Lesson Exemplar: Objects in The Sky

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Lesson Exemplar

Objects in the Sky

Subject Matter

Submitted to
Maria Nancy Q. Cadosales Ph. D

Submitted by
Remar A. Docor
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to:

a. name the objects they can see in the sky during daytime and nighttime
b. group the objects they can see in the sky to daytime and nighttime
c. appreciate God’s creation

II. Subject Matter: Objects in the Sky

Science and Health in Today’s Environment 1. Lucita A. Madriaga.
pp. 247-256

Materials: pictures
printed materials

III. Procedure: Inductive Method

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Preparation

1.1 Review

Last meeting, you have discussed about the Yes teacher

Weather. Am I right?

What are the different weather conditions? The different weather conditions are Sunny
Day, Rainy Day, Windy Day, Cloudy Day and
Stormy Day.

To find out if you really understood the topic

on Weather, I have here an activity.

Directions: Post the symbol to its proper


1. sunny day

1. sunny day _____________

2. windy day _____________
3. cloudy day _____________ 2. windy day
4. rainy day ______________
5. stormy day ____________ 3. cloudy day

1.2 Motivation 4. rainy day

I have here a song, class. I want you to listen
first as I sing the song. The title of the song is,
5. stormy day
“What’s in the Sky?”

(Teacher singing the song. After that, the

teacher will let the pupils sing with her.)
What’s in the sky?
What’s in the sky?
What beams at me up there so high
Who tells me it’s brand new day
So I can play and have fun! (Pupils listening while the teacher is singing.)
Oh yes I know, that is the Sun

What’s in the sky?

What’s in the sky?
What thunders up there so high?
What pours down to the city, (Pupils singing the song with the teacher.)
What’s grey, when it’s raining loud?
Oh yes I know that is the cloud

What’s in the sky?

What’s in the sky?
What twinkles up there so high?
What sparkles so bright and sharp?
What gleams up there so far?
Oh yes I know that is a star!

What’s in the sky?

What’s in the sky?
That white pearl shining up high
What tells me it’s past bedtime
And I have to sleep soon
Oh yes I know that is the moon!

What’s in the sky?

What’s in the sky?

Let us read the words written on the colorful (Pupils reading the words: Sun, Clouds, Star
papers. and Moon)

Where can you see these objects? I can see those objects in the sky.

These objects are seen in the sky. But, when

are we going to see these objects in the sky?

1.3 Statement of the Aim

So, this morning class you are going to learn

about “Objects in the Sky”. I want you to listen
carefully because at the end of the lesson you
are expected to name the different objects in
the sky, group those objects to daytime and
nighttime and to appreciate God’s creation.
2. Presentation

Our entire day is divided into two.

So when are you going to school? I am going to school in the morning.

You are going to school in the morning or

during daytime.

How about when you are sleeping? When are I am sleeping at nighttime.
you going to do that?

So that is how one day is divided, daytime and


I have here pictures of the objects we can see

in the sky. I want you to group these objects to
daytime and nighttime. Let us see if you can do
this activity.


Let us check whether you answers are correct.

Going back in our first activity. I want you to

pick up these words and paste it below its ( Do as told )
correct pictures.

Let us check your answers together. Let us see

if your classmates are able to match the name
to its correct pictures of the objects found in
the sky.

What are the objects in the sky you can see The objects in the sky that can be seen during
during the day? daytime are the sun and clouds.

What is the brightest object that gives light

during daytime?
How about during nighttime, what object in the The object in the sky that gives light during
sky gives light? nighttime are moon and stars.

Let us be thankful for these objects for giving

us light in both daytime and nighttime.

You already know the objects in the sky. Now, ( Do as told )

let us read the objects in the sky seen during

How about the objects seen during nighttime? ( Do as told )

I want a volunteer from the girls to read the ( Do as told )

objects you can see in the sky during daytime?

Another volunteer coming from the boys to ( Do as told )

read the objects you can see in the sky during

I want another volunteer to read all the objects ( Do as told )

found in the sky.

3. Comparison and Abstraction

Based from the activities we did earlier. When It is daytime when there’s the sun and the
can you say that it is daytime? clouds in the sky.

When can you say also that it is already I can say that it is already nighttime when I can
nighttime? see the moon and stars in the sky.

4. Generalization

I will close the illustration and I will ask The objects in the sky I can see during daytime
questions. are the sun and clouds.

What are the objects in the sky you can see (Do as told)
during daytime?
The objects in the sky I can see during
Who can repeat the answer? nighttime are the moon and stars.

How about the objects in the sky that you can (Do as told)
see during nighttime?

Repeat the answer of your classmate please.

Values Integration

Who made the sun, clouds, moon and stars? The one who made the sun, clouds, moon and
stars is God.
The objects you can see in the sky are made by
God. All of these are God’s creation.

Can you imagine what would happen to us No teacher, we can’t live properly.
without these objects in the sky, can we live on
Earth properly?

Why? We cannot see without sun at daytime and

moon at night.

The sun gives us light for use to see each other

and for us to do our work at daytime like going
to school, playing and other activities.

The moon and stars also, they are the one that
gives light during nighttime so that we will not
have total darkness at night.

“God made the two great lights, the greater one

to govern the day and the lesser one to govern
the night; and he made the stars”
Genesis 1:16

5. Application

Activity 1

Directions: Read the following words and

group them to its correct box.

Moon Stars

Clouds Sun


Sun Moon

Clouds Stars
Activity 2

Directions: I will give you four papers each. I

will raise a paper written the name of the
object you will draw.


IV. Evaluation

Directions: Choose a word from the box to

complete each sentence. Write your answer on
the line.

Moon Nighttime Sun

Stars Daytime

1. The brightest object in the sky during the 1. The brightest object in the sky during the
day is the _________. day is the sun.

2. The __________ twinkles up in the sky 2. The stars twinkle up in the sky during
during nighttime. nighttime.

3. The _____________ gives light during 3. The moon gives light during nighttime.
4. It is daytime on the part of the earth that
4. It is _______________ on the part of the receives sunlight.
earth that receives sunlight.
5. It is nighttime on the part of earth that does
5. It is _______________ on the part of earth not receive sunlight.
that does not receive sunlight.

V. Assignment
Name: _______________ Grade ________
In a one short bond paper draw the objects you
can see in the sky during daytime and DAYTIME NIGHTTIME
nighttime. Color it neatly. Pass it next meeting,
March 10, 2015.

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