Metadact Installation Guide

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Installation Guide

November 2023
Copyright © 2020–2023 Litera Corp. All rights reserved.

The information in this document is confidential and subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment by Litera. The software referred to in this document is furnished under a license
and may not be used or copied except in accordance with the terms of that license.

Metadact is a trademark of Litera. All other product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

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On the Web:

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
Litera License Server.................................................................................................... 3
Metadact Core Server installation prerequisites ........................................................ 4
Metadact Server software installation......................................................................... 7
Mobile Alerts Server installation guidelines ............................................................................ 8
Installing Metadact Server components.................................................................................. 8
REST API SSL certificate installation ................................................................................... 10
Metadact Transport Agent for Exchange installation .............................................. 11
Metadact client installation (Desktop, MS Outlook/Office Suite add-ins) .............. 12
Manual (attended) installation .............................................................................................. 12
Unattended (silent) installation ............................................................................................. 14
Litera Administrator Panel installation ..................................................................... 15
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact........................................................... 16
Upgrading Metadact Core Server ......................................................................................... 17
Upgrading Metadact Node Server ........................................................................................ 21
Upgrading Metadact Mobile Alerts Server ............................................................................ 23
Upgrading Metadact Quarantine Server ............................................................................... 26
Upgrading Metadact Exchange Transport Agent .................................................................. 27

©2020–2024 Litera i

This document contains detailed information about installing all Metadact software
components. Software/hardware requirements and supported integration with other
software programs is described in the document Metadact System Requirements.
Further software configuration and system administration is described in the following
▪ Metadact Administration Guide
▪ Metadact AIP Configuration Guide
▪ Metadact Configuring Data Loss Prevention Policies
▪ Metadact Quarantine Server Configuration Guide
▪ Metadact Metadata Cleaning Types
▪ Metadact Analytics Server Configuration Guide
▪ Metadact Health Monitoring Configuration Guide
▪ Litera Metadact Outlook Add-in for Microsoft 365 Configuration Guide
▪ Metadact REST API Consumption Reference
Metadact comprises several components:

Component Purpose Where Installed

Metadact Core Manages emails requiring Standalone server
metadata cleaning, and designated as Metadact
directs emails to Node Core Server
servers, which perform the
metadata cleaning
functions. Core servers
can also perform cleaning
functions, but this is only
recommended for
installations with minimal
mail flow.
Metadact Node Performs metadata Standalone server
cleaning functions. designated as Metadact
Node Server

©2020–2024 Litera 1

Component Purpose Where Installed

Metadact Mobile Alerts Provides a website that Standalone server
enables users to use their designated as Mobile
mobile device to see email Alerts Server
attachments requiring (recommended) or co-
additional attention, adjust located with a Metadact
cleaning settings and send Core Server
these choices back to the
processing computer.
Metadact Quarantine Provides an email store Standalone server
while they are held for designated as Quarantine
approval, and a website Server
for gatekeepers to see
status of actions taken.
Metadact Transport Agent Directs emails with Exchange Hub (or Edge)
for Exchange attachments that need to Transport Server
be cleaned to one or more
Metadact Core servers.
Metadact Analytics Server Monitors patterns of matter Standalone server
file distribution in the mail designated as Analytics
flow and detects risk, Server (recommended)
enabling compliance
administrators to monitor
outgoing emails and giving
them the information they
need to analyze data
security breaches.
Metadact for Outlook add- Enables users to clean or Client desktop
in convert attachments
before email is sent or
select metadata cleaning
options for server-side
cleaning within Outlook.
Metadact Desktop client Application that enables Client desktop
metadata cleaning without
sending emails.
Litera provides links to download all Metadact-related software installers. All installation
files should be downloaded to a network location that is accessible to any computer on
which the software is being installed. Silent installation as well as wizard-driven
installation is available for Metadact for Outlook and Metadact. The server installers
(Exchange Agent, Core, Node. Mobile Alerts and Quarantine) are wizard driven.

©2020–2024 Litera 2
Litera License Server

Note: Computers running Metadact Core Server, Node Server, Desktop Client and
Outlook that use Microsoft Azure Information Protection (AIP) must have Visual
C++ Redistributable x64 for Visual Studio 2022 or later installed. It can be
installed before or after the Metadact software is installed. Information and the
download can be found at

Litera License Server

Metadact licensing is controlled through the Litera License Server (LLS). Integration
with LLS centrally controls license validation and increases the security of the licensing
process. Important aspects of the LLS licensing process include:
▪ A single licensing key, obtained from Litera Support, is entered when installing
the first Metadact component, and is used for all Metadact components. This key
should automatically populate the License Key field in subsequent installations.
▪ No internet connection is needed for installation.
▪ The installed software always attempts to connect to LLS at startup. With each
successful connection, a licensing token enabling a 30-day period of software
use is downloaded. This 30-day period in effect is “reset” with each successful
To ensure that the LLS can validate software licensing, confirm the following for each
user profile where Metadact is installed:
▪ Port 443 is enabled for
▪ Safelist the server URL in
any antivirus program
To confirm that LLS licensing is functioning properly, confirm if token and key files are
generated in the following location for each user profile where Metadact is used:
If you are using Metadact in a proxy-enabled environment, Metadact may be unable to
connect to the LLS even after permitting access to the above URLs in any firewall or
antivirus program, and no token or key files will be generated. Contact Litera Support
for assistance with ensuring that Metadact is licensed for use.
The following sections provide detailed information for installing each Metadact

©2020–2024 Litera 3
Metadact Core Server installation prerequisites

Metadact Core Server installation

Internet Information Server (IIS) must be installed and configured on each Core server
before installing the Metadact Core server software. IIS is not required on Node

Installing IIS on Windows Server 2012

1. Log on to the Core server using an account with full administrative permissions
to read and write to all local folders (if not already logged on).
2. Select Start and select Server Manager.

3. In the Server Manager window, expand the Manage menu and select Add
Roles and Features.

4. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard window, read the information on the
Before You Begin tab, then select Next.

©2020–2024 Litera 4
Metadact Core Server installation prerequisites

5. Select Role-based or feature-based Installation and click Next.

6. In the Server Selection tab, select the appropriate server (the local server is
selected by default), as shown below, and click Next.

7. On the Server Roles tab, select Web Server (IIS).

©2020–2024 Litera 5
Metadact Core Server installation prerequisites

8. In the resulting dialog, select Add Features to install the IIS Management
9. Select Next.
10. Select the Features tab, then expand .NET Framework 4.6 Features and select
ASP.NET 4.6. Expand the WCF Services node and select HTTP Activation.

11. In the resulting dialog, select Add Features to install required features.
12. Select Next on the next two dialogs.
13. On the Web Server Role (IIS) > Role Services page, verify that all following
services are checked.

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Metadact Server software installation

14. On the same wizard page expand the Application Development node and
select the following services

15. In the dialog that results when you check ASP.NET 4.6, select Add Features.
16. In the following two dialogs, select Next to proceed to the Confirmation page.
17. Select Install.

Metadact Server software installation

Before installing any Metadact server components, ensure all pre-requisite software
has been installed (see Metadact System Requirements for a list of prerequisites). See
the section Metadact Server/Exchange Online configuration in the Metadact
Administration Guide for information regarding Microsoft Exchange Online
Metadact server components are installed by running the installer,
MetadactServer.msi, which launches the installation wizard. The Metadact Server
installer installs the following components:
▪ Metadact Core Server
▪ Metadact Web Console
▪ Metadact Mobile Alerts
▪ Metadact Quarantine Server
▪ Metadact Analytics Server
▪ Metadact Node Server

©2020–2024 Litera 7
Metadact Server software installation

Mobile Alerts Server installation guidelines

The Mobile Alerts component provides a website that:
▪ Enables users to see email attachments requiring additional attention
▪ Allows user to adjust cleaning settings
▪ Sends user choice back to the processing computer
For enhanced security, the Mobile Alerts server should never be installed on a
Metadact Server (Core or Node). Ideally it is installed on its own server that is
positioned in a DMZ. Alternatively, place it inside the firewall if appropriate security is in
place. Mobile Alerts use SSL, which requires a third-party SSL certificate. (Refer to
your certificate provider for details about obtaining an SSL certificate.)
All prerequisites must be installed before running the Mobile Alerts Server installer.
Note: If .NET Framework 4.8.0 is not installed, the Mobile Alerts Server installer will
alert you, and the installation is halted.

Installing Metadact Server components

Note: Computers running Metadact Core Server, Node Server, Desktop Client and
Outlook that use Microsoft Azure Information Protection (AIP) must have Visual
C++ Redistributable x64 for Visual Studio 2022 or later installed. It can be
installed before or after the Metadact software is installed. Information and the
download can be found at
1. Launch the installation by running MetadactServer.msi and accepting any
licensing agreements that display.
2. On the License Validation dialog, enter or confirm the license key you received
from Litera Support, and click Next to continue.

©2020–2024 Litera 8
Metadact Server software installation

3. On the Custom Setup dialog, select the component you wish to install, then
confirm the installation location.

Note: The Feature Description section provides information about which

feature you are installing, and how much space it requires on the hard

4. Follow the instructions in the remaining dialogs to complete the installation.

©2020–2024 Litera 9
Metadact Server software installation

Caution: If the proper version of ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle (version 3.1.16) has
not been installed (required for the Quarantine Server), the installer displays
a dialog box stating that ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle version 3.1.3 or
higher is required. The ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle version must be

The link in this dialog also downloads an incorrect version. ASP.NET Core
Hosting Bundle version 3.1.16 can be downloaded here:
Note: If the Quarantine Server or Analytic Server options have been installed, they
must be configured as described in their respective guides (Metadact
Quarantine Server Configuration Guide or Metadact Analytics Server
Configuration Guide).

REST API SSL certificate installation

After installing the Metadact Core Server you must also install the proper REST API
SSSL certificate on the Core Server. The script for installing this certificate can be
found in the C:\Program Files\Litera\Metadact\Core\ directory on the Metadact Core
server. Do the following to run this script.
1. Stop the Metadact Core Service.
2. Using Windows PowerShell, run the following script:
.\install_certificate_for_rest_api.ps1 -ip -dnsName "[Core Server
where "[Core Server FQDN]" is the fully qualified domain name of the
Metadact Core Server.
3. Once the script has run, restart the Metadact Core Service.
Note: Once you have installed the certificate, it is recommended to test the server
cleaning using the Metadact Desktop client or Clean and Reattach in the
Metadact for Outlook add-in.

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Metadact Transport Agent for Exchange installation

Metadact Transport Agent for Exchange

The Metadact Transport Agent for Exchange must be installed on each Exchange Hub
(or Edge) Transport server(s) in the Exchange environment. The Transport Agent
establishes connections between the Core computer(s) and the local Exchange Hub (or
Edge) Transport server(s). See the section Metadact Transport Agent for Exchange
configuration in the Metadact Administration Guide for information regarding Transport
Agent configuration.
Note: Although the Metadact installer still has an option for Microsoft Exchange
2013, Exchange 2013 is no longer supported by Microsoft or Litera. If the
Transport Agent is installed on a computer with an unsupported version of
Microsoft Exchange earlier than Exchange 2013, a message displays
indicating that the installation cannot be completed. Supported versions of
Exchange are documented in the Metadact System Requirements guide.
During installation of the Transport Agent, the MS Exchange Transport service will stop
and automatically restart after 30–45 seconds.
1. Launch the installation by running MetadactTransportAgent.msi and accepting
any licensing agreements that display.
2. The Customer Information dialog should display the version of Exchange you
are running. If you must change the selected version, you can do so from the
drop-down list. Then select Next.

3. Follow the prompts in the remaining dialogs to complete the installation.

©2020–2024 Litera 11
Metadact client installation (Desktop, MS Outlook/Office Suite add-ins)

Metadact client installation (Desktop, MS

Outlook/Office Suite add-ins)
Note: If Metadact is being installed on the same computer as Litera Compare, Litera
Compare must be version 11.6.0 or later.
The Metadact Desktop client, its Microsoft Office Suite add-ins and the Metadact for
Outlook add-in can be installed manually (using the GUI) or unattended (silently).
Note: Computers running Metadact Core Server, Node Server, Desktop Client and
Outlook that use Microsoft Azure Information Protection (AIP) must have Visual
C++ Redistributable x64 for Visual Studio 2022 or later installed. It can be
installed before or after the Metadact software is installed. Information and
installer can be downloaded at
The desktop installation also installs a utility for command line file cleaning. This utility
is described in Command line file cleaning in the Metadact Administration Guide.

Manual (attended) installation

Note: The installation should be run as an administrator (allow access to
%ALLUSERPROFILE%/Start Menu) to correctly install all program shortcuts.
1. Launch the installation by running Metadact.msi and accepting any licensing
agreements that display, then click Next to display the License Validation dialog:

©2020–2024 Litera 12
Metadact client installation (Desktop, MS Outlook/Office Suite add-ins)

2. Enter or confirm the license key you received from Litera Support and click Next
to display the Destination Folder dialog:

3. Confirm the default installation location or choose a new location by clicking

Change. Click Next to display the Setup Type dialog:

4. If you wish to install all Metadact programs (Metadact Desktop client with all
Microsoft Office Suite add-ins and Metadact Outlook) select Complete, click
Next and follow the remaining dialog prompts to complete the installation. If you
wish to only install some Metadact programs, select Custom to display the
Custom Setup dialog:

©2020–2024 Litera 13
Metadact client installation (Desktop, MS Outlook/Office Suite add-ins)

5. You can choose which Microsoft Office Suite add-ins to install along with the
Metadact Desktop client and and/or to install Metadact for Outlook. When you
have made your choices click Next and follow the remaining dialog prompts to
complete the installation.
Note: You must choose Metadact to install the command line file cleaning

Unattended (silent) installation

Note: The installation should be run as an administrator (allow access to
%ALLUSERPROFILE%/Start Menu) to correctly install all program shortcuts.
Metadact (both Desktop client and for Outlook) can be installed silently using any
deployment method—group policy, SCCM, scripting, etc. The Metadact installer is
available in .MSI format only.
Caution: The following license acceptance parameter must be used with an
unattended installation:
The installation will fail and generate an error message if this parameter is
not included.

©2020–2024 Litera 14
Litera Administrator Panel installation

Both the /qn and /qb msiexec switches are supported. The following command installs
Metadact silently as part of a batch script:
msiexec.exe /i “Metadact.msi” LICENSEKEY=“LICENSE KEY“ /norestart /qn
LICENSE KEY = Serial number provided by Litera Support

Caution: If copying and pasting these commands from a source like the PDF version
of this document, make sure that the entire command is pasted as one string.
For example, if the above command is pasted as two strings, then each
string is executed separately and will generate an error.
By default, all components (Metadact Desktop, Metadact for Outlook add-in and all
Microsoft Office add-ins) are installed in silent setup mode. But you can change this
behavior by specifying the component to install using special command line parameter.
To install just Metadact only you must add the ADDLOCAL=“MD” command:
msiexec.exe /i “Metadact.msi” ADDLOCAL=“MD” LICENSEKEY=“LICENSE KEY”
/norestart /qn ACCEPT_EULA_AND_TPLA=1

To install just Metadact for Outlook you must add ADDLOCAL=“MD_OUTLOOK”

msiexec.exe /i “Metadact.msi” ADDLOCAL=“MD_OUTLOOK” LICENSEKEY=“LICENSE KEY”
/norestart /qn ACCEPT_EULA_AND_TPLA=1
Specify 1 to install or 0 not to install a Microsoft Office component.

Litera Administrator Panel installation

The Litera Administrator Panel (LAP) is a configuration tool that allows an
administrator to define certain functionality and appearance options for many Litera
products. It should only be installed on administrator computers, and not on end users’

©2020–2024 Litera 15
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

▪ LAP is also used with other Litera programs. Do not run the installer if LAP is
already installed on the computer.
▪ You must be logged in with a user account that has full privileges on the local
computer to run the installation. For scripted/group policy installations, install at
computer startup rather than user login.
▪ LAP requires no licensing since it can only be used with other licensed Litera
Follow the steps below to install LAP.
1. Stop all application processes by closing all Microsoft Office and Litera
Note: If you continue to get a message that an application is running after
closing it, use Windows Task Manager to close it and any of its
background processes.
2. Run the lcpcfg7.msi installer and follow all on-screen instructions to complete
the installation.

Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

The Metadact installers automatically upgrade to the current version from any previous
version of Metadact 4.0 through 5.X. To ensure you do not lose any configuration
settings, update existing configuration XML files using the latest version of LAP.
Additionally, back up any existing configuration XML files before upgrading.
It is important to upgrade all Metadact components (Core/Node Server, Transport
Agent, etc.) when upgrading from an earlier version of Metadact, especially if the new
version contains changes to the database schema, which typically occurs to support a
new feature. Not doing so may result in error messages when the earlier component
tries to use the updated database schema.
Caution: When upgrading from Metadata Server versions 5.4.X and earlier to 5.6.0,
stop all Node services before upgrading. After upgrading all servers, restart
the Node service to resume normal operation.

©2020–2024 Litera 16
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

Note: If the database schema has been updated for an upgrade, you must first
update the Metadact database schema before starting the Metadact Core
server service. If you try to start this service, you will receive a code 6 error
message and the service will not start.
See the Updating the Database Schema section in the Server Configuration
Menu section of the Metadact Administration Guide for information on updating
the database schema using the Web Console.

Upgrading Metadact Core Server

The Metadact Core Server can be upgraded using either Windows or SQL
Note: If a Windows Account is used to connect and authenticate through SQL, the
user account credentials need to be re-entered after the upgrade.
To check if Windows Authentication is being used, do the following in the Web Console:
1. Navigate to Server Configuration | Metadact Database Settings.

2. If Use Windows Authentication is not checked, then SQL Authentication is

being used.

©2020–2024 Litera 17
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

Once you have confirmed the authentication method, upgrade the Metadact Core
Server as follows.
1. In the Windows Services app, stop the Metadact Core Service:

2. Run the MetadactServer.msi, and when you get to the Custom Setup dialog,
select Core and Web Console:

3. Click Next, then Install to complete the process.

4. If Windows Authentication is being used to authenticate to the SQL server, follow
these sub steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 5.
a. Confirm that the following Windows Server Roles/Features are enabled (IIS
Management Console | IIS Management Scripts and Tools):

©2020–2024 Litera 18
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

b. From the Windows Start menu click Litera Metadact Server | Metadact IIS
Utility to display the Metadact IIS Utility:

c. Click Start to display the credentials dialog:

d. Enter the Metadact service account credentials (Domain\username and

password), then click Validate user.
e. Once the account has been validated, click Next.
f. In the next dialog select MetadactAppPool from the drop-down list, then
click Finish.
g. Launch the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.

©2020–2024 Litera 19
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

h. Type the command iisreset, then press Enter:

5. Log on to the Metadact Web Console (localhost/Metadact) and click Server

Configuration | Metadact Database Settings to display the Metadact
Database Settings page:

6. Click Test Connection, then click Create and Populate Database to update
the Metadact database schema.
7. Click Save.
8. In the Windows Services app, start the Metadact Core Service:

©2020–2024 Litera 20
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

Upgrading Metadact Node Server

1. In the Windows Services app, stop the Metadact Node Service:

2. Run the MetadactServer.msi and when you get to the Custom Setup dialog,
select Node:

3. Click Next, then Install to complete the process.

©2020–2024 Litera 21
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

4. In the Windows Services app, start the Metadact Node Service.

5. On the Metadact Core Server, log on to the Metadact Web Console and click
Server Configuration | Distributed Processing Nodes to display the
Distributed Processing Nodes page.
6. Confirm under Available machines that the Metadact Node Server is listed as
an available computer:

7. If the Node Server is not shown, use the Windows Services app to restart the
Metadact Core Service and force the Core and Node synchronization process.

©2020–2024 Litera 22
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

Upgrading Metadact Mobile Alerts Server

The Metadact Mobile Alerts Server can be upgraded using either Windows or SQL
Note: If a Windows Account is used to connect and authenticate through SQL, the
user account credentials need to be re-entered after the upgrade.
To check if Windows Authentication is being used, do the following:
1. From the Windows Start menu, open the Internet Information Services (IIS)
2. Select Application Pools, then select MAAppPool:

3. In the Identity column, check if a Windows Account is displayed. If

ApplicationPoolIdentity is displayed, then SQL Authentication is being used.
Once you have confirmed the authentication method, upgrade the Metadact Mobile
Alerts Server as follows.

©2020–2024 Litera 23
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

1. Run the MetadactServer.msi and when you get to the Custom Setup dialog,
select Mobile Alerts:

2. Click Next, then Install to complete the process.

3. If Windows Authentication is being used to authenticate to the SQL server, follow
these sub steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 4.
a. Open IIS Manager and select Application Pools.
b. In the Application Pools pane, right-click MAAppPool and select
Advanced Settings.

©2020–2024 Litera 24
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

c. In the Advanced Settings dialog, under Process Model, click the browse
button in the Identity row to display the Application Pool Identity dialog:

d. Click Set to display the Set Credentials dialog:

e. Enter the service account credentials and click OK.

f. Right click on MAAppPool and click Recycle:

4. Launch the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.

©2020–2024 Litera 25
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

5. Type the command iisreset, then press Enter:

Upgrading Metadact Quarantine Server

1. Run the MetadactServer.msi, and when you get to the Custom Setup dialog,
select Quarantine:

2. Click Next, then Install to complete the process.

3. Click the Metadact Quarantine Setup icon on the desktop to start the
configuration utility wizard and display the first dialog:

©2020–2024 Litera 26
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

4. Use the Browse button to import the previously saved JSON file, then click
5. In the next dialog, check all the settings, then click the Validate button. If no
errors are found, you will be able to click Next to answer two final prompts and
finish the wizard. At the end you will have the option of saving the configuration
for future use.

Upgrading Metadact Exchange Transport Agent

Note: It is recommended to install Metadact Transport Agent via Windows
PowerShell using elevated privileges (Run as Administrator).
1. Move the MetadactTransportAgent.msi installer file to a folder on the local
hard drive.
2. Open Exchange Management Shell and run the command Get-
TransportAgent, then press Enter.

©2020–2024 Litera 27
Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

3. Note the current Priority level of the Metadact Agent, as you need to set the
priority to the same level after the installation.
4. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
5. In the Windows PowerShell window, use the cd command to change the
directory to where the MetadactTransportAgent.msi file is located. For
example, type cd “C:\Install\Metadact” and press Enter:

6. Type .\MetadactTransportAgent.msi and press Enter to run the installer:

7. Once the installation is completed, open Exchange Management Shell and run
the command Get-TransportAgent and confirm that the Metadact Agent is still
on the list.
8. To move the Metadact Agent priority to its previous level, run the command
Set-TransportAgent -Identity “Metadact Agent” -priority 1.
9. In the Windows Services app, restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport

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Upgrading from earlier versions of Metadact

Additional Exchange Server configuration

After upgrading the Metadact Exchange Transport Agent, check the Windows Firewall
inbound rule on the Exchange server for the following rule:

If there is no current inbound rule, create an Inbound Windows Firewall Allow rule for
the Program Path “C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange

©2020–2024 Litera 29

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