The actual solution to a problem, at this
point, is not as important as learning how to recognize and interpret the problem, and how to
propose reasonable, experimentally testable hypotheses.

17. In real life situations, the problems and applications likely to be encountered are not simple
textbook examples. One must be able to observe an event, hypothesize a cause, and then test

Solution Manual for Introductory Chemistry A
Foundation 9th by Zumdahl
Full download link at: https://testbankbell.com/product/solution-manual-for-
this hypothesis. One must be able to carry what has been learned in class forward to new,
different situations.
18. A good student will: learn the background and fundamentals of the subject from their classes
and textbook; will develop the ability to recognize and solve problems and to extend what was
learned in the classroom to “real” situations; will learn to make careful observations; and
will be able to communicate effectively. While some academic subjects may emphasize use
of one or more of these skills, Chemistry makes extensive use of all of them.

Chapter 2: Measurements and Calculations


Measurements and

1. measurement

2. “Scientific notation” means we have to put the decimal point after the first significant figure,
and then express the order of magnitude of the number as a power of ten. So we want to put
the decimal point after the first 2:
2,421 o 2.421 × 10to some power
To be able to move the decimal point three places to the left in going from 2,421 to 2.421,
I will need a power of 103 after the number, where the exponent 3 shows that I moved the
decimal point 3 places to the left.
2,421 o 2.421 × 10to some power = 2.421 × 103

3. a. 9.651
b. 3.521
c. 9.3241
d. 1.002

4. a. 107
b. 10–1
c. 10–5
d. 1012
5. a. positive
b. positive
c. negative
d. negative
6. a. negative
b. zero
c. negative
d. positive

7. a. The decimal point must be moved one space to the right, so the exponent is
0.5012 = 5.012 × 10–1.
b. The decimal point must be moved six spaces to the left, so the exponent is
5,012,000 = 5.012 × 106.

Chapter 2: Measurements and Calculations

c. The decimal point must be moved six spaces to the right, so the exponent is negative;
0.000005012 =and
5.012 × 10 . –6

d. The decimal point does not have to be moved, so the exponent is zero;
5.012 = 5.012 × 10 . 0

e. The decimal point must be moved three spaces to the left, so the exponent is positive;
5012 = 5.012 × 103.
f. The decimal point must be moved three spaces to the right, so the exponent is
0.005012 = 5.012 × 10–3.

8. a. The decimal point must be moved three spaces to the right: 2,789
b. The decimal point must be moved three spaces to the left: 0.002789
c. The decimal point must be moved seven spaces to the right:
93,000,000 d. The decimal point must be moved one space to the right:
e. The decimal point must be moved 4 spaces to the right: 99,990
f. The decimal point must be moved 5 spaces to the left: 0.00009999

9. a. six spaces to the right

b. five spaces to the left
c. one space to the right
d. The decimal point does not have to be
moved. e. 18 spaces to the right
f. 16 spaces to the left

10. a. three spaces to the left

b. one space to the left
c. five spaces to the
right d. one space to the
e. two spaces to the
right f. two spaces to
the left

11. To say that scientific notation is in standard form means that you have a number between 1
10, followed by an exponential term.
a. The decimal point must be moved 4 spaces to the left, so the exponent will be 4:

Chapter 2: Measurements and Calculations

2 × 10
b. 42.14 must first be converted to 4.214 × 101 and then the exponents combined:
4.214 × 104
Measurements and –2
c. 0.08214 must first be converted to 8.214 × 10 and then the exponents combined:
8.214 × 10 –5

d. The decimal point must be moved four spaces to the right, so the exponent will be –
3.914 × 10–4

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Weighting a Metal Base

Molten Lead as Poured In around Screws Fastened to the Base

Having to weight a shallow metal base to support a 4-ft. brass

tube, I found that the easiest way was to fasten four screws on the
base with nuts, as shown in the illustration, and pour in lead. The
screws were taken out in polishing the base.—James M. Kane,
Doylestown, Pa.

¶In toasting bread over a camp fire, it is best to cover the fire with a
tin pan.
Trunk Bookcase for Convenient Shipment

A Small Library may be Shipped Handily in This Bookcase

Mechanics, engineers, and other persons are sometimes engaged
in work which keeps them at the same locality only a few months.
Those who desire to carry with them a small library will find the trunk
bookcase, as shown, convenient. It may be shipped as a trunk, and
used as a bookcase in one’s hotel or dwelling. Other articles than
books may be packed in it. The outside dimensions when closed are
31 by 18 by 18 in., providing for three shelves. It may be made of ³⁄₄-
in. pine or whitewood, and stained, or covered with impregnated
canvas. The outer corners are reinforced with metal corner plates,
and suitable hardware is provided.—Lloyd C. Eddy, Jr., Buffalo, N. Y.
Bottle Carrier Made of Pipe Straps
Two metal pipe straps, fitted around the neck of a bottle and bolted
together, form a convenient method of attaching a carrying handle to
a large bottle. The handle proper is made by fixing a grip in a bail of
wire similar to that on a bucket.
A Developing or Etching-Tray Rocker
An appliance that saves time for the worker in a photographic dark
room is a tray rocker, made as follows: Fasten a bracket of strap
iron, into which are riveted the pointed ends of two spikes, to the
under side of a board, as shown in the detail sketch. Support this
further with a double angle fastened at the end of the board. Fix a
small can, weighted with lead, on the end of an iron rod, adjusted to
a suitable curve, and fasten the rod to the bracket. The weighted end
should extend under the edge of the table, as shown, and be
balanced so that it will rock the board and tray without tipping the
latter toward the bracket. The nails pivot on metal pieces, to protect
the table top.—L. L. Llewellyn, Piedmont, Calif.
Combination Laundry Tub and Dishwashing Sink

A saving of space and time was effected in a home kitchen by the

use of a sink developed in a large kitchen. Two ordinary laundry tubs
were installed with the faucets raised above the tubs, as shown. A
sink of sheet zinc was fitted in the upper part of one tub; it has
handles, and a strainer set in the bottom. The strainer is closed by a
rubber stopper, and the sink becomes a dishpan. The sink is easily
lifted out for cleaning, or for washing clothes. Another use for the
sink, between meals, is for washing and preparing vegetables and
fruits. The second tub has a wire dish-draining rack, in which the
china is rinsed and sterilized by hot water from the faucet.—Mrs.
Avis Gordon Vestal, Chicago, Ill.
A Leather and Silk Bookmark
A Jolly Good Book
Wherein To Look
Is Better To Me
Than Gold

An artistic and useful bookmark was made from a silk ribbon

passed through a buckle of leather, tooled with an inscription and a
conventional design. Ribbon of various sizes may be used, and the
leather left plain if desired. The ends of the ribbon are fringed, as
shown. Monograms make interesting and individual decorations for
the leather portion.—Will Chapel, Manchester, Ia.
Emergency Oarlock of Rope
An oarlock that will give considerable service may be made by
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This kink is useful in an emergency, such as when an oarlock is
dropped overboard.
Planing Thin Sticks Held in Flooring Groove
Boys who make thin sticks for arrows, kites, etc., as well as the
mechanic, can make good use of the following suggestion: The
difficulty of handling thin strips while planing them may be overcome
by setting the strip in the groove of a piece of flooring, clamped in a
vise. A peg or nail is driven into the groove and acts as a stop for the
end of the strip.
A Submarine Camera
by Charles I. Reid

Submarine photography should have great attractions for amateur

photographers who have access to lakes, ponds, and other clear
waters. While more careful work is demanded than in ordinary
photography, the method of obtaining good results is not difficult, and
the necessary equipment may be provided by constructing the
device shown in the illustration. Submarine pictures can be taken in
a considerable depth of water, providing it is reasonably free from
foreign matter. This is a fascinating field of photography, and many
pictures of educational and scientific value remain to be made of
under-water life. The illustration shows the detailed construction of
the camera chamber, and the method of suspending it from a bridge,
or other place convenient to the body of water. Reproduced in the
oval panel is a photograph of fish near baited hooks, on a fishline.
The original was made from a negative exposed by the use of the
camera chamber described.
The problem of making photographic exposures under water
involves the provision of a strong water and pressure-proof container
for the camera, a means for controlling the shutter, and a suitable
opening in the container through which the exposures may be made.
The arrangement described combines these features in a simple
manner, and by the use of materials that can be obtained without
difficulty. It was made for a camera taking 4 by 5-in. pictures, and the
dimensions given are for a container for this size. The dimensions
may be varied to adapt the device to various cameras, within
reasonable limits. A 9-in. steel pipe was used for the chamber, and
its ends were fitted with pipe caps. A heavy piece of plate glass was
fitted into the forward cap, which was cut into the shape of a ring, to
provide the exposure opening. The general arrangement of the
camera in the chamber is shown in the sectional view, Fig. 1, as
seen from the shutter end. The electrical device, by which the shutter
is controlled, is shown in this view, and in Fig. 2 it is shown in detail.
The chamber was made as follows: A section of 9-in. steel pipe
was cut to a length of 11¹⁄₂ in. and threaded on the ends to fit pipe
caps. The forward pipe cap was chucked up in a lathe and the center
portion cut away, to provide an exposure opening and a shoulder at
the rim, on which the plate-glass window rests. A graphite paint was
applied to the rim, then the glass was bedded solidly in it, and a
rubber gasket was fitted to the joint, making it waterproof when the
cap was drawn up tightly. The chamber assembled and in detail is
shown in the illustration.
Holes were bored into the top of the chamber, and eyebolts were
fitted into them. Between the eyebolts a hole was bored and fitted
with a water-tight collar, through which the wires leading to the
shutter-control device pass. The chamber is supported by the wires,
which are fixed to the eyebolts and secured at the base of operations
by the photographer.
A support for the camera was provided by bending a strip of ¹⁄₈ by
1-in. band iron to the shape indicated in Fig. 1, at A, and riveting it to
the bottom of the chamber. Its upper surface is flat and was bored
and threaded to fit the tripod thumbscrew B, on the lower surface of
the camera. The camera is arranged on the support and clamped
into place firmly by the thumb nut, as it might be on a tripod. The
adjustment of the camera in the chamber is done from the rear, and
the space beneath the thumbscrew should be large enough to make
access easy. A camera of the size indicated, when fitted with its lens
centering on the center of the window, will be raised sufficiently for
convenience in clamping it. The threads on the back cap must fit
snugly and no paint must be used on them. Hard oil, or vaseline,
may be applied to insure a water-tight joint that permits easy removal
of the cap.
The making and adjustment of the electrical shutter device
requires care, but its operation is simple. An electromagnet, of the
type used on doorbells, was fixed to the front of the camera, above
the shutter, as shown in Fig. 1, and in detail in Fig. 2. It is actuated
by current from two dry cells. The latter are kept in a convenient
carrier at the base of operations, and are connected to the magnet
by a single strand of double, waterproof wire. This is spread as it
reaches the chamber and fastened to the two eyebolts in the top.
The ends of the wires are conducted through the water-tight center
opening between the eyebolts, and attached to the magnet. The
release lever is fitted to a steel hook, pivoted at its upper end with a
small nail, C, Fig. 2. A rubber band is fixed to the lower edge of the
shutter lever and its other end is attached to the front of the camera.
When the current is permitted to flow into the magnet by pressing a
contact key, in the hand of the operator, the steel hook is drawn from
the release lever, and the rubber band draws the lever down, making
an exposure.
The double-wire cable carries the current as well as holds the
chamber suspended in the water. The wire should be about 25 ft.
long, and, in transporting the outfit, or when only partly used, is
coiled. The chamber should be completed for picture-taking
operations by giving it a coat of dull, black waterproof paint, both
inside and outside. This will prevent rusting and also serves to make
the object inconspicuous when in the water. It is important that the
interior be painted in this manner, because reflections of light within
the chamber may cause difficulty in obtaining satisfactory results.
When the paint is thoroughly dry, the device may be tested for
leakage and assembled ready for a test before making an actual trial
in the water. The camera is fitted into the chamber so that it centers
on the center of the plate-glass window, and is clamped into place. If
the electrical device operates satisfactorily the plate may be inserted,
the plate-holder slide withdrawn, the back cap replaced securely,
and the outfit lowered into the water. It should be watched carefully
until it reaches the proper depth, for, if it is permitted to touch the
bottom, the sediment stirred up must be given time to settle before
an exposure is made. The forward end of the chamber should be
marked on its upper edge with a streak of white paint, to aid in
identifying it at considerable depth in the water. This is important,
since the operator must shift the chamber carefully until the window
faces the objects to be photographed. When the chamber is in
position, the contact key is pressed and the exposure is made.
The time of exposure for under-water photography depends on the
clearness of the water, the depth at which the pictures are to be
taken, and the light conditions on the surface. A bright day is, of
course, desirable for this class of photography. A safe approximation
on a sunny day, in clear water, and with the chamber lowered to a
depth of 20 ft., is ¹⁄₂₅ sec. at the F 8 stop. The fastest plates or films
obtainable should be used for this work, making possible a fairly
rapid shutter speed. This tends to overcome the movement of the
subject and possible movement of the camera.
The camera should be focused while in the chamber in order that
the plate glass may not disturb the focus. The glass usually changes
the focal length of the lens slightly, hence this precaution must be
taken. The camera should be focused in the chamber for a distance
of 10 ft., as this is the average at which under-water photographs will
be taken ordinarily.
When attempting under-water photography in cloudy waters, or at
a considerable depth, the necessary illumination may be provided by
a charge of flash-light powder. For this purpose another submarine
chamber, similar to that used for the camera, should be provided,
with a plate glass, ¹⁄₂ in. thick, and a valve fitted into the top of the
chamber, and opening outward, so that the gas may escape. Fifteen
grains of powder will suffice, and this should be set off by a small
electrical fuse connected to the current supply.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Photographing Subjects under Water Is a
Fascinating Diversion, and Each Exposure
Has an Element of Mystery in the
Uncertainty of the Result. The Photograph
Reproduced in the Oval was Taken with the
Outfit Shown. The Construction of the
Chamber is Shown at the Middle. Fig. 1
Shows a Sectional Interior View, and Fig. 2,
a Detail of the Electrical Shutter Release

Every pond, lake, and river abounds in interesting and instructive

subjects for submarine photography. Along the coast of Florida, and
at many points along the Pacific coast, are waters of such clearness
that pictures may be taken at a depth of nearly a hundred feet,
without the use of artificial illumination. These localities abound in
objects under water of great interest, such as shipwrecks. The
fascinating art of taking pictures under water does not make it
necessary for one to go to these places, for subjects are easily
available. Whenever the submarine chamber is raised from the water
there is an element of mystery involved, regarding what may be
recorded on the plate or film, and this is an attractive feature of the

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