Earth and Life Science Modules 1-4

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Earth and Life

Quarter 1: Module 1-4








Education Program Supervisor

Module 1 Earth as a Unique Planet

Most Essential Learning Competencies

● Recognize the uniqueness of the Earth, being the only planet in the solar
system with properties necessary to support life. (S11/12ES-Ia-e3)
● Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries
matter and energy flow. (S11/12ES-Ia-e4)

What’s In
Characteristics of Earth as a Planet
The Earth is a unique planet among the other planets because of the life exists
on it. Here are the characteristics that make Earth a unique planet:

• There are few stars around the Sun making it safe from gravitational pulls, gamma
rays and collapsing; it makes our planet in a safe region in our solar system. Unlike
other young stars that burst and explode, our Sun is a stable star making it a long-
lasting star.
• Our planet’s orbit is called as the Goldilocks’ Zone because the water exists in a
liquid state on its surface due to the right amount of energy the Earth is receiving
from the Sun.
• The Earth’s core produces its own magnetic field thus protecting our planet from
solar flares coming from the Sun.
• The Earth was tilted towards the Sun making it shakes while it goes around the Sun.
It can shift the climate from hot to cold at around 40,000 years that may vary because
of the Moon’s gravitational pull.
• It has a high altitude ozone layer protecting us from unsafe UV rays.
Astronomical Data Venus Earth Mars

Mean distance from Sun (108 kilometers) 1.082 1.496 2.2794

Comparative solar distances 0.723 1 1.524

Orbital period 0.615 1 1.881

Rotational period (hours) 5832.24 23.9345 24.6229

Equatorial radius (kilometers) 6052 6378 3397

Relative Radius 0.95 1 0.53


Earth as a System
Table. Comparison of the Three Planets in Terms of Gases Present


System is a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an

interconnecting network. Earth acts as a system that are related to each other, the
system of Earth is consisted by the different subsystems:
1. Biosphere includes all living things on Earth. Even in deep vents that light cannot
penetrate serve as a habitat to the exotic-life forms and in the hot springs for the
2. Atmosphere is a blanket of gas that surrounds our planet up to the edge of space.
The very important roles of this part is to provide us the air that we breath and protect
us from the ultraviolet radiation that comes from the Sun.

Layers of the Atmosphere:

• Troposphere is the bottom layer wherein the weather occurs.
• Tropopause is the outer boundary.
• Stratosphere is the layer where the ozone layer is located; the ozone absorbs
the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The outer layer in the stratopause.
• Mesosphere is the third layer which is the coldest layer; research balloons
cannot reach this layer.
• Thermosphere is fourth layer wherein a little fraction of atmosphere is present.
• Exosphere the outermost layer; and the thinnest layer of atmosphere because
the atmosphere gases fade until reaching vacuum of space.

3. Geosphere is the solid part of portion of the Earth. It is the largest among the rest
of the Earth’s subsystems.

Layers of the Earth
A. Crust is the thin rocky outer layer of the Earth.
Two types: continental (granitic rocks) and oceanic (basaltic rocks); rocks of the
oceanic crust are younger than the rocks at the continental crust.
B. Mantle is the thickest layer that consists the 82% of the Earth’s volume.
Two parts: upper mantle is divided into two, the lithosphere (sphere of rock) and
the asthenosphere (weak sphere: solid but mobile and the lower mantle is solid
due to the increasing pressure and it has very hot rocks that are capable of
having a gradual flow.
C. Core is thought to be an iron-nickel alloy with minor oxygen, silicon and sulfur.
Two regions: outer core is a liquid layer that is responsible in producing the
magnetic field of the Earth; inner core is solid because of the extreme pressure
in the center of the Earth.
4. Hydrosphere is all the waters on or near the Earth surface that continuously moving,
evaporating and back to precipitating to the land and back to the ocean. The main
role of this part is to provide fresh water to the organisms and is important to produce
different landforms.

Energy Flow to the Earth’s System

The Earth’s system is powered by the energy comes from two sources: from the
Sun to the environment and from the interior of the Earth. The Sun helps the
subsystems to do their processes. For example, the weather and climate processes
are driven by the Sun while the heat from the Earth’s interior produces volcanoes,
earthquake and mountains.

Figure. Earth Spheres

Source: 2009/06/04/save-
What’s More

Activity 1: Earth’s Characteristics

The Earth is a unique planet that can support life for the different organisms to survive.
There are many properties to consider for a planet to be unique and habitable.
Directions: Complete the graphic organizer to describe the Earth’s Characteristics.

Gases Present:________
Location (solar system):
Purpose of the Magnetic
Climate:________________ Field:_________________
________________________ __________________

Activity 2: Uniqueness of the Earth

Directions: Analyze the table about the characteristics of Earth comparing to Venus
and Mars and answer the following questions. You may use separate paper for your
Comparison of the Three Planets (other characteristics)

Astronomical Data Venus Earth Mars

Mean distance from Sun (108 kilometers) 1.082 1.496 2.2794
Comparative solar distances 0.723 1 1.524
Orbital period 0.615 1 1.881
Rotational period (hours) 5832.24 23.9345 24.6229
Equatorial radius (kilometers) 6052 6378 3397
Relative Radius 0.95 1 0.53

Answer the following questions:

1. In terms of the distance from the Sun of the three planets, what is the advantage of
our planet compare to the other two planets?

2. Compare the length of day of the three planets, what will be the ideal number of hours
in a day for a planet to sustain life? Explain your answer.

3. Cite the similarities of the three planets. Explain how these similarities help our planet
to be a habitable planet.

Activity 3: The Four Subsystems

The Earth is a system that is working together interconnected. The different parts work
starting from an energy source to the different subsystems. Describe the connection
between the different arrows connecting the different systems. You can give examples
for each arrow. You may use separate paper for your answers.

Ex.: The Sun supplies the
energy for the different SUN

1 3.

2 3


Activity 4: All Subsystems Are Interconnected
Complete the table below, refer to the illustration for your answers.





Subsystem 1 Subsystem 2 Factors involved Describe the interaction of the


Ex. Biosphere Hydrosphere Precipitation and The rain provides water for
animals drinking and bathing




What I Have Learned
Directions: Draw your community and label the parts that show the interconnection of
the different subsystems of the Earth. You may use separate paper for your answers.

People or Coastal /Sea=

Fishermen= Hydrosphere


What I Can Do
The picture shows how human contributes to
the system of the Earth and the effect of these
manmade products and activities are destroying the
four subsystems. For an instance, the burning of fossil
fuels causes the enhanced greenhouse effect
wherein the global temperature rises because of the
trapped heat due to too much greenhouses gases like
carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. This
phenomenon might lead to very serious atmospheric
problems like climate change. Cite three (3)
examples of human products and activities and
explain your answers. You may use a separate paper
for your answers.


Most Essential Learning Competencies

• Identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical
properties. (S11/12ES-1a-9)
• Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. (S11/12ES-Ib-10)
• Explain how the products of weathering are carried away by erosion and deposited
elsewhere. (S11/12ES-1b-12)
• Compare and contrast the formation of the different types of igneous rocks.

What’s In

In the last module, you have learned that the earth consists of four major
subsystems. Do you still remember those major subsystems of the earth? How do
the four systems interact to each other? Which subsystem contains all living things
of the earth? The Earth system is divided into four major subsystems, it includes
land, air, water, and living things. They are also known as spheres,
geosphere/lithosphere (land), atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), and
biosphere (living things). One of the unique spheres is lithosphere, a rocky outer
part and gives an environmental shape of the earth. What is underneath the
ground of the lithosphere? Let explore it!
The National Geographic Society defined rocks in geological aspect as a
natural substance composed of solid crystals of different minerals that have been fused
together into a solid lump; while minerals are typically formed when molten rock or
magma, cools, or by separating out of mineral-rich water, such as that in underground
caverns. In general, mineral particles are small, having formed within confined areas
such as lava flows or between grains of sediments. Rocks themselves are made of
clusters or mixtures of minerals, and minerals and rocks affect landform development
and form natural resources such as gold, tin, iron, marble, and granite.

Properties of Minerals
1. Luster – it is the quality and intensity of reflected light exhibited by the mineral.
• Metallic – generally opaque and exhibit a resplendent shine similar to a
polished metal.
• Non-metallic – vitreous (glassy), adamantine (brilliant/diamond-like),
resinous, silky, pearly, dull (earthy), greasy, etc.

2. Hardness – it is a measure of the resistance of a mineral (not specifically
surface) to abrasion.
3. Color and streak –maybe a unique identifying property of certain minerals (e.g.
malachite – green, azurite – blue).
4. Streak on the other hand is the color of a mineral in powdered form.
5. Crystal Form/Habit – the external shape of a crystal or groups of crystals is
displayed /observed as these crystals grow in open spaces.
6. Cleavage – it is the property of some minerals to break along parallel repetitive
planes of weakness to form smooth, flat surfaces.
7. Fracture – some minerals may not have cleavages but exhibit broken surfaces
that are irregular and non-planar.
8. Specific Gravity – it is the ratio of the weight of a mineral to the weight of an
equal volume of water.
9. Others – there are certain unique properties of minerals that actually help in
their identification (e.g. magnetism, odor, taste, tenacity, reaction to acid, etc.).
Magnetite is strongly magnetic; sulfur has distinctive smell; halite is salty; calcite
fizzes with acid as with dolomite but in powdered form.

Classification of Minerals

1. Silicates – minerals containing two of the most abundant elements in the earth’s
crust, namely, silicon and oxygen.
Ex. quartz, beryl (emerald), and feldspar.
2. Oxides – minerals containing oxygen anion (O2 -) combined with one or more
metal ions.
Ex. Hematite, spinel, sapphire.
3. Sulfates – minerals containing sulfur and oxygen anion (SO4) - combined with
other ions.
Ex. Baryte, gypsum, and anhydrite.
4. Sulfides – minerals containing sulfur anion (S2) - combined with one or more
Ex. pyrite, galena, and sphalerite.
5. Carbonates – minerals containing the carbonate anion (CO3) 2- combined with
other elements.
Ex. Calcite, magnesite, and dolomite.
6. Native Elements – minerals that form as individual elements.
a. Metals and Inter-metals – minerals with high thermal and electrical
conductivity, typically with metallic luster, low hardness (gold, silver).
b. Semi-metals – minerals that are more fragile than metals and have lower
conductivity (arsenic, bismuth).
c. Nonmetals – nonconductive (sulfur, diamond).
7. Halides – minerals containing halogen elements combined with one or more
elements. Ex. fluoride, halite, and chloride.

Types of Rocks
A. Igneous rocks are formed by solidification of molten rocks called magma.
Characteristics are these rocks are formed when magma solidifies, as the magma
cools, mineral crystals will begin to grow, these crystals will grow and interlock to
form a hard crystalline rock, and basalt is usually formed when magma solidifies on
the surface and granite hardens within the earth’s crust.

1. Plutonic (Intrusive) igneous rocks formed from magma that cools and crystalline
beneath the earth.
Ex. Diorite, gabbro, granite, pegmatite, and peridotite.
2. Volcanic (Extrusive) igneous rocks formed from magma which has spilled out
onto the surface of a volcano.
Ex. Basalt, andesite, dacite, pumice, rhyolite, scoria, and tuff.

B. Sedimentary rocks are formed with the accumulation, compaction, and

cementation of sediments. Sediments that have settled at the bottom of a lake, sea
or ocean, and have been compressed over millions of years. Characteristics are the
rocks are formed due to the build-up of sediments over time, the weathered and
eroded material is built up in layers, as more material is added on top – this will push
any air and/or water out and will compact the material together into a hard rock, and
often contain fossils of plants and animals.

1. Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from mechanical weathering debris.
Ex. breccia, conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale.
2. Chemical sedimentary rocks are formed when dissolved materials precipitate
from solution.
Ex. rock salt, iron ore, chert, flint, some dolomites, and some limestones.
3. Organic sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of plant or animal
Ex. coal, some dolomites, and some limestones.

C. Metamorphic rocks are formed by heat and pressure; changing one type of rock
into another type of rock. Characteristics are these are formed when either igneous
or sedimentary rocks are changed, heat and/or pressure will cause the elements in
the original rock to react and re-form, metamorphic rocks are highly resistant to
erosion and are often used in building materials.
1. Foliated metamorphic rocks have a layered or banded appearance that is
produced by exposure to heat and directed pressure.
Ex. gneiss, phyllite, schist, and slate.
2. Non-foliated metamorphic rocks are novaculite do not have a layered or banded
Ex. hornfels, marble, quartzite

The rock cycle is a series of processes that create and transform the types of rocks.

Figure 2. The Rock Cycle Source:


In the illustration above, it explains how the three rock types are related to each
other and how earth processes change a rock from one type to another through
geologic time. Plate tectonic movement is responsible for the recycling of rock
materials and is the driving force of the rock cycle.
Weathering is the breaking down or dissolving rocks and minerals on the
surface of the earth. The agents of weathering are plants, ice, animals, salts, water,
change in Temperature, and Acids
Types of Weathering
1. Physical (Mechanical) Weathering is the breaking down of rocks into smaller
pieces with no change in composition. It has the following types:
1. Abrasion–occurs when wearing and grinding by small sedimentary particles
carried by wind, water, or ice.
2. Frost Wedging (Ice Wedging)-occurs when water freezes in rock fractures.
3. Thermal Expansion–occurs when heating and contraction of cooling weakens
4. Exfoliation-occurs when rocks breaking loose along parallel fractures like onion
2. Chemical Weathering – is the breakdown of rocks by chemical agents.
1. Dissolution-occurs when rocks or minerals are dissolved by water.
Ex. Halite and Calcite
2. Oxidation-occurs when minerals react in oxygen gas. Ex. Iron Oxide
3. Hydrolysis-occurs when water reacts with other minerals. Ex. Feldspar
4. Acid Precipitation-occurs rain contains high concentration of acids. Ex. Acid Rain

3. Biological Weathering – Involved both physical and chemical process. An action

by plants and animals.
Erosion – is the removal of weathered particles by moving water, wind, ice or gravity.

What’s More
Activity 1: Uses of Minerals and Rocks
Directions: Complete the table by identifying whether the examples are Minerals or
Rocks. Place a check mark (/) on the space that corresponds to your answer. Write the
uses of the given minerals and rocks on the space provided or use a separate sheet of
Example Minerals Rocks Uses
1. Limestone

2. Marble

3. Halite (Sodium
Chloride salt)
4. Gold

5. Quartz

6. Diamond

7. Sandstone

8. Ruby

9. Shale
10. Granite

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the differences between rocks and minerals?

2. Lists down some minerals and rocks that you have seen in your house, school,
and community. Give the uses or application to your daily lives?

Activity 2: True Identity
Directions: Identify the properties of rocks and minerals. Write R if the statement is
pertaining to rocks and M if the statement belongs to minerals. Write the correct letter
on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. It is formed from tremendous heat and pressure.
_____ 2. Formed by solidifying of magma below the earth surface.
_____ 3. A solid, inorganic substance found on earth.
_____ 4. Luster is the quality and intensity of reflected light exhibited by it.
_____ 5. Most of these materials are deposit from the surface of the land to the
bottoms of lakes, rivers and oceans.
_____ 6. It is highly resistant to erosion and are often used in building materials.
_____ 7. Color is one of the best ways to identify this substance.
_____ 8. Often contain fossils of plants and animals.
_____ 9. Formed with the accumulation, compaction, and cementation of sediments.
_____ 10. Basalt is usually formed when magma solidifies on the surface.

Activity 3: Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which is a sedimentary rock?
A. diorite B. granite C. shale D. slate
2. These are the processes of rock cycle, except?
A. cooling B. metamorphism C. sedimentation D. weathering
3. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. carbonates : magnetite C. phosphates : hematite
B. hydroxides : brucite D. sulfates : gypsum
4. The physical and chemical breaking down of rocks into smaller particles is
called _________.
A. Deposition B. Erosion C. Exfoliation D. Weathering
5. What does the mineral property of luster measure or describe?
A. measures the density of the mineral
B. the color of the mineral in powdered form
C. describes how a mineral break into pieces
D. describes how well a mineral reflects light

Activity 4: Say Something
Directions: Write a simple essay on how you can describe each picture. You can use
separate paper for your answer.

Granite Diamond Sandstone







What I Have Learned

Directions: Weathering is the breaking down or dissolving rocks and minerals
on the surface of the earth. The agents of weathering are plants, ice, animals,
salts, water, change in Temperature, and Acids. There are three types of
weathering, these are Physical, Chemical and Biological Weathering. Look for
a sample pictures of this three (3) types of weathering and place it in the box

Physical Weathering Chemical Weathering Biological Weathering

What I Can Do
According to, rocks and minerals are all around us! They help us to develop
new technologies and are used in our everyday lives. Our use of rocks and minerals
includes as building material, cosmetics, cars, roads, and appliances. To maintain a
healthy lifestyle and strengthen the body, humans need to consume minerals daily.

As a concerned citizen:

Why are rocks and minerals important?








How can you conserve and preserve rocks and minerals?







Module 3 Earth's Internal Heat

Most Essential Learning Competencies

Describe where the Earth’s internal heat comes from. (S11/12ES-lb-14)

What’s In
This module was designed and written to help you understand the different
sources of earth's internal heat. Scientists have varied scientific explanation of how
Earth's internal heat were generated. Many geologic processes and features, such as
tectonic plate motion, volcanic activity, and geysers, are related to the Earth's internal
heat. The produced heat from deep within the interior of the earth is known as the
internal heat or the geothermal energy, and the external heat or solar energy that is
generated from the sun. Most of Earth’s internal heat is left over from when our planet
formed, about 4.5 billion years ago.

Where does Earth’s internal heat come from?

Three main sources of earth's internal heat

1. Heat of accretion- Heat is generated when the planet formed and accreted from
planetesimals. Colliding planetesimals convert gravitational potential energy to kinetic
energy and then thermal energy. It takes long for the heat to move out of the earth
during its development. This occurs through both "convective" transport of heat within
the earth's liquid outer core and solid mantle and slower "conductive" transport of heat
through non convecting boundary layers, such as the earth's plates at the surface. As
a result, much of the planet's primordial heat, has been retained when earth was

2. Frictional heating- is caused by denser core material sinking to the center of the
planet. Earth's interior is the site of great amounts of heat. Most of this heat is produced
by the decay of radioactive elements. Overall, the flow of Earth's internal heat is
outward toward Earth's surface. Many geologic processes and features, such as
tectonic plate motion, volcanism, and metamorphism, are also related to the Earth's
internal heat. Large convection currents in the Earth's mantle cause heat to circulate
within the Earth's interior. These convection currents are linked to tectonic plate motion
and geologic activity at plate boundaries.
Key reference:

Diagram 1. Convection current
Less dense material rises, and more dense material sinks

What is radioactive decay inside Earth?

3. Radioactive Decay- heat from the decay of radioactive elements came from four
radioactive isotopes .A major source of Earth's heat is radioactivity, the energy
released when the unstable atoms decay.
These four isotopes are:

1. Uranium-238 (238U) 3. Thorium-232(232Th)

2. Uranium- 235(235U) 4. Potassium-40(40K)

Are radioactive isotopes a source of energy for plate tectonics

Certain isotopes of elements are unstable and radioactive. Uranium, thorium and
potassium isotopes are deep inside Earth. These radioactive isotopes generate 50% of
Earth’s radiogenic heat from radioactive decay. Radioactive decay involves the
disintegration of natural radioactive elements within the earth’s interior– like Uranium
it’s a special kind of element because when it decays, heat is produced. The remaining
50% of Earth’s internal heat budget is from primordial heat after its initial formation. It’s
from this radioactive heat in the mantle that makes our planet geologically active. Most
of the internal heat transfer occur volcanically at mid-oceanic ridges. This
process drives mantle convection and plate tectonic motion on the planet. It’s in the
asthenosphere where the convection cycle occurs because particles can freely flow.
As heat rises, it starts a mantle convection cycle. It tears apart the Earth to form mid-
oceanic ridges (tensional force). When it sinks down, it breaks it apart (compressional

Diagram 2 .Radioactive Decay

What’s More

Activity1 : Matching Type!

Direction: Match column A with. Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer
before the number.

______1. Major source of earth’s internal heat. A. geothermal
______2. A special kind of element which produced energy
heat when decayed B. radioactivity
______3. Results of differential heating C. radioactive
______4. Involves disintegration of radioactive element. decay
______5. Heat source from deep within the earth. D. convection
E. Uranium
F. Aluminum

Activity 2: Concept Mapping!

Directions: Complete the table by inserting the correct word in an appropriate box
from the map. Choose your answer from the word bank below.

Earth’s Sources of Heat

External Internal

1. 2. 4.

Drives the caused the formation of

5 8.
6. 9.
7. 10

mountain ranges evaporation sun weather

folding in rock water cycle geysers frictional heating
radioactive decay gravitational attraction

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of Earth’s internal heat?
2. How do the elements isotopes generate earth’s internal heat?

What I Have Learned
Directions: Using the concept of Earth’s Internal Heat, create a poem with three stanzas.














What I Can Do

Directions: In a separate sheet; long bond paper, illustrate how earth’s interior
generates heat, and identify, and answer the following questions.

1. What is the significance of earth’s internal heat?






2. How does the formation of the planets generate earth’s internal heat?





3. Why does convection cycle occur in the asthenosphere?






Module 4 Metamorphism

Most Essential Learning Competencies

• Differentiate foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rock and
• Describe the changes in mineral components and texture of rocks due to
changes in pressure and temperature {metamorphism]((S11/12ES-Ic--18)

What’s In

Rocks are formed on Earth as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks.

Metamorphic rocks formed from heat and pressure changing the original or parent
rock into a completely new rock. Sedimentary, igneous, or even another metamorphic
rock could be a parent rock of a newly formed metamorphic rock. For instance,
limestone transforms into a marble, sandstone into quartzite, and granite into gneiss.
The word "metamorphic “comes from the Greek which means "To Change
Form". Metamorphism-is a change in the structure or constitution of a rock due to heat
and pressure.
There are three ways or origins that metamorphic rocks can form:
1. Contact metamorphism occurs when magma comes in contact with an already
existing body of rock and produced non-foliated (rocks without any cleavage)
rocks such as marble, quartzite, and hornfels.

Diagram1: Contact metamorphism

occurs due to a rise in temperature when magma invades a host rock.

2. Regional Metamorphism occurs over a much larger area, and it is caused by a
large geologic process such as mountain-building and usually produces foliated rocks
such as gneiss and schist. Schist is a medium grade metamorphic rock that has been
subjected to more heat and pressure than slate, which is a low-grade metamorphic
rock. Regional metamorphism commonly associated with convergent plate boundaries
and the formation of mountain ranges.

Diagram2: Regional metamorphism

3. Dynamic Metamorphism also occurs because of mountain-building. These huge

forces of heat and pressure cause the rocks to be bent, folded, crushed, flattened,
and sheared.

Metamorphic rocks are divided into two categories:

1. Foliates are composed of large amounts of micas and chlorites. Foliated rocks have
mineral crystals that are aligned in planes or bands in rock. These minerals have very
distinct cleavage. Foliated metamorphic rocks usually split along the cleavage lines that
are parallel to the minerals that make up the rock. Slate, as an example, will split into
thin sheets. Foliate comes from the Latin word that means sheets, as in the sheets of
paper in a book.
● Slate is a fine-grained metamorphic rock with perfect cleavage that allows it to split
into thin sheets. Slate usually has a light to dark brown streak. Slate is produced
by low grade metamorphism, which is caused by relatively low temperatures and
● Schist is a medium grade metamorphic rock. This means that it has been subjected
to more heat and pressure than slate, which is a low-grade metamorphic rock.
Schist is a more coarse-grained rock. The individual grains of minerals can be seen
by naked eye.

Examples of Foliated Metamorphic Rocks.

2. Non-Foliated is a metamorphic rock that has no cleavage at all. Quartzite and marble are
two examples of non-foliates rock that have unaligned mineral crystal which contains more
coarse grains and generally have a random shape that is granular in appearance.
● Quartzite is composed of sandstone that has been metamorphosed. Quartzite is
much harder than the parent rock sandstone. It forms from sandstone that has come
into contact with deeply buried magma. Quartzite looks similar to its parent rock.
● Marble is metamorphosed limestone or dolomite. Both limestone and dolomite have
a large concentration of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Some of the different colors of
marble are white, red, black, mottled and banded, gray, pink, and green.

Marble Quartzite Hornfels

Examples of Non-foliated Metamorphic Rocks

Grain size reflects pressure and temperature conditions of metamorphism.

● Higher temperatures and pressures (higher grades of metamorphism) favor
larger grains.
● Lower temperatures and pressures favor smaller grains.
Mineral composition:
● Reflects the composition of the parent rock and the pressure
● Temperature conditions under which the metamorphism occurred.

What’s More
Activity 1. How are metamorphic rocks classified?
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct. If the statement is False, change
the underlined word to make the statement correct.

________1. Metamorphic rocks are classified according to their size.

________2. A foliated metamorphic rock has mineral crystal arranged in planes.
________3. Contact metamorphism occurs in tectonic plates which produced non-
foliated rock like marble.
________4. Foliated metamorphic rock usually breaks along the cleavage.
________5. Quartzite is a non-foliated metamorphic rock contained mostly of quartz.

Activity 2. Classify the following rock listed below as Foliated or Non-Foliated.

Write your answer in the space provided for.
_____________1. marble _____________4. gneiss
_____________2. schist _____________5. quartzite
_____________3. Slate

Activity 3: Metamorphic Rocks!

Directions: Compare the two rocks shown. Which is foliated rock? Which is non-
foliated? Explain how you can tell.


Activity 4. Identifying and Naming!
Directions: Unscramble the letter to identify the rock in each number.
1. STALE-______________________
2. SNGIES-_____________________
3. LEHFSORN-__________________
4. RMBELA-____________________
5. UATRQIZET-__________________

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of metamorphic rocks?

2. How are metamorphic rocks formed?


3. How is foliated rock different from non-foliated rock?


What I Have Learned

Direction: Complete the concept map by writing the appropriate word inside the box.
Choose your answer from the WORD BANK below.





4. 7.

5. 8.

6. 9.

What I Can Do

Skills: Identifying and researching
Directions: Complete the table below. Use reference materials if necessary.


Parent Rocks Metamorphic Rock Uses

1. Limestone

2. Basalt

3. Sandstone

4. Granite

5. Dolomite

Activity 1: Uses of Minerals and Rocks Activity 1
Location: Goldilocks’ Zone, right
1. Limestone - Rocks amount of energy receiving from the Sun
2. Marble- Rocks Climate: Shift climate from hot to cold
3. Halite (Sodium Chloride salt) - Minerals Gases Present: 0.03% Carbon dioxide,
4. Gold - Minerals 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 0.9% Argon
5. Quartz - Minerals and 0.002% Methane
6. Diamond - Minerals Activity 2
7. Sandstone - Rocks
8. Ruby - Minerals 1. The distance of our planet from the Sun is
9. Shale (Mudstone) - Rocks just right, Venus is too close while Mars is
10. Granite – Rocks too far.
2. The number of hours of earth is similar to
Activity 2 – True Identity Mars but Venus has too much number of
hours in a day.
3. Venus and Earth has similar Relative and
1. R 6. R
2. R 7. M Equatorial Radius; Mars and Earth have
3. M 8. R similar number of hours.
4. M 9. R Activity 3
5. R 10. R
1. The atmosphere gives the Biosphere hot
and cold temperature through weather and climate
Activity 3- Multiple Choice
1. C 2. The atmosphere helps to distribute the water
2. B in the different parts of the Earth through precipitation
3. C
4. D 3. The Biosphere and Geosphere are
5. D connected because the geosphere provides habitat
to the living things
Activity 4 : Say Something
1. Granite is a light-colored igneous rock with grains large 4. The biosphere needs the hydrosphere to
enough to be visible with the unaided eye. It forms from the survive by having fresh water for the living things
slow crystallization of magma below Earth's surface. Granite
is composed mainly of quartz and feldspar with minor 5. The hydrosphere helps to shape the
amounts of mica, amphiboles, and other minerals. This
mineral composition usually gives granite a red, pink, gray,
geosphere. Water makes the soil intact and usable for
or white color with dark mineral grains visible throughout the the other living things especially the plants.
2. Diamond’s characteristic chemical composition and Note: the answers may vary
crystal structure make it a unique member of the mineral
kingdom. Diamond is the only gem made of a single Activity 4
element: It is typically about 99.95 percent carbon. The
other 0.05 percent can include one or more trace elements, 1. Geosphere-Biosphere
which are atoms that aren’t part of the diamond’s essential Land and Animal, the land provides shelter to animals
chemistry. Some trace elements can influence its color or 2. Hydrosphere-Biosphere
crystal shape. Pond and Seaweeds, the pond provides shelter and
3. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed of sand-size oxygen to seaweeds
grains of mineral, rock, or organic material. It also contains a 3. Biosphere - Biosphere
cementing material that binds the sand grains together and Trees and kangaroo/ animals, the trees provide food
may contain a matrix of silt- or clay-size particles that or shelter for the kangaroo or other animals
occupy the spaces between the sand grains. Sandstone is
one of the most common types of sedimentary rock, and it is
found in sedimentary basins throughout the world. Deposits
What I have Learned (Answers may Vary)
of sand that eventually form sandstone are delivered to the
basin by rivers but may also be delivered by the action of What can I do (answers may vary)
waves or wind. Some sand grains might be organic Throwing garbage everywhere will cause
particles, such as sand and shell debris produced within the pollution.
Burning of garbage will cause air pollution.
Cutting down trees for paper and building
Activity 1
Activity 1
magma 1. B
true 2. E
true 3. D
Activity 2 5.A
Non -foliated
foliated Activity 2
non-foliated 1. sun
2.gravitational attraction
Activity 3 . answer may vary 3.frictional heating/convection current
4.radioactive decay
Activity 4. 5.evaporation
1.slate 6. weather in any order
2.gneiss 7. water cycle
3.hornfels 8.mountain ranges
9.folding in rock in any order
What I Have Learned
1. metamorphic rock ANSWER TO QUESTIONS:
2. foliated
3. non-foliated 1 and 2 may vary
What I Have Learned (15 points)
8. quartzite
9. hornfels Answers may vary
Skills challenge:
1.limestone-marble - building houses, cement
and concrete, soil conditioner. glass making
2.basalt-schist- construction of roads, buildings,
bridges, decorative purposes, houses, walls
3. sandstone- quartzite- bricks, building materials,
decorative stone, roofing tiles, flooring walls
4. granite -gneiss- flooring, Ornamental stones,
gravestone, buildings
5.dolomite- marble-buildings and monuments,
interior decoration, statuary, table tops,

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