RMH-06 Amber Reclamation

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Your investigations have led you to the peaks of Mount Ghakis, and the Amber Temple—

an ancient resting place of terrible evil—lay before you. With any luck, the missing investigator
is inside and their work complete. Unfortunately, luck doesn’t seem to have been working in
their favor so far.

The seventh in the Ravenloft: Mist Hunters series of adventures.

An adventure for 5th level characters.

CONTENT WARNING: possession, starvation (mention)

Reference the Mist Hunters’ Safety Kit article and Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft for tips and tools on running a safe and fun game.

Lead Designer: Travis Woodall Campaign Narrative Design: Chris Lindsay, Wes Schneider,
Designer: Ayanna Jones-Lightsy Chris Tulach
Sensitivity Lead: Ma’at Crook
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Brandy Camel, Chris Lindsay,
Editing: Bill Benham Chris Tulach

Art Director and Graphic Design: Stacey Allan D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Ma’at Crook,
Artists: Steven Belledin, CoupleOfKooks, Max Dunbar, Sam Keiser, Amy Lynn Dzura, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick,
Michael Komarck, Ilya Shkipin Travis Woodall, Bee Zelda

Cover Illustrators: CoupleOfKooks, Scott M. Fischer, Max Dunbar Playtesters: William Axford, Anders Bredahl, Martin Bugge,
(inset illustration), Sam Keiser (inset illustration background) Patrick Falk, Daniel Franco, Ross Hooper, Kristian Kaptajn Jensen,
Cartography: Mike Schley Sara Kirketerp-Helenius, Chris McGovern, Daniel Oliveira, Alain Pham,
All art provided by Wizards of the Coast and used with permission Kelly Samuelson, Jia Jian Tin

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Adventure Primer
“Everyone has a rock bottom.” Story Awards
At certain points in the adventure, you’ll see
this glyph and an entry describing how the
his adventure is designed for three to five specified story award is earned or impacted
5th-level characters and is optimized for four by the story. Ignore the entry if it refers to
5th-level characters. a story award none of the characters have. If it refers
Amber Reclamation occurs in Barovia—exclusively to a story award the characters just earned, it provides
within an evil complex known as the Amber Temple. information for you and the players.

Background Hooks
ALANIK RAY, an investigator hired by the ORDER Alanik Ray has tasked the characters with discovering the
OF GUARDIANS, dispatched them to KARTAKASS fate of missing operatives that were sent to Barovia. The
and then to FALKOVNIA, where the missing scholar, operatives disappeared and Alanik learned that they were
RADAGA, was located. Under questioning, Alanik headed to the Amber Temple in search of information.
pried two names from Radaga’s mind—WHITE OASIS Alanik has asked the characters to pick up where the last
and AMBER TEMPLE, and something called the group left off and to bring back any useful information.
APPARATUS. In pursuit of these clues, Alanik dispatched
the characters to HAR’AKIR, and a second group to Hermit & Sage Backgrounds
BAROVIA—the latter in search of the Amber Temple.
While the characters sent to Har’Akir succeeded in their The secrets you’ve uncovered have left an indelible mark
investigations, the group sent to Barovia hasn’t reported upon you. You must find a way to relinquish the past and
back, and Alanik has started to suspect the worst. And so, break free you’re your burdens. The Amber Temple was
he has called upon the characters to proceed to Barovia—a once a warehouse of forbidden knowledge; perhaps the
domain of gothic dread, vampires, and dark bargains— answers you seek are there. Any Intelligence (History)
to seek out the Amber Temple. Within the characters checks these characters make within the Amber Temple
face traps and ancient slumbering foes and eventually are made with advantage.
encounter EXETHANTER, a lich who has long ago lost
their memory. The lich reveals the presence of the ranger
Barovian Characters
SHEYLYTH, within the temple, and potentially, the loca- These characters have long lived in the shadow of the
tion of the AMBER SARCOPHAGI. Amber Temple—seldom knowing of its existence outside of
stories and fable. For these characters, venturing within it
Overview may be daunting and terrifying—like meeting a childhood
boogey-man in the flesh.
The adventure’s story is spread over three parts and takes
approximately 4 hours to play. The adventure begins
with a Call to Action scene. “Extending Play” sidebars Extending Play: Curse of Strahd, Chapter 13
in the adventure provide guidance on how to expand the This adventure plays separately from and isn’t designed to
adventure to occupy a roughly four-hour time slot. These be played in conjunction with the story provided in Curse of
estimations don’t include time spent in pregame and Strahd. As such, it intentionally reuses and removes much of
postgame discussion: content found in that adventure.
However, if you wish to extend the play experience of this
Call to Action: The Temple Awaits. The characters find adventure, you can use other areas of the Amber Temple as
themselves standing before the Amber Temple. they are presented in Curse of Strahd- complete with room
Part 1: Upper Temple. The characters make their way descriptions, monster encounters, traps, etc. However,
through the upper part of the Amber Temple in search of pursuing this content yields no additional rewards, such
a missing operative. as gold, magic items, etc. Any rewards of this nature
Part 2: The Forgetful Lich. A mysterious stranger may are ignored.
hold the answer to the fate of the operative and the
“treasure” of the Amber Temple.
Part 3: Lower Temple. The characters explore the lower
temple to discover the amber sarcophagi and what lies
within, a friend or a foe.
Part 4: An Offer of Passage. The party is led on a chase
by a very uncooperative ranger.

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RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
The Temple Awaits
Estimated Duration: 15 minutes Mundane Equipment. The Order of the Guardians has
offered the characters access to its substantial resources
he adventure begins with the characters having
to aid in their investigation. Each character has access to
arrived at the Amber Temple (either on their own
any mounts and nonmagical equipment from the Player’s
or with the aid of a truly unusual benefactor—
Handbook, as well as the material components for any
Count Strahd von Zarovich).
spell they have prepared (or known for casters who don’t
Theme: chaotic, rushed, sense of urgency prepare spells). Following the characters’ promotion, the
gp limit on these acquisitions has been removed. The
Barovia characters are still bound to the normal rules regarding
carrying capacity and, at your discretion, may find them-
Darklord: Count Strahd von Zarovich
selves in a situation that precludes being able to haul
Hallmarks: Undead despot, notorious haunted stronghold
around too much—while their resources are great, the
In Barovia, the night is a curse. With the dying of the Order discourages frivolous requests.
light, wicked souls slip from the darkened spires of Castle Magical Equipment. As they adventure, the characters
Ravenloft to work the will of an immortal overlord. The howls
“unlock” magic items for later use. The group begins
of wolves and shrieks of raven swarms echo through the
dismal valleys and oppressive forests of Barovia. In isolated this adventure with one copy of each of these unlocked
communities, superstitious villagers find the brightness items and then decides who’ll use them. At the end of the
in the lives smothered by dread of their aloof overlord, his adventure, each item is returned to the character who
baleful servants, and ancient evils that fester unopposed. brought it with them. Magic items that are destroyed or
They all know to fear the Mists and the long Barovian nights, that lose their magic, such as a quaffed potion of healing
as through them the Devil Strahd watches and reaches to or an exploded horn of blasting, however, are removed
claim whatever he desires. from the character’s investigation journal and are no
longer unlocked; the character must find another one if
they want to use it in a later adventure. The character
Character Introductions who brought an unlocked item to the table has ultimate
discretion in who gets to use it. They should, however,
Allow each player a minute or so to introduce their note that their investigations require teamwork and
character, describe their appearance and mannerisms, cooperation.
and establish the reason why they’re working with Alanik
and Kabe. Be sure to give everyone equal time in the Example: Outfitting for Investigation
spotlight and be prepared to gently stop players if they run
Peter’s character, Gregov the Fighter, is preparing for their
on. Character introductions are crucially important for
next adventure. He requisitions a greatsword, a longbow
the players to understand who the other characters are, to and some arrows, and a suit of plate armor. He’s also heard
build a basis for roleplaying opportunities, and for you as rumors of werewolves, so he asks for a silvered dagger . . .
DM to learn more about the characters so you can create just in case. In his previous adventures, Gregov unlocked a
story elements that really speak to them. horn of blasting and a potion of healing. The group decides
Award inspiration (explaining what inspiration is and who should carry the horn and the potion. At the end of the
how it works) once everyone’s had a turn. adventure, both items are returned to Gregov. However, if a
character uses the potion, or if the horn of blasting explodes
Promoted! during the adventure, Peter crosses it off the investigation
journal where it was unlocked.
Impressed by the characters’ investigation in previous
adventures (or by their reputation, if this is their first
Ravenloft: Mist Hunters adventure), Alanik promotes the Order of the Guardians Ring
characters to lead field operatives within the Ray Agency. Characters with this magical ring (more information
While this means additional duties—such as searching for can be found in the Mist Hunters Safety Kit article) can
the urn—it also means opportunities for greater rewards obtain another dose of the anti-charm tonic from Alanik—
and other possible benefits, first and foremost being the provided the last dose they obtained has been used.
removal of the gp limit on nonmagical equipment that the
characters have access to. Blood-Drinker's Backbone
In addition to their own equipment, the characters were
Outfitting for the Investigation lent the use of a magical spear called blood-drinker’s back-
bone (handout 1).
Before proceeding on this leg of their investigation,
Radaga also gifted the characters with a wooden
the characters decide what they brought with them on
scroll case containing a spell scroll of greater restoration
their journey:
and a spell scroll of raise dead. Unless they were used
previously, the characters possess the scrolls.

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4 RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
Into the Amber Temple
Characters that didn’t play RMH-05 Unexpected
Hospitality are met by a carriage in waiting. Kabe climbs
up in the driver’s seat. As the characters settle inside, it
starts rolling with a jolt as the characters are transported
to Barovia. Roll on the Misty Visions table (appendix A).
Otherwise, If the characters accepted Strahd’s offer of a
carriage ride to the Amber Temple in RMH-05 Unexpected
Hospitality, the Darklord acted as the consummate host,
regaling the characters with tidbits of information about
his domain.
Kabe Whippoorwill appears after Strahd’s carriage is
out of sight. He asks them to share a quick update regard-
ing the information they learned in Krezk. If the characters
declined Strahd’s offer and walked to Krezk instead they
meet they characters along the way. Either way, this an
excellent opportunity to refresh the party’s memory about
what happened during the last adventure:
• The investigators that they’re searching for passed
through Krezk some time ago, staying for a couple days
before heading east to a place called the Amber Temple.
• Unfortunately, they discovered that two of the investiga-
tors had been murdered by werewolf fellmongers just
outside of the village.
• They found clues that suggested that one investigator–
the ranger Sheylyth—escaped and may have continued
the mission and headed to the Amber Temple.
Upper Temple
Estimated Duration: 45 minutes impression of movement between one statue and the
next, with the final statue appearing to look at the viewer.
he characters find obvious signs of recent
Between the two innermost statues is a 20-foot-tall
passage—among which is a campfire. Someone
entryway with a staircase leading down. The statues are
has been here recently. In this part of the
impervious to damage and looking too long at one gives
adventure, the characters explore the upper levels of the
the viewer a sense of unease.
temple before encountering Exethanter. It’s no doubt that
Sheylyth, the missing investigator, has been here. X1a. narrow fissure
Theme: cold, vast, mysterious To the west of the temple’s entrance, a 2-foot-wide, 10-foot-
tall, and 15-foot-deep fissure leads to area X15.
The Amber Temple X2. Entrance
More than two thousand years ago, a secret society of Steps coated in ice descend 10 feet to hallway with arrow
benevolent wizards built this temple as a vault to contain
slits in the walls.
the evil vestiges (remnants of dead, malevolent entities)
they had collected and hid the forbidden knowledge they had X2a. Guard room
amassed. Unfortunately, evil creatures learned of the temple
This empty room lies behind a secret door, which a char-
and the wizards more closely guarded it. Eventually they died
from inner strife and corruption by the things they guarded. acter with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 13 or
Long after the wizards died, an archmage breached the higher notices.
structure’s wards and used the vestiges within to become a
lich. This lich came to be the guardian of the temple and its X2b. Guard room
secrets. The vestiges seek to corrupt any curious visitors by This room lies behind a secret door that is not accessible
offering dark gifts and secrets for a taste of the evil that lives due to the collapsed debris all around it.
within their hearts.
X3. empty barracks

Upper Temple Shattered bits of wood cover the floor of this frigid, twenty-
This part of the adventure covers the temple’s entrance foot square room.
and main temple (appendix B, areas X1 - X5) and parts of
the upper temple (areas X15-X30). The other rooms (areas
X6 through X14) have collapsed into a stony maze of dead The ceiling in each of these rooms is 20-feet-high. This
ends. See the “Extending Play: Curse of Strahd” sidebar in room used to hold guard bunks that have now rotted away.
the Adventure Primer for additional information. A successful DC 13 Perception check reveals a secret door
set in the wall leading to area X2a.
Area information X4. Overlook
The upper temple has the following features:
Doors. All the doors of the temple are comprised of blocks
A twenty-foot-wide balcony of black marble with a shattered
of translucent amber with iron fittings and hinges.
Unless otherwise noted, arrow slits in the temple are 5 railing overlooks a vast temple. On the western side, a
inches wide, 4 feet tall and 1 foot thick. black marble staircase descends thirty feet to the temple
Lighting. Unless otherwise specified, the interior of the floor. The eastern staircase is crumbled and unusable. The
temple is unlit. walls and ceiling are covered in an amber glaze, lending the
Temperature. Though not bad enough to affect the gloom a golden sheen. A set of amber doors stands closed
characters’ health, the interior of the Amber Temple is
at the western side.
quite cold.
Secret Doors. A number of secret doors are present, a
character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of The eastern side of the temple, specifically areas X8,
13 or higher notices X12, and X14, have collapsed due to disrepair and are
completely filled with debris—rendering them impassible.
X1. Temple facade
If a character’s light source or darkvision extends beyond
The front of the temple has six alcoves each holding a 20
90 feet, they see a faceless statue at the far end of the
ft tall statue. Each statue is carved from a single block of
temple (area X5). The double doors lead to area X15.
amber and depicts a faceless hooded figure, head down
and hands clasped together in prayer. The head of each
statue tilts at a different consecutive angle, giving the

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6 RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
X5. temple of lost secrets X15. southwest annex

Four black marble columns support the vaulted ceiling of Torches in sconces light this bare stone room. Six bedrolls,
the temple. A forty-foot-tall statue of a cowled figure casting that have not been used recently, lie in the corners of
a spell stands at the northern end. The ominous statute the room.
stands between two black marble balconies, one of which is
partially collapsed and fallen on the temple’s black marble
A secret door in the south wall opens to area X16.
floor. The walls, door and hallways of the temple are made The double doors leading to area X17 have completely
of amber. White robed statues of human wizards are in the collapsed and are impassable.
alcoves flanking the exits.
X16. west scroll repository
Creature Information. Two flameskulls, Fahnan and
Carved into the south wall are cylindrical holes fit for
Gilderoy, haunt the temple and flee to area X17 at any dis-
turbance. An arcanaloth and flameskull were destroyed scrolls and maps.
here by Sheylyth – nothing remains of the former except a
pool of foul ichor on the floor.
The wizards used this room to keep magic scrolls, but they
have all crumbled to dust.
Fahnan and Gilderoy
Tiny undead X17. upper west hall
Fahnan (FA-nun) was a rather mediocre wizard with delu- The walls of this 20-foot-wide, 70-foot-long arched corri-
sions of grandeur that helped found and later protected the dor are sheathed in amber. The southern half of the hall
temple. Eventually, the vestiges offered Fahnan secrets and is scorched by fire, and a charred corpse lies on the floor
gifts they chose not to refuse. Upon their death they became
here, under a burned fur cloak. The southern doors lead-
a flameskull and continue to guard the forbidden troves in
the temple. Sheylyth killed their companion, an arcanoloth. ing to area X15 have collapsed and are no longer passable.
Gilderoy (GIL-duh-roy) on the other hand, was an apprentice Several amber doors lead from this hall, and three arrow
to Fahnan and helped found and later protected the temple. slits are cut into the east wall.
Gilderoy was incredibly awkward and relied heavily on the
wisdom of older wizards, even when instinct told them to X18. hallway
leave. The longer Gilderoy listened to the vestiges, the more
they ignored their instincts and compromised their morals.
Upon their death they became a flameskull and continued This 20-foot-long, 10-foot-high hallway of bare stone has an
to guard the forbidden troves in the temple. They are filled amber door at each end.
with resentment for an untimely death. Sheylyth killed their
companion, an arcanoloth.
Area X17 lies beyond the door to the east, area X21 lies
What They Want. They want revenge against the human
that killed their friend as well as a way to be released
beyond the door to the west.
from this never-ending afterlife.
Curious Observer. They are curious about visitors but not
X19. potion storage
aggressive. They may prove useful if the characters can
coax them out of hiding. They know about “the forgetful Stone blocks resembling tables stand in the center of this
one” (referring to Exethanter) and are eager to describe
room covered in dust. Carved into the stone walls are
the arcanoloth splendid defeat at the hands of the
strange man. niches filled with hundreds of dusty bottles, small bags, and
wooden boxes.

The flameskulls still watch this area to see if the ranger

returns. Curiosity can override their caution and visitors The ceiling here is 15 feet high. The bottles contain dried
pique their interest, but their recent experience with the up remains of potions that lost their efficacy long ago save
ranger makes them a bit reluctant to come and investigate one. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
intruders. The flameskulls hide in area X17, but reluctantly reveals one dusty vial to be a potion of diminution.
curious, and aren’t aggressive, so they eventually reveal A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
themselves if the characters don’t appear to be hostile. the secret door set in the north wall. It can be pulled open
At the sound of conversation or combat, the lich from to reveal a staircase leading to area X21.
area X27 enters area X23 to investigate the disturbance.
Seeing the characters, the lich, after raising their hand in
greeting, asks if they are seeking the strange half-elf that
recently entered the temple. If the characters appear inter-
ested in discourse, the lich beckons them to meet them in
area X27. If the characters investigate, proceed to part 2.

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RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
X20. Architect’s Room effect of an antipathy/sympathy spell. The corpses lying in
front of the statue are the remains of two human wizards
who came here separately, failed their saving throws, and
A large twelve-foot-tall model of a dark castle with high starved to death while under the spell’s effect. The lich
walls and tall spires sits in the middle of this room. Behind in area X27 destroyed the wizards’ spellbooks and other
it, tucked in a corner are some ruined furnishings and a possessions. Covering the statue or removing it from this
shrine suppresses its magic and ends its sympathy effect
wooden chest.
on anyone.
A pair of amber doors in the east wall open into area
This room was occupied by Artimus, Castle Ravenloft’s X25. Another set of doors in the northern alcoves is open
architect prior to completion of the castle. He built a scale to area X26. The floor in front of these doors is littered
model of the castle out of magically sculpted rock. with skulls.
The ceiling is 15 feet high. A secret door in the south
wall can be pulled open, revealing a staircase landing,
X25. West Archer Post
area X21. This narrow room has an arrow slit in the center of the
south wall.
X21. West Staircase The ceiling here is 10 ft high. The arrow slit looks down
Three 10-foot-long staircases separated by 10-foot-long towards the temple floor (area X5), beneath the raised
square landings connect areas X18 and X36. The upper- right arm of the great statue (area X5a).
most landing has secret doors set into its north and south
walls. The south door opens into area X19 and the north
X26. Secret Alcove
door opens into area X20. Two secret doors lead to this room. The door from area
X24 and to area X27 lie open.
X22. Northwest Annex
Torches in sconces illuminate a dining table in the center Attached to the 30 ft high ceiling of this dark sepulcher
of the room. Covering the table is a magnificent feast that
is an upside-down iron chest with barrel shaped lid that
fills the hall with the rich smells of cooked meat, sweet
vegetables, piping hot gravy and wine. lies open.
The table is real, but the torches, the feast, and the
chairs are illusions created by a programmed illusion
The iron chest on the ceiling is held in place with
(dispel DC 17) triggered when the door is opened.
sovereign glue. The chest is impervious to weapon
X23. Northwest Balcony damage, and prying it open
The floor of this room has disappeared, creating a 10 ft
square hole above area X39.
This black marble balcony overhangs the northwest corner
of the temple, the floor of which lies 30 ft below. Nearly X29. Hidden Room
This room is empty.
half of the balcony has fallen away, and obvious cracks have
formed near its edge. A rope tied to a grappling hook hangs X30. Preserved Library
down ominously from the balcony.

This room has 20 ft high walls and a 30 ft high ceiling. Six

The balcony is unsafe. Weight over 250 pounds causes it 10 ft tall black marble bookcases line the walls, holding
to collapse. Any creature on the balcony when it collapses hundreds of tomes. A gold marble staircase spirals
falls 30 feet and takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. down 30 feet.
X24. West Shrine
Any book that is removed from this room disintegrates.
This bare stone room consists of a foyer to the east and a The staircase descends to area X42.
The secret door in the center of the west wall leads to
shrine to the west. Candlesticks draped in cobwebs stand
an empty room (area X29), while the one in the south wall
in the four corners of the foyer. In the shrine, a faceless
leads to a staircase that descends 30 feet to area X5.
obsidian statue stands in a raised alcove at the western
end of the chamber. Slumped before the statue are two
desiccated corpses in tattered garments. Two pairs of
alcoves line the north and south walls of the shrine.

The obsidian statue is 4 ft tall, weighs 250 pounds, and

depicts the same nameless god that stands watch in the
main temple, area X5. Any living creature that enters this
room must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or
be drawn to the statue as though effected by the sympathy

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8 RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
The Forgetful Lich
Estimated duration: 45 minutes the door to area X28, where their phylactery is located. The
he characters encounter a lich who has lost their password to area X28 is “Exethanter.”). The passwords they
memory to time. The characters learn that the share are “Shalx,” “Maverus,” “Harkotha,” and “Thangob.”
lich encountered Sheylyth, the missing ranger, The lich assumes the characters have come in search of
knowledge and power. If they treat the lich with respect,
and suspects that there is more to this half-elf than meets
the lich tells them about the amber sarcophagi and how
the eye. The lich may prove to be a source of invaluable
they work. They react angrily to any action that would risk
information if their memory is restored.
destruction of their phylactery—including its detection.
Theme: Frantic and desperate Treasure. If the characters restore Exethanter’s
memory, he gives them an elixir of health.
Lich’s Lair X28.Hidden Phylactery
This room is decorated with ornate rugs, lush tapestries,
A small and dusty room containing a pedestal that
and fine furniture coated in dust and cobwebs. Candelabras
resembles a scaly arm and hand clutching a small bone box.
sit on small decorative tables, giving a soft, eerie light.

The bone box is Exethanter’s phylactery. The box is

A tall skeleton, with parchment thin skin barely stretching destroyed when it takes 20 or more radiant damage from a
over their bones, dressed in rags stands in the center of single source.
the room. Their red eyes focus on the characters and asks,
“Do I know you?”
There are three secret doors. The door from area X26
already lies open. The door to area X28 has arcane lock on
it and the password is “Exethanter”.

Creature Information
Exethanter (uses the lich stat block, but has only 99 hit points
and can only cast cantrips) has lost most of their memory.
Exethanter doesn’t remember their name, and though they
can use their cantrips, they’ve forgotten the other spells they
once had prepared and are unable to cast them.
Exethanter isn’t aggressive but defends themself if
attacked. An air of weary frustration surrounds them—the
agonizing knowledge that they’ve lost something priceless
has made them irritable and prone to quick fits of energy.
If treated peacefully and with patience, the lich reveals
that they know they’re missing something vital (no check
necessary) and asks the characters to help them locate it.
The lich reveals a recent interaction with a half-elf—one
that possessed an uncanny intelligence and seemed to
address the lich as if he were familiar with them (“He
called me Exethanter”), however, the lich never learned Exethanter
the half-elf’s name. If the characters are sufficiently savvy Ancient lich
or deferential, the lich tells the characters about the amber Exethanter was ancient and dwelling within the Amber
sarcophagi, but they recall nothing about the vestiges Temple even before Strahd’s fall and imprisonment in Raven-
within. Similarly, they have long since forgotten the pass- loft. In fact, it was Exethanter’s machinations that helped seal
words to the various locked areas in the temple. the vampire’s fate. May years have passed, however, and the
lich’s mind and body have begun to fall apart.
Restoring Exethanter’s Memory What They Want. Exethanter has lost something but doesn’t
If the characters still possess the spell scroll of greater know what it is. They’d give anything to just remember.
restoration provided by Radaga, they can use it to restore Unbeknownst to the lich, it’s their memory that they’ve lost.
Exethanter’s memories and prepared spells. If their mem- A Fading Remnant. Exethanter is a faded, dusty reminder

ory is restored, Exethanter proves helpful. They provide the of what they once were. Their transition into becoming a
passwords to any of the locked doors in the temple (except demi-lich isn’t far off.
Lower Temple
Estimated Duration: 90 minutes
Amber Sarcophagi
he characters descend into the lower levels of the An amber sarcophagus looks like a rough block of solid
temple. There they discover the amber sarcophagi amber 8 feet tall, 5 feet wide, and 5 feet thick. Trapped inside
and eventually, the ranger Sheylyth. After confront- the block is a sliver or wisp of utter darkness no more than
ing the ranger, the ranger attempts to escape. a few inches long. The darkness is the vestige of a dead and
hateful god—a shard of pure evil with shreds of sentience and
Theme: Trepidation awareness. The vestige can’t be harmed or controlled, and it is
immune to all conditions. The first creature that touches the
Encountering Sheylyth amber sarcophagus forms a telepathic link with the vestige
inside. The vestige offers the creature a Dark Gift. The creature
As the characters explore, they eventually encounter
must willingly accept the Dark Gift to gain its benefits.
Sheylyth—either in the last amber vault they investigate or An amber sarcophagus has AC 16, 80 hit points, and
the next one they investigate after 90 minutes of play time immunity to poison and psychic damage. Destroying a
has elapsed. sarcophagus causes the vestige trapped within it to disappear,
leaving no trace.

Lower Temple
Deviations to Lower Amber Temple
Some of the rooms are different from the portrayal in Curse
of Strahd. This part of the adventure focuses on areas X32
through X39. Areas X40 through X33c aren’t used—having
collapsed from neglect. Unless otherwise specified, the areas
found here are unoccupied—any mention of creatures or
treasure found in Curse of Strahd are ignored.

X31. Central Catacombs

The walls of this room are lined with niches holding the
rotted remains of the wizards that once defended the
Amber Temple.

X31a. West Catacombs

This annex is filled with more niches, housing bones.

X31b. East Catacombs

This annex is empty.

X32. Lower East hall

This hall’s walls and ceilings are coated in glistening
amber. Dust covers the floor and there is a wall of rubble
along the northern part of this hall. Sheylyth Surii
X33. Amber Vaults Half elf ranger
Several of these amber-glazed rooms are located along the Sheylyth Surii (SHAY-lith SORE-ee) is an accomplished mist
walker and ranger who has traveled the breadth of most of
periphery of the complex. Each room contains two or more
the domains of Ravenloft. His thick black hair and beard are
amber sarcophagi. The only vestiges present are those cut short in a fashion that suggests ease of maintenance over
specified below; the other sarcophagi are empty. appearance. Characters with a passive Perception of 15 or
higher notice that the whites of his eyes are tinged with red.
If asked, he dismisses any concerns as “the price one pays
for delving into forbidden knowledge.”
What They Want. Sheylyth is impatient for the characters
to leave so he can continue his search alone.

Yearning for Freedom. Though he’d never admit it,

Sheylyth yearns for freedom—not only from the domain
of Barovia, but from Ravenloft.

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10 RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
X33a. Vault of Shalx
The amber door to this room is sealed with an arcane lock
spell. The password to open the door is “Shalx.”
Depending on how they treated with Exethanter, the
characters may have this password. The door can be
opened with a knock spell or similar magic, forced open
with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check or by
destroying it (AC 15; 30 hit points; immune to poison and
psychic damage). The door is trapped, however.
Trap. A glyph of warding has been placed on the
opposite side of the door. It triggers if a creature enters the
room without the password first being used. If triggered a
blast of cold washes over each creature within a 20-foot-
radius of the door. Each creature must make a DC 15
Dexterity save, taking 22 (5d8) cold damage on a failed
save or half as much damage on a successful one.

The floor is blood red marble with a shaft in the center of

the ceiling.

The shaft in the ceiling is 10-feet-wide and 20-feet-long

with handholds. The shaft leads up to area X6. Characters
who touch the sarcophagi are offered dark gifts by the
remaining vestiges. (See the “Amber Sarcophagi” side-
bar above).
Creature Information. Three flameskulls float around
the room—shedding eerie green light on two amber

Adjusting the Scene

Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene:
Very Weak: remove two flameskulls.
Weak: Remove one flameskull
Strong: Add one flameskull.
Very Strong: Add two flameskulls.

West Sarcophagi. The vestige within is either missing

or non-responsive.
South Sarcophagi. The south sarcophagus contains the
vestige of Zrin-Hala, the howling storm. Zrin-Hala grants
the Storm of Hate Dark Gift (handout 2).

X33b. Vault of Maverus

This room is sealed with arcane lock. The password to
suppress the spell is “Maverus.” Otherwise, the door is
identical to area X33a.

This room has amber walls, a blue marble floor and three
amber sarcophagi in the alcoves.

The vestiges in the sarcophagi are non-responsive.

Treasure. A small ivory tube containing a spell scroll of
healing word rests in a corner, partially covered by chunk
of amber. A character with a passive Wisdom (Perception)
score of 16 or higher notices the tube.

X33c. Ghastly Vault


The walls and ceiling of this vault have collapsed. The

debris covers the entrance, and it is impassable.
X33d. Breached Vault West Sarcophagus. The vestige of Norganas, the Finger
of Oblivion resides in the west sarcophagus. Norganas
grants the Adjacent to the Dead Dark Gift (handout 2).
This room has amber glazed walls, purplish black marble
flooring, and two amber sarcophagi in the alcoves. The X34. Wizard’s bedchamber
amber door to this room hangs open, and strange voices
can be heard within. A white marble slab bearing a moldering straw mattress sits
in the center of this bare stone room.

The amber door to this room hangs open.

Creature Information. Four nothics—former wizards
transformed by their quest for forbidden knowledge—are X35. Sleeping Guardian
here. The nothics aren’t immediately aggressive. They
use their Weird Insight feature to pry secrets from the
The furnishings in this room have fallen into decrepitude.
characters. They don’t consider their prying to be a
violation of privacy and are surprised if creatures retaliate. An almost 9 ft tall, vaguely humanoid construct covered
The nothics attack if attacked or if the characters try to made of dark wood and iron is in the center of the room
interact with the amber sarcophagi. covered in cobwebs.

Adjusting the Scene

Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene: This room used to be a wizard’s chamber. The construct
is an incapacitated shield guardian—its control amulet
Very Weak: Remove three nothics. destroyed long, long ago.
Weak: Remove two nothics.
Strong: Add one nothic. X36. Lower West Hall
Very Strong: Add two nothics.

The walls and ceiling glisten with amber. Set into the walls
West Sarcophagi. The west sarcophagi house the
at a height of five feet are amber ledges lined with life sized
vestige of Delban, the Star of Ice and Hate. Delban grants
the Soul-Quenching Cold Dark Gift (handout 2). alabaster statues of cats, frogs, hawks, owls, rats, ravens,
snakes, toads, and weasels.
X33e. Vault of Harkotha
The amber door to this room is sealed with an arcane lock.
The spell’s password is “Harkotha.” Otherwise, this door The animal statues represent different kinds of familiars,
is like the door in area X33a. and they are harmless.

X37. Wizard’s bedchamber

This room has amber walls, a black marble floor with red This room is empty except for collapsed furniture, cob-
veins and three sarcophagi standing in alcoves. webs, and dust.

X38. Haunted Room

X33f. vault of Thangob
The amber door to this room is sealed with an arcane lock This room was once a bedchamber. Remains of a bed, a
spell. The password to open the door is “Thangob.” wardrobe, two trunks, a bookshelf and several chairs are
Depending on how they treated with Exethanter, the scattered around the room.
characters may have this password. The door can be
opened with a knock spell or similar magic, forced open
with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check or by A poltergeist haunts this room, telekinetically hurling
destroying it (AC 15; 30 hit points; immune to poison and furniture about the room in the hopes of scaring the char-
psychic damage). The door is trapped, however. acters off.
Trap. A glyph of warding has been placed on the
opposite side of the door. It triggers if a creature enters the X39. Plundered Treasury
room without the password first being used. If triggered a
blast of cold washes over each creature within a 20-foot- The doors to this room have been smashed open. A pile of
radius of the door. Each creature must make a DC 15 broken bones, armor and weapons lay strewn across the
Dexterity save, taking 22 (5d8) cold damage on a failed
save or half as much damage on a successful one.

This room has amber walls, a grey marbled floor with black The ceiling has a 10-foot-wide opening to area X 26 above.
veins, and three amber sarcophagi.

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12 RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
An Offer of Passage
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes Amber Temple Chase Complications
he characters find the missing ranger, Sheylyth. d20 Complication
He, however, has plans that don’t involve being 1 A huge chunk of the ceiling collapses. Make a DC 14
questioned by the characters or returning to Strength (Athletics) check to get past the rubble. On a
Alanik. The ranger makes a break for it, and the charac-
failed check the debris counts as difficult terrain.
ters must decide how to capture Sheylyth and return him
to Alanik before he escapes from them completely. 2 A swarm of bats drop down from the ceiling blocking
the way. Make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to
Theme: High energy, anxious
try and avoid the swarm. On a failed check the character

Flight of the Ranger 3

gets bitten, taking 7 (2d6) slashing points of damage.
Make a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot
Sheylyth flees upon seeing the characters, using disen-
several large patches of ice in the path ahead. On a
gage as necessary to avoid opportunity attacks. The entity
failed check, you lose your balance and fall prone.
possessing him stops at nothing to avoid capture.
4 The ground isn’t stable. Make a DC 10 Dexterity
Beginning the Chase (Acrobatics) check to navigate the area. On a failed
Sheylyth is fully intent on escaping the characters. check, the ground counts as 10 feet of difficult terrain.
The chase begins as Sheylyth and the characters each 5 A weakened rug of smothering with 5 hit points flops in
roll initiative. During the chase, keep the following front of you and attacks (+5 to hit). If the attack hits the
things in mind. character is restrained until the end of your next turn.
Seeking Cover. Sheylyth has no intention of hiding inside 6 A large marble pillar blocks your path. Make a DC 12
the Amber Temple. Once outside, though, he attempts Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
to hide. That said, there isn’t much to hide behind in the On a failed check, avoiding the obstacle counts as
snowy mountains—save for the occasional boulder. difficult terrain for 10 feet.
Misty Step. Sheylyth can use misty step three times to
widen the gap between him and the characters. If deal- 7 A sudden drop catches you by surprise, requiring a
ing with a particularly crafty group. DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to safely jump it. On a
Red Eyes. When Sheylyth first turns to face the failed save, the character falls 1d4 × 5 feet, takes 1d6
characters, the character with the highest passive bludgeoning damage per 10 feet fallen, and falls prone.
Perception sees his eyes momentarily flash red. 8 An unexpected hole in the floor gets in your way.
Make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to make your
Chase Complications way around the hole. On a failed save, take 1d6
Each participant in the chase—Sheylyth included—rolls a bludgeoning damage as you fall 10 feet and land prone.
d20 at the end of their turn and consults the table below.
9 A skeleton stumbles into your path. Make an opposing
If a complication occurs, it affects the next character in
strength (the skeleton’s Strength modifier is +0) check
the chase—not the participant who rolled the die. Either
the character who rolled the die or the character affected to see if you can shove the skeleton aside and keep
by the complication can expend their inspiration to negate running—though it can make an opportunity attack if
the complication. At your discretion, characters can create you do.
their own complications to shake off pursuers. 10–20 Sheylyth stumbles, shortening his movement speed
by 5 feet this turn. The next character notices that
the movement of his feet is intentional, Sheylyth isn’t
tripping by accident.

Ending the Chase

The chase ends if Sheylyth manages to hide from all the
characters or if he is more than 120 feet away from the
characters at the end of a round. However, if the characters
manage to get their hands on him, it’s easy enough to bind
him in such a way as to prevent his escaping.

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RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
While chasing Sheylyth, the ranger drops a gem,
crystallized fire. Any character with a passive Wisdom
(Perception) greater than 12 sees it fall from his hand
during the chase.

Wrap Up: Returning to

If Sheylyth is captured alive, the characters find his journal
and earn the Sheylyth Rescued story award. If he is killed
or escapes, the characters find it—along with his other pos-
sessions—in the vault in which the ranger was discovered.
The journal includes copious notes, detailing the vestiges
here in the temple and in other domains – though their
locations and natures aren’t specified. Two entries seem to
be of particular importance, though: the first details some-
thing called the urn of dreams, and the second a vestige
called the Scion of Darkness. Unfortunately, like the other
entries, the locations of the two aren’t mentioned.
The characters return to Krezk. Upon arriving, Kabe
emerges from the gates and is heartened to hear about the
characters’ successes. Kabe steels themself and guides the
characters into the mists.

Sheylyth Rescued
The missing ranger, Sheylyth has been
returned safely to Alanik and company.

Investigation Journal
Provide each player with a copy of the Investigation
Journal (handout 3). Before the session is over, each player
must choose which of the items found during the adven-
ture they’d like to keep, and line out others.

Dramatis Personae
The following NPCs feature prominently in this adventure.

Ancient lich
Exethanter was ancient and dwelling within the Amber
Temple even before Strahd’s fall and imprisonment in
Ravenloft. In fact, it was Exethanter’s machinations that
helped seal the vampire’s fate. Many years have passed,
however, and the lich’s mind and body have begun to
fall apart.
What They Want. Exethanter has lost something but
doesn’t know what it is. They’d give anything to just
remember. Unbeknownst to the lich, it’s their memory
that they’ve lost.
A Fading Remnant. Exethanter is a faded, dusty reminder
of what they once were. Their transition into becoming a
demi-lich isn’t far off.

Sheylyth Surii
Half-elf ranger
This ranger (SHAY-lith SIR-ee) is an accomplished
mist walker who has traveled the breadth of most of the
domains of Ravenloft. His thick black hair and beard are
cut short in a fashion that suggests ease of maintenance
over appearance. His competence is outmatched by his
What They Want. Because he has traveled extensively, he
is a treasure trove of knowledge. However, he desires
to know more, and his curiosity is never satiated.
He aggressively seeks to gather as much lore and
information as he can, and he jealously guards any
access to such information.
Secret Keeper. He learned a secret about the Mists. Ever
since learning that secret he can manipulate them but
the lands he walks have turned against them. He is
seeking a way to counteract this effect.

Creature Statistics
Sheylyth Surii (Drow Elite Flameskull
Tiny Undead, Typically Neutral Evil
Medium Humanoid (half-elf ), Neutral Evil Armor Class 13
Hit Points 40 (9d4 + 18)
Armor Class 18 (studded leather, shield) Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
Hit Points 71 (11d8 + 22)
1(−5) 17 (+X3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) Skills Arcana +5, Perception +2
Damage Resistance lightning, necrotic, piercing
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +5, Wis +4 Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +10 Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14 poisoned, prone
Languages Elvish, Undercommon Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Languages Common
Challenge. 4 (1,000 XP)
Fey Ancestry. Sheylyth has advantage on saving throws against
Illumination. The flameskull sheds either dim light in a 15-
being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to sleep.
foot radius, or bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light
for an additional 15 feet. It can switch between the options as
an action.
Multiattack. Sheylyth makes two shortsword attacks.
Magic Resistance. The flameskull has advantage on saving
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., throws against spells and other magical effects.
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6)
poison damage. Rejuvenation. If the flameskull is destroyed, it regains all its hit
points in one hour unless holy water is sprinkled on its remains
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30/120 or a dispel magic or remove curse spell is cast on them.
ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or Spellcasting. The flameskull is a 5th level spellcaster. Its spell-
be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with
the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The spell attacks). It requires no somatic or material components
target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes to case its spells. The flameskull has the following wizard
an action to shake it awake. spells prepared:
Cantrip (at will): mage hand
Reactions 1st level (3 slots): magic missile, shield
2nd level (2 slots): blur, flaming sphere
Parry. Sheylyth adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that
3rd level (1 slot): fireball
would hit it. To do so, the drow must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon. Actions
Multiattack. The flameskull uses fire ray twice.
Fire Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (3d6) fire damage.
Stat Block Modifications
Sheylyth can cast misty step three times per day. Sheylyth's
darkvision extends to 60 ft., and he's not proficient in
Undercommon, but is proficient in Common.
Medium Aberration, Typically Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 Natural

Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


14(+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (−1)

Skills Arcana +5, Insight +4, Perception +2 Stealth +5

Senses Truesight 120 feet., passive Perception 12
Languages Undercommon
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Keen Sight. The nothic has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)

checks that rely on sight.

Multiattack. The nothic makes two claw attacks.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage.
Rotting Gaze. The nothic targets one creature it can see within
30 feet of it. The target must contest is Charisma (Deception)
check against the nothic’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If the nothic
wins, it magically learns one fact or secret about the target. The
target automatically wins if it is immune to being charmed.
Exethanter (Lich)
Medium Undead (lich, wizard), Neutral
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Paralyzing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: 12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54) target. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage. The target must succeed on
Speed 30 ft. a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute.
The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Legendary Action
Initiative +3
The lich can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Saving Throws Con +10, Int +12, Wis +9
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Skills Arcana +19, History +12, Insight +9, Perception +9,
at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The lich
Damage Resistances Cold, Lightning, Necrotic
Damage Immunities Poison, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Slashing from nonmagical attacks Cantrip. Exethanter casts a cantrip.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhausted, Frightened, Paralyzing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). The lich uses its
Paralyzed, Poisoned Paralyzing Touch.
Senses Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19 Frightening Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). The lich fixes its gaze on
Languages Common plus up to five other languages one creature it can see within 10 feet of it. The target must
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw against this magic
Proficiency Bonus +7 or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the lich fails a saving throw, it successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to
can choose to succeed instead. the lich’s gaze for the next 24 hours.
Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each non-undead creature within
Rejuvenation. If it has a phylactery, a destroyed lich gains a
20 feet of the lich must make a DC 18 Constitution saving
new body in 1d10days, regaining all its hit points and becoming
throw against this magic, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage on
active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of the a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Spellcasting. The lich is an 18th-level spellcaster. Its spellcast-
ing ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell
attacks). The lich has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile, shield,
2nd level (3 slots): acid arrow, detect thoughts, invisibility,
mirror image
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, counterspell, dispel
magic, fireball
4th level (3 slots): blight, dimension door
5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, scrying
6th level (1 slot): disintegrate, globe of invulnerability
7th level (1 slot): finger of death, plane shift
8th level (1 slot): dominate monster, power word stun
9th level (1 slot): power word kill

Turn Resistance. The lich has advantage on saving throws

against any effect that turns undead.

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18 RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
Handout 1: Blood-Drinker’s Backbone
Blood-Drinker’s Backbone
Weapon (spear), very rare
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It is a formidable weapon sporting a slightly
curved maroon blade made from iridescent stone set into a haft of polished vertebrae—each engraved with an ancient,
long-forgotten rune.
If the attack misses its target, you suffer necrotic damage equal to the damage that the attack would have normally dealt
as the weapon feeds upon your lifeforce, and you gain one level of exhaustion.
Blood-drinker’s backbone functions as a +3 spear, which is found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Handout 2. Dark Gifts
Dark Gift: Storm of Hate Dark Gift: Soul Quenching Cold
An overwhelming well of violence and ill-will builds up You’ll never again fear the cold–it lives inside you as a
inside you. Every wrong you’ve ever suffered consumes constant companion, able to assist you when you call to it.
your mind and soul—coalescing in your hands, creating an This Dark Gift grants the power to create a shard of ice
electric current of hatred that makes your hands vibrate and fling it at one creature within range.
with power. A gravelly voice inside your head whispers Frozen by Fear. You learn the frostbite cantrip if you don’t
to you, feeding your vitriol, and telling you that with already know it and require no component to cast it. Your
one touch you can thrust the force of your anger at one spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence, Wisdom, or
creature of your choosing. This electric force lives at the Charisma (your choice when you gain this Dark Gift).
edges of your awareness, ever-present in your fingertips— Internal Heat. You gain resistance to cold damage.
ready to be unleashed against whomever you choose. The Penetrating Chill. Immediately after you make an attack
beneficiary of this gift bears a burned scar on their face roll, an ability check, or a saving throw and roll a 1 on the
that resembles a handprint. d20, your lips become numb and you have disadvantage
Storm of Hate. You learn the shocking grasp cantrip if on any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you make
you don’t already know it and require no component to cast before the end of your next turn.
it. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma (your choice when you gain this Dark Gift: Adjacent to the Dead
Dark Gift). You feel a thread of unnerving necromantic energy coil out
Retaliation. When a creature hits you with a melee from the weave and tether itself to your soul. An instant
weapon attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee connection to the undead has formed and you know you
attack against them with a weapon you are holding. Once are not as alone as you thought.
you’ve used this Dark Gift in this way, you can’t do so again Ghostly Protectionist. You gain resistance to
until you’ve completed a long or short rest. necrotic damage.
Burdened by Rage. Immediately after you make an Fluent in Death. You learn the speak with the dead
attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, and roll a 1 spell if you don’t already know it and require no compo-
on the d20, roll on the Negative Effect table to determine nents to cast it. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is
how the storm of hate affects you. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (your choice when you
gain this Dark Gift). Once you cast it, you must finish a
Negative Effect long rest before you can cast it again using this Dark Gift.
On Death’s Door. If you roll a 1 on a death saving throw,
d4 Effect you immediately die.
1 You weep tears of blood—blinding you until the end of
your next turn.
2 You begin to shake uncontrollably, imposing disadvan-
tage on weapon attacks until the end of your next turn.
3 The dark thoughts racing through your mind leave you
stunned until the end of your next turn.
4 Your body is overloaded by the power of the emotions
you feel, and you fall prone.

Handout 3: Investigation Journal

Choose one item from the list below by checking the box next to it.

Potion of diminution
Elixir of health
Spell scroll of healing word
Crystallized fire*

* Crystallized fire functions as a gem of seeing which is found in Dungeon Master’s Guide. This gem often becomes too
hot to hold comfortably in your hand—even with gloves on. Additionally, roll a d20 when the item is used. On a 1, the gem
bursts into flame; each creature within 10 feet of the gem must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 11
(2d10) fire damage.

Story Awards
Sheylyth Rescued

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RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
Appendix A. Misty Visions
This adventure begins with the characters traversing the horrors of the misty borders of the various Domains of Dread.
When instructed, roll on the table. If time permits, roll once for each character. Otherwise, roll once for the entire group.
These effects end when the character leaves the domain.

Misty Visions
d20 Vision Effect
1 Dark, malevolent shadows flit around you, moving within the You have disadvantage on initiative checks.
mists just beyond your sight.
2 Thick, thorny vines erupt from the ground and grasp at your You have disadvantage on checks made to escape a grapple or
limbs—threatening to pull you into the clammy ground. end the restrained condition.
3 You hear the screams of friends and family crying out in fear You have disadvantage on saving throws against being
and agony, but can’t find them, despite your best efforts. frightened.
4 The ground becomes wet with black, sticky mud (or is it You must spend an extra foot of movement for each foot spent
blood?)—at first ankle-deep, then up to the knees . . . moving through difficult terrain.
5 Countless clawed skeletons swarm you, clawing at your flesh You gain vulnerability to slashing damage.
and clothing.
6 You bump into a stone grave marker. Examining it closer, you You have disadvantage on death saving throws.
see your own name engraved in its surface.
7 The stench of rotting flesh fills your nostrils. Glancing at your- You gain vulnerability to necrotic damage.
self, you see dark spots of decay covering your flesh.
8 After a moment’s distraction, and looking back, you find your- You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to
self in the Mists alone until you arrive at your destination. notice hidden creatures and objects.
9 You see a small child in the Mists ahead of you—coaxing you You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
deeper into the mists. After finally catching up with them, you
find nothing but a cornhusk doll.
10 The Mists turn into a thick, noxious miasma that burns your You have disadvantage on saving throws against poison.
eyes and throat—threatening to suffocate you.
11 Your deepest fear manifests before your eyes. If you fail a saving throw against being frightened, you’re also
blinded until the end of your next turn.
12 A bone-chilling wind fills the area—driving the warmth from You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks made to accomplish
you and sending your body into tremors. tasks that require fine motor skills.
13 The Mists coalesce into a tall, dense hedge maze that seems You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to
to go on forever, and you pass the same landmarks repeatedly. navigate or to discern your location.
14 You encounter a group of terrified adventurers who attack you You take slashing damage equal to a roll of your largest Hit Die.
with a rusted dagger before fleeing back into the Mists.
15 An incorporeal undead creature manifests in front of you and You have disadvantage on Strength (Athletics) checks.
passes through you—driving your strength away.
16 One of your teeth loosens and falls out. One by one, more fall Your anxiety imposes disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
out and crumble away into fine, white powder. checks made to positively influence people.
17 You run from beastly shadows in the night. Your heart pounds Your memories of the vision give you disadvantage on Wisdom
at every snarl, hiss, and howl, feeling their breath on your (Animal Handling) checks made to positively influence animals.
heels as they catch up.
18 Everything around you withers and decays before your eyes. If you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll made with a nonmagical
weapon, the weapon breaks and becomes unusable.
19 You find yourself in a library behind your closest loved ones as You have disadvantage on Intelligence (History) checks involving
they turn to you, all faceless. You open nearby books to find the recollection of lore.
the answers to help them, but all their pages are blank.
20 You breathe and your lungs fill with the Mists. It flows through You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to main-
your body, weighing you down and weakening you. tain concentration on spells.

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22 RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
Appendix B: Amber Temple Maps
Upper Level

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RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
Lower Level


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24 RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)
Appendix C: Dungeon Master Tips
To run this adventure as a DM, you must have three, four,
or five players, each with their own character within the
New Players? No Problem!
adventure’s level range (see the “Adventure Primer” sec- With starter adventures like this one, it’s possible you might
tion at the start of the adventure). have players new to D&D, or new to fifth edition D&D. As the
DM, it’s up to you to ensure these players have fun with the
game, and that they learn the basics of how to play. At this
New to D&D Adventurers League? level, having fun is more important than learning every rule
Information about the Adventurers League, including exactly right. Be gentle with new players who make mistakes.
finding places to play, organizing events, and a list of Make sure to keep your players smiling and rolling dice. Be
supporting resources and documents, can be found here: positive and enthusiastic when describing the action, and
https://dnd.wizards.com/ddal_general you’ll notice the players will quickly follow suit.
If you’re a new DM, then welcome—and thank you! New
DMs are the lifeblood of the D&D community. To help you
Preparing the Adventure run your game, some adventures include sidebars like this
Before you start play, consider the following: one that provide an explanation of the game’s rules as they’re
used in the adventure.
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of anything
you’d like to highlight or remind yourself of while run-
ning it, such as a way you’d like to portray an NPC or a
tactic you’d like to use during combat. Familiarize your- Adjusting This Adventure
self with the adventure’s appendixes and handouts. To determine whether you should consider adjusting the
• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in adventure, assess the party strength by consulting the
running the adventure, such as notecards, a DM screen, table below.
miniatures, and battle maps.
• Ask the players to provide you with relevant character Determining Party Strength
information, such as name, race, class, and level;
Party Composition Party Strength
passive Wisdom (Perception) score; and anything the
adventure specifies as notable (such as backgrounds and Three characters Weak
story awards). Four characters Average
Players can play an adventure they previously played as a Five characters Strong
player or ran as a DM, but they can do so only once with a
specific character. Ensure each player has their character
sheet (if not, get one from the organizer) Safety Tools
Preparing the Characters Safety tools help ensure players aren’t pushed beyond their
comfort levels. These tools let your players know you want
The adventure is designed to be played with characters them to have a positive experience. Some common safety
of a specific level; characters of a different level should tools are provided below, each with a summary of how they
be modified accordingly. If necessary, the characters work. An article about one such safety kit is provided to help
should be afforded the time needed to adjust their with further information. Ensure that you discuss these tools
characters to suit. with your players before the game:
If you have time, you can do a quick scan of a player’s • Code of Conduct. This is a group agreement for play. It
character sheet to ensure nothing looks out of order. If you outlines desired and prohibited behaviors, confidential
see magic items of very high rarities or strange arrays of reporting, and possible consequences.
ability scores, you can ask players to provide documenta- • Pregame and Postgame Discussions. Use time before the
tion for the irregularities. If they can’t, feel free to restrict game to explain content warnings, set boundaries, and
collaborate on a safety plan. Then decompress and discuss
item use or ask them to use a standard ability score array.
improvements at the end of the game.
Characters that died during a previous adventure return • Be Welcoming. Welcome and encourage respectful and
to life, free of any conditions, curses, or other effects that open conversations about issues as they arise. Show that
would remove them from play—such as vampirism or you’re listening by avoiding defensive responses.
lycanthropy. They keep any story awards they have, as any • Confidentiality. Provide contact information for private
spells they might have copied during their adventures. and confidential conversations between players and DM.
During the Call to Action, the characters are likely to Only disclose another player’s name if that player gave
review their available magic items among themselves and unpressured permission for you to do so.
determine who is carrying what. Make sure they have a • Safety Tools. Learn about the safety tools that TTRPG
few moments to outfit one another. community members have created and compiled. A
broad range of such safety tools are available for you and
your players online, or you can get more information by
reaching out to your event organizer or community@

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RMH-06 Amber Reclamation (v.1.0)

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