Evaluation Mei 2024

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Name : …………………………………………………………………………. Date :


A. Remember about this feelings below!

Happy Bored
Sad Hungry
Angry Thirsty
Sleepy Tired

B. Translate the sentences below into English! Translate the sentences below
into Indonsian!
1. Aku senang. (I am Happy) 6. I am tired. I want to_________
2. Aku sedih. _______________________ 7. I am thirsty. I want to_________
3. Aku sedih dan marah. __________________ 8. I am bored. I want to_________
4. Aku ngantuk. _______________________ 9. I am sleepy. I want to_________
5. Aku lapar dan haus. _________________ 10. I am hungry. I want to_________

C. Translate into English!

Car : mobil
Mobil itu sangat mahal

The car is very expensive.

Expensive : mahal

Boy : anak laki-laki

Anak laki-laki itu sangat tampan.

Handsome : tampan

Student : murid
Murid itu sangat pintar.

Smart : pintar

House : rumah

Rumah itu sangat besar.

Big : besar

Hair : rambut
Rambutku sangat pendek.

Short : pendek

My Daily Activity
Wake up Take a bath Wash my hair
Brush my teeth Wash my face Get dressed
Comb my hair Eat breakfast Go to school
Clean the house Study at school Go home from school
Play with my friends Watch TV Do my homework
Water the flowers Read a book Go to sleep

A. Write the English!

Bangun Mandi Keramas
____________ ____________ ____________

Gosok gigi Mencuci muka Memakai baju

____________ ____________ ____________

Menyisir rambut Sarapan Pergi ke sekolah

____________ ____________ ____________

Membersihkan rumah Belajar di sekolah Pulang sekolah

____________ ____________ ____________

Bermain dengan teman- Nonton TV Mengerjakan PR

temanku ____________ ____________

Menyiram bunga Membaca buku Tidur

____________ ____________ ____________

Name : …………………………………………………………………………. Date :

Mention it below !

No. Verbs Nouns Adjectives

Preposition of Place

A. Vocabulary
English Indonesian English Indonesian English Indonesian
1. Snake : 8. Penguin : 15. Jungle :

2. Dangerou : 9. Land : 16. Sea :

s : 10. Elephant : 17. Shark :

3. Animal : 11. Big : 18. Trunk :

4. Long : 12. Very : 19. Butterfly :

5. Zebra : 13. Strong : 20. Have/Has :

6. Stripe : 14. Leg :

7. Wild

Translate it !

Picture Description Deskripsi

A shark is a wild animal.
A shark lives in the sea.
A shark can swim in the sea.

A penguin can swim in the sea

and walk on the land.
A penguin has two wings but it
cannot fly.

An elephant is very big and

An elephant has four legs and one
A butterfly has two wings to fly.

A bird can sing.

A bird has two wings to fly.

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