Optional Superpowers

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A supplement for Daemon SUPERS

André Mousinho “Mousifather”

Belém, 2005
1st Edition

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...a few words. I would first like to say that this netbook is never intended to dictate the behavior of one
of the coolest RPG systems I've ever had access to, Daemon. I believe and I bet
in this system as one of those that will last for a long time at the gaming tables. It is practical, agile in
many ways and extremely enjoyable to play in dozens of other ways. And it is a 100% NATIONAL

I've been a fan of Del Debbio's work since the first edition of Trevas, published as “Dragão Brasil
Especial” by the former Editora Trama (currently Talismã). I am inspired by this guy's competent
research work as a source for my work focused on Role-Playing Games. I have almost all of the books
from your publisher, which I understand to be the ANIME RPG the best of them all so far.

And I also love the superhero genre.

It is precisely because I like this genre that I share with you, in this small virtual book, my ideas on the
subject, incorporated into one of the best game systems I have ever seen. As I said before, obviously,
at no time does the information on these pages officially replace what is published. Use them if you
find it convenient, as I do.

GMs and players will notice that many rules common to supers games are not in this book. This is
because I made a point of keeping everything as lean as possible, in order to allow for greater
interpretation of the effects and results of a power at the game table. We have a small table on these
pages, which can (and should) serve as a basis for some interpretation, but much of the success of
this optional system lies in the way in which players and the GM discuss (and reach a consensus) about how a g
limits should be imposed on this power and what characteristics it possesses. You will read the book
calmly and understand what I mean, but roughly speaking, perhaps a simple “burst of fire” will never
be interpreted by group X in the same way that group Y understands it.

Any questions and constructive suggestions, guys, I will be happy to answer them. Just send an email
to [email protected] and, as far as possible (between my projects), I will send you the answers.
But first of all, know that YOUR IMAGINATION is the fuel needed for supers to fly, launch blasts, pass
through walls or load trucks using the material contained here.

Good reading.

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Killing Machine: this guy was the target of precise programming

START that made him a deadly fighter using one or more fighting
techniques. The relevant attribute of a Killing Machine is DEX.
In this netbook we introduce optional rules for creating
superpowers as an alternative to what we find in the book
SUPERS by Daemon. The choice for this alternative system of Super-Mage: the super-mage goes beyond the limits of reality
rules aims to provide groups with suggestions for additional and conjures unbelievable effects. It may have connections
material for future campaigns. Use them as you see fit. with astral entities and other extra-planar beings. To balance
the rules, we do not use the official Focus and Paths rules
here (understand that the mechanics of “super-magic” are
Unlike other RPG systems, we don't put extensive lists here identical, at the game table, to the creation of other powers).
with dozens of different names for superpowers. Instead, we The relevant attribute of a Super-Mage is WILL.
will try to explain how your character can manipulate (game)
reality in any way you want to obtain different effects by Mental: masters (usually mutants) of telepathy, telekinesis,
“casting” your meta-abilities through these effects. pyrokinesis, cryogenesis and other meta-skills that use the
power of thought. The relevant attribute of a Mental is PER.

The first step is to objectively decide what you want to Let's now follow the step-by-step process of creating a super
accomplish with power. Do you want to conjure a fireball? A to try to clarify the first doubts. Let’s start by defining a super
cyclone in the middle of the battlefield? Want to paralyze and typical.
levitate your opponents? Read the target's mind? Or still become invisible?
Maximan is a super “tank” style with FR 19 and WILL 12 (31
Many of the suggested effects generate powers with similar points = 19 + 12).
names, so you won't have much trouble naming them after
the idea of the initial effect. A power that produces a fireball Next, you will imagine the effects (powers) that your super is
can simply be called “Fireball”. Another one that makes you capable of generating/performing, and give values to these
invisible could be “Invisibility”. powers by distributing the points. To do this, follow the example:

Always keep this in mind: consider the practicality of an effect, The Maximan player determines that his super wants to
relating it to a simple and direct name, capable of immediately develop the Optical Beam, Super Flight and Super Dodge
conveying the idea it produces. powers. His total of 31 points he distributes as follows:
Optical Ray 10, Super-Flight 15 and Super Dodge 6.

To these values we will add the test value of one of the eight
SUPER SKILLS attributes of the Daemon System, related to the type of power.
As we said before, we don't have huge lists of powers with
their related attributes here, but this is nothing that a few
Powers are activated through the use of super skills. At the
moments of reflection between masters and players can't
first level you receive a certain amount of skill points to
resolve. The results will be in the form of percentages (after
distribute in these powers, and for every two experience levels
multiplying the summed values by 4) for test values.
thereafter you receive an additional 5% to the total of the first
level. To discover your initial amount of super-skill points,
After talking, the master and player decide that Optical Ray is
you will add the WILL attribute with another attribute (sometimes
a power based on the Perception attribute. Super-Flight is
the same one, here called the relevant attribute) that defines
based on Agility, just like Super-Dodge. Therefore, the test
your character type. The types of supers are seen below:
values of these related attributes will be added to the points
distributed in each respective power. On the character sheet,
Maximan's Perception is 13 (test 52%). Your Agility is 14 (test
Stealthy: this hero prefers to hide in the shadows waiting for
56%). The final (test) value of the powers will be like this:
the ideal moment to attack. It's not necessarily strong
“Optical Beam 62% (52+10)”, “Super-Flight 71% (56+15)” and
(although there's nothing stopping you from putting more FR points into your creation).
“Super-Dodge 62% (56+6)”. The same will apply to any other
The relevant attribute of a Stealth is AGI.
player who also wishes to have some type of Optical Ray, that
is, once the related attribute (Perception, in this case) is
Tank: “Tank” style supers are brutes who deal the most
defined, it becomes valid for everyone at the table who wants
damage possible with their fists. Some have a high level of similar power.
protection or the capacity for phenomenal jumps. Note that
some super-strong guys may not necessarily be green giants
Super skill points calculated in this way CANNOT BE USED to
taller than 2m (maybe they wear blue tights and a red cape
buy more points in common skills (listed in the official Daemon
and fly around saving kittens and damsels from helicopters).
books) and vice versa. To define how good your character is
The relevant attribute of a Tank is FR.
at using powers, we use the same table as the Daemon System.

Up to 15%: Curious. Heard about it somewhere.

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15 to 20%: Newbie. You're starting to learn. 21 to

30%: Practitioner. Use this skill daily. 31 to 50%:
Professional. Work and depend on this expertise. 51 to 60%: Level: this column lists the different levels that your powers can reach.
Specialist. Note that the table allows for obvious progression if you want to
Above 60%: One of the best in the area expand powers to greater levels.

After every 2 levels, the hero gains 5% points to distribute among any Damage: here are listed the damage that can be caused at a given
powers he wishes to increase or acquire (as long as they have a fair level. If you have a power like Maximan's “Optic Beam 62%” and the
and satisfactory explanation). power level is 2 (more explanation about power levels later), this
power deals damage equal to 2d6 points.
For any other questions about power, refer to the table.
“What would be the range?” No problem, see that at level 2, a power
POWER LEVELS affects a radius of 6m. In the explanation of the Radius (m) column
later, you will understand why Maximan's eye shot can reach 12m in a
straight line...
This term has a reasonably different meaning than that seen in the
official rules for supers. Here, each power level point is purchased
IP (Protection Index): whether the power protects the user from physical
with points obtained through the new
attacks (punches, kicks) like armor or from energy sources that do
Super-Levels enhancement to follow.
not come from mental meta-skills (other sources can be fire, water,
electricity, kinetic /ballistic, plasma, etc.) as a force field, the IP to be
Super-Levels: each upgrade point buys a specific number of levels for
subtracted from the damage suffered by the user is indicated in this
your powers. This upgrade can be purchased more than once, as long
column, depending on its level. This column also represents your
as you have enough points. 1 point: 2 levels 2 points: 4 levels 3 points:
“natural IP” if you purchase a “Body Density” type power – with high
6 levels 4 points: 8 levels 5
levels of this power, you can even become invulnerable to large caliber
points: 10 levels

HP: If the power can heal and restore hit points, this column indicates
the amount of HP replenished in the power's target.

Power levels determine characteristics such as damage, range and

protection index related to the powers in question, as shown in the
Weight/kg: if the power is used to levitate things, these things will have
following table.
a maximum of the total weight stipulated by the column, depending on the level.
WARNING: if you are able to fly, DO NOT USE this column to indicate
Power Limitation Table Level Damage
how much you can carry – after all, it is not simply the power of flight
IP HPs Weight/kg Radius (m) 1d6 1 1d3 50 2d6 2 1d6 100
3d6 4 1d6+3 200 4d6 6 2d6 3
that allows you to carry passengers, but the strength of your ARMS.
Therefore, it is your Strength (FR) attribute that defines how much you
1 400 5d6 8 2d6+3 800 6d6 10 6
can carry while flying. Otherwise, if you are able to generate Float
2 3d6 1,600 7d6 12 3d6+ 3 3,200 9
Discs, then yes, use the weight described in this table as a basis.
3 8d6 14 4d6 6,400 9d6 16 12

4 4d6+3 12,800 10d6 18 5d6 15

5 25,600 18
Radius (m): the value indicates the radius of action of the power in
6 21
meters. Therefore, a level 1 power can reach everything within a radius
7 24
of 3 meters (a circumference of 6m in diameter). If the power does not
8 27
have an effect in “area”, but is instead “fired in a straight line”,
9 10 30
consider the range as the total diameter that the area would have. At
any time in the game you can declare that your power is affecting an
Continuation of the Speed area or distance LESS than the stipulated maximum.
Level table. Attack/ Dur. Throwback
(km/h) Dodge 100 (min) Speed. (km/h): this column indicates the values in kilometers per hour
1 150 2 200 3 250 1 1h
that the user of a power used for locomotion (by sea, land or air) can
1 4 300 5 350 6 400 2 6h
2 7 450 8 500 9 550 4 12h

3 10 8 1 day Attack/Dodge: This column shows how many times you can dodge one
4 16 7 days 1 or more attacks made against you.
5 32 month 6

6 64 months 1 Dur. (min): this column indicates the number of minutes that your
7 128 year 6 power can be activated in a single use. Note that this is just an
8 256 years 12 indication, many powers (like a “fireball”) are instantaneous, and it is
9 10 512 years up to the player to define whether their power is this way or not,
together with the master, BEFORE the adventure

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to start. Once you have defined the duration of a power, write it OBSERVATION 2: TIME TO REST. When you use a power continuously
down. It can no longer be changed (unless your hero gains new for the maximum time allowed by the limitations table, you exhaust
power levels). it to such an extent that you need to rest before using it again. This
“rest” consists of not using said power for a number of rounds (of
Temporal Rewind: the column indicates hours, days and weeks and the power user) equal to half of their Constitution, rounded up. If you
years that a time traveling hero can travel through with trans-temporal used the power interspersed with other actions (once here, once
jumps. If, otherwise, the hero is able to read the past of things, there...) you don't need to worry about these timing issues.
through Psychometry or Visions (or whatever), also use these “back”
limits to the past to know how far the reading can go back.

As a first-level character, Maximan has 5 Enhancement points. He

buys Contacts and Allies 1, Secret Base 2 (his suburban apartment), SUPER ATTRIBUTES
True Love 1 (his daughter from his first marriage) and Super-Levels
3 (6 levels).
Attributes above the range considered “normal” for the Daemon
As negative enhancements, opt for Sense of Duty (-1) and Code of
System are not purchased as superpowers of the form
Honor (-1; protect the weakest).
presented so far. To increase an attribute (its base value, not the test
percentage) above the level considered standard for the official rules
With his 6 levels, Maximan chooses to distribute them in this way
system (values between 9 and 14), you must adopt two systems:
among his powers:
Optical Radius 62% (1 level)
Super-Flight 71% (3 levels)
• First consider the characters' scores for the adventure/campaign;
Super Dodge 62% (2 levels)
in some (mostly, for the sake of
true), players start by building their characters with 101 attribute
At 1 level, Maximan's Optical Beam will cause 1d6 points of damage,
points at the first level, they have 5 points of Positive
within a range (in a straight line) of 6 meters [see Radius (m) column].
Enhancements and -3 of Negative Enhancements. In others,
this number of points may increase or decrease. Therefore,
prioritize what interests you most from this distribution;
With 3 levels, your Super-Flight can reach speeds of 200km/h. The
GM checks with the player the duration of Maximan's flying power,
and both question how limited the super could be if they took this
• To enhance an attribute even further (the points weren't enough,
characteristic into account. After a few minutes, master and player
smart guy?), purchase the following Enhancement;
reach a consensus: they will not limit the time Maximan can stay in
the air (8 minutes for 3 levels of Super-Flight). Having Maximan FR
Increased Attribute: Each upgrade point buys a specific amount of
19, it can carry (fly) up to 110kg, according to the official table of
points to increase your attributes.
attribute values of the Daemon System.
ATTENTION: this enhancement is a little different from its equivalent
seen in other books such as ANGELS, DEMONS and VAMPIRES. 1
point: gains
In return, the master convinces the player that Maximan's Optical
+6 points to distribute across any attributes. 2 points: gain +9
Beam power should only work for a certain period if activated without
points to distribute across any attributes. 3 points: gain +12 points
stopping. Therefore, the only level that Máximan has in Optical Beam
to distribute across any attributes. 4 points: gain +15 points to
will be taken into account: according to the limitations table, he can
fire incessantly for 1 minute.
across any attributes. 5 points: gain +18 points to distribute across
After that, you must recover for a number of rounds equal to half
(round up) your Constitution.

Super-Dodge at level 2 can allow Maximan to avoid (with a successful

Super-Dodge check) 2 attacks in the same round. If he already has
Plasticor is a type of shapeshifter capable of stretching his body as
the Dodge skill, choose which one to use depending on the nature of
if it were made of rubber, and can even create simple tools, such as
the attack. Dodge (only) does not allow you to get rid of shots and
crowbars, shovels, or concussion instruments such as batons, just
other types of blasts coming from metahumans, such as fire, plasma,
by molding his malleable body. The GM has decided that in this
lasers, sound, seismic, kinetic attacks or whatever.
particular campaign, everyone will distribute 105 attribute points.
With 105 points, your attributes are:

Super-Dodge, yes.
CON 18, FR 13, DEX 17, AGI 15, INT 12, WILL 15, PER 13,
CAR 14
NOTE 1: according to the official rules of combat in the Daemon
System, a round can last between 10 and 20
With 5 Improvement points, he chooses: Support of the Masses 2
seconds. Let's adopt here that one minute is equivalent to six rounds.
(the community in the neighborhood where he operates), Genius Friend of
Computing (1pt, Kyle, a 16 year old nerd who filters clues),

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Secret Identity (1pt), Resources 1 (up to US$2,000.00 per “Body Elasticity”. Therefore, he would have to obtain 51 or
month working as a high school teacher), Honor Code (- less in d% to overcome very tight obstacles.
1pt), Enemies (-1pt, the Ratters gang) and Sense of Duty (-
1pt). With the points gained through negative enhancements, - The malleability of the shapeshifter's body means that it
the hero also acquires Super-Levels 2 (4 levels) and has a natural IP of 2.
Expanded Attribute 1 (+6 in the chosen attribute – Agility,
highlighting Plasticor's excellent body control capacity). - Plasticor cannot regenerate HP in others, and its supportable
weight limit is defined by its FR 13 (55kg according to official
With +6 Agility, we change the hero's AGI attribute from 15 rules).
to 21 (normal test value 84%).
- The hero can expand his body in the form of a 12m diameter
Before distributing power levels, we need to know which and dome (6m radius). If he wants to “attack from a distance”
how many powers the hero has. The player who plays (stretching his body), the maximum body tension distance
Plasticor and the master discuss and reach the conclusion: will also be 12m in a straight line.
the hero has 2 powers listed below.
- Due to his Body Elasticity, Plasticor can dodge 2 attacks
Body Elasticity: allows Plasticor to stretch or compress his each round, as long as he manages a satisfactory roll in a
body (to fit through cracks, say). resisted test between his “Elasticity... 102%” and the
attacker's weapon skill (ahahah... )
Object Creation: Allows the hero to create simple objects,
such as tools, and some non-complex bludgeoning weapons As you saw, the skill values are high, correct, but what can
by molding their arms (or any other parts of their body) into you expect from a Spandex campaign where (similar to what
truncheons or tonfas. To land an attack with these weapons, we see in the comics) the supers are almost perfect? This is
he will test his “Object Creation” against the opponent's where the master's creativity comes in to define the most
melee or melee attack skill (whichever the opponent is using different types of supers.
at the time). To use the tools (say, molding a specific key to
unlock the door), all that is needed is a test of this power, Shredder is a killing machine with CON 16, FR 18, DEX 15,
adjusted by the master according to the difficulty he deems AGI 15, INT 10, WILL 17, PER 15, CHA 12. The result of
most convenient (the test can be EASY, with double the mutant experiments, his powers give him a pair of claws that
percentage, or HARD, with half of that value). come out of his fists, heightened sense of smell and hearing,
a kind of “healing factor”, reinforced skeleton and exceptional
hand-to-hand combat capacity. Your total points to distribute
The GM determines that Body Elasticity is based on AGI. initially (WILL + DEX) is equal to 32. Your powers will have
Now Object Creation, in DEX. Additionally, Plasticor is a the following percentages:
Stealth-type super. Adding your WILL with AGI we have 36
points to divide initially. The player decides to make an equal Can Attribute Related (%) Pts. Distribution
division and puts 18 points in each power. Then, he adds the Claws Total 60 (DEX) + 4 64% 60
test values of the attributes related to the Body Elasticity Acute sense of smell (PER) + 5 65% 60 (PER) +
and Object Creation powers (AGI and DEX, respectively). Hearing Hearing 8 68% 64 (CON) + 10 74%
Therefore, your super-skill values are: “Body Elasticity Healing Factor 64 (CON) + 2 68% 60 (AGI)
102%” and “Object Creation 86%”. Even at first level, Reinforced Skeleton + 3 63%
Plasticor is one of the best at using his super skills. Super-Dodge

Let's now look at the power levels. With 4 levels (acquired Let's see the levels of each power. All five upgrade points
through the Super-Levels 2 improvement) the player decides are used to purchase 10 superpower levels.
again to make a balanced distribution and ends up with To balance, Shredder buys the negative enhancements
“Body Elasticity 102%” (2 levels) and “Object Creation 86%” (2 levels).
Guinea Pig (-2pts, abductee for operation against will) and
GM and player consult the power limitations table and define Code of Honor (-1pt, protect the weakest and most
the following: defenseless). With the 3 points resulting from the purchase
of negative improvements, Shredder acquires Secret Identity
- With his powers, Plasticor can deal 2d6 damage (tuning his (1pt), Vehicle (1pt, a chopper motorcycle) and buys an
arm to strike like a whip, coiling the target like a snake – FR additional point from the Super-Levels improvement (1pt, 2 levels).
test resisted each round to keep the target trapped) or
“molding” his body into shape of simple concussion After all the consultations made to the table of limitations
weapons. (and the gaps being filled by consensus between masters
and players) we arrived at the following definition of powers:
- As there are no “rules for molding your elastic body to the
0.5cm gap in the door in front”, the master stipulates that Claws 64% (2 levels): they are almost the length of the
this type of use, more “advanced”, is done successfully if Shredder's forearm and project from it at a nerve impulse
Plasticor passes a Hard test (half of the test value) when using thefrom theskill
super user. To attack, test this percentage versus Dodge
or some fighting skill (or the value of the AGI attribute –

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not the test value) and, on a hit, cause damage equal to 2d6+FR Magna Z is a Mental-type super. His attributes are as follows:
bonus. CON 12, FR 10, DEX 12, AGI 13, INT 13, WILL 12, PER 14, CHA
11. He determines that he will have the powers:
Acute Smell 65% (3 levels): in a circle with a diameter of 18m,
Shredder can test this power to identify different odors. Mental Blow: a stunning impact directly on the victim's nerve

Hearing Hearing 68% (1 level): within a straight line range of 20 Levitation: A telekinetic effect that allows him to move things
feet, Shredder can hear whispers as if it were a normal with the power of his mind.
conversation next to him. All you have to do is concentrate and
succeed in a Hearing Hearing test. Mind Reading: the name says it all.

Healing Factor 74% (2 levels): after combat, Shredder recovers Psychometry: he can “read” (in the form of visions) what
1d6 hit points per day of rest in addition to the 1 point provided happened in a certain place by touching objects present in the scene.
by the official rule of the Daemon System for each full day of
rest (plus his level of the Hero Points enhancement if have). Adding Magna Z's WILL with the relevant attribute (PER) we
Each day he takes a super skill test. have 26 points, which will be distributed among the four powers.
If at any point he manages a critical (1/4 of the test value), even The player chooses like this:
on the first day of rest, all his VP are recovered at once.
Mind Blow 8, Levitation 6, Mind Reading 7 and Psychometry 5.

Reinforced Skeleton 68% (2 levels): the hero has a natural IP So far we have followed the standard construction of powers
against injuries equal to 2, plus the IP of any armor or reinforced according to these optional rules. But, at this point, we would
suit he may be wearing (normal humans without protection have have to check what attributes would be related to the four
IP 0). Normally this is a type of “passive” power, which does not powers seen above. Since Magna Z is a Mental, the only
require tests to use it – although the master can subject the correlated attribute becomes her INT.
character to such an immense effort that it can cause physical
damage such as a Reinforced Skeleton test (in lieu of CON ) be Magna Z's INT is 13 (test 52%). Therefore, we add this test value
necessary. to the points distributed in the powers and we have: Mental
Blow 60%, Levitation 58%, Mind Reading 59% and Psychometry
Super-Dodge 63% (2 levels): Shredder can dodge up to 2 attacks 57%.
made against him in the same round.
With 3 Enhancement points, Magna Z also purchased
Super-Levels 3 (6 levels) and distributed them like this:

MENTAL POWERS Mind Blow 60% (3 levels), Levitation 58% (1 level), Mind Reading
59% (1 level) and Psychometry 57% (1 level).
As we saw in the power limitation table, the “IP” column
Now the master and the player talk about the characteristics of
represents protection for any attacks that do not have, so to
each power and, after consulting the limitations table, decide
speak, “mental origin”. This is because Mental-type supers
directly hit the psyche of their targets, for which the WILL
attribute alone is enough to define chances of success and
With Mental Blow, Magna Z can deal up to 3d6 points of damage
error when using these powers.
to a target within a 9m radius. If he wants
hits ALL those present in that area (note that, for this, we have
Note that many mutants are able to “conjure” their effects
no rule), the master will charge a HARD test (half of the total
without necessarily linking them to psychic improvements. You
percentage of the Hit, which would be 30%) versus the targets'
may be able to generate cold, heat, teleport, or become
Constitution test value . The player and the master decide that the
intangible – yet these are mere physical effects that can be
attribute that can generate some resistance to this power is
represented by these optional rules. But when beings capable
CON, as the Blow will directly affect the target's vital conditions.
of reading what is going on in the depths of your mind enter the
If, otherwise, the effect attempted to trick the target's perception
scene, or who can see the past by touching the residue of a
of reality (making him, say, believe that there is a bridge where
scene, or even levitate and throw things with force
there is nothing to cross the chasm) the target's attribute for
telekinetic... attention must be doubled.
resistance would change to WILL.
To begin with, a Mental's relevant attribute is its PER. But all
With Levitation, Magna Z can carry objects with her telekinetic
the powers he develops have his INT as a related attribute.
strength that weigh up to 50kg in total. The player decides that
Follow the example.
this power is not normally used for attack (only to levitate or
stop falling things), but the master argues that, therefore, if
necessary, Magna Z can test this super skill on a HARD level
whenever he wants. move something so

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quickly to the point of causing damage (as it would be used in his AGI value as a test (which would only give a 13% chance),
a way it was not originally intended for), and the damage but he thinks quickly and decides to try to block the attack
resulting from any object thrown in this way will be equal to with [Levitation 58% (1 level)], stopping the attacker in mid-air.
1d6 (due to the hero's unique level of this power), a reference
to Magna Z's weak ability to fire these objects with just the The problem pointed out by the master is that Magna Z can
strength of her mind. In this case, the GM and player agree that only lift 50kg with its power at level 1, and Shredder weighs
the target can dodge (Ordinary Dodge, not Super-Dodge) to twice that. Soon the master assigns that this will be a HARD
avoid the damage. Another option would be to give this power test (half the super skill used, which gives 29%) so that Magna
a “remote” character: the master could again charge a HARD Z can prevent Shredder from drawing his claws in time and
test or determine that through a CRITICAL hit (1/4 of the super- delivering a blow, lifting him off the ground and taking him away. that of yo
skill value), the target had no chance of dodging. Adding the active source (Shredder) with 50% and subtracting
from the defender (Magna Z), we have 64+50%-29= 85%.
Shredder rolls d% and gets 16, ONE CRITICAL HIT (1/4 super
With Mind Reading at level 1, Magna Z can read a target's mind skill). He passed his test and Magna Z's power was not
for one minute in an area of 3m radius – this is defined by the activated in time. The telepath takes 4d6 damage (2d6 rolled
master in agreement with the player. If Magna Z wants to read twice from Shredder's critical hit) plus the attacker's FR bonus
more than one mind at the same time within that area, she will (remember: FR bonuses are not added twice!).
have to make a HARD roll (half the value). The “victim” can
make a WILL test to resist the mental invasion, but specific The turn starts again with Magna Z choosing an action, which
circumstances at the gaming table may even nullify this test, can include an attack (with power or not – using, say, a weapon
or make it easier – say the target is unconscious (EASY test, he has) or any other action allowed in his round, according to
double the Reading percentage value of Minds) or are not the official rules.
paying attention (NORMAL test, percentage value).
Good fight!

Psychometry will determine how much the hero can “read the
past” just by touching things that were part of that past. With
one level, the Time Rewind is up to an hour ago, but Magna Z
must be careful: the vision(s) he will have will only last a
Well, guys, I don't have much more to say. The idea is to adapt
Interpret this system fairly to achieve the results you want and
a very lean and highly descriptive super rules system, at the
fill in the gaps with condescending limits.
same time that it can accommodate epic adventures that we
are used to in Marvel or DC comics (my favorites, in fact).

COMBAT EXAMPLE I await your tips and constructive suggestions so that we can,
depending on the players' interest, further polish this rough
Shredder and Magna Z are located in a suburban area. stone, ok? Who knows, maybe the best tips will appear in a
Both have feuds with each other and decided it's time to see “second edition” of this netbook?
who really rules the place. Both test their Initiatives (1d10+AGI)
and Magna Z starts attacking. Hugs

The rules of combat between supers do not differ much from Mousifather
the official ones of the Daemon System, so opponents are
entitled (initially) to one attack each. Magna Z's attack will be a
Mind Strike [Mind Strike 60% (3 levels)]. Shredder's CON is 16
(test 64%), so Magna Z finds that she has a 46% chance of
success with this attack (60+50%-64= 46). Your player rolls the
dice and gets 32. One hit. The player rolls 3d6 (due to Magna
Z's levels in said power), gets 3, 5 and 1 and causes 7 points
of damage (which CANNOT be absorbed by the Shredder IP,
as it is a mental power).

Feeling extreme fatigue after the mental blow in his round,

Shredder decides to attack anyway. Its health points were
reduced after the blow it suffered in the previous round, but
Magna Z will still see the good! The player decides to jump at
the opponent with his [Claws 64% (2 levels)]. Magna Z can only
attempt to avoid damage with a successful Dodge, but he does
not have this skill. He could try to use

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