SPEED Corebook

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My own in–person group had been using a

reduced set of HERO rules (which we called
HERO LITE). I had released PLUS to the
web in the early 90s and shepherded that

system through seven versions (the most
recent is being released at the same time as
SPEED Rules). We found that the HERO
system use of three six sided dice was
comfortable and offered immediate results for
Strength - Presence - Ego - Education – Dexterity the success or failure of an action. Several
people liked the open nature of PLUS and its
(c) 2000, Joseph Steven Coleman Career/Benefit system, which allowed each
[email protected] player to define a character through the
concept, rather than the restriction of skill
September 2000 - Version 1.0 points.
The SPEED Rules began with two
SPEED Rules was written for players problems. HyperCard wizard Quentin Long
who are familiar with Role Playing was trying to help me build a generation stack
Games, but want to generate a character for PLUS, but the many variables in the early
quickly for a pick-up game, a spur-of-the- stages of generation made it almost impossible
moment game with new friends or a new to break down into a clear algorithm for
campaign where concept is more programming.
important than volumes of special rules. At the same time, my friend James West
(Dr. Perfect, a player from my days in Denver)
CONTENTS asked for a reduced set of PLUS for an online
RPG he was developing. PLUS is still
Introduction playable, but the system has grown too damn
Body big during seven revisions.
Luck SPEED Rules is a distillation of the
HERO mechanic, PLUS Careers and
Actions And Dice Mechanics
Benefits, with further reductions to speed up
Combat And Damage character generation. The most complicated
Hit Locations part of the system is character development –
The Conceptual Character the mechanics of game play are kept as simple
as possible – die roll with modifiers and player
Character Generation
controlled Luck rolls.
Why Are There Four Groups Of Points?
Generation (Quick Reference)
NOTE: The system generation works best if you
Game Options use the spreadsheet. The web site offers an MS
Weapons Office 97/98 sheet that guides you through the
details of character generation, then prints a clean
Armor character sheet. If you do not have access to a
spreadsheet program, instructions are given at the
Sample of Weird (Voodoun)
end of this document with a plain text character
Character Sheet sheet.

Special Thanks to Di Luo and Richard Eide for their

assistance in the shaping of the final form of this
INTRODUCTION TO At negative 100% BODY, the character is
dead. No healing or resurrection is possible
SPEED RULES unless the GM has determined a method of
The basic SPEED Rules structure gives resurrection (a magic spell, a superscience
you 5 Characteristics, 14 Given Skills with device, etc.)
bases from your Characteristics, Hobbies, and Your rate of healing is BODY/4. This
user defined groups; a Background, a Primary means BODY/4 on the first day and BODY/4
Career, and a Secondary Career - which per week thereafter until healed.
provide you with Benefits for use in game play.
Characteristics have a base value and you LUCK
have points to increase those values to shape LUCK is a pool of extra dice you can throw
your character's innate abilities. to improve your roll. LUCK is rolled separate
Given Skills have base values according to from the dice rolled for your task or action.
your distribution of points into This can be rolled at the same time as the
Characteristics, and you have points to other dice if the LUCK die is a different color,
increase those values to give a set of basic size or easily identified as a seprate die.
skills you feel your Character would have LUCK die restore after one week of game
developed. time (time as experienced by the character).
Background and Careers are structured to Each die restores independently one week
give you a general set of abilities according to after it was used, unless the die was “burned”.
the shared conception of that group, and you When you roll dice, a separate die is
define certain Benefits you received (skills, designated as the " LUCK " die - the number
knowledge or abilities) as a result of your on this die is deducted from the other 3d6.
choice of Background and Careers. You may want to indicate the LUCK die by
Each player describes what Benefits were throwing a particular color die, rolling the die
obtained through the Career or Background. in a separate location, or some other man you
Aside from being more interesting in the devise, but you must indicate WHICH die is
description of the character, the named your luck die before it is rolled.
Benefits receive one bonus die when rolled Only one LUCK die may be rolled in an
during game play. This allows more flexibility action die roll. If, after a failed roll, you decide
in your character by allowing the normal you must have a LUCK roll, you may “burn”
things certain people in certain careers are one LUCK die, but your LUCK pool is
able to de permanently reduced by one.
Hobbies are free form points you use to See THE PUSH as an alternative when
create skill you decide are important to your you run out of luck.
BODY Movement is figured in "hexes",
BODY is the amount of damage your approximately two meters across. Ranges are
character can take. BODY is your STRENGTH also figured in hexes. You can move the same
plus your EGO. When you receive damage the number of hexes per combat round as you
point value of the damage is deducted from have points in DEXTERITY. There may be
your BODY. When you heal, the restored more than one action in a combat round, so
number of your healing is added to BODY. you may want to divide your movement to fit
When you reach zero BODY, the character the number of actions you have. You cannot
falls unconscious and can not regain move more than your allotted number of hexes
consciousness until positive point of BODY is in any combat round, no matter how many
regained through healing and medical care. A actions you have. You have exactly the same
character with negative BODY will take 1d6 number of hexes to move in the next combat
additional damage until the negative number round - no unused hexes are carried from the
is equal to the positive number of full BODY. previous round.
ACTIONS and In combat, combatants roll on
DICE MECHANICS INITIATIVE to determine the order and
number of their actions. Your number of
When you attempt a task or action, you
actions is related to your success in your roll.
will roll 3d6 and need to you're your skill
Measure the difference between your roll and
number or less to succeed.
your roll.
Your Gamemaster may require you to roll
additional dice, as a Bonus or a Penalty. INITIATIVE RESULTS
With a BONUS, you may roll one or two ROLL ACTION
extra dice, then remove one or two highest Failed roll No action possible.
numbers of your roll for dice (the number of by 0 - 3 1 Actions
extra dice you were required to roll). This by 4 - 8 2 Actions
makes it easier for you to roll below the by 9 – 12 3 Actions
number of your score. by 13 – 15 4 Actions
With a PENALTY, you remove the lowest by 14+ 5 Actions
numbers from your roll, making it harder to
achieve the Target Number. If removing the
low numbered dice would deprive you of a set NOTE: If you roll you INITIATIVE number
of Fate Dice, then it really is a Penalty. [insert exactly, the FATE DICE Rule applies. Reroll
evil laugh] 3d6 and deduct from your INITIATIVE. If you
roll 18, you have no action for the next two
FATE DICE rounds.
A die mechanic called FATE DICE opens the
door for spectacular success with attempted Damage is the number of points between
actions and combat. If you roll you exact skill, the Character's skill level and the success of
you may choose to reroll and DEDUCT that the die roll. This number can be modified by
total from your skill (you may choose not to). the "Factor" of a weapon, if one is used.
This is the only time in the game where you
want to roll high. Most weapons have a FACTOR, which will
modify the damage to your opponent or target.
TOXIC DICE A FACTOR is usually a number. The damage
If you choose to reroll FATE DICE, another die is increased by one for each full set of that
mechanic kicks in. TOXIC DICE make the risk number.
much greater when attempting spectacular
success. Rolling a natural 18 on a reroll means EXAMPLE 1: With a Factor of 4 and a
the action has turned dangerously sour. You target of 13, you roll 3d6 for a total of 4. The
don't just fail with the roll, something bad difference between the two is 9, so you do 9
happens to your character. points of no additional damage for the
remaining 1 point.
Results in SPEED RULES are based on EXAMPLE 2: With a factor of *3*H, and
the Quality of your Success – the difference a target of 11, you roll 3d6 for each shot fired.
between the results of your roll and the The weapon is set for a burst of three shots.
number of your skill or ability. You roll three times. The first shot missed
Someone with a skill of 11 and a roll of 8 with a roll of 13. The second roll hits with a
has a success of 3. Someone with a skill of 8 roll of 8, and the third roll hits with a total of
and a roll of 3 has a success of 5. 6. You get two hits with a burst of three with
automatic weapon. Damage is calculated as:
1st roll Miss 0
2nd roll Hit 3 * 3 (Factor)= 9 CHARACTER
3rd roll hit 5 * 3 (Factor)= 15 Your concept is everything. With SPEED
24 Rules you get a fist full of skills, but you tell
me about your background and your careers,
DAMAGE is deducted from BODY. then tell me what you get out of that group -
your Benefits. People have been very creative
ARMOR and come up with great Benefits in our years
Characters are protected from damage of doing PLUS games; chat up stranger, all
with Armor. about melons, PBS watcher, melt away in
crowd, shade tree mechanic, cute little
HEALING animals, access street value, and crazy spin
Your healing rate is a maximum of kick are some I remember fondly.
BODY/4 on the first day, BODY/4 per week
after the first day. GENERATION
Hit location is by a 3d6 after a successful
The game uses five specific CHARACT-
attack is made.
ERISTICS. Each begins with a base score of
10. You have an additional 15 points to
3 Head
distribute into the five characteristics.
4 Hand
5-6 Arm STRENGTH - Your physical/force ability,
7-8 Shoulder PRESENCE - How other people react to you,
9-10 Chest/Back EGO - Your internal mental/emotional
11-13 Stomach / Back strength,
14-15 Thigh EDUCATION - The information you have
16 Calf gathered,
17 Foot DEXTERITY - Your ability to manipulate
18 Gahoolies your body.

Right/Left, Front/Back is determined by OPTIONAL SIXTH CHARACTERISTIC

the position of the characters to each other. For specific campaigns or types of games,
The Gamemaster may need to adjust damage the GM may need an additional characteristic.
up or down if part of the target is hidden. For a game involving Magic, this might be
Try to use some logic to results rather SPIRIT or MANA. For a pulp campaign it can
than depending on a quantified table to define be WEIRD or PSYCHIC. In a science fiction
the effect of damage. When a character takes campaign it can be PSIONICS.
21 points of damage to the hand, that hand This additional Characteristic is
will be unusable. 18 points to the head will calculated. The following suggestions are
take you down, unconscious or dead. provided for common additional needed. For
this version, it is called "Weird".


These skills are common to most people in
the game, and each skill has a BASE
calculated from your distribution of points into
additional 30 points to distribute into Given
member of the Void Legion might have a bippy
BRAWL ..................................... (STR x DEX) / 3 gun, Wammo rifle and some kind of drinking
CONCEAL ................................ (EDU x PRE) / 3 skills.
DODGE ..................................... (DEX x EGO) / 3
FIRST AID................................ (EGO x EDU) / 3
Using the spreadsheet in the SPEED
FOLLOW .................................. EGO - 6 Rules archive, you can simply go down the
INFORMATION SEARCH ...... EDU - 3 list, fill in the blanks - number or words, and
INITIATIVE ............................. (DEX) the spreadsheet will provide you with a
PERCEPTION .......................... (PRE x EGO) / 3 printable character sheet, and a smaller sheet
STEALTH ................................. (EDU x STR) / 3
THROW..................................... DEX – 3
that can be used to display your character on
WEIRD...................................... (STR+EGO+PRE)/5 the web.


You have three "Groups" that will provide SKILL POINTS SPEED
you with an idea of your character's basic SPEED RULES is designed to serve both
abilities and areas of knowledge. Each of these experienced gamers and players who are
Groups begin with a broad description. generating their first character for their first
Benefits are a specific You have 40 points to game.
distribute into these three groups.
BENEFITS; Where or How you were raised basic raw material, as a person walking
and what you got out of the experience. around in the world. This is your genetic
A PRIMARY Career, with Four potential, the environmental impact with the
BENEFITS; Your primary self identification, degree to which you have been able to learn
not NECESSARILY how the world sees your how to interact with the world - mentally,
character. physically and socially. Each one starts off
A SECONDARY Career, with Three with 10 points, and you have an additional 15
BENEFITS; Another set of descriptors on how points to put into those five
your character spent a large chunk of time. It CHARACTERISTICS.
can be the same as your PRIMARY CAREER,
but you do not increase skills you already had GIVEN SKILLS - These are fall back
through your PRIMARY CAREER, but have abilities every adult should have at SOME
three different benefits. level. The base values are calculated from
ONE SPECIALTY - one additional bonus your CHARACTERISTICS and will carry the
you assign to one BENEFIT. weight of your first choices in point
distribution AND you will have 30 additional
HOBBIES points to put into those skills.
Your also get freeform HOBBIES - 40
points to distribute as you see fit, based on THE GROUPS - All characters have a
what your character decided was important BACKGROUND and two CAREERS. Each
enough to learn. of these GROUPS give you general definition
Weapons are only obtained through of that GROUP, from which you will derive the
BACKGROUND, CAREERS, or HOBBIES. abilities and skills you and your GM agree
If the name of the BACKGROUND or would be expected from someone with that
CAREER implies specific weapons, the definition. Unlike other systems, a
weapon does not need to be taken as a "COWBOY" means something other than the
BENEFIT. For example, SOLDIER implies specific skills you thought to put into it, a
knowledge of the weapon(s) of the era. A "FORESTER" can be assumed to know
Greek warrior would be assumed to have some something about trees and woodland fauna
skill with sword and spear. A US Marine without having to buy them as separate and
probably knows knife, rifle and sidearm. A distinct skills.
Each of these three GROUPS also have Characters start between 21 and 35 years
named BENEFITS - some specific abilities or old. Your choice - tell me why they are so old
areas of knowledge the Player decides are or so young.
"what my character got out of being a [group For easy generation, there are several
name]." As a "POLICEMAN" you might be downloadable versions of the character
assumed to have some ability with using a gun generation system in spreadsheet form. There
or a baton, the paperwork and bureaucracy of are Excel (4.0) spreadsheets for the Die Pool
the job, some street contacts, some snippets of and 3d6 methods, and because people have had
other languages common to your area to use in problems with raw Excel sheets in the past,
doing your job, and using standard equipment there are also .hqx archives of the Die Pool
(like a patrol car, radio, field computer or call and 3d6 generation sheets (decompress as
box). But you decide what BENEFITS come Excel 4.0).
with that career. Each BENEFIT gives you 1 The spreadsheets also have a nifty copy of
BONUS DIE when you roll for that benefit. the Arms & Armor section at the bottom of the
This means you have the level of the basic page so you can cut and paste weapon and
GROUP, for which you would roll 3d6, and the armor detail. Or at least as much detail as
named BENEFIT means you roll 4d6 and take Speed offers.
the lowest three numbers in the roll. There is a Blank Character Sheet that can
At the end of the GROUPS is a named be used in d20, 3d6 or Die Pool systems in .pdf
SPECIALTY. The SPECIALTY is one of format. There is an Arms & Armor page in
your nine named benefits from BACK- .pdf.
GROUND, PRIMARY or SECONDARY NOTE: Please let me know if you find
career. problems. Send errors, omissions and
suggestions to: [email protected].


Bases 10
Add to Base +15
BASES (Calculated)
Add to Base +40 BACKGROUND 40 Points
Brawl (STR+DEX)/3 w/2 Benefits Distributed
Conceal (EGO+DEX)/3 PRIMARY CAREER Between the
Dodge DEX-3 w/4 Benefits Three Groups
Follow EDU-6 w/3 Benefits Benefits +1B ea.
Info. Search EDU-3 ONE SPECIALTY 1 Benefit with an
Initiative (DEX) additional Bonus die
Perception (EGO+PRE)/3 (+1B for a total of +2B)
Stealth (EDU+STR)/3 NATIVE LANGUAGE under Background
Throw DEX-3 HOBBIES 40 Points
LUCK 2+1d BODY/4 per week after

NOTE: The Excel spreadsheet in the download archive will do your math, track the points you spend and
then print out a clean, easy to use character sheet.
GAME PLAY OPTIONS under Additional Characteristics (like
Magic, Weird, etc.).
Characters start between 21 and 35
You may only Push once. After all
years old. Your choice - tell me why they
LUCK has regenerated, another Push is
are so old or so young.
allowed when that pool of LUCK has
been used up.
Florentine/Two Handed Combat
A player may want to fight with two
blades or two guns or two weapons, one An Additional
in each hand. There is no allowance for
"Ambidextrous" in SPEED, but you may
still use this style of fighting. If you take
up two weapons for which you are
A Magic power pool (called Spirit,
trained, there is 1 PENALTY in each die
Mana or something specific for your
roll. If the weapons is named as a
campaign) can be created by providing a
benefit, the BONUS for the benefit will
formula of (STR+PRE+EGO)/5 as a base
cancel the BONUS -OR- the player may
and allowing players to add points from
choose the roll both BONUS and
"Given Skills" to increase that value.
PENALTY, throwing out the highest and
In the model Magic system created for
lowest dice in the roll. The off hand does
SPEED (check the home page), this pool
not lose the PENALTY with the use of
is modified by how the player creates
the weapon in that hand.
Background and Careers. If the
Background, Primary or Secondary career
Out of Luck - The Push
include Magic training and use, then one
You are at the end of the game, you
point is added into the calculations. If the
have used up all your LUCK. You have
character has no Magic in his/her
one last chance for an action. It is really a
Background or Careers, one or two points
last ditch effort. It may be the effort that
may still be created if there are one or
saves your character's life, or it may be
more Magic-related activities in Hobbies.
going out in a blaze of glory.
That would be one point for a single
You may roll on EGO for a final
Magic-related hobby, two points for two
action, and will have 2d PENALTY dice
or more.
on any action or task for the following X
A set of six Gods is supplied in the
minutes - and X equals the number of
SPEED magic system, but GMs will be
points of your success on the roll. If you
able to create their own magic systems,
make your roll by 6, you have the
should the spirit move them.
PENALTY dice for 6 minutes. You then
have a 1d PENALTY for any action for
Weird, Psychic, Occult
another X minutes. If the Character is
Many Pulp, Supernatural or Horror
still around after the 2d PENALTY and
campaigns may have some strange
the 1d PENALTY, there are no
powers or abilities appropriate to the
additional penalties.
campaign. In our SPEED Pulp campaign
A Push may not be tried if the
that includes some psychic, magic or
Character still has LUCK remaining.
voodoo type possibilities. We have simply
Actions on a Push are rolled on EGO,
called it WEIRD. As with the Magic
but represent the Player's choice of a
power pool a pool of Weird Points. The
base is the same as for Magic -
(STR+PRE+EGO)/5 and you can add
BENEFIT showing on the Character
points from "Given Skills". If the
Sheet. This includes any of the skills
Background, Primary or Secondary career
include Weird training and use, then one
point is added into the calculations. If the Background or Careers, one or two points
character has no Weird in his/her may still be created if there are one or
Background or Careers, one or two points more Psionics-related activities in
may still be created if there are one or Hobbies. That would be one point for a
more Weird-related activities in Hobbies. single Psionics-related hobby, two points
That would be one point for a single for two or more.
Weird-related hobby, two points for two
or more. Super Powers
Superpower have not been developed
Psionics for SPEED, but a system is under
Because of the nature of Psionics, the consideration.
Characteristic is (EGO+PRE+STR)/5, at
least in the model for SPEED. Points can
be added from "Given Skills".
As with the Magic power pool a pool of
Psionics Points. If the Background, Ask me if you have any corrections,
Primary or Secondary career include suggestions or questions.
Psionics training and use, then one point
is added into the calculations. If the Joseph Steven Coleman
character has no Weird in his/her [email protected]
Small Club/Stick 9 5 - n/a
Moderate Club 7 4 - n/a
Big Club 5 3 - n/a
Small Knife 7 7 2 n/a
Moderate Knife 6 6 1 n/a K-Bar or Survival knife
Big Knife 5 5 1 n/a Kukri
Small Sword 6 5 1 n/a Machete, Rapier, Epee
Moderate Sword 5 4 1 n/a Cavalry saber
Big Sword 4 3 1 n/a Claymore


Small Sling 7 9 1 1/1
Moderate Sling 6 12 1 1/1
Big Sling 5 15 1 1/1
Small Bow 6 10 1 1/1
Moderate Bow 5 12 1 1/1
Large Bow 4 14 1 1/1
Small Crossbow 5 12 1 1/2
Mod. Crossbow 4 14 1 1/2
Large Crossbow 3 16 1 1/2
Small Spear 6 12 1 n/a
Moderate Spear 5 14 1 n/a
Big Spear 4 16 1 n/a


Small Handgun 2 12 2 6/1 .22 or .25 caliber
Moderate Handgun x3 16 2 15/1 .38 caliber / 9 mm Barretta 92F
Large Handgun x4 20 1 7/1 .45 caliber / 10 mm
Shotgun, 12 gauge x3 12 1 8/1 Remington 870
Shotgun, auto, 12 guagex3 12 7/13/09 5/1 Atchisson Assault Shotgun
Small Rifle * x3 50 1 12/2 .30-08 caliber Winchester .30-08
Moderate Rifle * x3 50 1 12/2 .30-08 caliber Winchester .30-08
Big Rifle * x4 70 1/3/30 15/2 7.62 mm M4 assault rifle
Small SMG x2xH 25 1/30 30/1 .25 caliber Skorpion
Moderate SMG x3xH 35 1/3/30 15/1 9 mm H & K MP5A4
Big SMG x4xH 45 1/30 30/1 .45 caliber Ingram Mac 11


Flash/Dazzle 3/2/1 6 1 1
Fragmentation 30/15/7 6 1 1
Irritant Gas 3/2/1 6 1 1
Smoke n/a 6 1 1
Stun 5/2/1 6 1 1
* Reload shows # of shot before reload / actions to reload.
** A scope on a rifle gives 1 Bonus die to the roll.
M203 by type 30 1 1
M79 by type 30 1 1
Talon by type 30 1 1


Flash/Dazzle 3/2/1 n/a n/a 1
Fragmentation 30/15/7 n/a n/a 1
Irritant Gas 3/2/1 n/a n/a 1 Flash Bang
High Explosive 40/20/10 n/a n/a 1
Armor Piercing 40/20/10 n/a n/a 1
Smoke n/a n/a n/a 1
Stun 5/2/1 Knife 1 1


Claymore 30/15/7 5 n/a 1


Fleschette - Pistol 5 20 2 6/1
Fleschette - Rifle 4 45 1 15/1
Gyro-jet - small 4 15 1 7/1
Gyro-jet - Medium - Rifle3 35 1 8/1
Gyrojet - Large - Rifle 2 55 1 2/1
Stun Rod 3 1 1 5/1
Injector Dart Gun (Var)n/a 12 1 30/1
Rocket launcher (Var) n/a 40 0.5 12/2
Ships Cannon x5 200 0.3 15/2
Ship Torpedo x7 500 0.3 30/1
Chem. Flamethrower x5 4 1 15/1
Superheated Slab Gun x2 9 1 30/1
* Reload shows # of shot before reload / actions to reload.
** A scope on a rifle gives 1 Bonus die to the roll.

ARMOR Protection Val. Abl.
None None - -
Cotton EF 1d 20
Woolen SEF 2+1d 25
Denim BSEF 2+2d 35
Leather BSEF 4+2d 90
Ring Mail BPSF 2+3d 120
Plate BPSF 4+3d 150
Kevlar B P S E F 6+3d 175
Gha'aul Shield P E F 6+3d 200
Ceramic PSEF 4+4d 250
Voudoun Marissa Danton is a 28 year old field
researcher for a large chemical company.
Weird provides options for magic, mystic, She was raised by her Grandma in
psychic and unexplained powers. These Louisiana a few miles from Baton Rouge.
are simple models and each GM is free to She was an athelete in college and did a
modify the lists or create new lists for four year turn in the Army.
specific campaigns.
Each style of Weird is dictated by the
gamemaster, with a list of available skills Marissa Charlotte Danton
or powers. The player rolls under the A 28 year old field reseracher, raised by her grand-
“Weird” characteristic, most effects are mother outside Baton Rouge. Self styled tough guy.
defined by the number of points by which Height 5' 7" Weight 115# Hair Black
the roll succeeds (if it succeeds) and that Eyes Brown Skin Hi Yellow Race Creole
same number is deducted from the Weird
12 STRENGTH 12 Brawl Base 26
13 PRESENCE 12 Conceal Heal 4
For You can create a character with a 14 EGO 11 Dodge
very faint connection to the reality of 14 EDUCATION 11 First Aid
Voodoun, or you can create a true master 12 DEXTERITY 11 Follow LUCK
who has been trained and is steeped in 11 Info. Search Base 2
the culture. You multiply the basic BACKGROUND 12 Perception 1 Week
“Weird” score by the modifiers resulting 12 Raised by Granny 11 Stealth
from the related aspects in the character’s Lang. Creole/English 11 Throw INITIATIVE
construction. +1B Folk Healer 14
+1B Small Farm Life HOBBIES
PRIMARY CAREER 12 Listen to the Spirits
A character’s modifier can range from 0 to
14 Field Botonist 15 Serious Knife (Large)
6, depending on the way the player has
+1B English 13 Electronic Gadgets
created the character. +1B Latin
+1B Botony
STANDARD 1 or 0 +1B Field Technique
CARRER – PRIMARY 1 or 0 14 Army Night Shroud
CAREER – SECONDARY 1o0 +1B Small Arms Dead Man's Eye
HOBBIES 2 Max. +1B Obstacle Course It is a real human eye
MAXIMUM MODIFIER 6 +1B Playing the Structure
SPECIALTY Roll Location*
The Weird Pool is created by multiplying Adds 1B to 1 Benefit 3 Head
the Weird characteristic by the modifier. Playing the Structure 4 Hand
The pool is reduced by the number of 5-6 Arm
7-8 Shoulders
points of success during a roll on a
Voudoun power.
Big Knife 5 5 1 11-13 Stomach/Back
Moderate Rifle x4 60 1 14-15 Thighs
Small Handgun x2 12 2 16 Calf
17 Foot
18 Gahoolies
VOUDON SPELLS AND TALENTS Night Shroud – Character can become invisible
Voudon is also called Voo Doo or Santa Ria. For for X minutes in shadow or at night, but not in
gaming models a few actions are involved. This direct sunlight. The shroud can include anyone or
does not represent any belief in or actual anything within the armspan of the character.
description of either Voudon or Santa Ria. Make Invisible – Character can make self or
target invisible, even in bright sunlight, for X
Some spells or talents may cost more than the minutes. This spell can be used to detect
direct number of points, deducting two or three something made invisible by another caster.
times the number of points from the Pool. Face of Terror – Character can cast the image of
the target’s worst fear, larger than life size and
Dead Man's Ear – Character carries a threatening the target directly. Target can resist
mummified dead man’s ear, can hear X words paralyzing fear with a roll on Ego with 2 Penalty
from a distant, but visible, target, on a successful dice.
Zombie Army – Three times cost to the pool,
Dead Man's Eye – Character carries a desiccated caster can control up to ten zombies for X minutes
dead man’s eye, can see for X seconds from the
Protect (X Hours) – Character can place a ward
point of view of a distant, but visible, target, on a
of magical alarm (to the caster) or barrier against
successful roll.
magic or physical entry for X hours. Caster must
Dead Man's Hand – Character carries a define the Protection before the chicken is killed
mummified dead man’s hand and can manipulate and it may not be changed once the sacrifice has
an object as by hand from X yards away for X been made. Requires the sacrifice of a white
seconds, on a successful roll. chicken for Barrier (physical), red chicken (alarm)
Hand of Glory – Character carries a fresh hand or black chicken (magical barrier). The barrier
of an executed prisoner and can take over the against magic is not useful against a non-magic
hand of a living person from X yards away for X intruder, and visa versa.
seconds, on a successful roll. Leave Body – Three times the cost to the pool.
Create Zombie – Can reanimate one dead body. Caster may leave own body for X hours and may
Must then use CONTROL ZOMBIE to control reenter the body by choice before the end of that
actions for X minutes. time. The body is sustained but vulnerable during
Control Zombie x minutes – Can vocally the absence of the spirit. The spirit may travel to
command an animated zombie for X minutes, even observe locations within one day’s walk, or my
if the Character attempting to control the Zombie fight spirit forms as though they were physical. If
did not create the zombie. the spirit is prevented from returning to the body
at the end of the time, the body dies and the spirit
Flaming Spear - Character can throw a spirit
becomes a poltergeist, no longer controlled by the
spear that does Factor 5 damage as fire. Range is
as a Moderate Spear (14 Hexes).
Defend with Fire – Two times the cost to pool,
Plague of (See Table) – Cost twice the number of
causes burn damage with a factor of X2 on the
points in the pool, but character can bring down a
plague for X minutes onto a target area.

CREDITS: The following people helped with the development of SPEED through
cooperation with PLUS, ORACLE, Jorune-j20 systems and participation in over 90 game
sessions as part of that development of those systems. Andrew Leker, Christopher Pound,
Thomas Biskup, Harold Ogle, Lloyd Wiebe, Paul Arden Lidberg, Nadine Miller, Shawn
Smith, Richard Lee Eide, James West, Kieron Gillam, Charles Wade, Woody Woodward,
Fuzzy Pratt, Hubert Bartels, Carol Smith, Tammantha Koonce, Fred Langen, John Fiala,
Adam Janin, Di Luo, Quentin Long, and Kathleen Ayotte.

Downloads and additional resources through


The following page has a regular full size character sheet, and two strip format sheets.
SPEED RULES Character Sheet Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved

Campaign _____________________________________________ Height ___________

Player _____________________________________________ Weight ___________
Character _____________________________________________ Hair ___________
Description _____________________________________________ Eyes ___________
_____________________________________________ Origin ___________
_____________________________________________ Skin ___________


____ STRENGTH _____ Brawl On Hand ___________ Base
____ PRESENCE _____ Conceal Banked ___________ Pool
____ EGO _____ Dodge NOTES (and Weird) ___ Current
____ EDUCATION _____ First Aid _______________________________
____ DEXTERITY _____ Follow _______________________________
_____ Info. Search ______________________________
BODY ________ ________ _____ Initiative _______________________________
FULL CURRENT _____ Perception _______________________________
BACKGROUND _____ Stealth _______________________________
LANGUAGE ___________________ _____ Throw _______________________________
____ _________________________
+___B _________________________ LUCK ________ ________
+___B ________________________ FULL CURRENT

____ _________________________ A R M O R PROTECTION VALUE ROLL LOCATION
+___B ________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 3 Head
+___B _________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 4 Hand
+___B _________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 5-6 Arm
+___B _________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 7-8 Shoulder
SECONDARY CAREER ______________ ______ ________ 9-10 Chest
____ _________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 11-13 Stomach
+___B _________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 14-15 Thigh
+___B _________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 16 Calf
+___B ________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 17 Foot
____ _________________________ ______________ ______ ________ 18 Gahollies
S P E C I A L T Y _________________ adds +1B to Benefit from Background, First or Second Career, or Hobby
____ _________________________ __________________________ _____ _____ _____
____ _________________________ __________________________ _____ _____ _____
____ _________________________ __________________________ _____ _____ _____
____ _________________________ __________________________ _____ _____ _____
____ _________________________ __________________________ _____ _____ _____
____ _________________________ __________________________ _____ _____ _____
SPEED RULES Character Strip SPEED RULES Character Strip
Character _________________________ Character _________________________
Description _________________________ Description _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
__ STRENGTH Weight _______ __ STRENGTH Weight _______
__ PRESENCE Hair _______ __ PRESENCE Hair _______
__ EGO Eyes _______ __ EGO Eyes _______
__ EDUCATION Origin _______ __ EDUCATION Origin _______
__ DEXTERITY Skin _______ __ DEXTERITY Skin _______
GIVEN SKILLS ====================== GIVEN SKILLS ======================
__ Brawl __ Info. Search __ Brawl __ Info. Search
__ Conceal __ Perception __ Conceal __ Perception
__ Dodge __ Stealth __ Dodge __ Stealth
__ First Aid __ Throw __ First Aid __ Throw
__ Follow WEIRD ============ __ Follow WEIRD ============
INITIATIVE ____ Base _______ INITIATIVE ____ Base _______
MONEY Pool _______ MONEY Pool _______
On Hand ___________ Current _______ On Hand ___________ Current _______
Banked ___________ Banked ___________
BODY F:___ C:___ LUCK F:___ C:___ BODY F:___ C:___ LUCK F:___ C:___
BACKGROUND _________________________ BACKGROUND _________________________
LANGUAGE ____________________________ LANGUAGE ____________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
PRIMARY _____________________________ PRIMARY _____________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
SECONDARY __________________________ SECONDARY __________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
+1B ______________________________ +1B ______________________________
SPECIALTY __________________________ SPECIALTY __________________________
HOBBIES ___ _______________________ HOBBIES ___ _______________________
___ _______________________ ___ _______________________
___ _______________________ ___ _______________________
___ _______________________ ___ _______________________
NOTES _____________________________ NOTES _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
___________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________ ____ ____ ____
___________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________ ____ ____ ____
___________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________ ____ ____ ____
___________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________ ____ ____ ____
___________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________ ____ ____ ____
___________________ ____ ____ ____ ___________________ ____ ____ ____
______________ _____ 3 Head ______________ _____ 3 Head
______________ _____ 4 Hand ______________ _____ 4 Hand
______________ _____ 5-6 Arm ______________ _____ 5-6 Arm
______________ _____ 7-8 Shoulder ______________ _____ 7-8 Shoulder
______________ _____ 9-10 Chest ______________ _____ 9-10 Chest
______________ _____ 11-13 Stomach ______________ _____ 11-13 Stomach
______________ _____ 14-15 Thigh ______________ _____ 14-15 Thigh
______________ _____ 16 Calf ______________ _____ 16 Calf
______________ _____ 17 Foot ______________ _____ 17 Foot
______________ _____ 18 Gahoolies ______________ _____ 18 Gahoolies

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