User Guide Vacation Rule - EBS
User Guide Vacation Rule - EBS
User Guide Vacation Rule - EBS
Vacation Rule
User manual for Vacation Rule.
Process start with creating the
vacation rule for approver.
Overview - 0 of 6
User Guide Vacation Rule
Course Objective
• Topic 1: Vacation Rule Overview
(R) = Responsibility
(N) = Navigation
(*) mandatory field for HTML form. This field must fill, or else next step could not be proceeded
Overview - 1 of 6
User Guide Vacation Rule
Course Objective
What you will learn:
• Understand the process flow of Vacation Rule
• Understand and use key features of Vacation Rule process
Vacation Rule process starts from User enter the transaction that require approval. Then Approver set
a vacation rule which delegate the approval to the specific user.
Overview - 2 of 6
User Guide Vacation Rule
Login Page
User Name : Sakinah
Password : welcome123
This function can be use when the user already absents but all the approval still needs to be re-route
while they had long vacation.
No active approval for the transaction. If the approval already been initiated, sysadmin need to
search active approval in Status Monitor screen and re-assign the approval to the respective person.
Step 2: Navigate to Status Monitor role. Same navigation to re-route existing approval to new
Step 4: Select Employee name, the one that are having vacation rule.
This selection if you have different people to approve. Kindly create separate rule. If only 1 person
attended to approve all the notification owned by absent person, just create 1 rule.