Lesson Plans 9th Form Sana Frayjia

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Ninth form lesson plans

Miss Sana Frayjia

Cite Edheaa prep school
Family life

Lesson one: Family relationships

 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a short paragraph to describe their
relationships with their siblings)
 Identify different family types.
 Skills: speaking /Reading / writing
 Functions: Asking questions
 Describing
Lexis: Extended-nuclear-supportive-easy-going-lean on-fight-see eye to eye-divorce-
 Language: W/H questions / adjectives.
 Teaching aids: flashcards -books

 Speaking test: what is your best friend like?

Procedures Time

Ask pupils to describe the pictures and elicit the new vocabulary
Activate students ‘prior knowledge.
Step 2 10 min
 Ask them to describe their families. (size -type) Whole
 Move to speak about the relationships among the family; between class
parents and children/ siblings / parents. activity
 Jot down on the board different adjectives: good / happy /unhappy /
supportive /protective /understanding
Student book page 8 step 1:
Further practice about family relationships class 5 min
 How many texts do you have? activity
 Who are the speakers in each text? How old are they?
 Elicit the word teenager whose age is between 13 and 19.
 Now read silently the 3 texts and say what are these teenagers speaking
 about? (describing their relationships with their parents)
1- Fill in the table with the appropriate words Pair 5 min
Teenager Parents are:
Peter Loving / supportive / severe / happy / easy going / wise.
Linda Fighting / miserable / divorced.
Sally Supportive / loving. Indiv 5 min
2-Elicit the new vocabulary using flashcards work
Activity book page 7 activity 1/activity 2
Further practice of the new vocabulary Pair 5 min
 Assign different pupils to answer work
Student book p9 step 2
Review WH-Questions
Ask your classmate questions about the underlined words/expressions
using wh-questions
How does Sally’s mother react when she asks her about her father
She does not react pleasantly. Indv.
Ask pupils to ask other questions using wh-questions. work 10 min

Activity book page 8

Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing

Write a five-line paragraph about your relationship with one
of your family members.
Assign three pupils to read their writings
Encourage peer correction
Lesson two: Sharing Family Responsibilities
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a short paragraph to describe their
roles in their families)
 Become aware of the importance of being helpful around the house.
 Skills: speaking /listening / writing
 Functions: Comparing
 Describing
Lexis: feed-rock-bring up-exciting-demanding-to look after
Language: comparatives / superlatives.
 Teaching aids: flashcards –books-tape recorder

 Speaking test: what is your relationship with your parents like?

Procedures Time

1- Ask pupils to describe the picture and elicit the new vocabulary Whole
(help-chores-mapping-washing the dishes-taking out trash-cooking……) class
Activate students ‘prior knowledge. activity
(Visuals and gestures in this stage are important). 10 min
2- Look at the table and say who does what in your family.
Step 1
 Who helps more? Who is the most helpful?
 Write some examples of comparison on the board.
 Taking out trash is easier than cooking
 Mapping is the most difficult chore
 My sister is more helpful than me
 Elicit the new structures of comparatives and superlatives.

Student book page 11 step 1/2: indiv 10 min
Play the tape script and ask the pupils to answer different questions
Further practice about family responsibilities
 Who are the speakers in this passage
 What is John talking about?
 Elicit the new vocabulary using flashcards and gestures (look after the
children/rock the baby/upbringing
Activity book page 11 activity 1/activity 2
Play the tape again and ask the pupils to answer the questions. indv
Further practice of the new vocabulary
 Assign different pupils to answer
Activity book page 14 activity 2 pair 5 min
Tell your classmate which chores each of your family members does work
Enact the chores and ask other pupils to guess them (have fun at
class and change the mood)

Copy book
10 min
Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing
Write a five-line paragraph about your role in your family
and compare it to what your siblings do.
Assign three pupils to read their writings
Encourage peer correction

Many hands make light work

Lesson three: the generation gap
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech. (speak about their problems with their
 Skills: speaking /reading
 Functions: Comparing
Lexis: argue-embarrassed-break the rules-dog-headed-sneak out
Language: compound adjectives
 Teaching aids: flashcards –books-computer

 Speaking test: how do you help around the house?

Procedures Time
Activate pupils’prior knowledge.
Show pupils a picture of two different people and ask them to state different Whole
differences between them. class
10 min

Different in: age/appearance/interests/ideas/likes/dislikes/hobbies….

Student book page 14/15 step 1/step 2
Ask pupils different questions about their relationships with their parents
 do they agree on / approve of your behavior, your appearance, your school results, your
Discover different conflicts and discuss them (pocket money/freedom/…
Student book page 16/17/18 step 1/2/3:
 Read the text silently and say what is it about?
Answer different questions and elicit new vocabulary.
Activity book page 11 activity 1/activity 2 Indv
Play the tape again and ask the pupils to answer the questions. work 10 min
Further practice of the new vocabulary
 Assign different pupils to answer the questions.
Conservative (adj) = severe and strict. To break the rules = to disobey the
Overprotective (adj) = protective more rules.
than usual. To sneak out (v) = to go out without
To be embarrassed (adj)= shy and permission.
ashamed. Dog-headed = stubborn.
Arguments = conflicts. To run away = to escape = to flee.

 Elicit the new structure: compound adjective

Activity book page 16 activity 2
work 5 min
Discuss in pairs different actions that could be taken by Jane to
improve her relationship with her parents

Activity book page 18/19 group 10 min
Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech
Discuss different problems that can arise between teenagers
and their parents.
Assign each group a problem and ask them to sort out different actions
to be taken or avoided to solve the problem.
Ask the rest of the class to give their opinions.
Lesson four: pocket money
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a complaint in your blog to complain
about not having enough pocket money)
 Skills: speaking /reading / writing
 Functions: Comparing
Lexis: stationaries-savings-purchase-overspending-addiction-hard-earned
Language: as+adj+as
 Teaching aids: flashcards –books-
 Speaking test: what kind of problems do you have with your parents?

 How do you deal with that?

Procedures Time

Activate pupils’prior knowledge. Ask the pupils different questions Whole

 How much pocket money do you get? class
 What do you spend it on? activity
10 min
 Do you spend all your pocket money or save some of it?
 Do you think it's enough for you?
 Write some answers: I spend my pocket money on fast food / clothes /
To spend on (v) ≠ to save (v) // savings (n) = money saved
Elicit the new vocabulary
Step 2 page 21 SB Pair
Discuss with your partner the best way to increase your budget. work

Student book page 21/22 step 1:
10 min
 Start from the title: guess what is the text about then read and check.
Ask pupils to read the text silently and ask them different questions to
check their understanding
 Who is the speaker? What is he speaking about? ( complaining about his
son's overspending)
 What does he spend his pocket money on? (fast food /stationeries /extras)
 What's his parents reaction? (they are worried a lot). justify
 Write the justification: my wife is as worried as me
 Elicit the new type of comparison (equality): to compare two similar things/
Or persons.
 Elicit the new vocabulary
Overspending (adj) = spend a lot of money on unnecessary things.
To complain about = to express dissatisfaction.
Worried about = feel anxious and stressed.// to worry about (v)
Addiction (n) // to be addicted to = unable to stop doing something.
Allowance (n) = pocket money.
To reduce (v) = to make it less in quantity ≠ to increase (v).
Value (n) = importance
Student book page 22
What is the father asking for by the end? (help and advice).
 Read answers ½ and say what pieces of advice are suggested? 10 min
(to reduce his allowance/ to stop giving him allowance at all: no allowance)
 What is the aim behind these suggestions? Indv.
To teach him the value of a dollar work
The importance of money / to know that pocket money is as hard earned
as a paycheque.
 Give the rule: as + adjective + as.
 Move to the exercise pg23 (S.B) to practice and elicit the other rules of
as much /as many.
 Write examples on the board.

Activity book page 23
10 min
A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing Work
Write a five-line paragraph in your blog to complain about
not having enough pocket money
Assign three pupils to read their writings
Encourage peer correction
B-Activity 1: Speaking activity Group
Tell your classmate which of the solutions you think is best to deal work
with Robert’s overspending and why
Lesson five: Safety at home
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write down five safety rules to advise
people on how to care for pets and what risks to avoid)
 Skills: speaking /reading / writing
 Functions: Contrasting
Lexis: bite-owner-chained-isolation-hazard-infected-supervise
Language: while-whereas
 Teaching aids: flashcards –books-computer
 Speaking test: do you have enough pocket?
How do you spend it?

Procedures Time

Activate pupils’prior knowledge about dangerous things at home. Whole

Ask the pupils different questions class
a) what are these pictures? activity
b) What are they for? 10 min
c) Which of them show risks you may run at home? (A-G-H-I-K-L)
Elicit the new words: (safety rules/ signs to warn us against a danger =
hazard = risk)
d) What can we do to prevent accident from happening?
Write some rules on the board.
Mind your fingers/ don’t drink hot coffee……keep away from fire
Student book page 25/26 step 1/2:
Show pupils a video about dog bites and ask them to say what it is about
(280) Delivery Driver Saves Homeowner & Dog from Pit Bull Attack | Neighborhood Wars | A&E -
activity 10 min
To raise the pupils awareness to the hazards that pets can present
We must beware of pets
 Read silently and answer question 1 and 2 page 26.
(A.B) activity 2 page 25:
 Now read and answer transfer information into a table. indiv
 Elicit the word prevention work

(A.B) activity 3 page 25

 to speak about the most dangerous dogs and reasons behind their behavior(male/
isolated/ chained outdoors / not well cared for)
 Read the last paragraph and say which are more dangerous: dogs' bites or
 cats' bites?
 Justify: Dog bites are more frequent whereas cat bites are rarer but
more serious.
 Elicit the linkers: whereas and ask them to replace it by another
(but / however / while) Pair
(S.B)step 2 page 27 work 5 min
 Practice using the new linkers of contrast
 Write some examples on the board.
(S.B)step 2 page 26
Indv 5 min
To Reinvest previously acquired language to speak about ones' experiences.
Speak about an incident that happened to you at home

Activity book page 23

A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing 10 min

write down five safety rules to advise people on how to care Group
for pets and what risks to avoid work
Assign three pupils to read their safety rules
Ask the other groups to give their opinions
One pupil in each group will be asked to draw a poster about safety at
Language summary Family Relationships
Lesson : Grammar & functions Vocabulary
Supportive = helpful (adj) / support = help(
Asking questions : v/ n)
To lean on someone = rely on = depend on (v)
 Wh- Question words : To quarrel = to fight = to argue with s.o
Family Quarrel ( n)= fighting / fight = argument (n)
relationships What ------> things / objects Magic : mysterious quality, wonderful,
When ------> time exciting
Where ------> place Severe = strict ≠ lenient (adj)
Who ------> person Easy-going = calm and relaxed (adj)
Why ------> cause / reason Miserable = unhappy = sad (adj)
How ------> manner Orphanage (n) : place where orphans live
To afford (v): have enough money
To See eye to eye : agree about everything
Comparing :
Sharing  Comparative form
To feed (v): to give food to someone
family  Short adjective + ER + ( than )
responsibiliti e.g: taller To bring up(v) = to look after = to take care
es  More + Long adjective +( than ) of (child)
e.g: more expensive Close = intimate ( adj)
 Superlative form : Demanding (adj) : need care /attention
 The + short adjective + est To share housework = participate in = take
e.g: the tallest
part in it
 The most +long adjective
Exciting (adj) : make you feel very happy
e.g: the most supportive
Compound adjectives : To agree with = to approve of
agreement = approval ( n)
 Adjective + ( - ) + noun +ed to break (v) the rules: not to respect them
( 3 ) e.g: Open - minded
to sneak out(v) : go out secretly
Generation  Adjective + ( - ) + gerund
embarrassed(adj) : feel shy , ashamed
gap (v+ing)
e.g: Good- looking conservative (adj) = old-fashioned ≠ open-
 Adverb + ( - ) + past participle minded
e.g: Well- done to obey(v) : accept rules / obedient ≠
disobedient (adj)
 conflict = argument (n)

Comparison of equality : Savings(n) : saved money
Extra(adj) = additional , more
( 4 )  As + adjective + as To purchase (v)= to buy
Pocket e.g: as old as
To overspend (v)= to waste = to squander
money  As many + countable noun + as
e.g: as many friends, brothers,
books… Addiction (n): can’t stop doing s.th/ addictive
 As much + uncountable noun + as To be addicted to ( cigarettes, internet …)
e.g: as much water, milk, food, To increase = to raise ≠ to reduce
money… Allowance (n) = pocket money
Expressing contrast : Safe ≠ dangerous ( adj) safety (n) , danger
While / whereas To bite(v) : cut /hurt using your teeth
( 5) Dog bites(n) / cat bites
Safety at e.g: While my mother is lenient , Owner(n) = person who owns/ has ( a cat, a
home my father is very severe. dog…)
isolated (adj) dog = lonely dog
e.g: I ‘m moody whereas my sister isolation = loneliness (n)
is patient. Hazard = danger = risk (n)
To supervise(v) = to watch = to control ( a
child )
To occur(v) = to happen = to take place
Writing topics & tips
1/ Good Family relationships:
 Parents take care of their children.  children have good relationship with
 parents are supportive , caring and their siblings ( brothers, sisters).
understanding.  parents see eye to eye and never fight or
 children lean on their parents for help argue.
and support.

2/ Bad family relationships

 parents quarrel about everything( money  siblings fight with one another.
, housework…)  children disobey their parents’ rules.
 parents are strict and conservative they
never discuss things with their children.

3/ Sharing family responsibilities :

 it helps the family members build a
closer relationship.
 household chores are easier when they
are shared with family members.
 there’s no way that one person , usually
the mother , can do everything at home.
 It’s not a problem for a father to rock a
baby in his hands till he falls asleep.
 Today , fathers don’t mind doing the
shopping , cooking meals or washing the
dishes and looking after children.
 Parents should share their children’s
upbringing: it’s the responsibility of both
parents to bring up their children well.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
- Review worksheet : ” Module I lesson 2 : Family responsibilities
(group session )”

4/ Generation gap :
 It’s the difference between parents and children in age , opinion , appearance
and behaviour.
 Children complain about their parents’ overprotection and supervision : they
are pushy , overprotective and strict.
 Children don’t get on well with their parents : they argue with them over
different issues.( pocket money , going out..)

Parents’ complaints Teenagers’ complaints

My children : My parents :
- don’t help in the household chores. - disapprove of my friends, my appearance …
- dress badly and have ugly hairstyles. - don’t respect my private life.
- have strange/bad friends. - always tell me what to do.
- watch too much TV. - nag about chores and homework.
- spend too much time on the internet. - criticize my spending habits (how to spend my
- don’t listen to my advice. pocket money)
- don’t study enough, have bad results. - don’t listen to my opinion;
- don’t give me enough pocket money to cover my
6/ Pocket money :
Nowadays children are given some amount of pocket money on a regular
basis. They spend it on food and stationery . However, some children overspend
their money on useless things such as sweets ,chocolate or cigarettes. They
are always asking their parents for more . Children don’t realize that money is
hard-earned and that their parents can’t afford to give them as much money
as they want. In fact, overspending has become an addiction for many kids.
They can’t stop it. Therefore parents should teach them the importance of

7/ Safety at home :
Parents should beware of the different hazards their children may risk at home
and try to set safety rules to keep them safe. Children should avoid hugging or
having face to face contact with pet dogs because they are common causes of
dog bites. Second, Tell your children to never tease a dog and never disturb a
dog that is sleeping, eating or protecting something. Besides, parents should
supervise their children’s interaction with the dog. Finally, Don’t Leave dogs
isolated outside without any social interaction. Chained dogs are really
aggressive and will certainly attack at the first chance they have.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Module two: Education

Lesson one: School memories

 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a few lines to talk
about the disadvantages of cheating to convince their classmates not to
 Skills: speaking /reading / writing
 Functions: expressing possession
Lexis: cheat/cheater/mark/punish/proud
Language: possessive pronouns
 Teaching aids: flashcards –books-computer
 Speaking test: what kind of dangers can we face at home?
How can we prevent them from happening?

Procedures Time

Activate pupils’prior knowledge about school. Whole

Review different vocabulary related to school class 10 min
Elicit the new ones (fail/succeed/grade/cheating: use them in activity
 To succeed (v)= to achieve one's goal ≠ to fail (v) / success (n) ≠ failure (n)
 Grades = marks // Tests = exams
English, French, biology, math…. Are subjects
Student book page 32:
 Read and say what is the text about? (school memories)
 Memory (n)= a past event that you can not forget, it can be good or bad.
 Answer different questions
 Elicit the new vocabulary (a cheat-cheating …..)
 Activity book page 37 Whole 10 min
 Answer different questions to check their understanding class
Student book page 33: activity
 Present the new function of possession through the examples in the text.
 His friend / their child my name.. are called possessive adjectives.
 Friend's test / sebastian's name .. 's is called possessive 's.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
 His, mine.. are called possessive pronouns.

F Activity book page 38/39 activity 2/3 indiv

more consolidation, work 5 min
Assign different pupils to answer
Activity book page 23

A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing

 write a few lines to talk about the disadvantages of cheating to
convince your classmates not to cheat)
 Show pupils a video about (280) 5 Reasons Why Not To Cheat On an Group 10 min
Exam 😲😲😲 - YouTube to help them generate different ideas. work
Assign three pupils to read their paragraphs
Ask the other groups to give their opinions
One pupil in each group will be asked to draw a poster to stop

Reasons Ways Consequences Alternatives

* Lazyiness *looking at others' tests. * school report. * work hard.
* To get a good Mark. *writing information on * expelled from school * revise the lessons
* Lack of The desk/ clothes / For at least 15 days. Regularly.
self-confidence. Small sheet of paper. * get lost. *ask help
* To please parents *use headsets. * no longer understand. * be self confident.
* * hate school.
* will be disrespected.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson two: School rules
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a few lines to talk
about their plans for the future and their dreams)
 Skills: listening /reading / writing
 Functions: expressing intention / planned action
Lexis: dream/fall/earthquake
Language: going to/reflexive pronouns/present progressive + future words
 Teaching aids: flashcards –books
 Speaking test: do you cheat in exams? Why / why not?

Procedures Time

Activate pupils’prior knowledge about school. Whole

pr Present the new structure of future to speak about their dreams. class 10 min
 Read the bubbles and say what are they speaking about? activity
 (their dreams/ future jobs)
 Which tense did they use? Underline the verbs used.
 Write some examples and elicit the rules of the future intention.
 Ask them to speak about their own favourite subjects and dream jobs.
 Write further examples on the board and stress that: good/bad /excellent
 + at + N or gerund.
Do step 2 to further consolidate the new structures

Student book page 36:
Ask pupils to look at the title and guess what the poem is about.
 Listen and complete the poem.
class 10 min
 Step 2 page 36 activity
 What is it about? (Mike's dreams) where? (at school)
 What is he daydreaming about? (zoo/travelling /cars / animals..)
What is he doing in class? Is he following his teacher? (no).
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Activity book page 42 activity 1/2 indiv
Check their understanding. work
 By the end what happened to him?
 (the teacher asked him to answer the question)
 What do you think of the ending of the poem?
 (it's an embarrassing ending)
 Write on the board: Mike finds himself in an embarrassing situation.
 Elicit the new structure of reflexive pronouns. Pair
(S.B) activity 2 page 39 work 5 min
 Move to more practice

 WHAT about you? What are your dreams?
 Are you planning on doing them or you only intend to do them?
SB page 37/38 step 1
Explain the difference between a planned action and an intention and do Indv 5 min
the activity to check their understanding work

Activity book page 23

Group 10 min
A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing
 write a few lines to talk about their future dreams and plans
 Assign five pupils to read their productions
Activity book activity 2/3 page 44
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson three: First day at school
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a few lines to talk
about their most memorable school moments)
 Skills: Speaking/reading / writing
 Functions: expressing a completed action in the past
Lexis: pretend-shake hands-forget
Language: simple past/irregular verbs
Teaching aids: flashcards –books
 Speaking test: what are you future dreams?

Procedures Time

Activate pupils’prior knowledge about school. Whole

pr To recycle and revise the simple past tense. class 10 min
 Do you remember your first day at school? What happened? activity
 How did you feel? (afraid? Excited? Happy? …
 What about moving from the primary school to the prep school?
 Write some examples on the board.
 I was very happy/ I felt so scared / I felt excited at the
 I cried / I escaped from school/ I didn't like the new school…..
 We are speaking about past memories, so we use the simple past tense.

Student book page 41 step 1:
Ask pupils to look at the title and guess what the text is about. Whole 10 min
 Ask them to read silently and underline the verbs in the simple past. class

Activity book page 47 activity 1/2

Check their understanding.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
(A.B) activity 3/4/5 page 49/50 indiv 7 min
 Move to more practice (simple past) work

 (A.B) activity 3/1/2 page 48/49
 Review more vocabulary related to school

Activity book page 23 Indv

A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing

 write a few lines to talk about your favourite school memories
10 min
using the simple past tense.
 Encourage peer correction
 Encourage pupils to speak freely about their memories.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson four: violence at school
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a few lines to talk
about bullying at school and why it should be stopped )
 Skills: Speaking/reading / writing
 Functions: expressing obligation in the past/future/present
 Prohibition / obligation
Lexis: move-accent-taunt-bully-bullying
Language: have to/will have to/had to + verb
Teaching aids: flashcards –books
 Speaking test: what is your favourite school memory?

Procedures Time

Activate pupils’prior knowledge about school. Whole

pr show pupils a picture of a kid being bullied. Draw a spider gram and class 10 min
Jot down new vocabulary. activity

Victims bullies/bully
Hurt / hit bad feelings
Break the rules impolite/rude/selfish

Should we accept this behavior? No

What can you say to a bully? You must respect others/don’t hit pupils..
Move to step 1
 Produce statements of prohibition using mustn't / don't
 Think about further examples.
Write some examples on the board
Step 3 SB Page 45/48 step2
Review must and have to: obligation in the present

While-stage: Pair 10 min

Student book page 46 step 1/2: work
Ask pupils to read the text silently and say what it is about.
 Ask them to answer the questions in step 2
 Let them speak freely and express their opinions about bullying
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Read and check jill and kelly's relationship (friends)
 What are they speaking about? (school problems)
 Which problem is it? (violence)
 Which type of violence?
 Verbal violence: made fun of her accent / told jokes / taunted her.
Physical violence: attacked her after school.
 What are the causes of this violence?
 Because she is from the South and she had a different accent.
 Accent (n)= way of pronouncing words. (example: ‫ ق‬in Tunisia).
 To make fun of someone= to mock = to tease.
 To taunt (v)= to insult using very bad words.
 Used to = habituated to.
 Silly (adj) = trivial= not important.

Activity book page 52 activity 1 Indv

Check their understanding. work

Activity book page 52 activity 2

group 10 min
A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing
 Write a few lines to talk about bullying at school reasons and
ways to avoid it.
 Discuss the most appropriate way Kelly should react to the kids
‘aggressive behavior.
 Encourage peer correction
 Encourage pupils to speak freely about their own experiences
 Encourage one of the group members to draw a poster about bullying
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson five: school life
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a few lines to talk
about the problems they face during their school life )
 Skills: Speaking/reading / writing
 Functions: expressing intention
 Lexis: expenses-realise-sensitive-rent
Language: the future tense
I intend to / be thinking of + verb +ing
Teaching aids: flashcards –books
 Speaking test: what do you think about bullying at school?

Procedures Time
 Remind the learners of some useful vocabulary related to school life through the
brainstorming. Whole
 Move to step 2: look at the pictures and say what are they about? class 7 min
 (problems between children and their parents: pocket money / activity
 school results / school report / cheating….)

Student book page 50 :
 What is the text type? (a letter)
 Who is the sender (miserable Kate) and the receiver (Mary)?
 Guess what is their relationship? (maybe friends / sisters…) Whole
 Miserable Kate: what do you understand? class
 (She is not happy/ she has problems…) activity 15 min
 Read and say what's the matter with kate? What is she speaking about?
 (her problems with her parents)
What's her relationship with her parents like?
(conflictual: I don't get on with my parents)

Activity book page 58 activity 1/2/3 Indv

Check their understanding. work
Elicit the new vocabulary
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
 In front of all these problems what did she decide to do?
 I'm thinking of leaving school.
 I will try to find a job.
 I intend to rent a house and live with my friends.
 I won't tell my parents about my plans.
 In these examples, she is speaking about her plans or intentions.
 Elicit the new structures of the future: S + WILL / WON'T + BARE INF
S + INTEND TO + VERB. 10 min
 Ask them what they intend to do next weekend using new structures.
Student book page 51 step ½ Pair
Read in pair and answer the questions to further consolidate the new work
Activity book page 59 activity 2
Further consolidation Indv
Homework activity 1 page 59 (AB) work

Student book page 50:

A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing
 Do you agree or not with what Kate intends to do? Why? Why not?
 Kate needs your help.
 Tell her what she should / shouldn't do to solve her problems.
10 min
 Discuss the most appropriate way Kate do to overcome her problems
 Encourage peer correction
 Assign two pupils to read their productions.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Health and environment

Lesson one: air and land pollution (part one)

 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a few lines to talk
about the aspects and causes of pollution in their town )
 Skills: Speaking/reading / writing
 Functions: sequencing events
 Lexis: skin rash-ozone layer-release-fumes-acid-smog-inflammable-
Language: linkers
Teaching aids: flashcards –books
 Speaking test: what kind of problems do you usually face at school?

Procedures Time
Activate pupils’prior knowledge.
Show pupils a picture of a healthy environment and a polluted one and ask the Whole
to describe it class 10 min
Draw a spidergram and jot down new vocabulary. activity
Polluted/ Pollution air/land/water
Fumes trash/waste/garbage
Filthy clean / healthy
Do step 1
Recognise different types of pollution.
 Write some examples on the board: the water is contaminated.
Contaminated (adj) = not pure and polluted. / contamination (n)

Step 2 SB page 56 Pair
Recognize different effects caused by pollution work 20 min
 Introduce the linkers of consequence and cause. For example:
We have headaches because of noise made by vehicles and factories.
The air we breathe is polluted that’s why we have breathing problems
Step 3 SB page 56
Work in groups to find answers to the questions Group
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Type of pollution Causes Aspects
Air pollution  Factories/ cars  Fog-smog-fumes
release fumes.  Acid rain
Noise pollution  Overcrowded towns.  noise
 Exposure to noise
land  people / factories Trash-garbage-waste-paper-
pollution bottles
water pollution  people / factories Trash-garbage-waste-paper-
 bottles/colour/smell

Student book page 56:

A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing

 Write few lines in your blog to talk about one specific type of pollution Group
in your town and its aspects.(use the linkers of cause and consequence) work
 Assign three pupils to read their productions. 10 min
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson one: air and land pollution (part two)
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. (write a few lines to talk
about the effects of pollution in their town and different solutions )
 Skills: Speaking/reading / writing
 Functions: sequencing events
 Lexis: skin rash-ozone layer-release-fumes-acid-smog-inflammable-
Language: linkers
Teaching aids: flashcards –books
Speaking test: what are the aspects of pollution in your town?

What are the different causes of pollution?

Procedures Time
Activate pupils’prior knowledge.
Show pupils a picture of an unhealthy child and ask them to describe it. Whole
Generate ideas about the effects of pollution class 10 min
The boy is having breathing problems because of the polluted air.
What are the other effects of pollution?
Health problems-polluted water-skin rash ………
Now lets discover more causes and effects of pollution
Step 1 SB page 57
Recognize different effects caused by pollution
Read the four short texts silently and say what are these paragraphs about
 Elicit the new vocabulary: Deafness (n) = inability to hear // deaf (adj).
 Overcrowded (adj) = very crowded / full of people. Pair
 Toxic (adj) = poisonous. work 20 min
 Toxic substances = chemicals = pesticides.
 Weakness (n) ≠ strength (n) // weak (adj) ≠ strong (adj).
 Diseases = dangerous illnesses like cancer..
 Result in = cause = lead to
Activity book page 68 activity 1:
Answer the questions.
Activity book page 68 activity 1:
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)

Activity book page 68-69 activity 2/1

Check understanding Indv
Activity book page 71 activity 4 work
Further consolidation of the use of linkers
Activity book page 70 activity 3
Get to know and understand the food contamination circle.

Since we are suffering from many effects what are the solutions?
Group 10 min
Student book page 56:

A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing

 Write few lines in your blog to talk about one specific type of pollution
in your town . its effects and possible solutions.(use the linkers of
cause and consequence)
 Assign three pupils to read their productions.
Each group chooses to work on a paragraph.
 Then peer correction: exchange the work with another group who
reads, corrects and adds something if they have new ideas.
 Correct with the whole class.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson two: smoking and health
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing and speech. (write a role play
to convince Susan’s father to stop smoking)
 Skills: Speaking/listening/ writing
 Functions: expressing possibility/probability
 Lexis: give up-damage-harmful-addicted-prohibited-disapprove of
 Language: may/might/could
Teaching aids: flashcards –books-tape recorder
Speaking test: what are the effects of pollution in your town?

What are the different solutions to stop pollution?

Procedures Time
Activate pupils’prior knowledge.
Show pupils a picture of an unhealthy smoker and ask them to describe it. Whole
Generate ideas about the effects of smoking. class 10 min
Smokers addicted/addiction activity
Unhealthy Smoking expensive
Asthma heart attack
The man is having breathing problems because he is a smoker.
Now lets discover more effects of smoking.
Discover problems related to smoking.
Step 2 page 61 Indv
Discover more vocabulary related to smoking. work
Heavy smokers: people who smoke lots of cigarets
Non-smokers: people who don’t smoke
Passive smokers: people who don’t smoke but inhale the smoke coming from
Give up smoking: stop

Step 2 SB page 62 Indv 20 min
 Listen and say how many speakers are there? Who are they? work

 What are they speaking about? (effects of smoking)

Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
 Listen to part 1 and answer the questions page 62 (student book).
 Correct and focus on the new lexis at the same time.
 Prohibited = forbidden = not allowed.
 To nag at (v) = to complain about
 To approve of = to agree ≠ to disapprove of.
 Indifferent = careless = do not care.

 Activity book page 75 activity ½
 Listen to part 2 and complete act 1 with missing words. Indv
Activity 2 work
Pick out statements showing disagreement.
Why do they disagree? 10 min
Because he might get serious health problems.
 Introduce the new structure of probability in the future using
 may / might / could
Student book page 63 step ½
Engage learners to use the new structure.

A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing and speech

 What do you think of Susan’s father? Do you agree with him?
 Why and why not?
 Role play: you (Susan): give him pieces of advice to give up smoking.
pair 10 min
 Tell him what might happen to him.
Your partner (Susan’s father): give your own arguments and defend
your opinion.
 Don’t forget to use correct structures of advising:
 you should / shouldn’t + verb.
You ought to + verb./ I’d advise you to + verb.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson two: smoking and health
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing and speech. (write a role play
to convince Susan’s father to stop smoking)
 Skills: Speaking/listening/ writing
 Functions: expressing possibility/probability
 Lexis: give up-damage-harmful-addicted-prohibited-disapprove of
 Language: may/might/could
Teaching aids: flashcards –books-tape recorder
Speaking test: what are the effects of pollution in your town?

What are the different solutions to stop pollution?

Procedures Time
Activate pupils’prior knowledge.
Show pupils a picture of an unhealthy smoker and ask them to describe it. Whole
Generate ideas about the effects of smoking. class 10 min
Smokers addicted/addiction activity
Unhealthy Smoking expensive
Asthma heart attack
The man is having breathing problems because he is a smoker.
Now lets discover more effects of smoking.
Discover problems related to smoking.
Step 2 page 61 Indv
Discover more vocabulary related to smoking. work
Heavy smokers: people who smoke lots of cigarets
Non-smokers: people who don’t smoke
Passive smokers: people who don’t smoke but inhale the smoke coming from
Give up smoking: stop

Step 2 SB page 62 Indv 20 min
 Listen and say how many speakers are there? Who are they? work

 What are they speaking about? (effects of smoking)

Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
 Listen to part 1 and answer the questions page 62 (student book).
 Correct and focus on the new lexis at the same time.
 Prohibited = forbidden = not allowed.
 To nag at (v) = to complain about
 To approve of = to agree ≠ to disapprove of.
 Indifferent = careless = do not care.

 Activity book page 75 activity ½
 Listen to part 2 and complete act 1 with missing words. Indv
Activity 2 work
Pick out statements showing disagreement.
Why do they disagree? 10 min
Because he might get serious health problems.
 Introduce the new structure of probability in the future using
 may / might / could
Student book page 63 step ½
Engage learners to use the new structure.

A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing and speech

 What do you think of Susan’s father? Do you agree with him?
 Why and why not?
 Role-play: you (Susan): give him pieces of advice to give up smoking.
pair 10 min
 Tell him what might happen to him.
Your partner (Susan’s father): give your own arguments and defend
your opinion.
 Don’t forget to use correct structures of advising:
 You should / shouldn’t + verb.
You ought to + verb. / I advise you to + verb.

• Prevention is much better than cure

• Once you start, it's hard to stop; so, it's easier to stay out than to
get out.
• Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson three: pollution a threat to our environment
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing and speech.

 Write a few lines in your blog to talk about some solutions to improve
your environment and especially your school.
 Skills: Speaking/reading/ writing
 Functions: defining people and objects
 Lexis: landfill-threat-spill-impact-ruin-discharge-inhale
 Language: who-which-that
Teaching aids: flashcards –books
Speaking test: what are the effects of smoking?

What do you advise smokers to do?

Procedures Time
Activate pupils’prior knowledge about different causes of pollution.
Elicit the new vocabulary using flash cards. (landfill-oil spills) Whole
Write an example to elicit the new structure. class 10 min
Relative pronouns: activity
Factories release fumes which/that pollute the air we breath.
The police punished the man who threw garbage in the street.

Activity book page 81 activity 1/2 Indv

Practise using relative pronouns work

SB page 67: learn more about it.
A Activity book page 80 activity 1//2/3/4: Indv
work 20 min

What is the text type? (an article)

R Read silently and say what is it about?
( (answer activity 1 pg 80 (A.B). Justify. "individuals as well as big factories
have an impact on our environment"
H How is pollution described? (Big and small / visible and invisible).
C Can you give some aspects of pollution.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
(( (paragraph 2): oil spills / oil washed / smoky fires or particles
T These are examples of visible pollution.
V Visible (adj) = you can see ≠ invisible (adj)
S Smoky (adj) =causing smoke or fumes.
/ To ruin (v) = to destroy = to damage.
P Particles= very small pieces of matter.
What about invisible pollution; how do you know it is contaminated or polluted? (use
y five senses: taste / hearing / touch / sight / smelling.
P pr 3: the writer speaks about one solution to avoid pollution. What is it?
D Discharging waste into a landfill.
D Does he think it is a good solution (No)
J Justify: waste does not go away people simply move it to another place.

A Student book page 68 activity a/b/c pair 7 min

.work in pair to answer the questions. work
Check their understanding of different aspects of pollution

10 min
Student book page 66/67 step 2/3
A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing and speech
Ask the pupils to think of some solutions to improve their environment
and especially school.
Group 1: study in a clean classroom
Group 2: make your school all green
Group 3: convince your classmates of the importance of a better
school environment.
One reporter from each group will come to the board to report
their ideas.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson four: Save the Earth
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing.

Write a paragraph in your blog to convince people to save the rainforest.

(What should and shouldn’t be done to save it)

 Skills: Speaking/listening/ writing

 Functions: giving advice-prohibition-obligation
 Lexis: logging-prevent-offenders-creatures-hunter-safe-regret
 Language: should-ought to-must – don’t
Teaching aids: flashcards –books-tape recorder
Speaking test: what can you do to keep your school clean?

Procedures Time
Let the pupils express their own opinions and present their arguments.
Step 2 Whole
Use should or shouldn’t class 10 min
Write examples of other actions that should and shouldn’t be done to protect activity
the environment.
Activity book page 85/86 activity 1/2
Review different structures. Indv
SB page 71: step ½
What are these pictures about?
A Whole 10 min
H How important are forests.
(t(Trees: oxygen /wood/medicines / paper.. and wild animals).
L Look at the pictures and say what are the dangers threatening the forests?
(f (Forest fires/ logging = cutting down trees illegally)
Who is responsible for all these risks? (individuals)
H How can we prevent them and save our planet / earth?
To save (v)= to protect = to preserve // safe (adj).
E Everyone should contribute to saving the forests. /
Individuals mustn't cause forest fires.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
T They must stop logging // don't cut down trees
 Government should prohibit logging // they ought to punish offenders.
 Offenders (n) = those who break the law.
 What would happen to animals if the forest is gone?
 Die / be extinct …
L Lets listen to the poem and find out.
A Student book page 72 step 2
A Activity book page 84 activity 1
What is this picture about? Elephant a wild animal
Does he look happy? No he is sad
work 10 min
Can you guess why? Let them speak freely
Now listen and complete the poem / answer the questions in your student book.
What can we do to protect the animals and the environment?
Activity book page 86/87 activity 3
Tell your classmates what you should or shouldn’t do to preserve nature Pair 5 min


A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing. Group 10 min

Activity book page 87 work

Write a paragraph in your blog to convince people to save the rainforest.

(What should and shouldn’t be done to save it)
Encourage peer correction and the exchange of ideas.
Assign different pupils to read their productions.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson five: Let every day be an Earth day
 Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech.

Give a three-minute speech to convince your classmates to participate on
Earth day.
 Skills: Speaking/Reading/ Listening
 Functions: noun formation
 Lexis: species-campaign-bins-recycle-organic-
 Language: compound nouns
Teaching aids: flashcards –books-computer
Speaking test: what are the dangers that threaten our environment?

Procedures Time
Activate pupils’ prior knowledge.
(288) Earth Day for Kids - YouTube
Show the pupils a video about Earth Day and ask them what is it about. Whole
Ask them to take different notes (date-actions to be taken – class 10 min
April 22nd activity
Recycling ( reuse materials to make new things) paper-bottles-cans ……
Save energy/plant trees
Why do we have an Earth day?
To make people aware of our environmental problems
It is about taking actions.
Let’s discover more of them.
While-stage: Whole
STUDENT BOOK PAGE 75 STEP 1 class 5 min
Discover more actions taken to protect the environment. activity
What are these pictures about?
A Write some activities on the board
H Activity book page 89 activity 1:
5 min
T Work in pairs to add actions people must take to protect nature.
G Generate more ideas. work
Write some examples on the board.

Student book page 78 grammar Ind 5 min

Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Watering can / water hose
These are compound nouns
Noun + noun : TV station
Noun + noun +er: opera singer
Gerund + noun: washing machine
Noun + gerund: wind surfing
Can you think of other compound nouns? 3 min
Write the examples on the board.

A Activity book page 90 activity 1

Practice using compound nouns
Indv 5 min
Activity book page 86/87 activity 3 work
Tell your classmates what you should or shouldn’t do to preserve nature


A-Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech. Group 10 min

Activity book page 89 activity 2 work

1) Do the activity and choose the best actions to be taken on Earth

2) Give a three-minute speech to convince your classmates to
participate on Earth day.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Group session:
Lesson one: Family relationships

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (talk about the causes of
parents splitting up)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening
 Activities: word search-Gimme words -crossword puzzle- discussion
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
Review and activate pupils ‘prior knowledge.
Describe the picture using the new vocabulary (extended/large Whole class 5 min
relatives/get on well ……. activity
Activity 1: word search game
1-Ask the pupils to read the clues to find 11 words related to family
2- Label the pictures using words from the previous activity. Group work 15 min
Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
Activity 2: crossword puzzle:
Read the clues to complete the puzzle.
Orphanage-widow-divorced-teenager/supportive-quarrel- married- group work 10 min
Time for a song:
(289) P!nk - Family Portrait (Official Video) - YouTube
Explain the title: family portrait and tell them to guess the topic of
the song. Group work 10 min
1- Listen to the song and complete the lyrics (1-2)
2- Answer the questions related to the song.
Post-stage: time for a role play
Discussion: Group work 10 min
In your opinion, what are the main causes of parents splitting up?
Discuss in groups and choose one reporter to report your causes to the
rest of the class
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson two: Sharing family responsibilities

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech and writing (write and enact
a role-play to convince your siblings to be more helpful around the
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening/writing
 Activities: song-miming-role play-running adjectives
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
Review and activate pupils ‘prior knowledge.
Ask pupils different questions about their lives at home (house chores) Whole class 5 min
Let them speak freely and talk about their mothers activity

Tribute to your mother.
Ask pupils to read the tribute and write a small thank you note to their
mothers to thank them for all their efforts. Indiv work 7 min
Time for game: 1) Miming game:
Student A: choose four miming cards and mime the actions. Group work 7 min
Student B: Guess the correct action
Time for a song:
3- Listen to the song and complete the lyrics (1-2) group work 10 min
((289) Petula Clark - My love is warmer than the sunshine - YouTube
4- Answer the questions related to the song.
Review comparative and superlative forms through a song.
Stand in line, run and write the adjectives in the comparative form:
The odd one out:
A small game to review different structures and forms 5 min
Post-stage Role-play
Your siblings are too lazy. They do not help your mother at all doing Group work 10 min
the house chores. Write and enact a role-play in which you convince
them to change their attitude and be more helpful around the house.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson four: pocket money

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (role-play)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening/writing
 Activities: crossword puzzle-song – discussion-the running dictation
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
Review and activate pupils ‘prior knowledge.
Start by labeling different items related to pocket money. Whole class 6 min
Answer by saying I spend my pocket money on ……….
While-stage: Crossword puzzle:
1- Read the hints to find the correct word.
2- Complete the puzzle.
Group work 10 min
Time for a game: the running dictation

 Review vocabulary and lexis in a game-like activity.

Time for a song: (290) Money in My Pocket | Canadian Version | Jack
Hartmann - YouTube group work 5 min

1- Listen to the song and complete the lyrics (1-2)

Answer the questions related to the song by having a discussion. Group work 10 min


Cut different parts of the sentences and ask pupils to stick them in
the correct order. Group work 10 min


Student A:Your son is always fighting you over pocket money. Try
to convince him that it doesn’t grow on trees and it is hard-earned.
Student B: Explain to your father that you have many expenses
and you need more pocket money.
group work 10 min
Student C: Give your brother other ways to raise money (have a
part time job-sell unnecessary things-buy things during sale ……)
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)

Lesson three: the generation gap

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing (help a father bridge the
gap between him and his children)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening/writing
 Activities: word search-song - discussion
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming

Review and activate pupils ‘prior knowledge. Whole class 3 min

Ask them different questions: how is your relationship with your activity
parents? How would you describe them? Are you dog-headed?
Let’s discover more words.

Word search: Group work 10 min

3- Find words related to family problems
4- Complete the following sentences from the words in the puzzle group work 5 min
5- Match the expressions with their nearest meaning
Group work 10 min
Time for a game:
the odd one out /running dictation
Review vocabulary and lexis in a game-like activity. Group work 10 min

Time for a song:

Father and Son (lyrics) - Cat Stevens - Bing video
Listen to the song and complete the lyrics (1-2)
Answer the questions related to the song by having a discussion.
Discussion: Pair work 10 min
Use the following tips to write a letter to a father to help him bridge
the gap with his two children.
Discuss in pairs different solutions
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Group session:
Lesson one: school memories

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (perform a role-play about
the consequences of cheating)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening
 Activities: word search-video-role play-crossword puzzle
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
Ask pupils to answer different questions orally.
Review and activate pupils ‘prior knowledge. Whole class 5 min
Pave the way for the group session activities. activity
Activity 1: word search game
1-Ask the pupils to read the clues to find the correct word to complete
the puzzle.
proud-his) Group work 15 min
2- label the pictures using words from the previous activity.
Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity

Time for a song:

(288) Maroon 5 - Memories (Official Video) - YouTube
Change the mood and enjoy a song. group work 10 min
5- Listen to the song and complete the lyrics
6- Talk about their most precious school memory as a team
Time for a game: crossword puzzle:
Review possessive pronouns in a game-like activity. 5 min
Group work
Post-stage: time for a role play
10 min
Write and enact a short role-play about the consequences of cheating.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)

Lesson two: school rules

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (choose a golden rule and
say why it is so important to them)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening/reading
 Activities: song-riddles-running dictation
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
Ask pupils to answer different riddles.
(English- geography-music-history-maths-computer science) Whole class 10 min
Review and activate pupils ‘prior knowledge about school subjects. activity
2-choose one subject that you are good at and tell your friends what
you will become in the future)
Pave the way for the group session activities.
Time for a song: (2 songs)
( (288) Skylar Grey - I'm coming home (Lyrics) - YouTube Group work 15 min
Change the mood and enjoy a song.
7- Listen to the song and complete the lyrics
8- Answer different questions and do activity d
Review language parts using a song
Time for a game: the running dictation: group work 10 min
3 pupils
Review lexis in a game-like activity.
(288) School Rules Song [with lyrics] - YouTube
Play the second song and ask them to complete the lyrics.
Group work 10 min
Do activity 1/2
Review different school rules/understand the difference between
things to do and not to do
10 min
Post-stage: time for a role play
Choose one golden rule and report your choice with solid arguments.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)

Lesson three: first day at school

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (write and enact a role-play
to encourage your sister on her first day to school)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening/reading/writing
 Activities: song -scrambled letters-role play-the odd one out-verb game
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
1-Ask pupils to answer different questions orally.
Review and activate pupils ‘prior knowledge about school. Whole class 10 min
Scrambled letters: activity
2-Reorder the letters to find words and use them to label the
pictures. (review spelling and vocabulary)
Pave the way for the group session activities.
Time for a song: review the simple past tense
( (288) Jesuton - Because You Loved Me - YouTube
Change the mood and enjoy a song.
3- Put the verbs in the simple past tense. Group work 10 min
4-Listen to the song and check your answers.
9- Answer different questions.
Review language using a song
Pair work 10 min
10-Do activity 1 and answer the related questions.

7-Time for a game: the running verbs:

Group work 5 min
Review irregular verbs in a game-like activity.
8-The odd one out:
Group work 5 min
Circle the odd one out and use it in an example.
Post-stage: time for a role play
write and enact a role-play to encourage your sister on her first day to
Pair work 15 min
C.Edheaa prep school Group Session lesson plan Miss Sana Frayjia
Miss Date:
Sana Frayjia
/ /202
Lesson plans
lesson 4: Violence at school
(9th Level:

Language: Have to/ has to / had to

Skills: Reading-Listening-Writing- Teaching aids: Speakers-

Speaking. worksheets- cell phone.

Functions: Obligation  Activities: Word Search-Song

 Role-play- Slogan’s design
 Obligation in the future
 Obligation in the past

Process Time
Pre-Stage: Whole
A. Hand pupils a picture and ask them to describe it. class
B. Ask them different questions about it: activity
- Are you a violent person?
Do you accept this kind of behavior? …….. 10 min
 Trigger pupils’ prior knowledge and review lexis related to lesson 4.
C- Ask pupils to answer Q2 and Q3
 Review lexis related to feelings (afraid-scared-lonely-sad-angry) Pair work
 Discuss different solutions to help the victims of violence.

Time for a game: Word search
A-Find words related to school Group 10 min
 Review lexis and spelling in a game like activity. work
B- Write four sentences using words in activity a
 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in writing.
 Eg. We will have to stop bullying.
Use the previous example to introduce the language activity.
 Review functions and language related to module 4.
Time for a song:
Sody “the bully” Individual 10 min
Part 1: work
 Make pupils aware of the negative effects of bullying on others.
Pupils listen to the song 3 times and complete the lyrics.
Part 2:
Answer QA,B and C
Raise awareness of the problem and find reasons behind bullying.
Post stage: Role play
Write and enact a short play to explain the consequences of violence Group 15 min
 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech and writing. work

Design a slogan to urge pupils to stop bullying

Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Module 3/ Lesson one: Air and land pollution

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (Design a slogan to sensitize
people to the dangers threating our planet Earth and present it to the
rest of the class)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening /writing
 Activities: song –word search-the running dictation-slogans
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
1-start with a word search song to activate pupils’ prior knowledge and
review lexis Whole class 10 min
Contaminated-ozone layer-fumes-solvents-acid rain-paints-skin rash- activity
2-use words in A to label the pictures
4- Choose four words to write different examples:
Factories release fumes into the air. Group work 10 min
5d- complete different sentences using different linkers.
Time for a song:
( (288) Environmental Songs for Kids - Stop Pollution - YouTube
Change the mood and enjoy a song. Group work 10 min
1-Listen to the song and complete the lyrics.
2-Answer different questions.
Review lexis using a song
7-Time for a game: the running dictation
Group work
3 pupils 5 min
Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity.
Post-stage: design a slogan
Pair work 15 min
Design a slogan to sensitize people to the dangers threating our planet
Present your slogan to the rest of the class and tell them why you
chose it.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson two: smoking and health

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (talk to your father/friend
to convince him to stop smoking)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening /writing
 Activities: song –word search -role-play
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
1-Picture description:
Describe the picture to activate their prior knowledge and review lexis Whole class 7 min
related to smoking. activity
2-Time for a game: word search
A-Find 12 words in the puzzle related to smoking Group work 10 min
Heart attack-breath/blind-asthma-damage-bad smell-addicted-throat-
tooth decay-nasty-cancer-give up
B-use words in A to complete the following sentences.
C-label the pictures using words in A
Review lexis in a game-like activity
Time for a song:
((288) Princess Chelsea - The Cigarette Duet - YouTube Group work 10 min
Change the mood and enjoy a song.
1-Listen to the song and complete the lyrics.
2-Answer different questions.
Review lexis using a song
Let the pupils speak freely about this matter
Time for a game: the race Indv work 5 min
Listen to the teacher and write the words you hear on the board.
Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity.
Post-stage: design a slogan
A-Your father is a heavy smoker. Write a role-play in which you talk to
your father to convince him to stop smoking
PERFORM THE ROLE PLAY Pair work 15 min
B- Assign three pupils from each group to design a poster to urge
people to stop smoking.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson three: pollution a threat to our environment

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (discuss the actions that
people should take to reduce the use of plastic)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening /writing
 Activities: video–crossword puzzle-the running dictation –speech time
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
1- Time for a game: crossword puzzle
Describe a picture to activate their prior knowledge and review lexis Whole class 10 min
related to the environment. activity
Ask them different questions about it (causes-effects..)
Do the crossword puzzle after reading the hints.
Down: deafness-pesticides-noise-tree-smog
Across: waste-landfill-fumes-
2- Do activity B and C:
Label the pictures using words in A and use them to write different Group work 10 min
Noise pollution leads to deafness.
Time for a game: the running dictation Group work 5 min
Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity 3 pupils

Time for a video: the story of plastic

(288) The Story of Plastic (Animated Short) - YouTube
Read different questions and ask the pupils to watch the video and Group work 10 min
listen carefully to answer the questions.
Make pupils aware of the dangers caused by plastic.
Post-stage: design a slogan
Discuss the actions that people should take to reduce the use of
Choose one reporter to give a three-minute speech about what you Group work 15 min
have discussed.
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
Lesson four: Save the Earth

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (discuss the actions that
people should take to save the forest)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening /writing
 Activities: gimme words–crossword puzzle-song –article
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
Activate pupils’ prior knowledge
Hand out the groups three different pictures and ask them to describe Whole class 10 min
them. activity
Write three sentences and give solutions to save animals from

Time for a game: word search

Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
A-Find ten words related to saving the Earth Group work 15min
B-Use the words to write examples:
Litter must be disposed of in a landfill.
Activity C/D
Complete the sentences using should or shouldn’t.
Match different sentences with their corresponding pictures.
Time for a song: Group work 10 min
(288) kids for saving earth promise song - YouTube
Play the song and ask pupils to complete the lyrics
Discuss different promises made by the children and choose a golden

Post-stage: design a slogan

Write a short article about what we should or shouldn’t do to save the Group work 15 min
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)
780Lesson five: Let every day be an Earth day

 Objectives: by the end of the session, pupils will be able to:

 Reinvest the newly acquired lexis in speech (you are leading an
environmental campaign give a three-minute speech to tell people what
they should or shouldn’t do to go green.)
 Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
 Skills: speaking/listening /writing
 Activities: word scramble-the chaining game–crossword puzzle-song –
 Teaching aids: worksheets-computer
Procedures Time
Pupils work in three groups to compete. The winning group gets a
golden star after each task.
Pre-stage: Brainstorming
Activate pupils’ prior knowledge
1- Unscramble different words to review lexis related to pollution Whole class 10 min
Ozone layer-fumes-acid rain-global warming-deforestation-energy- activity
2- Fill in the gaps with words from the previous activity.

Time for a game: the spelling race

Review lexis and spelling in a game-like activity
A-write the words you hear on the board. The first one to finish is the Group work 5 min
Time for a song:
(289) Going Green Song - YouTube
Ask pupils about the title. What does it mean going green?
Play the song and ask pupils to complete the lyrics and check their
Discuss different actions taken by the children to save the planet and Group work 10 min
choose a golden activity to be done later on.
Have more talk about the three Rs
Time for a game: the chaining game
Generate ideas: write a list of ten words related to pollution in a chain. Group work 6 min
You are leading an environmental campaign give a three-minute speech
to tell people what they should or shouldn’t do to go green. Group work 10 min
Miss Sana Frayjia Lesson plans (9th form)

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