Ug1400 Vitis Embedded en Us 2023.2

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Vitis Unified Software

Platform Documentation

Embedded Software Development

UG1400 (v2023.2) December 13, 2023

AMD Adaptive Computing is creating an environment where

employees, customers, and partners feel welcome and
included. To that end, we’re removing non-inclusive
language from our products and related collateral. We’ve
launched an internal initiative to remove language that could
exclude people or reinforce historical biases, including terms
embedded in our software and IPs. You may still find
examples of non-inclusive language in our older products as
we work to make these changes and align with evolving
industry standards. Follow this link for more information.
Table of Contents
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis.................................................................. 11

Chapter 1: Navigating Content by Design Process............................... 12

Chapter 2: Vitis Software Platform Release Notes............................... 13

What's New........................................................................................................................... 13
Embedded GNU Toolchain Details..................................................................................... 13
Changed Behavior................................................................................................................13
Known Issues........................................................................................................................ 15

Chapter 3: Installation.......................................................................................... 16
Installation Requirements...................................................................................................16
Vitis Software Platform Installation................................................................................... 18

Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform.........26

Vitis Unified Software Platform Overview......................................................................... 26
Migrating from the Classic Vitis IDE to Vitis Unified IDE................................................. 31

Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE............................................................... 34

Chapter 5: Launching the Vitis Unified IDE...............................................35

Vitis Unified IDE Launch Options....................................................................................... 36

Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature........................................ 38

Vitis Component View..........................................................................................................39
Search View........................................................................................................................... 41
Source Control...................................................................................................................... 43
Debug View........................................................................................................................... 46
Example View........................................................................................................................48
Code View and Smart Editor............................................................................................... 49
Preferences........................................................................................................................... 51
Parallel Compiling................................................................................................................ 54

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Chapter 7: Develop.................................................................................................. 55
Managing Platforms and Platform Repositories..............................................................55
Target Platform.................................................................................................................... 56
Applications.......................................................................................................................... 70
Using Custom Libraries in Application Projects............................................................... 80

Chapter 8: Run, Debug, and Optimize.......................................................... 81

Launch Configurations........................................................................................................ 81
Target Connections.............................................................................................................. 85
Running the Application Component................................................................................ 87
Debugging Application Component.................................................................................. 88
Profile/Analyze................................................................................................................... 111
Optimize: Performance Analysis...................................................................................... 114
Creating a Boot Image...................................................................................................... 114
Programming Flash........................................................................................................... 117
Multi-Cable and Multi-Device Support............................................................................ 118

Chapter 9: User Managed Flow...................................................................... 119

Setting User Specified Tool Chain.................................................................................... 122

Chapter 10: Vitis Utilities................................................................................... 123

Software Command-Line Tool.......................................................................................... 123
Program Device.................................................................................................................. 123
Vitis Terminal...................................................................................................................... 124
Project Export and Import................................................................................................ 124
Generating Device Tree..................................................................................................... 124

Section III: Bootgen Tool........................................................................................ 125

Chapter 11: Introduction................................................................................... 126

Installing Bootgen..............................................................................................................126
Boot Time Security............................................................................................................. 127

Chapter 12: Boot Image Layout..................................................................... 128

Zynq 7000 SoC Boot and Configuration.......................................................................... 128
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot and Configuration......................................................... 138
Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Image Format........................................................................ 151

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Chapter 13: Creating Boot Images............................................................... 166
Boot Image Format (BIF)...................................................................................................166
BIF Syntax and Supported File Types.............................................................................. 167
Attributes............................................................................................................................ 172

Chapter 14: Using Bootgen GUI..................................................................... 182

Launch Bootgen GUI .........................................................................................................182
Bootgen GUI for Zynq 7000 and Zynq UltraScale+ Devices.......................................... 183
Using Bootgen GUI Options for Versal Adaptive SoCs.................................................. 184
Using Bootgen on the Command Line............................................................................ 186
Commands and Descriptions........................................................................................... 186

Chapter 15: Boot Time Security......................................................................190

Using Encryption................................................................................................................ 191
Using Authentication......................................................................................................... 203
Versal Authentication Support......................................................................................... 214
Versal Hashing Scheme..................................................................................................... 215
Using HSM Mode................................................................................................................216

Chapter 16: SSIT Support................................................................................... 245

Chapter 17: FPGA Support................................................................................. 257

Encryption and Authentication.........................................................................................257
HSM Mode...........................................................................................................................258
HSM Flow with Both Authentication and Encryption.....................................................261

Chapter 18: Use Cases and Examples..........................................................263

Zynq MPSoC Use Cases..................................................................................................... 263
Versal Adaptive SoC Use Cases.........................................................................................273

Chapter 19: BIF Attribute Reference........................................................... 284

aarch32_mode.................................................................................................................... 284
alignment............................................................................................................................ 288
auth_params....................................................................................................................... 289
authentication.................................................................................................................... 291
bbram_kek_iv...................................................................................................................... 294

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bh_kek_iv............................................................................................................................. 294
bh_key_iv............................................................................................................................. 296
boot_config......................................................................................................................... 299
boot_device......................................................................................................................... 300
bootloader.......................................................................................................................... 304
bootvectors......................................................................................................................... 305
checksum............................................................................................................................ 305
core...................................................................................................................................... 307
delay_auth........................................................................................................................... 308
delay_handoff..................................................................................................................... 308
delay_load........................................................................................................................... 309
destination_cpu.................................................................................................................. 310
destination_device............................................................................................................. 311
early_handoff...................................................................................................................... 311
efuse_kek_iv........................................................................................................................ 312
efuse_user_kek0_iv............................................................................................................. 312
efuse_user_kek1_iv............................................................................................................. 313
encryption........................................................................................................................... 313
exception_level................................................................................................................... 315
familykey............................................................................................................................. 316
fsbl_config........................................................................................................................... 317
image................................................................................................................................... 322
imagestore.......................................................................................................................... 322
init........................................................................................................................................ 323
keysrc................................................................................................................................... 324
load...................................................................................................................................... 326
metaheader........................................................................................................................ 327
name.................................................................................................................................... 328

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 5
overlay_cdo......................................................................................................................... 330
parent_id............................................................................................................................. 330
partition_owner, owner..................................................................................................... 332
pid........................................................................................................................................ 333
pmufw_image..................................................................................................................... 333
ppkfile.................................................................................................................................. 334
pskfile.................................................................................................................................. 336
puf_file................................................................................................................................. 337
spkfile.................................................................................................................................. 340
spksignature....................................................................................................................... 341
spk_select............................................................................................................................ 342
sskfile................................................................................................................................... 344
startup................................................................................................................................. 345
trustzone............................................................................................................................. 346
type...................................................................................................................................... 347
udf_bh.................................................................................................................................. 347
userkeys.............................................................................................................................. 349
xip_mode............................................................................................................................. 351

Chapter 20: Command Reference................................................................. 352

arch...................................................................................................................................... 352
bif_help................................................................................................................................ 353
dump................................................................................................................................... 355
dump_dir............................................................................................................................. 355
efuseppkbits....................................................................................................................... 356
encryption_dump............................................................................................................... 357
generate_hashes................................................................................................................ 358

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h, help.................................................................................................................................. 360
image................................................................................................................................... 360
log........................................................................................................................................ 361
nonbooting......................................................................................................................... 361
process_bitstream.............................................................................................................. 363
read...................................................................................................................................... 364
spksignature....................................................................................................................... 365
verify.................................................................................................................................... 366
verify_kdf............................................................................................................................. 366
w........................................................................................................................................... 367
zynqmpes1.......................................................................................................................... 367
Initialization Pairs and INT File Attribute........................................................................ 367

Chapter 21: CDO Utility....................................................................................... 369

Usage................................................................................................................................... 369
Examples............................................................................................................................. 370

Chapter 22: Design Advisories for Bootgen............................................ 372

Section IV: Vitis Python CLI................................................................................... 373

Chapter 23: Python Vitis Commands.......................................................... 374

Chapter 24: Python XSDB Commands.........................................................375

Chapter 25: Python XSDB Usage Examples............................................. 376

Section V: Software Command-Line Tool...................................................... 389

Chapter 26: Software Command-Line Tool.............................................. 390

Chapter 27: XSCT Commands.......................................................................... 392

Target Connection Management..................................................................................... 392

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 7
Target Registers................................................................................................................. 396
Program Execution............................................................................................................ 397
Target Memory................................................................................................................... 411
Target Download FPGA/BINARY.......................................................................................418
Target Reset........................................................................................................................ 421
IPI commands to Versal PMC........................................................................................... 422
Target Breakpoints/Watchpoints..................................................................................... 425
Jtag UART.............................................................................................................................431
Miscellaneous..................................................................................................................... 433
JTAG Access......................................................................................................................... 441
Target File System.............................................................................................................. 450
SVF Operations................................................................................................................... 457
Device Configuration System........................................................................................... 462
STAPL Operations...............................................................................................................464
Vitis Projects........................................................................................................................468

Chapter 28: XSCT Use Cases..............................................................................521

Common Use Cases........................................................................................................... 521
Changing Compiler Options of an Application Project................................................. 522
Creating an Application Project Using an Application Template (Zynq UltraScale+
MPSoC FSBL).................................................................................................................. 522
Creating an FSBL Application Project Using Manually Created Domain (Zynq
UltraScale+ MPSoC FSBL)..............................................................................................523
Creating a Bootable Image and Program the Flash...................................................... 523
Debugging a Program Already Running on the Target................................................ 524
Debugging Applications on Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC...................................................525
Selecting Target Based on Target Properties................................................................. 528
Memory and Register accesses from XSCT.....................................................................528
Modifying BSP Settings..................................................................................................... 532
Performing Standalone Application Debug....................................................................532
Generating SVF Files.......................................................................................................... 535
Program U-BOOT over JTAG..............................................................................................536
Running an Application in Non-Interactive Mode......................................................... 536
Running Tcl Scripts.............................................................................................................537
Switching Between XSCT and Vitis Integrated Design Environment...........................538
Using JTAG UART................................................................................................................ 538
Working with Libraries...................................................................................................... 539
Editing FSBL/PMUFW Source File..................................................................................... 540

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Editing FSBL/PMUFW Settings..........................................................................................540
Exchanging Files between Host Machine and Linux Running on QEMU.................... 541
Loading U-Boot over JTAG.................................................................................................541

Chapter 29: Hardware Software Interface (HSI) Commands........ 544

XSCT Interface Examples...................................................................................................544
Microprocessor Software Specification (MSS)................................................................ 558
Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD)........................................................................565
Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD)........................................................................ 577
Microprocessor Application Definition (MAD)................................................................589
HSI Commands...................................................................................................................592

Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools.......................................................................... 626

Chapter 30: Overview.......................................................................................... 627

Chapter 31: Compiler Framework.................................................................628

Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options........................... 630

Usage................................................................................................................................... 630
Input Files............................................................................................................................630
Output Files.........................................................................................................................631
File Types and Extensions................................................................................................. 631
Language Dialect............................................................................................................... 632
Commonly Used Compiler Options: Quick Reference...................................................633
General Options................................................................................................................. 634
Library Search Options...................................................................................................... 636
Header File Search Option................................................................................................ 636
Default Search Paths......................................................................................................... 636
Linker Options.................................................................................................................... 637
Memory Layout.................................................................................................................. 638
Object-File Sections............................................................................................................639
Linker Scripts...................................................................................................................... 642

Chapter 33: MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options...................... 644

MicroBlaze Compiler..........................................................................................................644
Processor Feature Selection Options...............................................................................644
General Program Options................................................................................................. 647

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MicroBlaze Application Binary Interface......................................................................... 649
MicroBlaze Assembler....................................................................................................... 649
MicroBlaze Linker Options................................................................................................ 650
MicroBlaze Linker Script Sections.................................................................................... 651
Tips for Writing or Customizing Linker Scripts...............................................................651
Startup Files........................................................................................................................ 652
Modifying Startup Files......................................................................................................655
Compiler Libraries..............................................................................................................657
Thread Safety......................................................................................................................658
Command Line Arguments...............................................................................................658
Interrupt Handlers............................................................................................................. 658

Chapter 34: Arm Compiler Usage and Options..................................... 660

Usage................................................................................................................................... 660

Chapter 35: Other Notes.................................................................................... 662

C++ Code Size......................................................................................................................662
C++ Standard Library......................................................................................................... 662
Position Independent Code (Relocatable Code)............................................................ 663
Other Switches and Features............................................................................................663

Section VII: Embedded Design Tutorials........................................................664

Section VIII: Drivers and Libraries.................................................................... 665

Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices........................... 666

Finding Additional Documentation.......................................................................................666
Support Resources.................................................................................................................. 667
Revision History....................................................................................................................... 667
Please Read: Important Legal Notices................................................................................. 671

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis

Section I

Getting Started with Vitis

This section provides a brief overview of the AMD Vitis™ unified software platform and
describes the installation requirements and procedures to install and run the tool.

This section contains the following chapters:

• Navigating Content by Design Process

• Vitis Software Platform Release Notes
• Installation
• Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 11
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 1: Navigating Content by Design Process

Chapter 1

Navigating Content by Design

AMD Adaptive Computing documentation is organized around a set of standard design
processes to help you find relevant content for your current development task. You can access
the AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC design processes on the Design Hubs page. You can also use the
Design Flow Assistant to better understand the design flows and find content that is specific to
your intended design needs.

• Embedded Software Development: Creating the software platform from the hardware
platform and developing the application code using the embedded CPU. Also covers XRT and
Graph APIs. Topics in this document that apply to this design process include:

• Creating a Platform Component from XSA

• Customizing a Pre-Built Platform
• Creating an Application Component
• Run, Debug, and Optimize

For other design processes, refer to Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation (UG1416)

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 2: Vitis Software Platform Release Notes

Chapter 2

Vitis Software Platform Release


What's New
For information about what's new in this version of the AMD Vitis™ unified software
development platform, see the Vitis What's New Page.

Embedded GNU Toolchain Details

The following GNU toolchain components are installed with the Vitis unified software platform:

• binutils: 2.39

• gcc: 12.2

• gdb: 12.1

• glibc: 2.36

• newlib: 4.2

Changed Behavior
The following table specifies differences between this release and prior releases that impact
behavior or flow when migrating.

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 2: Vitis Software Platform Release Notes

Table 1: Changed Behavior Summary

Area Behavior
The Vitis Unified IDE is now the default GUI when launching with the vitis command. To
launch the classic Vitis IDE, run vitis --classic.
Vitis IDE
To refer to information about the classic Vitis IDE, visit the 2023.1 or earlier version of the
The --freqhz command has been introduced to replace most other clock management
v++ commands. Use --freqhz to specify clocks for AI Engine components, HLS components, and v+
+ --link commands for System projects, as described in Managing Clock Frequencies.

xparameters.h no longer contains DEVICE_ID definitions. Instead the BASEADDR definition is

used. AMD drivers and libraries handle this change. However, if you have legacy code, you need
Vitis HLS
to be aware of this change. You need to change the way your software application addresses the
hardware module through X<DUT>_Initialize and X<DUT>_LookupConfig driver functions.

The initialization behavior of ap_int/ap_uint/ap_fixed/ap_ufixed is changed to be more

compatible with the C builtin type (int, float...).

ap_int<N> A[N]; // uninitialized, both 23.2 and previous releases

ap_int<N> B[N] = {0}; // With 23.2, the whole array is initialized \

Vitis HLS to zero. With previous releases, only the first element is initialized to
zero, other elements are uninitialized.

ap_int<N> B[N] = { }; // With 23.2, the whole array is initialized \

to zero. With previous releases, it is uninitialized.

The original qdma_axis<w, 0, 0, 0> has been removed from clib and is replaced with:

template <std::size_t WData, std::size_t WUser, std::size_t

Vitis HLS WId, std::size_t WDest>
using qdma_axis = hls::axis<ap_uint<WData>, WUser, WId,

In the 2023.2 release the timing model used by the scheduler was changed so that the HLS
compiler timing predictions more closely match the Vivado Design Suite. This causes the delay
model to be more pessimistic. Major changes include the delay of an AXIS stream interface, and
the use of complex enabling conditions for pipeline control. As a result of these changes it is
expected that both latency and II can change for designs that were passing before this release.
Vitis HLS
If a design was meeting timing in HLS and Vivado before, you can restore the original II and
latency by adding such constraints via pragmas or directives. You can also reduce clock
uncertaintly using the add_clock or set_clock command. With a better HLS timing model,
uncertaintly can be reduced. But II constraints (and latency constraints if needed) are a more
deterministic mechanism to achieve the same goal.
Vitis HLS Assert is now supported.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 14
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 2: Vitis Software Platform Release Notes

Table 1: Changed Behavior Summary (cont'd)

Area Behavior
The SDT (System Device Tree) is a new concept in the Vitis Unified flow. Previously, in the Vitis
Classic flow, the HW metadata was extracted directly from the XSA using the HSI API in an "AD
Hoc" manner as required by Vitis tools, such as extracting processors for platform creation or
extracting IP for BSP creation. In the Vitis Unified flow, the SDT is generated when you generate
the platform. This is used to provide the hardware metadata to Vitis via the Lopper framework.
Lopper is a Python based framework that is used to extract system metadata from the System
Vitis Embedded Device Tree. The Lopper Framework API is not exposed to you via Vitis. Instead, the Vitis Python
Software Development API such as Platform component creation would use the underlying Lopper Framework API. The
Lopper framework is also used to generate the xparameters.h, and the driver initialization
files too.
MLD/MDD MSS filesets are removed and replaced by YAML and CMake filesets.
While xparameters.h is still generated by Lopper Framework, it does not contain DEVICE_ID
definitions. Instead, the BASEADDR definition is used. AMD drivers and libraries handle this
change. However, users with legacy code need to be aware of this change.

Known Issues
Known issues for the Vitis software platform are available on the Vitis 2023 Known Issues web

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 15
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

Chapter 3


Installation Requirements
The AMD Vitis™ unified software platform consists of an integrated design environment (IDE) for
interactive project development, and command-line tools for scripted or manual application

Installer Types
AMD provides two types of installers to support your installation requirements for the Vitis
software platform.

• AMD Unified Installer for FPGAs & Adaptive SoCs

• AMD Vitis Embedded Installer

The AMD Unified Installer contains almost everything. It includes the full featured Vitis software
platform, the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite and PetaLinux. You can choose which components to
install during installation procedure.

The AMD Vitis Embedded Installer contains the tools for embedded development only. It
contains the embedded software development version of Vitis Unified IDE and the utilities like
XSCT and program_flash.

To develop an embedded software with Vitis software platform, you can download AMD Unified
Installer for FPGAs & Adaptive SoCs or AMD Vitis Embedded Installer.

Vitis Unified Installer provides the following installation options:

• Run Vitis Embedded Installer only

• Install Vitis Embedded as an optional component during Vivado installation.

For each installer, AMD might provide different types of packages.

• The web installer only downloads essential components according to your installation
requirements to speed up the download process.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 16
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

• The Single File Download (SFD) provides a self-contained package for AMD components.
Network downloading is not required during the installation process.

Note: You might still need network to upgrade system library to fulfill the installation requirements.

Requirements and Setup

Supported Operating System

Table 2: Embedded Software Development Flow Minimum System Requirements


Component Development
(Build Machine OS)

Operating system Linux, 64-bit:

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4-7.7, 7.9: 64-bit

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5-8.8, 9.0-9.2: 64-bit (Not supported for PetaLinux)

• CentOS Linux 7.4-7.7, 7.9: 64-bit

• Ubuntu Linux 18.04.1-18.04.6, 20.04.2-20.04.6, 22.04-22.04.2 LTS: 64-bit.

Additional library installation required.


• Amazon Linux 2 AL2 LTS: 64-bit (Not supported for PetaLinux)

• SUSE Enterprise Linux 12.5, 15.3, 15.4: 64-bit (Not supported for PetaLinux)

Windows, 64-bit:

• Windows 10: 21H2, 22H2

• Windows 11: 21H2, 22H2

System memory 32 GB (64 GB is recommended)

Internet connection Required for downloading drivers and utilities.
Hard disk space
• Full Vitis installation: 200GB

• Vitis Embedded Development: 20GB

Operating Systems End-of-Life Notification

This release, 2023.2, is the last release that supports the following operating systems:

Note: This release, 2023.2, is the last release that Embedded Software Development supports the following
operating systems:

• Windows 10.0 21H2

• Windows 11.0 21H2

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 17
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

• Ubuntu 18.04.1-18.04.6 LTS

• Ubuntu1 20.04.2 LTS, 20.04.3 LTS

Required Libraries
You might need to install dependent libraries for certain Linux operating systems. The installation
process might fail in case of missing libraries. In case of an error during the installation process,
check xinstall.log file for more information.

Download the Installation File

For more information, refer to Download Verification.

Vitis Software Platform Installation

Installing the Vitis Software Platform
Ensure your system meets all requirements described in Installation Requirements.

TIP: To reduce installation time, disable anti-virus software and close all open programs that are not

1. Go to the AMD Adaptive Computing Downloads Website.

2. Download the installer for your operating system.
3. Run the installer, xsetup, or xsetup.exe, which opens the Welcome page. Extract the installer
4. Click Next to open the Select Install Type page of the Installer.
5. If installing with the web installer, enter your AMD user account credentials, and select
Download and Install Now (only needed by web installer).
6. Click Next to open the Accept License Agreements page of the Installer.
7. Accept the terms and conditions by clicking each I Agree check box.
8. Click Next to open the Select Product to Install page of the Installer.
9. Select Vitis and click Next to open the Vitis Unified Software Platform page of the Installer.
10. Customize your installation by selecting design tools and devices (optional).
The default Design Tools selections are for standard Vitis Unified Software Platform
installations, and include Vitis, Vivado, and Vitis HLS. You do not need to separately install
Vivado tools. You can also install Model Composer and System Generator if needed.

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

You can enable Vitis IP Cache to install cache files for example designs found in the release.
This is not required, but when selected, the files are installed at <installdir>/Vitis/
The default Devices selections are for devices used on standard acceleration platforms
supported by the Vitis tools. You can disable some devices that might not be of interest in
your installation.
11. Click Next to open the Accept License Agreements page of the Installer and accept as
12. Click Next to open the Select Destination Directory page of the Installer.
13. Specify the installation directory, review the location summary, review the disk space
required to insure there is enough space, and click Next to open the Installation Summary
page of the Installer.
14. Click Install to begin the installation of the software.

After a successful installation of the full Vitis unified software, a confirmation message is
displayed, with a prompt to run the script.

1. Locate the script at: <install_dir>/Vitis/<release>/scripts/,

where <install_dir> is the location of your installation, and <release> is the
installation version.
Note: This script is not required on Windows.

2. Run the script using sudo privileges as follows:


The command installs a number of necessary packages for the Vitis tools based on the OS of
your system.

IMPORTANT! Pay attention to any messages returned by the script. You might need to install any missing
packages manually. For example, if your installation of Linux does not include the zip command-line utility,
you need to manually install it. The utility is required by some of the Vitis tools and the script does not install it for you.

Lightweight Installer Download

If you downloaded the lightweight installer, launch the downloaded file. You are prompted to log
in and use your regular AMD login credentials to continue with the installation process.

Note: On Linux the file is a .bin file and can be launched by running ./<name of the file>.bin.
Ensure that you have changed the file permissions to execute.

After entering your login credentials, you can select between a traditional web-based installation
or a full install image download.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 19
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

• Download and Install Now: Allows you to select specific tools and device families on following
screens, downloads only the files required to install those selections, and installs them for you.

• Download Image (Install Separately): Requires you to select a download destination and to
choose whether you want a Windows only, Linux only, or an install that supports both
operating systems. You also have an option to either download the full installer or download
only selected products. There are no further options to choose with the Full Image selection,
and installation needs to be done separately by running the xsetup application from the
download directory.

Figure 1: AMD Unified Installer for FPGAs & Adaptive SoCs - Select Install Type

Prepare to Install the Tool

For more information on this, refer to Prepare to Install the Tool.

Run the Installation File

1. Run the installer, xsetup for Linux, or xsetup.exe for Windows, which opens the
Welcome page.
2. Click Next to open the Select Install Type page of the Installer.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 20
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

3. If installing with the web installer, enter your AMD user account credentials, and select
Download and Install Now (only needed by web installer).
4. Click Next to open the Accept License Agreements page of the Installer.
5. Accept the terms and conditions by clicking each I Agree check box.
6. Click Next to open the Select Product to Install page of the Installer.
7. Select product to install
a. Option 1: To install Vitis Embedded, select Vitis Embedded Development.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 21
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

b. Option 2: To install Vivado and Vitis Embedded, select Vivado, and enable the Vitis
Embedded Installer option.

i. Select Vivado ML Standard or Vivado ML Enterprise according to your license type.

ii. Enable Vitis Embedded Development.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 22
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

c. Option 3: To install the full featured Vitis Software Platform, select Vitis.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 23
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

8. Click Next.
9. Click Next to open the Accept License Agreements page of the installer and accept as
10. Click Next to open the Select Destination Directory page of Installer.
11. Specify the installation directory, review the location summary, review the disk space
required to ensure there is enough space, and click Next to open the Installation Summary
page of the Installer.
12. Click Install to begin the installation of the software.

After a successful installation of the Vitis Software, a confirmation message is displayed, with a
prompt to run the script.

1. Locate the script at: <install_dir>Vitis/<release>/scripts/,

where <install_dir> is the location of your installation, and <release> is the
installation version.
Note: This script is not required on Windows.

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 3: Installation

2. Run the script using sudo privileges as follows:

sudo ./

The command installs a number of necessary package for the Vitis tools based on the OS of
your system.

IMPORTANT! Pay attention to any messages returned by the script. You might need to install any missing
packages manually. For example, if installation of Linux does not include the zip command-line utility, you
need to manually install it. The utility is required by some of the Vitis tools and the script does
not install it for you.

Note: For more information about the AMD Unified Installer, refer to Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973).

Setting Up the Environment to Run the Vitis

Software Platform

To configure the environment to run the Vitis software platform, run the following script in a
command shell to set up the tools to run in that shell:

#setup XILINX_VITIS and XILINX_VIVADO variables

source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.2/

TIP: .csh scripts are also provided.

This sets up the tools for the Vitis embedded software development flow.

To run Vitis, type vitis and press enter in the Console.

If you have created a shortcut on your desktop, you can also double the shortcut to launch Vitis
unified IDE.


To launch the Vitis software platform from Windows, do one of the following:

• Launch from a desktop button or Start menu command.

• From a Windows command shell, use settings64.bat:
C:> <VITIS_INSTALL_DIR>\VITIS\2023.2\settings64.bat

And launch: vitis.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 25
Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

Chapter 4

Getting Started with the Vitis

Software Platform

Vitis Unified Software Platform Overview

The AMD Vitis™ unified software platform combines all aspects of AMD software development
into one unified environment. The Vitis software platform supports both the Vitis embedded
software development flow and the Vitis application acceleration development flow, for software
developers looking to use the latest in AMD FPGA-based software acceleration. This document
discusses the embedded software development flow and use of Vitis core development kit.

The Vitis unified software platform contains many tools and utilities to support embedded
software development as backend. It provides the Vitis unified integrated design environment
(IDE) as the front end GUI to support embedded software developers work efficiently when
developing software applications towards AMD embedded processors. The Vitis unified IDE
works with hardware designs created with AMD Vivado™ Design Suite.

The Vitis unified IDE is a GUI refresh against the classic Eclipse based Vitis IDE. It adopts latest
technology from Eclipse Foundation and uses Eclipse Theia as its base framework. The new
framework enables faster GUI response, rich open-source community driven plugins and flexible

The Vitis unified IDE provides the following features for embedded software development:

• Creating platforms from AMD Vivado™ generated hardware designs and generating BSP for
software development
• Creating applications from example designs or empty template
• Configuring and building the platforms and applications
• Running, debugging, or profiling the applications on hardware
• Managing multiple local or remote hardware connections with the Target Connection
• Rich device and processor support, from MicroBlaze™, Zynq 7000, Zynq AMD UltraScale+™
MPSoC to AMD Versal™
• Creating boot images

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

• Configuring devices
• Programming Flash
• Managing projects by IDE and run actions according to component type
• Managing projects by user scripts and using IDE to assist debugging procedure
• Source code version control with integrated git
• All actions are supported in both GUI and command line interface (CLI)

The full Vitis installation includes both, the new IDE and classic IDE. You can launch the classic
IDE with command `Vitis --classic`. A project migration utility is added to the classic Vitis IDE
that allows you to migrate the classic Vitis IDE workspace to the new Vitis unified IDE.

Vitis Software Development Workflow

The following figure shows the embedded software application development workflow for the
Vitis unified software platform.

Figure 2: Embedded Software Application Development Workflow

Export Import Domain Application Application System Boot Image

Hardware Hardware
from Vivado Creation Creation Debugging Debugging Generation
Spec to Vitis

Platform System
XSA Domain App App BOOT
Project Project

• Hardware engineers design the logic and export information required by software
development from the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite to an XSA archive file.
• Software developers import XSA into the Vitis software platform by creating a platform.
Platform was heavily used by application acceleration projects. To unify the Vitis workspace
architecture for all kinds of applications, software development projects now migrate to
platform and application architecture. A platform includes hardware specification and
software environment settings.
• The software environment settings are called domains, which are also a part of a platform.
• Software developers create applications based on the platform and domains.

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Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

• Applications can be debugged in the Vitis IDE.

• In a complex system, several applications run at the same time and communicate with each
other. So the system level verification needs to be done as well.
• After everything is ready, the Vitis IDE can help to create boot images which initialize the
system and launch applications.

Workspace Structure in the Vitis Software Platform

There are two project types in Vitis unified workspace:

Figure 3: Vitis Software Platform Project Types

• Workspace: When you open the Vitis unified software platform, you create a workspace. A
workspace is a directory location used by the Vitis unified software platform to store project
data and metadata. An initial workspace location must be provided when the Vitis software
platform is launched.

• XSA: XSAs are exported from the Vivado Design Suite. It has the hardware specifications like
processor configuration properties, peripheral connection information, address map, and
device initialization code. You have to provide the XSA when creating a platform project.

• Platform: The target platform or platform is a combination of hardware components (XSA) and
software components (domains/BSPs, boot components such as FSBL, and so on). Platforms in
the repository are not editable. Platforms in the workspace are editable, and are referred to as
platform components.

• Platform Component: A platform component is a project in Vitis Unified IDE to define a


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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

• Domain: A domain is a board support package (BSP) or the operating system (OS) with a
collection of software drivers on which to build your application. The created software image
contains only the portions of the AMD library you use in your embedded design. You can
create multiple applications to run on the domain. A domain is tied to a single processor or a
cluster of isomorphic processors (for example: A53_0 or A53) in the platform.

• System Project : A system project groups together applications that run simultaneously on a
device. Two standalone applications for the same processor cannot sit together in a system
project. Two Linux applications can sit together in a system project. A workspace can contain
multiple system projects.

• Application (Software Project): A software project contains one or more source files, along
with the necessary header files, to allow compilation and generation of a binary output (ELF)
file. A system project can contain multiple application projects. Each software project must
have a corresponding domain.

The Vitis platform has different configurations to support different use cases, outlined as follows:

• Embedded: Embedded platforms are fixed platforms. This platform only supports embedded
software development for Arm® processors and MicroBlaze™ processors. The hardware
design are not be modified by Vitis.

• Embedded Acceleration: Besides embedded software development, application acceleration is

also supported on this type of platform. The platform provides clocks, bus interfaces, and
interrupt controllers for the acceleration kernel to use.

• Data Center Acceleration: Acceleration kernels and x86 host applications can be developed
on this platform. The kernel is controlled using a PCIe® bus.

Note: Vitis can extend the hardware design of extensible platforms, adding acceleration kernels (PL or
AI Engine) to the original hardware design in the platform. It can also be used for software

The following is an example of a typical Vitis software development workspace for AMD Zynq™
UltraScale+™ MPSoC.

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

Figure 4: Vitis Software Development Workspace Example for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC

• Linux domains can be created for Arm® Cortex®-A53 SMP clusters. Linux applications can be
compiled and linked against the libraries provided by the sysroot of the Linux domain.
• Arm Cortex-A53 core 0 and Arm Cortex®-R5F core 0 can run hello world application at the
same time, these two applications can be grouped into one system project.
• The bare metal build-in-self-test application on Arm Cortex-A53 core 0 can work in its own
system project and have its own BSP settings.
• These system project is to manage multiple application components. Adding multiple
application components in one system project means these applications would run at the
same time. System project is not required if only one application runs at one time.
• Boot components such as FSBL and PMU firmware can be created in platform projects
automatically. Boot components have their own BSP settings.

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

Migrating from the Classic Vitis IDE to Vitis

Unified IDE
The Vitis Unified IDE workspace is designed to ensure version control optimization. Hence, the
workspace and project metadata is incompatible with classic IDE. To facilitate the migration of
projects, a new action is added to the classic IDE under Vitis → Export Workspace to Unified

The tool launches a dialog with a list of all identified projects. All the projects have an associated
status with them to inform you if the projects can be exported.

Execute the following steps to migrate a classic Vitis IDE project to Unified Vitis IDE.

1. Open the workspace with Classic Vitis IDE.

2. Select Vitis → Export Worksapce to Unified IDE. Once you choose this, a dialog box appears.

3. In the dialog setup page, specify the migration target workspace location.

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

4. Click Finish. A migration script is generated in the specified location.

5. Open a terminal with Vitis environment settings, type the following command and hit enter.
vitis -s

Vitis would run the migration script. The running process takes some time. Once completed,
you can see the migrated components and projects in this workspace directory. All the
project resources are copied to the new location.

Table 3: Supported Projects and Limitations

Project type Limitation Workaround

Platform Local changes to BSP sources are not Copy the sources to the new BSP
be migrated to the new workspace. A manually.
new BSP is created, and the settings
are applied on the new BSP.
Any embedded software repositories All software repositories need to be
added to Vitis IDE cannot be migrated. migrated to lopper first. The path to
A warning is shown in the wizard if you the migrated repository can be added
have any local sw repos. to the migration script (refer below
screenshot for an example) to migrate
the projects.
IP drivers included in XSAs which were Need to regenerate the XSA with 2023.2
created with 2023.1 or older releases release.
will encounter compilation errors.

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Section I: Getting Started with Vitis
Chapter 4: Getting Started with the Vitis Software Platform

Table 3: Supported Projects and Limitations (cont'd)

Project type Limitation Workaround

Embedded Application Applications referring to platforms that Migrate the platform first and update
are outside the current workspace the application to use the new platform
cannot be migrated. before migrating the application.
If your application relies on the device Refer to Standalone Application
ID, some modifications might be Component Migration Details
required in the application source
code. This is because the Device ID in
the xparameter.h file has is
deprecated. For more details, refer to:
Porting Guide for embeddedsw
Components System Device Tree Based
Build Flow (UG1647).
Debug Configurations cannot be taken Create launch configuration in Vitis
over to Unified IDE Unified IDE

Note: If you wish to continue using the classic Vitis IDE, you can launch the classic Vitis IDE with the
following command

vitis --classic

Note: To use classic Vitis IDE, install the full Vitis Software Platform.

For more information on Vitis Unified IDE, refer to Launching the Vitis Unified IDE and Vitis
Unified IDE View and Feature.

Standalone Application Component Migration

The base address of peripheral IP is used for all driver APIs instead of the DeviceID because
using base address is an industry standard method to control the hardware. Because DeviceID is
not generated in xparameters.h any more, compiling a migrated application directly might result
compilation errors. If your application relies on DeviceID for IP driver initialization, refer to AR:
Standalone Application Migration Details.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 33
Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE

Section II

Using the Vitis Unified IDE

This section describes how to use the AMD Vitis™ Unified integrated design environment (IDE)
to develop, run, debug, and optimize platforms and applications. The options in each view of the
IDE are also explained. It also contains information about Vitis Utilities.

This section contains the following chapters:

• Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

• Develop
• Run, Debug, and Optimize
• Vitis Utilities

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 5: Launching the Vitis Unified IDE

Chapter 5

Launching the Vitis Unified IDE

This section explains the steps to launch the Vitis Unified IDE.

1. Use the following command to load the Vitis software platform environment.
source <Vitis_Installation_Directory>/

2. Use the following command to launch the Vitis Unified IDE.

vitis -w <workspace>

where <workspace> indicates a folder to hold all of the contents of your design project.
The workspace is used to group together the source and data files that make up a design, or
multiple designs, and stores the configuration of the tool for that workspace.

For other supported launch modes, see Vitis Unified IDE Launch Options.

Note: Before launching the AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE, you can set up other environmental settings to ensure
that the tool can pick up these settings. For example, you can set up Xilinx Runtime (XRT) for building and
running data center acceleration applications:

source <XRT_Install_Path>/

You can set up the platform repository path with the following example:

export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=<platform_path>

The vitis command launches the Vitis Unified IDE with your defined options. It provides
options for specifying the workspace and options of the project. The following sections describe
the vitis command options.

The following screen is displayed when the Vitis Unified IDE is launched.

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Chapter 5: Launching the Vitis Unified IDE

Figure 5: Vitis Unified IDE Welcome Screen

Vitis Unified IDE Launch Options

Launch Options

The Vitis Unified IDE supports the following modes:

• GUI Mode: By default, Vitis Unified IDE launches in GUI mode with a graphical interface.
Optionally, you can use the argument -w to specify the workspace to open.

vitis -w <workspace>

• Analysis Mode: Analysis mode launches the tool directly into the Analysis View (Vitis
Analyzer) letting you review the summary reports generated during the build, run, and debug

vitis -a

• Interactive Mode: Interactive mode lets you enter commands through the interactive Python
shell, outside of the GUI, as described in Vitis Interactive Python Shell.

vitis -i

Note: Type help() from the interactive command prompt to explore the available command modules.

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Chapter 5: Launching the Vitis Unified IDE

• Batch Mode: Batch mode executes the specified Python script and exits.

vitis -s <script>.py

• Jupyter Notebook Mode: Launches Jupyter Notebook server with the Vitis environment and
the front end UI in your default web browser.

vitis -j

You can use vitis_server command line interface in this environment as described in Vitis
Interactive Python Shell.

You can use -h to print the supported options of vitis.

vitis -h

Syntax: vitis [--classic | -a | -w | -i | -s | -h | -v]

Launches New Vitis IDE (default option).
Launch classic Vitis IDE.
-a/--analyze [<summary file | folder | waveform file: *.[wdb|wcfg]>]
Open the summary file in the Analysis view.
Opening a folder opens the summary files found in the folder.
Open the waveform file in a waveform view tab.
If no file or folder is specified, opens the Analysis view.
-w/--workspace <workspace_location>
Launches Vitis IDE with the given workspace location.
Launches Vitis python interactive shell.
-s/--source <python_script>
Runs the given python script.
Launches Vitis Jupyter Web UI.
Display help message.
Display Vitis version.

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

Chapter 6

Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

Figure 6: Vitis Unified IDE

1. The Toolbar menu at the left of the screen provides easy access to major features of the tool:
the Vitis Component Explorer, the Search function, Source Control, the Debug view,
Examples, and the Analysis view.
2. The Vitis Component Explorer can be used to view a virtual hierarchy of the workspace. The
view displays a workspace that is structured to help you understand the different elements of
the component or project, for example a Sources and Outputs folder that does not exist on
3. The Central Editor window is used for editing components, configurations, and source files.
4. The Flow Navigator displays the design flow for the active component. Different components
has different work flows, and the work flow of the active component is displayed in the Flow
Navigator. You can specify the active component by selecting it in the Flow Navigator, or
selecting it in the Component Explorer.

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

5. The Console/Terminal area displays the output transcripts of the tool, and other windows
such as the Terminal window and the Pipeline view are also located here. The terminal
window displays the folders of the workspace and can be used to run scripts on the content.
6. The Index displays a list of transcripts of the various build steps ran during the session and
allows you to reopen a process transcript that was closed earlier.

Vitis Component View

Figure 7: Vitis Component Explorer

You can use the Component Explorer to perform the following actions:

• Via the toolbar menu:

• You can create a New Component.

• You can select Filter Components to hide or show the components of interest.

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

• You can refresh the Component Explorer.

• You can Collapse All to minimize the displayed content of the components and projects.

• Via selecting a component or project and using the right-click menu:

• You can select Open in Terminal to open a terminal window and changes directory to inside
the component.
• You can select Show in Flow Navigator and click the component to show it in the Flow
• You can select Delete to remove the component or project from the workspace.
• You can select Clone Component to create a new component from an existing component.
This is useful for design exploration where you preserve the original component as your
baseline, and use the cloned component for design exploration. This command does not
support System projects.
• You can Reset Linker Script to generate a linker script for a standalone application

• Via right-clicking the Sources folder of a component or project:

• You can select New File to create a new file in the component or project.
• You can select New Folder to create a new folder in the component or project.
• You can select Open in Terminal to open a terminal window and changes directory to inside
the component.
• You can select Paste to take a copied item and paste it into the component or project. This
creates an actual copy of the previously selected and copied item.

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

• You can select Import → Files to import files into the component or project.
• You can select Import → Folders to import a folder into the component or project.
• You can select Add Source File or create a New Source File.

• Via right-clicking an object in the component or project hierarchy:

• You can select Copy to copy the current object. This action can be used along with Paste to
copy an object from one component or project to another.
• You can select Copy Path to copy the absolute path of the object. The path can be pasted
into the Terminal view of a configuration file.
• You can select Copy Relative Path to copy the path of the object relative to the current
workspace. The path can be pasted into the Terminal view of a configuration file.
• You can select Delete to remove the object from the workspace.

Flow window is a part of Vitis Component View. You need to add a small section to introduce

The Flow window is at the bottom part of the Vitis Components View. When you select a
component, the Flow window actively displays the range of actions you can perform on that
component, including options like build, debug, and so on.

Search View
The search view can be used to find and replace text globally within the current workspace. The
search result includes text files in the workspace including source files, configuration files, and log
files. The search is performed inside files. File names are not part of the search.

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

Figure 8: Search View

As shown in the image above, some of the features of the Search view include the following:

• Match Case: Match the case of the provided search string

• Match Whole Word: Match only whole words

• Use Regular Expression: Use regular expressions to define the search

• Include Ignored Files: Restores ignored files to the search list

• Replace All: When replace is enabled, replace all search results

• Toggle Search Details: Expands the Search view to add Files to Include and Files to Exclude

• Files to include: Specify a list of files to restrict your search. The listed files can include
wildcards, and each entry must be separated by a comma. For example, the following includes
(or excludes) the AIECompiler.log file and all files with summary in the name:

AIECompiler.log, *summary*

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

• Files to exclude: Specify a list of files to restrict your search. See above for example.

• Clear Search Results: Clears the search string and search results

TIP: Be careful when using the Replace function, as it can introduce errors into your designs.

Source Control
Source Control or Version Control technique is widely used in software development flow. This
chapter describes how to use the Git integration in Vitis unified IDE .

Source Control

To enable the Source Control view you must initialize your empty workspace as a git repository.
After creating an empty workspace, and launching the Vitis Unified IDE to open the workspace,
you can add it to your git repository using the following steps:

1. From the Terminal menu, select New Terminal. The terminal is opened by default to the
folder that is your workspace.
2. In the Terminal window, type in the command git init and press Enter.

You should see a message such as: Initialized empty Git repository in /tests/temp/workVADD/.git/.

IMPORTANT! Using the Source Control view with Git requires you to have a User ID and Password
established, and provided to the system.

After you create a new component or project in the workspace, Vitis Unified IDE generates
a .gitignore file. The .gitignore file can help you filter out the generated files so that it is
easier to pick the files for source control. You can open the .gitignore file and edit this file if
you have additional requirements.

The Source Control view is a GUI helper for Git. You can use Git commands and the source
control view simultaneously for your project. Updates in the command line show up in the source
control view and vice versa.

Add New File for Source Control

To add a file for source control, you can do the following:

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

Right click the file you want to add and select + Stage Changes

This GUI is equivalent to the following git command.

git add <file name>

Commit the Changes

To commit the change, you can do either of the following:

Input the commit message and Press Ctrl + Enter after you select the git view.

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Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

This GUI is equivalent to the following git command:

git commit -m <commit message>

Push the Project to the Remote Repository

To push to your remote repository, you can do either of the following:

git push --set-upstream origin master

• origin: this is the remote repo address

• master: this is the branch of your local workspace coed version.
git push https://your_repo/vitis_project master

Note: The first time you execute git init, it will automatically create a branch named master. You can
use git branch <branch name> to create a new branch.

You can find your local project is in the remote repository.

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

Debug View
The Vitis IDE debug environment has many features found in traditional GUI-based debug
environments, such as GDB. You can add break points to the code, step over or step into specific
lines of codes, loops, or functions, and examine the state of variables and force them to specific
values. The Debug view contains several windows or views as shown in the following figure.

Figure 9: Debug View

• Control Panel: The Debug view's Control Panel is displayed in the upper-left corner of the
screen as shown in the image below. During debugging, you can use the control buttons such
as Continue, Step Over, Step Into, Step Out, Restart, and Stop to control the debugging

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

Figure 10: Debug Control Panel

• Threads: Threads shows the related debugging threads. Threads are created and destroyed
during the debugging process. You can switch between multiple threads.

• Call Stack: Call Stack shows the function call stack being updated as the application is run.

• Variables: Variables shows the current value of global and local variables. When switching
threads, the variable information is updated.

• Watch: Watch shows variables and expressions you have specified to watch. To add watch
points select Add Expression (+).

• Breakpoints:

Vitis IDE sets break points at the main function of the host component and at the top
function of the PL kernels if they can be debugged. To add breakpoints, you can open the
source file and click the left side of the line number when a red dot appears. You can remove
breakpoints by clicking on a previously added breakpoint.

You can add conditional breakpoints by right-clicking when the red dot appears and select
Add Conditional Breakpoint. You can also right-click and select Add Logpoint to insert a
message to be logged when the breakpoint is reached.

• Source Code Editor: The Source Code view is opened when Debug is launched from the Flow
Navigator or Launch Configuration view.

• Memory Inspector: You can manually open the Memory Inspector as described in Viewing
Memory. The Memory Inspector displays the content of specific memory addresses.

• Register Inspector: You can manually open the Register Inspector as described in Viewing
Memory. The Viewing Registers shows the registers of the Cortex-A72 when a breakpoint is
triggered in the Application Component source code, and the AI Engine when a breakpoint is
triggered in the AI Engine kernel.

• Disassembly View: You can open the Disassembly view from the Source Code window right-
click menu.

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

• Debug Console: Displays the transcript of the debug process, and any messages received from
the tested application.

Example View
You can access the Examples View from the left side panel or from View → Examples, or by using
Ctrl + Shift + R shortcut keys. In this view, you can create example System projects to explore the
tool, and manage example repositories.

Figure 11: Examples View

To use an example, select it from the Examples view and a template will open to let you create a
new application component. Click Show Details to display the supported OS and processor for
this application.

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Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE
Chapter 6: Vitis Unified IDE View and Feature

Figure 12: Example View Supported Devices

Code View and Smart Editor

The Source Code editor in the Vitis Unified IDE supports the following features:

• Syntax highlight for C, C++, Python, Makefile, CMakeList.txt file

• Hint for variable names, function names, etc
• Jump to the definition of variables or functions
• Peek the definition of variables or functions so that you need not leave the editing file
• Report the references of variables and function

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You can open the outline window by selecting the button on the right, or selecting the
Outline View from the View menu. The Outline window can list the function names in your
source code.

The smart editor for launch.json files and build.json files can switch views between GUI
rendering, Text rendering and Text Editor view with the table button and code button . The
GUI rendering only displays the options that it can recognize for the context. For advanced use
cases, you need to edit the configuration file manually. The modifications in one view updates
the other view instantly. The following figures are GUI format and text format.

Figure 13: GUI Format

Figure 14: Text Format

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The changes are saved automatically when Auto Save is enabled. Optionally, you can manually
save changes in a file with keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S.

The File → Preferences menu leads to a variety of user preferences that can be set and
maintained to configure the Vitis Unified IDE. The following are items that are associated with
the Preferences menu and command.

Additionally, From button below could also go to Preference.

• Auto Save: The Auto Save command on the File menu is enabled by default to allow the tool
to save your changes to configuration files, source code, CMakeLists.txt files and more.
Auto Save triggers and Auto Save Delay values can be defined from the Preferences page.

• Color Themes: Specify a Light Theme or a Dark Theme for the Vitis Unified IDE according to
your preferences, or available lighting.

• Open Settings (UI): Displays the Preferences view, which has a number of settings as indicated
by a Table-of-Contents on the left hand side, and a series of options available for you to
configure the tool on the right-hand side. The Preferences page presents a wide array of
options to configure your design environment, starting with general options like font styles
and sizes to configure the environment to your tastes and needs.

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Figure 15: Common Preferences

• Open Keyboard Shortcuts: Define new keyboard shortcuts for the various commands of the
tool, as described in Keyboard Shortcuts, Command Palette, and Quick Find.

• File Icon Theme: Specify a file icon theme to be used in your environment.

Note: You can press Ctrl + + to zoom into the display, or press Ctrl - - to zoom out the display.

Keyboard Shortcuts, Command Palette, and Quick

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can review and edit keyboard shortcuts from File → Preferences → Open Keyboard
Shortcuts, or using the shortcut key Alt + Ctrl + Comma. For example:

1. Use Alt + Ctrl + Comma shortcut to open the Keyboard Shortcuts window.
2. Type build in the search bar. Matching keyboard shortcuts are displayed.
3. The Build: Hardware key-binding is Alt+Shift+BH.

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4. To edit the keyboard shortcut for build hardware, hover over the line of Build: Hardware, click
the Edit Keybinding icon on the left and input your preferred key-binding in the pop-up

Command Palette

The command palette lets you quickly find and execute commands without remembering the
keyboard shortcuts or menu location. For example, to run build hardware with the command
palette, do the following:

1. Select your component or project in the workspace.

2. Type Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette menu.
3. Type in the keyword build or run or debug for example, and the Command Palette filters
the list of command names until it includes only those commands that match your text entry.
4. Use the mouse, or the up or down arrow keys to scroll through the selection of commands
and select the command you want to execute.
5. Press Enter to execute the selected command.

For example, select an HLS component in the Component Explorer and type Ctrl + Shift + P, then
in the Command Palette type C Syn. The HLS: C Synthesis is displayed as one of the options.
Select the option and press Enter. The tool runs C synthesis on the selected HLS component.

Quick Find

Click Ctrl + P to open the Quick Find box. Type in a file name and the tool begins to find files that
match your search string. Select a file and hit enter to open it.

With a file open, you can type @ in the Quick Find box to go to a function within the opened
code, or type :40 for example, to go to line 40 of the file. You can use this method to quickly find
and jump to a function or line number.

With a file open, you can type # in the Quick Find box to go to a function within the workspace.
You can use this method to quickly find and jump to a function.

Click Ctrl + T to open the Quick Find box. Type the symbol name and the tool begins to find the
symbol that matches your search string. Additionally, it will search the files.

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Parallel Compiling
The Vitis Unified IDE provides fast responses to actions. It employs non-blocking build
commands that allow you continue working and run multiple builds at the same time. If your
system is sufficiently powerful, you can launch multiple actions together, that is the build
software emulation and hardware emulation, or debug software emulation when building
hardware emulation is still running.

Note: If your server is not powerful enough, it's possible to see a lag and slow response from the Vitis
Unified IDE if you launch multiple build or emulation jobs at the same time.

The application building job can also launch multiple components in parallel. Building jobs for the
referenced components can be launched in parallel.

The Parallel Build feature is disabled by default. You can enable it by File → Preferences → Open
Settings (UI) command and selecting the Vitis → Build → Parallel Build → Disable setting.

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Chapter 7

This section describes how you can use the AMD Vitis™ integrated design environment (IDE) to
create and manage target platforms and applications.

Managing Platforms and Platform

The Platform Repositories window displays the platforms that are available for use with the new
Vitis unified IDE. The upper part of the table displays the base platforms that are installed with
the software installation, and are available to all users. The lower part of the table displays the
locations specific as part of the $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS environment variable. This shows the
platforms that are installed in addition to the Vitis tools to work with the tools.

You can manage the platforms that are available for use by going to Vitis → Platform Repositories
in the main menu of an open project.

1. Click + or - icons to add or remove a platform search directory from the list.
2. Select a platform directory to view platforms of that directory.
3. Select the info link next to a platform to view its detailed information.

Figure 16: Platform Repositories

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Target Platform
In the Vitis unified software platform, runtime environment of the application is referred to as the
target platform. A target platform is a combination of hardware components (XSA) and software
components (domains, boot components like FSBL or PLM, and so on).

A platform project is a customizable target platform in a workspace. You can add, modify, or
remove domains in a platform project. You can also enable, disable, and modify boot
components. A domain is referred as a BSP or an OS, which targets one processor or a cluster of
isomorphism processors (for example, a 4x Cortex®-A53 cluster with SMP Linux). A platform can
contain unlimited domains.

This section explains how to create a hardware design, and how to use that hardware design to
create an application platform.

Creating a Hardware Design (XSA File)

AMD hardware designs are created with the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite, and can be exported in
the Xilinx support archive (XSA) proprietary file format that can be used by the Vitis software
platform. For information on how to create an embedded design in Vivado and generate the XSA
file, see the following embedded design tutorials:

• Zynq-7000 SoC: Embedded Design Tutorial (UG1165)

• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: Embedded Design Tutorial (UG1209)
• Embedded Design Tutorials: Versal Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (UG1305)

The generic steps are as follows:

1. Create a Vivado project.

2. Create a block design.
3. Generate the image or bitstream.
4. Export the hardware using File → Export → Export Hardware, and select the Fixed Platform

Creating a Platform Component from XSA

To create a new platform component in the Vitis Unified integrated design environment (IDE),
execute the following steps.

1. Click the File option in the Vitis Unified IDE and select New Component → Platform.

TIP: You can also select the Create Platform Component command from the Welcome page.

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2. This opens the Create Platform Component wizard.

• Enter a Component name and Component location and select Next.
• Select Browse to locate an XSA file or select to create a platform from existing platform,
or use the drop down menu to select the built-in XSA files. The built-in fixed XSA files only
contains PS initialization. Click Next.

Note: If you select to create a platform from an existing platform, it copies the platform you
specified to your current workspace.

Note: If you want to support emulation, expand Emulation and select Browse to locate an
emulation XSA file.

Note: The created platform type is determined by the input hardware design type. If the input
hardware design is a fixed XSA, a platform for an embedded design is created. If the input hardware
design is an extensible XSA, the created platform is extensible platform.

• After selecting the XSA, the tool reads the XSA and identifies the available processors and
operating system domains. Specify the Operating system, and the Processor for the
platform. and click Next to proceed to the Summary page.

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Note: When you enable the Generate Boot Artifacts and Generate PMU Firmware options, the
tool automatically generates both the FSBL (First Stage Boot Loader) and PMU (Platform
Management Unit) firmware components required for your platform.

• The Summary page reflects the choices you have made on the prior pages. Review the
summary and select Finish to create the Platform component, or select Back to return to
earlier pages and change your selections.

When the Platform component is created the vitis-comp.json file for the component is
opened in the central editor window as shown for the Linux platform below.

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Depending on the OS you selected for your platform, and possibly the processor you chose as
well, the contents of the platform vitis-comp.json can vary.

• For Linux Operating System: As shown above, you need to specify the Bif file, Boot
Component Directory, SD Card Directory and as well as the Qemu data. The Qemu Args file
are auto-populated by tool.
• For standalone (baremetal) OS: No special operation is required.
• For FreeRTOS: No special operation is required.

After setting, you can build the Platform component by selecting it in the Flow Navigator and
selecting the Build command. After compilation is completed, the tool populates the platform
and its related software and hardware components in the Output folder of the Platform
component in the Component Explorer.

Customizing a Pre-Built Platform

Platforms are only editable when it is in the workspace. To customize a pre-built platform, import
it to the workspace.

1. Make sure the platform you wish to customize is visible in the platform repository list. If it is
not, add the platform path to the platform repository.
2. Launch the New Component wizard using either method below:
a. Select File → New Component → Platform .
b. From the Welcome page, click Create Platform Component to open the New Platform
Component wizard.

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3. In the New Platform Component wizard, provide a component name and component location
in the Component Name and Component Location name field.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Platform Component page, select Existing platform. Select the desired platform and
click Next to review the platform component summary.
Note: Make sure the platform to customize is visible in the platform repository list. If it is not, click + to
add the platform path to the platform repository.

6. Click Finish. You can now modify the new platform in the workspace as any other platform.

Adding a Domain to an Existing Platform

A platform can contain multiple domains, supporting different operating systems and targeting
different processors. Three types of domains are currently supported: Linux, FreeRTOS, and
Standalone (or Baremetal).

1. In the current workspace, expand the Platform component in the Component Explorer to
open the Settings folder and select the vitis-comp.json file.
Note: To create a Platform component refer to Creating a Platform Component from XSA.

2. Click the + button to Add Domain.

3. Specify the Name and Display name.

4. For the OS select Linux, FreeRTOS, Standalone.

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5. Select from the available Processors. The selection of Processor changes based on the
selected OS.
6. Click OK to add the domain to the Platform.

For a FreeRTOS and Standalone domains a Board Support Package (or BSP) is created for the
domain. You can specify the libraries to include in the BSP.

For a Linux domain you can configure additional details of the Linux domain by selecting the new
domain in the platform. The Boot Components Directory must contain all the components
required by the BIF. These components can be generated by PetaLinux.

TIP: The components specified in the Linux domain settings are copied to the platform folder when
generating the platform. Adding sysroot to a Linux domain is not supported because Windows does not
support copying symbol links.

Configuring a Domain
There are different kinds of domains, the standalone domain being the most frequently used.
Each domain has an associated BSP which can be configured extensively. Additionally, the
domain overview page includes extra settings for the domain.

Domain Overview Page

Standalone and FreeRTOS Domain

The standalone and FreeRTOS domain overview pages are identical and provide a small number
of configuration options related to the QEMU emulation platform. These options are auto
populated with pre-defined installation file paths.

Figure 17: Standalone Domain Overview Page

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Linux Domain

The Linux domain overview page is similar to the standalone page, but includes more
configuration options.

Note: For a fixed platform for embedded application, the following fields do not apply.

Figure 18: Linux Domain Overview Page

• BIF File: Boot Image Format file. Click Browse to select a bif file from the file system, or click
the button beside Browse to generate the bif file for your platform.

• Pre-Built Image Directory: Directory containing the Linux image files, including boot
components, kernel image and rootfs.

• DTB File: The system device tree binary file for Linux system booting. If the Pre-Built Image
Directory contains the DTB file, it is automatically populated and displayed in this filed.

• FAT32 Partition Directory: Used to add additional files to the FAT32 partition.

• Qemu Data: Automatically populated when building the platform. This field provides the boot
components for hardware emulation.

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Board Support Package Settings Page

The Board Support Package Settings page includes several configuration pages, and is only
applicable for non-Linux domains.

Note: You cannot change the OS choice on this page. The OS type is determined during software platform

Select the platform component in the Component view and click the vitis-comp.json file to
open it. Next, expand standalone_psu_cortexa53_0 and click Board Support Package. The
following configuration page is displayed.

Figure 19: Overview

The OS settings section allows you to configure the parameters of the OS.

Figure 20: Processor Parameter Configuration

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Figure 21: OS Parameter Configuration

The library settings page enables you to configure the parameters of each library enabled in the
library page.

Figure 22: Library Configuration

The drivers section lists all the device drivers assigned for each peripheral in your system. You
can select each peripheral and change its default device driver assignment and its version. To
remove a driver for a peripheral, assign the driver to none.

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Figure 23: Drivers

The build settings section lists the toolchain selected to build the BSP as well as some extra
configuration settings.

Switching FSBL Targeting Processor

You can select the target processor for FSBL when creating the platform. After creating the
platform, you can re-target it to another processor on a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC device. To re-
target the platform component to Cortex-R5F, follow the steps below.

1. Click your platform component, expand Settings and double click the vitis-comp.json file.
2. Select psu_cortexa53_0 → zynqmp_fsbl.
3. Click Re-target to psu_cortexr5_0.
4. Rebuild the platform.

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Modifying Source Code for FSBL

When boot component generation is selected in the platform generation phase, FSBL
applications are created within the platform component. To modify the source code of these
applications, follow the steps below.

1. To modify the source code for FSBL, go to the corresponding platform and expand the
2. Expand the zynqmp_fsbl_bsp folder and modify the source files inside.
3. Save your changes and rebuild the platform with the new changes.
Note: To reset domain/BSP sources anytime, click the Regenerate BSP option on the Board Support
Package overview page.

Note: An alternative way to update the FSBL and PMUFW source code is to follow the instructions in
Modifying the Domain Sources (Driver and Library Code).

Modifying the Domain Sources (Driver and Library

To add/modify the domain sources (driver and library code) using the AMD Vitis™ software
platform, you must create your own repository with all the required files including the .mld/.mdd
files and the source files. The installed driver and library code are located in the
<Vitis_Install_Dir>/data/embeddedsw directory. A driver or library code component
includes source files in the src directory and metadata in data directory. In the .mld/.mdd file,
bump up the driver/library version number and add this repository to the Vitis software platform.

The Vitis software platform automatically infers all the components contained within the
repository and makes them available for use in its environment. To make any modifications, you
must make the required changes in the repository. Building the application gives you the
modified changes.

Creating a Software Repository

A software repository is a directory where you can install third-party software components as
well as custom copies of drivers, libraries, and operating systems. When you add a software
repository, the AMD Vitis™ software platform automatically infers all the components contained
within the repository and makes them available for use in its environment.

Your Vitis software platform workspace can point to multiple software repositories. The scope of
the software repository can be global (available across all workspaces) or local (available only to
the current workspace). Components found in any local software repositories added to a Vitis
software platform workspace take precedence over identical components, if any, found in the
global software repositories, which in turn take higher precedence over identical components
found in the Vitis software platform installation.

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A repository in the Vitis software platform requires a specific organization of the components.
Software components in your repository must belong to one of the following directories:

• drivers: Used to hold device drivers.

• sw_services: Used to hold libraries.
• bsp: Used to hold software platforms and board support packages.
• sw_apps: Used to hold software standalone applications.
• sw_apps_linux: Used to hold Linux applications.

Within each directory, sub-directories containing individual software components must be

present. The following diagram shows the repository structure.

Figure 24: Repository Structure

Adding the Software Repository

1. Select Vitis → Embedded SW Repositories.
2. To add the repository you created in Creating a Software Repository, follow one of these two
• To ensure that your repository driver/library repository is limited to the current
workspace, click + to add it under Local Repositories.
• To ensure that your repository driver/library repository is available across all workspaces,
click + to add it under Global Repositories.
3. Click OK to add the repository.

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Resetting BSP Sources for a Domain

Execute the following steps to reset the source files of a domain's BSP.:

1. Select your platform component, expand Settings, click the vitis-comp.json file and
select the appropriate domain.
2. Click Regenerate BSP. This resets the sources for the domain/BSP selected.

Note: Only the source files are reverted back to their original state. The settings however, are retained.

Updating the Hardware Specification

The AMD Vitis™ software platform allows you to update a platform project with a new hardware
by updating the software components under the hood. If your AMD Vivado™ project and its
exported XSA are updated, this workflow needs to be executed manually so that the Vitis
software platform can get the updated hardware specification. You can edit the settings after the
software platform adjusts the software components as per the new hardware.

To change the hardware specification file of the platform project, follow these steps:

1. Right-click the platform component in the component view, and expand Settings, open the
2. Click Update XSA.
3. Specify the source hardware specification file in pop-up window.

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4. Click open to select the XSA file.

Reading Hardware Specification

The AMD Vitis™ software platform allows you to read the hardware platform information under
the hood.

Execute the following steps to read the hardware information.

1. Right-click the platform component in the component view, expand Settings, and open the
vitis-comp.json file.
2. To access the hardware information about your hardware platform, click Hardware
Specification. For example, processor address information and PL IP address information.

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Note: Clicking on the Hardware Specification has the same effect as double-clicking on the XSA file.

In Vitis, an embedded application refers to a specific type of software application that is designed
to run on embedded systems or embedded platforms. Embedded applications are typically
characterized by the following traits within the context of Vitis:

• Targeted for Embedded Systems: Embedded applications are intended to run on embedded
hardware systems, which are typically resource-constrained and designed for specific tasks.
These systems can range from small microcontrollers to more complex devices like embedded
FPGAs or SoCs (System on Chips).

• Real-Time or Resource-Constrained: Embedded applications often need to meet real-time

constraints or operate within tight resource limitations. They must efficiently use available
CPU, memory, and I/O resources to perform their tasks reliably and predictably.

• Diverse Use Cases: Embedded applications in Vitis can serve a wide range of purposes, from
controlling IoT (Internet of Things) devices, managing sensors and actuators, running real-time
control algorithms, to performing signal processing, communication, and more.

• Hardware Integration: Embedded applications might interact closely with hardware

components and peripherals. They often require specific device drivers and low-level
hardware access to interface with sensors, motors, communication interfaces, and other
embedded hardware.

• Development Environment: Vitis provides a development environment that allows developers

to create, compile, and deploy embedded applications on their target hardware platform. It
includes tools for code development, debugging, and performance optimization.

• Cross-Compilation: Embedded applications are often cross-compiled, meaning they are

developed on a host computer but compiled to run on the target embedded system with a
different architecture.

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Creating application component

Creating an Application Component from Examples
You can create an application component from the example template by following steps:

1. Go to View → Examples, or lick File New → Component From Example, or click the tool bar
on the left side or use Ctrl + Shift + R shortcut keys to open the example view.
2. Click the example in the example list.
3. Click the Show details to the requirement of the template.
4. Click Create Application Component from Template. You can refer to Creating an Application
Component chapter for the following steps.

Creating an Application Component

Applications are linked to the standalone domain generated BSP or runs on the Linux domain
operating system. A platform is required before creating an application.

To create an Application component you can select File → New Component → Application.

TIP: Alternatively you can select Create Embedded Application from the Embedded Development group of
the Welcome page.

1. Input the Application component name and specify the location. Click Next
2. Select a fixed platform and select Next.
Note: If you do not have an existing fixed platform, refer to chapter: Creating a Platform Component
from XSA to create a platform. If your target platform is not in the list, you can add it by clicking the '+'

3. Select the processor domain to run your application in, and select Next.
Note: If the domain is not suitable for your application, click + create new to add a new domain and
specify the operation system and processor according to your requirement and click Next.

4. Review the summary page of the Application component and select Finish to create the
5. Import source files

With the Application component created for the specific processor domain of a fixed platform
and the source files imported, you can build or configure your building settings.

Creating a System Project Component

A system project can be created by following steps:

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1. Go to File → New Component → System Project. The New System Project dialog is
automatically displayed.
Note: You can create a system project from the Welcome page with the Create System Project

2. Input the System project name and System project location. Click Next.
3. Select the Platform for System project. Click Next.
Note: If your platform is not in the Repo list, you can click the + button to add your platform in another
workspace. Alternatively, you can refer to Creating a Platform Component from XSA to create a new
platform and add it to the Repo list.

4. In the Embedded Component Path setup dialog, there is no need to set the Image path when
performing embedded development. Click Next.
Note: The Embedded Component Path setting is used for acceleration application development. During
acceleration development, you need to specify the rootfs, kernel image and boot components to
generate final sd_card.img file.

5. Review the summary of the system project information and click Finish. The system project is
displayed in the component view.

Managing Multiple Applications in a System Project

A system project can contain multiple applications that can run on a device simultaneously. Two
applications for the same processor cannot be held together in one system project. For example,
on an AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device, a standalone application running on a Cortex®-
A53 and an application on a Cortex®-R5F can be held in the same system project if they are
expected to run at the same time. However, an application on a Cortex-A53 and an application in
Linux cannot be combined in one system project, because these applications use the same
Cortex-A53 processors.

The following steps illustrate the flow to add two applications to one system project:

1. Click the system project and expand Settings, click vitis-sys.json to open the project.
Note: Vitis-sys.json is the system project setting file for configuring the system project.

2. Click System Project Settings → Components → Adding Existing Components.

3. Click the Application popup view and select the application components in your workspace.

Building Projects
The first step in developing a software application is to create a board support package to be
used by the application. Then, you can create an application project.

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When you build an executable for this application, Vitis automatically performs the following
actions. Configuration options can also be provided for these steps.

1. The Vitis software platform builds the board support package. This is sometimes called a
2. The Vitis software platform compiles the application software using a platform-specific
gcc/g++ compiler.
3. The object files from the application and the board support package are linked together to
form the final executable. This step is performed by a linker which takes as input a set of
object files and a linker script that specifies where object files should be placed in memory.

The following sections provide an overview of concepts involved in building applications.

Build Configuration Settings

You could modify the build configurations manually. Each build configuration can customize:

• Compiler settings: debug and optimization levels

• Macros passed for compilation
• Linker settings

Adding Symbols or Definitions

Definitions and symbols are tokenized and processed as if they have appeared during a
preprocessor translation phase in a #define directive. You can add or remove symbols in the
Vitis IDE with the following steps:

1. Click your application component in the Component view and expand Settings. Open the
UserConfig.cmake file under settings directory.
2. Under Compiler Settings, select Symbols.
3. Click the Add Item ( ) button to add defined or undefined symbols.

Note: UserConfig.cmake supports GUI format and text format. You can click these icons </> to access
the source editor to view the source code and modify the settings in text format.

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Adding Libraries and Library Paths

You can add libraries and library paths for Application projects. If you have a custom library to
link against, you should specify the library path and the library name to the linker.

To set properties for your Application project:

1. Click your application component in Component view and expand Settings. Under settings
directory open the UserConfig.cmake file.
2. Under Compiler Settings, select Libraries
3. In Libraries section, click Add Item to add the library name or the library path.

Note: UserConfig.cmake supports GUI format and text format. You can click the </> icons to access the
source editor to view the source code and modify the settings in text format.

Specifying the Linker Options

You can specify the linker options for Application components. Any other linker flags not covered
in the Tool Settings can be specified here.

To set properties for your application component:

1. Click your application component in Component view and expand Settings. Open the
UserConfig.cmake file under settings directory.
2. Under Compiler Settings, select Linker Settings.
3. Click the check-box to enable or disable the Linker flags.

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Note: UserConfig.cmake supports GUI format and text format. You can click the </> icons to access
the source editor to view the source code and modify the settings in text format.

Specifying Debug and Optimization Compiler Flags

The Vitis software platform assigns a default optimization level and debug flags for the
application component. You can change the default value for your application component.

To set properties for your project:

1. Click your application component in component view and expand Settings. Open the
UserConfig.cmake file under settings directory.
2. Under Compiler Settings, select Optimization.
3. In the Optimization section, select the optimization level by clicking the drop-down button.
Debugging section is under the Optimization section. Similarly, click the drop-down button to
change the debug level. You can input other optimization flags or debug flags in the other
flags field.

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Note: UserConfig.cmake supports GUI format and text format. You can click the </> icons to
access the source editor to view the source code and modify the settings in text format.

Specifying Miscellaneous Compiler Flags

You can specify any other compiler flags in the Miscellaneous section.

To set properties for your project:

1. Click your application component in component view and expand Settings. Open the
UserConfig.cmake file under settings directory.
2. Under Compiler Settings, select Miscellaneous.
3. You can enable Verbose or Support ANSI program support by clicking the check-box. You can
input other flags in Other Flags field.

Note: UserConfig.cmake supports GUI format and text format. You can click the </> icons to
access the source editor to view the source code and modify the settings in text format.

Linker Scripts
The application executable building process can be divided into compiling and linking. Linking is
performed by a linker that accepts linker command language files called linker scripts. The
primary purpose of a linker script is to describe the memory layout of the target machine, and
specify where each section of the program should be placed in memory.

Note: Only standalone applications need linker script. Linux OS helps managing the memory allocation, and
thus it does not need a linker script.

The Vitis software platform provides a linker script generator to simplify the task of creating a
linker script for GCC. The linker script generator in this Vitis IDE examines the target hardware
platform and determines the available memory sections. The only action required by you is to
assign the different code and data sections in the ELF file to different memory regions.

• For multiprocessor systems, each processor runs a different ELF file, and each ELF file requires its own
linker script. Ensure that the two ELF files do not overlap in memory.

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• The default linker always points to the DDR memory address available in memory. If you are creating an
application under a given hardware/domain project, the memory overlaps for the applications.

Generating a Linker Script for an Application

Execute the following steps to generate a linker script for an application component or delete the
linker script created with the application component.

1. Right click the app_component in the component view.

2. Select Reset Linker Script in the pop-up window.

3. Click OK.
If there are errors, they must be corrected before you can build your application with the new
linker script.

Note: Select the appropriate option when a message view appears, to overwrite the file whether the linker
script exists or not. Click OK to overwrite the file or Cancel to cancel the overwrite.

Manually Adding the Linker Script

If you want to manually add the linker script for your application project, do the following:

1. Select the application component in the Component View and then expand Settings. Right
click UserConfig.cmake to open it.
2. Right click Linker Script to go to linker script setting section.
3. Click on Browse to select your own linker script file.

Modifying a Linker Script

There are multiple ways to update the linker script.

Linker script is located with the source code of your application component. Update it by
executing the following steps.

1. Select the application component in the component view and expand Sources. Right click
lscript.ld to open it.

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2. You can view the source code of the linker file by clicking the </> button.
3. Undo/Redo: undo or redo the last actions for linker file.
4. You can reset the linker script by clicking the Reset linker script button..

The linker script editor provides the following functionality.

Note: This linker script supports text format as well. You can click </> button to change to text format to
do modification.

Table 4: Linker Script Editor Functionality

Name Function
Add Memory Regions This section lists the memory regions specified in the linker script. You can add a new
region by clicking on the Add button to the right. You can modify the name, base
address and size of each defined memory region.
Stack and Heap Sizes This section displays the sizes of the stack and heap sections. Simply edit the value in
the text box to update the sizes for these sections.
Section to Memory Region This section provides a way to change the assigned memory region for any section
Mapping defined in the linker script. To change the assigned memory region, simply click on the
memory region to bring a drop-down menu from which an alternative memory region
can be selected. You can select several or whole section and click drop-down button to
change to a memory region together.

Building the Application Component

After setting the build configuration and modifying the linker, you can start to build the

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1. Go to flow navigate
2. Select the application component by clicking the drop-down button in the component filed.
Note: Component is automatically selected in the flow navigator with the component in the
component view.

3. Click Build to build your application component.

Once the build is complete, you can check the output in the output directory under the
application component in component view.

Reading ELF Disassembly

This task is for you to view the disassembling code.

After application compilation is completed, you can get the application ELF file in the output
directory. You can view the disassemble view of the code by double clicking the ELF file.

Changing a Referenced Domain

Note: This function is not supported with the Unified Vitis IDE. Change to the classic Vitis IDE and refer to
2023.1 documentation, if you wish to access this function.

Creating a Library Project

This feature is not yet supported by AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE. Use Classic AMD Vitis™ IDE if this
is a requirement for your project. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use
this feature in the classic IDE.

Creating a User Application Template

This feature is not yet supported by AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE. Use Classic AMD Vitis™ IDE if this
is a requirement for your project. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use
this feature in the classic IDE.

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Using Custom Libraries in Application Projects

This feature is not yet supported by AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE. Use Classic AMD Vitis™ IDE if this
is a requirement for your project. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use
this feature in the classic IDE.

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Chapter 8

Run, Debug, and Optimize

Launch Configurations
To debug, run, and profile an application, you must create a launch configuration that captures
the settings for executing the application. To do this, go to the Flow Navigator and select the
application component, right-click on the Open Settings next to Run or Debug.

Note: The Open Settings command is a hidden icon. Hover the cursor over Flow Navigator next to either
Run or Debug to view it.

The launch.json file is opened to let you edit the launch configurations. The Launch
Configuration editor has a toolbar menu at the top, as shown in the following figure. The specific
contents of the launch configuration vary depending on the component or the project selected.

Launch Configurations

The commands in the Launch Configuration toolbar include:

• Settings Form / Source Editor: You can toggle between the GUI view and Text Editor view of
the launch.json file with these commands.
• Undo/Redo: To undo or redo the last actions.
• Add Configuration: You can add a configuration by clicking the + button. The default launch
configurations for System projects are Emulation SW, Emulation HW, and Hardware.
• Run / Debug: To launch run or debug using the currently selected launch configuration.

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Hover your cursor over the configuration name and the Duplicate and Delete commands appear.
Select Delete to remove the launch configuration, or Duplicate to copy the launch configuration.

In each configuration, you can update the settings to configure the tool prior to running or
debugging the component or project. After setting up the launch configuration, you can select
Run or Debug commands in the Launch Configuration editor, or by selecting Run or Debug from
the Flow Navigator and specifying a launch configuration if more than one is available.

Main Page
The main view has the following options:

• Launch Config Name: You can specify the configuration name

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• Target Connection: In the connection field, you can select a target or create a target
connection by clicking New in the connection field.

• Target Setup Mode: You can select a standalone debug or attach a running target.

• Bitstream File: You can specify the bit file by browsing to corresponding directory

• Board Initialization: You can use the FSBL to initialize the board or use Tcl to initialize the

• FSBL file: Specify the FSBL file to do initialization

• FSBL Exit Function: Specify the FSBL exit function

• Init With FSBL: Use FSBL to initialize the PS.

• Reset Entire System: Perform a system reset if there is only one processor in the system

• Reset APU: Reset all the APU cores

• Reset RPU: Reset all the RPU cores

• Enable RPU Split Mode: Put RPU cores in split mode so that they can be used independent of
each other

• Program Device: Allow tool to program the bit file to the device

• Enable Cross Triggering: Enable the cross trigger function

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Figure 25: Launch Configuration Window

Note: The summary of this launch configuration file is displayed at the bottom.

Application Part
In the Launch configuration main view, you can set up the details for your application project and
select the ELF file.

Figure 26: Debug Confrontation Application Part

• PROCESSOR: Specify the detailed processor

• Reset Processor: You can choose to reset the entire hardware system or the specific
processor, or choose not to reset. Performing a reset ensures that there are no side effects
from a previous debug session.

• APPLICATION: Specify the application file

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• STOP AT ENTRY: Application stop at entry point.

• +: If you have multiple applications with different processors you can click + to add new
processor and application configurations.

Note: Place your mouse over the configuration under the + column and the Edit and Delete commands
appear. Select Delete to remove the one set of the application configuration, or Edit to edit the

Target Connections
The Target Connections dialog box ( ) allows you to configure multiple remote targets. It
shows connected targets and gives you an option to add or delete target connections.

The Vitis software platform establishes target connections through the AMD hw_server. In
order to connect to remote targets, the hardware server agent must be running on the remote
host, to which the target hardware is connected.

The target connection has been extended to all utilities within the Vitis Unified IDE that deal
with targets at runtime.

From the menu, select Vitis → Target Connections to open the target manager.

Figure 27: Target Connections

Creating a New Target Connection

You can configure the remote target details by adding a new connection in the Target
Connections view.

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To create new target connection:, do the following.

1. Right click the connection Hardware Server or Linux TCF Agent you want to add.
2. Click the Add Target Connection button (+) on the toolbar.
3. The Target Connection Details page opens.
4. In the Target Name field, type a name for the new remote connection.
5. Check the Set as default target check-box to set this target as default. The Vitis Unified IDE
uses the default target for all the future interactions with the board.
6. In the Host field, type the name or IP address of the remote host machine. This is the
machine that is connected to the target and the hw_server is running.
7. In the Port field, type the port number on which the hw_server is running. By default, the
hw_server runs on port 3121.
8. Select Use Symbol Server, if the hardware server is running on a remote host.
9. Click OK to create a new target connection.
Note: Before clicking OK, you can click Test Connection to test the connectivity.

Setting Custom JTAG Frequency

You can operate at a different frequency supported by the JTAG cable by setting the JTAG

To set the JTAG frequency, execute the following steps.

1. Right click the connection Hardware Server or Linux TCF Agent you want to add.
2. Click the Add Target Connection button (+) on the toolbar.
3. The Target Connection Details page opens.
4. In the Target Name field, type a name for the new remote connection.
5. Check the Set as default target check-box to set this target as default. The Vitis Unified IDE
uses the default target for all the future interactions with the board.
6. In the Host field, type the name or IP address of the remote host machine. This is the
machine that is connected to the target and the hw_server is running.
7. In the Port field, type the port number on which the hw_server is running. By default, the
hw_server runs on port 3121.
8. Select Use Symbol Server, if the hardware server is running on a remote host.
9. Click Advanced and select Automatically discover devices ON JATG chain to view the JTAG
device chain details.
10. From the Set custom frequency drop-down list, select the frequency.

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Note: Current frequency can be the default frequency set by the server or the custom frequency set by
a debug client.

11. Click OK to save the configuration and create a new target connection. The selected
frequency is saved in the workspace and is used to set the frequency before executing a
connect command for the selected device.
12. Note: If only one client is connected to the server, the frequency of the cable is reset to the default
value whenever the connection is closed. However, in case of multiple clients connected to the server,
it is not recommended to perform simultaneous debug operations from different clients.

Establishing a Target Connection

To establish a target connection, you can use either the local board or the remote board. By
default, the local target connection is selected in the Target Connection view. You can confirm
connections to the local board by checking the local connection.

To use a remote board to establish a target connection:

1. Ensure that the target is connected to the remote host.

2. Launch the hw_server manually on the remote host:
a. Take a shell on the remote host.
b. Source the setup scripts by using C:/Xilinx/Vitis/<version>/settings64.bat
(or) <Vitis_local_install_path>/ Vitis/<version>/settings64.csh.
3. Run the hw_server on the machine that connects to the board.
Note: Ensure that the target (board) is connected to the remote host.

4. Select the port number and the hostname to create a target connection to the host running
the hw_server.
5. Right-click the newly created target connection and select Set As Default.

Running the Application Component

1. Go to flow navigator and select the application component you want to run.
2. Click open settings to launch configuration. Refer to Launch Configurations to launch and
configure the launch configuration file.
3. Refer to: Creating a New Target Connection for setting the target connection.
4. Click run to run the application.

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Debugging Application Component

Starting Debug
The following chapters the steps to start the debug process.

Debugging Standalone Application Component

This topic describes how to use the Debugger to debug standalone applications.

1. Go to the Flow Navigator and select the application component.

2. OpenDebug Settings and refer to Launch Configurations to create a new configuration for
the application component.
3. Refer to: Creating a New Target Connection for setting the target connection.
4. Click debug to start debugging.

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5. The debug view is displayed.

Debugging Linux Application Component

The following steps explains how to debug a Linux application component.

1. Go to the Flow Navigator and select the Linux application component you wish to debug.
2. OpenDebug Settings and refer to Launch Configurations to launch and edit the configuration
3. Refer to: Creating a New Target Connection for setting the target connection.

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4. Click Debug to start debugging.

The debug view is displayed.

Debugging Standalone Application Component on QEMU

This feature is not yet supported by AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE. Use Classic AMD Vitis™ IDE if this
is a requirement for your project. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use
this feature in the classic IDE.

Setting Conditional Breakpoints

This feature assists you in setting conditional breakpoints during the debugging process

To add conditional breakpoints, execute the following steps.

1. Right click on the left margin before the line number.

2. Select Add Conditional Breakpoint.

3. Type any expression that evaluates to a Boolean and hit enter to add a conditional

To change a normal breakpoint to conditional breakpoints, follow steps outlined below.

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• Right click on an existing breakpoint

• Select Edit Breakpoint.
• Add the expression to change it to a conditional breakpoint.

Viewing Disassembly Code

To view the disassembly code, right click the function stack in the stack view after the debug
session is started.

Figure 28: Viewing Disassembly Code

Next, select the Open Disassembly to view disassembly code is displayed.

Viewing Memory

Viewing the Value of a Certain Memory address

Follow the steps below for viewing the value of a certain memory address:

1. After the debug session has started, click Memory Inspector to view the memory information
at the top right corner.

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2. Click + icon to add a new memory view.

3. Set the memory address, offset, and length. Click Go.

The memory value is displayed in the Memory view.

Comparing the Memory Value of Two Addresses

Follow the steps below to compare the value of the memory addresses:

1. Refer to Viewing the Value of a Certain Memory address to create two memory inspectors.
Set the difference of the two inspectors.

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2. Click Toggle Comparison Widget Visibility to compare the difference.

3. Select the memory you want to compare and click Go.

4. The comparison result is displayed in main view.

Freezing Memory Value

This feature keeps a snapshot of the memory contents until the tool is closed. You can compare
the stored value or use the information to debug issues. To use this function, follow the steps

1. Refer to Viewing the Value of a Certain Memory address to create a new memory inspector.

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2. Click the lock icon to freeze the memory view.

The value can be viewed until the tool is closed.

Viewing Registers
The Registers Inspector lists all registers, including general purpose registers, system registers
and IP registers. For example, for AMD Zynq™ devices, the Registers view displays all the
processor and co-processor registers when Cortex®-A9 targets are selected in the Debug view.
The Registers view shows system registers and IOU registers when an APU target is selected.

To view the register's value, click the Register Inspector button after the debug view is opened.
You can also open the Register Inspector from View → Register Inspector.

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Figure 29: Register Inspector Window

You can modify the editable field values during debug. You can also click the corresponding
register name to view the detailed information.

Exporting Registers from the Vitis IDE

This feature allows you to export the registers present in a target processor to a text file and read
all the register values more easily, which can be helpful while debugging.

1. Select the application component and start the debug session. See Starting Debug for more
2. Open the Register Inspector view. See Viewing Registers for details.
3. Click the Export Registers button to export the register.

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4. Add the following information on the next screen:

• Location: Provide the location where you want to save the register dump file.
• Select registers/groups to export: Select the list of registers to be dumped. You can
uncheck any registers that are not required.
5. Click OK to dump the registers to the location you specified in the previous step.

Debugging an Application Component Already

Running On a Target Device
The debugger allows debugging an application that is already running on the target device. For
example, a standalone application component or Linux kernel booting from a flash device can be
debugged using the debugger. The following are the steps for attaching to an application
component running on the target.

Note: The debugger does not modify the state of the processors on the target device, but merely connects
to them. You can halt the processors and debug from the current PC.

1. Create a target connection to the host to where the hardware board is connected. If the
hardware board is connected to the same machine where the Vitis Unified IDE is running, this
step can be skipped. In the subsequent steps that refer to remote board and remote
connection, the default Local connection can be used.
a. See Creating a New Target Connection to create the target connection.
2. See Launch Configurations to launch a debug configuration. Set the Target Setup Mode as
Attach to running target and select the target connection that was created.

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3. Follow Starting Debug to start debug the application.

Set Up Path Mapping

Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE. Switch to classic Vitis IDE and refer to 2023.1
documentation, if you wish access this function.

Debugging an Application on the Emulator (QEMU)

Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE. Switch to classic Vitis IDE and refer to 2023.1
documentation if you wish access this function.

Running and Debugging Application Components

under a System Project Together
Each application component under a system project can run standalone. Application components
under a system project can be launched together as well. The Vitis Unified IDE can download
them one by one and launch them one after another. In debug mode, all applications stop at
main(). The following steps detail the steps to run or debug application components under a
system project together.

1. Select the system project in the Component View and go to flow navigator to start a run /
debug launch configuration.
Note: Refer to Launch Configurations chapter to launch new configuration. Review the application and
processor setting in the configuration page.

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2. Click debug to start debugging the system project. A view displaying multiple application
downloading process in the XSDB console is displayed.

Debugging on a Remote Board

The following describes the steps for debugging on a remote board.

1. Setting up the Remote System Environment:

a. Run hw_server with a non-default port (for example: 3122) to enable remote
connections. Use the following command to launch the hw_server on port 3122:
the hw_server -s TCP::3122

b. Make sure your board is correctly connected.

c. In a cmd window on the host machine, check the IP address:

2. Setup the Local System for Remote Debug:

a. Launch the Vitis Unified IDE.
b. Select the application component to debug.
c. Go to the Flow Navigator and click Open Launch configuration. See Launch
Configurations for details.
d. For the Target Connection filed, click New to create a new target connection.

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e. In the New Target Connection wizard, add the required details for the remote host that is
connected to the target.
f. In the Target Name, type a name for the target.
g. In the Host field, enter the IP address or name of the host machine.
h. In the Port field, enter the Port on which the hardware server was launched, for example
i. Select Use Symbol Server to ensure that the source code view is available, during
debugging the application remotely. Symbol server acts as a mediator between hardware
server and the AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE.
j. Click OK.
k. Two available connections are displayed. In this case, remote_zc702_1 is the remote

l. Click the debug button.

Note: For target connection creation, refer to: Target Connections.

OS Aware Debugging
This feature is not yet supported by AMD Vitis Unified IDE. Use Classic Vitis IDE if this is a
requirement for your project. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use this
feature in the classic IDE.

Xen Aware Debugging

This feature is not yet supported by AMD Vitis Unified IDE. Use Classic Vitis IDE if this is a
requirement for your project. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use this
feature in the classic IDE.

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Debugging Self-Relocating Programs

Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE. Switch to classic Vitis IDE if you wish to
access this option.

Debugging an Application Project Using the

Emulator (Command-Line Flow)
Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE. Switch to classic Vitis IDE and refer to 2023.1
documentation, if you wish to access this option.

Cross-triggering is supported by the embedded cross-triggering (ECT) module supplied by Arm.
ECT provides a mechanism for multiple subsystems in an SoC to interact with each other by
exchanging debug triggers. ECT consists of two modules:

• Cross Trigger Interface (CTI) - CTI combines and maps the trigger requests, and broadcasts
them to all other interfaces on the ECT as channel events. When the CTI receives a channel
event, it maps this onto a trigger output. This enables subsystems to cross trigger with each
• Cross Trigger Matrix (CTM) - CTM controls the distribution of channel events. It provides
Channel Interfaces for connection to either a CTI or CTM. This enables multiple ECTs to be
connected to each other.

The figure below shows how CTIs and CTM are used in a generic setup.

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Figure 30: CTIs and CTM in a Generic Setup

CTM forms an event broadcasting network with multiple channels. A CTI listens to one or more
channels for an event, maps a received event into a trigger, and sends the trigger to one or more
CoreSight components connected to the CTI. A CTI also combines and maps the triggers from
the connected CoreSight components and broadcasts them as events on one or more channels.
Through its register interface, each CTI can be configured to listen to specific channels for events
or broadcast triggers as events to specific channels.

In the above example, there are four channels. The CTI at the top is configured to propagate the
trigger event on Trigger Input 0 to Channel 0. Other CTIs can be configured to listen to this
channel for events and broadcast the events through trigger outputs, to the debug components
connected to these CTIs. CTIs also support channel gating such that selected channels can be
turned off, without having to disable the channel to trigger I/O mapping.

Enable Cross-Triggering
You can create, edit, or remove cross-trigger breakpoints and apply the breakpoints on the target
using the Launch Configurations page. To enable cross-triggering, do the following.

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1. Launch the Vitis unified IDE.

2. Create a standalone application component and build it. Alternatively, you can select an
existing application component.
3. Go to the Flow Navigator and select the application component.
4. See Launch Configurations and Creating a New Target Connection to launch the debug
configuration and set the target connection.
5. Enable Enable Cross Triggering check-box in the launch configuration page. The Cross Trigger
Breakpoints interface is displayed.
6. Click Add Item to create new breakpoints.

You can set the input and output signals or set the mode of skip on step on this screen.

Cross-Triggering in Zynq Devices

In Zynq devices, ECT is configured with four broadcast channels, four CTIs, and a CTM. One CTI
is connected to ETB/TPIU, one to FTM and one to each Cortex-A9 core. The following table
shows the trigger input and trigger output connections of each CTI.

Note: The connections specified in the table below are hard-wired connections.

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Table 5: CTI Trigger Ports in Zynq Devices

CTI Trigger Port Signal

CTI connected to ETB, TPIU
Trigger Input 2 ETB full
Trigger Input 3 ETB acquisition complete
Trigger Input 4 ITM trigger
Trigger Output 0 ETB flush
Trigger Output 1 ETB trigger
Trigger Output 2 TPIU flush
Trigger Output 3 TPIU trigger
Trigger Input 0 FTM trigger
Trigger Input 1 FTM trigger
Trigger Input 2 FTM trigger
Trigger Input 3 FTM trigger
Trigger Output 0 FTM trigger
Trigger Output 1 FTM trigger
Trigger Output 2 FTM trigger
Trigger Output 3 FTM trigger
Trigger Input 0 CPU DBGACK
Trigger Input 1 CPU PMU IRQ
Trigger Input 2 PTM EXT
Trigger Input 3 PTM EXT
Trigger Input 4 CPU COMMTX
Trigger Input 5 CPU COMMTX
Trigger Input 6 PTM TRIGGER
Trigger Output 0 CPU debug request
Trigger Output 1 PTM EXT
Trigger Output 2 PTM EXT
Trigger Output 3 PTM EXT
Trigger Output 4 PTM EXT
Trigger Output 7 CPU restart request

Cross-Triggering in Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs

In Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs, ECT is configured with four broadcast channels, nine CTIs, and a
CTM. The table below shows the trigger input and trigger output connections of each CTI. These
are hard-wired connections. For more details, refer to Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference
Manual (UG1085).

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Table 6: CTI Trigger Ports in Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs

CTI Trigger Port Signal

CTI 0 (soc_debug_fpd)
IN 6 -
IN 7 -
CTI 1 (soc_debug_fpd)
OUT 6 -
CTI 2 (soc_debug_fpd)
IN 0 ATM 0
IN 1 ATM 1
IN 2 -
IN 3 -

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Table 6: CTI Trigger Ports in Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs (cont'd)

CTI Trigger Port Signal

IN 4 -
IN 5 -
IN 6 -
IN 7 -
OUT 2 -
OUT 3 -
OUT 4 -
OUT 5 -
OUT 6 -
OUT 7 picture debug start
CTI 0, 1 (RPU)
IN 7 -
OUT 3 -(CTIIRQ, not connected)
OUT 4 -
OUT 5 -
OUT 6 -
CTI 0, 1, 2, 3 (APU)
IN 2 -
IN 3 -

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Table 6: CTI Trigger Ports in Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs (cont'd)

CTI Trigger Port Signal

OUT 3 -

Cross-Triggering in Versal Devices

In Versal devices, ECT is configured with four broadcast channels, 12 CTIs, and a CTM. The table
below shows the trigger input and trigger output connections of each CTI. These are hard-wired
connections. For more details, refer to the Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual

Table 7: CTI Trigger Ports in Versal Devices

CTI Trigger Port Signal

R5 CTI 0,1 (RPU). XSDB IDs = 0-7 (R5 #0), 8-15 (R5 #1)
IN 7 -
OUT 3 -
OUT 4 -
OUT 5 -
OUT 6 -
CTI 0,1,2,3 (APU). XSDB IDs = 16-23 (A72 #0), 24-31 (A72 #1), 32-39 (A72 #2), 40-47 (A72 #3)
IN 2 -

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Table 7: CTI Trigger Ports in Versal Devices (cont'd)

CTI Trigger Port Signal

IN 3 -
OUT 3 -
CTI p (pmc_debug). XSDB IDs = 48-55
IN 1 -
IN 2 -
IN 3 -
IN 4 -
IN 5 -
IN 6 -
IN 7 -
OUT 1 -
OUT 2 -
OUT 3 -
OUT 4 -
OUT 5 -
OUT 6 -
OUT 7 -
CTI 0d (soc_debug_lpd). XSDB IDs = 56-63
IN 5 -
IN 6 -
IN 7 -

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Table 7: CTI Trigger Ports in Versal Devices (cont'd)

CTI Trigger Port Signal

OUT 5 7
OUT 6 -
OUT 7 -
CTI 1a (APU). XSDB IDs = 64-71
IN 4 -
IN 5 -
IN 6 -
IN 7 -
OUT 6 -
OUT 7 -
CTI 1b (soc_debug_fpd). XSDB IDs = 72-79

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Table 7: CTI Trigger Ports in Versal Devices (cont'd)

CTI Trigger Port Signal

CTI 1c (soc_debug_fpd). XSDB IDs = 80-87
IN 0 pl_ps_trigger[0]
IN 1 pl_ps_trigger[1]
IN 2 pl_ps_trigger[2]
IN 3 pl_ps_trigger[3]
IN 4 -
IN 5 -
IN 6 -
IN 7 -
OUT 0 ps_pl_trigger[0]
OUT 1 ps_pl_trigger[1]
OUT 2 ps_pl_trigger[2]
OUT 3 ps_pl_trigger[3]
OUT 4 -
OUT 5 -
OUT 6 HALT System Timer
OUT 7 RESTART System Timer
CTI 1d (soc_debug_fpd). XSDB IDs = 88-95
IN 7 -
OUT 7 -

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Use Cases
FPGA to CPU Triggering
This is one of the most common use cases of cross-triggering in Zynq. There are four trigger
inputs on FPGA CTI, which can be configured to halt (EDBGRQ) any of the two CPUs. Similarly,
the four FPGA CTI trigger outputs can be triggered when a CPU is halted (DBGACK). The FPGA
trigger inputs and outputs can be connected to ILA cores such that an ILA trigger can halt the
CPU(s) and the ILA can be triggered to capture the signals its monitoring, when any of the two
CPUs is halted. For more details about setting up cross-triggering to the FTM in Vivado Design
Suite, refer to the Cross Trigger Design section in Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Embedded Processor
Hardware Design (UG940).

PTM to CPU Triggering

Synchronize trace capture with the processor state. For example, an ETB full event can be used
as a trigger to halt the CPU(s).

CPU to CPU Triggering

Cross-triggering can be used to synchronize the entry and exit from debug state between the
CPUs. For example, when CPU0 is halted, the event can be used to trigger a CPU1 debug
request, which can halt CPU1.

XSCT Cross-Triggering Commands

The XSCT breakpoint add command (bpadd) has been enhanced to enable cross triggering
between different components.

For example, use the following command to set a cross trigger to stop Zynq core 1 when core 0

bpadd -ct-input 0 -ct-output 8

For Zynq, -ct-input 0 refers to CTI CPU0 TrigIn0 (trigger input 0 of the CTI connected to
CPU0), which is connected to DBGACK (asserted when the core is halted). -ct-output 8
refers to CTI CPU1 TrigOut0, which is connected to CPU debug request (asserting this pin
halts the core). hw_server uses an available channel to set up a cross trigger path between
these pins. When core 0 is halted, the event is broadcast to core 1 over the selected channel,
causing core 1 to halt.

Use the following command for the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC to halt the A53 core 1 when A53
core 0 stops.

bpadd -ct-input 16 -ct-output 24

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TCF Profiling
The TCF profiler supports profiling of both standalone and Linux applications. TCF profiling does
not require any additional compiler flags to be set while building the application. Profiling
standalone applications over JTAG is based on sampling the Program Counter through debug
interface. It does not alter the program execution flow and is non-intrusive when stack trace is
not enabled. When stack trace is enabled, program execution speed decreases as the debugger
has to collect stack trace information.

1. Start the Vitis Unified IDE and select the application component you wish to profile.
2. Go to the Flow Navigator and create a debug launch configuration.
Note: Refer to Launch Configurations and Creating a New Target Connection to create a debug launch

Note: Regarding the target connection, if the application component is a Linux application, select the
TCF agent. If it a standalone application, select HW server.

3. After configuration is finished, click Debug to start the debug session.

Note: Refer to Starting Debug to start the debug session.

4. Click the TCF Profiler button to start profiling view.

5. Click the Start button to begin the profiling. Select the Enable stack tracing option to show
the stack trace for each address in the sample data. You can also set the frame count and
update the interval according to your requirements.
• Specify the Max stack frames count for the maximum number of frames that are shown in
the stack trace view.
• Specify the View update interval for the time interval (in milliseconds) the TCF profiler
view is updated with the new results. Ensure that this is different from the interval at
which the profile samples are collected.

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6. Click Start to profiling.

7. Click Continue to free run the application.

8. You can now retrieve the profiling information of your application component. The profiling
data is displayed:

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• Clicking the function in the profiler view displays the Called From and Child Calls in the
bottom right corner of the Profiler view.
• The view supports cross-probe between the function name and source code. Clicking the
function jumps to the source code in the Source Code view.

gprof Profiling
Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE. Switch to classic Vitis IDE if you wish to
access this option.

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Non-Intrusive Profiling for MicroBlaze Processors

This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE. Switch to classic Vitis IDE and refer to
2023.1 documentation, if you wish to access this option.

FreeRTOS Analysis using STM

Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE. Change to the classic IDE if you want to use
this function.

Optimize: Performance Analysis

Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE in this version. Change to the classic IDE if you
want to use this function. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use this feature in
Classic Vitis IDE.

Creating a Boot Image

AMD FPGAs and system-on-chip (SoC) devices typically have multiple hardware and software
binaries used to boot them to the function they were designed for. These binaries can include
FPGA bitstreams, firmware images, bootloaders, operating systems, and user-chosen applications
that can be loaded in both non-secure and secure methods.

Bootgen is a tool that lets you stitch binary files together and generate device boot images.
Bootgen defines multiple properties, attributes and parameters that are input while creating boot
images for use in an AMD device.

There are two ways to create a boot image: from the Flow Navigator or from scratch.

Create boot image from Flow Navigator (faster)

1. Select the application component which has already been built in the Component view.
2. Go to the Flow Navigator and click Create Boot Image.

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3. The create boot image setup dialog is displayed. It is populated with the required images from
your component. Specify the Output Bif File Path and Output Image path.

4. Click Create Image. After a few seconds, the log should indicate that the created image is

Create a boot image from scratch

After your application component compilation is finished, follow the steps below to create the
boot image.

From Vitis → Create Boot Image and select the device according to your design. The Create
Image wizard is displayed.

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1. If you do not have an existing bif file, select Create a new BIF file.
2. Click + to add the image partition.

3. Specify the image, set the Type and lick OK.

Note: You can add the boot loader, FPGA bit file, bl31 and, application ELF file according to your

Note: You can modify the image attribute by selecting the image (see following example) and change
the attributes according to your requirements.

4. Specify the Output Bif File Path and Output Image path.
5. Click Create Image. After a few seconds, the log should indicate the created image is ready.

For more information about the Bootgen utility, refer to the Bootgen User Guide (UG1283).

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Programming Flash
Program Flash is a tool used to program flash memories in the design. Various types of flash are
supported for programming.

• For non-Zynq devices – Parallel Flash (BPI) and Serial Flash (SPI) from various makes such as
Micron and Spansion.
• For Zynq devices – QSPI, NAND, and NOR. QSPI can be used in different configurations such
• For Versal devices – QSPI, emmc, and OSPI. QSPI can be used in different configurations such

Go to Vitis → Program FlashVitis in the menu and open the program flash wizard.

Figure 31: Program Flash Window

The options available on the Program Flash Memory page are as follows:

• Project: Select the system project you plan to use. The application component will be
automatically selected in the Component View.

• Connection: Select the connection to the hardware server.

• Image File: Select the file to write to the flash memory.

• Zynq devices:
○ Supported file formats for qspi flash types are BIN or MCS formats.

○ Supported file formats for nor and nand types is BIN format.

• Non-Zynq devices:

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○ Supported types for flash parts in non Zynq devices are BIT, ELF, SREC, MCS, BIN.

• Offset: Specify the offset relative to the Flash Base Address, where the file should be

Note: Offset is not required for MCS files.

• Flash Type: Select a flash type.

• Zynq devices:
○ qspi_single

○ qspi_dual_parallel

○ qspi_dual_stacked

○ nand_8

○ nand_16

○ nor

○ emmc
Note: emmc flash type is applicable for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC and Versal devices only.

• Non-Zynq devices:
○ The flash type drop-down list is populated based on the FPGA detected in the
connection. If the connection to the hardware server does not exist, an error message
stating "Could not retrieve Flash Part information. Please check
hardware server connection" is displayed on the page. Based on the device
detected, the dialog populates all the flash parts supported for the device.

Note: The appropriate part can be selected based on the design. For AMD boards, the part name can be
found from the respective board’s user guide.

• Init File: Provide the initialization file path.

• Blank check after erase: The blank check is performed to verify if the erase operation was
properly done. The contents are read back and checked if the region erased is blank.

• Verify after Flash: The verify operation is cross-checked with the flash programming
operation. The flash contents are read back and cross-checked against the programmed data.

Multi-Cable and Multi-Device Support

Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE. Switch to classic Vitis IDE and refer to 2023.1
documentation, if you wish to access this option.

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Chapter 9: User Managed Flow

Chapter 9

User Managed Flow

If you prefer to manage your source code hierarchy and build process in a unique way, for
instance, by crafting your own Makefile or CMake files, you can use User Managed Mode. This
mode empowers you by offering enhanced support and debugging capabilities, especially when
you oversee the build flow. Additionally, the User Managed Flow simplifies the process, making
the build launch more seamless and user-friendly. If you prefer command line flow to develop
your application, User managed flow is an ideal choice. This flow supports Makefile based
projects. Execute the following steps to use the flow.

1. Start Vitis Unified IDE.

2. Open a workspace where Makefile based project exists.
3. Click User Managed Flow to switch to user managed flow in the Component view. The
Explorer view must contains all the files in the directory.

Note: The explorer view can also be reached from Menu → View → Explorer.

4. Create build configuration.

a. Right click anywhere on File Explorer → Edit Build Configuration.

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b. Create a new build configuration by clicking + button,

c. A new configuration is created. Input your build command and clean command. You can
also specify the build directory, if needed. See the following figure for an example.

d. Right click anywhere in the file explorer and select Build to build your project.
5. Create Run/Debug launch configuration after build is finished.
a. Right click anywhere in the file explorer and select Edit Launch Configuration.
b. Create a launch configuration by clicking + button.
c. It brings up Create Launch Configuration wizard. You have four options for embedded
application component.

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i. Attach to Running Target: If you desire to debug on the already running target, select
this option. You need to provide the target connection and begin to debug.

Note: Refer to Target Connections for creating the target connections.

ii. Baremetal: This is used to debug or run the bare-metal application component.
Specify the XSA file and click Submit to create the configuration file. Wait until the
Launch Configuration file pops up. Refer to Launch Configurations for setting

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iii. Attach to Running Process on Linux Target: To debug a Linux application on an already
running Linux target, select this option and click Submit. Launch configuration
window appears. Provide the target connection and executable file, post which you
can run/debug it.
iv. Linux Application with ELF: If a Linux application has to be run/debugged, select this
option and provide the elf. Launch configuration with the few sections is created for
the app. Provide the necessary information post which you can run/debug it.

Setting User Specified Tool Chain

Tool supports multiple versions of toolchain in user managed mode. To do this, execute the
following steps.

1. Open terminal in Linux system or open windows command prompt.

2. In the command line, input the following commands.
setenv VITIS_IDE_USER_TOOLCHAIN <custom_tool_chain_bin_directory_path>

You can start Vitis from the terminal and change to user managed mode.

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Chapter 10: Vitis Utilities

Chapter 10

Vitis Utilities

Software Command-Line Tool

Launch a console window to interact with XSCT. For more information on XSCT, see the
Software Command-Line Tool section and the XSCT Commands section.

Program Device
Program the FPGA with the bitstream. From Vitis Program Device, you can get the following
setup dialog of programming device.

Figure 32: Program Device

The following table lists the options available on the Program Device page:

• Project: Select the system project you want to use.

• Connection: Select the hardware or hardware server if the board is on remote side.

• Bitstream/PDI File: Specify the bitstream/PDI file

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• Partial Bitstream: Indicate this is a partial bit stream file.

• BMM/MMI file: Only for MicroBlaze design. These files store the BRAM name and location
information of MicroBlaze. They are generated by Vivado.

• Skip Revision Check: Skip version check

• Generate: Stitch the elf with the bit stream and generate the final bit stream file

• Program: Click this button to program the FPGA.

Vitis Terminal
From Terminal → New Terminal you can create a new terminal. This terminal is forked from
current working environment. This terminal can be used for running any AMD standalone utility
(Bootgen, Program Flash, Program device, and so on).

Project Export and Import

Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE in this version. Change to the classic IDE if you
want to use this function. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use this feature in
Classic Vitis IDE.

Generating Device Tree

Note: This function is not supported in the Vitis Unified IDE in this version. Change to the classic IDE if you
want to use this function. Refer to 2023.1 documentation for details about how to use this feature in
Classic Vitis IDE.

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Section III: Bootgen Tool

Section III

Bootgen Tool
This section contains the following chapters:

• Introduction
• Boot Image Layout
• Creating Boot Images
• Using Bootgen GUI
• Boot Time Security
• FPGA Support
• Use Cases and Examples
• BIF Attribute Reference
• Command Reference
• CDO Utility

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Section III: Bootgen Tool
Chapter 11: Introduction

Chapter 11

AMD FPGAs, system-on-chip (SoC) devices, and adaptive SoCs typically have multiple hardware
and software binaries used to boot them to function as designed and expected. These binaries
can include FPGA bitstreams, firmware images, bootloaders, operating systems, and user-chosen
applications that can be loaded in both non-secure and secure methods.

Bootgen is an AMD tool that lets you stitch binary files together and generate device boot
images. Bootgen defines multiple properties, attributes and parameters that are put in while
creating boot images for use in an AMD device.

The secure boot feature for AMD devices uses public and private key cryptographic algorithms.
Bootgen provides assignment of specific destination memory addresses and alignment
requirements for each partition. It also supports encryption and authentication, described in
Using Encryption and Using Authentication. More advanced authentication flows and key
management options are discussed in Using HSM Mode, where Bootgen can output intermediate
hash files that can be signed offline using private keys to sign the authentication certificates
included in the boot image. Bootgen assembles a boot image by adding header blocks to a list of
partitions. Optionally, each partition can be encrypted and authenticated with Bootgen. The
output is a single file that can be directly programmed into the boot flash memory of the system.
Various input files can be generated by the tool to support authentication and encryption as well.
See BIF Syntax and Supported File Types for more information.

Bootgen comes with both a GUI interface and a command-line option. The tool is integrated into
the AMD Vitis™ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for generating basic boot images,
but the majority of Bootgen options are command-line driven. Command-line options can be
scripted. The Bootgen tool is driven by a boot image format (BIF) configuration file, with a file
extension of *.bif. Along with AMD SoC and adaptive SoC, Bootgen has the ability to encrypt
and authenticate partitions for AMD 7 series and later FPGAs, as described in FPGA Support. In
addition to the supported command and attributes that define the behavior of a boot image,
there are utilities that help you work with Bootgen. Bootgen code is now available on GitHub.

Installing Bootgen
You can use Bootgen in GUI mode in the Vitis IDE for simple boot image creation, or in
command-line mode for more complex boot images. You can install Bootgen from the AMD
Unified Installer for FPGAs and Adaptive SoCs.

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Section III: Bootgen Tool
Chapter 11: Introduction

After you install Vitis with Bootgen, you can start and use the tool from the Vitis IDE option that
contains the most common actions for rapid development and experimentation, or from the
XSCT (Software Command Tool).

The command line option provides many more options for creating a boot image. See Using
Bootgen Options on the Command Line for more information.

Boot Time Security

Secure booting through latest authentication methods is supported to prevent unauthorized or
modified code from being run on AMD devices, and to make sure only authorized programs
access the images for loading various encryption techniques.

For device-specific hardware security features, see the following documents:.

• Zynq 7000 SoC Technical Reference Manual (UG585)

• Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085)
• Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011)
Note: For additional information, see the Versal Adaptive SoC Security Manual (UG1508). This manual
requires an active NDA to be downloaded from the Design Security Lounge.

See Using Encryption and Using Authentication for more information about encrypting and
authenticating content when using Bootgen.

The Bootgen hardware security monitor (HSM) mode increases key handling security because the
BIF attributes use public rather than private RSA keys. The HSM is a secure key/signature
generation device which generates private keys, encrypts partitions using the private key, and
provides the public part of the RSA key to Bootgen. The private keys do not leave the HSM. The
BIF for Bootgen HSM mode uses public keys and signatures generated by the HSM. See Using
HSM Mode for more information.

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Chapter 12

Boot Image Layout

This section describes the format of the boot image for different architectures.

• For information about using Bootgen for Zynq 7000 devices, see Zynq 7000 SoC Boot and
• For information about using Bootgen for AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC devices, see Zynq
UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot and Configuration.
• For information on how to use Bootgen for AMD FPGAs, see FPGA Support.
• For information on AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC, see Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Image Format.

Building a boot image involves the following steps:

1. Create a BIF file.

2. Run the Bootgen executable to create a boot image.
Note: For the quick emulator (QEMU) you must convert the binary file to an image format
corresponding to the boot device.

The input files are not necessarily different for each device (for example, for every device, ELF
files can be input files that can be part of the boot image), but the format of the boot image is
different. The following sections describe the required format of the boot header, image header,
partition header, initialization, and authentication certificate header for each device.

Zynq 7000 SoC Boot and Configuration

This section describes the boot and configuration sequence for Zynq 7000 SoC devices. See the
Zynq 7000 SoC Technical Reference Manual (UG585) for more details on the available first stage
boot loader (FSBL) structures.

BootROM on Zynq 7000 SoC

The BootROM is the first software to run in the application processing unit (APU). BootROM
executes on the first Cortex® processor, A9-0, while the second processor, Cortex, A9-1,
executes the wait for event (WFE) instruction. The main tasks of the BootROM are to configure
the system, copy the FSBL from the boot device to the on-chip memory (OCM), and then branch
the code execution to the OCM.

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Optionally, you can execute the FSBL directly from a Quad-SPI or NOR device in a non-secure
environment. The master boot device holds one or more boot images. A boot image is made up
of the boot header and the first stage boot loader (FSBL). Additionally, a boot image can have
programmable logic (PL), a second stage boot loader (SSBL), and an embedded operating system
and applications; however, these are not accessed by the BootROM. The BootROM execution
flow is affected by the boot mode pin strap settings, the boot header, and what it discovers about
the system. The BootROM can execute in a secure environment with encrypted FSBL, or a non-
secure environment. The supported boot modes are:

• JTAG mode is primarily used for development and debug.

• NAND, parallel NOR, Serial NOR (Quad-SPI), and secure digital (SD) flash memories are used
for booting the device.
The Zynq 7000 SoC Technical Reference Manual (UG585) provides the details of these boot
modes. See Answer Record 52538 for answers to common boot and configuration questions.

Zynq 7000 SoC Boot Image Layout

The following is a diagram of the components that can be included in an AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC
boot image.

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Figure 33: Boot Header

Boot Header

Register Initialization Table

Image Header Table

Image Header 1 Image Header 2 ___ Image Header n

Partition Header 1 Partition Header 2 ___ Partition Header n

Header Authentication Certificate (Optional)

Partition 1 (FSBL)
Partition 2
Partition n


Zynq 7000 SoC Boot Header

Additionally, the Boot Header contains a Zynq 7000 SoC Register Initialization Table. BootROM
uses the boot header to find the location and length of FSBL and other details to initialize the
system before handing off the control to FSBL.

Bootgen attaches a boot header at the beginning of a boot image. The boot header table is a
structure that contains information related to booting the primary bootloader, such as the FSBL.
There is only one such structure in the entire boot image. This table is parsed by BootROM to
determine where the FSBL is stored in flash and where it needs to be loaded in OCM. Some
encryption and authentication related parameters are also stored in here.

The additional boot image components are:

• Zynq 7000 SoC Image Header Table

• Zynq 7000 SoC Image Header
• Zynq 7000 SoC Partition Header
• Zynq 7000 SoC Authentication Certificate

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The following table provides the address offsets, parameters, and descriptions for the AMD
Zynq™ 7000 SoC Boot Header.

Table 8: Zynq 7000 SoC Boot Header

Address Offset Parameter Description

0x00-0x1F Arm® Vector table Filled with dummy vector table by Bootgen (Arm Op
code 0xEAFFFFFE, which is a branch-to-self infinite loop
intended to catch uninitialized vectors.
0x20 Width Detection Word This is required to identify the QSPI flash in single/dual
stacked or dual parallel mode. 0xAA995566 in little
endian format.
0x24 Header Signature Contains 4 bytes ‘X’,’N’,’L’,’X’ in byte order, which is
0x584c4e58 in little endian format.

0x28 Key Source Location of encryption key within the device:

0x3A5C3C5A: Encryption key in BBRAM.

0xA5C3C5A3: Encryption key in eFUSE.
0x00000000: Not Encrypted.

0x2C Header Version 0x01010000

0x30 Source Offset Location of FSBL (bootloader) in this image file.

0x34 FSBL Image Length Length of the FSBL, after decryption.
0x38 FSBL Load Address (RAM) Destination RAM address to which to copy the FSBL.
0x3C FSBL Execution address (RAM) Entry vector for FSBL execution.
0x40 Total FSBL Length Total size of FSBL after encryption, including
authentication certificate (if any) and padding.
0x44 QSPI Configuration Word Hard coded to 0x00000001.

0x48 Boot Header Checksum Sum of words from offset 0x20 to 0x44 inclusive. The
words are assumed to be little endian.
0x4c-0x97 User Defined Fields 76 bytes
0x98 Image Header Table Offset Pointer to Image Header Table
0x9C Partition Header Table Offset Pointer to Partition Header Table

Zynq 7000 SoC Register Initialization Table

The Register Initialization Table in Bootgen is a structure of 256 address-value pairs used to
initialize PS registers for MIO multiplexer and flash clocks. For more information, see About
Register Intialization Pairs and INT File Attributes.

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Table 9: Zynq 7000 SoC Register Initialization Table

Address Offset Parameter Description

0xA0 to 0x89C Register Initialization Pairs: Address = 0xFFFFFFFF means
<address>:<value>: skip that register and ignore the
All the unused register fields must
be set to Address=0xFFFFFFFF
and value = 0x0.

Zynq 7000 SoC Image Header Table

Bootgen creates a boot image by extracting data from ELF files, bitstream, data files, and so forth.
These files, from which the data is extracted, are referred to as images. Each image can have one
or more partitions. The Image Header table is a structure containing information that is common
across all these images, and information like the number of images, partitions present in the boot
image, and the pointer to the other header tables. The following table provides the address
offsets, parameters, and descriptions for the AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC device.

Table 10: Zynq 7000 SoC Image Header Table

Address Offset Parameter Description

0x00 Version 0x01010000: Only fields available are 0x0, 0x4, 0x8, 0xC, and a
0x01020000:0x10 field is added.

0x04 Count of Image Headers Indicates the number of image headers.

0x08 First Partition Header Pointer to first partition header. (word offset)
0x0C First Image Header Offset Pointer to first image header. (word offset)
0x10 Header Authentication Pointer to the authentication certificate header. (word offset)
Certificate Offset
0x14 Reserved Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF.

Zynq 7000 SoC Image Header

The Image Header is an array of structures containing information related to each image, such as
an ELF file, bitstream, data files, and so forth. Each image can have multiple partitions; for
example, an ELF can have multiple loadable sections, each of which forms a partition in the boot
image. The table also contains the information of number of partitions related to an image. The
following table provides the address offsets, parameters, and descriptions for the AMD Zynq™
7000 SoC device.

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Table 11: Zynq 7000 SoC Image Header

Address Offset Parameter Description

0x00 Next Image Header Link to next Image Header. 0 if last
Image Header (word offset).
0x04 Corresponding partition header Link to first associated Partition Header
(word offset).
0x08 Reserved Always 0.
0x0C Partition Count Length Number of partitions associated with
this image.
0x10 to N Image Name Packed in big endian order. To
reconstruct the string, unpack 4 bytes
at a time, reverse the order, and
concatenate. For example, the string
“FSBL10.ELF” is packed as 0x10:
0x14: ’E’,’.’,’0’,’1’, 0x18: ’
\0’,’\0’,’F’,’L’ .
The packed image name is a multiple
of 4 bytes.
N String Terminator 0x00000000

N+4 Reserved Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF to 64 bytes


Zynq 7000 SoC Partition Header

The Partition Header is an array of structures containing information related to each partition.
Each partition header table is parsed by the Boot Loader. The information such as the partition
size, address in flash, load address in RAM, encrypted/signed, and so forth, are part of this table.
There is one such structure for each partition including FSBL. The last structure in the table is
marked by all NULL values (except the checksum). The following table shows the offsets, names,
and notes regarding the AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC Partition Header.

Note: An ELF file with three loadable sections has one image header and three partition header tables.

Table 12: Zynq 7000 SoC Partition Header

Offset Name Notes

0x00 Encrypted Partition length Encrypted partition data length.
0x04 Unencrypted Partition length Unencrypted data length.
0x08 Total partition word length The total partition word length comprises the
(Includes Authentication encrypted information length with padding, the
Certificate.) See Zynq 7000 SoC expansion length, and the authentication length.
Authentication Certificate.
0x0C Destination load address. The RAM address into which this partition is to be
0x10 Destination execution address. Entry point of this partition when executed.
0x14 Data word offset in Image Position of the partition data relative to the start
of the boot image.
0x18 Attribute Bits See Zynq 7000 SoC Partition Attribute Bits

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Table 12: Zynq 7000 SoC Partition Header (cont'd)

Offset Name Notes

0x1C Section Count Number of sections in a single partition.
0x20 Checksum Word Offset Location of the corresponding checksum word in
the boot image.
0x24 Image Header Word Offset Location of the corresponding Image Header in
the boot image.
0x28 Authentication Certification Word Location of the corresponding Authentication
Offset Certification in the boot image.
0x2C-0x38 Reserved Reserved
0x3C Header Checksum Sum of the previous words in the Partition

Zynq 7000 SoC Partition Attribute Bits

The following table describes the Partition Attribute bits of the partition header table for an
AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC device.

Table 13: Zynq 7000 SoC Partition Attribute Bits

Bit Field Description Notes

31:18 Reserved Not used
17:16 Partition owner
2 and 3: reserved

15 RSA signature present

0: No RSA authentication certificate
1: RSA authentication certificate

14:12 Checksum type

0: None
1: MD5
2-7: reserved

11:8 Reserved Not used

7:4 Destination device
0: None
1: PS
2: PL
3: INT
4-15: Reserved

3:2 Reserved Not used

1:0 Reserved Not used

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Zynq 7000 SoC Authentication Certificate

The Authentication Certificate is a structure that contains all the information related to the
authentication of a partition. This structure has the public keys, all the signatures that BootROM/
FSBL needs to verify. There is an Authentication Header in each Authentication Certificate,
which gives information like the key sizes, algorithm used for signing, and so forth. The
Authentication Certificate is appended to the actual partition, for which authentication is
enabled. If authentication is enabled for any of the partitions, the header tables also needs
authentication. Header Table Authentication Certificate is appended at end of the header tables

The AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC uses an RSA-2048 authentication with a SHA-256 hashing
algorithm, which means the primary and secondary key sizes are 2048-bit. Because SHA-256 is
used as the secure hash algorithm, the FSBL, partition, and authentication certificates must be
padded to a 512-bit boundary.

The format of the Authentication Certificate in an AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC is as shown in the
following table.

Table 14: Zynq 7000 SoC Authentication Certificate

Authentication Certificate Bits Description

0x00 Authentication Header = 0x0101000. See Zynq 7000 SoC Authentication
Certificate Header.
0x04 Certificate size
0x08 UDF (56 bytes)
0x40 PPK Mod (256 bytes)
0x140 Mod Ext (256 bytes)
0x240 Exponent
0x244 Pad (60 bytes)
0x280 SPK Mod (256 bytes)
0x380 Mod Ext (256 bytes)
0x480 Exponent (4 bytes)
0x484 Pad (60 bytes)
0x4C0 SPK Signature = RSA-2048 (PSK, Padding || SHA-256 (SPK))
0x5C0 FSBL Partition Signature = RSA-2048 (SSK, SHA256 (Boot Header || FSBL
0x5C0 Other Partition Signature = RSA-2048 (SSK, SHA-256 (Partition || Padding ||
Authentication Header || PPK || SPK || SPK Signature))

Zynq 7000 SoC Authentication Certificate Header

The following table describes the AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC Authentication Certificate Header.

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Table 15: Zynq 7000 SoC Authentication Certificate Header

Bit Offset Field Name Description

31:16 Reserved 0
15:14 Authentication Certificate Format 00: PKCS #1 v1.5
13:12 Authentication Certificate Version 00: Current AC
11 PPK Key Type 0: Hash Key
10:9 PPK Key Source 0: eFUSE
8 SPK Enable 1: SPK Enable
7:4 Public Strength 0:2048
3:2 Hash Algorithm 0: SHA256

Zynq 7000 SoC Boot Image Block Diagram

The following is a diagram of the components that can be included in an AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC
boot image.

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Figure 34: Zynq 7000 SoC Boot Image Block Diagram

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Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot and


AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC supports the ability to boot from different devices such as a
QSPI flash, an SD card, USB device firmware upgrade (DFU) host, and the NAND flash drive. This
chapter details the boot-up process using different booting devices in both secure and non-
secure modes. The boot-up process is managed and carried out by the Platform Management
Unit (PMU) and Configuration Security Unit (CSU).

During initial boot, the following steps occur:

• The PMU is brought out of reset by the power on reset (POR).

• The PMU executes code from PMU ROM.
• The PMU initializes the SYSMON and required PLLs for the boot, clears the low power and
full power domains, and releases the CSU reset.

After the PMU releases the CSU, CSU does the following:

• Checks to determine if authentication is required by the FSBL or the user application.

• Performs an authentication check and proceeds only if the authentication check passes. Then
checks the image for any encrypted partitions.
• If the CSU detects partitions that are encrypted, the CSU performs decryption and initializes
OCM, determines boot mode settings, performs the FSBL load and an optional PMU firmware
• After execution of CSU ROM code, it hands off control to FSBL. FSBL uses PCAP interface to
program the PL with bitstream.

FSBL then takes the responsibility of the system. The Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference
Manual (UG1085) provides details on CSU and PMU. For specific information on CSU, see
"Configuration Security Unit" in the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: Software Developers Guide

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot Image

The following figure shows the AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC boot image.

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Figure 35: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot Image

Boot Header

Register Initialization Table

PUF Helper Data (Optional)

Image Header Table

Image Image ___

Image Header
Header 1 Header 2 n

Partition Partition ___

Header 1 Header 2 Header n

Header Authentication Certificate (Optional)

Partition 1 (FSBL)
(Optional) (Optional)
Partition 2
Partition n


Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot Header

About the Boot Header

Bootgen attaches a boot header at the starting of any boot image. The boot header table is a
structure that contains information related to booting of primary bootloader, such as the FSBL.
There is only one such structure in entire boot image. This table is parsed by BootROM to get the
information of where FSBL is stored in flash and where it needs to be loaded in OCM. Some
encryption and authentication related parameters are also stored in here. The boot image
components are:

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• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot Header, which also has the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot
Header Attribute Bits.
• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Register Initialization Table
• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PUF Helper Data
• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Image Header Table
• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Image Header
• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Authentication Certificates
• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Partition Header

BootROM uses the boot header to find the location and length of FSBL and other details to
initialize the system before handing off the control to FSBL. The following table provides the
address offsets, parameters, and descriptions for the AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device.

Table 16: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Boot Header

Address Offset Parameter Description

0x00-0x1F Arm® vector table XIP ELF vector table:

0xEAFFFFFE: for Cortex®-R5F and Cortex A53 (32-bit)

0x14000000: for Cortex A53 (64-bit)

0x20 Width Detection This field is used for QSPI width detection. 0xAA995566 in little endian
Word format.
0x24 Header Signature Contains 4 bytes ‘X’, ’N’, ’L’, ’X’ in byte order, which is 0x584c4e58 in little
endian format.
0x28 Key Source
0x00000000 (Un-Encrypted)
0xA5C3C5A5 (Black key stored in eFUSE)
0xA5C3C5A7 (Obfuscated key stored in eFUSE)
0x3A5C3C5A (Red key stored in BBRAM)
0xA5C3C5A3 (eFUSE RED key stored in eFUSE)
0xA35C7CA5 (Obfuscated key stored in Boot Header)
0xA3A5C3C5 (USER key stored in Boot Header)
0xA35C7C53 (Black key stored in Boot Header)

0x2C FSBL Execution FSBL execution address in OCM or XIP base address.
address (RAM)
0x30 Source Offset If no PMUFW, then it is the start offset of FSBL. If PMUFW, then start of
0x34 PMU Image PMU firmware original image length in bytes. (0-128KB).
If size > 0, PMUFW is prefixed to FSBL.
If size = 0, no PMUFW image.

0x38 Total PMU FW Total PMUFW image length in bytes.(PMUFW length + encryption
Length overhead)

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Table 16: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Boot Header (cont'd)

Address Offset Parameter Description

0x3C FSBL Image Original FSBL image length in bytes. (0-250KB). If 0, XIP bootimage is
Length assumed.
0x40 Total FSBL Length FSBL image length + Encryption overhead of FSBL image + Auth. Cert., +
64byte alignment + hash size (Integrity check).
0x44 FSBL Image See Bit Attributes.
0x48 Boot Header Sum of words from offset 0x20 to 0x44 inclusive. The words are assumed to
Checksum be little endian.
0x4C-0x68 Obfuscated/Black Stores the Obfuscated key or Black key.
Key Storage
0x6C Shutter Value 32-bit PUF_SHUT register value to configure PUF for shutter offset time and
shutter open time.
0x70 -0x94 User-Defined 40 bytes.
Fields (UDF)
0x98 Image Header Pointer to Image Header Table.
Table Offset
0x9C Partition Header Pointer to Partition Header.
Table Offset
0xA0-0xA8 Secure Header IV IV for secure header of bootloader partition.
0x0AC-0xB4 Obfuscated/Black IV for Obfuscated or Black key.
Key IV

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot Header Attribute Bits

Table 17: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot Header Attribute Bits

Field Name Bit Offset Width Default Description

Reserved 31:16 16 0x0 Reserved. Must be 0.
BHDR RSA 15:14 2 0x0
0x3: RSA Authentication of
the boot image will be
done, excluding verification
of PPK hash and SPK ID.
All Others others : RSA
Authentication will be
decided based on eFuse
RSA bits.

Reserved 13:12 2 0x0 NA

CPU Select 11:10 2 0x0
0x0: R5 Single
0x1: A53 Single 32-bit
0x2: A53 Single 64-bit
0x3: R5 Dual

Hashing Select 9:8 2 0x0

0x0, 0x1 : No Integrity check
0x3: SHA3 for BI integrity

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Table 17: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot Header Attribute Bits (cont'd)

Field Name Bit Offset Width Default Description

PUF-HD 7:6 2 0x0
0x3: PUF HD is part of boot
All other: PUF HD is in

Reserved 5:0 6 0x0 Reserved for future use. Must

be 0.

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Register Initialization Table

The Register Initialization Table in Bootgen is a structure of 256 address-value pairs used to
initialize PS registers for MIO multiplexer and flash clocks. For more information, see Initialization
Pairs and INT File Attribute.

Table 18: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Register Initialization Table

Address Offset Parameter Description

0xB8 to 0x8B4 Register Initialization Pairs: If the Address is set to 0xFFFFFFFF, that register is
<address>:<value>: skipped and the value is ignored. All unused register
(2048 bytes) fields must be set to Address=0xFFFFFFFF and value

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PUF Helper Data

The PUF uses helper data to re-create the original KEK value over the complete guaranteed
operating temperature and voltage range over the life of the part. The helper data consists of a
<syndrome_value>, an <aux_value>, and a <chash_value>. The helper data can either be
stored in eFUSEs or in the boot image. See puf_file for more information. Also, see the section
"PUF Helper Data" in the Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085).

Table 19: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC PUF Helper Data

Address Offset Parameter Description

0x8B8 to 0xEC0 PUF Helper Data (1544 Valid only when Boot Header Offset 0x44 (bits 7:6) ==
bytes) 0x3. If the PUF HD is not inserted then Boot Header
size = 2048 bytes. If the PUF Header Data is inserted,
then the Boot Header size = 3584 bytes. PUF HD size =
Total size = 1536 bytes of PUFHD + 4 bytes of CHASH +
2 bytes of AUX + 1 byte alignment = 1544 byte.

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Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Image Header Table

Bootgen creates a boot image by extracting data from ELF files, bitstream, data files, and so forth.
These files, from which the data is extracted, are referred to as images. Each image can have one
or more partitions. The Image Header table is a structure, containing information which is
common across all these images, and information like; the number of images, partitions present
in the boot image, and the pointer to the other header tables.

Table 20: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Image Header Table

Address Offset Parameter Description

0x00 Version
0x01020000 - 0x10 field is added

0x04 Count of Image Header Indicates the number of image headers.

0x08 First Partition Header Offset Pointer to first partition header (word
0x0C First Image Offset Header Pointer to first image header (word offset).
0x10 Header Authentication Certificate Pointer to header authentication
certificate (word offset).
0x14 Secondary Boot Device Options are:

0 - Same boot device

1 - QSPI-32
2 - QSPI-24
3 - NAND
4 - SD0
5 - SD1
6 - SDLS
7 - MMC
8 - USB
10 - PCIE
11 - SATA

0x18- 0x38 Padding Reserved (0x0)

0x3C Checksum A sum of all the previous words in the
image header.

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Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Image Header

About Image Headers

The Image Header is an array of structures containing information related to each image, such as
an ELF file, bitstream, data files, and so forth. Each image can have multiple partitions, for
example an ELF can have multiple loadable sections, each of which form a partition in the boot
image. The table also contains the information of number of partitions related to an image. The
following table provides the address offsets, parameters, and descriptions for the AMD Zynq™
UltraScale+™ MPSoC.

Table 21: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Image Header

Address Offset Parameter Description

0x00 Next image header offset Link to next Image Header. 0 if last Image Header
(word offset).
0x04 Corresponding partition header Link to first associated Partition Header (word offset).
0x08 Reserved Always 0.
0x0C Partition Count Value of the actual partition count.
0x10 - N Image Name Packed in big endian order. To reconstruct the string,
unpack 4 bytes at a time, reverse the order, and
concatenated. For example, the string “FSBL10.ELF”
is packed as 0x10: ‘L’,’B’,’S’,’F’,
0x14: ’E’,’.’,’0’,’1’, 0x18: ’\0’,’
\0’,’F’,’L’ The packed image name is a multiple
of 4 bytes.
varies String Terminator 0x00000

varies Padding Defaults to 0xFFFFFFF to 64 bytes boundary.

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Partition Header

About the Partition Header

The Partition Header is an array of structures containing information related to each partition.
Each partition header table is parsed by the Boot Loader. The information such as the partition
size, address in flash, load address in RAM, encrypted/signed, and so forth, are part of this table.
There is one such structure for each partition including FSBL. The last structure in the table is
marked by all NULL values (except the checksum.) The following table shows the offsets, names,
and notes regarding the AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC.

Table 22: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Partition Header

Offset Name Notes

0x0 Encrypted Partition Data Word Encrypted partition data length.
0x04 Un-encrypted Data Word Length Unencrypted data length.

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Table 22: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Partition Header (cont'd)

Offset Name Notes

0x08 Total Partition Word Length The total encrypted + padding + expansion +authentication
(Includes Authentication length.
Certificate. See Authentication
0x0C Next Partition Header Offset Location of next partition header (word offset).
0x10 Destination Execution AddressLO The lower 32-bits of executable address of this partition after
0x14 Destination Execution Address HI The higher 32-bits of executable address of this partition after
0x18 Destination Load Address LO The lower 32-bits of RAM address into which this partition is to
be loaded.
0x1C Destination Load Address HI The higher 32-bits of RAM address into which this partition is
to be loaded.
0x20 Actual Partition Word Offset The position of the partition data relative to the start of the
boot image. (word offset)
0x24 Attributes See Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Partition Attribute Bits
0x28 Section Count The number of sections associated with this partition.
0x2C Checksum Word Offset The location of the checksum table in the boot image. (word
0x30 Image Header Word Offset The location of the corresponding image header in the boot
image. (word offset)
0x34 AC Offset The location of the corresponding Authentication Certificate in
the boot image, if present (word offset)
0x38 Partition Number/ID Partition ID.
0x3C Header Checksum A sum of the previous words in the Partition Header.

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Partition Attribute Bits

The following table describes the Partition Attribute bits on the partition header table for the
AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC.

Table 23: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Partition Attribute Bits

Bit Offset Field Name Description

31:24 Reserved
23 Vector Location Location of exception vector.

0: LOVEC (default)

22:20 Reserved
19 Early Handoff Handoff immediately after loading:

0: No Early Handoff
1: Early Handoff Enabled

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Table 23: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Partition Attribute Bits (cont'd)

Bit Offset Field Name Description

18 Endianness
0: Little Endian
1: Big Endian

17:16 Partition Owner

1: U-Boot
2 and 3: Reserved

15 RSA Authentication Certificate

present 0: No RSA Authentication Certificate
1: RSA Authentication Certificate

14:12 Checksum Type

0: None
1-2: Reserved
3: SHA3
4-7: Reserved

11:8 Destination CPU

0: None
1: A53-0
2: A53-1
3: A53-2
4: A53-3
5: R5-0
6: R5 -1
7 R5-lockstep
8: PMU
9-15: Reserved

7 Encryption Present
0: Not Encrypted
1: Encrypted

6:4 Destination Device

0: None
1: PS
2: PL
3-15: Reserved

3 A5X Exec State

0: AARCH64 (default)
1: AARCH32

2:1 Exception Level

0: EL0
1: EL1
2: EL2
3: EL3

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Table 23: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Partition Attribute Bits (cont'd)

Bit Offset Field Name Description

0 Trustzone
0: Non-secure
1: Secure

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Authentication Certificates

The Authentication Certificate is a structure that contains all the information related to the
authentication of a partition. This structure has the public keys and the signatures that
BootROM/FSBL needs to verify. There is an Authentication Header in each Authentication
Certificate, which gives information like the key sizes, algorithm used for signing, and so forth.
The Authentication Certificate is appended to the actual partition, for which authentication is
enabled. If authentication is enabled for any of the partitions, the header tables also needs
authentication. The Header Table Authentication Certificate is appended at end of the content to
the header tables.

The AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC uses RSA-4096 authentication, which means the primary
and secondary key sizes are 4096-bit. The following table provides the format of the
Authentication Certificate for the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC device.

Table 24: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Authentication Certificates

Authentication Certificate
0x00 Authentication Header = 0x0101000. See Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Authentication
Certification Header.
0x04 SPK ID
0x08 UDF (56 bytes)
0x40 PPK Mod (512)
0x240 Mod Ext (512)
0x440 Exponent (4 bytes)
0x444 Pad (60 bytes)
0x480 SPK Mod (512 bytes)
0x680 Mod Ext (512 bytes)
0x880 Exponent (4 bytes)
0x884 Pad (60 bytes)
0x8C0 SPK Signature = RSA-4096 ( PSK, Padding || SHA-384 (SPK + Authentication
Header + SPK-ID))
0xAC0 Boot Header Signature = RSA-4096 ( SSK, Padding || SHA-384 (Boot Header))
0xCC0 Partition Signature = RSA-4096 ( SSK, Padding || SHA-384 (Partition || Padding
|| Authentication Header || SPK ID || UDF || PPK || SPK || SPK Signature ||
BH Signature))

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Note: FSBL Signature is calculated as follows:

FSBL Signature = RSA-4096 ( SSK, Padding || SHA-384 (PMUFW || FSBL ||

Padding || Authentication Header || SPK ID || UDF || PPK || SPK || SPK
Signature|| BH Signature))

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Authentication Certification Header

The following table describes the Authentication Header bit fields for the AMD Zynq™
UltraScale+™ MPSoC device.

Table 25: Authentication Header Bit Fields

Bit Field Description Notes

31:20 Reserved 0
19:18 SPK/User eFuse Select
01: SPK eFuse
10: User eFuse

17:16 PPK Key Select

0: PPK0
1: PPK1

15:14 Authentication Certificate 00: PKCS #1 v1.5

13:12 Authentication Certificate 00: Current AC
11 PPK Key Type 0: Hash Key
10:9 PPK Key Source 0: eFUSE
8 SPK Enable 1: SPK Enable
7:4 Public Strength
0 : 2048b
1 : 4096
2:3 : Reserved

3:2 Hash Algorithm

1: SHA3/384
2:3 Reserved

1:0 Public Algorithm

0: Reserved
1: RSA
2: Reserved
3: Reserved

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Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Secure Header

When you choose to encrypt a partition, Bootgen appends the secure header to that partition.
The secure header, contains the key/iv used to encrypt the actual partition. This header in-turn is
encrypted using the device key and iv. The Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC secure header is shown in
the following table.

Figure 36: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Secure Header


Partition#0 (FSBL) Partition#1 Partition#2

Encrypted Encrypted Encrypted

Using Contents Using Contents Using Contents

Secure Header Key0 IV0 - IV1_#0 Key0 IV0+0x01 Key1_#1 IV1_#1 Key0 IV0+0x02 Key1_#2 IV1_#2

Block #0 Key0 IV1_#0 - - Key1_#1 IV1_#1 - - Key1_#2 IV1_#2 - -

AES with Key rolling

Partition#0 (FSBL) Partition#1 Partition#2

Encrypted Encrypted Encrypted

Using Contents Using Contents Using Contents

Secure Header Key0 IV0 - IV1_#0 Key0 IV0+0x01 Key1_#1 IV1_#1 Key0 IV0+0x02 Key1_#2 IV1_#2

Block #0 Key0 IV1_#0 Key2_#0 IV2_#0 Key1_#1 IV1_#1 Key2_#1 IV2_#1 Key1_#2 IV1_#2 Key2_#2 IV2_#2

Block #1 Key2_#0 IV2_#0 Key3_#0 IV3_#0 Key2_#1 IV2_#2 Key3_#1 IV3_#1 Key2_#2 IV2_#2 Key3_#2 IV3_#2

Block #2 Key3_#0 IV3_#0 Key4_#0 IV4_#0 Key3_#1 IV3_#2 Key4_#1 IV4_#1 Key3_#2 IV3_#2 Key4_#2 IV4_#2

… … … … … … … … … … … … …

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Boot Image Block Diagram

The following is a diagram of the components that can be included in an AMD Zynq™
UltraScale+™ MPSoC boot image.

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Figure 37: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Boot Image Block Diagram

Header AC

AC Header
Boot Header 0x000-0xEC0
SPK IDHeader
Image Header Table User Defined Field
Image Headers (IH1-Ihn) PPK
Partition Header 1 SPKHeader
SPK Signature
Partition Header n BH Signature
Header AC Partition Signature
BootLoader AC

AC Header
BootLoader SPK IDBootLoader
(FSBL and PMUFW (opt))
User Defined Field
SPK Signature
BootLoader AC
BH Signature
Partition Signature

Partition 1 AC

Partition 1 AC Header
SPK IDPartition1
User Defined Field
Partition 1 AC SPKPartition1
SPK Signature
BH Signature
Partition Signature

Partition n AC

AC Header
Partition(n) SPK IDPartition(n)
User Defined Field
Partition(n) AC SPK Signature
BH Signature
Partition Signature


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Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Image Format

The following is a diagram of the components that can be included in an AMD Versal™ adaptive
SoC boot image called programmable device image (PDI).

Platform Management Controller

The platform management controller (PMC) in Versal adaptive SoC is responsible for platform
management of the Versal adaptive SoC, including boot and configuration. This chapter is
focused on the boot image format processed by the two PMC MicroBlaze processors, the ROM
code unit (RCU), and the platform processing unit (PPU):

• RCU: The ROM code unit contains a triple-redundant MicroBlaze processor and read-only
memory (ROM) which contains the executable BootROM. The BootROM executable is metal-
masked and unchangeable. The MicroBlaze processor in the RCU is responsible for validating
and running the BootROM executable. The RCU is also responsible for post-boot security
monitoring and physical unclonable function (PUF) management.

• PPU: The platform processing unit contains a triple-redundant MicroBlaze processor and 384
KB of dedicated PPU RAM. The MicroBlaze in the PPU is responsible for running the platform
loader and manager (PLM).

In Versal adaptive SoC, the adaptable engine (PL) consists of rCDO and rNPI files. The rCDO file
mainly contains CFrame data along with PL and NoC power domain initialization commands. The
rNPI file contains configuration data related to the NPI blocks. NPI blocks include NoC elements:

Note: AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC includes SSI technology devices. For more information, see SSIT Support.

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Figure 38: Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Image Block Diagram

Image Header Table

Boot Header
Meta Header Authentication Certificate
PLM Authentication Certificate
Image Header 1 Image Header 2 ___ Image Header n

Partition Header 1 Partition Header 2 _ _ _ Partition Header i Image 1

Meta Headers

AC 1 AC 2 ___ AC i
Image 1 Partition Header 1 Partition Header 2 _ _ _ Partition Header j Image 2

Partition 1 Partition 2 ___ Partition i

AC 1 AC 2 ___ AC j
Image 2

Partition 1 Partition 2 ___ Partition j Partition Partition Partition Header

___ Image n
Header 1 Header 2 k

AC 1 AC 2 ___ AC k
Image n
Partition 1 Partition 2 ___ Partition k


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Figure 39: Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Image Block Diagram Part II

Bootloader AC
Boot Header Revoke ID
Bootloader AC User Data

Bootloader SPK
(PLM + PMC DATA) SPK Signature
(Considered Partition 0) BH Signature
Bootloader Signature

Image Header Table

Optional Data

Meta Header AC
Meta Header AC
Image Header 0
M AC Header
Image Header 1
E Revoke ID
T User Data
A Image Header n PPK
Partition Header 0
A SPK Signature
D Partition Header 1
IHT Signature
R MH Signature
Partition Header k

Partition 1 AC

Partition 1

Partition k AC
AC Header
Revoke ID
Partition k AC User Data
Partition k SPK Signature
Paritition K Signature

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Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Header

Boot header is used by PMC BootROM. Based on the attributes set in the boot header, PMC
BootROM validates the Platform Loader and Manager (PLM) and loads it to the PPU RAM. The
first 16 bytes are intended for SelectMAP Bus detection. PMC BootROM and PLM ignore this
data so Bootgen does not include this data in any of its operations like checksum/SHA/RSA/
Encryption and so on. The following code snippet is an example of SelectMAP Bus width
detection pattern bits. Bootgen places the following data in first 16-bytes as per the width

The individual image header width and the corresponding bits are shown in the following list:

• X8: [LSB] 00 00 00 DD 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB CC [MSB]

• X16: [LSB] 00 00 DD 00 22 11 44 33 66 55 88 77 AA 99 CC BB [MSB]

• X32: [LSB] DD 00 00 00 44 33 22 11 88 77 66 55 CC BB AA 99 [MSB]

Note: The default SelectMAP width is X32.

The following table shows the boot header format for an AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC.

Table 26: Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Header Format

Offset (Hex) Size (Bytes) Description Details

0x00 16 SelectMAP bus width Used to determine if the SelectMAP
bus width is x8, x16, or x32
0x10 4 QSPI bus width QSPI bus width description. This is
required to identify the QSPI flash
in single/dual stacked or dual
parallel mode. 0xAA995566 in the
little endian format.
0x14 4 Image identification Boot image identification string.
Contains 4 bytes X, N, L, X in byte
order, which is 0x584c4e58 in the
little endian format.
0x18 4 Encryption key source This field is used to identify the AES
key source:
0x00000000 - Unencrypted
0xA5C3C5A3 - eFUSE red key
0xA5C3C5A5 - eFUSE black key
0x3A5C3C5A - BBRAM red key
0x3A5C3C59 - BBRAM black key
0xA35C7C53 - Boot Header black

0x1C 4 PLM source offset PLM source start address in PDI

0x20 4 PMC data load address PMC CDO address to load
0x24 4 PMC data length PMC CDO length

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Table 26: Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Header Format (cont'd)

Offset (Hex) Size (Bytes) Description Details

0x28 4 Total PMC data length PMC CDO length including
authentication and encryption
0x2C 4 PLM length PLM original image size
0x30 4 Total PLM length PLM image size including the
authentication and encryption
0x34 4 Boot header attributes Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Header
0x38 32 Black key 256-bit key, only valid when
encryption status is set to black key
in boot header
0x58 12 Black IV Initialization vector used when
decrypting the black key
0x64 12 Secure header IV Secure header initialization vector
0x70 4 PUF shutter value Length of the time the PUF
samples before it closes the

Note: This shutter value must

match the shutter value that was
used during PUF registration.

0x74 12 Secure Header IV for PMC Data The IV used to decrypt secure
header of PMC data.
0x80 68 Reserved Populate with zeroes.
0xC4 4 Meta Header Offset Offset to the start of meta header.
0xC8-0x124 96 Reserved
0x128 2048 Register init Stores register write pairs for
system register initialization
0x928 1544 PUF helper data PUF helper data
0xF30 4 Checksum Header checksum
0xF34 76 SHA3 padding SHA3 standard padding

Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Header Attributes

The image attributes are described in the following table.

Table 27: Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Header Attributes

Field Name Bit Offset Width Default Value Description

Reserved [31:18] 14 0x0 Reserved for future

use, Must be 0
PUF Mode [17:16] 2 0x0 0x3 - PUF 4K mode.

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Table 27: Versal Adaptive SoC Boot Header Attributes (cont'd)

Field Name Bit Offset Width Default Value Description

Boot Header [15:14] 2 0x0 0x3 - Authentication of

Authentication the boot image is
done, excluding
verification of PPK
hash and SPK ID.
All others -
Authentication is
decided based on
Reserved [13:12] 2 0x0 Reserved for future
use, Must be 0
DPA counter measure [11:10] 2 0x0 0x3 - Enabled
All others disabled.
(eFUSE over rides this)
Checksum selection [9:8] 2 0x0 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 -
0x3 - SHA3 is used as
hash function to do
PUF HD [7:6] 2 0x0 0x3 - PUF HD is part of
boot header
All other - PUF HD is in
Reserved [5:0] 6 0x0 Reserved

Versal Adaptive SoC Image Header Table

The following table contains generic information related to the PDI image.

Table 28: Versal Adaptive SoC Image Header Table

Offset Name Description

0x0 Version 0x00040000(v4.0) :

1. Added AAD support for IHT.

2. Hash is included into the 32k

secure chunk.

0x00030000(v3.0): updated secure

chunk size to 32 KB from 64 KB
0x00020000(v2.00): IHT, PHT sizes
0x4 Total Number of Images Total number of images in the PDI
0x8 Image Header Offset Word address to start of first image
0xC Total Number of Partitions Total number of partitions in the PDI
0x10 Partition Header Offset Word offset to the start of partitions

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Table 28: Versal Adaptive SoC Image Header Table (cont'd)

Offset Name Description

0x14 Secondary boot device address Indicates the address where secondary
image is present.
This is only valid if secondary boot
device is present in attributes
0x1C Image Header Table Attributes Refer to Table 29: Versal Adaptive SoC
Image Header Table Attributes
0x20 PDI ID Used to identify a PDI
0x24 Parent ID ID of initial boot PDI. For boot PDI, it is
same as the PDI ID
0x28 Identification string Full PDI if present with boot header –
Partial/Sub-system PDI – “PPDI”
0x2C Headers size 0-7: Image header table size in words
8-15: Image header size in words
16-23: Partition header size in words
24-31: Reserved
0x30 Total meta header length (Word) Including authentication and
encryption overhead (excluding IHT
and including AC)
0x34 -0x3C IV for encryption of meta header IV for decrypting SH of header table
0x40 Encryption status Encryption key source, only key source
used for PLM is valid for meta header.
0x00000000 - Unencrypted
0xA5C3C5A3 - eFuse red key
0xA5C3C5A5 - eFUSE black key
0x3A5C3C5A - BBRAM red key
0x3A5C3C59 - BBRAM black key
0xA35C7C53 - Boot Header black key
0x48 Meta Header AC Offset (Word) Word Offset to Meta Header
Authentication Certificate
0x4c Meta Header Black/IV IV that is used to encrypt the Black key
used to encrypt the Meta Header.
0x58 Optional Data Length (Word) Size of Optional Data available in
0x5C - 0x78 Reserved 0x0
0x7C Checksum A sum of all the previous words in the
image header table

Image Header Table Attributes

The image header tables are described in the following table.

Table 29: Versal Adaptive SoC Image Header Table Attributes

Bit Field Name Description

31:14 Reserved 0

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Table 29: Versal Adaptive SoC Image Header Table Attributes (cont'd)

Bit Field Name Description

14 PUF Helper Data Location Location of the PUF Helper Data
12 dpacm enable DPA Counter Measure enable or not
11:6 Secondary boot device Indicates the device on which rest of
the data is present in.
0 - Same boot device (default)
1 - QSPI32
2 - QSPI24
3 - NAND
4 - SD0
5 - SD1
6 - SDLS
7 - MMC
8 - USB
10 - PCIe
11 - SATA
12 - OSPI
13 - SMAP
14 - SBI
15 - SD0RAW
16 - SD1RAW
19 - MMC0
20 - MMC0RAW
21- imagestore
All others are reserved

Note: These options are supported for

various devices in Bootgen. For the
exact list of secondary boot devices
supported by any device, refer to its
corresponding Systems Software
Developers Guide (SSDG).

5:0 Reserved

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Versal Adaptive SoC Image Header

The image header is an array of structures containing information related to each image, such as
an ELF file, CFrame, NPI, CDOs, data files, and so forth. Each image can have multiple partitions,
for example, an ELF can have multiple loadable sections, each of which form a partition in the
boot image. An image header points to the partitions (partition headers) that are associated with
this image. Multiple partition files can be grouped within an image using the BIF keyword
"image"; this is useful for combining all the partitions related to a common subsystem or function
in a group. Bootgen creates the required partitions for each file and creates a common image
header for that image. The following table contains the information of number of partitions
related to an image.

Table 30: Versal Adaptive SoC Image Header

Offset Name Description

0x0 First Partition Header (Word) Word offset to first partition header
0x4 Number of Partitions Number of partitions present for this
0x8 Revoke ID Revoke ID for Meta Header
0xC Image Attributes See Image Attributes table
0x10-0x1C Image Name ASCII name of the image. Max of 16
characters. Fill with Zeros when
padding is required.
0x20 Image/Node ID Defines the resource node the image is
0x24 Unique ID Defines the affinity/compatibility
identifier when required for a given
device resource
0x28 Parent Unique ID Defines the required parent resource
UID for the configuration content of
the image, if required
0x2c Function ID Identifier used to capture the unique
function of the image configuration
0x30 DDR Low Address for Image Copy The DDR lower 32-bit address where
the image must be copied when
memcpy is enabled in BIF
0.34 DDR High Address for Image Copy The DDR higher 32-bit address where
image must be copied when memcpy is
enabled in BIF
0x38 Reserved
0x3C Checksum A sum of all the previous words.

The following table shows the Image Header Attributes.

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Table 31: Versal Adaptive SoC Image Header Attributes

Bit Field Name Description

31:9 Reserved 0
8 Delay Hand off 0 – Handoff the image now (default)
1 – Handoff the image later
7 Delay load 0 – Load the image now (default)
1 – Load the image later
6 Copy to memory 0 – No copy to memory (Default)
1 – Image to be copied to memory
5:3 Image Owner 0 - PLM (default)
1 - Non-PLM
2-7 – Reserved
2:0 Reserved 0

Versal Adaptive SoC Partition Header

The partition header contains details of the partition and is described in the table below.

Table 32: Versal Adaptive SoC Partition Header Table

Offset Name Description

0x0 Partition Data Word Length Encrypted partition data length
0x4 Extracted Data Word Length Unencrypted data length
0x8 Total Partition Word Length (Includes The total encrypted + padding +
Authentication Certificate) expansion + authentication length
0xC Next Partition header offset (Word) Offset of next partition header
0x10 Destination Execution Address (Lower The lower 32 bits of the executable
Half) address of this partition after loading.
0x14 Destination Execution Address (Higher The higher 32 bits of the executable
Half) address of this partition after loading.
0x18 Destination Load Address (Lower Half) The lower 32 bits of the RAM address
into which this partition is to be loaded.
For elf files, Bootgen automatically
reads from elf format. For RAW data,
you have to specify where to load it.
For CFI and configuration data it must
0x1C Destination Load Address (Higher Half) The higher 32 bits of the RAM address
into which this partition is to be loaded.
For elf files, Bootgen automatically
reads from elf format. For RAW data,
you have to specify where to load it.
For CFI and configuration data it must
0x20 Data Word Offset in Image The position of the partition data
relative to the start of the boot image.
0x24 Attribute Bits See Partition Attributes Table

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Table 32: Versal Adaptive SoC Partition Header Table (cont'd)

Offset Name Description

0x28 Section Count If image type is elf, it says how many
more partitions are associated with this
0x2C Checksum Word Offset The location of the checksum word in
the boot image.
0x30 Partition ID Partition ID
0x34 Authentication Certification Word The location of the Authentication
Offset Certification in the boot image.
0x38 – 0x40 IV IV for the secure header of the
0x44 Encryption Key select Encryption status:

0x00000000 – Unencrypted
0xA5C3C5A3 - eFuse Red Key
0xA5C3C5A5 - eFuse Black Key
0x3A5C3C5A - BBRAM Red Key
0x3A5C3C59 - BBRAM Black Key
0xA35C7C53 - Boot Header Black
0xC5C3A5A3 - User Key 0
0xC3A5C5B3 - User Key 1
0xC5C3A5C3 - User Key 2
0xC3A5C5D3 - User Key 3
0xC5C3A5E3 - User Key 4
0xC3A5C5F3 - User Key 5
0xC5C3A563 - User Key 6
0xC3A5C573 - User Key 7
0x5C3CA5A3 - eFuse User Key 0
0x5C3CA5A5 - eFuse User Black Key
0xC3A5C5A3 - eFuse User Key 1
0xC3A5C5A5 - eFuse User Black Key

0x48 Black IV IV used for encrypting the key source

of that partition.
0x54 Revoke ID Partition revoke ID
0x58-0x78 Reserved 0
0x7C Header Checksum A sum of the previous words in the
Partition Header

The following table lists the partition header table attributes.

Table 33: Versal Adaptive SoC Partition Header Table Attributes

Bit Field Name Description

31:29 Reserved 0x0

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Table 33: Versal Adaptive SoC Partition Header Table Attributes (cont'd)

Bit Field Name Description

28:27 DPA CM Enable 0 – Disabled
1 – Enabled
26:24 Partition Type 0 – Reserved
1 - elf
2 - Configuration Data Object
3 - Cframe Data (PL data)
4 – Raw Data
5 – Raw elf
6 – CFI GSR CSC unmask frames
7 – CFI GSR CSC mask frames
23 HiVec VInitHi setting for RPU/APU(32-bit)
0 – LoVec
1 – HiVec
22:19 Reserved 0
18 Endianness 0 – Little Endian (Default)
1 – Big Endian
17:16 Partition Owner 0 - PLM (Default)
1 - Non-PLM
2,3 – Reserved
15:14 PUF HD location 0 - eFuse
1 - Boot header
13:12 Checksum Type 000b - No Checksum(Default)
011b – SHA3
11:8 Destination CPU 0 – None (Default for non-elf files)
1 - A72-0
2 - A72-1
3 - Reserved
4 - Reserved
5 - R5-0
6 - R5-1
7- R5-L
8 – PSM
9 - AIE
10-15 – Reserved
4:7 Reserved 0x0
3 A72 CPU execution state 0 - Aarch64 (default)
1 - Aarch32
2:1 Exception level (EL) that the A72 core 00b – EL0
must be configured for 01b – EL1
10b – EL2
11b – EL3 (Default)

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Table 33: Versal Adaptive SoC Partition Header Table Attributes (cont'd)

Bit Field Name Description

0 TZ secure partition 0 – Non-Secure (Default)
1 – Secure
This bit indicates if the core that the
PLM needs to configure (on which this
partition needs to execute) must be
configured as TrustZone secure or not.
By default, this must be 0.

Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certificates

The Authentication Certificate is a structure that contains all the information related to the
authentication of a partition. This structure has the public keys and the signatures that
BootROM/PLM needs to verify. There is an Authentication Header in each Authentication
Certificate, which gives information like the key sizes, algorithm used for signing, and so forth.
Unlike the other devices, the Authentication Certificate is prepended or attached to the
beginning of the actual partition, for which authentication is enabled. If you want Bootgen to
perform authentication on the meta headers, specify it explicitly under the ‘metaheader’ bif
attribute. See BIF Attribute Reference for information on usage.

Versal adaptive SoC uses RSA-4096 authentication and ECDSA algorithms for authentication.
The following table provides the format of the Authentication Certificate for the Versal adaptive

Table 34: Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certificate – ECDSA p384

Authentication Certificate Bits Description

0x00 Authentication Header. See Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certification
0x04 Revoke ID
0x08 UDF (56 bytes)
0x40 PPK x (48 bytes)
y (48 bytes)
Pad 0x00 (932 bytes)
0x444 PPK SHA3 Pad (12 bytes)
0x450 SPK x (48 bytes)
y (48 bytes)
Pad 0x00 (932 bytes)
0x854 SPK SHA3 Pad (4 bytes)
0x858 Alignment (8 bytes)
0x860 SPK Signature(r+s+pad)(48+48+416)
0xA60 BH/IHT Signature(r+s+pad)(48+48+416)
0xC60 Partition Signature(r+s+pad)(48+48+416)

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Table 35: Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certificate – ECDSA p521

Authentication Certificate Bits Description

0x00 Authentication Header. See Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certification
0x04 Revoke ID
0x08 UDF (56 bytes)
0x40 PPK PPK x (66 bytes)
y (66 bytes)
Pad 0x00 (896 bytes)
0x444 PPK SHA3 Pad (12 bytes)
0x450 SPK SPK x (66 bytes)
y (66 bytes)
Pad 0x00 (896 bytes)
0x854 SPK SHA3 Pad (4 bytes)
0x858 Alignment (8 bytes)
0x860 SPK Signature(r+s+pad)(66+66+380)
0xA60 BH/IHT Signature(r+s+pad)(66+66+380)
0xC60 Partition Signature(r+s+pad)(66+66+380)

Table 36: Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certificate – RSA

Authentication Certificate Bits Description

0x00 Authentication Header. See Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certification
0x04 Revoke ID
0x08 UDF (56 bytes)
0x40 PPK Mod (512 bytes)
Mod Ext (512 bytes)
Exponent (4 bytes)
0x444 PPK SHA3 Pad (12 bytes)
0x450 SPK Mod (512 bytes)
Mod Ext (512 bytes)
Exponent (4 bytes)
0x854 SPK SHA3 Pad (4 bytes)
0x858 Alignment (8 bytes)
0x860 SPK Signature
0xA60 BH/IHT Signature
0xC60 Partition Signature

Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certification Header

The following table describes the Authentication Header bit fields for the Versal adaptive SoC.

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Table 37: Authentication Header Bit Fields

Bit Fields Description Notes

31:16 Reserved 0
15-14 Authentication Certificate Format 00 -RSAPSS
13-12 Authentication Certificate Version 00: Current AC
11 PPK Key Type 0: Hash Key
10-9 PPK Key Source 0: eFUSE
8 SPK Enable 1: SPK Enable
7-4 Public Strength 0 - ECDSA p384
1 - RSA 4096
2 - ECDSA p521
3-2 Hash Algorithm 1-SHA3
1-0 Public Algorithm 1-RSA
1. For the Bootloader partition:
a. The offset 0xA60 of the AC holds the Boot Header Signature.
b. The offset 0xC60 of the AC holds the signature of PLM and PMCDATA.
2. For the Header tables
a. The offset 0xA60 of the AC holds the IHT Signature.
b. The offset 0xC60 of the AC holds the signature of all the headers except IHT.
3. For any other partition:
a. The offset 0xA60 of the AC is zeroized.
b. The offset 0xC60 of the AC holds the signature of that partition.

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Chapter 13

Creating Boot Images

Boot Image Format (BIF)

The AMD boot image layout has multiple files, file types, and supporting headers to parse those
files by boot loaders. Bootgen defines multiple attributes for generating the boot images and
interprets and generates the boot images, based on what is passed in the files. Because there are
multiple commands and attributes available, Bootgen defines a boot image format (BIF) to
contain those inputs. A BIF comprises of the following:

• Configuration attributes to create secure/non-secure boot images

• Bootloader
○ First stage bootloader (FSBL) for AMD Zynq™ devices and AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™
○ Platform loader and manager (PLM) for AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC

○ Note: It is recommended to use the same release version of bootloader (FSBL/PLM) and Bootgen

• One or more partition images

Along with properties and attributes, Bootgen takes multiple commands to define the behavior
while it is creating the boot images. For example, to create a boot image for a qualified FPGA
device, an AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC device, AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC series, or an AMD Zynq™
UltraScale+™ MPSoC device, you must provide the appropriate arch command option to
Bootgen. The following appendices list and describe the available options to direct Bootgen

• Use Cases and Examples

• BIF Attribute Reference
• Command Reference

The format of the boot image conforms to a hybrid mix of hardware and software requirements.
The boot header is required by the BootROM loader which loads a single partition, typically the
bootloader. The remainder of the boot image is loaded and processed by the bootloader.
Bootgen generates a boot image by combining a list of partitions. These partitions can be:

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• Secondary Stage Boot Loader (SSBL) like U-Boot
• Bitstream PL CFrame data, .rcdo, and .rnpi
• Linux
• Software applications to run on processors
• User data
• Boot image generated by Bootgen. This is useful for appending new partitions to a previously
generated boot image.
Note: Do avoid mix and match of tools release and initial PDI artifacts like PLM.elf, PSM.elf PMC/LPD/
FPD.cdo from another tools release.

BIF Syntax and Supported File Types

The BIF file specifies each component of the boot image, in order of boot, and allows optional
attributes to be applied to each image component. In some cases, an image component can be
mapped to more than one partition if the image component is not contiguous in memory. For
example, if an ELF file has multiple loadable sections that are non-contiguous, then each section
can be a separate partition. BIF file syntax takes the following form:

id = 0x2
id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x11, type = bootloader,
file = /path/to/plm.elf
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
file = /path/to/pmc_cdo.bin

Note: The above format is for AMD Versal™ devices only.

// common attributes
[attribute1] <argument1>

// partition attributes

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[attribute2, attribute3=<argument>] <elf>

[attribute2, attribute3=<argument>, attibute4=<argument] <bit>
[attribute3] <elf>

• The <image_name> and the {...} grouping brackets the files that are to be made into partitions
in the ROM image.
• One or more data files are listed in the {...} brackets.
• Each partition data files can have an optional set of attributes preceding the data file name
with the syntax [attribute, attribute=<argument>].
• Attributes apply some quality to the data file.
• Multiple attributes can be listed separated with a ',' as a separator. The order of multiple
attributes is not important. Some attributes are one keyword, some are keyword equates.
• You can also add a filepath to the file name if the file is not in the current directory. How you
list the files is free form; either all on one line (separated by any white space, and at least one
space), or on separate lines.
• White space is ignored, and can be added for readability.
• You can use C-style block comments of /*...*/, or C++ line comments of //.

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The following example is of a BIF with additional white space and new lines for improved

/* common attributes */
[attribute1] <argument1>

/* bootloader */
] <elf>

/* pl bitstream */
] <bit>

/* another elf partition */

] <elf>

/* bin partition */

Bootgen Supported Files

The following table lists the Bootgen supported files.

Table 38: Bootgen Supported Files

Device Supported Extension Description Notes

.bin Binary Raw binary file.
.dtb Binary Raw binary file.
image.gz Binary Raw binary file.
.elf Executable Linked File (ELF) Symbols and headers
Supported by all devices
.int Register initialization file
.nky AES key
.pub/.pem RSA key
.sig Signature files Signature files generated by
Bootgen or HSM.
.rcdo CFI Files For Versal devices only.
.cdo/.npi/ .rnpi CDO files Configuration Data Object
Versal files. For Versal devices only.
.bin/.pdi Boot image Boot image generated using

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Table 38: Bootgen Supported Files (cont'd)

Device Supported Extension Description Notes

Zynq 7000/Zynq UltraScale+ .bit/.rbt Bitstream Strips the BIT file header.

BIF Syntax for Versal Adaptive SoC

The following example shows the detailed manner in which you can write a BIF while grouping
the partitions together. The BIF syntax has changed for Versal adaptive SoC to support the
concept of subsystems, where multiple partitions can be combined to together to form an image,
also called as subsystem with one image header.

Note: The partitions under the same image { } block is merged to form a single subsystem.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys
id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01
type = bootloader
file = gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0x09
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
file = gen_files/pmc_data.cdo
name = lpd
id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C
type = cdo
file = gen_files/lpd_data.cdo
id = 0x0B
core = psm
file = static_files/psm_fw.elf
name = pl_cfi
id = 0x18700000

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id = 0x03
type = cdo
file = system.rcdo
id = 0x05
type = cdo
file = system.rnpi
name = fpd
id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08
type = cdo
file = gen_files/fpd_data.cdo

The following example shows how you can write a BIF in a concise manner by grouping the
partitions together.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{ id = 0x01, type = bootloader, file = gen_files/plm.elf }
{ id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file = gen_files/
pmc_data.cdo }
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{ id = 0x0C, type = cdo, file = gen_files/lpd_data.cdo }
{ id = 0x0B, core = psm, file = static_files/psm_fw.elf }
name = pl_cfi, id = 0x18700000
{ id = 0x03, type = cdo, file = system.rcdo }
{ id = 0x05, type = cdo, file = system.rnpi }
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{ id = 0x08, type = cdo, file = gen_files/fpd_data.cdo }

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The following table lists the Bootgen attributes. Each attribute has a link to a longer description
in the left column with a short description in the right column. The architecture name indicates
which AMD devices uses that attribute:

• zynq: Zynq 7000 SoC device

• zynqmp: AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device
• fpga: Any 7 series and above devices
• versal: AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC.

For more information, see BIF Attribute Reference.

Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description

Option/Attribute Description Used By

aarch32_mode Specifies the binary file that is to be executed in 32-bit • zynqmp
• versal
aeskeyfile <aes_key_filepath> The path to the AES keyfile. The keyfile contains the AES • All
key used to encrypt the partitions. The contents of the key
file needs to written to eFUSE or BBRAM. If the key file is
not present in the path specified, a new key is generated
by Bootgen, which is used for encryption. For example: If
encryption is selected for bitstream in the BIF file, the
output is an encrypted bitstream.
alignment <byte> Sets the byte alignment. The partition is padded to be • zynq
aligned to a multiple of this value. This attribute cannot be
used with offset. • zynqmp

auth_params <options> Extra options for authentication: • zynqmp

• ppk_select: 0=1, 1=2 of two PPKs supported.
• spk_id: 32-bit ID to differentiate SPKs.
• spk_select: To differentiate spk and user eFUSEs.
Default is spk-efuse.
• header_auth: To authenticate headers when no
partition is authenticated.
authentication <option> Specifies the partition to be authenticated. • All
• Authentication for Zynq is done using RSA-2048.
• Authentication for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs is done
using RSA-4096.
• Authentication for Versal adaptive Soc is done using
RSA-4096, ECDSA-p384, and ECDSA-p521.
The arguments are:
• none: Partition not signed.
• ecdsa-p384: partition signed using ecdsa-p384 curve
• ecdsa-p521: partition signed using ecdsa-p521 curve
• rsa: Partition signed using RSA algorithm.

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

bbram_kek_iv <filename> Specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the corresponding • versal
key. bbram_kek_iv is valid with

bh_kek_iv <filename> Specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the corresponding • versal
key. bh_kek_iv is valid with keysrc=bh_blk_key.

bh_key_iv <filename> Initialization vector used when decrypting the obfuscated • zynqmp
key or a black key.
bh_keyfile <filename> 256-bit obfuscated key or black key to be stored in the • zynqmp
Boot Header. This is only valid when keysrc for
encryption is bh_gry_key or bh_blk_key. • versal

Note: Obfuscated key is not supported for Versal devices.

bhsignature <filename> Imports Boot Header signature into authentication • zynqmp

certificate. This can be used if you do not want to share
the secret key PSK. You can create a signature and provide • versal
it to Bootgen. The file format is

big_endian Specifies the binary file is in big endian format. • zynqmp

• versal
blocks <block sizes> Specifies block sizes for key-rolling feature in Encryption. • zynqmp
Each module is encrypted using its own unique key. The
initial key is stored at the key source on the device, while • versal
keys for each successive blocks are encrypted (wrapped)
in the previous module.
boot_config <options> This attribute specifies the parameters that are used to • versal
configure the boot image.

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

boot_device <options> Specifies the secondary boot device. Indicates the device • zynqmp
on which the partition is present. Options are:
• versal
• qspi32
• qspi24
• nand
• sd0
• sd1
• sd-ls
• mmc
• usb
• ethernet
• pcie
• sata
• ospi
• smap
• sbi
• sd0-raw
• sd1-raw
• sd-ls-raw
• mmc-raw
• mmc0
• mmc0-raw

Note: These options are supported for various devices in

Bootgen. For a list of secondary boot options, see the
Versal Adaptive SoC System Software Developers Guide
(UG1304) or the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: Software
Developers Guide (UG1137). For hardware/register/
interface information and primary boot modes, refer to
the corresponding TRM, such as the Zynq UltraScale+
Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085), the Versal
Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011), or the
Versal Adaptive SoC Register Reference (AM012).

bootimage <filename.bin> Specifies that the listed input file is a boot image that was • zynq
created by Bootgen.
• zynqmp
• versal
bootloader <partition> Specifies the partition is a bootloader (FSBL/PLM). This • zynq
attribute is specified along with other partition BIF
attributes. • zynqmp
• versal
bootvectors <vector_values> Specifies the vector table for execute in place (XIP).
• zynqmp

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

checksum <options> Specifies that the partition needs to be checksummed. • zynq
This option is not supported along with more secure
features like authentication and encryption. Checksum • zynqmp
algorithms are: • versal
• none: No checksum operation.
• md5: For AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC devices only
• sha3: For AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC and Versal

Note: Zynq devices do not support checksum for

bootloaders. The following devices do support checksum
operation for bootloaders:
• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
• Versal adaptive SoC

copy <address> This attribute specifies that the image is to be copied to • versal
memory at specified address.
core <options> This attributes specifies which core executes the partition. • versal
The options for AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC are:
• a72-0
• a72-1
• r5-0
• r5-1
• psm
• aie
• r5-lockstep

delay_handoff This attribute specifies that the hand-off to the • versal

subsystem/image is delayed.
delay_load This attribute specifies that the loading of the subsystem/ • versal
image is delayed.
delay_auth Indicates that the authentication is done at a later stage. • versal
This helps bootgen to reserve space for hashes during
partition encryption.
destination_device <device_type> This specifies if the partition is targeted for PS or PL. The • zynqmp
options are:
• ps: the partition is targeted for PS (default).
• pl: the partition is targeted for PL, for bitstreams.

destination_cpu <device_core> Specifies the core on which the partition should be • zynqmp
• a53-0
• a53-1
• a53-2
• a53-3
• r5-0 (default)
• r5-1
• pmu
• r5-lockstep

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

early_handoff This flag ensures that the handoff to applications that are • zynqmp
critical immediately after the partition is loaded;
otherwise, all the partitions are loaded sequentially first,
and then the handoff also happens in a sequential
efuse_kek_iv <filename> Specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the corresponding • versal
key. efuse_kek_iv is valid with

efuse_user_kek0_iv <filename> Specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the corresponding • versal
key. efuse_user_kek0_iv is valid with

efuse_user_kek1_iv <filename> Specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the corresponding • versal
key. efuse_user_kek1_iv is valid with

encryption <option> Specifies the partition to be encrypted. Encryption • All

algorithms are: zynq uses AES-CBC, while zynqmp and
Versal use AES-GCM.
The partition options are:
• none: Partition not encrypted.
• aes: Partition encrypted using AES algorithm.
exception_level <options> Exception level for which the core should be configured. • zynqmp
Options are:
• versal
• el-0
• el-1
• el-2
• el-3

familykey <key file> Specifies the family key. • zynqmp

• fpga
file <path/to/file> This attribute specifies the file for creating the partition. • versal

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

fsbl_config <options> Specifies the sub-attributes used to configure the • zynqmp
bootimage. Those sub-attributes are:
• bh_auth_enable: RSA authentication of the boot
image is done excluding the verification of PPK hash
and SPK ID.
• auth_only: boot image is only RSA signed. FSBL
should not be decrypted.
• opt_key: Operational key is used for block-0
decryption. Secure Header has the opt key.
• pufhd_bh: PUF helper data is stored in Boot Header
(Default is efuse).
• PUF helper data file is passed to Bootgen using the
[puf_file] option.
• puf4kmode: PUF is tuned to use in 4k bit
• shutter = <value>: 32 bit PUF_SHUT register value
to configure PUF for shutter offset time and shutter
open time.
Note: This shutter value must match the shutter value that
was used during PUF registration.
headersignature <signature_file> Imports the header signature into an Authentication • zynq
Certificate. This can be used in case the user does not
want to share the secret key. The user can create a • zynqmp
signature and provide it to Bootgen. • versal
hivec Specifies the location of exception vector table as hivec • zynqmp
(Hi-Vector). The default value is lovec (Low-Vector). This is
applicable with A53 (32 bit) and R5 cores only.
• hivec: exception vector table at 0xFFFF0000.
• lovec: exception vector table at 0x00000000.

id <id> This attribute specifies the following IDs based on the • versal
place its defined:
• pdi id - within outermost/PDI parenthesis
• image id - within image parenthesis
• partition id - within partition parenthesis

image Defines a subsystem/image. • versal

init <filename> Register initialization block at the end of the bootloader, • zynq
built by parsing the init (.int) file specification. A maximum
of 256 address-value init pairs are allowed. The init files • zynqmp
have a specific format. • versal

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

keysrc Specifies key source for encryption for Versal adaptive • versal
SoC. The keysrc can be specified for individual partitions.
• efuse_red_key
• efuse_blk_key
• bbram_red_key
• bbram_blk_key
• bh_blk_key
• user_key0
• user_key1
• user_key2
• user_key3
• user_key4
• user_key5
• user_key6
• user_key7
• efuse_user_key0
• efuse_user_blk_key0
• efuse_user_key1
• efuse_user_blk_key1

keysrc_encryption Specifies the key source for encryption. The keys are: • zynq
• efuse_gry_key: Grey (Obfuscated) Key stored in • zynqmp
eFUSE. See Gray/Obfuscated Keys
• bh_gry_key: Grey (Obfuscated) Key stored in boot
• bh_blk_key: Black Key stored in boot header. See
Black/PUF Keys
• efuse_blk_key : Black Key stored in eFUSE.
• kup_key: User Key.
• efuse_red_key: Red key stored in eFUSE. See Rolling
• bbram_red_key: Red key stored in BBRAM.

load <address> Sets the desired load address for the partition in memory. • zynq
• zynqmp
• versal
metaheader This attribute is used to define encryption and • versal
authentication attributes for meta headers like keys, key
sources, and so on.
name <name> This attribute specifies the name of the image/subsystem. • versal
offset <offset> Sets the absolute offset of the partition in the boot image. • zynq
• zynqmp
• versal

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

parent_id This attribute specifies the ID for the parent PDI. This is • versal
used to identify the relationship between a partial PDI and
its corresponding boot PDI.
partition This attribute is used to define a partition. It is an optional • versal
attribute to make the BIF short and readable.
partition_owner, owner <option> Owner of the partition which is responsible to load the • zynq
partition. Options are:
For Zynq/Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:
• zynqmp

• fsbl: Partition is loaded by FSBL.

• versal

• uboot: Partition is loaded by U-Boot.

For Versal:
• plm: partition loaded by PLM.
• non-plm: partition is not loaded by PLM, but it is
loaded by another entity like U-Boot.
pid <ID> Specifies the Partition ID. PID can be a 32-bit value (0 to • zynqmp
pmufw_image <image_name> PMU firmware image to be loaded by BootROM, before • zynqmp
loading the FSBL.
ppkfile <key filename> Primary Public Key (PPK). Used to authenticate partitions • zynq
in the boot image.
See Using Authentication for more information.
• zynqmp
• versal
presign <sig_filename> Partition signature (.sig) file. • zynq
• zynqmp
• fpga
pskfile <key filename> Primary Secret Key (PSK). Used to authenticate partitions • zynq
in the boot image.
See the Using Authentication for more information.
• zynqmp
• versal
puf_file <filename> PUF helper data file. PUF is used with black key as • zynqmp
encryption key source. PUF helper data is of 1544
bytes.1536 bytes of PUF HD + 4 bytes of HASH + 3 bytes of • versal
AUX + 1 byte alignment.
reserve <size in bytes> Reserves the memory, which is padded after the partition. • zynq
• zynqmp
• versal
spk_select <SPK_ID> Specify an SPK ID in user eFUSE. • zynqmp
spkfile <filename> Keys used to authenticate partitions in the boot image. • All
See Using Authentication for more information.
spksignature <signature_file> Imports the SPK signature into an Authentication • zynq
Certificate. See Using Authentication. This can be used in
case the user does not want to share the secret key PSK, • zynqmp
The user can create a signature and provide it to Bootgen. • versal

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

split <options> Splits the image into parts, based on the mode. Split • zynq
options are:
• zynqmp
• Slaveboot: Supported for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
only. Splits as follows: • versal

• Boot Header + Bootloader

• Image and Partition Headers
• Rest of the partitions
• normal: Supported for zynq, zynqmp, and versal.
Splits as follows:
• Bootheader + Image Headers + Partition Headers +
• Partition1
• Partition2 and so on
Along with the split mode, output format can also be
specified as bin or mcs.

Note: The option split mode normal is same as the

command line option split. This command line option is
deprecated. Split ulaveboot is supported only for Zynq
UltraScale+ MPSoC.

sskfile <key filename> Secondary Secret Key (SSK) key authenticates partitions in • All
the Boot Image. The primary keys authenticate the
secondary keys; the secondary keys authenticate the
startup <address> Sets the entry address for the partition, after it is loaded. • zynq
This is ignored for partitions that do not execute.
• zynqmp
• versal
trustzone <option> The trustzone options are: • zynqmp
• secure • versal
• nonsecure

type <options> This attribute specifies the type of partition. The options • versal
• bootloader
• pmcdata
• cdo
• cfi
• cfi-gsc
• bootimage
• slr-boot
• slr-config

udf_bh <data_file> Imports a file of data to be copied to the user defined field • zynq
(UDF) of the Boot Header. The UDF is provided through a
text file in the form of a hex string. Total number of bytes • zynqmp
in UDF are: zynq = 76 bytes; zynqmp= 40 bytes.
udf_data <data_file> Imports a file containing up to 56 bytes of data into user • zynq
defined field (UDF) of the Authentication Certificate.
• zynqmp

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Table 39: Bootgen Attributes and Description (cont'd)

Option/Attribute Description Used By

userkeys <filename> The path to the user keyfile. • versal
xip_mode Indicates eXecute In Place (XIP) for FSBL to be executed • zynq
directly from QSPI flash.
• zynqmp

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Chapter 14: Using Bootgen GUI

Chapter 14

Using Bootgen GUI

Bootgen has both a GUI and a command-line option. The GUI option is available in the AMD
Vitis™ IDE as a wizard. The functionality in the Vitis IDE is limited to the most standard functions
when creating a boot image. The Bootgen command line, however, is a full-featured set of
commands that lets you create a complex boot image for your system.

Launch Bootgen GUI

The Vitis Unified IDE is introduced in 2023.2. The Vitis Unified IDE uses the Theia environment,
however the Vitis Classic IDE uses Eclipse. The Bootgen functions the same in both the Vitis
Classic, and Vitis Unified. However, the layout of the GUI is different. In this section, both the
GUI flows for Vitis Unified and Vitis Classic are discussed.

To create a boot image using both the AMD Vitis™ Classic and Unified IDE, do either of the

• For Vitis Unified IDE, highlight the application component in the Vitis Components view and
then in the Flow view, select Create Boot Image.
• For Vitis Classic IDE, Select the application project in the Project Navigator or C/C++ Projects
view and right-click Create Boot Image.
• Alternatively, for both Vitis Classic and Unified IDE click Vitis → Create Boot Image → Target
Device Family.
The supported device families are:
• AMD Zynq™ and Zynq AMD UltraScale+™

• AMD Versal™

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Bootgen GUI for Zynq 7000 and Zynq

UltraScale+ Devices
After you launch Bootgen GUI for AMD Zynq™ and Zynq AMD UltraScale+™, the Create Boot
Image dialog box opens, with default values pre-selected from the context of the selected

Figure 40: Create Boot Image for Zynq and Zynq UltraScale+ Devices for Vitis Unified

• When you run Create Boot Image the first time for an application, the dialog box is pre-
populated with paths to the FSBL ELF file, and the bitstream for the selected hardware (if it
exists in hardware project), and then the selected application ELF file.
• If a boot image was run previously for the application, and a BIF file exists, the dialog box is
pre-populated with the values from the /bif folder.

1. Populate the Create Boot Image dialog box with the following information:
a. From the Architecture drop-down, select the required architecture.
b. Select either Create a BIF file or Import an existing BIF file.

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c. From the Basic tab, specify the Output BIF file path.
d. If applicable, specify the UDF data: See udf_data for more information about this option.
e. Specify the Output path.
2. In the Boot image partitions, click the Add button to add additional partition images.
3. Create offset, alignment, and allocation values for partitions in the boot image, if applicable.
The output file path is set to the /bif folder under the selected application project by
4. From the Security tab, you can specify the attributes to create a secure image. This security
can be applied to individual partitions as required.
a. To enable authentication for a partition, check the Use Authentication option, then
specify the PPK, SPK, PSK, and SSK values. See the Using Authentication topic for more
b. To enable encryption for a partition, select the Encryption view, and check the Use
Encryption option. See Using Encryption for more information.
5. Create or import a BIF file boot image one partition at a time, starting from the bootloader.
The partitions list displays the summary of the partitions in the BIF file. It shows the file path,
encryption settings, and authentication settings. Use this area to add, delete, modify, and
reorder the partitions. You can also set values for enabling encryption, authentication, and
checksum, and specifying some other partition related values like Load, Alignment, and

Using Bootgen GUI Options for Versal

Adaptive SoCs
After the user launches Bootgen GUI for AMD Versal™, the Create Boot Image dialog box opens,
with default values pre-selected from the context of the selected project.

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Figure 41: Bootgen GUI for Versal Adaptive SoCs in Vitis Unified IDE

1. Populate the Create Boot Image dialog box with the following information:
a. Select either Create a BIF file or Import an existing BIF file
Note: AMD Vivado™ generated BIF can be found at <design>.runs/impl_1/ directory.

b. From the Basic tab, specify the Output BIF file path.
c. Specify the Output Image.
2. In the Boot image partitions, click the Add button to add additional partition images.
3. Create offset, alignment, and allocation values for partitions in the boot image, if applicable.
The output file path is set to the /bif folder under the selected application project by
4. From the Security tab, you can specify the overall attributes to create a secure image.
Partition security attributes can be updated when you select the partition and click Edit
button, then go to Security tab.
See Using Authentication and Using Encryption for more information.

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5. Create or import a BIF file boot image one partition at a time, starting from the bootloader.
The partitions list displays the summary of the partitions in the BIF file. It shows the file path,
encryption settings, and authentication settings. Use this area to add, delete, modify, and
reorder the partitions. You can also set values for enabling encryption, authentication, and
checksum, and specifying some other partition related values like Load, Alignment, and
6. Contents in Extra Bif attributes dialogue and the Edit partition → Extra Partition attributes is
appended to the overall BIF file or the partition. You can use these fields to add custom
attributes if they are not supported by the Bootgen GUI.

Using Bootgen on the Command Line

When you specify Bootgen options on the command line you have many more options than
those provided in the Vitis IDE. In the standard install of the Vitis software platform, the XSCT is
available for use as an interactive command line environment, or to use for creating scripting. In
the XSCT, you can run Bootgen commands. XSCT accesses the Bootgen executable, which is a
separate tool. This Bootgen executable can be installed standalone as described in Installing
Bootgen. This is the same tool as is called from the XSCT, so any scripts developed here or in the
XSCT will work in the other tool.

The Software Command-Line Tool in the Vitis Embedded Software Development Flow
Documentation (UG1400) describes the tool. See the "XSCT Use Cases" chapter for an example
of using Bootgen commands in XSCT.

Commands and Descriptions

The following table lists the Bootgen command options. Each option is linked to a longer
description in the left column with a short description in the right column. The architecture name
indicates what AMD device uses that command:

• zynq: AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC device

• zynqmp: AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device
• fpga: Any 7 series and above devices
• versal: Versal adaptive SoC

For more information, see Command Reference.

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Table 40: Bootgen Command and Descriptions

Commands Description and Options Used by

arch <type> AMD device architecture. Options:
• zynq (default)
• All

• zynqmp
• fpga
• versal

authenticatedjtag <options> Used to enable JTAG during secure boot. The

arguments are: • versal
• rsa
• ecdsa

bif_help Prints out the BIF help summary.

• All

dual_qspi_mode <configuration> Generates two output files for dual QSPI • zynq
• zynqmp
• parallel
• versal
• stacked <size>

dual_ospi_mode stacked <size> Generates two output files for stacked configuration. • versal
dump <options> Dumps the partition or boot header as per options • versal
• empty: Dumps the partitions as binary files.
• bh: Dumps boot header as a binary file.
• plm: Dumps PLM as a binary file.
• pmc_cdo: Dumps PMC CDO as a binary file.
• boot_files: Dumps boot header, PLM and PMC
CDO as three separate binary files.
• slave_pdis: Dumps Slave PDIs for SSI
technology use cases
The slave PDIs are not dumped by default. This
option should be used if you want to debug or
analyze the slave PDI separately.
dump_dir Dumps components in specified directory. • versal
efuseppkbits <PPK_filename> Generates a PPK hash for eFUSE. • zynq
• zynqmp
• versal
encrypt <options> AES Key storage in device. Options are: • zynq
• bbram (default) • fpga
• efuse

encryption_dump Generates encryption log file, aes_log.txt. • zynqmp

• versal
fill <hex_byte> Specifies the fill byte to use for padding. • zynq
• zynqmp
• versal

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Table 40: Bootgen Command and Descriptions (cont'd)

Commands Description and Options Used by

generate_hashes Generates file containing padded hash: • zynq
• Zynq devices: SHA-2 with PKCS#1v1.5 padding • zynqmp
• versal
• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: SHA-3 with PKCS#1v1.5
padding scheme
• Versal adaptive SoC: SHA-3 with PSS padding
generate_keys <key_type> Generate the authentication keys. Options are: • zynq
• pem • zynqmp
• rsa • versal
• obfuscatedkey

h, help Prints out help summary.

• All

image <filename(.bif)> Provides a boot image format (.bif) file name.

• All

log<level_type> Generates a log file at the current working directory

with following message types: • All
• error
• warning (default)
• info
• debug
• trace

nonbooting Create an intermediate boot image. • zynq

• zynqmp
• versal
o <filename> Specifies the output file. The format of the file is
determined by the file name extension. Valid • All
extensions are:
• .bin (default)
• .mcs
• .pdi

overlay_cdo <filename> CDO overlay option provides a way to modify CDO versal
files after they are generated.
p <partname> Specify the part name used in generating the
encryption key. • All

padimageheader <option> Pads the image headers to force alignment of • zynq

following partitions. Options are:
• zynqmp
• 0
• 1 (default)

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Table 40: Bootgen Command and Descriptions (cont'd)

Commands Description and Options Used by

process_bitstream <option> Specifies that the bitstream is processed and outputs • zynq
as .bin or .mcs.
• zynqmp
• For example, if encryption is selected for
bitstream in BIF file, the output is an encrypted

read <options> Used to read boot headers, image headers, and • zynq
partition headers based on the options.
• zynqmp
• bh: To read boot header from bootimage in
human readable form • versal

• iht: To read image header table from

• ih: To read image headers from bootimage.
• pht: To read partition headers from bootimage
• ac: To read authentication certificates from
split <options> Splits the boot image into partitions and outputs the • zynq
files as .bin or .mcs.
• zynqmp
• Bootheader + Image Headers + Partition Headers
+ Fsbl.elf • versal

• Partition1.bit
• Partition2.elf

spksignature <filename> Generates an SPK signature file. • zynq

• zynqmp
• versal
verify <filename> This option is used for verifying authentication of a • zynq
boot image. All the authentication certificates in a
boot image is verified against the available • zynqmp
partitions. • versal
verify_kdf This option is used to validate the Counter Mode KDF
used in Bootgen for generation AES keys. • zynqmp

• versal

w <option> Specifies whether to overwrite the output files:

• on (default)
• All

• off

Note: The -w without an option is interpreted as –w


zynqmpes1 Generates a boot image for ES1 (1.0). The default

padding scheme is ES2 (2.0). • zynqmp

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Section III: Bootgen Tool
Chapter 15: Boot Time Security

Chapter 15

Boot Time Security

AMD supports secure booting on all devices using latest authentication methods to prevent
unauthorized or modified code from being run on AMD devices. AMD supports various
encryption techniques to make sure only authorized programs access the images. For hardware
security features by device, see the following sections.

Secure and Non-Secure Modes in Zynq 7000 SoC Devices

For security reasons, CPU 0 is always the first device out of reset among all master modules
within the PS. CPU 1 is held in an WFE state. While the BootROM is running, the JTAG is always
disabled, regardless of the reset type, to ensure security. After the BootROM runs, JTAG is
enabled if the boot mode is non-secure.

The BootROM code is also responsible for loading the FSBL/User code. When the BootROM
releases control to stage 1, your software assumes full control of the entire system. The only way
to execute the BootROM again is by generating one of the system resets. The FSBL/User code
size, encrypted and unencrypted, is limited to 192 KB. This limit does not apply with the non-
secure execute-in-place option.

The PS boot source is selected using the BOOT_MODE strapping pins (indicated by a weak pull-up
or pull-down resistor), that are sampled once during power-on reset (POR). The sampled values
are stored in the slcr.BOOT_MODE register.

The BootROM supports encrypted/authenticated, and unencrypted images referred to as secure

boot and non-secure boot, respectively. The BootROM supports execution of the stage 1 image
directly from NOR or Quad-SPI when using the execute-in-place (xip_mode) option, but only for
non-secure boot images. Execute-in-place is possible only for NOR and Quad-SPI boot modes.

• In secure boot, the CPU, running the BootROM code decrypts and authenticates the user PS
image on the boot device, stores it in the OCM, and then branches to it.
• In non-secure boot, the CPU, running the BootROM code disables all secure boot features
including the AES unit within the PL before branching to the user image in the OCM memory
or the flash device (if execute-in-place (XIP) is used).

Any subsequent boot stages for either the PS or the PL are the responsibility of you, the
developer, and are under your control. The BootROM code is not accessible to you. Following a
stage 1 secure boot, you can proceed with either secure or non-secure subsequent boot stages.
Following a non-secure first stage boot, only non-secure subsequent boot stages are possible.

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Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Security

In an AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device, the secure boot is accomplished by using the
hardware root of trust boot mechanism, which also provides a way to encrypt all of the boot or
configuration files. This architecture provides the required confidentiality, integrity, and
authentication to host the most secure of applications.

See the section "Security" in the Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085) for
more information.

Versal Adaptive SoC Security

On AMD Versal™ adaptive SoCs, secure boot ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and
authentication of the firmware and software loaded onto the device. The root of trust starts with
the PMC ROM, that authenticates and/or decrypts the PLM software. Now that the PLM
software is trusted, the PLM handles loading the rest of the firmware and software in a secure
manner. Additionally, if secure boot is not desired then software can at least be validated with a
simple checksum.

See Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011) for more information. Also, see the
Versal Adaptive SoC Security Manual (UG1508). This manual requires an active NDA to be
downloaded from the Design Security Lounge.

Using Encryption
Secure booting, that validates the images on devices before they are allowed to execute, has
become a mandatory feature for most electronic devices being deployed in the field. For
encryption, AMD supports an advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm AES encryption.

AES provides symmetric key cryptography (one key definition for both encryption and
decryption). The same steps are performed to complete both encryption and decryption in
reverse order.

AES is an iterated symmetric block cipher, which means that it does the following:

• Works by repeating the same defined steps multiple times

• Uses a secret key encryption algorithm
• Operates on a fixed number of bytes

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Encryption Process
Bootgen can encrypt the boot image partitions based on the user-provided encryption
commands and attributes in the BIF file. AES is a symmetric key encryption technique; it uses the
same key for encryption and decryption. The key used to encrypt a boot image should be
available on the device for the decryption process while the device is booting with that boot
image. Generally, the key is stored either in eFUSE or BBRAM, and the source of the key can be
selected during boot image creation through BIF attributes, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 42: Encryption Process Diagram


Key OR


Partition Encrypted Partition


Decryption Process
For SoC devices, the BootROM and the FSBL decrypt partitions during the booting cycle. The
BootROM reads FSBL from flash, decrypts, loads, and hands off the control. After FSBL starts
executing, it reads the remaining partitions, decrypts, and loads them. The AES key needed to
decrypt the partitions can be retrieved from either eFUSE or BBRAM. The key source field of the
boot header table in the boot image is read to know the source of the encryption key. Each
encrypted partition is decrypted using a AES hardware engine.

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Figure 43: Decryption Process Diagram

Encrypting Zynq 7000 Device Partitions

AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC devices use the embedded, Progammable Logic (PL), hash-based message
authentication code (HMAC) and an advanced encryption standard (AES) module with a cipher
block chaining (CBC) mode.

Example BIF File

To create a boot image with encrypted partitions, the AES key file is specified in the BIF using the
aeskeyfile attribute. Specify an encryption=aes attribute for each image file listed in the BIF
file to be encrypted. The example BIF file (secure.bif) is shown below:

[aeskeyfile] secretkey.nky
[keysrc_encryption] efuse
[bootloader, encryption=aes] fsbl.elf
[encryption=aes] uboot.elf

From the command line, use the following command to generate a boot image with encrypted
fsbl.elf and uboot.elf.

bootgen -arch zynq -image secure.bif -w -o BOOT.bin

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Key Generation

Bootgen can generate AES-CBC keys. Bootgen uses the AES key file specified in the BIF for
encrypting the partitions. If the key file is empty or non-existent, Bootgen generates the keys in
the file specified in the BIF file. If the key file is not specified in the BIF, and encryption is
requested for any of the partitions, then Bootgen generates a key file with the name of the BIF
file with extension .nky in the same directory as of BIF. The following is a sample key file.

Figure 44: Sample Key File

Encrypting Zynq MPSoC Device Partitions

The AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device uses the AES-GCM core, which has a 32-bit,
word-based data interface with support for a 256-bit key. The AES-GCM mode supports
encryption and decryption, multiple key sources, and built-in message integrity check.

Operational Key
A good key management practice includes minimizing the use of secret or private keys. This can
be accomplished using the operational key option enabled in Bootgen.

Bootgen creates an encrypted, secure header that contains the operational key (opt_key),
which is user-specified, and the initialization vector (IV) needed for the first block of the
configuration file when this feature is enabled. The result is that the AES key stored on the
device, in either the BBRAM or eFUSEs, is used for only 384 bits, which significantly limits its
exposure to side channel attacks. The attribute opt_key is used to specify operational key
usage. See fsbl_config for more information about the opt_key value that is an argument to the
fsbl_config attribute. The following is an example of using the opt_key attribute.

[fsbl_config] opt_key
[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key

destination_cpu = a53-0,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = aes_p1.nky]fsbl.elf

[destination_cpu = a53-3,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = aes_p2.nky]hello.elf

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The operation key is given in the AES key (.nky) file with name Key Opt as shown in the
following example.

Figure 45: Operational Key

Bootgen generates the encryption key file. The operational key opt_key is then generated in
the .nky file, if opt_key has been enabled in the BIF file, as shown in the previous example.

For another example of using the operational key, refer to Using Op Key to Protect the Device
Key in a Development Environment.

For more details about this feature, see the section "Key Management" in section in the Zynq
UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085).

Rolling Keys
The AES-GCM also supports the rolling keys feature, where the entire encrypted image is
represented in terms of smaller AES encrypted blocks/modules. Each module is encrypted using
its own unique key. The initial key is stored at the key source on the device, while keys for each
successive module are encrypted (wrapped) in the previous module. The boot images with rolling
keys can be generated using Bootgen. The BIF attribute blocks is used to specify the pattern to
create multiple smaller blocks for encryption.

[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key

destination_cpu = a53-0,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = aes_p1.nky,
blocks = 1024(2);2048;4096(2);8192(2);4096;2048;1024
] fsbl.elf

destination_cpu = a53-3,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = aes_p2.nky,
blocks = 4096(1);1024
] hello.elf


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• Number of keys in the key file should always be equal to the number of blocks to be encrypted.
○ If the number of keys are less than the number of blocks to be encrypted, Bootgen returns an error.

○ If the number of keys are more than the number of blocks to be encrypted, Bootgen ignores (does
not read) the extra keys.
• If you want to specify multiple Key/IV Pairs, you should specify no. of blocks + 1 pairs
○ The extra Key/IV pair is to encrypt the secure header.

○ No Key/IV pair should be repeated in a any of the aes key files given in a single bif except the Key0
and IV0.

Gray/Obfuscated Keys
The user key is encrypted with the family key, which is embedded in the metal layers of the
device. This family key is the same for all devices in the AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC. The
result is referred to as the obfuscated key. The obfuscated key can reside in either the
Authenticated Boot Header or or in eFUSEs.

[keysrc_encryption] efuse_gry_key
[bh_key_iv] bhiv.txt
destination_cpu = a53-0,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = aes_p1.nky
] fsbl.elf
destination_cpu = r5-0,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = aes_p2.nky
] hello.elf

Bootgen does the following while creating an image:

1. Places the IV from bhiv.txt in the field BH IV in Boot Header.

2. Places the IV 0 from aes.nky in the field "Secure Header IV" in Boot Header.
3. Encrypts the partition, with Key0 and IV0 from aes.nky.

Another example of using the gray/family key is found in Use Cases and Examples.

For more details about this feature, refer to the Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference
Manual (UG1085).

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Key Generation
Bootgen has the capability of generating AES-GCM keys. It uses the NIST-approved Counter
Mode KDF, with CMAC as the pseudo random function. Bootgen takes seed as input in case the
user wants to derive multiple keys from seed due to key rolling. If a seed is specified, the keys are
derived using the seed. If seeds are not specified, keys are derived based on Key0. If an empty
key file is specified, Bootgen generates a seed with time based randomization (not KDF), which in
turn is the input for KDF to generate other the Key/IV pairs.


• If one encryption file is specified and others are generated, Bootgen can make sure to use the same
Key0/IV0 pair for the generated keys as in the encryption file for the first partition. For example, in the
case of a full boot image, the first partition is the bootloader.
• If an encryption file is generated for the first partition and other encryption file with Key0/IV0 is
specified for a later partition, then Bootgen exits and returns the error that an incorrect Key0/IV0 pair
was used.

Key Generation

A sample key file is shown below.

Figure 46: Sample Key File

Obfuscated Key Generation

Bootgen can generate the obfuscated key by encrypting the red key with the family key and a
user-provided IV. The family key is delivered by the AMD Security Group. For more information,
see familykey. To generate an obfuscated key, Bootgen takes the following inputs from the BIF

[aeskeyfile] aes.nky
[familykey] familyKey.cfg
[bh_key_iv] bhiv.txt

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The command to generate the obfuscated key is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image all.bif -generate_keys obfuscatedkey

Black/PUF Keys
The black key storage solution uses a cryptographically strong key encryption key (KEK), which is
generated from a PUF, to encrypt the user key. The resulting black key can then be stored either
in the eFUSE or as a part of the authenticated boot header.

[puf_file] pufdata.txt
[bh_key_iv] black_iv.txt
[bh_keyfile] black_key.txt
[fsbl_config] puf4kmode, shutter=0x0100005E, pufhd_bh
[keysrc_encryption] bh_blk_key

destination_cpu = a53-0,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = aes_p1.nky
] fsbl.elf

destination_cpu = r5-0,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = aes_p2.nky
] hello.elf

For another example of using the black key, see Use Cases and Examples.

Multiple Encryption Key Files

Earlier versions of Bootgen supported creating the boot image by encrypting multiple partitions
with a single encryption key. The same key is used over and over again for every partition. This is
a security weakness and not recommended. Each key should be used only once in the flow.

Bootgen supports separate encryption keys for each partition. In case of multiple key files,
ensure that each encryption key file uses the same Key0 (device key), IV0, and Operational Key.
Bootgen does not allow creating boot images if these are different in each encryption key file.
You must specify multiple encryption key files, one for each of partition in the image. The
partitions are encrypted using the key that is specified for the partition.

Note: You can have unique key files for each of the partition created due to multiple loadable sections by
having key file names appended with .1, .2, .n, and so on in the same directory of the key file meant for
that partition.

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The following snippet shows a sample encryption key file:

[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key
// FSBL (Partition-0)
destination_cpu = a53-0,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = key_p0.nky


// application (Partition-1)
destination_cpu = a53-0,
encryption = aes,
aeskeyfile = key_p1.nky


• The partition fsbla53.elf is encrypted using the keys from key_p0.nky file.
• Assuming hello.elf has three partitions because it has three loadable sections, then
partition hello.elf.0 is encrypted using keys from the test2.nky file.
• Partition hello.elf.1 is then encrypted using keys from test2.1.nky.
• Partition hello.elf.2 is encrypted using keys from test2.2.nky.

Encrypting Versal Device Partitions

The AMD Versal™ device uses the AES-GCM core, which has support for a 256-bit key. When
creating a secure image, each partition in a boot image can be optionally encrypted. Key source
and aes key file are the prerequisites for encryption.

Note: For Versal adaptive SoC, it is mandatory to specify AES key file and the key source for each partition
when encryption is enabled. Based on the key source used, same Key0 should be used in the aes key files
specified respectively and vice-versa.

Key Management

Good key management practice includes minimizing the use of secret or private keys. This can be
accomplished by using different key/IV pairs across different partitions in the boot image. The
result is that the AES key stored on the device, in either the BBRAM or eFUSEs, is used for only
384 bits, which significantly limits its exposure to side channel attacks.

all: {
{type=bootloader, encryption=aes, keysrc=bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile=plm.nky, dpacm_enable, file=plm.elf}
{type=pmcdata, load=0xf2000000, aeskeyfile = pmc_data.nky,

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{core=psm, file=psm.elf}
{type=cdo, encryption=aes, keysrc=bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile=ps_data.nky, file=ps_data.cdo}
{type=cdo, file=subsystem.cdo}
{core=a72-0, exception_level = el-3, file=a72-app.elf}

Rolling Keys
The AES-GCM also supports the rolling keys feature, where the entire encrypted image is
represented in terms of smaller AES encrypted blocks/modules. Each module is encrypted using
its own unique key. The initial key is stored at the key source on the device, while keys for each
successive module are encrypted (wrapped) in the previous module. You can generate the boot
images with rolling keys using Bootgen. The BIF attribute blocks is used to specify the pattern to
create multiple smaller blocks for encryption.

Note: For Versal adaptive SoC, a default key rolling is done on 32 KB of data. The key rolling you choose
with the attribute blocks is applied in each 32 KB chunk. This is to compliment the hashing scheme used. If
the DPA key rolling countermeasure is enabled, boot time is impacted. Refer to the boot time estimator
spreadsheet for calculations.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2

encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = efuse_red_metaheader_key.nky,

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01, type = bootloader,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = bbram_red_key.nky,
blocks = 4096(2);1024;2048(2);4096(*),
file = plm.elf
id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = pmcdata.nky,
file = pmc_data.cdo

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name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C, type = cdo,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key1.nky,
blocks = 8192(20);4096(*),
file = lpd_data.cdo
id = 0x0B, core = psm,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key2.nky,
blocks = 4096(2);1024;2048(2);4096(*),
file = psm_fw.elf

name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08, type = cdo,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key5.nky,
blocks = 8192(20);4096(*),
file = fpd_data.cdo

• Number of keys in the key file should always be equal to the number of blocks to be encrypted.
• If the number of keys are less than the number of blocks to be encrypted, Bootgen returns an error.
• If the number of keys are more than the number of blocks to be encrypted, Bootgen ignores the extra

Key Generation
Bootgen can generate AES-GCM keys. It uses the NIST-approved Counter Mode KDF, with
CMAC as the pseudo random function. Bootgen takes seed as input in case you want to derive
multiple keys from seed due to key rolling. If a seed is specified, the keys are derived using the
seed. If seeds are not specified, keys are derived based on Key0. If an empty key file is specified,
Bootgen generates a seed with time based randomization (not KDF), which in turn is the input
for KDF to generate other the Key/IV pairs. The following conditions apply.

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• If one encryption file is specified and others are generated, Bootgen can make sure to use the
same Key0/IV0 pair for the generated keys as in the encryption file for the first partition.
• If an encryption file is generated for the first partition and other encryption file with Key0/IV0
is specified for a later partition, then Bootgen exits and returns the error that an incorrect
Key0/IV0 pair was used.
• If no key file is specified and encryption is opted for a partition, Bootgen by default generated
an aes key file with the name of the partition. By doing this, Bootgen makes sure that a
different aeskeyfile is used for each partition.
• Bootgen enables the usage of unique key files for each of the partition created due to multiple
loadable sections by reading/generating key file names appended with ."1", ."2."..."n" and so on
in the same directory of the key file meant for that partition.

Black/PUF Keys
The black key storage solution uses a cryptographically strong key encryption key (KEK), which is
generated from a PUF, to encrypt the user key. The resulting black key can then be stored either
in the eFUSE or as a part of the authenticated boot header. Example:

bh_kek_iv = black_iv.txt
bh_keyfile = black_key.txt
puf_file = pufdata.txt
boot_config {puf4kmode}
{type=bootloader, encryption = aes, keysrc=bh_blk_key, pufhd_bh,
aeskeyfile = red_grey.nky, file=plm.elf}
{type=pmcdata,load=0xf2000000, aeskeyfile = pmcdata.nky,
{core=psm, file=psm.elf}
{type=cdo, file=ps_data.cdo}
{type=cdo, file=subsystem.cdo}
{core=a72-0, exception_level = el-3, file=hello_world.elf}

Meta Header Encryption

For a Versal adaptive SoC, Bootgen encrypts the meta header when encryption is specifically
mentioned under the "metaheader" attribute. The aeskeyfile to be used can be specified in the
bif using the parameters under "metaheader." A snippet of the usage is shown below.

Note: Meta Header encryption includes all the headers except the Image Header Table.

encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = headerkey.nky,

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The following conditions apply.

• If a specific aeskeyfile is not specified for the meta header, Bootgen generates a file
named meta_header.nky, and uses it during encryption.
• If a boot loader is present in the bif, it is mandatory to encrypt boot loader to encrypt meta
header. For a partial PDI, meta header can be optionally chosen to be encrypted.
• To ensure the correctness of Image Header Table, it is added as additional authenticated data
when encrypting the meta header.

Using Authentication
AES encryption is a self-authenticating algorithm with a symmetric key, meaning that the key to
encrypt is the same as the one to decrypt. This key must be protected as it is secret (hence
storage to the internal key space). There is an alternative form of authentication in the form of
Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA). RSA is an asymmetric algorithm, meaning that the key to verify is
not the same key used to sign. A pair of keys are needed for authentication.

• Signing is done using Secret Key/ Private Key

• Verification is done using a Public Key

This public key does not need to be protected, and does not need special secure storage. This
form of authentication can be used with encryption to provide both authenticity and
confidentiality. RSA can be used with either encrypted or unencrypted partitions.

RSA not only has the advantage of using a public key, it also has the advantage of authenticating
prior to decryption. The hash of the RSA Public key must be stored in the eFUSE. AMD SoC
devices support authenticating the partition data before it is sent to the AES decryption engine.
This method can be used to help prevent attacks on the decryption engine itself by ensuring that
the partition data is authentic before performing any decryption.

In AMD SoCs, two pairs of public and secret keys are used - primary and secondary. The function
of the primary public/secret key pair is to authenticate the secondary public/secret key pair. The
function of the secondary key is to sign/verify partitions.

The first letter of the acronyms used to describe the keys is either P for primary or S for
secondary. The second letter of the acronym used to describe the keys is either P for public or S
for secret. There are four possible keys:

• PPK = Primary Public Key

• PSK = Primary Secret Key
• SPK = Secondary Public Key
• SSK = Secondary Secret Key

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Bootgen can create a authentication certificate in two ways:

• Supply the PSK and SSK. The SPK signature is calculated on-the-fly using these two inputs.
• Supply the PPK and SSK and the SPK signature as inputs. This is used in cases where the PSK
is not known.

The primary key is hashed and stored in the eFUSE. This hash is compared against the hash of
the primary key stored in the boot image by the FSBL. This hash can be written to the PS eFUSE
memory using standalone driver provided along with Vitis.

The following is an example BIF file:

[bootloader,authentication=rsa] fsbl.elf

For device-specific Authentication information, see the following:

• Zynq 7000 Authentication Certificates

• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Authentication Certificates
• Versal Adaptive SoC Authentication Certificates

The following figure shows RSA signing of partitions. From a secure facility, Bootgen signs
partitions using the Secret key. The signing process is described in the following steps:

1. PPK and SPK are stored in the Authentication Certificate (AC).

2. SPK is signed using PSK to get SPK signature; also stored as part of the AC.
3. Partition is signed using SSK to get Partition signature, populated in the AC.
4. The AC is appended or prepended to each partition that is opted for authentication
depending on the device.
5. PPK is hashed and stored in eFUSE.

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Figure 47: RSA Partition Signature


Hash Boot Header

Authentication Header
Partition Headers
Primary Keys

PSK Certificate

Secret Key Partition

Secondary Keys

Hash + RSA Partition
Partition Authentication
Signature Certificate

Secret Key

Partition Hash + RSA


The following table shows the options for Authentication.

Table 41: Supported File Formats for Authentication Keys

Supported File
Key Name Description
PPK Primary Public Key This key is used to authenticate a partition. *.pem
It should always be specified when *.pub
authenticating a partition.
PSK Primary Secret Key This key is used to authenticate a partition. *.pem
It should always be specified when
authenticating a partition.
SPK Secondary Public Key This key, when specified, is used to authenticate *.pem
a partition. *.pub
SSK Secondary Secret Key This key, when specified, is used to authenticate *.pem
a partition. pub

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In the device, the BootROM verifies the FSBL, and either the FSBL or U-Boot verifies the
subsequent partitions using the Public key.

1. Verify PPK: This step establishes the authenticity of primary key, which is used to
authenticate secondary key.
a. PPK is read from AC in boot image
b. Generate PPK hash
c. Hashed PPK is compared with the PPK hash retrieved from eFUSE
d. If same, then primary key is trusted, else secure boot fail
2. Verify secondary keys: This step establishes the authenticity of secondary key, which is used
to authenticate the partitions.
a. SPK is read from AC in boot image
b. Generate SPK hashed
c. Get the SPK hash, by verifying the SPK signature stored in AC, using PPK
d. Compare hashes from step (b) and step (c)
e. If same, then secondary key is trusted, else secure boot fail.
3. Verify partitions: This step establishes the authenticity of partition which is being booted.
a. Partition is read from the boot image.
b. Generate hash of the partition.
c. Get the partition hash, by verifying the Partition signature stored in AC, using SPK.
d. Compare the hashes from step (b) and step (c)
e. If same, then partition is trusted, else secure boot fail

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Figure 48: Verification Flow Diagram


Boot Header

Partition Headers Authentication


Authentication PPK Hash Compare


SPK Hash
Partition Key
Verify Compare
Signature Public
Authentication RSA


Bootgen can create a authentication certificate in two ways:

• Supply the PSK and SSK. The SPK signature is calculated on-the-fly using these two inputs.
• Supply the PPK and SSK and the SPK signature as inputs. This is used in cases where the PSK
is not known.

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Authentication Support

The AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device uses RSA-4096 authentication, which means the
primary and secondary key sizes are 4096-bit.

NIST SHA-3 Support

Note: For SHA-3 Authentication, always use Keccak SHA-3 to calculate hash on boot header, PPK hash
and boot image. NIST-SHA3 is used for all other partitions which are not loaded by ROM.

The generated signature uses the Keccak-SHA3 or NIST-SHA3 based on following table:

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Table 42: Authentication Signatures

Which Authentication SHA Algorithm and SPK Secret Key used for
Certificate (AC)? eFUSE Signature Generation
Partitions header AC (loaded SPK Signature If SPKID eFUSEs, then PSK
by FSBL/FW) Keccak; If User eFUSE, then
BH Signature Always Keccak SSKheader
Header Signature Always Nist SSKheader
BootLoader (FSBL) AC SPK Signature Always Keccak; Always SPKID PSK
(loaded by ROM) eFUSE for SPK
BH Signature Always Keccak SSKBootloader
FSBL Signature Always Keccak SSKBootloader
Other Partition AC (loaded SPK Signature If SPKID eFUSEs then Keccak; PSK
by FSBL FW) If User eFUSE then NIST
BH Signature Always Keccak padding SSKPartition
Partition Signature Always NIST padding SSKPartition


Example 1: BIF file for authenticating the partition with single set of key files:

[fsbl_config] bh_auth_enable
[auth_params] ppk_select=0; spk_id=0x00000000
[pskfile] primary_4096.pem
[sskfile] secondary_4096.pem
[pmufw_image] pmufw.elf
[bootloader, authentication=rsa, destination_cpu=a53-0] fsbl.elf
[authenication=rsa, destination_cpu=r5-0] hello.elf

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Example 2: BIF file for authenticating the partitions with separate secondary key for each

[auth_params] ppk_select=1
[pskfile] primary_4096.pem
[sskfile] secondary_4096.pem

// FSBL (Partition-0)
destination_cpu = a53-0,
authentication = rsa,
spk_id = 0x01,
sskfile = secondary_p1.pem
] fsbla53.elf

// ATF (Partition-1)
destination_cpu = a53-0,
authentication = rsa,
exception_level = el-3,
trustzone = secure,
spk_id = 0x02,
sskfile = secondary_p2.pem
] bl31.elf

// UBOOT (Partition-2)
destination_cpu = a53-0,
authentication = rsa,
exception_level = el-2,
spk_id = 0x03,
sskfile = secondary_p3.pem
] u-boot.elf

Bitstream Authentication Using External Memory

The authentication of a bitstream is different from other partitions. The FSBL can be wholly
contained within the OCM, and therefore authenticated and decrypted inside of the device. For
the bitstream, the size of the file is so large that it cannot be wholly contained inside the device
and external memory must be used. The use of external memory creates a challenge to maintain
security because an adversary might have access to this external memory. When bitstream is
requested for authentication, Bootgen divides the whole bitstream into 8 MB blocks and has an
authentication certificate for each block. If a bitstream is not in multiples of 8 MB, the last block
contains the remaining bitstream data. When authentication and encryption are both enabled,
encryption is first done on the bitstream, then Bootgen divides the encrypted data into blocks
and places an authentication certificate for each block.

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Figure 49: Bitstream Authentication Using External Memory


1st block AC
2nd block AC

nth block AC

User eFUSE Support with Enhanced RSA Key Revocation

Enhanced RSA Key Revocation Support

The RSA key provides the ability to revoke the secondary keys of one partition without revoking
the secondary keys for all partitions.

Note: The primary key should be the same across all partitions.

This is achieved by using USER_FUSE0 to USER_FUSE7 eFUSEs with the BIF parameter

Note: You can revoke up to 256 keys, if all are not required for their usage.

The following BIF file sample shows enhanced user fuse revocation. Image header and FSBL uses
different SSKs for authentication (ssk1.pem and ssk2.pem respectively) with the following BIF

[auth_params]ppk_select = 0
authentication = rsa,
spk_select = spk-efuse,
spk_id = 0x8,
sskfile = ssk2.pem
] zynqmp_fsbl.elf
destination_cpu = a53-0,
authentication = rsa,
spk_select = user-efuse,
spk_id = 0x100,
sskfile = ssk3.pem

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] application.elf
destination_cpu = a53-0,
authentication = rsa,
spk_select = user-efuse,
spk_id = 0x8,
sskfile = ssk4.pem
] application2.elf

• spk_select = spk-efuse indicates that spk_id eFUSE is used for that partition.
• spk_select = user-efuse indicates that user eFUSE is used for that partition.

Partitions loaded by CSU ROM always uses spk_efuse.

Note: The spk_id eFUSE specifies which key is valid. Hence, the ROM checks the entire field of spk_id
eFUSE against the SPK ID to make sure it is a bit for bit match.

The user eFUSE specifies which key ID is NOT valid (has been revoked). Therefore, the firmware
(non-ROM) checks to see if a given user eFUSE that represents the SPK ID has been

Note: In the above example, FSBL and application2 use the same spk_id. But these two keys can be
revoked separately, because one is checked against the SPK_ID eFUSE and the other is checked against
User eFUSE.

Key Generation
Bootgen has the capability of generating RSA keys. Alternatively, you can create keys using
external tools such as OpenSSL. Bootgen creates the keys in the paths specified in the BIF file.

The figure shows the sample RSA private key file.

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Figure 50: Sample RSA Private Key File

Note: The public component is usually referred with the extension .pub. This can be extracted from the
private key that has both the public and private components. The private keys usually have
extension .pem. To generate public key components use ppkfile/spkfile instead of pskfile/sskfile in the
above example.

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BIF Example

A sample BIF file, generate_pem.bif:

[pskfile] psk0.pem
[sskfile] ssk0.pem


The command to generate keys is, as follows:

bootgen -generate_keys pem -arch zynqmp -image generate_pem.bif

PPK Hash for eFUSE

Bootgen generates the PPK hash for storing in eFUSE for PPK to be trusted. This step is required
only for RSA Authentication with eFUSE mode, and can be skipped for RSA Boot Header
Authentication for the AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device. The value from
efuseppksha.txt can be programmed to eFUSE for RSA authentication with the eFUSE

For more information about BBRAM and eFUSE programming, see Programming BBRAM and
eFUSEs (XAPP1319).

BIF File Example

The following is a sample BIF file, generate_hash_ppk.bif.

[pskfile] psk0.pem
[sskfile] ssk0.pem
[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0, authentication=rsa] fsbl_a53.elf


The command to generate PPK hash for eFUSE programming is:

bootgen –image generate_hash_ppk.bif –arch zynqmp –w –o /

test.bin –efuseppkbits efuseppksha.txt

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Versal Authentication Support

Bootgen supports RSA-4096 and ECDSA P384 and P521 curves for Versal adaptive SoC
authentication. NIST SHA-3 is used to calculate hash on all partitions/headers. The signature
calculated on the hash is placed in the PDI.

Note: Unlike Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, for Versal adaptive SoCs, the authentication
certificate is placed prior to the partition. The ECDSA P521 curve is not supported for authentication of
the bootloader partition (PLM) because the BootROM only supports RSA-4096 or ECDSA-P384
authentication. P521 can, however, be used to authenticate any other partition.

Meta Header Authentication

For a Versal adaptive SoC, Bootgen authenticates the meta header based on the parameters
under the bif attribute "metaheader." A snippet of the usage is shown below.

authentication = rsa,
pskfile = psk.pem,
sskfile = ssk.pem

PPK Hash for eFUSE

Bootgen generates the PPK hash for storing in eFUSE for PPK to be trusted. This step is required
only for authentication with eFUSE mode, and can be skipped for Boot Header Authentication.
The value from efuseppksha.txt can be programmed to eFUSE for authentication with the
eFUSE mode.

BIF File Example

The following is a sample BIF file, generate_hash_ppk.bif.

pskfile = primary0.pem
sskfile = secondary0.pem
name = pmc_ss, id = 0x1c000001
{ type=bootloader, authentication=rsa, file=plm.elf}
{ type=pmcdata, load=0xf2000000, file=pmc_cdo.bin}

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The command to generate PPK hash for eFUSE programming is:

bootgen –image generate_hash_ppk.bif –arch versal –w –o test.bin –

efuseppkbits efuseppksha.txt

Cumulative Secure Boot Operations for Versal Adaptive SoC

Table 43: Cumulative Secure Boot Operations

Integrity Hardware Crypto
Boot Type
Authentication Decryption (Checksum Engines
Non-secure boot No No No None
Asymmetric Hardware Yes (Required) No No RSA/ECDSA along with
Root-of-Trust (A- SHA3
Symmetric Hardware No Yes (Required PLM and No AES-GCM
Root-of-Trust (S- Meta Header should
HWRoT) (Forces be encrypted with
decryption of PDI with eFUSE KEK)
eFUSE black key)
A-HWRoT + S-HWRoT Yes (Required) Yes (Required) No RSA/ECDSA along with
Authentication + Yes Yes (Key source can be No RSA/ECDSA along with
Decryption of PDI either from BBRAM or SHA3 and AES-GCM
Decryption (Uses user- No Yes No AES-GCM
selected key. The key
source can be of any
type such as BBRAM/
BHDR or even eFUSE)
Checksum Verification No No Yes SHA3

Versal Hashing Scheme

AMD Versal™ introduces a new hashing scheme that minimizes boot time and buffer space
required by the PLM while authenticating partitions. The hashing scheme centers on including
the hash for the next block of data in the current block of data (similar to what is done with key
rolling). This allows a single signature to be used for the entire partition, regardless of partition
size, and removes the need to buffer hashes inside the PLM itself. This scheme is used on all
partitions except for the bootloader. This block of data, that is hashed each time, is referred to as
secure chunk. This chunk size is 32 KB for Versal.

The hashing scheme as per the table below:

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Table 44: Partition Chunking Scheme

Partition Chunk Count Partition Chunking Scheme Notes

CHUNK 0 [ Authentication Certificate - Partition This data is hashed and then signed.
Sign Field + SECURE HEADER + GCM This signature sits in the Partition
TAG + SECURE_CHUNK_SIZE + HASH OF Signature field of AC

The SECURE_CHUNK_SIZE applicable to AMD Versal™ is 32 KB.

Using HSM Mode

In current cryptography, all the algorithms are public, so it becomes critical to protect the
private/secret key. The hardware security module (HSM) is a dedicated crypto-processing device
that is specifically designed for the protection of the crypto key lifecycle. This module increases
key handling security, because only public keys are passed to the Bootgen and not the private/
secure keys. A standard mode is also available; this mode does not require passing keys.

In some organizations, an infosec staff is responsible for the production release of a secure
embedded product. The infosec staff might use the HSM for digital signatures and a separate
secure server for encryption. The HSM and secure server typically reside in a secure area. The
HSM is a secure key/signature generation device that generates private keys, signs the partitions
using the private key, and provides the public part of the RSA key to Bootgen. The private keys
reside in the HSM only.

Bootgen in HSM mode uses only RSA public keys and the signatures that were created by the
HSM to generate the boot image. The HSM accepts hash values of partitions generated by
Bootgen and returns a signature block, based on the hash and the secret RSA key.

In contrast to the HSM mode, Bootgen in its Standard mode uses AES encryption keys and the
RSA Secret keys provided through the BIF file, to encrypt and authenticate the partitions in the
image, respectively. The output is a single boot image, which is encrypted and authenticated. For
authentication, the user has to provide both sets of public and private/secret keys. The private/
secret keys are used by the Bootgen to sign the partitions and create signatures. These
signatures along with the public keys are embedded into the final boot image.

For more information about the HSM mode for FPGAs, see the HSM Mode.

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Using Advanced Key Management Options

The public keys associated with the private keys are and The HSM accepts
hash values of partitions generated by Bootgen and returns a signature block, based on the hash
and the secret key.

Note: HSM flow is not supported for mcs format boot image generation.

Creating a Boot Image Using HSM Mode: PSK is not

The following figure shows a Stage 0 to Stage 2 Boot stack that uses the HSM mode. It reduces
the number of steps by distributing the SSK.

This figure uses the AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device to illustrate the stages.

Figure 51: Generic 3-Stage Boot Image

Generate SPK SPK hash

AC header

HSM Mode

SPK hash
Generate SPK SPK
PSK hash
signature signature


SPK signature


partitions Generate Boot Final Boot

FSBL Image Image



Boot Process

Creating a boot image using HSM mode is similar to creating a boot image using a standard flow
with following BIF file.

[auth_params] ppk_select=1;spk_id=0x8

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Stage 0: Create a Boot Image using HSM Mode

A trusted individual creates the SPK signature using the Primary Secret Key. The SPK signature is
on the Authentication Certificate Header, SPK, and SPK ID. To generate a hash for the above, use
the following BIF file snippet.

stage 0:
[auth_params] ppk_select=1;spk_id=0x3

The following is the Bootgen command:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage0.bif -generate_hashes

The output of this command is:

Stage 1: Distribute the SPK Signature

The trusted individual distributes the SPK Signature to the development teams.

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey keys/primary0.pem -in


The output of this command is:

Stage 2: Encrypt using AES in FSBL

The development teams use Bootgen to create as many boot images as needed. The
development teams use:

• The SPK Signature from the trusted individual.

• The SSK, SPK, and SPKID

[auth_params] ppk_select=1;spk_id=0x3

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[bootloader,destination_cpu=a53-0, encryption=aes, aeskeyfile=aes0.nky,
authentication=rsa] fsbl.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, authentication=rsa] hello_a53_0_64.elf

The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage2.bif -o final.bin

Creating a Zynq 7000 SoC Device Boot Image using

HSM Mode
The following figure provides a diagram of an HSM mode boot image for an AMD Zynq™ 7000
SoC device. The steps to create this boot image are immediately after the diagram.

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Figure 52: Stage 0 to 8 Boot Process

Generate SPK SPK hash

AC header


SPK hash Generate SPK SPK BOOTGEN Partions with

PSK hash

signature signature Authenticated

PSK Certificates Generate
header Table

Table hash

FSBL encrypted
Keykey HSM

SSK Generate Header


Header Header Table Table

Table hash signature Signature

Header Table
SPK signature
BOOTGEN Signature Header Table Signature
BOOTGEN Partions with
PPK & SPK Generate FSBL
Generate FSBL FSBL hash Authenticated
encrypted Hash Generate
hashe Certificates Generate Boot Final Boot


Stage- 3a FSBL bootmage Stage-8 Image Image



SSK Signature
FSBL Signature


BOOTGEN FSBL signature SPK signature


BOOTGEN encrypted SPK sign FSBL Signature

PPK & SPK FSBL Signature




PPK & SPK auth certificate

FSBL with

auth certificate



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The process to create a boot image using HSM mode for an AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC device is
similar to that of a boot image created using a standard flow with the following BIF file. These
examples, where needed, use the OpenSSL program to generate hash files.

[bootloader,encryption=aes,authentication=rsa] zynq_fsbl_0.elf

Stage 0: Generate a Hash for SPK

This stage generates the hash of the SPK key.


The following is the Bootgen command.

bootgen -image stage0.bif –w -generate_hashes

Stage 1: Sign the SPK Hash

This stage creates the signatures by signing the SPK hash

xil_rsa_sign.exe -gensig -sk primary.pem -data -out

Or by using the following OpenSSL program.

#Swap the bytes in SPK hash

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=256

#Generate SPK signature using OpenSSL

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey primary.pem -in >

#Swap the bytes in SPK signature

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=256

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Stage 2: Encrypt using AES

This stage encrypts the partition. The stage2.bif is as follows.

[aeskeyfile] my_efuse.nky
[bootloader, encryption=aes] zynq_fsbl_0.elf

The Bootgen command is as follows.

bootgen -image stage2.bif -w -o fsbl_e.bin -encrypt efuse

The output is the encrypted file fsbl_e.bin.

Stage 3: Generate Partition Hashes

This stage generates the hashes of different partitions.

Stage 3a: Generate the FSBL Hash

The BIF file is as follows:

[bootimage, authentication=rsa] fsbl_e.bin

The Bootgen command is as follows.

bootgen -image stage3a.bif -w -generate_hashes

The output is the hash file zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256.

Stage 3b: Generate the bitstream hash

The stage3b BIF file is as follows:

[authentication=rsa] system.bit

The Bootgen command is as follows.

bootgen -image stage3b.bif -w -generate_hashes

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The output is the hash file system.bit.0.sha256.

Stage 4: Sign the Hashes

This stage creates signatures from the partition hash files created.

Stage 4a: Sign the FSBL partition hash

xil_rsa_sign.exe -gensig -sk secondary.pem -data zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256 -

out zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256.sig

Or by using the following OpenSSL program.

#Swap the bytes in FSBL hash

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=256 zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256

#Generate FSBL signature using OpenSSL

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary.pem -in zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256
> zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256.sig

#Swap the bytes in FSBL signature

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=256 zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256.sig

The output is the signature file zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256.sig.

Stage 4b: Sign the bitstream hash

xil_rsa_sign.exe -gensig -sk secondary.pem -data system.bit.0.sha256 -out


Or by using the following OpenSSL program.

#Swap the bytes in bitstream hash

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=256 system.bit.0.sha256

#Generate bitstream signature using OpenSSL

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary.pem -in system.bit.0.sha256 >

#Swap the bytes in bitstream signature

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=256 system.bit.0.sha256.sig

The output is the signature file system.bit.0.sha256.sig.

Stage 5: Insert Partition Signatures

Insert partition signatures created above are changed into authentication certificates.

Stage 5a: Insert the FSBL signature

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The stage5a.bif is as follows.

[bootimage, authentication=rsa, presign=zynq_fsbl_0.elf.0.sha256.sig]

The Bootgen command is as follows.

bootgen -image stage5a.bif -w -o fsbl_e_ac.bin -efuseppkbits

efuseppkbits.txt -nonbooting

The authenticated output files are fsbl_e_ac.bin and efuseppkbits.txt.

Stage 5b: Insert the bitstream signature
The stage5b.bif is as follows.

[authentication=rsa, presign=system.bit.0.sha256.sig] system.bit

The Bootgen command is as follows.

bootgen -image stage5b.bif -o system_e_ac.bin –nonbooting

The authenticated output file is system_e_ac.bin.

Stage 6: Generate Header Table Hash

This stage generates the hash for the header tables.

The stage6.bif is as follows.

[bootimage] fsbl_e_ac.bin
[bootimage] system_e_ac.bin

The Bootgen command is as follows.

bootgen -image stage6.bif -generate_hashes

The output hash file is ImageHeaderTable.sha256.

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Stage 7: Generate Header Table Signature

This stage generates the header table signature.

xil_rsa_sign.exe -gensig -sk secondary.pem -data ImageHeaderTable.sha256 -

out ImageHeaderTable.sha256.sig

Or by using the following OpenSSL program:

#Swap the bytes in header table hash

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=256 ImageHeaderTable.sha256

#Generate header table signature using OpenSSL

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary.pem -in ImageHeaderTable.sha256
> ImageHeaderTable.sha256.sig

#Swap the bytes in header table signature

objcopy -I binary -O binary --reverse-bytes=256 ImageHeaderTable.sha256.sig

The output is the signature file ImageHeaderTable.sha256.sig.

Stage 8: Combine Partitions, Insert Header Table Signature

The stage8.bif is as follows:

[headersignature] ImageHeaderTable.sha256.sig
[bootimage] fsbl_e_ac.bin
[bootimage] system_e_ac.bin

The Bootgen command is as follows:

bootgen -image stage8.bif -w -o final.bin

The output is the boot image file final.bin.

Creating a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Device Boot

Image using HSM Mode
The following figure provides a diagram of an HSM mode boot image.

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Figure 53: 0 to 10 Stage Boot Process

SPK signature BH signature*
PPK & SPK SPK sign
SPK ID Generate SPK hash BOOTGEN PPK & InsertSPK sign
SPK encrypted FSBL
Stage-0 SPK

SPK Encrypt FSBL with
FSBLPPK & Signature

Hash encrypted FSBL with

Encrypt authentication

AC header FSBL
encrypted auth

FSBL certificate

FSBL certificate

signature signature Header Table

Partitions with Generate hash

Authenticated Header
Certificate Table hash

Generate encrypted HSM
nky key Header


nky key Table hash Generate

nky key HashSPK

Hash Header
SSK Table
Stage-2b signature

BOOTGEN Encrypted FSBL header Table signature
Signature BOOTGEN
PPK & SPK Generate BH hash Generate bootimage

BH bootmage
hash Partitions with

BH hash

SSK signature
BH hash signature

BOOTGEN SPK signature BH signature

PPK & SPK Generate partition


partition hashes
partitions hashes


SSK Generate partition


partition signatures


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To create a boot image using HSM mode for an AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device, it
would be similar to a boot image created using a standard flow with the following BIF file. These
examples, where needed, use the OpenSSL program to generate hash files.

[fsbl_config] bh_auth_enable
[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key
[pskfile] primary0.pem
[sskfile] secondary0.pem
] fsbl.elf

] system.bit

] bl31.elf

] u-boot.elf

Note: To use pmufw_image in HSM flow, add [pmufw_image] pmufw.elf to the above bif. In similar
lines, this must be added in the stage2a bif, where FSBL is encrypted. The rest of the flow remains the

Stage 0: Generate a hash for SPK

The following is the snippet from the BIF file.


The following is the Bootgen command:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage0.bif -generate_hashes -w on -log error

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Stage 1: Sign the SPK Hash (encrypt the partitions)

The following is a code snippet using OpenSSL to generate the SPK hash:

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey primary0.pem -in >

The output of this command is

Stage 2a: Encrypt the FSBL

Encrypt the FSBL using the following snippet in the BIF file.

Stage 2a:
[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key

] fsbl.elf

The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage2a.bif -o fsbl_e.bin -w on -log error

Stage 2b: Encrypt Bitstream

Generate the following BIF file entry:

] system.bit

The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage2b.bif -o system_e.bin -w on -log error

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Stage 3: Generate Boot Header Hash

Generate the boot header hash using the following BIF file:

[fsbl_config] bh_auth_enable

The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage3.bif -generate_hashes -w on -log error

Stage 4: Sign Boot Header Hash

Generate the boot header hash with the following OpenSSL command:

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in bootheader.sha384 >


Stage 5: Get Partition Hashes

Get partition hashes using the following command in a BIF file:


] bl31.elf

] u-boot.elf

The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage5.bif -generate_hashes -w on -log error

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Multiple hashes are generated for a bitstream partition. For more details, see Bitstream
Authentication Using External Memory.

The Boot Header hash is also generated in this stage5; which is different from the one generated
in stage3, because the parameter bh_auth_enable is not used in stage5. This can be added in
stage5 if needed, but does not have a significant impact because the Boot Header hash
generated using stage3 is signed in stage4 and this signature is only used in the HSM mode flow.

Stage 6: Sign Partition Hashes

Create the following files using OpenSSL:

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in fsbl.elf.0.sha384 >

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in system.bit.0.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in system.bit.1.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in system.bit.2.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in system.bit.3.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in u-boot.elf.0.sha384 > u-
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in bl31.elf.0.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in bl31.elf.1.sha384 >

Stage 7: Insert Partition Signatures into Authentication Certificate

Stage 7a: Insert the FSBL signature by adding this code to a BIF file:

[fsbl_config] bh_auth_enable

The Bootgen command is as follows:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage7a.bif -o fsbl_e_ac.bin -efuseppkbits

efuseppkbits.txt -nonbooting -w on -log error

Stage 7b: Insert the bitstream signature by adding the following to the BIF file:


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] system_e.bin

The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage7b.bif -o system_e_ac.bin -nonbooting -w

on -log error

Stage 7c: Insert the U-Boot signature by adding the following to the BIF file:

] u-boot.elf

The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage7c.bif -o u-boot_ac.bin -nonbooting -w on -

log error

Stage 7d: Insert the ATF signature by entering the following into a BIF file:

] bl31.elf

The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage7d.bif -o bl31_ac.bin -nonbooting -w on -

log error

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Stage 8: Combine Partitions, Get Header Table Hash

Enter the following in a BIF file:


The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage8.bif -generate_hashes -o stage8.bin -w on

-log error

Stage 9: Sign Header Table Hash

Generate the following files using OpenSSL:

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey secondary0.pem -in ImageHeaderTable.sha384

> ImageHeaderTable.sha384.sig

Stage 10: Combine Partitions, Insert Header Table Signature

Enter the following in a BIF file:


The Bootgen command is:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage10.bif -o final.bin -w on -log error

Note: At the moment, there is no support for the HSM mode on Versal devices.

Creating a Versal Device Boot Image Using HSM

The following figure provides a diagram of an HSM mode boot image for a Versal device.

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Figure 54: 0 to 12 Stage Boot Process

SPK signature BH signature*
PPK & SPK SPK sign
SPK ID Generate SPK hash BOOTGEN PPK & InsertSPK
PMC sign
SPK encrypted

SPK Subsystem
Encrypt PMC Subsystem
PLMPPK & Signature

0a Hash encrypted Encrypt with FSBL with


AC header FSBL
encrypted authentication

FSBL certificate

FSBL certificate
Stage-0b Stage-7b
Stage-0c Stage-7c

Generate SPK signature Generate Image
SPK hash SPK SPK PPK & SPK Image Header


signature Header Table

nky key

Table Hash Hash



Encrypted SPK signature Generate Signature

Subsystem Generate IHT Hash IHT
BOOTGEN Encrypt SPK Subsystem
nky key Signature

PMC Hash

nky key

IHT Signature Generate
Encrypted PMC Meta

BOOTGEN Subsystem PPK & SPK Header Meta

nky key Hash Header
PPK & SPK Generate BH hash Hash


HSM Meta
Hash Generate

HSM SSK Header

BH hash
BH hash Signature

SSK signature

BOOTGEN SPK Signature Meta Header Signature

IHT Signature

SPK signature BH signature IHT Signature

Partitions with final
PPK & SPK Generate Authenticated bootimage

encrypted Generate

partition Certificate
partitions hashes bootmage
nky key



SSK Generate partition


partition signatures


Note: The PMC subsystem includes PLM, PMC_CDO.

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Generating the PDI

Generate the PDI using the standard BIF.

command : bootgen -arch versal -image all.bif -w on -o final_ref.bin -log


id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
boot_config {bh_auth_enable}

authentication = rsa,
pskfile = rsa-keys/PSK2.pem,
sskfile = rsa-keys/SSK2.pem
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = enc_keys/efuse_red_metaheader_key.nky,

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01, type = bootloader,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile = rsa-keys/PSK1.pem,
sskfile = rsa-keys/SSK1.pem,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/bbram_red_key.nky,
file = images/gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = gen_keys/pmcdata.nky,
file = images/gen_files/pmc_data.cdo
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C, type = cdo,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile = rsa-keys/PSK3.pem,
sskfile = rsa-keys/SSK3.pem,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = gen_keys/key1.nky,

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file = images/gen_files/lpd_data.cdo
id = 0x0B, core = psm,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile = rsa-keys/PSK1.pem,
sskfile = rsa-keys/SSK1.pem,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = gen_keys/key2.nky,
blocks = 8192(20);4096(*),
file = images/static_files/psm_fw.elf

name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08, type = cdo,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile = rsa-keys/PSK3.pem,
sskfile = rsa-keys/SSK3.pem,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = gen_keys/key5.nky,
file = images/gen_files/fpd_data.cdo

name = ss, id = 0x1c000033
id = 0x0D, type = cdo,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile = rsa-keys/PSK2.pem,
sskfile = rsa-keys/SSK2.pem,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = gen_keys/key6.nky,
file = images/gen_files/subsystem.cdo

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HSM Mode Steps

Stage 0: Generate SPK Hash

Generate hash for SSK1:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage0-SSK1.bif -generate_hashes -w

on -log error

spkfile = rsa-keys/

Generate hash for SSK2:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage0-SSK2.bif -generate_hashes -w

on -log error

spkfile = rsa-keys/

Generate hash for SSK3:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage0-SSK3.bif -generate_hashes -w

on -log error

spkfile = rsa-keys/

Stage 1: Sign SPK hash

Sign the generated hashes:

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/PSK1.pem -in >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/PSK2.pem -in >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/PSK3.pem -in >

Stage 2: Encrypt Individual Partitions

Encrypt partition 1:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage2a.bif -o pmc_subsys_e.bin -w on

-log error


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Chapter 15: Boot Time Security

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001

id = 0x01, type = bootloader,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/bbram_red_key.nky,
file = images/gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0x09, type = pmcdata,
load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/pmcdata.nky,
file = images/gen_files/pmc_data.cdo

Encrypt partition 2:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage2b-1.bif -o lpd_lpd_data_e.bin -

w on -log error

name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C, type = cdo,
encryption=aes, delay_auth,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/key1.nky,
file = images/gen_files/lpd_data.cdo

Encrypt partition 3:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage2b-2.bif -o lpd_psm_fw_e.bin -w

on -log error

name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0B, core = psm,
encryption = aes, delay_auth,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/key2.nky,

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file = images/static_files/psm_fw.elf

Encrypt partition 4:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage2c.bif -o fpd_e.bin -w on -log


name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08, type = cdo,
encryption=aes, delay_auth,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/key5.nky,
file = images/gen_files/fpd_data.cdo

Stage 3: Generate Boot Header Hash

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage3.bif -generate_hashes -w on -

log error

image_config {bh_auth_enable}
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootimage,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
file = pmc_subsys_e.bin

Stage 4: Sign Boot Header Hash

Sign the generated hashes:

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK1.pem -in bootheader.sha384 >


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Stage 5: Generate Partition Hashes

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage5.bif -generate_hashes -w on -

log error

bhsignature = bootheader.sha384.sig

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootimage,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
file = pmc_subsys_e.bin

name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
type = bootimage,
authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
file = lpd_lpd_data_e.bin
type = bootimage,
authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
file = lpd_psm_fw_e.bin

id = 0x1c000000, name = fpd
type = bootimage,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
file = fpd_e.bin

id = 0x1c000033, name = ss
type = bootimage,

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authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
file = subsystem_e.bin

Stage 6: Sign Partition Hashes

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK1.pem -in

pmc_subsys_1.0.sha384 > pmc_subsys.0.sha384.sig

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK3.pem -in lpd_12.0.sha384 >

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK1.pem -in lpd_11.0.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK1.pem -in lpd_11.1.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK1.pem -in lpd_11.2.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK1.pem -in lpd_11.3.sha384 >
openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK1.pem -in lpd_11.4.sha384 >

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK3.pem -in fpd_8.0.sha384 >

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK2.pem -in ss_13.0.sha384 >

Stage 7: Insert Partition Signatures into Authentication Certificates

Insert partition 1 signature:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage7a.bif -o pmc_subsys_e_ac.bin -w

on -log error

bhsignature = bootheader.sha384.sig
image_config {bh_auth_enable}

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootimage,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
presign = pmc_subsys.0.sha384.sig,
file = pmc_subsys_e.bin

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Insert partition 2 signature:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage7b-1.bif -o

lpd_lpd_data_e_ac.bin -w on -log error

name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
type = bootimage,
authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
presign = lpd.0.sha384.sig,
file = lpd_lpd_data_e.bin

Insert partition 3 signature:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage7b-2.bif -o lpd_psm_fw_e_ac.bin -

w on -log error

name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
type = bootimage,
authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
presign = psm.0.sha384.sig,
file = lpd_psm_fw_e.bin

Insert partition 4 signature:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage7c.bif -o fpd_e_ac.bin.bin -w on

-log error

id = 0x1c000000, name = fpd
{ type = bootimage,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,

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presign = fpd_data.cdo.0.sha384.sig,
file = fpd_e.bin

Insert partition 5 signature:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage7d.bif -o subsystem_e_ac.bin -w

on -log error

id = 0x1c000033, name = ss
{ type = bootimage,
authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
presign = ss.0.sha384.sig,
file = subsystem_e.bin

Stage 8: Generate Image Header Table Hash

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage8a.bif -generate_hashes -w on -

log error

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2

authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/efuse_red_metaheader_key.nky,
revoke_id = 0x00000002

{type = bootimage, file = pmc_subsys_e_ac.bin}

{type = bootimage, file = lpd_lpd_data_e_ac.bin}
{type = bootimage, file = lpd_psm_fw_e_ac.bin}

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{type = bootimage, file = fpd_e_ac.bin}

{type = bootimage, file = subsystem_e_ac.bin}

Stage 9: Sign Image Header Table Hash

Sign the generated hashes:

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK2.pem -in

imageheadertable.sha384 > imageheadertable.sha384.sig

Stage 10: Generate Meta Header Hash

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage8b.bif -generate_hashes -w on -

log error

headersignature = imageheadertable.sha384.sig
id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2

authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/efuse_red_metaheader_key.nky,

{type = bootimage, file = pmc_subsys_e_ac.bin}

{type = bootimage, file = lpd_lpd_data_e_ac.bin}
{type = bootimage, file = lpd_psm_fw_e_ac.bin}

{type = bootimage, file = fpd_e_ac.bin}

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{type = bootimage, file = subsystem_e_ac.bin}

Stage 11: Sign Meta Header Hash

openssl rsautl -raw -sign -inkey rsa-keys/SSK2.pem -in MetaHeader.sha384 >


Stage 12: Combine Partitions and Insert Header Signature

Build the complete PDI:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image stage10.bif -o final.bin -w on -log


headersignature = imageheadertable.sha384.sig
id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2

authentication = rsa,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/
spksignature =,
presign = metaheader.sha384.sig
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = encr_keys/efuse_red_metaheader_key.nky,

{type = bootimage, file = pmc_subsys_e_ac.bin}

{type = bootimage, file = lpd_lpd_data_e_ac.bin}
{type = bootimage, file = lpd_psm_fw_e_ac.bin}

{type = bootimage, file = fpd_e_ac.bin}

{type = bootimage, file = subsystem_e_ac.bin}

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Chapter 16: SSIT Support

Chapter 16

SSIT Support
Stacked Silicon Interconnect Technology (SSI technology) is used to break through the limitations
of Moore’s law and deliver the capabilities to satisfy the most demanding design requirements.

A SSI Technology device consists of multiple super logic region (SLRs), where each SLR is one die.
SLR0, also referred to as Master SLR, is the bottom die. SLR1 is second from bottom, SLR2 is
third from bottom and so on. The AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC SSI technology variants can have a
maximum of four SLRs.

Each SLR has its own platform management controller (PMC) and a programmable logic (PL)
region like a monolithic Versal adaptive SoC, but the slave SLRs do not have AI Engine and
processing system (PS) regions.

The final PDI to boot on this device is a PDI of PDIs. Because each SLR has its own PMC block,
each SLR boots with a PDI which is integrated in the main PDI.

Note: PLM elf in each SLR should be same.

The BIF for Versal adaptive SoCs with SSI technology is different from its monolithic variant.
Below is an example bif with two SLR devices.

Note: The whole BIF code block below goes into a Single file. Bootgen reads multiple BIF blocks and
creates respective PDIs based on the BIF labels. These BIF block labels are referenced in master BIF, based
on which Bootgen merges the individual PDIs into a master PDI. This master PDI alone is sufficient to boot
an SSI technology device.

Note: The Slave SLRs is used the special smap_width=0 option indicating downstream connection and
must not be changed.

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SSI technology Non Secure Bif Example for a Single Slave SLR Device:

Example- HBM Devices

id_code = 0x04d28093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xb
boot_config {smap_width=0}
name = pmc_subsys
id = 0x1c000001
id = 0xb01
type = bootloader
file = gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0xb0A
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
file = gen_files/pmc_data_slr_1.cdo
name = pl_noc
id = 0x18700000
id = 0xb05
type = cdo
file = project_1_wrapper_boot_1.rnpi

id_code = 0x04d28093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xc
boot_config {smap_width=0}
name = pl_cfi
id = 0x18700000
id = 0xc03
type = cdo
file = project_1_wrapper_1.rcdo
id = 0xc05
type = cdo
file = project_1_wrapper_1.rnpi

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id_code = 0x04d28093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys
id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01
type = bootloader
slr = 0
file = gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0x09
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
slr = 0
file = gen_files/pmc_data.cdo
id = 0x18700000
type = slr-boot
id = 0x05
type = cdo
slr = 0
file = project_1_wrapper_boot_0.rnpi
id = 0xb15
slr = 1
section = bitstream_boot_1
id = 0x02
type = cdo
file = noc_pll.rnpi
name = lpd
id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C
type = cdo
slr = 0
file = gen_files/lpd_data.cdo

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id = 0x0B
core = psm
slr = 0
file = static_files/psm_fw.elf
name = fpd
id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08
type = cdo
slr = 0
file = gen_files/fpd_data.cdo
id = 0x18700000
type = slr-config
id = 0xc16
slr = 1
section = bitstream_1
id = 0x13
type = cdo
slr = 0
file = project_1_wrapper_master_config.rcdo

SSI technology Non Secure Bif Example for a 2 Slave SLR Device:

// For generating SLR1 – boot PDI

id_code = 0x04d10093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xb
boot_config {smap_width=0}
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
partition { id = 0xb01, type = bootloader, file = gen_files/plm.elf }
partition { id = 0xb0A, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file =
gen_files/pmc_data_slr_1.cdo }
name = pl_noc, id = 0x18700000
partition { id = 0xb05, type = cdo, file = boot_1.rnpi }

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// For generating SLR2 – boot PDI

id_code = 0x04d10093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xb
boot_config {smap_width=0}
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
partition { id = 0xb01, type = bootloader, file = gen_files/plm.elf }
partition { id = 0xb0A, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file =
gen_files/pmc_data_slr_2.cdo }
name = pl_noc, id = 0x18700000
partition { id = 0xb05, type = cdo, file = boot_2.rnpi }

// For generating SLR1 – partial config PDI

id_code = 0x04d10093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xc
boot_config {smap_width=0}
name = pl_cfi, id = 0x18700000
partition { id = 0xc03, type = cdo, file = config_1.rcdo }
partition { id = 0xc05, type = cdo, file = config_1.rnpi }

// For generating SLR2 – partial config PDI

id_code = 0x04d10093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xc
boot_config {smap_width=0}
name = pl_cfi, id = 0x18700000
partition { id = 0xc03, type = cdo, file = config_2.rcdo }
partition { id = 0xc05, type = cdo, file = config_2.rnpi }

// For generating final PDI – by combining above generated PDIs.

id_code = 0x04d10093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
partition { id = 0x01, type = bootloader, slr = 0, file = gen_files/

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plm.elf }
partition { id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, slr = 0, file
= gen_files/pmc_data.cdo }
name = SUB_SYSTEM_BOOT_MASTER, id = 0x18700000, type = slr-boot
partition { id = 0x05, type = cdo, slr = 0, file = boot_0.rnpi }
partition { id = 0xb15, slr = 1, section = bitstream_boot_1 }
partition { id = 0xb15, slr = 2, section = bitstream_boot_2 }
partition { id = 0x02, type = cdo, file = gen_files/
bd_70da_pspmc_0_0_noc_clock.cdo }
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
partition { id = 0x0C, type = cdo, slr = 0, file = gen_files/
lpd_data.cdo }
partition { id = 0x0B, core = psm, slr = 0, file = static_files/
psm_fw.elf }
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
partition { id = 0x08, type = cdo, slr = 0, file = gen_files/
fpd_data.cdo }
name = CONFIG_MASTER, id = 0x18700001, type = slr-config
partition { id = 0xc16, slr = 1, section = bitstream_1 }
partition { id = 0xc16, slr = 2, section = bitstream_2 }
partition { id = 0x13, type = cdo, slr = 0, file = master_config.rcdo }

Note: MCS format bootimage/PDI generation is supported for SSI technology devices. The intermediate
PDIs that are generated for slaves are always in binary format. The final PDI generated would be in mcs
format, if chosen.

SSI technology Authentication Bif Example for a 3 Slave SLR Device:

command : bootgen -arch versal -image all.bif -w on -o final_ref.bin -log


id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xb

boot_config {smap_width=0,bh_auth_enable}
pskfile = PSK1.pem
sskfile = SSK1.pem

authentication = rsa
name = pmc_subsys

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id = 0x1c000001
id = 0xb01
type = bootloader
authentication = rsa
file = gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0xb0A
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
file = gen_files/pmc_data_slr_1.cdo
name = pl_noc
id = 0x18700000
id = 0xb05
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_boot_1.rnpi

id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xb

boot_config {smap_width=0,bh_auth_enable}
pskfile = PSK2.pem
sskfile = SSK2.pem

authentication = rsa
name = pmc_subsys
id = 0x1c000001
id = 0xb01
type = bootloader
authentication = rsa
file = gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0xb0A
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
file = gen_files/pmc_data_slr_2.cdo

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name = pl_noc
id = 0x18700000
id = 0xb05
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_boot_2.rnpi

id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xb

boot_config {smap_width=0,bh_auth_enable}
pskfile = PSK3.pem
sskfile = SSK3.pem

authentication = rsa
name = pmc_subsys
id = 0x1c000001
id = 0xb01
type = bootloader
authentication = rsa
file = gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0xb0A
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
file = gen_files/pmc_data_slr_3.cdo
name = pl_noc
id = 0x18700000
id = 0xb05
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_boot_3.rnpi

id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xc

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pskfile = PSK1.pem
sskfile = SSK1.pem
boot_config {smap_width=0,bh_auth_enable}
authentication = rsa
name = pl_cfi
id = 0x18700000
id = 0xc03
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_1.rcdo
id = 0xc05
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_1.rnpi

id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xc

pskfile = PSK2.pem
sskfile = SSK2.pem
boot_config {smap_width=0,bh_auth_enable}

authentication = rsa
name = pl_cfi
id = 0x18700000
id = 0xc03
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_2.rcdo
id = 0xc05
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_2.rnpi

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id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xc

pskfile = PSK3.pem
sskfile = SSK3.pem
boot_config {smap_width=0,bh_auth_enable}

authentication = rsa
name = pl_cfi
id = 0x18700000
id = 0xc03
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_3.rcdo
id = 0xc05
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_3.rnpi

id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2

boot_config { bh_auth_enable }
pskfile = psk.pem
sskfile = ssk.pem

authentication = rsa
name = pmc_subsys
id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01
type = bootloader
slr = 0
authentication = rsa
file = gen_files/plm.elf

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id = 0x09
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
slr = 0
file = gen_files/pmc_data.cdo
id = 0x18700000
type = slr-boot
id = 0x05
type = cdo
slr = 0
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_boot_0.rnpi
id = 0xb15
slr = 1
authentication = rsa
section = bitstream_boot_1
id = 0xb15
slr = 2
authentication = rsa
section = bitstream_boot_2
id = 0xb15
slr = 3
authentication = rsa
section = bitstream_boot_3
id = 0x02
type = cdo
authentication = rsa
file = noc_pll.rnpi
name = lpd
id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C
type = cdo
slr = 0
authentication = rsa
file = gen_files/lpd_data.cdo

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id = 0x0B
core = psm
slr = 0
authentication = rsa
file = static_files/psm_fw.elf
name = fpd
id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08
type = cdo
slr = 0
authentication = rsa
file = gen_files/fpd_data.cdo
id = 0x18700000
type = slr-config
id = 0xc16
slr = 1
authentication = rsa
section = bitstream_1
id = 0xc16
slr = 2
authentication = rsa
section = bitstream_2
id = 0xc16
slr = 3
authentication = rsa
section = bitstream_3
id = 0x13
type = cdo
slr = 0
authentication = rsa
file = project_1_wrapper_master_config.rcdo

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Section III: Bootgen Tool
Chapter 17: FPGA Support

Chapter 17

FPGA Support
As described in the Boot Time Security, FPGA-only devices also need to maintain security while
deploying them in the field. AMD tools provide embedded IP modules to achieve the Encryption
and Authentication, is part of programming logic. Bootgen extends the secure image creation
(Encrypted and/or Authenticated) support for FPGA family devices from 7 series and beyond.
This chapter details some of the examples of how Bootgen can be used to encrypt and
authenticate a bitstream. Bootgen support for FPGAs is available in the standalone Bootgen

Note: Only bitstreams from 7 series devices and beyond are supported.

Encryption and Authentication

AMD 7 series FPGAs use the embedded, PL-based, hash-based message authentication code
(HMAC) and an advanced encryption standard (AES) module with a cipher block chaining (CBC)
mode. For UltraScale devices and beyond, AES-256/Galois Counter Mode (GCM) are used, and
HMAC is not required.

Encryption Example

To create an encrypted bitstream, the AES key file is specified in the BIF using the attribute
aeskeyfile. The attribute encryption=aes must be specified against the bitstream listed in
the BIF file that needs to be encrypted.

bootgen -arch fpga -image secure.bif -w -o securetop.bit

The BIF file looks like the following:

[aeskeyfile] encrypt.nky
[encryption=aes] top.bit

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Authentication Example

A Bootgen command to authenticate an FPGA bitstream is as follows:

bootgen -arch fpga -image all.bif -o rsa.bit -w on -log error

The BIF file is as follows:

[sskfile] rsaPrivKeyInfo.pem
[authentication=rsa] plain.bit

Family or Obfuscated Key

To support obfuscated key encryption, you must register with AMD support and request the
family key file for the target device family. The path to where this file is stored must be passed as
a bif option before attempting obfuscated encryption. Contact [email protected] to
obtain the Family Key.

[aeskeyfile] key_file.nky
[familykey] familyKey.cfg
[encryption=aes] top.bit

A sample aeskey file is shown in the following image.

Figure 55: AES Key Sample

HSM Mode
For production, FPGAs use the HSM mode, and can also be used in Standard mode.

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Standard Mode

Standard mode generates a bitstream which has the authentication signature embedded. In this
mode, the secret keys are supposed to be available to the user for generating the authenticated
bitstream. Run Bootgen as follows:

bootgen -arch fpga -image all.bif -o rsa_ref.bit -w on -log error

The following steps listed below describe how to generate an authenticated bitstream in HSM
mode, where the secret keys are maintained by secure team and not available with the user. The
following figure shows the HSM mode flow:

Figure 56: HSM Mode Flow

Bootgen Dummy Key and

Bitstream Authenticate with dummy.bit
dummy key

dummy.bit Hash
Generate Hashes

HSM Bitstream Hash

& SSK Generate Bitstream Signature

Bootgen Bitstream
& SPK Update Authenticated Bitstream

Stage 0: Authenticate with dummy key

This is a one time task for a given bit stream. For stage 0, Bootgen generates the stage0.bif

bootgen -arch fpga -image stage0.bif -w -o dummy.bit -log error

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The content of stage0.bif is as follows. Refer to the next stages for format.

[sskfile] dummykey.pem
[authentication=rsa] plain.bit

Note: The authenticated bitstream has a header, an actual bitstream, a signature and a footer. This
dummy.bit is created to get a bitstream in the format of authenticated bitstream, with a dummy
signature. Now, when the dummy bit file is given to Bootgen, it calculates the signature and inserts at the
offset to give an authenticated bitstream.

Stage 1: Generate hashes

bootgen -arch fpga

-image stage1.bif -generate_hashes -log error

Stage1.bif is as follows:

[authentication=rsa] dummy.bit

Stage 2: Sign the hash HSM

Here, OpenSSL is used for demonstration.

openssl rsautl -sign

-inkey rsaPrivKeyInfo.pem -in dummy.sha384 > dummy.sha384.sig

Stage 3: Update the RSA certificate with Actual Signature

The Stage3.bif is as follows:

bootgen -arch fpga -image stage3.bif -w -o rsa_rel.bit -log error

[spkfile] rsaPubKeyInfo.pem
[authentication=rsa, presign=dummy.sha384.sig]dummy.bit

Note: The public key digest, which must be burnt into eFUSEs, can be found in the generated
rsaPubKeyInfo.pem.nky file in Stage3 of HSM mode.

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HSM Flow with Both Authentication and

Stage 0: Encrypt and authenticate the plain bitstream with dummy key. Add the
keylife parameter if keyrolling is required.

You can provide the .nky file, or Bootgen can generate .nky file that contains the keys for
encryption. Obfuscated AES key generation is not supported by Bootgen. The keylife
parameter is necessary for the keyrolling feature.


[aeskeyfile] encrypt.nky

[sskfile] dummykey.pem

[encryption=aes, authentication=rsa,keylife =32] plain-system.bit

bootgen -arch fpga -image stage0.bif -w -o auth-encrypt-system.bit -log info

After this step, the .nky file is generated if encryption is enabled. This file contains all the keys.

Stage 1: Generate hashes

See the following code for an example.


[authentication=rsa] auth-encrypt-system.bit

bootgen -arch fpga -image stage1.bif -generate_hashes -log info

Stage 2: Sign the hash HSM

Here, OpenSSL is used for demonstration.

openssl rsautl -sign -inkey rsaPrivKeyInfo.pem -in auth-encrypt-

system.sha384 > auth-encrypt-system.sha384.sig

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You can use the HSM server to sign the hashes. For SSI technology devices, generate the
signatures for each super logic region (SLR). The following example shows the code to generate
the signatures for a device with four SLRs.

openssl rsautl -sign -inkey rsaPrivKeyInfo.pem -in auth-encrypt-

system.0.sha384 > auth-encrypt-system.0.sha384.sig

openssl rsautl -sign -inkey rsaPrivKeyInfo.pem -in auth-encrypt-

system.1.sha384 > auth-encrypt-system.1.sha384.sig

openssl rsautl -sign -inkey rsaPrivKeyInfo.pem -in auth-encrypt-

system.2.sha384 > auth-encrypt-system.2.sha384.sig

openssl rsautl -sign -inkey rsaPrivKeyInfo.pem -in auth-encrypt-

system.3.sha384 > auth-encrypt-system.3.sha384.sig

Stage 3: Update the RSA certificate with the actual signature

See the following code for an example.


[spkfile] rsaPubKeyInfo.pem

[authentication=rsa, presign=auth-encrypt-system.sha384.sig] auth-encrypt-


Command:bootgen -arch fpga -image stage3.bif -w -o rsa_encrypt.bit -log info

Note: For SSI technology devices, use presign=<first presign filename>:<number of total
presigns>. For example, a device with four SLRs should have <first presign filename:4>.

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Chapter 18: Use Cases and Examples

Chapter 18

Use Cases and Examples

The following are typical use cases and examples for Bootgen. Some use cases are more complex
and require explicit instruction. These typical use cases and examples have more definition when
you reference the Attributes.

Zynq MPSoC Use Cases

Simple Application Boot on Different Cores
The following example shows how to create a boot image with applications running on different
cores. The pmu_fw.elf is loaded by BootROM. The fsbl_a53.elf is the bootloader and
loaded on to A53-0 core. The app_a53.elf is executed by A53-1 core, and app_r5.elf by
r5-0 core.

[pmufw_image] pmu_fw.elf
[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] fsbl_a53.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-1] app_a53.elf
[destination_cpu=r5-0] app_r5.elf

PMU Firmware Load by BootROM

This example shows how to create a boot image with pmu_fw.elf loaded by BootROM.

[pmufw_image] pmu_fw.elf
[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] fsbl_a53.elf
[destination_cpu=r5-0] app_r5.elf

This example shows how to create a boot image with pmu_fw.elf loaded by BootROM. If PMU
firmware is specified with attribute [pmufw_image], then PMU firmware is not treated as a
separate partition. It is appended to the FSBL, FSBL and PMU firmware together becomes one
single large partition. Hence, you cannot not see the PMU firmware in the Bootgen log as well.

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PMU Firmware Load by FSBL

This example shows how to create a boot image with pmu_fw.elf loaded by FSBL.

[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] fsbl_a53.elf
[destination_cpu=pmu] pmu_fw.elf
[destination_cpu=r5-0] app_r5.elf

Note: Bootgen uses the options provided to [bootloader] for [pmufw_image] as well. The
[pmufw_image] does not take any extra parameters.

Booting Linux
This example shows how to boot Linux on an AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device

• The fsbl_a53.elf is the bootloader and runs on a53-0.

• The pmu_fw.elf is loaded by FSBL.
• The bl31.elf is the Arm® Trusted Firmware (ATF), which runs at el-3.
• The U-Boot program, uboot, runs at el-2 on a53-0.
• The Linux image, image.ub, is placed at offset 0x1E40000 and loaded at 0x10000000.

[bootloader, destination_cpu = a53-0]fsbl_a53.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-3, trustzone]bl31.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-2] u-boot.elf
[offset=0x1E40000, load=0X10000000, destination_cpu=a53-0]image.ub

Encryption Flow: BBRAM Red Key

This example shows how to create a boot image with the encryption enabled for FSBL and the
application with the Red key stored in BBRAM:

[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key

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] ZynqMP_Fsbl.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, encryption=aes,

Encryption Flow: Red Key Stored in eFUSE

This example shows how to create a boot image with encryption enabled for FSBL and
application with the RED key stored in eFUSE.

[keysrc_encryption] efuse_red_key

] ZynqMP_Fsbl.elf

destination_cpu = a53-0,
] App_A53_0.elf

Encryption Flow: Black Key Stored in eFUSE

This example shows how to create a boot image with the encryption enabled for FSBL and an
application with the efuse_blk_key stored in eFUSE. Authentication is also enabled for FSBL.

[fsbl_config] puf4kmode, shutter=0x0100005E
[auth_params] ppk_select=0; spk_id=0x5
[pskfile] primary_4096.pem
[sskfile] secondary_4096.pem
[keysrc_encryption] efuse_blk_key
[bh_key_iv] bhkeyiv.txt
] fsbl.elf

Note: Boot image authentication is compulsory for using black key encryption.

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Encryption Flow: Black Key Stored in Boot Header

This example shows how to create a boot image with encryption enabled for FSBL and the
application with the bh_blk_key stored in the Boot Header. Authentication is also enabled for

[pskfile] PSK.pem
[sskfile] SSK.pem
[fsbl_config] shutter=0x0100005E
[auth_params] ppk_select=0
[bh_keyfile] blackkey.txt
[bh_key_iv] black_key_iv.txt
[keysrc_encryption] bh_blk_key
] ZynqMP_Fsbl.elf

destination_cpu = a53-0,
] App_A53_0.elf

Note: Boot image Authentication is required when using black key Encryption.

Encryption Flow: Gray Key Stored in eFUSE

This example shows how to create a boot image with encryption enabled for FSBL and the
application with the efuse_gry_key stored in eFUSE.

[keysrc_encryption] efuse_gry_key
[bh_key_iv] bh_key_iv.txt

] ZynqMP_Fsbl.elf

] App_A53_0.elf

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Encryption Flow: Gray Key Stored in Boot Header

This example shows how to create a boot image with encryption enabled for FSBL and the
application with the bh_gry_key stored in the Boot Header.

[keysrc_encryption] bh_gry_key
[bh_keyfile] bhkey.txt
[bh_key_iv] bh_key_iv.txt

] ZynqMP_Fsbl.elf

] App_A53_0.elf

Operational Key
This example shows how to create a boot image with encryption enabled for FSBL and
application with the red key stored in eFUSE.

[fsbl_config] opt_key
[keysrc_encryption] efuse_red_key

] ZynqMP_Fsbl.elf

] App_A53_0.elf

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Using Op Key to Protect the Device Key in a

Development Environment
The following steps provide a solution in a scenario where two development teams, Team-A
(secure team), which manages the secret red key and Team-B, (not so secure team), work
collaboratively to build an encrypted image without sharing the secret red key. Team-B builds
encrypted images for development and test. However, it does not have access to the secret red

Team-A encrypts the boot loader with the device key (using the Op_key option) and delivers the
encrypted bootloader to Team-B. Team-B encrypts all the other partitions using the Op_key.

Team-B takes the encrypted partitions that they created, and the encrypted boot loader they
received from the Team-A and uses Bootgen to stitch everything together into a single boot.bin.

The following procedures describe the steps to build an image:


In the initial step, Team-A encrypts the boot loader with the device key using the opt_key
option, and delivers the encrypted boot loader to Team-B. Now, Team-B can create the complete
image at a go with all the partitions and the encrypted boot loader using Operational Key as
Device Key.

1. Encrypt Bootloader with device key:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage1.bif -o fsbl_e.bin -w on -log error

Example stage1.bif:
[fsbl_config] opt_key
[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key
] fsbl.elf

Example aes.nky for stage1:

Device xc7z020clg484;
Key 0 AD00C023E238AC9039EA984D49AA8C819456A98C124AE890ACEF002100128932;
IV 0 F7F8FDE08674A28DC6ED8E37;
Key Opt 229C993D1310DD27B6713749B6D07FCF8D3DCA01EC9C64778CBAF457D613508F;

2. Attach the encrypted bootloader and rest of the partitions with Operational Key as device
Key, to form a complete image:
bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage2a.bif -o final.bin -w on -log error

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Example of stage2.bif:

] hello.elf
] hello1.elf

Example aes-opt.nky for stage2:

Device xc7z020clg484;
Key 0 229C993D1310DD27B6713749B6D07FCF8D3DCA01EC9C64778CBAF457D613508F;
IV 0 F7F8FDE08674A28DC6ED8E37;


In the initial step, Team-A encrypts the boot loader with the device Key using the opt_key option,
delivers the encrypted boot loader to Team-B. Now, Team-B can create encrypted images for
each partition independently, using the Operational Key as Device Key. Finally, Team-B can use
Bootgen to stitch all the encrypted partitions and the encrypted boot loader, to get the complete

1. Encrypt Bootloader with device key:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage1.bif -o fsbl_e.bin -w on -log error

Example stage1.bif:
[fsbl_config] opt_key
[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key

] fsbl.elf

Example aes.nky for stage1:

Device xc7z020clg484;
Key 0 AD00C023E238AC9039EA984D49AA8C819456A98C124AE890ACEF002100128932;
IV 0 F7F8FDE08674A28DC6ED8E37;
Key Opt 229C993D1310DD27B6713749B6D07FCF8D3DCA01EC9C64778CBAF457D613508F

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2. Encrypt the rest of the partitions with Operational Key as device key:
bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage2a.bif -o hello_e.bin -w on -log error

Example of stage2a.bif:
] hello.elf
bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage2b.bif -o hello1_e.bin -w on -log error

Example of stage2b.bif:
[aeskeyfile] aes-opt.nky
] hello1.elf

Example of aes-opt.nky for stage2a and stage2b:

Device xc7z020clg484;
Key 0 229C993D1310DD27B6713749B6D07FCF8D3DCA01EC9C64778CBAF457D613508F;
IV 0 F7F8FDE08674A28DC6ED8E37;

3. Use Bootgen to stitch the above example to form a complete image:

bootgen -arch zynqmp -image stage3.bif -o boot.bin -w on -log error

Example of stage3.bif:

Note: opt_key of aes.nky is same as Key 0 in aes-opt.nky and IV 0 must be same in both nky files.

Single Partition Image

This features provides support for authentication and/or decryption of single partition (non-
bitstream) image created by Bootgen at U-Boot prompt.

Note: This feature does not support images with multiple partitions.

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U-Boot Command for Loading Secure Images

zynqmp secure <srcaddr> <len> [key_addr]

This command verifies secure images of $len bytes\ long at address $src. Optional key_addr can
be specified if user key needs to be used for decryption.

Only Authentication Use Case

To use only authentication at U-Boot, create the authenticated image using bif as shown in the
following example.

1. Create a single partition image that is authenticated at U-Boot.

Note: If you provide an elf file, it should not contain multiple loadable sections. If your elf file
contains multiple loadable sections, you should convert the input to the .bin format and provide
the .bin as input in bif. An example bif is as follows:

[auth_params] ppk_select=1;spk_id=0x1
[authentication = rsa]Data.bin

2. When the image is generated, download the authenticated image to the DDR.
3. Execute the U-Boot command to authenticate the secure image as shown in the following
ZynqMP> zynqmp secure 100000 2d000
Verified image at 0x102800

4. U-Boot returns the start address of the actual partition after successful authentication. U-
Boot prints an error code in the event of a failure. If RSA_EN eFUSE is programmed, then
image authentication is mandatory. Boot header authentication is not supported when
eFUSE RSA enabled.

Only Encryption Use Case

In case the image is only encrypted, there is no support for device key. When authentication is
not enabled, only KUP key decryption is supported.

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Authentication Flow
This example shows how to create a boot image with authentication enabled for FSBL and
application with Boot Header authentication enabled to bypass the PPK hash verification:

[fsbl_config] bh_auth_enable
[auth_params] ppk_select=0; spk_id=0x00000000
[pskfile] PSK.pem
[sskfile] SSK.pem

] ZynqMP_Fsbl.elf

[destination_cpu=a53-0, encryption=aes] App_A53_0.elf


BIF File with SHA-3 eFUSE RSA Authentication and

This example shows how to create a boot image with authentication enabled for FSBL and the
application with efuse authentication. This is the default selection. In this process the PPK hash
in the boot image is verified with the hash from efuse.

[auth_params] ppk_select=0; spk_id=0x00000000
[pskfile] PSK.pem
[sskfile] SSK.pem

] ZynqMP_Fsbl.elf

[destination_cpu=a53-0, authentication=aes] App_A53_0.elf


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This example shows how to create a boot image that executes in place for a zynqmp (AMD
Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC:

] mpsoc_qspi_xip.elf

See xip_mode for more information about the command.

Split with "Offset" Attribute

This example helps to understand how split works with offset attribute.

[bootloader, destination_cpu = a53-0] fsbl.elf
[destination_cpu = pmu, offset=0x3000000] pmufw.elf
[destination_device = pl, offset=0x4000000] design_1_wrapper.bit
[destination_cpu = a53-0, exception_level = el-3, trustzone,
offset=0x6000000]\ hello.elf

When offset is specified to a partition, then the address of that partition in the boot image starts
from the given offset. To cover any gap between the mentioned offset of the current partition
and the previous partition, bootgen appends 0xFFs to the previous partition. So, now when split
is tried on the same, the boot image is expected to be split based on the address of that partition,
which is the mentioned offset in this case. So, you see the padded 0xFFs in the split partition

Versal Adaptive SoC Use Cases

For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC, AMD Vivado™ generates a boot image known as programmable
device image (PDI). This AMD Vivado™ generated PDI contains the bootloader software
executable – PLM, along with PL related components, and supporting data files. Based on the
project and the CIPS configuration, Vivado creates a BIF file and invokes Bootgen to create the
PDI. This BIF is exported as part of XSA to software tools like AMD Vitis™. The BIF can then be
modified with required partitions and attributes. Ensure that the lines related to id_code and
extended_id_code are retained as is in the BIF file. This information is mandatory for the PDI
image generation by Bootgen.

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If you want to write the BIF manually, refer to the BIF generated by Vivado for the same device
and ensure that the lines related to id_code and extended_id_code are added to the BIF
that you are writing manually. The sample BIF generated by Vivado is as follows:

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys
id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01
type = bootloader
file = gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0x09
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
file = gen_files/pmc_data.cdo
name = lpd
id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C
type = cdo
file = gen_files/lpd_data.cdo
id = 0x0B
core = psm
file = static_files/psm_fw.elf
name = pl_cfi
id = 0x18700000
id = 0x03
type = cdo
file = system.rcdo
id = 0x05
type = cdo
file = system.rnpi

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name = fpd
id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08
type = cdo
file = gen_files/fpd_data.cdo

Note: The BIF file generated in a Vivado project is located in <vivado_project>/


Bootloader, PMC_CDO
This example shows how to use Bootloader with PMC_CDO.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01

init = reginit.ini
{type=bootloader, file=PLM.elf}
{type=pmcdata, file=pmc_cdo.bin}

Bootloader, PMC_CDO with Load Address

This example shows how to use Bootloader with PMC_CDO and load address.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01

init = reginit.ini
{type=bootloader, file=PLM.elf}
{type=pmcdata, load=0xf0400000, file=pmc_cdo.bin}

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Enable Checksum for Bootloader

This example shows how to enable checksum while using bootloader.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01

init = reginit.ini
{type=bootloader, checksum=sha3, file=PLM.elf}
{type=pmcdata, load=0xf0400000, file=pmc_cdo.bin}

Bootloader, PMC_CDO, PL CDO, NPI

This example shows how to use bootloader with PMC_CDO and NPI.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{ id = 0x01, type = bootloader, file = gen_files/plm.elf }
{ id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file = gen_files/
pmc_data.cdo }
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{ id = 0x0C, type = cdo, file = gen_files/lpd_data.cdo }
{ id = 0x0B, core = psm, file = static_files/psm_fw.elf }
name = pl_cfi, id = 0x18700000
{ id = 0x03, type = cdo, file = system.rcdo }
{ id = 0x05, type = cdo, file = system.rnpi }
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{ id = 0x08, type = cdo, file = gen_files/fpd_data.cdo }

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Chapter 18: Use Cases and Examples

Bootloader, PMC_CDO, PL CDO, NPI, PS CDO, and PS

This example shows how to use bootloader with PMC_CDO, NPI, PS CDO, and PS ELFs.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{ id = 0x01, type = bootloader, file = gen_files/plm.elf }
{ id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file = gen_files/
pmc_data.cdo }
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{ id = 0x0C, type = cdo, file = gen_files/lpd_data.cdo }
{ id = 0x0B, core = psm, file = static_files/psm_fw.elf }
name = pl_cfi, id = 0x18700000
{ id = 0x03, type = cdo, file = system.rcdo }
{ id = 0x05, type = cdo, file = system.rnpi }
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{ id = 0x08, type = cdo, file = gen_files/fpd_data.cdo }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ core = a72-0, file = apu.elf }
{ core = r5-0, file = rpu.elf }

AI Engine Configuration and AI Engine Partitions

This example shows how to configure an AI Engine boot image and AI Engine partitions.

{ type=bootimage, file=base.pdi }
name=default_subsys, id=0x1c000000
{ type=cdo
file = Work/ps/cdo/aie.cdo.reset.bin
file = Work/ps/cdo/aie.cdo.clock.gating.bin

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file = Work/ps/cdo/aie.cdo.error.handling.bin
file = Work/ps/cdo/aie.cdo.elfs.bin
file = Work/ps/cdo/aie.cdo.init.bin
file = Work/ps/cdo/aie.cdo.enable.bin

Note: The different CDOs are merged to form a single partition in the PDI.

Appending New Partitions to Existing PDI

This example shows how to append new partitions to an existing PDI.

1. Take a Vivado generated PDI (base.pdi).

2. Create a new PDI by appending the dtb, uboot, and bl31 applications.

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ load = 0x1000, file = system.dtb }
{ exception_level = el-2, file = u-boot.elf }
{ core = a72-0, exception_level = el-3, trustzone, file =
bl31.elf }

RSA Authentication Example

This example demonstrates the use of RSA authentication.
id_code = 0x04CA8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
boot_config {bh_auth_enable}
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{type = bootloader,
authentication=rsa, pskfile = ./PSK.pem, sskfile = ./SSK2.pem, revoke_id = 0x2,
file = ./plm.elf}
{type = pmcdata, file = ./pmc_data.cdo}
authentication=rsa,pskfile = ./PSK.pem, sskfile = ./SSK16.pem, revoke_id = 0x10,
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{type = cdo,

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authentication=rsa, pskfile = ./PSK1.pem, sskfile = ./SSK1.pem, revoke_id = 0x1,

file = ./lpd_data.cdo}
{ core = psm, file = ./psm_fw.elf}
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{type = cdo,
authentication=rsa, pskfile = ./PSK1.pem, sskfile = ./SSK5.pem, revoke_id = 0x5,
file = ./fpd_data.cdo}

ECDSA Authentication Example

This example demonstrates the use of ECDSA authentication.

id_code = 0x04CA8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
boot_config {bh_auth_enable}
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{type = bootloader,
authentication = ecdsa-p384, pskfile = ./PSK.pem, sskfile = ./SSK2.pem, revoke_id
= 0x2, file = ./plm.elf}
{type = pmcdata, file = ./pmc_data.cdo}
authentication = ecdsa-p384,pskfile = ./PSK.pem, sskfile = ./SSK16.pem, revoke_id
= 0x10,
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{type = cdo,
authentication = ecdsa-p521, pskfile = ./PSK1.pem, sskfile = ./SSK1.pem, revoke_id
= 0x1, file = ./lpd_data.cdo}
{ core = psm, file = ./psm_fw.elf}
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{type = cdo,
authentication = ecdsa-p384, pskfile = ./PSK1.pem, sskfile = ./SSK5.pem, revoke_id
= 0x5, file = ./fpd_data.cdo}

AES Encryption Example

This example demonstrates the use of AES Encryption.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01


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{type=bootloader, encryption=aes, keysrc=bbram_red_key, aeskeyfile=key1.nky,

{type=pmcdata, load=0xf0400000, file=pmc_cdo.bin}

AES Encryption with Key Rolling Example

This example demonstrates the use of AES Encryption with key rolling.

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01


AES Encryption with Multiple Key Sources Example

This example demonstrates the use of different key sources for different partitions.

bh_keyfile = ./PUF4K_KEY.txt
puf_file = ./PUFHD_4K.txt
bh_kek_iv = ./blk_iv.txt
bbram_kek_iv = ./bbram_blkIv.txt
efuse_kek_iv = ./efuse_blkIv.txt
boot_config {puf4kmode , shutter=0x8100005E}
id_code = 0x04CA8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{type = bootloader,
encryption = aes, keysrc=bbram_blk_key, dpacm_enable,revoke_id = 0x5, aeskeyfile
= ./plm.nky, file = ./plm.elf}
{type = pmcdata,
aeskeyfile = pmcCdo.nky,
file = ./pmc_data.cdo}
encryption = aes, keysrc=bbram_blk_key,dpacm_enable, revoke_id = 0x6,
aeskeyfile = metaheader.nky

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name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{type = cdo,
encryption = aes, keysrc = bh_blk_key, pufhd_bh, revoke_id = 0x8, aeskeyfile = ./
lpd.nky, file = ./lpd_data.cdo}
{ core = psm, file = ./psm_fw.elf}
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{type = cdo,
encryption = aes, keysrc = efuse_blk_key, dpacm_enable, revoke_id = 0x10,aeskeyfile
= ./fpdcdo.nky,/*Here PUF helper data is also on efuse */ file = ./fpd_data.cdo}

AES Encryption and Authentication Example

This example demonstrates the use of AES encryption and authentication.
bh_kek_iv = ./blkiv.txt
bh_keyfile = ./blkkey.txt
efuse_kek_iv = ./efuse_blkIv.txt
boot_config {bh_auth_enable, puf4kmode , shutter=0x8100005E}
id_code = 0x04CA8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{type = bootloader,
encryption = aes, keysrc=bh_blk_key, dpacm_enable,revoke_id = 0x5, aeskeyfile = ./
plm.nky, authentication = rsa, pskfile = ./PSK1.pem, sskfile = ./SSK5.pem,
file = ./plm.elf}
{type = pmcdata, aeskeyfile = ./pmc_data.nky, file = ./pmc_data.cdo}
encryption = aes, keysrc=bh_blk_key, dpacm_enable, revoke_id = 0x6,
aeskeyfile = metaheader.nky
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{type = cdo,
encryption = aes, keysrc = bbram_red_key, revoke_id = 0x8, aeskeyfile = lpd.nky,
file = ./lpd_data.cdo}
{ core = psm, file = ./psm_fw.elf}
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{type = cdo,
encryption = aes, keysrc = efuse_blk_key, dpacm_enable, revoke_id = 0x10,
aeskeyfile = fpd.nky, authentication = ecdsa-p384, pskfile = ./PSK1.pem, sskfile = ./
file = ./fpd_data.cdo}

Replacing PLM from an Existing PDI

This example shows the steps to replacing PLM from an existing PDI.

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1. Take a Vivado generated PDI (base.pdi).

2. Create a new PDI by replacing the PLM (bootloader) from the base PDI.
{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
{ type = bootloader, file = plm_v1.elf }

Bootgen replaces the bootloader plm.elf with a new plm_v1.elf.

Example Bootgen Command to Create a PDI

Use the following command to create a PDI.

bootgen -arch versal -image filename.bif -w -o boot.pdi

Replace PLM and PMC CDO in SSI technology PDIs

Bootgen supports replacing PLM, PMC CDO, and PSM for Monolithic devices, by taking the PDI
as input.

Keeping in view the SSI technology devices and future requirements, the replace functionality is
now done by taking the bif as input, instead of boot image.

This example shows the steps to replace PLM and PMC DATA.

1. Take a Vivado generated bif (base.bif).

2. Create a new PDI by replacing the PLM (bootloader) from the base bif.
include: base.bif
partition { type = bootloader, slr = 0, file = plm-v1.elf }
partition { type = pmcdata, slr = 0, file = pmc_data-v1.cdo }
partition { type = bootloader, slr = 1, file = plm-v1.elf }
partition { type = pmcdata, slr = 1, file = pmc_data-v1.cdo }
partition { type = bootloader, slr = 2, file = plm-v1.elf }
partition { type = pmcdata, slr = 2, file = pmc_data-v1.cdo }

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Bootgen replaces respective slr bootloader plm.elf with a new plm_v1.elf and pmcdata with

Example Bootgen Command to Create a PDI

Use the following command to create a PDI.

bootgen -arch versal -image filename.bif -w -o boot.pdi

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Chapter 19

BIF Attribute Reference


• For AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC:

[aarch32_mode] <partition>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{aarch32_mode, file=<partition>}


To specify the binary file is to be executed in 32-bit mode.

Note: Bootgen automatically detects the execution mode of the processors from the .elf files. This is
valid only for binary files.


Specified partition.


• For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] zynqmp_fsbl.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, aarch32_mode] hello.bin
[destination_cpu=r5-0] hello_world.elf

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• For Versal adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ core = a72-0, aarch32_mode, file = apu.bin }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.


• For Zynq devices and FPGAs:

[aeskeyfile] <key filename>

• For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[aeskeyfile = <keyfile name>] <partition>

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

{ aeskeyfile = <keyfile name>, file = <filename> }


The path to the AES keyfile. The keyfile contains the AES key used to encrypt the partitions. The
contents of the key file must be written to eFUSE or BBRAM. If the key file is not present in the
path specified, a new key is generated by Bootgen, which is used for encryption.

Note: For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC only: Multiple key files need to be specified in the BIF file. Key0, IV0
and Key Opt should be the same across all nky files that are used. For cases where multiple partitions are
generated for an ELF file, each partition can be encrypted using keys from a unique key file. Refer to the
following examples.


Specified file name.

Return Value


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Zynq 7000 SoC Example

The partitions fsbl.elf and hello.elf are encrypted using keys in test.nky.

[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key
[aeskeyfile] test.nky
[bootloader, encryption=aes] fsbl.elf
[encryption=aes] hello.elf

Sample key (.nky) file - test.nky

Device xc7z020clg484;
Key 0 8177B12032A7DEEE35D0F71A7FC399027BF....D608C58;
Key StartCBC 952FD2DF1DA543C46CDDE4F811506228;
Key HMAC 123177B12032A7DEEE35D0F71A7FC3990BF....127BD89;

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Example

Example 1:

The partition fsbl.elf is encrypted with keys in test.nky, hello.elf using keys in
test1.nky and app.elf using keys in test2.nky. Sample BIF - test_multipl.bif.

[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key
[bootloader,encryption=aes,aeskeyfile=test.nky] fsbl.elf
[encryption=aes,aeskeyfile=test1.nky] hello.elf
[encryption=aes,aeskeyfile=test2.nky] app.elf

Example 2:

Consider Bootgen creates three partitions for hello.elf, called hello.elf.0,

hello.elf.1, and hello.elf.2. Sample BIF - test_mulitple.bif

[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key
[bootloader,encryption=aes,aeskeyfile=test.nky] fsbl.elf
[encryption=aes,aeskeyfile=test1.nky] hello.elf

Additional information:

• The partition fsbl.elf is encrypted with keys in test.nky. All hello.elf partitions are
encrypted using keys in test1.nky.
• You can have unique key files for each hello partition by having key files named
test1.1.nky and test1.2.nky in the same path as test1.nky.
• hello.elf.0 uses test1.nky

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• hello.elf.1 uses test1.1.nky

• hello.elf.2 uses test1.2.nky
• If any of the key files (test1.1.nky or test1.2.nky) is not present, Bootgen generates
the key file.
• aeskeyfile format:
An .nky file accepts the following fields.
• Device: The name of the device for which the nky file is being used. Valid for both Zynq
device and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.
• Keyx, IVx: Here 'x' refers to an integer, that corresponds to the Key/IV number, for
example, Key0, Key1, Key2 ..., IV0,IV1,IV2... An AES key must be 256 bits long while an IV
key must be 12 bytes long. Keyx is valid for both Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+
MPSoC but IVx is valid only for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.
• Key Opt: An optional key that you want to use to encrypt the first block of boot loader.
Valid only for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.
• StartCBC - CBC Key: An CBC key must be 128 bits long. Valid for Zynq devices only.
• HMAC - HMAC Key: An HMAC key must be 128 bits long. Valid for Zynq devices only.
• Seed: An initial seed that is used to generate the Key/IV pairs and needed to encrypt a
partition. An AES Seed must be 256 bits long. Valid only for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.
• FixedInputData: The data that is used as input to Counter Mode KDF, along with the Seed.
An AES Fixed Input Data must be 60 Bytes long. Valid only for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.
• Seed must be specified along with FixedInputData.
• Seed is not expected with multiple key/iv pairs.

Versal Adaptive SoC Example

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootloader, encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key, aeskeyfile = key1.nky,
file = plm.elf
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = key2.nky, file = pmc_cdo.bin
type=cdo, encryption = aes,

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keysrc = efuse_red_key, aeskeyfile = key3.nky,



• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[alignment= <value>] <partition>

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

{ alignment=<value>, file=<partition> }

Sets the byte alignment. The partition will be padded to be aligned to a multiple of this value.
This attribute cannot be used with offset.


Number of bytes to be aligned.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[alignment=64] u-boot.elf

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ core = a72-0, alignment=64, file = apu.elf }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.

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[auth_params] ppk_select=<0|1>; spk_id <32-bit spk id>;/

spk_select=<spk-efuse/user-efuse>; auth_header


Authentication parameters specify additional configuration such as which PPK, SPK to use for
authentication of the partitions in the boot image. Arguments for this bif parameter are:

• ppk_select: Selects which PPK to use. Options are 0 (default) or 1.

• spk_id: Specifies which SPK can be used or revoked. See User eFUSE Support with Enhanced
RSA Key Revocation. The default value is 0x00.
Note: While there are different SPKs for the header and the FSBL, they share the same SPK ID.

If just the auth_params field is used wherein the SPK ID is provided, the SPK ID propagates to the boot
and application partitions. If SPK ID is used in both the boot and application partitions, the SPK ID in
the boot/image header partition gets overwritten and application SPK is used. This means Bootgen
chooses the last version of the SPK ID that is fed to it in the process of making sure that the header and
FSBL have the same SPK ID.

• spk_select: To differentiate spk and user efuses. Options are spk-efuse (default) and
• header_auth: To authenticate headers when no partition is authenticated.


1. ppk_select is unique for each image.

2. Each partition can have its own spk_select and spk_id.
3. spk-efuse id is unique across the image, but user-efuse id can vary between partitions.
4. spk_select/spk_id outside the partition scope will be used for headers and any other partition that
does not have these specifications as partition attributes.


Sample BIF 1 - test.bif

[pskfile] primary.pem
[bootloader, authentication=rsa]fsbl.elf

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Sample BIF 2 - test.bif

[auth_params] ppk_select=0;spk_select=spk-efuse;spk_id=0x22
[pskfile] primary.pem
[sskfile] secondary.pem
[bootloader, authentication = rsa]

Sample BIF 3 - test.bif

[auth_params] ppk_select=1; spk_select= user-efuse; spk_id=0x22;
[pskfile] primary.pem
[sskfile] secondary.pem
[destination_cpu=a53-0] test.elf

Sample BIF 4 - test.bif

[auth_params] ppk_select=1;spk_select=user-efuse;spk_id=0x22
[pskfile] primary.pem
[sskfile] secondary0.pem

/* FSBL - Partition-0) */
destination_cpu = a53-0,
authentication = rsa,
spk_id = 0x3,
spk_select = spk-efuse,
sskfile = secondary1.pem
] fsbla53.elf
/* Partition-1 */
destination_cpu = a53-1,
authentication = rsa,
spk_id = 0x24,
spk_select = user-efuse,
sskfile = secondary2.pem
] hello.elf

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[authenication = <options>] <partition>

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

{authentication=<options>, file=<partition>}


This specifies the partition to be authenticated.


• none: Partition not authenticated. This is the default value.

• rsa: Partition authenticated using RSA algorithm.
• ecdsa-p384 : Partition authenticated using ECDSA p384 curve
• ecdsa-p521 : Partition authenticated using ECDSA p521 curve


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[ppkfile] ppk.txt
[spkfile] spk.txt
[bootloader, authentication=rsa] fsbl.elf
[authentication=rsa] hello.elf

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
boot_config {bh_auth_enable}

authentication = rsa,
pskfile = PSK2.pem,
sskfile = SSK2.pem


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name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01, type = bootloader,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile =PSK1.pem,
sskfile =SSK1.pem,
file = plm.elf
id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
file = pmc_data.cdo

name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C, type = cdo,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile = PSK3.pem,
sskfile = SSK3.pem,
file = lpd_data.cdo
id = 0x0B, core = psm,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile = PSK1.pem,
sskfile = SSK1.pem,
file = psm_fw.elf

name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08, type = cdo,
authentication = rsa,
pskfile = PSK3.pem,
sskfile = SSK3.pem,
file = fpd_data.cdo

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[big_endian] <partition>

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

{ big_endian, file=<partition> }


To specify the binary file is in big endian format.

Note: Bootgen automatically detects the endianness of .elf files. This is valid only for binary files.


Specified partition.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] zynqmp_fsbl.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, big_endian] hello.bin
[destination_cpu=r5-0] hello_world.elf

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ core = a72-0, big_endian, file = apu.bin }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado

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bbram_kek_iv = <iv file path>


This attribute specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the bbram black key. bbram_kek_iv is
valid with keysrc=bbram_blk_key.


See AES Encryption with Multiple Key Sources Example for examples.


bh_kek_iv = <iv file path>


This attribute specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the boot header black key. bh_kek_iv is
valid with keysrc=bh_blk_key.


See AES Encryption with Multiple Key Sources Example for examples.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bh_keyfile] <key file path>

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

bh_keyfile = <key file path>

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256-bit obfuscated key or black key to be stored in boot header. This is only valid when the
encryption key source is either obfuscated key or black key.

Note: Obfuscated key not supported for Versal devices.


Path to the obfuscated key or black key, based on which source is selected.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[keysrc_encryption] bh_gry_key
[bh_keyfile] obfuscated_key.txt
[bh_key_iv] obfuscated_iv.txt
[bootloader, encryption=aes, aeskeyfile = encr.nky,

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

bh_keyfile = bh_key1.txt
bh_kek_iv = blk_iv.txt
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootloader, encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key, aeskeyfile = key1.nky, file = plm.elf
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = key2.nky, file = pmc_cdo.bin
type=cdo, encryption = aes,
keysrc = bh_blk_key, aeskeyfile = key3.nky,

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[bh_key_iv] <iv file path>


Initialization vector used when decrypting the black key.


Path to file.


Sample BIF - test.bif

[keysrc_encryption] bh_blk_key
[bh_keyfile] bh_black_key.txt
[bh_key_iv] bh_black_iv.txt
[bootloader, encryption=aes, aeskeyfile=encr.nky,


[bhsignature] <signature-file>


Imports Boot Header signature into authentication certificate. This can be used if you do not
want to share the secret key PSK. You can create a signature and provide it to Bootgen.

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[ppkfile] ppk.txt
[spkfile] spk.txt
[spksignature] spk.txt.sha384.sig
[bhsignature] bootheader.sha384.sig
[bootloader,authentication=rsa] fsbl.elf


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[blocks = <size><num>;<size><num>;...;<size><*>] <partition>

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

{ blocks = <size><num>;...;<size><*>, file=<partition> }


Specify block sizes for key-rolling feature in encryption. Each module is encrypted using its own
unique key. The initial key is stored at the key source on the device, while keys for each
successive module are encrypted (wrapped) in the previous module.


• <size>: Specifies the size of blocks (in bytes).


• For AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC:

Sample BIF - test.bif
[keysrc_encryption] bbram_red_key
[bootloader,encryption=aes, aeskeyfile=encr.nky,

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• For Versal adaptive SoC:

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2

encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = efuse_red_metaheader_key.nky,

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01, type = bootloader,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = bbram_red_key.nky,
blocks = 4096(2);1024;2048(2);4096(*),
file = plm.elf
id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = pmcdata.nky,
file = pmc_data.cdo

name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C, type = cdo,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key1.nky,
blocks = 8192(20);4096(*),
file = lpd_data.cdo
id = 0x0B, core = psm,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key2.nky,
blocks = 4096(2);1024;2048(2);4096(*),
file = psm_fw.elf


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name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08, type = cdo,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key5.nky,
blocks = 8192(20);4096(*),
file = fpd_data.cdo

Note: In the above example, the first two blocks are of 4096 bytes, followed by a block of 1024 bytes, and
then the next two blocks are of 2048 bytes. The rest of the blocks are of 4096 bytes.


boot_config { <options> }


This attribute specifies the parameters that are used to configure the bootimage. The options are:

• bh_auth_enable: Boot Header authentication enable, authenticating the bootimage while

excluding the verification of PPK hash and SPK ID.
• pufhd_bh: PUF helper data is stored in boot header (default is efuse). PUF helper data file is
passed to Bootgen using the option puf_file.
• puf4kmode: PUF is tuned to use in 4 k bit syndrome configuration (Default is 12 k bit).
• shutter = <value>: 32-bit PUF_SHUT register value to configure PUF for shutter offset
time and shutter open time.
• smap_width = <value>: Defines the SelectMAP (SMAP) bus width.
Options are:
• 8,16, 32 for monolithic/Master SLR (with default 32-bit)

• 0 for SSI technology Slave SLRs only

Note: SSI technology Slave SLRs will be set to smap_width=0 to indicate the internal downstream
connection. This option value must not be changed and is only applicable for SSI technology Slave SLRs.

• dpacm_enable: DPA Counter Measure Enable

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• a_hwrot: Asymmetric hardware root of trust (A-HWRoT) boot mode. Bootgen checks against
the design rules for A-HWRoT boot mode. Valid only for production PDIs.
• s_hwrot: Asymmetric hardware root of trust (S-HWRoT) boot mode. Bootgen checks against
the design rules for S-HWRoT boot mode. Valid only for production PDIs.


boot_config {bh_auth_enable, smap_width=16 }
pskfile = primary0.pem
sskfile = secondary0.pem
{type=bootloader, authentication=rsa, file=plm.elf}
{type=pmcdata, load=0xf2000000, file=pmc_cdo.bin}


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[boot_device] <options>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

boot_device { <options>, address=<address> }


Specifies the secondary boot device. Indicates the secondary boot device on which the partition
is present.


Options for Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

• qspi32
• qspi24
• nand
• sd0
• sd1

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• sd-ls
• mmc
• usb
• ethernet
• pcie
• sata

The address field specifies the offset of the image in the given flash device. Options for Versal
adaptive SoC:

• qspi32
• qspi24
• nand
• sd0
• sd1
• sd-ls (SD0 (3.0) or SD1 (3.0))
• mmc
• usb
• ethernet
• pcie
• sata
• ospi
• smap
• sbi
• sd0-raw
• sd1-raw
• sd-ls-raw
• mmc1-raw
• mmc0
• mmc0-raw
• imagestore

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• For example Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:


• For example AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
boot_device { mmc, address=0x10000 }
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{ id = 0x01, type = bootloader, file = plm.elf }
{ id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file =
pmc_data.cdo }
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{ id = 0x0C, type = cdo, file = lpd_data.cdo }
{ id = 0x0B, core = psm, file = psm_fw.elf }
name = pl_cfi, id = 0x18700000
{ id = 0x03, type = cdo, file = system.rcdo }
{ id = 0x05, type = cdo, file = system.rnpi }
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{ id = 0x08, type = cdo, file = fpd_data.cdo }


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootimage] <partition>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type=bootimage, file=<partition> }

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This specifies that the following file specification is a boot image that was created by Bootgen,
being reused as input.


Specified file name.


• For FSBL:

In the above example, the fsbl.bin and system.bin are images generated using Bootgen.
○ For fsbl.bin generation:
[pskfile] primary.pem
[sskfile] secondary.pem
[bootloader, authentication=rsa, aeskeyfile=encr_key.nky,
encryption=aes] fsbl.elf

Use the following command:

bootgen -image fsbl.bif -o fsbl.bin -encrypt efuse

○ For system.bin generation:

[pskfile] primary.pem
[sskfile] secondary.pem
[authentication=rsa] system.bit

Use the following command:

bootgen -image system.bif -o system.bin

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }

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name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000

{ load = 0x1000, file = system.dtb }
{ exception_level = el-2, file = u-boot.elf }
{ core = a72-0, exception_level = el-3, trustzone, file =
bl31.elf }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader] <partition>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type=bootloader, file=<partition> }


Identifies an ELF file as the FSBL or the PLM.

• Only ELF files can have this attribute.

• Only one file can be designated as the bootloader.
• The program header of this ELF file must have only one LOAD section with filesz >0, and this
section must be executable (x flag must be set).


Specified file name.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader] fsbl.elf

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• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{ id = 0x01, type = bootloader, file = plm.elf }
{ id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file =
pmc_data.cdo }


[bootvectors] <values>


This attribute specifies the vector table for eXecute in Place (XIP).





• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[checksum = <options>] <partition>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ checksum = <options>, file=<partition> }

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This specifies the partition that needs to be checksummed. This is not supported along with
more secure features like authentication and encryption.


• none: No checksum operation.

• MD5: MD5 checksum operation for AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC devices. In these devices,
checksum operations are not supported for bootloaders.
• SHA3: Checksum operation for AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC devices and Versal
adaptive SoC.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader] fsbl.elf
[checksum=md5] hello.elf

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

name = image1, id = 0x1c000001
{ type=bootloader, checksum=sha3, file=plm.elf }
{ type=pmcdata, file=pmc_cdo.bin }


{ copy = <addr> }


This attribute specifies that the image is to be copied to memory at specified address.

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{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name=subsys_1, id=0x1c000000, copy = 0x30000
{ core=psm, file=psm.elf }
{ type=cdo, file=ps_data.cdo }
{ core=a72-0, file=a72_app.elf }


{ core = <options> }


This attributes specifies which core executes the partition.


• a72-0
• a72-1
• r5-0
• r5-1
• psm
• aie
• r5-lockstep


{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }

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name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ core = a72-0, file = apu.elf }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.


{delay_auth, file = filename}


This attribute indicates that the authentication is done at a later stage. This helps Bootgen to
reserve space for hashes during partition encryption.


name = lpd
id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C,
type = cdo,
encryption=aes, delay_auth
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = lpd_data.nky,
file = lpd_data.cdo


{ delay_handoff }

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This attribute specifies that the hand-off to the subsystem is delayed.


{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name=subsys_1, id=0x1c000000, delay_handoff
{ core=psm, file=psm.elf }
{ type=cdo, file=ps_data.cdo }
{ core=a72-0, file=a72_app.elf }


{ delay_load }


This attribute specifies that the loading of subsystem is delayed.


{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name=subsys_1, id=0x1c000000, delay_load
{ core=psm, file=psm.elf }
{ type=cdo, file=ps_data.cdo }
{ core=a72-0, file=a72_app.elf }

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[destination_cpu <options>] <partition>


Specifies which core executes the partition. The following example specifies that FSBL is
executed on A53-0 core and application on R5-0 core.


• FSBL can only run on either A53-0 or R5-0.

• PMU loaded by FSBL: [destination_cpu=pmu] pmu.elf In this flow, BootROM loads FSBL first,
and then FSBL loads the PMU firmware.
• PMU loaded by BootROM: [pmufw_image] pmu.elf. In this flow, BootROM loads PMU first and
then the FSBL so that the PMU does the power management tasks, before the FSBL comes up.


• a53-0 (default)
• a53-1
• a53-2
• a53-3
• r5-0
• r5-1
• r5-lockstep
• pmu


[destination_cpu=r5-0] app.elf

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[destination_device <options>] <partition>


Specifies whether the partition is targeted for PS or PL.


• ps: The partition is targeted for PS. This is the default value.
• pl: The partition is targeted for PL, for bitstreams.




[early_handoff] <partition>


This flag ensures that the handoff to applications that are critical immediately after the partition
is loaded; otherwise, all the partitions are loaded sequentially and handoff also happens in a
sequential fashion.

Note: In the following scenario, the FSBL loads app1, then app2, and immediately hands off the control to
app2 before app1.

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[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53_0]fsbl.el


efuse_kek_iv = <iv file path>


This attribute specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the efuse black key. So, 'efuse_kek_iv' is
valid with 'keysrc=efuse_blk_key'.


See AES Encryption with Multiple Key Sources Example for examples.


efuse_user_kek0_iv = <iv file path>


This attribute specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the efuse user black key0. So,
'efuse_user_kek0_iv' is valid with 'keysrc=efuse_user_blk_key0'.


See AES Encryption with Multiple Key Sources Example for examples.

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efuse_user_kek1_iv = <iv file path>


This attribute specifies the IV that is used to encrypt the efuse user black key1. So,
'efuse_user_kek1_iv' is valid with 'keysrc=efuse_user_blk_key1'.


See AES Encryption with Multiple Key Sources Example for examples.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[encryption = <options>] <partition>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ encryption = <options>, file = <filename> }


This specifies the partition needs to be encrypted. Encryption algorithms are:


• none: Partition not encrypted. This is the default value.

• aes: Partition encrypted using AES algorithm.

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[aeskeyfile] test.nky
[bootloader, encryption=aes] fsbl.elf
[encryption=aes] hello.elf

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2

encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = efuse_red_metaheader_key.nky,

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01, type = bootloader,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = bbram_red_key.nky,
file = plm.elf
id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = pmcdata.nky,
file = pmc_data.cdo

name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C, type = cdo,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key1.nky,
file = lpd_data.cdo
id = 0x0B, core = psm,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,

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aeskeyfile = key2.nky,
file = psm_fw.elf
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08, type = cdo,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key5.nky,
file = fpd_data.cdo


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[exception_level=<options>] <partition>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ exception_level=<options>, file=<partition> }


Exception level for which the core must be configured.


• el-0
• el-1
• el-2
• el-3 (default)

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0]fsbl.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-3] bl31.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-2] u-boot.elf

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ load = 0x1000, file = system.dtb }
{ exception_level = el-2, file = u-boot.elf }
{ core = a72-0, exception_level = el-3,
trustzone, file = bl31.elf }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.


[familykey] <key file path>


Specify family key. To obtain family key, contact an AMD representative at

[email protected].


Path to file.

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[aeskeyfile] encr.nky
[bh_key_iv] bh_iv.txt
[familykey] familykey.cfg


{ file = <path/to/file> }


This attribute specifies the file for creating the partition.


{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ core = a72-0, file = apu.elf }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.


[fsbl_config <options>] <partition>


This option specifies the parameters used to configure the boot image. FSBL, which should run
on A53 in 64-bit mode in Boot Header authentication mode.

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• bh_auth_enable: Boot Header Authentication Enable: RSA authentication of the

bootimage is done excluding the verification of PPK hash and SPK ID.
• auth_only: Boot image is only RSA signed. FSBL should not be decrypted. See the Zynq
UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085) for more information.
• opt_key: Operational key is used for block-0 decryption. Secure Header has the opt key.
• pufhd_bh: PUF helper data is stored in Boot Header (default is efuse). PUF helper data file
is passed to Bootgen using the [puf_file] option.
• puf4kmode: PUF is tuned to use in 4 k bit configuration (default is 12 k bit).
• shutter = <value>: 32-bit PUF_SHUT register value to configure PUF for shutter offset
time and shutter open time.
Note: This shutter value must match the shutter value that was used during PUF registration.


[fsbl_config] bh_auth_enable
[pskfile] primary.pem
[bootloader,destination_cpu=a53-0,authentication=rsa] fsbl.elf


For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[headersignature] <signature file>

For Versal adaptive SoC:

headersignature = <signature file>


Imports the header signature into the authentication certificate. This can be used if you do not
plan to share the secret key. You can create a signature and provide it to Bootgen.

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For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[ppkfile] ppk.txt
[spkfile] spk.txt
[headersignature] headers.sha256.sig
[spksignature] spk.txt.sha256.sig
[bootloader, authentication=rsa] fsbl.elf

For Versal adaptive SoC:

bhsignature = bootheader.sha384.sig

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootimage,
ppkfile = rsa-keys/,
spkfile = rsa-keys/,
spksignature =,
file = pmc_subsys_e.bin


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[hivec] <partition>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ hivec, file=<partition> }

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To specify the location of Exception Vector Table as hivec. This is applicable with a53 (32-bit)
and r5 cores only.

• hivec: exception vector table at 0xFFFF0000.

• lovec: exception vector table at 0x00000000. This is the default value.




• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53_0] fsbl.elf
[destination_cpu=r5-0,hivec] app1.elf

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

name = image1, id = 0x1c000001
{ type=bootloader, file=plm.elf }
{ type=pmcdata, file=pmc_cdo.bin }
{ type=cdo, file=fpd_data.cdo }
{ core=psm, file=psm.elf }
{ core=r5-0, hivec, file=hello.elf }


id = <id>


This attribute specifies the following IDs based on the place it is defined:

• pdi ID - within the outermost/PDI parenthesis

• image ID - within the image parenthesis

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• partition ID - within the partition parenthesis

Image IDs are fixed for a given image. Refer to the following table for the image IDs defined by
AMD for Versal adaptive SoCs.

Table 45: Image IDs (Fixed for a Given Partition)

Partition Subsystem/Domain Image ID Value Description

PMC Subsystem 0x1C000001 PMC subsystem ID
PLD Domain 0x18700000 PLD0 Device ID (because
PLD0 represents the entire
PLD domain)
LPD Domain 0x04210002 LPD Power Node ID
FPD Domain 0x0420C003 FPD Power Node ID
Default Subsystem Subsystem 0x1C000000 Default Subsystem ID
CPD Domain 0x04218007 CPM Power Node ID
AIE Domain 0x0421C005 AIE Power Node ID

Note: For AI Engine partitions and PS partitions, such as A72 and R5 ELF, use the default subsystem ID.

Note: Partition IDs are used for identifying a partition and are not used by PLM processing. The Partition
IDs can be changed by the user according to their own numbering scheme. The PDI IDs and image IDs
should not be changed.


id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2 // PDI ID
name = pmc_subsys,
id = 0x1c000001 // Image ID
id = 0x01, // Partition ID
type = bootloader,
file = plm.elf
id = 0x09,
type = pmcdata,
load = 0xf2000000,
file = pmc_data.cdo

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This attribute is used to define a subsystem/image.


name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{ type = bootloader, file = plm.elf }
{ type=pmcdata, load=0xf2000000, file=pmc_cdo.bin}
name = PL_SS, id = 0x18700000
{ id = 0x3, type = cdo, file = bitstream.rcdo }
{ id = 0x4, file = bitstream.rnpi }


imagestore = <id>


To specify the ID of the PDI to add to Image Store. The Image Store feature allows PDI files to be
stored in memory (DDR) and later be used to load specified images within the PDI. This is
intended to allow partial reconfiguration, subsystem restart, and so on, without depending on
external boot devices.

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id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0xb
name = pl_noc, id = 0x18700000
id = 0xb05, type = cdo, file = imagestore.rnpi
id_code = 0x04d14093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = IMAGE_STORE, id = 0x18700000
id = 0xb15, imagestore = 0x1
section = write_imagestore_pdi


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[init] <filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

init = <filename>


Register initialization block at the end of the bootloader, built by parsing the .int file
specification. Maximum of 256 address-value init pairs are allowed. The .int files have a
specific format.


A sample BIF file is shown below:

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:


• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

init =
name = image1, id = 0x1c000001
{ type=bootloader, file=plm.elf }
{ type=pmcdata, file=pmc_cdo.bin }


keysrc = <options>


This specifies the Key source for encryption.


The valid key sources for boot loader, meta header and partitions are:

• efuse_red_key
• efuse_blk_key
• bbram_red_key
• bbram_blk_key
• bh_blk_key

There are few more key sources which are valid for partitions only:

• user_key0
• user_key1
• user_key2
• user_key3

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• user_key4
• user_key5
• user_key6
• user_key7
• efuse_user_key0
• efuse_user_blk_key0


name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootloader, encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key, aeskeyfile = key1.nky,
file = plm.elf
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = key2.nky, file = pmc_cdo.bin


[keysrc_encryption] <options> <partition>


This specifies the Key source for encryption.


• bbram_red_key: RED key stored in BBRAM

• efuse_red_key: RED key stored in efuse
• efuse_gry_key: Grey (Obfuscated) Key stored in eFUSE.
• bh_gry_key: Grey (Obfuscated) Key stored in boot header.
• bh_blk_key: Black Key stored in boot header.

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• efuse_blk_key: Black Key stored in eFUSE.

• kup_key: User Key.


[bootloader,encryption=aes, aeskeyfile=encr.nky,

FSBL is encrypted using the key encr.nky, which is stored in the efuse for decryption purpose.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[load = <value>] <partition>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ load = <value> , file=<partition> }


Sets the load address for the partition in memory.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader] fsbl.elf
[load=0x3000000, offset=0x500000] uImage.bin
[load=0x2A00000, offset=0xa00000] devicetree.dtb
[load=0x2000000, offset=0xc00000] uramdisk.image.gz

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }

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name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ load = 0x1000, file = system.dtb }
{ exception_level = el-2, file = u-boot.elf }
{ core = a72-0, exception_level = el-3,
trustzone, file = bl31.elf }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.


metaheader { }

Note: All the security attributes are supported for metaheader.

This attribute is used to define encryption, authentication attributes for metaheaders such as
keys, key sources, and so on.


encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = headerkey.nky,
authentication = rsa
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootloader,
encryption = aes,
keysrc = bbram_red_key,
aeskeyfile = key1.nky,
blocks = 8192(*),
file = plm.elf

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name = <name>


This attribute specifies the name of the image/subsystem.


id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
{ id = 0x01, type = bootloader, file = plm.elf }
{ id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file =
pmc_data.cdo }
name = lpd, id = 0x4210002
{ id = 0x0C, type = cdo, file = lpd_data.cdo }
{ id = 0x0B, core = psm, file = psm_fw.elf }
name = pl_cfi, id = 0x18700000
{ id = 0x03, type = cdo, file = system.rcdo }
{ id = 0x05, type = cdo, file = system.rnpi }
name = fpd, id = 0x420c003
{ id = 0x08, type = cdo, file = fpd_data.cdo }

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[offset = <value>] <filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ offset = <value>, file=<filename> }


Sets the absolute offset of the partition in the boot image.


Specified value and partition.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader] fsbl.elf
[load=0x3000000, offset=0x500000] uImage.bin
[load=0x2A00000, offset=0xa00000] devicetree.dtb
[load=0x2000000, offset=0xc00000] uramdisk.image.gz

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ offset = 0x8000, file = data.bin }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.

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bootgen -arch versal -image test.bif -o test.bin -overlay_cdo ovl.cdo


The input file used with overlay_cdo command would have markers and content that needs to be
overlayed. Bootgen searches for similar markers in all the cdo files present inside BIF, and when
the content is found in that, cdo is replaced with the content from overlay cdo.


parent_id = <id>


This attribute specifies the ID for the parent PDI. This is used to identify the relationship
between a partial PDI and its corresponding boot PDI.


id = 0x22
parent_id = 0x2

name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ load = 0x1000, file = system.dtb }
{ exception_level = el-2, file = u-boot.elf }
{ core = a72-0, exception_level = el-3, trustzone, file = bl31.elf }

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This attribute is used to define a partition. It is an optional attribute to make the BIF short and


id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01,
type = bootloader,
file = plm.elf
id = 0x09,
type = pmcdata,
load = 0xf2000000,
file = pmc_data.cdo

Note: The partition attribute is optional and the BIF file can be written without the attribute too.

The above BIF can be written without the partition attribute as follows:

id_code = 0x04ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2

name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001

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{ id = 0x01, type = bootloader, file = plm.elf }

{ id = 0x09, type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file =
pmc_data.cdo }

partition_owner, owner

• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[partition_owner = <options>] <filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ owner = <options>, file=<filename> }


Owner of the partition which is responsible to load the partition.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

○ fsbl: FSBL loads this partition

○ uboot: U-Boot loads this partition

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

○ plm: PLM loads this partition

○ non-plm: PLM ignores this partition and it is loaded in a alternative way


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader] fsbl.elf
[partition_owner=uboot] hello.elf

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• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file =
base.pdi }
name = apu_subsys, id = 0x1c000003
id = 0x00000000,
core = a72-0,
owner = non-plm,
file = /path/to/image.ub


[pid = <id_no>] <partition>


This specifies the partition id. The default value is 0.

Note: If PID is not specified, it is incremented on every partition in the standard flow. If PID is not specified
in the HSM flow, it always remains zero because each partition is handled separately. This behavior causes
a mismatch between the final images.


[encryption=aes, aeskeyfile=test.nky, pid=1] hello.elf


[pmufw_image] <PMU ELF file>

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The PMU Firmware image that is to be loaded by BootROM, before loading the FSBL. The
options for the pmufw_image are inline with the bootloader partition. Bootgen does not
consider any extra attributes given along with the pmufw_image option.




[pmufw_image] pmu_fw.elf
[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] fsbl_a53.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-1] app_a53.elf
[destination_cpu=r5-0] app_r5.elf


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[ppkfile] <key filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

ppkfile = <filename>


The PPK key is used to authenticate partitions in the boot image.

See Using Authentication.


Specified file name.

Note: The secret key file contains the public key component of the key. You need not specify the PPK when
the PSK is mentioned.

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[pskfile] primarykey.pem
[sskfile] secondarykey.pem
[bootloader, authentication=rsa]fsbl.elf
[authentication=rsa] hello.elf

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

boot_config {bh_auth_enable}
name = pmc_ss, id = 0x1c000001
{ type=bootloader, authentication=rsa, file=plm.elf,, pskfile=primary0.pem,
sskfile=secondary0.pem }
{ type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file=pmc_cdo.bin }
{ type=cdo, authentication=rsa, file=fpd_cdo.bin,, pskfile = primary1.pem, sskfile =
secondary1.pem }


For Zynq 7000 and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC devices:

[presign = <signature_file>] <partition>

For Versal adaptive SoC:

presign = <signature file>


Imports partition signature into partition authentication certificate. Use this if you do not want to
share the secret key (SSK). You can create a signature and provide it to Bootgen.

• <signature_file>: Specifies the signature file.

• <partition>: Lists the partition to which the <signature_file> is applied.

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For Zynq 7000 and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC devices:

[ppkfile] ppk.txt
[spkfile] spk.txt
[headsignature] headers.sha256.sig
[spksignature] spk.txt.sha256.sig
[bootloader, authentication=rsa, presign=fsbl.sig]fsbl.elf


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[pskfile] <key filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

pskfile = <filename>


This PSK is used to authenticate partitions in the boot image. For more information, see Using


Specified file name.

Note: The secret key file contains the public key component of the key. You need not specify the PPK when
the PSK is mentioned.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[pskfile] primarykey.pem
[sskfile] secondarykey.pem
[bootloader, authentication=rsa]fsbl.elf
[authentication=rsa] hello.elf

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• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

boot_config {bh_auth_enable}
name = pmc_ss, id = 0x1c000001
{ type=bootloader, authentication=rsa, file=plm.elf,
pskfile=primary0.pem, sskfile=secondary0.pem }
{ type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file=pmc_cdo.bin }
{ type=cdo, authentication=rsa, file=fpd_cdo.bin,
pskfile = primary1.pem, sskfile = secondary1.pem }


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[puf_file] <puf data file>

• For Versal adaptive SoC:

puf_file = <puf data file>


PUF helper data file.

• PUF is used with black key as encryption key source.

• PUF helper data is of 1544 bytes.
• 1536 bytes of PUF HD + 4 bytes of CHASH + 3 bytes of AUX + 1 byte alignment.

See Black/PUF Keys for more information.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[fsbl_config] pufhd_bh
[puf_file] pufhelperdata.txt
[bh_keyfile] black_key.txt
[bh_key_iv] bhkeyiv.txt

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• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

boot_config {puf4kmode}
puf_file = pufhd_file_4K.txt
bh_kek_iv = bh_black_key-iv.txt
name = pmc_subsys, id = 0x1c000001
type = bootloader, encryption = aes,
keysrc = bh_black_key, aeskeyfile = key1.nky,
file = plm.elf
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000,
aeskeyfile = key2.nky, file = pmc_cdo.bin
type=cdo, encryption = aes,
keysrc = efuse_red_key, aeskeyfile = key3.nky,


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[reserve = <value>] <filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ reserve = <value>, file=<filename> }


This attribute reserves the memory for a particular partition. Even if the partition size is lesser
than the reserved memory, the partition length is always the reserved size. If the partition size is
greater than the reserved size, then the partition length is the actual size of the partition.

This attribute is useful in cases where the users want to update the partitions in a bootimage
without changing the corresponding header.


Specified partition

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader] fsbl.elf
[reserve=0x1000] test.bin

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ reserve = 0x1000, file = data.bin }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.


[split] mode = <mode-options>, fmt=<format>


Splits the image into parts based on mode. Slaveboot mode splits as follows:

• Boot Header + Bootloader

• Image and Partition Headers
• Rest of the partitions

Normal mode splits as follows:

• Bootheader + Image Headers + Partition Headers + Bootloader

• Partition1
• Partition2 and so on

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Slaveboot is supported only for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, and normal is supported for both Zynq
7000 and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC. Along with the split mode, output format can also be
specified as bin or mcs.


The available options for argument mode are:

• slaveboot
• normal
• bin
• mcs



Note: The option split mode normal is same as the command line option split. This command line option is
schedule to be deprecated.

Note: Split slaveboot mode is not supported for Versal adaptive SoC.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[spkfile] <key filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

spkfile = <filename>


The SPK is used to authenticate partitions in the boot image. For more information, see Using

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Specified file name.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[pskfile] primarykey.pem
[sskfile] secondarykey.pem
[bootloader, authentication=rsa]fsbl.elf
[authentication=rsa] hello.elf

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

boot_config {bh_auth_enable}
name = pmc_ss, id = 0x1c000001
{ type=bootloader, authentication=rsa, file=plm.elf,,
sskfile=secondary0.pem }
{ type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file=pmc_cdo.bin }
{ type=cdo, authentication=rsa, file=fpd_cdo.bin}, sskfile = secondary1.pem }

Note: The secret key file contains the public key component of the key. You need not specify SPK when the
SSK is mentioned.


For Zynq and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC devices:

[spksignature] <Signature file>

For Versal adaptive SoC:

spksignature = <signature file>

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Imports SPK signature into the authentication certificate. This can be when the user does not
want to share the secret key PSK, the user can create a signature and provide it to Bootgen.


Specified file name.


For Zynq and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC devices:

[ppkfile] ppk.txt
[spkfile] spk.txt
[spksignature] spk.txt.sha256.sig
[bootloader, authentication=rsa] fsbl.elf

For Versal adaptive SoC:

id = 0x1c000000, name = fpd
{ type = bootimage,
ppkfile =,
spkfile =,
spksignature =,
presign = fpd_data.cdo.0.sha384.sig,
file = fpd_e.bin


[spk_select = <options>]


[auth_params] spk_select = <options>

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Options are:

• spk-efuse: Indicates that spk_id eFUSE is used for that partition. This is the default value.
• user-efuse: Indicates that user eFUSE is used for that partition.

Partitions loaded by CSU ROM is always use spk_efuse.

Note: The spk_id eFUSE specifies which key is valid. Hence, the ROM checks the entire field of spk_id
eFUSE against the SPK ID to make sure its a bit for bit match.

The user eFUSE specifies which key ID is not valid (has been revoked). Hence, the firmware (non-
ROM) checks to see if a given user eFUSE that represents the SPK ID has been programmed.
spk_select = user-efuse indicates that user eFUSE is used for that partition.


[auth_params]ppk_select = 0

authentication = rsa,
spk_select = spk-efuse,
spk_id = 0x5,
sskfile = ssk2.pem
] zynqmp_fsbl.elf

destination_cpu =a53-0,
authentication = rsa,
spk_select = user-efuse,
spk_id = 0xF,
sskfile = ssk3.pem
] application1.elf

destination_cpu =a53-0,
authentication = rsa,
spk_select = spk-efuse,
spk_id =0x6,
sskfile = ssk4.pem
] application2.elf

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[sskfile] <key filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

sskfile = <filename>


The SSK is used to authenticate partitions in the boot image. For more information, see Using


Specified file name.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[pskfile] primarykey.pem
[sskfile] secondarykey.pem
[bootloader, authentication=rsa]fsbl.elf
[authentication=rsa] hello.elf

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

boot_config {bh_auth_enable}
name = pmc_ss, id = 0x1c000001
{ type=bootloader, authentication=rsa, file=plm.elf,
pskfile=primary0.pem, sskfile=secondary0.pem }
{ type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000, file=pmc_cdo.bin }
{ type=cdo, authentication=rsa, file=fpd_cdo.bin, pskfile =
primary1.pem, sskfile = secondary1.pem }

Note: The secret key file contains the public key component of the key. You need not specify the PPK when
the PSK is mentioned.

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[startup = <value>] <filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ startup = <value>, file = <filename> }


This option sets the entry address for the partition, after it is loaded. This is ignored for partitions
that do not execute. This is valid only for binary partitions.


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader] fsbl.elf
[startup=0x1000000] app.bin

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ core=a72-0, load=0x1000, startup = 0x1000, file = apu.bin }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.

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• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[trustzone = <options> ] <filename>

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ trustzone = <options>, file = <filename> }


Configures the core to be TrustZone secure or non-secure. Options are:

• secure
• nonsecure (default)


• For Zynq devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:

[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] fsbl.elf
[exception_level=el-3, trustzone = secure] bl31.elf

• For AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC:

{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ load = 0x1000, file = system.dtb }
{ exception_level = el-2, file = u-boot.elf }
{ core = a72-0, exception_level = el-3, trustzone, file =
bl31.elf }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.

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{ type = <options> }


This attribute specifies the type of partition. The options are as follows.

• bootloader
• pmcdata
• cdo
• bootimage


{ type = bootimage, file = base.pdi }
name = apu_ss, id = 0x1c000000
{ core = a72-0, file = apu.elf }

Note: *base.pdi is the PDI generated by Vivado.


[udf_bh] <filename>


Imports a file of data to be copied to the user defined field (UDF) of the Boot Header. The input
user defined data is provided through a text file in the form of a hex string. Total number of bytes
in UDF in AMD SoCs:

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• zynq: 76 bytes
• zynqmp: 40 bytes


Specified file name.



The following is an example of the input file for udf_bh:

Sample input file for udf_bh - test.txt



[udf_data=<filename>] <partition>


Imports a file containing up to 56 bytes of data into user defined field (UDF) of the
Authentication Certificate. For more information, see Authentication for more information about
authentication certificates.


Specified file name.

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Section III: Bootgen Tool
Chapter 19: BIF Attribute Reference


[pskfile] primary0.pem
[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0,
[destination_cpu=a53-0,authentication=rsa] hello.elf


userkeys = <filename>

File Format

user_key0 <userkey0 value>

user_key1 <userkey1 value>
user_key2 <userkey2 value>
user_key3 <userkey3 value>
user_key4 <userkey4 value>
user_key5 <userkey5 value>
user_key6 <userkey6 value>
user_key7 <userkey7 value>


The path to the user keyfile. The keyfile contains user keys used to encrypt the partitions. The
size of user key can be 128 or 256 bits. The 128-bit key can be used only for run-time loaded


In the following example, FPD partition uses the key source as user_key2, so the .nky file for
this partition must have the user_key2 from the userkeys file as the key0. This key0 from
the .nky file is then used by Bootgen for encryption. The PLM uses the user_key2
programmed by pmc_data during decryption.

userkeys = userkeyfile.txt
id_code = 0x14ca8093
extended_id_code = 0x01
id = 0x2
name = pmc_subsys

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Chapter 19: BIF Attribute Reference

id = 0x1c000001
id = 0x01
type = bootloader
encryption = aes
aeskeyfile = inputs/keys/enc/bbram_red_key.nky
file = gen_files/plm.elf
id = 0x09
type = pmcdata, load = 0xf2000000
file = gen_files/pmc_data.cdo
name = lpd
id = 0x4210002
id = 0x0C
type = cdo
file = gen_files/lpd_data.cdo
id = 0x0B
core = psm
file = static_files/psm_fw.elf
name = pl_cfi
id = 0x18700000
id = 0x03
type = cdo
file = design_1_wrapper.rcdo
id = 0x05
type = cdo
file = design_1_wrapper.rnpi
name = fpd
id = 0x420c003
id = 0x08
type = cdo
file = gen_files/fpd_data.cdo
encryption = aes

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Chapter 19: BIF Attribute Reference

aeskeyfile = userkey2.nky
name = ss_apu
id = 0x1c000000
id = 0x61
core = a72-0
file = ./wrk_a72_r5/perip_a72/Debug/perip_a72.elf


[xip_mode] <partition>


Indicates 'eXecute In Place' for FSBL to be executed directly from QSPI flash.

Note: This attribute is only applicable for an FSBL/Bootloader partition.


Specified partition.


This example shows how to create a boot image that executes in place for an AMD Zynq™
UltraScale+™ MPSoC device.

[bootloader, xip_mode] fsbl.elf

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Chapter 20: Command Reference

Chapter 20

Command Reference
See Commands and Descriptions for the device families supported by each of these commands.


-arch [options]


AMD family architecture for which the boot image needs to be created.


• zynq: AMD Zynq™ 7000 device architecture. This is the default value of the family
architecture for which the boot image needs to be created.
• zynqmp: AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC device architecture.
• fpga: Image is targeted for other FPGA architectures.
• versal: This image is targeted for AMD Versal™ devices.

Return Value



bootgen -arch zynq -image test.bif -o boot.bin

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Chapter 20: Command Reference


-authenticatedjtag [options] [filename]


Used to enable JTAG during secure boot.


• rsa
• ecdsa


bootgen -arch versal -image boot.bif -w -o boot.bin -authenticatedjtag rsa



bootgen -bif_help

bootgen -bif_help aeskeyfile


Lists the supported BIF file attributes. For a more detailed explanation of each bif attribute,
specify the attribute name as argument to -bif_help on the command line.


bootgen -arch versal -dual_ospi_mode stacked <size>

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Generates two output files for dual OSPI stacked configuration, size (in MB) of the flash needs to
be mentioned (64, 128, or 256).


This example generates two output files for independently programming to both flashes in a
OSPI dual stacked configuration. The first 64 MB of the actual image is written to first file and
the remainder to the second file. In case the actual image itself is less than 64 MB, only one file is
generated. This is only supported for Versal adaptive SoC.

bootgen -arch versal -image test.bif -o -boot.bin -dual_ospi_mode stacked 64


• stacked, <size>


bootgen -dual_qspi_mode [parallel]|[stacked <size>]


Generates two output files for dual QSPI configurations. In the case of stacked configuration, size
(in MB) of the flash needs to be mentioned (16, 32, 64, 128, or 256).


This example generates two output files for independently programming to both flashes in QSPI
dual parallel configuration.

bootgen -image test.bif -o -boot.bin -dual_qspi_mode parallel

This example generates two output files for independently programming to both flashes in a
QSPI dual stacked configuration. The first 64 MB of the actual image is written to first file and
the remainder to the second file. In case the actual image itself is less than 64 MB, only one file is

bootgen -image test.bif -o -boot.bin -dual_qspi_mode stacked 64

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• parallel
• stacked <size>


-dump [options]


This command dumps the contents of boot header in to a separate binary file while generating


[bootgen -image test.bif -o -boot.bin -log trace -dump bh]


• empty: Dumps the partitions as binary files.

• bh: Dumps boot header as a separate file.

Note: Boot header is dumped as a separate binary file along with PDI. PDI generated is not be stripped of
the boot header, but it retains the boot header.


dump_dir <path>


This option is used to specify a directory location to write the contents of -dump command.


bootgen -arch versal -dump boot.bin -dump_dir <path>

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Chapter 20: Command Reference


bootgen -image test.bif -o boot.bin -efuseppkbits efusefile.txt




This option specifies the name of the eFUSE file to be written to contain the PPK hash. This
option generates a direct hash without any padding. The efusefile.txt file is generated
containing the hash of the PPK key, where:

• AMD Zynq™ 7000 uses the SHA2 protocol for hashing.

• AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC and Versal adaptive SoC uses the SHA3 for hashing.


bootgen -image test.bif -o boot.bin -encrypt <efuse|bbram|>


This option specifies how to perform encryption and where the keys are stored. The NKY key
file is passed through the BIF file attribute aeskeyfile. Only the source is specified using
command line.


Key source arguments:

• efuse: The AES key is stored in eFUSE. This is the default value.
• bbram: The AES key is stored in BBRAM.

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Chapter 20: Command Reference


bootgen -arch zynqmp -image test.bif -encryption_dump


Generates an encryption log file, aes_log.txt. The aes_log.txt generated has the details
of AES Key/IV pairs used for encrypting each block of data. It also logs the partition and the AES
key file used to encrypt it.

Note: This option is supported only for AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC.


[bootloader, encryption=aes, aeskeyfile=test.nky] fsbl.elf
[encryption=aes, aeskeyfile=test1.nky] hello.elf


bootgen -arch zynq -image test.bif -fill 0xAB -o boot.bin


This option specifies the byte to use for filling padded/reserved memory in <hex byte> format.


The boot.bin file in the 0xAB byte.


The output image is generated with name boot.bin. The format of the output image is
determined based on the file extension of the file given with -o option, where -fill: Specifies
the Byte to be padded. The <hex byte> is padded in the header tables instead of 0xFF.

bootgen -arch zynq -image test.bif -fill 0xAB -o boot.bin

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bootgen -image test.bif -generate_hashes


This option generates hash files for all the partitions and other components to be signed like boot
header, image and partition headers. This option generates a file containing PKCS#1v1.5 padded
hash for the AMD Zynq™ 7000 format:

Table 46: Zynq: SHA-2 (256-bytes)

Value SHA-2 Hash T-Padding 0x0 0xFF 0x01 0x00

Number of 32 19 1 202 1 1

This option generates the file containing PKCS#1v1.5 padded hash for the AMD Zynq™
UltraScale+™ MPSoC format:

Table 47: ZynqMP: SHA-3 (384-bytes)

Value 0x0 0x1 0xFF 0xFF T-Padding SHA-3 Hash

Number of 1 1 314 1 19 48


[pskfile] ppk.txt
[sskfile] spk.txt
[bootloader, authentication=rsa] fsbl.elf
[authentication=rsa] hello.elf

Bootgen generates the following hash files with the specified BIF:

• bootheader hash
• spk hash
• header table hash
• fsbl.elf partition hash
• hello.elf partition hash

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Section III: Bootgen Tool
Chapter 20: Command Reference


bootgen -image test.bif -generate_keys <rsa|pem|obfuscated>


This option generates keys for authentication and obfuscated key used for encryption.

Note: For more information on generating encryption keys, see Key Generation.

Authentication Key Generation Example

Authentication key generation example. This example generates the authentication keys in the
paths specified in the BIF file.


[ppkfile] <path/ppkgenfile.txt>
[pskfile] <path/pskgenfile.txt>
[spkfile] <path/spkgenfile.txt>
[sskfile] <path/sskgenfile.txt>

Obfuscated Key Generation Example

This example generates the obfuscated in the same path as that of the familykey.txt.


bootgen -image test.bif -generata_keys rsa

The Sample BIF file is shown in the following example:

[aeskeyfile] aes.nky
[bh_key_iv] bhkeyiv.txt
[familykey] familykey.txt


• rsa
• pem

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Chapter 20: Command Reference

• obfuscated

h, help

bootgen -help
bootgen -help arch


Lists the supported command line attributes. For a more detailed explanation of each attribute,
specify the attribute name as argument to -help on the command line.


-image <BIF_filename>


This option specifies the input BIF file name. The BIF file specifies each component of the boot
image in the order of boot and allows optional attributes to be specified to each image
component. Each image component is usually mapped to a partition, but in some cases an image
component can be mapped to more than one partition if the image component is not contiguous
in memory.




bootgen -arch zynq -image test.bif -o boot.bin

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The Sample BIF file is shown in the following example:

[bootloader] fsbl.elf


bootgen -image test.bif -o -boot.bin -log trace


Generates a log while generating the boot image. There are various options for choosing the level
of information. The information is displayed on the console as well as in the log file, named
bootgen_log.txt is generated in the current working directory.


• error: Only the error information is captured.

• warning: The warnings and error information is captured. This is the default value.
• info: The general information and all the above information is captured.
• trace: More detailed information is captured along with the information above.


bootgen -arch zynq -image test.bif -o test.bin -nonbooting


This option is used to create an intermediate boot image. An intermediate test.bin image is
generated as output even in the absence of secret key, which is required to generate an
authenticated image. This intermediate image cannot be booted.

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Chapter 20: Command Reference





bootgen -arch zynq -image test.bif -o boot.<bin|mcs>


This option specifies the name of the output image file with a .bin or .mcs extension.


A full boot image file in either BIN or MCS format.


bootgen -arch zynq -image test.bif -o boot.mcs

The boot image is output in an MCS format.


bootgen -image test.bif -o boot.bin -p xc7z020clg48 -encrypt efuse

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This option specifies the partname of the AMD device. This is needed for generating an
encryption key. It is copied verbatim to the *.nky file in the Device line of the nky file. This is
applicable only when encryption is enabled. If the key file is not present in the path specified in
BIF file, then a new encryption key is generated in the same path and xc7z020clg484 is copied
along side the Device field in the nky file. The generated image is an encrypted image.


bootgen -image test.bif -w on -o boot.bin -padimageheader <0|1>


This option pads the Image Header Table and Partition Header Table to maximum partitions
allowed, to force alignment of following the partitions. This feature is enabled by default.
Specifying a 0 disables this feature. The boot.bin has the image header tables and partition
header tables in actual and no extra tables are padded. If nothing is specified or if -
padimageheader=1, the total image header tables and partition header tables are padded to
max partitions.


• 1: Pad the header tables to max partitions. This is the default value.
• 0: Do not pad the header tables.

Image or Partition Header Lengths

• For Zynq devices, the maximum partition is 14.

• For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs, the maximum partition is 32.


-process_bitstream <bin|mcs>

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Processes only the bitstream from the BIF and outputs it as an MCS or a BIN file. For example: If
encryption is selected for bitstream in the BIF file, the output is an encrypted bitstream.


• bin: Output in BIN format.

• mcs: Output in MCS format.


Output generated is bitstream in BIN or MCS format; a processed file without any headers


-read <filename> [options]


Used to read boot headers, image headers, and partition headers based on the options.


• bh: To read boot header from boot image in human readable form
• iht: To read image header table from boot image
• ih: To read image headers from boot image.
• pht: To read partition headers from boot image
• ac: To read authentication certificates from boot image


bootgen -arch zynqmp -read BOOT.bin

Note: -read is not supported for bootimages/PDIs in MCS format

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bootgen -image test.bif -w on -o boot.bin -spksignature spksignfile.txt


This option is used to generate the SPK signature file. This option must be used only when
spkfile and pskfile are specified in BIF. The SPK signature file (spksignfile.txt) is


Specifies the name of the signature file to be generated.


bootgen -arch zynq -image test.bif -split bin


This option outputs each data partition with headers as a new file in MCS or BIN format.


Output files generated are:

• Bootheader + Image Headers + Partition Headers + Fsbl.elf

• Partition1.bit
• Partition2.elf


[bootloader] Fsbl.elf

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Chapter 20: Command Reference


bootgen -arch zynqmp -verify boot.bin


This option is used for verifying authentication of a boot image. All the authentication
certificates in a boot image are verified against the available partitions. Verification is performed
in the following steps:

1. Verify header authentication certificate:

• For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: verify SPK signature and verify header signature.
• For Versal: verify SPK signature, verify IHT signature, and verify meta header signature.
2. Verify bootloader authentication certificate: verify boot header signature, verify SPK
signature, and verify bootloader signature.
3. Verify partition authentication certificate: verify SPK signature and verify partition signature.

This is repeated for all partitions in the given boot image.


bootgen -arch zynqmp -verify_kdf testVec.txt


The format of the testVec.txt file is as below.

L = 256
KI = d54b6fd94f7cf98fd955517f937e9927f9536caebe148fba1818c1ba46bba3a4
FixedInputDataByteLen = 60
FixedInputData =

Bootgen uses the counter Mode KDF to generate the output key (KO) based on the given input
data in the test vector file. This KO is printed on the console for you to compare.

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bootgen -image test.bif -w on -o boot.bin

bootgen -image test.bif -w -o boot.bin


This option specifies whether to overwrite an existing file or not. If the file boot.bin already
exists in the path, then it is overwritten. Options -w on and -w are treated as same. If the -w
option is not specified, the file is be overwritten by default.


• on: Specified with the -w on command with or -w with no argument. This is the default
• off: Specifies to not overwrite an existing file.


bootgen -arch zynqmp -image test.bif -o boot.bin -zynqmpes1


This option specifies that the image generated is used on ES1 (1.0). This option makes a
difference only when generating an Authenticated image; otherwise, it is ignored. The default
padding scheme is for (2.0) ES2 and above.

Initialization Pairs and INT File Attribute

Initialization pairs let you easily initialize processing systems (PS) registers for the MIO
multiplexer and flash clocks. This allows the MIO multiplexer to be fully configured before the
FSBL image is copied into OCM or executed from flash with eXecute in place (XIP), and allows for
flash device clocks to be set to maximum bandwidth speeds.

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There are 256 initialization pairs at the end of the fixed portion of the boot image header.
Initialization pairs are designated as such because a pair consists of a 32-bit address value and a
32-bit data value. When no initialization is to take place, all of the address values contain
0xFFFFFFFF, and the data values contain 0x00000000. Set initialization pairs with a text file
that has an .int file extension by default, but can have any file extension.

The[init]file attribute precedes the file name to identify it as the INIT file in the BIF file. The
data format consists of an operation directive followed by:

• An address value
• An = character
• A data value

The line is terminated with a semicolon (;). This is one .set. operation directive; for example:

.set. 0xE0000018 = 0x00000411; // This is the 9600 uart setting.

Bootgen fills the boot header initialization from the INT file up to the 256 pair limit. When the
BootROM runs, it looks at the address value. If it is not 0xFFFFFFFF, the BootROM uses the
next 32-bit value following the address value to write the value of address. The BootROM loops
through the initialization pairs, setting values, until it encounters a 0xFFFFFFFF address, or it
reaches the 25sixth initialization pair.

Bootgen provides a full expression evaluator (including nested parenthesis to enforce

precedence) with the following operators:

* = multiply/
= divide
% = mod
an address value
ulo divide
+ = addition
- = subtraction
~ = negation
>> = shift right
<< = shift left
& = binary and
= binary or
^ = binary nor

The numbers can be hex (0x), octal (0o), or decimal digits. Number expressions are maintained as
128-bit fixed-point integers. You can add white space around any of the expression operators for

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Section III: Bootgen Tool
Chapter 21: CDO Utility

Chapter 21

CDO Utility
The CDO utility (cdoutil) is a program that allows to process CDO files in various ways. CDO files
are binary files created in the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite for AMD Versal™ devices based on
user configuration for clocks, PLLs, and MIO. CDOs are part of the PDI, and are loaded/executed
by the PLM. For AMD Zynq™ 7000 devices and AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoCs, the
configuration is part of ps7/psu_init.c/h files, which are compiled along with the FSBL.

The cdoutil is available as part of the Vivado Design Suite/AMD Vitis™ unified software
platform/Bootgen installation at <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/cdoutil.

The general command line syntax for cdoutil is:

cdoutil <options> <input(s)>

The default function of cdoutil is to decode the input file and print out the CDO.

Command Line Options

There are a number of options to change the default behavior:

Table 48: Command Line Options

Option Description
-address-filter-file <path> Specify address filter file
-annotate Annotate source output with details of commands
-device <type> Specify device name, default is xcvc1902
-help Print help information
-output-binary-be Output CDO commands in big endian binary format
-output-binary-le Output CDO commands in little endian binary format

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Table 48: Command Line Options (cont'd)

Option Description
-output-file <path> Specify output file, default is stdout
-output-modules Output list of modules used by input file(s)
-output-raw-be Output CDO commands in big endian raw format
-output-raw-le Output CDO commands in little endian raw format
-output-source Output CDO commands in source format (default)
-remove-comments Remove comments from input
-rewrite-block Rewrite block write commands to multiple write commands
-rewrite-sequential Rewrite sequential write commands to a single block write
-verbose Print log information
post-process <mode> Post process PMCFW commands to PLM commands
cfu-stream-keyhole-size <size> Override default CFU stream keyhole size
random-commands <count> Generate <count> random commands
apropos <keywords> Search device register information for <keywords> and
output matches
overlay <path> Specify overlay file

Note: -output-raw-be is preferred as the Vivado Design Suite produces CDOs in big endian raw format.
-output-raw-le, -output-binary-be, and -output-binary-le are not preferred options.

Address Filter File

The address filter file is specified using the -address-filter-file <path>. The purpose of
this file is to specify modules that must be removed from the configuration. The address filter file
is a text file where each line starting with the dash (minus) character specifies an address range
for which all initializations should be removed. Example:

# Remove configuration of UART0


The list of modules used in a design can be generated using the -output-modules option. This
can be a useful starting point for the address filter file.

Converting Binary to Source without Annotations
cdoutil -output-file test.txt test.bin

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Example output:

version 2.0
write 0xfca50000 0
write 0xfca50010 0
write 0xfca50018 0x1
write 0xfca5001c 0
write 0xfca50020 0
write 0xfca50024 0xffffffff

Converting Binary to Source with Annotations

cdoutil -annotate -output-file test.txt test.bin

Example output:

version 2.0
# PCIEA_ATTRIB_0.MISC_CTRL.slverr_enable[0]=0x0
write 0xfca50000 0
# PCIEA_ATTRIB_0.ISR.{dpll_lock_timeout_err[1]=0x0, addr_decode_err[0]=0x0}
write 0xfca50010 0
# PCIEA_ATTRIB_0.IER.{dpll_lock_timeout_err[1]=0x0, addr_decode_err[0]=0x1}
write 0xfca50018 0x1
# PCIEA_ATTRIB_0.IDR.{dpll_lock_timeout_err[1]=0x0, addr_decode_err[0]=0x0}
write 0xfca5001c 0
# PCIEA_ATTRIB_0.ECO_0.eco_0[31:0]=0x0
write 0xfca50020 0
# PCIEA_ATTRIB_0.ECO_1.eco_1[31:0]=0xffffffff
write 0xfca50024 0xffffffff

Editing Binary CDO File

cdoutil -annotate -output-file test.txt test.bin
vim text.txt
cdoutil -output-binary-be -output-file test-new.bin test.txt

Make sure .bif file is using test-new.bin instead of test.bin, then rerun bootgen to create
the .pdi file.

Converting Source to Binary

cdoutil -output-binary-be -output-file test.bin test.txt

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Section III: Bootgen Tool
Chapter 22: Design Advisories for Bootgen

Chapter 22

Design Advisories for Bootgen

• AMD recommends that you generate your own keys for fielded systems and then provide
those keys to the development tools. See Answer Record 76171 for more information.
• In this release, few encryption key rolling blocks are supported for Versal Adaptive SoC. See
Answer Record 76515 for more information.
• Versal 2022.2 onwards, to reduce the size of PLM and ensure it fits in the PPU RAM, the
maximum number of partitions allowed is reduced from 32 to 20, and the maximum number
of images/sub systems allowed is reduced from 32 to 10. If the limit exceeds, Bootgen will
error will out while creating the Boot Image.
The option for disabling this error is to use the BOOTGEN_SKIP_MAX_PARTITIONS_CHECK
environment variable.
The user needs to ensure to handle changes in the PLM code as well, and then proceed to
create PDIs with any number of partitions/images.
• Tandem/Partial bitstream processing is not supported: Refer to Answer Record 35054 for
more details.
• AMD Versal™ Bootgen Support Updates: Refer to Answer Record 34634 for more details.

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Section IV: Vitis Python CLI

Section IV

Vitis Python CLI

Graphical development environments such as the Vitis IDE are useful for getting up to speed on
development for a new processor architecture. It helps to abstract away and group most of the
common functions into logical wizards that even a novice can use. However, scriptability of a tool
is also essential for providing the flexibility to extend what is done with that tool. It is particularly
useful when developing regression tests that will be run nightly or when running a set of
commands that are frequently used.

The Vitis command line interface (CLI) is an interactive and scriptable command-line interface to
the Vitis IDE. As with other AMD tools, the scripting language for Vitis CLI is based on the
Python. You can run Vitis CLI commands interactively or script the commands for automation.

Vitis CLI supports Vitis project management, configuration, building and debugging, such as:

• Creating platform projects and domains

• Creating system and application projects
• Configuring and building domains/BSPs and applications
• Managing repositories
• Downloading and running applications on hardware targets
• Reading and writing registers
• Setting break points and watch expressions

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Section IV: Vitis Python CLI
Chapter 23: Python Vitis Commands

Chapter 23

Python Vitis Commands

You can see a list of all the comprehensive Python AMD Vitis™ Commands.

The Vitis CLI can be launched using the following command.

vitis -i

client = vitis.create_client()

Vitis Python command examples are provided in <VITIS_INSTALL_DIR>/2023.2/cli/


All Vitis Python commands to rebuild a Vitis Workspace are provided in <vitis workspace>/

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 374
Section IV: Vitis Python CLI
Chapter 24: Python XSDB Commands

Chapter 24

Python XSDB Commands

You can view a list of all the comprehensive Python XSDB API using the following commands in
AMD Vitis™ CLI.

Launch the Vitis CLI using the following command.

vitis -i

from xsdb import *

session = start_debug_session()

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Chapter 25: Python XSDB Usage Examples

Chapter 25

Python XSDB Usage Examples

Debug Operations on Session Object

In this mode, you can create a session object and run debug operations on different debug
targets using the same session object.

# All subsequent commands are run on target 3, until the target is changed
with targets() function
# All subsequent commands are run on target 4

Debug Operations on Target Object

You can also use the Target object returned by targets() functions and run debug operations can
be performed on these objects. The following is an example:

session = start_debug_session()
ta3 = session.targets(3)
ta4 = session.targets(4)
# Run debug commands using target objects
bp1 = ta3.bpadd(addr='main')
bp2 = ta4.bpadd(addr='foo')

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Chapter 25: Python XSDB Usage Examples

For interactive usage, it is recommended to use commands and options instead of functions and
arguments, as functions require a lot of extra typing. You have defined an interactive() function in
xsdb module, which supports the commands. The following is an example:

Vitis-ng [1]: import xsdb

Vitis-ng [2]: xsdb.interactive()
% conn -host xhdbfarmrkb9
% ta
2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running)
3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)
4 xc7z020
% ta 2
<xsdpy._target.Target object at 0x7fb2652d3520>
% stop
Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0xffffff28 (Suspended)
% q
Vitis-ng [3]:

Programming U-Boot over JTAG

s = xsdb.start_debug_session()
# connecting to the target
# Disable Security gates to view PMU MB target
s.targets("--set", filter="name =~ PSU")
# By default, JTAG security gates are enabled
# This disables security gates for DAP, PLTAP and PMU.
s.mwr(0xffca0038, words=0x1ff)
# Load and run PMU FW
s.targets("--set", filter="name =~ MicroBlaze PMU")
# Reset A53, load and run FSBL
s.targets("--set", filter="name =~ Cortex-A53 #0")
# Give FSBL time to run
# Downloading the other Softwares like u-boot..etc using below command
s.dow('system.dtb', '-d', addr=0x100000)

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Chapter 25: Python XSDB Usage Examples

Generate SVF files

# Reset values of respective cores

core = 0
apu_reset_a53 = [0x380e, 0x340d, 0x2c0b, 0x1c07]
# Generate SVF file for linking DAP to the JTAG chain
# Next 2 steps are required only for Rev2.0 silicon and above.
s = xsdb.start_debug_session()
svf = s.svf()
svf.config('--linkdap', scan_chain=[0x14738093, 12, 0x5ba00477, 4],
device_index=1, out="dapcon.svf")

svf = s.svf()
# Configure the SVF generation
svf.config(scan_chain=[0x14738093, 12, 0x5ba00477, 4],
device_index=1, cpu_index=core, delay=10, out="fsbl_hello.svf")
# Record writing of bootloop and release of A53 core from reset
svf.mwr(0xffff0000, 0x14000000)
svf.mwr(0xfd1a0104, apu_reset_a53[core])
# Record stopping the core
# Record downloading FSBL
# Record executing FSBL
# Record some delay and then stopping the core
# Record downloading the application
# Record executing application
# Generate SVF

Using readjtaguart function

s = xsdb.start_debug_session()
# connecting to the target
# List available targets and select a target through its id.
# The targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the Jtag chain,
# so the IDs can change from session to session.
# For non-interactive usage, -filter option can be used to select a target,
# instead of selecting the target through its ID
s.targets("--set", filter="name =~ ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0")
# run FSBL for ps7_init
# Download the application program
s.readjtaguart('--stop') # after you are done

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Chapter 25: Python XSDB Usage Examples

Using readjtaguart_file function

s = xsdb.start_debug_session()
# connecting to the target
# List available targets and select a target through its id.
# The targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the Jtag chain,
# so the IDs can change from session to session.
# For non-interactive usage, -filter option can be used to select a target,
# instead of selecting the target through its ID
s.targets("--set", filter="name =~ ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0")
# run FSBL for ps7_init
# Download the application program
s.readjtaguart(file='streams.log', mode='w')
s.readjtaguart('--stop') # after you are done

Using jtag_terminal function

s = xsdb.start_debug_session()
# connecting to the target
# List available targets and select a target through its id.
# The targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the Jtag chain,
# so the IDs can change from session to session.
# For non-interactive usage, -filter option can be used to select a target,
# instead of selecting the target through its ID
s.targets("--set", filter="name =~ ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0")
# run FSBL for ps7_init
# Download the application program
s.jtagterminal('--stop') # after you are done


Vitis [2]: import xsdb

Vitis [3]: s = xsdb.start_debug_session()

# connecting to the target

Vitis [4]: s.connect(url="TCP:xhdbfarmrke9:3121")
Out[4]: 'tcfchan#0'

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Chapter 25: Python XSDB Usage Examples

# List available targets and select a target through its id.

# The targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the Jtag chain,
# so the IDs can change from session to session.
# For non-interactive usage, -filter option can be used to select a target,
# instead of selecting the target through its ID
Vitis [5]: s.targets()
2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running)
3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)
4 xc7z020

Vitis [6]: s.targets("--set", filter="name =~ APU")

Out[6]: <xsdb._target.Target at 0x7f01764c6e20>

Vitis [7]: s.targets()

1* APU
2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running)
3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)
4 xc7z020

Vitis [8]: s.rst()

Vitis [9]: s.fpga(file='zc702.bit')

100% 3.86MB 1.66MB/s 00:02ETA

Vitis [10]: s.targets(2)

Out[10]: <xsdb._target.Target at 0x7f014d1f1610>

Vitis [11]: s.loadhw(hw='zc702.xsa')

INFO: [Hsi 55-2053] elapsed time for repository (/proj/xbuilds/
HEAD_daily_latest/installs/lin64/Vitis/HEAD/data/embeddedsw) loading 1

# run FSBL for ps_init

Vitis [12]: s.dow('fsbl.elf')
Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0xffffff28 (Suspended)
Downloading Program -- fsbl.elf
section, .text: 0x00000000 - 0x0000fc8b
section, .handoff: 0x0000fc8c - 0x0000fcd7
section, .init: 0x0000fcd8 - 0x0000fce3
section, .fini: 0x0000fce4 - 0x0000fcef
section, .rodata: 0x0000fcf0 - 0x00010043
section, .data: 0x00010048 - 0x00013017
section, .mmu_tbl: 0x00014000 - 0x00017fff
section, .init_array: 0x00018000 - 0x00018003
section, .fini_array: 0x00018004 - 0x00018007
section, .rsa_ac: 0x00018008 - 0x0001903f
section, .bss: 0x00019040 - 0x0001b3ff
section, .heap: 0x0001b400 - 0x0001d3ff
section, .stack: 0xffff0000 - 0xffffd3ff

Successfully downloaded fsbl.elf

Setting PC to Program Start Address 0x00000000

Vitis [13]: s.con()

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running

Vitis [14]: s.stop()

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0xfcac (Suspended)

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# Download the application program

Vitis [15]: s.dow('test_jtag_uart.elf')
Downloading Program -- test_jtag_uart.elf
section, .text: 0x00100000 - 0x00101503
section, .init: 0x00101504 - 0x0010150f
section, .fini: 0x00101510 - 0x0010151b
section, .rodata: 0x0010151c - 0x001016cc
section, .data: 0x001016d0 - 0x00101b3f
section, .eh_frame: 0x00101b40 - 0x00101b43
section, .mmu_tbl: 0x00104000 - 0x00107fff
section, .init_array: 0x00108000 - 0x00108003
section, .fini_array: 0x00108004 - 0x00108007
section, .bss: 0x00108008 - 0x0010802f
section, .heap: 0x00108030 - 0x0010a02f
section, .stack: 0x0010a030 - 0x0010d82f

Successfully downloaded test_jtag_uart.elf

Setting PC to Program Start Address 0x00100000

Vitis [16]: s.bpadd(addr='main')

Out[16]: <xsdb._breakpoint.Breakpoint at 0x7f016fe59af0>

Info: Breakpoint 0 status:

target 2: {Address: 0x100564 Type: Hardware}
Info: Breakpoint 0 status:
target 3: {At col 4: Undefined identifier main. Invalid expression}
Vitis [17]: s.con()

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x100570 (Breakpoint)
main() at ../src/helloworld.c: 57
57: int l_int_b = 20;
Vitis [18]: s.stp()

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x100578 (Step)
main() at ../src/helloworld.c: 58
58: int l_int_a = 40;
Vitis [19]: s.stp()

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x100580 (Step)
main() at ../src/helloworld.c: 60
60: init_platform();
Vitis [20]: s.rrd()
r0: 00000000 r1: 00000000 r2:
r3: 00000028 r4: 00000003 r5:
r6: 0000ffff r7: f8f00000 r8:
r9: ffffffff r10: 00000000 r11:
r12: 00000000 sp: 0010c020 lr:
pc: 00100580 cpsr: 6000005f usr
fiq irq abt
und svc mon
vfp cp15 Jazelle
gpv_qos301_cpu gpv_qos301_dmac gpv_qos301_iou
gpv_trustzone l2cache mpcore

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Chapter 25: Python XSDB Usage Examples

Vitis [21]: s.mrd(0xe000d000)

E000D000 : 800A0000

# Local variable value can be modified

Vitis [22]: s.locals()
l_int_b : 20
l_int_a : 40

Vitis [23]: s.locals(name='l_int_b', val=815)

Vitis [24]: s.locals(name='l_int_b')

l_int_b : 815

# Global variables and be displayed, and its value can be modified

Vitis [25]: s.print(expr='g_int_a')
g_int_a : 60

Vitis [26]: s.print(expr='g_int_a', val=9919)

Vitis [27]: s.print(expr='g_int_a')

g_int_a : 9919

# Expressions can be evaluated and its value can be displayed

Vitis [28]: s.print('--add', expr='l_int_a + l_int_b')
l_int_a + l_int_b : 855

# Step over a line of source code

Vitis [29]: s.nxt()

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x100584 (Step)
main() at ../src/helloworld.c: 61
61: test_function(l_int_a, l_int_b);

# View stack trace

Vitis [30]:
0 0x100584 main()+32:../src/helloworld.c, line 61
1 0x1007bc _start()+88:xil-crt0.S, line 119
2 unknown-pc

# Set a breakpoint at exit and resume execution

Vitis [31]: s.bpadd(addr='&exit')
Out[29]: <xsdb._breakpoint.Breakpoint at 0x7f016fd2c5e0>

Info: Breakpoint 1 status:

target 2: {Address: 0x1012ac Type: Hardware}
Info: Breakpoint 1 status:
target 3: {At col 5: Undefined identifier exit. Invalid expression}
Vitis [32]: s.con()

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x1012ac (Breakpoint)

# View stack trace

Vitis [33]:
0 0x1012ac exit()+0
1 0x71034f12

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Vitis [2]: import xsdb

Vitis [3]: s = xsdb.start_debug_session()

# connecting to the target

Vitis [4]: s.connect(url="TCP:xhdbfarmrke9:3121")
Out[4]: 'tcfchan#0'

# check the jtag targets connected, the IDs listed with jtag targets are
called node IDs
Vitis [5]: s.jtag_targets()
1 Digilent JTAG-SMT1 210203344713A ( is_pdi_programmable)
2 arm_dap (idcode 4ba00477 irlen 4 is_pdi_programmable)
3 xc7z020 (idcode 23727093 irlen 6 fpga is_pdi_programmable)

# check the targets connected, the IDs listed with targets are called
target IDs
Vitis [6]: s.targets()
2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Breakpoint)
3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)
4 xc7z020

# check jtag target properties of 2nd device (2nd ARM DAP). Note the
target_ctx here.
Vitis [7]: s.jtag_targets('-t', filter="node_id == 2")
{'jsn-JTAG-SMT1-210203344713A-4ba00477-0': {'target_ctx': 'jsn-JTAG-
'level': 1,
'node_id': 2,
'is_open': 1,
'is_active': 1,
'is_current': 0,
'name': 'arm_dap',
'jtag_cable_name': 'Digilent JTAG-SMT1 210203344713A',
'state': '',
'jtag_cable_manufacturer': 'Digilent',
'jtag_cable_product': 'JTAG-SMT1',
'jtag_cable_serial': '210203344713A',
'idcode': '4ba00477',
'irlen': '4',
'is_fpga': 0,
'is_pdi_programmable': 0}}

# using the target context, select the targets associated with the JTAG
target (2nd ARM DAP - node id = 2)
Vitis [8]: s.targets(filter="jtag_device_ctx == jsn-JTAG-
...: 0477-0")
2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Breakpoint)
3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)

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Vitis [1]: import xsdb

Vitis [2]: s = xsdb.start_debug_session()

# connecting to the target

Vitis [3]: s.connect(url="TCP:xhdbfarmrke9:3121")
Out[3]: 'tcfchan#0'

# Select the target on which the program is running and specify the symbol
file using the
# memmap command

Vitis [4]:

Out[4]: <xsdb._target.Target at 0x7f3167dd12e0>

Vitis [5]: s.memmap(file='test_jtag_uart.elf')

# When the symbol file is specified, the debugger maps the code on the
target to the symbol
# file. bt command can be used to see the back trace. Further debug is
possible, as shown in
# the first example

Vitis [6]: s.stop()

Info: ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x10101c (Suspended)
sleep_A9() at sleep.c: 63
63: } while (tCur < tEnd);

Vitis [7]: s.backtrace()

0 0x10101c sleep_A9()+56:sleep.c, line 63
1 0x100608 test_function()+76:../src/helloworld.c, line 78
2 0x100590 main()+44:../src/helloworld.c, line 61
3 0x1007ac _start()+88:xil-crt0.S, line 119
4 unknown-pc


Vitis [1]: import xsdb

Vitis [2]: s = xsdb.start_debug_session()

# connect to remote hw_server by specifying its url.

# If the hardware is connected to a local machine,-url option and the <url>
# are not needed. connect command returns the channel ID of the connection
Vitis [3]: s.connect(url="TCP:xhdbfarmrkk5:3121")
Out[3]: 'tcfchan#0'

# List available targets and select a target through its id.

# The targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the Jtag chain,
# so the IDs can change from session to session.
Vitis [4]: s.targets()
3 PL
5 RPU (Reset)
6 Cortex-R5 #0 (RPU Reset)

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7 Cortex-R5 #1 (RPU Reset)

8 APU (L2 Cache Reset)
9 Cortex-A53 #0 (APU Reset)
10 Cortex-A53 #1 (APU Reset)
11 Cortex-A53 #2 (APU Reset)
12 Cortex-A53 #3 (APU Reset)

Vitis [5]: s.targets("--set", filter="name =~ PSU")

Out[5]: <xsdb._target.Target at 0x7fe9ca93bac0>

Vitis [6]: s.ta()

3 PL
4* PSU
5 RPU (Reset)
6 Cortex-R5 #0 (RPU Reset)
7 Cortex-R5 #1 (RPU Reset)
8 APU (L2 Cache Reset)
9 Cortex-A53 #0 (APU Reset)
10 Cortex-A53 #1 (APU Reset)
11 Cortex-A53 #2 (APU Reset)
12 Cortex-A53 #3 (APU Reset)

Vitis [7]: s.rst(type='system')

# Configure the FPGA. When the active target is not a FPGA device,
# the first FPGA device is configured
Vitis [8]: s.fpga(file='zcu102.bit')
100% 3.86MB 1.66MB/s 00:02ETA

Vitis [9]: s.targets(10)

Out[9]: <xsdb._target.Target at 0x7fe9a99347f0>

Vitis [10]: s.rst(type='cores')

Info: Cortex-A53 #0 (target 9) Stopped at 0xffff0000 (Reset Catch)

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Stopped at 0xffff0000 (Reset Catch)
Info: Cortex-A53 #2 (target 11) Stopped at 0xffff0000 (Reset Catch)
Info: Cortex-A53 #3 (target 12) Stopped at 0xffff0000 (Reset Catch)

# run fsbl to initialize PS

Vitis [11]: s.dow('fsbl_a53.elf')
Downloading Program -- fsbl_a53.elf
section, .text: 0xfffc0000 - 0xfffd65b7
section, 0xfffd65b8 - 0xfffd65db
section, .init: 0xfffd6600 - 0xfffd6633
section, .fini: 0xfffd6640 - 0xfffd6673
section, .rodata: 0xfffd6680 - 0xfffd6b94
section, .sys_cfg_data: 0xfffd6bc0 - 0xfffd732b
section, .mmu_tbl0: 0xfffd8000 - 0xfffd800f
section, .mmu_tbl1: 0xfffd9000 - 0xfffdafff
section, .mmu_tbl2: 0xfffdb000 - 0xfffdefff
section, .data: 0xfffdf000 - 0xfffe02c7
section, .sbss: 0xfffe02c8 - 0xfffe02ff
section, .bss: 0xfffe0300 - 0xfffe297f
section, .heap: 0xfffe2980 - 0xfffe2d7f
section, .stack: 0xfffe2d80 - 0xfffe4d7f
section, .dup_data: 0xfffe4d80 - 0xfffe6047
section, .handoff_params: 0xfffe9e00 - 0xfffe9e87
section, .bitstream_buffer: 0xffff0040 - 0xfffffc3f

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Successfully downloaded fsbl_a53.elf

Setting PC to Program Start Address 0xfffc0000

Vitis [12]: s.con()

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Running
Vitis [13]: s.stop()

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Stopped at 0xfffd2c7c (External Debug


# run the application

Vitis [14]: s.dow('zcu102_hello.elf')
Downloading Program -- zcu102_hello.elf
section, .text: 0x00000000 - 0x000020b3
section, .init: 0x000020c0 - 0x000020f3
section, .fini: 0x00002100 - 0x00002133
section, .rodata: 0x00002140 - 0x00002360
section, .rodata1: 0x00002361 - 0x0000237f
section, .sdata2: 0x00002380 - 0x0000237f
section, .sbss2: 0x00002380 - 0x0000237f
section, .data: 0x00002380 - 0x00002bb7
section, .data1: 0x00002bb8 - 0x00002bbf
section, 0x00002bc0 - 0x00002be3
section, .ctors: 0x00002be4 - 0x00002bff
section, .dtors: 0x00002c00 - 0x00002bff
section, .eh_frame: 0x00002c00 - 0x00002c03
section, .mmu_tbl0: 0x00003000 - 0x0000300f
section, .mmu_tbl1: 0x00004000 - 0x00005fff
section, .mmu_tbl2: 0x00006000 - 0x00009fff
section, .preinit_array: 0x0000a000 - 0x00009fff
section, .init_array: 0x0000a000 - 0x0000a007
section, .fini_array: 0x0000a008 - 0x0000a047
section, .sdata: 0x0000a048 - 0x0000a07f
section, .sbss: 0x0000a080 - 0x0000a07f
section, .tdata: 0x0000a080 - 0x0000a07f
section, .tbss: 0x0000a080 - 0x0000a07f
section, .bss: 0x0000a080 - 0x0000a0bf
section, .heap: 0x0000a0c0 - 0x0000c0bf
section, .stack: 0x0000c0c0 - 0x0000f0bf

Successfully downloaded zcu102_hello.elf

Setting PC to Program Start Address 0x00000000

Vitis [15]: s.bpadd(addr='main')

Out[15]: <xsdb._breakpoint.Breakpoint at 0x7fe9cae59cd0>

Info: Breakpoint 0 status:

target 6: {At col 4: Undefined identifier main. Invalid expression}
Info: Breakpoint 0 status:
target 7: {At col 4: Undefined identifier main. Invalid expression}
Info: Breakpoint 0 status:
target 9: {At col 4: Undefined identifier main. Invalid expression}
Info: Breakpoint 0 status:
target 10: {Address: 0xd00 Type: Hardware}
Info: Breakpoint 0 status:
target 11: {At col 4: Undefined identifier main. Invalid expression}
Info: Breakpoint 0 status:
target 12: {At col 4: Undefined identifier main. Invalid expression}
Vitis [16]: s.con()

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Running

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Stopped at 0xd08 (Breakpoint)

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main() at ../src/helloworld.c: 29
29: int l_int_b = 20;
Vitis [17]: s.rrd()
r0: 00000000 r1: 00000000 r2: 00000000 r3:
r4: 0000000f r5: ffffffff r6: 0000001c r7:
r8: ffffffff r9: 00000000 r10: fd5c0090 r11:
r12: 00000000 r13: 00000000 r14: 00000000 r15:
r16: 00000000 r17: 00000000 r18: 00000000 r19:
r20: 00000000 r21: 00000000 r22: 00000000 r23:
r24: 00000000 r25: 00000000 r26: 00000000 r27:
r28: 00000000 r29: 0000e0a0 r30: 00000f34 sp:
pc: 00000d08 cpsr: 600002cd vfp sys
dbg acpu_gic

Vitis [18]: s.stp()

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Running

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Stopped at 0xd10 (Step)
main() at ../src/helloworld.c: 30
30: int l_int_a = 40;
Vitis [19]: s.stp()

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Running

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Stopped at 0xd18 (Step)
main() at ../src/helloworld.c: 32
32: init_platform();

# Local variable value can be modified

Vitis [20]: s.locals()
l_int_b : 20
l_int_a : 40

Vitis [21]: s.locals(name='l_int_b', val=815)

Vitis [22]: s.locals(name='l_int_b')

l_int_b : 815

# Global variables and be displayed, and its value can be modified

Vitis [23]: s.print(expr='g_int_a')
g_int_a : 60

Vitis [24]: s.print(expr='g_int_a', val=9919)

Vitis [25]: s.print(expr='g_int_a')

g_int_a : 9919

# Expressions can be evaluated and its value can be displayed

Vitis [26]: s.print('--add', expr='l_int_a + l_int_b')
l_int_a + l_int_b : 855

# Step over a line of source code

Vitis [27]: s.nxt()

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Running

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Chapter 25: Python XSDB Usage Examples

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Stopped at 0xd1c (Step)

main() at ../src/helloworld.c: 33
33: test_function(l_int_a, l_int_b);
# View stack trace
Vitis [28]:
0 0xd1c main()+28:../src/helloworld.c, line 33
1 0xf34 _startup()+124:xil-crt0.S, line 157

# Set a breakpoint at exit and resume execution

Vitis [29]: s.bpadd(addr='&exit')
Info: Breakpoint 1 status:
target 6: {At col 5: Undefined identifier exit. Invalid expression}
Info: Breakpoint 1 status:
target 7: {At col 5: Undefined identifier exit. Invalid expression}
Info: Breakpoint 1 status:
target 9: {At col 5: Undefined identifier exit. Invalid expression}
Info: Breakpoint 1 status:
target 10: {Address: 0x1a90 Type: Hardware}
Info: Breakpoint 1 status:
target 11: {At col 5: Undefined identifier exit. Invalid expression}
Info: Breakpoint 1 status:
target 12: {At col 5: Undefined identifier exit. Invalid expression}
Out[29]: <xsdb._breakpoint.Breakpoint at 0x7fe9a35e9ca0>

Vitis [30]: s.con()

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Running

Vitis [31]: s.stop()

Info: Cortex-A53 #1 (target 10) Stopped at 0x192c (External Debug Request)
sleep_A53() at sleep.c: 71
71: } while (tCur < tEnd);

# View stack trace

Vitis [32]:
0 0x192c sleep_A53()+44:sleep.c, line 71
1 0x192c sleep_A53()+44:sleep.c, line 70

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Section V: Software Command-Line Tool

Section V

Software Command-Line Tool

This section contains the following chapters:

• Software Command-Line Tool

• XSCT Commands
• XSCT Use Cases
• Hardware Software Interface (HSI) Commands

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Section V: Software Command-Line Tool
Chapter 26: Software Command-Line Tool

Chapter 26

Software Command-Line Tool

Graphical development environments such as the AMD Vitis™ IDE are useful for getting up to
speed on development for a new processor architecture. It helps to abstract away and group
most of the common functions into logical wizards that even a novice can use. However,
scriptability of a tool is also essential for providing the flexibility to extend what is done with that
tool. It is particularly useful when developing regression tests that will be run nightly or when
running a set of commands that are frequently used.

Software Command-line Tool (XSCT) is an interactive and scriptable command-line interface to

the Vitis IDE. As with other AMD tools, the scripting language for XSCT is based on the tools
command language (Tcl). You can run XSCT commands interactively or script the commands for

XSCT supports Vitis project management, configuration, building and debugging, such as:

• Creating platform projects and domains

• Creating system and application projects
• Configuring and building domains/BSPs and applications
• Managing repositories
• Setting toolchain preferences
• Downloading and running applications on hardware targets
• Reading and writing registers
• Setting break points and watch expressions

This reference guide is intended to provide the information you need to develop scripts for
software development and debug targeting AMD processors.

In this guide, abbreviations are used for various products produced by AMD. For example:

• Use of ps7 in the source code implies that these files are targeting the AMD Zynq™ 7000 SoC
family of products, and specifically the dual-core Cortex® Arm® A9 processors in the SoC.
• Use of psu in the source code implies that this code is targeting an AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™
MPSoC device, which contains a Cortex quad-core Arm A53, dual-core Arm R5, Arm Mali 400
GPU, and a MicroBlaze™ processor based platform management unit (PMU).

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Chapter 26: Software Command-Line Tool

• Hardware definition files (XSA) are used to transfer the information about the hardware
system that includes a processor to the embedded software development tools such as Vitis
IDE and Software Command-Line Tools (XSCT). It includes information about which
peripherals are instantiated, as well as clocks, memory interfaces, and memory maps.
• Microprocessor Software Specification (MSS) files are used to store information about the
domain/BSP. They contain OS information for the domain/BSP, software drivers associated
with each peripheral of the hardware design, STDIO settings, and compiler flags such as
optimization and debug information level.

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Section V: Software Command-Line Tool
Chapter 27: XSCT Commands

Chapter 27

XSCT Commands
The XSCT commands are described in the following sections.

Target Connection Management

The following is a list of connections commands:

• connect
• disconnect
• targets
• gdbremote connect
• gdbremote disconnect

Connect to hw_server/TCF agent.


connect [options]

Allows users to connect to a server, list connections, or switch between connections.


Option Description
-host <host name/ip> Name/IP address of the host machine.
-port <port num> TCP port number.
-url <url> URL description of hw_server/TCF agent.
-list List open connections.
-set <channel-id> Set active connection.
-new Create a new connection, even one existing to the same
-xvc-url <url> Open Xilinx virtual cable connection.

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Option Description
-symbols Launch symbol server to enable source-level debugging for
remote connections.


The return value depends on the options used.

-port, -host, -url, -new: <channel-id> of the new connection or error if the
connection fails.

-list: List of open channels or nothing when there are no open channels.

-set: Nothing.


connect -host localhost -port 3121

Connect to hw_server/TCF agent on host localhost and port 3121.

connect -url tcp:localhost:3121

Identical to the previous example.

Disconnect from hw_server/TCF agent.



Disconnect from active channel.

disconnect <channel-id>

Disconnect from specified channel.


Nothing, if the connection is closed. Error string, if invalid channel-id is specified.

List targets or switch between targets.

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Chapter 27: XSCT Commands


targets [options]

List available targets.

targets <target id>

Select <target id> as active target.


Option Description
-set Set current target to entry single entry in list. This is useful
in combination with the -filter option. An error is generated
if the list is empty or contains more than one entry.
-regexp Use regexp for filter matching
-nocase Use case insensitive filter matching
-filter <filter-expression> Specify filter expression to control which targets are
included in list based on its properties. Filter expressions
are similar to Tcl expr syntax. Target properties are
referenced by name, while Tcl variables are accessed using
the $ syntax string must be quoted. Operators ==, !=, <=,
>=, <, >, &&, and || are supported as well as (). These
operators behave like Tcl expr operators. String matching
operators =~ and !~ match the LHS string with the RHS
pattern using either regexp or string match.
-target-properties Returns a Tcl list of dicts containing target properties.
-index <index> Include targets based on the JTAG scan chain position. This
is identical to specifying -filter
-timeout <sec> Poll until the targets specified by filter option are found on
the scan chain, or until timeout. This option is valid only with
filter option. This option is useful in case of soft processors
on PL, as their initialization and detection takes some time.
The timeout value is in seconds. Default timeout is three


The return value depends on the options used.

<none>: Targets list when no options are used.

-filter: Filtered targets list.

-target-properties: Tcl list consisting of target properties.

An error is returned when target selection fails.

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Chapter 27: XSCT Commands



List all targets.

targets -filter {name =~ "ARM*#1"}

List targets with name starting with "ARM" and ending with "#1".

targets 2

Set target with id 2 as the current target.

targets -set -filter {name =~ "ARM*#1"}

Set current target to target with name starting with "ARM" and ending with "#1".

targets -set -filter {name =~ "MicroBlaze*"} -index 0

Set current target to target with name starting with "MicroBlaze" and which is on the first JTAG

gdbremote connect
Connect to GDB remote server.


gdbremote connect [options] server

Connect to a GDB remote server (for example, qemu). xrt_server is used to connect to the
remote GDB server.


Option Description
-architecture <name> Specify default architecture if remote server does not
provide it.


Nothing, if the connection is successful. Error string, if the connection fails.

gdbremote disconnect
Disconnect from GDB remote server.

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Chapter 27: XSCT Commands


gdbremote disconnect [target-id]

Disconnect from GDB remote server (for example, qemu).


Nothing, if the connection is close. Error string, if there is no active connection.

Target Registers
The following is a list of registers commands:

• rrd
• rwr

Read register for active target.


rrd [options] [reg]

Read registers or register definitions. For a processor core target, the processor core register can
be read. For a target representing a group of processor cores, system registers or IOU registers
can be read.


Option Description
-defs Read register definitions instead of values.
-no-bits Does not show bit fields along with register values. By
default, bit fields are shown, when available.


Register names and values, or register definitions if successful. Error string, if the registers cannot
be read or if an invalid register is specified.



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Read top level registers or groups.

rrd r0

Read register r0.

rrd usr r8

Read register r8 in group usr.

Write to register.


rwr <reg> <value>

Write the <value> to active target register specified by <reg>. For a processor core target, the
processor core register can be written to. For a target representing a group of processor cores,
system registers or IOU registers can be written to.


Nothing, if successful. Error string, if an invalid register is specified or the register cannot be
written to.


rwr r8 0x0

Write 0x0 to register r8.

rwr usr r8 0x0

Write 0x0 to register r8 in group usr.

Program Execution
The following is a list of running commands:

• state
• stop
• con

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Section V: Software Command-Line Tool
Chapter 27: XSCT Commands

• stp
• nxt
• stpi
• nxti
• stpout
• dis
• print
• locals
• backtrace
• bt
• profile
• mbprofile
• mbtrace

Display the current state of the target.



Return the current execution state of target.

Stop active target.



Suspend execution of active target.


Nothing, if the target is suspended. Error string, if the target is already stopped or cannot be

An information message is printed on the console when the target is suspended.

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Chapter 27: XSCT Commands

Resume active target.


con [options]

Resume execution of active target.


Option Description
-addr <address> Resume execution from address specified by <address>.
-block Block until the target stops or a timeout is reached.
-timeout <sec> Timeout value in seconds.


Nothing, if the target is resumed. Error string, if the target is already running or cannot be
resumed or does not halt within timeout after being resumed.

An information message is printed on the console when the target is resumed.


con -addr 0x100000

Resume execution of the active target from address 0x100000.

con -block

Resume execution of the active target and wait until the target stops.

con -block -timeout 5

Resume execution of the active target and wait until the target stops or until the five second
timeout is reached.

Step into a line of source code.


stp [count]

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Resume execution of the active target until control reaches instruction that belongs to different
line of source code. If a function is called, stop at first line of the function code. Error is returned
if line number information not available. If <count> is greater than 1, repeat <count> times.
Default value of count is 1.


Nothing, if the target has single stepped. Error string, if the target is already running or cannot be

An information message is printed on the console when the target stops at the next address.

Step over a line of source code.


nxt [count]

Resume execution of the active target until control reaches instruction that belongs to a different
line of source code, but runs any functions called at full speed. Error is returned if line number
information not available. If <count> is greater than 1, repeat <count> times. Default value of
count is 1.


Nothing, if the target has stepped to the next source line. Error string, if the target is already
running or cannot be resumed.

An information message is printed on the console when the target stops at the next address.

Execute a machine instruction.


stpi [count]

Execute a single machine instruction. If the instruction is a function call, stop at the first
instruction of the function code. If <count> is greater than 1, repeat <count> times. Default
value of count is 1.

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Nothing, if the target has single stepped. Error if the target is already running or cannot be

An information message is printed on the console when the target stops at the next address.

Step over a machine instruction.


nxti [count]

Step over a single machine instruction. If the instruction is a function call, execution continues
until control returns from the function. If <count> is greater than 1, repeat <count> times.
Default value of count is 1.


Nothing, if the target has stepped to the next address. Error string, if the target is already running
or cannot be resumed.

An information message is printed on the console when the target stops at the next address.

Step out from current function.


stpout [count]

Resume execution of current target until control returns from current function. If <count> is
greater than 1, repeat <count> times. Default value of count is 1.


Nothing, if the target has stepped out of the current function. Error if the target is already
running or cannot be resumed.

An information message is printed on the console when the target stops at the next address.

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Chapter 27: XSCT Commands

Disassemble instructions.


dis <address> [num]

Disassemble <num> instructions at address specified by <address> The keyword "pc" can be
used to disassemble instructions at the current PC. Default value for <num> is 1.


Disassembled instructions if successful. Error string, if the target instructions cannot be read.



Disassemble an instruction at the current PC value.

dis pc 2

Disassemble two instructions at the current PC value.

dis 0x0 2

Disassemble two instructions at address 0x0.

Get or set the value of an expression.


print [options] [expression]

Get or set the value of an expression specified by <expression>. The <expression> can
include constants, local/global variables, CPU registers, or any operator, but pre-processor
macros defined through #define are not supported. CPU registers can be specified in the format
{$r1}, where r1 is the register name. Elements of complex data types, like structures, can be
accessed through the '.' operator. For example, the var1.int_type refers to the int_type element in
the var1 struct. Array elements can be accessed through their indices. For example, array1[0]
refers to the element at index 0 in array1.

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Chapter 27: XSCT Commands


Option Description
-add <expression> Add the <expression> to the auto expression list. The
values or definitions of the expressions in the auto
expression list are displayed when the expression name is
not specified. Frequently used expressions should be added
to the auto expression list.
-defs [expression] Return the expression definitions like address, type, size,
and RW flags. Not all definitions are available for all the
expressions. For example, the address is available only for
variables and not when the expression includes an operator.
-dict [expression] Return the result in Tcl dict format, with variable names as
dict keys and variable values as dict values. For complex
data like structures, names are in the form of parent.child.
-remove [expression] Remove the expression from auto expression list. Only
expressions previously added to the list through -add option
can be removed. When the expression name is not
specified, all the expressions in the auto expression list are
-set <expression> Set the value of a variable. It is not possible to set the value
of an expression which includes constants or operators.


The return value depends on the options used.

-add or <none>: Expression value(s)

-defs: Expression definition(s)

-remove or -set: Nothing.

Error string, if the expression value cannot be read or set.


print Int_Glob

Return the value of variable Int_Glob.

print -a Microseconds

Add the variable Microseconds to auto expression list and return its value.

print -a Int_Glob*2 + 1

Add the expression (Int_Glob*2 + 1) to auto expression list and return its value.

print tmp_var.var1.int_type

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Return the value of int_type element in var1 struct, where var1 is a member of tmp_var struct.

print tmp_var.var1.array1[0]

Return the value of the element at index 0 in array array1. array1 is a member of var1 struct,
which is in turn a member of tmp_var struct.


Return the values of all the expressions in auto expression list.

print -defs

Return the definitions of all the expressions in auto expression list.

print -set Int_Glob 23

Set the value of the variable Int_Glob to 23.

print -remove Microseconds

Remove the expression Microseconds from auto expression list.

print {$r1}

Return the value of CPU register r1.

Get or set the value of a local variable.


locals [options] [variable-name [variable-value]]

Get or set the value of a variable specified by <variable-name>. When the variable name and
value are not specified, values of all the local variables are returned. Elements of complex data
types like structures can be accessed through the '.' operator. For example, the var1.int_type
refers to the int_type element in the var1 struct. Array elements can be accessed through their
indices. For example, array1[0] refers to the element at index 0 in array1.


Option Description
-defs Return the variable definitions like address, type, size, and
RW flags.

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Option Description
-dict Return the result in Tcl dict format, with variable names as
dict keys and variable values as dict values. For complex
data like structures, names are in the form of parent.child.


The return value depends on the options used.

<none>: Variable value(s)

-defs: Variable definition(s)

Nothing, when variable value is set. Error string, if variable value cannot be read or set.


locals Int_Loc

Return the value of the local variable Int_Loc.


Return the values of all the local variables in the current stack frame.

locals -defs

Return definitions of all the local variables in the current stack frame.

locals Int_Loc 23

Set the value of the local variable Int_Loc to 23.

locals tmp_var.var1.int_type

Return the value of the int_type element in the var1 struct, where var1 is a member of the
tmp_var struct.

locals tmp_var.var1.array1[0]

Return the value of the element at index 0 in array array1. array1 is a member of the var1 struct,
which is in turn a member of the tmp_var struct.

Stack back trace.

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backtrace [options]

Return stack trace for current target. Target must be stopped. Use debug information for best
result. The alias for backtrace is 'bt' and can be used interchangeably.


Option Description
-maxframes <num> Maximum number of frames in stack trace. The default
value is 10. The actual number of frames could be less
depending on program state. To read all the available
frames, use -1.


Stack trace, if successful. Error string, if stack trace cannot be read from the target.



Return top 10 frames from stack trace.

bt -maxframes 5

Return top 5 frames from stack trace.

bt -maxframes -1

Return all the available frames from stack trace.

Stack back trace.


backtrace [options] Return stack trace for current target. Target must be stopped. Use debug
information for best result. The alias for backtrace is 'bt' and can be used interchangeably.

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Option Description
-maxframes <num> Maximum number of frames in stack trace. The default
value is 10. The actual number of frames could be less
depending on program state. To read all the available
frames, use -1.


Stack trace, if successful. Error string, if stack trace cannot be read from the target.



Return top 10 frames from stack trace.

bt -maxframes 5

Return top 5 frames from stack trace.

bt -maxframes -1

Return all the available frames from stack trace.

Configure and run the GNU profiler.


profile [options]

Configure and run the GNU profiler. Profiling must be enabled while building the BSP and
application to be profiled.


Option Description
-freq <sampling-freq> Sampling frequency.
-scratchaddr <addr> Scratch memory for storing the profiling related data. It
needs to be assigned carefully, because it should not
overlap with the program sections.
-out <file-name> Name of the output file for writing the profiling data. This
option also runs the profiler and collects the data. If a file
name is not specified, profiling data is written to gmon.out.

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Depends on options used.

-scratchaddr, -freq: Returns nothing on successful configuration. Error string, in case of


-out: Returns nothing, and generates a file. Error string, in case of error.


profile -freq 10000 -scratchaddr 0

Configure the profiler with a sampling frequency of 10000 and scratch memory at 0x0.

profile -out testgmon.out

Output the profile data in testgmon.out.

Configure and run the MB profiler.


mbprofile [options]

Configure and run the MB profiler, a non-intrusive profiler for profiling the application running on
MicroBlaze. The output file is generated in gmon.out format. The results can be viewed using the
gprof editor. In case of cycle count, an annotated disassembly file is also generated clearly
marking the time taken for execution of instructions.


Option Description
-low <addr> Low address of the profiling address range.
-high <addr> High address of the profiling address range.
-freq <value> MicroBlaze clock frequency in Hz. Default is 100 MHz.
-count-instr Count number of executed instructions. By default, the
number of clock cycles of executed instructions are counted.
-cumulate Cumulative profiling. Profiling without clearing the profiling
-start Enable and start profiling.
-stop Disable/stop profiling.
-out <filename> Output profiling data to file. <filename> Name of the
output file for writing the profiling data. If the file name is
not specified, profiling data is written to gmon.out.

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Depends on options used. -low, -high, -freq, -count-instr, -start, -cumulate Returns nothing on
successful configuration. Error string, in case of error.

-stop: Returns nothing, and generates a file. Error string, in case of error.


mbprofile -low 0x0 -high 0x3FFF

Configure the mb-profiler with address range 0x0 to 0x3FFF for profiling to count the clock
cycles of executed instructions.

mbprofile -start

Enable and start profiling.

mbprofile -stop -out testgmon.out

Output the profile data in testgmon.out.

mbprofile -count-instr

Configure the mb-profiler to profile for entire program address range to count the number of
instructions executed.

Configure and run MB trace.


mbtrace [options]

Configure and run MB program and event trace for tracing the application running on MB. The
output is the disassembly of the executed program.


Option Description
-start Enable and start trace. After starting trace the execution of
the program is captured for later output.
-stop Stop and output trace.
-con Output trace after resuming execution of active target until
a breakpoint is hit. At least one breakpoint or watchpoint
must be set to use this option. This option is only available
with embedded trace.

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Chapter 27: XSCT Commands

Option Description
-stp Output trace after resuming execution of the active target
until control reaches instruction that belongs to different
line of source code.
-nxt Output trace after resuming execution of the active target
until control reaches instruction that belongs to a different
line of source code, but runs any functions called at full
-out <filename> Output trace data to a file. <filename> Name of the output
file for writing the trace data. If not specified, data is output
to standard output.
-level <level> Set the trace level to "full", "flow", "event", or "cycles". If
not specified, "flow" is used.
-halt Set to halt program execution when the trace buffer is full. If
not specified, trace is stopped but program execution
-save Set to enable capture of load and get instruction new data
-low <addr> Set low address of the external trace buffer address range.
The address range must indicate an unused accessible
memory space. Only used with external trace.
-high <addr> Set high address of the external trace buffer address range.
The address range must indicate an unused accessible
memory space. Only used with external trace.
-format <format> Set external trace data format to "mdm", "ftm", or "tpiu". If
format is not specified, "mdm" is used. The "ftm" and "tpiu"
formats are output by Zynq 7000 PS. Only used with
external trace.


Depends on options used. -start, -out, -level, -halt -save, -low, -high, -format Returns nothing on
successful configuration. Error string, in case of error.

-stop, -con, -stp, -nxt: Returns nothing, and outputs trace data to a file or standard
output. Error string, in case of error.


mbtrace -start

Enable and start trace.

mbtrace -start -level full -halt

Enable and start trace, configuring to save complete trace instead of only program flow and to
halt execution when trace buffer is full.

mbtrace -stop

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Stop trace and output data to standard output.

mbtrace -stop -out trace.out

Stop trace and output data to trace.out.

mbtrace -con -out trace.out

Continue execution and output data to trace.out.

Target Memory
The following is a list of memory commands:

• mrd
• mwr
• osa
• memmap

Memory read.


mrd [options] <address> [num]

Read <num> data values from the active target's memory address specified by <address>.


Option Description
-force Overwrite access protection. By default accesses to reserved
and invalid address ranges are blocked.

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Option Description
-size <access-size> <access-size> can be one of the values below: b = Bytes
accesses h = Half-word accesses w = Word accesses d =
Double-word accesses Default access size is w. Address is
aligned to access-size before reading memory, if the '-
unaligned-access' option is not used. For targets that do not
support double-word access, the debugger uses two word
accesses. If the number of data values to be read is more
than 1, the debugger selects the appropriate access size.
For example, 1. mrd -size b 0x0 4 Debugger accesses one
word from the memory, displays four bytes. 2. mrd -size b
0x0 3 Debugger accesses one half-word and one byte from
the memory, displays three bytes. 3. mrd 0x0 3 Debugger
accesses three words from the memory and displays three
words. To read more than 64 bits of data, specify the
number of data words along with the address. Data read is
in multiples of access size. For example, to read 128 bits of
data, run "mrd -size d <addr> 2" or "mrd -size w <addr> 4".
-value Return a Tcl list of values, instead of displaying the result on
the console.
-bin Return data read from the target in binary format.
-file <file-name> Write binary data read from the target to <file-name>.
-address-space <name> Access specified memory space instead default memory
space of current target. For Arm DAP targets, address
spaces DPR, APR and AP<n> can be used to access DP
registers, AP registers, and MEM-AP addresses respectively.
For backwards compatibility, the -arm-dap and -arm-ap
options can be used as shorthand for "-address-space APR"
and "-address-space AP<n>" respectively. The APR address
range is 0x0 - 0xfffc, where the higher eight bits select an AP
and the lower eight bits are the register address for that AP.
-unaligned-access The memory address is not aligned to the access size before
performing a read operation. Support for unaligned
accesses is target architecture dependent. If this option is
not specified, addresses are automatically aligned to access


• Select an APU target to access ARM DAP and MEM-AP address space.


Memory addresses and data in requested format, if successful. Error string, if the target memory
cannot be read.


mrd 0x0

Read a word at 0x0.

mrd 0x0 10

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Read 10 words at 0x0.

mrd -value 0x0 10

Read 10 words at 0x0 and return a Tcl list of values.

mrd -size b 0x1 3

Read three bytes at address 0x1.

mrd -size h 0x2 2

Read two half-words at address 0x2.

mrd -bin -file mem.bin 0 100

Read 100 words at address 0x0 and write the binary data to mem.bin.

mrd -address-space APR 0x100

Read APB-AP CSW on Zynq. The higher eight bits (0x1) select the APB-AP and the lower eight
bits (0x0) are the address of CSW.

mrd -address-space APR 0x04

Read AHB-AP TAR on Zynq. The higher eight bits (0x0) select the AHB-AP and the lower eight
bits (0x4) are the address of TAR.

mrd -address-space AP1 0x80090088

Read address 0x80090088 on DAP APB-AP. AP 1 selects the APB-AP. 0x80090088 on APB-AP
corresponds to DBGDSCR of Cortex-A9#0, on Zynq.

mrd -address-space AP0 0xe000d000

Read address 0xe000d000 on DAP AHB-AP. AP 0 selects the AHB-AP. 0xe000d000 on AHB-AP
corresponds to QSPI device on Zynq.

Memory write.


mwr [options] <address> <values> [num]

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Write <num> data values from list of <values> to active target memory address specified by
<address>. If <num> is not specified, all the <values> from the list are written sequentially
from the address specified by <address>. If <num> is greater than the size of the <values>
list, the last word in the list is filled at the remaining address locations.

mwr [options] -bin -file <file-name> <address> [num]

Read <num> data values from a binary file and write to active target memory address specified
by <address>. If <num> is not specified, all the data from the file is written sequentially from
the address specified by <address>.


Option Description
-force Overwrite access protection. By default accesses to reserved
and invalid address ranges are blocked.
-bypass-cache-sync Do not flush/invalidate CPU caches during memory write.
Without this option, the debugger flushes/invalidates
caches to make sure caches are in sync.
-size <access-size> <access-size> can be one of the values below: b = Bytes
accesses h = Half-word accesses w = Word accesses d =
Double-word accesses Default access size is w. Address will
be aligned to access-size before writing to memory, if the '-
unaligned-access' option is not used. If the target does not
support double-word access, the debugger uses two word
accesses. If number of data values to be written is more
than 1, the debugger selects the appropriate access size.
For example, 1. mwr -size b 0x0 {0x0 0x13 0x45 0x56}
Debugger writes one word to the memory, combining four
bytes. 2. mwr -size b 0x0 {0x0 0x13 0x45} Debugger writes
one half-word and one byte to the memory, combining the
three bytes. 3. mwr 0x0 {0x0 0x13 0x45} Debugger writes
three words to the memory. To write more than 64 bits of
data, specify the number of data words along with the
address. Data written is in multiples of access size. For
example, to write 128 bits of data, run "mwr -size d <addr>
2" or "mwr -size w <addr> 4".
-bin Read binary data from a file and write it to the target
address space.
-file <file-name> File from which binary data is read, to write to the target
address space.
-address-space <name> Access specified memory space instead default memory
space of current target. For Arm DAP targets, address
spaces DPR, APR, and AP<n> can be used to access DP
registers, AP registers, and MEM-AP addresses respectively.
For backwards compatibility, the -arm-dap and -arm-ap
options can be used as shorthand for "-address-space APR"
and "-address-space AP<n>" respectively. The APR address
range is 0x0 - 0xfffc, where the higher eight bits select an AP
and the lower eight bits are the register address for that AP.
-unaligned-accesses Memory address is not aligned to access size before
performing a write operation. Support for unaligned
accesses is target architecture dependent. If this option is
not specified, addresses are automatically aligned to access

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• Select an APU target to access Arm DAP and MEM-AP address space.


Nothing, if successful. Error string, if the target memory cannot be written.


mwr 0x0 0x1234

Write 0x1234 to address 0x0.

mwr 0x0 {0x12 0x23 0x34 0x45}

Write four words from the list of values to address 0x0.

mwr 0x0 {0x12 0x23 0x34 0x45} 10

Write four words from the list of values to address 0x0 and fill the last word from the list at the
remaining six address locations.

mwr -size b 0x1 {0x1 0x2 0x3} 3

Write three bytes from the list at address 0x1.

mwr -size h 0x2 {0x1234 0x5678} 2

Write two half-words from the list at address 0x2.

mwr -bin -file mem.bin 0 100

Read 100 words from binary file mem.bin and write the data at target address 0x0.

mwr -arm-dap 0x100 0x80000042

Write 0x80000042 to APB-AP CSW on Zynq. The higher eight bits (0x1) select the APB-AP and
the lower eight bits (0x0) are the address of CSW.

mwr -arm-dap 0x04 0xf8000120

Write 0xf8000120 to AHB-AP TAR on Zynq. The higher eight bits (0x0) select the AHB-AP and
the lower eight bits (0x4) are the address of TAR.

mwr -arm-ap 1 0x80090088 0x03186003

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Write 0x03186003 to address 0x80090088 on DAP APB-AP. AP 1 selects the APB-AP.

0x80090088 on APB-AP corresponds to DBGDSCR of Cortex-A9#0, on Zynq.

mwr -arm-ap 0 0xe000d000 0x80020001

Write 0x80020001 to address 0xe000d000 on DAP AHB-AP. AP 0 selects the AHB-AP.

0xe000d000 on AHB-AP corresponds to the QSPI device on Zynq.

Configure OS awareness for a symbol file.


osa -file <file-name> [options]

Configure OS awareness for the symbol file <file-name> specified. If no symbol file is
specified and only one symbol file exists in target's memory map, that symbol file is used. If no
symbol file is specified and multiple symbol files exist in target's memory map, an error is thrown.


Option Description
-disable Disable OS awareness for a symbol file. If this option is not
specified, OS awareness is enabled.
-fast-exec Enable fast process start. New processes will not be tracked
for debug and are not visible in the debug targets view.
-fast-step Enable fast stepping. Only the current process will be re-
synced after stepping. All other processes will not be
resynced when this flag is turned on.


• The <fast-exec> and <fast-step> options are not valid with disable option.


Nothing, if the OSA is configured successfully. Error, if ambiguous options are specified.


osa -file <symbol-file> -fast-step -fast-exec

Enable OSA for <symbol-file> and turn on fast-exec and fast-step modes.

osa -disable -file <symbol-file>

Disable OSA for <symbol-file>.

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Modify memory map.


memmap <options>

Add/remove a memory map entry for the active target.


Option Description
-addr <memory-address> Address of the memory region that should be added/
removed from the target's memory map.
-alignment <bytes> Force alignment during memory accesses for a memory
region. If alignment is not specified, default alignment is
chosen during memory accesses.
-size <memory-size> Size of the memory region.
-flags <protection-flags> Protection flags for the memory region. <protection-
flags> can be a bitwise OR of the values below: 0x1 = Read
access is allowed. 0x2 = Write access is allowed. 0x4 =
Instruction fetch access is allowed. Default value of
<protection-flags> is 0x3 (Read/Write Access).
-list List the memory regions added to the active target's
memory map.
-clear Specify whether the memory region should be removed
from the target's memory map.
-relocate-section-map <addr> Relocate the address map of the program sections to
<addr>. This option should be used when the code is self-
relocating, so that the debugger can find the debug symbol
info for the code. <addr> is the relative address, to which all
the program sections are relocated.
-osa Enable OS awareness for the symbol file. Fast process start
and fast stepping options are turned off by default. These
options can be enabled using the <osa> command. See
"help osa" for more details.
-properties <dict> Specify advanced memory map properties.
-meta-data <dict> Specify meta-data of advanced memory map properties.


• Only the memory regions previously added through the memmap command can be removed.


Nothing, while setting the memory map. A list of memory maps when the -list option is used.

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memmap -addr 0xfc000000 -size 0x1000 -flags 3

Add the memory region 0xfc000000 - 0xfc000fff to the target's memory map. Read/Write
accesses are allowed to this region.

memmap -addr 0xfc000000 -clear

Remove the previously added memory region at 0xfc000000 from the target's memory map.

Target Download FPGA/BINARY

The following is a list of download commands:

• dow
• verify
• fpga

Download ELF and binary file to target.


dow [options] <file>

Download ELF file <file> to active target.

dow -data <file> <addr>

Download binary file <file> to active target address specified by <addr>.


Option Description
-clear Clear uninitialized data (bss).
-skip-tcm-clear When the R5 elfs are part of the PDI and use TCM, PLM
initializes TCM before loading the elfs. Debugger does the
same when the elfs are loaded through debugger, so that
TCM banks are initialized properly. Use this option to skip
initializing the TCM.
-keepsym Keep previously downloaded ELFs in the list of symbol files.
Default behavior is to clear the old symbol files while
downloading an ELF.

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Option Description
-force Overwrite access protection. By default, accesses to
reserved and invalid address ranges are blocked.
-bypass-cache-sync Do not flush/invalidate CPU caches during ELF download.
Without this option, the debugger flushes/invalidates
caches to make sure caches are in sync.
-relocate-section-map <addr> Relocate the address map of the program sections to
<addr>. This option should be used when the code is self-
relocating, so that the debugger can find debug symbol
information for the code. <addr> is the relative address, to
which all the program sections are relocated.
-vaddr Use <vaddr> from the ELF program headers while
downloading the ELF. This option is valid only for ELF files.



Verify if ELF/binary file is downloaded correctly to target.


verify [options] <file>

Verify if the ELF file specified by <file> is downloaded correctly to the active target.

verify -data <file> <addr>

Verify if the binary file specified by <file> is downloaded correctly to the active target address
specified by <addr>.


Option Description
-force Overwrite access protection. By default accesses to reserved
and invalid address ranges are blocked.
-vaddr Use <vaddr> from the ELF program headers while verifying
the ELF data. This option is valid only for ELF files.


Nothing, if successful. Error string, if the memory address cannot be accessed or if there is a

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Configure FPGA.


fpga <bitstream-file>

Configure FPGA with given bitstream.

fpga [options]

Configure FPGA with bitstream specified options, or read FPGA state.


Option Description
-file <bitstream-file> Specify file containing bitstream.
-partial Configure FPGA without first clearing the current
configuration. This option should be used while configuring
partial bitstreams created before 2014.3 or any partial
bitstreams in binary format.
-no-revision-check Disable bitstream versus silicon revision revision
compatibility check.
-skip-compatibility-check Disable bitstream versus FPGA device compatibility check.
-state Return whether the FPGA is configured.
-config-status Return configuration status.
-ir-status Return IR capture status.
-boot-status Return boot history status.
-timer-status Return watchdog timer status.
-cor0-status Return configuration option 0 status.
-cor1-status Return configuration option 1 status.
-wbstar-status Return warm boot start address status.


• If no target is selected or if the current target is not a supported FPGA device, and only one
supported FPGA device is found in the targets list, this device will be configured.


Depends on options used.

-file, -partial: Nothing, if FPGA is configured, or an error if the configuration failed.

One of the other options Configuration value.

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Target Reset
The following is a list of reset commands:

• rst

Target reset.


rst [options]

Reset the active target.


Option Description
-processor Reset the active processor target.
-cores Reset the active processor group. This reset type is
supported only on Zynq, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, and
Versal devices. A processor group is defined as a set of
processor cores and on-chip peripherals like OCM.
-dap Reset Arm DAP. This reset type is supported only with
targets that represent Arm DAP. Examples of such targets
are APU, RPU, PSU, and Versal.
-system Reset the active system. The is the default reset.
-srst Generate system reset for active target. With JTAG, this is
done by generating a pulse on the SRST pin on the JTAG
cable associated with the active target.
-por Generate power on reset for active target. With JTAG, this is
done by generating a pulse on the POR pin on the JTAG
cable associated with the active target.
-ps Generate PS only reset on Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC. This is
supported only through MicroBlaze PMU target.
-stop Suspend cores after reset. If this option is not specified, the
debugger choses the default action, which is to resume the
cores for -system, and suspend the cores for -processor,
and -cores. This option is only supported with the -
processor, -cores, and -system options.
-start Resume the cores after reset. See the description of the -
stop option for more details.
-endianness <value> Set the data endianness to <value>. The following values
are supported: le - Little endian; be - Big endian. This option
is supported with APU, RPU, A9, A53, and A72 targets. If this
option is not specified, the current configuration is not

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Option Description
-code-endianness <value> Set the instruction endianness to <value>. The following
values are supported: le - Little endian; be - Big endian. This
option is supported with APU, RPU, A9, A53, and A72 targets.
If this option is not specified, the current configuration is
not changed.
-isa <isa-name> Set ISA to <isa-name>. Supported isa-names are ARM/A32,
A64, and Thumb. This option is supported with APU, RPU,
A9, A53, and A72 targets. If this option is not specified, the
current configuration is not changed.
-clear-registers Clear CPU registers after a reset is triggered. This option is
useful while triggering a reset after the device is powered
up. Otherwise, debugger can end up reading invalid system
addresses based on the register contents. Clearing the
registers will avoid unpredictable behavior. This option is
supported for ARM targets, when used with '-processor'
and '-cores'.
-type <reset type> The following reset types are supported: core, cluster, cpu,
dap, system, por, pmc-por, pmc-srst, ps-por, ps-srst, pl-por,
and pl-srst. pmc-por, pmc-srst, ps-por, ps-srst, pl-por, and
pl-srst are supported for Versal devices. Each of these reset
types assert and deassert corresponding bits in RST_PS
register of CRP module. pmc-por : RST_PS[PMC_POR] pmc-
srst : RST_PS[PMC_SRST] ps-por : RST_PS[PS_POR] ps-srst :
RST_PS[PS_SRST] pl-por : RST_PS[PL_POR] pl-srst :


• For Versal devices, the default subsystem is activated through IPI channel5, before triggering
the processor reset. This is needed because PLM does not activate the subsystem when PS
ELFs are not part of the PDI. If the IPI channel is not enabled in the Vivado design, the
subsystem cannot be activated. This causes runtime issues if PM API are used.


Nothing, if reset if successful. Error string, if reset is unsupported.

IPI commands to Versal PMC

The following is a list of ipi commands:

• plm

PLM logging.

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plm <sub-command> [options]

Configure PLM log-level/log-memory, or copy/retrieve PLM log, based on the sub-command

specified. The 'copy-debug-log' sub-command allows you to copy the PLM debug log to user
memory. The 'set-debug-log' sub-command allows you to configure the memory for the PLM
debug log. The 'set-log-level' sub-command allows you to configure the PLM log level. The 'log'
command allows you to retrieve the PLM debug log. Type "help" followed by "plm sub-
command", or "plm sub-command" followed by "-help" for more details.




Depends on the sub-command. Refer to the help for the relevant sub-command for details.


Refer to the help for the relevant sub-command for details.

plm copy-debug-log
Copy PLM debug log.


plm copy-debug-log <addr>

Copy PLM debug log from debug log buffer to user memory specified by <addr>.


Nothing, if successful. Error, otherwise.


plm copy-debug-log 0x0

Copy PLM debug log from the default log buffer to address 0x0.

plm set-debug-log
Configure PLM debug log memory.

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plm set-debug-log <addr> <size>

Specify the address and size of the memory which should be used for PLM debug log. By default,
PMC RAM is used for PLM debug log.


Nothing, if successful. Error, otherwise.


plm set-debug-log 0x0 0x4000

Use the memory 0x0 - 0x3fff for PLM debug log.

plm set-log-level
Configure PLM log level.


plm set-log-level <level>

Configure the PLM log level. This can be less than or equal to the level set during the compile
time. The following levels are supported. 0x1 is for unconditional messages
(DEBUG_PRINT_ALWAYS). 0x2 is for general debug messages (DEBUG_GENERAL). 0x3 is for
more debug information (DEBUG_INFO). 0x4 is for detailed debug information


Nothing, if successful. Error, otherwise.


plm set-log-level 0x1

Configure the log level to 1.

plm log
Retrieve the PLM log.

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plm log [options]

Retrieve the PLM log, and print it on the console, or a channel.


Option Description
-handle <handle> Specify the file handle to which the data should be
redirected. If no file handle is given, data is printed on
-log-mem-addr <addr> Specify the memory address from which the PLM log should
be retrieved. By default, the address and log size are
obtained by triggering IPI commands to PLM. If PLM does
not respond to IPI commands, default address 0xf2019000 is
used. This option can be used to change default address. If
either memory address or log size is specified, then the
address and size are not retrieved from PLM. If only one of
the address or size options is specified, default value is used
for the other option. See below for description about log
-log-size <size in bytes> Specify the log buffer size. If this option is not specified, the
default size of 1024 bytes is used, only when the log
memory information cannot be retrieved from PLM.
-slr <num> Specify the slave slr number. If this option is not specified,
the default is SLR0 (master plm). Valid slr range is from 0 to


Nothing, if successful. Error, otherwise.


set fp [open test.log r]

plm log -handle $fp

Retrieve PLM debug log and write it to test.log.

plm log -slr 2

Retrieve PLM debug log from slave slr 2.

Target Breakpoints/Watchpoints
The following is a list of breakpoints commands:

• bpadd

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• bpremove
• bpenable
• bpdisable
• bplist
• bpstatus

Set a breakpoint/watchpoint.


bpadd <options>

Set a software or hardware breakpoint at address, function or <file>:<line>, or set a read/

write watchpoint, or set a cross-trigger breakpoint.


Option Description
-addr <breakpoint-address> Specify the address at which the breakpoint should be set.
-file <file-name> Specify the <file-name> in which the breakpoint should be
-line <line-number> Specify the <line-number> within the file where the
breakpoint should be set.
-type <breakpoint-type> Specify the breakpoint type <breakpoint-type> can be
one of the values below: auto = Auto-breakpoint type is
chosen by the hw_server/TCF agent. This is the default type.
hw = hardware breakpoint. sw = software breakpoint.
-mode <breakpoint-mode> Specify the access mode that will trigger the breakpoint.
<breakpoint-mode> can be a bitwise OR of the values
below: 0x1 is triggered by a read from the breakpoint
location. 0x2 is triggered by a write to the breakpoint
location. 0x4 is triggered by an instruction execution at the
breakpoint location. This is the default for line and address
breakpoints. 0x8 is triggered by a data change (not an
explicit write) at the breakpoint location.
-enable <mode> Specify initial enablement state of breakpoint. When
<mode> is 0 the breakpoint is disabled, otherwise the
breakpoint is enabled. The default is enabled.
-ct-input <list> -ct-output <list> Specify input and output cross triggers. <list> is a list of
numbers identifying the cross trigger pin. For Zynq 0-7 it is
CTI for core 0, 8-15 is CTI for core 1, 16-23 is CTI ETB and
TPIU, and 24-31 is CTI for FTM.
-skip-on-step <value> Specify the trigger behaviour on stepping. This option is
only applicable for cross trigger breakpoints and when
DBGACK is used as breakpoint input. 0 = trigger every time
core is stopped (default). 1 = suppress trigger on stepping
over a code breakpoint. 2 = suppress trigger on any kind of

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Option Description
-properties <dict> Specify advanced breakpoint properties.
-meta-data <dict> Specify metadata of advanced breakpoint properties.
-target-id <id> Specify a target ID for which the breakpoint should be set. A
breakpoint can be set for all the targets by specifying the
<id> as "all". If this option is not used, the breakpoint is set
for the active target selected through targets command. If
there is no active target, the breakpoint is set for all targets.
-temp The breakpoint is removed after it is triggered once.
-skip-prologue For function breakpoints, the function prologue is skipped
while planting the breakpoint.


• Breakpoints can be set in XSDB before connecting to hw_server/TCF agent. If there is an

active target when a breakpoint is set, the breakpoint will be enabled only for that active
target. If there is no active target, the breakpoint will be enabled for all the targets. The target-
id option can be used to set a breakpoint for a specific target, or all targets. An address
breakpoint or a file:line breakpoint can also be set without the options -addr, -file, or -line. For
address breakpoints, specify the address as an argument, after all other options. For file:line
breakpoints, specify the file name and line number in the format <file>:<line>, as an
argument, after all other options.


Breakpoint id or an error if invalid target id is specified.


bpadd -addr 0x100000

Set a Breakpoint at address 0x100000. Breakpoint type is chosen by hw_server/TCF agent.

bpadd -addr &main

Set a function Breakpoint at main. Breakpoint type is chosen by hw_server/TCF agent.

bpadd -file test.c -line 23 -type hw

Set a hardware breakpoint at test.c:23.

bpadd -target-id all 0x100

Set a breakpoint for all targets, at address 0x100.

bpadd -target-id 2 test.c:23

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Set a breakpoint for target 2, at line 23 in test.c.

bpadd -addr &fooVar -type hw -mode 0x3

Set a read/write watchpoint on variable fooVar.

bpadd -ct-input 0 -ct-output 8

Set a cross trigger to stop Zynq core 1 when core 0 stops.

Remove breakpoints/watchpoints.


bpremove <id-list> | -all

Remove the breakpoints/watchpoints specified by <id-list> or remove all the breakpoints

when the -all option is used.


Option Description
-all Remove all breakpoints.


Nothing, if the breakpoint is removed successfully. Error string, if the breakpoint specified by
<id> is not set.


bpremove 0

Remove breakpoint 0.

bpremove 1 2

Remove breakpoints 1 and 2.

bpremove -all

Remove all breakpoints.

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Enable breakpoints/watchpoints.


bpenable <id-list> | -all

Enable the breakpoints/watchpoints specified by <id-list> or enable all the breakpoints when
-all option is used.


Option Description
-all Enable all breakpoints.


Nothing, if the breakpoint is enabled successfully. Error string, if the breakpoint specified by
<id> is not set.


bpenable 0

Enable breakpoint 0.

bpenable 1 2

Enable breakpoints 1 and 2.

bpenable -all

Enable all breakpoints.

Disable breakpoints/watchpoints.


bpdisable <id-list> | -all

Disable the breakpoints/watchpoints specified by <id-list> or disable all the breakpoints

when the -all option is used.

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Option Description
-all Disable all breakpoints.


Nothing, if the breakpoint is disabled successfully. Error string, if the breakpoint specified by
<id> is not set.


bpdisable 0

Disable breakpoint 0.

bpdisable 1 2

Disable breakpoints 1 and 2.

bpdisable -all

Disable all breakpoints.

List breakpoints/watchpoints.



List all the breakpoints/watchpoints along with brief status for each breakpoint and the target on
which it is set.


List of breakpoints.

Print breakpoint/watchpoint status.


bpstatus <id>

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Print the status of a breakpoint/watchpoint specified by <id>. Status includes the target
information for which the breakpoint is active and also the breakpoint hit count or error message.




Breakpoint status, if the breakpoint exists. Error string, if the breakpoint specified by <id> is not

The following is a list of streams commands:

• jtagterminal
• readjtaguart

Start/stop JTAG-based hyperterminal.


jtagterminal [options]

Start/stop a JTAG-based hyperterminal to communicate with the Arm DCC or MDM UART


Option Description
-start Start the JTAG UART terminal. This is the default option.
-stop Stop the JTAG UART terminal.
-socket Return the socket port number instead of starting the
terminal. External terminal programs can be used to
connect to this port.


• Select a MDM or Arm/MicroBlaze processor target before running this command.

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Socket port number.

Start/stop reading from JTAG UART.


readjtaguart [options]

Start/stop reading from the Arm DCC or MDM UART TX interface. The JTAG UART output can
be printed on stdout or redirected to a file.


Option Description
-start Start reading the JTAG UART output.
-stop Stop reading the JTAG UART output.
-handle <file-handle> Specify the file handle to which the data should be
redirected. If no file handle is given, data is printed on


• Select an MDM or Arm processor target before running this command.

• While running a script in non-interactive mode, the output from JTAG UART cannot be
written to the log until "readjtaguart -stop" is used.


Nothing, if successful. Error string, if data cannot be read from the JTAG UART.



Start reading from the JTAG UART and print the output on stdout.

set fp [open test.log w]; readjtaguart -start -handle $fp

Start reading from the JTAG UART and print the output to test.log.

readjtaguart -stop

Stop reading from the JTAG UART.

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The following is a list of miscellaneous commands:

• loadhw
• loadipxact
• unloadhw
• mdm_drwr
• mb_drwr
• mdm_drrd
• mb_drrd
• configparams
• version
• xsdbserver start
• xsdbserver stop
• xsdbserver disconnect
• xsdbserver version

Load a Vivado hardware design.


loadhw [options]

Load a Vivado hardware design, and set the memory map for the current target. If the current
target is a parent for a group of processors, the memory map is set for all of its child processors.
If current target is a processor, the memory map is set for all the child processors of its parent.
This command returns the hardware design object.


Option Description
-hw Hardware design file.
-list Return a list of open designs for the targets.

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Option Description
-mem-ranges [list {start1 end1} {start2 end2}] List of memory ranges from which the memory map should
be set. The memory map is not set for the addresses
outside these ranges. If this option is not specified, the
memory map is set for all the addresses in the hardware


Design object, if the hardware design is loaded and the memory map is set successfully. Error
string, if the hardware design cannot be opened.


targets -filter {name =~ "APU"}; loadhw design.xsa

Load the hardware design named design.hdf and set the memory map for all the child processors
of the APU target.

targets -filter {name =~ "xc7z045"}; loadhw design.xsa

Load the hardware design named design.hdf and set the memory map for all the child processors
for which xc7z045 is the parent.

Load register definitions from ipxact file.


loadipxact [options] [ipxact-xml]

Load memory mapped register definitions from an ipxact-xml file, or clear previously loaded
definitions and return to built-in definitions, or return the XML file that is currently loaded.


Option Description
-clear Clear definitions loaded from the ipxact file and return to
built-in definitions.
-list Return the ipxact file that is currently loaded.


• Select a target that supports physical memory accesses to load memory mapped register
definitions. For example, APU, RPU, PSU, and Versal targets support physical memory
accesses. Processor cores (A9, R5, A53, A72, etc.) support virtual memory accesses.

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Nothing, if the ipxact file is loaded, or previously loaded definitions are cleared successfully. Error
string, if load/clear fails. XML file path if -list option is used, and XML file is previously loaded.


loadipxact <xml-file>

Load register definitions from <xml-file>. This file should be in ipxact format.

loadipxact -clear

Clear previously loaded register definitions from an XML file, and return to built-in definitions.

loadipxact -list

Return the XML file that is currently loaded.

Unload a Vivado hardware design.



Close the Vivado hardware design which was opened during the loadhw command, and clear the
memory map for the current target. If the current target is a parent for a group of processors, the
memory map is cleared for all its child processors. If the current target is a processor, the memory
map is cleared for all the child processors of its parent. This command does not clear the memory
map explicitly set by users through the memmap command.



Write to MDM debug register.


mdm_drwr [options] <cmd> <data> <bitlen>

Write to MDM debug register. <cmd> is an 8-bit MDM command to access a debug register.
<data> is the register value and <bitlen> is the register width.

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Option Description
-target-id <id> Specify a target id representing the MicroBlaze debug
module or MicroBlaze instance to access. If this option is not
used and '-user' is not specified, the current target is used.
-user <bscan number> Specify user bscan port number.


Nothing, if successful.


mdm_drwr 8 0x40 8

Write to MDM break/reset control register.

Write to MicroBlaze debug register.


mb_drwr [options] <cmd> <data> <bitlen>

Write to the MicroBlaze debug register available on MDM. <cmd> is an 8-bit MDM command to
access a debug register. <data> is the register value and <bitlen> is the register width.


Option Description
-target-id <id> Specify a target id representing a MicroBlaze instance to
access. If this option is not used and -user is not specified,
the current target is used.
-user <bscan number> Specify user bscan port number.
-which <instance> Specify MicroBlaze instance number.


Nothing, if successful.


mb_drwr 1 0x282 10

Write to MB control register.

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Read from MDM debug register.


mdm_drrd [options] <cmd> <bitlen>

Read an MDM debug register. <cmd> is an 8-bit MDM command to access a debug register and
<bitlen> is the register width. Returns hex register value.


Option Description
-target-id <id> Specify a target id representing the MicroBlaze debug
module or MicroBlaze instance to access. If this option is not
used and
-user is not specified, the current target is
-user <bscan number> Specify user bscan port number.


Register value, if successful.


mdm_drrd 0 32

Read XMDC ID register.

Read from MicroBlaze Debug Register.


mb_drrd [options] <cmd> <bitlen>

Read a MicroBlaze Debug Register available on MDM. cmd is 8-bit MDM command to access a
Debug Register. bitlen is the register width. Returns hex register value.

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Option Description
-target-id <id> Specify a target id representing MicroBlaze instance to
access. If this option is not used and -user is not specified,
then the current target is used.
-user <bscan number> Specify user bscan port number.
-which <instance> Specify MicroBlaze instance number.


Register value, if successful.


mb_drrd 3 28

Read MB Status Reg.

List, get, or set configuration parameters.


configparams <options>

List the name and description for available configuration parameters. Configuration parameters
can be global or connection specific, therefore the list of available configuration parameters and
their value might change depending on the current connection.

configparams <options> <name>

Get configuration parameter value(s).

configparams <options> <name> <value>

Set configuration parameter value.


Option Description
-all Include values for all contexts in result.
-context [context] Specify context of value to get or set. The default context is
"", which represents the global default. Not all options
support context-specific values.

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Option Description
-target-id <id> Specify target id or value to get or set. This is an alternative
to the -context option.


Depends on the arguments specified.

<none>: List of parameters and description of each parameter.

<parameter name>: Parameter value or error, if unsupported parameter is specified.

<parameter name> <parameter value>: Nothing if the value is set, or error, if the
unsupported parameter is specified.


configparams force-mem-accesses 1

Disable access protection for the <dow>, <mrd>, and <mwr> commands.

configparams vitis-launch-timeout 100

Change the Vitis launch timeout to 100 seconds (used for running Vitis batch mode commands).

Get Vitis or hw_server version.


version [options]

Get Vitis or hw_server version. When no option is specified, the Vitis build version is returned.


Option Description
-server Get the hw_server build version for the active connection.


Vitis or hw_server version, on success. Error string, if server version is requested when there is
no connection.

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xsdbserver start
Start XSDB command server.


xsdbserver start [options]

Start XSDB command server listener. The XSDB command server allows external processes to
connect to XSDB to evaluate commands. The XSDB server reads commands from the connected
socket one line at a time. After evaluation, a line is sent back starting with 'okay' or 'error'
followed by the result or error as a backslash quoted string.


Option Description
-host <addr> Limits the network interface on which to listen for incoming
-port <port> Specifies port to listen on. If this option is not specified, or if
the port is zero, a dynamically allocated port number is


Server details are displayed on the console if the server is started successfully. Error string, if a
server has been already started.


xsdbserver start

Start XSDB server listener using dynamically allocated port.

xsdbserver start -host localhost -port 2000

Start XSDB server listener using port 2000 and only allow incoming connections on this host.

xsdbserver stop
Stop XSDB command server.


xsdbserver stop

Stop XSDB command server listener and disconnect connected client if any.

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Nothing, if the server is closed successfully. Error string, if the server has not been started

xsdbserver disconnect
Disconnect active XSDB server connection.


xsdbserver disconnect

Disconnect current XSDB server connection.


Nothing, if the connection is closed. Error string, if there is no active connection.

xsdbserver version
Return XSDB command server version.


xsdbserver version

Return XSDB command server protocol version.


Server version if there is an active connection. Error string, if there is no active connection.

JTAG Access
The following is a list of jtag commands:

• jtag targets
• jtag sequence
• jtag device_properties
• jtag lock
• jtag unlock

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• jtag claim
• jtag disclaim
• jtag frequency
• jtag skew
• jtag servers

jtag targets
List JTAG targets or switch between JTAG targets.


jtag targets

List available JTAG targets.

jtag targets <target id>

Select <target id> as active JTAG target.


Option Description
-set Set current target to entry single entry in list. This is useful
in comibination with -filter option. An error will be
generated if list is empty or contains more than one entry.
-regexp Use regexp for filter matching.
-nocase Use case insensitive filter matching.
-filter <filter-expression> Specify filter expression to control that targets are included
in list based on its properties. Filter expressions are similar
to Tcl expr syntax. Target properties are referenced by
name, while Tcl variables are accessed using the $ syntax,
string must be quoted. Operators ==, !=, <=, >=, <, >, &&,
and || are supported as well as (). There operators behave
like Tcl expr operators. String matching operator =~ and !~
match LHS string with RHS pattern using either regexp or
string match.
-target-properties Returns a Tcl list of dictionaries containing target properties.
-open Open all targets in list. List can be shorted by specifying
target-ids and using filters.
-close Close all targets in list. List can be shorted by specifying
target-ids and using filters.
-timeout <sec> Poll until the targets specified by filter option are found on
the scan chain, or until timeout. This option is valid only with
filter option. The timeout value is in seconds. Default
timeout is three seconds.

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The return value depends on the options used.

<none>: JTAG targets list when no options are used.

-filter: Filtered JTAG targets list.

-target-properties: Tcl list consisting of JTAG target properties.

An error is returned when JTAG target selection fails.


jtag targets

List all targets.

jtag targets -filter {name == "arm_dap"}

List targets with name "arm_dap".

jtag targets 2

Set target with id 2 as the current target.

jtag targets -set -filter {name =~ "arm*"}

Set current target to target with name starting with "arm".

jtag targets -set -filter {level == 0}

List JTAG cables.

jtag sequence
Create JTAG sequence object.


jtag sequence

Create JTAG sequence object. DESCRIPTION The jtag sequence command creates a new
sequence object. After creation the sequence is empty. The following sequence object
commands are available:

sequence state new-state [count]

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Move JTAG state machine to <new-state> and then generate <count> JTAG clocks. If
<clock> is given and <new-state> is not a looping state (RESET, IDLE, IRSHIFT, IRPAUSE,
DRSHIFT or DRPAUSE), the state machine will move towards RESET state.

sequence irshift [options] [bits [data]]

sequence drshift [options] bits [data] Shift data in IRSHIFT or DRSHIFT state. Data is either given
as the last argument or if -tdi option is given then data will be all zeros or all ones depending on
the argument given to -tdi. The <bits> and <data> arguments are not used for irshift when the
-register option is specified. Available options:

• -register <name> Select instruction register by name. This option is only supported for irshift.
-tdi <value> TDI value to use for all clocks in SHIFT state.
• -binary Format of <data> is binary, for example data from a file or from binary format.
• -integer Format of <data> is an integer. The least significant bit of data is shifted first.
• -bits Format of <data> is a binary text string. The first bit in the string is shifted first.
• -hex Format of <data> is a hexadecimal text string. The least significant bit of the first byte in
the string is shifted first.
• -capture Capture TDO data during shift and return from sequence run command.
• -state <new-state> State to enter after shift is complete. The default is RESET.

sequence delay usec

Generate the delay between sequence commands. No JTAG clocks will be generated during the
delay. The delay is guaranteed to be at least <usec> microseconds, but can be longer for cables
that do not support delays without generating JTAG clocks.

sequence get_pin pin

Get value of <pin>. Supported pins are cable specific.

sequence set_pin pin value

Set value of <pin> to <value>. Supported pins are cable specific.

sequence atomic enable

Set or clear atomic sequences. This is useful to creating sequences that are guaranteed to run
with precise timing or fail. Atomic sequences should be as short as possible to minimize the risk
of failure.

sequence run [options]

Run JTAG operations in sequence for the currently selected jtag target. This command will return
the result from shift commands using -capture option and from get_pin commands.

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Available options are listed as follow-

• binary Format return value(s) as binary. The first bit shifted out is the least significant bit in the
first byte returned.
• -integer Format return values(s) as integer. The first bit shifted out is the least significant bit of
the integer.
• -bits Format return value(s) as binary text string. The first bit shifted out is the first character
in the string.
• -hex Format return value(s) as hexadecimal text string. The first bit shifted out is the least
significant bit of the first byte of the in the string.
• -single Combine all return values as a single piece of data. Without this option the return
value is a list with one entry for every shift with -capture and every get_pin.

sequence clear

Remove all commands from sequence.

sequence delete

Delete sequence.


JTAG sequence object.


set seqname [jtag sequence]

$seqname state RESET
$seqname drshift -capture -tdi 0 256
set result [$seqname run]
$seqname delete

jtag device_properties
Get/set device properties.


jtag device_properties idcode

Get JTAG device properties associated with <idcode>.

jtag device_properties key value ...

Set JTAG device properties.

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Jtag device properties for the given idcode, or nothing, if the idcode is unknown.


jtag device_properties 0x4ba00477

Return Tcl dict containing device properties for idcode 0x4ba00477.

jtag device_properties {idcode 0x4ba00477 mask 0xffffffff name dap irlen 4}

Set device properties for idcode 0x4ba00477.

jtag lock
Lock JTAG scan chain.


jtag lock [timeout]

Lock JTAG scan chain containing current JTAG target. DESCRIPTION Wait for scan chain lock to
be available and then lock it. If <timeout> is specified the wait time is limited to <timeout>
milliseconds. The JTAG lock prevents other clients from performing any JTAG shifts or state
changes on the scan chain. Other scan chains can be used in parallel. The jtag run_sequence
command will ensure that all commands in the sequence are performed in order so the use of
jtag lock is only needed when multiple jtag run_sequence commands needs to be done without


• A client should avoid locking more than one scan chain since this can cause dead-lock.



jtag unlock
Unlock JTAG scan chain.


jtag unlock

Unlock JTAG scan chain containing current JTAG target.

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jtag claim
Claim JTAG device.


jtag claim <mask>

Set claim mask for current JTAG device. DESCRIPTION This command will attept to set the claim
mask for the current JTAG device. If any set bits in <mask> are already set in the claim mask
then this command will return error-

"already claimed".

The claim mask allow clients to negotiate control over JTAG devices. This is different from jtag
lock in that 1) it is specific to a device in the scan chain, and 2) any clients can perform JTAG
operations while the claim is in effect.


• Currently claim is used to disable the hw_server debugger from controlling microprocessors
on Arm DAP devices and FPGA devices containing Microblaze processors.



jtag disclaim
Disclaim JTAG device.


jtag disclaim <mask>

Clear claim mask for current JTAG device.



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jtag frequency
Get/set JTAG frequency.


jtag frequency

Get JTAG clock frequency for current scan chain.

jtag frequency -list

Get list of supported JTAG clock frequencies for current scan chain.

jtag frequency <frequency>

Set JTAG clock frequency for current scan chain. This frequency is persistent as long as the
hw_server is running, and is reset to the default value when a new hw_server is started.


Current JTAG frequency, if no arguments are specified, or if JTAG frequency is successfully set.
Supported JTAG frequencies, if -list option is used. Error string, if invalid frequency is specified or
frequency cannot be set.

jtag skew
Get/set JTAG skew.


jtag skew

Get JTAG clock skew for current scan chain.

jtag skew <clock-skew>

Set JTAG clock skew for current scan chain.


• Clock skew property is not supported by some JTAG cables.


Current JTAG clock skew, if no arguments are specified, or if JTAG skew is successfully set. Error
string, if invalid skew is specified or skew cannot be set.

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jtag servers
List, open or close JTAG servers.


jtag servers [options]

List, open, and close JTAG servers. JTAG servers are use to implement support for different types
of JTAG cables. An open JTAG server will enumerate or connect to available JTAG ports.


Option Description
-list List opened servers. This is the default if no other option is
-format Return the format of each supported server string.
-open <server> Specifies server to open.
-close <server> Specifies server to close.


Depends on the options specified.

<none>, -list: List of open JTAG servers.

-format: List of supported JTAG servers.

-close: Nothing if the server is closed, or an error string, if invalid server is specified.


jtag servers

List opened servers and number of associated ports.

jtag servers -open xilinx-xvc:localhost:10200

Connect to XVC server on host localhost port 10200.

jtag servers -close xilinx-xvc:localhost:10200

Close XVC server for host localhost port 10200.

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Target File System

The following is a list of tfile commands:

• tfile open
• tfile close
• tfile read
• tfile write
• tfile stat
• tfile lstat
• tfile fstat
• tfile setstat
• tfile fsetstat
• tfile remove
• tfile rmdir
• tfile mkdir
• tfile realpath
• tfile rename
• tfile readlink
• tfile symlink
• tfile opendir
• tfile readdir
• tfile copy
• tfile user
• tfile roots
• tfile ls

tfile open
Open file.


tfile open <path>

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Open specified file.


File handle.

tfile close
Close file handle.


tfile close <handle>

Close specified file handle.



tfile read
Read file handle.


tfile read <handle>

Read from specified file handle.


Option Description
-offset <seek> File offset to read from.


Read data.

tfile write
Write file handle.

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tfile write <handle>

Write to specified file handle.


Option Description
-offset <seek> File offset to write to.



tfile stat
Get file attributes from path.


tfile stat <handle>

Get file attributes for <path>.


File attributes.

tfile lstat
Get link file attributes from path.


tfile lstat <path>

Get link file attributes for <path>.


Link file attributes.

tfile fstat
Get file attributes from handle.

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tfile fstat <handle>

Get file attributes for <handle>.


File attributes.

tfile setstat
Set file attributes for path.


tfile setstat <path> <attributes>

Set file attributes for <path>.


File attributes.

tfile fsetstat
Set file attributes for handle.


tfile fsetstat <handle> <attributes>

Set file attributes for <handle>.


File attributes.

tfile remove
Remove path.


tfile remove <path>

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Remove <path>.



tfile rmdir
Remove directory.


tfile rmdir <path>

Remove directory <path>.



tfile mkdir
Create directory.


tfile mkdir <path>

Make directory <path>.



tfile realpath
Get real path.


tfile realpath <path>

Get real path of <path>.

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Real path.

tfile rename
Rename path.


tfile rename <old path> <new path>

Rename file or directory.



tfile readlink
Read symbolic link.


tfile readlink <path>

Read link file.


Target path.

tfile symlink
Create symbolic link.


tfile symlink <old path> <new path>

Symlink file or directory.



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tfile opendir
Open directory.


tfile opendir <path>

Open directory <path>.


File handle.

tfile readdir
Read directory.


tfile readdir <file handle>

Read directory.


File handle.

tfile copy
Copy target file.


tfile copy <src> <dest>

Copy file <src> to <dest>.


Copy file locally on target.

tfile user
Get user attributes.

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tfile user

Get user attributes.


User information.

tfile roots
Get file system roots.


tfile roots

Get file system roots.


List of file system roots.

tfile ls
List directory contents.


tfile ls <path>

List directory contents.


Directory contents.

SVF Operations
The following is a list of svf commands:

• svf config
• svf generate

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• svf mwr
• svf dow
• svf stop
• svf con
• svf delay
• svf rst

svf config
Configure options for SVF file.


svf config [options]

Configure and generate SVF file.


Option Description
-scan-chain <list of idcode-irlength pairs> List of idcode-irlength pairs. This can be obtained from xsdb
command - jtag targets
-device-index <index> This is used to select device in the jtag scan chain.
-cpu-index <processor core> Specify the cpu-index to generate the SVF file. For A53#0 -
A53#3 on ZynqMP, use cpu-index 0 -3 For R5#0 - R5#1 on
ZynqMP, use cpu-index 4 -5 For A9#0 - A9#1 on Zynq, use
cpu-index 0 -1 If multiple MicroBlaze processors are
connected to MDM, select the specific MicroBlaze index for
-out <filename> Output SVF file.
-delay <tcks> Delay in ticks between AP writes.
-linkdap Generate SVF for linking DAP to the jtag chain for ZynqMP
Silicon versions 2.0 and above.
-bscan <user port> This is used to specify user bscan port to which MDM is
-mb-chunksize <size in bytes> This option is used to specify the chunk size in bytes for
each transaction while downloading. Supported only for
MicroBlaze processors.
-exec-mode Execution mode for Arm v8 cores. Supported modes are a32
(v8 core is set up in 32-bit mode) and a64 (v8 core is set up
in 64-bit mode).



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svf config -scan-chain {0x14738093 12 0x5ba00477 4} -device-index 1 -cpu-

index 0 -out "test.svf"

This creates a SVF file with name test.svf for core A53#0

svf config -scan-chain {0x14738093 12 0x5ba00477 4} -device-index 0 -bscan

pmu -cpu-index 0 -out "test.svf"

This creates a SVF file with name test.svf for PMU MB

svf config -scan-chain {0x23651093 6} -device-index 0 -cpu-index 0 -bscan

user1 -out "test.svf"

This creates a SVF file with name test.svf for MB connected to MDM on bscan USER1

svf generate
Generate recorded SVF file.


svf generate

Generate SVF file in the path specified in the config command.




If successful, this command returns nothing. Otherwise it returns an error.


svf generate

svf mwr
Record memory write to SVF file.


svf mwr <address> <value>

Write <value> to the memory address specified by <address>.

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If successful, this command returns nothing. Otherwise it returns an error.


svf mwr 0xffff0000 0x14000000

svf dow
Record elf download to SVF file.


svf dow <elf file>

Record downloading of elf file <elf file> to the memory.

svf dow -data <file> <addr>

Record downloading of binary file <file> to the memory.




If successful, this command returns nothing. Otherwise it returns an error.


svf dow "fsbl.elf"

Record downloading of elf file fsbl.elf.

svf dow -data "data.bin" 0x1000

Record downloading of binary file data.bin to the address 0x1000.

svf stop
Record stopping of core to SVF file.

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svf stop

Record suspending execution of current target to SVF file.






svf stop

svf con
Record resuming of core to SVF file.


svf con

Record resuming the execution of active target to SVF file.






svf con

svf delay
Record delay in tcks to SVF file.


svf delay <delay in tcks>

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Record delay in tcks to SVF file.






svf delay 1000

Delay of 1000 tcks is added to the SVF file.

svf rst


svf rst

System Reset




If successful, this command returns nothing. Otherwise it returns an error.


svf rst

Device Configuration System

The following is a list of device commands:

• device program
• device status

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• device authjtag

device program
Program PDI/BIT.


device program <file>

Program PDI or BIT file into the device.


• If no target is selected or if the current target is not a configurable device, and only one
supported device is found in the targets list, then this device will be configured. Otherwise,
users will have to select a device using targets command.
• device program command is currently supported for Versal devices only. Other devices will be
supported in future releases.
• For Versal devices, users can run "plm log" to retrieve plm log from memory.


Nothing, if device is configured, or an error if the configuration failed.

device status
Return JTAG register status.


device status [options] <jtag-register-name>

Return device JTAG Register status, or list of available registers if no name is given.


Option Description
-jreg-name <jtag-register-name> Specify jtag register name to read. This is the default option,
so register name can be directly specified as an argument
without using this option.
-jtag-target <jtag-target-id> Specify jtag target id to use instead of the current target.
This is primarily used when there isn't a valid target option.
-hex Format the return data in hexadecimal.
-slr <slr-index> Select the SLR from which to read the register (default SLR

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Status report.

device authjtag
Secure debug BIN.


device authjtag <file>

Unlock device for secure debug.


Option Description
-jtag-target <jtag-target-id> Specify jtag target id to use instead of the current target.
This is primarily used when there isn't a valid target option.


• If no target is selected or if the current target is not a configurable device, and only one
supported device is found in the targets list, then this device will be configured. Otherwise,
users will have to select a device using targets command.
• device authjtag command is currently supported for Versal devices only.


Nothing, if secure debug is successful, or an error if failed.

STAPL Operations
The following is a list of stapl commands:

• stapl config
• stapl start
• stapl stop

stapl config
Configure stapl target.

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stapl config <options>

Create a hw_target (jtag chain) and add all the hw_devices given in the scan-chain list to the
hw_target. It also configures the stapl output file where the stapl data is recorded.


Option Description
-out <filepath> Output file path. Only one of the -out and -handle options
should be used. If the -out option is provided, the file will be
explicitly opened in a+ mode.
-handle <filehandle> File handle returned by open command for output. Only one
of the
-out and -handle options should be used.
-scan-chain <list-of-dicts> List of devices in the scan-chain. Each list element must be a
dict of device properties in the format {name <string>
idcode <int> irlen <int> idcode2 <int> mask <int>}. For
example: [list [dict create name <device1_name> idcode
<idcode> irlen <irlen> idcode2 <idcode2> mask
<mask>] [dict create name <device2_name> idcode
<idcode> irlen <irlen> idcode2 <idcode2> mask
<mask>]] The order of devices specified with scan-chain
option should match the order of devices on the physical
hardware where the stapl file is played back. Only one of the
-scan-chain and -part options should be used.
-part <device-name list> List of part names of the AMD devices to add to the scan-
chain. This option works only with AMD devices. This option
can be used instead of the -scan-chain option.
-checksum Calculate stapl-data CRC and append it to the stapl file. If
not specified, CRC 0 is appended.


• For AMD devices, if the device_name or idcode is specified in the scan-chain information, the
other parameters are optional. All the JTAG TAPs are added automatically to the scan-chain
for AMD devices.




stapl config -handle $fp -scan-chain [list [dict create name xcvc1902
idcode 0 irlen 0 idcode2 0 mask 0] [dict create name xcvm1802 idcode 0
irlen 0 idcode2 0 mask 0]]

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Add xcvc1902 and xcvm1802 devices to scan-chain and use the file handle returned by Tcl open
command, to record stapl commands.

stapl config -out mystapl.stapl -scan-chain [list [dict create name

xcvc1902 idcode 0 irlen 0 idcode2 0 mask 0] [dict create name xcvm1802
idcode 0 irlen 0 idcode2 0 mask 0]]

Same as the previous example, but using the stapl file path as input,

instead of the file handle returned by Tcl open command.

stapl config -out mystapl.stapl -part xcvc1902

Add xcvc1902 device to scan-chain, using -part option.

stapl config -out mystapl.stapl -scan-chain [list [dict create idcode

0x14CA8093 idcode2 1]]

Same as previous example, but specifying idcode and idcode2, instead of the part name.

stapl config -out mystapl.stapl -part [list xcvc1902 xcvm1802]

Add xcvc1902 and xcvm1802 devices to scan-chain, using the -part option.

stapl config -out mystapl.stapl -scan-chain [list [dict create name
xcvc1902 idcode 0 irlen 0 idcode2 0 mask 0]]
jtag targets -set -filter {name == "xcvc1902"}
stapl start
device program <pdipath>
stapl stop

The above example demonstrate the correct order for creating a stapl file for a single device on a
stapl target.

stapl config -out mystapl.stapl -scan-chain [list [dict create name
xcvc1902 idcode 0 irlen 0 idcode2 0 mask 0] [dict create xcvm1802 idcode 0
irlen 0 idcode2 0 mask 0]]
jtag targets -set -filter {name == "xcvc1902"}
targets -set -filter {jtag_device_name == "xcvc1902"}
stapl start
device program <pdipath>
jtag targets -set -filter {name == "xcvm1802"}
targets -set -filter {jtag_device_name == "xcvm1802"}
stapl start
device program <pdipath>
stapl stop

The above example demonstrate the correct order for creating a stapl file for multiple devices on
a stapl target.

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stapl start
Start stapl recording.


stapl start

Start stapl recording.




• It is mandatory to call 'stapl start' before programming each device on the scan-chain, and call
'stapl stop' after programming all the devices to generate stapl data properly.



stapl stop
Stop stapl recording.


stapl stop

Stop stapl recording.




• It is mandatory to call 'stapl start' before programming each device on the scan-chain, and call
'stapl stop' after programming all the devices to generate stapl data properly.



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Vitis Projects
The following is a list of projects commands:

• openhw
• closehw
• getaddrmap
• getperipherals
• getprocessors
• repo
• lscript
• platform
• domain
• bsp
• library
• checkvalidrmxsa
• isstaticxsa
• ishwexpandable
• createdts
• setws
• getws
• app
• sysproj
• importprojects
• importsources
• toolchain

Open a hardware design.


openhw <hw-proj | xsa file>

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Open a hardware design exported from Vivado. XSA file exported from Vivado, or the hardware
project created using 'createhw' command can be passed as argument.




If successful, this command returns nothing. Otherwise it returns an error.


openhw ZC702_hw_platform

Open the hardware project ZC702_hw_platform.

openhw /tmp/wrk/hw1/system.xsa

Open the hardware project corresponding to the system.xsa.

Close a hardware design.


closehw <hw project | xsa file>

Close a hardware design that was opened using 'openhw' command. XSA file exported from
Vivado, or the hardware project created using 'createhw' command can be passed as argument.




If successful, this command returns nothing. Otherwise it returns an error.


closehw ZC702_hw_platform

Close the hardware project ZC702_hw_platform.

closehw /tmp/wrk/hw1/system.xsa

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Close the hardware project corresponding to the system.xsa.

Get the address ranges of IP connected to processor.


getaddrmap <hw spec file> <processor-instance>

Return the address ranges of all the IP connected to the processor in a tabular format, along with
details like size and access flags of all IP.




If successful, this command returns the output of IPs and ranges. Otherwise it returns an error.


getaddrmap system.xsa ps7_cortexa9_0

Return the address map of peripherals connected to ps7_cortexa9_0. system.xsa is the hw

specification file exported from Vivado.

Get a list of all peripherals in the HW design


getperipherals <xsa> <processor-instance>

Return the list of all the peripherals in the hardware design, along with version and type. If
[processor-instance] is specified, return only a list of slave peripherals connected to that



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If successful, this command returns the list of peripherals. Otherwise it returns an error.


getperipherals system.xsa

Return a list of peripherals in the hardware design.

getperipherals system.xsa ps7_cortexa9_0

Return a list of peripherals connected to processor ps7_cortexa9_0 in the hardware design.

Get a list of all processors in the hardware design.


getprocessors <xsa>

Return the list of all the processors in the hardware design




If successful, this command returns the list of processors. Otherwise, it returns an error.


getprocessors system.xsa

Return a list of processors in the hardware design.

Get, set, or modify software repositories


repo [OPTIONS]

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Get/set the software repositories path currently used. This command is used to scan the
repositories, to get the list of OS/libs/drivers/apps from repository.


Option Description
-set <path-list> Set the repository path and load all the software cores
available. Multiple repository paths can be specified as Tcl
-get Get the repository path(s).
-scan Scan the repositories. Used this option to scan the
repositories, when some changes are done.
-os Return a list of all the OS from the repositories.
-libs Return a list of all the libs from the repositories.
-drivers Return a list of all the drivers from the repositories.
-apps Return a list of all the applications from repositories along
with the following details. Supported processor - Processors
for which the application can be built. Supported OS - OS for
which the application can be built. Platform required -
Indicates whether a platform is required to create the
application. AIE applications need a platform while other
applications can be created using a platform or xsa.
-add-platforms <platforms directory> Add the specified directory to the platform repository.
-remove-platforms-dir <platforms directory> Remove the specified directory from the platform


Depends on the OPTIONS specified.

-scan, -set: Returns nothing.

-get: Returns the current repository path.

-os, -libs, -drivers, -apps: Returns the list of OS/libs/drivers/apps respectively.


repo -set <repo-path>

Set the repository path to the path specified by <repo-path>.

repo -os

Return a list of OS from the repo.

repo -libs

Return a list of libraries from the repo.

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Create linker script.


lscript <sub-command> [options]

Create a linkerscript, or perform various other operations on the linker script, based on the sub-
command specified. Following sub-commands are supported. memory - List of the memories
supported by the active domain. section - Lists and edit the sections available. def-mem -
Returns default memory for the section type. generate - Generate a linker script. Type "help"
followed by "lscript sub-command", or "lscript sub-command" followed by "-help" for more




Depends on the sub-command. Refer to the sub-command help for details.


Refer to the sub-command help for details.

lscript memory
List supported memory.


lscript memory [options]

List of the memories supported by the active domain.


Option Description
-app <application-name> Name of application from workspace.
-supported-mem Returns supported memory regions for each section.


List of the memories supported by the active domain in tabular format.

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lscript memory

This command returns the list of memories available in the active domain.

lscript memory -app <application-name>

Returns list of memories available for application specified. This command makes the platform
and domain of the specified application into the active platform and domain.

lscript memory -supported-mem

Returns the section wise supported memories.

lscript section
List the sections available.


lscript section [options]

List, add, and edit the sections available in the active domain.


Option Description
-app <application-name> Name of application from workspace.
-name <section-name> Name of the section to be edited.
-mem <memory-region> Name of the memory region to be used for the section.
-size <section-size> Size of the section.
-add Add a new section.
-type Type of new section to be added. Supported types are


List of the sections with corresponding memory and size in tabular format, when no options or
args are specified. Nothing, if a section sucessfully edited or added. Error, if the section cannot be
edited or added.


lscript section

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List of the sections available in the active domain along with the type, size and assigned memory.

lscript section -app <application-name>

List of the sections available for application specified. This command makes the platform and
domain of the specified application into the active platform and domain.

lscript section -name <section-name> -mem <memory-region> -size <section-


Edit the section-name with memory and size.

lscript section -mem <memory-region> -size <section-size>

Edit all the sections with memory and size.

lscript section -add -name <section-name> -mem <memory-region> -size

-type <section-type>

Add a new section with section-name, memory, and size.

lscript def-mem
Returns the default memory region for the section type.


lscript def-mem <memory-type>

Return the default memory region of the section type.


Option Description
-app <application-name> Name of application from workspace.
-code Return default code memory.
-data Return default data memory.
-stack Return default stack & heap memory.


Return the default memory region of the section type.


lscript def-mem -stack

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Return default stack and heap memory-region.

lscript def-mem -stack -app <application-name>

Return default stack and heap memory region for app specified.

lscript generate
Generate a linker script.


lscript generate [options]

Generate a linker script.


Option Description
-app <application-name> Name of application from workspace.
-name <linkerscript name> Name of the linker script file. The default linker script will be
"newlscript.ld" if -name is not provided.
-path <path> The directory where the linker script needs to be created,
The default path will be pwd if -path is not provided.




lscript generate -name <linkerscript name> -path <path>

This command generates a linkerscript with the changes at the path provided. Otherwise,
generate a default linker script with name "newlscript.ld".

lscript generate -app <application-name>

This command generates the default linker script for the application-name specified.

Create, configure, list, and report platforms.


platform <sub-command> [options]

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Create a platform project, or perform various other operations on the platform project, based on
the sub-command specified. Following sub-commands are supported.

• active - Set or return the active platform.

• clean - Clean platform.
• config - Configure the properties of a platform.
• create - Create/define a platform.
• generate - Build the platform.
• list - List all the platforms in workspace.
• report - Report the details of a platform.
• read - Read the platform settings from a file.
• remove - Delete the platform.
• write - Save the platform settings to a file.

Type "help" followed by "platform sub-command", or "platform sub-command" followed by "-

help" for more details.




Depends on the sub-command. Refer to the sub-command help for details.


Refer to the sub-command help for details.

platform active
Set/get active platform.


platform active [platform-name]

Set or get the active platform. If a platform-name is specified, it is made the active platform.
Otherwise, the name of active platform is returned. If no active platform exists, this command
returns an empty string.

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An empty string, if a platform is set as active or no active platform exists. The platform name,
when the active platform is read.


platform active

Return the name of the active platform.

platform active zc702_platform

Set zc702_platform as active platform.

platform clean
Clean platform.


platform clean

Clean the active platform in the workspace. This will clean all the components in platform such as
FSBL, PMUFW, and so on.




Nothing. Build log will be printed on the console.


platform active zcu102

platform clean

Set zcu102 as the active platform and clean it.

platform config
Configure the active platform.

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platform config [options]

Configure the properties of active platform.


Option Description
-desc <description> Add a brief description about the platform.
-updatehw <hw-spec> Update the platform to use a new hardware specification
file specified by <hw-spec>.
-samples <samples-dir> Make the application template specified in <samples-dir>
part of the platform. This option can only be used for
acceleratable applications. "repo -apps <platform-name>"
can be used to list the application templates available for
the given platform-name.
-prebuilt-data <directory-name> For expandable platforms, pre-generated hardware data
specified in directory-name will be used for building user
applications that do not contain accelerators. This will
reduce the build time.
-make-local Make the referenced SW components local to the platform.
-fsbl-target <processor-type> Processor-type for which the existing fsbl has to be re-
generated. This option is valid only for ZU+.
-create-boot-bsp Generate boot components for the platform.
-remove-boot-bsp Remove all the boot components generated during
platform creation.
-fsbl-elf <fsbl.elf> Prebuilt fsbl.elf to be used as boot component when
"remove-boot-bsp" option is specified.
-pmufw-elf <pmufw.elf> Prebuilt pmufw.elf to be used as boot component when
"remove-boot-bsp" option is specified.
-extra-compiler-flags <param> <value> Set extra compiler flag for the parameter with a provided
value. Only FSBL and PMUFW are the supported
parameters. If the value is not passed, the existing value will
-extra-linker-flags <param> <value> Set extra linker flag for the parameter with a provided value.
Only FSBL and PMUFW are the supported parameters. If the
value is not passed, the existing value will return.
-reset-user-defined-flags <param> Resets the extra compiler and linker flags. Only FSBL and
PMUFW are the supported parameters.
-report <param> Return the list of extra compiler and linker flags set to the
given parameter. Only FSBL and PMUFW are the supported


Empty string, if the platform is configured successfully. Error string, if no platform is active or if
the platform cannot be configured.

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platform active zc702

platform config -desc "ZC702 with memory test application"
-samples /home/user/newDir

Make zc702 the active platform, configure the description of the platform, and make samples in
the /home/user/newDir part of the platform.

platform config -updatehw /home/user/newdesign.xsa

Updates the platform project with the new XSA.

platform config -fsbl-target psu_cortexr5_0

Changes the FSBL target to psu_cortexr5_0.

platform config -extra-compiler-flags fsbl

Get the extra compiler flags. These are the flags added extra to the flags derived from the
libraries, processor, and OS.

platform config -extra-compiler-flags fsbl "-DFSBL_DEBUG_INFO [platform

-extra-compiler-flags fsbl]"

Prepend -DFSBL_DEBUG_INFO to the compiler options, while building the fsbl application.

platform config -report fsbl

Return table of extra compiler and extra linker flags that are set for FSBL.

Platform config -create-boot-bsp

Create the boot components for the platform.

Platform config -create-boot-bsp -arch 32-bit

Create the boot components for the platform, creating FSBL in 32-bit. This is valid only for Zynq
UltraScale+ MPSoC based platforms.

Platform config -remove-boot-bsp

Remove all the boot components generated during platform creation.

platform create
Create a new platform.

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platform create [options]

Create a new platform by importing hardware definition file. Platform can also be created from
pre-defined hardware platforms. Supported pre-defined platforms are zc702, zcu102, zc706 and


Option Description
-name <software-platform name> Name of the software platform to be generated.
-desc <description> Brief description about the software platform.
-hw <handoff-file> Hardware description file to be used to create the platform.
-out <output-directory> The directory where the software platform needs to be
created. If the workspace is set, this option should not be
used. Use of this option will prevent the usage of platform
in Vitis IDE.
-prebuilt Mark the platform to be built from already built software
artifacts. This option should be used only if you have
existing software platform artifacts.
-proc <processor> The processor to be used; the tool will create the default
-arch <processor architecture> 32-bit or 64-bit, this is valid only for the A53 processor.
-samples <samples-directory> Make the samples in <samples-directory>, part of the
-os <os> The OS to be used. The tool will create the default domain.
This works in combination with -proc option.
-xpfm <platform-path> Existing platform from which the projects have to be
imported and made part of the current platform.
-no-boot-bsp Mark the platform to build without generating boot
-arch <arch-type> Processor architecture, <arch-type> can be 32 or 64 bits.
This option is used to build the project with 32/64 bit
-rp <slot-info> Reconfigurable partition slot information for dfx flows.This
option takes tcl dictionary with key-value pairs. Multiple
slots can be passed as an array.


Empty string, if the platform is created successfully. Error string, if the platform cannot be


platform create -name "zcu102_test" -hw zcu102

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Defines a software platform for a pre-defined hardware desciption file.

platform create -name "zcu102_test" -hw zcu102 -proc psu_cortexa53_0 -os


Defines a software platform for a pre-defined hardware desciption file. Create a default domain
with standalone os running on psu_cortexa53_0.

platform create -name "zcu102_32bit" -hw zcu102 -proc psu_cortexa53_0 -arch


-os standalone Defines a software platform for a pre-defined hardware desciption file. Create a
default domain with standalone os running on psu_cortexa53_0 in 32-bit mode.

platform create -name "zcu102_test" -hw zcu102 -proc psu_cortexa53 -os linux

-arch 32-bit Defines a software platform for a pre-defined hardware desciption file. Create a
default domain with linux os running on psu_cortexa53 in 32-bit.

platform create -xpfm /path/zc702.xpfm

This will create a platform project for the platform pointed by the xpfm file.

platform create -name "ZC702Test" -hw /path/zc702.xsa

Defines a software platform for a hardware desciption file.

platform create -name "testplat" -hw static.xsa -rp { id 1 hw ./hw.xsa

hw_emu ./hw_emu.xsa } This will create a platform project with single slot DFX. User must
specify path to hw XSA and hw_emu XSA.

platform create -name :testplat: -hw static.xsa -rp { { id 1 hw ./rp_1.xsa

hw_emu ./hw_emu.xsa } { id 2 hw ./rp_2.xsa hw_emu ./hw_emu.xsa } } This will create a platform

project with multi-slot DFX. The first slot is a default ReconfigurableParition. For multi-slot
platforms, there will be multiple hw XSAs with a slot_id for each slot and potentially multiple
hw_emu XSAs or single XSA.

platform generate
Build a platform.


platform generate

Build the active platform and add it to the repository. The platform must be created through
platform create command, and must be selected as active platform before building.

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Option Description
-domains <domain-list> List of domains which need to be built and added to the
repository. Without this option, all the domains that are part
of the plafform are built.


Empty string, if the platform is generated successfully. Error string, if the platform cannot be


platform generate

Build the active platform and add it to repository.

platform generate -domains a53_standalone,r5_standalone

Build only a53_standalone,r5_standalone domains and add it to the repository.

platform list
List the platforms.


List the platforms in the workspace and repository.


Option Description
-dict List all the platforms for the workspace in Tcl dictionary
format. Without this option, platforms are listed in tabular


List of platforms, or "No active platform present" string if no platforms exist.


platform list

Return a list of all the platforms in the workspace and repository in tabular format.

platform list -dict

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Return a list of all the platforms in the workspace and repository in Tcl dictionary format.

platform report
Report the details of the active platform.


platform report

Returns details such as domains and processors created in the active platform.




Table with details of active platform, or error string if no platforms exist.


platform report

Returns a table with details of the active platform.

platform read
Read from the platform file.


platform read [platform-file]

Reads platform settings from the platform file and makes it available for edit. The platform file is
created during the creation of platform itself and it contains all details of the platform such as
hardware specification file, processor information, and so on.




Empty string, if the platform is read successfully. Error string, if the platform file cannot be read.

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platform read <platform.spr>

Reads the platform from the platform.spr file.

platform remove
Delete a platform.


platform remove <platform-name>

Delete the given platform. If the platform-name is not specified, the active platform is deleted.




Empty string, if the platform is deleted successfully. Error string, if the platform cannot be


platform remove zc702

Removes zc702 platform from the disk.

platform write
Write platform settings to a file.


platform write

Writes the platform settings to platform.spr file. It can be read back using the "platform read"



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Empty string, if the platform settings are written successfully. Error string, if the platform settings
cannot be written.


platform write

Writes platform to platform.spr file.

Create, configure, list and report domains.


domain <sub-command> [options]

Create a domain, or perform various other operations on the domain, based on the sub-
command specified. Following sub-commands are supported. active - Set/get the active domain.
config - Configure the properties of a domain. create - Create a domain in the active platform. list
- List all the domains in active platform. report - Report the details of a domain. remove - Delete
a domain. Type "help" followed by "app sub-command", or "app sub-command" followed by "-
help" for more details.




Depends on the sub-command. Refer to the sub-command help for details.


Refer to the sub-command help for details.

domain active
Set/Get the active domain


domain active [domain-name]

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Set or get the active domain. If domain-name is specified, it is made the active domain.
Otherwise, the name of the active domain is returned. If no active domain exists, this command
returns an empty string.




Empty string, if a domain is set as active or no active domain exists. Domain name, when active
domain is read.


domain active

Return the name of the active domain.

domain active test_domain

Set test_domain as active domain.

domain config
Configure the active domain.


domain config [options]

Configure the properties of active domain.


Option Description
-display-name <display name> Display name of the domain.
-desc <description> Brief description of the domain.
-sd-dir <location> For domain with Linux as OS, use pre-built Linux images
from this directory, while creating the PetaLinux project.
This option is valid only for Linux domains.
-generate-bif Generate a standard bif for the domain. Domain report
shows the location of the generated bif. This option is valid
only for Linux domains.
-sw-repo <repositories-list> List of repositories to be used to pick software components
like drivers and libraries while generating this domain.
Repository list should be a tcl list of software repository

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Option Description
-mss <mss-file> Use mss from specified by <mss-file>, instead of
generating mss file for the domain.
-readme <file-name> Add a README file for the domain, with boot instructions
and so on.
-inc-path <include-path> Additional include path which should be added while
building the application created for this domain.
-lib-path <library-path> Additional library search path which should be added to the
linker settings of the application created for this domain.
-sysroot <sysroot-dir> The Linux sysroot directory that should be added to the
platform. This sysroot will be consumed during application
-boot <boot-dir> Directory to generate components after Linux image build.
-bif <file-name> Bif file used to create boot image for Linux boot.
-qemu-args <file-name> File with all PS QEMU args listed. This is used to start PS
-pmuqemu-args <file-name> File with all PMC QEMU args listed. This is used to start PMU
-pmcqemu-args <file-name> File with all pmcqemu args listed. This is used to start
-qemu-data <data-dir> Directory which has all the files listed in file-name provided
as part of qemu-args and pmuqemu-args options.


Empty string, if the domain is configured successfully. Error string, if no domain is active or if the
domain cannot be configured.


domain config -display-name zc702_MemoryTest

-desc "Memory test application for Zynq"

Configure display name and description for the active domain.

domain config -image "/home/user/linux_image/"

Create PetaLinux project from pre-built Linux image.

domain -inc-path /path/include/ -lib-path /path/lib/

Adds include and library search paths to the domain's application build settings.

domain create
Create a new domain.

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domain create [options]

Create a new domain in active platform.


Option Description
-name <domain-name> Name of the domain.
-display-name <display_name> The name to be displayed in the report for the domain.
-desc <description> Brief description of the domain.
-proc <processor> Processor core to be used for creating the domain. For SMP
Linux, this can be a Tcl list of processor cores.
-arch <processor architecture> 32-bit or 64-bit. This option is valid only for A53 processors.
-os <os> OS type. Default type is standalone.
-support-app <app-name> Create a domain with BSP settings needed for application
specified by <app-name>. This option is valid only for
standalone domains. The "repo -apps" command can be
used to list the available application.
-auto-generate-linux Generate the Linux artifacts automatically.
-sd-dir <location> For domain with Linux as OS, use pre-built Linux images
from this directory, while creating the PetaLinux project.
This option is valid only for Linux domains.
-sysroot <sysroot-dir> The Linux sysroot directory that should be added to the
platform. This sysroot will be consumed during application


Empty string, if the domain is created successfully. Error string, if the domain cannot be created.


domain create -name "ZUdomain" -os standalone -proc psu_cortexa53_0

-support-app {Hello World}

Create a standalone domain and configure settings needed for a Hello World template

domain create -name "SMPLinux" -os linux

-proc {ps7_cortexa9_0 ps7_cortexa9_1}

Create a Linux domain named SMPLinux for processor cores ps7_cortexa9_0 ps7_cortexa9_1 in
the active platform.

domain create -name a53_0_Standalone -os standalone

-proc psu_cortexa53_0 -arch 32-bit

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Create a standalone domain for a53_0 processor for 32-bit mode.

domain list
List domains.


domain list

List domains in the active platform.


Option Description
-dict List all the domains for the active platform in Tcl dictionary
format. Without this option, domains are listed in tabular


List of domains in the active platform, or empty string if no domains exist.


platform active


domain list

Display all the domain created in platform1 in tabular format.

domain list -dict

Display all the domain created in platform1 in Tcl dictionary format.

domain remove
Delete a domain.


domain remove [domain-name]

Delete a domain from active platform. If a domain-name is not specified, the active domain is

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Empty string, if the domain is deleted successfully. Error string, if the domain deletion fails.


domain remove test_domain

Removes test_domain from the active platform.

domain report
Report the details of a domain.


domain report [domain-name]

Return details such as platform, processor core, OS, and so on. of a domain. If domain-name is
not specified, details of the active domain are reported.




Table with details of a domain, if domain-name or active domain exists. Error string, if active
domain does not exist and domain-name is not specified.


domain report

Return a table with details of the active domain.

Configure BSP settings of a baremetal domain.


bsp <sub-command> [options]

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Configure the BSP settings, including the library, driver, and OS version of a active domain, based
on the sub-command specified. Following sub-commands are supported. config - Modify the
configurable parameters of BSP settings. getdrivers - List IP instance and its driver. getlibs - List
the libraries from BSP settings. getos - List os details from BSP settings. listparams - List the
configurable parameters of os/proc/library. regenerate - Regenerate BSP sources. reload - Revert
the BSP settings to the earlier saved state. write - Save the BSP edits. removelib - Remove library
from bsp settings. setdriver - Sets the driver for the given IP instance. setlib - Sets the given
library. setosversion - Sets version for the given OS. Type "help" followed by "bsp sub-command",
or "bsp sub-command" followed by "-help" for more details.




Depends on the sub-command. Refer to the sub-command help for details.


Refer to the sub-command help for details.

bsp config
Configure parameters of BSP settings.


bsp config <param> <value>

Set/get/append value to the configurable parameters. If <param> is specified and <value> is

not specified, return the value of the parameter. If <param> and <value> are specified, set the
value of parameter. Use "bsp list-params <-os/-proc/-driver>" to know configurable
parameters of OS/processor/driver.


Option Description
-append <param> <value> Append the given value to the parameter.


Nothing, if the parameter is set/appended successfully. Current value of the paramter if

<value> is not specified. Error string, if the parameter cannot be set/appended.

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bsp config -append extra_compiler_flags "-pg"

Append -pg to extra_compiler_flags.

bsp config stdin

Return the current value of stdin.

bsp config stdin ps7_uart_1

Set stdin to ps7_uart_1 .

bsp getdrivers
List drivers.


bsp getdrivers

Return the list of drivers assigned to IP in BSP.


Option Description
-dict Return the result as <IP-name driver:version> pairs.


Table with IP, its corresponding driver, and driver version. Empty string, if there are no IPs.


bsp getdrivers

Return the list of IPs and their drivers.

bsp getlibs
List libraries added in the BSP settings.


bsp getlibs

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Display list of libraries added in the BSP settings.


Option Description
-dict Return the result as <lib-name version> pairs.


List of libraries. Empty string, if no libraries are added.


bsp getlibs

Return the list of libraries added in bsp settings of active domain.

bsp getos
Display OS details from BSP settings.


bsp getos

Displays the current OS and version.


Option Description
-dict Return the result as <os-name version> pair.


OS name and version.


bsp getos

Return OS name and version from the BSP settings of the active domain.

bsp listparams
List the configurable parameters of the BSP.

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bsp listparams <option>

List the configurable parameters of the <option>.


Option Description
-lib <lib-name> Return the configurable parameters of the library in BSP.
-os Return the configurable parameters of the OS in BSP.
-proc Return the configurable parameters of the processor in BSP.


Parameter names. Empty string, if no parameters exist.


bsp listparams -os

List all the configurable parameters of OS in the BSP settings.

bsp regenerate
Regenerate BSP sources.


bsp regenerate

Regenerate the sources with the modifications made to the BSP.




Nothing, if the BSP is generated successfully. Error string, if the BSP cannot be generated.


bsp regenerate

Regenerate the BSP sources with the changes to the BSP settings applied.

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bsp removelib
Remove library from BSP settings.


bsp removelib -name <lib-name>

Remove the library from BSP settings of the active domain. The library settings will come into
effect only when the platform is generated. Settings can also be saved by running 'bsp write' if
the user wishes to exit xsct without generating platform and revisit later.


Option Description
-name <lib-name> Library to be removed from BSP settings. This is the default
option, so lib-name can be directly specified as an argument
without using this option.


Nothing, if the library is removed successfully. Error string, if the library cannot be removed.


bsp removelib -name xilffs

Remove xilffs library from BSP settings.

bsp setdriver
Set the driver to IP.


bsp setdriver [options]

Set specified driver to the IP core in BSP settings of active domain.


Option Description
-driver <driver-name> Driver to be assigned to an IP.
-ip <ip-name> IP instance for which the driver has to be added.
-ver <version> Driver version.

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Nothing, if the driver is set successfully. Error string, if the driver cannot be set.


bsp setdriver -ip ps7_uart_1 -driver generic -ver 2.0

Set the generic driver for the ps7_uart_1 IP instance for the BSP.

bsp setlib
Adds the library to the BSP settings.


bsp setlib [options]

Queues the library for addition to the active BSP. 'bsp write' will commit the queued libraries to
the mss. The newly added libraries become available to the application projects after the
platform is generated. If the user wants to build the platform from GUI without committing the
queued libraries to mss, then the project must be cleaned first.


Option Description
-name <lib-name> Library to be added to the BSP settings. This is the default
option, so lib-name can be directly specified as an argument
without using this option.
-ver <version> Library version.


Nothing, if the library is set successfully. Error string, if the library cannot be set.


bsp setlib -name xilffs

Add the xilffs library to the BSP settings.

bsp setosversion
Set the OS version.

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bsp setosversion [options]

Set OS version in the BSP settings of the active domain. Latest version is added by default.


Option Description
-ver <version> OS version.


Nothing, if the OS version is set successfully. Error string, if the OS version cannot be set.


bsp setosversion -ver 6.6

Set the OS version 6.6 in the BSP settings of the active domain.

Library project management


library <sub-command> [options]

Create a library project, or perform various other operations on the library project, based on the
sub-command specified. Following sub-commands are supported. build - Build the library project.
clean - Clean the library project. config - Configure C/C++ build settings of the library project.
create - Create a library project. list - List all the library projects in workspace. remove - Delete
the library project. report - Report the details of the library project. Type "help" followed by
"library sub-command", or "library sub-command" followed by "-help" for more details.




Depends on the sub-command.


See sub-command help for examples.

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library build
Build library project.


library build -name <project-name>

Build the library project specified by <project-name> in the workspace. "-name" switch is
optional, so <project-name> can be specified directly, without using -name.


Option Description
-name <project-name> Name of the library project to be built.


Nothing, if the library project is built successfully. Error string, if the library project build fails.


library build -name lib1

Build lib1 library project.

library clean
Clean library project.


library clean -name <project-name>

Clean the library project specified by <project-name> in the workspace. "-name" switch is
optional, so <project-name> can be specified directly, without using -name.


Option Description
-name <project-name> Name of the library project to be clean built.


Nothing, if the library project is cleaned successfully. Error string, if the library project build clean

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library clean -name lib1

Clean lib1 library project.

library create
Create a library project.


library create -name <project-name> -type <library-type> -platform


-domain <domain> -sysproj <system-project> Create a library project using an existing

platform, and domain. If <platform>, <domain>, and <sys-config> are not specified, the
active platform and domain are used for creating the library project. For creating a library project
and adding it to an existing system project, refer to the next use case.

library create -name <project-name> -type <library-type> -sysproj <system-


-domain <domain> Create a library project for domain specified by <domain> and add it to
system project specified by <system-project>. If <system-project> exists, platform
corresponding to this system project are used for creating the library project. If <domain> is not
specified, the active domain is used.


Option Description
-name <project-name> Project name that should be created.
-type <library-type> <library-type> can be 'static' or 'shared'.
-platform <platform-name> Name of the platform. Use "repo -platforms" to list available
pre-defined platforms.
-domain <domain-name> Name of the domain. Use "platform report <platform-
name>" to list the available domains in a platform.
-sysproj <system-project> Name of the system project. Use "sysproj list" to know the
available system projects in the workspace.


Nothing, if the library project is created successfully. Error string, if the library project creation

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library create -name lib1 -type static -platform zcu102 -domain


Create a static library project with name 'lib1', for the platform zcu102, which has a domain
named a53_standalone domain.

library create -name lib2 -type shared -sysproj test_system -domain


Create shared library project with name 'lib2' and add it to system project test_system.

library list
List library projects.


List all library projects in the workspace.




List of library projects in the workspace. If no library projects exist, an empty string is returned.


library list

Lists all the library projects in the workspace.

library remove
Delete library project.


library remove [options] <project-name>

Delete a library project from the workspace.



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Nothing, if the library project is deleted successfully. Error string, if the library project deletion


library remove lib1

Removes lib1 from workspace.

library report
Report details of the library project.


library report <project-name>

Return details such as the platform, domain, and so on of the library project.




Details of the library project, or error string, if library project does not exist.


app report lib1

Return all the details of library lib1.

Check if RM XSA is suitable for static XSA.


checkvalidrmxsa -hw <static hw spec file> -rm-hw <rm hw spec file>

To check if the RM XSA is suitable to work with the static hardware XSA.

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If successful, returns true if the RM hardware XSA is a fit for the static hardware XSA. Returns
false if not. Otherwise, it returns an error.


checkvalidrmxsa -hw static.xsa -rm-hw rm.xsa

Returns true if RM XSA can be used along with the static XSA.

Check if hardware design is a static XSA.


isstaticxsa <hw spec file>

Checks if the hardware design is a static XSA.




If successful, returns true if hardware design is static, returns false if hardware design is not
static. Otherwise, it returns an error.


isstaticxsa static.xsa

Returns true if XSA is static.

Check if hardware design is expandable.


ishwexpandable <hw spec file>

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Chapter 27: XSCT Commands

Checks if the hardware design is expandable or fixed.




If successful, returns true if hardware design is expandable/extensible, returns false if hardware

design is fixed. Otherwise, it returns an error.


ishwexpandable system.xsa

Returns true if XSA is expandable/extensible.

Creates device tree.


createdts [options]

Create a device tree for the hardware definition file.


Option Description
-platform-name <software-platform name> Name of the software platform to be generated.
-board <board name> Board name for device tree to be generated. Board names
available at <DTG Repo>/device_tree/data/kernel_dtsi.
-hw <handoff-file> Hardware description file to be used to create the device
-out <output-directory> The directory where the software platform needs to be
created. Workspace will be default directory, if this option is
not specified.
-local-repo <directory location> Location of the directory were bsp for git repo is available.
Device tree repo will be cloned from git, if this option is not
-git-url <Git URL> Git URL of the dtg repo to be cloned. Default repo is https://
-git-branch <Git Branch> Git branch to be checked out. 'xlnx_rel_v<Vitis-release>'
is selected by default.
-zocl Set zocl flag to enable zocl driver support, default set to
False. zocl should only be used when the designs are PL
enabled. Only master and xlnx_rel_v2021.2 branch supports
zocl property.

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Option Description
-overlay Set overlay flag to enable device-tree overlay support,
default set to False.
-dtsi <custom-dtsi-file list> Include custom-dtsi file in the device tree, if specified. The
filepaths must be in the list format.
-compile Specify this option to compile the generated dts to create
dtb. If this option is not specified, users can manually use
dts to compile dtb. For example, dtc -I dts -O dtb -o
<file_name>.dtb <file_name>.dts Compile dts(device
tree source) or dtsi(device tree source include) files. dtc -I
dts -O dtb -f <file_name>.dts -o <file_name>.dtb Convert
dts(device tree source) to dtb(device tree blob). dtc -I dtb -O
dts -f <file_name>.dtb -o <file_name>.dts Convert
dtb(device tree blob) to dts(device tree source).
-update Set update flag to enable existing device tree platform to
update with new xsa.


• This command is a shortcut for creating a device tree domain and generating the device tree.
It clones the device tree repo, creates a platform with device_tree as OS, and configures and
generates the platform to create dts. -zocl should only be used when the designs are PL
enabled. Only master and xlnx_rel_v2021.2 branch supports zocl property. Git 1.5.4 or later is
required to avoid any issues with the git commands used by the createdts command.




createdts -hw zcu102.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree

Create a device tree for the handoff-file with default repo as "
tree-xlnx.git" and default branch as "xlnx_rel_v<Vitis-release>".

createdts -hw zcu102.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree -git-url <Git URL>

-git-branch <Git Branch>

Create a device tree for the handoff-file with user repo as repo mentioned in <Git URL> and
user branch as <Git Branch>.

createdts -hw zc702.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree

-local-repo /my_local_git_repo

Create a device tree for the handoff-file and use the local repo.

createdts -hw vck190.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree

-out /device-tree_output_directory

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Create a device tree at the out directory specified by device-tre output directory.

createdts -hw zcu102.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree -overlay

-zocl -compile

Create device tree for the handoff-file with overlay and zocl node. Compile flag compiles the
device tree blob file from the DTS.

createdts -hw zcu102.xsa -platform-name my_devicetree -board <Board Name>

Creates a device tree adding board value to the library, Board names available at <DTG Repo>/

createdts -update -hw newdesign.xsa

Updates existing device tree platform with new XSA.

createdts -hw vck190 -platform-name vck190 -out <out_dir>

-dtsi [list path/system-conf.dtsi path/system-user.dtsi]

Create device tree with custom-dtsi-files included.

Set Vitis workspace


setws [OPTIONS] [path]

Set Vitis workspace to <path>, for creating projects. If <path> does not exist, then the
directory is created. If <path> is not specified, then current directory is used.


Option Description
-switch <path> Close existing workspace and switch to new workspace.


Nothing if the workspace is set successfully. Error string, if the path specified is a file.


setws /tmp/wrk/wksp1

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Set the current workspace to /tmp/wrk/wksp1.

setws -switch /tmp/wrk/wksp2

Close the current workspace and switch to new workspace /tmp/wrk/wksp2.

Get Vitis workspace.



Return the current vitis workspace.


Current workspace.

Application project management.


app <sub-command> [options]

Create an application project, or perform various other operations on the application project,
based on <sub-command> specified. Following sub-commands are supported. build - Build the
application project. clean - Clean the application project. config - Configure C/C++ build settings
of the application project. create - Create an application project. list - List all the application
projects in workspace. remove - Delete the application project. report - Report the details of the
application project. switch - Switch application project to refer another platform. Type "help"
followed by "app sub-command", or "app sub-command" followed by "-help" for more details.




Depends on the sub-command. Refer to the sub-command help for details.

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Refer to the sub-command help for examples.

app build
Build application.


app build -name <app-name>

Build the application specified by <app-name> in the workspace. "-name" switch is optional, so
<app-name> can be specified directly, without using -name.


Option Description
-name <app-name> Name of the application to be built.
-all Option to Build all the application projects.


Nothing. Build log will be printed on the console.


app build -name helloworld

Build Hello World application.

app build -all

Build all the application projects in the workspace.

app clean
Clean application.


app clean -name <app-name>

Clean the application specified by <app-name> in the workspace. "-name" switch is optional, so
<app-name> can be specified directly, without using -name.

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Option Description
-name <app-name> Name of the application to be clean built.


Nothing. Build log will be printed on the console.


app clean -name helloworld

Clean Hello World application.

app config
Configure C/C++ build settings of the application.


Configure C/C++ build settings for the specified application. Following settings can be configured
for applications: assembler-flags : Miscellaneous flags for assembler build-config : Get/set build
configuration compiler-misc : Compiler miscellaneous flags compiler-optimization : Optimization
level define-compiler-symbols : Define symbols. Ex. MYSYMBOL include-path : Include path for
header files libraries : Libraries to be added while linking library-search-path : Search path for the
libraries added linker-misc : Linker miscellaneous flags linker-script : Linker script for linking
undef-compiler-symbols : Undefine symbols. Ex. MYSYMBOL

app config -name <app-name> <param-name>

Get the value of configuration parameter <param-name> for the application specified by <app-

app config [OPTIONS] -name <app-name> <param-name> <value>

Set/modify/remove the value of configuration parameter <param-name> for the application

specified by <app-name>.


Option Description
-name Name of the application.
-set Set the configuration parameter value to new <value>.
-get Get the configuration parameter value.

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Option Description
-add Append the new <value> to configuration parameter value.
Add option is not supported for compiler-optimization
-info Displays more information like possible values and possible
operations about the configuration parameter. A parameter
name must be specified when this option is used.
-remove Remove <value> from the configuration parameter value.
Remove option is not supported for assembler-flags, build-
config, compiler-misc, compiler-optimization, linker-misc,
and linker-script.


Depends on the arguments specified. <none> List of parameters available for configuration and
description of each parameter.

<parameter name>: Parameter value, or error, if unsupported parameter is specified.

<parameter name> <paramater value>: Nothing if the value is set successfully, or error, if
unsupported parameter is specified.


app config -name test build-config

Return the current build configuration for the application named test.

app config -name test define-compiler-symbols FSBL_DEBUG_INFO

Add -DFSBL_DEBUG_INFO to the compiler options, while building the test application.

app config -name test -remove define-compiler-symbols FSBL_DEBUG_INFO

Remove -DFSBL_DEBUG_INFO from the compiler options, while building the test application.

app config -name test -set compiler-misc {-c -fmessage-length=0 -MT"$@"}

Set {-c -fmessage-length=0 -MT"$@"} as compiler miscellaneous flags for the test application.
app config -name test -append compiler-misc {-pg} Add {-pg} to compiler miscellaneous flags for
the test application.

app config -name test -info compiler-optimization

Changing the compiler-optimization in the compiler options of an application.

app config -name test -set compiler-optimization {Optimize for size (-Os)}

Display more information about possible values and default values for compiler optimization

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app create
Create an application.


app create [options] -platform <platform> -domain <domain>

-sysproj <system-project> Create an application using an existing platform and domain, and
add it to a system project. If <platform> and <domain> are not specified, then active platform
and domain are used for creating the application. If <system-project> is not specified, then a
system project is created with name appname_system. For creating applications and adding them
to existing system project, refer to next use case. Supported options are: -name, -template.

app create [options] -sysproj <system-project> -domain <domain>

Create an application for domain specified by <domain> and add it to system project specified
by <system-project>. If <system-project> exists, platform corresponding to this system
project are used for creating the application. If <domain> is not specified, then active domain is
used. Supported options are: -name, -template.

app create [options] -hw <hw-spec> -proc <proc-instance>

Create an application for processor core specified <proc-instance> in HW platform specified

by <hw-spec>. Supported options are: -name, -template, -os, -lang, -arch.


Option Description
-name <application-name> Name of the application to be created.
-platform <platform-name> Name of the platform. Use "repo -platforms" to list available
pre-defined platforms.
-domain <domain-name> Name of the domain. Use "platform report <platform-
name>" to list the available system configurations in a
-hw <hw-spec> HW specification file exported from Vivado (XSA).
-sysproj <system-project> Name of the system project. Use "sysproj list" to know
available system projects in the workspace.
-proc <processor> Processor core for which the application should be created.
-template <application template> Name of the template application. Default is "Hello World".
Use "repo -apps" to list available template applications.
-os <os-name> OS type. Default type is standalone.
-lang <programming language> Programming language can be c or c++.
-arch <arch-type> Processor architecture, <arch-type> can be 32 or 64 bits.
This option is used to build the project with 32/64 bit

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Nothing, if the application is created successfully. Error string, if the application creation fails.


app create -name test -platform zcu102 -domain a53_standalone

Create Hello World application named test, for the platform zcu102, with a domain named

app create -name zqfsbl -hw zc702 -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone
-template "Zynq FSBL"

Create Zynq FSBL application named zqfsbl for ps7_cortexa9_0 processor core, in zc702 HW

app create -name memtest -hw /path/zc702.xsa -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os

-template "Memory Tests"

Create Memory Test application named memtest for ps7_cortexa9_0 processor core, in
zc702.xsa HW platform.

app create -name test -sysproj test_system -domain test_domain

Create Hello World application project with name test and add it to system project test_system.

app list
List applications.


app list

List all applications for in the workspace.


Option Description
-dict List all the applications for the workspace in Tcl dictionary
format. Without this option, applications are listed in tabular


List of applications in the workspace. If no applications exist, "No application exist" string is

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app list

Lists all the applications in the workspace in tabular format.

app list -dict

Lists all the applications in the workspace in Tcl dictionary format.

app remove
Delete application.


app remove <app-name>

Delete an application from the workspace.




Nothing, if the application is deleted successfully. Error string, if the application deletion fails.


app remove zynqapp

Removes zynqapp from workspace.

app report
Report details of the application.


app report <app-name>

Return details such as the platform, domain, processor core, and OS of an application.



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Details of the application, or error string, if application does not exist.


app report test

Return all the details of application test.

app switch
Switch the application to use another domain/platform.


app switch -name <app-name> -platform <platform-name> -domain <domain-name>

Switch the application to use another platform and domain. If the domain name is not specified,
application will be moved to the first domain which is created for the same processor as current
domain. This option is supported if there is only one application under this platform.

app switch -name <app-name> -domain <domain-name>

Switch the application to use another domain within the same platform. New domain should be
created for the same processor as current domain.


Option Description
-name <application-name> Name of the application to be switched.
-platform <platform-name> Name of the new Platform. Use "platform -list" to list the
available platforms.
-domain <domain-name> Name of the new domain. Use "domain -list" to list avaliable
domain in the active platform.


Nothing if application is switched successfully, or error string, if given platform project does not
exist or given platform project does not have valid domain.


app switch -name helloworld -platform zcu102

Switch the Hello World application to use zcu102 platform.

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System project management.


sysproj <sub-command> [options]

Build, list and report system project, based on <sub-command> specified. Following sub-
commands are supported. build - Build the system project. clean - Clean the system project. list -
List all system projects in workspace. remove - Delete the system project. report - Report the
details of the system project. Type "help" followed by "sysproj sub-command", or "sysproj sub-
command" followed by "-help" for more details.




Depends on the sub-command.


See sub-command help for examples.

sysproj build
Build system project.


sysproj build -name <sysproj-name>

Build the application specified by <sysproj-name> in the workspace. "-name" switch is

optional, so <sysproj-name> can be specified directly, without using -name.


Option Description
-name <sysproj-name> Name of the system project to be built.
-all Option to build all the system projects.


sysproj build -name helloworld_system

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Build the system project specified.

sysproj build -all

Build all the system projects in the workspace.

sysproj clean
Clean application.


sysproj clean -name <app-name>

Clean the application specified by <sysproj-name> in the workspace. "-name" switch is

optional, so <sysproj-name> can be specified directly, without using -name.


Option Description
-name <sysproj-name> Name of the application to be clean built.


Nothing, if the application is cleaned suceessfully. Error string, if the application build clean fails.


sysproj clean -name helloworld_system

Clean-build the system project specified.

sysproj list
List system projects.


sysproj list

List all system projects in the workspace.



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List of system projects in the workspace. If no system project exist, an empty string is returned.


sysproj list

List all system projects in the workspace.

sysproj remove
Delete system project.


sysproj remove [options]

Delete a system project from the workspace.




Nothing, if the system project is deleted successfully. Error string, if the system project deletion


sysproj remove test_system

Delete test_system from workspace.

sysproj report
Report details of the system project.


sysproj report <sysproj-name>

Return the details such as the platform and domain of a system project.



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Details of the system project, or error string, if system project does not exist.


sysproj report test_system

Return all the details of the system project test_system.

Import projects to workspace.


importprojects <path>

Import all the Vitis projects from <path> to workspace.


Nothing, if the projects are imported successfully. Error string, if project path is not specified or if
the projects cannot be imported.


importprojects /tmp/wrk/wksp1/hello1

Import Vitis project(s) into the current workspace.

Import sources to an application project.


importsources [OPTIONS]

Import sources from a path to application project in workspace.


Option Description
-name <project-name> Application Project to which the sources should be

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Option Description
-path <source-path> Path from which the source files should be imported. If
<source-path> is a file, it is imported to application
project. If <source-path> is a directory, all the files/sub-
directories from the <source-path> are imported to
application project. All existing source files will be
overwritten in the application, and new files will be copied.
Linker script will not be copied to the application directory,
unless -linker-script option is used.
-soft-link Links the sources from source-path and does not copy the
-target-path <dir-path> Directory to which the sources have to be linked or copied.
If target-path option is not used, source files will be linked
or copied to "src" directory.
-linker-script Copies the linker script as well.


Nothing, if the project sources are imported successfully. Error string, if invalid options are used
or if the project sources cannot be read/imported.


importsources -name hello1 -path /tmp/wrk/wksp2/hello2

Import the 'hello2' project sources to 'hello1' application project without the linker script.

importsources -name hello1 -path /tmp/wrk/wksp2/hello2 -linker-script

Import the 'hello2' project sources to 'hello1' application project along with the linker script.

importsources -name hello1 -path /tmp/wrk/wksp2/hello_app -soft-link

Create a soft-link to hello1 application project from hello_app application project.

Set or get toolchain used for building projects.



Return a list of available toolchains and supported processor types.

toolchain <processor-type>

Get the current toolchain for <processor-type>.

toolchain <processor-type> <tool-chain>

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Set the <toolchain> for <processor-type>. Any new projects created will use the new
toolchain during build.


Depends on the arguments specified.

<none>: List of available toolchains and supported processor types.

<processor-type>: Current toolchain for processor-type.

<processor-type> <tool-chain>: Nothing if the tool-chain is set, or error, if unsupported

tool-chain is specified.

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Chapter 28: XSCT Use Cases

Chapter 28

XSCT Use Cases

XSCT can be used in various scenarios in the development, debugging, verification, and
deployment cycles. XSCT inherits high-level, interpreted, and dynamic programming features
from Tcl, which makes the programming simple and powerful.

XSCT can inter-operate the workspace together with the AMD Vitis™ IDE. When creating and
managing projects, XSCT launches the Vitis IDE in the background. XSCT workspaces can be
seamlessly used with the Vitis IDE and vice versa. When you are working in the Vitis IDE,
equivalent XSCT commands will be printed in the console in most use cases. This can help you
create scripts for batching and automation when actions need to be executed repeatedly.

Note: At any point in time, a workspace can either be used only from Vitis IDE or XSCT.

Common Use Cases

• Checking the JTAG status of the board: In the new board bring-up phase, after verifying the
power circuits, the first job for hardware verification is to test the JTAG status; checking
whether the FPGA or SoC device can be scanned, and whether the processors can be found
properly. XSCT can do this job with JTAG access and target connection management
commands such as 'jtag tagrets', 'connect', and 'targets'. If you suspect that the board is in an
abnormal status and you need to check the basic hardware, it is also recommended to check
the JTAG and processor status.

• Initializing the board with a single script through JTAG: In some debugging cases (for
example, debugging a PL module that needs a PS generated clock), the PS simply needs to be
initialized into a certain status. Running customized initialization scripts can be faster and
more lightweight than launching runs with the Vitis IDE. The Vitis IDE shows the equivalent
XSCT debug commands in the console. To repeat an initialization cycle easily, copy these
commands into a Tcl file and use XSCT to execute this Tcl script.

• Loading U-Boot with a single script through JTAG: If you need to customize U-Boot, the
easiest way to test and iterate is to use XSCT to initialize the board, load the U-Boot binary
into DDR, and run it. This can be executed on the fly. Otherwise, you might have to package
the boot.bin file and write it to an SD card or the flash memory every time you update the

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• Reading and writing registers with or without applications: When debugging peripherals or
their drivers, the status of the peripheral registers is important. The status can be read from
XSCT or it can be viewed in the Vitis IDE memory view. Using XSCT commands to read and
write registers is quick and lightweight. The register read and write commands can be written
into a script to automate repeated processes. You can also save the register values into a file
for comparison.

Changing Compiler Options of an Application

An example XSCT session that demonstrates creating an empty application for Cortex®-A53
processor, by adding the compiler option -std=c99 is as follows.

setws /tmp/wrk/workspace
app create -name test_a53 -hw /tmp/wrk/system.xsa -os standalone -proc
psu_cortexa53_0 -template {Empty Application(C)}
importsources -name test_a53 -path /tmp/sources/
app config -name test_a53 -add compiler-misc {-std=c99}
app build -name test_a53

Creating an Application Project Using an

Application Template (Zynq UltraScale+
The following is an example XSCT session that demonstrates creating a FSBL project for a
Cortex-A53 processor.

Note: Creating an application project creates a BSP project by adding the necessary libraries and setting
compiler options automatically. FSBL_DEBUG_DETAILED symbol is added to FSBL for debug messages.

setws /tmp/wrk/workspace
app create -name a53_fsbl -hw /tmp/wrk/system.xsa -os standalone -proc
psu_cortexa53_0 -template {Zynq MP FSBL}
app config -name a53_fsbl define-compiler-symbols {FSBL_DEBUG_INFO}
app build -name a53_fsbl

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Creating an FSBL Application Project Using

Manually Created Domain (Zynq UltraScale+
The following is an example XSCT session that demonstrates creating a FSBL project for a
Cortex-A53 processor by manually creating platform, domain and application. Configuration
option zynqmp_fsbl_bsp is set for FSBL compiler optimization options.

setws /tmp/wrk/workspace
platform create -name HW1 -hw zcu102 -no-boot-bsp
domain create -name A53_Standalone -os standalone -proc psu_cortexa53_0
domain active A53_Standalone
bsp setlib -name xilffs
bsp setlib -name xilsecure
bsp setlib -name xilpm
bsp config zynqmp_fsbl_bsp true

platform generate
app create -name a53_fsbl -platform HW1 -template "Zynq MP FSBL" -domain
A53_Standalone -lang c
app build -name a53_fsbl

Creating a Bootable Image and Program the

An example XSCT session that demonstrates the creation of a "Hello World" application is shown
in the following snippet. It also shows the creation of a bootable image using the applications
along with bitstream by building the system project and programming the image onto the flash.

Note: The Vitis environment creates a platform project and system project when an application project is
created. The platform project includes boot components such as FSBL, which are required for initializing a
device. This example assumes that you are using the ZC702 board, and uses -flash_type
qspi_single as an option with program_flash.

setws /tmp/wrk/workspace
app create -name a9_fsbl -hw /tmp/wrk/system.xsa -os standalone -proc
ps7_cortexa9_0 -template {Hello World}
app build -name a9_hello
# Build the system project. This builds the platform project to generate
# and creates a bif file and runs Bootgen to create a boot image (BOOT.BIN)
sysproj build -name a9_hello_system
# Modify the bif and run Bootgen if needed
# exec bootgen -arch zynq -image output.bif -w -o /tmp/wrk/BOOT.bin
# Program the flash and verify the flash device
exec program_flash -f /tmp/wrk/BOOT.bin -flash_type qspi_single -
blank_check -verify -cable type xilinx_tcf url tcp:localhost:3121

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Debugging a Program Already Running on the

Xilinx System Debugger Command-line Interface (XSDB) can be used to debug a program which
is already running on the target (for example, booting from flash). Connect to the target and set
the symbol file for the program running on the target. This method can also be used to debug
Linux kernel booting from flash. For best results, the code running on the target should be
compiled with the debug information.

The following is an example of debugging a program already running on the target. For demo
purpose, the program has been stopped at main(), before this example session.

# Connect to the hw_server

xsdb% conn -url TCP:xhdbfarmc7:3121

xsdb% Info: Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x1005a4
(Hardware Breakpoint)
xsdb% Info: Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (target 3) Stopped at 0xfffffe18

# Select the target on which the program is running and specify the symbol
file using the
# memmap command

xsdb% targets 2
xsdb% memmap -file dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf

# When the symbol file is specified, the debugger maps the code on the
target to the symbol
# file. bt command can be used to see the back trace. Further debug is
possible, as shown in
# the first example

xsdb% bt
0 0x1005a4 main(): ../src/dhry_1.c, line 79
1 0x1022d8 _start()+88
2 unknown-pc

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Debugging Applications on Zynq UltraScale+

Note: For simplicity, this help page assumes that AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC boots up in JTAG
bootmode. The flow described here can be applied to other boot modes too, with minor changes.

When Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC boots up JTAG bootmode, all the Cortex®-A53 and Cortex®-R5F
cores are held in reset. Users must clear resets on each core, before debugging on these cores.
The rst command in XSCT can be used to clear the resets. rst -processor clears reset on an
individual processor core. rst -cores clears resets on all the processor cores in the group
(APU or RPU), of which the current target is a child. For example, when Cortex-A53 #0 is the
current target, rst -cores clears resets on all the Cortex-A53 cores in APU.

Below is an example XSCT session that demonstrates standalone application debug on Cortex-
A53 #0 core on Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC.

Note: Similar steps can be used for debugging applications on Cortex-R5F cores and also on Cortex-A53
cores in 32 bit mode. However, the Cortex-A53 cores must be put in 32 bit mode, before debugging the
applications. This should be done after POR and before the Cortex-A53 resets are cleared.

#connect to remote hw_server by specifying its url.

If the hardware is connected to a local machine,-url option and the <url>
are not needed. connect command returns the channel ID of the connection

xsdb% connect -url TCP:xhdbfarmc7:3121 -symbols


# List available targets and select a target through its id.

The targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the Jtag chain,
so the IDs can change from session to session.
For non-interactive usage, -filter option can be used to select a target,
instead of selecting the target through its ID

xsdb% targets
3 MicroBlaze PMU (Sleeping. No clock)
4 PL
6 RPU (Reset)
7 Cortex-R5 #0 (RPU Reset)
8 Cortex-R5 #1 (RPU Reset)
9 APU (L2 Cache Reset)
10 Cortex-A53 #0 (APU Reset)
11 Cortex-A53 #1 (APU Reset)
12 Cortex-A53 #2 (APU Reset)
13 Cortex-A53 #3 (APU Reset)
xsdb% targets 5

# Configure the FPGA. When the active target is not a FPGA device,
the first FPGA device is configured

xsdb% fpga ZCU102_HwPlatform/design_1_wrapper.bit

100% 36MB 1.8MB/s 00:24

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# Source the psu_init.tcl script and run psu_init command to initialize PS

xsdb% source ZCU102_HwPlatform/psu_init.tcl
xsdb% psu_init
# PS-PL power isolation must be removed and PL reset must be toggled,
before the PL address space can be accessed

# Some delay is needed between these steps

xsdb% after 1000

xsdb% psu_ps_pl_isolation_removal
xsdb% after 1000
xsdb% psu_ps_pl_reset_config

# Select A53 #0 and clear its reset

# To debug 32 bit applications on A53, A53 core must be configured

to boot in 32 bit mode, before the resets are cleared

# 32 bit mode can be enabled through CONFIG_0 register in APU module.

See ZynqMP TRM for details about this register

xsdb% targets 10
xsdb% rst -processor

# Download the application program

xsdb% dow dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf

Downloading Program -- dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf
section, .text: 0xfffc0000 - 0xfffd52c3
section, .init: 0xfffd5300 - 0xfffd5333
section, .fini: 0xfffd5340 - 0xfffd5373
section, 0xfffd5374 - 0xfffd5397
section, .rodata: 0xfffd5398 - 0xfffd6007
section, .rodata1: 0xfffd6008 - 0xfffd603f
section, .data: 0xfffd6040 - 0xfffd71ff
section, .eh_frame: 0xfffd7200 - 0xfffd7203
section, .mmu_tbl0: 0xfffd8000 - 0xfffd800f
section, .mmu_tbl1: 0xfffd9000 - 0xfffdafff
section, .mmu_tbl2: 0xfffdb000 - 0xfffdefff
section, .init_array: 0xfffdf000 - 0xfffdf007
section, .fini_array: 0xfffdf008 - 0xfffdf047
section, .sdata: 0xfffdf048 - 0xfffdf07f
section, .bss: 0xfffdf080 - 0xfffe197f
section, .heap: 0xfffe1980 - 0xfffe397f
section, .stack: 0xfffe3980 - 0xfffe697f
100% 0MB 0.4MB/s 00:00
Setting PC to Program Start Address 0xfffc0000
Successfully downloaded dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf

# Set a breakpoint at main()

xsdb% bpadd -addr &main

# Resume the processor core

xsdb% con

# Info message is displayed when the core hits the breakpoint

Info: Cortex-A53 #0 (target 10) Running
xsdb% Info: Cortex-A53 #0 (target 10) Stopped at 0xfffc0d5c (Breakpoint)

# Registers can be viewed when the core is stopped

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xsdb% rrd
r0: 0000000000000000 r1: 0000000000000000 r2: 0000000000000000
r3: 0000000000000004 r4: 000000000000000f r5: 00000000ffffffff
r6: 000000000000001c r7: 0000000000000002 r8: 00000000ffffffff
r9: 0000000000000000 r10: 0000000000000000 r11: 0000000000000000
r12: 0000000000000000 r13: 0000000000000000 r14: 0000000000000000
r15: 0000000000000000 r16: 0000000000000000 r17: 0000000000000000
r18: 0000000000000000 r19: 0000000000000000 r20: 0000000000000000
r21: 0000000000000000 r22: 0000000000000000 r23: 0000000000000000
r24: 0000000000000000 r25: 0000000000000000 r26: 0000000000000000
r27: 0000000000000000 r28: 0000000000000000 r29: 0000000000000000
r30: 00000000fffc1f4c sp: 00000000fffe5980 pc: 00000000fffc0d5c
cpsr: 600002cd vfp sys

# Local variables can be viewed

xsdb% locals
Int_1_Loc : 1113232
Int_2_Loc : 30
Int_3_Loc : 0
Ch_Index : 0
Enum_Loc : 0
Str_1_Loc : char[31]
Str_2_Loc : char[31]
Run_Index : 1061232
Number_Of_Runs : 2

# Local variable value can be modified

xsdb% locals Number_Of_Runs 100
xsdb% locals Number_Of_Runs
Number_Of_Runs : 100

# Global variables and be displayed, and its value can be modified

xsdb% print Int_Glob
Int_Glob : 0
xsdb% print -set Int_Glob 23
xsdb% print Int_Glob
Int_Glob : 23

# Expressions can be evaluated and its value can be displayed

xsdb% print Int_Glob + 1 * 2
Int_Glob + 1 * 2 : 25

# Step over a line of source code

xsdb% nxt
Info: Cortex-A53 #0 (target 10) Stopped at 0xfffc0d64 (Step)

# View stack trace

xsdb% bt
0 0xfffc0d64 main()+8: ../src/dhry_1.c, line 79
1 0xfffc1f4c _startup()+84: xil-crt0.S, line 110

Note: If the .elf file is not accessible from the remote machine on which the server is running, the xsdb%
connect -url TCP:xhdbfarmc7:3121 command should be appended with the -symbols option as
shown in the above example.

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Chapter 28: XSCT Use Cases

Selecting Target Based on Target Properties

The following is an example XSCT session that demonstrates selecting a target based on target
properties. It shows how to connect to the Cortex®-A9 processor of the second device when
multiple devices are connected in a JTAG chain (xc7z020 and xc7z045).

# connect to hw_server
xsdb% conn -ho xhdbfarmrkh1
# check the jtag targets connected, the IDs listed with jtag targets are
called node IDs
xsdb% jtag targets
1 Platform Cable USB II 0000153f74cd01
2 arm_dap (idcode 4ba00477 irlen 4)
3 xc7z020 (idcode 03727093 irlen 6 fpga)
4 arm_dap (idcode 4ba00477 irlen 4)
5 xc7z045 (idcode 03731093 irlen 6 fpga)
# check the targets connected, the IDs listed with targets are called
target IDs
xsdb% targets
2 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Suspended)
3 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Suspended)
4 xc7z020
6 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running)
7 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)
8 xc7z045
# check jtag target properties of 2nd device (2nd ARM DAP). Note the
target_ctx here.
xsdb% jtag targets -target-properties -filter {node_id == 4}
{target_ctx jsn-DLC10-0000153f74cd01-4ba00477-1 level 1 node_id 4 is_open 1
is_active 1 is_current 1 name arm_dap jtag_cable_name {Platform Cable USB
II 0000153f74cd01} state {} jtag_cable_manufacturer Xilinx
jtag_cable_product DLC10 jtag_cable_serial 0000153f74cd01 idcode 4ba00477
irlen 4}
# using the target context, select the targets associated with the JTAG
target (2nd ARM DAP - node id = 4)
xsdb% targets -filter {jtag_device_ctx == "jsn-
6 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running)
7 ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)

Memory and Register accesses from XSCT

Memory accesses
Memory accesses in XSCT take different physical paths in the SoC devices based on the active

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Processor targets
When a processor is selected as an active target, any memory read/write commands (mrd/mwr)
run by the users are executed by the processor. The debugger injects load/store instructions into
the processor to access the memory. Because the processor executes these instructions, MMU
and caches come into the picture. The address of the read/write commands is treated as virtual
address by the processor. Data is read from or written to caches. If MMU and caches are
disabled, physical memory is accessed during load/store.

Example, processor targets are Cortex-A9, Cortex®-A53, Cortex-A72, and so on.

Non-processor targets
When targets like APU/RPU/PSU/Versal are selected as active targets, physical memory is
accessed during memory read/write commands. These targets use AXI-AP in Arm® DAP to
access memory. The AXI-AP does not have access to the MMU or caches inside processor
targets. However, the debugger flushes/invalidates the caches for every memory access
command. Therefore, it is the same data on any target, APU/processor, even though the cache is
enabled. Following are the examples.

Case 1: Write 0xAAAAAAAA to the location 0x30000000 from the processor target and read it
from the APU target or processor target. The data is the same.

Figure 57: Behavior of Memory-writes from Processor Target

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Case 2: Write 0x55AA55AA to the location 0x30000000 from the APU target and read it from
the APU target or processor target. The data is the same in both targets. In the below screenshot,
select target 1 on Zynq, which is APU, and write 0x55AA55AA. From Vitis, check the ddr_val
variable from the processor target, which is updated as soon as we write from target1.

Figure 58: Behavior of Memory-writes from APU Target

Case 3: Perform DMA transfers from the application (processor target) by filling source location
(0x10C040) with 0x55AA55AA, of size 1024 words, and destination location (0x10D040) with
0xDEADBEEF, of size 1024 words. Initiate the DMA transfer. After the transfer is done, verify
the destination location from the processor and APU Targets. The data will be the same.

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Figure 59: Behavior of DMA-transfers from Processor Target

The Effect of XPPU/XMPU on Memory Accesses

If XMPU/XPPU are configured to block accesses to a peripheral/memory through a processor or
DAP, accessing such addresses thru these targets in XSCT will lead to memory access errors.
Memory accesses succeed only when the hardware is configured to allow access from the active
target to that address. Users must use 'loadhw' or 'memmap' commands that will provide access
to the protected memory regions. Alternatively, '-force' option in 'mrd'/'mwr' commands can be
used or set 'force-mem-access' in 'configparams' to 1.

Register Accesses
The registers list varies based on the active target. For processor targets, the registers list
includes processor registers like general purpose register, PC, SP, LR, special registers, banked
registers and so on.

For non-processor targets like APU/RPU/PSU/Versal, the registers list includes registers from all
the peripherals in the SoC. For example, peripherals include DDRC, UART, SPI and so on.

Registers are grouped wherever applicable. Such registers can be accessed by running mrd/mwr
<register-group> <register-name> ?value?

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Modifying BSP Settings

Below is an example XSCT session that demonstrates building a HelloWorld application to target
the MicroBlaze™ processor. The STDIN and STDOUT OS parameters are changed to use the

Note: When the BSP settings are changed, it is necessary to update the mss and regenerate the BSP
sources to reflect the changes in the source file before compiling.

setws /tmp/wrk/workspace
app create -name mb_app -hw /tmp/wrk/kc705_system.xsa -proc microblaze_0 -
os standalone -template {Hello World}
bsp config stdin mdm_0
bsp config stdout mdm_0
bsp regenerate
platform generate
app build -name mb_app

setws /tmp/wrk/workspace
app create -name mb_app -hw /tmp/wrk/kc705_system.xsa -proc microblaze_0 -
os standalone -template

{Hello World}
bsp config stdin mdm_0
bsp config stdout mdm_0
bsp regenerate
platform generate
app build -name mb_app

Performing Standalone Application Debug

System Command-line Tool (XSCT) can be used to debug standalone applications on one or more
processor cores simultaneously. The first step involved in debugging is to connect to hw_server
and select a debug target. You can now reset the system/processor core, initialize the PS if
needed, program the FPGA, download an elf, set breakpoints, run the program, examine the
stack trace, view local/global variables.

An example XSCT session that demonstrates standalone application debug on AMD Zynq™ 7000
SoC is as follows. Comments begin with #.

#connect to remote hw_server by specifying its url.

#If the hardware is connected to a local machine,-url option and the <url>
#are not needed. connect command returns the channel ID of the connection

xsct% connect -url TCP:xhdbfarmc7:3121 tcfchan#0

# List available targets and select a target through its id.

#The targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the Jtag chain,
#so the IDs can change from session to session.
#For non-interactive usage, -filter option can be used to select a target,

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#instead of selecting the target through its ID

xsct% targets
2 Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (Running)
3 Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (Running)
4 xc7z020
xsct% targets 2
# Reset the system before initializing the PS and configuring the FPGA

xsct% rst
# Info messages are displayed when the status of a core changes
Info: Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0xfffffe1c (Suspended)
Info: Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #1 (target 3) Stopped at 0xfffffe18 (Suspended)

# Configure the FPGA. When the active target is not a FPGA device,
#the first FPGA device is configured

xsct% fpga ZC702_HwPlatform/design_1_wrapper.bit

100% 3MB 1.8MB/s 00:02

# Run loadhw command to make the debugger aware of the processor cores’
memory map
xsct% loadhw ZC702_HwPlatform/system.xsa

# Source the ps7_init.tcl script and run ps7_init and ps7_post_config

xsct% source ZC702_HwPlatform/ps7_init.tcl
xsct% ps7_init
xsct% ps7_post_config

# Download the application program

xsct% dow dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf
Downloading Program -- dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf
section, .text: 0x00100000 - 0x001037f3
section, .init: 0x001037f4 - 0x0010380b
section, .fini: 0x0010380c - 0x00103823
section, .rodata: 0x00103824 - 0x00103e67
section, .data: 0x00103e68 - 0x001042db
section, .eh_frame: 0x001042dc - 0x0010434f
section, .mmu_tbl: 0x00108000 - 0x0010bfff
section, .init_array: 0x0010c000 - 0x0010c007
section, .fini_array: 0x0010c008 - 0x0010c00b
section, .bss: 0x0010c00c - 0x0010e897
section, .heap: 0x0010e898 - 0x0010ec9f
section, .stack: 0x0010eca0 - 0x0011149f
100% 0MB 0.3MB/s 00:00

Setting PC to Program Start Address 0x00100000

Successfully downloaded dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf

# Set a breakpoint at main()

xsct% bpadd -addr &main

# Resume the processor core

xsct% con

# Info message is displayed when the core hits the breakpoint

xsct% Info: Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x1005a4

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# Registers can be viewed when the core is stopped

xsct% rrd
r0: 00000000 r1: 00000000 r2: 0010e898 r3: 001042dc
r4: 00000003 r5: 0000001e r6: 0000ffff r7: f8f00000
r8: 00000000 r9: ffffffff r10: 00000000 r11: 00000000
r12: 0010fc90 sp: 0010fca0 lr: 001022d8 pc: 001005a4
cpsr: 600000df usr fiq irq
abt und svc mon
vfp cp15 Jazelle

# Memory contents can be displayed

xsct% mrd 0xe000d000
E000D000: 800A0000

# Local variables can be viewed

xsct% locals
Int_1_Loc : 1113232
Int_2_Loc : 30
Int_3_Loc : 0
Ch_Index : 0
Enum_Loc : 0
Str_1_Loc : char[31]
Str_2_Loc : char[31]
Run_Index : 1061232
Number_Of_Runs : 2

# Local variable value can be modified

xsct% locals Number_Of_Runs 100
xsct% locals Number_Of_Runs
Number_Of_Runs : 100

# Global variables and be displayed, and its value can be modified

xsct% print Int_Glob
Int_Glob : 0
xsct% print -set Int_Glob 23
xsct% print Int_Glob
Int_Glob : 23

# Expressions can be evaluated and its value can be displayed

xsct% print Int_Glob + 1 * 2
Int_Glob + 1 * 2 : 25

# Step over a line of source code

xsct% nxt
Info: Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x1005b0 (Step)

# View stack trace

xsct% bt
0 0x1005b0 main()+12: ../src/dhry_1.c, line 91
1 0x1022d8 _start()+88
2 unknown-pc

# Set a breakpoint at exit and resume execution

xsct% bpadd -addr &exit
xsct% con
Info: Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Running
xsct% Info: Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #0 (target 2) Stopped at 0x103094

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xsct% bt
0 0x103094 exit()
1 0x1022e0 _start()+96
2 unknown-pc

While a program is running on A9 #0, you can download another elf onto A9 #1 and debug it,
using similar steps. It is not necessary to re-connect to the hw_server, initialize the PS or
configure the FPGA in such cases. You can select A9 #1 target and download the elf and
continue with further debug.

Generating SVF Files

SVF (Serial Vector Format) is an industry standard file format that is used to describe JTAG chain
operations in a compact, portable fashion. An example XSCT script to generate an SVF file is as

# Reset values of respective cores

set core 0
set apu_reset_a53 {0x380e 0x340d 0x2c0b 0x1c07}
# Generate SVF file for linking DAP to the JTAG chain
# Next 2 steps are required only for Rev2.0 silicon and above.
svf config -scan-chain {0x14738093 12 0x5ba00477 4
} -device-index 1 -linkdap -out "dapcon.svf"
svf generate
# Configure the SVF generation
svf config -scan-chain {0x14738093 12 0x5ba00477 4
} -device-index 1 -cpu-index $core -delay 10 -out "fsbl_hello.svf"
# Record writing of bootloop and release of A53 core from reset
svf mwr 0xffff0000 0x14000000
svf mwr 0xfd1a0104 [lindex $apu_reset_a53 $core]
# Record stopping the core
svf stop
# Record downloading FSBL
svf dow "fsbl.elf"
# Record executing FSBL
svf con
svf delay 100000
# Record some delay and then stopping the core
svf stop
# Record downloading the application
svf dow "hello.elf"
# Record executing application
svf con
# Generate SVF
svf generate

Note: SVF files can only be recorded using XSCT. You can use any standard SVF player to play the SVF file.

To play a SVF file in the Vivado hardware manager, connect to a target and use the following Tcl
command to play the file on the selected target.

execute_hw_svf <*.svf file>

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Program U-BOOT over JTAG

#connecting to the target
connect -host <hostname>;

#Disable security gates to view PMU MB target

targets -set -filter {name =~ "PSU"}
#By default, JTAG security gates are enabled
#This disables security gates for DAP, PLTAP, and PMU.
mwr 0xffca0038 0x1ff
after 500
#Load and run PMU FW
targets -set -filter {name =~ "MicroBlaze PMU"}5)
dow pmufw.elf
after 500
#Reset A53, load and run FSBL
targets -set -filter {name =~ "Cortex-A53 #0"}
rst -processor
dow zynqmp_fsbl.elf
#Give FSBL time to run
after 5000
#Dowloading other Softwares like u-boot ans so on, using below command
dow -data system.dtb 0x100000
dow u-boot.elf
dow bl31.elf
after 5000

Running an Application in Non-Interactive

Xilinx System Debugger Command-line Interface (XSDB) provides a scriptable interface to run
applications in non-interactive mode. To run the program in previous example using a script,
create a Tcl script (and name it as, for example, test.tcl) with the following commands. The
script can be run by passing it as a launch argument to XSDB.

connect -url TCP:xhdbfarmc7:3121

# Select the target whose name starts with Arm and ends with #0.
# On Zynq, this selects “Arm Cortex-A9 MPCore #0”

targets -set -filter {name =~ "Arm* #0"}


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fpga ZC702_HwPlatform/design_1_wrapper.bit
loadhw ZC702_HwPlatform/system.xsa
source ZC702_HwPlatform/ps7_init.tcl
dow dhrystone/Debug/dhrystone.elf

# Set a breakpoint at exit

bpadd -addr &exit

# Resume execution and block until the core stops (due to breakpoint)
# or a timeout of 5 sec is reached

con -block -timeout 5

Running Tcl Scripts

You can create Tcl scripts with XSCT commands and run them in an interactive or non-interactive
mode. In the interactive mode, you can source the script at XSCT prompt. For example:

xsct% source xsct_script.tcl

In the non-interactive mode, you can run the script by specifying the script as a launch argument.
Arguments to the script can follow the script name. For example:

$ xsct xsct_script.tcl [args]

The script below provides a usage example of XSCT. This script creates and builds an application,
connects to a remote hw_server, initializes the Zynq PS connected to remote host, downloads
and executes the application on the target. These commands can be either scripted or run

# Set Vitis workspace

setws /tmp/workspace
# Create application project
app create -name hello -hw /tmp/wrk/system.xsa -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os
standalone -lang C -template {Hello World}
app build -name hello hw_server
connect -host raptor-host
# Select a target
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ “Arm* #0}
# System Reset
rst -system
# PS7 initialization
namespace eval xsdb {source /tmp/workspace/hw1/ps7_init.tcl; ps7_init}
# Download the elf
dow /tmp/workspace/hello/Debug/hello.elf
# Insert a breakpoint @ main
bpadd -addr &main
# Continue execution until the target is suspended

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con -block -timeout 500

# Print the target registers
puts [rrd]
# Resume the target

Switching Between XSCT and Vitis Integrated

Design Environment
Below is an example XSCT session that demonstrates creating and building an application using
XSCT. After execution, launch the Vitis development environment and select the workspace
created using XSCT to view the updates.

Note: The workspace created in XSCT can be used from Vitis IDE. However, at a time, only one instance of
the tool can use the workspace.

# Set Vitis workspace

setws /tmp/workspace
# Create application project
app create -name hello -hw /tmp/wrk/system.xsa -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os
standalone -lang C -template {Hello World}
app build -name hello


XSDB supports virtual UART through JTAG, which is useful when the physical UART does not
exist or is non-functional. To use JTAG UART, the software application should be modified to
redirect STDIO to the JTAG UART. Vitis IDE provides a CoreSight™ driver to support redirecting
of STDIO to virtual UART on Arm based designs. For MB designs, the uartlite driver can be used.
To use the virtual UART driver, open board support settings in Vitis IDE and can change STDIN /
STDOUT to coresight/mdm.

XSDB supports virtual UART through two commands.

• jtagterminal - Start/Stop JTAG based hyper-terminal. This command opens a new

terminal window for STDIO. The text input from this terminal will be sent to STDIN and any
output from STDOUT will be displayed on this terminal.
• readjtaguart - Start/Stop reading from JTAG UART. This command starts polling STDOUT
for output and displays in on XSDB terminal or redirects it to a file.

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Chapter 28: XSCT Use Cases

An example XSCT session that demonstrates how to use a JTAG terminal for STDIO is as follows:

source ps7_init.tcl
targets -set -filter {name =~"APU"}
loadhw system.xsa
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "Arm*#0"}
rst –processor
dow <app>.elf
jtagterminal -stop #after you are done

An example XSCT session that demonstrates how to use the XSCT console as STDOUT for JTAG
UART is as follows:

source ps7_init.tcl
targets -set -filter {name =~"APU"}
loadhw system.xsa
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "Arm*#0"}
rst –processor
dow <app>.elf
readjtaguart -stop #after you are done

An example XSCT session that demonstrates how to redirect the STDOUT from JTAG UART to a
file is as follows:

source ps7_init.tcl
targets -set -filter {name =~"APU"}
loadhw system.xsa
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "Arm*#0"}
rst –processor
dow <app>.elf
set fp [open uart.log w]
readjtaguart -handle $fp
readjtaguart -stop #after you are done

Working with Libraries

An example XSCT session that demonstrates creating a default domain and adding XILFFS and
XILRSA libraries to the BSP is as follows. Create a FSBL application thereafter.

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Chapter 28: XSCT Use Cases

Note: A normal domain/BSP does not contain any libraries.

setws /tmp/wrk/workspace
app create -name hello -hw /tmp/wrk/system.xsa -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os
standalone -lang C -template {Hello World}
bsp setlib -name xilffs
bsp setlib -name xilrsa
platform generate
app build -name hello

Changing the OS version.

bsp setosversion -ver 6.6

Assigning a driver to an IP.

bsp setdriver -ip ps7_uart_1 -driver generic -ver 2.0

Removing a library (removes xilrsa library from the domain/BSP).

bsp removelib -name xilrsa

Editing FSBL/PMUFW Source File

The following example shows you how to edit FSBL/PMUFW source files.

setws workspace
app create -name a53_app -hw zcu102 -os standalone -proc psu_cortexa53_0
#Go to “workspace/zcu102/zynqmp_fsbl” or “workspace/zcu102/zynqmp_pmufw”
and modify the source files using any editor like gedit or gvim for boot
domains zynqmp_fsbl and zynqmp_pmufw.
platform generate

Editing FSBL/PMUFW Settings

The following example shows you how to edit FSBL/PMUFW settings.

setws workspace
app create -name a53_app -hw zcu102 -os standalone -proc psu_cortexa53_0
#If you want to modify anything in zynqmp_fsbl domain use below command to
active that domain
domain active zynqmp_fsbl
#If you want to modify anything in zynqmp_pmufw domain use below command to
active that domain
domain active zynqmp_pmufw
#configure the BSP settings for boot domain like FSBL or PMUFW
bsp config -append compiler_flags -DFSBL_DEBUG_INFO
platform generate

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Chapter 28: XSCT Use Cases

Exchanging Files between Host Machine and

Linux Running on QEMU
XSCT tfile can be used to communicate with the tcf-agent running in Linux to transfer files. To
exchange file between host machine and Linux in QEMU, follow these steps:

1. Launch QEMU from the Vitis IDE by selecting Vitis → Start/Stop Emulator. QEMU is
launched to boot Linux. The tcf-agent runs in the backend when Linux finishes booting. It is
required to include the tcf-agent in the Linux root file system configuration in PetaLinux.
2. Launch XSCT and use the following commands to exchange file:
a. Connect to the tcf-agent using XSCT:
connect -host -port 1440

Note: 1440 is port forwarded by QEMU.

b. Copy file from host to target:

tfile copy -from-host <host_path> <target_path>

c. Copy file from target to host:

tfile copy -to-host <target_path> <host_path>

Loading U-Boot over JTAG

Users can load and run U-Boot over JTAG and then flash drivers in the U-Boot to program the

Script to run U-Boot and download the binary file for programming to flash.

• Zynq:
# Connect to target

# Load and run FSBL

targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "ARM*#0"}
dow zynq_fsbl.elf
after 3000

# Load DTB at 0x100000

dow -data system.dtb 0x100000

# Download and run u-boot

dow uboot.elf

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after 1000;
# Download the BOOT.bin (file to program to flash) in some DDR location
which is not used for other apps.
dow -data BOOT.BIN <ddr_addr>

• AMD Zynq™MP:
# Connect to target

# Disable Security gates to view PMU MB target

targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "*PSU*"}
mask_write 0xFFCA0038 0x1C0 0x1C0

#Load and run PMU FW

targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "*MicroBlaze PMU*"}
dow pmufw.elf
after 500

# Load and run FSBL

targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "*A53*#0"}
rst -proc
dow zynqmp_fsbl.elf
after 5000

# Load DTB at 0x100000

dow -data system.dtb 0x100000

# Load and run u-boot

dow u-boot.elf
dow bl31.elf
after 5000

# Download the BOOT.bin (file to program to flash) in some DDR location

which is not used for other apps.
dow -data BOOT.BIN <ddr_address>

• Versal:
# Connect to target

# Configure the device with PDI containing PLM, necessary CDOs, u-boot,
BL31 and system.dtb
# Steps for creating this PDI (BOOT.BIN) are given in the next section
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "*PMC*"}
device program BOOT.BIN

# Download the BOOT.bin (file to program to flash) in some DDR location

which is not used for other apps.
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "*A72*#0"}
dow -data BOOT.BIN <ddr_address>

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Following are the steps to create BOOT.BIN used in the script:

1. Extract the PDI from the XSA - lets call it system.pdi
2. Create a BIF as shown below: bootimage.bif
{ type = bootimage, file = system.pdi }
name=default_subsys, id=0x1c000000
{ load = 0x1000, file = system.dtb }
{ core = a72-0, exception_level = el-3, trustzone, file =
bl31.elf }
{ core = a72-0, exception_level = el-2, load=0x8000000, file=u-
boot.elf }

3. Use Bootgen to create a new extended PDI by appending system.dtb, U-Boot and bl31 to
the PDI extracted from XSA Bootgen -arch versal -image bootimage.bif -w

Running U-Boot commands for flash programming

After loading and running U-Boot, at the U-Boot console, input the following commands:

sf probe 0 0 0
sf erase 0 <size of BOOT.bin>
sf write <ddr_address> 0 <size of BOOT.bin>

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Chapter 29: Hardware Software Interface (HSI) Commands

Chapter 29

Hardware Software Interface (HSI)


XSCT Interface Examples

HSI Tcl Examples
This chapter demonstrates how to load an .xsa file, access the hardware information, and
generate BSPs, applications, and the Device Tree.

Accessing Hardware Design Data

# Opening the hardware design

hsi::open_hw_design base_zynq_design_wrapper.xsa

# List loaded hardware designs


# Switch to current hardware design


# Report properties of the current hardware design

common::report_property [hsi::current_hw_design]

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Table 49: Example Table

Property Type Read Only Visible Value

ADDRESS_TAG string* true true

BOARD string true true

CLASS string true true hw_design
DEVICE string true true 7x020
FAMILY string true true zynq
NAME string true true base_zynq_design_imp
PACKAGE string true true clg484
PATH string true true /scratch/demo//base_zynq_design.hwh
SPEEDGRADE string true true 1
SW_REPOSITORIES string* true true
TIMESTAMP string true true <current date and time>
VIVADO_VERSION string true true 2014.3

# List the .xsa files in the container

base_zynq_design.hwh ps7_init.c ps7_init.h ps7_init_gpl.c
ps7_init_gpl.h ps7_init.tcl ps7_init.html
base_zynq_design_wrapper.mmi base_zynq_design_bd.tcl

# Filter the .bit files

hsi::get_hw_files -filter {TYPE==bit}


# List of external ports in the design

DDR_cas_n DDR_cke DDR_ck_n DDR_ck_p DDR_cs_n DDR_reset_n
DDR_odt DDR_ras_n
DDR_we_n DDR_ba DDR_addr DDR_dm DDR_dq DDR_dqs_n DDR_dqs_p
FIXED_IO_ddr_vrn FIXED_IO_ddr_vrp FIXED_IO_ps_srstb
FIXED_IO_ps_porb leds_4bits_tri_o

# Reports properties of an external port

common::report_property [hsi::get_ports leds_4bits_tri_o]

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Table 50: Example Table

Property Type Readonly Visible Value

CLASS string true true port
CLK_FREQ string true true
DIRECTION string true true 0
INTERFACE bool true true 0
IS_CONNECTED bool true true 0
LEFT string true true 3
NAME string true true leds_4bits_tri_o
RIGHT string true true 0
SENSITIVITY enum true true
TYPE enum true true undef

# List of IP instances in the design

axi_bram_ctrl_0 axi_gpio_0 blk_mem_gen_0
rst_processing_system7_0_50M ps7_clockc_0 ps7_uart_1
ps7_pl310_0 ps7_pmu_0 ps7_qspi_0
ps7_qspi_linear_0 ps7_axi_interconnect_0 ps7_cortexa9_0
ps7_cortexa9_1 ps7_ddr_0
ps7_ethernet_0 ps7_usb_0 ps7_sd_0 ps7_i2c_0 ps7_can_0
ps7_ttc_0 ps7_gpio_0
ps7_ddrc_0 ps7_dev_cfg_0 ps7_xadc_0 ps7_ocmc_0
ps7_coresight_comp_0 ps7_gpv_0 ps7_scuc_0
ps7_globaltimer_0 ps7_intc_dist_0 ps7_l2cachec_0 ps7_dma_s
ps7_iop_bus_config_0 ps7_ram_0
ps7_ram_1 ps7_scugic_0 ps7_scutimer_0 ps7_scuwdt_0
ps7_slcr_0 ps7_dma_ns ps7_afi_0 ps7_afi_1
ps7_afi_2 ps7_afi_3 ps7_m_axi_gp0

#List of processors in the design

hsi::get_cells -filter {IP_TYPE==PROCESSOR}

ps7_cortexa9_0 ps7_cortexa9_1

# Properties of IP instance

common::report_property [hsi::get_cells axi_gpio_0]

Table 51: Example Table

Property Type Readonly Visible Value

CLASS string true true cell
CONFIG.C_ALL_INPUTS string true true 0
CONFIG.C_ALL_INPUTS_2 string true true 0

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Table 51: Example Table (cont'd)

Property Type Readonly Visible Value

CONFIG.C_ALL_OUTPUTS string true true 1
CONFIG.C_ALL_OUTPUTS_2 string true true 0
CONFIG.C_BASEADDR string true true 0x41200000
CONFIG.C_DOUT_DEFAULT string true true 0x00000000
CONFIG.C_DOUT_DEFAULT_2 string true true 0x00000000
CONFIG.C_FAMILY string true true zynq
CONFIG.C_GPIO2_WIDTH string true true 32
CONFIG.C_GPIO_WIDTH string true true 4
CONFIG.C_HIGHADDR string true true 0x4120FFFF
CONFIG.C_IS_DUAL string true true 0
CONFIG.C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH string true true 9
CONFIG.C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH string true true 32
CONFIG.C_TRI_DEFAULT_2 string true true 0xFFFFFFFF
CONFIG.Component_Name string true true base_zynq_design_
CONFIG.GPIO2_BOARD_INTERFACE string true true Custom
CONFIG.GPIO_BOARD_INTERFACE string true true leds_4bits
CONFIG.USE_BOARD_FLOW string true true true
CONFIGURABLE bool true true 0
IP_NAME string true true axi_gpio
IP_TYPE enum true true PERIPHERAL
NAME string* true true axi_gpio_0
PRODUCT_GUIDE string true true AXI GPIO LogiCORE
IP Product Guide
SLAVES string true true
VLNV string true true

# Memory range of the Slave IPs

common::report_property [lindex [hsi::get_mem_ranges -of_objects

[hsi::get_cells -filter {IP_TYPE==PROCESSOR}]] 39]

Table 52: Example Table

Property Type Read-only Visible Value

BASE_NAME string true true C_BASEADDR

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Table 52: Example Table (cont'd)

Property Type Read-only Visible Value

BASE_VALUE string true true 0x41200000
CLASS string true true mem_range
HIGH_NAME string true true C_HIGHADDR
HIGH_VALUE string true true 0x4120FFFF
INSTANCE cell true true axi_gpio_0
IS_DATA bool true true 1
IS_INSTRUCTION bool true true 0
MEM_TYPE enum true true REGISTER
NAME string true true axi_gpio_0

Creating Standalone Software Design and Accessing Software Information

# List of the drivers in the software repository

hsi::get_sw_cores *uart*
uartlite_v2_01_a uartlite_v3_0 uartns550_v2_01_a
uartns550_v2_02_a uartns550_v3_0
uartns550_v3_1 uartps_v1_04_a uartps_v1_05_a uartps_v2_0
uartps_v2_1 uartps_v2_2

# Creates software design

hsi::create_sw_design swdesign -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone


# To switch to active software design


# Properties of the current software design

common::report_property [hsi::current_sw_design ]

Table 53: Example Table

Property Type Read-only Visible Value

APP_COMPILER string FALSE TRUE arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc
CLASS string TRUE TRUE sw_design

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Table 53: Example Table (cont'd)

Property Type Read-only Visible Value

NAME string TRUE TRUE swdesign

# The drivers associated to current hardware design

axi_bram_ctrl_0 axi_gpio_0 ps7_afi_0 ps7_afi_1 ps7_afi_2
ps7_afi_3 ps7_can_0
ps7_coresight_comp_0 ps7_ddr_0 ps7_ddrc_0 ps7_dev_cfg_0
ps7_dma_ns ps7_dma_s
ps7_ethernet_0 ps7_globaltimer_0 ps7_gpio_0 ps7_gpv_0
ps7_i2c_0 ps7_intc_dist_0
ps7_iop_bus_config_0 ps7_l2cachec_0 ps7_ocmc_0 ps7_pl310_0
ps7_pmu_0 ps7_qspi_0
ps7_qspi_linear_0 ps7_ram_0 ps7_ram_1 ps7_scuc_0
ps7_scugic_0 ps7_scutimer_0
ps7_scuwdt_0 ps7_sd_0 ps7_slcr_0 ps7_ttc_0 ps7_uart_1
ps7_usb_0 ps7_xadc_0
hsi% get_osstandalone

# Properties of the OS object


Table 54: Example Table

Property Type Read-only Visible Value

CLASS string TRUE TRUE sw_proc
CONFIG.archiver string FALSE TRUE arm-xilinx-eabi-ar
CONFIG.compiler string FALSE TRUE arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc
CONFIG.compiler_flags string FALSE TRUE -O2 -c
CONFIG.extra_compile string FALSE TRUE -g
HW_INSTANCE string TRUE TRUE ps7_cortexa9_0
NAME string FALSE TRUE cpu_cortexa9

# Generate BSP. BSP source code will be dumped to the output directory.

hsi::generate_bsp -dir bsp_out

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# List of available apps in the repository

hsi::generate_app -lapp
peripheral_tests dhrystone empty_application hello_world
memory_tests rsa_auth_app srec_bootloader
xilkernel_thread_demo zynq_dram_test
zynq_fsbl linux_empty_app linux_hello_world

# Generate template application

hsi::generate_app -app hello_world -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -

dir app_out

# Generate Device Tree. Clone device tree repo from GIT to /device_tree_repository/
device-treegenerator-master directory.

# Load the hardware design

hsi::open_hw_design zynq_1_wrapper.xsa

# Cloned GIT repo path

hsi::set_repo_path ./device_tree_repository/device-tree-generator-master

# Create sw design

hsi::create_sw_design sw1 -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os device_tree

# Generate device tree

hsi::generate_target {dts} -dir dtg_out

Generating and Compiling Applications with Customized Compiler Settings

and Memory Sections
#Create a software design for the template application with default compiler flags and memory
section settings

set sw_system_1 [hsi::create_sw_design system_1 -proc microblaze_1 -os

xilkernel -app hello_world]

#Change compiler and its flags of the software design

common::set_property APP_COMPILER "mb-gcc" $sw_system_1

common::set_property -name APP_COMPILER_FLAGS -value "-DRSA_SUPPORT -
-objects $sw_system_1
common::set_property -name APP_LINKER_FLAGS -value "-Wl,--start-group,-
-objects $sw_system_1

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#Change memory sections

common::set_property CODE_MEMORY axi_bram_ctrl_1 $sw_system_1

common::set_property BSS_MEMORY axi_bram_ctrl_1 $sw_system_1
common::set_property DATA_MEMORY axi_bram_ctrl_2 $sw_system_1

#Genereate application for the above customized software design to Zynq_Fsbl directory

hsi::generate_app -dir hw_output -compile

Generating and Compiling BSP with Advanced Driver/Library/OS/Processor

#Create a software design for the template application with default compiler flags and memory
section settings

set sw_system_1 [hsi::create_sw_design system_1 -proc microblaze_1 -os

xilkernel ]

#Get the old driver object

set old_driver [hsi::get_drivers myip1]

#Set repository path to find the custom drivers and libraries

hsi::set_repo_path ./my_local_sw_repository

#Set the new driver name and version to old driver object

common::set_property NAME myip1_custom_driver $old_driver

common::set_property VERSION 1.0 $old_driver

#Change default OS configuration to desired one

set OS [hsi::get_os]
common::set_property CONFIG.systmr_dev axi_timer_0 $OS
common::set_property CONFIG.stdin axi_uartlite_0 $OS
common::set_property CONFIG.stdout axi_uartlite_0 $OS

#Add custom library to software design

hsi::add_library xilflash

#Get all the properties of the library, only read_only = false properties can be changed

common::report_property [hsi::get_libs xilflash]

#Change the default configuration of the library

set lib [hsi::get_libs xilflash]

common::set_property CONFIG.enable_amd true $lib
common::set_property CONFIG.enable_intel false $lib

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#Generate the BSP with the above configuration

hsi::generate_bsp -dir advanced_bsp -compile

#Delete the library added to software design

hsi::delete_objs $lib

Generating and Compiling BSP for a Multi-Block Design

Figure 60: Example Design with Multiple Block Design Instances in the Active Top

#Open hardware design with multiple block design instances

hsi% hsi::open_hw_design system_wrapper.xsa


#Get the hardware cell instances

Note: Cell instances from all the block designs in the top are shown andtheir names are prefixed with their

hsi% join [get_cells ] \n


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#Generate BSP for a processor in bsp_out directory and compile the bsp sources

hsi::generate_bsp -proc mb_2_wrapper_i_mb_2_i_microblaze_0 -dir bsp_out -

ls ./bsp_out/mb_2_wrapper_i_mb_2_i_microblaze_0

HSI Input and Output Files and Specifications

Input Files
AMD Support Archive (.xsa) is an AMD proprietary file format and only AMD software tools
understand it. Third-party software tools can communicate to the XSCT Tcl interface to extract
data from the .xsa file.

Note: AMD does not recommend manually editing the XSA file or altering its contents.

XSA is a container and contains:

• One or more .hwh files

○ AMD Vivado™ tool version, part, and board tag information

○ IP - instance, name, VLNV, and parameters

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○ Memory Map information of the processors

○ Internal Connectivity information (including interrupts, clocks, etc.) and external ports
• BMM/MMI and BIT files
• User and HLS driver files
• Other meta-data files

Software Repository

Default Repositories

By default, the tool scans the following repositories for software components:

• <install>/data/embeddedsw/lib/XilinxProcessorIPLib
• <install>/data/embeddedsw/lib
• <install>/data/embeddedsw/ThirdParty

GIT Repositories

The Device Tree repository can be cloned from Xilinx GIT. Use the set_repo_path Tcl
command to specify the cloned GIT repository.

User Repositories

You can create drivers, BSPs, and Apps in an example directory structure format, as illustrated in
the figure above. Use the set_repo_path Tcl command to specify the user repository.

Search Priority Mechanism

The tool uses a search priority mechanism to locate drivers and libraries, as follows:

1. Search the repositories under the library path directory specified using the set_repo_path
Tcl command.
2. Search the default repositories described above.

Output Files
The tool generates directories, files, and the software design file (MSS) in the <your_project>
directory. For every processor instance in the MSS file, the tool generates a directory with the
name of the processor instance. Within each processor instance directory the tool generates the
following directories and files.

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• The include Directory: The include directory contains C header files needed by drivers. The
include file xparameters.h is also created using the tool in this directory. This file defines base
addresses of the peripherals in the system, #defines needed by drivers, OSs, libraries, and user
programs, as well as function prototypes.

• The Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) file for each driver specifies the definitions
that must be customized for each peripheral that uses the driver. See Microprocessor
Driver Definition (MDD) Overview.
• The Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD) file for each OS and library specifies the
definitions that you must customize. See Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD)

• The lib Directory: The lib directory contains libc.a, libm.a, and libxil.a libraries. The
libxil library contains driver functions that the particular processor can access. For more
information about the libraries, refer to the introductory section of the BSP and Libraries
Document Collection (UG643).

• The libsrc Directory: The libsrc directory contains intermediate files and make files needed to
compile the OSs, libraries, and drivers. The directory contains peripheral-specific driver files,
BSP files for the OS, and library files that are copied from install, as well as your driver, OS,
and library directories.

• The code Directory: The code directory is a repository for tool executables. The tool creates
an xmdstub.elf file (for the MicroBlaze™ processor on-board debug) in this directory.

Note: The tool removes these directories every time you run the it. You must put your sources,
executables, and any other files in an area that you create.

Generating Libraries and Drivers

This section provides an overview of generating libraries and drivers. The hardware specification
file and the MSS files define a system. For each processor in the system, the tool finds the list of
addressable peripherals. For each processor, a unique list of drivers and libraries are built. The
tool does the following for each processor:

• Builds the directory structure, as defined in Output Files.

• Copies the necessary source files for the drivers, OSs, and libraries into the processor instance
specific area: OUTPUT_DIR/processor_instance_name/libsrc.
• Calls the Design Rule Check (DRC) procedure, which is defined as an option in the MDD or
MLD file, for each of the drivers, OSs, and libraries visible to the processor.
• Calls the generate Tcl procedure (if defined in the Tcl file associated with an MDD or MLD file)
for each of the drivers, OSs, and libraries visible to the processor. This generates the necessary
configuration files for each of the drivers, OSs, and libraries in the include directory of the
• Calls the post_generate Tcl procedure (if defined in the Tcl file associated with an MDD or
MLD file) for each of the drivers, OSs, and libraries visible to the processor.

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• Runs make (with targets include and libs) for the OSs, drivers, and libraries specific to the
processor. On the Linux platform, the gmake utility is used, while on NT platforms, make is
used for compilation.
• Calls the execs_generate Tcl procedure (if defined in the Tcl file associated with an MDD
or MLD file) for each of the drivers, OSs, and libraries visible to the processor.

MDD, MLD, and Tcl

A driver or library has two associated data files:

• Data Definition File (MDD or MLD file): This file defines the configurable parameters for the
driver, OS, or library.

• Data Generation File (Tcl): This file uses the parameters configured in the MSS file for a driver,
OS, or library to generate data. Data generated includes but is not limited to generation of
header files, C files, running DRCs for the driver, OS, or library, and generating executables.

The Tcl file includes procedures that tool calls at various stages of its execution. Various
procedures in a Tcl file include:

• DRC: The name of DRC given in the MDD or MLD file.

• generate: A tool-defined procedure that is called after files are copied.

• post_generate: A tool-defined procedure that is called after generate has been called on all
drivers, OSs, and libraries.

• execs_generate: A tool-defined procedure that is called after the BSPs, libraries, and drivers
have been generated.

Note: The data generation (Tcl) file is not necessary for a driver, OS, or library.

For more information about the Tcl procedures and MDD/MLD related parameters, refer to
Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) and Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD).

MSS Parameters
For a complete description of the MSS format and all the parameters that MSS supports, refer to
MSS Overview.

Most peripherals require software drivers. The peripherals are shipped with associated drivers,
libraries and BSPs. Refer to the Device Driver Programmer Guide for more information on driver
functions. This guide can be found in the <install_directory>\vitis \<version>

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The MSS file includes a driver block for each peripheral instance. The block contains a reference
to the driver by name (DRIVER_NAME parameter) and the driver version (DRIVER_VER). There is
no default value for these parameters.

A driver has an associated MDD file and a Tcl file.

• The driver MDD file is the data definition file and specifies all configurable parameters for the
• Each MDD file has a corresponding Tcl file which generates data that includes generation of
header files, generation of C files, running DRCs for the driver, and generating executables.

You can write your own drivers. These drivers must be in a specific directory under / or / drivers,
as shown in the figure in Software Repository.

• The DRIVER_NAME attribute allows you to specify any name for your drivers, which is also
the name of the driver directory.
• The source files and make file for the driver must be in the /src subdirectory under the /
• The make file must have the targets /include and /libs.
• Each driver must also contain an MDD file and a Tcl file in the /data subdirectory.

Open the existing driver files to get an understanding of the required structure.

Refer to Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) for details on how to write an MDD and its
corresponding Tcl file.

The MSS file includes a library block for each library. The library block contains a reference to the
library name (LIBRARY_NAME parameter) and the library version (LIBRARY_VER). There is no
default value for these parameters. Each library is associated with a processor instance specified
using the PROCESSOR_INSTANCE parameter. The library directory contains C source and
header files and a make file for the library.

The MLD file for each library specifies all configurable options for the libraries and each MLD file
has a corresponding Tcl file.

You can write your own libraries. These libraries must be in a specific directory under /
sw_services as shown in the figure in Software Repository.

• The LIBRARY_NAME attribute lets you specify any name for your libraries, which is also the
name of the library directory.
• The source files and make file for the library must be in the /src subdirectory under the /
• The make file must have the targets /include and /libs.

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• Each library must also contain an MLD file and a Tcl file in the /data subdirectory.

Refer to the existing libraries for more information about the structure of the libraries.

Refer to Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD) for details on how to write an MLD and its
corresponding Tcl file.

OS Block
The MSS file includes an OS block for each processor instance. The OS block contains a
reference to the OS name (OS_NAME parameter), and the OS version (OS_VER). There is no
default value for these parameters. The BSP directory contains C source and header files and a
make file for the OS.

The MLD file for each OS specifies all configurable options for the OS. Each MLD file has a
corresponding Tcl file associated with it. Refer to Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD) and
Microprocessor Software Specification (MSS).

You can write your own OSs. These OSs must be in a specific directory under /bsp, as shown in
the figure in Software Repository.

• The OS_NAME attribute allows you to specify any name for your OS, which is also the name
of the OS directory.
• The source files and make file for the OS must be in the src subdirectory under the / directory.
• The make file should have the targets /include and /libs.
• Each OS must contain an MLD file and a Tcl file in the /data subdirectory.

Look at the existing OSs to understand the structures. See Microprocessor Library Definition
(MLD) Overview for details on how to write an MLD and its corresponding Tcl file, refer to the
Device Driver Programmer Guide. This guide is located in your Vitis software platform
installation in <install_directory>\vitis\<version> \data\embeddedsw\doc.

Microprocessor Software Specification (MSS)

MSS Overview
The MSS file contains directives for customizing operating systems (OSs), libraries, and drivers.

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MSS Format
An MSS file is case insensitive and any reference to a file name or instance name in the MSS file
is also case sensitive. Comments can be specified anywhere in the file. A pound (#) character
denotes the beginning of a comment, and all characters after it, right up to the end of the line,
are ignored. All white spaces are also ignored and carriage returns act as sentence delimiters.

The keywords that are used in an MSS file are as follows:

• BEGIN: The keyword begins a driver, processor, or file system definition block. BEGIN should
be followed by the driver, processor, or filesys keywords.

• END: This keyword signifies the end of a definition block.

• PARAMETER: The MSS file has a simple name = value format for statements. The
PARAMETER keyword is required before NAME and VALUE pairs. The format for assigning a
value to a parameter is parameter name = value. If the parameter is within a BEGIN-END
block, it is a local assignment; otherwise it is a global (system level) assignment.


The syntax of various files that the embedded development tools use is described by the
Platform Specification Format (PSF). The current PSF version is 2.1.0. The MSS file should also
contain version information in the form of parameter Version = 2.1.0, which represents the PSF
version 2.1.0.

MSS Example:

An example MSS file follows:

parameter VERSION = 2.1.0

parameter PROC_INSTANCE = my_microblaze
parameter OS_NAME = standalone
parameter OS_VER = 1.0
parameter STDIN = my_uartlite_1
parameter STDOUT = my_uartlite_1
parameter HW_INSTANCE = my_microblaze
parameter DRIVER_NAME = cpu
parameter DRIVER_VER = 1.0
parameter XMDSTUB_PERIPHERAL = my_jtag
parameter HW_INSTANCE = my_intc
parameter DRIVER_NAME = intc
parameter DRIVER_VER = 1.0
parameter HW_INSTANCE = my_uartlite_1
parameter DRIVER_VER = 1.0
parameter DRIVER_NAME = uartlite

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parameter HW_INSTANCE = my_uartlite_2

parameter DRIVER_VER = 1.0
parameter DRIVER_NAME = uartlite
parameter HW_INSTANCE = my_timebase_wdt
parameter DRIVER_VER = 1.0
parameter DRIVER_NAME = timebase_wdt
parameter LIBRARY_NAME = XilMfs
parameter LIBRARY_VER = 1.0
parameter NUMBYTES = 100000
parameter BASE_ADDRESS = 0x80f00000

Global Parameters
These parameters are system-specific parameters and do not relate to a particular driver, file
system, or library.

PSF Version

This option specifies the PSF version of the MSS file. This option is mandatory, and is formatted

parameter VERSION = 2.1.0

Instance-Specific Parameters
OS, Driver, Library, and Processor Block Parameters
The following list shows the parameters that can be used in OS, driver, library, and processor


This option is required for the OS associated with a processor instances specified in the hardware
database, and is formatted as:

parameter PROC_INSTANCE = <instance_name>

All operating systems require processor instances to be associated with them. The instance name
that is given must match the name specified in the hardware database.

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This option is required for drivers associated with peripheral instances specified in the hardware
database and is formatted as:

parameter HW_INSTANCE = <instance_name>

All drivers in software require instances to be associated with the drivers. Even a processor
definition block should refer to the processor instance. The instance name that is given must
match the name specified in the BD file.


This option is needed for processor instances that have OSs associated with them and is
formatted as:

parameter OS_NAME = standalone


The OS version is set using the OSVER option and is formatted as:

parameter OS_VER = 1.0

This version is specified as x.y, where x and y are digits. This is translated to the OS directory
searched as follows:


The MLD (Microprocessor Library Definition) files needed for each OS should be named
OS_NAME.mld and should be present in a subdirectory data/ within the driver directory. Refer to
Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD) for more information.


This option is needed for peripherals that have drivers associated with them and is formatted as:

parameter DRIVER_NAME = uartlite

Library Generator copies the driver directory specified to the OUTPUT_DIR/

processor_instance_name/libsrc directory and compiles the drivers using makefiles


The driver version is set using the DRIVER_VER option, and is formatted as:

parameter DRIVER_VER = 1.0

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This version is specified as x.y, where x and y are digits. This is translated to the driver directory
searched as follows:


The MDD (Microprocessor Driver Definition) files needed for each driver should be named
DRIVER_NAME_v2_1_0.mdd and should be present in a subdirectory data/ within the driver
directory. Refer to Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) for more information.


This option is needed for libraries, and is formatted as:

parameter LIBRARY_NAME = xilmfs

The tool copies the library directory specified in the OUTPUT_DIR/

processor_instance_name/libsrc directory and compiles the libraries using makefiles


The library version is set using the LIBRARY_VER option and is formatted as:

parameter LIBRARY_VER = 1.0

This version is specified as x.y, where x and y are digits. This is translated to the library directory
searched by the tool as follows:


The MLD (Microprocessor Library Definition) files needed for each library should be named
LIBRARY_NAME.mld and should be present in a subdirectory data/ within the library
directory. Refer to Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD) for more information.

MLD/MDD Specific Parameters

Parameters specified in the MDD/MLD file can be overwritten in the MSS file and formatted as:


See Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD)) and Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) for
more information.

OS-Specific Parameters
The following list identifies all the parameters that can be specified only in an OS definition

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Identify the standard input device with the STDIN option, which is formatted as:

parameter STDIN = instance_name


Identify the standard output device with the STDOUT option, which is formatted as:

parameter STDOUT = instance_name

Example: MSS Snippet Showing OS options

parameter PROC_INSTANCE = my_microblaze
parameter OS_NAME = standalone
parameter OS_VER = 1.0
parameter STDIN = my_uartlite_1
parameter STDOUT = my_uartlite_1

Processor-Specific Parameters
Following is a list of all of the parameters that can be specified only in a processor definition


The peripheral that is used to handle the XMDStub should be specified in the
XMDSTUB_PERIPHERAL option. This is useful for the MicroBlaze™ processor only, and is
formatted as follows:

parameter XMDSTUB_PERIPHERAL = instance_name


This option specifies the compiler used for compiling drivers and libraries. The compiler defaults
to mb-gcc or powerpc-eabi-gcc depending on whether the drivers are part of the
MicroBlaze processor or PowerPC processor instance. Any other compatible compiler can be
specified as an option, and should be formatted as follows:

This example denotes the Diab compiler as the compiler to be used for drivers and libraries.

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This option specifies the utility to be used for archiving object files into libraries. The archiver
defaults to mb-ar or powerpc-eabi-ar depending on whether or not the drivers are part of
the MicroBlaze or PowerPC processor instance. Any other compatible archiver can be specified
as an option, and should be formatted as follows:

parameter ARCHIVER = ar
parameter COMPILER = dcc

This example denotes the archiver ar to be used for drivers and libraries.


This option specifies compiler flags to be used for compiling drivers and libraries. If the option is
not specified, the tool automatically uses platform and processor-specific options. This option
should not be specified in the MSS file if the standard compilers and archivers are used.

The COMPILER_FLAGS option can be defined in the MSS if there is a need for custom compiler
flags that override generated flags. The EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS option is recommended if
compiler flags must be appended to the ones already generated.

Format this option as follows:

parameter COMPILER_FLAGS = ““


This option can be used whenever custom compiler flags need to be used in addition to the
automatically generated compiler flags, and should be formatted as follows:


This example specifies that the drivers and libraries must be compiled with debugging symbols in
addition to the generated COMPILER_FLAGS.

Example: MSS Snippet Showing Processor Options

parameter HW_INSTANCE = my_microblaze
parameter DRIVER_NAME = cpu
parameter DRIVER_VER = 1.00.a
parameter DEFAULT_INIT = xmdstub
parameter XMDSTUB_PERIPHERAL = my_jtag
parameter STDIN = my_uartlite_1
parameter STDOUT = my_uartlite_1
parameter COMPILER = mb-gcc
parameter ARCHIVER = mb-ar
parameter EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS = -g -O0
parameter OS = standalone

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Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD)

Microprocessor Library Definition Overview
This section describes the Microprocessor Library Definition (MLD) format, Platform
Specification Format 2.1.0. An MLD file contains directives for customizing software libraries and
generating Board Support Packages (BSP) for Operating Systems (OS). This document describes
the MLD format and the parameters that can be used to customize libraries and OSs.


Each OS and library has an MLD file and a Tcl (Tool Command Language) file associated with it.
The MLD file is used by the Tcl file to customize the OS or library, depending on different options
in the MSS file. For more information on the MSS file format, see Microprocessor Software
Specification (MSS). The OS and library source files and the MLD file for each OS and library
must be located at specific directories to find the files and libraries.

MLD Library Definition Files

Library Definition involves defining Data Definition (MLD) and a Data Generation (Tcl) files.

Data Definition File

The MLD file (named as <library_name>.mld or <os_name>.mld ) contains the

configurable parameters. A detailed description of the various parameters and the MLD format is
described in MLD Parameter Descriptions.

Data Generation File

The second file (named as <library_name>.tcl or <os_name>.tcl, with the filename

being the same as the MLD filename) uses the parameters configured in the MSS file for the OS
or library to generate data. Data generated includes, but is not limited to, header files, C files,
DRCs for the OS or library, and executables. The Tcl file includes procedures that are called by
the tool at various stages of its execution. Various procedures in a Tcl file include the following:

• DRC (the name of the DRC given in the MLD file)

• generate (tool defined procedure) called after OS and library files are copied
• post_generate (tool defined procedure) called after generate has been called on all OSs,
drivers, and libraries
• execs_generate (a tool-defined procedure) called after the BSPs, libraries, and drivers have
been generated

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Note: An OS/library does not require a data generation file (Tcl file).

MLD Format Specification

The MLD format specification involves the MLD file format specification and the Tcl file format
specification. The following subsections describe the MLD.

MLD File Format Specification

The MLD file format specification involves the description of configurable parameters in an OS or
a library. The format used to describe this section is discussed in MLD Parameter Descriptions.

Tcl File Format Specification

Each OS and library has a Tcl file associated with the MLD file. This Tcl file has the following

• DRC: Contains Tcl routines that validate your OS and library parameters for consistency.

• Generation: Contains Tcl routines that generate the configuration header and C files based on
the library parameters.

MLD Design Rule Check Section

proc mydrc { handle } { }

The DRC function could be any Tcl code that checks your parameters for correctness. The DRC
procedures can access (read-only) the Platform Specification Format database (which the tool
builds using the hardware (XSA) and software (MSS) database files) to read the parameter values
that you set. The handle is associated with the current library in the database. The DRC
procedure can get the OS and library parameters from this handle. It can also get any other
parameter from the database by first requesting a handle and using the handle to get the

For errors, DRC procedures call the Tcl error command error "error msg" that displays in an error

For warnings, DRC procedures return a string value that can be printed on the console.

On success, DRC procedures return without any value.

MLD Format Examples

This section explains the MLD format through an example MLD file and its corresponding Tcl file.

Example: MLD File for a Library

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Following is an example of an MLD file for the xilmfs library.

option psf_version = 2.1.0 ;

option is a keyword identified by the tool. The option name following the option keyword is a
directive to the tool to do a specific action.

The psf_version of the MLD file is defined to be 2.1 in this example. This is the only option
that can occur before a BEGIN LIBRARY construct now.


The BEGIN LIBRARY construct defines the start of a library named xilmfs.

option DESC = "Xilinx Memory File System" ;

option drc = mfs_drc ;
option copyfiles = all;
option REQUIRES_OS = (standalone xilkernel freertos_zynq);
option VERSION = 2.0;
option NAME = xilmfs;

The NAME option indicates the name of the driver. The VERSION option indicates the version of
the driver.

The COPYFILES option indicates the files to be copied for the library. The DRC option specifies
the name of the Tcl procedure that the tool invokes while processing this library. The mfs_drc is
the Tcl procedure in the xilmfs.tcl file that would be invoked while processing the xilmfs

PARAM name = numbytes, desc = "Number of Bytes", type = int, default =

100000, drc = drc_numbytes ;
PARAM name = base_address, desc = "Base Address", type = int, default =
0x10000, drc = drc_base_address ;
PARAM name = init_type, desc = "Init Type", type = enum, values = ("New
file system"=MFSINIT_NEW,
PARAM name = need_utils, desc = "Need additional Utilities?", type =
bool, default = false ;

PARAM defines a library parameter that can be configured. Each PARAM has the following
properties associated with it, whose meanings are self-explanatory: NAME, DESC, TYPE,
DEFAULT, RANGE, and DRC. The property VALUES defines the list of possible values associated
with an ENUM type.


PROPERTY HEADER="xilmfs.h" ;
FUNCTION NAME=open, VALUE=mfs_file_open ;
FUNCTION NAME=close, VALUE=mfs_file_close ;
FUNCTION NAME=read, VALUE=mfs_file_read ;
FUNCTION NAME=write, VALUE=mfs_file_write ;
FUNCTION NAME=lseek, VALUE=mfs_file_lseek ;

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An interface contains a list of standard functions. A library defining an interface should have
values for the list of standard functions. It must also specify a header file where all the function
prototypes are defined.

PROPERTY defines the properties associated with the construct defined in the BEGIN construct.
Here HEADER is a property with value xilmfs.h, defined by the file interface. FUNCTION
defines a function supported by the interface.

The open, close, read, write, and lseek functions of the file interface have the values
mfs_file_open, mfs_file_close, mfs_file_read, mfs_file_write, and
mfs_file_lseek. These functions are defined in the header file xilmfs.h.


BEGIN INTERFACE defines an interface the library supports. Here, file is the name of the

PROPERTY HEADER="xilmfs.h" ;
FUNCTION NAME=cd, VALUE=mfs_change_dir ;
FUNCTION NAME=opendir, VALUE=mfs_dir_open ;
FUNCTION NAME=closedir, VALUE=mfs_dir_close ;
FUNCTION NAME=readdir, VALUE=mfs_dir_read ;
FUNCTION NAME=deletedir, VALUE=mfs_delete_dir ;
FUNCTION NAME=pwd, VALUE=mfs_get_current_dir_name ;
FUNCTION NAME=rename, VALUE=mfs_rename_file ;
FUNCTION NAME=exists, VALUE=mfs_exists_file ;
FUNCTION NAME=delete, VALUE=mfs_delete_file ;

END is used with the construct name that was used in the BEGIN statement. Here, END is used
with INTERFACE and LIBRARY constructs to indicate the end of each of INTERFACE and
LIBRARY constructs.

Example: Tcl File of a Library

The following is the xilmfs.tcl file corresponding the xilmfs.mld file described in the
previous section. The mfs_drc procedure would be invoked for the xilmfs library while
running DRCs for libraries. The generate routine generates constants in a header file and a c file
for the xilmfs library based on the library definition segment in the MSS file.

proc mfs_drc {lib_handle} {

puts "MFS DRC ..."
proc mfs_open_include_file {file_name} {
set filename [file join "../../include/" $file_name]
if {[file exists $filename]} {
set config_inc [open $filename a]
} else {
set config_inc [open $filename a]
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $config_inc "MFS Parameters"
return $config_inc

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proc generate {lib_handle} {
puts "MFS generate ..."
file copy "src/xilmfs.h" "../../include/xilmfs.h"
set conffile [mfs_open_include_file "mfs_config.h"]
puts $conffile "#ifndef _MFS_CONFIG_H"
puts $conffile "#define _MFS_CONFIG_H"
set need_utils [common::get_property CONFIG.need_utils $lib_handle]
if {$need_utils} {
# tell libgen or xps that the hardware platform needs to provide
stdio functions
# inbyte and outbyte to support utils
puts $conffile "#include <stdio.h>"
puts $conffile "#include <xilmfs.h>"
set value [common::get_property CONFIG.numbytes $lib_handle]
puts $conffile "#define MFS_NUMBYTES $value"
set value [common::get_property CONFIG.base_address $lib_handle]
puts $conffile "#define MFS_BASE_ADDRESS $value"
set value [common::get_property CONFIG.init_type $lib_handle]
puts $conffile "#define MFS_INIT_TYPE $value"
puts $conffile "#endif"
close $conffile

Example: MLD File for an OS

An example of an MLD file for the standalone OS is given below:

option psf_version = 2.1.0 ;

option is a keyword identified by the tool. The option name following the option keyword is a
directive to the tool to do a specific action. Here the psf_version of the MLD file is defined to be
2.1. This is the only option that can occur before a BEGIN OS construct at this time.

BEGIN OS standalone

The BEGIN OS construct defines the start of an OS named standalone.

option DESC = "Generate standalone BSP";

option COPYFILES = all;

The DESC option gives a description of the MLD. The COPYFILES option indicates the files to be
copied for the OS.

PARAM NAME = stdin, DESC = "stdin peripheral ", TYPE =

peripheral_instance, REQUIRES_INTERFACE = stdin, DEFAULT = none; PARAM
NAME = stdout, DESC = "stdout peripheral ", TYPE = peripheral_instance,
REQUIRES_INTERFACE = stdout, DEFAULT = none ; PARAM NAME = need_xilmalloc,
DESC = "Need xil_malloc?", TYPE = bool, DEFAULT = false ;

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PARAM defines an OS parameter that can be configured. Each PARAM has the following,
associated properties: NAME, DESC, TYPE, DEFAULT, RANGE, DRC. The property VALUES defines
the list of possible values associated with an ENUM type.


END is used with the construct name that was used in the BEGIN statement. Here END is used
with OS to indicate the end of OS construct.

Example: Tcl File of an OS

The following is the standalone.tcl file corresponding to the standalone.mld file

described in the previous section. The generate routine generates constants in a header file and a
c file for the xilmfs library based on the library definition segment in the MSS file.

proc generate {os_handle} {

global env
set need_config_file "false"
# Copy over the right set of files as src based on processor type
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE
$sw_proc_handle] ]
set proctype [get_property IP_NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set procname [get_property NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set enable_sw_profile [get_property
CONFIG.enable_sw_intrusive_profiling $os_handle]
set mb_exceptions false
switch $proctype {
"microblaze" {
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $mbsrcdir *]] {
# Copy over only files that are not related to exception
# All such files have exception in their names.
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
set need_config_file "true"
set mb_exceptions [mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle]
"ps7_cortexa9" {
set procdrv [get_sw_processor]
set compiler [get_property CONFIG.compiler $procdrv]
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/armcc"
} else {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/gcc"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join
$cortexa9srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $ccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
file delete -force "./src/armcc"
file delete -force "./src/gcc"
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
file delete -force "./src/profile"
set enable_sw_profile "false"

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set file_handle [xopen_include_file "xparameters.h"]

puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"default" {puts "unknown processor type $proctype\n"}

MLD Parameter Descriptions

MLD Parameter Description Section
This section gives a detailed description of the constructs used in the MLD file.


[ ] Denotes optional values.

< > Value substituted by the MLD writer.


Comments can be specified anywhere in the file. A “#” character denotes the beginning of a
comment and all characters after the “#” right up to the end of the line are ignored. All white
spaces are also ignored and semi-colons with carriage returns act as sentence delimiters.

OS or Library Definition

The OS or library section includes the OS or library name, options, dependencies, and other
global parameters, using the following syntax:

option psf_version = <psf version number> BEGIN LIBRARY/OS <library/os

name> [option drc = <global drc name>] [option depends = <list of
directories>] [option help = <help file>] [option requires_interface =
<list of interface names>] PARAM <parameter description> [BEGIN CATEGORY
<name of category> <category description> END CATEGORY] BEGIN INTERFACE
<interface name> ....... END INTERFACE] END LIBRARY/OS

MLD Keywords
The keywords that are used in an MLD file are as follows:


The BEGIN keyword begins one of the following: os, library, driver, block, category,
interface, and array.

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The END keyword signifies the end of a definition block.


Specifies the PSF version of the library.


Specifies the DRC function name. This is the global DRC function, which is called by the Vitis IDE
configuration tool or the command-line tool. This DRC function is called once you enter all the
parameters and MLD or MDD writers can verify that a valid OS, library, or driver can be
generated with the given parameters.


Specifies that the name following the keyword option is an option to the Vitis IDE tools.


Specifies the type of OS. If it is not specified, then OS is assumed as standalone type of OS.


Specifies the files to be copied for the OS, library, or driver. If ALL is used, then the tool copies all
the OS, library, or driver files.


Specifies the list of directories that needs to be compiled before the OS or library is built.


Specifies the list of peripherals supported by the OS. The values of this option can be specified as
a list, or as a regular expression. For example:

option supported_peripherals = (microblaze)

Indicates that the OS supports all versions of MicroBlaze. Regular expressions can be used in
specifying the peripherals and versions. The regular expression (RE) is constructed as follows:

• Single-Character REs:
○ Any character that is not a special character (to be defined) matches itself.

○ A backslash (followed by any special character) matches the literal character itself. That is,
this “escapes” the special character.

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○ The special characters are: + * ? . [ ] ^ $

○ The period (.) matches any character except the new line. For example, .umpty matches
both Humpty and Dumpty.
○ A set of characters enclosed in brackets ([]) is a one-character RE that matches any of the
characters in that set. For example, [akm] matches either an "a", "k", or "m".
○ A range of characters can be indicated with a dash. For example, [a-z] matches any
lowercase letter. However, if the first character of the set is the caret (^), then the RE
matches any character except those in the set. It does not match the empty string.
Example: [^akm] matches any character except "a", "k", or "m". The caret loses its special
meaning if it is not the first character of the set.
• Multi-Character REs:
○ A single-character RE followed by an asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the
RE. Thus, [a-z]* matches zero or more lower-case characters.
○ A single-character RE followed by a plus (+) matches one or more occurrences of the RE.
Thus, [a-z]+ matches one or more lower-case characters.
○ A question mark (?) is an optional element. The preceeding RE can occur zero or once in
the string, no more. Thus, xy?z matches either xyz or xz.
○ The concatenation of REs is a RE that matches the corresponding concatenation of strings.
For example, [A-Z][a-z]* matches any capitalized word.
○ For example, the following matches a version of the axidma:
option supported_peripherals = (axi_dma_v[3-9]_[0-9][0-9]_[a-z]


Specifies the state of the library. Following is the list of values that can be assigned to

• ACTIVE: An active library. By default the value of LIBRARY_STATE is ACTIVE.

• DEPRECATED: This library is deprecated

• OBSOLETE: This library is obsolete and will not be recognized by any tools. Tools error out on
an obsolete library and a new library should be used instead.


This option specifies what compiler flags must be added to the application when using this
library. For example:


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The Vitis IDE tools can use this option value to automatically set compiler flags automatically for
an application.


This option specifies that linker flags must be added to the application when using a particular
library or OS. For example:

option APP_LINKER_FLAGS = “-lxilkernel”

The Vitis IDE tools can use this value to set linker flags automatically for an application.


Specifies a boolean keyword option that can be provided in the MLD file to identify when an OS
component is to be treated as a third party BSP. For example:

option BSP = true;

This indicates that the Vitis tools will offer this OS component as a board support package. If set
to false, the component is handled as a native embedded software platform.


Specifies the state of the operating system (OS). Following is the list of values that can be
assigned to OS_STATE:

• ACTIVE: This is an active OS. By default the value of OS_STATE is ACTIVE.

• DEPRECATED: This OS is deprecated.

• OBSOLETE: This OS is obsolete and will not be recognized by the tools. Tools error out on an
obsolete OS and a new OS must be specified.

• OS_TYPE: Specifies the type of OS. This value is matched with SUPPORTED_OS_TYPES of
the driver MDD file for assigning the driver. Default is standalone.

• REQUIRES_INTERFACE: Specifies the interfaces that must be provided by other OSs,

libraries, or drivers in the system.

• REQUIRES_OS: Specifies the list of OSs with which the specified library will work. For

option REQUIRES_OS = (standalone xilkernel_v4_[0-9][0-9])

The Vitis IDE tools use this option value to determine which libraries are offered for a given
operating system choice. The values in the list can be regular expressions as shown in the

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Note: This option must be used on libraries only.

• HELP: Specifies the HELP file that describes the OS, library, or driver.

• DEP: Specifies the condition that must be satisfied before processing an entity. For example
to include a parameter that is dependent on another parameter (defined as a DEP, for
dependent, condition), the DEP condition should be satisfied. Conditions of the form
(operand1 OP operand2) are the only supported conditions.

• INTERFACE: Specifies the interfaces implemented by this OS, library, or driver. It describes
the interface functions and header files used by the library/driver.

BEGIN INTERFACE <interface name>

option DEP=;<list of dependencies>;
PROPERTY HEADER=<name of header file where the function is
FUNCTION NAME=<name of the interface function>, VALUE=<function
name of library/driver implementation> ;

• HEADER: Specifies the HEADER file in which the interface functions would be defined.

• FUNCTION: Specifies the FUNCTION implemented by the interface. This is a name-value pair
in which name is the interface function name and value is the name of the function
implemented by the OS, library, or driver.

• CATEGORY: Defines an unconditional block. This block gets included based on the default
value of the category or if included in the MSS file.

BEGIN CATEGORY <category name>

PARAM name = <category name>, DESC=<param description>,
TYPE=<category type>,
DEFAULT=<default>, GUI_PERMIT=<value>, DEP = <condition>
option DEPENDS=<list of dependencies>, DRC=<drc name>, HELP=<help
<parameters or categories description>

Nested categories are not supported through the syntax that specifies them. A category is
selected in a MSS file by specifying the category name as a parameter with a boolean value
TRUE. A category must have a PARAM with category name.

• PARAM: The MLD file has a simple <name = value> format for most statements. The PARAM
keyword is required before every such NAME, VALUE pair. The format for assigning a value to a
parameter is param name = <name>, default = value. The PARAM keyword specifies
that the parameter can be overwritten in the MSS file.

• PROPERTY: Specifies the various properties of the entity defined with a BEGIN statement.

• NAME: Specifies the name of the entity in which it was defined. (Examples: param and
property.) It also specifies the name of the library if it is specified with option.

• VERSION: Specifies the version of the library.

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• DESC: Describes the entity in which it was defined. (Examples: param and property.)

• TYPE: Specifies the type for the entity in which it was defined. (Example: param) The
following types are supported:

• bool: Boolean (true or false)

• int: integer

• string: String value within “ " (quotes)

• enum: List of possible values that a parameter can take

• library: Specify other library that is needed for building the library/driver

• peripheral_instance: Specify other hardware drivers that is needed for building the library

• DEFAULT: Specifies the default value for the entity in which it was defined.

• GUI_PERMIT: Specifies the permissions for modification of values. The following permissions

• NONE: The value cannot be modified at all.

• ADVANCED_USER: The value can be modified by all. The Vitis IDE does not display this
value by default. This is displayed only for the advanced option in the Vitis IDE.

• ALL_USERS: The value can be modified by all. The Vitis IDE displays this value by default.
This is the default value for all the values. If GUI_PERMIT = NONE, the category is always

• ARRAY: ARRAY can have any number of PARAMs, and only PARAMs. It cannot
haveCATEGORY as one of the fields of an array element. The size of the array can be defined
as one of the properties of the array. An array with default values specified in the default
property leads to its size property being initialized to the number of values. If there is no size
property defined, a size property is created before initializing it with the default number of
elements. Each parameter in the array can have a default value. In cases in which size is
defined with an integer value, an array of size elements would be created wherein the value of
each element would be the default value of each of the parameters.

BEGIN ARRAY <array name>

PROPERTY desc = <array description> ;
PROPERTY size = <size of the array>;
PROPERTY default = <List of Values for each element based on the
size of the array>
# array field description as parameters
PARAM name = <name of parameter>, desc = "description of param”,
type = <type of param>, default = <default value>

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MLD Design Rule Check Section

proc mydrc { handle } { }

The DRC function could be any Tcl code that checks your parameters for correctness. The DRC
procedures can access (read-only) the Platform Specification Format database (which the tool
builds using the hardware (XSA) and software (MSS) database files) to read the parameter values
that you set. The handle is associated with the current library in the database. The DRC
procedure can get the OS and library parameters from this handle. It can also get any other
parameter from the database by first requesting a handle and using the handle to get the

For errors, DRC procedures call the Tcl error command error "error msg" that displays in an error

For warnings, DRC procedures return a string value that can be printed on the console.

On success, DRC procedures return without any value.

MLD Tool Generation (Generate) Section

proc mygenerate { handle } {

Generate could be any Tcl code that reads your parameters and generates configuration files
for the OS or library. The configuration files can be C files, Header files, Makefiles, etc. The
generate procedures can access (read-only) the Platform Specification Format database (which
the tool builds using the MSS files) to read the parameter values of the OS or library that you set.
The handle is a handle to the current OS or library in the database. The generate procedure can
get the OS or library parameters from this handle. It can also get any other parameter from the
database by first requesting a handle and using the handle to get the parameter.

Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD)

Microprocessor Driver Definition Overview
A Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) file contains directives for customizing software
drivers. This document describes the MDD format and the parameters that can be used to
customize drivers.

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Each device driver has an MDD file and a Tool Command Language (Tcl) file associated with it.
The MDD file is used by the Tcl file to customize the driver, depending on different options
configured in the MSS file. For more information on the MSS file format, see Microprocessor
Software Specification (MSS).

The driver source files and the MDD file for each driver must be located at specific directories in
order to find the files and the drivers. This document describes the MDD format and the
parameters that can be used to customize drivers.

MDD Driver Definition Files

Driver Definition involves defining a Data Definition file (MDD) and a Data Generation file (Tcl

• Data Definition File: The MDD file (<driver_name>.mdd) contains the configurable
parameters. A detailed description of the parameters and the MDD format is described in
MDD Parameter Description.

• Data Generation File: The second file (<driver_name>.tcl), with the filename being the
same as the MDD filename) uses the parameters configured in the MSS file for the driver to
generate data. Data generated includes but is not limited to generation of header files, C files,
running DRCs for the driver, and generating executables. The Tcl file includes procedures that
are called by the tool at various stages of its execution.

Various procedures in a Tcl file includes: the DRC (name of the DRC given in the MDD file),
generate (tool defined procedure) called after driver files are copied, post_generate (tool
defined procedure) called after generate has been called on all drivers and libraries, and
execs_generate called after the libraries and drivers have been generated.

Note: A driver does not require the data generation file (Tcl file).

MDD Format Specification

The MDD format specification involves the MDD file Format specification and the Tcl file Format
specification which are described in the following subsections.

MDD File Format Specification

The MDD file format specification describes the parameters defined in the Parameter
Description section. This data section describes configurable parameters in a driver. The format
used to describe these parameters is discussed in MDD Parameter Description.

Tcl File Format Specification

Each driver has a Tcl file associated with the MDD file. This Tcl file has the following sections:

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• DRC Section: This section contains Tcl routines that validate your driver parameters for

• Generation Section: This section contains Tcl routines that generate the configuration header
and C files based on the driver parameters.

MDD Format Examples

This section explains the MDD format through an example of an MDD file and its corresponding
Tcl file.

Example: MDD File

The following is an example of an MDD file for the uartlite driver.

option psf_version = 2.1;

option is a keyword identified by the tool. The option name following the option keyword is a
directive to the tool to do a specific action. Here the psf_version of the MDD file is defined
as 2.1. This is the only option that can occur before a BEGIN DRIVER construct.


The BEGIN DRIVER construct defines the start of a driver named uartlite.

option supported_peripherals = (mdm axi_uartlite);

option driver_state = ACTIVE;
option copyfiles = all;
option VERSION = 3.0;
option NAME = uartlite;

The NAME option indicates the name of the driver. The VERSION option indicates the version of
the driver. The COPYFILES option indicates the files to be copied for a “level” 0 uartlite driver.


BEGIN INTERFACE defines an interface the driver supports. The interface name is stdin.

PROPERTY header = xuartlite_l.h;

FUNCTION name = inbyte, value = XUartLite_RecvByte;

An Interface contains a list of standard functions. A driver defining an interface should have
values for the list of standard functions. It must also specify a header file in which all the function
prototypes are defined.

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PROPERTY defines the properties associated with the construct defined in the BEGIN construct.
The header is a property with the value xuartlite_l.h, defined by the stdin interface.
FUNCTION defines a function supported by the interface. The inbyte function of the stdin
interface has the value XUartLite_RecvByte. This function is defined in the header file


PROPERTY header = xuartlite_l.h;
FUNCTION name = outbyte, value = XUartLite_SendByte;
PROPERTY header = xuartlite_l.h;
FUNCTION name = inbyte, value = XUartLite_RecvByte;
FUNCTION name = outbyte, value = XUartLite_SendByte;

END is used with the construct name that was used in the BEGIN statement. Here END is used
with BLOCK and DRIVER constructs to indicate the end of each BLOCK and DRIVER construct.

Example: Tcl File

The following is the uartlite.tcl file corresponding to the uartlite.mdd file described in
the previous section. The “uartlite_drc” procedure would be invoked for the uartlite driver while
running DRCs for drivers. The generate routine generates constants in a header file and a c file
for uartlite driver, based on the driver definition segment in the MSS file.

proc generate {drv_handle} {

::hsi::utils::define_include_file $drv_handle "xparameters.h"
::hsi::utils::define_config_file $drv_handle "xuartlite_g.c"
::hsi::utils::define_canonical_xpars $drv_handle "xparameters.h"

MDD Parameter Description

This section gives a detailed description of the constructs used in the MDD file.


[ ]: Denotes optional values.

< >: Value substituted by the MDD writer.

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Comments can be specified anywhere in the file. A pound (#) character denotes the beginning of
a comment, and all characters after it, right up to the end of the line, are ignored. All white spaces
are also ignored and semicolons with carriage returns act as sentence delimiters.

Driver Definition

The driver section includes the driver name, options, dependencies, and other global parameters,
using the following syntax:

option psf_version = <

psf version number>
BEGIN DRIVER <driver name>
[option drc = <global drc name>]
[option depends = <list of directories>]
[option help = <help file>]
[option requires_interface = <list of interface names>
PARAM <parameter description>
[BEGIN BLOCK,dep = <condition>
[BEGIN INTERFACE <interface name>

MDD Keywords
The keywords that are used in an MDD file are as follows:


The BEGIN keyword begins with one of the following: library, drive, block, category, or interface.


The END keyword signifies the end of a definition block.


Specifies the PSF version of the library.


Specifies the DRC function name. This is the global DRC function that is called by the Vitis IDE
configuration tool or the command-line tool. This DRC function is called when you enter all the
parameters and the MLD or MDD writers can verify that a valid library or driver can be
generated with the given parameters.

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Specifies the name following the keyword option is an option to the tool. The following five




Specifies the list of supported OS types. If it is not specified, then driver is assumed as
standalone driver.


Specifies the list of files to be copied for the driver. If ALL is specified as the value, the tool
copies all the driver files.


Specifies the list of directories on which a driver depends for compilation.


Specifies the list of peripherals supported by the driver. The values of this option can be specified
as a list or as a regular expression. The following example indicates that the driver supports all
versions of opb_jtag_uart and the opb_uartlte_v1_00_b version:

option supported_peripherals = (xps_uartlite_v1_0, xps_uart16550)

Regular expressions can be used in specifying the peripherals and versions. The regular
expression (RE) is constructed as described below.

Single-Character REs

• Any character that is not a special character (to be defined) matches itself.
• A backslash (followed by any special character) matches the literal character itself. That is, it
escapes the special character.
• The special characters are: + * ? . [ ] ^ $
• The period matches any character except the newline. For example, .umpty matches both
Humpty and Dumpty.
• A set of characters enclosed in brackets ([]) is a one-character RE that matches any of the
characters in that set. For example, [akm]matches an a, k, or m. A range of characters can be
indicated with a dash. For example, [a-z] matches any lower-case letter.

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However, if the first character of the set is the caret (^), then the RE matches any character
except those in the set. It does not match the empty string. For example, [^akm] matches any
character except a, k, or m. The caret loses its special meaning if it is not the first character of the

Multi-Character REs

• A single-character RE followed by an asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the RE.
Therefore, [a-z]* matches zero or more lower-case characters.
• A single-character RE followed by a plus (+) matches one or more occurrences of the RE.
Therefore, [a-z]+ matches one or more lower-case characters.
• A question mark (?) is an optional element. The preceding RE can occur no times or one time
in the string. For example, xy?z matches either xyz or xz.
• The concatenation of REs is an RE that matches the corresponding concatenation of strings.
For example, [A-Z][a-z]* matches any capitalized word.

The following example matches any version of xps_uartlite, xps_uart16550, and mdm.

option supported_peripherals = (xps_uartlite_v[0-9]+_[1-9][0-9]_[a-z]

xps_uart16550 mdm);


Specifies the state of the driver. The following are the list of values that can be assigned to

• ACTIVE: This is an active driver. By default the value of DRIVER_STATE is ACTIVE.

• DEPRECATED: This driver is deprecated and is scheduled to be removed.

• OBSOLETE: This driver is obsolete and is not recognized by any tools. Tools error out on an
obsolete driver, and a new driver should be used instead.


Specifies the interfaces that must be provided by other libraries or drivers in the system.


Specifies the help file that describes the library or driver.


Specifies the condition that needs to be satisfied before processing an entity. For example, to
enter into a BLOCK, the DEP condition should be satisfied. Conditions of the form ( operand1
OP operand2) are supported.

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Specifies the block is to be entered into when the DEP condition is satisfied. Nested blocks are
not supported.


Specifies the interfaces implemented by this library or driver and describes the interface
functions and header files used by the library or driver.

BEGIN INTERFACE <interface name>

option DEP=<list of dependencies>;
PROPERTY HEADER=<name of header file where the function is declared>
FUNCTION NAME=<name of interface function>, VALUE=<function name
of library/driver implementation> ;


Specifies the header file in which the interface functions would be defined.


Specifies the function implemented by the interface. This is a name-value pair where name is the
interface function name and value is the name of the function implemented by the library or


Generally, the MLD/MDD file has a name = value format for statements. The PARAM keyword is
required before every such NAME, VALUE pair. The format for assigning a value to a parameter is
param name = <name>, default= value. The PARAM keyword specifies that the parameter can be
overwritten in the MSS file.


The DTGPARAM keyword is specially used for the device-tree specific parameters that can be
configured. Driver defines these DTGPARAMs if it needs to dump any parameters in the Tool
DTG generated DTS file.


Specifies the various properties of the entity defined with a BEGIN statement.


Specifies the name of the entity in which it was defined (example: PARAM, PROPERTY ). It also
specifies the name of the driver if it is specified with option.

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Specifies the version of the driver.


Describes the entity in which it was defined (example: PARAM, PROPERTY ).


Specifies the type for the entity in which it was defined (example: PARAM ). The following are
the supported types:

• bool: Boolean (true or false)

int: Integer
string: String value within “ " (quotes).
enum: List of possible values, that this parameter can take.
library: Specify other library that is needed for building the library or driver.
peripheral_instance: Specify other hardware drivers needed for building the library or driver.
Regular expressions can be used to specify the peripheral instance. Refer to
SUPPORTED_PERIPHERALS in MLD Keywords for more details about regular expressions.


Specifies the default value for the entity in which it was defined.


Specifies the permissions for modification of values. The following permissions exist:

• NONE: The value can not be modified at all.

• ADVANCED_USER: The value can be modified by all. The Vitis IDE does not display this value
by default. It is displayed only as an advanced option in the Vitis IDE.

• ALL_USERS: The value can be modified by all. The Vitis IDE displays this value by default. This
is the default value for all the values. If GUI_PERMIT = NONE, the category is always active.

MDD Design Rule Check (DRC) Section

proc mydrc { handle }

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The DRC function can be any Tcl code that checks your parameters for correctness. The DRC
procedures can access (read-only) the Platform Specification Format database (built by the tool
using the hardware (XSA) and software (MSS) database files) to read the parameter values you
set. The "handle" is a handle to the current driver in the database. The DRC procedure can get
the driver parameters from this handle. It can also get any other parameter from the database by
first requesting a handle and then using the handle to get the parameters.

• For errors, DRC procedures call the Tcl error command error "error msg" that displays in an
error page.
• For warnings, DRC procedures return a string value that can be printed on the console.
• On success, DRC procedures just return without any value.

MDD Driver Generation (Generate) Section

proc mygenerate { handle }

generate could be any Tcl code that reads your parameters and generates configuration files
for the driver. The configuration files can be C files, Header files, or Makefiles. The generate
procedures can access (read-only) the Platform Specification Format database (built by the tool
using the MSS files) to read the parameter values of the driver that you set. The handle is a
handle to the current driver in the database. The generate procedure can get the driver
parameters from this handle. It can also get any other parameters from the database by
requesting a handle and then using the handle to get the parameter.

Custom Driver
This section demonstrates how to hand-off a custom driver associated with an IP(driver files are
specified in IPXACT file of the IP component) and access the driver information in HSI as well as
associate the driver with IP during BSP generation. For more information on packaging IP with
custom driver, refer to Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Creating and Packaging Custom IP

An example design of an IP with custom driver specified in its IPXACT definition.

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Figure 61: Example Design with an IP with Custom Driver

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Figure 62: Custom Driver Specified in IPXACT Specification of an IP

Custom driver specified in IPXACT specification of an IP

Run Vivado hardware hand-off flow either in Pre-Synth or Post-Bitstream mode. The custom
driver for each IP is packaged in an XSA.

# Open the hardware design with custom drivers.

hsi::open_hw_design ./base_zynq_design_wrapper.xsa

# Create a software design

hsi::create_sw_design swdesign -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone


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# Check if the custom drivers are assigned to respective IP cores or not

join [hsi::get_drivers ] \n

# Check the custom driver properties

common::report_property [ hsi::get_drivers myip*]

Table 55: Example Table

Property Type Read-only Visible Value

CLASS string true true driver
HW_INSTANCE string true true myip_0
NAME string false true myip
VERSION string false true 1.0

# Generate BSP. BSP source code including custom driver sources will be dumped to the bsp_out

hsi::generate_bsp -dir bsp_out

ls ./bsp_out/ps7_cortexa9_0/libsrc/
. . .
. . .

Microprocessor Application Definition (MAD)

Microprocessor Application Definition Overview
A MAD file contains directives for customizing software application. This section describes the
Microprocessor Application Definition (MAD) format, Platform Specification Format 2.1.0. and
the parameters that can be used to customize applications.


Each application has an MAD file and a Tool Command Language (Tcl) file associated with it.

The MAD file is used by Hsi to recognize it as an application and to consider its configuration
while generating the application sources. The MAD file for each application must be located in its
data directory.

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Microprocessor Application Definition Files

Application Definition involves defining a Microprocessor Application Definition file (MAD) and a
Data Generation file (Tcl file).

Application Definition File

The MAD file (<application_name>.mad) contains the name, description and other
configurable parameters. A detailed description of the various parameters and the MAD format is
described in MAD Format Specification.

Data Generation File

The second file (<application_name>.tcl, .with the filename being the same as the MAD
filename) uses the parameters in the MAD file for the application to generate data.

Data generated includes, but is not limited to, generation of header files, C files, running DRCs
for the application and generating executables. The Tcl file includes procedures that are called by
the tool at various stages of its execution. Various procedures in a Tcl file includes the following:

• DRC (swapp_is_supported_hw, swapp_is_supported_sw)

• swapp_generate (tool defined procedure) called after application source files are copied

MAD Format Specification

The MAD format specification involves the MAD file format specification and the Tcl file format

MAD File Format Specification

The MAD file format specification describes the parameters using a sample MAD file and its
corresponding Tcl file.

The following example shows a MAD file for a sample application called my_application.

option psf_version = 2.1;

option is a keyword identified by the tool. The option name following the option keyword is a
directive to the tool to do a specific action.

The psf_version of the MAD file is defined to be 2.1 in this example. This is the only option
that can occur before a BEGIN APPLICATION construct .

BEGIN APPLICATION my_application

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The BEGIN APPLICATION construct defines the start of an application named


option NAME = myapplication

option DESCRIPTION = "My custom application"

Note: The application NAME should match the return value of the Tcl process swapp_get_name in the
application Tcl file described above.

Tcl File Format Specification

Each application has a Tcl file associated with the MAD file. This Tcl file has the following

• DRC Section: This section contains Tcl routines that validate your hardware and software
instances and their configuration needed for the application.
• Generation Section: This section contains Tcl routines that generate the application header and
C files based on the hardware and software configuration.

MAD Format Example

This section explains the MAD format through an example MAD file and its corresponding Tcl

Example: MAD File

The following is an example of an MAD file for a sample application called my_application.

option psf_version = 2.1;

option is a keyword identified by the tool. The option name following the option keyword is a
directive to the tool to do a specific action.

The psf_version of the MAD file is defined to be 2.1 in this example. This is the only option
that can occur before a BEGIN APPLICATION construct .

BEGIN APPLICATION my_application

The BEGIN APPLICATION construct defines the start of an application named


option NAME = myapplication

option DESCRIPTION = "My custom application"

Note: Application NAME should match the return value of Tcl proc swapp_get_name in application Tcl file
described above.

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HSI Commands
This section contains all hardware and software interface Tcl commands, arranged alphabetically.


Get properties of object.


get_property [-min] [-max] [-quiet] [-verbose] <name> <object>


Property value.


Name Description
[-min] Return only the minimum value

[-max] Return only the maximum value

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

<name> Name of property whose value is to be retrieved

<object> Object to query for properties


Object, PropertyAndParameter


Gets the current value of the named property from the specified object or objects. If multiple
objects are specified, a list of values is returned.

If the property is not currently assigned to the object, or is assigned without a value, then the
get_property command returns nothing, or the null string. If multiple objects are queried, the
null string is added to the list of values returned.

This command returns a value, or list of values, or returns an error if it fails.

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-min - (optional) When multiple objects are specified, this option examines the values of the
named property, and returns the smallest value from the list of objects. Numeric properties are
sorted by value. All other properties are sorted as strings.

-max - (optional) When multiple objects are specified, this option examines the values of the
named property, and returns the largest value from the list of objects. Numeric properties are
sorted by value. All other properties are sorted as strings.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

name - (required) The name of the property to be returned. The name is not case sensitive.

object - (required) One or more objects to examine for the specified property.


Get the NAME property from the specified cell:

common::get_property NAME [lindex [get_cells] 0]

Get the BOARD property from the current hardware design:

common::get_property BOARD [current_hw_design]


Report properties of object.


report_property [-all] [-class <arg>] [-return_string] [-file <arg>] [-

append] [-regexp] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<object>] [<pattern>]

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Property report.


Name Description
[-all] Report all properties of object even if not set

[-class] Object type to query for properties. Not valid with <object>

[-return_string] Set the result of running report_property in the Tcl interpreter's

result variable
[-file] Filename to output result to. Send output to console if -file is not
[-append] Append the results to file; do not overwrite the results file

[-regexp] Pattern is treated as a regular expression

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<object>] Object to query for properties

[<pattern>] Pattern to match properties against Default: *


Object, PropertyAndParameter, Report


Gets the property name, property type, and property value for all of the properties on a specified
object, or class of objects.

Note: list_property also returns a list of all properties on an object, but does not include the property
type or value.

You can specify objects for report_property using the get_* series of commands to get a
specific object. You can use the lindex command to return a specific object from a list of objects:

report_property [lindex [get_cells] 0]

However, if you are looking for the properties on a class of objects, you should use the -class
option instead of an actual object.

This command returns a report of properties on the object, or returns an error if it fails.


-all> - (optional) Return all of the properties for an object, even if the property value is not
currently defined.

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-class <arg>- (optional) Return the properties of the specified class instead of a specific object.
The class argument is case sensitive, and most class names are lower case.

Note: -class cannot be used together with an <object>

-return_string- (optional) Directs the output to a Tcl string. The Tcl string can be captured by
a variable definition and parsed or otherwise processed.

-file<arg>- (optional) Write the report into the specified file. The specified file will be
overwritten if one already exists, unless -append is also specified.

Note: If the path is not specified as part of the file name, the file will be written into the current working
directory, or the directory from which the tool was launched.

-append - (optional) Append the output of the command to the specified file rather than
overwriting it.

Note: The -append option can only be used with the -file option.

-regexp- (optional) Specifies that the search <pattern> is written as a regular expression.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<object> - (optional) A single object on which to report properties.

Note: If you specify multiple objects you will get an error.

<pattern> - (optional) Match the available properties on the <object> or -class against the
specified search pattern. The <pattern> applies to the property name, and only properties
matching the specified pattern will be reported. The default pattern is the wildcard `*` which
returns a list of all properties on the specified object.

Note: The search pattern is case sensitive, and most properties are UPPER case.


The following example returns all properties of the specified object:

common::report_property -all [get_cells microblaze_0]

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To determine which properties are available for the different design objects supported by the
tool, you can use multiple report_property commands in sequence. The following example
returns all properties of the specified current objects:

common::report_property -all [current_hw_design]

common::report_property -all [current_sw_design]


Close a hardware design.


close_hw_design [-quiet] [-verbose] <name>


Returns nothing, error message if failed.


Name Description
[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

<name> Name of design to close




Closes the hardware design in the HSM active session. Design modification is not allowed in the
current release, otherwise it will prompt to save the design prior to closing.


-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

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-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<name> - The name of the hardware design object to close.


Close the current hardware design object:

hsi::close_hw_design [current_hw_design]

Close the specified hardware design object:

hsi::close_hw_design design_1_imp


Create a DT node.


create_dt_node -name <arg> [-unit_addr <arg>] [-label <arg>] [-objects

<args>] [-quiet] [-verbose]


DT node object. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
-name Child DT node name
[-unit_addr] Unit address of node

[-label] Label of node

[-objects] List of nodes

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution



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Create a new DT node and add to the current DT tree.

If successful, this command returns the name of the DT node created where name is represented
as "node_label"+"node_name"+"@unit_address". Otherwise it returns an error.


-name - The name of the node to be created.

-label - The label of the node to represent in generated dtsi file.

--unit_addr - The unit address of the node to represent in generated dtsi file.

-objects - The list of node objects where the newly created node will be a child to all specified

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.


Create a new DT node amba with lable axi_interconnect and unit_addr 0x000 in the current DT

hsi::create_dt_node -name amba -label axi_interconnect -unit_addr 0x0000

hsi::create_dt_node -name amba -label axi_interconnect -unit_addr 0x0000 -

objects [get_dt_nodes -of_objects\>


Create a DT tree.


create_dt_tree -dts_file <arg> [-dts_version <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose]

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Tree object. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
-dts_file dts file name
[-dts_version] dts version

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution




Create a new DT tree add to the current HSI session.

If successful, this command returns the name of the DT tree created. Otherwise it returns an


-dts_file - The DT tree name or file name targeted for the output DTSI file.

-dts_version - The DTS version of the DTSI file.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.


Create a new DT tree pl.dtsi and add the tree to the current session:

hsi::create_dt_tree -dts_file pl.dtsi -dts_version /dts-v1/

hsi::create_dt_tree -dts_file system.dts -dts_version /dts-v3/ -

header "include pl.dtsi, include ps.dtsi"

hsi::create_dt_tree -dts_file ps.dtsi -dts_version /dts-v3/ -

header "PS system info"

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Get a list of cells.


get_cells [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-hierarchical] [-of_objects <args>] [-

quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>...]


Cell objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-hierarchical] Get cells from all levels of hierarchical cells

[-of_objects] Get 'cell' objects of these types: 'hw_design port bus_intf net
[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *




Gets a list of IP instance objects in the current design that match a specified search pattern. The
default command returns a list of all IP instances in the design.

Note: To improve memory and performance, the commands return a container list of a single type of
objects (e.g. cells, nets, or ports). You can add new objects to the list (using lappend for instance), but you
can only add the same type of object that is currently in the list. Adding a different type of object, or string,
to the list is not permitted and will result in a Tcl error.

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-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

For cell objects, "IP_TYPE", and "IP_NAME" are some of the properties you can use to filter
results. The following gets cells with an IP_TYPE of "PROCESSOR" and with names containing

get_cells * -filter {IP_TYPE == PROCESSOR && NAME !~ "*ps7*"}

-hierarchical - (optional) Get cells from all levels of hierarchical cells .

-of_objects <arg> - (optional) Get the cells connected to the specified pins, timing paths,
nets, bels, clock regions, sites or DRC violation objects.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

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Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<patterns> - (optional) Match cells against the specified patterns. The default pattern is the
wildcard `*` which gets a list of all cells in the project. More than one pattern can be specified to
find multiple cells based on different search criteria.

Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces, {}, or quotes, "", to present the list as a single


The following example returns list of processor instances :

hsi::get_cells -filter { IP_TYPE == "PROCESSOR" }

This example gets a list of properties and property values attached to the second object of the
list returned by get_cells:

common::report_property [lindex [get_cells] 1]

Note: If there are no cells matching the pattern you will get a warning.


Get a list of DT node objects.


get_dt_nodes [-hier] [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-of_objects <args>] [-

quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>...]


Node objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-hier] List of nodes in the current tree.

[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-of_objects] Get '' objects of these types: 'dtsNode dtsTree'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

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Name Description
[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *




Gets a list of DT nodes created under a DT tree in the current HSI session that match a specified
search pattern. The default command gets a list of all root DT nodes in the current DT tree.


-of_objects <arg> - (optional) Gets all nodes of DTSNode and DTSTree

Note: The -of_objects option requires objects to be specified using the get_* commands, such as
get_dt_nodes or get_dt_trees, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects
cannot be used with a search <pattern>.

-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<patterns> - (optional) Match nodes against the specified patterns. The default pattern is the
wildcard `*` which gets a list of all root nodes in the current DT tree. More than one pattern can
be specified to find multiple nodes based on different search criteria.

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Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces, {}, or quotes, "", to present the list as a single


The following example gets a list of root nodes attached to the specified DT tree:

hsi::get_dt_nodes -of_objects [lindex [get_dt_trees] 1]

Note: If there are no nodes matching the pattern, the tool will return empty.

The following example gets a list of all nodes in the current DT tree:

hsi::get_dt_nodes -hier

Note: If there are no nodes matching the pattern, the tool will return empty.

The following example gets a list of nodes created under a root node:

hsi::get_dt_nodes -of_objects [current_dt_tree]

Note: If there are no nodes matching the pattern, the tool will return empty.


Get a list of dts trees created.


get_dt_trees [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>...]


DTS tree objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match tree names against patterns Default: *

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Gets a list of DT trees created in the current HSI session that match a specified search pattern.
The default command gets a list of all open DT trees in the HSI session.


-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

For the "DT tree" object you can use the"DTS_FILE_NAME" property to filter results. The
following gets dt trees that do NOT contain the "pl.dtsi" substring within their name:

get_dt_trees * -filter {NAME !~ "*pl.dtsi*"}

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

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-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<patterns> - (optional) Match DT trees against the specified patterns. The default pattern is the
wildcard `*` which gets all DT trees. More than one pattern can be specified to find multiple trees
based on different search criteria.


Get all created DT trees in the current session:



Get a list of interface nets.


get_intf_nets [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-boundary_type <arg>] [-

hierarchical] [-of_objects <args>] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>...]


Interface Net objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-boundary_type] Used when source object is on a hierarchical block's pin. Valid

values are 'upper', 'lower', or 'both'. If 'lower' boundary, searches
from the lower level of hierarchy onwards. This option is only valid
for connected_to relations. Default: upper
[-hierarchical] Get interface nets from all levels of hierarchical cells

[-of_objects] Get 'intf_net' objects of these types: 'hw_design cell bus_intf'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *

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Gets a list of interface nets in the current hardware design that match a specified search pattern.
The default command gets a list of all interface nets in the subsystem design.


-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

For hardware design nets you can use the "NAME" property to filter results.

-hierarchical - (optional) Get interface nets from all levels of hierarchical cells.

-boundary_type - (optional) Used when source object is on a hierarchical block's pin. Valid
values are 'upper', 'lower', or 'both'. If 'lower' boundary, searches from the lower level of hierarchy
onwards. This option is only valid for connected_to relations.

-of_objects <args> - (optional) Get a list of the nets connected to the specified IP integrator
subsystem cell, pin, or port objects.

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Note: The -of_objects option requires objects to be specified using the get_* commands, such as
get_cells or get_pins, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects cannot be
used with a search pattern.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<patterns> - (optional) Match hardware design interface nets against the specified patterns. The
default pattern is the wildcard `*` which returns a list of all interface nets in the current IP
integrator subsystem design. More than one pattern can be specified to find multiple nets based
on different search criteria.

Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces {} to present the list as a single element.


The following example gets the interface net attached to the specified pin of an hardware design,
and returns the net:

hsi::get_intf_nets -of_objects [get_pins aclk]

Note: If there are no interface nets matching the pattern you will get a warning.


Get a list of interface pins.


get_intf_pins [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-hierarchical] [-of_objects

<args>] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>...]


Interface pin objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.

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Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-hierarchical] Get interface pins from all levels of hierarchical cells

[-of_objects] Get 'bus_intf' objects of these types: 'hw_design cell port intf_net'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *




Gets a list of pin objects in the current design that match a specified search pattern. The default
command gets a list of all pins in the design.


-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

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For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

For the interface pins, "NAME" and "TYPE" are some of the properties you can use to filter
results. The following gets slave interface pins that do NOT contain the "S_AXI" substring within
their name:

get_intf_pins * -filter {TYPE == SLAVE && NAME !~ "*S_AXI*"}

-hierarchical - (optional) Get interface pins from all levels of hierarchical cells.

-of_objects <arg> - (optional) Get the pins connected to the specified cell, clock, timing
path, or net; or pins associated with specified DRC violation objects.

Note: The -of_objects option requires objects to be specified using the get_* commands, such as
get_cells or get_pins, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects cannot be
used with a search <pattern>

-match_style [sdc | ucf] - (optional) Indicates that the search pattern matches UCF
constraints or SDC constraints. The default is SDC.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

patterns - (optional) Match pins against the specified patterns. The default pattern is the
wildcard `*` which gets a list of all pins in the project. More than one pattern can be specified to
find multiple pins based on different search criteria.

Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces, {}, or quotes, "", to present the list as a single


The following example gets a list of pins attached to the specified cell:

hsi::get_intf_pins -of_objects [lindex [get_cells] 1]

Note: If there are no pins matching the pattern, the tool will return a warning.

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Get a list of interface ports.


get_intf_ports [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-of_objects <args>] [-quiet] [-

verbose] [<patterns>...]


Interface Port objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-of_objects] Get 'bus_intf' objects of these types: 'hw_design port intf_net'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *




Gets a list of interface port objects in the current hardware subsystem design that match a
specified search pattern. The default command gets a list of all interface ports in the subsystem

The external connections in an IP subsystem design are ports, or interface ports. The external
connections in an IP integrator cell, or hierarchical module, are pins and interface pins. Use the
get_pins and get_intf_pins commands to select the pin objects.

Note: To improve memory and performance, the get_* commands return a container list of a single type
of objects (e.g. cells, nets, pins, or ports). You can add new objects to the list (using lappend for instance),
but you can only add the same type of object that is currently in the list. Adding a different type of object,
or string, to the list is not permitted and will result in a Tcl error.

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-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

For IP subsystem interface ports, "DIRECTION", and "NAME" are some of the properties you can
use to ilter results.

-of_objects <arg> - (optional) Get the interface ports connected to the specified IP
subsystem interface nets returned by get_intf_nets.

Note: The -of_objects option requires objects to be specified using the get_* commands, such as
get_cells or get_pins, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects cannot be
used with a search <pattern>.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

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Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

patterns - (optional) Match interface ports against the specified patterns. The default pattern is
the wildcard `*` which gets a list of all interface ports in the subsystem design. More than one
pattern can be specified to find multiple interface ports based on different search criteria.

Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces {} to present the list as a single element.


The following example gets the interface ports in the subsystem design that operate in Master

hsi::get_intf_ports -filter {MODE=="master"}

Note: If there are no interface ports matching the pattern, the tool will return a warning.


Get a list of memory ranges.


get_mem_ranges [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-hierarchical] [-of_objects

<args>] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>...]


Memory range objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-hierarchical] Get memory ranges from all levels of hierarchical cells

[-of_objects] Get 'mem_range' objects of these types: 'cell'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *



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Get a list of slaves of the processor in the current hardware design.


-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

-hierarchical - (optional) Get memory ranges from all levels of hierarchical cells.

-of_objects <arg> - (optional) Get the slaves of the specified object.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

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patterns - (optional) Match address segments against the specified patterns. The default
pattern is the wildcard `*` which gets a list of all address segments in the current IP subsystem
design. More than one pattern can be specified to find multiple address segments based on
different search criteria.

Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces {} to present the list as a single element.


The following example gets the slaves of the processor:


hsi::get_mem_ranges -of_objects [lindex [get_cells -

filter {IP_TYPE==PROCESSOR} ] 0]

Note: If there are no objects matching the pattern you will get a warning.


Get a list of nets.


get_nets [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-boundary_type <arg>] [-hierarchical] [-

of_objects <args>] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>...]


Net objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-boundary_type] Used when source object is on a hierarchical block's pin. Valid

values are 'upper', 'lower', or 'both'. If 'lower' boundary, searches
from the lower level of hierarchy onwards. This option is only valid
for connected_to relations. Default: upper
[-hierarchical] Get nets from all levels of hierarchical cells

[-of_objects] Get 'net' objects of these types: 'hw_design cell port'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *

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Gets a list of nets in the current hardware design that match a specified search pattern. The
default command gets a list of all nets in the subsystem design.


-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

For the "hardware design" object you can use the "NAME" property to filter results.

-boundary_type - (optional) Used when source object is on a hierarchical block's pin. Valid
values are 'upper', 'lower', or 'both'. If 'lower' boundary, searches from the lower level of hierarchy
onwards. This option is only valid for connected_to relations. Default: upper.

-hierarchical - (optional) Get nets from all levels of hierarchical cells.

-of_objects - (optional) Get 'net' objects of these types: 'hw_design cell port'.

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-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

<patterns - (optional) Match hardware design nets against the specified patterns. The default
pattern is the wildcard `*` which returns a list of all nets in the current IP integrator subsystem
design. More than one pattern can be specified to find multiple nets based on different search

Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces {} to present the list as a single element.


The following example gets the net attached to the specified pin of an hardware design module,
and returns both the net:

hsi::get_nets -of_objects [get_pins aclk]

Note: If there are no nets matching the pattern you will get a warning.


Get a list of child nodes.


get_nodes [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-of_objects <args>] [-quiet] [-

verbose] [<patterns>...]


Node objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

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Name Description
[-of_objects] Get 'node' objects of these types: 'driver sw_proc os node'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *




Get a list of nodes in drivers/os/nodes in the current software design.

A node can have child nodes in it.


-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

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The following gets nodes that matches NAME and PARENT within their name:

get_nodes -filter {NAME==clkc && PARENT == ps7_slcr_0}

-of_objects <arg> - (optional) Get 'node' objects of these types: 'sw_driver', 'sw_os',
'sw_proc', 'sw_node'.

Note: The -of_objects option requires objects to be specified using the get_* commands, such as
get_nodes, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects cannot be used with a
search <pattern>.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

patterns - (optional) Match sotfware design cells against the specified patterns. The default
pattern is the wildcard `*` which gets a list of all cells in the current IP subsystem design. More
than one pattern can be specified to find multiple cells based on different search criteria.

Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces, {}, to present the list as a single element.


The following example gets a list of nodes that include the specified driver in the software

hsi::get_nodes -of_objects [get_drivers ps7_uart_0]

The following example gets a list of all nodes of OS:

hsi::get_nodes -of_objects [get_os]


Get a list of pins.

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get_pins [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-hierarchical] [-of_objects <args>] [-

quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>...]


Pin objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-hierarchical] Get pins from all levels of hierarchical cells

[-of_objects] Get 'port' objects of these types: 'hw_design cell bus_intf net'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *




Gets a list of pin objects on the current hardware design that match a specified search pattern.
The default command gets a list of all pins in the subsystem design.


-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

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Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For pins, "DIR" and "TYPE" are some of the properties you can use to filter results. The following
gets input pins that do NOT contain the "RESET" substring within their name:

get_pins * -filter {DIRECTION == IN && NAME !~ "*RESET*"}

-hierarchical - (optional) Get pins from all levels of hierarchical cells.

-of_objects <arg> - (optional) Get the pins connected to the specified IP subsystem cell or

Note: The -of_objects option requires objects to be specified using the get_* commands, such as
get_cells or get_pins, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects cannot be
used with a search <pattern>.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

patterns - (optional) Match hardware design pins against the specified patterns.

Note: More than one pattern can be specified to find multiple pins based on different search criteria. You
must enclose multiple search patterns in braces {} to present the list as a single element.


The following example gets a list of pins attached to the specified cell:

hsi::get_pins -of [get_cells axi_gpio_0]

Note: If there are no pins matching the pattern, the tool will return a warning.

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Section V: Software Command-Line Tool
Chapter 29: Hardware Software Interface (HSI) Commands

The following example gets a list of pins attached to the specified subsystem net:

hsi::get_pins -of [get_nets ps7_axi_interconnect_0_M_AXI_BRESP]


Get a list of external ports.


get_ports [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-of_objects <args>] [-quiet] [-

verbose] [<patterns>...]


Port objects. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-regexp] Patterns are full regular expressions

[-filter] Filter list with expression

[-of_objects] Get 'port' objects of these types: 'hw_design bus_intf net'.

[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<patterns>] Match cell names against patterns Default: *




Gets a list of port objects in the current hardware design that match a specified search pattern.
The default command gets a list of all ports in the hardware design.

The external connections in an hardware design are ports, or interface ports. The external
connections in an IP integrator cell, or hierarchical module, are pins and interface pins. Use the
get_pins and get_intf_pins commands to select the pin objects.

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Section V: Software Command-Line Tool
Chapter 29: Hardware Software Interface (HSI) Commands


-regexp – (optional) Specifies that the search <patterns> are written as regular expressions.
Both search <patterns> and -filter expressions must be written as regular expressions when
this argument is used. Xilinx regular expression Tcl commands are always anchored to the start of
the search string. You can add .* to the beginning or end of a search string to widen the search
to include a substring. See this web page for help with regular expression syntax.

Note: The Tcl built-in command regexp is not anchored, and works as a standard Tcl command. For more
information, refer to this web page.

-filter <args> – (optional) Filter the results list with the specified expression. The -filter
argument filters the list of objects returned based on property values on the objects. You can find
the properties on an object with the report_property or list_property commands.

Quote the filter search pattern to avoid having to escape special characters that might be found
in net, pin, or cell names, or other properties. String matching is case sensitive and is always
anchored to the start and to the end of the search string. The wildcard * character can be used at
the beginning or at the end of a search string to widen the search to include a substring of the
property value.

Note: The filter returns an object if a specified property exists on the object, and the specified pattern
matches the property value on the object. In the case of the * wildcard character, this matches a property
with a defined value of "".

For string comparison, the specific operators that can be used in filter expressions are equal
(==), not-equal (!=), match (=~), and not-match (!~). Numeric comparison operators <, >,
<=, and >= can also be used. Multiple filter expressions can be joined by AND and OR (&& and ||).

For IP subsystem ports, "DIRECTION", "TYPE", and "SENSITIVITY" are some of the properties
you can use to filter results.

-of_objects <arg> - (optional) Get the ports connected to the specified IP subsystem nets
returned by get_nets.

Note: The -of_objects option requires objects to be specified using the get_* commands, such as
get_cells or get_pins, rather than specifying objects by name. In addition, -of_objects cannot be
used with a search <pattern>.

-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

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Chapter 29: Hardware Software Interface (HSI) Commands

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

patterns - (optional) Match ports against the specified patterns. The default pattern is the
wildcard `*` which gets a list of all ports in the subsystem design. More than one pattern can be
specified to find multiple ports based on different search criteria.

Note: You must enclose multiple search patterns in braces {} to present the list as a single element.


The following example gets the ports connected to the specified hardware subsystem net:

hsi::get_ports -of_objects [get_nets bridge_1_apb_m] -filter {DIRECTION==I}

Note: If there are no ports matching the pattern, the tool will return a warning.


Open a hardware design from disk file.


open_hw_design [-quiet] [-verbose] [<file>]


Hardware design object. Returns nothing if the command fails.


Name Description
[-quiet] Ignore command errors

[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution

[<file>] Hardware design file to open




Opens a Hardware design in the Hardware Software Interface. The hardware design must be
exported previously using the Vivado product. Users can open multiple hardware designs at same

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Chapter 29: Hardware Software Interface (HSI) Commands

If successful, this command returns a hardware design object representing the opened Hardware
design. Otherwise it returns an error.


-quiet – (optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.
The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.

Note: Any errors encountered on the command line while launching the command are returned. Only
errors occurring inside the command are trapped.

-verbose – (optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this

Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.

file - The path and file name of the Hardware design to open in the HSM. The name must include
the file extension.


Open the specified IP subsystem design in the current project:

open_hw_design C:/Data/project1/project1.sdk/SDK/SDK_Export/hw/design_1.xml


open_hw_design C:/Data/project1/project1.sdk/design_1_wrapper.xsa

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools

Section VI

GNU Compiler Tools

This section contains the following chapters:

• Overview
• Compiler Framework
• Common Compiler Usage and Options
• MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options
• Arm Compiler Usage and Options
• Other Notes

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 30: Overview

Chapter 30

The AMD Vivado™ Design Suite includes the GNU compiler collection (GCC) for the
MicroBlaze™ processor and the Arm® Cortex® A9, A53, A72, and R5 processors.

• The Vivado GNU tools support both the C and C++ languages.
• The MicroBlaze GNU tools include the mb-gcc and mb-g++ compilers, the mb-as assembler,
and the mb-ld linker.
• The Arm processor tools include:
○ The arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-g++ compilers, arm-none-eabi-as
assembler, and arm-none-eabi-ld linker for Cortex A9 processors
○ aarch64-none-elf-* for Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A72 processors

○ armr5-none-eabi-* for Cortex-R5F processors

• The toolchains also include the C, math, GCC, and C++ standard libraries.
• The compiler also uses the common binary utilities (referred to as binutils), such as an
assembler, a linker, and object dump. The MicroBlaze and Arm compiler tools use the GNU
binutils based on GNU version 2.31 in 2019.x and 2.32 in 2020.x of the sources.

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 31: Compiler Framework

Chapter 31

Compiler Framework
This section discusses the common features of the MicroBlaze™ and Cortex® A9, A53, A72, and
R5 processor compilers. The following figure displays the GNU tool flow.

Figure 63: GNU Tool Flow

Input C/C++ Files


cc1 cc1plus

(mb-as, arm-none-eabi-as,
or armr5-none-eabi-as)

Libraries (mb-ld, arm-none-eabi-ld,
aarch64-none-elf-ld, or armr5-none-eabi-ld)

Output ELF File


The GNU compilers are named as follows:

• mb-gcc for MicroBlaze

• arm-none-eabi-gcc for Cortex A9 cores
• aarch64-none-elf-gcc for Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A72
• armr5-none-eabi-gcc for Cortex-R5F

The GNU compiler is a wrapper that calls the following executables:

• Pre-processor (cpp0): This is the first pass invoked by the compiler. The pre-processor
replaces all macros with definitions as defined in the source and header files.

• Machine and language specific compiler: This compiler works on the pre-processed code,
which is the output of the first stage. The language-specific compiler is one of the following:

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Chapter 31: Compiler Framework

• C Compiler (cc1): The compiler responsible for most of the optimizations done on the
input C code and for generating assembly code.

• C++ Compiler (cc1plus): The compiler responsible for most of the optimizations done on
the input C++ code and for generating assembly code.

• Assembler: The assembly code has mnemonics in assembly language. The assembler converts
these to machine language. The assembler also resolves some of the labels generated by the
compiler. It creates an object file which is passed on to the linker. The assembler executables
are named as follows:

• mb-as for MicroBlaze

• arm-none-eabi-as for Cortex A9 cores
• aarch64-none-elf-as for Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A72
• armr5-none-eabi-as for Cortex-R5F

• Linker: Links all the object files generated by the assembler. If libraries are provided on the
command line, the linker resolves some of the undefined references in the code by linking in
some of the functions from the assembler. The linker executables named as follows:

• mb-ld for MicroBlaze

• arm-none-eabi-ld for Cortex A9 cores
• aarch64-none-elf-ld for Cortex-A53and Cortex-A72
• armr5-none-eabi-ld for Cortex-R5F

Executable options are described in the following sections:

• Commonly Used Compiler Options: Quick Reference

• Linker Options
• MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options
• MicroBlaze Linker Options
• Arm Compiler Usage and Options

Note: From this point forward, the references to GCC in this chapter refer to the MicroBlaze compiler, mb-
gcc, and references to G++ refer to the MicroBlaze C++ compiler, mb-g++.

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Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

Chapter 32

Common Compiler Usage and


To use the GNU compiler, type:

<Compiler_Name> options files...

Where <Compiler_Name> refers to one of the following compilers:

• mb-gcc for MicroBlaze

• arm-none-eabi-gcc for Cortex A9
• aarch64-none-elf-gcc for Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A72
• armr5-none-eabi-gcc for Cortex-R5F

To compile C++ programs, you can use the mb-g++ or arm-none-eabi-g++ command.

Input Files
The compilers take one or more of the following files as input:

• C source files
• C++ source files
• Assembly files
• Object files
• Linker scripts

Note: These files are optional. If they are not specified, the default linker script embedded in the linker is
used. The default scripts are as follows:

• mb-ld for MicroBlaze

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Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

• arm-none-eabi-ld for Cortex A9

• aarch64-none-elf-ld for Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A72
• armr5-none-eabi-ld for Cortex-R5F

The default extensions for each of these types are listed in File Types and Extensions. In addition
to the files mentioned above, the compiler implicitly refers to the libraries files libc.a,
libgcc.a, libm.a, and libxil.a. The default location for these files is the Vivado
installation directory. When using the G++ Compiler, the libsupc++.a and libstdc++.a files
are also referenced. These are the C++ language support and C++ platform libraries respectively.

Output Files
The compiler generates the following files as output:

• An ELF file.
• An assembly file, if the -save-temps or -S option is used.
• An object file, if the -save-temps or -c option is used.
• Preprocessor output, an .i or .ii file, if the -save-temps option is used.

File Types and Extensions

The GNU compiler determines the type of your file from the file extension. The following table
lists the valid extensions and the corresponding file types. The GCC wrapper calls the appropriate
lower level tools by recognizing these file types.

Table 56: File Extensions

Extension File Type (Dialect)

.c C file
.C C++ file
.cxx C++ file
.cpp C++ file
.c++ C++ file
.cc C++ file
.S Assembly file, but might have preprocessor directives
.s Assembly file with no preprocessor directives

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Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

The following table lists the libraries necessary for the mb_gcc and arm-none-eabi-gcc

Table 57: Libraries Used by the Compilers

Library Particular
libxil.a Contains drivers, software services (such as XilMFS), and initialization files
developed for the Vivado tools.
libc.a Standard C libraries, including functions such as strcmp and strlen.
libgcc.a GCC low-level library containing emulation routines for floating point and 64-bit
libm.a Math library containing functions such as cos and sine.
libsupc++.a C++ support library with routines for exception handling, RTTI, and others.
libstdc++.a C++ standard platform library. Contains standard language classes, such as those
for stream I/O, file I/O, string manipulation, and others.

Libraries are linked in automatically by both compilers. If the standard libraries are overridden,
the search path for these libraries must be given to the compiler. The libxil.a is modified to
add driver and library routines.

Language Dialect
The GCC compiler recognizes both C and C++ dialects and generates code accordingly. By GCC
convention, it is possible to use either the GCC or the G++ compilers equivalently on a source
file. The compiler that you use and the extension of your source file determines the dialect used
on the input and output files.

When using the GCC compiler, the dialect of a program is always determined by the file
extension, as listed in File Types and Extensions. If a file extension shows that it is a C++ source
file, the language is set to C++. This means that if you have compile C code contained in a CC file,
even if you use the GCC compiler, it automatically mangles function names.

The primary difference between GCC and G++ is that G++ automatically sets the default
language dialect to C++ (irrespective of the file extension), and if linking, automatically pulls in
the C++ support libraries. This means that even if you compile C code in a .c file with the G++
compiler, it will mangle names.

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

Name mangling is a concept unique to C++ and other languages that support overloading of
symbols. A function is said to be overloaded if the same function can perform different actions
based on the arguments passed in, and can return different return values. To support this, C++
compilers encode the type of the function to be invoked in the function name, avoiding multiple
definitions of a function with the same name.

Be careful about name mangling if you decide to follow a mixed compilation mode, with some
source files containing C code and some others containing C++ code (or using GCC for compiling
certain files and G++ for compiling others). To prevent name mangling of a C symbol, you can use
the following construct in the symbol declaration.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern “C” {
int foo();
int morefoo();
#ifdef __cplusplus

Make these declarations available in a header file and use them in all source files. This causes the
compiler to use the C dialect when compiling definitions or references to these symbols.

Note: All Vivado drivers and libraries follow these conventions in all the header files they provide. You must
include the necessary headers, as documented in each driver and library, when you compile with G++. This
ensures that the compiler recognizes library symbols as belonging to “C” type.

When compiling with either variant of the compiler, to force a file to a particular dialect, use the -
x lang switch. Refer to the GCC documentation for more information on this switch.

• When using the GCC compiler, libstdc++.a and libsupc++.a are not automatically
linked in.
• When compiling C++ programs, use the G++ variant of the compiler to make sure all the
required support libraries are linked in automatically.
• Adding -lstdc++ and -lsupc++ to the GCC command are also possible options.

For more information about how to invoke the compiler for different languages, refer to the GNU
online documentation.

Commonly Used Compiler Options: Quick

The summary below lists compiler options that are common to the compilers for MicroBlaze and
Arm processors. The compiler options are case sensitive.

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

General Options
• -E: Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble and link. The preprocessed output displays on
the standard out device.

• -S: Compile only; do not assemble and link. Generates a .s file.

• -c: Compile and assemble only; do not link. Generates a .o file.

• -g: This option adds DWARF2-based debugging information to the output file. The debugging
information is required by the GNU debugger, mb-gdb or arm-none-eabi-gdb. The debugger
provides debugging at the source and the assembly level. This option adds debugging
information only when the input is a C/C++ source file.

• -gstabs: Use this option for adding STABS-based debugging information on assembly (.S)
files and assembly file symbols at the source level. This is an assembler option that is provided
directly to the GNU assembler, mb-as or arm-none-eabi-as. If an assembly file is compiled
using the compiler mb-gcc or arm-none-eabi-gcc, prefix the option with -Wa.

• -On: The GNU compiler provides optimizations at different levels. The optimization levels in
the following table apply only to the C and C++ source files.

Table 58: Optimizations for Values of n

n Optimization
0 No optimization.
1 Medium optimization.
2 Full optimization
3 Full optimization. Attempt automatic inlining of small subprograms.
S Optimize for size.

Note: Optimization levels 1 and above cause code re-arrangement. While debugging your code, use of
no optimization level is recommended. When an optimized program is debugged through GDB, the
displayed results might seem inconsistent.

• -v: This option executes the compiler and all the tools underneath the compiler in verbose
mode. This option gives complete description of the options passed to all the tools. This
description is helpful in discovering the default options for each tool.

• -save-temps: The GNU compiler provides a mechanism to save the intermediate files
generated during the compilation process. The compiler stores the following files:

• Preprocessor output -input_file_name.i for C code and input_file_name.ii for C++ code
• Compiler (cc1) output in assembly format - input_file_name.s
• Assembler output in ELF format - input_file_name.s

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

The compiler saves the default output of the entire compilation as a.out.

• -o filename: The compiler stores the default output of the compilation process in an ELF
file named a.out. You can change the default name using -o output_file_name. The output file
is created in ELF format.

• -Wp,<option>, -Wa,<option>, and -Wl,<option>: The compiler, mb-gcc or arm-

none-eabi-gcc, is a wrapper around other executables such as the preprocessor, compiler
(cc1), assembler, and the linker. You can run these components of the compiler individually or
through the top level compiler.

There are certain options that are required by tools, but might not be necessary for the top-
level compiler. To run these commands, use the options listed in the following table.

Table 59: Tool-Specific Options Passed to the Top-Level GCC Compiler

Option Tool Example

-Wp,<option> Preprocessor mb-gcc -Wp,-D -Wp, MYDEFINE ...

Signal the pre-processor to define the symbol MYDEFINE

with the -D MYDEFINE option.

-Wa,<option> Assembler mb-as -Wa, ...

Signal the assembler to target the MicroBlaze processor.

-Wl,<option> Linker mb-gcc -Wl,-M ...

Signal the linker to produce a map file with the -M option.

• -help: Use this option with any GNU compiler to get more information about the available
options. You can also consult the GCC manual.

• -B directory: Add directory to the C runtime library search paths.

• -L directory: Add directory to the library search path.

• -I directory: Add directory to header search path.

• -l library: Search library for undefined symbols.

Note: The compiler prefixes “lib” to the library name indicated in this command line switch.

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

Library Search Options

• -l <library name>: By default, the compiler searches only the standard libraries, such as
libc, libm, and libxil. You can also create your own libraries. You can specify the name of
the library and where the compiler can find the definition of these functions. The compiler
prefixes lib to the library name that you provide.

The compiler is sensitive to the order in which you provide options, particularly the -l
command line switch. Provide this switch only after all of the sources in the command line.

For example, if you create your own library called libproject.a. you can include functions
from this library using the following command:

Compiler Source_Files -L${LIBDIR} -l project

IMPORTANT! If you supply the library flag -l library_name before the source files, the compiler
does not find the functions called from any of the sources. This is because the compiler search is only
done in one direction and it does not keep a list of available libraries.

• -L <lib directory>: This option indicates the directories in which to search for the
libraries. The compiler has a default library search path, where it looks for the standard library.
Using the -L option, you can include some additional directories in the compiler search path.

Header File Search Option

• -I <directory name>: This option searches for header files in the /<dir_name>
directory before searching the header files in the standard path.

Default Search Paths

The compilers (mb-gcc for MicroBlaze, arm-none-eabi-gcc for Cortex A9, armr5-none-
eabi-gcc for Cortex-R5F, and aarch64-none-elf-gcc for and Cortex®-A72) search certain
paths for libraries and header files. The search paths on the various platforms are described

Library Search Procedures

The compilers search libraries in the following order:

1. Directories are passed to the compiler with the -L <dir_name> option.

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2. The compilers search the following libraries:


Header File Search Procedures

The compilers search header files in the following order:

1. Directories are passed to the compiler with the -I <dir_name> option.

2. The compilers search the following header files:

Initialization File Search Procedures

The compilers search initialization files in the following order:

1. Directories are passed to the compiler with the -B <dir_name> option.

2. The compilers search the following files:

• <processor> is microblaze for MicroBlaze processors, aarch32 for A9, aarch64 for
A53, and armr5 for R5 processors.
• <processor-lib> is microblazeeb-xilinx-elf for MicroBlaze, aarch32-
xilinx-eabi for A9, aarch64-none/aarch64-xilinx-elf for A53, and gcc-
arm-none-eabi/armrm-xilinx-eabi for R5 processors.
Note: platform indicates lin64 for Linux 64-bit and nt for Windows Cygwin.

Linker Options
• -defsym _STACK_SIZE=value: The total memory allocated for the stack can be modified
using this linker option. The variable _STACK_SIZE is the total space allocated for the stack.
The _STACK_SIZE variable is given the default value of 100 words, or 400 bytes. If your
program is expected to need more than 400 bytes for stack and heap combined, it is
recommended that you increase the value of _STACK_SIZE using this option. The value is in

In certain cases, a program might need a bigger stack. If the stack size required by the program
is greater than the stack size available, the program tries to write in other, incorrect, sections
of the program, leading to incorrect execution of the code.

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Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

Note: A minimum stack size of 16 bytes (0x0010) is required for programs linked with the AMD-
provided C runtime (CRT) files.

• -defsym _HEAP_SIZE=value: The total memory allocated for the heap can be controlled
by the value given to the variable _HEAP_SIZE. The default value of _HEAP_SIZE is zero.

Dynamic memory allocation routines use the heap. If your program uses the heap in this
fashion, then you must provide a reasonable value for _HEAP_SIZE.

For advanced users: you can generate linker scripts directly from IP integrator.

Memory Layout
The MicroBlaze and Arm Cortex A9 and R5 processors use 32-bit logical addresses and can
address any memory in the system in the range 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF. This address range can be
categorized into reserved memory and I/O memory. The Arm Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A72
processor uses 64-bit logical addresses.

Reserved Memory
Reserved memory has been defined by the hardware and software programming environment for
privileged use. This is typically true for memory containing interrupt vector locations and
operating system level routines. The following table lists the reserved memory locations for
MicroBlaze and Arm processors as defined by the processor hardware. For more information on
these memory locations, refer to the corresponding processor reference manuals.

For information about the Arm Cortex A9 memory map, refer to the . For the Cortex-R5F,
Cortex-A53, and Cortex-A72 memory map, refer to the Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical
Reference Manual (UG1085).

Note: In addition to these memories that are reserved for hardware use, your software environment can
reserve other memories. Refer to the manual of the particular software platform that you are using to find
out if any memory locations are deemed reserved.

Table 60: Hardware Reserved Memory Locations

Default Text Start

Processor Family Reserved Memories Reserved Purpose
MicroBlaze 0x0 - 0x4F Reset, Interrupt, Exception, 0x50
and other reserved vector

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 32: Common Compiler Usage and Options

I/O Memory
I/O memory refers to addresses used by your program to communicate with memory-mapped
peripherals on the processor buses. These addresses are defined as a part of your hardware
platform specification.

User and Program Memory

User and program memory refers to all the memory that is required for your compiled executable
to run. By convention, this includes memories for storing instructions, read-only data, read-write
data, program stack, and program heap. These sections can be stored in any addressable memory
in your system. By default the compiler generates code and data starting from the address listed
in the table in Reserved Memory and occupying contiguous memory locations. This is the most
common memory layout for programs. You can modify the starting location of your program by
defining (in the linker) the symbol _TEXT_START_ADDR for MicroBlaze and START_ADDR for

In special cases, you might want to partition the various sections of your ELF file across different
memories. This is done using the linker command language (refer to Linker Scripts for details).
The following are some situations in which you might want to change the memory map of your

• When partitioning large code segments across multiple smaller memories

• Remapping frequently executed sections to fast memories
• Mapping read-only segments to non-volatile flash memories

No restrictions apply to how you can partition your executable. The partitioning can be done at
the output section level, or even at the individual function and data level. The resulting ELF can
be non-contiguous, that is, there can be “holes” in the memory map. Ensure that you do not use
documented reserved locations.

Alternatively, if you are an advanced user and want to modify the default binary data provided by
the tools for the reserved memory locations, you can do so. In this case, you must replace the
default startup files and the memory mappings provided by the linker.

Object-File Sections
An executable file is created by concatenating input sections from the object files (.o files) being
linked together. The compiler, by default, creates code across standard and well-defined sections.
Each section is named based on its associated meaning and purpose. The various standard
sections of the object file are displayed in the following table.

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In addition to these sections, you can also create your own custom sections and assign them to
memories of your choice.

Table 61: Sectional Layout of an Object or Executable File

Section Description
.text Text section
.rodata Read only data section
.sdata2 Small read only data section
.sbss2 Small read only uninitialized data section
.data Read/write data section
.sdata Small read/write data section
.sbss Small uninitialized data section
.bss Uninitialized data section
.heap Program heap memory section
.stack Program stack memory section

The reserved sections that you would not typically modify

include: .init, .fini, .ctors, .dtors, .got, .got2, and .eh_frame.

• .text: This section of the object file contains executable program instructions. This section
has the x (executable), r (read-only) and i (initialized) flags. This means that this section can
be assigned to an initialized read-only memory (ROM) that is addressable from the processor
instruction bus.

• .rodata: This section contains read-only data. This section has the r (read-only) and the i
(initialized) flags. Like the .text section, this section can also be assigned to an initialized,
read-only memory that is addressable from the processor data bus.

• .sdata2: This section is similar to the .rodata section. It contains small read-only data of
size less than 8 bytes. All data in this section is accessed with reference to the read-only small
data anchor. This ensures that all the contents of this section are accessed using a single
instruction. You can change the size of the data going into this section with the -G option to
the compiler. This section has the r (read-only) and the i (initialized) flags.

• .data: This section contains read-write data and has the w (read-write) and the i (initialized)
flags. It must be mapped to initialized random access memory (RAM). It cannot be mapped to
a ROM.

• .sdata: This section contains small read-write data of a size less than 8 bytes. You can
change the size of the data going into this section with the -G option. All data in this section is
accessed with reference to the read-write small data anchor. This ensures that all contents of
the section can be accessed using a single instruction. This section has the w (read-write) and
the i (initialized) flags and must be mapped to initialized RAM.

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• .sbss2: This section contains small, read-only uninitialized data of a size less than 8 bytes.
You can change the size of the data going into this section with the -G option. This section
has the r (read) flag and can be mapped to ROM.

• .sbss: This section contains small uninitialized data of a size less than 8 bytes. You can
change the size of the data going into this section with the -G option. This section has the w
(read-write) flag and must be mapped to RAM.

• .bss: This section contains uninitialized data. This section has the w (read-write) flag and
must be mapped to RAM.

• .heap: This section contains uninitialized data that is used as the global program heap.
Dynamic memory allocation routines allocate memory from this section. This section must be
mapped to RAM.

• .stack: This section contains uninitialized data that is used as the program stack. This
section must be mapped to RAM. This section is typically laid out right after the .heap
section. In some versions of the linker, the .stack and .heap sections might appear merged
together into a section named .bss_stack.

• .init: This section contains language initialization code and has the same flags as .text. It
must be mapped to initialized ROM.

• .fini: This section contains language cleanup code and has the same flags as .text. It must
be mapped to initialized ROM.

• .ctors: This section contains a list of functions that must be invoked at program startup and
the same flags as .data and must be mapped to initialized RAM.

• .dtors: This section contains a list of functions that must be invoked at program end, the
same flags as .data, and it must be mapped to initialized RAM.

• .got2/.got: This section contains pointers to program data, the same flags as .data, and it
must be mapped to initialized RAM.

• .eh_frame: This section contains frame unwind information for exception handling. It
contains the same flags as .rodata, and can be mapped to initialized ROM.

• .tbss: This section holds uninitialized thread-local data that contribute to the program
memory image. This section has the same flags as .bss, and it must be mapped to RAM.

• .tdata: This section holds initialized thread-local data that contribute to the program
memory image. This section must be mapped to initialized RAM.

• .gcc_except_table: This section holds language specific data. This section must be
mapped to initialized RAM.

• .jcr: This section contains information necessary for registering compiled Java classes. The
contents are compiler-specific and used by compiler initialization functions. This section must
be mapped to initialized RAM.

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• .fixup: This section contains information necessary for doing fixup, such as the fixup page
table and the fixup record table. This section must be mapped to initialized RAM.

Linker Scripts
The linker utility uses commands specified in linker scripts to divide your program on different
blocks of memories. It describes the mapping between all of the sections in all of the input object
files to output sections in the executable file. The output sections are mapped to memories in the
system. You do not need a linker script if you do not want to change the default contiguous
assignment of program contents to memory. There is a default linker script provided with the
linker that places section contents contiguously.

You can selectively modify only the starting address of your program by defining the linker
symbol _TEXT_START_ADDR on MicroBlaze processors, or START_ADDR on Arm processors, as
displayed in this example:

mb-gcc <input files and flags> -Wl,-defsym -Wl,_TEXT_START_ADDR=0x100

mb-ld <.o files> -defsym _TEXT_START_ADDR=0x100

The choices of the default script that will be used by the linker from the $XILINX_/gnu/
<procname>/<platform>/<processor_name>/lib/ldscripts area are described as
follows (where <procname> =microblaze, <processor_name> = microblaze, and
<platform> = lin or nt):

• elf32<procname>.x is used by default when none of the following cases apply.

• elf32<procname>.xn is used when the linker is invoked with the -n option.
• elf32<procname>.xbn is used when the linker is invoked with the -N option.
• elf32<procname>.xr is used when the linker is invoked with the -r option.
• elf32<procname>.xu is used when the linker is invoked with the -Ur option.

To use a linker script, provide it on the GCC command line. Use the command line option -T
<script> for the compiler, as described below:

compiler -T <linker_script> <Other Options and Input Files>

If the linker is executed on its own, include the linker script as follows:

linker -T <linker_script> <Other Options and Input Files>

This tells GCC to use your linker script in the place of the default built-in linker script. Linker
scripts can be generated for your program from within IP integrator and the Vitis software

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In IP integrator or the Vitis IDE, select Tools → Generate Linker Script.

This opens up the linker script generator utility. Mapping sections to memory is done here. Stack
and heap size can be set, as well as the memory mapping for stack and heap. When the linker
script is generated, it is given as input to GCC automatically when the corresponding application
is compiled within IP integrator or the Vitis environment.

Linker scripts can be used to assign specific variables or functions to specific memories. This is
done through section attributes in the C code. Linker scripts can also be used to assign specific
object files to sections in memory. These and other features of GNU linker scripts are explained
in the GNU linker documentation, which is a part of the binutils manual. For a specific list of
input sections that are assigned by MicroBlaze processor linker scripts, see MicroBlaze Linker
Script Sections.

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Chapter 33

MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and

The MicroBlaze™ GNU compiler is derived from the standard GNU sources as the AMD port of
the compiler. The features and options that are unique to the MicroBlaze compiler are described
in the sections that follow. When compiling with the MicroBlaze compiler, the pre-processor
provides the definition __MICROBLAZE__ automatically. You can use this definition in any
conditional code.

MicroBlaze Compiler
The mb-gcc compiler for the MicroBlaze soft processor introduces new options as well as
modifications to certain options supported by the GNU compiler tools. The new and modified
options are summarized in this chapter.

Processor Feature Selection Options

• -mcpu=vX.YY.Z: This option directs the compiler to generate code suited to MicroBlaze
hardware version v.X.YY.Z. To get the most optimized and correct code for a given processor,
use this switch with the hardware version of the processor.

The -mcpu switch behaves differently for different versions, as described below:

• Pr-v3.00.a: Uses 3-stage processor pipeline mode. Does not inhibit exception causing
instructions being moved into delay slots.

• v3.00.a and v4.00.a: Uses 3-stage processor pipeline model. Inhibits exception causing
instructions from being moved into delay slots.

• v5.00.a and later: Uses 5-stage processor pipeline model. Does not inhibit exception
causing instructions from being moved into delay slots.

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• -mlittle-endian/-mbig-endian: Use these options to select the endianness of the

target machine for which code is being compiled. The endianness of the binary object file
produced is also set appropriately based on this switch. The GCC driver passes switches to the
sub tools (as, cc1, cc1plus, ld) to set the corresponding endianness in the sub tool.

The default is -mbig-endian.

You cannot link together object files of mixed endianness.

• -mno-xl-soft-mul: This option permits use of hardware multiply instructions for 32-bit
multiplications. The MicroBlaze processor has an option to turn the use of hardware multiplier
resources on or off. This option should be used when the hardware multiplier option is
enabled on the MicroBlaze processor. Using the hardware multiplier can improve the
performance of your application. The compiler automatically defines the C pre-processor
definition HAVE_HW_MUL when this switch is used. This allows you to write C or assembly
code tailored to the hardware, based on whether this feature is specified as available or not.

• -mxl-multiply-high: The MicroBlaze processor has an option to enable instructions that

can compute the higher 32bits of a 32x32-bit multiplication. This option tells the compiler to
use these multiply high instructions. The compiler automatically defines the C pre-processor
definition HAVE_HW_MUL_HIGH when this switch is used. This allows you to write C or
assembly code tailored to the hardware, based on whether this feature is available or not.

• -mno-xl-multiply-high: Do not use multiply high instructions. This option is the default.

• -mxl-soft-mul: This option tells the compiler that there is no hardware multiplier unit on
the MicroBlaze processor, so every 32-bit multiply operation is replaced by a call to the
software emulation routine__mulsi3. This option is the default.

• -mno-xl-soft-div: You can instantiate a hardware divide unit in MicroBlaze. When the
divide unit is present, this option tells the compiler that hardware divide instructions can be
used in the program being compiled.

This option can improve the performance of your program if it has a significant amount of
division operations. The compiler automatically defines the C pre-processor definition
HAVE_HW_DIV when this switch is used. This allows you to write C or assembly code tailored
to the hardware, based on whether this feature is specified as available or not.

• -mxl-soft-div: This option tells the compiler that there is no hardware divide unit on the
target MicroBlaze hardware.

This option is the default. The compiler replaces all 32-bit divisions with a call to the
corresponding software emulation routines (__divsi3, __udivsi3).

• -mxl-barrel-shift: The MicroBlaze processor can be configured to be built with a barrel

shifter. In order to use the barrel shift feature of the processor, use the option -mxl-

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The default option assumes that no barrel shifter is present, and the compiler uses add and
multiply operations to shift the operands. Enabling barrel shifts can speed up your application
significantly, especially while using a floating point library. The compiler automatically defines
the C pre-processor definition HAVE_HW_BSHIFT when this switch is used. This allows you to
write C or assembly code tailored to the hardware, based on whether or not this feature is
specified as available.

• -mno-xl-barrel-shift: This option tells the compiler not to use hardware barrel shift
instructions. This option is the default.

• -mxl-pattern-compare: This option activates the use of pattern compare instructions in

the compiler.

Using pattern compare instructions can speed up boolean operations in your program. Pattern
compare operations also permit operating on word-length data as opposed to byte-length
data on string manipulation routines such as strcpy, strlen, and strcmp. On a program
heavily dependent on string manipulation routines, the speed increase obtained will be
significant. The compiler automatically defines the C pre-processor definition HAVE_HW_PCMP
when this switch is used. This allows you to write C or assembly code tailored to the
hardware, based on whether this feature is specified as available or not.

• -mno-xl-pattern-compare: This option tells the compiler not to use pattern compare
instructions. This is the default.

• -mhard-float: This option turns on the usage of single precision floating point instructions
(fadd, frsub, fmul, and fdiv) in the compiler.

It also uses fcmp.p instructions, where p is a predicate condition such as le, ge, lt, gt, eq,
ne. These instructions are natively decoded and executed by MicroBlaze, when the FPU is
enabled in hardware. The compiler automatically defines the C pre-processor definition
HAVE_HW_FPU when this switch is used. This allows you to write C or assembly code tailored
to the hardware, based on whether this feature is specified as available or not.

• -msoft-float: This option tells the compiler to use software emulation for floating point
arithmetic. This option is the default.

• -mxl-float-convert: This option turns on the usage of single precision floating point
conversion instructions (fint and flt) in the compiler. These instructions are natively decoded
and executed by MicroBlaze, when the FPU is enabled in hardware and these optional
instructions are enabled.

• -mxl-float-sqrt: This option turns on the usage of single precision floating point square
root instructions (fsqrt) in the compiler. These instructions are natively decoded and
executed by MicroBlaze, when the FPU is enabled in hardware and these optional instructions
are enabled.

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General Program Options

• -msmall-divides: This option generates code optimized for small divides when no
hardware divider exists. For signed integer divisions where the numerator and denominator
are between 0 and 15 inclusive, this switch provides very fast table-lookup-based divisions.
This switch has no effect when the hardware divider is enabled.

• -mxl-gp-opt: If your program contains addresses that have non-zero bits in the most
significant half (top 16 bits), then load or store operations to that address require two

The MicroBlaze processor ABI offers two global small data areas that can each contain up to
64 KB of data. Any memory location within these areas can be accessed using the small data
area anchors and a 16-bit immediate value, needing only one instruction for a load or store to
the small data area. This optimization can be turned on with the -mxl-gp-opt command line
parameter. Variables of size less than a certain threshold value are stored in these areas and
can be addressed with fewer instructions. The addresses are calculated during the linking

IMPORTANT! If this option is being used, it must be provided to both the compile and the link
commands of the build process for your program. Using the switch inconsistently can lead to compile,
link, or runtime errors.

• -mno-clearbss: This option is useful for compiling programs used in simulation.

According to the C language standard, uninitialized global variables are allocated in the .bss
section and are guaranteed to have the value 0 when the program starts execution. Typically,
this is achieved by the C startup files running a loop to fill the .bss section with zero when the
program starts execution. Optimizing compilers also allocates global variables that are
assigned zero in C code to the .bss section.

In a simulation environment, the above two language features can be unwanted overhead.
Some simulators automatically zero the entire memory. Even in a normal environment, you
can write C code that does not rely on global variables being zero initially. This switch is useful
for these scenarios. It causes the C startup files to not initialize the .bss section with zeroes.
It also internally forces the compiler to not allocate zero-initialized global variables in the .bss
and instead move them to the .data section. This option might improve startup times for
your application. Use this option with care and ensure either that you do not use code that
relies on global variables being initialized to zero, or that your simulation platform performs
the zeroing of memory.

• -mxl-stack-check: With this option, you can check whether the stack overflows when the
program runs.

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The compiler inserts code in the prologue of the every function, comparing the stack pointer
value with the available memory. If the stack pointer exceeds the available free memory, the
program jumps to a the subroutine _stack_overflow_exit. This subroutine sets the value
of the variable _stack_overflow_error to 1.

You can override the standard stack overflow handler by providing the function
_stack_overflow_exit in the source code, which acts as the stack overflow handler.

Application Execution Modes

• -xl-mode-executable: This is the default mode used for compiling programs with mb-gcc.
This option need not be provided on the command line for mb-gcc. This uses the startup file

• xl-mode-bootstrap: This option is used for applications that are loaded using a
bootloader. Typically, the bootloader resides in non-volatile memory mapped to the processor
reset vector. If a normal executable is loaded by this bootloader, the application reset vector
overwrites the reset vector of the bootloader. In such a scenario, on a processor reset, the
bootloader does not execute first (it is typically required to do so) to reload this application
and do other initialization as necessary.

To prevent this, you must compile the bootloaded application with this compiler flag. On a
processor reset, control then reaches the bootloader instead of the application.

Using this switch on an application that is deployed in a scenario different from the one
described above will not work. This mode uses crt2.o as a startup file.

• -xl-mode-novectors: This option is used for applications that do not require any of the
MicroBlaze vectors. This is typically used in standalone applications that do not use any of the
processor’s reset, interrupt, or exception features. Using this switch leads to smaller code size
due to the elimination of the instructions for the vectors. This mode uses crt3.o as a startup

IMPORTANT! Do not use more than one mode of execution on the command line. You will receive link
errors due to multiple definition of symbols if you do so.

Position Independent Code

The GNU compiler for MicroBlaze supports the -fPIC and -fpic switches. These switches
enable position independent code (PIC) generation in the compiler. This feature is used by the
Linux operating system only for MicroBlaze to implement shared libraries and relocatable
executables. The scheme uses a global offset table (GOT) to relocate all data accesses in the
generated code and a procedure linkage table (PLT) for making function calls into shared libraries.
This is the standard convention in GNU-based platforms for generating relocatable code and for
dynamically linking against shared libraries.

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MicroBlaze Application Binary Interface

The GNU compiler for MicroBlaze uses the Application Binary Interface (ABI) defined in the
MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide (UG081). Refer to the ABI documentation for register and
stack usage conventions as well as a description of the standard memory model used by the

MicroBlaze Assembler
The mb-as assembler for the MicroBlaze soft processor supports the same set of options
supported by the standard GNU compiler tools. It also supports the same set of assembler
directives supported by the standard GNU assembler.

The mb-as assembler supports all the opcodes in the MicroBlaze machine instruction set, with
the exception of the imm instruction. The mb-as assembler generates imm instructions when
large immediate values are used. The assembly language programmer is never required to write
code with imm instructions. For more information on the MicroBlaze instruction set, refer to the
MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide (UG081).

The mb-as assembler requires all MicroBlaze instructions with an immediate operand to be
specified as a constant or a label. If the instruction requires a PC-relative operand, then the mb-
as assembler computes it and includes an imm instruction if necessary.

For example, the branch immediate if equal (beqi) instruction requires a PC-relative operand.

The assembly programmer should use this instruction as follows:

beqi r3, mytargetlabel

where mytargetlabel is the label of the target instruction. The mb-as assembler computes
the immediate value of the instruction as mytargetlabel - PC.

If this immediate value is greater than 16 bits, the mb-as assembler automatically inserts an imm
instruction. If the value of mytargetlabel is not known at the time of compilation, the mb-as
assembler always inserts an imm instruction. Use the relax option of the linker remove any
unnecessary imm instructions.

Similarly, if an instruction needs a large constant as an operand, the assembly language

programmer should use the operand as is, without using an imm instruction. For example, the
following code adds the constant 200,000 to the contents of register r3, and stores the results in
register r4:

addi r4, r3, 200000

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The mb-as assembler recognizes that this operand needs an imm instruction, and inserts one

In addition to the standard MicroBlaze instruction set, the mb-as assembler also supports some
pseudo-op codes to ease the task of assembly programming. The following table lists the
supported pseudo-opcodes.

Table 62: Pseudo-Opcodes Supported by the GNU Assembler

Pseudo Opcodes Explanation

nop No operation. Replaced by instruction: or R0, R0, R0
la Rd, Ra, Imm Replaced by instruction: addik Rd, Ra, imm; = Rd = Ra +
not Rd, Ra Replace by instruction: xori Rd, Ra, -1
neg Rd, Ra Replace by instruction: rsub Rd, Ra, R0
sub Rd, Ra, Rb Replace by instruction: rsub Rd, Rb, Ra

MicroBlaze Linker Options

The mb-ld linker for the MicroBlaze soft processor provides additional options to those
supported by the GNU compiler tools. The options are summarized in this section.

• -defsym _TEXT_START_ADDR=value: By default, the text section of the output code

starts with the base address 0x28. This can be overridden by using the -defsym
_TEXT_START_ADDR option. If this is supplied to mb-gcc compiler, the text section of the
output code starts from the given value.

You do not have to use -defsym _TEXT_START_ADDR if you want to use the default start
address set by the compiler.

This is a linker option and should be used when you invoke the linker separately. If the linker is
being invoked as a part of the mb-gcc flow, you must use the following option:

-Wl,-defsym -Wl,_TEXT_START_ADDR=value

• -relax: This is a linker option that removes all unwanted imm instructions generated by the
assembler. The assembler generates an imm instruction for every instruction where the value
of the immediate cannot be calculated during the assembler phase. Most of these instructions
do not need an imm instruction. These are removed by the linker when the -relax command
line option is provided.

This option is required only when linker is invoked on its own. When linker is invoked through
the mb-gcc compiler, this option is automatically provided to the linker.

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• -N: This option sets the text and data section as readable and writable. It also does not page-
align the data segment. This option is required only for MicroBlaze programs. The top-level
GCC compiler automatically includes this option, while invoking the linker, but if you intend to
invoke the linker without using GCC, use this option.

The MicroBlaze linker uses linker scripts to assign sections to memory. These are listed in the
following section.

MicroBlaze Linker Script Sections

The following table lists the input sections that are assigned by MicroBlaze linker scripts.

Table 63: Section Names and Descriptions

Section Description
.vectors.reset Reset vector code.
.vectors.sw_exception Software exception vector code.
.vectors.interrupt Hardware Interrupt vector code.
.vectors.hw_exception Hardware exception vector code.
.text Program instructions from code in functions and global assembly statements.
.rodata Read-only variables.
.sdata2 Small read-only static and global variables with initial values.
.data Static and global variables with initial values. Initialized to zero by the boot code.
.sdata Small static and global variables with initial values.
.sbss2 Small read-only static and global variables without initial values. Initialized to
zero by boot code.
.sbss Small static and global variable without initial values. Initialized to zero by the
boot code.
.bss Static and global variables without initial values. Initialized to zero by the boot
.heap Section of memory defined for the heap.
.stack Section of memory defined for the stack.

Tips for Writing or Customizing Linker Scripts

Keep the following points in mind when writing or customizing your own linker script:

• Ensure that the different vector sections are assigned to the appropriate memories as defined
by the MicroBlaze hardware.

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• Allocate space in the .bss section for stack and heap. Set the _stack variable to the
location after _STACK_SIZE locations of this area, and the _heap_start variable to the
next location after the _STACK_SIZE location. Because the stack and heap need not be
initialized for hardware as well as simulation, define the _bss_end variable after the .bss
and COMMON definitions.
Note: The .bss section boundary does not include either stack or heap.

• Ensure that the variables _SDATA_START__ , _SDATA_END__, SDATA2_START,

_SDATA2_END__, _SBSS2_START__ , _SBSS2_END__, _bss_start, _bss_end,
_sbss_start, and _sbss_end are defined to the beginning and end of the sections
sdata, sdata2, sbss2, bss, and sbss respectively.
• ANSI C requires that all uninitialized memory be initialized to startup (not required for stack
and heap). The standard CRT that is provided assumes a single .bss section that is initialized
to zero. If there are multiple .bss sections, this CRT will not work. You should write your own
CRT that initializes all the .bss sections.

Startup Files
The compiler includes pre-compiled startup and end files in the final link command when forming
an executable. Startup files set up the language and the platform environment before your
application code executes. Start up files typically do the following:

• Set up any reset, interrupt, and exception vectors as required.

• Set up stack pointer, small-data anchors, and other registers. Refer to the following table for
• Clear the BSS memory regions to zero.
• Invoke language initialization functions, such as C++ constructors.
• Initialize the hardware subsystem. For example, if the program is to be profiled, initialize the
profiling timers.
• Set up arguments for the main procedure and invoke it.

Similarly, end files are used to include code that must execute after your program ends. The
following actions are typically performed by end files:

• Invoke language cleanup functions, such as C++ destructors.

• Deinitialize the hardware subsystem. For example, if the program is being profiled, clean up
the profiling sub-system.

The following table lists the register names, values, and descriptions in the C runtime files.

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Table 64: Register Initialization in C Runtime Files

Register Value Description

r1 _stack-16 The stack pointer register is initialized to point to the
bottom of the stack area with an initial negative offset of 16
bytes. The 16 bytes can be used for passing in arguments.
r2 _SDA2_BASE _SDA2_BASE_ is the read-only small data anchor address.
r13 _SDA_BASE_ _SDA_BASE is the read-write small data anchor address.
Other registers Undefined Other registers do not have defined values.

The following subsections describe the initialization files used for various application modes. This
information is for advanced users who want to change or understand the startup code of their

For MicroBlaze, there are two distinct stages of C runtime initialization. The first stage is
primarily responsible for setting up vectors, after which it invokes the second stage initialization.
It also provides exit stubs based on the different application modes.

First Stage Initialization Files

• crt0.o: This initialization file is used for programs which are to be executed in standalone
mode, without the use of any bootloader or debugging stub. This CRT populates the reset,
interrupt, exception, and hardware exception vectors and invokes the second stage startup
routine _crtinit. On returning from _crtinit, it ends the program by infinitely looping in
the _exit label.

• crt1.o: This initialization file is used when the application is debugged in a software-
intrusive manner. It populates all the vectors except the breakpoint and reset vectors and
transfers control to the second-stage _crtinit startup routine.

• crt2.o: This initialization file is used when the executable is loaded using a bootloader. It
populates all the vectors except the reset vector and transfers control to the second-stage
_crtinit startup routine. On returning from _crtinit, it ends the program by infinitely
looping at the _exit label. Because the reset vector is not populated, on a processor reset,
control is transferred to the bootloader, which can reload and restart the program.

• crt3.o: This initialization file is employed when the executable does not use any vectors and
wishes to reduce code size. It populates only the reset vector and transfers control to the
second stage _crtinit startup routine. On returning from _crtinit, it ends the program
by infinitely looping at the _exit label. Because the other vectors are not populated, the
GNU linking mechanism does not pull in any of the interrupt and exception handling related
routines, thus saving code space.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 653
Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 33: MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options

Second Stage Initialization Files

According to the C standard specification, all global and static variables must be initialized to 0.
This is a common functionality required by all the CRTs above. Another routine, _crtinit, is
invoked. The _crtinit routine initializes memory in the .bss section of the program. The
_crtinit routine is also the wrapper that invokes the main procedure. Before invoking the
main procedure, it might invoke other initialization functions. The _crtinit routine is supplied
by the startup files described below.

• crtinit.o:

This default, second stage, C startup file performs the following steps:

1. Clears the .bss section to zero.

2. Invokes _program_init.
3. Invokes “constructor” functions (_init).
4. Sets up the arguments for main and invokes main.
5. Invokes “destructor” functions (_fini).
6. Invokes _program_clean and returns.

• pgcrtinit.o:

This second stage startup file is used during profiling, and performs the following steps:

1. Clears the .bss section to zero.

2. Invokes _program_init.
3. Invokes _profile_init to initialize the profiling library.
4. Invokes “constructor” functions (_init).
5. Sets up the arguments for main and invokes main.
6. Invokes “destructor” functions (_fini).
7. Invokes _profile_clean to cleanup the profiling library.
8. Invokes _program_clean, and then returns.

• sim-crtinit.o:

This second-stage startup file is used when the -mno-clearbss switch is used in the
compiler, and performs the following steps:

1. Invokes _program_init.
2. Invokes “constructor” functions (_init).
3. Sets up the arguments for main and invokes main.

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 33: MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options

4. Invokes “destructor” functions (_fini).

5. Invokes _program_clean, and then returns.

• sim-pgcrtinit.o:

This second stage startup file is used during profiling in conjunction with the -mno-
clearbss switch, and performs the following steps in order:

1. Invokes _program_init.
2. Invokes _profile_init to initialize the profiling library.
3. Invokes “constructor” functions (_init).
4. Sets up the arguments for and invokes main.
5. Invokes “destructor” functions (_fini).
6. Invokes _profile_clean to cleanup the profiling library.
7. Invokes _program_clean, and then returns.

Other Files
The compiler also uses certain standard start and end files for C++ language support.

These are crti.o, crtbegin.o, crtend.o, and crtn.o. These files are standard compiler
files that provide the content for the .init, .fini, .ctors, and .dtors sections.

Modifying Startup Files

The initialization files are distributed in both precompiled and source form with Vivado. The pre-
compiled object files are found in the compiler library directory. Sources for the initialization files
for the MicroBlaze GNU compiler can be found in the <XILINX_>/Vitis/<version>/data/
embeddedsw/lib/microblaze/src/ directory, where <XILINX_> is the Vivado installation
path and <version> is the release version of the Vitis software platform.

To fulfill a custom startup file requirement, you can take the files from the source area and
include them as a part of your application sources. Alternatively, you can assemble the files
into .o files and place them in a common area. To refer to the newly created object files instead
of the standard files, use the -B directory -name command line option while invoking mb-

To prevent the default startup files from being used, use the -nostartfiles on the final
compile line.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 655
Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 33: MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options

Note: The miscellaneous compiler standard CRT files, such as crti.o, and crtbegin.o, are not provided
with source code. They are available in the installation to be used as is. You might need to bring them in on
your final link command.

Reducing the Startup Code Size for C Programs

If your application has stringent requirements on code size for C programs, you might want to
eliminate all sources of overhead. This section describes how to reduce the overhead of invoking
the C++ constructor or destructor code in a C program that does not require that code. You
might be able to save approximately 220 bytes of code space by making the following

1. Follow the instructions for creating a custom copy of the startup files from the installation
area, as described in the preceding sections. Specifically, copy over the particular versions of
crtn.s and xcrtinit.s that suit your application. For example, if your application is being
bootstrapped and profiled, copy crt2.s and pg-crtinit.s from the installation area.
2. Modify pg-crtinit.s to remove the following lines:
brlid r15, __init
/* Invoke language initialization functions */

brlid r15, __fini
/* Invoke language cleanup functions */

This avoids referencing the extra code usually pulled in for constructor and destructor
handling, reducing code size.
3. Compile these files into .o files and place them in a directory of your choice, or include them
as a part of your application sources.
4. Add the -nostartfiles switch to the compiler. Add the -B directory switch if you have chosen
to assemble the files in a particular folder.
5. Compile your application.

If your application is executing in a different mode, then you must pick the appropriate CRT files
based on the description in Startup Files.

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 33: MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options

Compiler Libraries
The mb-gcc compiler requires the GNU C standard library and the GNU math library.
Precompiled versions of these libraries are shipped with Vivado. The CPU driver for MicroBlaze
copies over the correct version, based on the hardware configuration of MicroBlaze. To manually
select the library version that you would like to use, look in the following folder:


The filenames are encoded based on the compiler flags and configurations used to compile the
library. For example, libc_m_bs.a is the C library compiled with hardware multiplier and barrel
shifter enabled in the compiler.

The following table shows the current encodings used and the configuration of the library
specified by the encodings.

Table 65: Encoded Library Filenames on Compiler Flags

Encoding Description
_bs Configured for barrel shifter.
_m Configured for hardware multiplier.
_p Configured for pattern comparator.

Of special interest are the math library files (libm*.a). The C standard requires the common
math library functions (sin()and cos(), for example) to use double-precision floating point
arithmetic. However, double-precision floating point arithmetic may not be able to make full use
of the optional, single-precision floating point capabilities in available for MicroBlaze.

The newlib math libraries have alternate versions that implement these math functions using
single-precision arithmetic. These single-precision libraries might be able to make direct use of
the MicroBlaze processor hardware floating point unit (FPU) and could therefore perform better.

If you are sure that your application does not require standard precision, and you want to
implement enhanced performance, you can manually change the version of the linked-in library.

By default, the CPU driver copies the double-precision version (libm_*_fpd.a) of the library
into your IP integrator project.

To get the single precision version, you can create a custom CPU driver that copies the
corresponding libm_*_fps.a library instead. Copy the corresponding libm_*_fps.a file into
your processor library folder (such as microblaze_0/lib) as libm.a.

When you have copied the library that you want to use, rebuild your application software

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 657
Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 33: MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options

Thread Safety
The MicroBlaze processor C and math libraries distributed with Vivado are not built to be used in
a multi-threaded environment. Common C library functions such as printf(), scanf(),
malloc(), and free() are not thread-safe and will cause unrecoverable errors in the system at
run-time. Use appropriate mutual exclusion mechanisms when using the Vivado libraries in a
multi-threaded environment.

Command Line Arguments

The MicroBlaze processor programs cannot take command line arguments. The command line
arguments argc and argv are initialized to 0 by the C runtime routines.

Interrupt Handlers
Interrupt handlers must be compiled in a different manner than normal sub-routine calls. In
addition to saving non-volatiles, interrupt handlers must save the volatile registers that are being
used. Interrupt handlers should also store the value of the machine status register (RMSR) when
an interrupt occurs.

• interrupt_handler: To distinguish an interrupt handler from a sub-routine, mb-gcc looks

for an attribute (interrupt_handler) in the declaration of the code. This attribute is
defined as follows:

void function_name () __attribute__ ((interrupt_handler));

Note: The attribute for the interrupt handler is to be given only in the prototype and not in the

Interrupt handlers might also call other functions, which might use volatile registers. To
maintain the correct values in the volatile registers, the interrupt handler saves all the
volatiles, if the handler is a non-leaf function.

Note: Functions that have calls to other sub-routines are called non-leaf functions.

Interrupt handlers are defined in the Microprocessor Software Specification (MSS) files. These
definitions automatically add the attributes to the interrupt handler functions. The interrupt
handler uses the instruction rtid for returning to the interrupted function.

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 33: MicroBlaze Compiler Usage and Options

• save_volatiles: The MicroBlaze compiler provides the attribute save_volatiles,

which is similar to the interrupt_handler attribute, but returns using rtsd instead of
rtid. This attribute saves all the volatiles for non-leaf functions and only the used volatiles in
the case of leaf functions.

void function_name () __attribute__((save_volatiles));

• fast_interrupt: The MicroBlaze compiler provides the attribute fast_interrupt,

which is similar to the interrupt_handler attribute. On fast interrupt, MicroBlaze jumps to the
interrupt routine address instead jumping to the fixed address 0x10.

Unlike a normal interrupt, when the attribute fast_interrupt is used on a C function,

MicroBlaze saves only minimal registers.

void function_name () __attribute__ ((fast_interrupt));

Table 66: Use of Attributes

Attributes Functions
interrupt_handler This attribute saves the machine status register and all the volatiles, in addition
to the non-volatile registers. rtid returns from the interrupt handler. If the
interrupt handler function is a leaf function, only those volatiles which are used
by the function are saved.
save_volatiles This attribute is similar to interrupt_handler, but it uses rtsd to return to the
interrupted function, instead of rtid.
fast_interrupt This attribute is similar to interrupt_handler, but it jumps directly to the interrupt
routine address instead of jumping to the fixed address 0x10.

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 34: Arm Compiler Usage and Options

Chapter 34

Arm Compiler Usage and Options

1. Arm® Cortex®-A9 targets can be compiled using the arm-none-eabi toolchain
2. Arm® Cortex-A53 targets can be compiled using the aarch64-none-elf toolchain
3. Arm® Cortex-R5F targets can be compiled using the armr5-none-eabi toolchain

Arm® Cortex® A9 targets can be compiled using the arm-none-eabi toolchain. The arm-
none-eabi toolchain contains the complete GNU toolchain including all of the following

• Common startup code sequence

• GNU binary utilities (binutils)
• GNU C compiler (GCC)
• GNU C++ compiler (G++)
• GNU C++ runtime library (libstdc++)
• GNU debugger (GDB)
• Newlib C library

Note: Cortex®-R5F and A53 toolchains can be used in a similar way.


arm-none-eabi-gcc -c file1.c -I<include_path> -o file1.o

arm-none-eabi-gcc -c file2.c -I<include_path> -o file2.o


arm-none-eabi-gcc -Wl,-T -Wl,lscript.ld -L<libxil.a path> -o

"App.elf"file1.o file2.o -Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group

For descriptions of flags used in the commands above, refer to the compiler help, using any of
the following commands:

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 660
Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 34: Arm Compiler Usage and Options

• --help
• -v --help
• --target-help

Compiler Options

Other GNU compiler options that can be applied using Arm®-related flags can be found on the
GNU website. These flags can be used in the steps above, as required. All the Arm® GCC
compiler options are listed at the link above. However, actual support depends on the target in
use (Arm Cortex-A9, Cortex-A53, Cortex®-A72, and Cortex-R5F in this case) and on the compiler

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Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 35: Other Notes

Chapter 35

Other Notes

C++ Code Size

The GCC toolchain combined with the latest open source C++ standard library (libstdc++-v3)
might be found to generate large code and data fragments as compared to an equivalent C
program. A significant portion of this overhead comes from code and data for exception handling
and runtime type information. Some C++ applications do not require these features.

To remove the overhead and optimize for size, use the -fno-exceptions and/or the -fno-
rtti switches. This is recommended only for advanced users who know the requirements of
their application and understand these language features. Refer to the GCC documentation for
more specific information on available compiler options and their impact.

C++ programs might have more intensive dynamic memory requirements (stack and heap size)
due to more complex language features and library routines. Many of the C++ library routines
can request memory to be allocated from the heap. Review your heap and stack size
requirements for C++ programs to ensure that they are satisfied.

C++ Standard Library

The C++ standard defines the C++ standard library. A few of these platform features are
unavailable on the default AMD Vivado™ software platform. For example, file I/O is supported in
only a few well-defined STDIN/STDOUT streams. Similarly, locale functions, thread-safety, and
other such features might not be supported.

Note: The C++ standard library is not built for a multi-threaded environment. Common C++ features such
as new and delete are not thread safe. Use caution when using the C++ standard library in an operating
system environment.

For more information on the GNU C++ standard library, refer to the documentation available on
the GNU website.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 662
Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools
Chapter 35: Other Notes

Position Independent Code (Relocatable

The MicroBlaze™ processor compilers support the -fPIC switch to generate position
independent code. While both these features are supported in the AMD compiler, they are not
supported by the rest of the libraries and tools, because Vivado only provides a standalone
platform. No loader or debugger can interpret relocatable code and perform the correct
relocations at runtime. These independent code features are not supported by the AMD libraries,
startup files, or other tools. Third-party OS vendors could use these features as a standard in
their distribution and tools.

Other Switches and Features

Other switches and features might not be supported by the AMD Vivado compilers and/or
platform, such as -fprofile-arcs. Some features might also be experimental in nature (as
defined by open source GCC) and could produce incorrect code if used inappropriately. Refer to
the GCC documentation for more information on specific features.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 663
Section VII: Embedded Design Tutorials

Section VII

Embedded Design Tutorials

The following hardware specific embedded design tutorials are available for embedded software

• Zynq-7000 SoC: Embedded Design Tutorial (UG1165)

• Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: Embedded Design Tutorial (UG1209)
• Embedded Design Tutorials: Versal Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (UG1305)

The software features are demonstrated in the Vitis tutorial under embedded design section. See
Vitis Unified Software Platform Tutorials (UG1605).

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 664
Section VIII: Drivers and Libraries

Section VIII

Drivers and Libraries

Drivers and libraries are hosted on the AMD wiki. You can access them with the following links:

• Bare-metal Drivers and Libraries

• Linux Drivers

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 665
Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Appendix A

Additional Resources and Legal


Finding Additional Documentation

Documentation Portal

The AMD Adaptive Computing Documentation Portal is an online tool that provides robust
search and navigation for documentation using your web browser. To access the Documentation
Portal, go to

Documentation Navigator

Documentation Navigator (DocNav) is an installed tool that provides access to AMD Adaptive
Computing documents, videos, and support resources, which you can filter and search to find
information. To open DocNav:

• From the AMD Vivado™ IDE, select Help → Documentation and Tutorials.
• On Windows, click the Start button and select Xilinx Design Tools → DocNav.
• At the Linux command prompt, enter docnav.

Note: For more information on DocNav, refer to the Documentation Navigator User Guide (UG968).

Design Hubs

AMD Design Hubs provide links to documentation organized by design tasks and other topics,
which you can use to learn key concepts and address frequently asked questions. To access the
Design Hubs:

• In DocNav, click the Design Hubs View tab.

• Go to the Design Hubs web page.

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Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Support Resources
For support resources such as Answers, Documentation, Downloads, and Forums, see Support.

Revision History
Getting Started with Vitis Revision History

The following table shows the revision history for Section I: Getting Started with Vitis.

Section Revision Summary

12/13/2023 Version 2023.2
Migrating from the Classic Vitis IDE to Vitis Unified IDE Added supporting links.
10/18/2023 Version 2023.2
N/A Updated for Vitis Unified IDE.
07/26/2023 Version 2023.1
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
06/12/2023 Version 2023.1
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
05/16/2023 Version 2023.1
Vitis Software Platform Release Notes Fixed issues and updated for 2023.1.
01/02/2023 Version 2022.2
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
12/23/2022 Version 2022.2
N/A No changes to this section.
10/19/2022 Version 2022.2
Vitis Software Platform Release Notes Updated for 2022.2.
04/26/2022 Version 2022.1
N/A No changes to this section.
12/15/2021 Version 2021.2
N/A No changes to this section.
10/22/2021 Version 2021.2
Vitis Software Platform Release Notes Updated release notes.
Installation Updated installation information.

Using the Vitis IDE Revision History

The following table shows the revision history for Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 667
Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Section Revision Summary

12/13/2023 Version 2023.2
Keyboard Shortcuts, Command Palette, and Quick Find Added description of keyboard shortcut of Quick Find.
10/18/2023 Version 2023.2
Section II: Using the Vitis Unified IDE Added information to migrate from Classic Vitis IDE to Vitis
Unified IDE.
07/26/2023 Version 2023.1
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
06/12/2023 Version 2023.1
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
05/16/2023 Version 2023.1
N/A No changes to this section.
01/02/2023 Version 2022.2
General updates. Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
12/23/2022 Version 2022.2
N/A No changes to this section.
10/19/2022 Version 2022.2
Develop Updated screenshots.
04/26/2022 Version 2022.1
Debug Perspective in Unified IDE New topic.

Bootgen Revision History

The following table shows the revision history for Section III: Bootgen Tool.

Section Revision Summary

12/13/2023 Version 2023.2
N/A Editorial changes only.
10/18/2023 Version 2023.2
Boot Image Layout Updated GUI images and general bug fixes.
07/26/2023 Version 2023.1
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
06/15/2023 Version 2023.1
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
05/16/2023 Version 2023.1
imagestore Added topic.
01/02/2023 Version 2022.2
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
12/23/2022 Version 2022.2
SSIT Support General updates.
12/14/2022 Version 2022.2
SSIT Support Updated for Versal HBM.

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Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Section Revision Summary

10/19/2022 Version 2022.2
SSIT Support Added SSI technology Authentication flow.
N/A Bug fixes.
04/26/2022 Version 2022.1
Using Bootgen GUI Updated Images
SSIT Support Updated for Versal Premium
BIF Attribute Reference Updated BIF Attributes
Command Reference Updated Command References

Software Command-Line Tool Revision History

The following table shows the revision history for Section V: Software Command-Line Tool.

Section Revision Summary

12/13/2023 Version 2023.2
N/A Editorial changes only.
10/18/2023 Version 2023.2
N/A Updated for 2023.2 with editorial changes.
07/26/2023 Version 2023.1
N/A No changes to this section.
06/12/2023 Version 2023.1
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
05/16/2023 Version 2023.1
Memory and Register accesses from XSCT Added topic.
Loading U-Boot over JTAG Added topic for U-Boot flow using XSCT.
Added support for including multiple dtsi files, instead of
only one, in the device-tree.
01/02/2023 Version 2022.2
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
12/23/2022 Version 2022.2
N/A No changes to this section.

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Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Section Revision Summary

10/19/2022 Version 2022.2
Section V: Software Command-Line Tool • Fixed regression in platform config and platform list
• Supported template XSAs with createdts command.
• Supported user dtsi files with createdts command.
• Supported QEMU args files for Versal DC platforms.
• Added new option to stapl config command to generate
• Cleared the entire TCM memory in Versal if any of the elf
sections use tcm.
• Added AI Engine to processors list returned by
getprocessors command if the xsa contains
AI Enginengine.
04/26/2022 Version 2022.1
N/A No changes to this section.

GNU Compiler Tools Revision History

The following table shows the revision history for Section VI: GNU Compiler Tools.

Section Revision Summary

12/13/2023 Version 2023.2
Section VII: Embedded Design Tutorials Added supporting link.
10/18/2023 Version 2023.2
N/A No changes to this section.
07/26/2023 Version 2023.1
N/A No changes to this section.
06/12/2023 Version 2023.1
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
05/16/2023 Version 2023.1
Embedded GNU Toolchain Details All tool chain updated. GCC to 12.2 Version and GDB 12.1
01/02/2023 Version 2022.2
General updates Editorial updates only. No technical content updates.
12/23/2022 Version 2022.2
N/A No changes to this section.
10/19/2022 Version 2022.2
N/A No changes to this section.
04/26/2022 Version 2022.1
General updates Minor editorial changes.

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Vitis Embedded Software Development 670
Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Please Read: Important Legal Notices

The information presented in this document is for informational purposes only and may contain
technical inaccuracies, omissions, and typographical errors. The information contained herein is
subject to change and may be rendered inaccurate for many reasons, including but not limited to
product and roadmap changes, component and motherboard version changes, new model and/or
product releases, product differences between differing manufacturers, software changes, BIOS
flashes, firmware upgrades, or the like. Any computer system has risks of security vulnerabilities
that cannot be completely prevented or mitigated. AMD assumes no obligation to update or
otherwise correct or revise this information. However, AMD reserves the right to revise this
information and to make changes from time to time to the content hereof without obligation of
AMD to notify any person of such revisions or changes. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS





© Copyright 2019-2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, UltraScale+,
Versal, Vitis, Vivado, Zynq, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices,
Inc. AMBA, AMBA Designer, Arm, ARM1176JZ-S, CoreSight, Cortex, PrimeCell, Mali, and
MPCore are trademarks of Arm Limited in the US and/or elsewhere. PCI, PCIe, and PCI Express
are trademarks of PCI-SIG and used under license. Other product names used in this publication
are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

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