Grade 12

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Emerald Street, Doña Salud Subd., Sasa, Davao City

Government Recognition No. 001s 1992(1992) No. 11s 2011 (Sunday HS)



Name:_________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Subject Teacher : Ms. Aisa Fe D. Dela Cruz Grade/ section: 12 ICT B- FAITH
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following devices is responsible for directing packets of data to other networks
until the data reach to the destination?.
a. switch hub b. Panel c. Router d. MODEM
2. Which of the following describes an interconnection of computers with a specific area?
a. WAN b. Man c. LAN d. Internet
3. This referred to as interconnection between a groups of computers?
a. Networkb. Telecommunication c. Cell site d. Computer Network
4. What hardware holds the main function of connecting computers in a Network?
a. Patch cable b. Internet c.RJ45 d. Switch
5. Which of the following is not an input device?
a. VDU b. Keyboardc. Monitor d. Light Pen
6. A light-sensitive device that converts the printed text, drawing, or other images into digital form is called__________.
a. Plotter b. Printer c. Scanner d. OMR
7. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is known as ___________.
a. Firmware b. Assembly language programs c. MS word d. MS excel
8. _______ transforms and encodes the data in such a way to produce electromagnetic waves.
a. Source b. Receiver c. Destination d. Transmitter
9. It accepts the signal from the transmission system and converts it into a form that is easily managed by the destination
a. Destination b. Source c. Receiver d. Transmitter
10. It can be a single transmission line or a complex network connecting source and destination.
a. Transmission system b. Transmitter c. receiver d. Source
11. The Data to be transmitted is generated by this device, for example: telephones, personal computers, etc. is called
a. Source b. Transmitter c. Receiver d. Destination
12. It receives the incoming data from the receiver.
a. Receiver b. Transmitter c. Destination d. Transmitter system
13. The goal is to make all programs, especially data, available to anyone on the network without regard to the physical location of the resource and the
a. Resource sharing b. Server-Client model c. e-commerce d. Communication Medium
14. A goal that is starting to become more critical in businesses is doing business with consumers over the Internet is called _________.
a. e-commerce b. Resource sharing c. Communication Medium d. . Server-Client model
15. It is also called a Multi-drop configuration.
a. Multipoint Connection b. Point-To-Point Connection c. RING Topology d.Bus topology
16. This hub is the central node and all other nodes are connected to the central node.
a. STAR topology b. RING Topology c. Bus topology d. MESH Topology
17. This topology is a point-to point connection to other nodes or devices.
a. MESH Topology b. STAR topology c. TREE Topology d. HYBRID topology
18. It is a network type in which every computer and network device is connected to a single cable.
a. . STAR topology b. MESH Topology c. RING Topology d. Bus topology
19. It is two different types of topologies which is a mixture of two or more topologies.
a. TREE Topology b. MESH Topology c. HYBRID topology d. STAR topology
20. ________ cables consist of 2 or 4 pairs of twisted wire.
a. UTP b. STP c. coaxial cable d. BNC connector


Directions: For 10 pts. Write an essay about the proper computer maintenance.

Rubrics for scoring:

Grammar- 4 points
Content- 4 points
Organization- 2 points
Total – 10 points

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