2023 Demonstration Science 3

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Dole Cannery Central Elementary

School Grade Level Grade 3

DAILY LESSON LOG Date and Time May 29, 2023 1:30-2:30 Quarter Fourth Quarter


A. Content Standard Natural objects in the sky affect one’s daily activities.

B. Performance Standard List down activities which affect their daily activities.

C. Learning Competency The learners should be able to describe the natural objects that are found in the sky during daytime
and nighttime.

II. CONTENT Describe the natural objects that are found in the sky during daytime and nighttime.


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide; page 499

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages JUMPSTART SCIENCE page 179-182

4. Additional Materials from https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/Reading/Reading_Comprehension/

Learning Resource (LR)portal The_Sun_and_The_Moon_zb2661549cn internet, google.
B. Other Learning Resource pictures, activity sheets , slide presentation, illustration board, manila paper, marker, cotton
balls and glue.

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Power Point Presentation (Before we’re going to start our new lesson for this
presenting the new lesson morning, let us all read first our rules and regulations inside the classroom during class
1. Listen carefully
2. Raise your right hand if you want to answer.
3. Engage yourself in every activity.
4. Don’t talk if somebody is speaking in front.
5. Participate actively during class discussion


The teacher will show a picture of different weather and ask these following questions.

What do you call this weather?

What types of clothes we can wear when its raining?
What type of clothes we can wear when it’s summer?

Pinoy Henyo Game

What have you learned in our game?

What objects did we used in the game?
Where have you seen this objects?
Who created these objects?
In what way you can show your love and care in God’s creation?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Show pictures of different natural objects that can be seen in the sky during daytime and
nighttime to the class.
Ask: What objects can you see? Describe the pictures. When can we see these objects?
Do all of these object can be seen during day time? Why?
C. Presenting examples/Instances of This morning we’ll going to learn the natural objects in the sky that we can see during
the new lesson Daytime and Nighttime. There are lots of objects in the sky that we can see using our naked
eye and we’re going to discuss it one-by-one.

Daytime- The time when there is daylight.

During daytime we can see sun and clouds up in the sky.

Sun- The sun is the brightest object that we can see during daytime, and it makes our
surroundings clearly visible in our naked eye. It is also a huge ball made up of hot gases
which is hydrogen and helium. The sun also gives energy to all living things here on earth.

Here are some activities we can do during day time.

1. Playing outdoor games

2. Going to school
3. Watering the plants
4. Going to the mall
5. Washing clothes
6. Farming
7. Going to work

When you look at the sky during daytime we can see some white floating objects forming in
different shapes and colors and they are called clouds.

Cloud- A cloud is made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals floating in the sky.The cloud
has a 4 common kinds of clouds, they are cumulus cloud, cirrus cloud, stratus clouds, and
nimbus clouds.

1. Cirrus clouds are thin and feathery clouds, it indicates that the weather is fair.

2. Cumulus clouds are puffy that looks like cotton balls, it also indicates that the weather is

3. Stratus clouds looks like a flat thick layer of sheets that indicates that the rain is about
to come.

4. Nimbus clouds are very thick and a dark color clouds, it is also called rain clouds.
Now we all know what are the objects in the sky that we can see during daytime, and their
different purposes. Now let’s go to nighttime .

Nighttime is when the sky becomes dark.

What objects in the sky you can see during nighttime?
Are they beautiful?
How many objects you can see in the sky during nighttime?

Now let’s discuss them one-by-one.

Moon- the moon is the earth’s natural satellite, sometimes the moon is visible during
daytime because of the sun’s light is getting reflected away from us. The moon’s surface is
full of patches and holes.

Do you know why the moon changes its position ?

It is because the moon reflects light from the sun as it moves around the earth, so the moon
appears in different shapes.

Here are some activities we can do during night time.

1. Camp fire
2. Stargazing
3. ‘Harana’ or serenading a lady
4. ‘Balot’ vending
5. Bonfire
6. Night hiking
7. Night swimming

Sing a song

“Twinkle, twinkle little star”

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Star- the stars are the objects that we can see at night that shines like a diamond and it
appears in different colors, their surface colors depend in their temperature surface.
D. Discussing new concepts and Group the class into 4 groups.
practicing new skills # 1 Read and explain the rubrics.
Distribute the activity sheets.
Reporting of outputs.

Group 1:” Draw and Tell”

The group will be given materials that will be used in making a cumulus clouds .
Materials: cotton balls, illustration board, colored paper, pair of scissors, glue.
Group 2:
Instruction:Dramatize a scenario you can do during daytime.
Group 3
Instruction:Dramatize a scenario you can do during night time.
Group :4
Instruction: Compose a song that describe the sky during daytime and night time.
E. Discussing new concepts and Processing the Outputs.
practicing new skills # 2
The 4 groups will going to present their outputs in front of their classmates.
Group 1, What did you all do with your activity? How did you make your cumulus
clouds? What is cumulus clouds? What weather does cumulus clouds indicates?
In group 2 , what did you all do to your activity? What do you feel while
dramatizing the given task to your group? How did your group come up with that
Group 3, what did you all do to your activity? Did everyone actively participated
to the task that was assigned to your group? And group 4, what did you all do to
your activity? What did you feel while singing the song? How did you come up
with that lyrics?
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Assessment ) SUN CLOUD

Choose your answer inside the box and write it on the blank before the number.

________ 1.It is an object that floating in the sky during daytime.

_________ 2. It is considered the earths natural satellite.
_________ 3. A type of cloud that is puffy and it looks like a cotton balls.
_________ 4. It is an object in the sky that we can see every night and its twinkling up in the
_________ 5. It is the brightest object that we can see during daytime.
G. Finding practical application of 1. Amy wishes to go to the market, suddenly a rain clouds form in the sky. Will
concepts and skills in daily Amy still go to the market? Why?
H. Making generalizations and What have you learned in today's lesson?
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning The pupils will read the passage and answer the following question.

The Sun and the Moon

One day the sun said to the moon,

“I shine in the day so the people on Earth can see.”

“I give energy to all plants and animals.

It takes Earth a whole year to go around me.”

The moon said, “ I am sometimes in the sky in the daytime and I am

sometimes in the sky at night.”
“I have lots of mountains and I also have big craters.
I make tides in the sea.
It takes me one month to go around Earth”


Instruction: Read and encircle the letter of your correct answer inside the box.

1. What natural objects shines during the day in the passage?

a.a. Sun
b. Moon
Sun and tthe
2. Why did the sun and the moon boast themselves to one
another in the story?


3. Which is true about the sun and the moon?

4. How do the sun and the moon helps the Earth?

5. If you’re going to choose between the sun and the moon, what
will you choose ? Why?

J. Additional Activities List down your favorite activities during daytime and night time.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

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