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Vitis High-Level Synthesis

User Guide

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

AMD Adaptive Computing is creating an environment where

employees, customers, and partners feel welcome and
included. To that end, we’re removing non-inclusive
language from our products and related collateral. We’ve
launched an internal initiative to remove language that could
exclude people or reinforce historical biases, including terms
embedded in our software and IPs. You may still find
examples of non-inclusive language in our older products as
we work to make these changes and align with evolving
industry standards. Follow this link for more information.
Table of Contents
Section I: Introduction................................................................................................ 9
Navigating Content by Design Process.................................................................................... 9
Supported Operating Systems for Vitis HLS.......................................................................... 10
Obtaining a Vitis HLS License...................................................................................................10
Changed Behavior.....................................................................................................................12
Benefits of High-Level Synthesis............................................................................................. 14
Introduction to Vitis HLS Components................................................................................... 16
Refactoring C++ Source Code for HLS............................................................................... 20
Tutorials and Examples............................................................................................................ 23

Section II: HLS Programmers Guide...................................................................24

Chapter 1: Design Principles..............................................................................25

Three Paradigms for Programming FPGAs.......................................................................26
Combining the Three Paradigms....................................................................................... 33
Conclusion - A Prescription for Performance................................................................... 37

Chapter 2: Abstract Parallel Programming Model for HLS...............40

Control and Data Driven Tasks........................................................................................... 42
Data-driven Task-level Parallelism..................................................................................... 43
Control-driven Task-level Parallelism................................................................................ 48
Mixing Data-Driven and Control-Driven Models..............................................................58
Summary............................................................................................................................... 60

Chapter 3: Loops Primer...................................................................................... 62

Pipelining Loops................................................................................................................... 62
Unrolling Loops.................................................................................................................... 74
Merging Loops......................................................................................................................75
Working with Nested Loops................................................................................................77
Working with Variable Loop Bounds................................................................................. 80

Chapter 4: Arrays Primer..................................................................................... 83

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Mapping Software Arrays to Hardware Memory............................................................. 83
Array Accesses and Performance.......................................................................................84
Arrays on the Interface........................................................................................................89
Initializing and Resetting Arrays........................................................................................ 93
Implementing ROMs............................................................................................................95
C Simulation with Arrays..................................................................................................... 96

Chapter 5: Functions Primer..............................................................................98

Function Inlining.................................................................................................................. 98
Function Pipelining.............................................................................................................. 99
Function Instantiation....................................................................................................... 100

Chapter 6: Data Types......................................................................................... 102

Standard Types...................................................................................................................103
Composite Data Types.......................................................................................................108
Arbitrary Precision (AP) Data Types.................................................................................124
Global Variables..................................................................................................................130
Pointers............................................................................................................................... 131
Vector Data Types.............................................................................................................. 142
Bit-Width Propagation....................................................................................................... 143

Chapter 7: Unsupported C/C++ Constructs............................................. 144

System Calls........................................................................................................................ 144
Dynamic Memory Usage................................................................................................... 145
Pointer Limitations.............................................................................................................147
Recursive Functions........................................................................................................... 147
Undefined Behaviors......................................................................................................... 148
Virtual Functions and Pointers......................................................................................... 149

Chapter 8: Interfaces of the HLS Design................................................... 150

Defining Interfaces............................................................................................................ 150
Vitis HLS Memory Layout Model...................................................................................... 218
Execution Modes of HLS Designs.....................................................................................229
Controlling Initialization and Reset Behavior................................................................. 240

Chapter 9: Best Practices for Designing with M_AXI Interfaces. 243

Chapter 10: Optimizing Techniques and Troubleshooting Tips...246

Understanding High-Level Synthesis Scheduling and Binding.................................... 248

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Optimizing Logic................................................................................................................ 255
Optimizing AXI System Performance.............................................................................. 257
Managing Area and Hardware Resources ..................................................................... 291
Unrolling Loops in C++ Classes.........................................................................................297
Limitations of Control-Driven Task-Level Parallelism.................................................... 298
Limitations of Pipelining with Static Variables............................................................... 303

Section III: Creating Vitis HLS Components................................................ 305

Chapter 11: Launching the Vitis Unified IDE.......................................... 306

Features of the Vitis Unified IDE.......................................................................................308
Using the Flow Navigator..................................................................................................309

Chapter 12: Building and Running an HLS Component....................311

Creating an HLS Component............................................................................................ 312
Defining the HLS Config File............................................................................................. 325
Running C Simulation........................................................................................................ 335
Running C Synthesis.......................................................................................................... 354
Running C/RTL Co-Simulation.......................................................................................... 375
Packaging the RTL Design.................................................................................................391
Running Implementation..................................................................................................395
Optimizing the HLS Project............................................................................................... 400

Chapter 13: Creating HLS Components from the Command

Line............................................................................................................................ 402

Section IV: Vitis HLS Command Reference................................................... 406

Chapter 14: vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands...................................407


Chapter 15: HLS Config File Commands.................................................... 410

HLS General Options..........................................................................................................411
Array Partition Configuration........................................................................................... 413
C-Simulation Configuration.............................................................................................. 414
Co-Simulation Configuration............................................................................................ 415
Compile Options.................................................................................................................419
Dataflow Configuration..................................................................................................... 421
Debug Options................................................................................................................... 423

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Interface Configuration.....................................................................................................424
Package Options................................................................................................................ 429
Operator Configuration.....................................................................................................431
RTL Configuration.............................................................................................................. 433
Schedule Setting.................................................................................................................436
Storage Configuration....................................................................................................... 436
Implementation Configuration........................................................................................ 437
Unroll Setting......................................................................................................................439
HLS Optimization Directives............................................................................................. 439

Chapter 16: HLS Pragmas.................................................................................. 491

pragma HLS aggregate..................................................................................................... 492
pragma HLS alias................................................................................................................493
pragma HLS allocation...................................................................................................... 495
pragma HLS array_partition..............................................................................................497
pragma HLS array_reshape...............................................................................................499
pragma HLS bind_op......................................................................................................... 502
pragma HLS bind_storage.................................................................................................506
pragma HLS cache............................................................................................................. 510
pragma HLS dataflow........................................................................................................ 511
pragma HLS dependence..................................................................................................514
pragma HLS disaggregate................................................................................................ 517
pragma HLS expression_balance..................................................................................... 519
pragma HLS function_instantiate.....................................................................................520
pragma HLS inline..............................................................................................................521
pragma HLS interface........................................................................................................ 524
pragma HLS latency........................................................................................................... 529
pragma HLS loop_flatten...................................................................................................531
pragma HLS loop_merge...................................................................................................533
pragma HLS loop_tripcount.............................................................................................. 535
pragma HLS occurrence.................................................................................................... 536
pragma HLS performance.................................................................................................538
pragma HLS pipeline......................................................................................................... 540
pragma HLS protocol.........................................................................................................542
pragma HLS reset...............................................................................................................543
pragma HLS stable.............................................................................................................546
pragma HLS stream........................................................................................................... 547
pragma HLS top..................................................................................................................549

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pragma HLS unroll............................................................................................................. 550

Chapter 17: HLS Tcl Commands......................................................................553

Project Commands.............................................................................................................553
Configuration Commands.................................................................................................577
Optimization Directives..................................................................................................... 598

Section V: Vitis HLS C Driver Reference.......................................................... 651

Chapter 18: AXI4-Lite Slave C Driver Reference....................................652

X<DUT>_CfgInitialize.......................................................................................................... 653
X<DUT>_LookupConfig...................................................................................................... 653
X<DUT>_Release................................................................................................................. 654
X<DUT>_Start...................................................................................................................... 654
X<DUT>_IsDone.................................................................................................................. 655
X<DUT>_IsIdle..................................................................................................................... 655
X<DUT>_EnableAutoRestart.............................................................................................. 656
X<DUT>_Set_ARG................................................................................................................ 657
X<DUT>_Set_ARG_vld......................................................................................................... 657
X<DUT>_Get_ARG............................................................................................................... 658
X<DUT>_Get_ARG_ack........................................................................................................ 659
X<DUT>_Get_ARG_BaseAddress....................................................................................... 659
X<DUT>_Get_ARG_HighAddress....................................................................................... 660
X<DUT>_Get_ARG_Depth................................................................................................... 661
X<DUT>_Write_ARG_Words............................................................................................... 662
X<DUT>_Read_ARG_Words................................................................................................ 662
X<DUT>_Write_ARG_Bytes................................................................................................. 663
X<DUT>_InterruptGlobalEnable....................................................................................... 664
X<DUT>_InterruptGlobalDisable...................................................................................... 664

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X<DUT>_InterruptClear..................................................................................................... 665
X<DUT>_InterruptGetEnabled.......................................................................................... 666
X<DUT>_InterruptGetStatus............................................................................................. 666

Section VI: Vitis HLS Libraries Reference...................................................... 667

Chapter 19: C/C++ Builtin Functions............................................................668

Chapter 20: Arbitrary Precision Data Types Library...........................669

Using Arbitrary Precision Data Types.............................................................................. 669
C++ Arbitrary Precision Integer Types............................................................................. 672
C++ Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Types...................................................................... 694

Chapter 21: HLS Print Function...................................................................... 722

Chapter 22: HLS Math Library......................................................................... 724

HLS Math Library Accuracy .............................................................................................. 724
HLS Math Library................................................................................................................726
Fixed-Point Math Functions.............................................................................................. 728
Verification and Math Functions...................................................................................... 730
Common Synthesis Errors.................................................................................................734

Chapter 23: HLS Stream Library.....................................................................735

C Modeling and RTL Implementation..............................................................................736
Using HLS Streams.............................................................................................................737

Chapter 24: HLS Vector Library...................................................................... 747

Chapter 25: HLS Task Library...........................................................................750

Tasks and Channels........................................................................................................... 752
Tasks and Dataflow............................................................................................................ 756

Chapter 26: HLS Split/Merge Library...........................................................758

Chapter 27: HLS Stream of Blocks Library................................................763

Stream-of-Blocks Modeling Style..................................................................................... 764
Checking for Full and Empty Blocks.................................................................................767
Modeling Feedback in Dataflow Regions........................................................................ 769
Limitations.......................................................................................................................... 770

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Chapter 28: HLS IP Libraries.............................................................................772
FFT IP Library...................................................................................................................... 772
FIR Filter IP Library.............................................................................................................782
DDS IP Library.....................................................................................................................790
SRL IP Library...................................................................................................................... 795

Chapter 29: Working with OpenCV...............................................................798

Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide............................................................799

Chapter 30: Migrating from Vitis HLS to the Vitis Unified IDE..... 800

Chapter 31: Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS......................... 802

Key Behavioral Differences............................................................................................... 802

Chapter 32: Deprecated and Unsupported Features......................... 809

Chapter 33: Unsupported Features ............................................................ 814

Pragmas.............................................................................................................................. 814
HLS Video Library............................................................................................................... 815
C Arbitrary Precision Types .............................................................................................. 815

Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map .......................................... 816

Appendix B: Instruction/Operator Explanation........................................825

Appendix C: Additional Resources and Legal Notices........................... 827

Finding Additional Documentation.......................................................................................827
Support Resources.................................................................................................................. 828
Revision History....................................................................................................................... 828
Please Read: Important Legal Notices................................................................................. 830

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Section I: Introduction

Section I

This section contains the following chapters:

• Navigating Content by Design Process

• Supported Operating Systems for Vitis HLS
• Benefits of High-Level Synthesis
• Introduction to Vitis HLS Components
• Tutorials and Examples

Navigating Content by Design

AMD Adaptive Computing documentation is organized around a set of standard design
processes to help you find relevant content for your current development task. You can access
the AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC design processes on the Design Hubs page. You can also use the
Design Flow Assistant to better understand the design flows and find content that is specific to
your intended design needs.

• Hardware, IP, and Platform Development: Creating the PL IP blocks for the hardware
platform, creating PL kernels, functional simulation, and evaluating the AMD Vivado™ timing,
resource use, and power closure. Also involves developing the hardware platform for system
integration. Topics in this document that apply to this design process include:

• Launching the Vitis Unified IDE

• Running C Simulation
• Running C Synthesis
• Running C/RTL Co-Simulation

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Section I: Supported Operating Systems for Vitis HLS

Supported Operating Systems for

Vitis HLS
AMD supports the following operating systems on x86 and x86-64 processor architectures.

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation/Server 7/CentOS: 7.9

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation/Server: 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation/Server: 9.0, 9.1, 9.2
• Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, 20.04.5 LTS, 20.04.6 LTS
• Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, 22.04.1 LTS, 22.04.2 LTS
• Amazon Linux 2 AL2 LTS

TIP: Ubuntu 20.04 can require the libtinfo.so.5 as described in AR# 76616.

Windows, 64-bit for Embedded Software and HLS Development:

• Windows 10: 21H2, 22H2

• Windows 11: 21H2, 22H2
• Windows Server 2022

Obtaining a Vitis HLS License

In the Vitis unified IDE the reporting features of the HLS compiler, such as the Code Analyzer
and the Dataflow viewer require a license to be used. This means you need to obtain a license as
part of the installation of the tool. You can obtain a license by using the following steps:

1. Go to https://www.xilinx.com/getlicense
2. Sign in to your account.

TIP: You must have an AMD account to download the installation files, and to obtain a license.

3. This should take you to the Product Licensing - Name and Address Verification page. Enter
the required information and click Next.
4. This should take you to the Product Licensing page. Select an account if you have multiple
5. Under Create New Licenses enable the Vitis HLS License checkbox and select Generate
Floating License or Generate Node-Locked License as appropriate.

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Section I: Introduction

6. The dialog box that opens is slightly different between floating and node-locked licenses. To
generate the floating license you must specify the number of Requested Seats. For node-
locked licenses this number is set to 1.

7. Under System Information click Select a host and either choose an existing host or add a
host. A host must be selected to assign the license. To Add a host use the following steps:
a. Host Name: Specify a name for the host.

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Section I: Changed Behavior

b. Select OS type...: Specify the operating system for your host.

c. Select host type...: Depending on the operating selected the choices of type can include:
• Dongle Flex ID
• Disk Serial Number: Can be obtained from Windows ocmmand prompt by typing vol
c: for example
• Ethernet Mac: Can be obtained from ipconfig /all command as the Ethernet
adapter Physical Address
• Solaris hostid
8. After specifying the Host click Next to move to the Review License Request dialog box.
9. Review the provided information and click Next to generate a license file and receive a
Congratulations message. You are going to receive an Email with the required license file.

For information on using the license file refer to the Managing Licenses section in Vivado Design
Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973). For general information related
to licenses refer to the Licensing Solution Center.

Changed Behavior
The following table specifies differences between this release and prior releases that impact
behavior or flow when migrating.

Table 1: Changed Behavior Summary

Area Behavior
The Vitis Unified IDE is now the default GUI when launching with the vitis command. To
launch the classic Vitis IDE, run vitis --classic.
Vitis IDE
To refer to information about the classic Vitis IDE, visit the 2023.1 or earlier version of the
The --freqhz command has been introduced to replace most other clock management
v++ commands. Use --freqhz to specify clocks for AI Engine components, HLS components, and v+
+ --link commands for System projects, as described in Managing Clock Frequencies.

xparameters.h no longer contains DEVICE_ID definitions. Instead the BASEADDR definition is

used. AMD drivers and libraries handle this change. However, if you have legacy code, you need
Vitis HLS
to be aware of this change. You need to change the way your software application addresses the
hardware module through X<DUT>_Initialize and X<DUT>_LookupConfig driver functions.

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Section I: Introduction

Table 1: Changed Behavior Summary (cont'd)

Area Behavior
The initialization behavior of ap_int/ap_uint/ap_fixed/ap_ufixed is changed to be more
compatible with the C builtin type (int, float...).

ap_int<N> A[N]; // uninitialized, both 23.2 and previous releases

ap_int<N> B[N] = {0}; // With 23.2, the whole array is initialized \

Vitis HLS to zero. With previous releases, only the first element is initialized to
zero, other elements are uninitialized.

ap_int<N> B[N] = { }; // With 23.2, the whole array is initialized \

to zero. With previous releases, it is uninitialized.

The original qdma_axis<w, 0, 0, 0> has been removed from clib and is replaced with:

template <std::size_t WData, std::size_t WUser, std::size_t

Vitis HLS WId, std::size_t WDest>
using qdma_axis = hls::axis<ap_uint<WData>, WUser, WId,

In the 2023.2 release the timing model used by the scheduler was changed so that the HLS
compiler timing predictions more closely match the Vivado Design Suite. This causes the delay
model to be more pessimistic. Major changes include the delay of an AXIS stream interface, and
the use of complex enabling conditions for pipeline control. As a result of these changes it is
expected that both latency and II can change for designs that were passing before this release.
Vitis HLS
If a design was meeting timing in HLS and Vivado before, you can restore the original II and
latency by adding such constraints via pragmas or directives. You can also reduce clock
uncertaintly using the add_clock or set_clock command. With a better HLS timing model,
uncertaintly can be reduced. But II constraints (and latency constraints if needed) are a more
deterministic mechanism to achieve the same goal.
Vitis HLS Assert is now supported.
The SDT (System Device Tree) is a new concept in the Vitis Unified flow. Previously, in the Vitis
Classic flow, the HW metadata was extracted directly from the XSA using the HSI API in an "AD
Hoc" manner as required by Vitis tools, such as extracting processors for platform creation or
extracting IP for BSP creation. In the Vitis Unified flow, the SDT is generated when you generate
the platform. This is used to provide the hardware metadata to Vitis via the Lopper framework.
Lopper is a Python based framework that is used to extract system metadata from the System
Vitis Embedded Device Tree. The Lopper Framework API is not exposed to you via Vitis. Instead, the Vitis Python
Software Development API such as Platform component creation would use the underlying Lopper Framework API. The
Lopper framework is also used to generate the xparameters.h, and the driver initialization
files too.
MLD/MDD MSS filesets are removed and replaced by YAML and CMake filesets.
While xparameters.h is still generated by Lopper Framework, it does not contain DEVICE_ID
definitions. Instead, the BASEADDR definition is used. AMD drivers and libraries handle this
change. However, users with legacy code need to be aware of this change.

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Section I: Benefits of High-Level Synthesis

Benefits of High-Level Synthesis

High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is an automated design process that takes an abstract behavioral
specification of a digital system and generates a register-transfer level structure that realizes the
given behavior.

A typical flow using HLS has the following steps:

1. Write the algorithm at a high abstraction level using C/C++ with a given architecture in mind
2. Verify the functionality at the behavioral level
3. Use the HLS tool to generate the RTL for a given clock speed, input constraints
4. Verify the functionality of the generated RTL
5. Explore different architectures using the same input source code

HLS can enable the path of creating high-quality RTL, rather quickly than manually writing error-
free RTL.

The designer needs to create the macro-architecture of the algorithm in C/C++ at a high level,
meaning that the design intent and how this design interacts with the outside world should be
carefully thought through. HLS tool also requires input constraints like clock period, performance
constraints, etc.

Micro-architecture decisions like creating the state machine, datapath, register pipelines, etc are
not needed at a high level. These details can be left to the HLS tool and optimized RTL can be
generated by providing input constraints like clock speed, performance pragmas, target device,

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Section I: Introduction

Figure 1: Design Processes

Using the defined macro-architecture of the C/C++ algorithm, designers can also vary constraints
to generate multiple RTL solutions to explore trade-offs between performance and area. So a
single algorithm can lead to multiple implementations, allowing designers to choose an
implementation that best meets the needs of the overall application.

Improve Productivity

With HLS, the designer is working on a high abstraction level, meaning fewer lines of code need
to be written as input to HLS. Due to less time spent on writing the C++ code and quicker
turnaround, less error-prone thus increasing overall design productivity. The designers can focus
more time on creating efficient designs at a higher level than worrying about mechanical RTL
implementation tasks.

HLS not only enables high design productivity but also verification productivity. With HLS, the
test bench is also generated or created at a high level, meaning the original design intent can be
verified very quickly. The designer can explore quick turnarounds of verified algorithms as the
flow is still within the C/C++ domain. Once the algorithm is verified in C/C++, the same test
bench can be used for generated RTL by the HLS tool. Nevertheless, the generated RTL can be
integrated with the existing RTL verification flow for more comprehensive verification coverage.

The design and verification benefits of using HLS are summarized here:

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Section I: Introduction to Vitis HLS Components

• Developing and validating algorithms at the C-level for the purpose of designing at an abstract
level from the hardware implementation details.
• Using C-simulation to validate the design, and iterate more quickly than with traditional RTL
• Creating multiple design solutions from the C source code and pragmas to explore the design
space, and find an optimal solution.

Enable Re-Use

The designs created for High-level synthesis are generic and unaware of implementation. These
sources are not tied to any technology node or any given clock period like a given RTL. With few
updates of input constraints and without any source code changes, multiple architectures can be
explored. A similar practice with the RTL is not pragmatic. The designers create the RTL for a
given clock period and any change for a derivative product, however small it is leads to a new
complex project. Working at a higher level with HLS, designers don't need to worry about the
micro-architecture and can rely on the HLS tool to regenerate new RTL automatically.

Introduction to Vitis HLS

IMPORTANT! In the 2023.2 release this document, the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399),
has been updated to reflect the use of the new Vitis unified IDE and the use of the v++ and vitis-run
common command line syntax to create HLS components. The standalone vitis_hls executable and
GUI has been deprecated and is discontinued in future releases. You can refer to the 2023.1 version of this
document for information on using the vitis_hls tool, or refer to Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
for information on migrating to the new tools and flows. A complete description of the Vitis unified IDE can
be found in Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development

An HLS component is synthesized from a C or C++ function into RTL code for implementation in
the programmable logic (PL) region of a Versal Adaptive SoC , Zynq MPSoC, or AMD FPGA
device. The HLS component is tightly integrated with both the Vivado Design Suite for synthesis,
place, and route, and the Vitis core development kit for heterogeneous system-level design and
application acceleration.

The HLS component can be used to develop and export:

• Vivado IP to be integrated into hardware designs using the Vivado Design Suite, and used
with provided software drivers for application development in embedded systems
• Vitis kernels for use in the Vitis application acceleration development flow for use with AI
Engine graph applications in heterogeneous compute systems, or for use in Data Center

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Section I: Introduction

TIP: The Vitis kernel (.xo ) is a Vivado IP with specific requirements and limitations as described in
Interfaces for Vitis Kernel Flow; while Vivado IP have few restrictions and offer greater design flexibility as
described in Interfaces for Vivado IP Flow.

The HLS component tool flow provides tools to simulate, analyze, implement, and optimize the
C/C++ code in programmable logic and to achieve low latency and high throughput. The
inference of required pragmas to produce the right interface for your function arguments and to
pipeline loops and functions within your code is the foundation of the HLS component flow
whether accomplished from the command-line, Makefile, or the Vitis unified IDE.

Here are the steps for the development of the HLS component from a C++ function:

1. Architect the algorithm based on the Design Principles.

2. (C-Simulation) Verify the logic of the C/C++ code with the C/C++ test bench.
3. (Code Analyzer) Analyze the performance, parallelism, and legality of the C/C++ code.
4. (C-Synthesis) Generate the RTL using the v++ compiler.
5. (C/RTL Co-Simulation) Verify the RTL code generated using the C/C++ test bench.
6. (Package) Review the HLS synthesis reports and implementation timing reports.
7. Re-run previous steps until performance goals are met.

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Section I: Introduction

Figure 2: HLS Component Development Flow

The tool implements the HLS component based on the target flow, default tool configuration,
design constraints, and any optimization pragmas or directives you specify. You can use
optimization directives to modify and control the implementation of the internal logic and I/O
ports, overriding the default behaviors of the tool.

Here are some key concepts related to coding and synthesizing the C++ functions in your HLS
component with details covered in forthcoming sections:

• Hardware Interfaces: The arguments of the top-level function in an HLS component are
synthesized into interfaces and ports that group multiple signals to define the communication
protocol between the hardware design and components external to the design. The v++
compiler defines interfaces automatically, using industry standards to specify the protocol
used. The default interface protocols differ based on whether the HLS component is targeted
for packaging as a Vivado IP generation or the Vitis kernel. The default assignments of the
interfaces can be overridden by using the INTERFACE pragma or directive.

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Section I: Introduction

• Controlling the Execution of the HLS Component: The execution mode of an HLS component
is specified by the block-level control protocol. The HLS component can have control signals
to start/stop the execution or it can be only driven when the data is available. As a designer,
you do need to be aware of how your HLS design can be executed, as described in Execution
Modes of HLS Designs.

• Task-Level Parallelism:

To achieve high performance on the generated hardware, the compiler must infer parallelism
from sequential code and exploit it to achieve greater performance. The Design Principles
section introduces the three main paradigms that need to be understood for writing good
software for FPGA platforms. The HLS component offers multiple types of task-level
parallelism (TLP), either by specifying the DATAFLOW pragma or explicitly creating parallelism
using hls::task object as described in Abstract Parallel Programming Model for HLS.

• Memory Architecture:

• The memory architecture is fixed in the CPU but the developer can create their own
architecture to optimize the memory accesses for running applications on FPGA
• In C++ program, the arrays are fundamental data structures used to save or move the data
around. In hardware, these arrays are implemented as memory or registers after synthesis.
The memory can be implemented as local storage or global memory which is often DDR
memory or HBM memory banks. Access to global memory has higher latency costs and can
take many cycles while access to local memory is often quick and only takes one or more
• Often the memory is allocated/deallocated dynamically in a C++ program but this can not
be synthesized in hardware. So the designer needs to be aware of the exact amount of
memory required for the algorithm.
• The memory accesses should be optimized to reduce the overhead of global memory
accesses. The redundant accesses, which means maximizing the use of consecutive
accesses so that bursting can be inferred. The burst access hides the memory access
latency and improves the memory bandwidth.

• Micro Level Optimization:

• In C++ programs, there is a frequent need to implement repetitive algorithms that process
blocks of data — for example, signal or image processing. Typically, the C/C++ source code
tends to include several loops or several nested loops. The v++ compiler can unroll, or
pipeline a loop or nested loops by inserting pragmas at appropriate levels in the source
code. For more information, refer to the Loops Primer.
• Once the algorithm is architected based on the design principles, inferring parallelism, you
still need the right combination of micro-level HLS pragmas like PIPELINE, UNROLL,
ARRAY_PARTITION, etc. The PERFORMANCE pragma or directive lets you define a single
top-level performance goal for a given body of loop or nested loops. The tool automatically
infers the necessary lower-level pragmas to meet the goal. With the PERFORMANCE
pragma, fewer pragmas are needed to achieve good QoR and is an intuitive way to drive
the tool.

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Section I: Introduction

Refactoring C++ Source Code for HLS

The following is a simple program that includes a compute() function written in C++ for
execution on the CPU. The execution of this program is sequential on the CPU. This example
needs to be refactored to achieve optimal performance when running on programmable logic.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <ap_int.h>
#include "hls_vector.h"

#define totalNumWords 512

unsigned char data_t;

int main(int, char**) {

// initialize input vector arrays on CPU
for (int i = 0; i < totalNumWords; i++) {
in[i] = i;
compute(data_t in[totalNumWords], data_t Out[totalNumWords]);

void compute (data_t in[totalNumWords ], data_t Out[totalNumWords ]) {

data_t tmp1[totalNumWords], tmp2[totalNumWords];
A: for (int i = 0; i < totalNumWords ; ++i) {
tmp1[i] = in[i] * 3;
tmp2[i] = in[i] * 3;
B: for (int i = 0; i < totalNumWords ; ++i) {
tmp1[i] = tmp1[i] + 25;
C: for (int i = 0; i < totalNumWords ; ++i) {
tmp2[i] = tmp2[i] * 2;
D: for (int i = 0; i < totalNumWords ; ++i) {
out[i] = tmp1[i] + tmp2[i] * 2;

This program runs sequentially on an FPGA, producing correct results without any performance
gain. To achieve higher performance on an FPGA, the program must be refactored to enable
parallelism within the hardware. Examples of parallelism can include:

• The compute function can start before all the data is transferred to it
• Multiple compute functions can run in an overlapping fashion, for example a "for" loop can
start the next iteration before the previous iteration has completed
• The operations within a "for" loop can run concurrently on multiple words and doesn't need to
be executed on a per-word basis

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Section I: Introduction

Re-Architecting the Hardware Module

From the prior example it is the compute() function that needs to be re-architected for FPGA-
based acceleration.

The compute() function Loop A multiplies an input value with 3 and creates two separate
paths, B and C. Loop B and C perform operations and feed the data to D. This is a simple
representation of a realistic case where you have several tasks to be performed one after another
and these tasks are connected to each other as a network like the one shown below.

Figure 3: Module Architecture

Load A D Store


The key takeaways for re-architecting the hardware module are:

• Task-level parallelism is implemented at the function level. To implement task-level parallelism

loops are pushed into separate functions. The original compute() function is split into
multiple sub-functions. As a rule of thumb, sequential functions can be made to execute
concurrently, and sequential loops can be pipelined.
• Instruction-level parallelism is implemented by reading 16 32-bit words from memory (or 512-
bits of data). Computations can be performed on all these words in parallel. The
hls::vector class is a C++ template class for executing vector operations on multiple
samples concurrently.
• The compute() function needs to be re-architected into load-compute-store sub-functions,
as shown in the example below. The load and store functions encapsulate the data accesses
and isolate the computations performed by the various compute functions.
• Additionally, there are compiler directives starting with #pragma that can transform the
sequential code into parallel execution.

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Section I: Introduction

TIP: This is the using_fifos example found in the Vitis-HLS Introductory Examples on GitHub.

#include "diamond.h"
#define NUM_WORDS 16
extern "C" {

void diamond(vecOf16Words* vecIn, vecOf16Words* vecOut, int size)

hls::stream<vecOf16Words> c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5;
assert(size % 16 == 0);

#pragma HLS dataflow

load(vecIn, c0, size);
compute_A(c0, c1, c2, size);
compute_B(c1, c3, size);
compute_C(c2, c4, size);
compute_D(c3, c4,c5, size);
store(c5, vecOut, size);

void load(vecOf16Words *in, hls::stream<vecOf16Words >& out, int size)

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
#pragma HLS PERFORMANCE target_ti=32
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT max=32

void compute_A(hls::stream<vecOf16Words >& in, hls::stream<vecOf16Words >&

out1, hls::stream<vecOf16Words >& out2, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
#pragma HLS PERFORMANCE target_ti=32
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT max=32
vecOf16Words t = in.read();
out1.write(t * 3);
out2.write(t * 3);
void compute_B(hls::stream<vecOf16Words >& in, hls::stream<vecOf16Words >&
out, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
#pragma HLS PERFORMANCE target_ti=32
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT max=32
out.write(in.read() + 25);

void compute_C(hls::stream<vecOf16Words >& in, hls::stream<vecOf16Words >&

out, int size)

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Section I: Tutorials and Examples

for (data_t i = 0; i < size; i++)

#pragma HLS PERFORMANCE target_ti=32
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT max=32
out.write(in.read() * 2);
void compute_D(hls::stream<vecOf16Words >& in1, hls::stream<vecOf16Words >&
in2, hls::stream<vecOf16Words >& out, int size)
for (data_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
#pragma HLS PERFORMANCE target_ti=32
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT max=32
out.write(in1.read() + in2.read());

void store(hls::stream<vecOf16Words >& in, vecOf16Words *out, int size)

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
#pragma HLS PERFORMANCE target_ti=32
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT max=32
out[i] = in.read();

Tutorials and Examples

To help you quickly get started with the Vitis HLS, you can find tutorials and example
applications at the following locations:

• Vitis HLS Introductory Examples (https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-HLS-Introductory-

Examples): Hosts many small code examples to demonstrate good design practices, coding
guidelines, design pattern for common applications, and most importantly, optimization
techniques to maximize application performance. All examples include a README file, an
hls_config.cfg file, and a run_hls.tcl script to help you use the example code.

• Vitis Accel Examples Repository (https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Accel_Examples): Contains

examples to showcase various features of the Vitis tools and platforms. This repository
illustrates specific scenarios related to host code and kernel programming for the Vitis
application acceleration development flow, by providing small working examples. The kernel
code in these examples can be directly compiled as HLS components.

• Vitis Application Acceleration Development Flow Tutorials (https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-

Tutorials): Provides a number of tutorials that can be worked through to teach specific
concepts regarding the tool flow and application development, including the use of the Vitis
unified IDE to create an HLS component for use in the Vitis bottom up design flow.

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Section II: HLS Programmers Guide

Section II

HLS Programmers Guide


This Programmers Guide is intended to provide real world design techniques, and details of
hardware design which helps you get the most out of the AMD Vitis™ HLS tool. This guide
provides details on programming techniques you should apply when writing C/C++ code for
high-level synthesis into RTL code, and a checklist of best practices to follow when creating IP
that uses the AXI4 interfaces. Finally, it details various optimization techniques that can improve
the performance of your code, improving both the fit and function of the resulting hardware

This section contains the following chapters:

• Design Principles
• Abstract Parallel Programming Model for HLS
• Loops Primer
• Arrays Primer
• Functions Primer
• Data Types
• Unsupported C/C++ Constructs
• Interfaces of the HLS Design
• Best Practices for Designing with M_AXI Interfaces
• Optimizing Techniques and Troubleshooting Tips

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Chapter 1: Design Principles

Chapter 1

Design Principles

You might be working with the HLS tool to take advantage of productivity gains from writing C/C
++ code to generate RTL for hardware; or you might be looking to accelerate portions of a C/C++
algorithm to run on custom hardware implemented in programmable logic. This chapter is
intended to help you understand the process of synthesizing hardware from a software algorithm
written in C/C++. This document introduces the fundamental concepts used to design and create
good synthesizable software in such a way that it can be successfully converted to hardware
using high-level synthesis (HLS) tools. The discussion in this document is tool-agnostic and the
concepts introduced are common to most HLS tools. For experienced designers, reviewing this
material can provide a useful reinforcement of the importance of these concepts; help you
understand how to approach HLS, and in particular how to structure HLS code to achieve high-
performance designs.

Throughput and Performance

C/C++ functions implemented as custom hardware in programmable logic can run at a

significantly faster rate than what is achievable on traditional CPU/GPU architectures, and
achieve higher processing rates and/or performance. First establish what these terms mean in
the context of hardware acceleration. Throughput is defined as the number of specific actions
executed per unit of time or results produced per unit of time. This is measured in units of
whatever is being produced (cars, motorcycles, I/O samples, memory words, iterations) per unit
of time. For example, the term "memory bandwidth" is sometimes used to specify the throughput
of the memory systems. Similarly, performance is defined with higher throughput but higher
throughput with low power consumption. Lower power consumption is as important as higher
throughput in today's world.

Architecture Matters

In order to better understand how custom hardware can accelerate portions of your program,
you first need to understand how your program runs on a traditional computer. The von
Neumann architecture is the basis of almost all computing done today even though it was
designed more than 7 decades ago. This architecture was deemed optimal for a large class of
applications and has tended to be very flexible and programmable. However, as application
demands started to stress the system, CPUs began supporting the execution of multiple
processes. Multithreading and/or Multiprocessing can include multiple system processes (For
example: executing two or more programs at the same time), or it can consist of one process that

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Section II: HLS Programmers Guide
Chapter 1: Design Principles

has multiple threads within it. Multi-threaded programming using a shared memory system
became very popular as it allowed the software developer to design applications with parallelism
in mind but with a fixed CPU architecture. But when multi-threading and the ever-increasing
CPU speeds could no longer handle the data processing rates, multiple CPU cores and
hyperthreading were used to improve throughput as shown in the figure on the right.

This general purpose flexibility comes at a cost in terms of power and peak throughput. In today's
world of ubiquitous smart phones, gaming, and online video conferencing, the nature of the data
being processed has changed. To achieve higher throughput, you must move the workload closer
to memory, and/or into specialized functional units. So the new challenge is to design a new
programmable architecture in such a way that you can maintain enough programmability while
achieving higher performance and lower power costs.

A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) provides for this kind of programmability and offers
enough memory bandwidth to make this a high-performance and lower power cost solution.
Unlike a CPU that executes a program, an FPGA can be configured into a custom hardware circuit
that responds to inputs in the same way that a dedicated piece of hardware would behave.
Reconfigurable devices such as FPGAs contain computing elements of extremely flexible
granularities, ranging from elementary logic gates to complete arithmetic-logic units such as
digital signal processing (DSP) blocks. At higher granularities, user-specified composable units of
logic called kernels, can be strategically placed on the FPGA to perform various roles. This
characteristic of reconfigurable FPGA devices allows the creation of custom macro-architectures
and gives FPGAs a big advantage over traditional CPUs/GPUs in using application-specific
parallelism. Computation can be spatially mapped to the device, enabling much higher
operational throughput than processor-centric platforms. Today's latest FPGA devices can also
contain processor cores (Arm-based) and other hardened IP blocks that can be used without
having to program them into the programmable fabric.

Three Paradigms for Programming FPGAs

While FPGAs can be programmed using lower-level Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)
such as Verilog or VHDL, there are now several High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools that can take an
algorithmic description written in a higher-level language like C/C++ and convert it into lower-
level hardware description languages such as Verilog or VHDL. This can be processed by
downstream tools to program the FPGA device.

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Chapter 1: Design Principles

The main benefit of this type of flow is that you can retain the advantages of the programming
language like C/C++ to write efficient code that can be translated into hardware. Additionally,
writing good code is the software designer's forte and is easier than learning a new hardware
description language. However, achieving acceptable quality of results (QoR), requires additional
work such as rewriting the software to help the HLS tool achieve the desired performance goals.
The next few sections discuss how you can first identify some macro-level architectural
optimizations to structure your program and focus on some fine-grained micro-level architectural
optimizations to boost your performance goals.

Producer-Consumer Paradigm
Consider how software designers write a multithreaded program - there is usually a master
thread that performs some initialization steps and forks off a number of child threads to do some
parallel computation and when all the parallel computation is done, the main thread collates the
results and writes to the output. The programmer has to figure out what parts can be forked off
for parallel computation and what parts need to be executed sequentially. This fork/join type of
parallelism applies as well to FPGAs as it does to CPUs, but a key pattern for throughput on
FPGAs is the producer-consumer paradigm. You need to apply the producer-consumer paradigm
to a sequential program and convert it to extract functionality that can be executed in parallel to
improve performance.

You can better understand this decomposition process with the help of a simple problem
statement. Assume that you have a datasheet from which you can import items into a list. You
can then process each item in the list. The processing of each item takes around 2 seconds. After
processing, you write the result in another datasheet and this action takes an additional 1 second
per item. So if you have a total of 100 items in the input Excel sheet then it takes a total of 300
seconds to generate output. The goal is to decompose this problem in such a way that you can
identify tasks that can potentially execute in parallel and therefore increase the throughput of
the system.

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Chapter 1: Design Principles

Figure 4: Program Workflows

Data Export
Import Write
Data Output

Program Workflow (no overlap)

Process Export
Data Data

Program Workflow (with overlap)


The first step is to understand the program workflow and identify the independent tasks or
functions. The four-step workflow is something like the Program Workflow (no overlap) shown in
the above diagram. In the example, the "Write Output" (step 3) task is independent of the
"Process Data" (step 2) processing task. Although step 3 depends on the output of step 2, as
soon as any of the items are processed in Step 2, you can immediately write that item to the
output file. You don't have to wait for all the data to be processed before starting to write data to
the output file. This type of interleaving/overlapping the execution of tasks is a very common
principle. This is illustrated in the above diagram (For example: the program workflow with
overlap). As can be seen, the work gets done faster than with no overlap. You can now recognize
that step 2 is the producer, and step 3 is the consumer. The producer-consumer pattern has a
limited impact on performance on a CPU. You can interleave the execution of the steps of each
thread but this requires careful analysis to exploit the underlying multi-threading and L1 cache
architecture and therefore a time consuming activity. On FPGAs however, due to the custom
architecture, the producer and consumer threads can be executed simultaneously with little or no
overhead leading to a considerable improvement in throughput.

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Chapter 1: Design Principles

The simplest case to first consider is the single producer and single consumer, who communicate
via a finite-size buffer. If the buffer is full, the producer has a choice of either blocking/stalling or
discarding the data. Once the consumer removes an item from the buffer, it notifies the producer,
who starts to fill the buffer again. In the same way, the consumer can stall if it finds the buffer
empty. Once the producer puts data into the buffer, it wakes up the sleeping consumer. The
solution can be achieved by means of inter-process communication, typically using monitors or
semaphores. An inadequate solution could result in a deadlock where both processes are stalled
waiting to be woken up. However, in the case of a single producer and consumer, the
communication pattern strongly maps to a first-in-first-out (FIFO) or a Ping-Pong buffer (PIPO)
implementation. This type of channel provides highly efficient data communication without
relying on semaphores, mutexes, or monitors for data transfer. The use of such locking primitives
can be expensive in terms of performance and difficult to use and debug. PIPOs and FIFOs are
popular choices because they avoid the need for end-to-end atomic synchronization.

This type of macro-level architectural optimization, where the communication is encapsulated by

a buffer, frees the programmer from worrying about memory models and other non-deterministic
behavior (like race conditions etc). The type of network that is achieved in this type of design is
purely a "dataflow network" that accepts a stream of data on the input side and essentially does
some processing on this stream of data and sends it out as a stream of data. The complexities of
a parallel program are abstracted away. The "Import Data" (Step 1) and "Export Data" (Step 4)
also have a role to play in maximizing the available parallelism. In order to allow computation to
successfully overlap with I/O, it is important to encapsulate reading from inputs as the first step
and writing to outputs as the last step. Thisallows for a maximal overlap of I/O with computation.
Reading or writing to input/output ports in the middle of the computation step limits the
available concurrency in the design. It is another thing to keep in mind while designing the
workflow of your design.

Finally, the performance of such a "dataflow network" relies on the designer being able to
continually feed data to the network such that data keeps streaming through the system. Having
interruptions in the dataflow can result in lower performance. A good analogy for this is video
streaming applications like online gaming where the real-time high definition (HD) video is
constantly streamed through the system and the frame processing rate is constantly monitored
to ensure that it meets the expected quality of results. Any slowdown in the frame processing
rate can be immediately seen by the gamers on their screens. Now imagine being able to support
consistent frame rates for a whole bunch of gamers all the while consuming much less power
than with traditional CPU or GPU architectures - this is the sweet spot for hardware acceleration.
Keeping the data flowing between the producer and consumer is of paramount importance. Next,
you can delve a little deeper into this streaming paradigm that was introduced in this section.

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Section II: HLS Programmers Guide
Chapter 1: Design Principles

Streaming Data Paradigm

A stream is an important abstraction: it represents an unbounded, continuously updating data set,
where unbounded means “of unknown or of unlimited size.” A stream can be a sequence of data
(scalars or buffers) flowing unidirectionally between a source (producer) process and a
destination (consumer) process. The streaming paradigm forces you to think in terms of data
access patterns (or sequences). In software, random memory accesses to data are virtually free
(ignoring the caching costs), but in hardware, it is really advantageous to make sequential
accesses, which can be converted into streams. Decomposing your algorithm into producer-
consumer relationships that communicate by streaming data through the network has several
advantages. It lets the programmer define the algorithm in a sequential manner and the
parallelism is extracted through other means (such as by the compiler). Complexities like
synchronization between the tasks etc are abstracted away. It allows the producer and the
consumer tasks to process data simultaneously, which is key for achieving higher throughput.
Another benefit is cleaner and simpler code.

As was mentioned before, in the case of the producer and consumer paradigm, the data transfer
pattern strongly maps to a FIFO or a PIPO buffer implementation. A FIFO buffer is simply a
queue with a predetermined size/depth where the first element that gets inserted into the queue
also becomes the first element that can be popped from the queue. The main advantage of using
a FIFO buffer is that the consumer process can start accessing the data inside the FIFO buffer as
soon as the producer inserts the data into the buffer. The only issue with using FIFO buffers is
that due to varying rates of production/consumption between the producers and consumers, it is
possible for improperly sized FIFO buffers to cause a deadlock. This typically happens in a design
that has several producers and consumers. A Ping Pong Buffer is a double buffer that is used to
speed up a process that can overlap the I/O operation with the data processing operation. One
buffer is used to hold a block of data so that a consumer process sees a complete (but old)
version of the data, while in the other buffer a producer process is creating a new (partial) version
of data. When the new block of data is complete and valid, the consumer and the producer
processes alternates access to the two buffers. As a result, the usage of a ping-pong buffer
increases the overall throughput of a device and helps to prevent eventual bottlenecks. The key
advantage of PIPOs is that the tool automatically matches the rate of production vs the rate of
consumption and creates a channel of communication that is both high performance and is
deadlock free. It is important to note here that regardless of whether FIFOs/PIPOs are used, the
key characteristic is the same: the producer sends or streams a block of data to the consumer. A
block of data can be a single value or a group of N values. The bigger the block size, the more
memory resources are needed.

The following is a simple sum application to illustrate the classic streaming/dataflow network. In
this case, the goal of the application is to pair-wise add a stream of random numbers then print
them. The first two tasks (Task 1 and 2) provide a stream of random numbers to add. These are
sent over a FIFO channel to the sum task (Task 3) which reads the values from the FIFO channels.
The sum task then sends the output to the print task (Task 4) to publish the result. The FIFO
channels provide asynchronous buffering between these independent threads of execution.

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Chapter 1: Design Principles

Figure 5: Streaming/Dataflow Network

Task 1

Task 3 Task 4

Task 2

The streams that connect each “task” are usually implemented as FIFO queues. The FIFO
abstracts away the parallel behavior from the programmer, leaving them to reason about a
“snapshot” of time when the task is active (scheduled). FIFOs make parallelization easier to
implement. This largely results from the reduced variable space that programmers must contend
with when implementing parallelization frameworks or fault-tolerant solutions. The FIFO
between two independent kernels (see example above) exhibits classic queueing behavior. With
purely streaming systems, these can be modeled using queueing or network flow models.
Another big advantage of this dataflow type network and streaming optimization is that it can be
applied at different levels of granularity. A programmer can design such a network inside each
task and for a system of tasks or kernel. In fact, you can have a streaming network that
instantiates and connects multiple streaming networks or tasks, hierarchically. Another
optimization that allows for finer-grained parallelism is pipelining.

Pipelining Paradigm
Pipelining is a commonly used concept that you can encounter in everyday life. A good example
is the production line of a car factory, where each specific task such as installing the engine,
installing the doors, and installing the wheels, is often done by a separate and unique
workstation. The stations carry out their tasks in parallel, each on a different car. Once a car has
had one task performed, it moves to the next station. Variations in the time needed to complete
the tasks can be accommodated by buffering (holding one or more cars in a space between the
stations) and/or by stalling (temporarily halting the upstream stations) until the next station
becomes available.

Suppose that assembling one car requires three tasks A, B, and C that takes 20, 10, and 30
minutes, respectively. Then, if all three tasks were performed by a single station, the factory
would output one car every 60 minutes. By using a pipeline of three stations, the factory would
output the first car in 60 minutes, and then a new one every 30 minutes. As this example shows,
pipelining does not decrease the latency, that is, the total time for one item to go through the
whole system. It does however increase the system's throughput, that is, the rate at which new
items are processed after the first one.

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Chapter 1: Design Principles

The throughput of a pipeline cannot be better than that of its slowest element, the programmer
should try to divide the work and resources among the stages so that they all take the same time
to complete their tasks. In the car assembly example above, if the three tasks A, B, and C took 20
minutes each, instead of 20, 10, and 30 minutes, the latency would still be 60 minutes, but a new
car would then be finished every 20 minutes, instead of 30. The diagram below shows a
hypothetical manufacturing line tasked with the production of three cars. Assuming each of the
tasks A, B, and C takes 20 minutes, a sequential production line would take 180 minutes to
produce three cars. A pipelined production line would take only 100 minutes to produce three

The time taken to produce the first car is 60 minutes and is called the iteration latency of the
pipeline. After the first car is produced, the next two cars only take 20 minutes each and this is
known as the initiation interval (II) of the pipeline. The overall time taken to produce the three
cars is 100 minutes and is referred to as the total latency of the pipeline, for example, total
latency = iteration latency + II * (number of items - 1). Therefore, improving II improves total
latency, but not the iteration latency. From the programmer's point of view, the pipelining
paradigm can be applied to functions and loops in the design. After an initial setup cost, the ideal
throughput goal can be to achieve an II of 1 - for example, after the initial setup delay, the output
is available at every cycle of the pipeline. In the example above, after an initial setup delay of 60
minutes, a car is then available every 20 minutes.

Figure 6: Pipelining

Pipelining is a classical micro-level architectural optimization that can be applied to multiple

levels of abstraction. Task-level pipelining with the producer-consumer paradigm was covered
earlier. This same concept applies to the instruction-level. This is in fact key to keeping the
producer-consumer pipelines (and streams) filled and busy. The producer-consumer pipeline can
only be efficient if each task produces/consumes data at a high rate, and hence the need for the
instruction-level pipelining (ILP).

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Section II: HLS Programmers Guide
Chapter 1: Design Principles

Due to the way pipelining uses the same resources to execute the same function over time, it is
considered a static optimization because it requires complete knowledge about the latency of
each task. Due to this, the low level instruction pipelining technique cannot be applied to
dataflow type networks where the latency of the tasks can be unknown as it is a function of the
input data. The next section details how to leverage the three basic paradigms that are
introduced to model different types of task parallelism.

Combining the Three Paradigms

Functions and loops are the main focus of most optimizations in the user's program. Today's
optimization tools typically operate at the function/procedure level. Each function can be
converted into a specific hardware component. Each such hardware component is like a class
definition and many objects (or instances) of this component can be created and instantiated in
the eventual hardware design. Each hardware component can in turn be composed of many
smaller predefined components that typically implement basic functions such as add, sub, and
multiply. Functions call other functions although recursion is not supported. Functions that are
small and called less often can be also inlined into their callers, showing how software functions
can be inlined. In this case, the resources needed to implement the function are subsumed into
the caller function's component which can potentially allow for better sharing of common
resources. Constructing your design as a set of communicating functions lends to inferring
parallelism when executing these functions.

Loops are one of the most important constructs in your program. Because the body of a loop is
iterated over a number of times, this property can be easily exploited to achieve better
parallelism. There are several transformations (such as pipelining and unrolling) that can be made
to loops and loop nests to achieve efficient parallel execution. These transformations enable both
memory-system optimizations, mapping to multi-core and SIMD execution resources. Many
programs in science and engineering applications are expressed as operations over large data
structures. These can be simple element-wise operations on arrays or matrices or more complex
loop nests with loop-carried dependencies - for example, data dependencies across the iterations
of the loop. Such data dependencies impact the parallelism achievable in the loop. In many such
cases, the code must be restructured such that loop iterations can be executed efficiently and in
parallel on modern parallel platforms.

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The following diagrams illustrate different overlapping executions for a simple example of 4
consecutive tasks (for example, C/C++ functions) A, B, C, and D, where A produces data for B
and C, in two different arrays, and D consumes data from two different arrays produced by B and
C. Assume that this “diamond” communication pattern is to be run twice (two invocations) and
that these two runs are independent.

void diamond(data_t vecIn[N], data_t vecOut[N])

data_t c1[N], c2[N], c3[N], c4[N];
#pragma HLS dataflow
A(vecIn, c1, c2);
B(c1, c3);
C(c2, c4);
D(c3, c4, vecOut);

The code example above shows the C/C++ source snippet for how these functions are invoked.
The tasks B and C have no mutual data dependencies. A fully-sequential execution corresponds
to the following figure where the black circles represent some form of synchronization used to
implement the serialization.

Figure 7: Sequential Execution - Two Runs

In the diamond example, B and C are fully-independent. They do not communicate nor do they
access any shared memory resource, and so if no sharing of computation resource is required,
they can be executed in parallel. This leads to the diagram in the following figure, with a form of
fork-join parallelism within a run. B and C are executed in parallel after A ends while D waits for
both B and C, but the next run is still executed in series.

Figure 8: Task Parallelism within a Run

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Such an execution can be summarized as (A; (B || C); D); (A; (B || C); D) where “;” represents
serialization and “||” represents full parallelism. This form of nested fork-join parallelism
corresponds to a subclass of dependent tasks, namely series-parallel task graphs. More generally,
any DAG (directed acyclic graph) of dependent tasks can be implemented with separate fork-and-
join-type synchronization. Also, it is important to know that this is exactly how a multithreaded
program would run on a CPU with multiple threads and using shared memory.

On FPGAs, you can explore what other forms of parallelism are available. The previous execution
pattern exploited task-level parallelism within an invocation. What about overlapping successive
runs? If they are truly independent, but if each function (for example, A, B, C, or D) reuses the
same computation hardware as for its previous run, you might still want to execute, for example,
the second invocation of A in parallel with the first invocations of B and C. This is a form of task-
level pipelining across invocations, leading to a diagram as depicted in the following figure. The
throughput is now improved because it is limited by the maximum latency among all tasks, rather
than by the sum of their latencies. The latency of each run is unchanged but the overall latency
for multiple runs is reduced.

Figure 9: Task Parallelism with Pipelining

Now, however, when the first run of B reads from the memory where A placed its first result, the
second run of A is possibly already writing in the same memory. To avoid overwriting the data
before it is consumed, you can rely on a form of memory expansion, namely double buffering or
PIPOs to allow for this interleaving. This is represented by the black circles between the tasks.

An efficient technique to improve throughput and reuse computational resources is to pipeline

operators, loops, and/or functions. If each task can now overlap with itself, you can achieve
simultaneously task parallelism within a run and task pipelining across runs, both of which are
examples of macro-level parallelism. Pipelining within the tasks is an example of micro-level
parallelism. The overall throughput of a run is further improved because it now depends on the
minimum throughput among the tasks, rather than their maximum latency. Finally, depending on
how the communicated data are synchronized, only after all are produced (PIPOs) or in a more
element-wise manner (FIFOs), some additional overlapping within a run can be expected. For
example, in the following figure, both B and C start earlier and are executed in a pipelined fashion
with respect to A, while D is assumed to still have to wait for the completion of B and C. This last

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type of overlap within a run can be achieved if A communicates to B and C through FIFO
streaming accesses (represented as lines without circles). Similarily, D can also be overlapped
with B and C, if the channels are FIFOs instead of PIPOs. However, unlike all previous execution
patterns, using FIFOs can lead to deadlocks and so these streaming FIFOs need to be sized

Figure 10: Task Parallelism and Pipelining within a Run, Pipelining of Runs, and
Pipelining within a Task

In summary, the three paradigms presented in the earlier section show how parallelism can be
achieved in your design without needing the complexities of multi-threading and/or parallel
programming languages. The producer-consumer paradigm coupled with streaming channels
allows for the composition of small to large scale systems easily. As mentioned before, streaming
interfaces allow for easy coupling of parallel tasks or even hierarchical dataflow networks. This is
in part due to the flexibility in the programming language (C/C++) to support such specifications
and the tools to implement them on the heterogeneous computing platform available on today's
FPGA devices.

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Conclusion - A Prescription for Performance

The design concepts presented in this document have one main central principle - a model of
parallel computation that favors encapsulation of state and sequential execution within modular
units or tasks to facilitate a simpler programming model for parallel programming. Tasks are then
connected together with streams (for synchronization and communication). A stream can be
different types of channels such as FIFOs or PIPOs. The state/logic compartmentalization makes
it much easier for tools (such as a compiler and a scheduler) to figure out where to run which
pieces of an application and when. The second reason why stream-based processing is becoming
popular is that it breaks the traditional multi-threading based “fork/join” view on parallel
execution. By enabling task-level pipelining and instruction-level pipelining, the runtime can do
many more concurrent actions than what is possible today with the fork/join model. This extra
parallelism is critical to taking advantage of the hardware available on today's FPGA devices. In
the same vein as enabling pipeline parallelism, streaming also enables designers to build parallel
applications without having to worry about locks, race conditions, etc. that make parallel
programming hard in the first place.

Finally, the following checklist of high-level actions is recommended as a prescription for

achieving performance on reconfigurable FPGA platforms:

• Software written for CPUs and software written for FPGAs is fundamentally different. You
cannot write code that is portable between CPU and FPGA platforms without sacrificing
performance. Therefore, embrace and do not resist the fact that you have to write
significantly different software for FPGAs.
• Right from the start of your project, establish a flow that can functionally verify the source
code changes that are being made. Testing the software against a reference model or using
golden vectors are common practices.
• Focus first on the macro-architecture of your design. Consider modeling your solution using
the producer-consumer paradigm.
• Once you have identified the macro-architecture of your design, draw the desired activity
timeline where the horizontal axis represents time, and show when you expect each function
to execute relative to each other over multiple iterations (or invocations). This gives you a
sense of the expected parallelism in the design and can then be used to compare with the final
achieved results. Often the HLS GUIs can be used to visualize this achieved parallelism.
• Only start coding or refactoring your program once you have the macro-architecture and the
activity timeline well established
• As a general rule, the HLS compiler only infer task-level parallelism from function calls.
Therefore, sequential code blocks (such as loops) which need to run concurrently in hardware
should be put into dedicated functions.

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• Decompose/partition the original algorithm into smaller components that talk to each other
via streams. This gives you some ideas of how the data flows in your design.
○ Smaller modular components have the advantage that they can be replicated when needed
to improve parallelism.
○ Avoid having communication channels with very wide bit-widths. Decomposing such wide
channels into several smaller ones help implementation on FPGA devices.
○ Large functions (written by hand or generated by inlining smaller functions) can have non-
trivial control paths that can be hard for tools to process. Smaller functions with simpler
control paths aid implementation on FPGA devices.
○ Aim to have a single loop nest (with either fixed loop bounds that can be inferred by HLS
tool, or by providing loop trip count information by hand to the HLS tool) within each
function. This greatly facilitates the measurement and optimization of throughput. While
this might not be applicable for all designs, it is a good approach for a large majority of
• Throughput - Having an overall vision about what rates of processing are required during each
phase of your design is important. Knowing this influences how you write your application for
○ Think about the critical path (for example, critical task level paths such as ABD or ACD) in
your design and study what part of this critical path is potentially a bottleneck. Look at how
individual tasks are pipelined and if different branches of a path are unaligned in terms of
throughput by simulating the design. HLS GUI tools and/or the simulation waveform
viewer can then be used to visualize such throughput issues.
○ Stream-based communication allows consumers to start processing as soon as producers
start producing which allows for overlapped execution (which in turn increases parallelism
and throughput).
○ In order to keep the producer and consumer tasks running constantly without any hiccups,
optimize the execution of each task to run as fast as possible using techniques such as
pipelining and the appropriate sizing of streams.
• Think about the granularity (and overhead) of the streaming channels with respect to
synchronization. The usage of PIPO channels allows you to overlap task execution without the
fear of deadlock while explicit manual streaming FIFO channels allow you to start the
overlapped execution sooner (than PIPOs) but require careful adjustment of FIFO sizes to
avoid deadlocks.
• Learn about synthesizable C/C++ coding styles.
• Use the reports generated by the HLS compiler to guide the optimization process.

Keep the above checklist nearby so that you can refer to it from time to time. It summarizes the
whole design activity needed to build a design that meets your performance goals.

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Another important aspect of your design to consider next is the interface of your accelerated
function or kernel. The interface of your kernel to the outside world is an important element of
your eventual system design. Your kernel might need to plug into a bigger design, or to
communicate with other kernels in a large system of kernels, or to communicate with memory or
devices outside of the system. Best Practices for Designing with M_AXI Interfaces provides
another checklist of items to consider when designing the external interfaces of your
acceleration kernel.

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Chapter 2: Abstract Parallel Programming Model for HLS

Chapter 2

Abstract Parallel Programming

Model for HLS
In order to achieve high performance hardware, the HLS tool must infer parallelism from
sequential code and exploit it to achieve greater performance. This is not an easy problem to
solve. In addition, good software design often uses well-defined rules and practices such as
runtime type information (RTTI), recursion, and dynamic memory allocation. Many of these
techniques have no direct equivalence in hardware and present challenges for the HLS tool. This
generally means that off-the-shelf software cannot be efficiently converted into hardware. At a
bare minimum, such software needs to be examined for non-synthesizable constructs and the
code needs to be refactored to make it synthesizable. Even if a software program can be
automatically converted (or synthesized) into hardware, to assist the tool you need to understand
the best practices for writing good software for execution on the FPGA device.

The Design Principles section introduced the three main paradigms that need to be understood
for writing good software for FPGA platforms: producer-consumer, streaming data, and
pipelining. The underlying parallel programming model that these paradigms work on is as

• The design/program needs to be constructed as a collection of tasks that communicate by

sending messages to each other through communication links (aka channels)
• Tasks can be structured as control-driven, waiting for some signal to start execution, or data-
driven in which the presence of data on the channel drives the execution of the task
• A task consists of an executable unit that has some local storage/memory and a collection of
input/output (I/O) ports.
• The local memory contains private data, for example, the data to which the task has exclusive
• Access to this private memory is called local data access - like data stored in block RAM/
URAM. This type of access is fast. The only way that a task can send copies of its local data to
other tasks is through its output ports, and conversely, it can only receive data through its
input ports
• An I/O port is an abstraction; it corresponds to a channel that the task uses for sending or
receiving data and it is connected by the caller of the module, or at the system integration
level if it is a top port
• Data sent or received through a channel is called non-local data access. A channel is a data
queue that connects one task's output port to another task's input port

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• A channel is assumed to be reliable and has the following behaviors:

○ Data written at the output of the producer are read at the input port of the consumer in
the same order for FIFOs. Data can be read/written in random order for PIPOs
○ No data values are lost

• Both blocking and non-blocking read and write semantics are supported for channels, as
described in HLS Stream Library

Figure 11: Blocking/Non-Blocking Semantics

When blocking semantics are used in the model, a read to an empty channel results in the
blocking of the reading process. Similarly, a write to a full channel results in the blocking of the
writing process. The resulting process/channel network exhibits deterministic behavior that does
not depend on the timing of computation nor on communication delays. These style of models
have proven convenient for modeling embedded systems, high-performance computing systems,
signal processing systems, stream processing systems, dataflow programming languages, and
other computational tasks.

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The blocking style of modeling can result in deadlocks due to insufficient sizing of the channel
queue (when the channels are FIFOs) and/or due to differing rates of production between
producers and consumers. If non-blocking semantics are used in the model, a read to an empty
channel results in the reading of uninitialized data or in the re-reading of the last data item.
Similarly, a write to a full queue can result in that data being lost. To avoid such loss of data, the
design must first check the status of the queue before performing the read/write. But this causes
the simulation of such models to be non-deterministic because it relies on decisions made based
on the runtime status of the channel. This makes verifying the results of this model much more

Both blocking and non-blocking semantics are supported by theVitis HLS abstract parallel
programming model.

Control and Data Driven Tasks

Using this abstract model as the basis, two types of task-level parallelism (TLP) models can be
used to structure and design your application. TLP can be data-driven or control-driven, or can
mix control-driven and data-driven tasks in a single design. The main differences between these
two models are:

• If your application is purely data-driven, does not require any interaction with external
memory and the functions can execute in parallel with no data dependencies, then the data-
driven TLP model is the best fit. You can design a purely data-driven model that is always
running, requires no control, and reacts only to data. For additional details refer to Data-driven
Task-level Parallelism.
• If your application requires some interaction with external memory, and there are data
dependencies between the tasks that execute in parallel, then the control-driven TLP model is
the best fit. Vitis HLS infers the parallelism between tasks and creates the right channels (as
defined by you) such that these functions can be overlapped during execution. The control-
driven TLP model is also known as the dataflow optimization in Vitis HLS as described in
Control-driven Task-level Parallelism.

The next few sections describe these major modeling options that are available to use. You can
use any of these models to write your source code using C++ to optimize the execution of the
program on parallel hardware.

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Data-driven Task-level Parallelism

Data-driven task-level parallelism uses a task-channel modeling style that requires you to
statically instantiate and connect tasks and channels explicitly. The tasks are not controlled by
any function call/return semantics but rather are always running waiting for data on their input
stream. Tasks in this modeling style typically only have stream type inputs and outputs. However,
you can introduce unsynchronized pointer to arrays and scalar I/O in the TLP design as
desscribed in Un-synchronized I/O in Data-Driven TLP.

Data-driven TLP models are tasks that execute when there is data to be processed. In Vitis HLS
C-simulation used to be limited to seeing only the sequential semantics and behavior. With the
data-driven model it is possible during simulation to see the concurrent nature of parallel tasks
and their interactions via the FIFO channels.

Implementing data-driven TLP in the Vitis HLS tool uses simple classes for modeling tasks
(hls::task) and channels (hls::stream/hls::stream_of_blocks)

IMPORTANT! While Vitis HLS supports hls::tasks for a top-level function, you cannot use
hls::stream_of_blocks for interfaces in top-level functions.

Consider the simple task-channel example shown below:

#include "test.h"

void splitter(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &odds_buf,

hls::stream<int> &evens_buf) {
int data = in.read();
if (data % 2 == 0)

void odds(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out) {

out.write(in.read() + 1);

void evens(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out) {

out.write(in.read() + 2);

void odds_and_evens(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out1,

hls::stream<int> &out2) {
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> s1; // channel connecting t1 and
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> s2; // channel connecting t1 and t3

// t1 infinitely runs function splitter, with input in and outputs s1

and s2
hls_thread_local hls::task t1(splitter, in, s1, s2);

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// t2 infinitely runs function odds, with input s1 and output out1

hls_thread_local hls::task t2(odds, s1, out1);
// t3 infinitely runs function evens, with input s2 and output out2
hls_thread_local hls::task t3(evens, s2, out2);

The special hls::task C++ class is:

• A new object declaration in your source code that requires a special qualifier. The
hls_thread_local qualifier is required to keep the object (and the underlying thread) alive
across multiple calls of the instantiating function (odds_and_evens in the example).
The hls_thread_local qualifier is only required to ensure that the C simulation of the
data-driven TLP model exhibits the same behavior as the RTL simulation. In the RTL, these
functions are already in always running mode once started. In order to ensure the same
behavior during C Simulation, the hls_thread_local qualifier is required to ensure that
each task is started only once and keeps the same state even when called multiple times.
Without the hls_thread_local qualifier, each new invocation of the function would result
in a new state.
• Task objects implicitly manage a thread that runs a function infinitely, passing to it a set of
arguments that must be either hls::stream or hls::stream_of_blocks

TIP: No other types of arguments are supported. In particular, even constant values cannot be passed
as function arguments. If constants need to be passed to the task's body, define the function as a
templated function and pass the constant as a template argument to this templated function.

• The supplied function (splitter/odds/evens in the example above) is called the task
body, and it has an implicit infinite loop wrapped around it to ensure that the task keeps
running and waiting on input.
• The supplied function can contain pipelined loops but they need to be flushable pipelines
(FLP) to prevent deadlock. The tool automatically selects the right pipeline style to use for a
given pipelined loop or function.

IMPORTANT! An hls:task should not be treated as a function call - instead a hls::task needs to
be thought of as a persistent instance statically bound to channels. Due to this, it is your responsibility to
ensure that multiple invocations to any function that contains hls::tasks be uniquified or these calls
use the same hls::tasks and channels.

Channels are modeled by the special templatized hls::stream (or

hls::stream_of_blocks) C++ class. Such channels have the following attributes:

• In the data-driven TLP model, an hls::stream<type,depth> object behaves like a FIFO

with a specified depth. Such streams have a default depth of 2 which can be overridden by the
• The streams are read from and written to sequentially. That implies that once a data item is
read from an hls::stream<> that same data item cannot be read again.

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TIP: Accesses to different streams are not ordered (for example the order of a write to a stream and a
read from a different stream can be changed by the scheduler).

• Streams can be defined either locally or globally. Streams defined in the global scope follow
the same rules as any other global variables.
• The hls_thread_local qualifier is also required for streams (s1 and s2 in the example
below) to keep the same streams alive across multiple calls of the instantiating function
(odds_and_evens in the code example below).

The following diagram shows the graphical representation in Vitis HLS of the code example
above. In this diagram, the green colored arrows are FIFO channels while the blue arrows
indicate the inputs and outputs of the instantiating function (odds_and_evens). Tasks are
shown as blue rectangular boxes.

Figure 12: Dataflow Diagram of hls::task Example

Due to the fact that a read of an empty stream is a blocking read, deadlocks can occur due to:

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• The design itself, where the production and consumption rates by processes are unbalanced.
○ During C simulation, deadlocks can occur only due to a cycle of processes, or a chain of
processes starting from a top-level input, that are attempting to read from empty channels.
○ Deadlocks can occur during both C/RTL Co-simulation and when running in hardware
(HW) due to cycles of processes trying to write to full channels and/or reading from empty
• The test bench, which is providing less data than those that are needed to produce all the
outputs that the test bench is expecting when checking the computation results.

Due to this, a deadlock detector is automatically instantiated when the design contains an
hls::task. The deadlock detector detects deadlocks and stops the C simulation. Further
debugging is performed using a C debugger such as gdb and looking at where the simulated
hls::tasks are all blocked trying to read from an empty channel. This is easy to do using the
Vitis HLS GUI as shown in the handling_deadlock example for debugging deadlocks.

In summary, the hls::task model is recommended if your design requires a completely data-
driven, pure streaming type of behavior, with no sort of control. This type of model is also useful
in modeling feedback and dynamic multi-rate designs. Feedback in the design occurs when there
is a cyclical dependency between tasks. Dynamic multi-rate models, where the producer writes
data or consumer reads data at a rate that is data dependent, can only be handled by the data-
driven TLP. The simple_data_driven design on GitHub is an example of this.

TIP: Static multi-rate designs, in which the producer writes data or consumer reads data at rates that are
data-independent, can be managed by both data-driven and control-driven TLP. For example, the producer
writes two values in a stream for each call, the consumer reads one value per call.

Un-synchronized I/O in Data-Driven TLP

Data-driven TLP designs using hls::task run-continuously until reset. These modules support
un-synchronized I/O that can change at any time, regardless of whether the module is executing
or idle; this is different from control-driven TLP where the input only changes during the idle
state. The module designer is not particular about the timing of the change as long as the module
can see the updated data at some point in time.

There are two types of un-synchronized I/O:

• Scalars : where the host periodically checks the status of registers for value change
• Memory I/O : where the module receives a DRAM buffer from the host code, and privately
manages it

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The un-synchronized I/O should be marked as stable in the KPN context as shown in the
following code example.

void write_process(hls::stream<int>& in,

hls::stream<int>& out,
int* mem)
#pragma HLS PIPELINE off
int val;
static int addr = 0;

if (addr >= 32)
addr = 0;
//hls::print("writing %d\n", addr);
mem[addr] = val;
val = mem[addr-1];
void stable_pointer(int* mem,
hls::stream<int>& in,
hls::stream<int>& out)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=mem offset=30
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=gmem depth=256
max_read_burst_length=16 \
max_widen_bitwidth=512 max_write_burst_length=16 num_read_outstanding=16 \
num_write_outstanding=16 port=mem
#pragma HLS stable variable=mem

hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> int_fifo("int_fifo");

#pragma HLS STREAM depth=512 type=fifo variable=int_fifo
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> int_fifo2("int_fifo2");
#pragma HLS STREAM depth=512 type=fifo variable=int_fifo2

hls_thread_local hls::task t1(process_23, in, int_fifo);

hls_thread_local hls::task t2(process_11, int_fifo, int_fifo2);
hls_thread_local hls::task t3(write_process, int_fifo2, out, mem);

For both C/RTL Co-simulation the un-synchronized access needs to be enabled for hls::task
and M_AXI interfaces via the cosim.enable_tasks_with_m_axi command as described in
Co-Simulation Configuration.

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Chapter 2: Abstract Parallel Programming Model for HLS

Control-driven Task-level Parallelism

Control-driven TLP is useful to model parallelism while relying on the sequential semantics of C+
+, rather than on continuously running threads. Examples include functions that can be executed
in a concurrent pipelined fashion, possibly within loops, or with arguments that are not channels
but C++ scalar and array variables, both referring to on-chip and to off-chip memories. For this
kind of model, Vitis HLS introduces parallelism where possible while preserving the behavior
obtained from the original C++ sequential execution. The control-driven TLP (or dataflow) model

• A subsequent function can start before the previous finishes

• A function can be restarted before it finishes
• Two or more sequential functions can be started simultaneously

While using the dataflow model, Vitis HLS implements the sequential semantics of the C++ code
by automatically inserting synchronization and communication mechanisms between the tasks.

The dataflow model takes this series of sequential functions and creates a task-level pipeline
architecture of concurrent processes. The tool does this by inferring the parallel tasks and
channels. The designer specifies the region to model in the dataflow style (for example, a
function body or a loop body) by specifying the DATAFLOW pragma or directive as shown
below. The tool scans the loop/function body, extracts the parallel tasks as parallel processes,
and establishes communication channels between these processes. The designer can additionally
guide the tool to select the type of channels - for example, FIFO (hls::stream or #pragma
HLS STREAM) or PIPO or hls::stream_of_blocks. The dataflow model is a powerful
method for improving design throughput and latency.

In order to understand how Vitis HLS transforms your C++ code into the dataflow model, refer to
the simple_fifos example shown below. The example applies the dataflow model to the top-level
diamond function using the DATAFLOW pragma as shown.

#include "diamond.h"

void diamond(data_t vecIn[N], data_t vecOut[N])

data_t c1[N], c2[N], c3[N], c4[N];
#pragma HLS dataflow
funcA(vecIn, c1, c2);
funcB(c1, c3);
funcC(c2, c4);
funcD(c3, c4, vecOut);

In the above example, there are four functions: funcA, funcB, funcC, and funcD. funcB and
funcC do not have any data dependencies between them and therefore can be executed in
parallel. funcA reads from the non-local memory (vecIn) and needs to be executed first.
Similarly, funcD writes to the non-local memory (vecOut) and therefore has to be executed last.

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The following waveform shows the execution profile of this design without the dataflow model.
There are three calls to the function diamond from the test bench. funcA, funcB, funcC, and
funcD are executed in sequential order. Each call to diamond, therefore, takes 475 cycles in total
as shown in the following figure.

Figure 13: Diamond Example without Dataflow

In the following figure, when the dataflow model is applied and the designer selected to use
FIFOs for channels, all the functions are started immediately by the controller and are stalled
waiting on input. As soon as the input arrives, it is processed and sent out. Due to this type of
overlap, each call to diamond now only takes 275 cycles in total as shown below. Refer to
Combining the Three Paradigms for a more detailed discussion of the types of parallelism that
can be achieved for this example.

Figure 14: Diamond Example with Dataflow

This type of parallelism cannot be achieved without incurring an increase in hardware utilization.
When a particular region, such as a function body or a loop body, is identified as a region to
apply the dataflow model, Vitis HLS analyzes the function or loop body and creates individual
channels from C++ variables (such as scalars, arrays, or user-defined channels such as
hls::streams or hls::stream_of_blocks) that model the flow of data in the dataflow
region. These channels can be simple FIFOs for scalar variables, or ping-pong (PIPO) buffers for
non-scalar variables like arrays (or stream of blocks when you need a combination of FIFO and
PIPO behavior with explicit locking of the blocks).

Each of these channels can contain additional signals to indicate when the channel is full or
empty. By having individual FIFOs and/or PIPO buffers, Vitis HLS frees each task to execute
independently and the throughput is only limited by the availability of the input and output
buffers. This allows for better overlapping of task execution than a normal pipelined
implementation, but does so at the cost of additional FIFO or block RAM registers for the ping-
pong buffer.

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TIP: This overlapped execution optimization is only visible after you run the cosimulation of the design - it
is not observable statically (though can be easily imagined in the Dataflow Viewer after C Synthesis).

The dataflow model is not limited to a chain of processes but can be used on any directed acyclic
graph (DAG) structure, or cyclic structure when using hls::streams. It can produce two
different forms of overlapping: within an iteration if processes are connected with FIFOs, and
across different iterations when connected with PIPOs and FIFOs. This potentially improves
performance over a statically pipelined solution. It replaces the strict, centrally-controlled
pipeline stall philosophy with a distributed handshaking architecture using FIFOs and/or PIPOs.
The replacement of the centralized control structure with a distributed one also benefits the
fanout of control signals, for example register enables, which is distributed among the control
structures of individual processes. Refer to the Task Level Parallelism/Control-Driven examples
on GitHub for more examples of these concepts.

Canonical Forms
Vitis HLS transforms the region to apply the DATAFLOW optimization. For more predictibility of
the resulting dataflow network, AMD recommends writing the code inside this region (referred
to as the canonical region) using canonical forms. There are two main canonical forms for the
dataflow optimization:

1. The canonical form for a function where sub-functions are not inlined. These subfunctions
can themselves be dataflow in function regions or dataflow inside loop regions. Note also
that variable initialization (including those performed automatically by constructors) or
passing expressions by value to processes are not part of canonical form. Vitis HLS does its
best to implement the resulting dataflow but, if the code is not in canonical form, you should
always check the GUI dataflow viewer and the cosimulation timeline trace to ensure that the
dataflow happens as expected and the achieved performance is as expected.
void dataflow(Input0, Input1, Output0, Output1)
#pragma HLS dataflow
UserDataType C0, C1, C2; // UserDataType can be scalars or arrays
func1(Input0, Input1, C0, C1); // read Input0, read Input1, write C0,
write C1
func2(C0, C1, C2); // read C0, read C1, write C2
func3(C2, Output0, Output1); // read C2, write Output0, write Output1

2. Dataflow inside a loop body enclosed in a function without any other code but the loop. For
the for loop (where no function inside is inlined), the integral loop variable should have:
a. The initial value is declared in the loop header and set to 0.
b. The loop bound is a non-negative numerical constant or scalar argument of the function
that encloses the loop.
c. Increment by 1.

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d. Dataflow pragma needs to be inside the loop as shown below.

void dataflow(Input0, Input1, Output0, Output1)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
#pragma HLS dataflow
UserDataType C0, C1, C2; // UserDataType can be scalars or
func1(Input0, Input1, C0, C1); // read Input0, read Input1,
write C0, write C1
func2(C0, C0, read C1, C2); // read C0, read C0, read C1,
write C2
func3(C2, Output0, Output1); // read C2, write Output0, write

Canonical Body
Inside the canonical region, the canonical body should follow these guidelines:

1. Use a local, non-static scalar or an array variable. A local variable is declared inside the
function body (for dataflow in a function) or loop body (for dataflow inside a loop). Refer to
Limitations of Control-Driven Task-Level Parallelism for additional limitations on arrays.
2. A sequence of function calls that pass data forward (with no feedback unless using
hls::stream/hls::stream_of_blocks), from a function to one that is lexically later,
under the following conditions:
a. Variables (except scalar) can have only one reading process and one writing process.
b. Use write before read (producer before consumer) if you are using local non-scalar
variables, which then become channels. For scalar variables, both write before read and
read before write are allowed.
c. Use read before write (consumer before producer) if you are using function arguments.
Any intra-body anti-dependencies must be preserved by the design.
d. Function return type must be void.
e. No loop-carried dependencies are allowed among different processes via variables except
when FIFOs are used. Forward loop-carried dependencies are supported for arrays
transformed to streams and both forward and backward dependencies are supported for
• Except when these dependencies exist across successive calls to the top function (i.e.,
inout argument written by one iteration and read by the following iteration).
f. No control whatsoever is supported inside a dataflow region, except inside function calls
(that define processes).
• For canonical dataflow, there should be no conditionals, no loops, no return or goto
statements, and no C++ exceptions such as throw.

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Dataflow Checking
The Vitis unified IDE and v++ command has a dataflow checker which, when enabled, checks the
code to see if it is in the recommended canonical form. Otherwise, it emits an error/warning
message to the user. By default, this checker is set to warning. You can set the checker to
error or disable it by selecting off in the syn.dataflow.strict_mode configuration
command as described in Dataflow Configuration.

Configuring Dataflow Memory Channels

Vitis HLS implements channels between the tasks as either PIPO or FIFO buffers, depending on
the user's choice:

• For scalars, Vitis HLS automatically infers FIFOs as the channel type.
• If the parameter (of a producer or consumer) is an array, the user has a choice of implementing
the channel as a PIPO or a FIFO based on the following considerations:
○ If the data is always accessed in sequential order, the user can choose to implement this
memory channel as PIPO/FIFO. Choosing PIPOs comes with the advantage that PIPOs can
never deadlock but they require more memory to use. Choosing FIFOs offers the
advantage of lesser memory requirements but this comes with the risk of deadlock if the
FIFO sizes are not correct.
○ If the data is accessed in an arbitrary manner, the memory channel must be implemented as
a PIPO (with a default size that is twice the size of the original array).

TIP: A PIPO ensures that the channel always has the capacity to hold all samples produced in one
iteration, without a loss.

Specifying the size of the FIFO channels overrides the default value that is computed by the tool
to attempt to optimize the throughput. If any function in the design can produce or consume
samples at a greater rate than the specified size of the FIFO, the FIFOs might become empty (or
full). In this case, the design halts operation, because it is unable to read (or write). This might
lead to a stalled, deadlock state.

TIP: If a deadlocked situation is created, you only see this when executing C/RTL co-simulation or when
the block is used in a complete system.

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When setting the depth of the FIFOs, AMD recommends initially setting the depth as the
maximum number of data values transferred (for example, the size of the array passed between
tasks), confirming the design passes C/RTL co-simulation, and then reducing the size of the
FIFOs and confirming C/RTL co-simulation still completes without issues. If RTL co-simulation
fails, the size of the FIFO is likely too small to prevent stalling or a deadlock situation. The Vitis
HLS GUI now supports an automatic way of determining the right FIFO size to use. Additionally,
the Vitis HLS IDE can display a histogram of the size of each FIFO/PIPO buffer over time, after
RTL co-simulation has been run. This can be useful to help determine the best depth for each

Specifying Arrays as PIPOs or FIFOs

All arrays are implemented by default as ping-pong to enable random access. These buffers can
also be re-sized if needed. For example, in some circumstances, such as when a task is being
bypassed, performance degradation is possible. To mitigate this effect on performance, you can
give more slack to the producer and consumer by increasing the size of these buffers by using
the STREAM pragma or directive as shown below.

void top ( ... ) {

#pragma HLS dataflow
int A[1024];
#pragma HLS stream type=pipo variable=A depth=3

producer(A, B, …); // producer writes A and B

middle(B, C, ...); // middle reads B and writes C
consumer(A, C, …); // consumer reads A and C

Arrays on the interface are defined as m_axi or ap_memory by default. However, arrays can be
specified as streaming if the INTERFACE pragma or directive defines the array as ap_fifo or

Inside the design, an array must be specified as streaming using the STREAM pragma or directive
if a FIFO is desired for the implementation.

TIP: When the STREAM directive is applied to an array, the resulting FIFO implemented in the hardware
contains as many elements as the array. However, the depth option can be used to specify the size of the
FIFO as described in syn.directive.stream.

The STREAM pragma or directive can also be used to override the default implementation
specified by the syn.dataflow.fifo_depth configuration command for any arrays in a
DATAFLOW region, as described in Dataflow Configuration. In general, the use of the STREAM
pragma or directive for a given array is preferable to the global option.

• If the syn.dataflow.default_channel is set as pingpong, any array can still be

implemented as a FIFO by applying the STREAM directive to the array.

TIP: To use a FIFO implementation, the array must be accessed in sequential order (and not in random
access order).

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• If the syn.dataflow.default_channel is set to FIFO, any array can still be implemented

as a ping-pong implementation by applying the type=pipo to the STREAM pragma or
directive for the array.

IMPORTANT! To preserve sequential accesses, and thus the correctness of streaming, it might be
necessary to prevent compiler optimizations (dead code elimination particularly) by using the volatile

When an array in a DATAFLOW region is specified as streaming and implemented as a FIFO, the
FIFO is typically not required to hold the same number of elements as the original array. The
tasks in a DATAFLOW region consume each data sample as soon as it becomes available. The
depth of the FIFO can be specified using the syn.dataflow.fifo_depth option or the
STREAM pragma or directive with the depth option. This can be used to set the size of the FIFO
to ensure the flow of data never stalls.

If the type=pipo option is selected, the depth option sets the depth (number of blocks) of the

Specifying Arrays as Stream-of-Blocks

The hls::stream_of_blocks type provides a user-synchronized stream that supports
streaming blocks of data for process-level interfaces in a dataflow context, where each block is
an array or multidimensional array. The intended use of stream-of-blocks is to replace array-
based communication between a pair of processes within a dataflow region. Refer to the
using_stream_of_blocks example on GitHub.

Currently, Vitis HLS implements arrays written by a producer process and read by a consumer
process in a dataflow region by mapping them to ping pong buffers (PIPOs). The buffer exchange
for a PIPO buffer occurs at the return of the producer function and the calling of the consumer
function in C++.

Stream-of-Blocks Modeling Style

On the other hand, for a stream-of-blocks the communication between the producer and the
consumer is modeled as a stream of array-like objects, providing several advantages over array
transfer through PIPO.

The use of stream-of-blocks in your code requires the following include file:

#include "hls_streamofblocks.h"

The stream-of-blocks object template is:

hls::stream_of_blocks<block_type, depth> v


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• <block_type> specifies the datatype of the array or multidimensional array held by the
• <depth> is an optional argument that provides depth control like hls::stream or PIPOs,
and specifies the total number of blocks, including the one acquired by the producer and the
one acquired by the consumer at any given time. The default value is 2
• v specifies the variable name for the stream-of-blocks object

Use the following steps to access a block in a stream of blocks:

1. The producer or consumer process that wants to access the stream first needs to acquire
access to it, using a hls::write_lock or hls::read_lock object.
2. After the producer has acquired the lock it can start writing (or reading) the acquired block.
Once the block has been fully initialized, it can be released by the producer, when the
write_lock object goes out of scope.
Note: The producer process with a write_lock can also read the block as long as it only
reads from already written locations, because the newly acquired buffer must be assumed to
contain uninitialized data. The ability to write and read the block is unique to the producer
process, and is not supported for the consumer.
3. Then the block is queued in the stream-of-blocks in a FIFO fashion, and when the consumer
acquires a read_lock object, the block can be read by the consumer process.

The main difference between hls::stream_of_blocks and the PIPO mechanism seen in the
prior examples is that the block becomes available to the consumer as soon as the write_lock
goes out of scope, rather than only at the return of the producer process. Therefore the amount
of storage is much less with stream-of-blocks than with PIPOs: namely 2N instead of 2xMxN.

The producer acquires the block by constructing an hls::write_lock object called b, and
passing it the reference to the stream-of-blocks object, called s. The write_lock object
provides an overloaded array access operator, letting it be accessed as an array to access
underlying storage in random order as shown in the example below.

The acquisition of the lock is performed by constructing the write_lock/read_lock object,

and the release occurs automatically when that object is destructed as it goes out of scope. This
approach uses the common Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) style of locking and

#include "hls_streamofblocks.h"
typedef int buf[N];
void producer (hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> &s, ...) {
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
// Allocation of hls::write_lock acquires the block for the producer
hls::write_lock<buf> b(s);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
b[f(j)] = ...;
// Deallocation of hls::write_lock releases the block for the consumer

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void consumer(hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> &s, ...) {

for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
// Allocation of hls::read_lock acquires the block for the consumer
hls::read_lock<buf> b(s);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
... = b[g(j)] ...;
// Deallocation of hls::write_lock releases the block to be reused by
the producer

void top(...) {
#pragma HLS dataflow
hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> s;

producer(b, ...);
consumer(b, ...);

The key features of this approach include:

• The expected performance of the outer loop in the producer above is to achieve an overall
Initiation Interval (II) of 1
• A locked block can be used as though it were private to the producer or the consumer process
until it is released.
• The initial state of the array object for the producer is undefined, whereas it contains the
values written by the producer for the consumer.
• The principal advantage of stream-of-blocks is to provide overlapped execution of multiple
iterations of the consumer and the producer to increase throughput.

Resource Usage

The resource cost when increasing the depth beyond the default value of 2 is similar to the
resource cost of PIPOs. Namely, each increment of 1 requires enough memory for a block, for
example, in the example above N * 32-bit words.

The stream of blocks object can be bound to a specific RAM type, by placing the
BIND_STORAGE pragma where the stream-of-blocks is declared, for example in the top-level
function. The stream of blocks uses 2-port block RAM (type=RAM_2P) by default.

Specifying Compiler-Created FIFO Depth

Start Propagation FIFOs

The compiler might automatically create a start FIFO to propagate the ap_start/ap_ready
handshake to an internal process. Such FIFOs can sometimes be a bottleneck for performance, in
which case you can increase the default size (which can be incorrectly estimated by the tool) with
the syn.dataflow.start_fifo_depth configuration command.

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If an unbounded slack between producer and consumer is needed, and internal processes can run
forever, fully and safely driven by their inputs or outputs (FIFOs or PIPOs), these start FIFOs can
be removed locally for a given dataflow region, at your own risk, with the following pragma or

#pragma HLS DATAFLOW disable_start_propagation

Scalar Propagation FIFOs

The compiler automatically propagates some scalars from C/C++ code through scalar FIFOs
between processes. Such FIFOs can sometimes be a bottleneck for performance or cause
deadlocks, in which case you can set the size with the syn.dataflow.scalar_fifo_depth
configuration command.

TIP: The default depth is set with syn.dataflow.fifo_depth.

Stable Arrays
The stable pragma can be used to mark input or output variables of a dataflow region. Its
effect is to remove their corresponding task-level synchronizations, assuming that the user
guarantees this removal is indeed correct.

void dataflow_region(int A[...], ...

#pragma HLS stable variable=A
#pragma HLS dataflow
proc2(A, ...);

Without the stable pragma, and assuming that A is read by proc2, then proc2 would be part
of the initial synchronization for the dataflow region where it is located. This means that proc1
would not restart until proc2 is also ready to start again, which would prevent dataflow
iterations to be overlapped and induce a possible loss of performance. The stable pragma
indicates that this synchronization is not necessary to preserve correctness.

With the stable pragma, the compiler assumes that:

• If A is read by proc2, then the memory locations that are read are still accessible and can not
be overwritten by any other process or calling context, while the dataflow_region is being
• If A is written by proc2, then the memory locations written can not be read, before their
definition, by any other process or calling context, while dataflow_region is being

A typical scenario is when the caller updates or reads these variables only when the dataflow
region has not started yet or has completed execution.

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In summary, the Dataflow optimization is a powerful optimization that can significantly improve
the throughput of your design. As there is reliance on the HLS tool to do the inference of the
available parallelism in your design, it requires the designer's help to ensure that the code is
written in such a way that the inference is straightforward for the HLS tool. Finally, there can be
situations where the designer might see the need to deploy both the Dataflow model and the
Task-Channel model in the same design. The next section describes this hybrid combination
model that can lead to some interesting designs.

Mixing Data-Driven and Control-Driven

The following table highlights factors of the HLS design that can help you determine when to
apply control-driven task-level parallelism (TLP) or data-driven TLP.

Table 2: Control-Driven and Data-Driven TLP

Control-Driven TLP Data-Driven TLP

HLS Design requires control signals to start/stop the HLS Design uses a completely data-driven approach that
process does not require control signals to start/stop the process
Design requires non-local memory access Design uses pure streaming data transfers
Design requires interaction with an external software Designs with data-dependent multi-rate behavior:
• Producer writes data or consumer reads data at a rate
that is data dependent

• Easier to model for designs that require feedback

between processes

Designs with multiple processes running the same number Task-level parallelism is observable in C simulation and RTL
of executions simulation.
Requires RTL simulation to model the effect of the

As the preceding table indicates, the two forms of task-level parallelism presented have different
use cases and advantages. However, sometimes it is not possible to design an entire application
that is purely data-driven TLP, while some portion of the design can still be constructed as a
purely streaming design. In this case a mixed control-driven/data-driven model can be useful to
create the application. Consider the following mixed_control_and_data_driven example from

void dut(int in[N], int out[N], int n) {

#pragma HLS dataflow
hls_thread_local hls::split::round_robin<int, NP> split1;
hls_thread_local hls::merge::round_robin<int, NP> merge1;

read_in(in, n, split1.in);

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// Task-Channels
hls_thread_local hls::task t[NP];
for (int i=0; i<NP; i++) {
#pragma HLS unroll
t[i](worker, split1.out[i], merge1.in[i]);

write_out(merge1.out, out, n);


In the above example, there are two distinct regions - a dataflow region that has the functions
read_in/write_out in which the sequential semantics is preserved - for example, read_in can be
executed before write_out and a task-channel region that contains the dynamic instantiation
of 4 tasks (since NP = 4 in this example) along with some special type of channels called a split
or a merge channel. A split channel is one that has a single input but has multiple outputs - in
this case, the split channel has 4 outputs as described in HLS Split/Merge Library. Similarly, a
merge channel has multiple inputs but only one output.

In addition, to the ports, these channels also support an internal job scheduler. In the above
example, both the merge and the split channels have selected a round-robin scheduler that
assigns the incoming data to each of the 4 tasks, one by one starting with worker_U0. If a load
balancing scheduler had been chosen then the incoming data has been assigned to the first
available worker task (and this would lead to a non-deterministic simulation since this order
might be different each time you run the simulation). Because this is a pure task-channel region,
the 4 tasks are executed in parallel as soon as there is data in their incoming stream. Refer to the
merge_split example on GitHub for more examples of these concepts.

It is important to note that, although the code above can give the impression that each task is
"called" in the loop, and connected to a potentially different pair of channels every time the loop
body is executed, in reality, this usage implies a static instantiation, i.e.:

• each t[i](...) call must be executed exactly once per execution of dut().
• the loop over i must be fully unrolled, to infer a corresponding set of 4 instances in RTL.
• The dut() function must be called exactly once by the test bench.
• Each split output or merge input must be bound to exactly one hls::task instance.

While it is true that for hls::task objects the order of specification does not matter, for the
control-driven dataflow network, Vitis HLS must be able to see that there is a chain of processes,
such as from read_in to write_out. To define this chain of processes, Vitis HLS uses the
calling order, which for hls::tasks is also the declaration order. This means that the model
must define an explicit order from the read_in function to the hls::task region and then
finally to the write_out function in the dataflow region as shown in the example above.


• If a control-based process (i.e. regular dataflow) produces a stream for an hls::task, then it
must be called before the declaration of the tasks in the code

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• If a control-based process consumes a stream from an hls::task, then it must be called

after the declaration of the tasks in the code

Violation of the above rules can cause unexpected outcomes because each of the NP
hls::task instances is statically bound to the channels that are used in the first invocation of

The following diagram shows the graph of this mixed task-channel and dataflow example:

Figure 15: Mixed Task-Channel and Dataflow

HLS designs that are purely data-driven and that do not require any interaction with the software
application can be modeled using data-driven TLP models. Examples of such designs are:

• Simple rule-based “firewall” with “rules” compiled into the kernel

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• Fast-Fourier Transforms with configuration data compiled into the kernel

• FIR filters with coefficients compiled into the kernel

If the design requires data transfer to/from external memory, then the control-driven TLP model
can used. Examples of such designs include:

• Network router where the routing table must be updated entirely for kernel execution
• Load-balancer that uses a hash map to send data to a server, that must update server list,
server map, and corresponding IP addresses simultaneously

However, most designs can be a mixed control-driven and data-driven model, requiring some
access to external memory, and enabling streaming between parallel and pipelined tasks within
the HLS design.

In summary, this chapter described some modeling choices to consider when designing your
application written in C/C++. So far, this discussion talked about structuring your algorithm at a
high level to make use of these special models such as the task-channel or dataflow
optimizations. Another key aspect to achieving good throughput is to also consider instruction-
level parallelism. Instruction-level parallelism in HLS refers to the ability to efficiently parallelize
the operations inside loops, functions, and even arrays. The next few sections walk you through
these lower-level optimizations that work hand-in-hand with the macro-level optimizations.

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Chapter 3: Loops Primer

Chapter 3

Loops Primer
When writing code intended for high-level synthesis (HLS), there is a frequent need to implement
repetitive algorithms that process blocks of data — for example, signal, or image processing.
Typically, the C/C++ source code tends to include several loops or several nested loops.

When it comes to optimizing performance, loops are one of the best places to start exploring
optimization. Each iteration of the loop takes at least one clock cycle to execute in hardware.
Thinking from the hardware perspective, there is an implicit wait until clock for the loop body. The
next iteration of a loop only starts when the previous iteration is finished. To improve
performance loops can generally be either pipelined or unrolled to take advantage of the highly
distributed and parallel FPGA architecture, as explained in the following sections.

Pipelining Loops
Pipelining loops permits starting the next iteration of a loop before the previous iteration
finishes, enabling portions of the loop to overlap in execution. By default, every iteration of a
loop only starts when the previous iteration has finished. In the loop example below, a single
iteration of the loop adds two variables and stores the result in a third variable. Assume that in
hardware this loop takes three cycles to finish one iteration. Also, assume that the loop variable
len is 20, that is, the vadd loop runs for 20 iterations in the kernel. Therefore, it requires a total
of 60 clock cycles (20 iterations * 3 cycles) to complete all the operations of this loop.

vadd: for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

TIP: It is good practice to always label a loop as shown in the example above (vadd:…). This practice helps
with debugging the design in Vitis HLS. Sometimes the unused labels generate warnings during
compilation, which can be safely ignored.

Pipelining the loop allows subsequent iterations of the loop to overlap and run concurrently.
Pipelining a loop can be enabled by adding the PIPELINE pragma or directive inside the body of
the loop as shown below:

vadd: for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

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TIP: Vitis HLS automatically pipelines loops with more than 64 iterations. This feature can be changed or
disabled using the syn.compile.pipeline_loops configuration command as described in Compile

The number of cycles it takes to start the next iteration of a loop is called the Initiation Interval
(II) of the pipelined loop. So II = 2 means the next iteration of a loop starts two cycles after the
current iteration. An II = 1 is the ideal case, where each iteration of the loop starts in the very
next cycle. When you use pragma HLS pipeline, you can specify the II for the compiler to
achieve. If a target II is not specified, the compiler can try to achieve II=1 by default.

The following figure illustrates the difference in execution between pipelined and non-pipelined
loops. In this figure, (A) shows the default sequential operation where there are three clock cycles
between each input read (II = 3), and it requires eight clock cycles before the last output write is

Figure 16: Loop Pipelining

void func(m,n,o) {
for (i=2;i>=0;i--) {


3 cycles 1 cycle


8 cycles RD CMP WR

4 cycles
(A) Without Loop Pipelining (B) With Loop Pipelining X14277-100620

In the pipelined version of the loop shown in (B), a new input sample is read every cycle (II = 1)
and the final output is written after only four clock cycles: substantially improving both the II and
latency while using the same hardware resources.

IMPORTANT! Pipelining a loop causes any loops nested inside the pipelined loop to get automatically

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If there are data dependencies inside a loop, it might not be possible to achieve II = 1, and a
larger initiation interval might be the result. Loop dependencies are data dependencies that can
constrain the optimization of loops, typically pipelining. They can be within a single iteration of a
loop and or between different iterations of a loop. The easiest way to understand loop
dependencies is to examine an extreme example. In the following example, the result of the loop
is used as the loop continuation or exit condition. Each iteration of the loop must finish before
the next can start.

Minim_Loop: while (a != b) {
if (a > b)a -= b;
else b -= a;

The Minim_Loop loop in the example above cannot be pipelined because the next iteration of
the loop cannot begin until the previous iteration ends. Not all loop dependencies are as extreme
as this, but the example highlights that some operations cannot begin until some other operation
has been completed. The solution is to try to ensure that the initial operation is performed as
early as possible.

Loop dependencies can occur with any and all types of data. They are particularly common when
using arrays.

Automatic Loop Pipelining

The syn.compile.pipeline_loops configuration command enables loops to be pipelined
automatically based on the iteration count. All loops with a trip count greater than the specified
limit are automatically pipelined. The default limit is 64.

Given the following example code:

loop1: for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

// do something 5 times ...

If the syn.compile.pipeline_loops command is set to 4, the for loop (loop1) is

pipelined. This is equivalent to adding the PIPELINE pragma as shown in the following code

loop1: for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

// do something 5 times ...

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However, for nested loops, the tool starts at the innermost loop, and determines if it can be
pipelined, and then moves up the loop nest. In the example below, the
syn.compile.pipeline_loops threshold is still 4, and the inner most loop (loop1) is
marked to be pipelined. Then the tool evaluates the parent loop of the loop pair (loop2) and
finds that it can also be pipelined. In this case, the tool unrolls loop1 into loop2, and marks
loop2 to be pipelined. Then it moves up to the parent loop (loop3) and repeats the analysis.

loop3: for (y = 0; y < 480; y++) {

loop2: for (x = 0; x < 640; x++) {
loop1: for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// do something 5 times ...

If there are loops in the design for which you do not want to use automatic pipelining, apply the
PIPELINE directive with the off option to that loop. The off option prevents automatic loop

IMPORTANT! The tool applies the syn.compile.pipeline_loops command after performing all
user-specified directives. For example, if a user-specified UNROLL directive to a loop is applied, the loop is
first unrolled and automatic loop pipelining can not be applied as the loop is eliminated.

Rewinding Pipelined Loops for Performance

The PIPELINE pragma has an option called rewind. This option enables overlap of the execution
of successive calls to the pipelined loop when this loop is the outermost construct of the top
function, or of a dataflow region and the dataflow region is executed multiple times.

The following figure shows the operation when the rewind option is used when pipelining a
loop. At the end of the loop iteration count, the loop starts to execute again. While it generally
re-executes immediately, a delay is possible and is shown and described in the GUI.

Figure 17: Loop Pipelining with Rewind Option

op_Read; RD RD0 CMP WR0
op_Compute; CMP RD1 CMP WR1
op_Write; WR RD2 CMP WR2

Execute Loop RD0 CMP WR0


Execute Next Loop X14303-100620

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Note: If a loop is used around a DATAFLOW region, Vitis HLS automatically implements it to allow
successive executions to overlap.

Flushing Pipelines and Pipeline Types

Flushing Pipelines

Pipelines continue to execute as long as data is available at the input of the pipeline. If there is no
data available to process, the pipeline stalls. This is shown in the following figure, where the
Input Data Valid signal goes low to indicate there is no more valid input data. Once the
signal goes high, indicating there is new data available to process, the pipeline continues

Figure 18: Loop Pipelining with Stall

Input Data Valid


In some cases, it is desirable to have a pipeline that can be “emptied” or “flushed.” The flush
option is provided to perform this. When a pipeline is “flushed” the pipeline stops reading new
inputs when none are available (as determined by a data valid signal at the start of the pipeline)
but continues processing, shutting down each successive pipeline stage, until the final input has
been processed through to the output of the pipeline.

As described below, the tool automatically selects the right pipeline style to use for a given
pipelined loop or function. However, you can override this default behavior by using the
syn.compile.pipeline_style configuration command to specify the default pipeline style.

You can also specify the pipeline style for functions or loops with the PIPELINE pragma or
directive. This option applies to the specific scope of the pragma or directive and does not
change the global default assigned by syn.compile.pipeline_style.

Both stp and flp types of pipelines use the standard pipeline logic where the hardware pipeline
created use various kinds of blocking signals to stall the pipeline. These blocking signals often
become the driver of a high-fanout net, especially on pipelines that are deep in the number of
physical stages and work on significant data sizes. Such high fanout nets, when they are created,
are the prime cause of timing closure issues which cannot be fixed in RTL/Logic Synthesis or
during Place-and-Route. To solve this issue, a new type of pipeline implementation called free-
running pipeline (or frp) was created. The free-running pipeline is the most efficient architecture
for handling a pipeline that operates with blocking signals. This is because

• It completely eliminates the blocking signal connections to the register enables

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• It is a fully flushable pipeline, which allows bubbling invalid transactions

• Unlike the previous architectures which distribute fanouts (across flops), this reduces the
• It does not rely on the synthesis and/or place and route optimizations such as flop cloning
• This helps PnR by creating a structure where the wire length is reduced along with the
reduction of the high fanouts

But there is a cost associated with this fanout reduction:

• the size of the FIFO buffers required for the blocking output ports causes additional resource
• the mux delay at those blocking output ports
• the potential performance hit due to early validation of forward-pressure triggers

IMPORTANT! The free-running pipeline (frp ) can only be called from within a DATAFLOW region. The
frp style cannot be applied to a loop that is called in a sequential or a pipelined region.

Pipeline Types

The three types of pipelines available in the tool are summarized in the following table. The tool
automatically selects the right pipeline style to use for a given pipelined loop or function. If the
pipeline is used with hls::tasks, the flushing pipeline (FLP) style is automatically selected to
avoid deadlocks. If the pipeline control requires high fanout, and meets other free-running
requirements, the tool selects the free-running pipeline (FRP) style to limit the high fanout.
Finally, if neither of the above cases apply, then the standard pipeline (STP) style is selected.

Table 3: Pipelining Types

Name Stalled Pipeline Flushable Pipeline
Flushable Pipeline
Use cases When flushable is required
• When there is no timing • When you need better for better performance or
issue due to high fanout timing due to fanout to avoiding deadlock.
on pipeline control register enables from
pipeline control
• When flushable is not
required (such as no • When flushable is
performance or deadlock required for better
issue due to stall) performance or avoiding

• Can only be called from a

dataflow region.

Pragma/Directive #pragma HLS pipeline #pragma HLS pipeline #pragma HLS pipeline
style=stp style=frp style=flp

Global Setting syn.compile.pipeline_s syn.compile.pipeline_s syn.compile.pipeline_s

tyle=stp (default) tyle=frp tyle=flp

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Table 3: Pipelining Types (cont'd)

Name Stalled Pipeline Flushable Pipeline
Flushable Pipeline
• Not flushable, hence it • Moderate resource • Can have larger II
can: increase due to FIFOs
added on outputs • Greater resource usage
○ Cause more due to less sharing when
deadlocks in dataflow • Requires at least one II>1
blocking I/O (stream or
○ Prevent already ap_hs).
computed outputs
from being delivered, • Not all pipelining
if the inputs to the scenarios and I/O types
next iterations are are supported.

• Timing issues due to

high fanout on pipeline

• Default pipeline. No • Better timing due to • Flushable
usage constraints.
○ Less fanout • Avoids deadlock
• Typically the lowest
overall resource usage. ○ Simpler pipeline
control logic

• Flushable

IMPORTANT! Flushing pipelines (flp ) are compatible with the rewind option specified in the PIPELINE
pragma or directive when the syn.compile.enable_auto_rewind configuration command is also

Managing Pipeline Dependencies

Vitis HLS constructs a hardware datapath that corresponds to the C/C++ source code. When
there is no pipeline directive, the execution is always sequential and so there are no
dependencies that the tool needs to take into account. But when features of the design has been
pipelined, the tool needs to ensure that any possible dependencies are respected in the hardware
that Vitis HLS generates.

Typical cases of data dependencies or memory dependencies are when a read or a write occurs
after a previous read or write.

• A read-after-write (RAW), also called a true dependency, is when an instruction (and data it
reads/uses) depends on the result of a previous operation.
○ I1: t = a * b;

○ I2: c = t + 1;

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The read in statement I2 depends on the write of t in statement I1. If the instructions are
reordered, it uses the previous value of t.
• A write-after-read (WAR), also called an anti-dependence, is when an instruction cannot
update a register or memory (by a write) before a previous instruction has read the data.
○ I1: b = t + a;

○ I2: t = 3;

The write in statement I2 cannot execute before statement I1, otherwise the result of b is
• A write-after-write (WAW) is a dependence when a register or memory must be written in
specific order otherwise other instructions might be corrupted.
○ I1: t = a * b;

○ I2: c = t + 1;

○ I3: t = 1;

The write in statement I3 must happen after the write in statement I1. Otherwise, the
statement I2 result is incorrect.
• A read-after-read has no dependency as instructions can be freely reordered if the variable is
not declared as volatile. If it is, then the order of instructions has to be maintained.

For example, when a pipeline is generated, the tool needs to take care that a register or memory
location read at a later stage has not been modified by a previous write. This is a true
dependency or read-after-write (RAW) dependency. A specific example is:

int top(int a, int b) {

int t,c;
I1: t = a * b;
I2: c = t + 1;
return c;

Statement I2 cannot be evaluated before statement I1 completes because there is a

dependency on variable t. In hardware, if the multiplication takes 3 clock cycles, then I2 is
delayed for that amount of time. If the above function is pipelined, then Vitis HLS detects this as
a true dependency and schedules the operations accordingly. It uses data forwarding
optimization to remove the RAW dependency, so that the function can operate at II =1.

Memory dependencies arise when the example applies to an array and not the variables.

int top(int a) {
int r=1,rnext,m,i,out;
static int mem[256];
L1: for(i=0;i<=254;i++) {

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I1: m = r * a; mem[i+1] = m; // line 7

I2: rnext = mem[i]; r = rnext; // line 8
return r;

In the above example, scheduling of loop L1 leads to a scheduling warning message:

WARNING: [SCHED 204-68] Unable to enforce a carried dependency constraint

(II = 1, distance = 1) between 'store' operation (top.cpp:7) of variable
'm', top.cpp:7
on array 'mem' and 'load' operation ('rnext', top.cpp:8) on array 'mem'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 2, Depth: 3.

There are no issues within the same iteration of the loop as you write an index and read another
one. The two instructions could execute at the same time, concurrently. However, observe the
read and writes over a few iterations:

// Iteration for i=0

I1: m = r * a; mem[1] = m; // line 7
I2: rnext = mem[0]; r = rnext; // line 8
// Iteration for i=1
I1: m = r * a; mem[2] = m; // line 7
I2: rnext = mem[1]; r = rnext; // line 8
// Iteration for i=2
I1: m = r * a; mem[3] = m; // line 7
I2: rnext = mem[2]; r = rnext; // line 8

When considering two successive iterations, the multiplication result m (with a latency = 2) from
statement I1 is written to a location that is read by statement I2 of the next iteration of the
loop into rnext. In this situation, there is a RAW dependence as the next loop iteration cannot
start reading mem[i] before the previous computation's write completes.

Figure 19: Dependency Example


read write
i=0 rnext = mem[0] mem[0 + 1] = m


read write
i=1 rnext = mem[1] mem[1 + 1] = m


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If the clock frequency is increased, then the multiplier needs more pipeline stages and increased
latency. This forces II to increase as well.

Consider the following code, where the operations are swapped, changing the functionality:

int top(int a) {
int r,m,i;
static int mem[256];
L1: for(i=0;i<=254;i++) {
I1: r = mem[i]; // line 7
I2: m = r * a , mem[i+1]=m; // line 8
return r;

The scheduling warning is:

INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L1'.

WARNING: [SCHED 204-68] Unable to enforce a carried dependency constraint
(II = 1,
distance = 1)
between 'store' operation (top.cpp:8) of variable 'm', top.cpp:8 on array
and 'load' operation ('r', top.cpp:7) on array 'mem'.
WARNING: [SCHED 204-68] Unable to enforce a carried dependency constraint
(II = 2,
distance = 1)
between 'store' operation (top.cpp:8) of variable 'm', top.cpp:8 on array
and 'load' operation ('r', top.cpp:7) on array 'mem'.
WARNING: [SCHED 204-68] Unable to enforce a carried dependency constraint
(II = 3,
distance = 1)
between 'store' operation (top.cpp:8) of variable 'm', top.cpp:8 on array
and 'load' operation ('r', top.cpp:7) on array 'mem'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 4, Depth: 4.

Observe the continued read and writes over a few iterations:

Iteration with i=0

I1: r = mem[0]; // line 7
I2: m = r * a , mem[1]=m; // line 8
Iteration with i=1
I1: r = mem[1]; // line 7
I2: m = r * a , mem[2]=m; // line 8
Iteration with i=2
I1: r = mem[2]; // line 7
I2: m = r * a , mem[3]=m; // line 8

A longer II is needed because the RAW dependence is via reading r from mem[i], performing
multiplication, and writing to mem[i+1].

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Removing False Dependencies to Improve Loop Pipelining

False dependencies are dependencies that arise when the compiler is too conservative. These
dependencies do not exist in the real code, but cannot be determined by the compiler. These
dependencies can prevent loop pipelining.

The following example illustrates false dependencies. In this example, the read and write
accesses are to two different addresses in the same loop iteration. Both of these addresses are
dependent on the input data, and can point to any individual element of the hist array. Because
of this, Vitis HLS assumes that both of these accesses can access the same location. As a result, it
schedules the read and write operations to the array in alternating cycles, resulting in a loop II of
2. However, the code shows that hist[old] and hist[val] can never access the same
location because they are in the else branch of the conditional if(old == val).

void histogram(int in[INPUT SIZE], int hist[VALUE SIZE]) f

int acc = 0;
int i, val;
int old = in[0];
for(i = 0; i < INPUT SIZE; i++)
val = in[i];
if(old == val)
acc = acc + 1;
hist[old] = acc;
acc = hist[val] + 1;

old = val;

hist[old] = acc;

To overcome this deficiency, you can use the DEPENDENCE directive to provide Vitis HLS with
additional information about the dependencies.

void histogram(int in[INPUT SIZE], int hist[VALUE SIZE]) {

int acc = 0;
int i, val;
int old = in[0];
#pragma HLS DEPENDENCE variable=hist type=intra direction=RAW
for(i = 0; i < INPUT SIZE; i++)
val = in[i];
if(old == val)
acc = acc + 1;
hist[old] = acc;

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acc = hist[val] + 1;

old = val;

hist[old] = acc;

IMPORTANT! Specifying a FALSE dependency, when in fact the dependency is not FALSE, can result in
incorrect hardware. Be sure dependencies are correct (TRUE or FALSE) before specifying them.

When specifying dependencies there are two main types:

• Inter - Specifies the dependency is between different iterations of the same loop.If this is
specified as FALSE it allows Vitis HLS to perform operations in parallel if the pipelined or loop
is unrolled or partially unrolled and prevents such concurrent operation when specified as
• Intra - Specifies dependence within the same iteration of a loop, for example an array being
accessed at the start and end of the same iteration. When intra dependencies are specified as
FALSE, Vitis HLS can move operations freely within the loop, increasing their mobility and
potentially improving performance or area. When the dependency is specified as TRUE, the
operations must be performed in the order specified.

Scalar Dependencies

Some scalar dependencies are much harder to resolve and often require changes to the source
code. A scalar data dependency could look like the following:

while (a != b) {
if (a > b) a -= b;
else b -= a;

The next iteration of this loop cannot start until the current iteration has calculated the updated
the values of a and b, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 20: Scalar Dependency

!= > - != > -

If the result of the previous loop iteration must be available before the current iteration can
begin, loop pipelining is not possible. If Vitis HLS cannot pipeline with the specified initiation
interval, it increases the initiation internal. If it cannot pipeline at all, as shown by the above
example, it halts pipelining and proceeds to output a non-pipelined design.

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Unrolling Loops
A loop is executed for the number of iterations specified by the loop induction variable. The
number of iterations might also be impacted by logic inside the loop body (for example, break
conditions or modifications to a loop exit variable). You can unroll loops to create multiple copies
of the loop body in the RTL design, which allows some or all loop iterations to occur in parallel.
Using the UNROLL pragma you can unroll loops to increase data access and throughput.

By default, HLS loops are kept rolled. This means that each iteration of the loop uses the same
hardware. Unrolling the loop means that each iteration of the loop has its own hardware to
perform the loop function. This means that the performance for unrolled loops can be
significantly better than for rolled loops. However, the added performance comes at the expense
of added area and resource utilization.

Consider the basic_loops_primer example from GitHub, as shown below:

#include "test.h"

dout_t test(din_t A[N]) {

dout_t out_accum=0;
dsel_t x;

LOOP_1:for (x=0; x<N; x++) {

out_accum += A[x];
return out_accum;

With no optimization, the Synthesis Summary report in the figure below shows that the
implementation is sequential. This can be confirmed by looking at the trip count for LOOP_1,
which reports the number of iterations as 10 and the Latency as 200. The latency is the time
before the loop can accept new input values.

Figure 21: Performance & Resource Estimates

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To get optimal throughput, the latency needs to be as short as possible. To increase performance,
assuming the loop bounds are static, the loop can be fully unrolled using the UNROLL pragma to
create parallel implementations of the loop body. After the LOOP_1 is fully unrolled a significant
reduction in the latency (50 ns) is shown in the figure below. Unrolling loops implies a trade-off
by achieving higher performance but at the cost of using extra resources (as seen below in the
increase of FFs and LUTs). Fully unrolling the loop will also cause the loop itself to disappear and
be replaced by the parallel implementations of the loop body which will use up the extra
resources as shown below.

Figure 22: Performance & Resource Estimates

Of course, there will be cases where it is not possible to unroll the loop completely due to the
increase in resources and the available resources of the platform. In this situation, partially
unrolled loops can be the preferred solution offering some improvement of performance while
not requiring as many resources. To partially unroll a loop you will define an unroll factor for the
pragma or directive. Unrolling the same loop with a factor of 2 (which implies that the loop body
is duplicated and the trip count is reduced by half to 5) can be an acceptable solution for this
constrained case as shown below.

Figure 23: Performance & Resource Estimates

Additionally, when you partially unroll the loop, the HLS tool will implement an exit check in the
loop in case the trip count is not perfectly divisible by the unroll factor. The exit check is skipped
if the trip count is perfectly divisible by the unroll factor.

Merging Loops
All rolled loops imply and create at least one state in the design FSM. When there are multiple
sequential loops it can create additional unnecessary clock cycles and prevent further

The following figure shows a simple example where a seemingly intuitive coding style has a
negative impact on the performance of the RTL design.

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Figure 24: Loop Directives

void top (a[4],b[4],c[4],d[4]...) { (A) Without Loop (B) With Loop

Merging Merging
... Add: for (i=3;i>=0;i--) {
if (d[i])
a[i] = b[i] + c[i]; 1 cycle
4 cycles 1 cycle
Sub: for (i=3;i>=0;i--) {
if (!d[i])
a[i] = b[i] - c[i]; 1 cycle A 4 cycle
} 2 4 cycles

1 cycle

1 cycle


In the preceding figure, (A) shows how, by default, each rolled loop in the design creates at least
one state in the FSM. Moving between those states costs clock cycles: assuming each loop
iteration requires one clock cycle, it takes a total of 11 cycles to execute both loops:

• 1 clock cycle to enter the ADD loop.

• 4 clock cycles to execute the add loop.
• 1 clock cycle to exit ADD and enter SUB.
• 4 clock cycles to execute the SUB loop.
• 1 clock cycle to exit the SUB loop.
• For a total of 11 clock cycles.

In this simple example, it is obvious that an else branch in the ADD loop would also solve the
issue but in a more complex example it may be less obvious and the more intuitive coding style
may have greater advantages.

The LOOP_MERGE optimization directive is used to automatically merge loops. The loop merge
optimization directive will seek to merge all loops within the scope it is placed. In the above
example, merging the loops creates a control structure similar to that shown in (B) in the
preceding figure, which requires only 6 clocks to complete.

Merging loops allows the logic within the loops to be optimized together. The loop merging
transformation has limitations and may not always succeed. However, it is still possible to
manually merge the loops by refactoring the code. In the example above, using a dual-port block
RAM allows the add and subtraction operations to be performed in parallel.

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Working with Nested Loops

To get the best performance (lowest latency) when working with nested loops, it becomes crucial
to create perfectly nested loops. In a perfect nested loop, the loop bounds are constant and only
the innermost loop contains any functionality (as shown below)

Perfect_nested_loop_1: for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {

Perfect_nested_loop_2: for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
// Perfect Nested Loop Code goes here and no where else

Imperfect_nested_loop_1: for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {

// Imperfect Nested Loop Code contains code here
Imperfect_nested_loop_2: for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
// Imperfect Nested Loop Code goes here
// Imperfect Nested Loop Code may contain code here as well

• Perfect loop nest: Only the innermost loop has loop body content, there is no logic specified
between the loop statements and all the loop bounds are constant

• Semi-perfect loop nest: Only the innermost loop has loop body content, there is no logic
specified between the loop statements but the outermost loop bound can be a variable.

• Imperfect loop nest: The inner loop has variable bounds or the loop body is not exclusively
inside the inner loop. In this case designers should try to restructure the code or unroll the
loops in the loop body to create a perfect loop nest.

It also requires additional clock cycles to move between rolled nested loops. It requires one clock
cycle to move from an outer loop to an inner loop or from an inner loop to an outer loop. In the
small example shown here, this implies 200 extra clock cycles to execute the loop Outer.

void foo_top { a, b, c, d} {
Outer: while(j<100)
Inner: while(i<6) // 1 cycle to enter inner
} // 1 cycle to exit inner

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The LOOP_FLATTEN pragma or directive is used to allow labeled perfect and semi-perfect
nested loops to be flattened, removing the need to re-code for optimal hardware performance
and reducing the number of cycles it takes to perform the operations in the loop. When the
LOOP_FLATTEN optimization is applied to a set of nested loops, it should be applied to the
innermost loop that contains the loop body. Loop flattening can also be performed either by
applying it to individual loops or applying it to all loops in a function by applying the directive at
the function level.

When pipelining nested loops, the optimal balance between area and performance is typically
found by pipelining the innermost loop. This also results in the fastest runtime. The following
code example, pipelined_loop available on GitHub, demonstrates the trade-offs when pipelining
loops and functions.

#include "loop_pipeline.h"

dout_t loop_pipeline(din_t A[N]) {

int i,j;
static dout_t acc;

LOOP_I:for(i=0; i < 20; i++){

LOOP_J: for(j=0; j < 20; j++){
acc += A[j] * i;
return acc;

In the above example, if the innermost (LOOP_J) is pipelined, there is one copy of LOOP_J in
hardware (a single multiplier). Vitis HLS automatically flattens the loops when possible, as in this
case, and effectively creates a new single loop (now called LOOP_I_LOOP_J) with 20*20
iterations. Only one multiplier operation and one array access need to be scheduled, then the
loop iterations can be scheduled as a single loop-body entity (20x20 loop iterations).

TIP: When a loop or function is pipelined, any loop in the hierarchy below the loop or function being
pipelined must be unrolled.

If the outer loop (LOOP_I) is pipelined, inner-loop (LOOP_J) is unrolled creating 20 copies of the
loop body: 20 multipliers and 1 array accesses must now be scheduled. Then each iteration of
LOOP_I can be scheduled as a single entity.

If the top-level function is pipelined, both loops must be unrolled: 400 multipliers and 20 array
accesses must now be scheduled. It is very unlikely that Vitis HLS will produce a design with 400
multiplications because, in most designs, data dependencies often prevent maximal parallelism,
for example, even if a dual-port RAM is used for A, the design can only access two values of A in
any clock cycle. Otherwise, the array must be partitioned into 400 registers, which then can all
be read in one clock cycle, with a very significant HW cost.

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The concept to appreciate when selecting at which level of the hierarchy to pipeline is to
understand that pipelining the innermost loop gives the smallest hardware with generally
acceptable throughput for most applications. Pipelining the upper levels of the hierarchy unrolls
all sub-loops and can create many more operations to schedule (which could impact compile time
and memory capacity), but typically gives the highest performance design in terms of throughput
and latency. The data access bandwidth must be matched to the requirements of the operations
that are expected to be executed in parallel. This implies that you might need to partition array A
in order to make this work.

To summarize the above options:

• Pipeline LOOP_J: Latency is approximately 400 cycles (20x20) and requires less than 250
LUTs and registers (the I/O control and FSM are always present).

Figure 25: Performance & Resource Estimates

• Pipeline LOOP_I: Latency is 13 cycles but requires a few hundred LUTs and registers. About
twice the logic as the first option, minus any logic optimizations that can be made.

Figure 26: Performance & Resource Estimates

• Pipeline function loop_pipeline: Latency is now only 3 cycles (due to 20 parallel register
accesses) but requires almost twice the logic as the second option (and about 4 times the logic
of the first option), minus any optimizations that can be made.

Figure 27: Performance & Resource Estimates

Vitis HLS cannot flatten imperfect loop nests. This will result in additional clock cycles to enter
and exit the loops. When the design contains nested loops, analyze the results to ensure that as
many nested loops as possible have been flattened: review the log file or look in the synthesis
report for cases (as shown above) where the loop labels have been merged (LOOP_I and LOOP_J
are now reported as LOOP_I_LOOP_J).

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Working with Variable Loop Bounds

Some of the optimizations that Vitis HLS can apply are prevented when the loop has variable
bounds. In the following code example, variable_bound_loops on GitHub, the loop bounds are
determined by the variable width, which is driven from a top-level input. In this case, the loop is
considered to have a variable bound, because Vitis HLS cannot know when the loop will

#include "ap_int.h"
#define N 32

typedef ap_int<8> din_t;

typedef ap_int<13> dout_t;
typedef ap_uint<5> dsel_t;

dout_t code028(din_t A[N], dsel_t width) {

dout_t out_accum=0;
dsel_t x;

LOOP_X:for (x=0;x<width; x++) {

out_accum += A[x];

return out_accum;

Attempting to optimize the design in the example above reveals the issues created by variable
loop bounds. The first issue with variable loop bounds is that they prevent Vitis HLS from
determining the latency of the loop. Vitis HLS can determine the latency to complete one
iteration of the loop, but because it cannot statically determine the exact variable width, it does
not know how many iterations are performed and thus cannot report the loop latency (the
number of cycles to completely execute all iterations of the loop).

When variable loop bounds are present, Vitis HLS reports the latency as a question mark (?)
instead of using exact values. The following shows the result after the synthesis of the previous

+ Summary of overall latency (clock cycles):

* Best-case latency: ?
* Worst-case latency: ?
+ Summary of loop latency (clock cycles):
* Trip count: ?
* Latency: ?

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The way to overcome this issue is to use the LOOP_TRIPCOUNT pragma or directive to specify a
minimum and/or maximum iteration count for the loop. The tripcount is the number of loop
iterations. If a maximum tripcount of 32 is applied to LOOP_X in the first example, the report is
updated to the following:

+ Summary of overall latency (clock cycles):

* Best-case latency: 2
* Worst-case latency: 34
+ Summary of loop latency (clock cycles):
* Trip count: 0 ~ 32
* Latency: 0 ~ 32

The user-provided values for the LOOP_TRIPCOUNT directive are used only for reporting, or to
support the PERFORMANCE pragma or directive. The specified tripcount value allows Vitis HLS
to determine latency values in the report, allowing values from different solutions to be
compared. To have this same loop-bound information used for synthesis, the C/C++ code must
be updated by using asserts, which impact synthesis (however, they must be used carefully since
the assert condition is assumed to be true).

The next steps in optimizing the first example for a lower initiation interval are:

• Unroll the loop and allow the accumulations to occur in parallel.

• Partition the array input, or the parallel accumulations are limited by a single memory port.

If these code transformations are applied, the output from Vitis HLS highlights the most
significant issue with variable bound loops:

WARNING: [HLS 200-936] Cannot unroll loop 'LOOP_X' (loop_var.cpp:22) in

function 'loop_var': cannot completely unroll a loop with a variable trip

Because variable bounds loops cannot be fully unrolled, they not only prevent the unroll directive
from being applied, they also prevent pipelining the levels above the loop.

IMPORTANT! When a loop or function is pipelined, Vitis HLS unrolls all loops in the hierarchy below the
function or loop. If there is a loop with variable bounds in this hierarchy, it prevents pipelining.

The solution to loops with variable bounds is to make the number of loop iteration a fixed value
with conditional executions inside the loop. The code from the variable loop bounds example can
be rewritten as shown in the following code example. Here, the loop bounds are explicitly set to
the maximum value of variable width and the loop body is conditionally executed:

#include "ap_int.h"
#define N 32

typedef ap_int<8> din_t;

typedef ap_int<13> dout_t;
typedef ap_uint<5> dsel_t;

dout_t loop_max_bounds(din_t A[N], dsel_t width) {

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dout_t out_accum=0;
dsel_t x;
LOOP_X:for (x=0; x<N; x++) {
if (x<width) {
out_accum += A[x];

return out_accum;

The for-loop (LOOP_X) in the example above can be fully unrolled. Because the loop has fixed
upper bounds, Vitis HLS knows how much hardware to create. There are N(32) copies of the
loop body in the RTL design. Each copy of the loop body has conditional logic associated with it
and is executed depending on the value of variable width. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-
Examples/Modeling/variable_bound_loops for an example.

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Chapter 4

Arrays Primer

Mapping Software Arrays to Hardware

Arrays are a fundamental data structure in any C++ software program. Software programmers
view arrays as simply a container and allocate/deallocate arrays on demand - often dynamically.
This type of dynamic memory allocation for arrays is not supported when the same program
needs to be synthesized for hardware. For synthesizing arrays to hardware, knowing the exact
amount of memory (statically) required for your algorithm becomes necessary. In addition, the
memory architecture on FPGAs (also called "local memory") has very different trade-offs when
compared to global memory which is often the DDR memory or HBM memory banks. Access to
global memory has high latency costs and can take many cycles while access to local memory is
often quick and only takes one or more cycles.

When an HLS design has been suitably pipelined and/or unrolled, the memory access pattern
becomes established. The HLS compiler allows users to map arrays to various types of resources
- where the array elements are available in parallel with or without handshaking signals. Both
internal arrays and arrays in the top-level function's interface can be mapped to registers or
memories. If the array is in the top-level interface, the tool automatically creates the address,
data, and control signals required to interface to external memory. If the array is internal to the
design, the tool not only creates the necessary address, data, and control signals to access the
memory but also instantiates the memory model (which is then inferred as memory by the
downstream RTL synthesis tool).

Arrays are typically implemented as memory (RAM, ROM, or shift registers) after synthesis.
Arrays can also be fully partitioned into individual registers to create a fully parallel
implementation provided the platform has enough registers to support this step. The
initialization_and_reset example available on GitHub demonstrates different implementations of

Arrays on the top-level function interface are synthesized as RTL ports that access external
memory. Internal to the design, arrays sized less than 1024 will be synthesized as a shift register.
Arrays sized greater than 1024 will be synthesized into block RAM (BRAM), LUTRAM, or
UltraRAM (URAM) depending on the optimization settings (see BIND_STORAGE directive/pragma).

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Consider the following example in which the HLS compiler infers a shift register when
encountering the following code:

int A[N]; // This will be replaced by a shift register

for(...) {
// The loop below is the shift operation
for (int i = 0; i < N-1; ++i)
A[i] = A[i+1];
A[N] = ...;

// This is an access to the shift register

... A[x] ...

Shift registers can perform a one-shift operation per cycle, and also allows random read access
per cycle anywhere in the shift register, and thus is more flexible than a FIFO.

Cases in which arrays can create issues in the RTL include:

• When implemented as a memory (BRAM/LUTRAM/URAM), the number of memory ports can

limit access to the data leading to II violations in pipelined loops
• Mutually exclusive accesses might not be correctly inferred by the HLS compiler
• Some care must be taken to ensure arrays that only require read accesses are implemented as
ROMs in the RTL

The HLS compiler supports arrays of pointers. Each pointer can point only to a scalar or an array
of scalars.

TIP: Arrays must be sized. This is required even for function arguments (the size is ignored by the C++
compiler, but it is used by the tool), for example: Array[10];. However, unsized arrays are not
supported, for example: Array[];.

Array Accesses and Performance

In a previous section, optimization concepts such as loop unrolling and pipelining were
introduced as a means for exploring parallelism. However, this was done without considering
how array access patterns may prevent such optimizations when the arrays are mapped to
memories instead of registers. Arrays mapped to memories can become the bottleneck in a
design’s performance. Vitis HLS provides a number of optimizations, such as array reshaping and
array partitioning, that can remove these memory bottlenecks. Whenever possible, these
automatic memory optimizations should be used, minimizing the number of code modifications.
However, there may be situations where explicitly coding the memory architecture is either
required to meet performance or may allow designers to achieve an even better quality of
results. In these cases, it is essential that array accesses are coded in such a way as to not limit
performance. This means analyzing array access patterns and organizing the memories in a

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design so that the desired throughput and area can be achieved. The following code example
shows a case in which access to an array can limit performance in the final RTL design. In this
example, there are three accesses to the array mem[N] to create a summed result. Refer to
Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Interface/Memory/memory_bottleneck for
the full version of this example.

#include "array_mem_bottleneck.h"

dout_t array_mem_bottleneck(din_t mem[N]) {

dout_t sum=0;
int i;

sum += mem[i] + mem[i-1] + mem[i-2];
return sum;

During synthesis, the array is implemented as a RAM. If the RAM is specified as a single-port
RAM it is impossible to pipeline loop SUM_LOOP to process a new loop iteration every clock

Trying to pipeline SUM_LOOP with an initiation interval of 1 results in the following message
(after failing to achieve a throughput of 1, Vitis HLS relaxes the constraint):

INFO: [SCHED 61] Pipelining loop 'SUM_LOOP'.

WARNING: [SCHED 69] Unable to schedule 'load' operation ('mem_load_2',
bottleneck.c:62) on array 'mem' due to limited memory ports.
INFO: [SCHED 61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 2, Depth: 3.

The issue here is that the single-port RAM has only a single data port: only one read (or one
write) can be performed in each clock cycle.

• SUM_LOOP Cycle1: read mem[i];

• SUM_LOOP Cycle2: read mem[i-1], sum values;
• SUM_LOOP Cycle3: read mem[i-2], sum values;

A dual-port RAM could be used, but this allows only two accesses per clock cycle. Three reads
are required to calculate the value of sum, and so three accesses per clock cycle are required to
pipeline the loop with an new iteration every clock cycle.

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The code in the example above can be rewritten as shown in the following code example to allow
the code to be pipelined with a throughput of 1. In the following code example, by performing
pre-reads and manually pipelining the data accesses, there is only one array read specified in
each iteration of the loop. This ensures that only a single-port RAM is required to achieve the

#include "array_mem_perform.h"

dout_t array_mem_perform(din_t mem[N]) {

din_t tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
dout_t sum=0;
int i;

tmp0 = mem[0];
tmp1 = mem[1];
SUM_LOOP:for (i = 2; i < N; i++) {
tmp2 = mem[i];
sum += tmp2 + tmp1 + tmp0;
tmp0 = tmp1;
tmp1 = tmp2;

return sum;

Such changes to the source code as shown above are not always required. The more typical case
is to use optimization directives/pragmas to achieve the same result. Vitis HLS includes
optimization directives for changing how arrays are implemented and accessed. There are two
main classes of optimization:

• Array Partition splits apart the original array into smaller arrays or into individual registers.
• Array Reshape reorganizes the array into a different memory arrangement to increase
parallelism but without splitting apart the original array.

Array Partitioning
Arrays can be partitioned into blocks or into their individual elements. In some cases, Vitis HLS
partitions arrays into individual elements. This is controllable using the configuration settings for
auto-partitioning. When an array is partitioned into multiple blocks, the single array is
implemented as multiple RTL RAM blocks. When partitioned into elements, each element is
implemented as a register in the RTL. In both cases, partitioning allows more elements to be
accessed in parallel and can help with performance; the design trade-off is between performance
and the number of RAMs or registers required to achieve it.

A common issue when pipelining functions is the following message:

INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'SUM_LOOP'.

WARNING: [SCHED 204-69] Unable to schedule 'load' operation ('mem_load_2',
bottleneck.c:62) on array 'mem' due to limited memory ports.
WARNING: [SCHED 204-69] The resource limit of core:RAM:mem:p0 is 1, current

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WARNING: [SCHED 204-69] 'load' operation ('mem_load', bottleneck.c:62)

on array
WARNING: [SCHED 204-69] The resource limit of core:RAM:mem:p1 is 1, current
WARNING: [SCHED 204-69] 'load' operation ('mem_load_1',
bottleneck.c:62) on array
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 2, Depth: 3.

In this example, Vitis HLS states it cannot reach the specified initiation interval (II) of 1 because it
cannot schedule a load (read) operation (mem_load_2) onto the memory because of limited
memory ports. The above message notes that the resource limit for "core:RAM:mem:p0 is 1"
which is used by the operation mem_load on line 62. The second port of the block RAM also
only has 1 resource, which is also used by operation mem_load_1. Due to this memory port
contention, Vitis HLS reports a final II of 2 instead of the desired 1.

This issue is typically caused by arrays. Arrays that are not interfaces to the top-level function are
implemented as block RAM which has a maximum of two data ports. This can limit the
throughput of a read/write (or load/store) intensive algorithm. The bandwidth can be improved
by splitting the array (a single block RAM resource) into multiple smaller arrays (multiple block
RAMs), effectively increasing the number of ports.

Arrays are partitioned using the ARRAY_PARTITION directive. Vitis HLS provides three types of
array partitioning, as shown in the following figure. The three styles of partitioning are:

• block: The original array is split into equally sized blocks of consecutive elements of the
original array.

• cyclic: The original array is split into equally sized blocks interleaving the elements of the
original array.

• complete: The default operation is to split the array into its individual elements. This
corresponds to resolving a memory into registers.

Figure 28: Array Partitioning

0 1 ... (N/2-1)
N/2 ... N-2 N-1

0 2 ... N-2
cyclic 0 1 2 ... N-3 N-2 N-1
1 ... N-3 N-1

complete N-3
1 N-1

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For block and cyclic partitioning the factor option specifies the number of arrays that are
created. In the preceding figure, a factor of 2 is used, that is, the array is divided into two smaller
arrays. If the number of elements in the array is not an integer multiple of the factor, the final
array has fewer elements.

When partitioning multi-dimensional arrays, the dimension option is used to specify which
dimension is partitioned. The following figure shows how the dimension option is used to
partition the following example code:

void foo (...) {

int my_array[10][6][4];

The examples in the figure demonstrate how partitioning dimension 3 results in 4 separate
arrays and partitioning dimension 1 results in 10 separate arrays. If zero is specified as the
dimension, all dimensions are partitioned.

Figure 29: Partitioning Array Dimensions

my_array[10][6][4] partition dimension 3 my_array_1[10][6]

my_array[10][6][4] partition dimension 1 my_array_1[6][4]

my_array[10][6][4] partition dimension 0 10x6x4 = 240 registers


Automatic Array Partitioning

The syn.array_partition.complete_threshold configuration command defines how
arrays are automatically partitioned based on the number of elements, as explained in Array
Partition Configuration.

Array Reshaping
The ARRAY_RESHAPE directive reforms the array with a vertical mode of remapping, and is used
to reduce the number of block RAM consumed while providing parallel access to the data.

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Given the following example code:

void foo (...) {

int array1[N];
int array2[N];
int array3[N];
#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=array1 type=block factor=2 dim=1
#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=array2 type=cyclic factor=2 dim=1
#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=array3 type=complete dim=1

The ARRAY_RESHAPE directive transforms the arrays into the form shown in the following

Figure 30: Array Reshaping

array1[N] array4[N/2]
MSB N/2 ... N-2 N-1
block 0 1 2 ... N-3 N-2 N-1 LSB 0 1 ... (N/2-1)

array2[N] array5[N/2]
MSB 1 ... N-3 N-1
cyclic 0 1 2 ... N-3 N-2 N-1 LSB 0 2 ... N-2

array3[N] MSB N-1
complete 0 1 2 ... N-3 N-2 N-1 N-2

The ARRAY_RESHAPE directive allows more data to be accessed in a single clock cycle. In cases
where more data can be accessed in a single clock cycle, Vitis HLS might automatically unroll any
loops consuming this data, if doing so will improve the throughput. The loop can be fully or
partially unrolled to create enough hardware to consume the additional data in a single clock
cycle. This feature is controlled using the syn.unroll.tripcount_threshold configuration
command as described Unroll Setting.

In the following example, any loops with a tripcount of less than 16 will be automatically unrolled
if doing so improves the throughput.


Arrays on the Interface

When you use an array as an argument to the top-level function, Vitis HLS assumes one of the

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• Memory is off-chip and Vitis HLS synthesizes M_AXI ports on the interface to access the
memory as the default for the Vitis Kernel flow.
• Memory is standard block RAM with a latency of 1 as the default behavior in the Vivado IP
flow. The data is ready one clock cycle after the address is supplied.

To configure how Vitis HLS creates these ports:

• Specify the interface as a M_AXI, BRAM, or FIFO interface using the INTERFACE pragma or
• Specify the RAM as a single or dual-port RAM using the storage_type option of the
INTERFACE pragma or directive.
• Specify the RAM latency using the latency option of the INTERFACE pragma or directive.
• Use array optimization directives, ARRAY_PARTITION, or ARRAY_RESHAPE, to reconfigure
the structure of the array and therefore, the number of I/O ports.

TIP: Because access to the data is limited through a memory (RAM or FIFO) port, arrays on the interface
can create a performance bottleneck. Typically, you can overcome these bottlenecks using optimization

Arrays must be sized when used in synthesizable code. If, for example, the declaration d_i[4] in
Array Interfaces is changed to d_i[], Vitis HLS issues a message that the design cannot be

@E [SYNCHK-61] array_RAM.c:52: unsupported memory access on variable 'd_i'

which is (or contains) an array with unknown size at compile time.

Array Interfaces
The INTERFACE pragma or directive lets you explicitly define which type of RAM or ROM is
used with the storage_type=<value> option. This defines which ports are created (single-
port or dual-port). If no storage_type is specified the tool uses:

• A single-port RAM by default.

• A dual-port RAM if it reduces the initiation interval or reduces latency.

The ARRAY_PARTITION and ARRAY_RESHAPE pragmas can re-configure arrays on the

interface. Arrays can be partitioned into multiple smaller arrays, each implemented with its own
interface. This includes the ability to completely partition the array into a set of scalars. On the
function interface, this results in a unique port for every element in the array. This provides
maximum parallel access, but creates many more ports and might introduce routing issues during
hardware implementation.

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By default, the array arguments in the function shown in the following code example are
synthesized into a single-port RAM interface.

#include "array_RAM.h"

void array_RAM (dout_t d_o[4], din_t d_i[4], didx_t idx[4]) {

int i;

For_Loop: for (i=0;i<4;i++) {

d_o[i] = d_i[idx[i]];

A single-port RAM interface is used because the for-loop ensures that only one element can
be read and written in each clock cycle. There is no advantage in using a dual-port RAM
interface. If the for-loop is unrolled, Vitis HLS uses a dual-port RAM. Doing so allows multiple
elements to be read at the same time and improves the initiation interval. The type of RAM
interface can be explicitly set by applying the INTERFACE pragma or directive, and setting the

Issues related to arrays on the interface are typically related to throughput. For example, if the
arrays in the example above are partitioned into individual elements, and the for-loop is
unrolled, all four elements in each array are accessed simultaneously.

You can also use the INTERFACE pragma or directive to specify the latency of the RAM, using
the latency=<value> option. This lets the tool model external SRAMs with a latency greater
than 1 at the interface.

FIFO Interfaces
Vitis HLS allows array arguments to be implemented as FIFO ports in the RTL. If a FIFO ports is
to be used, you must ensure that the accesses to and from the array are sequential.

Note: If the accesses at the interface are not sequential, there is an RTL simulation mismatch.

The following code example shows a case in which the tool cannot determine whether the
accesses are sequential. In this example, both d_i and d_o are specified to be implemented with
a FIFO interface during synthesis. In this case, you must ensure the access is sequential or you
will be introducing errors into your system.

#include "array_FIFO.h"

void array_FIFO (dout_t d_o[4], din_t d_i[4], didx_t idx[4]) {

int i;
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo port=d_i
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo port=d_o
For_Loop: for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
d_o[i] = d_i[idx[i]];

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Chapter 4: Arrays Primer

In this case, the values of variable idx would determine whether or not a FIFO interface can be
successfully created for argument d_i[].

• If the values of the elements of idx are sequential, then a FIFO interface could be created
• If random values are used for idx, a FIFO interface fails in Co-simulation when implemented
in RTL, and can also fail during runtime

However, because these conditions cannot be validated at compile time, Vitis HLS issues a
message during synthesis and creates a FIFO interface:

@W [XFORM-124] Array 'd_i': may have improper streaming access(es).

In addition, the idx array is never read, because its elements are assumed to have sequential
values starting from 0, due to the presence of the ap_fifo INTERFACE pragma.

Note: FIFO ports cannot be synthesized for arrays that are both read from and written to in the same loop
or function. Separate input and output arrays (as in the example above) must be created.

The following general rules apply to arrays that are implemented with a FIFO interface:

• The array must be only read or written in the loop or function. This can be transformed into a
point-to-point connection that matches the characteristics of FIFO links.
• The array reads must be in the same order as the array writes. Because random access is not
supported for FIFO channels, the array must be used in the program following first in, first out

The following conditions apply when the data type of an array is a struct, and the array is
sequentially accessed (i.e. the array is specified with the axis or ap_fifo interface or is marked
with STREAM pragma or directive):

• You cannot access struct members directly from I/O arguments that use array-to-stream, or
are as streaming interfaces. You can make a local copy of the struct to read/write member
• You must ensure sequential order access, as shown below

struct A {
short foo;
int bar;
void dut(A in[N], A out[out], bool flag) {
#pragma HLS interface ap_fifo port=in,out
for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) {
A tmp = in[i];
if (flag)
tmp.bar += 5;
out[i] = tmp;

Bad example 1:
void dut(A in[N], A out[out], bool flag) {

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#pragma HLS interface ap_fifo port=in,out

for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) {
out[i] = in[i];
if (flag)
out[i].bar += 5;

Bad example 2:
void dut(A in[N], A out[out], bool flag) {
#pragma HLS interface ap_fifo port=in,out
for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) {
out[i].foo = in[i].foo;
if (flag)
out[i].bar = in[i].bar + 5;
out[i].bar = in[i].bar;

Memory Mapped Interfaces

As mentioned earlier, Vitis HLS allows the user to specify M_AXI interfaces for arrays in the
interface. Since this memory is off-chip and not local, access to these memories can be expensive
in terms of cycles. To optimize how these accesses are made, Vitis HLS performs an automatic
burst optimization, to efficiently read/write to these external memories. Bursting is an
optimization that tries to intelligently aggregate the memory accesses to the DDR to maximize
the throughput bandwidth and/or minimize the latency. Bursting is one of many possible
optimizations to the kernel. Bursting typically gives you a 4-5x improvement. Bursting is useful
when you have contention on the DDR ports from multiple competing kernels.

For more information on this bursting optimization and details on how to write code to infer
more bursts, please review the Optimizing AXI System Performance section.

Initializing and Resetting Arrays

RECOMMENDED: Although not a requirement, AMD recommends specifying arrays that are to be
implemented as memories with the static qualifier. This not only ensures that Vitis HLS implements the
array with a memory in the RTL; it also allows the default initialization behavior of the static types to be

In the following code, an array is initialized with a set of values. Each time the function is
executed, array coeff is assigned these values. After synthesis, each time the design executes
the RAM that implements coeff is loaded with these values. For a single-port RAM this would
take eight clock cycles. For an array of 1024, it would of course take 1024 clock cycles, during
which time no operations depending on coeff could occur.

int coeff[8] = {-2, 8, -4, 10, 14, 10, -4, 8, -2};

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The following code uses the static qualifier to define array coeff. The array is initialized with
the specified values at start of execution. Each time the function is executed, array coeff
remembers its values from the previous execution. A static array behaves in C/C++ code as a
memory does in RTL.

static int coeff[8] = {-2, 8, -4, 10, 14, 10, -4, 8, -2};

In addition, if the variable has the static qualifier, Vitis HLS initializes the variable in the RTL
design and in the FPGA bitstream. This removes the need for multiple clock cycles to initialize
the memory and ensures that initializing large memories is not an operational overhead. Refer to
the initialization_and_reset example available on GitHub for examples.

The RTL configuration command syn.rtl.reset can specify if static variables return to their
initial state after a reset is applied. This is not the default. When syn.rtl.reset=state or
all are used, it forces all arrays implemented as block RAM to be returned to their initialized
state after reset. This can result in two very undesirable conditions in the RTL design:

• Unlike a power-up initialization (or power-on reset), an explicit reset requires the RTL design
to iterate through each address in the block RAM to set the value: this can take many clock
cycles if N is large, and requires more area resources to implement the reset.
• A reset is added to every array in the design.

To prevent adding reset logic onto every such block RAM, and incurring the cycle overhead to
reset all elements in the RAM, specify the default syn.rtl.reset=control reset mode and
use the RESET pragma or directive to identify individual static or global variables to be reset.

Alternatively, you can use the syn.rtl.reset=state reset mode, and use the RESET
directive off option to select which individual static or global variables to not reset.

Finally, depending on the hardware device or platform of your choice (UltraScale+ or Versal, etc),
there can be differences in how block RAMs and URAMs are initialized and/or reset. In general,
Vitis HLS supports two types of reset: one is when the device is powered on (and also termed as
power-up initialization or power-on reset), and the second is when a hardware RESET signal is
asserted during device execution. The following shows the differences in behavior for the
different memory resources:

• Initialization Behavior: Applies to all block RAMs on all platforms and only to Versal URAMs.
This is the behavior during power-on initialization (or power-on reset).
• Maintaining an “initial value array” and “runtime array” if the array is read/written. This applies
to both block RAMs and URAMs and this corresponds to the hardware “RESET” signal during
device execution.

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TIP: URAMs do not support a read-first output write_mode (unlike block RAMs) when a read and a write to
the same address is mapped to the same memory port. Block RAM supports the following write-modes:
write thru , read first , no change . URAM only supports no change . Vitis HLS will issue the
following warning message when it cannot schedule memory operations in the same cycle on a URAM

Usage of URAM can potentially cause worse II as Vitis HLS does not
read-first mode for URAMs. Consider using block RAMs instead.

Implementing ROMs
The const qualifier is recommended when arrays are only read, because Vitis HLS cannot
always infer that a ROM should be used by analysis of the design. The general rule for the
automatic inference of a ROM is that a local (non-global), static array is fully written to before
being read, and never written again. The following practices in the code can help infer a ROM:

• Initialize the array as early as possible in the function that uses it.
• Group writes together.
• Do not interleave array(ROM) initialization writes with non-initialization code.
• Do not store different values to the same array element (group all writes together in the code).
• Element value computation must not depend on any non-constant (at compile-time) design
variables, other than the initialization loop counter variable.

If complex assignments are used to initialize a ROM (for example, functions from the math.h
library), placing the array initialization into a separate function allows a ROM to be inferred. In
the following example, array sin_table[256] is inferred as a memory and implemented as a
ROM after RTL synthesis.

#include "array_ROM_math_init.h"
#include <math.h>

void init_sin_table(din1_t sin_table[256])

int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
dint_t real_val = sin(M_PI * (dint_t)(i - 128) / 256.0);
sin_table[i] = (din1_t)(32768.0 * real_val);

dout_t array_ROM_math_init(din1_t inval, din2_t idx)

short sin_table[256];
return (int)inval * (int)sin_table[idx];

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TIP: Because the sin() function results in constant values, no core is required in the RTL design to
implement the sin() function.

C Simulation with Arrays

Arrays can introduce issues during C/C++ simulation, even before the synthesis step is
performed. If you specify a very large array, it might cause the C/C++ simulation to run out of
memory and fail, as shown in the following example:

#include "ap_int.h"

int i, acc;
// Use an arbitrary precision type
ap_int<32> la0[10000000], la1[10000000];

for (i=0 ; i < 10000000; i++) {

acc = acc + la0[i] + la1[i];

The simulation might fail by running out of memory, because the array is placed on the stack that
exists in memory rather than the heap that is managed by the OS and can use local disk space to
grow. Certain issues might make this issue more likely:

• On PCs, the available memory is often less than large Linux boxes and there might be less
memory available.
• Using arbitrary precision types as shown in the example above could make this issue worse as
they require more memory to model than standard C/C++ types.
• Using the more complex fixed-point arbitrary precision types found in C++ might make the
issue of designs running out of memory even more likely as types require even more memory.

The standard way to improve memory resources in C/C++ code development is to increase the
size of the stack using the linker options such as the following option which explicitly sets the
stack size syn.csimflags -z stack-size=10485760.

However, the machine might not have enough available memory, and increasing the stack size
will not help. In this case a solution is to use dynamic memory allocation for simulation but a
fixed-sized array for synthesis, as shown in the next example. This means that the memory
required for this is allocated on the heap, managed by the OS, and can use local disk space to

#include "ap_int.h"

int i, acc;
#ifdef __SYNTHESIS__
// Use an arbitrary precision type & array for synthesis
ap_int<32> la0[10000000], la1[10000000];
// Use an arbitrary precision type & dynamic memory for simulation

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ap_int<32> *la0 = malloc(10000000 * sizeof(ap_int<32>));

ap_int<32> *la1 = malloc(10000000 * sizeof(ap_int<32>));
for (i=0 ; i < 10000000; i++) {
acc = acc + la0[i] + la1[i];

However, this is not an ideal solution because the simulated code and the synthesized code are
not the same. But this might be the only way to complete simulation. If you take this approach be
sure that the C/C++ test bench covers all aspects of accessing the array. The RTL simulation
performed by cosim_design will verify that the memory accesses are correct in the
synthesized code.

Note: Only use the __SYNTHESIS__ macro on the code to be synthesized. Do not use this macro in the
test bench, because it has no significance in the C/C++ simulation or C/C++ RTL co-simulation. Refer to
Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Pipelining/Functions/hier_func for the full version
of this example.

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Chapter 5: Functions Primer

Chapter 5

Functions Primer
The top-level function becomes the top-level module of the RTL design after synthesis. All sub-
functions that are not in-lined are synthesized into separate modules in the RTL design.
Arguments of the top-level function are implemented as interface ports in the hardware as
described in Interfaces of the HLS Design. Global variables used by the kernel cannot be
accessed from the outside. Any variable that is accessed by both the test bench (or other
compiled kernels or host) and the kernel itself should be defined as an argument of the top-level

IMPORTANT! The top-level function cannot be a static function.

After synthesis, each function in the design has its own synthesis report and HDL file (Verilog
and VHDL).

Function Inlining
Function inlining removes the function hierarchy by disolving the function logic into the calling
function. A function is inlined using the INLINE directive. Inlining a function can improve the area
by allowing the components within the function to be better shared or optimized with the logic
in the calling function. This type of function inlining is also performed automatically by Vitis HLS
for small functions.

Inlining allows function sharing to be better controlled. For functions to be shared they must be
used within the same level of hierarchy. In this code example, function foo_top calls foo twice
and function foo_sub.

foo_sub (p, q) {
int q1 = q + 10;
foo(p1,q); // foo_3
void foo_top { a, b, c, d} {
foo(a,b); //foo_1
foo(a,c); //foo_2

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Inlining function foo_sub and using the ALLOCATION directive to specify that only one
instance of the function foo is used, results in a design that only has one instance of function
foo: one-third the area of the example above. Using this strategy allows for more fine-grained
control of what user-defined resources can be shared and is a useful feature to when area
utilization is a consideration.

foo_sub (p, q) {
#pragma HLS INLINE
int q1 = q + 10;
foo(p1,q); // foo_3
void foo_top { a, b, c, d} {
#pragma HLS ALLOCATION instances=foo limit=1 function
foo(a,b); //foo_1
foo(a,c); //foo_2

The INLINE directive optionally allows all functions below the specified function to be
recursively inlined by using the recursive option. If the recursive option is used on the top-
level function, all function hierarchy in the design is removed.

The INLINE off option can optionally be applied to functions to prevent them from being
inlined. This option may be used to prevent Vitis HLS from automatically inlining a function.

The INLINE directive is a powerful way to substantially modify the structure of the code without
actually performing any modifications to the source code and provides a very powerful method
for architectural exploration.

Function Pipelining
Function pipelining is handled similarly to loop pipelining as described in Pipelining Loops. Vitis
HLS treats the function body as if it were the same as a loop body being called multiple times -
except in this case, it is the function that is called multiple times and the tools pipelines the
execution of these calls. So similar to loops, when a function is pipelined, all the loops in the
function body and in the hierarchy below are automatically unrolled. This is a requirement for
pipelining to proceed. If a loop has variable bounds and it cannot be unrolled then this will
prevent the function from being pipelined.

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Function Instantiation
Function instantiation is an optimization technique that has the area benefits of maintaining the
function hierarchy but provides an additional powerful option: performing targeted local
optimizations on specific instances of a function. This can simplify the control logic around the
function call and potentially improve latency and throughput.

The FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE pragma or directive exploits the fact that some inputs to a
function may be a constant value when the function is called and uses this to both simplify the
surrounding control structures and produce smaller more optimized function blocks. This is best
explained by example as shown in the following code.

char func(char inval, char incr) {

#pragma HLS FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE variable=incr
return inval + incr;

void top(char inval1, char inval2, char inval3,

char *outval1, char *outval2, char *outval3)
*outval1 = func(inval1, 0);
*outval2 = func(inval2, 1);
*outval3 = func(inval3, 100);

TIP: The Vitis HLS tool automatically decomposes (or inlines) small functions into higher-level calling
functions. Using the INLINE pragma with the OFF option can be used to prevent this automatic inlining.

It is clear that function func has been written to perform three exclusive operations (depending
on the value of incr). Each instance of function func is implemented in an identical manner.
While this is great for function reuse and area optimization, it also means that the control logic
inside the function must be more complex to account for the two exclusive operations. Refer to
function_instantiate for the full version of this example.

The FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE optimization allows each instance to be independently

optimized, reducing the functionality and area. After FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE optimization,
the code above can effectively be transformed to have two separate functions, each optimized
for different possible values of mode, as shown:

void func1() {
// code segment 1

void func2() {
// code segment 2

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If the function is used at different levels of hierarchy such that function sharing is difficult
without extensive inlining or code modifications, function instantiation can provide the best
means of improving area: many small locally optimized copies are better than many large copies
that cannot be shared.

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Chapter 6: Data Types

Chapter 6

Data Types
IMPORTANT! Due to library dependencies that are only compiled for 64-bit systems, Vitis HLS does not
support 32-bit builds. Due to this, usage of -m32 flag is not allowed and will cause an error.

The data types used in a C/C++ function compiled into an executable impact the accuracy of the
result and the memory requirements, and can impact the performance. A 32-bit integer int data
type can hold more data and therefore provide more precision than an 8-bit char type, but it
requires more storage. Similarly, when the C/C++ function is to be synthesized to an RTL
implementation, the types impact the precision, the area, and the performance of the RTL design.
The data types used for variables determine the size of the operators required and therefore the
area and performance of the RTL.

Vitis HLS supports the synthesis of all standard C/C++ types, including exact-width integer

• (unsigned) char, (unsigned) short, (unsigned) int

• (unsigned) long, (unsigned) long long
• (unsigned) intN_t (where N is 8, 16, 32, and 64, as defined in stdint.h)
• float, double

Exact-width integers types are useful for ensuring designs are portable across all types of system.

The C/C++ standard dictates that type (unsigned)long is implemented as 64 bits on 64-bit
operating systems. Synthesis matches this behavior and produces different sized operators, and
therefore different RTL designs, depending on the type of operating system on which Vitis HLS is
run. On Windows OS, Microsoft defines type long as 32-bit, regardless of the OS.

• Use data type (unsigned)int or (unsigned)int32_t instead of type

(unsigned)long for 32-bit.
• Use data type (unsigned)long long or (unsigned)int64_t instead of type
(unsigned)long for 64-bit.

AMD highly recommends defining the data types for all variables in a common header file, which
can be included in all source files.

• During the course of a typical Vitis HLS project, some of the data types might be refined, for
example to reduce their size and allow a more efficient hardware implementation.

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• One of the benefits of working at a higher level of abstraction is the ability to quickly create
new design implementations. The same files typically are used in later projects but might use
different (smaller or larger or more accurate) data types.

Both of these tasks are more easily achieved when the data types can be changed in a single
location: the alternative is to edit multiple files.

IMPORTANT! When using macros in header files, always use unique names. For example, if a macro
named _TYPES_H is defined in your header file, it is likely that such a common name might be defined in
other system files, and it might enable or disable some other code causing unforeseen side effects.

TIP: The std::complex<long double> data type is not supported in Vitis HLS and should not be

Standard Types
The following code example shows some basic arithmetic operations being performed.

#include "types_standard.h"

void types_standard(din_A inA, din_B inB, din_C inC, din_D inD,

dout_1 *out1, dout_2 *out2, dout_3 *out3, dout_4 *out4
) {

// Basic arithmetic operations

*out1 = inA * inB;
*out2 = inB + inA;
*out3 = inC / inA;
*out4 = inD % inA;

The data types in the example above are defined in the header file types_standard.h shown
in the following code example. They show how the following types can be used:

• Standard signed types

• Unsigned types
• Exact-width integer types (with the inclusion of header file stdint.h)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#define N 9

typedef char din_A;

typedef short din_B;
typedef int din_C;
typedef long long din_D;

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typedef int dout_1;

typedef unsigned char dout_2;
typedef int32_t dout_3;
typedef int64_t dout_4;
void types_standard(din_A inA,din_B inB,din_C inC,din_D inD,dout_1

*out1,dout_2 *out2,dout_3 *out3,dout_4 *out4);

These different types result in the following operator and port sizes after synthesis:

• The multiplier used to calculate result out1 is a 24-bit multiplier. An 8-bit char type
multiplied by a 16-bit short type requires a 24-bit multiplier. The result is sign-extended to
32-bit to match the output port width.
• The adder used for out2 is 8-bit. Because the output is an 8-bit unsigned char type, only
the bottom 8-bits of inB (a 16-bit short) are added to 8-bit char type inA.
• For output out3 (32-bit exact width type), 8-bit char type inA is sign-extended to 32-bit
value and a 32-bit division operation is performed with the 32-bit (int type) inC input.
• A 64-bit modulus operation is performed using the 64-bit long long type inD and 8-bit
char type inA sign-extended to 64-bit, to create a 64-bit output result out4.

As the result of out1 indicates, Vitis HLS uses the smallest operator it can and extends the result
to match the required output bit-width. For result out2, even though one of the inputs is 16-bit,
an 8-bit adder can be used because only an 8-bit output is required. As the results for out3 and
out4 show, if all bits are required, a full sized operator is synthesized.

Floats and Doubles

Vitis HLS supports float and double types for synthesis. Both data types are synthesized with
IEEE-754 standard partial compliance (see Floating-Point Operator LogiCORE IP Product Guide

• Single-precision 32-bit
○ 24-bit fraction

○ 8-bit exponent

• Double-precision 64-bit
○ 53-bit fraction

○ 11-bit exponent

RECOMMENDED: When using floating-point data types, AMD highly recommends that you review
Floating-Point Design with Vivado HLS (XAPP599). Also refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/
Modeling/using_float_and_double on GitHub for an example of using floating and double data types.

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Chapter 6: Data Types

In addition to using floats and doubles for standard arithmetic operations (such as +, -, * ) floats
and doubles are commonly used with the math.h (and cmath.h for C++). This section discusses
support for standard operators.

The following code example shows the header file used with Standard Types updated to define
the data types to be double and float types.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>

#define N 9

typedef double din_A;

typedef double din_B;
typedef double din_C;
typedef float din_D;

typedef double dout_1;

typedef double dout_2;
typedef double dout_3;
typedef float dout_4;

void types_float_double(din_A inA,din_B inB,din_C inC,din_D inD,dout_1

*out1,dout_2 *out2,dout_3 *out3,dout_4 *out4);

This updated header file is used with the following code example where a sqrtf() function is

#include "types_float_double.h"

void types_float_double(
din_A inA,
din_B inB,
din_C inC,
din_D inD,
dout_1 *out1,
dout_2 *out2,
dout_3 *out3,
dout_4 *out4
) {

// Basic arithmetic & math.h sqrtf()

*out1 = inA * inB;
*out2 = inB + inA;
*out3 = inC / inA;
*out4 = sqrtf(inD);

When the example above is synthesized, it results in 64-bit double-precision multiplier, adder,
and divider operators. These operators are implemented by the appropriate floating-point AMD
IP catalog cores.

The square-root function used sqrtf() is implemented using a 32-bit single-precision floating-
point core.

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If the double-precision square-root function sqrt() was used, it would result in additional logic
to cast to and from the 32-bit single-precision float types used for inD and out4: sqrt() is a
double-precision (double) function, while sqrtf() is a single precision (float) function.

In C functions, be careful when mixing float and double types as float-to-double and double-to-
float conversion units are inferred in the hardware.

float foo_f = 3.1459;

float var_f = sqrt(foo_f);

The above code results in the following hardware:

-> Float-to-Double Converter unit
-> Double-Precision Square Root unit
-> Double-to-Float Converter unit
-> wire (var_f)

Using a sqrtf() function:

• Removes the need for the type converters in hardware

• Saves area
• Improves timing

When synthesizing float and double types, Vitis HLS maintains the order of operations
performed in the C code to ensure that the results are the same as the C simulation. Due to
saturation and truncation, the following are not guaranteed to be the same in single and double
precision operations:

A=B*C; A=B*F;
D=E*F; D=E*C;
O1=A*D O2=A*D;

With float and double types, O1 and O2 are not guaranteed to be the same.

TIP: In some cases (design dependent), optimizations such as unrolling or partial unrolling of loops, might
not be able to take full advantage of parallel computations as Vitis HLS maintains the strict order of the
operations when synthesizing float and double types. This restriction can be overridden using
config_compile -unsafe_math_optimizations.

For C++ designs, Vitis HLS provides a bit-approximate implementation of the most commonly
used math functions.

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Floating-Point Accumulator and MAC

Floating point accumulators (facc), multiply and accumulate (fmacc), and multiply and add
(fmadd) can be enabled using the syn.op configuration commands as described in Operator
Configuration. The following is an example:

syn.op=op:mul impl:dsp
syn.op=op:add impl:fabric latency:6
syn.op=op:fmacc precision:high
syn.op=op:hdiv latency:5

The tool supports different levels of precision for these operators that tradeoff between
performance, area, and precision on both Versal and non-Versal devices.

• Low-precision accumulation is suitable for high-throughput low-precision floating point

accumulation and multiply-accumulation, this mode is only available in non-Versal devices.
○ It uses an integer accumulator with a pre-scaler and a post-scaler (to convert input and
output to single-precision or double-precision floating point).
- It uses a 60 bit and 100 bit accumulator for single and double precision inputs
- It can cause cosim mismatches due to insufficient precision with respect to C++
○ It can always be pipelined with an II=1 without source code changes

○ It uses approximately 3X the resources of standard-precision floating point accumulation,

which achieves an II that is typically between 3 and 5, depending on clock frequency and
target device.
Using low-precision, accumulation for floats and doubles is supported with an initiation
interval (II) of 1 on all devices. This means that the following code can be pipelined with an II
of 1 without any additional coding:
float foo(float A[10], float B[10]) {
float sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sum += A[i] * B[i];
return sum;

• Standard-precision accumulation and multiply-add is suitable for most uses of floating-point,

and is available on Versal and non-Versal devices.
○ It always uses a true floating-point accumulator

○ It can be pipelined with an II=1 on Versal devices.

○ It can be pipelined with an II that is typically between 3 and 5 (depending on clock

frequency and target device) on non-Versal devices. The standard precision mode is more
efficient on Versal devices than on non-Versal devices.

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• High-precision fused multiply-add is suitable for high-precision applications and is available on

Versal devices.
○ It uses one extra bit of precision

○ It always uses a single fused multiply-add, with a single rounding at the end, although it
uses more resources than the unfused multiply-add
○ It can cause cosim mismatches due to the extra precision with respect to C++ simulation

Composite Data Types

HLS supports composite data types for synthesis:

• Structs
• Enumerated Types
• Unions

Structs in the code, for instance internal and global variables, are disaggregated by default. They
are decomposed into separate objects for each of their member elements. The number and type
of elements created are determined by the contents of the struct itself. Arrays of structs are
implemented as multiple arrays, with a separate array for each member of the struct.

IMPORTANT! Structs used as arguments to the top-level function are aggregated by default as described
in Structs in the Interface.

Alternatively, you can use the AGGREGATE pragma or directive to collect all the elements of a
struct into a single wide vector. This allows all members of the struct to be read and written to
simultaneously. The aggregated struct will be padded as needed to align the elements on a 4-
byte boundary, as discussed in Struct Padding and Alignment. The member elements of the struct
are placed into the vector in the order they appear in the C/C++ code: the first element of the
struct is aligned on the LSB of the vector and the final element of the struct is aligned with the
MSB of the vector. Any arrays in the struct are partitioned into individual array elements and
placed in the vector from lowest to highest, in order.

TIP: You should take care when using the AGGREGATE pragma on structs with large arrays. If an array has
4096 elements of type int , this will result in a vector (and port) of width 4096 * 32 = 131072 bits. While
Vitis HLS can create this RTL design, it is unlikely that the Vivado tool will be able to route this during

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The single wide-vector created by using the AGGREGATE directive allows more data to be
accessed in a single clock cycle. When data can be accessed in a single clock cycle, Vitis HLS
automatically unrolls any loops consuming this data, if doing so improves the throughput. The
loop can be fully or partially unrolled to create enough hardware to consume the additional data
in a single clock cycle. This feature is controlled using the
syn.unroll.tripcount_threshold configuration command as described in Unroll Setting.

In the following example, any loops with a tripcount of less than 16 will be automatically unrolled
if doing so improves the throughput:


If a struct contains arrays, the AGGREGATE directive performs a similar operation as

ARRAY_RESHAPE and combines the reshaped array with the other elements in the struct.
However, a struct cannot be optimized with AGGREGATE and then partitioned or reshaped. The
AGGREGATE, ARRAY_PARTITION, and ARRAY_RESHAPE directives are mutually exclusive.

Structs in the Interface

Structs in the interface are kept aggregated by Vitis HLS by default; combining all of the elements
of a struct into a single wide vector. This allows all members of the struct to be read and written-
to simultaneously. You can disaggregate structs in the interface by using the DISAGGREGATE
pragma or directive. When a struct contains one or more hls::stream objects Vitis HLS will
automatically disaggregate the struct as described below in Structs in the Interface with
hls::stream Elements.

IMPORTANT! Disaggregating a struct in the interface is not supported in the Vitis kernel flow because the
Vitis tool cannot map a single C-argument to multiple RTL ports. When disaggregating a struct in the
interface, either manually or automatically, Vitis HLS will build and export the Vitis kernel output (.xo ),
but that output will result in an error when used with the v++ command. To support the Vitis Kernel flow
you must manually break the struct into its constituent elements, and define any hls::stream objects
as using an AXIS interface.

As part of aggregation, the elements of the struct are also aligned on a 4 byte alignment for the
Vitis kernel flow, and on 1 byte alignment for the Vivado IP flow. This alignment might require
the addition of bit padding to keep or make things aligned, as discussed in Struct Padding and
Alignment. By default the aggregated struct is padded rather than packed, but in the Vivado IP
flow you can pack it using the compact=bit option of the AGGREGATE pragma or directive.
However, any port that gets defined as an AXI4 interface (m_axi, s_axilite, or axis) cannot
use compact=bit.

The member elements of the struct are placed into the vector in the order they appear in the C/C
++ code: the first element of the struct is aligned on the LSB of the vector and the final element
of the struct is aligned with the MSB of the vector. This allows more data to be accessed in a
single clock cycle. Any arrays in the struct are partitioned into individual array elements and
placed in the vector from lowest to highest, in order.

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In the following example, struct data_t is defined in the header file shown. The struct has
two data members:

• An unsigned vector varA of type short (16-bit).

• An array varB of four unsigned char types (8-bit).
typedef struct {
unsigned short varA;
unsigned char varB[4];
} data_t;

data_t struct_port(data_t i_val, data_t *i_pt, data_t *o_pt);

Aggregating the struct on the interface results in a single 48-bit port containing 16 bits of varA,
and 4x8 bits of varB.

TIP: The maximum bit-width of any port or bus created by data packing is 8192 bits, or 4096 bits for
axis streaming interfaces.

There are no limitations in the size or complexity of structs that can be synthesized by Vitis HLS.
There can be as many array dimensions and as many members in a struct as required. The only
limitation with the implementation of structs occurs when arrays are to be implemented as
streaming (such as a FIFO interface). In this case, follow the same general rules that apply to
arrays on the interface (FIFO Interfaces).

Structs on the Interface with hls::stream Elements

User-defined structs on the interface containing hls::stream elements are automatically

disaggregated by Vitis HLS. This disaggregated struct is supported in the Vivado IP flow, and the
exported IP will work as expected. However, this disaggregated struct is not supported for the
Vitis Kernel flow, and the exported kernel (.xo) will cause an error when used with the v++ --
link command. To support the Vitis Kernel flow you must manually break the struct into its
constituent elements, and define the hls::stream object as using an AXIS interface.

If you have a struct that is disaggregated automatically, Vitis HLS applies any INTERFACE
pragmas to the individual elements of the disaggregated struct. If there is only one INTERFACE
pragma specified for the struct, it is applied to each element of the struct. If you provide an
INTERFACE pragma for each element of the disaggregated struct, it is applied as expected.

Struct Padding and Alignment

Structs in Vitis HLS can have different types of padding and alignment depending on the use of
__attributes__ or #pragmas. These features are described below.

• Disaggregate: By default, structs in the code as internal variables are disaggregated into
individual elements. The number and type of elements created are determined by the
contents of the struct itself. Vitis HLS will decide whether a struct will be disaggregated or not
based on certain optimization criteria.

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TIP: You can use the AGGREGATE pragma or directive to prevent the default disaggregation of structs
in the code.

Figure 31: Disaggregated Struct

struct example { 8 bits
ap_int<5> a;
unsigned short int b;
unsigned short int c; b
int d;
16 bits
void foo()
{ c
example s0;
#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=s0 16 bits

32 bits

• Aggregate: Aggregating structs on the interface is the default behavior of the tool, as
discussed in Structs in the Interface. Vitis HLS joins the elements of the struct, aggregating
the struct into a single data unit. This is done in accordance with the AGGREGATE pragma or
directive, although you do not need to specify the pragma as this is the default for structs on
the interface. The aggregate process may also involve bit padding for elements of the struct,
to align the byte structures on a default 4-byte alignment, or specified alignment.

TIP: The tool can issue a warning when bits are added to pad the struct, by specifying -Wpadded as a
compiler flag.

• Aligned: By default, Vitis HLS will align struct on a 4-byte alignment, padding elements of the
struct to align it to a 32-bit width. However, you can use the
__attribute__((aligned(X))) to add padding between elements of the struct, to align
it on "X" byte boundaries.

IMPORTANT! Note that "X" can only be defined as a power of 2.

The __attribute__((aligned)) does not change the sizes of variables it is applied to,
but may change the memory layout of structures by inserting padding between elements of
the struct. As a result the size of the structure will change.

Data types in struct with custom data widths, such as ap_int, are allocated with sizes which
are powers of 2. Vitis HLS adds padding bits for aligning the size of the data type to a power
of 2.

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Vitis HLS will also pad the bool data type to align it to 8 bits.

In the following example, the size of varA in the struct will be padded to 8 bits instead of 5.

struct example {
ap_int<5> varA;
unsigned short int varB;
unsigned short int varC;
int d;

Figure 32: Aligned Struct Implementation


struct _attribute_((aligned(2))) example {

ap_int<5> a; a b c d 0
unsigned short int b;
unsigned short int c;
int d; 8 bits 16 bits 16 bits 32 bits 8 bits


The padding used depends on the order and size of elements of your struct. In the following
code example, the struct alignment is 4 bytes, and Vitis HLS will add 2 bytes of padding after
the first element, varA, and another 2 bytes of padding after the third element, varC. The
total size of the struct will be 96-bits.

struct data_t {
short varA;
int varB;
short varC;

However, if you rewrite the struct as follows, there will be no need for padding, and the total
size of the struct will be 64-bits.

struct data_t {
short varA;
short varC;
int varB;

• Packed: Specified with __attribute__(packed(X)), Vitis HLS packs the elements of the
struct so that the size of the struct is based on the actual size of each element of the struct. In
the following example, this means the size of the struct is 72 bits:

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Figure 33: Packed Struct Implementation


struct _attribute_((packed)) example {

ap_int<5> a; a b c d
unsigned short int b;
unsigned short int c;
int d; 8 bits 16 bits 16 bits 32 bits


TIP: This can also be achieved using the compact=bit option of the AGGREGATE pragma or

C++ Classes and Templates

C++ classes are fully supported for synthesis with Vitis HLS. The top-level for synthesis must be
a function. A class cannot be the top-level for synthesis. To synthesize a class member function,
instantiate the class itself into function. Do not simply instantiate the top-level class into the test
bench. The following code example shows how class CFir (defined in the header file discussed
next) is instantiated in the top-level function cpp_FIR and used to implement an FIR filter.

#include "cpp_FIR.h"

// Top-level function with class instantiated

data_t cpp_FIR(data_t x)
static CFir<coef_t, data_t, acc_t> fir1;

cout << fir1;

return fir1(x);

IMPORTANT! Classes and class member functions cannot be the top-level for synthesis. Instantiate the
class in a top-level function.

Before examining the class used to implement the design in the C++ FIR Filter example above, it
is worth noting Vitis HLS ignores the standard output stream cout during synthesis. When
synthesized, Vitis HLS issues the following warnings:

INFO [SYNCHK-101] Discarding unsynthesizable system call:

'std::ostream::operator<<' (cpp_FIR.h:108)
INFO [SYNCHK-101] Discarding unsynthesizable system call:
'std::ostream::operator<<' (cpp_FIR.h:108)
INFO [SYNCHK-101] Discarding unsynthesizable system call: 'std::operator<<
<std::char_traits<char> >' (cpp_FIR.h:110)

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The following code example shows the header file cpp_FIR.h, including the definition of class
CFir and its associated member functions. In this example the operator member functions ()
and << are overloaded operators, which are respectively used to execute the main algorithm and
used with cout to format the data for display during C/C++ simulation.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

#define N 85

typedef int coef_t;

typedef int data_t;
typedef int acc_t;

// Class CFir definition

template<class coef_T, class data_T, class acc_T>
class CFir {
static const coef_T c[N];
data_T shift_reg[N-1];
data_T operator()(data_T x);
template<class coef_TT, class data_TT, class acc_TT>
friend ostream&
operator<<(ostream& o, const CFir<coef_TT, data_TT, acc_TT> &f);

// Load FIR coefficients

template<class coef_T, class data_T, class acc_T>
const coef_T CFir<coef_T, data_T, acc_T>::c[N] = {
#include "cpp_FIR.h"

// FIR main algorithm

template<class coef_T, class data_T, class acc_T>
data_T CFir<coef_T, data_T, acc_T>::operator()(data_T x) {
int i;
acc_t acc = 0;
data_t m;

loop: for (i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) {

if (i == 0) {
m = x;
shift_reg[0] = x;
} else {
m = shift_reg[i-1];
if (i != (N-1))
shift_reg[i] = shift_reg[i - 1];
acc += m * c[i];
return acc;

// Operator for displaying results

template<class coef_T, class data_T, class acc_T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const CFir<coef_T, data_T, acc_T> &f) {

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for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(f.shift_reg)/sizeof(data_T)); i++) {

o << shift_reg[ << i << ]= << f.shift_reg[i] << endl;
o << ______________ << endl;
return o;

data_t cpp_FIR(data_t x);

The test bench in the C++ FIR Filter example is shown in the following code example and
demonstrates how top-level function cpp_FIR is called and validated. This example highlights
some of the important attributes of a good test bench for Vitis HLS synthesis:

• The output results are checked against known good values.

• The test bench returns 0 if the results are confirmed to be correct.

#include "cpp_FIR.h"

int main() {
ofstream result;
data_t output;
int retval=0;

// Open a file to saves the results


// Apply stimuli, call the top-level function and saves the results
for (int i = 0; i <= 250; i++)
output = cpp_FIR(i);

result << setw(10) << i;

result << setw(20) << output;
result << endl;


// Compare the results file with the golden results

retval = system(diff --brief -w result.dat result.golden.dat);
if (retval != 0) {
printf(Test failed !!!\n);
} else {
printf(Test passed !\n);

// Return 0 if the test

return retval;

C++ Test Bench for cpp_FIR

To apply directives to objects defined in a class:

1. Open the file where the class is defined (typically a header file).
2. Apply the directive using the Directives tab.

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As with functions, all instances of a class have the same optimizations applied to them.

Global Variables and Classes

AMD does not recommend using global variables in classes. They can prevent some
optimizations from occurring. In the following code example, a class is used to create the
component for a filter (class polyd_cell is used as a component that performs shift, multiply
and accumulate operations).

typedef long long acc_t;

typedef int mult_t;
typedef char data_t;
typedef char coef_t;
#define TAPS 3
#define PHASES 4
#define DATA_SAMPLES 256
#define CELL_SAMPLES 12

// Use k on line 73 static int k;

template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, int N>
class polyd_cell {
T0 areg;
T0 breg;
T2 mreg;
T1 preg;
T0 shift[N];
int k; //line 73
T0 shift_output;
void exec(T1 *pcout, T0 *dataOut, T1 pcin, T3 coeff, T0 data, int col)

if (col==0) {
SHIFT:for (k = N-1; k >= 0; --k) {
if (k > 0)
shift[k] = shift[k-1];
shift[k] = data;
*dataOut = shift_output;
shift_output = shift[N-1];
*pcout = (shift[4*col]* coeff) + pcin;


// Top-level function with class instantiated

void cpp_class_data (
acc_t *dataOut,
coef_t coeff1[PHASES][TAPS],
coef_t coeff2[PHASES][TAPS],
data_t dataIn[DATA_SAMPLES],
int row
) {

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acc_t pcin0 = 0;
acc_t pcout0, pcout1;
data_t dout0, dout1;
int col;
static acc_t accum=0;
static int sample_count = 0;
static polyd_cell<data_t, acc_t, mult_t, coef_t, CELL_SAMPLES>
static polyd_cell<data_t, acc_t, mult_t, coef_t, CELL_SAMPLES>

COL:for (col = 0; col <= TAPS-1; ++col) {




if ((row==0) && (col==2)) {

*dataOut = accum;
accum = pcout1;
} else {
accum = pcout1 + accum;


Within class polyd_cell there is a loop SHIFT used to shift data. If the loop index k used in
loop SHIFT was removed and replaced with the global index for k (shown earlier in the example,
but commented static int k), Vitis HLS is unable to pipeline any loop or function in which
class polyd_cell was used. Vitis HLS would issue the following message:

@W [XFORM-503] Cannot unroll loop 'SHIFT' in function 'polyd_cell<char,

long long,
int, char, 12>::exec' completely: variable loop bound.

Using local non-global variables for loop indexing ensures that Vitis HLS can perform all

Vitis HLS supports the use of templates in C++ for synthesis. Vitis HLS does not support
templates for the top-level function. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Modeling/
using_C++_templates on GitHub for an example of these concepts.

IMPORTANT! The top-level function cannot be a template.

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Using Templates to Create Unique Instances

A static variable in a template function is duplicated for each different value of the template

Different C++ template values passed to a function creates unique instances of the function for
each template value. Vitis HLS synthesizes these copies independently within their own context.
This can be beneficial as the tool can provide specific optimizations for each unique instance,
producing a straightforward implementation of the function.

template<int NC, int K>

void startK(int* dout) {
static int acc=0;
acc += K;
*dout = acc;

void foo(int* dout) {

startK<0,1> (dout);

void goo(int* dout) {

startK<1,1> (dout);

int main() {
int dout0,dout1;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
cout <<"dout0/1 = "<<dout0<<" / "<<dout1<<endl;
return 0;

Using Templates for Recursion

Templates can also be used to implement a form of recursion that is not supported in standard C
synthesis (Recursive Functions).

The following code example shows a case in which a templatized struct is used to implement a
tail-recursion Fibonacci algorithm. The key to performing synthesis is that a termination class is
used to implement the final call in the recursion, where a template size of one is used.

//Tail recursive call

template<data_t N> struct fibon_s {
template<typename T>
static T fibon_f(T a, T b) {
return fibon_s<N-1>::fibon_f(b, (a+b));

// Termination condition
template<> struct fibon_s<1> {
template<typename T>
static T fibon_f(T a, T b) {

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return b;
void cpp_template(data_t a, data_t b, data_t &dout){
dout = fibon_s<FIB_N>::fibon_f(a,b);

Enumerated Types
The header file in the following code example defines some enum types and uses them in a
struct. The struct is used in turn in another struct. This allows an intuitive description of a
complex type to be captured.

The following code example shows how a complex define (MAD_NSBSAMPLES) statement can be
specified and synthesized.

#include <stdio.h>

enum mad_layer {

enum mad_mode {

enum mad_emphasis {
MAD_EMPHASIS_50_15_US = 1,

typedef signed int mad_fixed_t;

typedef struct mad_header {

enum mad_layer layer;
enum mad_mode mode;
int mode_extension;
enum mad_emphasis emphasis;

unsigned long long bitrate;

unsigned int samplerate;

unsigned short crc_check;

unsigned short crc_target;

int flags;
int private_bits;

} header_t;

typedef struct mad_frame {

header_t header;

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int options;
mad_fixed_t sbsample[2][36][32];
} frame_t;
# define MAD_NSBSAMPLES(header) \
((header)->layer == MAD_LAYER_I ? 12 : \
(((header)->layer == MAD_LAYER_III && \
((header)->flags & 17)) ? 18 : 36))

void types_composite(frame_t *frame);

The struct and enum types defined in the previous example are used in the following example.
If the enum is used in an argument to the top-level function, it is synthesized as a 32-bit value to
comply with the standard C/C++ compilation behavior. If the enum types are internal to the
design, Vitis HLS optimizes them down to the only the required number of bits.

The following code example shows how printf statements are ignored during synthesis.

#include "types_composite.h"

void types_composite(frame_t *frame)

if (frame->header.mode != MAD_MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL) {
unsigned int ns, s, sb;
mad_fixed_t left, right;

ns = MAD_NSBSAMPLES(&frame->header);
printf("Samples from header %d \n", ns);

for (s = 0; s < ns; ++s) {

for (sb = 0; sb < 32; ++sb) {
left = frame->sbsample[0][s][sb];
right = frame->sbsample[1][s][sb];
frame->sbsample[0][s][sb] = (left + right) / 2;
frame->header.mode = MAD_MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL;

In the following code example, a union is created with a double and a struct. Unlike C/C++
compilation, synthesis does not guarantee using the same memory (in the case of synthesis,
registers) for all fields in the union. Vitis HLS perform the optimization that provides the most
optimal hardware.

#include "types_union.h"

dout_t types_union(din_t N, dinfp_t F)

union {
struct {int a; int b; } intval;
double fpval;
} intfp;

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unsigned long long one, exp;

// Set a floating-point value in union intfp

intfp.fpval = F;
// Slice out lower bits and add to shifted input
one = intfp.intval.a;
exp = (N & 0x7FF);

return ((exp << 52) + one) & (0x7fffffffffffffffLL);


Vitis HLS does not support the following:

• Unions on the top-level function interface.

• Pointer reinterpretation for synthesis. Therefore, a union cannot hold pointers to different
types or to arrays of different types.
• Access to a union through another variable. Using the same union as the previous example,
the following is not supported:
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
if (i<3)
A[i] = intfp.intval.a + B[i];
A[i] = intfp.intval.b + B[i];

• However, it can be explicitly re-coded as:

A[0] = intfp.intval.a + B[0];
A[1] = intfp.intval.a + B[1];
A[2] = intfp.intval.a + B[2];
A[3] = intfp.intval.b + B[3];
A[4] = intfp.intval.b + B[4];
A[5] = intfp.intval.b + B[5];

The synthesis of unions does not support casting between native C/C++ types and user-defined

Often with Vitis HLS designs, unions are used to convert the raw bits from one data type to
another data type. Generally, this raw bit conversion is needed when using floating point values
at the top-level port interface. For one example, see below:

typedef float T;
unsigned int value; // the "input" of the conversion
T myhalfvalue; // the "output" of the conversion
unsigned int as_uint32;
T as_floatingpoint;
} my_converter;
my_converter.as_uint32 = value;
myhalfvalue = my_converter. as_floatingpoint;

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This type of code is fine for float C/C++ data types and with modification, it is also fine for
double data types. Changing the typedef and the int to short will not work for half data
types, however, because half is a class and cannot be used in a union. Instead, the following code
can be used:

typedef half T;
short value;
T myhalfvalue = static_cast<T>(value);

Similarly, the conversion the other way around uses value=static_cast<ap_uint<16>

>(myhalfvalue) or static_cast< unsigned short >(myhalfvalue).

ap_fixed<16,4> afix = 1.5;

ap_fixed<20,6> bfix = 1.25;
half ahlf = afix.to_half();
half bhlf = bfix.to_half();

Another method is to use the helper class fp_struct<half> to make conversions using the
methods data() or to_int(). Use the header file hls/utils/x_hls_utils.h.

Type Qualifiers
The type qualifiers can directly impact the hardware created by high-level synthesis. In general,
the qualifiers influence the synthesis results in a predictable manner, as discussed below. Vitis
HLS is limited only by the interpretation of the qualifier as it affects functional behavior and can
perform optimizations to create a more optimal hardware design. Examples of this are shown
after an overview of each qualifier.

The volatile qualifier impacts how many reads or writes are performed in the RTL when
pointers are accessed multiple times on function interfaces. Although the volatile qualifier
impacts this behavior in all functions in the hierarchy, the impact of the volatile qualifier is
primarily discussed in the section on top-level interfaces.

Note: Accesses to/from volatile variables is preserved. This means:

• no burst access
• no port widening
• no dead code elimination

Tip: Arbitrary precision types do not support the volatile qualifier for arithmetic operations. Any
arbitrary precision data types using the volatile qualifier must be assigned to a non-volatile data
type before being used in arithmetic expression.

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Static types in a function hold their value between function calls. The equivalent behavior in a
hardware design is a registered variable (a flip-flop or memory). If a variable is required to be a
static type for the C/C++ function to execute correctly, it will certainly be a register in the final
RTL design. The value must be maintained across invocations of the function and design.

It is not true that only static types result in a register after synthesis. Vitis HLS determines
which variables are required to be implemented as registers in the RTL design. For example, if a
variable assignment must be held over multiple cycles, Vitis HLS creates a register to hold the
value, even if the original variable in the C/C++ function was not a static type.

Vitis HLS obeys the initialization behavior of statics and assigns the value to zero (or any
explicitly initialized value) to the register during initialization. This means that the static
variable is initialized in the RTL code and in the FPGA bitstream. It does not mean that the
variable is re-initialized each time the reset signal is.

See RTL Configuration to determine how static initialization values are implemented with regard
to the system reset.

A const type specifies that the value of the variable is never updated. The variable is read but
never written to and therefore must be initialized. For most const variables, this typically means
that they are reduced to constants in the RTL design. Vitis HLS performs constant propagation
and removes any unnecessary hardware).

In the case of arrays, the const variable is implemented as a ROM in the final RTL design (in the
absence of any auto-partitioning performed by Vitis HLS on small arrays). Arrays specified with
the const qualifier are (like statics) initialized in the RTL and in the FPGA bitstream. There is no
need to reset them, because they are never written to.

ROM Optimization
The following shows a code example in which Vitis HLS implements a ROM even though the
array is not specified with a static or const qualifier. This demonstrates how Vitis HLS
analyzes the design, and determines the most optimal implementation. The qualifiers guide the
tool, but do not dictate the final RTL.

#include "array_ROM.h"

dout_t array_ROM(din1_t inval, din2_t idx)

din1_t lookup_table[256];
dint_t i;

for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {

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lookup_table[i] = 256 * (i - 128);


return (dout_t)inval * (dout_t)lookup_table[idx];


In this example, the tool is able to determine that the implementation is best served by having
the variable lookup_table as a memory element in the final RTL.

Arbitrary Precision (AP) Data Types

C/C++-based native data types are based-on on 8-bit boundaries (8, 16, 32, 64 bits). However,
RTL buses (corresponding to hardware) support arbitrary data lengths. Using the standard C/C++
data types can result in inefficient hardware implementation. For example, the basic
multiplication unit in an AMD device is the DSP library cell. Multiplying "ints" (32-bit) would
require more than one DSP cell while using arbitrary precision types could use only one cell per

Arbitrary precision (AP) data types allow your code to use variables with smaller bit-widths, and
for the C/C++ simulation to validate the functionality remains identical or acceptable. The
smaller bit-widths result in hardware operators which are in turn smaller and run faster. This
allows more logic to be placed in the FPGA, and for the logic to execute at higher clock

AP data types are provided for C++ and allow you to model data types of any width from 1 to
1024-bit. You must specify the use of AP libraries by including them in your C++ source code as
explained in Arbitrary Precision Data Types Library.

TIP: Arbitrary precision types are only required on the function boundaries, because Vitis HLS optimizes
the internal logic and removes data bits and logic that do not fanout to the output ports.

AP Example

For example, a design with a filter function for a communications protocol requires 10-bit input
data and 18-bit output data to satisfy the data transmission requirements. Using standard C/C++
data types, the input data must be at least 16-bits and the output data must be at least 32-bits.
In the final hardware, this creates a datapath between the input and output that is wider than
necessary, uses more resources, has longer delays (for example, a 32-bit by 32-bit multiplication
takes longer than an 18-bit by 18-bit multiplication), and requires more clock cycles to complete.

Using arbitrary precision data types in this design, you can specify the exact bit-sizes needed in
your code prior to synthesis, simulate the updated code, and verify the results prior to synthesis.
Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Modeling on GitHub for examples of using arbitrary
precision and fixed point ap data types.

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Advantages of AP Data Types

IMPORTANT! One disadvantage of AP data types is that arrays are not automatically initialized with a
value of 0. You must manually initialize the array if desired.

The following code performs some basic arithmetic operations:

#include "types.h"

void apint_arith(dinA_t inA, dinB_t inB, dinC_t inC, dinD_t inD,

dout1_t *out1, dout2_t *out2, dout3_t *out3, dout4_t *out4
) {

// Basic arithmetic operations

*out1 = inA * inB;
*out2 = inB + inA;
*out3 = inC / inA;
*out4 = inD % inA;

The data types dinA_t, dinB_t, etc. are defined in the header file types.h. It is highly
recommended to use a project wide header file such as types.h as this allows for the easy
migration from standard C/C++ types to arbitrary precision types and helps in refining the
arbitrary precision types to the optimal size.

If the data types in the above example are defined as:

typedef char dinA_t;

typedef short dinB_t;
typedef int dinC_t;
typedef long long dinD_t;
typedef int dout1_t;
typedef unsigned int dout2_t;
typedef int32_t dout3_t;
typedef int64_t dout4_t;

The design gives the following results after synthesis:

+ Timing (ns):
* Summary:
| Clock | Target| Estimated| Uncertainty|
|default | 4.00| 3.85| 0.50|

+ Latency (clock cycles):

* Summary:
| Latency | Interval | Pipeline|
| min | max | min | max | Type |
| 66| 66| 67| 67| none |
* Summary:
| Name | BRAM_18K| DSP48E| FF | LUT |

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|Expression | -| -| 0| 17|
|FIFO | -| -| -| -|
|Instance | -| 1| 17920| 17152|
|Memory | -| -| -| -|
|Multiplexer | -| -| -| -|
|Register | -| -| 7| -|
|Total | 0| 1| 17927| 17169|
|Available | 650| 600| 202800| 101400|
|Utilization (%) | 0| ~0 | 8| 16|

However, if the width of the data is not required to be implemented using standard C/C++ types
but in some width which is smaller, but still greater than the next smallest standard C/C++ type,
such as the following:

typedef int6 dinA_t;

typedef int12 dinB_t;
typedef int22 dinC_t;
typedef int33 dinD_t;
typedef int18 dout1_t;
typedef uint13 dout2_t;
typedef int22 dout3_t;
typedef int6 dout4_t;

The synthesis results show an improvement to the maximum clock frequency, the latency and a
significant reduction in area of 75%.

+ Timing (ns):
* Summary:
| Clock | Target| Estimated| Uncertainty|
|default | 4.00| 3.49| 0.50|

+ Latency (clock cycles):

* Summary:
| Latency | Interval | Pipeline|
| min | max | min | max | Type |
| 35| 35| 36| 36| none |
* Summary:
| Name | BRAM_18K| DSP48E| FF | LUT |
|Expression | -| -| 0| 13|
|FIFO | -| -| -| -|
|Instance | -| 1| 4764| 4560|
|Memory | -| -| -| -|
|Multiplexer | -| -| -| -|
|Register | -| -| 6| -|
|Total | 0| 1| 4770| 4573|

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|Available | 650| 600| 202800| 101400|
|Utilization (%) | 0| ~0 | 2| 4|

The large difference in latency between both design is due to the division and remainder
operations which take multiple cycles to complete. Using AP data types, rather than force fitting
the design into standard C/C++ data types, results in a higher quality hardware implementation:
the same accuracy with better performance with fewer resources.

Overview of Arbitrary Precision Integer Data Types

Vitis HLS provides integer and fixed-point arbitrary precision data types for C++.

Table 4: Arbitrary Precision Data Types

Language Integer Data Type Required Header

C++ ap_[u]int<W> (1024 bits) #include “ap_int.h”
Can be extended to 4K bits wide as
described below.
C++ ap_[u]fixed<W,I,Q,O,N> #include “ap_fixed.h”

For the C++ language ap_[u]int data types the header file ap_int.h defines the arbitrary
precision integer data type. To use arbitrary precision integer data types in a C++ function:

• Add header file ap_int.h to the source code.

• Change the bit types to ap_int<N> or ap_uint<N>, where N is a bit-size from 1 to 1024.

The following example shows how the header file is added and two variables implemented to use
9-bit integer and 10-bit unsigned integer types:

#include "ap_int.h"

void foo_top () {

ap_int<9> var1; // 9-bit

ap_uint<10> var2; // 10-bit unsigned

The default maximum width allowed for ap_[u]int data types is 1024 bits. This default may be
overridden by defining the macro AP_INT_MAX_W with a positive integer value less than or
equal to 4096 before inclusion of the ap_int.h header file.

IMPORTANT! Setting the value of AP_INT_MAX_W too high can cause slow software compile and

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The following is an example of overriding AP_INT_MAX_W:

#define AP_INT_MAX_W 4096 // Must be defined before next line

#include "ap_int.h"
ap_int<4096> very_wide_var;

Overview of Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Data

Fixed-point data types model the data as an integer and fraction bits in two's complement with
the format ap_fixed<W,I,[Q,O,N]> as explained in the following table. In the following
example, the Vitis HLS ap_fixed type is used to define an 18-bit variable with 6 bits (including
the sign bit) specified as representing the numbers above the binary point, and 12 bits implied to
represent the fractional value after the decimal point. The variable is specified as signed and the
quantization mode is set to round to plus infinity. Because the overflow mode is not specified,
the default wrap-around mode is used for overflow.

#include <ap_fixed.h>
ap_fixed<18,6,AP_RND> t1 = 1.5; // internally represented as
0b00'0001.1000'0000'0000 (0x01800)
ap_fixed<18.6,AP_RND> t2 = -1.5; // 0b11'1110.1000'0000'0000 (0x3e800)

TIP: The Integer value (I ) of ap_fixed specifies the number of integer bits to the left of the binary
point, including the sign bit.

When performing calculations where the variables have different number of bits or different
precision, the binary point is automatically aligned. For example, when performing division with
fixed-point type variables of different sizes, the fraction of the quotient is no greater than that of
the dividend. To preserve the fractional part of the quotient you can cast the result to the new
variable width before assignment.

The behavior of the C++ simulations performed using fixed-point matches the resulting
hardware. This allows you to analyze the bit-accurate, quantization, and overflow behaviors using
fast C-level simulation.

Fixed-point types are a useful replacement for floating point types which require many clock
cycle to complete. Unless the entire range of the floating-point type is required, the same
accuracy can often be implemented with a fixed-point type resulting in the same accuracy with
smaller and faster hardware.

A summary of the ap_fixed type identifiers is provided in the following table.

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Table 5: Fixed-Point Identifier Summary

Identifier Description
W Word length in bits
I The number of bits used to represent the integer value, that is, the number of integer bits to the left of
the binary point, including the sign bit.
When I is negative, as shown in the example below, it represents the number of implicit sign bits (for
signed representation), or the number of implicit zero bits (for unsigned representation) to the right of
the binary point. For example,

ap_fixed<2, 0> a = -0.5; // a can be -0.5,

ap_ufixed<1, 0> x = 0.5; // 1-bit representation. x can be 0 or 0.5

ap_ufixed<1, -1> y = 0.25; // 1-bit representation. y can be 0 or 0.25
const ap_fixed<1, -7> z = 1.0/256; // 1-bit representation for z = 2^-8

Q Quantization mode: This dictates the behavior when greater precision is generated than can be defined
by smallest fractional bit in the variable used to store the result.
ap_fixed Types Description
AP_RND Round to plus infinity
AP_RND_ZERO Round to zero
AP_RND_MIN_INF Round to minus infinity
AP_RND_INF Round to infinity
AP_RND_CONV Convergent rounding
AP_TRN Truncation to minus infinity (default)
AP_TRN_ZERO Truncation to zero
O Overflow mode: This dictates the behavior when the result of an operation exceeds the maximum (or
minimum in the case of negative numbers) possible value that can be stored in the variable used to
store the result.
ap_fixed Types Description
AP_SAT1 Saturation
AP_SAT_ZERO1 Saturation to zero
AP_SAT_SYM1 Symmetrical saturation
AP_WRAP Wrap around (default)
AP_WRAP_SM Sign magnitude wrap around
N This defines the number of saturation bits in overflow wrap modes.
1. Using the AP_SAT* modes can result in higher resource usage as extra logic will be needed to perform saturation and
this extra cost can be as high as 20% additional LUT usage.
2. Fixed-point math functions from the hls_math library do not support the ap_[u]fixed template parameters Q,O,
and N, for quantization mode, overflow mode, and the number of saturation bits, respectively. The quantization and
overflow modes are only effective when an ap_[u]fixed variable is on the left hand of assignment or being
initialized, but not during the calculation.

The default maximum width allowed for ap_[u]fixed data types is 1024 bits. This default may
be overridden by defining the macro AP_INT_MAX_W with a positive integer value less than or
equal to 4096 before inclusion of the ap_int.h header file.

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IMPORTANT! ROM Synthesis can take a long time when using ap_[u]fixed . Changing it to int
results in a quicker synthesis. For example:

static ap_fixed<32,0> a[32][depth] =

Can be changed to:

static int a[32][depth] =

Global Variables
Global variables can be freely used in the code and are fully synthesizable. However, global
variables can not be inferred as arguments to the top-level function, but must instead be
explicitly specified as arguments for ports in the RTL design.

The following code example shows the default synthesis behavior of global variables. It uses
three global variables (idx, Ain and Aout). Although this example uses arrays, Vitis HLS
supports all types of global variables.

• Values are read from array Ain.

• Array Aint is used to transform and pass values from Ain to Aout.
• The outputs are written to array Aout.

IMPORTANT! Access to the global variables Ain and Aout must be explicitly listed in the argument list.

#include "top.h"

void top(const int idx, const int Ain[N], int Aout[Nhalf]) {

int Aint[N];

// Move elements in the input array

ILOOP: for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

int iadj = (i + idx) % N;

Aint[i] = Ain[i] + Ain[iadj];

} // end ILOOP

// sum the 1st and 2nd halves

OLOOP: for (int i = 0; i < Nhalf; i++) {

Aout[i] = (Aint[i] + Aint[Nhalf + i]);

} // end OLOOP

} // end top()

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Pointers are used extensively in C/C++ code and are supported for synthesis, but it is generally
recommended to avoid the use of pointers in your code. This is especially true when using
pointers in the following cases:

• When pointers are accessed (read or written) multiple times in the same function.
• When using arrays of pointers, each pointer must point to a scalar or a scalar array (not
another pointer).
• Pointer casting is supported only when casting between standard C/C++ types, as shown.

Note: Pointer to pointer is not supported.

The following code example shows synthesis support for pointers that point to multiple objects.

#include "pointer_multi.h"

dout_t pointer_multi (sel_t sel, din_t pos) {

static const dout_t a[8] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
static const dout_t b[8] = {8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1};

dout_t* ptr;
if (sel)
ptr = a;
ptr = b;

return ptr[pos];

Vitis HLS supports pointers to pointers for synthesis but does not support them on the top-level
interface, that is, as argument to the top-level function. If you use a pointer to pointer in multiple
functions, Vitis HLS inlines all functions that use the pointer to pointer. Inlining multiple
functions can increase runtime.

#include "pointer_double.h"

data_t sub(data_t ptr[10], data_t size, data_t**flagPtr)

data_t x, i;

x = 0;
// Sum x if AND of local index and pointer to pointer index is true
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
if (**flagPtr & i)
x += *(ptr+i);
return x;

data_t pointer_double(data_t pos, data_t x, data_t* flag)

data_t array[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
data_t* ptrFlag;

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data_t i;

ptrFlag = flag;
// Write x into index position pos
if (pos >=0 & pos < 10)
*(array+pos) = x;

// Pass same index (as pos) as pointer to another function

return sub(array, 10, &ptrFlag);

Arrays of pointers can also be synthesized. See the following code example in which an array of
pointers is used to store the start location of the second dimension of a global array. The pointers
in an array of pointers can point only to a scalar or to an array of scalars. They cannot point to
other pointers.

#include "pointer_array.h"

data_t A[N][10];

data_t pointer_array(data_t B[N*10]) {

data_t i,j;
data_t sum1;

// Array of pointers
data_t* PtrA[N];

// Store global array locations in temp pointer array

for (i=0; i<N; ++i)
PtrA[i] = &(A[i][0]);

// Copy input array using pointers

for(i=0; i<N; ++i)
for(j=0; j<10; ++j)
*(PtrA[i]+j) = B[i*10 + j];

// Sum input array

sum1 = 0;
for(i=0; i<N; ++i)
for(j=0; j<10; ++j)
sum1 += *(PtrA[i] + j);

return sum1;

Pointer casting is supported for synthesis if native C/C++ types are used. In the following code
example, type int is cast to type char.

#define N 1024

typedef int data_t;

typedef char dint_t;

data_t pointer_cast_native (data_t index, data_t A[N]) {

dint_t* ptr;
data_t i =0, result = 0;
ptr = (dint_t*)(&A[index]);

// Sum from the indexed value as a different type

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for (i = 0; i < 4*(N/10); ++i) {

result += *ptr;
return result;

Vitis HLS does not support pointer casting between general types. For example, if a struct
composite type of signed values is created, the pointer cannot be cast to assign unsigned values.

struct {
short first;
short second;
} pair;

// Not supported for synthesis

*(unsigned*)(&pair) = -1U;

In such cases, the values must be assigned using the native types.

struct {
short first;
short second;
} pair;

// Assigned value
pair.first = -1U;
pair.second = -1U;

Pointers on the Interface

Pointers can be used as arguments to the top-level function. It is important to understand how
pointers are implemented during synthesis, because they can sometimes cause issues in
achieving the desired RTL interface and design after synthesis. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-
Examples/Modeling/Pointers on GitHub for examples of some of the following concepts.

Basic Pointers
A function with basic pointers on the top-level interface, such as shown in the following code
example, produces no issues for Vitis HLS. The pointer can be synthesized to either a simple wire
interface or an interface protocol using handshakes.

TIP: To be synthesized as a FIFO interface, a pointer must be read-only or write-only.

#include "pointer_basic.h"

void pointer_basic (dio_t *d) {

static dio_t acc = 0;

acc += *d;
*d = acc;

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The pointer on the interface is read or written only once per function call. The test bench is
shown in the following code example.

#include "pointer_basic.h"

int main () {
dio_t d;
int i, retval=0;
FILE *fp;

// Save the results to a file

printf( Din Dout\n, i, d);

// Create input data

// Call the function to operate on the data
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
d = i;
fprintf(fp, %d \n, d);
printf( %d %d\n, i, d);

// Compare the results file with the golden results

retval = system(diff --brief -w result.dat result.golden.dat);
if (retval != 0) {
printf(Test failed!!!\n);
} else {
printf(Test passed!\n);

// Return 0 if the test

return retval;

C and RTL simulation verify the correct operation (although not all possible cases) with this
simple data set:

Din Dout
0 0
1 1
2 3
3 6
Test passed!

Pointer Arithmetic
Introducing pointer arithmetic limits the possible interfaces that can be synthesized in RTL. The
following code example shows the same code, but in this instance simple pointer arithmetic is
used to accumulate the data values (starting from the second value).

#include "pointer_arith.h"

void pointer_arith (dio_t *d) {

static int acc = 0;
int i;

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for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
acc += *(d+i+1);
*(d+i) = acc;

The following code example shows the test bench that supports this example. Because the loop
to perform the accumulations is now inside function pointer_arith, the test bench populates
the address space specified by array d[5] with the appropriate values.

#include "pointer_arith.h"

int main () {
dio_t d[5], ref[5];
int i, retval=0;
FILE *fp;

// Create input data

for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
d[i] = i;
ref[i] = i;

// Call the function to operate on the data


// Save the results to a file

printf( Din Dout\n, i, d);
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
fprintf(fp, %d \n, d[i]);
printf( %d %d\n, ref[i], d[i]);

// Compare the results file with the golden results

retval = system(diff --brief -w result.dat result.golden.dat);
if (retval != 0) {
printf(Test failed!!!\n);
} else {
printf(Test passed!\n);

// Return 0 if the test

return retval;

When simulated, this results in the following output:

Din Dout
0 1
1 3
2 6
3 10
Test passed!

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The pointer arithmetic can access the pointer data out of sequence. On the other hand, wire,
handshake, or FIFO interfaces can only access data in order:

• A wire interface reads data when the design is ready to consume the data or write the data
when the data is ready.
• Handshake and FIFO interfaces read and write when the control signals permit the operation
to proceed.

In both cases, the data must arrive (and is written) in order, starting from element zero. In the
Interface with Pointer Arithmetic example, the code starts reading from index 1 (i starts at 0,
0+1=1). This is the second element from array d[5] in the test bench.

When this is implemented in hardware, some form of data indexing is required. Vitis HLS does
not support this with wire, handshake, or FIFO interfaces.

Alternatively, the code must be modified with an array on the interface instead of a pointer, as in
the following example. This can be implemented in synthesis with a RAM (ap_memory) interface.
This interface can index the data with an address and can perform out-of-order, or non-
sequential, accesses.

Wire, handshake, or FIFO interfaces can be used only on streaming data. It cannot be used with
pointer arithmetic (unless it indexes the data starting at zero and then proceeds sequentially).

#include "array_arith.h"

void array_arith (dio_t d[5]) {

static int acc = 0;
int i;

for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
acc += d[i+1];
d[i] = acc;

Multi-Access Pointers on the Interface

IMPORTANT! Although multi-access pointers are supported on the interface, it is strongly recommended
that you implement the required behavior using the hls::stream class instead of multi-access pointers
to avoid some of the difficulties discussed below. Details on the hls::stream class can be found in HLS
Stream Library.

Designs that use pointers in the argument list of the top-level function (on the interface) need
special consideration when multiple accesses are performed using pointers. Multiple accesses
occur when a pointer is read from or written to multiple times in the same function.

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Using pointers which are accessed multiple times can introduce unexpected behavior after
synthesis. In the following "bad" example pointer d_i is read four times and pointer d_o is
written to twice: the pointers perform multiple accesses.

#include "pointer_stream_bad.h"

void pointer_stream_bad ( dout_t *d_o, din_t *d_i) {

din_t acc = 0;

acc += *d_i;
acc += *d_i;
*d_o = acc;
acc += *d_i;
acc += *d_i;
*d_o = acc;

After synthesis this code will result in an RTL design which reads the input port once and writes
to the output port once. As with any standard C/C++ compiler, Vitis HLS will optimize away the
redundant pointer accesses. The test bench to verify this design is shown in the following code

#include "pointer_stream_bad.h"
int main () {
din_t d_i;
dout_t d_o;
int retval=0;
FILE *fp;

// Open a file for the output results


// Call the function to operate on the data

for (d_i=0;d_i<4;d_i++) {
fprintf(fp, %d %d\n, d_i, d_o);
// Compare the results file with the golden results
retval = system(diff --brief -w result.dat result.golden.dat);
if (retval != 0) {
printf(Test failed !!!\n);
} else {
printf(Test passed !\n);

// Return 0 if the test

return retval;

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To implement the code as written, with the “anticipated” 4 reads on d_i and 2 writes to the d_o,
the pointers must be specified as volatile as shown in the "pointer_stream_better" example.

#include "pointer_stream_better.h"

void pointer_stream_better ( volatile dout_t *d_o, volatile din_t *d_i) {

din_t acc = 0;

acc += *d_i;
acc += *d_i;
*d_o = acc;
acc += *d_i;
acc += *d_i;
*d_o = acc;

To support multi-access pointers on the interface you should take the following steps:

• Validate the C/C++ before synthesis to confirm the intent and that the C/C++ model is
• The pointer argument must have the number of accesses on the port interface specified when
verifying the RTL using co-simulation within Vitis HLS.

Understanding Volatile Data

The code in Multi-Access Pointers on the Interface is written with intent that input pointer d_i
and output pointer d_o are implemented in RTL as FIFO (or handshake) interfaces to ensure that:

• Upstream producer modules supply new data each time a read is performed on RTL port d_i.
• Downstream consumer modules accept new data each time there is a write to RTL port d_o.

When this code is compiled by standard C/C++ compilers, the multiple accesses to each pointer
is reduced to a single access. As far as the compiler is concerned, there is no indication that the
data on d_i changes during the execution of the function and only the final write to d_o is
relevant. The other writes are overwritten by the time the function completes.

Vitis HLS matches the behavior of the gcc compiler and optimizes these reads and writes into a
single read operation and a single write operation. When the RTL is examined, there is only a
single read and write operation on each port.

The fundamental issue with this design is that the test bench and design do not adequately
model how you expect the RTL ports to be implemented:

• You expect RTL ports that read and write multiple times during a transaction (and can stream
the data in and out).

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• The test bench supplies only a single input value and returns only a single output value. A C/C
++ simulation of Multi-Access Pointers on the Interface shows the following results, which
demonstrates that each input is being accumulated four times. The same value is being read
once and accumulated each time. It is not four separate reads.
Din Dout
0 0
1 4
2 8
3 12

To make this design read and write to the RTL ports multiple times, use a volatile qualifier as
shown in Multi-Access Pointers on the Interface. The volatile qualifier tells the C/C++
compiler and Vitis HLS to make no assumptions about the pointer accesses, and to not optimize
them away. That is, the data is volatile and might change.

The volatile qualifier:

• Prevents pointer access optimizations.

• Results in an RTL design that performs the expected four reads on input port d_i and two
writes to output port d_o.

Even if the volatile keyword is used, the coding style of accessing a pointer multiple times still
has an issue in that the function and test bench do not adequately model multiple distinct reads
and writes. In this case, four reads are performed, but the same data is read four times. There are
two separate writes, each with the correct data, but the test bench captures data only for the
final write.

TIP: In order to see the intermediate accesses, use cosim_design -trace_level to create a trace
file during RTL simulation and view the trace file in the appropriate viewer.

The Multi-Access volatile pointer interface can be implemented with wire interfaces. If a FIFO
interface is specified, Vitis HLS creates an RTL test bench to stream new data on each read.
Because no new data is available from the test bench, the RTL fails to verify. The test bench does
not correctly model the reads and writes.

Modeling Streaming Data Interfaces

Unlike software, the concurrent nature of hardware systems allows them to take advantage of
streaming data. Data is continuously supplied to the design and the design continuously outputs
data. An RTL design can accept new data before the design has finished processing the existing

As Understanding Volatile Data shows, modeling streaming data in software is non-trivial,

especially when writing software to model an existing hardware implementation (where the
concurrent/streaming nature already exists and needs to be modeled).

There are several possible approaches:

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• Add the volatile qualifier as shown in the Multi-Access Volatile Pointer Interface example.
The test bench does not model unique reads and writes, and RTL simulation using the original
C/C++ test bench might fail, but viewing the trace file waveforms shows that the correct
reads and writes are being performed.
• Modify the code to model explicit unique reads and writes. See the following example.
• Modify the code to using a streaming data type. A streaming data type allows hardware using
streaming data to be accurately modeled.

The following code example has been updated to ensure that it reads four unique values from
the test bench and write two unique values. Because the pointer accesses are sequential and
start at location zero, a streaming interface type can be used during synthesis.

#include "pointer_stream_good.h"

void pointer_stream_good ( volatile dout_t *d_o, volatile din_t *d_i) {

din_t acc = 0;

acc += *d_i;
acc += *(d_i+1);
*d_o = acc;
acc += *(d_i+2);
acc += *(d_i+3);
*(d_o+1) = acc;

The test bench is updated to model the fact that the function reads four unique values in each
transaction. This new test bench models only a single transaction. To model multiple
transactions, the input data set must be increased and the function called multiple times.

#include "pointer_stream_good.h"

int main () {
din_t d_i[4];
dout_t d_o[4];
int i, retval=0;
FILE *fp;
// Create input data
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
d_i[i] = i;

// Call the function to operate on the data


// Save the results to a file

for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
if (i<2)
fprintf(fp, %d %d\n, d_i[i], d_o[i]);
fprintf(fp, %d \n, d_i[i]);

// Compare the results file with the golden results

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retval = system(diff --brief -w result.dat result.golden.dat);

if (retval != 0) {
printf(Test failed !!!\n);
} else {
printf(Test passed !\n);

// Return 0 if the test

return retval;

The test bench validates the algorithm with the following results, showing that:

• There are two outputs from a single transaction.

• The outputs are an accumulation of the first two input reads, plus an accumulation of the next
two input reads and the previous accumulation.
Din Dout
0 1
1 6

• The final issue to be aware of when pointers are accessed multiple time at the function
interface is RTL simulation modeling.

Multi-Access Pointers and RTL Simulation

When pointers on the interface are accessed multiple times, to read or write, Vitis HLS cannot
determine from the function interface how many reads or writes are performed. Neither of the
arguments in the function interface informs Vitis HLS how many values are read or written.

void pointer_stream_good (volatile dout_t *d_o, volatile din_t *d_i)

Unless the code informs Vitis HLS how many values are required (for example, the maximum size
of an array), the tool assumes a single value and models C/RTL co-simulation for only a single
input and a single output. If the RTL ports are actually reading or writing multiple values, the RTL
co-simulation stalls. RTL co-simulation models the external producer and consumer blocks that
are connected to the RTL design through the port interface. If it requires more than a single
value, the RTL design stalls when trying to read or write more than one value because there is
currently no value to read, or no space to write.

When multi-access pointers are used at the interface, Vitis HLS must be informed of the required
number of reads or writes on the interface. Manually specify the INTERFACE pragma or directive
for the pointer interface, and set the depth option to the required depth.

For example, argument d_i in the code sample above requires a FIFO depth of four. This ensures
RTL co-simulation provides enough values to correctly verify the RTL.

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Chapter 6: Data Types

Vector Data Types

The vector data type is provided to easily model and synthesize single instruction multiple data
(SIMD) type operations. Many operators are overloaded to provide SIMD behavior for vector
types. The AMD Vitis™ HLS library provides the reference implementation for the
hls::vector<T, N> type which represent a single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) vector, as
defined below.

• T: The type of elements that the vector holds, can be a user-defined type which must provide
common arithmetic operations.
• N: The number of elements that the vector holds, must be a positive integer.
• The best performance is achieved when both the bit-width of T and N are integer powers of 2.

Vitis HLS provides a template type hls::vector that can be used to define SIMD operands. All
the operation performed using this type are mapped to hardware during synthesis that will
execute these operations in parallel. These operations can be carried out in a loop which can be
pipelined with II=1. The following example shows how an eight element vector of integers is
defined and used:

typedef hls::vector<int, 8> t_int8Vec;

t_int8Vec intVectorA, intVectorB;
void processVecStream(hls::stream<t_int8Vec>
&inVecStream1,hls::stream<t_int8Vec> &inVecStream2, hls::stream<int8Vec>
for(int i=0;i<32;i++)
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1
t_int8Vec aVec = inVecStream1.read();
t_int8Vec bBec = inVecStream2.read();
//performs a vector operation on 8 integers in parallel
t_int8Vec cVec = aVec * bVec;

Refer to HLS Vector Library for additional information. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-

Examples/Modeling/using_vectors on GitHub for an example.

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Bit-Width Propagation
The primary impact of a coding style on functions is on the function arguments and interface. If
the arguments to a function are sized accurately, Vitis HLS can propagate this information
through the design. There is no need to create arbitrary precision types for every variable. In the
following example, two integers are multiplied, but only the lower 24 bits are used for the result.

#include "ap_int.h"

ap_int<24> foo(int x, int y) {

int tmp;

tmp = (x * y);
return tmp

When this code is synthesized, the result is a 32-bit multiplier with the output truncated to 24-

If the inputs are correctly sized to 12-bit types (int12) as shown in the following code example,
the final RTL uses a 24-bit multiplier.

#include "ap_int.h"
typedef ap_int<12> din_t;
typedef ap_int<24> dout_t;

dout_t func_sized(din_t x, din_t y) {

int tmp;

tmp = (x * y);
return tmp

Using arbitrary precision types for the two function inputs is enough to ensure Vitis HLS creates
a design using a 24-bit multiplier. The 12-bit types are propagated through the design. AMD
recommends that you correctly size the arguments of all functions in the hierarchy so that there
is no need to size local variables.

In general, when variables are driven directly from the function interface, especially from the top-
level function interface, variables can prevent some optimizations from taking place. A typical
case of this is when an input is used as the upper limit for a loop index.

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Section II: HLS Programmers Guide
Chapter 7: Unsupported C/C++ Constructs

Chapter 7

Unsupported C/C++ Constructs

TIP: There are other unsupported C/C++ constructs. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather
to provide details related to some of the unsupported constructs.

While the HLS compiler supports a wide range of the C/C++ languages, some constructs are not
synthesizable, or can result in errors further down the design flow. This section discusses areas in
which coding changes must be made for the function to be synthesized and implemented in a

To be synthesized:

• The function and its calls must contain the entire functionality of the design.
• None of the functionality can be performed by system calls to the operating system.
• The C/C++ constructs must be of a fixed or bounded size.
• The implementation of those constructs must be unambiguous.

System Calls
System calls cannot be synthesized because they are actions that relate to performing some task
upon the operating system in which the C/C++ program is running.

Vitis HLS ignores commonly-used system calls that display only data and that have no impact on
the execution of the algorithm, such as printf() and fprintf(stdout,). In general, calls to
the system cannot be synthesized and should be removed from the function before synthesis.
Other examples of such calls are getc(), time(), sleep(), all of which make calls to the
operating system.

Vitis HLS defines the macro __SYNTHESIS__ when synthesis is performed. This allows the
__SYNTHESIS__ macro to exclude non-synthesizable code from the design.

Note: Only use the __SYNTHESIS__ macro in the code to be synthesized. Do not use this macro in the
test bench, because it is not obeyed by C/C++ simulation or C/C++ RTL co-simulation.

CAUTION! You must not define or undefine the __SYNTHESIS__ macro in code or with compiler
options, otherwise compilation might fail.

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Chapter 7: Unsupported C/C++ Constructs

In the following code example, the intermediate results from a sub-function are saved to a file on
the hard drive. The macro __SYNTHESIS__ is used to ensure the non-synthesizable files writes
are ignored during synthesis.

#include "hier_func4.h"

int shift_func(dint_t *in1, dint_t *in2, dout_t *outA, dout_t *outB)

*outA = *in1 >> 1;
*outB = *in2 >> 2;

void hier_func4(din_t A, din_t B, dout_t *C, dout_t *D)

dint_t apb, amb;

#ifndef __SYNTHESIS__
FILE *fp1; // The following code is ignored for synthesis
char filename[255];
fprintf(fp1, %d \n, apb);

The __SYNTHESIS__ macro is a convenient way to exclude non-synthesizable code without

removing the code itself from the function. Using such a macro does mean that the code for
simulation and the code for synthesis are now different.

CAUTION! If the __SYNTHESIS__ macro is used to change the functionality of the C/C++ code, it can
result in different results between C/C++ simulation and C/C++ synthesis. Errors in such code are
inherently difficult to debug. Do not use the __SYNTHESIS__ macro to change functionality.

Dynamic Memory Usage

Any system calls that manage memory allocation within the system, for example, malloc(),
alloc(), and free(), are using resources that exist in the memory of the operating system
and are created and released during runtime. To be able to synthesize a hardware implementation
the design must be fully self-contained, specifying all required resources.

Memory allocation system calls must be removed from the design code before synthesis.
Because dynamic memory operations are used to define the functionality of the design, they
must be transformed into equivalent bounded representations. The following code example
shows how a design using malloc() can be transformed into a synthesizable version and
highlights two useful coding style techniques:

• The design does not use the __SYNTHESIS__ macro.

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The user-defined macro NO_SYNTH is used to select between the synthesizable and non-
synthesizable versions. This ensures that the same code is simulated in C/C++ and
synthesized in Vitis HLS.
• The pointers in the original design using malloc() do not need to be rewritten to work with
fixed sized elements.
Fixed sized resources can be created and the existing pointer can simply be made to point to
the fixed sized resource. This technique can prevent manual recoding of the existing design.

#include "malloc_removed.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
//#define NO_SYNTH

dout_t malloc_removed(din_t din[N], dsel_t width) {

#ifdef NO_SYNTH
long long *out_accum = malloc (sizeof(long long));
int* array_local = malloc (64 * sizeof(int));
long long _out_accum;
long long *out_accum = &_out_accum;
int _array_local[64];
int* array_local = &_array_local[0];
int i,j;

LOOP_SHIFT:for (i=0;i<N-1; i++) {

if (i<width)

LOOP_ACCUM:for (j=0;j<N-1; j++) {
*out_accum += *(array_local+j);

return *out_accum;

Because the coding changes here impact the functionality of the design, AMD does not
recommend using the __SYNTHESIS__ macro. AMD recommends performing the following

1. Add the user-defined macro NO_SYNTH to the code and modify the code.
2. Enable macro NO_SYNTH, execute the C/C++ simulation, and save the results.
3. Disable the macro NO_SYNTH, and execute the C/C++ simulation to verify that the results
are identical.
4. Perform synthesis with the user-defined macro disabled.

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This methodology ensures that the updated code is validated with C/C++ simulation and that the
identical code is then synthesized. As with restrictions on dynamic memory usage in C/C++, Vitis
HLS does not support (for synthesis) C/C++ objects that are dynamically created or destroyed.

Pointer Limitations
General Pointer Casting

Vitis HLS does not support general pointer casting, but supports pointer casting between native
C/C++ types.

Pointer Arrays

Vitis HLS supports pointer arrays for synthesis, provided that each pointer points to a scalar or
an array of scalars. Arrays of pointers cannot point to additional pointers.

Function Pointers

Function pointers are not supported.

Note: Pointer to pointer is not supported.

Recursive Functions
Recursive functions cannot be synthesized. This applies to functions that can form multiple

unsigned foo (unsigned n)

if (n == 0 || n == 1) return 1;
return (foo(n-2) + foo(n-1));

Vitis HLS also does not support tail recursion, in which there is a finite number of function calls.

unsigned foo (unsigned m, unsigned n)

if (m == 0) return n;
if (n == 0) return m;
return foo(n, m%n);

In C++, templates can implement tail recursion and can then be used for synthesizable tail-
recursive designs.

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Chapter 7: Unsupported C/C++ Constructs

CAUTION! Virtual Functions are not supported.

Standard Template Libraries

Many of the C++ Standard Template Libraries (STLs) contain function recursion and use dynamic
memory allocation. For this reason, the STLs cannot be synthesized by Vitis HLS. The solution for
STLs is to create a local function with identical functionality that does not feature recursion,
dynamic memory allocation, or the dynamic creation and destruction of objects.

Note: Standard data types, such as std::complex, are supported for synthesis. However, the
std::complex<long double> data type is not supported in Vitis HLS and should not be used.

Undefined Behaviors
The C/C++ undefined behaviors may lead to a different behavior in simulation and synthesis. An
example of this behavior is shown below:

for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {

int val; // uninitialized value
if (i==0) val=0;
else if (cond) val=1;
// val may have indeterminate value here
A[i] = val; // undefined behavior
val++; // dead code

In the above example you should not expect that A[i] gets the value of val from the previous loop
iteration if neither i==0, nor (cond) are true. You should even not expect that the increment
(val++) will happen. The same is true for scalars values obtained after complete partition.

For such C/C++ undefined behavior situations, the behavior between GCC and Vitis HLS when
compiling code is likely to be different, which will lead to a mismatch during RTL/Co-simulation.
This is because in GCC, compiled for CPU, val is often left in the same register or in the same
stack location across loop iterations, and therefore the behavior is that the value of val is
retained between loop iterations.

The solution is either to initialize val at each iteration (if this is the expected behavior) or to move
the declaration of val above the loop, as high as necessary, so that its lifetime scope matches
the intent reuse. You should not expect that the compiler will infer a specific defined RTL
behavior from an undefined C/C++ behavior.

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Chapter 7: Unsupported C/C++ Constructs

Virtual Functions and Pointers

Not supported.

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Chapter 8: Interfaces of the HLS Design

Chapter 8

Interfaces of the HLS Design

After the C++ code is complete, and synthesis is converting it to an RTL design, there are
elements of the hardware implementation that are also in your control. Specifically, you need to
consider the inputs to and the outputs from the HLS design, the layout of memory and managing
data alignment, and the execution models of the HLS design. This section discusses the following

• Defining Interfaces
• Vitis HLS Memory Layout Model
• Execution Modes of HLS Designs
• Controlling Initialization and Reset Behavior

Defining Interfaces
Introduction to Interface Synthesis
The arguments of the top-level function in an HLS component are synthesized into interfaces
and ports that group multiple signals to define the communication protocol between the HLS
component and elements external to the design. The tool defines interfaces automatically, using
industry standards to specify the protocol used. The type of interfaces that the tool chooses
depends on the data type and direction of the parameters of the top-level function, the target
flow for the HLS component, the default interface configuration settings as described in Interface
Configuration, and any specified INTERFACE pragmas or directives.

TIP: Interfaces can be manually assigned using the INTERFACE pragma or directive. Refer to Adding
Pragmas and Directives for more information.

The target flows supported for an HLS component include the following as described in Target
Flow Overview:

• The AMD Vivado™ IP flow which is the default flow for the tool
• The Vitis Kernel flow, which is the bottom-up design flow for the Vitis Application
Acceleration Development flow

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Chapter 8: Interfaces of the HLS Design

You can specify the target flow when creatingan HLS component as described in Section III:
Creating Vitis HLS Components.

The interface defines three elements of the kernel:

1. The interface defines channels for data to flow into or out of the HLS design. Data can flow
from a variety of sources external to the kernel or IP, such as a host application, an external
camera or sensor, or from another kernel or IP implemented on the AMD device. The default
channels for Vitis kernels are AXI adapters as described in Interfaces for Vitis Kernel Flow.
2. The interface defines the port protocol that is used to control the flow of data through the
data channel, defining when the data is valid and can be read or can be written, as defined in
Port-Level Protocols for Vivado IP Flow.

TIP: These port protocols can be customized in the Vivado IP flow, but are set and cannot be changed
in the Vitis kernel flow, in most cases.

3. The interface also defines the execution control scheme for the HLS design, specifying the
operation of the kernel or IP as pipelined or sequential, as defined in Block-Level Control

As described in Best Practices for Designing with M_AXI Interfaces the choice and configuration
of interfaces is a key to the success of your design. However, the tool tries to simplify the process
by selecting default interfaces for the target flows as described above.

After synthesis completes you can review the mapping of the software arguments of your C/C++
code to hardware ports or interfaces in the SW I/O Information section of the Synthesis Summary

Interfaces for Vitis Kernel Flow

The Vitis kernel flow provides support for compiled kernel objects (.xo) for software control
from a host application and by the Xilinx Runtime (XRT). As described in PL Kernel Properties in
the Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation, this flow has very specific interface
requirements that Vitis HLS must meet.

Vitis HLS supports memory, stream, and register interface paradigms where each paradigm
follows a certain interface protocol and uses the adapter to communicate with the external

• Memory Paradigm (m_axi): the data is accessed by the kernel through memory such as DDR,
• Stream Paradigm (axis): the data is streamed into the kernel from another streaming source,
such as video processor or another kernel, and can also be streamed out of the kernel.
• Register Paradigm (s_axilite): The data is accessed by the kernel through register
interfaces and accessed by software as register reads/writes.

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Chapter 8: Interfaces of the HLS Design

TIP: The AXI protocol requires an active-Low reset. The tool will define this reset with a warning if the
syn.rtl.reset_level is active-High, which is the default setting.

The Vitis kernel flow implements the following interfaces by default:

C-argument type Paradigm Interface protocol (I/O/Inout)

Scalar(pass by value) Register AXI4-Lite (s_axilite)

Array Memory AXI4 Memory Mapped (m_axi)

Pointer to array Memory m_axi

Pointer to scalar Register s_axilite

Reference Register s_axilite

hls::stream Stream AXI4-Stream (axis)

As you can see from the table above, a pointer to an array is implemented as an m_axi interface
for data transfer, while a pointer to a scalar is implemented using the s_axilite interface. A
scalar value passed as a constant does not need read access, while a pointer to a scalar value
needs both read/write access. The s_axilite interface implements an additional internal
protocol depending upon the C argument type. This internal implementation can be controlled
using Port-Level Protocols for Vivado IP Flow. However, you should not modify the default port
protocols in the Vitis kernel flow unless necessary.

Note: Vitis HLS will not automatically infer the default interfaces for the member elements of a struct/class
when the elements require different interface types. For example, when one element of a struct requires a
stream interface while another member element requires an s_axilite interface. You must explicitly
define an INTERFACE pragma for each element of the struct instead of relying on the default interface
assignment. If no INTERFACE pragma or directive is defined Vitis HLS will issue the following error

ERROR: [HLS 214-312] Vitis mode requires explicit INTERFACE

pragmas for structs in the interface. Please add one INTERFACE pragma for
each struct
member field for argument 'd' of function 'dut(A&)' (example.cpp:19:0)

The default execution mode for Vitis kernel flow is pipelined execution, which enables
overlapping execution of a kernel to improve throughput. This is specified by the
ap_ctrl_chain block control protocol on the s_axilite interface.

TIP: The Vitis environment supports kernels with all of the supported block control protocols as described
in Block-Level Control Protocols.

The vadd function in the following code provides an example of interface synthesis.

#define VDATA_SIZE 16

typedef struct v_datatype { unsigned int data[VDATA_SIZE]; } v_dt;

extern "C" {
void vadd(const v_dt* in1, // Read-Only Vector 1
const v_dt* in2, // Read-Only Vector 2

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v_dt* out_r, // Output Result for Addition

const unsigned int size // Size in integer
) {
unsigned int vSize = ((size - 1) / VDATA_SIZE) + 1;

// Auto-pipeline is going to apply pipeline to this loop

for (int i = 0; i < vSize; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < VDATA_SIZE; k++) {
out_r[i].data[k] = in1[i].data[k] + in2[i].data[k];

The vadd function includes:

• Two pointer inputs: in1 and in2

• A pointer output: out_r that the results are written to
• A scalar value size

With the default interface synthesis settings used by Vitis HLS for the Vitis kernel flow, the
design is synthesized into an RTL block with the ports and interfaces shown in the following

Figure 34: RTL Ports After Default Interface Synthesis

The tool creates three types of interface ports on the RTL design to handle the flow of both data
and control.

• Clock, Reset, and Interrupt ports: ap_clk and ap_rst_n and interrupt are added to the

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• AXI4-Lite interface: s_axi_control interface which contains the scalar arguments like
size, and manages address offsets for the m_axi interface, and defines the block control
• AXI4 memory mapped interface: m_axi_gmem interface which contains the pointer
arguments: in1, in2, and out_r.

Details of M_AXI Interfaces for Vitis

AXI4 memory-mapped (m_axi) interfaces allow kernels to read and write data in global memory
(DDR, HBM, PLRAM), Memory-mapped interfaces are a convenient way of sharing data across
different elements of the accelerated application, such as between the host and kernel, or
between kernels on the accelerator card. The main advantages for m_axi interfaces are listed

• The interface has independent read and write channels

• It supports burst-based accesses
• It provides a queue for outstanding transactions

• Understanding Burst Access: AXI4 memory-mapped interfaces support high throughput

bursts of up to 4K bytes with just a single address phase. With burst mode transfers, Vitis HLS
reads or writes data using a single base address followed by multiple sequential data samples,
which makes this mode capable of higher data throughput. Burst mode of operation is
possible when you use a pipelined for loop to copy memory. Refer to Controlling AXI4 Burst
Behavior or AXI Burst Transfers for more information.

• Automatic Port Widening and Port Width Alignment:

As discussed in Automatic Port Width Resizing, Vitis HLS has the ability to automatically
widen a port width to facilitate data transfers and improve burst access, if a burst access can
be seen by the tool. Therefore all the preconditions needed for bursting, as described in AXI
Burst Transfers, are also needed for port resizing.

In the Vitis Kernel flow automatic port width resizing is enabled by default with the following
configuration commands (notice that one command is specified as bits and the other is
specified as bytes):


• Rules for Offset:

IMPORTANT! In the Vitis kernel flow the default mode of operation is

syn.interface.m_axi_offset=direct and syn.interface.default_slave_interface=s_axilite and should not be

The correct specification of the offset will let the HLS kernel correctly integrate into the Vitis
system. Refer to Offset and Modes of Operation for more information.

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• Bundle Interfaces - Performance vs. Resource Utilization:

By default, Vitis HLS groups function arguments with compatible options into a single m_axi
interface adapter as described in M_AXI Bundles. Bundling ports into a single interface helps
save device resources by eliminating AXI4 logic, which can be necessary when working in
congested designs.

However, a single interface bundle can limit the performance of the kernel because all the
memory transfers have to go through a single interface. The m_axi interface has independent
READ and WRITE channels, so a single interface can read and write simultaneously, though
only at one location. Using multiple bundles lets you increase the bandwidth and throughput
of the kernel by creating multiple interfaces to connect to memory banks.

Details of S_AXILITE Interfaces for Vitis

In C++, a function starts to process data when the function is called from a parent function. The
function call is pushed onto the stack when called, and removed from the stack when processing
is complete to return control to the calling function. This process ensures the parent knows the
status of the child.

Since the host and kernel occupy two separate compute spaces in the Vitis kernel flow, the
"stack" is managed by the Xilinx Runtime (XRT), and communication is managed through the
s_axilite interface. The kernel is software controlled through XRT by reading and writing the
control registers of an s_axilite interface as described in S_AXILITE Control Register Map.
The interface provides the following features:

• Control Protocols: The block control protocol defines control registers in the s_axilite
interface that let you set control signals to manage execution and operation of the kernel.

• Scalar Arguments: Scalar inputs on a kernel are typical, and can be thought of as programming
constants or parameters. The host application transfers these values through the s_axilite

• Pointers to Scalar Arguments: Vitis HLS lets you read to or write from a pointer to a scalar
value when assigned to an s_axilite interface. Pointers are assigned by default to m_axi
interfaces, so this requires you to manually assign the pointer to the s_axilite using the
INTERFACE pragma or directive:

int top(int *a, int *b) {

#pragma HLS interface s_axilite port=a

• Rules for Offset:

Note: The Vitis kernel flow determines the required offsets. Do not specify the offset option in that

• Rules for Bundle:

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The Vitis kernel flow supports only a single s_axilite interface, which means that all
s_axilite interfaces must be bundled together.

• When no bundle is specified the tool automatically creates a default bundle named
• If for some reason you want to manually specify the bundle name, you must apply the
same bundle to all s_axilite interfaces to create a single bundle.

Details of AXIS Interfaces for Vitis

The AXI4-Stream protocol (AXIS) defines a single uni-directional channel for streaming data in a
sequential manner. The AXI4-Stream interfaces can burst an unlimited amount of data, which
significantly improves performance. Unlike the AXI4 memory-mapped interface which needs an
address to read/write the memory, the AXIS interface simply passes data to another AXIS
interface without needing an address, and so uses fewer device resources. Combined, these
features make the streaming interface a light-weight high performance interface.

The AXI4-Stream works on an industry-standard ready/valid handshake between a producer

and consumer, as shown in the figure below. The data transfer is started once the producer sends
the TVALID signal, and the consumer responds by sending the TREADY signal. This handshake of
data and control should continue until either TREADY or TVALID are set low, or the producer
asserts the TLAST signal indicating it is the last data packet of the transfer.

Figure 35: AXI4-Stream Handshake

Put initial TDATA, TLAST (optionally TUSER) on the bus

Signal that initial data is ready by TVALID

AXI4-Stream AXI4-Stream
Data Producer Signal data received by TREADY Data Consumer

Start transmitting TDATA, TLAST (optionally TUSER)


IMPORTANT! The AXIS interface can only be assigned to the top-level arguments (ports) of a kernel or IP,
and cannot be assigned to the arguments of functions internal to the design. Streaming channels used
inside the HLS design should use hls::stream and not an AXIS interface.

You should define the streaming data type using hls::stream<T_data_type>, and use the
ap_axis struct type to implement the AXIS interface. As explained in AXI4-Stream Interfaces
the ap_axis struct lets you choose the implementation of the interface as with or without side-

• AXI4-Stream Interfaces without Side-Channels implements the AXIS interface as a very light-
weight interface using fewer resources

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• AXI4-Stream Interfaces with Side-Channels implements a full featured interface providing

greater control

TIP: You should not define your own struct for modeling the AXIS signals (side channels, TLAST, TVALID).
Instead you can overload the TDATA signal for implementing your data type .

Interfaces for Vivado IP Flow

The Vivado IP flow supports a wide variety of I/O protocols and handshakes due to the
requirement of supporting FPGA design for a wide variety of applications. This flow supports a
traditional system design flow where multiple IP are integrated into a system. IP can be
generated through Vitis HLS. In this IP flow there are two modes of control for execution of the

• Software Control: The system is controlled through a software application running on an

embedded Arm processor or external x86 processor, using drivers to access elements of the
hardware design, and reading and writing registers in the hardware to control the execution of
IP in the system.
• Self Synchronous: In this mode the IP exposes signals which are used for starting and stopping
the kernel. These signals are driven by other IP or other elements of the system design that
handles the execution of the IP.

The Vivado IP flow supports memory, stream, and register interface paradigms where each
paradigm supports different interface protocols to communicate with the external world, as
shown in the following table. Note that while the Vitis kernel flow supports only the AXI4
interface adapters, this flow supports a number of different interface types.

Table 6: Interface Types

Paradigm Description Interface Types

Memory Data is accessed by the kernel through memory ap_memory, bram, AXI4 Memory Mapped
such as DDR, HBM, PLRAM/BRAM/URAM (m_axi)

Stream Data is streamed into the kernel from another ap_fifo, AXI4-Stream (axis)
streaming source, such as video processor or
another kernel, and can also be streamed out of
the kernel.
Register Data is accessed by the kernel through register ap_none, ap_hs, ap_ack, ap_ovld, ap_vld,
interfaces performed by register reads and and AXI4-Lite adapter (s_axilite).

The default interfaces are defined by the C-argument type in the top-level function, and the
default paradigm, as shown in the following table.

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Table 7: Default Interfaces

C-Argument Supported Default Default Interface Protocol

Type Paradigms Paradigm Input Output Inout
Scalar variable Register Register ap_none N/A N/A
(pass by value)
Array Memory, Stream Memory ap_memory ap_memory ap_memory
Pointer Memory, Stream, Register ap_none ap_vld ap_ovld
Reference Register Register ap_none ap_vld ap_vld
hls::stream Stream Stream ap_fifo ap_fifo N/A

The default execution mode for Vivado IP flow is sequential execution, which requires the HLS IP
to complete one iteration before starting the next. This is specified by the ap_ctrl_hs block
control protocol. The control protocol can be changed as specified in Block-Level Control

The vadd function in the following code provides an example of interface synthesis in the
Vivado IP flow.

#define VDATA_SIZE 16

typedef struct v_datatype { unsigned int data[VDATA_SIZE]; } v_dt;

extern "C" {
void vadd(const v_dt* in1, // Read-Only Vector 1
const v_dt* in2, // Read-Only Vector 2
v_dt* out_r, // Output Result for Addition
const unsigned int size // Size in integer
) {

unsigned int vSize = ((size - 1) / VDATA_SIZE) + 1;

// Auto-pipeline is going to apply pipeline to this loop

for (int i = 0; i < vSize; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < VDATA_SIZE; k++) {
out_r[i].data[k] = in1[i].data[k] + in2[i].data[k];

The vadd function includes:

• Two pointer inputs: in1 and in2

• A pointer: out_r that the results are written to
• A scalar value size

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With the default interface synthesis settings used for the Vivado IP flow, the design is
synthesized into an RTL block with the ports and interfaces shown in the following figure.

Figure 36: RTL Ports After Default Interface Synthesis

In the default Vivado IP flow the tool creates three types of interface ports on the RTL design to
handle the flow of both data and control.

• Clock and Reset ports: ap_clk and ap_rst are added to the kernel.
• Block-level control protocol: The ap_ctrl interface is implemented as an s_axilite
• Port-level interface protocols: These are created for each argument in the top-level function
and the function return (if the function returns a value). As explained in the table above most
of the arguments use a port protocol of ap_none, and so have no control signals. In the vadd
example above these ports include: in1, in2, and size. However, the out_r_o output port
uses the ap_vld protocol and so is associated with the out_r_o_ap_vld signal.

AP_Memory in the Vivado IP Flow

The ap_memory is the default interface for the memory paradigm described in the tables above.
In the Vivado IP flow it is used for communicating with memory resources such as BRAM and
URAM. The ap_memory protocol also follows the address and data phase. The protocol initially
requests to read/write the resource and waits until it receives an acknowledgment of the
resource availability. It then initiates the data transfer phase of read/write.

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An important consideration for ap_memory is that it can only perform a single beat data transfer
to a single address, which is different from m_axi which can do burst accesses. This makes the
ap_memory a lightweight protocol, compared to the others.

• Memory Resources: By default Vitis HLS implements a protocol to communicate with a single-
port RAM resource. You can control the implementation of the protocol by specifying the
storage_type as part of the INTERFACE pragma or directive. The storage_type lets you
explicitly define which type of RAM is used, and which RAM ports are created (single-port or
dual-port). If no storage_type is specified Vitis HLS uses:
○ A single-port RAM by default.

○ A dual-port RAM if it reduces the initiation interval or latency.

M_AXI Interfaces in the Vivado IP Flow

AXI4 memory-mapped (m_axi) interfaces allow an IP to read and write data in global memory
(DDR, HBM, PLRAM), Memory-mapped interfaces are a convenient way of sharing data across
multiple IP. The main advantages for m_axi interfaces are listed below:

• The interface has independent read and write channels

• It supports burst-based accesses
• It provides a queue for outstanding transactions

• Understanding Burst Access: AXI4 memory-mapped interfaces support high throughput

bursts of up to 4K bytes with just a single address phase. With burst mode transfers, Vitis HLS
reads or writes data using a single base address followed by multiple sequential data samples,
which makes this mode capable of higher data throughput. Burst mode of operation is
possible when you use the C memcpy function or a pipelined for loop. Refer to Controlling
AXI4 Burst Behavior or AXI Burst Transfers for more information.

• Automatic Port Widening and Port Width Alignment:

As discussed in Automatic Port Width Resizing, Vitis HLS has the ability to automatically
widen a port width to facilitate data transfers and improve burst access when all the
preconditions needed for bursting are present. In the Vivado IP flow the following
configuration settings disable automatic port width resizing by default. To enable this feature
you must change these configuration options (notice that one command is specified as bits
and the other is specified as bytes):


• Specifying Alignment for Vivado IP mode:

The alignment for an m_axi port allows the port to read and write memory according to the
specified alignment. Choosing the correct alignment is important as it will impact performance
in the best case, and can impact functionality in the worst case.

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Aligned memory access means that the pointer (or the start address of the data) is a multiple
of a type-specific value called the alignment. The alignment is the natural address multiple
where the type must be or should be stored (for example for performance reasons) on a
Memory. For example, standard 32-bit architecture stores words of 32 bits, each of 4 bytes in
the memory. The data is aligned to one-word or 4-byte boundary.

The alignment should be consistent in the system. The alignment is determined when the IP is
operating in AXI4 master mode and should be specified, like the 32-bit architecture with 4-
byte alignment. When the IP is operating in slave mode the alignment should match the
alignment of the master.

• Rules for Offset:

The default for m_axi offset is offset=direct and syn.interface.default_slave_interface=s_axilite.

However, in the Vivado IP flow you can change it as described in Offset and Modes of

• Bundle Interfaces - Performance vs. Resource Utilization:

By default, Vitis HLS groups function arguments with compatible options into a single m_axi
interface adapter as described in M_AXI Bundles. Bundling ports into a single interface helps
save device resources by eliminating AXI4 logic, which can be necessary when working in
congested designs.

However, a single interface bundle can limit the performance of the IP because all the memory
transfers have to go through a single interface. The m_axi interface has independent READ
and WRITE channels, so a single interface can read and write simultaneously, though only at
one location. Using multiple bundles lets you increase performance by creating multiple
interfaces to connect to memory banks.

S_AXILITE in the Vivado IP Flow

In the Vivado IP flow, the default execution control is managed by register reads and writes
through an s_axilite interface using the default ap_ctrl_hs control protocol. The IP is
software controlled by reading and writing the control registers of an s_axilite interface as
described in S_AXILITE Control Register Map.

The s_axilite interface provides the following features:

• Control Protocols: The block control protocol as specified in Block-Level Control Protocols.

• Scalar Arguments: Scalar arguments from the top-level function can be mapped to an
s_axilite interface which creates a register for the value as described in S_AXILITE Control
Register Map. The software can perform reads/writes to this register space.

• Rules for Offset: The Vivado IP flow defines the size, or range of addresses assigned to a port
based on the data type of the associated C-argument in the top-level function. However, the
tool also lets you manually define the offset size as described in S_AXILITE Offset Option.

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• Rules for Bundle: In the Vivado IP flow you can specify multiple bundles using the
s_axilite interface, and this will create a separate interface adapter for each bundle you
have defined. However, there are some rules related to using multiple bundles that you should
be familiar with as explained in S_AXILITE Bundle Rules.

AP_FIFO in the Vivado IP Flow

In the Vivado IP flow, the ap_fifo interface protocol is the default interface for the streaming
paradigm on the interface for communication with a memory resource FIFO, and can also be
used as a communication channel between different functions inside the IP. This protocol should
only be used if the data is accessed sequentially, and AMD strongly recommends using the
hls::stream<data type> which implements a FIFO.

TIP: The <data type> should not be the same as the T_data_type, which should only be used on
the interface.

AXIS Interfaces in the Vivado IP Flow

The AXI4-Stream protocol (axis) is an alternative for streaming interfaces, and defines a single
uni-directional channel for streaming data in a sequential manner. Unlike the m_axi protocol, the
AXI4-Stream interfaces can burst an unlimited amount of data, which significantly improves
performance. Unlike the AXI4 memory-mapped interface which needs an address to read/write
the memory, the axis interface simply passes data to another axis interface without needing
an address, and so uses fewer device resources. Combined, these features make the streaming
interface a light-weight high performance interface as described in AXI4-Stream Interfaces.

AXI Adapter Interface Protocols

IMPORTANT! As discussed in Interfaces for Vitis Kernel Flow, the AXI4 adapter interfaces are the default
interfaces used by Vitis HLS for the Vitis Application Acceleration Development flow, though they are also
supported in the Vivado IP flow. The AXI4-Stream Accelerator Adapter is a soft AMD LogiCORE™
Intellectual Property (IP) core used as a infrastructure block for connecting hardware accelerators to
embedded CPUs.

The AXI4 interfaces supported by Vitis HLS include the AXI4-Stream interface (axis), AXI4-Lite
(s_axilite), and AXI4 master (m_axi) interfaces. For a complete description of the AXI4
interfaces, including timing and ports, see the Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037).
As described in the following sections, the AXI4 interfaces implement an adapter to manage
communication according to the protocol. None of the other available Vitis HLS interfaces
implement such an adapter.

• m_axi: Specify on arrays and pointers (and references in C++) only. The m_axi mode specifies
an AXI4 Memory Mapped interface.

TIP: You can group bundle arguments into a single m_axi interface.

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• s_axilite: Specify this protocol on any type of argument except streams. The s_axilite
mode specifies an AXI4-Lite slave interface.

TIP: You can bundle multiple arguments into a single s_axilite interface.

• axis: Specify this protocol on input arguments or output arguments only, not on input/output
arguments. The axis mode specifies an AXI4-Stream interface.

TIP: The AXI protocol requires an active-Low reset. If your design uses AXI interfaces the tool will define
this reset level with a warning if the syn.rtl.reset_level is active-High, which is the default

AXI4 Master Interface

AXI4 memory-mapped (m_axi) interfaces allow kernels to read and write data in global memory
(DDR, HBM, PLRAM). Memory-mapped interfaces are a convenient way of sharing data across
different elements of the accelerated application, such as between the host and kernel, or
between kernels on the accelerator card. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Interface/
Memory on GitHub for examples of some of these concepts.

The main advantages for m_axi interfaces are listed below:

• The interface has a separate and independent read and write channels
• It supports burst-based accesses with potential performance of ~17 GBps
• It provides support for outstanding transactions
• It can include cache to improve performance as indicated by the CACHE pragma or directive.

In the Vitis Kernel flow the m_axi interface is assigned by default to pointer and array
arguments. In this flow it supports the following default features:

• Pointer and array arguments are automatically mapped to the m_axi interface
• The default mode of operation is offset=slave in the Vitis flow and should not be changed
• All pointer and array arguments are mapped to a single interface bundle to conserve device
resources, and ports share read and write access across the time it is active
• The default alignment in the Vitis flow is set to 64 bytes
• The maximum read/write burst length is set to 16 by default

While not used by default in the Vivado IP flow, when the m_axi interface is specified it has the
following default features:

• The default operation mode is offset=off but you can change it as described in Offset and
Modes of Operation

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• Assigned pointer and array arguments are mapped to a single interface bundle to conserve
device resources, and share the interface across the time it is active
• The default alignment in Vivado IP flow is set to 1 byte
• The maximum read/write burst length is set to 16 by default

In both the Vivado IP flow and Vitis kernel flow, global default values for the m_axi interface are
defined by the syn.interface.xxx commands as described in Interface Configuration. The
INTERFACE pragma or directive can be used to modify default values as needed for specific
interfaces. Some customization can help improve design performance as described in Optimizing
AXI System Performance. You can also specify the CACHE pragma or directive as described in
pragma HLS cache to improve performance of the m_axi interface.

You can use an AXI4 master interface on array or pointer/reference arguments, which Vitis HLS
implements in one of the following modes:

• Individual data transfers

• Burst mode data transfers

With individual data transfers, Vitis HLS reads or writes a single element of data for each
address. The following example shows a single read and single write operation. In this example,
Vitis HLS generates an address on the AXI interface to read a single data value and an address to
write a single data value. The interface transfers one data value per address.

void bus (int *d) {

static int acc = 0;

acc += *d;
*d = acc;

With burst mode transfers, Vitis HLS reads or writes data using a single base address followed by
multiple sequential data samples, which makes this mode capable of higher data throughput.
Burst mode of operation is possible when using a pipelined for loop. Refer to AXI Burst
Transfers for more information.

IMPORTANT! The use of memcpy is discouraged because it can not be inlined or pipelined. Its use can
also be problematic because it changes the type of the argument into char , which can lead to errors if
array_partition , array_reshape , or struct disaggregate is used. Instead you are
recommended to write your own version of memcpy with explicit arrays and loops to provide better

When the prior example is synthesized, it results in the interfaces shown in the following figure.

Note: In this figure, the AXI4 interfaces are collapsed.

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Figure 37: AXI4 Interface

When using a for loop to implement burst reads or writes, follow these requirements:

• Pipeline the loop

• Access addresses in increasing order
• Do not place accesses inside a conditional statement
• For nested loops, do not manually flatten loops (using LOOP_FLATTEN pragma or directive),
because this inhibits the burst operation

Note: Only one read and one write is allowed in a for loop unless the ports are bundled in different AXI

Offset and Modes of Operation

IMPORTANT! In the Vitis kernel flow the default mode of operation is offset=slave and should not be
changed. In the Vivado IP flow the default is also offset=slave, but can be changed.

The AXI4 Master interface has a read/write address channel that can be used to read/write
specific addresses. By default the m_axi interface starts all read and write operations from the
address 0x00000000. For example, given the following code, the design reads data from
addresses 0x00000000 to 0x000000C7 (50 32-bit words, gives 200 bytes), which represents
50 address values. The design then writes data back to the same addresses.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void example(int *a){

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=a depth=50

int i;
int buff[50];

//The use of memcpy is discouraged because multiple calls of memcpy

cannot be
//pipelined and will be scheduled sequentially. Use a dedicated for loop
//memcpy(buff,(const int*)a,50*sizeof(int));
//Burst read input
for(i=0; i<50; i++){
buff[i] = a[i];

// Compute value
for(i=0; i < 50; i++){

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buff[i] = buff[i] + 100;


//Burst write output

for(i=0; i<50; i++){
a[i] = buff[i];

The HLS compiler provides the capability to let the base address be configured statically in the
Vivado IP for instance, or dynamically by the software application or another IP during runtime.

The m_axi interface can be both a master initiating transactions, and also a slave interface that
receives the data and sends acknowledgment. Depending on the mode specified with the
offset option of the INTERFACE pragma, an HLS IP can use multiple approaches to set the
base address.

TIP: The syn.interface.m_axi_offset configuration command provides a global setting for the
offset, that can be overridden for specific m_axi interfaces using the INTERFACE pragma offset

• Master Mode: When acting as a master interface with different offset options, the m_axi
interface start address can be either hard-coded or set at runtime.
○ offset=off: Sets the base address of the m_axi interface to 0x00000000 and it cannot
be changed in the Vivado IP integrator. One disadvantage with this approach is that you
cannot change the base address during runtime. See Customizing AXI4 Master Interfaces in
IP Integrator for setting the base address.
The following shows the INTERFACE pragma setting offset=off for the function.
void example(int *a){
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi depth=50 port=a offset=off

○ offset=direct: Vitis HLS generates a port on the IP for setting the address. Note the
addition of the a port as shown in the figure below. This lets you update the address at
runtime, so you can have one m_axi interface reading and writing different locations. For
example, an HLS module that reads data from an ADC into RAM, and an HLS module that
processes that data. Because you can change the address on the module, while one HLS
module is processing the initial dataset the other module can be reading more data into
different address.
void example(int *a){
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi depth=50 port=a offset=direct

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Figure 38: offset=direct

• Slave Mode: The slave mode for an interface is set with offset=slave. In this mode the IP
will be controlled by the host application, or the micro-controller through the s_axilite
interface. This is the default for both the Vitis kernel flow, and the Vivado IP flow. Here is the
flow of operation:
1. initially, the Host/CPU will start the IP or kernel using the block-level control protocol
which is mapped to the s_axilite adapter.
2. The host will send address offsets for the m_axi interfaces through the s_axilite
3. The m_axi adapter will read the start address from the s_axilite adapter and store it
in a queue.
4. The HLS design starts to read the data from the global memory.

As shown in the following figure, the HLS design will have both the s_axilite adapter for the
base address, and the m_axi to perform read and write transfer to the global memory.

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Figure 39: AXI Adapters in Slave Mode

Control register
Address Port Host/
Port handshake 0x10 In1 (LBA) s_axilite Embedded
0x14 In1 (HBA)
0x1C out(LBA)

0x28 out(LBA)

size size


in1 m_axi

out Port handshake In1 out Global memory/IP


Offset Rules

The following are rules associated with the offset option:

• Fully Specified Offset: When the user explicitly sets the offset value the tool uses the
specified settings. The user can also set different offset values for different m_axi interfaces
in the design, and the tool will use the specified offsets.
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_A port=out offset=direct
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_B port=in1 offset=slave
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_C port=in2 offset=off

• No Offset Specified: If there are no offsets specified in the INTERFACE pragma, the tool will
defer to the setting specified by syn.interface.m_axi_offset.
Note: If the global syn.interface.m_axi_offset setting is specified, and the design has an
s_axilite interface, the global setting is ignored and offset=slave is assumed.

void top(int *a) {

#pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=a
#pragma HLS interface mode=s_axilite port=a

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M_AXI Bundles
The Vitis unified IDE and v++ command groups function arguments with compatible options into
a single m_axi interface adapter. Bundling ports into a single interface helps save FPGA
resources by eliminating AXI logic, but it can limit the performance of the kernel because all the
memory transfers have to go through a single interface. The m_axi interface has independent
READ and WRITE channels, so a single interface can read and write simultaneously, though only
at one location. Using multiple bundles the bandwidth and throughput of the kernel can be
increased by creating multiple interfaces to connect to multiple memory banks.

In the following example all the pointer arguments are grouped into a single m_axi adapter using
the interface option bundle=BUS_A, and adds a single s_axilite adapter for the m_axi
offsets, the scalar argument size, and the function return.

extern "C" {
void vadd(const unsigned int *in1, // Read-Only Vector 1
const unsigned int *in2, // Read-Only Vector 2
unsigned int *out, // Output Result
int size // Size in integer
) {

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_A port=out

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_A port=in1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_A port=in2
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=in1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=in2
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=out
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=size
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return

Figure 40: MAXI and S_AXILITE

Control register
Address Port Host/
Port handshake 0x10 In1 s_axilite Embedded
0x14 In2
0x1C out(LBA)

0x28 out(HBA)

size size



in2 In1 m_axi

out Port handshake out Global memory/IP



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You can also choose to bundle function arguments into separate interface adapters as shown in
the following code. Here the argument in2 is grouped into a separate interface adapter with
bundle=BUS_B. This creates a new m_axi interface adapter for port in2.

extern "C" {
void vadd(const unsigned int *in1, // Read-Only Vector 1
const unsigned int *in2, // Read-Only Vector 2
unsigned int *out, // Output Result
int size // Size in integer
) {

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_A port=out

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_A port=in1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi bundle=BUS_B port=in2
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=in1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=in2
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=out
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=size
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return

Figure 41: 2 MAXI Bundles

Control register
Port Host/
Port Handshake In1 (LBA), In1 (HBA) s_axilite Embedded
In2 (LBA), In2 (HBA)




in2 m_axi
BUS_B Global memory/IP

in1 Handshake
In1 out


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Bundle Rules

The global configuration command syn.interface.m_axi_auto_max_ports=false will

limit the number of interface bundles to the minimum required. It will allow the tool to group
compatible ports into a single m_axi interface. The default setting for this command is disabled
(false), but you can enable it to maximize bandwidth by creating a separate m_axi adapter for
each port.

With m_axi_auto_max_ports disabled, the following are some rules for how the tool handles
bundles under different circumstances:

1. Default Bundle Name: The tool groups all interface ports with no bundle name into a single
m_axi interface port using the tool default name bundle=<default>, and names the RTL
port m_axi_<default>. The following pragmas:
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=a depth=50
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=a depth=50
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=a depth=50

Result in the following messages:

INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'example/gmem' to
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'example/gmem' to
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'example/gmem' to

2. User-Specified Bundle Names: The tool groups all interface ports with the same user-
specified bundle=<string> into the same m_axi interface port, and names the RTL port
the value specified by m_axi_<string>. Ports without bundle assignments are grouped
into the default bundle as described above. The following pragmas:
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=a depth=50 bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=b depth=50
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=c depth=50

Result in the following messages:

INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'example/BUS_A' to
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'example/gmem' to
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'example/gmem' to

IMPORTANT! If you bundle incompatible interfaces the tool issues a message and ignores the bundle

M_AXI Channels

M_AXI channels implement a separate channel for each pointer argument mapped to a single AXI
interface, rather than requiring a separate adapter.

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Figure 42: Maxi Adapter

This enables the following benefits:

• The kernel uses fewer M_AXI adapters and consumes fewer hardware resources.
• Multiple pointer arguments mapped to a single AXI interface can be used inside a dataflow
• Using a unique AXI ID for each pointer argument enables burst interleaving which can result
in higher utilization of the AXI bus bandwidth.

There are two methods to enable this feature in your design:

• Enable globally on m_axi interfaces using the

syn.interface.m_axi_auto_id_channel=true configuration command as described
in Interface Configuration. The HLS tool automatically adds channels to the m_axi adapter
when this is enabled.
• Enable on a specific m_axi interface using the channel option of the INTERFACE pragma or
directive as described in syn.directive.interface

M_AXI Resources
The AXI Master Adapter converts the customized AXI commands from the HLS scheduler to
standard AXI AMBA® protocol and sends them to the external memory. The MAXI adapter uses
resources such as FIFO to store the requests/Data and ack. Here is the summary of the modules
and the resource they consume:

• Write Module: The bus write modules performs the write operations.
○ FIFO_wreq: This FIFO module stores the future write requests. When the AW channel is
available a new write request to global memory will be popped out of this FIFO.
○ buff_wdata: This FIFO stores the future write data that needs to be sent to the global
memory. When the W channel is available and AXI protocol conditions are met, the write
data of size= burst_length will be popped out of this FIFO and sent to the global memory.

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○ FIFO_resp: This module is responsible for controlling the number of pipelined write
responses sent to the module.
• Read Module: These modules perform the read operations. It uses the following resources
○ FIFO_rreq: This FIFO module stores the future write requests. When the AR channel is
free a read request to global memory will be popped out of this FIFO.
○ buff_rdata: This FIFO stores the read data that are received from the global memory.

The device resource consumption of the M_AXI adapter is a sum of all the write modules (size of
the FIFO_wreq module, buff_wdata, and size of FIFO_ resp) and the sum of all read
modules. In general, the size of the FIFO is calculated as = Width * Depth. When you refer to a
1KB FIFO storage it can be one of the configurations such as 32*32, 8*64 etc, which are selected
according to the design specification. Similarly, the adapter FIFO storage can be globally
configured for the design using the following configuration commands:

• syn.interface.m_axi_latency
• syn.interface.m_axi_max_read_burst_length/
• syn.interface.m_axi_num_read_outstanding/
• syn.interface.m_axi_addr64

TIP: You can also use similar options on the INTERFACE pragma or directive to configure specific m_axi

These configuration options control the width and depth of the FIFO as shown below.

• Size of the FIFO_wreq/rreq module = (width( syn.interface.m_axi_addr64)) *

Depth( syn.interface.m_axi_latency )). This FIFO will be implemented as a shift
register by the Vivado tool.
• Size of the buff_wdata/buff_rdata module = (width ( port width after HLS synthesis) *
Depth (syn.interface.m_axi_num_write_outstanding *
syn.interface.m_axi_max_write_burst_length )).

TIP: This FIFO by default will be implemented as block RAM, but it can be implemented in LUTRAM or
URAM as determined by syn.interface.m_axi_buffer_impl.

• Size of the FIFO_resp module = depth


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Controlling AXI4 Burst Behavior

An optimal AXI4 interface is one in which the design never stalls while waiting to access the bus,
and after bus access is granted, the bus never stalls while waiting for the design to read/write. To
create the optimal AXI4 interface, the following options are provided in the INTERFACE pragma
or directive to specify the behavior of burst access and optimize the efficiency of the AXI4
interface. Refer to AXI Burst Transfers for more information on burst transfers.

In some cases, where autmatic burst access has failed, an efficient solution is to re-write the code
or use manual burst as described in Using Manual Burst. If that does not work, then another
solution might be to use cache memory in the AXI4 interface using the CACHE pragma or

IMPORTANT! A volatile qualifier on the variable prevents burst access to reado or write it.

Some of these options use internal storage to buffer data and can have an impact on area and

• latency: Specifies the expected latency of the AXI4 interface, allowing the design to initiate
a bus request a number of cycles (latency) before the read or write is expected. If this figure is
too low, the design will be ready too soon and can stall waiting for the bus. If this figure is too
high, bus access might be granted but the bus can stall waiting on the design to start the
• max_read_burst_length: Specifies the maximum number of data values read during a
burst transfer.
• num_read_outstanding: Specifies how many read requests can be made to the AXI4 bus,
without a response, before the design stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, a FIFO
of size: num_read_outstanding*max_read_burst_length*word_size.
• max_write_burst_length: Specifies the maximum number of data values written during a
burst transfer.
• num_write_outstanding: Specifies how many write requests can be made to the AXI4
bus, without a response, before the design stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, a
FIFO of size: num_write_outstanding*max_write_burst_length*word_size

The following example can be used to help explain these options:

#pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=input offset=slave bundle=gmem0


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The interface is specified as having a latency of 100. Vitis HLS seeks to schedule the request for
burst access 100 clock cycles before the design is ready to access the AXI4 bus. To further
improve bus efficiency, the options num_write_outstanding and num_read_outstanding
ensure the design contains enough buffering to store up to 32 read and write bursts. This allows
the design to continue processing until the bus requests are serviced. Finally, the options
max_read_burst_length and max_write_burst_length ensure the maximum burst size
is 16 and that the AXI4 interface does not hold the bus for longer than this.

These options allow the behavior of the AXI4 interface to be optimized for the system in which it
will operate. The efficiency of the operation does depend on these values being set accurately.

Automatic Port Width Resizing

In the Vitis tool flow Vitis HLS provides the ability to automatically re-size m_axi interface ports
to 512-bits to improve burst access. However, automatic port width resizing only supports
standard C data types and power of two size struct, where the pointer is aligned to the
expected widened byte size. If the tool cannot automatically widen the port, you can manually
change the port width by using Vector or Arbitrary Precision (AP) as the data type of the port.

IMPORTANT! Structs on the interface prevent automatic widening of the port. You must break the struct
into individual elements to enable this feature.

Vitis HLS controls automatic port width resizing using the following two commands:

• syn.interface.m_axi_max_widen_bitwidth=<N>: Directs the tool to automatically

widen bursts on M-AXI interfaces up to the specified bitwidth. The value of <N> must be a
power-of-two between 0 and 1024.
• syn.interface.m_axi_alignment_byte_size=<N>: Note that burst widening also
requires strong alignment properties. Assume pointers that are mapped to m_axi interfaces
are at least aligned to the provided width in bytes (power of two). This can help automatic
burst widening.

In the Vitis Kernel flow automatic port width resizing is enabled by default with the following:


In the Vivado IP flow this feature is disabled by default:


Automatic port width resizing will only re-size the port if a burst access can be seen by the tool.
Therefore all the preconditions needed for bursting, as described in AXI Burst Transfers, are also
needed for port resizing. These conditions include:

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• Must be a monotonically increasing order of access (both in terms of the memory location
being accessed as well as in time). You cannot access a memory location that is in between
two previously accessed memory locations- aka no overlap.
• The access pattern from the global memory should be in sequential order, and with the
following additional requirements:
○ The sequential accesses need to be on a primitive type or non vector power of two size
aggregate type
○ The start of the sequential accesses needs to be aligned to the widen word size

○ The length of the sequential accesses needs to be divisible by the widen factor

The following code example is used in the calculations that follow:

for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min = c_len/c_n max = c_len/c_n

// Pipelining loops that access only one variable is the ideal way to
// increase the global memory bandwidth.
for (int x = 0; x < N; ++x) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min = c_n max = c_n
#pragma HLS PIPELINE II = 1
result[x] = a[i * N + x];

for (int x = 0; x < N; ++x) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min = c_n max = c_n
#pragma HLS PIPELINE II = 1
result[x] += b[i * N + x];

for (int x = 0; x < N; ++x) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min = c_n max = c_n
#pragma HLS PIPELINE II = 1
c[i * N + x] = result[x];

The width of the automatic optimization for the code above is performed in three steps:

1. The tool checks for the number of access patterns in the read_a loop. There is one access
during one loop iteration, so the optimization determines the interface bit-width as 32= 32
*1 (bitwidth of the int variable * accesses).
2. The tool tries to reach the default max specified by the config_interface -
m_axi_max_widen_bitwidth 512, using the following expression terms:
length = (ceil((loop-bound of index inner loops) *
(loop-bound of index - outer loops)) * #(of access-patterns))

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• In the above code, the tool supports imperfect loop nest. If a and b are bundled to the
same port, the tool will not extend the bursts on a and b due to conflicting. If a and b are
bundled to different ports, the tool will extend the bursts on a and b to the outer loop.
Therefore the formula will be shortened to:
length = (ceil((loop-bound of index inner loops)) * #(of access-

or: length = ceil(128) *32 = 4096

3. Is the calculated length a power of 2? If Yes, then the length will be capped to the width
specified by syn.interface.m_axi_max_widen_bitwidth.

There are some pros and cons to using the automatic port width resizing which you should
consider when using this feature. This feature improves the access throughput, instead of the
data type size. It also adds more resources as it needs to buffer the huge vector and might need
to shift the data accordingly to the data path size.

Creating an AXI4 Interface with 32-bit Address

By default, Vitis HLS implements the AXI4 port with a 64-bit address bus. However, some
devices such as the Zynq 7000 have a 32 bit address bus. In this case you can implement the
AXI4 interface with a 32-bit address bus by setting the syn.interface.m_axi_addr64=0
configuration command to disable the 64-bit address bus.

IMPORTANT! When you disable the syn.interface.m_axi_addr64 option, the HLS tool
implements all AXI4 interfaces in the design with a 32-bit address bus.

Customizing AXI4 Master Interfaces in IP Integrator

When you incorporate an HLS RTL design that uses an AXI4 master interface into a design in the
Vivado IP integrator, you can customize the block. From the block diagram in IP integrator, select
the HLS block, right-click, and select Customize Block to customize any of the settings provided.
A complete description of the AXI4 parameters is provided in this link in the Vivado Design Suite:
AXI Reference Guide (UG1037).

The following figure shows the Re-Customize IP dialog box for the design shown below. This
design includes an AXI4-Lite port.

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Figure 43: Customizing AXI4 Master Interfaces in IP Integrator

AXI4-Lite Interface


An HLS IP or kernel can be controlled by a host application, or embedded processor using the
Slave AXI4-Lite interface (s_axilite) which acts as a system bus for communication between
the processor and the kernel. Using the s_axilite interface the host or an embedded
processor can start and stop the kernel, and read or write data to it. When Vitis HLS synthesizes
the design the s_axilite interface is implemented as an adapter that captures the data that
was communicated from the host in registers on the adapter. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-
Examples/Interface/Register on GitHub for examples of some of these concepts.

The AXI4-Lite interface performs several functions within a Vivado IP or Vitis kernel:

• It maps a block-level control mechanism which can be used to start and stop the kernel.
• It provides a channel for passing scalar arguments, pointers to scalar values, function return
values, and address offsets for m_axi interfaces from the host to the IP or kernel
• For the Vitis Kernel flow:
○ The tool will automatically infer the s_axilite interface pragma to provide offsets to
pointer arguments assigned to m_axi interfaces, scalar values, and function return type.

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○ Vitis HLS lets you read to or write from a pointer to a scalar value when assigned to an
s_axilite interface. Pointers are assigned by default to m_axi interfaces, so this
requires you to manually assign the pointer to the s_axilite using the INTERFACE
pragma or directive:
int top(int *a, int *b) {
#pragma HLS interface s_axilite port=a

○ Bundle: Do not specify the bundle option for the s_axilite adapter in the Vitis Kernel
flow. The tool will create a single s_axilite interface that will serve for the whole

IMPORTANT! HLS will return an error if multiple bundles are specified for the Vitis Kernel flow.

○ Offset: The tool will automatically choose the offsets for the interface. Do not specify any
offsets in this flow.
• For the Vivado IP flow:
○ This flow will not use the s_axilite interface by default.

○ To use the s_axilite as a communication channel for scalar arguments, pointers to

scalar values, offset to m_axi pointer address, and function return type, you must manually
specify the INTERFACE pragma or directive.
○ Bundle: This flow supports multiple s_axilite interfaces, specified by bundle. Refer to
S_AXILITE Bundle Rules for more information.
○ Offset: By default the tool will place the arguments in a sequential order starting from 0x10
in the control register map. Refer to S_AXILITE Offset Option for additional details.

The following example shows how Vitis HLS implements multiple arguments, including the
function return, as an s_axilite interface. Because each pragma uses the same name for the
bundle option, each of the ports is grouped into a single interface.

void example(char *a, char *b, char *c)

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=a bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=b bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=c bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_vld port=b

*c += *a + *b;

TIP: If you do not specify the bundle option, Vitis HLS groups all arguments into a single s_axilite
bundle and automatically names the port.

The synthesized example will be part of a system that has three important elements as shown in
the figure below:

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1. Host application running on an x86 or embedded processor interacting with the IP or kernel
2. SAXI Lite Adapter: The INTERFACE pragma implements an s_axilite adapter. The adapter
has two primary functions: implementing the interface protocol to communicate with the
host, and providing a Control Register Map to the IP or kernel.
3. The HLS engine or function that implements the design logic

Figure 44: S_AXILITE Adapter


Control register

Address Port

0x00 IP control signals

0x10 a(read/write)
HLS Engine b 0x18 b(read/write)
c Port handshake
0x1c B (control signal) Processor
0x20 c_i

0x28 c_o

0x2c C (control signal)


By default, Vitis HLS automatically assigns the address for each port that is grouped into an
s_axilite interface. The size, or range of addresses assigned to a port is dependent on the
argument data type and the port protocol used, as described below. You can also explicitly define
the address using the offset option as discussed in S_AXILITE Offset Option.

• Port a: By default, is implemented as ap_none. 1-word for the data signal is assigned and only
3 bits are used for addressing as the argument data type is char. Remaining bits are unused.
• Port b: is implemented as ap_vld defined by the INTERFACE pragma in the example. The
corresponding control register is of size 2 bytes (16-bits) and is divided into two sections as
○ (0x1c) Control signal : 1-word for the control signal is assigned.

○ (0x18) Data signal: 1-word for the data signal address is assigned and only 3 bits are used
as the argument data type is char. Remaining bits are unused.
• Port c: By default, is implemented as ap_ovld as an output. The corresponding control
register is of size 4 bytes (32 bits) and is divided into three sections:
○ (0x20) Data signal of c_i: 1-word for the input data signal is assigned, and only 3 bits are
used for addressing as the argument data type is char, the rest are not used.
○ (0x24) Reserved Space

○ (0x28) Data signal of c_o: 1-word for the output data signal is assigned.

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○ (0x2c) Control signal of c_o : 1-word for control signal ap_ovld is assigned and only 3 bits
are used for addressing as the argument data type is char. Remaining bits are unused.

In operation the host application will initially start the kernel by writing into the Control address
space (0x00). The host/CPU completes the initial setup by writing into the other address spaces
which are associated with the various function arguments as defined in the example.

The control signal for port b is asserted and only then can the kernel read ports a and b (port a is
ap_none and does not have a control signal). Until that time the design is stalled and waiting for
the valid register to be set for port b. Each time port b is read by the HLS engine the input valid
register is cleared and the register resets to logic 0.

After the HLS engine finishes its computation, the output value on port C is stored in the control
register and the corresponding valid bit is set for the host to read. After the host reads the data,
the HLS engine will write the ap_done bit in the Control register (0x00) to mark the end of the
IP computation.

Vitis HLS reports the assigned addresses in the S_AXILITE Control Register Map, and also
provides them in C Driver Files to aid in your software development. Using the s_axilite
interface, you can exploit the C driver files for use with code running on an embedded or x86
processor using provided C application program interface (API) functions, to let you control the
hardware from your software.

S_AXILITE Control Register Map

The Vitis unified IDE and v++ command automatically generates a Control Register Map for
controlling the Vivado IP or Vitis kernel, and the ports grouped into s_axilite interface. The
register map, which is added to the generated RTL files, can be divided into two sections:

1. Block-level control signals

2. Function arguments mapped into the s_axilite interface

In the Vitis kernel flow, the default block protocol is ap_ctrl_chain and is assigned to the
s_axilite interface. The default settings should not be changed.

However, in the Vivado IP flow the default block control protocol is ap_ctrl_hs and is assigned
to its own interface as seen in Interfaces for Vivado IP Flow. If you are using an s_axilite
interface in your IP, you can also assign the block control protocol to that interface using the
following INTERFACE pragma, as an example:

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return

To change the block control protocol you can also use the INTERFACE pragma or directive as

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_ctrl_chain port=return

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In the Control Register Map of the s_axilite interface, Vitis HLS reserves addresses 0x00
through 0x18 for the block-level protocol, interrupt, mailbox and auto-restart controls. The latter
are present only when counted auto-restart and the mailbox are enabled, as shown below:

Table 8: Addresses

Address Description
0x00 Control signals
0x04 Global Interrupt Enable Register
0x08 IP Interrupt Enable Register (Read/Write)
0x0c IP Interrupt Status Register (Read/TOW)
0x10 Auto-restart counter (Write; present only with counted
0x14 Input mailbox write (Read/Write; present only when the
input mailbox is enabled)
0x18 Output mailbox read (Read/Write; present only when
the output mailbox is enabled)

The Control signals (0X00) contains ap_start, ap_done, ap_ready, and ap_idle; and in the
case of ap_ctrl_chain the block protocol also contains ap_continue. These are the block-
level interface signals which are accessed through the s_axilite adapter.

To start the block operation theap_start bit in the Control register must be set to 1. The HLS
engine will then proceed and read any inputs grouped into the AXI4-Lite slave interface from the
register in the interface.

When the block completes the operation, theap_done, ap_idle and ap_ready registers will
be set by the hardware output ports and the results for any output ports grouped into the
s_axilite interface read from the appropriate register.

For function arguments, the tool automatically assigns the address for each argument or port
that is assigned to the s_axilite interface. The tool will assign each port an offset starting
from 0x10, the lower addresses being reserved for control signals. The size, or range of
addresses assigned to a port is dependent on the argument data type and the port protocol used.

Because the variables grouped into an AXI4-Lite interface are function arguments which do not
have a default value in the C code, none of the argument registers in the s_axilite interface
can be assigned a default value. The registers can be implemented with a reset using the
config_rtl command, but they cannot be assigned any other default value.

The Control Register Map generated by Vitis HLS for the ap_ctrl_chain block protocol is
provided below:

//------------------------Address Info-------------------
// 0x00 : Control signals
// bit 0 - ap_start (Read/Write/COH)
// bit 1 - ap_done (Read)

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// bit 2 - ap_idle (Read)

// bit 3 - ap_ready (Read/COR)
// bit 4 - ap_continue (Read/Write/SC)
// bit 7 - auto_restart (Read/Write)
// bit 9 - interrupt (Read)
// others - reserved
// 0x04 : Global Interrupt Enable Register
// bit 0 - Global Interrupt Enable (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x08 : IP Interrupt Enable Register (Read/Write)
// bit 0 - enable ap_done interrupt (Read/Write)
// bit 1 - enable ap_ready interrupt (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x0c : IP Interrupt Status Register (Read/TOW)
// bit 0 - ap_done (Read/TOW)
// bit 1 - ap_ready (Read/TOW)
// others - reserved
// 0x10 : Data signal of a
// bit 7~0 - a[7:0] (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x14 : reserved
// 0x18 : Data signal of b
// bit 7~0 - b[7:0] (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x1c : reserved
// 0x20 : Data signal of c_i
// bit 7~0 - c_i[7:0] (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x24 : reserved
// 0x28 : Data signal of c_o
// bit 7~0 - c_o[7:0] (Read)
// others - reserved
// 0x2c : reserved
// (SC = Self Clear, COR = Clear on Read, TOW = Toggle on Write, COH =
Clear on Handshake)

S_AXILITE and Port-Level Protocols

Port-level I/O protocols sequence data into and out of the HLS engine from the s_axilite
adapter as seen in S_AXILITE Example. In the Vivado IP flow, you can assign port-level I/O
protocols to the individual ports and signals bundled into an s_axilite interface. In the Vitis
kernel flow, changing the default port-level I/O protocols is not recommended unless necessary.
The tool assigns a default port protocol to a port depending on the type and direction of the
argument associated with it. The port can contain one or more of the following:

• Data signal for the argument

• Valid signal (ap_vld/ap_ovld) to indicate when the data can be read
• Acknowledge signal (ap_ack) to indicate when the data has been read

The default port protocol assignments for various argument types are as follows:

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Table 9: Supported Argument Types

Argument Type Default Supported

scalar ap_none ap_ack and ap_vld can also be used

Inputs ap_none ap_ack and ap_vld

Outputs ap_vld ap_none, ap_ack, and ap_ovld can

also be used
Inouts ap_ovld ap_none, ap_ack, and ap_vld are also

IMPORTANT! Arrays default to ap_memory . The bram port protocol is not supported for arrays in an
s_axilite interface.

The S_AXILITE Example groups port b into the s_axilite interface and specifies port b as
using the ap_vld protocol with INTERFACE pragmas. As a result, the s_axilite adapter
contains a register for the port b data, and a register for the port b input valid signal.

If the input valid register is not set to logic 1, the data in the b data register is not considered
valid, and the design stalls and waits for the valid register to be set. Each time port b is read, Vitis
HLS automatically clears the input valid register and resets the register to logic 0.

RECOMMENDED: To simplify the operation of your design, AMD recommends that you use the default
port protocols associated with the s_axilite interface.

S_AXILITE Bundle Rules

In the S_AXILITE Example all the function arguments are grouped into a single s_axilite
interface adapter specified by the bundle=BUS_A option in the INTERFACE pragma. The
bundle option simply lets you group ports together into one interface.

In the Vitis kernel flow there should only be a single interface bundle, commonly named
s_axi_control by the tool. So you should not specify the bundle option in that flow, or you
will probably encounter an error during synthesis. However, in the Vivado IP flow you can specify
multiple bundles using the s_axilite interface, and this will create a separate interface
adapter for each bundle you have defined. The following example shows this:

void example(char *a, char *b, char *c)

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=a bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=b bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=c bundle=OUT
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_vld port=b
*c += *a + *b;

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After synthesis completes, the Synthesis Summary report provides feedback regarding the
number of s_axilite adapters generated. The SW-to-HW Mapping section of the report
contains the HW info showing the control register offset and the address range for each port.

However, there are some rules related to using bundles with the s_axilite interface.

1. Default Bundle Names: This rule explicitly groups all interface ports with no bundle name into
the same AXI4-Lite interface port, uses the tool default bundle name, and names the RTL
port s_axi_<default>, typically s_axi_control.
In this example all ports are mapped to the default bundle:
void top(char *a, char *b, char *c)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=a
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=b
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=c
*c += *a + *b;

2. User-Specified Bundle Names: This rule explicitly groups all interface ports with the same
bundle name into the same AXI4-Lite interface port, and names the RTL port the value
specified by s_axi_<string>.
The following example results in interfaces named s_axi_BUS_A, s_axi_BUS_B, and
void example(char *a, char *b, char *c)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=a bundle=BUS_A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=b bundle=BUS_B
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=c bundle=OUT
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return bundle=OUT
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_vld port=b
*c += *a + *b;

3. Partially Specified Bundle Names: If you specify bundle names for some arguments, but
leave other arguments unassigned, then the tool will bundle the arguments as follows:
• Group all ports into the specified bundles as indicated by the INTERFACE pragmas.
• Group any ports without bundle assignments into a default named bundle. The default
name can either be the standard tool default, or an alternative default name if the tool
default has already been specified by the user.
In the following example the user has specified bundle=control, which is the tool default
name. In this case, port c will be assigned to s_axi_control as specified by the user, and
the remaining ports will be bundled under s_axi_control_r, which is an alternative
default name used by the tool.
void top(char *a, char *b, char *c) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=a
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=b
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=c bundle=control

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S_AXILITE Offset Option

Note: The Vitis kernel flow determines the required offsets. Do not specify the offset option in that flow.

In the Vivado IP flow, Vitis HLS defines the size, or range of addresses assigned to a port in the
S_AXILITE Control Register Map depending on the argument data type and the port protocol
used. However, the INTERFACE pragma also contains an offset option that lets you specify the
address offset in the AXI4-Lite interface.

When specifying the offset for your argument, you must consider the size of your data and
reserve some extra for the port control protocol. The range of addresses you reserve should be
based on a 32-bit word. You should reserve enough 32-bit words to fit your argument data type,
and add reserve one additional word for the control protocol, even for ap_none.

TIP: In the case of the ap_memory protocol for arrays, you do not need to reserve the extra word for the
control protocol. In this case, simply reserve enough 32-bit words to fit your argument data type.

For example, to reserve enough space for a double you need to reserve two 32-bit words for the
64-bit data type, and then reserve an additional 32-bit word for the control protocol. So you
need to reserve a total of three 32-bit words, or 96 bits. If your argument offset starts at 0x020,
then the next available offset would begin at 0x02c, in order to reserve the required address
range for your argument.

If you make a mistake in setting the offset of your arguments, by not reserving enough address
range to fit your data type and the control protocol, Vitis HLS will recognize the error, will warn
you of the issue, and will recover by moving your misplaced argument register to the end of the
Control Register Map. This will allow your build to proceed, but may not work with your host
application or driver if they were written to your specified offset.

C Driver Files
When an AXI4-Lite slave interface is implemented, a set of C driver files are automatically
created. These C driver files provide a set of APIs that can be integrated into any software
running on a CPU and used to communicate with the device via the AXI4-Lite slave interface.

The C driver files are created when the design is packaged as IP in the IP catalog.

Driver files are created for standalone and Linux modes. In standalone mode the drivers are used
in the same way as any other AMD standalone drivers. In Linux mode, copy all the C files (.c)
and header files (.h) files into the software project.

The driver files and API functions derive their name from the top-level function for synthesis. In
the above example, the top-level function is called “example”. If the top-level function was
named “DUT” the name “example” would be replaced by “DUT” in the following description. The
driver files are created in the packaged IP (located in the impl directory inside the solution).

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Table 10: C Driver Files for a Design Named Example

File Path Usage Mode Description

data/example.mdd Standalone Driver definition file.
data/example.tcl Standalone Used by SDK to integrate the software
into an SDK project.
src/xexample_hw.h Both Defines address offsets for all internal
src/xexample.h Both API definitions
src/xexample.c Both Standard API implementations
src/xexample_sinit.c Standalone Initialization API implementations
src/xexample_linux.c Linux Initialization API implementations
src/Makefile Standalone Makefile

In file xexample.h, two structs are defined.

• XExample_Config: This is used to hold the configuration information (base address of each
AXI4-Lite slave interface) of the IP instance.

• XExample: This is used to hold the IP instance pointer. Most APIs take this instance pointer as
the first argument.

The standard API implementations are provided in files xexample.c, xexample_sinit.c,

xexample_linux.c, and provide functions to perform the following operations.

• Initialize the device

• Control the device and query its status
• Read/write to the registers
• Set up, monitor, and control the interrupts

Refer to Section V: Vitis HLS C Driver Reference for a description of the API functions provided
in the C driver files.

IMPORTANT! The C driver APIs always use an unsigned 32-bit type (U32). You might be required to cast
the data in the C code into the expected type.

C Driver Files and Float Types

C driver files always use a data 32-bit unsigned integer (U32) for data transfers. In the following
example, the function uses float type arguments a and r1. It sets the value of a and returns the
value of r1:

float calculate(float a, float *r1)

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=ap_vld register port=r1
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=a
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=r1

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#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return

*r1 = 0.5f*a;
return (a>0);

After synthesis, Vitis HLS groups all ports into the default AXI4-Lite interface and creates C
driver files. However, as shown in the following example, the driver files use type U32:

// API to set the value of A

void XCalculate_SetA(XCalculate *InstancePtr, u32 Data) {
Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

// API to get the value of R1

u32 XCalculate_GetR1(XCalculate *InstancePtr) {
u32 Data;

Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

Data = XCalculate_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Hls_periph_bus_BaseAddress,
return Data;

If these functions work directly with float types, the write and read values are not consistent
with expected float type. When using these functions in software, you can use the following
casts in the code:

float a=3.0f,r1;
u32 ua,ur1;

// cast float “a” to type U32


// cast return type U32 to float type for “r1”


Controlling Hardware

TIP: The example provided below demonstrates the ap_ctrl_hs block control protocol, which is the
default for the Vivado IP flow. Refer to Block-Level Control Protocols for more information and a
description of the ap_ctrl_chain protocol which is the default for the Vitis kernel flow.

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In this example, the hardware header file xexample_hw.h provides a complete list of the
memory mapped locations for the ports grouped into the AXI4-Lite slave interface, as described
in S_AXILITE Control Register Map.

// 0x00 : Control signals

// bit 0 - ap_start (Read/Write/SC)
// bit 1 - ap_done (Read/COR)
// bit 2 - ap_idle (Read)
// bit 3 - ap_ready (Read)
// bit 7 - auto_restart (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x04 : Global Interrupt Enable Register
// bit 0 - Global Interrupt Enable (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x08 : IP Interrupt Enable Register (Read/Write)
// bit 0 - Channel 0 (ap_done)
// bit 1 - Channel 1 (ap_ready)
// 0x0c : IP Interrupt Status Register (Read/TOW)
// bit 0 - Channel 0 (ap_done)
// others - reserved
// 0x10 : Data signal of a
// bit 7~0 - a[7:0] (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x14 : reserved
// 0x18 : Data signal of b
// bit 7~0 - b[7:0] (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x1c : reserved
// 0x20 : Data signal of c_i
// bit 7~0 - c_i[7:0] (Read/Write)
// others - reserved
// 0x24 : reserved
// 0x28 : Data signal of c_o
// bit 7~0 - c_o[7:0] (Read)
// others - reserved
// 0x2c : Control signal of c_o
// bit 0 - c_o_ap_vld (Read/COR)
// others - reserved
// (SC = Self Clear, COR = Clear on Read, TOW = Toggle on Write, COH =
Clear on

To correctly program the registers in the s_axilite interface, you must understand how the
hardware ports operate with the default port protocols, or the custom protocols as described in
S_AXILITE and Port-Level Protocols.

For example, to start the block operation the ap_start register must be set to 1. The device
will then proceed and read any inputs grouped into the AXI4-Lite slave interface from the
register in the interface. When the block completes operation, the ap_done, ap_idle and
ap_ready registers will be set by the hardware output ports and the results for any output ports
grouped into the AXI4-Lite slave interface read from the appropriate register.

The implementation of function argument c in the example highlights the importance of some
understanding how the hardware ports operate. Function argument c is both read and written to,
and is therefore implemented as separate input and output ports c_i and c_o, as explained in
S_AXILITE Example.

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The first recommended flow for programing the s_axilite interface is for a one-time
execution of the function:

• Use the interrupt function standard API implementations provided in the C Driver Files to
determine how you want the interrupt to operate.
• Load the register values for the block input ports. In the above example this is performed
using API functions XExample_Set_a, XExample_Set_b, and XExample_Set_c_i.
• Set the ap_start bit to 1 using XExample_Start to start executing the function. This
register is self-clearing as noted in the header file above. After one transaction, the block will
suspend operation.
• Allow the function to execute. Address any interrupts which are generated.
• Read the output registers. In the above example this is performed using API functions
XExample_Get_c_o_vld, to confirm the data is valid, and XExample_Get_c_o.
Note: The registers in the s_axilite interface obey the same I/O protocol as the ports. In this case,
the output valid is set to logic 1 to indicate if the data is valid.

• Repeat for the next transaction.

The second recommended flow is for continuous execution of the block. In this mode, which is
described in much more detail in the next section, the input ports included in the AXI4-Lite
interface should only be ports which perform configuration. The block will typically run much
faster than a CPU. If the block must wait for inputs, the block will spend most of its time waiting:

• Use the interrupt function to determine how you wish the interrupt to operate.
• Load the register values for the block input ports. In the above example this is performed
using API functions XExample_Set_a, XExample_Set_a and XExample_Set_c_i.
• Set the auto-start function using API XExample_EnableAutoRestart.
• Allow the function to execute. The individual port I/O protocols will synchronize the data
being processed through the block.
• Address any interrupts which are generated. The output registers could be accessed during
this operation but the data may change often.
• Use the API function XExample_DisableAutoRestart to prevent any more executions.
• Read the output registers. In the above example this is performed using API functions
XExample_Get_c_o and XExample_Set_c_o_vld.

Controlling Software
The API functions can be used in the software running on the CPU to control the hardware block.
An overview of the process is:

• Create an instance of the hardware

• Look Up the device configuration

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• Initialize the device

• Set the input parameters of the HLS block
• Start the device and read the results

An example application is shown below.

#include "xexample.h" // Device driver for HLS HW block

#include "xparameters.h"
// HLS HW instance
XExample HlsExample;
XExample_Config *ExamplePtr

int main() {
int res_hw;

// Look Up the device configuration

ExamplePtr = XExample_LookupConfig(XPAR_XEXAMPLE_0_DEVICE_ID);
if (!ExamplePtr) {
print("ERROR: Lookup of accelerator configuration failed.\n\r");

// Initialize the Device

status = XExample_CfgInitialize(&HlsExample, ExamplePtr);
if (status != XST_SUCCESS) {
print("ERROR: Could not initialize accelerator.\n\r");

//Set the input parameters of the HLS block

XExample_Set_a(&HlsExample, 42);
XExample_Set_b(&HlsExample, 12);
XExample_Set_c_i(&HlsExample, 1);

// Start the device and read the results

do {
res_hw = XExample_Get_c_o(&HlsExample);
} while (XExample_Get_c_o(&HlsExample) == 0); // wait for valid data output
print("Detected HLS peripheral complete. Result received.\n\r");

Control Clock and Reset in AXI4-Lite Interfaces

Note: If you instantiate the slave AXI4-Lite register file in a bus fabric that uses a different clock frequency,
Vivado IP integrator will automatically generate a clock domain crossing (CDC) slice that performs the
same function as the control clock described below, making use of the option unnecessary.

By default, Vitis HLS uses the same clock for the AXI4-Lite interface and the synthesized design.
Vitis HLS connects all registers in the AXI4-Lite interface to the clock used for the synthesized
logic (ap_clk).

Optionally, you can use the INTERFACE directive clock option to specify a separate clock for
each AXI4-Lite port. When connecting the clock to the AXI4-Lite interface, you must use the
following protocols:

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• AXI4-Lite interface clock must be synchronous to the clock used for the synthesized logic
(ap_clk). That is, both clocks must be derived from the same master generator clock.
• AXI4-Lite interface clock frequency must be equal to or less than the frequency of the clock
used for the synthesized logic (ap_clk).

If you use the clock option with the INTERFACE directive, you only need to specify the clock
option on one function argument in each bundle. Vitis HLS implements all other function
arguments in the bundle with the same clock and reset. Vitis HLS names the generated reset
signal with the prefix ap_rst_ followed by the clock name. The generated reset signal is active-
Low independent of the config_rtl command.

The following example shows how Vitis HLS groups function arguments a and b into an AXI4-
Lite port with a clock named AXI_clk1 and an associated reset port.

// Default AXI-Lite interface implemented with independent clock called

#pragma HLS interface mode=s_axilite port=a clock=AXI_clk1
#pragma HLS interface mode=s_axilite port=b

In the following example, Vitis HLS groups function arguments c and d into AXI4-Lite port
CTRL1 with a separate clock called AXI_clk2 and an associated reset port.

// CTRL1 AXI-Lite bundle implemented with a separate clock (called AXI_clk2)

#pragma HLS interface mode=s_axilite port=c bundle=CTRL1 clock=AXI_clk2
#pragma HLS interface mode=s_axilite port=d bundle=CTRL1

Customizing AXI4-Lite Slave Interfaces in IP Integrator

When an HLS RTL design using an AXI4-Lite slave interface is incorporated into a design in
Vivado IP integrator, you can customize the block. From the block diagram in IP integrator, select
the HLS block, right-click with the mouse button and select Customize Block.

The address width is by default configured to the minimum required size. Modify this to connect
to blocks with address sizes less than 32-bit.

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Figure 45: Customizing AXI4-Lite Slave Interfaces in IP Integrator

AXI4-Stream Interfaces
IMPORTANT! hls::axis (and ap_axiu /ap_axis ) cannot be used on internal functions or
variables as the AXI4-Stream protocol is only supported on the interfaces of top-level functions. For
internal functions or variables you must use hls::stream objects as described in HLS Stream Library.

An AXI4-Stream interface can be applied to any input argument and any array or pointer output
argument. Because an AXI4-Stream interface transfers data in a sequential streaming manner, it
cannot be used with arguments that are both read and written. In terms of data layout, the data
type of the AXI4-Stream is aligned to the next byte. For example, if the size of the data type is 12
bits, it will be extended to 16 bits. Depending on whether a signed/unsigned interface is
selected, the extended bits are either sign-extended or zero-extended.

If the stream data type is an user-defined struct, the default procedure is to keep the struct
aggregated and align the struct to the size of the largest data element to the nearest byte. The
only exception to this rule is if the struct contains a hls::stream object. In this special case,
the struct will be disaggregated and an axi stream will be created for each member element of
the struct.

TIP: The maximum supported port width is 4096 bits, even for aggregated structs or reshaped arrays.

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The following code examples show how the packed alignment depends on your struct type. If the
struct contains only char type, as shown in the following example, then it will be packed with
alignment of one byte. Total size of the struct will be two bytes:

struct A {
char foo;
char bar;

However, if the struct has elements with different data types, as shown below, then it will be
packed and aligned to the size of the largest data element, or four bytes in this example. Element
bar will be padded with three bytes resulting in a total size of eight bytes for the struct:

struct A {
int foo;
char bar;

IMPORTANT! Structs contained in AXI4-Stream interfaces (axis) are aggregated by default, and the
stream itself cannot be disaggregated. If separate streams for member elements of the struct are desired
then this must be manually coded as separate elements, resulting in a separate axis interface for each
element. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Interface/Aggregation_Disaggregation/
disaggregation_of_axis_port on GitHub for an example.

How AXI4-Stream Works

AXI4-Stream is a protocol designed for transporting arbitrary unidirectional data. In an AXI4-
Stream, TDATA width of bits is transferred per clock cycle. The transfer is started once the
producer sends the TVALID signal and the consumer responds by sending the TREADY signal
(once it has consumed the initial TDATA). At this point, the producer will start sending TDATA and
TLAST (TUSER if needed to carry additional user-defined sideband data). TLAST signals the last
byte of the stream. So the consumer keeps consuming the incoming TDATA until TLAST is

Figure 46: AXI4-Stream Handshake

Put initial TDATA, TLAST (optionally TUSER) on the bus

Signal that initial data is ready by TVALID

AXI4-Stream AXI4-Stream
Data Producer Signal data received by TREADY Data Consumer

Start transmitting TDATA, TLAST (optionally TUSER)


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AXI4-Stream has additional optional features like sending positional data with TKEEP and TSTRB
ports which makes it possible to multiplex both the data position and data itself on the TDATA
signal. Using the TID and TDIST signals, you can route streams as these fields roughly
corresponds to stream identifier and stream destination identifier. Refer to Vivado Design Suite:
AXI Reference Guide (UG1037) or the AMBA AXI4-Stream Protocol Specification (ARM IHI 0051A)
for more information.

How AXI4-Stream is Implemented

If your design requires a streaming interface begin by defining and using a streaming data
structure like hls::stream in Vitis HLS. This simple object encapsulates the requirements of
streaming and its streaming interface is by default implemented in the RTL as a FIFO interface
(ap_fifo) but can be optionally, implemented as a handshake interface (ap_hs) or an AXI4-Stream
interface (axis). Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Interface/Streaming on GitHub for
different examples of streaming interfaces.

If a AXI4-Stream interface (axis) is specified via the interface pragma mode option, the interface
implementation will mimic the style of an AXIS interface by defining the TDATA, TVALID and
TREADY signals.

If a more formal AXIS implementation is desired, then Vitis HLS requires the usage of a special
data type (hls::axis defined in ap_axi_sdata.h) to encapsulate the requirements of the
AXI4-Stream protocol and implement the special RTL signals needed for this interface.

The AXI4-Stream interface is implemented as a struct type in Vitis HLS and has the following
signature (defined in ap_axi_sdata.h):

template <typename T, size_t WUser, size_t WId, size_t WDest> struct axis
{ .. };


• T: The data type to be streamed.

TIP: This can support any data type, including ap_fixed.

• WUser: Width of the TUSER signal

• WId: Width of the TID signal

• WDest: Width of the TDest signal

When the stream data type (T) are simple integer types, there are two predefined types of AXI4-
Stream implementations available:

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• A signed implementation of the AXI4-Stream class (or more simply ap_axis<Wdata,

WUser, WId, WDest>)
hls::axis<ap_int<WData>, WUser, WId, WDest>

• An unsigned implementation of the AXI4-Stream class (or more simply ap_axiu<WData,

WUser, WId, WDest>)
hls::axis<ap_uint<WData>, WUser, WId, WDest>

The value specified for the WUser, WId, and WDest template parameters controls the usage of
side-channel signals in the AXI4-Stream interface.

When the hls::axis class is used, the generated RTL will typically contain the actual data
signal TDATA, and the following additional signals: TVALID, TREADY, TKEEP, TSTRB, TLAST,

TVALID, TREADY, and TLAST are necessary control signals for the AXI4-Stream protocol.
TKEEP, TSTRB, TUSER, TID, and TDEST signals are optional special signals that can be used to
pass around additional bookkeeping data.

TIP: If WUser , WId , and WDest are set to 0, the generated RTL will not include the optional TUSER,
TID, and TDEST signals in the interface.

Registered AXI4-Stream Interfaces

As a default, AXI4-Stream interfaces are always implemented as registered interfaces to ensure
that no combinational feedback paths are created when multiple HLS IP blocks with AXI4-Stream
interfaces are integrated into a larger design. For AXI4-Stream interfaces, four types of register
modes are provided to control how the interface registers are implemented:

• Forward: Only the TDATA and TVALID signals are registered.

• Reverse: Only the TREADY signal is registered.

• Both: All signals (TDATA, TREADY, and TVALID) are registered. This is the default.

• Off: None of the port signals are registered.

The AXI4-Stream side-channel signals are considered to be data signals and are registered
whenever TDATA is registered.

RECOMMENDED: When connecting HLS generated IP blocks with AXI4-Stream interfaces at least one
interface should be implemented as a registered interface or the blocks should be connected via an AXI4-
Stream Register Slice.

There are two basic methods to use an AXI4-Stream in your design:

• Use an AXI4-Stream without side-channels.

• Use an AXI4-Stream with side-channels.

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This second use model provides additional functionality, allowing the optional side-channels
which are part of the AXI4-Stream standard, to be used directly in your C/C++ code.

AXI4-Stream Interfaces without Side-Channels

An AXI4-Stream is used without side-channels when the function argument, ap_axis or
ap_axiu data type, does not contain any AXI4 side-channel elements (that is, when the WUser,
WId, and WDest parameters are set to 0). In the following example, both interfaces are
implemented using an AXI4-Stream:

#include "ap_axi_sdata.h"
#include "hls_stream.h"

typedef ap_axiu<32, 0, 0, 0> trans_pkt;

void example(hls::stream< trans_pkt > &A, hls::stream< trans_pkt > &B)

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=axis port=A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=axis port=B
trans_pkt tmp;
tmp.data += 5;

After synthesis, both arguments are implemented with a data port (TDATA) and the standard
AXI4-Stream protocol ports, TVALID, TREADY, TKEEP, TLAST, and TSTRB, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 47: AXI4-Stream Interfaces without Side-Channels

TIP: If you specify an hls::stream object with a data type other than ap_axis or ap_axiu , the
tool will infer an AXI4-Stream interface without the TLAST signal, or any of the side-channel signals. This
implementation of the AXI4-Stream interface consumes fewer device resources, but offers no visibility into
when the stream is ending.

Multiple variables can be combined into the same AXI4-Stream interface by using a struct, which
is aggregated by Vitis HLS by default. Aggregating the elements of a struct into a single wide-
vector, allows all elements of the struct to be implemented in the same AXI4-Stream interface.

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AXI4-Stream Interfaces with Side-Channels

The following example shows how the side-channels can be used directly in the C/C++ code and
implemented on the interface. The code uses #include "ap_axi_sdata.h" to provide an
API to handle the side-channels of the AXI4-Stream interface. In the following example a signed
32-bit data type is used:

#include "ap_axi_sdata.h"
#include "ap_int.h"
#include "hls_stream.h"

#define DWIDTH 32

typedef ap_axiu<DWIDTH, 1, 1, 1> trans_pkt;

extern "C"{
void krnl_stream_vmult(hls::stream<trans_pkt> &A,
hls::stream<trans_pkt> &B) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=axis port=A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=axis port=B
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return bundle=control
bool eos = false;

vmult: do {
trans_pkt t2 = A.read();

// Packet for Output

trans_pkt t_out;

// Reading data from input packet

ap_uint<DWIDTH> in2 = t2.data;
ap_uint<DWIDTH> tmpOut = in2 * 5;
// Setting data and configuration to output packet
t_out.data = tmpOut;
t_out.last = t2.last;
t_out.keep = -1; //Enabling all bytes
// Writing packet to output stream
if (t2.last) {
eos = true;
} while (eos == false);

After synthesis, both the A and B arguments are implemented with data ports, the standard
AXI4-Stream protocol ports, TVALID and TREADY and all of the optional ports described in the

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Figure 48: AXI4-Stream Interfaces with Side-Channels

Coding Style for Array to Stream

While arrays can be converted to streams, it can often lead to coding and synthesis issues as
arrays can be accessed in random order while a stream requires a sequential access pattern
where every element is read in order. To avoid such issues, any time a streaming interface is
required, it is highly recommended to use the hls::stream object as described in Using HLS
Streams. Usage of this construct will enforce streaming semantics in the source code.

However, to convert an array to a stream you should perform all the operations on temp
variables. Read the input stream, process the temp variable, and write the output stream, as
shown in the example below. This approach lets you preserve the sequential reading and writing
of the stream of data, rather than attempting multiple or random reads or writes.

struct A {
short varA;
int varB;

void dut(A in[N], A out[N], bool flag) {

#pragma HLS interface mode=axis port=in,out
for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) {
A tmp = in[i];
if (flag)
tmp.varB = tmp.varA + 5;
out[i] = tmp;

If this coding style is not adhered to, it will lead to functional failures of the stream processing.

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The recommended method is to define the arguments as hls::stream objects as shown


void dut(hls::stream<A> &in, hls::stream<A> &out, bool flag) {

#pragma HLS interface mode=axis port=in,out

for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) {

A tmp = in.read();
if (flag)
tmp.varB = tmp.varA + 5;

Customizing AXI4-Stream Interfaces

An instance of an AXI4-Stream without side channels (for example
hls::stream<ap_axiu<32, 0, 0, 0>>) can result in the following RTL signals on the

• TDATA[ ]
• TLAST[ ]
• TKEEP[ ]
• TSTRB[ ]

Some of these signals (TLAST, TKEEP, and TSTRB) can be unnecessary or unwanted in your
design. In addition, there are use cases where TDATA is not required as the modeler uses TUSER
to move data. To support these additional use cases the hls::axis<T> definition supports the
following options:

template <typename T,
std::size_t WUser = 0,
std::size_t WId = 0,
std::size_t WDest = 0,
uint8_t EnableSignals = (AXIS_ENABLE_KEEP |
bool StrictEnablement = false>
struct axis {
// members
T data;
ap_uint<bytesof<T>> strb;
ap_uint<bytesof<T>> keep;
ap_uint<WUser> user;
ap_uint<WId> id;
ap_uint<WDest> dest;
ap_uint<1> last;

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// get_* methods

// set_* methods


The EnableSignals and StrictEnablement fields let you specify which of the three signals
(TKEEP, TLAST, and TSTRB) should appear in your design using the specification of special
macros. The complete list of macros is shown below:

// Enablement for axis signals

#define AXIS_ENABLE_DATA 0b00000001
#define AXIS_ENABLE_DEST 0b00000010
#define AXIS_ENABLE_ID 0b00000100
#define AXIS_ENABLE_KEEP 0b00001000
#define AXIS_ENABLE_LAST 0b00010000
#define AXIS_ENABLE_STRB 0b00100000
#define AXIS_ENABLE_USER 0b01000000

// Disablement mask for DATA axis signals

#define AXIS_DISABLE_DATA (0b11111111 ^ AXIS_ENABLE_DATA) & \
(0b11111111 ^ AXIS_ENABLE_KEEP) & \
(0b11111111 ^ AXIS_ENABLE_STRB)

// Enablement/disablement of all axis signals

#define AXIS_ENABLE_ALL 0b01111111
#define AXIS_DISABLE_ALL 0b00000000

TIP: These macros also enable some error checking to identify cases where your specification is

In addition to letting you enable or disable specific side-channel signals, the set of macros was
expanded to allow the specification of all or none of the signals. This allowed for the definition
of the special hls::axis_data<> and hls::axis_user<> helper classes that make it easier
to pick and choose the exact signal specification. The definitions of these special helper classes
are shown below:

// Struct: axis_data (alternative to axis)

// DATA signal always enabled
// All other signals are optional, disabled by default
template <typename TData,
uint8_t EnableSignals = AXIS_ENABLE_DATA,
std::size_t WUser = 0,
std::size_t WId = 0,
std::size_t WDest = 0,
bool StrictEnablement = true>
using axis_data = axis<TData, WUser, WId, WDest,
(EnableSignals | AXIS_ENABLE_DATA),

// Struct: axis_user (alternative to axis)

// USER signal always enabled
// DATA signal always disabled
// All other signals are optional, disabled by default
template <std::size_t WUser,
uint8_t EnableSignals = AXIS_ENABLE_USER,
std::size_t WId = 0,

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std::size_t WDest = 0,
bool StrictEnablement = true>
using axis_user = axis<void, WUser, WId, WDest,
(EnableSignals & AXIS_DISABLE_DATA),

The following use cases illustrate the various options letting you customize the signals associated
with the AXI4-Stream interface:

// Allow user to control existence of TKEEP, TSTRB and TLAST by template

parameter `EnableSideChannels`

// Enable only TKEEP

using data_t = hls::axis<int, 0, 0, 0, AXIS_ENABLE_KEEP>; Or using data_t =
hls::axis_data<int, AXIS_ENABLE_KEEP>

// Enable two channels TKEEP and TLAST

using data_t = hls::axis_data<int, AXIS_ENABLE_KEEP|AXIS_ENABLE_LAST>;

// Disable all side-channels

using data_t = hls::axis_data<int, AXIS_DISABLE_ALL>;

// Enable all side-channels

using data_t = hls::axis_data<int, AXIS_ENABLE_ALL, 4, 2, 3>;

// Error case: All signals enabled but zero size specified for WUser/WId/
using data_t = hls::axis_data<int, AXIS_ENABLE_ALL>;

// Allow user to control existence of TDATA by specifying template

parameter `T` with `void` type
// and only use TUSER channel
using data_t = hls::axis<void, 5, 0, 0, AXIS_DISABLE_ALL>; Or using data_t
= hls::axis_user<5>

// Use default enabling of TDATA, TKEEP, TSTRB and TLAST

using data_t = hls::axis<int>;

Port-Level Protocols for Vivado IP Flow

IMPORTANT! The port-level protocols described here can be used in the Vivado IP flow as explained in
Interfaces for Vivado IP Flow. These protocols are not supported in the Vitis kernel flow.

By default input pointers and pass-by-value arguments are implemented as simple wire ports
with no associated handshaking signal. For example, in the vadd function discussed in Interfaces
for Vivado IP Flow, the input ports are implemented without an I/O protocol, only a data port. If
the port has no I/O protocol, (by default or by design) the input data must be held stable until it is

By default output pointers are implemented with an associated output valid signal to indicate
when the output data is valid. In the vadd function example, the output port is implemented
with an associated output valid port (out_r_o_ap_vld) which indicates when the data on the
port is valid and can be read. If there is no I/O protocol associated with the output port, it is
difficult to know when to read the data.

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TIP: It is always a good idea to use an I/O protocol on an output.

Function arguments which are both read from and written to are split into separate input and
output ports. In the vadd function example, the out_r argument is implemented as both an
input port out_r_i, and an output port out_r_o with associated I/O protocol port

If the function has a return value, an output port ap_return is implemented to provide the
return value. When the RTL design completes one transaction, this is equivalent to one execution
of the C/C++ function, the block-level protocols indicate the function is complete with the
ap_done signal. This also indicates the data on port ap_return is valid and can be read.

Note: The return value of the top-level function cannot be a pointer.

For the example code shown the timing behavior is shown in the following figure (assuming that
the target technology and clock frequency allow a single addition per clock cycle).

Figure 49: RTL Port Timing with Default Synthesis

• The design starts when ap_start is asserted High.

• The ap_idle signal is asserted Low to indicate the design is operating.
• The input data is read at any clock after the first cycle. Vitis HLS schedules when the reads
occur. The ap_ready signal is asserted High when all inputs have been read.
• When output sum is calculated, the associated output handshake (sum_o_ap_vld) indicates
that the data is valid.

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• When the function completes, ap_done is asserted. This also indicates that the data on
ap_return is valid.
• Port ap_idle is asserted High to indicate that the design is waiting start again.

Port-Level I/O: No Protocol

The ap_none specifies that no I/O protocol be added to the port. When this is specified the
argument is implemented as a data port with no other associated signals. The ap_none mode is
the default for scalar inputs.


The ap_none port-level I/O protocol is the simplest interface type and has no other signals
associated with it. Neither the input nor output data signals have associated control ports that
indicate when data is read or written. The only ports in the RTL design are those specified in the
source code.

An ap_none interface does not require additional hardware overhead. However, the ap_none
interface does requires the following:

• Producer blocks to do one of the following:

○ Provide data to the input port at the correct time, typically before the design starts.

○ Hold data for the length of a transaction until the design raises the ap_ready signal.

• Consumer blocks to read output ports when the design is done, and before it is started again.

Note: The ap_none interface cannot be used with array arguments.

Port-Level I/O: Wire Handshakes

Interface mode ap_hs includes a two-way handshake signal with the data port. The handshake is
an industry standard valid and acknowledge handshake. Mode ap_vld is the same but only has a
valid port and ap_ack only has a acknowledge port.

Mode ap_ovld is for use with in-out arguments. When the in-out is split into separate input and
output ports, mode ap_none is applied to the input port and ap_vld applied to the output port.
This is the default for pointer arguments that are both read and written.

The ap_hs mode can be applied to arrays that are read or written in sequential order. If Vitis
HLS can determine the read or write accesses are not sequential, it will halt synthesis with an
error. If the access order cannot be determined, Vitis HLS will issue a warning.

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ap_hs (ap_ack, ap_vld, and ap_ovld)

The ap_hs port-level I/O protocol provides the greatest flexibility in the development process,
allowing both bottom-up and top-down design flows. Two-way handshakes safely perform all
intra-block communication, and manual intervention or assumptions are not required for correct
operation. The ap_hs port-level I/O protocol provides the following signals:

• Data port
• Valid signal to indicate when the data signal is valid and can be read
• Acknowledge signal to indicate when the data has been read

The following figure shows how an ap_hs interface behaves for both an input and output port.
In this example, the input port is named in, and the output port is named out.

Note: The control signals names are based on the original port name. For example, the valid port for data
input in is named in_vld.

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Figure 50: Behavior of ap_hs Interface

For inputs, the following occurs:

• After start is applied, the block begins normal operation.

• If the design is ready for input data but the input valid is Low, the design stalls and waits for
the input valid to be asserted to indicate a new input value is present.
Note: The preceding figure shows this behavior. In this example, the design is ready to read data input
in on clock cycle 4 and stalls waiting for the input valid before reading the data.

• When the input valid is asserted High, an output acknowledge is asserted High to indicate
the data was read.

For outputs, the following occurs:

• After start is applied, the block begins normal operation.

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• When an output port is written to, its associated output valid signal is simultaneously
asserted to indicate valid data is present on the port.
• If the associated input acknowledge is Low, the design stalls and waits for the input
acknowledge to be asserted.
• When the input acknowledge is asserted, indicating the data has been read, the output valid
is deasserted on the next clock edge.


The ap_ack port-level I/O protocol is a subset of the ap_hs interface type. The ap_ack port-
level I/O protocol provides the following signals:

• Data port
• Acknowledge signal to indicate when data is consumed
○ For input arguments, the design generates an output acknowledge that is active-High in
the cycle the input is read.
○ For output arguments, Vitis HLS implements an input acknowledge port to confirm the
output was read.
Note: After a write operation, the design stalls and waits until the input acknowledge is asserted High,
which indicates the output was read by a consumer block. However, there is no associated output port
to indicate when the data can be consumed.

CAUTION! You cannot use C/RTL co-simulation to verify designs that use ap_ack on an output port.


The ap_vld is a subset of the ap_hs interface type. The ap_vld port-level I/O protocol
provides the following signals:

• Data port
• Valid signal to indicate when the data signal is valid and can be read
○ For input arguments, the design reads the data port as soon as the valid is active. Even if
the design is not ready to read new data, the design samples the data port and holds the
data internally until needed.
○ For output arguments, Vitis HLS implements an output valid port to indicate when the
data on the output port is valid.


The ap_ovld is a subset of the ap_hs interface type. The ap_ovld port-level I/O protocol
provides the following signals:

• Data port

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• Valid signal to indicate when the data signal is valid and can be read
○ For input arguments and the input half of inout arguments, the design defaults to type
○ For output arguments and the output half of inout arguments, the design implements type

Port-Level I/O: Memory Interface Protocol

Array arguments are implemented by default as an ap_memory interface using word-addressing.
This is a standard block RAM interface with data, address, chip-enable, and write-enable ports.

An ap_memory interface can be implemented as a single-port of dual-port interface. If Vitis HLS

can determine that using a dual-port interface will reduce the initial interval, it will automatically
implement a dual-port interface. The BIND_STORAGE pragma or directive can be used to specify
the memory resource and if this directive is specified on the array with a single-port block RAM,
a single-port interface will be implemented. Conversely, if a dual-port interface is specified using
the BIND_STORAGE pragma and Vitis HLS determines this interface provides no benefit it will
automatically implement a single-port interface.

If the array is accessed in a sequential manner an ap_fifo interface can be used. As with the
ap_hs interface, Vitis HLS will halt if it determines the data access is not sequential, report a
warning if it cannot determine if the access is sequential or issue no message if it determines the
access is sequential. The ap_fifo interface can only be used for reading or writing, not both.

ap_memory, bram

The ap_memory and bram interface port-level I/O protocols are used to implement array
arguments. This type of port-level I/O protocol can communicate with memory elements (for
example, RAMs and ROMs) when the implementation requires random accesses to the memory
address locations.

Note: If you only need sequential access to the memory element, use the ap_fifo interface instead. The
ap_fifo interface reduces the hardware overhead, because address generation is not performed.

The ap_memory and bram interface port-level I/O protocols are similar, though not the same.
The ap_memory interface uses word-based addressing, and generates an additional chip enable
control signal, while the bram interface uses byte-addressing. The following table summarizes
the differences:

Table 11: ap_memory vs. bram

ap_memory bram
Address of the nth word n*1 n*(word-size in bytes)
Address bit-width ceil(log2(depth)) 32 bit
Supported word size arbitrary 8*power-of-two bits

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Table 11: ap_memory vs. bram (cont'd)

ap_memory bram
Byte-enable support Yes, if word size is multiple of bytes Yes
IP integrator Support Not-available Supported by Block Memory Generator
and/or Embedded Memory Generator

In the Vivado tool, the way the interfaces are represented is also different:

• The ap_memory interface appears as discrete ports.

• The bram interface appears as a single, grouped port. In IP integrator, you can use a single
connection to create connections to all ports.

When using a memory interface, specify the implementation using the BIND_STORAGE pragma.
If no target is specified for the arrays, Vitis HLS determines whether to use a single or dual-port
RAM interface.

TIP: Before running synthesis, ensure array arguments are targeted to the correct memory type using the
BIND_STORAGE pragma. Re-synthesizing with corrected memories can result in a different schedule and

The following figure shows an array named d specified as a single-port block RAM. The port
names are based on the C/C++ function argument. For example, if the C/C++ argument is d, the
chip-enable is d_ce, and the input data is d_q0 based on the output/q port of the block RAM.

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Figure 51: Behavior of ap_memory Interface

After reset, the following occurs:

• After start is applied, the block begins normal operation.

• Reads are performed by applying an address on the output address ports while asserting the
output signal d_ce.
Note: For a default block RAM, the design expects the input data d_q0 to be available in the next clock
cycle. You can use the BIND_STORAGE pragma to indicate the RAM has a longer read latency.

• Write operations are performed by asserting output ports d_ce and d_we while
simultaneously applying the address and output data d_d0.


When an output port is written to, its associated output valid signal interface is the most
hardware-efficient approach when the design requires access to a memory element and the
access is always performed in a sequential manner, that is, no random access is required. The
ap_fifo port-level I/O protocol supports the following:

• Allows the port to be connected to a FIFO

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• Enables complete, two-way empty-full communication

• Works for arrays, pointers, and pass-by-reference argument types

Note: Functions that can use an ap_fifo interface often use pointers and might access the same variable
multiple times. To understand the importance of the volatile qualifier when using this coding style, see
Multi-Access Pointers on the Interface.

In the following example, in1 is a pointer that accesses the current address, then two addresses
above the current address, and finally one address below.

void foo(int* in1, ...) {

int data1, data2, data3;
data1= *in1;
data2= *(in1+2);
data3= *(in1-1);

If in1 is specified as an ap_fifo interface, Vitis HLS checks the accesses, determines the
accesses are not in sequential order, issues an error, and halts. To read from non-sequential
address locations, use an ap_memory or bram interface.

You cannot specify an ap_fifo interface on an argument that is both read from and written to.
You can only specify an ap_fifo interface on an input or an output argument. A design with
input argument in and output argument out specified as ap_fifo interfaces behaves as shown
in the following figure.

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Figure 52: Behavior of ap_fifo Interface

For inputs, the following occurs:

• After ap_start is applied, the block begins normal operation.

• If the input port is ready to be read but the FIFO is empty as indicated by input port
in_empty_n Low, the design stalls and waits for data to become available.
• When the FIFO contains data as indicated by input port in_empty_n High, an output
acknowledge in_read is asserted High to indicate the data was read in this cycle.

For outputs, the following occurs:

• After start is applied, the block begins normal operation.

• If an output port is ready to be written to but the FIFO is full as indicated by out_full_n
Low, the data is placed on the output port but the design stalls and waits for the space to
become available in the FIFO.

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• When space becomes available in the FIFO as indicated by out_full_n High, the output
acknowledge signal out_write is asserted to indicate the output data is valid.
• If the top-level function or the top-level loop is pipelined using the -rewind option, Vitis HLS
creates an additional output port with the suffix _lwr. When the last write to the FIFO
interface completes, the _lwr port goes active-High.

Programming Model for Multi-Port Access in HBM

High Bandwidth Memory (or HBM) provides high bandwidth by splitting arrays into different
banks/pseudo-channels in the design. This is a common practice in partitioning an array into
different memory regions in high-performance computing. The software application interacting
with the hardware allocates a single buffer, which will be spread across the pseudo-channels.

Enabling Dependence Analysis on Different Arguments

Vitis HLS considers different pointers to be independent channels, and removes any dependency
analysis. But the software application allocates a single buffer for both pointers, and this lets the
tool maintain dependency analysis through pragma HLS ALIAS. The ALIAS pragma informs
data dependence analysis about the pointer distance. Refer to the ALIAS pragma or directive for
more information.

In the following code example, the kernel arg0 is allocated in bank0 and kernel arg1 is
allocated in bank1. The pointer distance should be specified in the distance option of the
ALIAS pragma as shown below:

//Assume that the host code looks like this:

int *buf = clCreateBuffer(ctxt, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 2*bank_size, ...);
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, 0x20000000, buf); // bank0
clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, 0x20000000, buf+bank_size); // bank1

//The ALIAS pragma informs data dependence analysis about the pointer
void kernel(int *bank0, int *bank1, ...)
#pragma HLS alias ports=bank0,bank1 distance=bank_size

The ALIAS pragma can be specified using one of the following forms:

• Constant distance:
#pragma HLS alias ports=arr0,arr1,arr2,arr3 distance=1024

• Variable distance:
#pragma HLS alias ports=arr0,arr1,arr2,arr3 offset=0,512,1024,2048


• The depths of all the ports in the interface pragma must be the same

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• All ports must be assigned to different bundles, bound to different HBM controllers
• The number of ports specified in the second form must be the same as the number of offsets
specified, one offset per port. #pragma HLS interface offset=off is not supported
• Each port can only be used in one ALIAS pragma

Improving HBM Bandwidth with Multiple M_AXI Interfaces

Vitis HLS supports features on top-level array or pointer arguments to improve the parallelism
and throughput achievable from C++ code with a few code changes.

Improvements to the ARRAY_PARTITION Pragma

The ARRAY_PARTITION pragma or directive can be applied to arrays on top-level arguments, at

the interface of the top-level function. Used alongside the INTERFACE pragma, this combination
lets Vitis HLS create multiple M_AXI interfaces for a single software argument to use with HBM
Pseudo Channels. Use ARRAY_PARTITION factor=N to create N point-to-point connections
between the M_AXI interfaces and HBM Pseudo Channels (or HBM_PC) to achieve up to N
times the throughput of a single interface.

For the micro-architecture, an explicit parallelization of the array accesses and associated
datapath is needed to match the increase of M_AXI interfaces. This translates to a similar
parallelization from a coding perspective.

Array partitioning types can be complete, cyclic, or block, though for this application only cyclic
or block are used. Each type can lead to a different micro-architecture.

• Cyclic partitions can be used within a loop: consecutive accesses of the array will connect to
different M_AXI and their matching HBM_PC, and you can partially unroll the loop with the
same factor.
constexpr int partitions = 4;
constexpr int NWORDS=32<<20;
void example(int a[NWORDS] , int b[1]) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=a depth=NWORDS bundle=gmem
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION cyclic variable=a factor=partitions
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=b depth=1 bundle=outmem
int tot=0;
for (int i=0; i < NWORDS; ++i) {
#pragma HLS UNROLL factor=partitions
tot+= a[i] * i; // computation on a[i]

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The preceding example shows the use of a sized array rather than a pointer, and the depth
option is provided with the INTERFACE pragma. Both methods are equivalent and at least one
is needed for C-RTL co-simulation, to size the RTL buffers correctly. The sizing information on
the arguments and interfaces is not needed when used with the Vitis target flow as pointers
are sized to 64 bits automatically. Additionally, the cyclic partitioning is size-independent.
• Block partitions can be used when the design includes several instances of the same compute
function, and each compute function will access a different block of the array via different
M_AXI and their matching HBM_PC.
constexpr int partitions = 4;
constexpr int NWORDS=32<<20;
void my_pe(int a[NWORDS/partitions], int &b, int offset) { // PE
processes a fraction of the data
// offset is needed to adjust the coefficient to multiply the array
int tot=0;
for (int i=0; i < NWORDS/partitions; ++i) {
tot += a[i] * (i+offset); // computation on a[i]

void example(int a[NWORDS ], int b[1]) {

#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=a depth=NWORDS bundle=gmem
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION block variable=a factor=partitions
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=b depth=1 bundle=outmem

int partial_totals[partitions], tot;

#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION complete variable=partial_totals
for (int i=0; i < partitions; ++i) {
#pragma HLS UNROLL
// each instance accesses a different block
my_pe( &a[NWORDS*i/partitions], partial_totals[i], NWORDS*i/

for (int i=tot=0; i < partitions; ++i) {
#pragma HLS PIPELINE off

In the above example, the array sizing information is needed because the block partitioning is
dependent on the size of the original array.

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The M_AXI interfaces generated will have their bundle names derived from the original bundle
name, with decimal suffix added. For example, pragma HLS INTERFACE bundle=gmem with a
partition factor=4 will generate 4 M_AXI named m_axi_gmem_0, m_axi_gmem_1,
m_axi_gmem_2 and m_axi_gmem_3. You will need to update the connectivity settings for the
system to integrate all the M_AXI interfaces. Refer to Mapping Kernel Ports to Memory in Vitis
Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393) for
additional information.
In the examples above, the function signature used by the software application to call the
example() module will change because of the use of ARAY_PARTITION factor=4. The
function signature changes from example(int a[NWORDS], int b[1]) to the following:
void example(
int a_0[NWORDS/4],
int a_1[NWORDS/4],
int a_2[NWORDS/4],
int a_3[NWORDS/4],
int b[1]);

Generated Helper Functions for Host Side Array Partitioning

The software application will have to partition the buffer containing the array into the same
cyclic or block partitioning used by the HLS design as described above. To help with this task,
Vitis HLS generates helper functions to split host array buffers into multiple partitions, and the
reverse helper functions to recombine several partitions into one array. Those helper functions

• <top_name>_Set_<array_name> is used to partition an array into several partitions. For

example, with a factor=4 and int datatype:
void <DUT>_Set_<ARG>(int *dst[4], int *src, unsigned long long

• <top_name>_Get_<array_name> is used to recombine several partitions into a single

array. For example with a factor=4 and int datatype:
void <DUT>_Get_<ARG>(int *dst, int *src[4], unsigned long long

TIP: The order of the arguments follows the convention: destination(s), source(s), number
of elements.

• Generated helper functions are available as assembly files: ./project/solution/

impl/ip/drivers/example_v1_0/src/hbm_helper_x86_64.s &
• The generated helper functions are also available as compiled files: ./project/solution/
impl/ip/drivers/example_v1_0/src/hbm_helper_x86_64.o &

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Note: Header files are not generated automatically, so you need to include function declarations in the
software application. The following example shows a factor=4 and int datatype:

extern "C" void example_Set_a(int **, int *, long);

extern "C" void example_Get_a(int *, int **, long);

Example usage:

int *host_in=new int[NWORDS];

for (size_t i = 0; i < NWORDS; ++i) {
host_in[i] = ... // initialize the host input memory

xrt::bo bo_Inputs[partitions];
int* bufIn_map[partitions];
for (int i = 0; i < partitions; i++) {
// buffer object matching kernel arguments/memory banks
bo_Inputs[i] = xrt::bo(device,NWORDS*sizeof(int)/partitions,
// Map buffer object data to user pointer for manipulation
bufIn_map[i] = bo_Inputs[i].template map<int*>();

// partition the input data into the mapped partitions

example_Set_a(bufIn_map, host_in, NWORDS);

xrt::run run(krnl); // run object for that kernel

for (int i = 0; i < partitions; i++) {

// sync updated bo contents to board
for (int i = 0; i < partitions; i++) {
// set arguments according to function signature

Managing Interfaces with SSI Technology Devices

Certain AMD devices use stacked silicon interconnect (SSI) technology. In these devices, the total
available resources are divided over multiple super logic regions (SLRs). The connections between
SLRs use super long line (SLL) routes. SLL routes incur delays costs that are typically greater than
standard FPGA routing. To ensure designs operate at maximum performance, use the following

• Register all signals that cross between SLRs at both the SLR output and SLR input.
• You do not need to register a signal if it enters or exits an SLR via an I/O buffer.
• Ensure that the logic created by Vitis HLS fits within a single SLR.

Note: When you select an SSI technology device as the target technology, the utilization report includes
details on both the SLR usage and the total device usage.

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If the logic is contained within a single SLR device, the HLS tool provides a
syn.rtl.register_all_io configuration command. If the option is enabled, all inputs and
outputs are registered. If disabled, none of the inputs or outputs are registered.

Vitis HLS Memory Layout Model

The Vitis application acceleration development flow provides a framework for developing and
delivering FPGA accelerated applications using standard programming languages for both
software and hardware components. The software component, or host program, is developed
using C/C++ to run on x86 or embedded processors, with OpenCL/ Native XRT API calls to
manage run time interactions with the accelerator. The hardware component, or kernel (that runs
on the actual FPGA card/platform), can be developed using C/C++, OpenCL C, or RTL. The Vitis
software platform promotes concurrent development and test of the hardware and software
elements of a heterogeneous application. Due to this, the software program that runs on the host
computer needs to communicate with the acceleration kernel that runs on the FPGA hardware
model using well-defined interfaces and protocols. As a result, it becomes important to define the
exact memory model that is used so that the data that is being read/written can be correctly
processed. The memory model defines the way data is arranged and accessed in computer
memory. It consists of two separate but related issues: data alignment and data structure
padding. In addition, the Vitis HLS compiler supports the specification of special attributes (and
pragmas) to change the default data alignment and data structure padding rules.

Data Alignment
Software programmers are conditioned to think of memory as a simple array of bytes and the
basic data types are composed of one or more blocks of memory. However, the computer's
processor does not read from and write to memory in single byte-sized chunks. Instead, today's
modern CPUs access memory in 2, 4, 8, 16, or even 32-byte chunks at a time - although 32 bit
and 64 bit instruction set architecture (ISA) architectures are the most common. Due to how the
memory is organized in your system, the addresses of these chunks should be multiples of their
sizes. If an address satisfies this requirement, then it is said to be aligned. The difference between
how high-level programmers think of memory and how modern processors actually work with
memory is pretty important in terms of application correctness and performance. For example, if
you don't understand the address alignment issues in your software, the following situations are
all possible:

• your software will run slower

• your application will lock up/hang
• your operating system can crash
• your software will silently fail, yielding incorrect results

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The C++ language provides a set of fundamental types of various sizes. To make manipulating
variables of these types fast, the generated object code will try to use CPU instructions that
read/write the whole data type at once. This in turn means that the variables of these types
should be placed in memory in a way that makes their addresses suitably aligned. As a result,
besides size, each fundamental type has another property: its alignment requirement. It may
seem that the fundamental type’s alignment is the same as its size. This is not generally the case
since the most suitable CPU instruction for a particular type may only be able to access a part of
its data at a time. For example, a 32-bit x86 GNU/Linux machine may only be able to read at
most 4 bytes at a time so a 64-bit long long type will have a size of 8 and an alignment of 4.
The following table shows the size and alignment (in bytes) for the basic native data types in C/C
++ for both 32-bit and 64-bit x86-64 GNU/Linux machines.

Table 12: Data Types

32-bit x86 GNU/Linux 64-bit x86 GNU/Linux

Size Alignment Size Alignment
bool 1 1 1 1
char 1 1 1 1
short int 2 2 2 2
int 4 4 4 4
long int 4 4 8 8
long long int 8 4 8 8
float 4 4 4 4
double 8 4 8 8
long double 12 4 16 16
void* 4 4 8 8

Given the above arrangement, why does a programmer need to change the alignment? There are
several reasons but the main reason will be to trade-off between memory requirements and
performance. When you are sending data back and forth from the host computer and the
accelerator, every byte that is transmitted has a cost. Fortunately, the GCC C/C++ compiler
provides the language extension __attribute__ ((aligned(X))) in order to change the
default alignment for the variable, structures/classes, or a structure field, measured in bytes. For
example, the following declaration causes the compiler to allocate the global variable x on a 16-
byte boundary.

int x __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) = 0;

The __attribute__((aligned (X))) does not change the sizes of variables it is applied to,
but may change the memory layout of structures by inserting padding between elements of the
struct. As a result, the size of the structure will change. If you don't specify the alignment factor
in an aligned attribute, the compiler automatically sets the alignment for the declared variable or
field to the largest alignment used for any data type on the target machine you are compiling for.

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Doing this can often make copy operations more efficient because the compiler can use
whatever instructions copy the biggest chunks of memory when performing copies to or from
the variables or fields that you have aligned this way. The aligned attribute can only increase
the alignment and can never decrease it. The C++ function offsetof can be used to determine the
alignment of each member element in a structure.

Data Structure Padding

As shown in the table in Data Alignment, the native data types have a well-defined alignment
structure but what about user-defined data types? The C++ compiler also needs to make sure
that all the member variables in a struct or class are properly aligned. For this, the compiler may
insert padding bytes between member variables. In addition, to make sure that each element in
an array of a user-defined type is aligned, the compiler may add some extra padding after the last
data member. Consider the following example:

struct One struct Two

{ {
short int s; int i;
int i; char c;
char c; short int s;
} }

The GCC compiler always assumes that an instance of struct One will start at an address
aligned to the most strict alignment requirement of all of the struct's members, which is int in
this case. This is actually how the alignment requirements of user-defined types are calculated.
Assuming the memory are on x86-64 alignment with short int having the alignment of 2 and
int having an alignment of 4, to make the i data member of struct One suitably aligned, the
compiler needs to insert two extra bytes of padding between s and i to create alignment, as
shown in the figure below. Similarly, to align data member c, the compiler needs to insert three
bytes after c.

In the case of struct One, the compiler will infer a total size of 12 bytes based on the
arrangement of the elements of the struct. However, if the elements of the struct are reordered
(as shown in struct Two), the compiler is now able to infer the smaller size of 8 bytes.

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Figure 53: Padding of Structs

By default, the C/C++ compiler will lay out members of a struct in the order in which they are
declared, with possible padding bytes inserted between members, or after the last member, to
ensure that each member is aligned properly. However, the GCC C/C++ compiler provides a
language extension, __attribute__((packed))which tells the compiler not to insert
padding but rather allow the struct members to be misaligned. For example, if the system
normally requires all int objects to have 4-byte alignment, the usage of
__attribute__((packed)) can cause int struct members to be allocated at odd offsets.

Usage of __attribute__((packed)) must be carefully considered because accessing

unaligned memory can cause the compiler to insert code to read the memory byte by byte
instead of reading multiple chunks of memory at one time.

Vitis HLS Alignment Rules and Semantics

Given the behavior of the GCC compiler described previously, this section will detail how Vitis
HLS uses aligned and packed attributes to create efficient hardware. First, you need to
understand the Aggregate and Disaggregate features in Vitis HLS. Structures or class objects in
the code, for instance internal and global variables, are disaggregated by default. Disaggregation
implies that the structure/class is decomposed into separate objects, one for each struct/class
member. The number and type of elements created are determined by the contents of the struct
itself. Arrays of structs are implemented as multiple arrays, with a separate array for each
member of the struct.

However, structs used as arguments to the top-level function are kept aggregated by default.
Aggregation implies that all the elements of a struct are collected into a single wide vector. This
allows all members of the struct to be read and written simultaneously. The member elements of
the struct are placed into the vector in the order in which they appear in the C/C++ code: the
first element of the struct is aligned on the LSB of the vector and the final element of the struct
is aligned with the MSB of the vector. Any arrays in the struct are partitioned into individual
array elements and placed in the vector from lowest to the highest order.

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Table 14: Interface Arguments and Internal Variables

Behavior with AGGREGATE pragma

Behavior without AGGREGATE pragma
(compact=auto or not specified)
Interface Interface
Internal Variable Internal variable
Argument Argument
AXI protocol interface aggregate N/A compact=none N/A
(m_axi/s_axilite/ compact=none

Struct/Class Automatically Automatically N/A N/A

containing disaggregate the disaggregate the
hls::stream object struct/class struct/class

other interface aggregate Automatically compact=bit compact=bit

protocols compact=bit disaggregated

The goal of the default aggregation behavior in Vitis HLS is to use an x86_64-gnu-linux memory
layout at the top level hardware interface while optimizing the internal hardware for better
quality of results (QoR). The above table shows the default behavior of Vitis HLS. Two modes are
shown in the table: the default mode where the AGGREGATE pragma is not specified by the user,
and the case where the AGGREGATE pragma is specified by the user.

In the case of AXI4 interfaces (m_axi/s_axilite/axis), a structure is padded by default

according to the order of elements of the struct as explained in Data Structure Padding. This
aggregates the structure to a size that is the closest power of 2, and so some padding may be
applied in this case. This in effect infers the compact=none option on the AGGREGATE pragma.

In the case of other interface protocols, the struct is packed at the bit-level, so the aggregated
vector is only the size of the various elements of the struct, This in effect infers the
compact=bit option on the AGGREGATE pragma.

The only exception to the above rules is when using hls::stream in the interface indirectly
(i.e. the hls::stream object is specified inside a struct/class that is then used as the type of an
interface port). The struct containing the hls::stream object is always disaggregated into its
individual member elements.

Examples of Aggregation
Aggregate Memory Mapped Interface

This is an example of the AGGREGATE pragma or directive for an m_axi interface. The
following is the aggregation_of_m_axi_ports example available on GitHub.

struct A {
char foo; // 1 byte
short bar; // 2 bytes

int dut(A* arr) {

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#pragma HLS interface m_axi port=arr depth=10

#pragma HLS aggregate variable=arr compact=auto
int sum = 0;
for (unsigned i=0; i<10; i++) {
auto tmp = arr[i];
sum += tmp.foo + tmp.bar;
return sum;

For the above example, the size of the m_axi interface port arr is 3 bytes (or 24 bits) but due to
the AGGREGATE compact=auto pragma, the size of the port will be aligned to 4 bytes (or 32
bits) as this is the closest power of 2. Vitis HLS will issue the following message in the log file:

INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating maxi variable 'arr' with compact=none mode
in 32-bits (example.cpp:19:0)

TIP: The message above is only issued if the AGGREGATE pragma is specified. But even without the
pragma, the tool will automatically aggregate and pad the interface port arr to 4 bytes as the default
behavior for an AXI interface port.

Aggregate Structs on the Interface

This is an example of the AGGREGATE pragma or directive for an ap_fifo interface. The
following is the aggregation_of_struct example available on GitHub.

struct A {
int myArr[3]; // 4 bytes per element (12 bytes total)
ap_int<23> length; // 23 bits

int dut(A arr[N]) {

#pragma HLS interface ap_fifo port=arr
#pragma HLS aggregate variable=arr compact=auto
int sum = 0;
for (unsigned i=0; i<10; i++) {
auto tmp = arr[i];
sum += tmp.myArr[0] + tmp.myArr[1] + tmp.myArr[2] + tmp.length;
return sum;

For ap_fifo interface, the struct will packed at the bit-level with or without aggregate pragma.

In the above example, the AGGREGATE pragma will create a port of size 119 bits for port arr.
The array myArr will take 12 bytes (or 96 bits) and the element length will take 23 bits for a
total of 119 bits. Vitis HLS will issue the following message in the log file:

INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating fifo (array-to-stream) variable 'arr' with

compact=bit mode
in 119-bits (example.cpp:19:0)

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Aggregate Nested Struct Port

This is an example of the AGGREGATE pragma or directive in the Vivado IP flow. The following is
the aggregation_of_nested_structs example available on GitHub.

#define N 8

struct T {
int m; // 4 bytes
int n; // 4 bytes
bool o; // 1 byte

struct S {
int p; // 4 bytes
T q; // 9 bytes
void top(S a[N], S b[N], S c[N]) {
#pragma HLS interface bram port=c
#pragma HLS interface ap_memory port=a
#pragma HLS aggregate variable=a compact=byte
#pragma HLS aggregate variable=b compact=bit
#pragma HLS aggregate variable=c compact=byte
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
c[i].q.m = a[i].q.m + b[i].q.m;
c[i].q.n = a[i].q.n - b[i].q.n;
c[i].q.o = a[i].q.o || b[i].q.o;
c[i].p = a[i].q.n;

In the above example, the aggregation algorithm will create a port of size 104 bits for ports a,
and c as the compact=byte option was specified in the aggregate pragma but the
compact=bit default option is used for port b and its packed size will be 97 bits. The nested
structures S and T are aggregated to encompass three 32 bit member variables (p, m, and n) and
one bit/byte member variable (o).

TIP: This example uses the Vivado IP flow to illustrate the aggregation behavior. In the Vitis kernel flow,
port b will be automatically inferred as an m_axi port and will not allow the compact=bit setting.

Vitis HLS will issue the following messages in the log file:

INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating bram variable 'b' with compact=bit mode in
97-bits (example.cpp:19:0)
INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating bram variable 'a' with compact=byte mode in
104-bits (example.cpp:19:0)
INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating bram variable 'c' with compact=byte mode in
104-bits (example.cpp:19:0)

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Examples of Disaggregation
Disaggregate AXIS Interface

This is an example of the DISAGGREGATE pragma or directive for an axis interface. The
following is the disaggregation_of_axis_port example available on GitHub.

Table 15: Disaggregated Struct on AXIS Interface

HLS Source Code Synthesized IP Module

#define N 10 module dut (

struct A { ap_local_deadlock,
char c; ap_clk,
int i; ap_rst_n,
}; ap_start,
void dut(A in[N], A out[N]) { ap_idle,
#pragma HLS interface axis port=in ap_ready,
#pragma HLS interface axis port=out in_c_TVALID,
#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=in in_i_TVALID,
#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=out out_c_TREADY,
int sum = 0; out_i_TREADY,
for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) { in_c_TDATA,
out[i].c = in[i].c; in_c_TREADY,
out[i].i = in[i].i; in_i_TDATA,
} in_i_TREADY,
} out_c_TDATA,

In the above disaggregation example, the struct arguments in and out are mapped to AXIS
interfaces, and then disaggregated. This results in Vitis HLS creating two AXI streams for each
argument: in_c, in_i, out_c and out_i. Each member of the struct A becomes a separate

The RTL interface of the generated module is shown on the right above where the member
elements c and i are individual AXI stream ports, each with its own TVALID, TREADY and
TDATA signals.

Vitis HLS will issue the following messages in the log file:

INFO: [HLS 214-210] Disaggregating variable 'in' (example.cpp:19:0)

INFO: [HLS 214-210] Disaggregating variable 'out' (example.cpp:19:0)

Disaggregate HLS::STREAM

This is an example of the DISAGGREGATE pragma or directive when used with the
hls::stream type.

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Table 16: Disaggregated Struct of HLS::STREAM

HLS Source Code Synthesized IP Module

#define N 1024 module dut (

struct A {, ap_local_deadlock,
hls::stream<int> s_in; ap_clk,
long arr[N]; ap_rst,
}; ap_start,
long dut(struct A &d) { ap_idle,
long sum = 0; ap_ready,
while(!d.s_in.empty()) d_s_in_dout,
sum += d.s_in.read(); d_s_in_empty_n,
for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) d_s_in_read,
sum += d.arr[i]; d_arr_ce0,
return sum; d_arr_q0,
} ap_return

Using an hls::stream object inside a structure that is used in the interface will cause the
struct port to be automatically disaggregated by the Vitis HLS compiler. As shown in the above
example, the generated RTL interface will contain separate RTL ports for the hls::stream
object s_in (named d_s_in_*) and separate RTL ports for the array arr (named d_arr_*).

Vitis HLS will issue the following messages in the log file:

INFO: [HLS 214-210] Disaggregating variable 'd'

INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating fifo (hls::stream) variable 'd_s_in' with
compact=bit mode in 32-bits

Impact of Struct Size on Pipelining

The size of a struct used in a function interface can adversely impact pipelining of loops in that
function that have access to the interface in the loop body. Consider the following code example
which has two M_AXI interfaces:

struct A { /* Total size = 192 bits (32 x 6) or 24 bytes */

int s_1;
int s_2;
int s_3;
int s_4;
int s_5;
int s_6;

void read(A *a_in, A buf_out[NUM]) {

for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
buf_out[i] = a_in[i];

void compute(A buf_in[NUM], A buf_out[NUM], int size) {


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for (int j = 0; j < NUM; j++)

buf_out[j].s_1 = buf_in[j].s_1 + size;
buf_out[j].s_2 = buf_in[j].s_2;
buf_out[j].s_3 = buf_in[j].s_3;
buf_out[j].s_4 = buf_in[j].s_4;
buf_out[j].s_5 = buf_in[j].s_5;
buf_out[j].s_6 = buf_in[j].s_6 % 2;

void write(A buf_in[NUM], A *a_out) {

for (int k = 0; k < NUM; k++)
a_out[k] = buf_in[k];

void dut(A *a_in, A *a_out, int size)

#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=a_in bundle=gmem0
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=a_out bundle=gmem1
A buffer_in[NUM];
A buffer_out[NUM];

#pragma HLS dataflow

read(a_in, buffer_in);
compute(buffer_in, buffer_out, size);
write(buffer_out, a_out);

In the above example, the size of struct A is 192 bits, which is not a power of 2. As stated earlier
in the document, all AXI4 interfaces are by default sized to a power of 2. Vitis HLS will
automatically size the two M_AXI interfaces (a_in and a_out) to be of size 256 - the closest
power of 2 to the size of 192 bits (and report in the log file as shown below).

INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating maxi variable 'a_out' with compact=none

mode in
256-bits (example.cpp:49:0)
INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating maxi variable 'a_in' with compact=none mode
in 256-bits

This will imply that when writing the struct data out, the first write will write 24 bytes to the first
buffer in one cycle but the second write will have to write 8 bytes to the remaining 8 bytes in the
first buffer and then write 16 bytes into a second buffer resulting in two writes - as shown in the
figure below.

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Figure 54: Misaligned Write Cycles

This will cause the II of the WRITE loop in function write() to have an II violation since it
needs II=2 instead of II=1. Similar behavior will happen when reading and therefore the read()
function will also have an II violation since it needs II=2. Vitis HLS will issue the following
warning for the II violation in function read() and write():

WARNING: [HLS 200-880] The II Violation in module 'read_r' (loop 'READ'):

to enforce a carried dependence constraint (II = 1, distance = 1, offset =
1) between
bus read operation ('gmem0_addr_read_1', example.cpp:23) on port 'gmem0'
and bus read operation ('gmem0_addr_read', example.cpp:23) on port 'gmem0'

WARNING: [HLS 200-880] The II Violation in module 'write_Pipeline_WRITE'

(loop 'WRITE'):
Unable to enforce a carried dependence constraint (II = 1, distance = 1,
offset = 1)
between bus write operation ('gmem1_addr_write_ln44', example.cpp:44) on
port 'gmem1'
(example.cpp:44) and bus write operation ('gmem1_addr_write_ln44',
example.cpp:44) on
port 'gmem1' (example.cpp:44).

The way to fix such II issues is to pad struct A with 8 additional bytes such that you are always
writing 256 bits (32 bytes) at a time or by using the other alternatives shown in the table below.
This will allow the scheduler to schedule the reads/writes in the READ/WRITE loop with II=1.

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Table 17: Struct Alignment

Code Block Description

Defines the total size of the struct as 256 bits (32 x 8) or 32
struct A { bytes, by adding required padding elements.


int s_3;
int s_4;
int s_5;
int s_6;
int pad_1;
int pad_2;

Uses the standard __aligned__ attribute.

struct A {


int s_3;
int s_4;
int s_5;
int s_6;
} __attribute__ ((aligned(32)));

Uses the C++ standard alignas type specifier to specify

struct alignas(32) A { custom alignment of variables and user defined types.


int s_3;
int s_4;
int s_5;
int s_6;

Execution Modes of HLS Designs

The execution mode of the HLS design refers to the way the design works as a block (or module)
both with regard to itself and the functions within the block, or in relationship with other blocks
modules, or outside software that addresses the block. These modes are determined by block
control protocols assigned to the HLS design as described in Block-Level Control Protocols, and
by the internal structure of the HLS design as described in Abstract Parallel Programming Model
for HLS.

Execution modes of kernels include:

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• Overlapping: Lets the next execution of a new transaction begin before the current
transaction is complete. Function pipelined, loop rewind, or dataflow execution allows
overlapping block runs to begin processing additional data as soon as the design is ready.

• Sequential: Requires the current transaction to complete before a new transaction can be

• Auto-Restarting: Auto-restart mode lets the HLS design automatically restart the module
when it is ready to begin processing additional data. This mode supports both overlapping and
sequential execution. Auto-restarting is the approach for data-driven TLP designs, but can
also be implemented in control-driven TLP designs as described in Auto-Restarting Mode.

Block-Level Control Protocols

The execution mode of a Vitis kernel or Vivado IP is defined by the block-level control protocol
and the structure of sub-functions within the HLS design. For control-driven TLP the
ap_ctrl_chain and ap_ctrl_hs protocols support both sequential or pipelined execution.
For data-driven TLP ap_ctrl_none is the required control protocol.

The ap_ctrl_chain control protocol is the default for the Vitis kernel flow as explained in
Interfaces for Vitis Kernel Flow. The ap_ctrl_hs block-level control protocol is the default for
the Vivado IP flow as described in Interfaces for Vivado IP Flow. However, you should use
ap_ctrl_chain when chaining HLS designs together to better support pipelined execution.

You can specify the block-level control protocol on the function return using the INTERFACE
pragma or directive. If the C/C++ code does not return a value, you can still specify the control
protocol on the function return. If the C/C++ code uses a function return, Vitis HLS creates an
output port ap_return for the return value.

TIP: When the function return is specified as an AXI4-Lite interface (s_axilite) all the ports in the
control protocol are bundled into the s_axilite interface. This is a common practice for software-
controllable kernels or IP when an application or software driver is used to configure and control when the
block starts and stops operation. This is a requirement of XRT and the Vitis kernel flow.


The following figure shows the behavior of the block-level handshake signals created by the
ap_ctrl_chain control protocol for a sequential execution. In the following figure, the first
transaction of the HLS design completes, and the second transaction starts immediately because
ap_continue is High when ap_done is High. However, the design halts at the end of the
second transaction until ap_continue is asserted High.

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Figure 55: Behavior of ap_ctrl_chain Interface

The timing diagram displays the following behavior after reset occurs:

1. The block waits for ap_start to go High before it begins operation.

2. Output ap_idle goes Low immediately to indicate the design is no longer idle.
3. The ap_start signal must remain High until ap_ready goes High. Once ap_ready goes
• If ap_start remains High the design will start the next transaction.
• If ap_start is taken Low, the design will complete the current transaction and halt
4. Data can be read on the input ports.
5. Data can be written to the output ports.
Note: The input and output ports can also specify a port-level I/O protocol that is independent of the
control protocol. For details, see Port-Level Protocols for Vivado IP Flow.

6. Output ap_done goes High when the block completes operation.

Note: If there is an ap_return port, the data on this port is valid when ap_done is High. Therefore,
the ap_done signal also indicates when the data on output ap_return is valid.

7. The ap_ctrl_chain control protocol provides an active-High ap_continue signal that

indicates when the downstream block that consumes the output data is ready for new data
inputs. This allows the downstream block to provide back-pressure to prevent the flow of
• If the ap_continue signal is High when ap_done is High, the design continues

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• If the downstream block is not able to consume new data inputs, the ap_continue signal
is Low. If the ap_continue signal is Low when ap_done is High, the design stops
operating, the ap_done signal remains High waiting for ap_continue to go High.
8. When the design is ready to accept new inputs, the ap_ready signal is pulsed High for one
clock cycle. The ap_ready port of a downstream block can directly drive the ap_continue
port. Following is additional information about the ap_ready signal:
• The ap_ready signal is inactive until the design starts operation.
• In non-pipelined designs, the ap_ready signal is asserted at the same time as ap_done.
• In pipelined designs, the ap_ready signal might go High at any cycle after ap_start is
sampled High. This depends on how the design is pipelined.
• If ap_start remains high after ap_ready goes high, the next transaction starts
• When ap_start goes low right after ap_ready goes high, the design keeps executing
until ap_done is high and then stops operation, unless ap_start goes high again in the
meantime, which starts a new transaction.
9. The ap_idle signal indicates when the design is idle and not operating. Following is
additional information about the ap_idle signal:
• If the ap_start signal is Low when ap_ready is High, the design stops operation, and
the ap_idle signal goes High one cycle after ap_done.
• If the ap_start signal is High when ap_ready is High, the design continues to operate,
and the ap_idle signal remains Low.


The ap_ctrl_hs control protocol has the same signals as ap_ctrl_chain, but sets the
ap_continue signal to 1 so it remains high. This control protocol supports sequential and
pipelined execution modes, but does not offer back-pressure from downstream design modules
to control the flow of data.


ap_ctrl_none also has the same signals as ap_ctrl_chain, but the handshake signal ports
(ap_start, ap_idle, ap_ready, and ap_done) are set high and optimized away.

An ap_ctrl_none region, or one or more hls::tasks, can be instantiated in one of two


• Either with only ap_ctrl_none regions all the way to the top, including the top (i.e. no
sequential FSM or non-ap_ctrl_none dataflow anywhere above, even due to a coding

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• Or in a dataflow region where:

○ its input streams are produced by one or more non-ap_ctrl_none processes or regions
that are called before it
○ its output streams are consumed by one or more non-ap_ctrl_none processes or
regions that are called after it

The former enables the elimination of the ap_start/ap_ready/ap_done/ap_continue

handshakes all the way to the top. The latter enables the generation of the ap_start/
ap_ready handshake for the dataflow region above by the predecessor processes or regions,
and of the ap_done/ap_continue handshake by the successor processes or regions.

IMPORTANT! If you use the ap_ctrl_none control protocol in your design, you must meet at least one
of the conditions for C/RTL co-simulation as described in Co-simulation Requirements for Interface
Synthesis to verify the RTL design. If at least one of these conditions is not met, C/RTL co-simulation halts
with the following message:

@E [SIM-345] Cosim only supports the following 'ap_ctrl_none' designs:

combinational designs; (2) pipelined design with task interval of 1;
(3) designs with
array streaming or hls_stream ports.
@E [SIM-4] *** C/RTL co-simulation finished: FAIL ***

Auto-Restarting Mode
Vitis HLS designs can be control-driven modules or data-driven modules, as described in Abstract
Parallel Programming Model for HLS. This means that the execution of the HLS design is
managed through control signals, and managed by an external software application, or by
software drivers, or is driven by the presence of data at the inputs.

Data-driven modules are auto-restarting designs by the mere fact of additional data to be
processed. The HLS design finishes execution of one transaction and begins execution of the
next transaction when data is available. Execution stalls when no data is present, and restarts
when data is present. This section is not concerned with these data-driven designs.

For control-driven modules though, the managing software application or a connected HLS
design must trigger the ap_start signal of the module to begin processing, as described in
Block-Level Control Protocols. While these designs are not auto-restarting by default, they can
be implemented using auto-restarting mechanisms as described here. This auto-restarting mode
is useful for control-drivel TLP when the HLS design uses streaming I/O for data input or output,
but also has control signals allowing it to be managed by a software application. In this case the
software application starts the kernel one time and the kernel runs for a specified number of
transactions, or restarts continuously until it is reset or explicitly stopped by the software

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This control-driven auto-restarting design is useful for designs with streaming data coming from
and going to the I/O pins (Ethernet, SerDes) of the AMD device, or data streamed from or to
connected HLS design modules. In other words, the HLS design is primarily data-driven, but not

Working with Auto-Restarting Designs

Auto-restarting designs can run continuously after being started once by the software
application. They can run continuously until reset and restarted, or they can be programmed to
run for a predetermined number of iterations without the software application explicitly calling
them multiple times in a mode called counted auto-restart. This functionality is similar to a
while(running) loop in software code, where the running variable is controlled by the
software application.

The control of the design is managed in hardware so that once the block is started by the
software application it is automatically restarted until the iteration count is exceeded, or until
explicitly stopped by the host code. In addition, the application can query the status of the
design to check specific register states or to provide new parameters to be used at the next

Auto-restarting designs make use of several unique features:

1. The auto-restart bit in the control register is used to continuously restart the design, or
restart it for a specified number of iterations, without explicit software calls for each
2. A mailbox feature of the Xilinx Runtime (XRT) to enable the software application to
occasionally synchronize with the design to set new operating parameters, or check the
status of the current run, as described in Using the Mailbox.
3. The software_reset feature letting the software application reset the design to stop

Supported Interfaces
Auto-restarting HLS design require the ap_ctrl_chain or ap_ctrl_hs protocol specified by
Vitis HLS, where ap_ctrl_chain is the recommended protocol.

• The design should specify the mode=ap_ctrl_chain on the INTERFACE pragma or

• Auto-restarting designs support streaming interfaces (axis) and both scalar arguments
(s_axilite) and memory mapped (m_axi) arguments which can be both read and written.

Auto-restart designs can be used in a couple of different scenarios:

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1. Auto-restart kernel with streaming interfaces (axis) only, that does not require the kernel to
interact with the host application at all. Examples of this would be a Fast-Fourier Transform
(FFT) with configuration data compiled into the kernel, or FIR filters with coefficients
compiled into the kernel.
2. Auto-restart kernel using scalars and memory mapped (m_axi) arguments, either with axis
interfaces or without. The scalar and memory mapped arguments require the mailbox to
update the kernel parameters when needed. Examples of this would include a simple rule-
based firewall with rules written by the host application at reset, with a counter of dropped
packets that can be read by the host code but where all values must come from a single
kernel execution. Or, a load balancer that uses a hash map to send data to a server, must
update the server list, server map, and corresponding IP addresses simultaneously.

Enabling Auto-Restart
To enable a continuously restarting HLS design specify the following in a configuration file:


To enable auto-restart with the mailbox features in the HLS design use the following
configuration commands:


You can enable the software reset feature for auto-restart using the following option:


TIP: Resetting the kernel stops all the incoming traffic on the ports and flushes out any outstanding MAXI
transactions. Refer to Using Auto-Restart with the Mailbox for more information on using reset.

Using the Mailbox

The main advantage of auto-restarting HLS designs is that they run semi-autonomously
operating as data-driven without the need for frequent interaction with the software application
or for software control. But auto-restarting kernels also offer semi-synchronization through a
feature known as the mailbox, which provides the ability to exchange data with the software
application in an asynchronous, non-blocking, and safe way.

Once started by the software application the HLS design is automatically restarted until explicitly
stopped. The software application can also query the status of the design to determine when it
actually has finished executing after being instructed to do so. The application and auto-
restarting design use the following communications protocol:

• For passing argument values from the software application to the design, the mailbox
implements a set of double-buffered s_axilite mapped registers to ensure non-blocking
communication and consistent passing of inputs by the software application and passing of
outputs by the design.

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• Whenever the software application writes to an input argument, it changes the software-side
copy. The HLS design running in hardware does not see that change. After the software
application requests a mailbox write, the next time the design automatically restarts the copy
of the registers that are seen by the design is updated with the latest inputs. Hence the
software application can write any number of arguments in any order, and the HLS design
does not see these updates until the software application requests a mailbox write, and the
design restarts.

TIP: If some arguments are arrays mapped to s_axilite register files, then the entire array must be
written between successive mailbox writes because it is implemented as a ping-pong buffer.

• The same process occurs on the output side when the HLS design writes to the design-side
register and requests a mailbox read. The next time the design is done, the values of the
s_axilite mapped output arguments are updated, and the software application can read
them as needed.

Hence the software application has the following criteria:

• Not in charge of providing input data at every execution of the HLS design and collecting
output data at its finish, as it would be in the case of control-driven designs.
• Involved in occasionally setting and updating some design input parameters (for example,
routing tables, etc.) and checking the status of the design execution. This semi-
synchronization operation is typically done without a fixed communication rate between the
software application and the HLS design.
• When the software application has a new set of parameters to send to the HLS design, it does
so without caring where the design is in its execution. When the software application needs
to check the status of the HLS design, it does so without caring where design is in its
execution. It is satisfied only that the parameter update and status check is performed
consistently for the hardware.

Mailbox Semantics

The mailbox features can be used for both input and output, and would need to be specified for
all s_axilite I/Os of an HLS component. It is enabled with a global option for the interfaces
using the following configuration commands:


After setting up the configuration options, the mailbox implements a pair of registers called HW
copy and SW copy. The input mailbox and output mailbox has an independent pair of registers.
Communication from the software application with the HLS component includes:

• Input Mailbox:

• The application writes some or all elements to the SW copy register of the mailbox.
• The application notifies the mailbox that SW copy is updated.

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• When the HLS design restarts, the SW copy register is copied to the HW copy register.
• The application is notified that the HW copy has been updated, and can change the SW
copy register again as needed.

TIP: Multiple reads by the HLS design can occur without an update from the software application.

• Output Mailbox:

• The application notifies the mailbox that it wants to read an updated copy of the mailbox.
The HLS design writes some or all the elements to the HW copy register of the mailbox at
the end of the current execution.
• When the design is done, HW copy is copied to the SW copy register.
• The application is notified that SW copy is updated and can read it at any time.

TIP: Multiple writes by the hardware can occur without any software request to update.

Examples of Auto-Restarting Designs

The following sections describe the auto-restarting HLS design examples.

Using Auto-Restart with the Mailbox

The mailbox feature provides the ability to have semi-synchronization with a software
application. The mailbox is a non-blocking mechanism that updates the HLS design parameters.
Any updates provided through the mailbox will be picked up the next time the design starts.

This example design uses scalar values which will be programmed from the software application,
and the design will pick them at the next software call. The scalars, adder1 and adder2, will be
asynchronously updated from the software application.

Configure the HLS compiler for auto-restarting mode and enable the mailbox feature using the
following configuration commands:


This informs the tool to create the IP or kernel using the autorestart mechanisms. The example
HLS design code follows:

#define DWIDTH 32
12 typedef ap_axiu<DWIDTH, 0, 0, 0> pkt;
14 extern "C" {
15 void krnl_stream_vdatamover(hls::stream<pkt> &in,
16 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ hls::stream<pkt> &out,
17 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ int adder1,
18 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ int adder2

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19 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ) {
21 #pragma HLS interface ap_ctrl_chain port=return
22 #pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=adder2
25 #pramga HLS port=adder1 stable
#pramga HLS port=adder2 stable
27 bool eos = false;
28 vdatamover:
29 do {
30 // Reading a and b streaming into packets
31 pkt t1 = in.read();
33 // Packet for output
34 pkt t_out;
36 // Reading data from input packet
37 ap_uint<DWIDTH> in1 = t1.data;
39 // Vadd operation
40 ap_uint<DWIDTH> tmpOut = in1+adder1+adder2;
42 // Setting data and configuration to output packet
43 t_out.data = tmpOut;
44 t_out.last = t1.last;
45 t_out.keep = -1; // Enabling all bytes
47 // Writing packet to output stream
48 out.write(t_out);
50 if (t1.last) {
51 ┆ eos = true;
52 }
53 } while (eos == false);

Create a mailbox to update the scalars values adder1 and adder2.

Update the design parameters from the software application using the set_arg and write
methods as shown below. The auto-restarting HLS design will not stop itself because there is no
start and stop for a streaming interface. The module must be explicitly stopped or reset. The
application code can explicitly stop the design from running using the abort() method.

// add(in1, in2, nullptr, data_size)

xrt::kernel add(device, uuid, "krnl_stream_vadd");
xrt::bo in1(device, data_size_bytes, add.group_id(0));
auto in1_data = in1.map<int*>();
xrt::bo in2(device, data_size_bytes, add.group_id(1));
auto in2_data = in2.map<int*>();
// mult(in3, nullptr, out, data_size)
xrt::kernel mult(device, uuid, "krnl_stream_vmult");
xrt::bo in3(device, data_size_bytes, mult.group_id(0));
auto in3_data = in3.map<int*>();
xrt::bo out(device, data_size_bytes, mult.group_id(2));
auto out_data = out.map<int*>();

xrt::kernel incr(device, uuid, "krnl_stream_vdatamover");

int adder1 = 20; // arbitrarily chosen to be different from 0
int adder2 = 10; // arbitrarily chosen to be different from 0

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// create run objects for re-use in loop

xrt::run add_run(add);
xrt::run mult_run(mult);
std::cout <<"performing never-ending mode with infinite auto
auto incr_run = incr(xrt::autostart{0}, nullptr, nullptr, adder1, adder2);

// create mailbox to programatically update the incr scalar adder

xrt::mailbox incr_mbox(incr_run);

// computed expected result

std::vector<int> sw_out_data(data_size);

std::cout << " for loop started" <<std::endl;

bool error = false; // indicates error in any of the iterations
for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < iter; ++cnt) {

// Create the test data and software result

for(size_t i = 0; i < data_size; ++i) {
in1_data[i] = static_cast<int>(i);
in2_data[i] = 2 * static_cast<int>(i);
in3_data[i] = static_cast<int>(i);
out_data[i] = 0;
sw_out_data[i] = (in1_data[i] + in2_data[i] + adder1 + adder2) *

// sync test data to kernel


// start the pipeline

add_run(in1, in2, nullptr, data_size);
mult_run(in3, nullptr, out, data_size);

// wait for the pipeline to finish


// prepare for next iteration, update the mailbox with the next
// value of 'adder'.
incr_mbox.set_arg(2, ++adder1); // update the mailbox
incr_mbox.set_arg(3, --adder2); // update the mailbox

// write the mailbox content to hw, the write will not be picked
// up until the next iteration of the pipeline (incr).
incr_mbox.write(); // requests sync of mailbox to hw

// sync result from device to host


// compare with expected scalar adders

for (size_t i = 0 ; i < data_size; i++) {
if (out_data[i] != sw_out_data[i]) {
std::cout << "error in iteration = " << cnt
<< " expected output = " << sw_out_data[i]
<< " observed output = " << out_data[i]
<< " adder1 = " << adder1 - 1
<< " adder2 = " << adder2 + 1 << '\n';

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throw std::runtime_error("result mismatch");


Using Counted Auto-Restart

This example uses the same code as the prior example, but in this case the HLS design is
configured to run and restart for three iterations and then stop. The only required change is to
specify the number of iterations from the software application as shown in the code example

TIP: In the counted auto-restart case, there is no need to use the abort(), because the software
application will know when to stop.

143 xrt::kernel incr(device, uuid, "increment");

144 int adder1 = 20; // arbitrarily chosen to be different from 0
145 int adder2 = 10; // arbitrarily chosen to be different from 0
151 // start the incr kernel in auto restart mode with default adders
152 // since it is a streaming kernel it will be stalled waiting for
153 // input
154 auto incr_run = incr(xrt::autostart{3}, nullptr, nullptr, adder1);

Controlling Initialization and Reset Behavior

The reset port is used in a device to return the registers and block RAM connected to the reset
port to an initial value any time the reset signal is applied. Typically the most important aspect of
RTL configuration is selecting the reset behavior.

Note: When discussing reset behavior it is important to understand the difference between initialization
and reset. Refer to Initialization Behavior for more information.

The presence and behavior of the RTL reset port is controlled using configuration commands as
described in RTL Configuration, as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 56: RTL Configurations

The reset settings include the ability to set the polarity of the reset and whether the reset is
synchronous or asynchronous but more importantly it controls, through the reset option, which
registers are reset when the reset signal is applied.

IMPORTANT! When AXI4 interfaces are used on a design the reset polarity is automatically changed to
active-Low irrespective of the setting in the config_rtl configuration. This is required by the AXI4

The reset option has four settings:

• none: No reset is added to the design.

• control: This is the default and ensures all control registers are reset. Control registers are
those used in state machines and to generate I/O protocol signals. This setting ensures the
design can immediately start its operation state.

• state: This option adds a reset to control registers (as in the control setting) plus any registers
or memories derived from static and global variables in the C/C++ code. This setting ensures
static and global variable initialized in the C/C++ code are reset to their initialized value after
the reset is applied.

• all: This adds a reset to all registers and memories in the design.

Finer grain control over reset is provided through the RESET pragma or directive as described in
syn.directive.reset. Static and global variables can have a reset added through the RESET
directive. Variables can also be removed from those being reset by using the RESET directive’s
off option.

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IMPORTANT! It is important when using the reset state or all options to consider the effect on
resetting arrays.

Initialization Behavior
In C/C++, variables defined with the static qualifier and those defined in the global scope are
initialized to zero, by default. These variables can optionally be assigned a specific initial value.
For these initialized variables, the value in the C/C++ code is assigned at compile time (at time
zero) and never again. In both cases, the initial value is implemented in the RTL.

• During RTL simulation the variables are initialized with the same values as the C/C++ code.
• The variables are also initialized in the bitstream used to program the FPGA. When the device
powers up, the variables will start in their initialized state.

In the RTL, although the variables start with the same initial value as the C/C++ code, there is no
way to force the variable to return to this initial state. To restore the initial state, variables must
be implemented with a reset signal.

IMPORTANT! Top-level function arguments can be implemented in an AXI4-Lite interface. Because there
is no way to provide an initial value in C/C++ for function arguments, these variable cannot be initialized in
the RTL as doing so would create an RTL design with different functional behavior from the C/C++ code
which would fail to verify during C/RTL co-simulation.

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Chapter 9: Best Practices for Designing with M_AXI Interfaces

Chapter 9

Best Practices for Designing with

M_AXI Interfaces
For designers implementing an AMD Vitis™ kernel there are various trade-offs available when
working with the device memory (PLRAM, HBM and DDR) available on FPGA devices. The
following is a checklist of best practices to use when designing AXI4 memory mapped interfaces
for your application.

With throughput as the chief optimization goal, it is clear that accelerating the compute part of
your application using the macro and micro-architecture optimizations is the first step but the
time taken for transferring data to/from the kernel can also influence the application architecture
with respect to throughput goals. Due to the high overhead for data transfer, it becomes
important to think about overlapping the computation with the communication (data movement)
that is present in your application.

For your given application:

• Decompose the kernel algorithm by building a pipeline of producer-consumer tasks, modeled

using a Load, Compute, Store (LCS) coding pattern
○ All external I/O accesses must be in the Load and Store tasks.

○ There should be multiple Load or Store tasks if the kernel needs to read or write from
different ports in parallel.
○ The Compute task(s) should only have scalars, array, streams or stream of blocks
○ Ensure that all these tasks (specified as functions) can be executed in overlapped fashion
(enables task-level parallelism by the compiler).
○ Compute tasks can be further split up into smaller compute tasks which can result in
further optimizations such as pipelining. The same rules as LCS apply for these smaller
compute functions as well.
○ Always use local memory to pass data to/from the Compute tasks.

• Load and Store blocks are responsible for moving data between global memory and the
Compute blocks as efficiently as possible.
○ On one end, they must read or write data through the streaming interface according to the
(temporal) sequential order mandated by the Compute task inside the kernel

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○ On the other end, they must read or write data through the memory-mapped interface
according to the (spatial) arrangement order set by the software application
• Changing your mindset about data accesses is key to building a proper HW design with HLS
○ In SW, it is common to think about how the data is “accessed” (the algorithm pulls the data
it needs).
○ In HW, it is more efficient in think of how data “flows” through the algorithm (the data is
pushed to the algorithm)
○ In SW, you reason about array indices and “where” data is accessed

○ In HW, you reason about streams and “when” data is accessed

• Global memories have long access times (DRAM, HBM) and their bandwidth is limited
(DRAM). To reduce the overhead of accessing global memory, the interface function needs to
○ Access sufficiently large contiguous blocks of data (to benefit from AXI Burst Transfers)

○ Accessing data sequentially leads to larger bursts (and higher data throughput efficiency) as
compared to accessing random and/or out-of-order data (where burst analysis will fail)
○ Avoid redundant accesses (to preserve bandwidth)

• In many cases, the sequential order of data in and out of the Compute tasks is different from
the arrangement order of data in global memory.
○ In this situation, optimizing the interface functions requires creating internal caching
structures that gather enough data and organize it appropriately to minimize the overhead
of global memory accesses while being able to satisfy the sequential order expected by the
streaming interface.
○ In order to simplify the data movement logic, the developer can also consider different
ways of storing the data in memory. For instance, accessing data in DRAM in a column-
major fashion can be very inefficient. Rather than implementing a dedicated data-mover in
the kernel, it could be better to transpose the data in SW and store in row-major order
instead which will greatly simply HW access patterns.
• Maximize the port width of the interface, i.e., the bit-width of each AXI port by setting it to
512 bits (64 bytes).
○ Use hls::vector or ap_(u)int<512> as the data type of the port to infer maximal
burst lengths. Usage of structs in the interface can result in poor burst performance.
○ Accessing the global memory is expensive and so accessing larger word sizes is more
○ Imagine the interface ports to be like pipes feeding data to your kernel. The wider the pipe,
the more data that can be accessed and processed, and sent back.
○ Transfer large blocks of data from the global device memory. One large transfer is more
efficient than several smaller transfers. The bandwidth is limited by the PCIe performance.
Run the DMA test to measure PCIe® transfer effective max throughput. It is usually in the
range of 10-17 GBps for reading and writing, respectively.

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- Memory resources include PLRAM (small size but fast access with the lowest latency),
HBM (moderate size and access speed with some latency), and DRAM (large size but
slow access with high latency).
- Given the asynchronous nature of reads, distributed RAMs are ideal for fast buffers. You
can use the read value immediately, rather than waiting for the next clock cycle. You can
also use distributed RAM to create small ROMs. However, distributed ram is not suited
for large memories, and you’ll get better performance (and lower power consumption)
for memories larger than about 128 bits using block RAM or UltraRAM.
• Decide on the optimal number of concurrent ports, for example, the number of concurrent
AXI (memory-mapped) ports
○ If the Load task needs to get multiple input data sets to feed to the Compute task, it can
choose to use multiple interface ports to access this data in parallel.
○ However, the data needs to be stored in different memory banks or the accesses will be
sequentialized. There is a maximum of 4 DDR memory banks on FPGAs while there are 32
HBM channels.
○ When multiple processes are accessing the same memory port or memory bank, an arbiter
will make these concurrent accesses to the same memory port or bank sequential.
• Setting the right burst length i.e., the maximum burst access length (in terms of the number of
elements) for each AXI port.
○ Set the burst length equivalent to the maximum 4k bytes transfer. For example, using AXI
data width of 512-bit (64 bytes), the burst length should be set to 64.
○ Transferring data in bursts hides the memory access latency and improves bandwidth usage
and efficiency of the memory controller
○ Write application code in such a way to infer the maximal length bursts for both reads and
writes to/from global memory
• Setting the number of outstanding memory requests that an AXI port can sustain before
○ Setting a reasonable number of outstanding requests allows the system to submit multiple
memory requests before stalling - this pipelining of requests allows the system to hide
some of the memory latency at the cost of additional BRAM/URAM resources.

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Chapter 10: Optimizing Techniques and Troubleshooting Tips

Chapter 10

Optimizing Techniques and

Troubleshooting Tips
This section outlines the various optimization techniques you can use to direct AMD Vitis™ HLS
to produce a micro-architecture that satisfies the desired performance and area goals. Using Vitis
HLS, you can apply different optimization directives to the design, including:

• Pipelining tasks, allowing the next execution of the task to begin before the current execution
is complete.
• Specifying a target latency for the completion of functions, loops, and regions.
• Specifying a limit on the number of resources used.
• Overriding the inherent or implied dependencies in the code to permit specific operations. For
example, if it is acceptable to discard or ignore the initial data values, such as in a video
stream, allow a memory read before write if it results in better performance.
• Specifying the I/O protocol to ensure function arguments can be connected to other
hardware blocks with the same I/O protocol.
Note: Vitis HLS automatically determines the I/O protocol used by any sub-functions. You cannot
control these ports except to specify whether the port is registered.

It helps to understand the process used to synthesize RTL hardware description from C/C++
source code. The Understanding High-Level Synthesis Scheduling and Binding describes some of
the important details of this process to help you better understand how you can optimize for it.

You can add optimization directives directly into the source code as compiler pragmas using
various HLS pragmas, or you can use directives as configuration commands as discussed in
Adding Pragmas and Directives. The following table lists the optimization directives provided by
the HLS compiler as either pragma or configuration commands.

Table 18: Vitis HLS Optimization Directives

Directive Description
AGGREGATE The AGGREGATE pragma is used for grouping all the elements of a struct into a single wide
vector to allow all members of the struct to be read and written to simultaneously.
ALIAS The ALIAS pragma enables data dependence analysis in Vitis HLS by defining the distance
between multiple pointers accessing the same DRAM buffer.
ALLOCATION Specify a limit for the number of operations, implementations, or functions used. This can
force the sharing or hardware resources and may increase latency.

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Table 18: Vitis HLS Optimization Directives (cont'd)

Directive Description
ARRAY PARTITION Partitions large arrays into multiple smaller arrays or into individual registers, to improve
access to data and remove block RAM bottlenecks.
ARRAY_RESHAPE Reshape an array from one with many elements to one with greater word-width. Useful for
improving block RAM accesses without using more block RAM.
BIND_OP Define a specific implementation for an operation in the RTL.
BIND_STORAGE Define a specific implementation for a storage element, or memory, in the RTL.
DATAFLOW Enables task level pipelining, allowing functions and loops to execute concurrently. Used to
optimize throughput and/or latency.
DEPENDENCE Used to provide additional information that can overcome loop-carried dependencies and
allow loops to be pipelined (or pipelined with lower intervals).
DISAGGREGATE Break a struct down into its individual elements.
EXPRESSION_BALANCE Allows automatic expression balancing to be turned off.
INLINE Inlines a function, removing function hierarchy at this level. Used to enable logic
optimization across function boundaries and improve latency/interval by reducing function
call overhead.
INTERFACE Specifies how RTL ports are created from the function description.
LATENCY Allows a minimum and maximum latency constraint to be specified.
LOOP_FLATTEN Allows nested loops to be collapsed into a single loop with improved latency.
LOOP_MERGE Merge consecutive loops to reduce overall latency, increase sharing and improve logic
LOOP_TRIPCOUNT Used for loops which have variables bounds. Provides an estimate for the loop iteration
count. This has no impact on synthesis, only on reporting.
OCCURRENCE Used when pipelining functions or loops, to specify that the code in a location is executed
at a lesser rate than the code in the enclosing function or loop.
PERFORMANCE Specify the desired transaction interval for a loop and let the tool to determine the best way
to achieve the result.
PIPELINE Reduces the initiation interval by allowing the overlapped execution of operations within a
loop or function.
PROTOCOL This commands specifies a region of code, a protocol region, in which no clock operations
will be inserted by Vitis HLS unless explicitly specified in the code.
RESET This directive is used to add or remove reset on a specific state variable (global or static).
STABLE Indicates that a variable input or output of a dataflow region can be ignored when
generating the synchronizations at entry and exit of the dataflow region.
STREAM Specifies that a specific array is to be implemented as a FIFO or RAM memory channel
during dataflow optimization. When using hls::stream, the STREAM optimization directive is
used to override the configuration of the hls::stream.
TOP The top-level function for synthesis is specified in the project settings. This directive may be
used to specify any function as the top-level for synthesis. This then allows different
solutions within the same project to be specified as the top-level function for synthesis
without needing to create a new project.
UNROLL Unroll for-loops to create multiple instances of the loop body and its instructions that can
then be scheduled independently.

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In addition to the optimization directives, Vitis HLS provides a number of configuration

commands that can influence the performance of synthesis results. Details on using
configurations commands can be found in HLS Config File Commands. The following table
reflects some of these commands.

Table 19: Vitis HLS Configurations

GUI Directive Description

Array Partition Configuration Determines how arrays are partitioned, including global arrays and if the partitioning
impacts array ports.
Compile Options Controls synthesis specific optimizations such as the automatic loop pipelining and floating
point math optimizations.
Dataflow Configuration Specifies the default memory channel and FIFO depth in dataflow optimization.
Interface Configuration Controls I/O ports not associated with the top-level function arguments and allows unused
ports to be eliminated from the final RTL.
Operator Configuration Configures the default latency and implementation of specified operations.
RTL Configuration Provides control over the output RTL including file and module naming, and reset controls.
Schedule Setting Determines the effort level to use during the synthesis scheduling phase and the verbosity
of the output messages
Storage Configuration Configures the default latency and implementation of specified storage types.
Unroll Setting Configures the default tripcount threshold for unrolling loops.

Understanding High-Level Synthesis

Scheduling and Binding
High-Level Synthesis tools transform an untimed high-level specification into a fully timed
implementation. During this transformation, a custom architecture is implemented to meet the
specification requirements. The architecture generated contains the data path, control logic,
memory interfaces, and how the RTL communicates with the external world. A data path consists
of a set of storage elements such as (registers, register files, or memories), a set of functional
units (such as ALUs, multipliers, shifters, and other custom functions), and interconnect elements
(such as tristate drivers, multiplexers, and buses). Each component can take one or more clock
cycles to execute, can be pipelined, and can have input or output registers. In addition, the entire
data path and controller can be pipelined in several stages.

The designers should invest the early part of the project in redefining the architecture of the
algorithm to meet the performance while keeping the algorithm at a higher level. For any specific
HLS tool, there are design principles and best practices that are required to be followed to
generate the optimized RTL that meets the expected performance.

The HLS Tool executes the following tasks as shown in the diagram below.

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Figure 57: HLS Tasks

1. Compile the algorithm written to meet specifications: This step includes several code
optimizations such as dead-code elimination, constant folding, reporting unsupported
constructs, etc.
2. Schedule the operations for given clock cycles:
a. The "Schedule" phase determines which operations occur during each clock cycle based
• When an operation’s dependencies have been satisfied or are available.
• The length of the clock cycle or clock frequency.
• The time it takes for the operation to complete, as defined by the target device. More
operations can be completed in a single clock cycle for longer clock periods. Some
operations might need to be implemented as multi-cycle resources. HLS automatically
schedules operations over more clock cycles
• The available resources.
• Incorporation of any user-specified optimization directives.

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b. During the "Schedule" phase, the tool determines what operator will execute in a given
cycle and how many of these components are needed. The next step determines what
operation binds to what resource.
3. Bind the operations to the functional components and variables to the storage elements
a. The binding task assigns hardware resources to implement each scheduled operation and
maps operators (such as addition, multiplication, and shift) to specific RTL
implementations. For example, a mult operation can be implemented in RTL as a
combinational or pipelined multiplier.
b. The binding task assigns memories, registers, or combinations of these to the array
variables inside the function to meet the desired performance.
c. If multiple operations use the same resource, this step can perform the resource sharing if
not used in the same cycle.
4. Control logic extraction creates a finite state machine (FSM) that sequences the operations in
the RTL design according to the defined schedule.
5. Creates the logic to communicate with the external world: The RTL generated will be
communicating with the external world like streaming data from the external port or start/
stop logic or accessing external memory.
6. Finally, generate the RTL architecture

The next section walks through conceptually, how an HLS tool in general schedules the operators
based on input constraints like a clock cycle and binds them to available hardware resources.

Scheduling and Binding Example

The following figure shows an example of the scheduling and binding phases for this code

int foo(char x, char a, char b, char c) {

char y;
y = x*a+b+c;
return y;

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Figure 58: Scheduling and Binding Example

1 2 3
Clock Cycle

Phase a

b +

Initial Binding Mul AddSub


Target Binding
DSP AddSub

In the scheduling phase of this example, high-level synthesis schedules the following operations
to occur during each clock cycle:

• First clock cycle: Multiplication and the first addition

• Second clock cycle: Second addition, if the result of the first addition is available in the second
clock cycle, and output generation

Note: In the preceding figure, the square between the first and second clock cycles indicates when an
internal register stores a variable. In this example, high-level synthesis only requires that the output of the
addition is registered across a clock cycle. The first cycle reads x, a, and b data ports. The second cycle
reads data port c and generates output y.

In the final hardware implementation, high-level synthesis implements the arguments to the top-
level function as input and output (I/O) ports. In this example, the arguments are simple data
ports. Because each input variable is a char type, the input data ports are all 8-bits wide. The
function return is a 32-bit int data type, and the output data port is 32-bits wide.

IMPORTANT! The advantage of implementing the C code in the hardware is that all operations finish in a
shorter number of clock cycles. In this example, the operations complete in only two clock cycles. In a
central processing unit (CPU), even this simple code example takes more clock cycles to complete.

In the initial binding phase of this example, high-level synthesis implements the multiplier
operation using a combinational multiplier (Mul) and implements both add operations using a
combinational adder/subtractor (AddSub).

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In the target binding phase, high-level synthesis implements both the multiplier and one of the
addition operations using a DSP module resource. Some applications use many binary multipliers
and accumulators that are best implemented in dedicated DSP resources. The DSP module is a
computational block available in the FPGA architecture that provides the ideal balance of high-
performance and efficient implementation.

Extracting Control Logic and Implementing I/O Ports

The following figure shows the extraction of control logic and implementation of I/O ports for
this code example:

void foo(int in[3], char a, char b, char c, int out[3]) {

int x,y;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
x = in[i];
y = a*x + b + c;
out[i] = y;

Figure 59: Control Logic Extraction and I/O Port Implementation Example

y out_data
+ +
in_data x

in_addr out_ce
in_ce out_we

Finite State Machine (FSM)

C0 C1 C2 C3


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This code example performs the same operations as the previous example. However, it performs
the operations inside a for-loop, and two of the function arguments are arrays. The resulting
design executes the logic inside the for-loop three times when the code is scheduled. High-level
synthesis automatically extracts the control logic from the C code and creates an FSM in the RTL
design to sequence these operations. Top-level function arguments become ports in the final RTL
design. The scalar variable of type char maps into a standard 8-bit data bus port. Array
arguments, such as in and out, contain an entire collection of data.

In high-level synthesis, arrays are synthesized into block RAM by default, but other options are
possible, such as FIFOs, distributed RAM, and individual registers. When using arrays as
arguments in the top-level function, high-level synthesis assumes that the block RAM is outside
the top-level function and automatically creates ports to access a block RAM outside the design,
such as data ports, address ports, and any required chip-enable or write-enable signals.

The FSM controls when the registers store data and controls the state of any I/O control signals.
The FSM starts in the state C0. On the next clock, it enters state C1, then state C2, and then
state C3. It returns to state C1 (and C2, C3) a total of three times before returning to state C0.

Note: This closely resembles the control structure in the C code for-loop. The full sequence of states are:
C0,{C1, C2, C3}, {C1, C2, C3}, {C1, C2, C3}, and return to C0.

The design requires the addition of b and c only one time. High-level synthesis moves the
operation outside the for-loop and into state C0. Each time the design enters state C3, it reuses
the result of the addition.

The design reads the data from in and stores the data in x. The FSM generates the address for
the first element in state C1. In addition, in state C1, an adder increments to keep track of how
many times the design must iterate around states C1, C2, and C3. In state C2, the block RAM
returns the data for in and stores it as variable x.

High-level synthesis reads the data from port a with other values to perform the calculation and
generates the first y output. The FSM ensures that the correct address and control signals are
generated to store this value outside the block. The design then returns to state C1 to read the
next value from the array/block RAM in. This process continues until all outputs are written. The
design then returns to state C0 to read the next values of b and c to start the process again.

Performance Metrics Example

The following figure shows the complete cycle-by-cycle execution for the code in the previous
example, including the states for each clock cycle, read operations, computation operations, and
write operations.

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Figure 60: Latency and Initiation Interval Example

C0 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 C0
Read B Addr Read Calc. Addr Read Calc. Addr Read Calc. Read B
and C in[0] in[0] out[0] in[1] in[1] out[1] in[2] in[2] out[2] and C

b c Addr x=Data a Addr x=Data a Addr x=Data a b c

+ * + * + * + +

Y[0] Y[1] Y[2]

Function Latency = 9

Function Initiation Interval = 10

Loop Iteration Latency = 3

Loop Iteration Interval = 3

Loop Latency = 9

The following are performance metrics for this example:

• Latency: It takes the function 9 clock cycles to output all values.

Note: When the output is an array, the latency is measured to the last array value output.

• Initiation Interval (II): The II is 10, which means it takes 10 clock cycles before the function can
initiate a new set of input reads and start to process the next set of input data.
Note: The time to perform one complete execution of a function is referred to as one transaction. In this
example, it takes 11 clock cycles before the function can accept data for the next transaction.

• Loop iteration latency: The latency of each loop iteration is 3 clock cycles.
• Loop II: The interval is 3.
• Loop latency: The latency is 9 clock cycles.

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Optimizing Logic
Inferring Shift Registers
Vitis HLS will now infer a shift register when encountering the following code:

int A[N]; // This will be replaced by a shift register

for(...) {
// The loop below is the shift operation
for (int i = 0; i < N-1; ++i)
A[i] = A[i+1];
A[N] = ...;

// This is an access to the shift register

... A[x] ...

Shift registers can perform a one shift operation per cycle, and also allows a random read access
per cycle anywhere in the shift register, thus it is more flexible than a FIFO.

Optimizing Logic Expressions

During synthesis several optimizations, such as strength reduction and bit-width minimization are
performed. Included in the list of automatic optimizations is expression balancing.

Expression balancing rearranges operators to construct a balanced tree and reduce latency.

• For integer operations expression balancing is on by default but may be disabled using the
EXPRESSION_BALANCE pragma or directive.
• For floating-point operations, expression balancing is off by default but may be enabled using
using the config_compile -unsafe_math_optimizations command, as discussed

Given the highly sequential code using assignment operators such as += and *= in the following
example (or resulting from loop unrolling):

data_t foo_top (data_t a, data_t b, data_t c, data_t d)

data_t sum;

sum = 0;
sum += a;
sum += b;
sum += c;
sum += d;
return sum;

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Without expression balancing, and assuming each addition requires one clock cycle, the complete
computation for sum requires four clock cycles shown in the following figure.

Figure 61: Adder Tree

d c b a
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Cycle 3

Cycle 4 +

sum X14250-100620

However additions a+b and c+d can be executed in parallel allowing the latency to be reduced.
After balancing the computation completes in two clock cycles as shown in the following figure.
Expression balancing prohibits sharing and results in increased area.

Figure 62: Adder Tree After Balancing

a b c d

+ +
Cycle 1
Cycle 2

sum X14249-100620

For integers, you can disable expression balancing using the EXPRESSION_BALANCE
optimization directive with the off option. By default, the HLS tool does not perform the
EXPRESSION_BALANCE optimization for operations of type float or double. When
synthesizing float and double types, the tool maintains the order of operations performed in
the C/C++ code to ensure that the results are the same as the C/C++ simulation. For example, in
the following code example, all variables are of type float or double. The values of O1 and O2
are not the same even though they appear to perform the same basic calculation.

A=B*C; A=B*F;
D=E*F; D=E*C;
O1=A*D O2=A*D;

This behavior is a function of the saturation and rounding in the C/C++ standard when
performing operation with types float or double. Therefore, the HLS compiler always
maintains the exact order of operations when variables of type float or double are present
and does not perform expression balancing by default.

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You can enable expression balancing for specific operations, or you can configure the tool to
enable expression balancing with float and double types using the
syn.compile.unsafe_math_optimizations=1 configuration command.

With this setting enabled, the tool might change the order of operations to produce a more
optimal design. However, the results of C/RTL co-simulation might differ from the C/C++

The unsafe_math_optimizations feature also enables the

syn.compile.no_signed_zeros optimization. The no_signed_zeros optimization
ensures that the following expressions used with float and double types are identical:

x - 0.0 = x;
x + 0.0 = x;
0.0 - x = -x;
x - x = 0.0;
x*0.0 = 0.0;

Without the no_signed_zeros optimization the expressions above would not be equivalent
due to rounding. The optimization may be optionally used without expression balancing by
selecting only the syn.compile.no_signed_zeros configuration command.

TIP: When the unsafe_math_optimizations and no_signed_zero optimizations are used, the
RTL implementation will have different results than the C/C++ simulation. The test bench should be
capable of ignoring minor differences in the result: check for a range, do not perform an exact comparison.

Optimizing AXI System Performance


A Vitis accelerated system includes a global memory subsystem that is used to share data
between the kernels and the host application. Global memory available on the host system,
outside of the AMD device, provides very large amounts of storage space but at the cost of
longer access time compared to local memory on the AMD device. One of the measurements of
the performance of a system/application is throughput, which is defined as the number of bytes
transferred in a given time frame. Therefore, inefficient data transfers from/to the global memory
will have a long memory access time which can adversely affect system performance and kernel
execution time.

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Development of accelerated applications in Vitis HLS should include two phases: kernel
development, and improving system performance. Design Principles suggested a kernel
development approach implementing a cache-like Load-Compute-Store structure where the
load-store functions read/write data to the global memory. Improving system performance
involves implementing an efficient load and store design that can improve the kernel execution
time. This chapter describes the features and metrics that can impact and improve the
throughput of the load-store (LS) functions. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Interface/
Memory on GitHub for examples of some of the following concepts.

AXI Burst Transfers

Overview of Burst Transfers

Bursting is an optimization that tries to intelligently aggregate your memory accesses to the DDR
to maximize the throughput bandwidth and/or minimize the latency. Bursting is one of many
possible optimizations to the kernel. Bursting typically gives you a 4-5x improvement while other
optimizations, like access widening or ensuring there are no dependencies through the DDR
memory, can provide even bigger performance improvements. Typically, bursting is useful when
you have contention on the DDR ports from multiple competing kernels.

The Vitis HLS tool supports automatic burst inference, and supports a number of features such
as automatic port-widening to facilitate automatic burst access. In some cases, where autmatic
burst access has failed, an efficient solution is to re-write the code or use manual burst as
described in Using Manual Burst. If that does not work, then another solution might be to use
cache memory in the AXI4 interface using the CACHE pragma or directive.

The burst feature of the AXI4 protocol improves the throughput of the load-store functions by
reading/writing chunks of data to or from the global memory in a single request. The larger the
size of the data, the higher the throughput. This metric is calculated as follows ((#of bytes
transferred)* (kernel frequency)/(Time)). The maximum kernel interface bitwidth is 512 bits, and if
the kernel is compiled to run at 300 MHz then it can theoretically achieve (512* 300 MHz)/1 sec
= ~17 GBps for a DDR memory.

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Figure 63: AXI Protocol

The preceding figure shows how the AXI protocol works. The HLS kernel sends out a read
request for a burst of length 8 and then sends a write request burst of length 8. The read latency
is defined as the time taken between the sending of the read request burst to when the data
from the first read request in the burst is received by the kernel. Similarly, the write latency is
defined as the time taken between when data for the last write in the write burst is sent and the
time the write acknowledgment is received by the kernel. Read requests are usually sent at the
first available opportunity while write requests get queued until the data for each write in the
burst becomes available.

TIP: This behavior is determined by the syn.interface.m_axi_conservative_mode option as

described in Interface Configuration, which is enabled as the default behavior.

To understand the underlying semantics of burst transfers consider the following code snippet:

for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {

out[f(i)] = in[f(i)]);

Vitis HLS performs automatic burst optimization, which intelligently aggregates the memory
accesses inside the loops/functions from the user code and performs read/write to the global
memory of a particular size. These read/writes are converted into a read request, write request,
and write response to the global memory. Depending on the memory access pattern Vitis HLS
automatically inserts these read and write requests either outside the loop bound or inside the
loop body. Depending on the placement of these requests, Vitis HLS defines two types of burst
requests: sequential burst and pipelined burst.

Burst Semantics

For a given kernel, the HLS compiler implements the burst analysis optimization as a multi-pass
optimization, but on a per function basis. Bursting is only done for a function and bursting across
functions is not supported. The burst optimizations are reported in the Synthesis Summary
report, and missed burst opportunities are also reported to help you improve burst optimization.

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At first, the HLS compiler looks for memory accesses in the basic blocks of the function, such as
memory accesses in a sequential set of statements inside the function. Assuming the
preconditions of bursting are met, each burst inferred in these basic blocks is referred to as
sequential burst. The compiler will automatically scan the basic block to build the longest
sequence of accesses into a single sequential burst.

The compiler then looks at loops and tries to infer what are known as pipeline bursts. A pipeline
burst is the sequence of reads/writes across the iterations of a loop. The compiler tries to infer
the length of the burst by analyzing the loop induction variable and the trip count of the loop. If
the analysis is successful, the compiler can chain the sequences of reads/writes in each iteration
of the loop into one long pipeline burst. The compiler today automatically infers a pipeline or a
sequential burst, but there is no way to request a specific type of burst. The code needs to be
written so as to cause the tool to infer the pipeline or sequential burst.

Pipeline Burst

Pipeline burst improves the throughput of the functions by reading or writing large amounts, or
the maximum amount of data in a single request. The advantage of the pipeline burst is that the
future requests (i+1) do not have to wait for the current request (i) to finish because the read
request, write request, and write response are outside the loop body and performs the requests
as soon as possible, as shown in the following code example. This significantly improves the
throughput of the functions as it takes less time to read/write the whole loop bound.

rb = ReadReq(i, size);
wb = WriteReq(i, size);
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Write(wb, i) = f(Read(rb, i));

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Figure 64: Pipeline Burst

If the compiler can successfully deduce the burst length from the induction variable (i) and the
trip count of the loop (size), it will infer one big pipeline burst and will move the ReadReq,
WriteReq and WriteResp calls outside the loop, as shown in the Pipeline Burst code example.
So, the read requests for all loop iterations are combined into one read request and all the write
requests are combined into one write request. All read requests are typically sent out
immediately while write requests are only sent out after the data becomes available.

In this case, the read and write requests for each loop iteration are combined into one read or
write request. However, if any of the preconditions of bursting are not met, as described in
Preconditions and Limitations of Burst Transfer, the compiler might not infer a pipeline burst but
will instead try and infer a sequential burst where the ReadReq, WriteReg and WriteResp are
alongside the read/write accesses being burst optimized, as shown in the Sequential Burst code

Sequential Burst

A sequential burst consists of smaller data sizes where the read requests, write requests, and
write responses are inside a loop body as shown in the following code example.

for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {

rb = ReadReq(i, 1);
wb = WriteReq(i, 1);
Write(wb, i) = f(Read(rb, i));

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The drawback of sequential burst is that a future request (i+1) depends on the current request (i)
finishing because it is waiting for the read request, write request, and write response to
complete. This will create gaps between requests as shown in the following figure.

Figure 65: Sequential Burst

A sequential burst is not as effective as pipeline burst because it is reading or writing a small data
size multiple times to compensate for the loop bounds. Although this will have a significant
impact on the throughput, sequential burst is still better than no burst. Vitis HLS uses this burst
technique if your code does not adhere to the Preconditions and Limitations of Burst Transfer.

TIP: The size of burst requests can be further partitioned into multiple requests of user-specified size,
which is controlled using the max_read_burst_length and max_write_burst_length of the
INTERFACE pragma or directive, as discussed in Options for Controlling AXI4 Burst Behavior.

Preconditions and Limitations of Burst Transfer

Bursting Preconditions

Bursting is about aggregating successive memory access requests. Here are the set of
preconditions that these successive accesses must meet for the bursting optimization to launch

• Must be all reads, or all writes – bursting reads and writes is not possible.

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• Must be a monotonically increasing order of access (both in terms of the memory location
being accessed as well as in time). You cannot access a memory location that is in between
two previously accessed memory locations.
• Must be consecutive in memory – one next to another with no gaps or overlap and in forward
• The number of read/write accesses (or burst length) must be determinable before the request
is sent out. This means that even if the burst length is computed at runtime, it must be
computed before the read/write request is sent out.
• If bundling two arrays to the same M-AXI port, bursting will be done only for one array, at
most, in each direction at any given time.
• If same direction accesses on the same channel of the same bundle in the same region, there
will be no burst for all these accesses.
• There must be no dependency issues from the time a burst request is initiated and finished.

TIP: The volatile qualifier prevents burst access to or from the variable.

Outer Loop Burst Failure Due to Overlapping Memory Accesses

Outer loop burst inference will fail in the following example because both iteration 0 and
iteration 1 of the loop L1 access the same element in arrays a and b. Burst inference is an all or
nothing type of optimization - the tool will not infer a partial burst. It is a greedy algorithm that
tries to maximize the length of the burst. The auto-burst inference will try to infer a burst in a
bottom up fashion - from the inner loop to the outer loop, and will stop when one of the
preconditions is not met. In the example below the burst inference will stop when it sees that
element 8 is being read again, and so an inner loop burst of length 9 will be inferred in this case.

L1: for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)

L2: for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
b[i*8 + j] = a[i*8 + j];

itr 0: |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|
itr 1: | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16|

Usage of ap_int/ap_uint Types as Loop Induction Variables

Because the burst inference depends on the loop induction variable and the trip count, using
non-native types can hinder the optimization from firing. It is recommended to always use
unsigned integer type for the loop induction variable.

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Must Enter Loop at Least Once

In some cases, the compiler can fail to infer that the max value of the loop induction variable can
never be zero – that is, if it cannot prove that the loop will always be entered. In such cases, an
assert statement will help the compiler infer this.

assert (N > 0);

L1: for(int a = 0; a < N; ++a) { … }

Inter or Intra Loop Dependencies on Arrays

If you write to an array location and then read from it in the same iteration or the next, this type
of array dependency can be hard for the optimization to decipher. Basically, the optimization will
fail for these cases because it cannot guarantee that the write will happen before the read.

Conditional Access to Memory

If the memory accesses are being made conditionally, it can cause the burst inferencing algorithm
to fail as it cannot reason through the conditional statements. In some cases, the compiler will
simplify the conditional and even remove it but it is generally recommended to not use
conditional statements around the memory accesses.

M-AXI Accesses Made from Inside a Function Called from a Loop

Cross-functional array access analysis is not a strong suit for compiler transformations such as
burst inferencing. In such cases, users can inline the function using the INLINE pragma or
directive to avoid burst failures.

void my_function(hls::stream<T> &out_pkt, int *din, int input_idx) {

T v;
v.data = din[input_idx];

void my_kernel(hls::stream<T> &out_pkt,

int *din,
int num_512_bytes,
int num_times) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port = din offset=slave bundle=gmem0
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=axis port=out_pkt
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=din bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=num_512_bytes bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=num_times bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return bundle=control

unsigned int idx = 0;

L0: for (int i = 0; i < ntimes; ++i) {
L1: for (int j = 0; j < num_512_bytes; ++j) {
my_function(out_pkt, din, idx++);

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Burst inferencing will fail because the memory accesses are being made from a called function.
For the burst inferencing to work, it is recommended that users inline any such functions that are
making accesses to the M-AXI memory.

An additional reason the burst inferencing will fail in this example is that the memory accessed
through din in my_function, is defined by a variable (idx) which is not a function of the loop
induction variables i and j, and therefore might not be sequential or monotonic. Instead of
passing idx, use (i*num_512_bytes+j).

Pipelined Burst Inference on a Dataflow Loop

Burst inference is not supported on a loop that has the DATAFLOW pragma or directive.
However, each process/task inside the dataflow loop can have bursts. Also, sharing of M-AXI
ports is not supported inside a dataflow region because the tasks can execute in parallel.

Options for Controlling AXI4 Burst Behavior

An optimal AXI4 interface is one in which the design never stalls while waiting to access the bus,
and after bus access is granted, the bus never stalls while waiting for the design to read/write.
There are many elements of the design that affect the system performance and burst transfer,
such as the following:

• Latency
• Port Width
• Multiple Ports
• Specified Burst Length
• Number of Outstanding Reads/Writes


The read latency is defined as the time taken between sending the burst read request to when
the kernel receives the data from the first read request in the burst. Similarly, the write latency is
defined as the time it takes between when data for the last write in the burst is sent and the time
the write response is received by the kernel. These latencies can be non-deterministic because
they depend on system characteristics such as congestion on the DDR memory access. Because
of this the HLS compiler can not accurately determine the memory read/write latency during
synthesis, and so uses a default latency of 64 kernel cycles to schedule the requests and
operations as below.

• It schedules the read/write requests and waits for the data, in parallel perform memory-
independent operations, such as working on streams or compute
• Wait to schedule new read/write requests

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TIP: The default tool latency can be changed using the LATENCY pragma or directive. The default latency
of a specific interface can be changed using the latency option of the INTERFACE pragma or directive.

To help you understand the various latencies that are possible in the system, the following figure
shows what happens when an HLS kernel sends a burst to the DDR memory.

Figure 66: Burst Transaction Diagram

M-AXI Adapter

#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi...latency = ?

Vivado HLS IP

5 to 7 cycles ~30 cycles 9 to 14 cycles


When your design makes a read/write request, the request is sent to the DDR memory through
several specialized helper modules. First, the m_axi adapter serves as a buffer for the requests
created by the HLS kernel. The adapter contains logic to cut large bursts into smaller ones (which
it needs to do to prevent hogging the channel or if the request crosses the 4 KB boundary, see
Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037)).

By default the adapter stalls the sending of burst requests until all data is available (depending on
the maximum outstanding requests parameter) so that it can safely buffer the entirety of the data
for each kernel. This is done to reduce deadlock due to concurrent requests (read or write) on the
memory subsystem, but can increase write latency. You can disable this hold of write requests by
setting syn.interface.m_axi_conservative_mode=false as described in Interface
Configuration, but increase the risk of deadlock.

Getting through the adapter will cost a few cycles of latency, typically 5 to 7 cycles. Then, the
request goes to the AXI interconnect that routes the kernel’s request to the MIG and then
eventually to the DDR memory. Getting through the interconnect is expensive in latency and can
take around 30 cycles. Finally, getting to the DDR and back can cost anywhere from 9 to 14
cycles. These are not precise measurements of latency but rather estimates provided to show the
relative latency cost of these specialized modules. For more precise measurements, you can test
and observe these latencies using the Application Timeline report for your specific system, as
described in AXI Performance Case Study.

TIP: For information about the Application Timeline report, see Timeline Trace in the Vitis Unified Software
Platform Documentation.

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Another way to view the latencies in the system is as follows: the interconnect has an average II
of 2 while the DDR memory controller has an average II of 4-5 cycles on requests (while on the
data they are both II=1). The interconnect arbitration strategy is based on the size of read/write
requests, and so data requested with longer burst lengths get prioritized over requests with
shorter bursts (thus leading to a bigger channel bandwidth being allocated to longer bursts in
case of contention). Of course, a large burst request has the side-effect of preventing anyone
else from accessing the DDR memory, and therefore there must be a compromise between burst
length and reducing DDR port contention. Fortunately, the large latencies help prevent some of
this port contention, and effective pipelining of the requests can significantly improve the
bandwidth throughput available in the system.

Latency does not affect loops/functions with pipelined bursts because the burst requests the
maximum size in a single request.

Latency effects loops/functions with sequential burst in two possible ways:

• If the system read/write latency is larger than the default tool latency, Vitis HLS has to wait
for the data. Changing the latency will not improve the performance of the system.
• If the read/write latency is less than the tool default, then Vitis HLS sits in an idle state and
wastes the remaining kernel cycles. This can impact the performance of the design because
during this idle state it does not perform tasks. As you can see from the following figure the
difference between the system latency and the default latency parameter will cause the
sequential requests to be delayed further in time. This causes a significant loss of throughput.

Figure 67: Default Tool Latency

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However, when you reduce the tool latency using the LATENCY pragma or directive, the tool will
tightly pack the requests for a sequential burst, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 68: Adjusted Tool Latency

RECOMMENDED: Latency has a significant impact on sequential burst. Decreasing the default tool
latency can improve the system performance.

Port Width

The throughput of load-store functions can be further improved by maximizing the number of
bytes transferred. The Vitis unified IDE and v++ supports kernel ports up to 1024 bits wide,
which means that a kernel can read or write up to 128 bytes per clock cycle per port.

RECOMMENDED: You should maximize the port width of the interface, i.e., the bit-width of each AXI
port, by setting it to 512 bits (64 bytes).

Vitis HLS also supports automatic port width optimization by analyzing the memory access
pattern of the source code. If the code satisfies the preconditions and limitations for burst
access, it will automatically resize the port to 512 bit width in the Vitis kernel flow.

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IMPORTANT! If the size and number of iterations are variable at compile time, then the tool will not
automatically widen port widths.

If the tool cannot automatically widen the port, you can manually change the port width by using
Vector Data Types or Arbitrary Precision (AP) Data Types as the data type of the port.

Multiple Ports and Channels

The throughput of load-store functions can be further improved by maximizing concurrent read/
writes. In Vitis HLS, the function arguments by default are bundled/mapped/grouped to a single
port. Bundling ports into a single port helps save resources. However, a single port can limit the
performance of the kernel because all the memory transfers have to go through a single port. The
m_axi interface has independent READ and WRITE channels, so a single port can read and write
simultaneously. The m_axi Interface also provides channels in a single port, as described in
M_AXI Channels to increase read and write channels in the port.

Using multiple ports lets you increase the bandwidth and throughput of the kernel by creating
multiple interfaces to connect to different memory banks, as shown in the Multi-DDR tutorial, or
the accesses will be sequential. When multiple arguments are accessing the same memory port
or memory bank, an arbiter will sequence the concurrent accesses to the same memory port or
bank. Having multiple ports connected to different memory banks increases the throughput of
the load and store functions, and as a result, the compute block should also be equally scaled to
meet the throughput demand from the load and store functions otherwise it will put back-
pressure or stalls on the load-store functions.

RECOMMENDED: Analyze the concurrent memory reads/writes and have a dedicated/independent port
for concurrent accesses.

Number of Outstanding Reads/Writes

The throughput of load-store functions can be further improved by allowing the system to hide
some of the memory latency. The m_axi_num_read_outstanding and
m_axi_num_write_outstanding options of the config_interface command, or of the
INTERFACE pragma or directive, lets the Kernel control the number of pipelined memory
requests sent to the global memory without waiting for the previous request to complete.

Increasing the number of pipelined requests increases the pipeline depth of the read/write
requests, which will cost additional BRAM/URAM resources.

Note: In most cases where burst length >=16, the default number of outstanding reads/writes should be
sufficient. For a burst of size less than 16, AMD recommends doubling the size of the number of
outstanding from the default of 16.

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Defining Burst Attributes with the INTERFACE Pragma

To create the optimal AXI4 interface, the following command options are provided in the
INTERFACE directive to specify the behavior of the bursts and optimize the efficiency of the
AXI4 interface.

Note that some of these options can use internal storage to buffer data and this may have an
impact on area and resources:

• latency: Specifies the expected latency of the AXI4 interface, allowing the design to initiate
a bus request several cycles (latency) before the read or write is expected. If this figure it too
low, the design will be ready too soon and may stall waiting for the bus. If this figure is too
high, bus access may be granted but the bus may stall waiting on the design to start the
access. Default latency in Vitis HLS is 64.

• max_read_burst_length: Specifies the maximum number of data values read during a

burst transfer. Default value is 16.

• num_read_outstanding: Specifies how many read requests can be made to the AXI4 bus,
without a response, before the design stalls. This implies internal storage in the design: a FIFO
of size num_read_outstanding*max_read_burst_length*word_size. Default value
is 16.

• max_write_burst_length: Specifies the maximum number of data values written during a

burst transfer. Default value is 16.

• num_write_outstanding: Specifies how many write requests can be made to the AXI4
bus, without a response, before the design stalls. This implies internal storage in the design: a
FIFO of size num_write_outstanding*max_write_burst_length*word_size.
Default value is 16.

The following INTERFACE pragma example can be used to help explain these options:

#pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=input offset=slave

depth=1024*1024*16/(512/8) latency=100 num_read_outstanding=32
max_read_burst_length=16 max_write_burst_length=16

• The interface is specified as having a latency of 100. The HLS compiler seeks to schedule the
request for burst access 100 clock cycles before the design is ready to access the AXI4 bus.
• To further improve bus efficiency, the options num_write_outstanding and
num_read_outstanding ensure the design contains enough buffering to store up to 32
read and/or write bursts. Each request will require its own buffer. This allows the design to
continue processing until the bus requests are serviced.

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• Finally, the options max_read_burst_length and max_write_burst_length ensure

the maximum burst size is 16 and that the AXI4 interface does not hold the bus for longer
than this. The HLS tool will partition longer bursts according to the specified burst length, and
report this condition with a message like the following:
Multiple burst reads of length 192 and bit width 128 in loop
'VITIS_LOOP_2'(./src/filter.cpp:247:21)has been inferred on port
These burst requests might be further partitioned into multiple requests
during RTL generation based on the max_read_burst_length settings.

Commands to Configure the Burst

These commands configure global settings for the tool to optimize the AXI4 interface for the
system in which it will operate. The efficiency of the operation depends on these values being set
accurately. The provided default values are conservative, and might require changing depending
on the memory access profile of your design.

Table 20: Vitis HLS Controls

Vitis HLS Command Value Description

syn.interface.m_axi_conservati bool Delay M-AXI each write request until
ve_mode default=true the associated write data are entirely
available (typically, buffered into the
adapter or already emitted). This can
slightly increase write latency but can
resolve deadlock due to concurrent
requests (read or write) on the memory
syn.interface.m_axi_latency uint Provide the scheduler with an expected
0 is auto latency for M-AXI accesses. Latency is
the delay between a read request and
default=0 (for Vivado IP flow)
the first read data, or between the last
default=64 (for Vitis Kernel flow) write data and the write response.
Note that this number need not be
exact, underestimation makes for a
lower-latency schedule, but with longer
dynamic stalls. The scheduler will
account for the additional adapter
latency and add a few cycles.
syn.interface.m_axi_min_bitwid uint Minimum bitwidth for M-AXI interfaces
th default=8 data channels. Must be a power-of-two
between 8 and 1024. Note that this
does not necessarily increase
throughput if the actual accesses are
smaller than the required interface.
syn.interface.m_axi_max_bitwid uint Minimum bitwidth for M-AXI interfaces
th default=1024 data channels. Must be a power-of-two
between 8 and 1024. Note that this
does decrease throughput if the actual
accesses are bigger than the required
interface as they will be split into a
multi-cycle burst of accesses.

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Table 20: Vitis HLS Controls (cont'd)

Vitis HLS Command Value Description

syn.interface.m_axi_max_widen_ uint Allow the tool to automatically widen
bitwidth default=0 (for Vivado IP flow) bursts on M-AXI interfaces up to the
chosen bitwidth. Must be a power-of-
default=512 (for Vitis Kernel flow)
two between 8 and 1024. Note that
burst widening requires strong
alignment properties (in addition to
syn.interface.m_axi_auto_max_p bool If the option is false, all the M-AXI
orts default=false interfaces that are not explicitly
bundled will be bundled into a single
common interface, thus minimizing
resource usage (single adapter). If the
option is true, all the M-AXI interfaces
that are not explicitly bundled will be
mapped into individual interfaces, thus
increasing the resource usage (multiple
syn.interface.m_axi_alignment_ uint Assume top function pointers that are
byte_size default=1 (for Vivado IP flow) mapped to M-AXI interfaces are at least
aligned to the provided width in byte
default=64 (for Vitis Kernel flow)
(power of two). This can help automatic
burst widening. Warning: behavior will
be incorrect if the pointers are not
actually aligned at runtime.
syn.interface.m_axi_num_read_o uint Default value for M-AXI
utstanding default=16 num_read_outstanding interface
syn.interface.m_axi_num_write_ uint Default value for M-AXI
outstanding default=16 num_write_outstanding interface
syn.interface.m_axi_max_read_b uint Default value for M-AXI
urst_length default=16 max_read_burst_length interface
syn.interface.m_axi_max_write_ uint Default value for M-AXI
burst_length default=16 max_write_burst_length interface

Examples of Recommended Coding Styles

As described in Synthesis Summary, Vitis HLS issues a report summarizing burst activities and
also identifying burst failures. If bursts of variable lengths are done, then the report will mention
that bursts of variable lengths were inferred. The compiler also provides burst messages that can
be found in the compiler log, vitis_hls.log. These messages are issued before the
scheduling step.

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Simple Read/Write Burst Inference

The following example is the standard way of reading and writing to the DDR and inferring a read
and write burst. The Vitis HLS compiler will report the following burst inferences for the example

INFO: [HLS 214-115] Burst read of variable length and bit width 32 has been
inferred on port 'gmem'
INFO: [HLS 214-115] Burst write of variable length and bit width 32 has
been inferred on port 'gmem' (./src/vadd.cpp:75:9).

The code for this example follows:

/****** BEGIN EXAMPLE *******/

#define DATA_SIZE 2048
// Define internal buffer max size

//TRIPCOUNT identifiers
const unsigned int c_min = 1;
const unsigned int c__max = BURSTBUFFERSIZE;
const unsigned int c_chunk_sz = DATA_SIZE;

extern "C" {
void vadd(int *a, int size, int inc_value) {
// Map pointer a to AXI4-master interface for global memory access
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=a offset=slave bundle=gmem
max_read_burst_length=256 max_write_burst_length=256
// We also need to map a and return to a bundled axilite slave interface
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=a bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=size bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=inc_value bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return bundle=control

int burstbuffer[BURSTBUFFERSIZE];

// Per iteration of this loop perform BURSTBUFFERSIZE vector addition

for (int i = 0; i < size; i += BURSTBUFFERSIZE) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=c_min*c_min max=c_chunk_sz*c_chunk_sz/
int chunk_size = BURSTBUFFERSIZE;
//boundary checks
if ((i + BURSTBUFFERSIZE) > size)
chunk_size = size - i;

// Use a for loop to create a burst access to memory

// memcpy is not recommended
// memcpy(burstbuffer, &a[i], chunk_size * sizeof(int));
for (i=0; i < chunk_size; i++) {
burstbuffer[i] = a[i];

// Calculate and write results to global memory, the sequential write

in a for loop can be
// inferred as a memory burst access
for (int j = 0; j < chunk_size; j++) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=c_size_max max=c_chunk_sz

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burstbuffer[j] = burstbuffer[j] + inc_value;

a[i + j] = burstbuffer[j];

Pipelining Between Bursts

The following example will infer bursts of length N:

for(int x=0; x < k; ++x) {

int off = f(x);
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
... = gmem[off + i];

But notice that the outer loop is not pipelined. This means that while there is pipelining inside
bursts, there won't be any pipelining between bursts.

To remedy this you can unroll the inner loop and pipeline the outer loop to get pipelining
between bursts as well. The following example will still infer bursts of length N, but now there
will also be pipelining between bursts leading to higher throughput:

for(int x=0; x < k; ++x) {

int off = f(x);
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
#pragma HLS UNROLL
... = gmem[off + i];

Accessing Row Data from a Two-Dimensional Array

The following is an example of reading/writing to/from a two dimensional array. Vitis HLS infers
read and write bursts and issues the following messages:

INFO: [HLS 214-115] Burst read of length 256 and bit width 512 has been
inferred on port 'gmem' (./src/row_array_2d.cpp:43:5)
INFO: [HLS 214-115] Burst write of length 256 and bit width 512 has been
inferred on port 'gmem' (./src/row_array_2d.cpp:56:5)

Notice that a bit width of 512 is achieved in this example. This is more efficient than the 32 bit
width achieved in the simple example above. Bursting wider bit widths is another way bursts can
be optimized as discussed in Automatic Port Width Resizing.

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The code for this example follows:

/****** BEGIN EXAMPLE *******/

// Parameters Description:
// NUM_ROWS: matrix height
// WORD_PER_ROW: number of words in a row
// BLOCK_SIZE: number of words in an array
#define NUM_ROWS 64
#define WORD_PER_ROW 64

// Default datatype is integer

typedef int DTYPE;
typedef hls::stream<DTYPE> my_data_fifo;

// Read data function: reads data from global memory

void read_data(DTYPE *inx, my_data_fifo &inFifo) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) {
for (int jj = 0; jj < WORD_PER_ROW; ++jj) {
inFifo << inx[WORD_PER_ROW * i + jj];

// Write data function - writes results to global memory

void write_data(DTYPE *outx, my_data_fifo &outFifo) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) {
for (int jj = 0; jj < WORD_PER_ROW; ++jj) {
outFifo >> outx[WORD_PER_ROW * i + jj];

// Compute function is pretty simple because this example is focused on

// memory access pattern.
void compute(my_data_fifo &inFifo, my_data_fifo &outFifo, int alpha) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) {
for (int jj = 0; jj < WORD_PER_ROW; ++jj) {
DTYPE inTmp;
inFifo >> inTmp;
DTYPE outTmp = inTmp * alpha;
outFifo << outTmp;

extern "C" {
void row_array_2d(DTYPE *inx, DTYPE *outx, int alpha) {
// AXI master interface
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port = inx offset = slave bundle = gmem
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port = outx offset = slave bundle =

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// AXI slave interface

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port = inx bundle = control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port = outx bundle = control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port = alpha bundle = control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port = return bundle = control

my_data_fifo inFifo;
// By default the FIFO depth is 2, user can change the depth by
// #pragma HLS stream variable=inFifo depth=256
my_data_fifo outFifo;

// Dataflow enables task level pipelining, allowing functions and

loops to execute
// concurrently. For more details please refer to UG902.
// Read data from each row of 2D array
read_data(inx, inFifo);
// Do computation with the acquired data
compute(inFifo, outFifo, alpha);
// Write data to each row of 2D array
write_data(outx, outFifo);

Write code in such a way that bursting can be inferred. Ensure that none of the preconditions are
violated. Bursting does not mean that you will get all your data in one shot – it is about merging
the requests together into one request, but the data will arrive sequentially, one after another.

Burst length of 16 is ideal, but even burst lengths of 8 are enough. Bigger bursts have more
latency while shorter bursts can be pipelined. Do not confuse bursting with pipelining, but note
that bursts can be pipelined with other bursts.

If your bursts are of fixed length, you can unroll the inner loop where bursts are inferred and
pipeline the outer loop. This will achieve the same burst length, but also pipelining between the
bursts to enable higher throughput.

For greater throughput, focus on widening the interface up to 1024 bits rather than simply
achieving longer bursts.

Bigger bursts have higher priority with the AXI interconnect. No dynamic arbitration is done
inside the kernel.

You can have two m_axi ports connected to same DDR memory to model mutually exclusive
access inside kernel, but the AXI interconnect outside the kernel will arbitrate competing

One way to get around the out-of-order access restriction is to create your own buffer in block
RAM, store the bursts in this buffer and then use this buffer to do out of order accesses. This is
typically called a line buffer and is a common optimization used in video processing.

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As another alternative, you can consider adding the CACHE pragma or directive as described in
pragma HLS cache to improve performance of the m_axi interface.

Review the Burst Optimization section of the Synthesis Summary report to learn more about
burst optimizations in the design, and missed burst opportunities. If automatic burst is not
occurring in your design, you might want to use the hls::burst_maxi data type for manual
burst, as described in Using Manual Burst.

Using Manual Burst

Burst transfers improve the throughput of the I/O of the kernel by reading or writing large
chunks of data to the global memory. The larger the size of the burst, the higher the throughput,
this metric is calculated as follows ((# of bytes transferred)* (kernel frequency)/(Time)). The
maximum kernel interface bitwidth is 512 bits and if the kernel is compiled at 300 MHz, then it
can theoretically achieve = (80-95% efficiency of the DDR)*(512* 300 MHz)/1 sec = ~17-19
GBps for a DDR. As explained, Vitis HLS performs automatic burst optimizations which
intelligently aggregates the memory accesses of the loops/functions from the user code and
performs read/write of a particular size in a single burst request. However, burst transfer also has
requirements that can sometimes be overburdening or difficult to meet, as discussed in
Preconditions and Limitations of Burst Transfer.

In some cases, where autmatic burst access has failed, an efficient solution is to re-write the code
or use manual burst. In such cases, if you are familiar with the AXI4 m_axi protocol, and
understand hardware transaction modeling, you can implement manual burst transfers using the
hls::burst_maxi class as described below. Refer to Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/
Interface/Memory/manual_burst on GitHub for examples of these concepts. Another solution
might be to use cache memory in the AXI4 interface using the CACHE pragma or directive.

hls::burst_maxi Class

The hls::burst_maxi class provides a mechanism to perform read/write access to the DDR
memory. These methods will translate the class methods usage behavior into respective AXI4
protocol and send and receive requests on the AXI4 bus signals - AW, AR, WDATA, BVALID,
RDATA. These methods control the burst behavior of the HLS scheduler. The adapter, which
receives the commands from the scheduler, is responsible for sending the data to the DDR
memory. These requests will adhere to the user specified INTERFACE pragma options, such as
max_read_burst_length and max_write_burst_length. The class methods should only
be used in the kernel code, and not in the test bench (except for the class constructor as
described below).

• Constructors:
○ burst_maxi(const burst_maxi &B) : Ptr(B.Ptr) {}

○ burst_maxi(T *p) : Ptr(p) {}

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IMPORTANT! The HLS design and test bench must be in different files, because the constructor
burst_maxi(T *p) is only available in C-simulation model.

• Read Methods:
○ void read_request(size_t offset, size_t len);

This method is used to perform a read request to the m_axi adapter. The function returns
immediately if the read request queue inside m_axi adapter is not full, otherwise it waits
until space becomes available.
- offset: Specify the memory offset from which to read the data
- len: Specify the scheduler burst length. This burst length is sent to the adapter, which
can then convert it to the standard AXI AMBA protocol
○ T read();

This method is used to transfer the data from the m_axi adapter to the scheduler FIFO. If
the data is not available, read() will be blocking. The read() method should be called
len number of times, as specified in the read_request().
• Write Methods:
○ void write_request(size_t offset, size_t len);

This method is used to perform a write request to the m_axi adapter. The function returns
immediately if the write request queue inside m_axi adapter is not full.
- offset: Specify the memory offset into which the data should be written
- len: Specify the scheduler burst length. This burst length is sent to the adapter, which
can then convert it to the standard AXI AMBA protocol
○ void write(const T &val, ap_int<sizeof(T)> byteenable_mask = -1);

This method is used to transfer data from the internal buffer of the scheduler to the m_axi
adapter. It blocks if the internal write buffer is full. The byteenable_mask is used to enable
the bytes in the WDATA. By default it will enable all the bytes of the transfer. The
write() method should be called len number of times, as specified in the
○ void write_response();

This method blocks until all write responses are back from the global memory. This method
should be called the same number of times as write_request().

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Using Manual Burst in HLS Design

In the HLS design, when you find that automatic burst transfers are not working as desired, and
you cannot optimize the design as needed, you can implement the read and write transactions
using the hls::burst_maxi object. In this case, you will need to modify your code to replace
the original pointer argument with burst_maxi as a function argument. These arguments must
be accessed by the explicit read and write methods of the burst_maxi class, as shown in the
following examples.

The following shows an original code sample, which uses a pointer argument to read data from
global memory.

void dut(int *A) {

for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
#pragma pipeline II=1
... = A[i]

In the modified code below, the pointer is replaced with the hls::burst_maxi<> class objects
and methods. In the example, the HLS scheduler puts 4 requests of len 16 from port A to the
m_axi adapter. The Adapter stores them inside a FIFO and whenever the AW/AR bus is
available it will send the request to the global memory. In the 64 loop iterations, the read()
command issues a blocking call that will wait for the data to come back from the global memory.
After the data becomes available the HLS scheduler will read it from the m_axi adapter FIFO.

#include "hls_burst_maxi.h"
void dut(hls::burst_maxi<int> A) {
// Issue 4 burst requests
A.read_request(0, 16); // request 16 elements, starting from A[0]
A.read_request(128, 16); // request 16 elements, starting from A[128]
A.read_request(256, 16); // request 16 elements, starting from A[256]
A.read_request(384, 16); // request 16 elements, starting from A[384]
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
#pragma pipeline II=1
... = A.read(); // Read the requested data

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In example 2 below, the HLS scheduler/kernel puts 2 requests from port A to the adapter, the
first request of len 2, and the second request of len 1, for a total of 2 write requests. It then
issues corresponding, because the total burst length is 3 write commands. The Adapter stores
these requests inside a FIFO and whenever the AW, W bus is available it will send the request
and data to the global memory. Finally, two write_response commands are used, to await
response for the two write_requests.

void trf(hls::burst_maxi<int> A) {
A.write_request(0, 2);
A.write(x); // write A[0]
A.write_request(10, 1);
A.write(x, 2); // write A[1] with byte enable 0010
A.write(x); // write A[10]
A.write_response(); // response of write_request(0, 2)
A.write_response(); // response of write_request(10, 1)

Using Manual Burst in C-Simulation

You can pass a regular array to the top function, and the array will be transformed to
hls::burst_maxi automatically by the constructor.

IMPORTANT! The HLS design and test bench must be in different files, because the burst_maxi(T
*p) constructor is only valid for use in C simulation model.

#include "hls_burst_maxi.h"
void dut(hls::burst_maxi<int> A);

int main() {
int Array[1000];

Using Manual Burst to Optimize Performance

Vitis HLS characterizes two types of burst behaviors: pipeline burst, and sequential burst.

• Pipeline Burst: Pipeline Burst improves throughput by reading or writing the maximum
amount of data in a single request. The compiler infers pipeline burst if the read_request,
write_request and write_response calls are outside the loop, as shown in the following
code example. In the below example the size is a variable that is sent from the test bench.

9 int buf[8192];
10 in.read_request(0, size);
11 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
12 #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=1
13 buf[i] = in.read();
14 out.write_request(0, size*NT);
17 for (int i = 0; i < NT; i++) {
19 for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
20 #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=1

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21 int a = buf[j];
22 out.write(a);
23 }
24 }
25 out.write_response();

Figure 69: Synthesis Results

As you can see from the preceding figure, the tool has inferred the burst from the user code
and length is mentioned as variable at compile time.

Figure 70: Performance Benefits

During the runtime the HLS compiler sends a burst request of length = size and the
adapter will partition them into the user-specified burst_length pragma option. In this case
the default burst length is set to 16, which is used in the ARlen and AWlen channels. The
read/write channel achieved maximum throughput because there are no bubbles during the

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Figure 71: Co-sim Results

• Sequential Burst:

This burst is a sequential burst of smaller data sizes, where the read requests, write requests
and write responses are inside the loop body as shown in the below snippet. The drawback of
the sequential burst is that the future request (i+1) depends on the previous request (i) to
finish because it is waiting for the read request, write request and write response to complete,
this will cause gaps between requests. Sequential burst is not as effective as pipeline burst
because it is reading or writing a small data size multiple times to compensate for the loop
bounds. Although this will limit the improvement to throughput, sequential burst is still better
than no burst.

void transfer_kernel(hls::burst_maxi<int> in,hls::burst_maxi<int> out,

const int size )
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=in depth=512 latency=32 offset=slave
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out depth=5120 offset=slave latency=32

int buf[8192];

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

in.read_request(i, 1);
buf[i] = in.read();

for (int i = 0; i < NT; i++) {

for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
out.write_request(j, 1);
int a = buf[j];

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Figure 72: Synthesis Results

As you can see from the report sample above, the tool achieved a burst of length =1.

Figure 73: Performance Impacts

The read/write loop R/WDATA channel has gaps equal to read/write latency, as discussed in
AXI4 Master Interface. For the read channel, the loop waits for all the read data to come back
from the global memory. For the write channel, the innermost loop waits for the response
(BVALID) to come back from the global memory. This results in performance degradation. The
co-sim results also show that a 2x degradation in performance for this burst semantics.

Figure 74: Performance Estimates

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Features and Limitations

1. If the m_axi element is a struct:

• The struct will be packed into a wide int. Disaggregation of the struct is not allowed.
• The size of struct must be a power-of-2, and should not exceed 1024 bits or the max
width specified by the config_interface -m_axi_max_bitwidth command.
2. ARRAY_PARTITION and ARRAY_RESHAPE of burst_maxi ports is not allowed.
3. You can apply the INTERFACE pragma or directive to hls::burst_maxi, defining an
m_axi interface. If the burst_maxi port is bundled with other ports, all ports in this bundle
must be hls::burst_maxi and must have the same element type.
void dut(hls::burst_maxi<int> A, hls::burst_maxi<int> B, int *C,
hls::burst_maxi<short> D) {
#pragma HLS interface m_axi port=A offset=slave bundle=gmem // OK
#pragma HLS interface m_axi port=B offset=slave bundle=gmem // OK
#pragma HLS interface m_axi port=C offset=slave bundle=gmem // Bad. C
must also be hls::burst_maxi type, because it shares the same bundle
'gmem' with A and B
#pragma HLS interface m_axi port=D offset=slave bundle=gmem // Bad. D
should have 'int' element type, because it shares the same bundle
'gmem' with A and B

4. You can use the INTERFACE pragma or directive to specify the num_read_outstanding
and num_write_outstanding, and the max_read_burst_length and
max_write_burst_length to define the size of the internal buffer of the m_axi adapter.
void dut(hls::burst_maxi<int> A) {
#pragma HLS interface m_axi port=A num_read_outstanding=32
num_write_outstanding=32 max_read_burst_length=16

5. The INTERFACE pragma or directive max_widen_bitwidth is not supported, because HLS

will not change the bit width of hls::burst_maxi ports.
6. You must make a read_request before read, or write_request before write:
void dut(hls::burst_maxi<int> A) {
... = A.read(); // Bad because read() before read_request(). You can
catch this error in C-sim.
A.read_request(0, 1);

7. If the address and life time of the read group (read_request() > read()) and write group
(write_request() > write() > write_response()) overlap, the tool cannot
guarantee the access order. C-simulation will report an error.
void dut(hls::burst_maxi<int> A) {
A.write_request(0, 1);
A.read_request(0, 1);
... = A.read(); // What value is read? It is undefined. It could be
original A[0] or updated A[0].

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void dut(hls::burst_maxi<int> A) {
A.write_request(0, 1);
A.read_request(0, 1);
... = A.read(); // this will read the updated A[0].

8. If multiple hls::burst_maxi ports are bundled to same m_axi adapter and their
transaction lifetimes overlap, the behavior is unexpected.
void dut(hls::burst_maxi<int> A, hls::burst_maxi<int> B) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=A bundle=gmem depth = 10
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=B bundle=gmem depth = 10
A.read_request(0, 10);
B.read_request(0, 10);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

#pragma HLS pipeline II=1
…… = A.read(); // get value of A[0], A[2], A[4] …
…… = B.read(); // get value of A[1], A[3], A[5] …

9. Read or write requests and read or writes in different dataflow process are not supported.
Dataflow checker will report an error: multiple writes in different dataflow
processes are not allowed.
For example:
void transfer(hls::burst_maxi<int> A) {
#pragma HLS dataflow
IssueRequests(A); // issue multiple wirte_request() of A
Write(A); // multiple writes to A
GetResponse(A); // write_response() of A

Potential Pitfalls

The following are some concerns you must be aware of when implementing manual burst

• Deadlock: Improper use of manual burst can lead to deadlocks.

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Too many read_requests before read() commands will cause deadlock because the
read_request loop will push the request into the read requests FIFO, and this FIFO will
only be emptied after the read from the global memory is completed. The job of the read()
command is to read the data from the adapter FIFO and mark the request done, after which
the read_request will be popped from the FIFO and a new request can be pushed onto it.
//reads/writes. will deadlock if N is larger
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
{ A.read_request(i * 128, 16);}
for (i = 0; i < 16 *N; i++) { … = A.read();}

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

p.write_request(i * 128, 16);

for (int i = 0; i < N * 16; i++) {


for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {


In the example above, if N is large then the read_request and read FIFO will be full as it
tends to N/2. The read request loop would not finish, and the read command loop would not
start, which results in deadlock.
Note: This is case also true for write_request() and write() commands.

• AXI protocol violation: There should be an equal number of write requests and write
responses. An unequal number of requests and responses would lead to AXI protocol violation

AXI Performance Case Study


The objective of the case study is to show a step-by-step optimization to improve the
throughput of the read/write loops/functions using HLS metrics. These optimizations will
improve the kernel time and throughput of the system by performing efficient data transfers
from global memory to the kernel. The transfer_kernel example below performs a DDR
simple read/write (of variable size and NUM_ITERATIONS ).

TIP: The host code, which is not shown, only transfers the data and enqueues the kernel in an in-order

1 #include "config.h"
2 #include "assert.h"
3 extern "C" {
4 void transfer_kernel(wd* in,wd* out, const int size, const int iter )
5 ···
6 wd buf[256];

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7 int off = (size/16);

9 read_loop: for (int i = 0; i <off; i++)
10 {
11 buf[i] = in[i];
12 }
14 write_loop: L1: for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
15 L2: for (int j = 0; j <off; j++) {
16 #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=1
17 out[j+off*i] = buf[j];
18 }
19 }
20 ···
21 }
22 }

This case study is divided into 4 steps:

1. Baseline kernel run time with port width set to 512-bit width
2. Improve performance by changing latency parameter
3. Improve the auto burst inference of the write loop.
4. No further improvements using multiple ports and number write outstanding

Step 1: Baseline the Kernel with 512-bit Port Width

Baseline the kernel time using the default settings. During this run, the auto burst inferences the
following for the read and write loops:

• The Read loop achieves the pipeline burst since the tool can predict the consecutive memory
access pattern. So the pipelined requests to read from the DDR of variable size.
• The Write outer loop, L1, gets sequential burst because the compiler iterates over all the
combinations and identifies that since the size is unknown at compile-time, it inserts an if
condition in the L1 loop before the start of the L2 loop. At the same time, the inner-most loop
- L2 achieves pipeline burst. The L2 loop requests a write request of variable size, while L1
waits for all the data of L2 Loop to come back from the DDR to start the next iteration of L1.

After building and running the application, the performance can be evaluated using the Vitis
Analyzer tool to view the reports generated by the build process or the run summary. Review the
Burst Summary available in the Synthesis Report from Vitis HLS. It confirms the success and
failures of the burst for the Read loop and Write loops.

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Figure 75: Synthesis Report - Burst Summary

In Vitis Analyzer, the Profile Summary and Timeline Trace reports are also useful tools to analyze
the performance of the FPGA-accelerated application. In the Profile Summary the Kernels &
Compute Unit: Kernel Execution reports the total time required by the transfer_kernel in
the baseline build.

Figure 76: Profile Summary - Kernel Execution

Step 2: Improve Performance Latency

Vitis HLS uses the default latency of 64 kernel cycles, which in some cases may be too high. The
latency depends on the system characteristics. For this example, the latency is reduced from the
default to 21 kernel cycles. The code can be changed to specify the latency using the
INTERFACE pragma or directive as shown in the following example:

1 #include "config.h"
2 #include "assert.h"
3 extern "C" {
4 void transfer_kernel(wd* in,wd* out, const int size, const int iter )
5 #pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=in0_index offset=slave latency=21
6 #pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out offset=slave latency=21

7 ...

Build and run the application and use Vitis Analyzer to review the reports generated by the build
process or the run summary. Review the Synthesis Report from Vitis HLS, and examine the HW
Interface table to see the specified latency has been applied.

Figure 77: Synthesis Report - HW Interface

Review the Burst Summary to examine the success or failures of that process.

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Figure 78: Synthesis Report - Burst Summary 2

Examine the Kernel Execution in the Profile Summary report, and notice the performance
improvement due to setting the latency for the interface.

Figure 79: Profile Summary - Kernel Execution 2

Step 3: Improve the Automatic Burst Inference of the Write Loop

The compiler is pessimistic in auto burst inference because size and loop trip counts are
unknown at compile time. You can modify the code to help the compiler infer pipelined burst, as
shown below.

1 #include "config.h"
2 #include "assert.h"
3 extern "C" {
4 void transfer_kernel(wd* in,wd* out, const int size, const int
iter ) {
5 #pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=in offset=slave latency=21
6 #pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out offset=slave latency=21
8 int k=0;
9 wd buf[256];
10 int off = (size/16);
12 read_loop: for (int i = 0; i <off; i++)
13 {
14 buf[i] = in[i];
15 }
17 write_loop: for (int j = 0; j <off*iter; j++) {
18 #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=1
19 out[k++] = buf[j%off];
20 }
21 }
22 }

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Build and run the application and use Vitis Analyzer to review the reports generated by the build
process or the run summary. The Synthesis Report confirms that the burst hints to the compiler
fixed the sequential burst of the write loop. The Burst and Widening Missed messages are
related to widening ports to 512 bits. Since this example already has a 512 port width, it can be
ignored. If the width isn't 512-bi in your code, you might need to focus on resolving these

Figure 80: Synthesis Report - Burst Summary 3

Examine the Kernel Execution in the Profile Summary report, and notice the performance
improvement due to the latency change from Step 2, and the pipeline burst for the write loop in
the current step.

Figure 81: Profile Summary - Kernel Execution 3


There are no further improvements that can be made from the Vitis HLS interface metrics. The
case study example does not have concurrent read or write, so targeting multiple ports will not
help in this case. In this example the tool has achieved pipeline burst for the maximum
throughput, so the number of outstanding reads and writes can also be ignored. No further
improvements can be confirmed from the kernel time.

As seen in the case study, implementing efficient load-store functions is dependent on the HLS
interface metrics of port width, burst access, latency, multiple ports, and the number of
outstanding reads and writes. AMD recommends the following guidelines for improving your
system performance:

• Port width: Maximize the port width of the interface, i.e., the bit-width of each AXI port, by
using hls::vector or ap_(u)int<512> as the data type of the port.
• Multiple ports: Analyze the concurrent memory reads/writes and have a dedicated/
independent port for concurrent accesses.

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• Pipeline burst: The AXI latency parameter does not have an impact on pipelined burst, the
user is advised to write code to achieve the pipelined burst which can significantly improve
the performance.
• Sequential burst: The AXI latency parameter has a significant impact on sequential burst,
decreasing the latency number from the default latency of the tool will improve the
• Num outstanding: In most of the cases of burst length >=16, the default num outstanding
should be sufficient. For a burst of size less than 16, AMD recommends doubling the size of
the num outstanding from the default(=16).
• Data Re-ordering: Achieving pipelined burst is always recommended, but at times because of
the memory access pattern compiler can achieve only a sequential burst. In order to improve
the performance, the developer can also consider different ways of storing the data in
memory. For instance, accessing data in DRAM in a column-major fashion can be very
inefficient. Rather than implementing a dedicated data-mover in the kernel, it may be better to
transpose the data in SW and store in row-major order instead which will greatly simply HW
access patterns.

Managing Area and Hardware Resources

During synthesis, Vitis HLS performs the following basic tasks:

• Elaborates the C, C++ source code into an internal database containing the operators in the C
code, such as additions, multiplications, array reads, and writes.
• Maps the operators onto implementations in the hardware.
Implementations are the specific hardware components used to create the design (such as
adders, multipliers, pipelined multipliers, and block RAM).

Commands, pragmas and directives provide control over each of these steps, allowing you to
control the hardware implementation at a fine level of granularity.

Limiting the Number of Operators

Explicitly limiting the number of operators to reduce area may be required in some cases: the
default operation of Vitis HLS is to first maximize performance. Limiting the number of operators
in a design is a useful technique to reduce the area of the design: it helps reduce area by forcing
the sharing of operations. However, this might cause a decline in performance.

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The ALLOCATION directive allows you to limit how many operators are used in a design. For
example, if a design called foo has 317 multiplications but the FPGA only has 256 multiplier
resources (DSP macrocells). The ALLOCATION pragma shown below directs Vitis HLS to create a
design with a maximum of 256 multiplication (mul) operators:

dout_t array_arith (dio_t d[317]) {

static int acc;
int i;
#pragma HLS ALLOCATION instances=fmul limit=256 operation

for (i=0;i<317;i++) {
#pragma HLS UNROLL
acc += acc * d[i];
rerun acc;

Note: If you specify an ALLOCATION limit that is greater than needed, Vitis HLS attempts to use the
number of resources specified by the limit, or the maximum necessary, which reduces the amount of

You can use the type option to specify if the ALLOCATION directives limits operations,
implementations, or functions. The following table lists all the operations that can be controlled
using the ALLOCATION directive.

Note: The operations listed below are supported by the ALLOCATION pragma or directive. The BIND_OP
pragma or directive supports a subset of operators as described in the command syntax.

Table 21: Vitis HLS Operators

Operator Description
add Integer Addition
ashr Arithmetic Shift-Right
dadd Double-precision floating-point addition
dcmp Double-precision floating-point comparison
ddiv Double-precision floating-point division
dmul Double-precision floating-point multiplication
drecip Double-precision floating-point reciprocal
drem Double-precision floating-point remainder
drsqrt Double-precision floating-point reciprocal square root
dsub Double-precision floating-point subtraction
dsqrt Double-precision floating-point square root
fadd Single-precision floating-point addition
fcmp Single-precision floating-point comparison
fdiv Single-precision floating-point division
fmul Single-precision floating-point multiplication
frecip Single-precision floating-point reciprocal
frem Single-precision floating point remainder

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Table 21: Vitis HLS Operators (cont'd)

Operator Description
frsqrt Single-precision floating-point reciprocal square root
fsub Single-precision floating-point subtraction
fsqrt Single-precision floating-point square root
icmp Integer Compare
lshr Logical Shift-Right
mul Multiplication
sdiv Signed Divider
shl Shift-Left
srem Signed Remainder
sub Subtraction
udiv Unsigned Division
urem Unsigned Remainder

Controlling Hardware Implementation

When synthesis is performed, Vitis HLS uses the timing constraints specified by the clock, the
delays specified by the target device together with any directives specified by you, to determine
which hardware implementations to use for various operators in the code. For example, to
implement a multiplier operation, Vitis HLS could use the combinational multiplier or use a
pipeline multiplier.

The implementations which are mapped to operators during synthesis can be limited by
specifying the ALLOCATION pragma or directive, in the same manner as the operators. Instead
of limiting the total number of multiplication operations, you can choose to limit the number of
combinational multipliers, forcing any remaining multiplications to be performed using pipelined
multipliers (or vice versa).

The BIND_OP or BIND_STORAGE pragmas or directives are used to explicitly specify which
implementations to use for specific operations or storage types. The following command informs
Vitis HLS to use a two-stage pipelined multiplier using fabric logic for variable c. It is left to Vitis
HLS which implementation to use for variable d.

int foo (int a, int b) {

int c, d;
#pragma HLS BIND_OP variable=c op=mul impl=fabric latency=2
c = a*b;
d = a*c;

return d;

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In the following example, the BIND_OP pragma specifies that the add operation for variable
temp is implemented using the dsp implementation. This ensures that the operation is
implemented using a DSP module primitive in the final design. By default, add operations are
implemented using LUTs.

void apint_arith(dinA_t inA, dinB_t inB,

dout1_t *out1
) {

dout2_t temp;
#pragma HLS BIND_OP variable=temp op=add impl=dsp

temp = inB + inA;

*out1 = temp;

Refer to the BIND_OP or BIND_STORAGE pragmas or directives to obtain details on the

implementations available for assignment to operations or storage types.

In the following example, the BIND_OP pragma specifies the multiplication for out1 is
implemented with a 3-stage pipelined multiplier.

void foo(...) {
#pragma HLS BIND_OP variable=out1 op=mul latency=3

// Basic arithmetic operations

*out1 = inA * inB;
*out2 = inB + inA;
*out3 = inC / inA;
*out4 = inD % inA;

If the assignment specifies multiple identical operators, the code must be modified to ensure
there is a single variable for each operator to be controlled. For example, in the following code, if
only the first multiplication (inA * inB) is to be implemented with a pipelined multiplier:

*out1 = inA * inB * inC;

The code should be changed to the following with the pragma specified on the Result_tmp

#pragma HLS BIND_OP variable=Result_tmp op=mul latency=3

Result_tmp = inA * inB;
*out1 = Result_tmp * inC;

DSP Multi-Operation Matching

The HLS compiler attempts to identify Add-Multiply, Multiply-Add, and AMA operations (as well
as Subtract-Multiply, Multiply-Subtract operations) to match their assignment to DSPs on the
physical device. The HLS compiler uses the following process to match operations to DSPs:

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• Inline functions as needed

• Extract common sub-expressions
• Match fanout-free add->mul, mul->add, and add->mul->add (where add can also be
sub) code fragments meeting bitwidth limitations of DSPs
• Schedule
• Select implementation in DSP or LUT guided by the BIND_OP pragma

The ability of the HLS compiler to match operations or expressions to DSP implementation
depends on the following:

1. Datatypes and bitwidths

2. Coding style and expressions
3. The use of BIND_OP and other pragmas

Datatypes and Bitwidths

DSP matching is limited by design restrictions of DSP48 and DSP58 on the target device. Refer
to UltraScale Architecture DSP Slice (UG579) for specific limitations on DSP48, and Versal Adaptive
SoC DSP Engine Architecture Manual (AM004) for limits on DSP58.

As an example, in Versal devices the following are the port widths for DSP58:

• B 24 bits
• A 34 bits
• D 27 bits
• C 58 bits
• P 58 bits

Coding Style

The style of writing the code matters:

• Bitwidths must be small enough to fit the DSP, including intermediate results
• No fanout is allowed, even as a result of common sub-expression elimination. For example the
following code will not be matched for DSP assignment due to the extraction of the sub-
expression a*b:
f1 = a*b+c;
f2= a*b+d;

TIP: To avoid this problem use non-inlined functions containing exactly the expressions to be matched.

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• Non-inlined functions with specified latency, for example MULADD with latency 2, cannot be
matched to an accumulator with II=1. The reason is that both multiplier input and the adder
input must be ready 2 cycles before the accumulation output is produced. In that case, the
MULADD or MAC function (if any) must be inlined.

BIND_OP and Other Pragmas

For DSP matching, some pragmas or directives can prevent the matching of code for
implementation in DSPs, while other pragmas or directives can help. In the following code
example, the BIND_OP pragma actually prevents the assignment of the MULADD expression to
DSP. By assigning the mul operation it prevents the HLS compiler from recognizing and assigning
the MULADD expression. Removing the pragma in this case will let the compiler make the

static const int NFRAC = 14;

typedef ap_fixed<3+NFRAC, 3, AP_TRN, AP_WRAP> DATA_T;

ACC_T MAC( DATA_T din0, COEF_T coef, ACC_T acc ) {
acc = din0 * coef + acc;
#pragma HLS BIND_OP variable=acc op=mul impl=dsp latency=2
return acc;
void process ( DATA_T din, DATA_T* dout0) {
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1

LOOP_MAC: for (int i=0; i<l_COEFF; i++) {
acc = MAC (sr[tdl_index], coeff[i], acc);
tdl_index = tdl_index-1;

The PIPELINE pragma causes the loop to be unrolled with expression balancing that also
prevents DSP matching. In this case, adding EXPRESSION_BALANCE OFF to disable expression
balancing will help the HLS compiler recognize the multi-operation expressions for DSP
matching. The reworked code example below will have improved DSP matching.

static const int NFRAC = 14;

typedef ap_fixed<3+NFRAC, 3, AP_TRN, AP_WRAP> DATA_T;

ACC_T MAC( DATA_T din0, COEF_T coef, ACC_T acc ) {
acc = din0 * coef + acc;
return acc;
void process ( DATA_T din, DATA_T* dout0) {
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1
#pragma HLS expression_balance off

LOOP_MAC: for (int i=0; i<l_COEFF; i++) {
acc = MAC (sr[tdl_index], coeff[i], acc);
tdl_index = tdl_index-1;

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Controlling Operator Pipelining

The HLS compiler automatically determines the level of pipelining to use for internal operations.
You can use the BIND_OP or BIND_STORAGE pragmas with the -latency option to explicitly
specify the number of pipeline stages and override the number determined by the tool.

RTL synthesis might use the additional pipeline registers to help improve timing issues that might
result after place and route. Registers added to the output of the operation typically help
improve timing in the output datapath. Registers added to the input of the operation typically
help improve timing in both the input datapath and the control logic from the FSM.

You can use the Operator Configuration commands to pipeline all instances of a specific
operation used in the design that have the same pipeline depth.

Unrolling Loops in C++ Classes

IMPORTANT! When loops are used in C++ classes, care should be taken to ensure that the loop induction
variable is not a data member of the class as this prevents the loop from being unrolled.

In this example, loop induction variable k is a member of class loop_class.

template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, int N>
class loop_class {
pe_mac<T0, T1, T2> mac;
T0 areg;
T0 breg;
T2 mreg;
T1 preg;
T0 shift[N];
int k; // Class Member
T0 shift_output;
void exec(T1 *pcout, T0 *dataOut, T1 pcin, T3 coeff, T0 data, int col)
#pragma HLS inline off
SRL:for (k = N-1; k >= 0; --k) {
#pragma HLS unroll // Loop will fail UNROLL
if (k > 0)
shift[k] = shift[k-1];
shift[k] = data;

*dataOut = shift_output;
shift_output = shift[N-1];

*pcout = mac.exec1(shift[4*col], coeff, pcin);


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For Vitis HLS to be able to unroll the loop as specified by the UNROLL pragma directive, the
code should be rewritten to remove k as a class member and make it local to the exec function.

Limitations of Control-Driven Task-Level

TIP: Control-driven TLP requires the DATAFLOW pragma or directive to be specified in the appropriate
location of the code.

The control-driven TLP model optimizes the flow of data between tasks (functions and loops),
and ideally pipelined functions and loops for maximum performance. It does not require these
tasks to be chained, one after the other, however there are some limitations in how the data is
transferred. The following behaviors can prevent or limit the overlapping that the tool can
perform in the dataflow model:

• Reading from function inputs or writing to function outputs in the middle of the dataflow
• Single-producer-consumer violations
• Conditional execution of tasks
• Loops with multiple exit conditions

IMPORTANT! If any of these coding styles are present, the HLS compiler issues a message describing the

Reading from Inputs/Writing to Outputs

Reading of inputs of the function should be done at the start of the dataflow region, and writing
to outputs should be done at the end of the dataflow region. Reading/writing to the ports of the
function can cause the processes to be executed in sequence rather than in an overlapped
fashion, adversely impacting performance.

Single-producer-consumer Violations

For the tool to use the dataflow model, all elements passed between tasks must follow a single-
producer-consumer model. Each variable must be driven from a single task and only be
consumed by a single task. In the following code example, temp1 fans out and is consumed by
both Loop2 and Loop3. This violates the single-producer-consumer model.

void foo(int data_in[N], int scale, int data_out1[N], int data_out2[N]) {

int temp1[N];

Loop1: for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

temp1[i] = data_in[i] * scale;

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Loop2: for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
data_out1[j] = temp1[j] * 123;
Loop3: for(int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
data_out2[k] = temp1[k] * 456;

A modified version of this code uses function Split to create a single-producer-consumer

design. The following code block example shows how the data flows with the function Split.
The data now flows between all four tasks, and the tool can use the dataflow model.

void Split (in[N], out1[N], out2[N]) {

// Duplicated data
L1:for(int i=1;i<N;i++) {
out1[i] = in[i];
out2[i] = in[i];
void foo(int data_in[N], int scale, int data_out1[N], int data_out2[N]) {

int temp1[N], temp2[N]. temp3[N];

Loop1: for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
temp1[i] = data_in[i] * scale;
Split(temp1, temp2, temp3);
Loop2: for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
data_out1[j] = temp2[j] * 123;
Loop3: for(int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
data_out2[k] = temp3[k] * 456;

Bypassing Tasks and Channel Sizing

In addition, data should generally flow from one task to another. If you bypass tasks, this can
reduce the performance of the dataflow model. In the following example, Loop1 generates the
values for temp1 and temp2. However, the next task, Loop2, only uses the value of temp1. The
value of temp2 is not consumed until after Loop2. Therefore, temp2 bypasses the next task in
the sequence, which can limit the performance of the dataflow model.

void foo(int data_in[N], int scale, int data_out1[N], int data_out2[N]) {

int temp1[N], temp2[N]. temp3[N];
Loop1: for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
temp1[i] = data_in[i] * scale;
temp2[i] = data_in[i] >> scale;
Loop2: for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
temp3[j] = temp1[j] + 123;
Loop3: for(int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
data_out[k] = temp2[k] + temp3[k];

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In this case, you should increase the depth of the PIPO buffer used to store temp2 to be 3,
instead of the default depth of 2. This lets the buffer store the value intended for Loop3, while
Loop2 is being executed. Similarly, a PIPO that bypasses two processes should have a depth of
4. Set the depth of the buffer with the STREAM pragma or directive:

#pragma HLS STREAM type=pipo variable=temp2 depth=3

IMPORTANT! Channel sizing can also similarly affect performance. Having mismatched FIFO/PIPO
depths can inadvertently cause synchronization points inside the dataflow region because of back pressure
from the FIFO/PIPO.

Feedback between Tasks

Feedback occurs when the output from a task is consumed by a previous task in the dataflow
region. Feedback between tasks is not recommended in a dataflow region. When the HLS
compiler detects feedback, it issues a warning, depending on the situation, and might not use the
dataflow model.

However, dataflow can support feedback when used with hls::streams. The following
example demonstrates this exception.

#include "ap_axi_sdata.h"
#include "hls_stream.h"

void firstProc(hls::stream<int> &forwardOUT, hls::stream<int> &backwardIN) {

static bool first = true;
int fromSecond;

//Initialize stream
if (first)
fromSecond = 10; // Initial stream value
//Read from stream
fromSecond = backwardIN.read(); //Feedback value
first = false;

//Write to stream

void secondProc(hls::stream<int> &forwardIN, hls::stream<int> &backwardOUT)

backwardOUT.write(forwardIN.read() + 1);

void top(...) {
#pragma HLS dataflow
hls::stream<int> forward, backward;
firstProc(forward, backward);
secondProc(forward, backward);

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In this simple design, when firstProc is executed, it uses 10 as an initial value for input.
Because hls::streams do not support an initial value, this technique can be used to provide
one without violating the single-producer-consumer rule. In subsequent iterations firstProc
reads from the hls::stream through the backwardIN interface.

firstProc processes the value and sends it to secondProc, via a stream that goes forward in
terms of the original C++ function execution order. secondProc reads the value on
forwardIN, adds 1 to it, and sends it back to firstProc via the feedback stream that goes
backwards in the execution order.

From the second execution, firstProc uses the value read from the stream to do its
computation, and the two processes can keep going forever, with both forward and feedback
communication, using an initial value for the first execution.

Conditional Execution of Tasks

The dataflow model does not optimize tasks that are conditionally executed. The following
example highlights this limitation. In this example, the conditional execution of Loop1 and
Loop2 prevents the tool from optimizing the data flow between these loops, because the data
does not flow from one loop into the next.

void foo(int data_in1[N], int data_out[N], int sel) {

int temp1[N], temp2[N];

if (sel) {
Loop1: for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
temp1[i] = data_in[i] * 123;
temp2[i] = data_in[i];
} else {
Loop2: for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
temp1[j] = data_in[j] * 321;
temp2[j] = data_in[j];
Loop3: for(int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
data_out[k] = temp1[k] * temp2[k];

To ensure each loop is executed in all cases, you must transform the code as shown in the
following example. In this example, the conditional statement is moved into the first loop. Both
loops are always executed, and data always flows from one loop to the next.

void foo(int data_in[N], int data_out[N], int sel) {

int temp1[N], temp2[N];

Loop1: for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

if (sel) {
temp1[i] = data_in[i] * 123;
} else {
temp1[i] = data_in[i] * 321;

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Loop2: for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
temp2[j] = data_in[j];
Loop3: for(int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
data_out[k] = temp1[k] * temp2[k];

Loops with Multiple Exit Conditions

Loops with multiple exit points cannot be used in a dataflow region. In the following example,
Loop2 has three exit conditions:

• An exit defined by the value of N; the loop will exit when k>=N.
• An exit defined by the break statement.
• An exit defined by the continue statement.
#include "ap_int.h"
#define N 16

typedef ap_int<8> din_t;

typedef ap_int<15> dout_t;
typedef ap_uint<8> dsc_t;
typedef ap_uint<1> dsel_t;

void multi_exit(din_t data_in[N], dsc_t scale, dsel_t select, dout_t

data_out[N]) {
dout_t temp1[N], temp2[N];
int i,k;

Loop1: for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {

temp1[i] = data_in[i] * scale;
temp2[i] = data_in[i] >> scale;

Loop2: for(k = 0; k < N; k++) {

switch(select) {
case 0: data_out[k] = temp1[k] + temp2[k];
case 1: continue;
default: break;

Because a loop’s exit condition is always defined by the loop bounds, the use of break or
continue statements will prohibit the loop being used in a DATAFLOW region.
Finally, the dataflow model has no hierarchical implementation. If a sub-function or loop
contains additional tasks that might benefit from dataflow, you must apply the dataflow model
to the loop, the sub-function, or inline the sub-function.

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You can also use std::complex inside the dataflow region. However, they should be used with
an __attribute__((no_ctor)) as shown in the following example:

void proc_1(std::complex<float> (&buffer)[50], const std::complex<float>

void proc_2(hls::Stream<std::complex<float>> &fifo, const
std::complex<float> (&buffer)[50], std::complex<float> &acc);
void proc_3(std::complex<float> *out, hls::Stream<std::complex<float>>
&fifo, const std::complex<float> acc);

void top(std::complex<float> *out, const std::complex<float> *in) {


std::complex<float> acc __attribute((no_ctor)); // Here

std::complex<float> buffer[50] __attribute__((no_ctor)); // Here
hls::Stream<std::complex<float>, 5> fifo; // Not here

proc_1(buffer, in);
proc_2(fifo, buffer, acc);
proc_3(out, fifo, acc);

Limitations of Pipelining with Static Variables

Static variables are used to keep data between loop iterations, often resulting in registers in the
final implementation. If this is encountered in pipelined functions, Vitis HLS might not be able to
optimize the design sufficiently, which would result in initiation intervals longer than required.

The following is a typical example of this situation:

static bool change = 0
if (condition_xyz){
change = x; // store
y = change; // load

If Vitis HLS cannot optimize this code, the stored operation requires a cycle and the load
operation requires an additional cycle. If this function is part of a pipeline, the pipeline has to be
implemented with a minimum initiation interval of 2 as the static change variable creates a loop-
carried dependency.

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One way the user can avoid this is to rewrite the code, as shown in the following example. It
ensures that only a read or a write operation is present in each iteration of the loop, which
enables the design to be scheduled with II=1.

static bool change = 0
bool change_temp = 0;
if (condition_xyz)
change = x; // store
change_temp = x;
change_temp = change; // load
y = change_temp;

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Section III: Creating Vitis HLS Components

Section III

Creating Vitis HLS Components

This section contains the following chapters:

• Launching the Vitis Unified IDE

• Creating an HLS Component
• Running C Simulation
• Running C Synthesis
• Running C/RTL Co-Simulation
• Packaging the RTL Design
• Running Implementation
• Optimizing the HLS Project
• Creating HLS Components from the Command Line

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Chapter 11

Launching the Vitis Unified IDE

TIP: The AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE application is installed with the Vitis software platform. It does not need
additional installation. For more on Installing and Launching the Vitis Unified IDE refer to the Vitis
Application Acceleration User Guide (UG1393).

1. Use the following command to setup the Vitis software platform environment.
source <Vitis_Installation_Directory>/settings64.sh

2. Use the following command to launch the next generation Vitis unified IDE.
vitis -w <workspace>

Where <workspace> indicates a folder to hold the elements of your HLS component, or
other design projects. The workspace is used to group together the source and data files that
make up a design, or multiple designs, and stores the configuration of the tool for that

TIP: You can also launch the Vitis unified IDE for HLS components by double-clicking the application icon
from the Windows desktop.

The Vitis unified IDE opens with the Welcome screen as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 82: Welcome Screen

Under HLS Development, you have the following options.

• Create Component: Launch the Create HLS Component wizard to create a new component.
Refer to Building and Running an HLS Component for more information.

• Create Component from Library: Create a new HLS component from library functions.

• Tutorials: Opens a web browser pointing to the Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples on

GitHub. See Tutorials and Examples.

• User Guide: Opens this document in a web browser.

You can see there are other blocks of commands and features available within the tool. Under
Online Resources, you will find documentation and tutorials to help you work with the tool.

If you have previously launched the Vitis unified IDE you can load one of the prior workspaces
listed under Recent Workspaces. You can also look under the File menu to see what other
options are available.

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Features of the Vitis Unified IDE

The new AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE provides many new features, which are described in brief

Figure 83: Vitis Unified IDE

1. The Tool Bar on the left of the screen provides easy access to major features of the tool: the
Vitis Component Explorer, the Search function, Source Control, the Debug view, Examples,
and the Analysis view.
2. The Vitis Component Explorer can be used to view a virtual hierarchy of the workspace. The
view displays a workspace that is structured to help you understand the different elements of
the component or project, such a Sources and Outputs folder that don't exist on disk.
3. The Central Editor window is used for editing components, configurations, and source files.
4. The Flow Navigator displays the design flow for the active component. Different components
has different work flows, and the work flow of the active component is the one displayed in
the Flow Navigator. You can specify the active component by selecting it in the Flow
Navigator, or selecting it in the Component Explorer.
5. The Console/Terminal area displays the output transcripts of the tool, and other windows
such as the Terminal window and the Pipeline view are also located here. The terminal
window displays the folders of the workspace and can be used to run scripts on the content.

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6. The Index displays a list of transcripts of the various build steps ran during the session and
allows you to reopen a process transcript that was closed earlier.

Using the Flow Navigator

For the HLS component in the Vitis unified IDE, the Flow Navigator is a process flow
representation with each step in the process represented by actions that you can launch to work
through the flow. All reports and report viewers are also available through the Flow Navigator as
each step is completed.

Figure 84: Flow Navigator

The process steps for the HLS component include:

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• C SIMULATION: Runs C Simulation and the Code Analyzer using the specified source code
and test bench and any input data provided as described in Running C Simulation.

• C SYNTHESIS: Opens the C Synthesis dialog box, and lists the available reports after synthesis
has been run, as discussed in Running C Synthesis.

• C/RTL CO-SIMULATION: Opens the C/RTL Cosimulation dialog box, and lists the available
reports after simulation has been run, as described in Running C/RTL Co-Simulation.

• PACKAGE: Generates the Vivado IP (.zip) or Vitis Kernel (.xo) and exports it from the
synthesized RTL design as described in Packaging the RTL Design.

• IMPLEMENTATION: Run Vivado synthesis and implementation to generate more detailed

utilization and timing reports as described in Running Implementation.

The Flow Navigator also has a few features to help you view the associated files and design
state. As seen in the preceding figure, the Open Settings command ( ) is available next to the
Component menu and each process step in the design flow. Select Open Settings next to
Component to open the vitis-comp.json file for the component. Select it next to the
process step to open the Config File Editor.

You can cancel a running process from within the Flow Navigator by using the Cancel Run
command. This command is hidden by default and is revealed by hovering over the running step
to reveal the command.

The Flow Navigator displays a warning sign ( ) when certain steps are not complete, or need to
be rerun due to changes in the design source or associated files. Hovering over the warning
displays a message indicating the possible problem.

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Chapter 12

Building and Running an HLS

The AMD Vitis™ unified IDE and v++ common command line provide the ability to create an HLS
component using bottom-up design techniques to ensure the component meets design
requirements before integrating it with other elements into a system design. In an HLS
component, the tool synthesizes a C or C++ function into RTL code for implementation in the
programmable logic (PL) region of an AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC, AMD Zynq™ MPSoC, or AMD
FPGA device.

An HLS component can be used to develop and export:

• Vivado IP to be integrated into hardware designs using the Vivado Design Suite and the
Embedded Software Development flow as described in Vitis Unified Software Platform
Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400).
• Vitis kernels for use in hetergeneous compute systems and Data Center application
acceleration as described in Vitis Application Acceleration User Guide (UG1393).

The following are the steps for the development of the C++ function.

1. Architect the C/C++ algorithm based on Design Principles

2. Verify the logic of the source code with a C test bench (C-Simulation)
3. Analyze the parallelism and performance of the design (Code Analyzer)
4. Generate the RTL from the source code (C-Synthesis)
5. Verify the generated RTL module with the C test bench and RTL logic simulation (C/RTL Co-
6. Review and analyze the HLS synthesis reports and co-simulation reports (Analyze)
7. Repeat previous steps until performance goals are met

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Figure 85: Vitis HLS Development Flow

The HLS component implements the design based on the target flow, default tool configuration,
configuration commands, and any optimization pragmas or directives you specify for the design.
The following sections describe creating and building the HLS component.

Creating an HLS Component

There are a number of ways to create an HLS component in the Vitis unified IDE. The following
steps describe a recommended approach.

TIP: This section presents the HLS component in the Vitis IDE. For a command-line approach refer to
Creating HLS Components from the Command Line

1. With the Vitis IDE opened, from the main menu select File → New Component → HLS.

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TIP: You can also select New Component on the Welcome page, or from the right-click menu in the
Explorer view.

2. This opens the Choose Name and Location page of the Create HLS Component wizard as
shown below.

Figure 86: Create HLS Component - Name and Location

Enter a Component name and Component location and select Next.

3. This opens the Configuration File page of the wizard as shown below. The HLS component
configuration file contains commands and directives used for the synthesis, simulation, and
export of the component.

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Figure 87: Create HLS Component - Configuration File

The Configuration File page of the Create HLS Component wizard provides three ways to add
a configuration file to your component:
• Empty File: Specifies the creation of a new empty configuration file to be populated after
component creation as described in Defining the HLS Config File. Selecting this option lets
you specify a name in the New configuration file name field.
• Existing File: Specifies the use of an existing configuration file. Selecting this option lets
you enter the path and name in the File field, or select Browse to locate the file.
• Generate from Vitis HLS Project: This option generates a new config file from an existing
Vitis HLS project hls.app file. The tool lets you identify the hls.app file inside the
project, and enter a New configuration file name for the config file generated from the
hls.app file.
Choose the method of adding the config file to your HLS component, and specify a name or
files as needed. Select Next to proceed to the Source Files.
4. The Source Files page of the wizard opens as shown below.

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Figure 88: Create HLS Component - Source Files

Under Design Files you can you can select Add files to select the primary source file for the
design, or add multiple files as needed. After adding one or more source files, you can
identify the Top Function which is the function to be synthesized as the top-level function for
the HLS component. Any functions called by the top-function will also be synthesized into
Under Test Bench Files you can select Add files or select Add folders to add files containing
test bench and associated files for the HLS component.
For both design files and test bench files you can add CFLAGS and CSIMFLAGS to specify
directives to be used during compilation and simulation. You can specify directives to be
applied to all files or to specific files from each category. After adding files and folders and
directives, select Next to proceed.
5. The Select Part page of the wizard is opened as shown below.

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Figure 89: Create HLS Component - Part

Select the Part or select the Platform for the HLS component and select Next to proceed.

TIP: If you select Platform when creating the HLS component, the Vitis unfied IDE extracts the part
from the specified platform and adds part= to your configuration file.

6. This displays the Settings page of the wizard as shown below.

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The Settings page lets you specify a clock period or frequency for the design, and a clock
uncertainty. The default clock for the tool is a clock period of 10 ns (or 100 MHz), and a clock
uncertainty of 27% as described in Specifying the Clock Frequency.
The Settings page also lets you specify the flow_target for the HLS component build process
as being either to generate a Vivado IP or a Vitis kernel as described in Target Flow Overview.
The interface requirements of the Vivado IP or a Vitis kernel are different as explained in
Interfaces of the HLS Design. The default flow_target is the Vivado IP flow.
Below the flow_target you can also specify the package.output.format for the tool to
generate when packaging the design. The default output format is the Vivado IP, which
generates a .zip file to be added to your IP catalog, letting you use the HLS generated RTL
design in other designs.
Note: Selecting the Vitis flow_target does not automatically change the output format to Vitis kernel.
The default is still Vivado IP, but you can manually change the output format if needed.

Also keep in mind that the HLS component uses a bottom-up design flow, generating only
RTL output until you package the output as described in Packaging the RTL Design. The
bottom-up flow lets you develop multiple design iterations as you sort through the design
challenges, and only package the output when the design is ready. This approach saves
significant time each time you run Synthesis or Simulation.
Select Next to proceed to the Summary page.

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7. The Summary page reflects the choices you have made on the prior pages. Review the
summary and select Finish to create the HLS component, or select Back to return to earlier
pages and change your selections.

When the HLS component is created the vitis-comp.json file for the component is opened
in the central editor window, and the HLS component becomes active in the Flow Navigator as
shown below.

TIP: When multiple HLS components are opened, the component name appears in the tab alongside the
vitis-comp.json file name to help you identify the different components.

Figure 90: HLS Component - vitis-comp.json

After creation, the HLS component becomes the active component in the Flow Navigator, or you
can select the Component to make it the active component in the tool. When the HLS
component is the active component, the Flow Navigator enables running C Simulation, C
Synthesis, C/RTL Co-simulation, Package, and Implementation as shown in the following image.

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Figure 91: HLS Component - Flow Navigator

To manage the actions of these steps however, you will need to edit the HLS config file to
achieve your design objectives as described below.

Target Flow Overview

The HLS component can target either the Vivado IP flow, or the Vitis Kernel flow. The HLS
component is implemented based on the target flow, default tool configuration, design
constraints, and any optimization pragmas or directives you specify. You can use optimization
directives to modify and control the implementation of the internal logic and I/O ports,
overriding the default behaviors of the tool.

Vivado IP Flow

When you select the Vivado IP Flow on the Settings page of the Create HLS Component wizard,
or specify flow_target=vivado in the HLS configuration file, you are configuring the tool to
generate RTL files for use in the Vivado Design Suite, for use with other RTL files and Vivado IP,
and for use with software applications using software to interact with the hardware.

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The Vivado IP can be implemented into the programmable logic (PL) region of an AMD Versal™
adaptive SoC, AMD Zynq™ MPSoC, or AMD FPGA device. The IP is generated with device
drivers so the PL can be integrated with embedded software applications to manage and run the
hardware functions as described in the Vitis Embedded Software Development Flow Documentation

The Vivado IP flow provides greater flexibility in your design choices over the Vitis kernel flow,
however it leaves the integration and management of the IP to you as well. The Vivado IP flow
can support a wide variety of interface specifications and data transfer protocols, but has default
interfaces assigned to function arguments as described in Interfaces for Vivado IP Flow. You can
also override the default settings by manually assigning the interface specification for your
function argument, using the INTERFACE pragma or set_directive_interface command,
to meet the needs of your Vivado design.

Vitis Kernel Flow

When you select the Vitis Kernel Flow on the Settings page of the Create HLS Component
wizard, or specify flow_target=vitis in the HLS configuration file, you are configuring the
tool to generate an RTL design suitable for use in the Vitis development environment and for use
with the Xilinx Runtime (XRT). The Vitis development flow can be used in embedded system
design for heterogeneous compute systems for AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC, AMD Zynq™ MPSoC
devices, or for Data Center application acceleration running on Alveo accelerator cards as
described in Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development
(UG1393). The Vitis development flow is more restrictive than the Vivado IP flow, as the design
requirements for RTL produced by the HLS tool must meet the specific requirements of the
platforms and Xilinx Runtime (XRT).

When specifying the Vitis Kernel Flow in the IDE, the tool implements interface ports using the
AXI standard as described in Interfaces for Vitis Kernel Flow. If there are no existing INTERFACE
pragmas or directives in the code, then the following interface protocols will be applied by

• AXI4-Lite interfaces (s_axilite) are assigned to scalar arguments, control signals for arrays,
and the return value of the software function.
• AXI4 Master interfaces (m_axi) are assigned to pointer and array arguments of the C/C++
• Vitis HLS automatically tries to infer BURST transactions whenever possible to aggregate
memory accesses to maximize the throughput bandwidth and/or minimize the latency.
• Defining a software function argument using an hls::stream data type implies an AXI4-
Stream (axis) port.

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Default Settings of Vivado/Vitis Flows

The default settings of the tool vary between the Vivado IP flow and the Vitis Kernel flow. The
following table shows the default settings of both flows so that you can quickly determine the
differences in the default configuration.

TIP: Beyond the default configuration, there are additional features of the tool that supports one flow, but
not the other, or are configured differently between the two flows. Those differences are highlighted
throughout this document.

Table 22: Default Configuration

Configuration Vivado Vitis

clock_uncertainty 27% 27%
syn.compile.pipeline_loops 64 64
syn.compile.name_max_length 255 255
vivado.optimization_level 0 0
vivado.phys_opt none none
syn.rtl.module_auto_prefix true true
syn.rtl.register_reset_num 0 3
syn.schedule.enable_dsp_full_reg true true
syn.directive.interface IP mode Kernel mode
syn.interface.m_axi_addr64 true true
syn.interface.m_axi_latency 0 64
syn.interface.m_axi_alignment_byte_size 1 64
syn.interface.m_axi_max_widen_bitwidth 0 512
syn.interface.default_slave_interface s_axilite s_axilite
syn.interface.m_axi_offset slave slave

Beyond these default settings, you must also package the generated RTL files for use in
downstream processes, such as Vivado designs integrating multiple RTL files or Vivado IP into a
single design. Or a Vitis kernel integrated with other PL kernels and an AI Engine graph
application in a System project. The generated output is determined by the
package.output.format and package.output.syn settings, as described in Packaging
the RTL Design. The output format lets you create a packaged format from the RTL files of the
design. The default output format is the Vivado IP .zip file format, which can be added to your
IP catalog, and used in Vivado IP integrator features. You can also specify the output format as
XO format to package the RTL files as a kernel for use in the Vitis development flow. The
selection of flow_target does not automatically specify the output format. You must do this

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Working with Sources

Vitis HLS inputs include:

• C functions written in C and C++11/C++14. This is the primary input to Vitis HLS. The
function can contain a hierarchy of sub-functions.
• Configuration file that specifies the clock period, clock uncertainty, and the device target.
• Directives are optional and direct the synthesis process to implement a specific behavior or
• C test bench and any associated files needed to simulate the C function prior to synthesis, and
to verify the RTL output using C/RTL Co-simulation.

You can add the C/C++ source files, directives, and constraints to an HLS component in the Vitis
unified IDE as described in Creating an HLS Component. You can also create an HLS config file
and use the v++ -c --mode hls command as described in Creating HLS Components from
the Command Line.

Coding C/C++ Functions

Coding Style

In any C program, the top-level function is called main(), generally this function is found in the
test bench for C simulation. In the HLS component you can specify any sub-function called by
main() as the top-level function for high-level synthesis. You cannot synthesize the top-level
function main(). Some additional rules include:

• Only one function is allowed as the top-level function for synthesis.

• Any sub-functions in the hierarchy under the top-level function for synthesis are also
• If you want to synthesize functions that are not in the hierarchy under the top-level function
for synthesis, you must merge the functions into a single top-level function for synthesis.

C/C++ Language Support

The HLS component supports many C and C++11/C++14 language constructs, and all native
data types for each language, including float and double types as discussed in Data Types.
However, synthesis is not supported for some constructs, including:

• Dynamic memory allocation: An FPGA has a fixed set of resources, and the dynamic creation
and freeing of memory resources is not supported.
• Operating system (OS) operations: All data to and from the FPGA must be read from the input
ports or written to output ports. OS operations, such as file read/write or OS queries like time
and date, are not supported. Instead, the host application or test bench can perform these
operations and pass the data into the function as function arguments.

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Using Libraries in HLS Components

The Vitis unified IDE and v++ common command line support foundational C/C++ libraries
allowing common hardware design constructs and functions to be easily modeled in C/C++ and
synthesized to RTL. The following libraries are provided with with the tools as described in
Section VI: Vitis HLS Libraries Reference:

• Arbitrary Precision Data Types Library: Arbitrary precision data types let your C code use
variables with smaller bit-widths than standard C or C++ data types, to enable improved
performance and reduced area in hardware.
• HLS Math Library: Used to specify standard math operations for synthesis into RTL and
implementation on AMD devices.
• HLS Stream Library: For modeling and compiling streaming data structures.

You can use each of the C libraries in your design by including the library header file in your code.
These header files are located in the include directory in the Vitis HLS installation area.

IMPORTANT! The header files for the libraries do not have to be in the include path if the design is built in
the AMD Vitis™ unfied IDE as the paths to the library header files are automatically added.

Vitis Libraries

In addition, the Vitis Libraries are available for use with Vitis unified IDE and v++ common
command line. The libraries include common functions of math, statistics, linear algebra and DSP;
and also supporting domain specific applications, like vision and image processing, quantitative
finance, database, data analytics, and data compression. The libraries can be downloaded from
https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries and setup for use in the Libraries view in the Vitis
unified IDE, as described in Working with the Vitis Unified IDE in the Vitis Unified Software
Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393).

The libraries contain functions and constructs that are optimized for implementation on AMD
devices. Using these libraries helps to ensure high quality of results (QoR); that the results of
synthesis are a high-performance design that optimizes resource usage. Because the libraries are
provided in C and C++, you can incorporate the libraries into your top-level function and simulate
them to verify the functional correctness before synthesis.

TIP: The Vitis application acceleration libraries are not available for use on the Windows operating system.

Working with OpenCV

As described at https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries/tree/main/vision, to work with the Vitis

Vision Library you must also have installed the OpenCV computer vision library. Vitis HLS does
not come with OpenCV pre-installed, but the following link describes how to find and install it:
Vitis Libraries - Compiling and Installing OpenCV libraries for use with Vision library.

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Resolving References and Viewing #include Files

The Vitis unified IDE continually parses all header files to resolve coding references. Valid
references allow the code to compile correctly of course, but also let you right-click on an
#include statement to use the Go to Declaration command to open the included file. You can
also select a function name, variable, or data type and use the Go to Definition command to view
its definition.

The GUI highlights unresolved references, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 92: Unresolved References

• Left sidebar: Highlights unresolved references at the line number of the source code.
• Right sidebar: Displays unresolved references relative to the whole file.

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If all your project settings (like the include path) are properly defined, by default the tool will
index the C source files automatically. Unresolved references occur when code defined in a
header file (.h or .hpp extension) cannot be resolved. The primary causes of unresolved
references are:

• The code was recently added to the file.

If the code is new, ensure the header file is saved. After saving the header file the tool
automatically indexes the header files and updates the code references.
• The header file is not in the search path.
Ensure the header file is included in the C code using an #include statement, and the
header file is found in the same directory as the source C file, or the location to the header file
is in the search path.

TIP: To explicitly add the search path for a source file edit the syn.cflags or syn.file_cflags
to specify directives to be used during compilation and simulation commands for the source file as
discussed in HLS General Options.

Resolving Comments in the Source Code

In some localizations, non-English comments in the source file appears as strange characters. This
can be corrected using the following steps:

1. Select the File → Preferences → Open Settings (UI) menu command.

2. From the Preferences view select the Text Editor heading and select Files.
3. Select the Encoding dropdown menu and choose appropriate encoding.
4. Save changes.

Defining the HLS Config File

The HLS component configuration file contains commands and settings used for the synthesis,
simulation, and export of the component. To access the config file select the Config File hyperlink
on the vitis-comp.json tab for the HLS component, or select hls_config.cfg in the Vitis
Component Explorer view, under Settings of the HLS component. This will open the Config File
Editor in the central editor window as displayed below.

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Figure 93: HLS Component Configuration File

For the HLS component the config file includes the following sections:

• General: Provides general options for the design, such as target part, clock frequency, and
flow target. These options are described at HLS General Options.
• C Synthesis sources: Specify C/C++ source files for the HLS design. These are also described
in Running C Synthesis.
• Testbench sources: Specify C/C++ test bench files and associated files used during C
simulation and C/RTL Co-simulation.
• C Simulation: Specify compilation options for running C simulation as described in Running C
Simulation .
• C Synthesis Settings: Specify global synthesis controls for the following categories: Array
Partition, Array Stencil, Compile, Dataflow, Debug, Interface, RTL, Schedule, Unroll, Op,
Storage, IP. These configuration settings are related to the config file commands described in
HLS Config File Commands.
• C/RTL Cosimulation: Provide compilation options for running C/RTL Co-simulation as
described in Running C/RTL Co-Simulation.

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• Package: Specify options to control the export format of the RTL generated during C synthesis
as described in Packaging the RTL Design.
• Implementation: Specify options to control Vivado synthesis and implementation as described
in Running Implementation.
• Design Directives: Directives can be added as HLS Pragmas directly to the source code, or as
HLS Optimization Directives to the configuration file for use in an HLS component. In the
Config File editor you will see the various directives listed, and you can select Add Item to
open the Directive editor as described in Adding Pragmas and Directives.

The Config File Editor offers both a form-based view of the config file options, and a text-based
editor that can be enabled to edit the config file directly. You can switch between the two by
using the icons at the top of the editor window.

Figure 94: Form-Based and Text-Based Editing

There is a Search bar at the top of the Config File Editor which lets you quickly search through
the options using a keyword or phrase. You can also choose to display only the Settings with
Values to limit the displayed options.

TIP: Remember to enable the File → AutoSave feature or select the File → Save command, or Ctrl-S to
save your changes after editing the config file.

Specifying the Clock Frequency

For C and C++ designs only a single clock is supported. The same clock is applied to all functions
in the design.

The clock period, specified in nanoseconds (ns) or MHz, is defined when the HLS components is
created, or can be changed in the HLS config file under the General category as shown below.

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Figure 95: Part and Clock Settings

The default clock period is 10 ns. The HLS component also uses the concept of a clock
uncertainty to provide a user defined timing margin for scheduling processes within the design.
You can define the clock uncertainty for your design in the same way and at the same time as
you specify the clock. The default clock uncertainty, when it is not specified, is 27% of the clock

IMPORTANT! If your HLS configuration file specifies platform= instead of part= you must use also
freqhz= instead of clock= . This is because the platform specifies a clock in freqhz form, and you
can only override it using the same form.

Using the clock frequency and part information for the HLS component the tool estimates the
timing of operations in the design. However, it cannot know the final component placement and
net routing as these operations are performed by logic synthesis of the output RTL. As such, the
tool can only estimated delays.

To calculate the clock period used for synthesis the tool subtracts the clock uncertainty from the
clock period, as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 96: Clock Period and Margin

Specified Clock Period

Clock Uncertainty

Effective Clock Period

Margin for Logic
Synthesis and P&R

This provides a user specified margin to ensure downstream processes, such as logic synthesis
and place & route, have enough timing margin to complete their operations. If the resources of
the device are mostly consumed by the HLS componet the placement of cells and routing of nets
to connect the cells might tight and result in a design with larger than expected timing delays. For
situations such as this increasing the clock uncertainty can ensure that the HLS component does
not create a design with too much logic packed into each clock cycle and allows RTL synthesis to
satisfy timing in cases with less than ideal placement and routing options.

The Vitis unified IDE and v++ command tries to satisfy all constraints: timing, throughput,
latency. However, if a constraint cannot be satisfied the tool still produces an RTL design. If the
timing constraints inferred by the clock period cannot be met the tool issues message
SCHED-644 as shown below, and creates a design with the best achievable performance.

@W [SCHED-644] Max operation delay (<operation_name> 2.39ns) exceeds the

cycle time

IMPORTANT! It is important to review the constraint report after synthesis to determine if all constraints
are met: the fact that synthesis produces an output design does not guarantee the design meets all
performance constraints. Review the Performance Estimates section of the design report.

A design report is generated for each function in the hierarchy when synthesis completes and
can be viewed in the solution reports folder. The worse case timing for the entire design is
reported as the worst case in each function report. There is no need to review every report in the

If the timing violations are too severe to be further optimized and corrected by downstream
processes, review the techniques for specifying an exact latency and specifying exact
implementation cores before considering a faster target technology.

Clock and Reset Ports

If the design takes more than 1 cycle to complete operation, as most do, a clock-enable port
(ap_ce) can optionally be added to the config file for the design using the
syn.interface.clock_enable command as described in Interface Configuration.

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The operation of the reset is described in Controlling Initialization and Reset Behavior, and can
be modified using the RTL Configuration settings.

Adding Pragmas and Directives

HLS pragmas and directives let you configure the synthesis results for your code.

• HLS Pragmas are added to the source code to enable the optimization or change in the
original source code. Every time the code is synthesized, it is implemented according to the
specified pragmas.
• HLS Optimization Directives can be specified as HLS configuration file commands that are
associated with the HLS component. The config files can be reused across multiple HLS
components, allowing you to customize the synthesis results for the same code base across
different components.

IMPORTANT! In some cases where pragmas or directives conflict with other pragmas or directives, the
synthesis process returns an error until you resolve the conflict. However, in some cases the first pragma or
directive encountered takes precedence over the second pragma or directive, and the second is ignored.
This information should be reported in the log file or console window.

To add pragmas or directives to your project:

1. In the Vitis Component Explorer open a Source file of the HLS component by selecting it
under the Sources folder.

2. With the Source file opened, select the HLS Directive command ( ) from the far right
toolbar menu of the Vitis unified IDE to open the HLS Directive editor, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 97: HLS Directive Editor

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3. The HLS Directive editor displays a hierarchy of the current source code and lets you add a
directive or pragma to the design; directives go into the config file and pragmas go into the
source file. In the preceding figure, the entry that is added to the config file is:
syn.directive.array_partition=dct_2d in_block factor=8 type=cyclic

After selecting OK, you will see it added to the Config File editor.
4. Select the Add Directive command from the HLS Directive editor by selecting the function or
loop or variable you want to add a directive to and select the '+' on the right side as shown in
the following figure.

Modify an existing directive by selecting the Edit Directive command next to the directive.

Using Directives in Scripts vs. Pragmas in Code

In the HLS Directive editor you can specify either of the following Destination settings:

• Source File: The Vitis unified IDE inserts the directive directly into the C source file as a

• Config File: The IDE inserts the directive into the HLS config file.

The following table describes the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.

Table 23: Config File Directive versus HLS Pragma

Directive Format Advantages Disadvantages

HLS Config File The Source code remains unchanged, If the C source files are transferred to a
while design exploration is handled third-party or archived, the
through the config file entries. This directives.tcl file must be
approach is ideal for design included.
exploration. The directives.tcl file is required if
the results are to be re-created.
Source Code Pragma The optimization directives are If the optimization directives are
embedded into the C source code. embedded in the code, they are
Ideal when the C sources files are automatically applied to every HLS
shipped to a third-party as C IP. No component that references that source
other files are required to recreate the code.
same results.
Useful approach for directives that are
unlikely to change, such as TRIPCOUNT

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TIP: You can use directives to develop different design possibilities, but you might want to convert your
final directives to HLS pragmas when finalized. This allows the optimization pragmas to be carried as part
of the source code for the design.

When specifying values for pragma arguments, you can use literal values (for example, 1, 55,
3.14), or pass a macro using #define. The following example shows a pragma with literal values:

#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=k_matrix_val type=cyclic factor=5

This example uses defined macros:

#define E 5
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=k_matrix_val type=cyclic factor=E

Applying Directives to the Proper Scope

Although the Vitis unified IDE lets you apply directives to specific code objects, the directives are
added to the scope that contains the object. For example, you can apply the INTERFACE pragma
to an interface object in the HLS component, but the directive is applied to the top-level function
(scope). The interface port (object) is identified in the directive.

You can apply optimization directives to the following objects and scopes:

• Functions: When you apply directives to functions, the HLS compiler applies the directive to
all objects within the scope of that function. The effect of any directive stops at the next level
of the function hierarchy, and does not apply to sub-functions.

TIP: Directives that include a recursive option, such as the PIPELINE directive, can be applied
recursively through the hierarchy.

• Interfaces: The HLS compiler applies the directive to the top-level function, which is the
scope that contains the interface.

• Loops: Directives apply to all objects within the scope of the loop.

For example, if you apply the LOOP_MERGE directive to a loop, the HLS compiler applies the
directive to any sub-loops within the loop, but not to the loop itself. The loop to which the
directive is applied is not merged with siblings at the same level of hierarchy.

• Arrays: Directives are applied to the scope that contains the array.

Applying Optimization Directives to Global Variables

Directives can only be applied to scopes, or to objects within a scope. As such, they cannot be
directly applied to global variables which are declared outside the scope of any function.
Therefore, to apply a directive to a global variable you must manually assign it using the following

1. With the source code, open the HLS Directive editor

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2. Select the scope (function, loop or region) where the global variable is used in the Directive
3. Select Add Directive and edit the variable name to assign it to the global variable.
4. Click OK to add the directive to the source code or config file.

Applying Optimization Directives to Class Objects

Optimization directives can be also applied to objects or scopes defined in a class. The difference
is typically that classes are defined in a header file. Use one of the following actions to open the
header file:

1. From the Vitis Component Explorer view open the Includes folder for an HLS component
and double-click the header file to open it. Or, from within an open source code file, place the
cursor over the #include statement for the header file, hold down the Ctrl key, and click
the header file to open it in the Code Editor.
2. With the source code, open the HLS Directive editor
3. Select the scope (function, loop or region) where the global variable is used in the Directive
4. Select Add Directive and edit the variable name to assign it to the class or variable.
5. Click OK to add the directive to the source code or config file.

CAUTION! Care should be taken when applying directives as pragmas to a header file. The file might be
used by other people or used in other projects. Any directives added as a pragma are applied each time the
header file is included in a design.

Applying Optimization Directives to Templates

To apply optimization directives manually on templates when using config file commands, specify
the template arguments and class when referring to class methods. For example, given the
following C++ code:

template <uint32 SIZE, uint32 RATE>

void DES10<SIZE,RATE>::calcRUN() {}

The following config file command is used to specify the INLINE directive on the function:

syn.directive.inline DES10<SIZE,RATE>::calcRUN

Using Constants with Pragmas

You can use a constant such as const int, or constexpr with pragmas or directives. For

const int MY_DEPTH=1024;

#pragma HLS stream variable=my_var depth=MY_DEPTH

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You can also use macros in the C code to implement this functionality. The key to using macros is
to use a level of hierarchy in the macro. This allows the expansion to be correctly performed. The
code can be made to compile as follows:

#include <hls_stream.h>
using namespace hls;

#define PRAGMA_SUB(x) _Pragma (#x)

void foo (stream<int> &InStream, stream<int> &OutStream) {

// Legal pragmas
PRAGMA_HLS(HLS stream depth=STREAM_IN_DEPTH variable=InStream)
#pragma HLS stream depth=8 variable=OutStream

Failure to Satisfy Optimization Directives

When optimization directives are applied, the HLS compiler outputs information to the console
(and log file) detailing the progress. In the following example the PIPELINE directives was applied
to the C function with an II=1 (initiation interval of 1) but synthesis failed to satisfy this objective.

INFO: [SCHED 11] Starting scheduling ...

INFO: [SCHED 61] Pipelining function 'array_RAM'.
WARNING: [SCHED 63] Unable to schedule the whole 2 cycles 'load' operation
('d_i_load', array_RAM.c:98) on array 'd_i' within the first cycle (II = 1).
WARNING: [SCHED 63] Please consider increasing the target initiation
interval of the
WARNING: [SCHED 69] Unable to schedule 'load' operation ('idx_load_2',
array_RAM.c:98) on array 'idx' due to limited memory ports.
INFO: [SCHED 61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 4, Depth: 6.
INFO: [SCHED 11] Finished scheduling.

IMPORTANT! If the HLS tool fails to satisfy an optimization directive, it automatically relaxes the
optimization target and seeks to create a design with a lower performance target. If it cannot relax the
target, it will halt with an error.

By seeking to create a design which satisfies a lower optimization target, the tool is able to
provide three important types of information:

• What target performance can be achieved with the current C code and optimization
• A list of the reasons why it was unable to satisfy the higher performance target.
• A design which can be analyzed to provide more insight and help understand the reason for
the failure.

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In message SCHED-69 above the reason given for failing to reach the target II is due to limited
ports. The design must access a block RAM, and a block RAM only has a maximum of two ports.

The next step after a failure such as this is to analyze what the issue is. In this example, analyze
line 52 of the code and/or use the Analysis perspective to determine the bottleneck and if the
requirement for more than two ports can be reduced or determine how the number of ports can
be increased.

After the design is optimized and the desired performance achieved, the RTL can be verified and
the results of synthesis packaged as IP.

Running C Simulation
Verification of the HLS component can be separated into distinct processes that occur before
and after high-level synthesis. These processes include C Simulation and Code Analysis to
validate the C/C++ source code prior to high-level synthesis; and C/RTL Co-simulation to
validate the generated RTL design.

Running C simulation on the HLS component requires a test bench as described in Writing a Test
Bench. The test bench is self-checking, and validates that the results from the function to be
synthesized are correct. If the results are correct the test bench returns a value of 0 to main().
Otherwise, the test bench should return any non-zero value. Prior to running simulation though,
you must configure the HLS component to support simulation. C Simulation can be run by itself
or with the Code Analyzer enabled. By itself, C Simulation validates the logic of the source code
using a test bench and provided data. With Code Analyzer the simulation to validate the
algorithm is still completed, but a deeper analysis of the source code and prospective
performance of the design is also performed. Code Analyzer lets you visualize the potential for
task level parallelism, estimate the potential performance of the design, and understand the
architectural changes needed to improve the performance of the design.

Loading Test Bench Files

Like C synthesis, the source files required for simulation can be loaded at the time the HLS
component is created. However, you can skip that step at creation and add the test bench files
prior to running simulation. It is also possible to change or add to the files used for simulation.
This is done in the Testbench sources section of the Config Editor.

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Figure 98: HLS Component Testbench Sources

The Testbench sources displays currently added test bench files, and lets you edit, or delete
current files, add new files, and add or modify CFLAGS for the test bench.

• Add item: Select this command to add new test bench files to the HLS component. This opens
a File Browser, and lets you navigate to and select the files to add.
• Add CFLAGS: You can add compilation flags (CFLAGS) to be applied to all source files, or to be
added to specific source files. As shown in the figure above, simply add the flags to the
appropriate text entry box for Flags common to all files. To add flags for specific source files,
select the source file and select Edit item to add the flags, or modify the file name and path.

These selections result in the following config file entries:


Configure the Simulator

You can configure the C simulator prior to running simulation using the C Simulation section of
the Config Editor, as shown below.

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Figure 99: HLS Component Simulation Settings

These configuration commands let you specify how the simulation should run. The configuration
options include:

• O: By default the design is compiled with debug information enabled, allowing the compilation
to be analyzed and debugged. The Optimizing Compile option uses a higher level of
optimization effort when compiling the design, but does not add information required by the
debugger. This increases the compile time but should reduce the simulation runtime.

• argv: Specify any inputs required by your test bench main() function.

• clean: Remove any existing executable and object files from the project before compiling the

• code_analyzer: Enable the Code Analyzer tool as described in Using Code Analyzer.

• ldflags: Specifies the options passed to the linker for simulation. This option is typically used
to pass include path information or library information for the C/C++ test bench.

• mflags: Provides for options to be passed to the compiler for C simulation. This is typically
used to speed up compilation.

• setup: When this option is specified, the simulation binary will be created in the csim
directory of the current HLS component, but simulation will not be executed. Simulation can
be launched later from the compiled executable. The default is false, and simulation is run
after setup is complete.

These selections result in the following config file entries as an example:

csim.argv=arg1 arg2

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Run Simulation

To run simulation make sure the HLS component is active in the Flow Navigator, or select it from
the Component menu to make it the active component in the tool. When the HLS component is
the active component, the Flow Navigator enables running C Synthesis, C Simulation, C/RTL Co-
simulation, Packaging, and Implementation to build and analyze the HLS component. To simulate
the HLS component select Run beneath the C SIMULATION heading in the Flow Navigator.

TIP: You can also select the Debug command from the Flow Navigator to launch the debug process as
described in Debugging the HLS Component.

You can track the progress of simulation in the Output window. The transcript for the synthesis
run will have the top function name as <component-name>::c_simulation as shown

Figure 100: HLS Component Running Simulation

TIP: The simulation run in the Vitis IDE uses the vitis-run --mode hls --csim command as
described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands.

Results of C Simulation

After clicking OK in the dialog box, the C/C++ code is compiled and the C simulation is run. As
the simulation runs, the console displays any printf statements from the test bench, or
hls::print statements from the kernel or IP. When the simulation completes successfully, the
following message is also returned to the console:

INFO: [SIM 211-1] CSim done with 0 errors.

INFO: [SIM 211-3] *************** CSIM finish ***************
Finished C simulation.

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When the simulation fails, an error is returned:

@E Simulation failed: Function 'main' returns nonzero value '1'.

ERROR: [SIM 211-100] 'csim_design' failed: nonzero return value.
INFO: [SIM 211-3] *************** CSIM finish ***************

When the simulation is complete a Summary report is generated which shows the simulation
command and the time stamp of the run. You can view the Summary report and simulation log
file by selecting them freom the Report heading, or by viewing them in the Analysis view. If Code
Analyzer was also run there will be a report for that as well.

Writing a Test Bench

When using the HLS component flow, it can be time consuming to synthesize an improperly
coded C/C++ function and then analyze the implementation details to determine why the
function does not perform as expected. Therefore, the first step in high-level synthesis should be
to validate that the C function is correct, before generating RTL code, by performing simulation
using a well written test bench. Writing a good test bench can greatly increase your productivity
because C functions execute in orders of magnitude faster than RTL simulations. Using C/C++ to
develop and validate the algorithm before synthesis is much faster than developing and
debugging RTL code.

The test bench includes the main() function, as well as any needed sub-functions that are not
in the hierarchy of the top-level function designated for synthesis. The main function verifies that
the top-level function for synthesis is correct by providing stimuli and calling the function from
the test bench, and by consuming and validating its output.

IMPORTANT! The test bench can accept input arguments that can be provided when C simulation is
launched, as described in Running C Simulation. However, the test bench must not require interactive user
inputs during execution. The HLS tool can not interact with the simulator and therefore cannot accept user
inputs while the test bench executes.

The following code shows the important features of a self-checking test bench, as an example:

int main () {
//Establish an initial return value. 0 = success
int ret=0;

// Call any preliminary functions required to prepare input for the test.

// Call the top-level function multiple times, passing input stimuli as

for(i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
top_func(input, output);

// Capture the output results of the function, write to a file

// Compare the results of the function against expected results

ret = system("diff --brief -w output.dat output.golden.dat");

if (ret != 0) {

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printf("Test failed !!!\n");

} else {
printf("Test passed !\n");

return ret;

The test bench should execute the top-level function for multiple transactions, allowing many
different data values to be applied and verified. The test bench is only as good as the variety of
tests it performs. In addition, your test bench must provide repeated calls to the synthesized
function if you want to calculate II during RTL simulation as described in Running C/RTL Co-

The self-checking test bench above compares the results of the function, output.dat, against
known good results in output.golden.dat. This is one example of a self-checking test bench.
There are many ways to validate your top-level function, and you must code your test bench as
appropriate to your code.

In the HLS component flow, the return value of function main() indicates the following:

• Zero: Results are correct.

• Non-zero value: Results are incorrect.

The test bench can return any non-zero value. A complex test bench can return different values
depending on the type of failure. If the test bench returns a non-zero value after C simulation or
C/RTL co-simulation, the tool reports an error and simulation fails.

TIP: Because the system environment (for example, Linux, Windows, or Tcl) interprets the return value of
the main() function, it is recommended that you constrain the return value to an 8-bit range for
portability and safety.

Of course, the results of simulation are only as good as the test bench you provide. You are
responsible for ensuring that the test bench returns the correct result. If the test bench returns
zero, the tool indicates that the simulation has passed, regardless of what occurred during

Example Test Bench

AMD recommends that you separate the top-level function for synthesis from the test bench,
and that you use header files. The following code example shows a design in which the top-level
function for the HLS project, hier_func, calls two sub-functions:

• sumsub_func performs addition and subtraction.

• shift_func performs shift.

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The data types are defined in the header file (hier_func.h). The code for the function follows:

#include "hier_func.h"
int sumsub_func(din_t *in1, din_t *in2, dint_t *outSum, dint_t *outSub)
*outSum = *in1 + *in2;
*outSub = *in1 - *in2;

int shift_func(dint_t *in1, dint_t *in2, dout_t *outA, dout_t *outB)

*outA = *in1 >> 1;
*outB = *in2 >> 2;

void hier_func(din_t A, din_t B, dout_t *C, dout_t *D)

dint_t apb, amb;


As shown, the top-level function can contain multiple sub-functions. There can only be one top-
level function for synthesis. To synthesize multiple functions, group them as sub-functions of a
single top-level function.

The header file (hier_func.h), shown below, demonstrates how to use macros and how
typedef statements can make the code more portable and readable.

TIP: Arbitrary Precision (AP) Data Types discusses arbitrary precision data types, and how the typedef
statement allows the types and therefore the bit-widths of the variables to be refined for both area and
performance improvements in the final FPGA implementation.

#ifndef _HIER_FUNC_H_
#define _HIER_FUNC_H_

#include <stdio.h>

#define NUM_TRANS 40

typedef int din_t;

typedef int dint_t;
typedef int dout_t;

void hier_func(din_t A, din_t B, dout_t *C, dout_t *D);


The header file above includes some #define statements, such as NUM_TRANS, that are not
required by the hier_func function, but are provided for the test bench, which also includes
the same header file.

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The following code defines a test bench for the hier_func design:

#include "hier_func.h"
int main() {
// Data storage
int c_expected[NUM_TRANS], d_expected[NUM_TRANS];

//Function data (to/from function)

int a_actual, b_actual;
int c_actual, d_actual;

// Misc
int retval=0, i, i_trans, tmp;
FILE *fp;

// Load input data from files

for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
a[i] = tmp;

for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
b[i] = tmp;

// Execute the function multiple times (multiple transactions)

for(i_trans=0; i_trans<NUM_TRANS-1; i_trans++){

//Apply next data values

a_actual = a[i_trans];
b_actual = b[i_trans];

hier_func(a_actual, b_actual, &c_actual, &d_actual);

//Store outputs
c[i_trans] = c_actual;
d[i_trans] = d_actual;

// Load expected output data from files

for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
c_expected[i] = tmp;

for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
d_expected[i] = tmp;

// Check outputs against expected

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for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRANS-1; ++i) {

if(c[i] != c_expected[i]){
retval = 1;
if(d[i] != d_expected[i]){
retval = 1;

// Print Results
if(retval == 0){
printf( *** *** *** *** \n);
printf( Results are good \n);
printf( *** *** *** *** \n);
} else {
printf( *** *** *** *** \n);
printf( Mismatch: retval=%d \n, retval);
printf( *** *** *** *** \n);

// Return 0 if outputs are corre

return retval;

Design Files and Test Bench Files

Because the HLS tool reuses the C test bench for RTL verification, it requires that the test bench
and any associated files be denoted as test bench files when they are added to the HLS
component. Files associated with the test bench are any files that are:

• Accessed by the test bench.

• Required for the test bench to operate correctly.

Examples of such files include the data files inA.dat and inB.dat in the example test bench.
You must add these to the HLS configuration file as test bench files.

The requirement for identifying test bench files in the HLS component does not require that the
design and test bench be in separate files (although separate files are recommended). To
demonstrate this, a new example is defined from the same code used in Example Test Bench,
except a new top-level function is defined. In this example the function sumsub_func is defined
as the top-level function in the HLS component.

TIP: You can change the top-level function in the HLS configuration file by selecting the C Synthesis
settings, or using the syn.top config file entry.

With the sumsub_func function defined as the top-level function, the higher-level function,
hier_func becomes part of the test bench, as it is the calling function for sumsub_func. The
peer-level shift_func function is also now part of the test bench, as it is a required part of the
test. Even though these functions are in the same code file as the top-level sumsub_func
function, they are part of the test bench.

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Single File Test Bench and Design

You can also include the design and test bench into a single design file. The following example
has the same hier_func function as discussed Example Test Bench, except that everything is
coded in a single file: top-level function, sub functions, and main function for the test bench.

IMPORTANT! Having both the test bench and design in a single file requires you to add the file as both a
synthesis source file, and a test bench file to the HLS configuration.

#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM_TRANS 40

typedef int din_t;

typedef int dint_t;
typedef int dout_t;

int sumsub_func(din_t *in1, din_t *in2, dint_t *outSum, dint_t *outSub)

*outSum = *in1 + *in2;
*outSub = *in1 - *in2;

int shift_func(dint_t *in1, dint_t *in2, dout_t *outA, dout_t *outB)

*outA = *in1 >> 1;
*outB = *in2 >> 2;

void hier_func(din_t A, din_t B, dout_t *C, dout_t *D)

dint_t apb, amb;


int main() {
// Data storage
int c_expected[NUM_TRANS], d_expected[NUM_TRANS];

//Function data (to/from function)

int a_actual, b_actual;
int c_actual, d_actual;

// Misc
int retval=0, i, i_trans, tmp;
FILE *fp;
// Load input data from files
for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
a[i] = tmp;

for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){

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fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);

b[i] = tmp;
// Execute the function multiple times (multiple transactions)
for(i_trans=0; i_trans<NUM_TRANS-1; i_trans++){

//Apply next data values

a_actual = a[i_trans];
b_actual = b[i_trans];

hier_func(a_actual, b_actual, &c_actual, &d_actual);

//Store outputs
c[i_trans] = c_actual;
d[i_trans] = d_actual;

// Load expected output data from files

for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
c_expected[i] = tmp;

for (i=0; i<NUM_TRANS; i++){
fscanf(fp, %d, &tmp);
d_expected[i] = tmp;

// Check outputs against expected

for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRANS-1; ++i) {
if(c[i] != c_expected[i]){
retval = 1;
if(d[i] != d_expected[i]){
retval = 1;

// Print Results
if(retval == 0){
printf( *** *** *** *** \n);
printf( Results are good \n);
printf( *** *** *** *** \n);
} else {
printf( *** *** *** *** \n);
printf( Mismatch: retval=%d \n, retval);
printf( *** *** *** *** \n);

// Return 0 if outputs are correct

return retval;

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Output of C Simulation
In the Vitis unified IDE the hierarchy of the HLS component is structured as follows:
<workspace>/<component>/<component>/hls/. You can select the HLS component in
the Vitis Component Explorer and select Open In Terminal from the right-click menu to explore
the contents of the component folders.

When C simulation completes, a csim folder is created inside the <component>/hls folder.
This folder contains the following elements:

• csim/build: The primary location for all files related to the C simulation
○ Any files read by the test bench are copied to this folder.

○ The C executable file csim.exe is created and run in this folder.

○ Any files written by the test bench are created in this folder.

○ csim/obj: Contains object files (.o) for the compiled source code, and make dependency
files (.d) for the source code build.
• csim/report: Contains a log file of the C simulation build and run.

Using Code Analyzer

To achieve the best results in high-level synthesis (HLS) code changes are often required to
improve the macro architecture of the design. To assist you with this effort, Vitis HLS Code
Analyzer provides features which let you visualize the potential for task level parallelism and
understand the architectural changes needed to optimize performance.

You can run Code Analyzer as part of the C Simulation step by enabling the
csim.code_analyzer command in the HLS configuration file as described in C-Simulation
Configuration. After running it, the Code Analyzer report becomes available under the Reports of
the C Simulation step in the Flow Navigator, or in the Analysis view of the Vitis unified IDE. The
features of Code Analyzer include:

• Dataflow Graph Extraction: The Code Analyzer report extracts a dataflow graph (DFG) in
which top-level statements become dataflow processes (DFG nodes), and the data
dependencies of these processes become dataflow channels (DFG edges). The graph can be
generated from a function or loop body even when they are not dataflow, helping you better
determine how the code might be rewritten in a dataflow form, as described in Abstract
Parallel Programming Model for HLS.

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• Performance Metrics: Performance metrics such as the volume of data, transaction intervals
(TI), and throughput are determined by Code Analyzer. The volume and access mode of data
can be determined from the C test bench based on profiling information. For example, the tool
can determine that variable A infers a port 32 bits wide, and 8 Kb of data is written by process
1 before being read by process 2. Analyzing the design prior to synthesis, Code Analyzer
estimates the transaction interval, or time it takes for data transfer to complete, and the
throughput of the channel. However, because the estimate occurs prior to synthesis it is less
accurate than when calculated from the performance of the synthesized RTL.

• Performance Guidance: Identify any major performance blockers the HLS component source
code might have. These blockers include cyclic dependencies and memory port contention.
Performance Guidance helps you understand code structures that might limit design
performance, or identify which metrics can help you understand the level of performance your
design can achieve.

• Graph Transformations: Based on the dataflow graph decomposition and the measured and
estimated metrics, you might determine that the graph is not ideal as shown. You can modify
the graph by merging processes to perform what-if type design exploration. When the graph
is modified, new performance metrics will be determined from the new architecture. Iterations
of this design process could result in a blueprint for an ideally architected solution which you
can use as the basis for refactoring your source code.

IMPORTANT! The code can be merged and split in the Code Analyzer report, but any changes you
want to carry forward will need to be manually reimplemented in the original design source code.

Using the Code Analyzer Report

After running the C Simulation command with Code Analyzer enabled, the Code Analyzer report
is generated and available to view in the Vitis unified IDE either in the Analysis view, or under
the Reports header in the Flow Navigator. The Code Analyzer report initially displays the graph
of the processes and channels defined by the top-level function of the component, as shown in
the example below. You can change the scope of the report by using the Function selector in the
toolbar menu, or by clicking the right arrow in an expanded process in the graph.

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Figure 101: Code Analyzer Report

Features of the Code Analyzer report include the following:

• Graph: The Graph view in the report shows the processes and channels of the design in a
dataflow graph. This infers the presence of the DATAFLOW pragma or directive, even if it
does not yet exist in the source code. Each process shows the Transaction Interval and
Performance Guidance for the element, and includes the source code for that element which
can be viewed by expanding the Code view. In the example below you can see the
performance as estimated during the pre-synthesis analysis. The dataflow processes (the
graph nodes) have their TI displayed in the yellow/red boxes on the top right. The function
calls and loops in the code that form the dataflow processes also have some performance
metrics shown right after the call or loop header and they could have a Details link with
additional guidance which identifies blocking factors for the performance of this loop or
function call.

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In addition, you can right-click in the process header and select the Goto Source command to
open and highlight the source code in its source file.

• Table: Beneath the graph the Code Analyzer report displays a table with two tabs: Processes
and Channels. It provides a quick summary of the different elements so you can review the
analysis in one table.

• Processes displays the processes of the graph, and also includes the estimated pre-
synthesis Transaction Interval (TI), and provides any design Guidance that the analysis
might generate.
• Channels displays the dataflow channels going into and out of each Process in a separate
row. Channels are named after the variable defining them, with details of the variable
declaration such as bitwidth, the data volume expected to be delivered over the channel,
expected throughput, the access mode, and the Producer and Consumer tasks or

• Toolbar: The toolbar menu of the Code Analyzer report provides a number of commands to
help configure and view the reports.

The preceding figure displays the following commands starting from the left:

• Zoom In/Zoom Out/Zoom Fit: Zoom into the graph diagram as needed.
• Toggle Table: Displays or hides the table of Processes and Channels. This can free up space
for the graph if needed.
• Collapse All: Closes any expanded processes in the graph.
• Group All/Ungroup All: Groups or ungroups channels with the same source and
• Function: Provides the context for the current graph. The context can be changed by
selecting a new function from the list, or by clicking on the arrows next to loops and
function calls in the code of processes.

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• Heat Map: Specifies the reported data for the graph as either the Transaction Interval (TI)
for loops or processes, or Performance Guidance messages. In the case of TI the largest
result is highlighted in red to indicate that these are the slowest processes, those limiting
the performance of the overall dataflow region.
• Properties: Shows or hides the panel displaying the performance bottlenecks. The panel
content is set by clicking on a Details link in the code of a process.
• Info: Provides information related to the use of the tool, returned metrics, or common
caveats of design. Worth looking through from time to time.
• Settings: Specify the throughput units and edge labels in the graph. The available units are
(Bits or Bytes) per (Cycle or Second). You can also specify a lower-limit of data volume by
setting the Channel Volume Filter to grey out lower data signals (control signals for
instance) and let you focus on the high-data channels.

• Overview: The Overview is a miniature representation of the whole graph that provides a
reference to the portion of the graph that is displayed when zoomed into the graph. You can
use the Overview to manage the view of the graph by manipulating the boundary. You can
also close the Overview to free up space on the graph if desired.

Working with the Graph

When starting the design you need to understand the HLS component source code in depth,
identifying the main processes and the dependencies between these processes. Code Analyzer
supports this by showing the your code as a dataflow graph as an output of C simulation.

The Code Analyzer report displays the Transaction Interval (TI) for each process, and displays the
highest TI using a red background in the heat map. The red indicates the problem areas of your
design. However, the pre-synthesis estimates used in the graph do not offer the same fidelity as
the post-synthesis or post-implementation metrics. Code Analyzer lets you quickly determine
performance potential, identify issues, and resolve them. Synthesis and implementation should
be used when more precise information is needed.

You can merge consecutive processes in the source code to explore different dataflow structures
of your design, and then split the code back into separate processes as needed. Simply drag and
drop one process onto the second process to merge them. Remember, the processes must be
sequential in the original source code. The following figure shows two processes that were
merged, and now can be split apart again by clicking on the SPLIT line in the code.

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If you identify a large bottleneck in the current design, and would like to turn it in a dataflow
region, you can refocus the graph to the function or loop body and continue your analysis of the
design. Work to resolve the issues in a methodical manner to make the best use of the Code

Ultimately the code must be rewritten in a dataflow form to reflect the results of Code Analyzer.
Typically you need to outline the processes in their own functions and add a dataflow pragma in
the function, loop, or region. This process can be accelerated by clicking on Goto Source on
every process in the graph, right-click on the selected source code, and select Refactor.

Use Cases

• Legality:

Code Analyzer allows for legality issues, as described in Canonical Forms and Canonical Body,
to be identified on dataflow designs before synthesis is attempted. The key issues that can be
identified are:

• Read and written interfaces can be found through "R+W" accesses on the channels
originated in the Start node or destined to the End node.
• Multiple producers/consumer violations can be identified from the table, sorting by
channel name and identifying multiple channels with the same variable. Accesses to the
Start and End nodes can generally be dismissed.
• Feedback loops can be found in the table with channel accesses of the mode "R → W" or,
potentially, "R+W → W." This analysis can be complemented by the type of the channel to
distinguish legal from illegal feedback channels.

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• Non-outlined processes can be identified from the process codes: users should aim at
having a single function call per process in their top-level dataflow region and, as much as
possible, have this call use variables or constants as arguments.

These issues can be fixed directly in the code and a new run of C Simulation will then refresh
the graph with updated metrics and structure.

• Improve Performance:

One of they key component to the performance of a dataflow region is the TI of the processes
that constitute the region. Code analyzer can be used to efficiently improve the performance
of dataflow processes without HLS synthesis.

Select Performance Guidance in the Heat Map selector of the toolbar menu, and you can
identify processes with a performance issue using the issues badge present on graph nodes.
Expanding the process code presents the details of the particular problems identified in
processes. You can investigate these issues and decide to address them or not depending on
the feasibility, location of these problems, and ultimate performance objective. For instance, if
you want II=1 in the inner loop of some specific processes, you will need to rewrite your code
to fix all the problems presented on that particular loop nest.

In a related use case, you might want to understand how the TI was computed for particular
process, be it for educational or verification purposes. The TI and II annotation next to
function calls and loops can be explored inlined with the process source code for this purpose.

• Throughput Analysis:

Code Analyzer presents estimates of throughput on channels. To complement the analysis and
better understand the design performance, you can also access the channel width and its
volume (total number of accesses per execution of the region). However you should validate
the throughput estimates by synthesizing the design when possible. Code analyzer relies on
pre-synthesis estimates that have a lower fidelity than other post-synthesis and post-
implementation metrics.

Debugging the HLS Component

Debugging an HLS component is only possible after, or as part of C simulation. The following
figure shows the Debug view for an HLS component. You can view the values of variables and
expressions directly in the Debug view. In the Variables view, you can edit the values of variables
to force the variable to a specific state for instance. In the Watch view, you can monitor the value
of expressions. Use the '+' command in the Watch view to add an expression to watch. Refer to
Debug View as described in the Vitis Application Acceleration User Guide (UG1393) for additional
details on the available features and views.

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Figure 102: Debug view - HLS Component

The Debug view acts like most classic C/C++ software debug tools. It includes the ability to
insert breakpoints in the code, or to step over or into specific sections of the code. There are
many different windows or widgets to manage the debug process. The following is a list of most
with a brief descriptrion of how you might use them while debugging the HLS component.

• Control Panel:

The Debug view Control Panel is displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen as shown in
the image below. During debugging, you can use the control buttons such as Continue, Step
Over, Step Into, Step Out, Restart, and Stop to control the debugging process.

Figure 103: Debug Control Panel

• Threads: Threads shows the related debugging threads. Threads are created and destroyed
during the debugging process. You can switch between multiple threads.

• Call Stack: Call Stack shows the function call stack being updated as the application is run.

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• Variables: You can view the values of variables and expressions directly in the Debug view
using the Variables window which shows the current value of global and local variables. When
switching threads, the variable information is updated. You can force variables to specific
values by selecting a variable and selecting the Set Value command from the right-click menu.

• Watch: Shows variables and expressions you have specified to watch. Add watch points by
selecting Add Expression (+).

• Breakpoints:

Vitis unified IDE sets break points at the main function of the test bench. To add breakpoints,
you can open the source file and click the left side of the line number when a red dot appears.
You can remove breakpoints by clicking on a previously added breakpoint.

You can add conditional breakpoints by right-clicking when the red dot appears and select
Add Conditional Breakpoint. You can also right-click and select Add Logpoint to insert a
message to be logged when the breakpoint is reached.

• Source Code Editor: The Source Code view is opened when Debug is launched from the Flow
Navigator or Launch Configuration view.

• Debug Console: Displays the transcript of the debug process, and any messages received from
the tested application.

Running C Synthesis
Make sure the HLS component is active in the Flow Navigator, or select it from the Component
menu to make it the active component in the tool. When the HLS component is the active
component, the Flow Navigator enables running C Simulation, C Synthesis, C/RTL Co-simulation,
Packaging, and Implementation to build and analyze the HLS component. To synthesize the HLS
component select Run beneath the C SYNTHESIS heading in the Flow Navigator. Running C
synthesis on the HLS component generates the RTL from the C/C++ source code.

TIP: Running synthesis in the Vitis unified IDE uses the v++ -c --mode hls command as described in
HLS Config File Commands.

Specifying the Flow Target and General Settings

The HLS component can be used to create synthesis results for the Vivado IP flow, or the Vitis
kernel flow as described in Target Flow Overview. The flow target determines the default
interface ports applied to the IP or kernel as described in Defining Interfaces, and other details of
the synthesized design.

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Figure 104: HLS Component General Settings

In the preceding figure the flow_target is currently set for the Vitis Kernel flow. The default flow
target is the Vivado IP flow. This target is generally set when the HLS component is created, but
can be modified as needed.

The part or platform can also be specified under the General settings. These options determine
the physical device that the C/C++ code will be synthesized for. The selected device can feature
hardware resources that expand or restrict the implementation choices of the RTL synthesis.

Finally, the clock period and clock_uncertainty can be specified to define the timing details of the
RTL design. These can affect the timing and scheduling of operations in the design as explained
in Specifying the Clock Frequency.

These selections result in the following config file entries:



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Loading Source Files and Identifying the Top Function

Generally the source code for the HLS component is defined or loaded at the time of creation.
However, you can bypass that step when creating the component, and then you will need to add
the source files prior to synthesizing the design. To add source files to an existing HLS
component open the component config file and navigate to the C Synthesis sources section as
shown below. This section of the Config Editor lets you add one or more source files, and specify
the top function.

Figure 105: HLS Component Synthesis Sources

The C Synthesis sources displays currently added source files, and lets you edit, or delete current
source files, add new source files, and add or modify CFLAGS and CSIMFLAGS.

• Add item: Select this command to add new source files to the HLS component. This opens a
File Browser, and lets you navigate to and select source files to add.
• Add CFLAGS or CSIMFLAGS: You can add compilation flags for synthesis (CFLAGS) and for
simulation (CSIMFLAGS) to be applied to all source files, or to be added to specific source
files. As shown in the preceding figure, simply add the flags to the appropriate text entry box
for Flags common to all files. To add flags for specific source files, select the source file and
select Edit item to add the flags, or modify the file name and path.
• top: Lets you specify the function to use as the top-level RTL module for synthesis. The top-
level module determines the RTL ports that will be added, and which sub-functions to include
in the HLS component. This opens the Select Top Function dialog box that displays a list of
functions defined in the source files for you to choose the top function.

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These selections result in the following config file entries:

syn.cflags=<cflag for all files>
syn.csimflags=<csimflag for all files>
syn.top=<top function name>

Configuring Default Settings

For the HLS component, the Vitis unified IDE offers a variety of commands that can be used to
configure the default settings of the tool for synthesis and simulation. These configuration
commands are presented in Config Editor under the heading of C Synthesis as shown in the
figure below. Generally these options are documented as presented in the figure, such as
Compile Options, Interface Configuration, and RTL Configuration.

Figure 106: HLS Component Default Settings

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Assigning Design Directives

Figure 107: HLS Component Directives

Design directives let you to customize the synthesis results for the source code. Change the
directives across multiple synthesis runs to change the results or optimize your design. They can
be added as HLS Pragmas directly to the source code, or as HLS Optimization Directives to the
configuration file for use in an HLS component. In the Config File editor you will see the various
directives listed, and you can select Add Item to open the Directive editor as described in Adding
Pragmas and Directives.

Some example design directive entries in the config file:

syn.directive.array_partition=dct buf_2d_in type=block factor=4
syn.directive.pipeline=dct2d II=4

Run Synthesis

With the key elements of the HLS component defined in the config file you are ready to run
Synthesis. Select Run from the Flow Navigator to begin Synthesis. You can track the progress of
the synthesis run in the Output window. The transcript for the synthesis run will have the top
function name as <component-name>::synthesis. During the synthesis process messages
are transcripted to the console window, and to the vitis_hls.log file.

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Figure 108: HLS Component Running Synthesis

After synthesis is complete, you should see the Synthesis finished successfully message at the
end of the transcript. You will also see the Reports folder under the Run command populated as
shown in the preceding figure. The reports available after synthesis are as follows:

• Summary: reports the command line used and the time stamp on the results.
• Synthesis: reports the synthesis results with information on quality of results, HW interfaces,
burst transactions and more. Refer to Synthesis Summary for more information.
• Function Call Graph: Displays the HLS component after C Synthesis or C/RTL Co-simulation
to show the throughput of the design in terms of latency and II as described in Function Call
• Schedule Viewer: Shows each operation and control step of the function, and the clock cycle
that it executes in, as described inSchedule Viewer .
• Dataflow Viewer: Only available when the DATAFLOW pragma or directive is used in the
design. This report shows the dataflow structure inferred by the tool as described inDataflow
• Kernel Guidance: reports Guidance messages to provide design advice for the source code and
synthesis results.

Improving Synthesis Runtime and Capacity

The HLS compiler schedules objects. Whether the object is a floating-point multiply operation or
a single register, it is still an object to be scheduled. The floating-point multiply can take multiple
cycles to complete, and use many resources to implement, but at the level of scheduling it is still
one object.

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The HLS compiler schedules operations hierarchically. The operations within a loop are
scheduled, then the loop, the sub-functions and operations within a function are scheduled.
Runtime for the compiler increases when:

• There are more objects to schedule.

• There is more freedom and more possibilities to explore.

Unrolling loops and partitioning arrays creates more objects to schedule and potentially increases
the runtime. Inlining functions creates more objects to schedule at this level of hierarchy and also
increases runtime. Be very careful about simply partitioning all arrays, unrolling all loops and
inlining all functions. These optimizations can be required to meet performance targets, but you
can expect synthesis runtime increase. Use the optimization strategies discussed in Section II:
HLS Programmers Guide and judiciously apply these optimizations.

If the loops must be unrolled, or if the use of the PIPELINE directive in the hierarchy above has
automatically unrolled the loops, consider capturing the loop body as a separate function. This
will capture all the logic into one function instead of creating multiple copies of the logic when
the loop is unrolled: one set of objects in a defined hierarchy will be scheduled faster. Remember
to pipeline this function if the unrolled loop is used in pipelined region.

The degrees of freedom in the code can also impact runtime. Consider the HLS compiler to be an
expert designer who by default is given the task of finding the design with the highest
throughput, lowest latency and minimum area. The more constrained the tool is, the fewer
options it has to explore and the faster it will run. Consider using latency constraints over scopes
within the code: loops, functions or regions. Setting a LATENCY directive with the same
minimum and maximum values reduces the possible optimization searches within that scope.

Output of C Synthesis
In the Vitis unified IDE the hierarchy of the HLS component is structured as follows:
<workspace>/<component>/<component>/hls/. You can select the HLS component in
the Vitis Component Explorer and select Open In Terminal from the right-click menu to explore
the contents of the component folders.

When synthesis completes, the syn folder is created inside the <component>/hls folder. This
folder contains the following elements:

• The verilog and vhdl folders contain the output RTL files.
○ The top-level file has the same name as the top-level function for synthesis.

○ There is one RTL file created for each sub-function that has not been inlined into a higher
level function.
○ There could be additional RTL files to implement sub-blocks of the RTL hierarchy, such as
block RAM, and pipelined multipliers.

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• The report folder contains a report file for the top-level function and one for every sub-
function that has not been in-lined into a higher level function by the HLS compiler. The
report for the top-level function provides details on the entire design.

IMPORTANT! Do not directly use the RTL files generated in the syn/verilog or syn/vhdl folder for
synthesis in the Vivado tool. Instead you must use the exported output files generated by the package
process as described in Packaging the RTL Design. The HLS compiler sometimes uses IP from the Vivado IP
catalog in the synthesized RTL code, such as with floating point designs, and the verilog and vhdl
folders will not contain the complete design.

Synthesis Summary
When synthesis completes, Vitis HLS generates a Synthesis Summary report for the top-level
function that opens automatically in the information pane.

The specific sections of the Synthesis Summary are detailed below.

General Information

Provides information on when the report was generated, the version of the software used, the
project name, the solution name and target flow, and the technology details.

Figure 109: Synthesis Summary Report

Timing Estimate

Displays a quick estimate of the timing specified by the solution, as explained in Specifying the
Clock Frequency. This includes the Target clock period specified, and the period of Uncertainty.
The clock period minus the uncertainty results in the Estimated clock period.

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TIP: These values are only estimates of the HLS tool. More accurate timing estimates can be provided by
Vivado synthesis and implementation as explained in Running Implementation.

Performance & Resource Estimates

The Performance Estimate columns report the timing slack, latency, and initiation interval for the
top-level function and any sub-blocks instantiated in the top-level. Each sub-function called at
this level in the C/C++ source is an instance in the generated RTL block, unless the sub-function
was in-lined into the top-level function using the INLINE pragma or directive, or automatically in-

The Slack column displays any timing issues in the implementation.

The two Latency columns display the number of cycles it takes to produce the output, and
display latency in time (ns).

The Iteration Latency is the latency of a single iteration for a loop.

The Initiation Interval is the number of clock cycles before new inputs can be applied. In the
absence of any PIPELINE directives, the latency is one cycle less than the initiation interval (the
next input is read after the final output is written).

TIP: When latency is displayed as a "?" it means that the tool cannot determine the number of loop
iterations. If the latency or throughput of the design is dependent on a loop with a variable index, the HLS
compiler reports the latency of the loop as being unknown. In this case, use the LOOP_TRIPCOUNT
pragma or directive to manually specify the number of loop iterations. The LOOP_TRIPCOUNT value is
only used to ensure the generated reports show meaningful ranges for latency and interval and does not
impact the results of synthesis.

The Trip Count column displays the number of iterations a specific loop makes in the
implemented hardware. This reflects any unrolling of the loop in hardware.

The resource estimate columns of the report indicates the estimated resources needed to
implement the software function in the RTL code. Estimates of the BRAM, DSP, FFs, and LUTs
are provided.

HW Interfaces

The HW Interfaces section of the synthesis report provides tables for the different hardware
interfaces generated during synthesis. The type of hardware interfaces generated by the tool
depends on the flow target specified by the solution, as well as any INTERFACE pragmas or
directives applied to the code. In the following image, the solution targets the Vitis Kernel flow,
and therefore generates AXI interfaces as required.

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Figure 110: HW Interfaces

The following should be observed when reviewing these tables:

• Separate tables are provided for the different interfaces.

• Columns are provided to display different properties of the interface. For the M_AXI interface,
these include the Data Width and Max Widen Bitwidth columns which indicate whether
Automatic Port Width Resizing has occurred, and to what extent. In the example above, you
can see that the port was widened to 512 bits from the 16 bits specified in the software.
• The Latency column displays the latency of the interface:
○ In an ap_memory interface, the column displays the read latency of the RAM resource
driving the interface.
○ For an m_axi interface, the column displays the expected latency of the AXI4 interface,
allowing the design to initiate a bus request a number of cycles (latency) before the read or
write is expected.
• The Bundle column displays any specified bundle names from the INTERFACE pragma or
• Additional columns display burst and read and write properties of the M_AXI interface as
described in the INTERFACE pragma or directive.
• The Bit Fields column displays the bits used by an the registers in an s_axilite interface.

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SW I/O Information

Highlights how the function arguments from the C/C++ source is associated with the port names
in the generated RTL code. Additional details of the software and hardware ports are provided as
shown below. Notice that the SW argument is expanded into multiple HW interfaces. For
example, the input argument is related to three HW interfaces, the m_axi for data, and the
s_axi_lite for required control signals.

Figure 111: SW I/O Information

M_AXI Burst Information

In the M_AXI Burst Information section the Burst Summary table reports the successful burst
transfers, with a link to the associated source code. The reported burst length refers to either
max_read_burst_length or max_write_burst_length and represents the number of
data values read/written during a burst transfer. For example, in a case where the input type is
integer (32 bits), and HLS auto-widens the interface to 512 bits, each burst transfers 1024
integers. Because the widened interface can carry 16 integers at a time, the result is 64 beat
bursts. The Burst Missed table reports why a particular burst transfer was missed with a link to
Guidance messages related to the burst failures to help with resolution.

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Figure 112: M_AXI Burst Information

Pragma Report

Displays the pragmas in the design: valid, ignored, inferred. This report is intended to summarize
issues that can otherwise be found in the log files. It lets you quickly identify issues with the
pragmas used in your design, to see which ones might not have been used as expected. Valid
pragmas are separately reported so you can see all pragmas in use in the design.

TIP: A link is provided to the location of the pragma in the source code. Click the link to view the source

Figure 113: Pragma Report

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Bind Op and Bind Storage Reports

The Bind Op and Bind Storage reports are added to the Synthesis Summary report. Both reports
can help you understand choices made by the HLS compiler when it maps operations to
resources. The tool will map operations to the right resources with the right latency. You can
influence this process by using the BIND_OP pragma or directive, and requesting a particular
resource mapping and latency. The Bind Op report will show which of the mappings were
automatically done versus those enforced by the use of a pragma. Similarly, the Bind Storage
report shows the mappings of arrays to memory resources on the platform like BRAM/LUTRAM/

The Bind Op report displays the implementation details of the kernel or IP. The hierarchy of the
top-level function is displayed and variables are listed with any HLS pragmas or directives
applied, the operation defined, the implementation used by the HLS tool, and any applied

This report is useful for examining the programmable logic implementation details specified by
the RTL design.

Figure 114: Synthesis Summary

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As shown above, the Bind Op report highlights certain important characteristics in your design.
Currently, it calls out the number of DSPs used in the design and shows in a hierarchy where
these DSPs are used in the design. The table also highlights whether the particular resource
allocation was done because of a user-specified pragma and if so, a "yes" entry will be present in
the Pragma column. If no entry exists in the Pragma column, it means that the resource was auto
inferred by the tool. The table also shows the RTL names of the resources allocated for each
module in the user's design and you can hierarchy descend down the hierarchy to see the various

It does not show all the inferred resources but instead shows resources of interest such as
arithmetic, floating-point, and DSPs. The particular implementation choice of fabric
(implemented using LUTs) or DSP is also shown. Finally, the latency of the resource is also shown.
This is helpful in understand and increasing the latency of resources if needed to add pipeline
stages to the design. This is extremely useful when attempting to break a long combinational
path when trying to solve timing issues during implementation.

Each resource allocation is correlated to the source code line where the corresponding op was
inferred from and the user can right-click on the resource and select the "Goto Source" option to
see this correlation. Finally, the second table below the Bind Op report illustrates any global
config settings that can also alter the resource allocation algorithm used by the tool. In the above
example, the implementation choice for a dadd (double precision floating point addition)
operation has been fixed to a fulldsp implementation. Similarly, the latency of a ddiv
operation has been fixed to 2.

Similar to the BIND_OP pragma, the BIND_STORAGE pragma can be used to select a particular
memory type (such as single port or dual port) and/or a particular memory implementation (such
as BRAM/LUTRAM/URAM/SRL, etc.) and a latency value. The Bind Storage report highlights the
storage mappings used in the design. Currently, it calls out the number of BRAMs and URAMs
used in the design. The table also highlights whether the particular storage resource allocation
was done because of a user-specified pragma and if so, a "yes" entry will be present in the
Pragma column. If no entry exists in the Pragma column, then this means that the storage
resource was auto inferred by the tool. The particular storage type, as well as the implementation
choice, are also shown along with the variable name and latency.

Using this information, you can review the storage resource allocation in the design and make
design choices by altering the eventual storage implementation depending upon availability.
Finally, a second table in the Bind Storage report will be shown if there are any global settings as
described in Storage Configurationthat can also alter the storage resource allocation algorithm
used by the tool.

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Function Call Graph

The Function Call Graph illustrates your full design after C Synthesis or C/RTL Co-simulation. The
report shows the throughput of the design in terms of latency and II. It helps identify the critical
path in your design and helps you identify bottlenecks in the design to improve throughput. It
can also show the paths through the design where throughput might be imbalanced leading to
FIFO stalls and/or deadlock.

Figure 115: Performance Metrics Synthesis

In some cases, the displayed hierarchy of the design might not be the same as your source code
as a result of HLS optimizations that convert loops into function pipelines, etc. Functions that are
in-lined will no longer be visible in the call graph, as they are no longer separate functions in the
synthesized code. If multiple instances of a function are created, each unique instance of the
function is shown in the call graph. This lets you see what functions contribute to a calling
function's latency and II.

The graph as shown above displays functions as rectangular boxes, and loops as oval boxes. The
graph displays hierarchy and nested functions or loops. A table under the graph displays each
function or loop with II, latency, and resource or timing data depending on the specific view.

The Function Call Graph report is available under both C SYNTHESIS and C/RTL
COSIMULATION headings in the Flow Navigator. The performance and resource metrics that are
shown in the graph from the C SYNTHESIS phase are estimates from the HLS tool. The Function
Call Graph report available after C/RTL COSIMULATION is more detailed, providing actual II and
latency numbers reported along with stalling percentages.

TIP: For more accurate resource and timing estimates, logic synthesis or implementation can be performed
as part of Running Implementation.

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You can also use the Heat Map feature to highlight several metrics of interest:

• II (min, max, avg)

• Latency (min, max, avg)
• Resource Utilization
• Stalling Time Percentage

Figure 116: Performance Metrics

The heat map uses color coding to highlight problematic modules. Using a color scale of red to
green where red indicates the high value of the metric (highest II or highest latency) while green
indicates a low value of the metric in question. The colors that are neither red nor green
represent the range of values that are in between the highest and lowest values. As shown
above, this helps in quickly identifying the modules that need attention. In the example shown
above, a heat map for LATENCY is shown and the red module indicates where high latency is

As mentioned before, the Function Call Graph illustrates at a high level, the throughput numbers
of your design. The user can view the Function Call Graph as a cockpit from which further
investigations can be carried out. Right-click on any of the displayed modules to display a menu
of options that you can use to display additional information. This lets you see the overall design
and then jump into specific parts of the design which need extra attention. Additional reports
include the Schedule Viewer, Synthesis Summary report, Dataflow Viewer, and source files. The
Function Call Graph lets you see the full picture of your design and have the latency and II
information of each module available for analysis.

TIP: On the right hand side of the report there is a Settings command and a Legend command to let you
display additional details of the report.

Schedule Viewer
The Schedule Viewer provides a detailed view of the synthesized RTL, showing each operation
and control step of the function, and the clock cycle that it executes in. It helps you to identify
any loop dependencies that are preventing parallelism, timing violations, and data dependencies.

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Figure 117: Schedule Viewer

• The left vertical axis shows the names of operations and loops that will get implemented as
logic in the RTL hierarchy. Operations are in topological order indicating that an operation on
one line can only be driven by operations from a previous line, and will only drive an operation
in a later line. Depending upon the type of violations found the Schedule Viewer shows
additional information for each operation

TIP: Each operation is associated with lines of source code. Right-click the operation to use the Goto
Source command to open the input source code associated with the operation.

• The top horizontal axis shows the clock cycles in consecutive order.
• The vertical dashed line in each clock cycle shows the reserved portion of the clock period
due to clock uncertainty. This time is left by the tool for the Vivado back-end processes, like
place and route.
• Each operation is shown as a gray box in the table. The box is horizontally sized according to
the delay of the operation as percentage of the total clock cycle. In case of function calls, the
provided cycle information is equivalent to the operation latency. Multi-cycle operations are
shown as gray boxes with a horizontal line through the center of the box.
• The Schedule Viewer also displays general operator data dependencies as solid blue lines. As
shown in the preceding figure, when selecting an operation you can see solid blue arrows
highlighting the specific operator dependencies. This gives you the ability to perform detailed
analysis of data dependencies. A green dotted line indicates an inter-iteration data
dependency. Memory dependencies are displayed using golden lines.

TIP: By default all dependencies (blue lines) are shown between each operation in the critical timing

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• On the far right the HLS Module Hierachy is displayed alongside the Schedule Viewer to let
you quickly navigate through the hierarchy of the design.

In the following figure the loop called COL_DCT_LOOP_DCT_OUTER_LOOP is selected. This is a

pipelined loop and the initiation interval (II) is explicitly stated in the loop bar. Any pipelined loop
is visualized unfolded, meaning one full iteration is shown in the schedule viewer. Overlap, as
defined by II, is marked by a thick clock boundary on the loop marker. The total latency of a
single iteration is equivalent to the number of cycles covered by the loop marker. In this case, it is
six clock cycles.

Figure 118: Pipelined Loop

The Schedule Viewer displays a menu bar at the top of the report that includes the following

• Zoom In/Zoom Out/Zoom Fit commands

• A text field to enter search terms for specific operations or steps, and arrow commands
(Previous Match or Next Match) to scroll up or down through the list of objects that match
your search text
• Legend command for the display.

Figure 119: Timing Violations

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You can quickly locate timing violations and II violations using the toolbar menu in the in the
Module Hierarchy view as shown in the preceding figure. To locate the operations causing the
violation in the source code, right-click the operation and use the Goto Source command. A
timing violation is a path of operations requiring more time than the available clock cycle. To
visualize this, the problematic operation is represented in the Schedule Viewer in a red box.

Properties View

At the bottom of the Schedule Viewer, as shown in the top figure, is the Properties view that
displays the properties of a currently selected object in the Schedule Viewer. This lets you see
details of the specific function, loop, or operation that is selected in the Schedule Viewer. The
types of elements that can be selected, and the properties displayed include:

• Functions or Loops
• Initiation Interval (II): The number of clock cycles before the function or loop can accept
new input data.
• Loop Iteration Latency: The number of clock cycles it takes to complete one iteration of
the loop.
• Latency: The number of clock cycles (and time) required for the function to compute all
output values, or for the loop to complete all iterations.
• Name: Name of function or loop.
• Pipelined: Indicates that the function or loop are pipelined in the RTL design.
• Slack: The timing slack for the function or loop.
• Tripcount: The number of iterations a loop completes.
• Resource Utilization: Displays the number of BRAM, DSP, LUT, or FF used to implement
the function or loop.
• Operation and Storage Mapping
• Bitwidth: Bitwidth of the Operation.
• Impl: Defines the implementation used for the specified operation or storage.
• Name: Name of operation.
• Op Latency: Displays the default or specified latency for the binding of the operation or
• Opcode: Operation which has been scheduled, for example, add, sub, and mult. For more
information, refer to the BIND_OP or BIND_STORAGE pragmas or directives.
• Schedule Delay: Specifies the delay associated with the operation.

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Dataflow Viewer
The DATAFLOW optimization is a dynamic optimization which can only be fully understood after
RTL Co-simulation is complete. Due to this fact, after C synthesis the Dataflow viewer lets you
see the dataflow structure inferred by the tool, inspect the channels (FIFO/PIPO), and examine
the effect of channel depth on performance. Performance data is back-annotated to the
Dataflow viewer after co-simulation.

IMPORTANT! You can open the Dataflow viewer without running RTL co-simulation, but your view will
not contain important performance information such as read/write block times, co-sim depth, and stall

You must apply the DATAFLOW pragma or directive to your design for the Dataflow Viewer
report to be generated. You can apply dataflow to the top-level function, or specify regions of a
function, or loops. The Dataflow viewer displays a representation of the dataflow graph
structure, showing the different processes and the underlying producer-consumer connections.
The Synthesis Summary, the Module Hierarchy, and the Function Call Graph will display the
icon beside the top-level function to indicate the presence of the DATAFLOW pragma.

TIP: The diagram below is generated from the default m_axi interface of the Vitis Kernel flow as
described in Target Flow Overview. The use of the Vivado IP flow can result in a different dataflow

Figure 120: Dataflow Viewer

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Features of the Dataflow viewer include the following:

• Source Code browser

• Automatic cross-probing from process/channel to source code.
• Filtering of ports and channel types.
• Process and Channel table details the characteristics of the design:
○ Channel Profiling (FIFO sizes etc), enabled from the C/RTL Cosimulation settings in the
Config File Editor.

IMPORTANT! You must use cosim.enable_dataflow_profiling=true in the HLS

config file to capture data for the Dataflow viewer, and your test bench must run at least two
iterations of the top-level function.

○ Process Read Blocking/Write Blocking/Stalling Time reported after RTL co-simulation.

○ Process Latency and II displayed.

○ Channel type and widths are displayed in the Channel table.

○ Automatic cross-probing from Process and Channel table to the Graph and Source browser.

○ Hover over channel or process to display tooltips with design information.

The Dataflow viewer can help with performance debugging your designs. When your design
deadlocks during RTL co-simulation, the GUI will open the Dataflow viewer and highlight the
channels and processes involved in the deadlock so you can determine if the cause is insufficient
FIFO depth, for instance.

When your design does not perform as expected, the Process and Channels table can help you
understand why. A process can stall waiting to read input, or can stall because it cannot write
output. The channel table provides you with stalling percentages, as well as identifying if the
process is "read blocked" or "write blocked."

The Dataflow Viewer displays a menu bar at the top of the report that includes the following

• Zoom In/Zoom Out/Zoom Fit commands

• Toggle Table command to show or hide the table beneath the graph
• Group All/Ungroup All groups associated channels together to simpligy the diagram
• Legend command for the display.

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Running C/RTL Co-Simulation

Make sure the HLS component is active in the Flow Navigator, or select it from the Component
menu to make it the active component in the tool. When the HLS component is the active
component, the Flow Navigator enables running C Simulation, C Synthesis, C/RTL Co-simulation,
Packaging, and Implementation to build and analyze the HLS component. For C/RTL Co-
simulation of the HLS component select Run beneath the C/RTL COSIMULATION heading in the
Flow Navigator.

Running Co-simulation on the HLS component requires a test bench, or test bench files, which
must be loaded as described in Running C Simulation. Prior to running co-simulation you must
also configure the HLS component to support C/RTL co-simulation. Configure the design using
the following steps.

IMPORTANT! Random input test vectors in the C/C++ test bench (for example:
std::random_device) are not supported for co-simulation. It is recommended that random values be
generated once and saved to a file which the C/C++ test bench can then use during co-simulation.

Configure the Simulator

You can configure the simulator prior to running simulation using the C/RTL Co-Simulation
section of the Config Editor, as shown below.

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Figure 121: HLS Component RTL Co-Simulation Settings

These configuration commands let you specify how the simulation should run. These
configuration commands are all documented in Co-Simulation Configuration. Refer to that
content for more detailed information. Some of the settings for C/RTL Co-Simulation include the

• trace_level: Specifies the level of trace file output written to the sim/Verilog or sim/VHDL
directory of the current solution when the simulation executes. Options include:

• all: Output all port and signal waveform data being saved to the trace file.

• port: Output waveform trace data for the top-level ports only.

• port_hier: Output waveform trace data for the complete port hierarchy.

• none: Do not output trace data.

• random_stall: Applies a randomized stall for each data transmission.

• wave_debug: Enables waveform visualization of all processes in the RTL simulation. This
option is only supported when using Vivado logic simulator. Enabling this will launch the
Simulator GUI to let you examine dataflow activity in the waveforms generated by simulation.
Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900) for more information on
that tool.

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• disable_deadlock_detection: Disables deadlock detection, and opening the Cosim Deadlock

Detection in co-simulation.

• enable_dataflow_profiling: Enables capturing profile data for display in the Dataflow Viewer.

• Dynamic Deadlock Prevention: Prevent deadlocks by enabling automatic FIFO channel size
tuning for dataflow profiling during co-simulation.

Run C/RTL Co-Simulation

With the C/RTL Co-simulation setup defined in the config file you are ready to select Run from
the Flow Navigator to begin simulation. You can track the progress of simulation in the Output
window. The transcript for the synthesis run will have the top function name as <component-
name>::co_simulation as shown below.

TIP: The simulation run in the Vitis unified IDE uses the vitis-run --mode hls --cosim
command as described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands.

Figure 122: HLS Component Running C/RTL Co-Simulation

After the simulation is complete you should see the Co_simulation finished successfully message
at the end of the transcript. You will also see the Reports folder under the Run command
populated as shown in the preceding figure. The reports available after co-simulation include:

• Summary: reports the command line used and the time stamp on the results.
• Cosimulation: displays general information about the design, displays specific options used
during Co-simulation, and displays performance and resource estimates for the design
hierarchy. If enable_dataflow_profiling is enabled, performance data will be back
annotated to the Dataflow Viewer report as described in Dataflow Viewer.

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IMPORTANT! If you want to calculate II, you must ensure there are at least two transactions in the
RTL simulation as described in Writing a Test Bench.

• Timeline Trace: As described in Timeline Trace Viewer.

• Wave Viewer: As described in Viewing Simulation Waveforms.
• Function Call Graph: Displays the post Co-simulation call graph as described in Function Call

Output of C/RTL Co-Simulation

In the Vitis unified IDE the hierarchy of the HLS component is structured as follows:
<workspace>/<component>/<component>/hls/. You can select the HLS component in
the Vitis Component Explorer and select Open In Terminal from the right-click menu to explore
the contents of the component folders.

When C/RTL Cosimulation completes, the sim folder is created inside the solution folder. This
folder contains the following elements:

• A verification folder named sim/verilog or vhdl is created for each RTL language that is
○ The RTL files used for simulation are stored in the verilog or vhdl folder.

○ The RTL simulation is executed in the verification folder.

○ Any outputs, such as trace files and waveform files, are written to the verilog or vhdl
• The sim/report folder contains the report and log file for each type of RTL simulated.
• Additional folders sim/autowrap, tv, wrap and wrap_pc are work folders used by the HLS
compiler. There are no user files in these folders.

TIP: If the cosim.setup option was selected in the config file, an executable is created in the sim/
<hdl> folder but the simulation is not run. The simulation can be manually run by executing the
simulation .sh or .exe in a Terminal.

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Automatically Verifying the RTL

Figure 123: C/RTL Verification Flow

WrapC Simulation RTL Simulation Post-Checking

Test Bench AutoTB Test Bench
TV In .dat TV Out .dat

Result Result
Checking Checking

DUT RTL Module


C/RTL co-simulation uses a C test bench, running the main() function, to automatically verify
the RTL design running in behavioral simulation. The C/RTL verification process consists of three

1. The C simulation is executed and the inputs to the top-level function, or the Design-Under-
Test (DUT), are saved as “input vectors.”
2. The “input vectors” are used in an RTL simulation using the RTL created by C synthesis in
Vivado simulator, or a supported third-party HDL simulator. The outputs from the RTL, or
results of simulation, are saved as “output vectors.”
3. The “output vectors” from the RTL simulation are returned to the main() function of the C
test bench to verify the results are correct. The C test bench performs verification of the
results, in some cases by comparing to known good results.

The following messages are output by the Hls compiler as verification progresses:

While running C simulation:

INFO: [COSIM 212-14] Instrumenting C test bench ...

Build using ".../bin/g++"
Compiling dct_test.cpp_pre.cpp.tb.cpp
Compiling dct_inline.cpp_pre.cpp.tb.cpp
Compiling apatb_dct.cpp
Generating cosim.tv.exe
INFO: [COSIM 212-302] Starting C TB testing ...
Test passed !

At this stage, because the C simulation was executed, any messages written by the C test bench
will be output to the Console window and log file.

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While running RTL simulation:

INFO: [COSIM 212-333] Generating C post check test bench ...

INFO: [COSIM 212-12] Generating RTL test bench ...
INFO: [COSIM 212-1] *** C/RTL co-simulation file generation completed. ***
INFO: [COSIM 212-323] Starting verilog/vhdl simulation.
INFO: [COSIM 212-15] Starting XSIM ...

At this stage, any messages from the RTL simulation are output in console window or log file.

While checking results back in the C test bench:

INFO: [COSIM 212-316] Starting C post checking ...

Test passed !
INFO: [COSIM 212-1000] *** C/RTL co-simulation finished: PASS ***

The following are requirements of C/RTL co-simulation:

• The test bench must be self-checking as described in Writing a Test Bench, and return a value
of 0 if the test passes or returns a non-zero value if the test fails.
• Co-simulation Requirements for Interface Synthesis must be met.
• Any arrays or structs on the design interface cannot use the optimization directives listed
in Unsupported Optimizations for Co-Simulation.
• Any third-party simulators must be available in the search path to be launched by the Vitis
unified IDE or vitis-run command.
• If a third-party simulator is used the IP simulation libraries must be compiled for use with
third-party simulators as described in Simulating IP Cores.

Co-simulation Requirements for Interface Synthesis

To use the C/RTL co-simulation feature to verify the RTL design, at least one of the following
conditions must be true:

• Top-level function must be synthesized using an ap_ctrl_chain or ap_ctrl_hs block-

level protocol
• Design must be purely combinational
• Top-level function must have an initiation interval of 1
• Interfaces must be all arrays that are streaming and implemented with axis or ap_hs
interface modes
Note: The hls::stream variables are automatically implemented as ap_fifo interfaces.

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If at least one of these conditions is not met, C/RTL co-simulation halts with the following

@E [SIM-345] Cosim only supports the following 'ap_ctrl_none' designs: (1)

combinational designs; (2) pipelined design with task interval of 1; (3)
designs with
array streaming or hls_stream ports.
@E [SIM-4] *** C/RTL co-simulation finished: FAIL ***

IMPORTANT! If the design is specified to use the block-level IO protocol ap_ctrl_none and the design
contains any hls::stream variables which employ non-blocking behavior, C/RTL co-simulation is not
guaranteed to complete.

If any top-level function argument is specified as an AXI4-Lite interface, the function return must
also be specified as an AXI4-Lite interface.

Verification of DATAFLOW and DEPENDENCE

C/RTL co-simulation automatically verifies aspects of the DATAFLOW and DEPENDENCE

If the DATAFLOW directive is used to pipeline tasks, it inserts channels between the tasks to
facilitate the flow of data between them. It is typical for the channels to be implemented with
FIFOs and the FIFO depth specified using the STREAM directive, or the
syn.dataflow.fifo_depth configuration command as described in Dataflow Configuration.

If a FIFO depth is too small, the RTL simulation can stall. For example, if a FIFO is specified with a
depth of 2 but the producer task writes three values before any data values are read by the
consumer task, the FIFO blocks the producer. In some conditions this can cause the entire design
to stall as described in Cosim Deadlock Detection.

In this case, C/RTL co-simulation issues a message as shown below, indicating the channel in the
DATAFLOW region is causing the RTL simulation to stall.

// Dependence cycle 1:
// (1): Process: hls_fft_1kxburst.fft_rank_rad2_nr_man_9_U0
// Channel: hls_fft_1kxburst.stage_chan_in1_0_V_s_U, FULL
// Channel: hls_fft_1kxburst.stage_chan_in1_1_V_s_U, FULL
// Channel: hls_fft_1kxburst.stage_chan_in1_0_V_1_U, FULL
// Channel: hls_fft_1kxburst.stage_chan_in1_1_V_1_U, FULL
// (2): Process: hls_fft_1kxburst.fft_rank_rad2_nr_man_6_U0
// Channel: hls_fft_1kxburst.stage_chan_in1_2_V_s_U, EMPTY
// Channel: hls_fft_1kxburst.stage_chan_in1_2_V_1_U, EMPTY
// Total 1 cycles detected!

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The Dataflow Viewer will show any processes involved in deadlock displayed in red. It will also
show which channels are full (in red) versus empty (in white). In this case, review the
implementation of the channels between the tasks and ensure any FIFOs are large enough to
hold the data being generated.

In a similar manner, the RTL test bench is also configured to automatically check the validity of
false dependencies specified using the DEPENDENCE directive. A warning message during co-
simulation indicates the dependency is not false, and the corresponding directive must be
removed to achieve a functionally valid design.

TIP: The cosim.disable_deadlock_detection=true configuration command disables these


Unsupported Optimizations for Co-Simulation

For Vivado IP mode, automatic RTL verification does not support cases where multiple
transformations are performed on arrays on the interface, or arrays within structs.

IMPORTANT! This feature is not supported for the Vitis kernel flow.

In order for automatic verification to be performed, arrays on the function interface, or array
inside structs on the function interface, can use any of the following optimizations, but not two
or more:

• Vertical mapping on arrays of the same size

• Reshape
• Partition, for dimension 1 of the array

Automatic RTL verification does not support any of the following optimizations used on a top-
level function interface:

• Horizontal mapping.
• Vertical mapping of arrays of different sizes.
• Conditional access on the AXI4-Stream with register slice enabled.
• Mapping arrays to streams.

Simulating IP Cores
When the design is implemented with floating-point cores, bit-accurate models of the floating-
point cores must be made available to the RTL simulator. This is automatically accomplished if
the RTL simulation is performed using the Vivado logic simulator. However, for supported third-
party HDL simulators, the AMD floating-point library must be pre-compiled and added to the
simulator libraries.

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For example, to compile the AMD floating-point library in Verilog for use with the VCS simulator,
open the Vivado IDE and enter the following command in the Tcl Console window:

compile_simlib -simulator vcs_mx -family all -language verilog

This creates the floating-point library in the current directory for VCS. See the Vivado Tcl
Console window for the directory name. In this example, it is ./rev3_1.

You must refer to this library from within the Vitis unified IDE by specifying the
cosim.compiled_library_dir config file command as described in Co-Simulation
Configuration, or by running C/RTL co-simulation using the following command:

cosim_design -tool vcs -compiled_library_dir <path_to_library>/rev3_1

Analyzing RTL Simulations

When the C/RTL co-simulation completes, the simulation report opens and shows the measured
latency and II. These results will differ from values reported after HLS synthesis, which are based
on the absolute shortest and longest paths through the design. The results provided after C/RTL
co-simulation show the actual values of latency and II for the given simulation data set (and can
change if different input stimuli is used).

In non-pipelined designs, C/RTL co-simulation measures latency between ap_start and

ap_done signals. The II is 1 more than the latency, because the design reads new inputs 1 cycle
after all operations are complete. The design only starts the next transaction after the current
transaction is complete.

In pipelined designs, the design might read new inputs before the first transaction completes, and
there could be multiple ap_start and ap_ready signals before a transaction completes. In this
case, C/RTL co-simulation measures the latency as the number of cycles between data input
values and data output values. The II is the number of cycles between ap_ready signals, which
the design uses to requests new inputs.

Note: For pipelined designs, the II value for C/RTL co-simulation is only determined if the design is
simulated for multiple transactions.

Viewing Simulation Waveforms

To view waveform data during RTL co-simulation, you must enable the following in the Config
File Editor, or the config file:

• Under tool select xsim as the RTL simulator, or set cosim.tool=xsim in the config file
• Under trace_level select port or all, or set cosim.trace_level=port in the config file

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Vivado simulator GUI opens and displays all the processes in the RTL design. Visualizing the
active processes within the HLS design allows detailed profiling of process activity and duration
within each activation of the top module. The visualization helps you to analyze individual
process performance, as well as the overall concurrent execution of independent processes.
Processes dominating the overall execution have the highest potential to improve performance,
provided process execution time can be reduced.

This visualization is divided into two sections:

• HLS process summary contains a hierarchical representation of the activity report for all
• DUT name: <name>
• Function: <function name>
• Dataflow analysis provides detailed activity information about the tasks inside the dataflow
• DUT name: <name>
• Function: <function name>
• Dataflow/Pipeline Activity: Shows the number of parallel executions of the function when
implemented as a dataflow process.
• Active Iterations: Shows the currently active iterations of the dataflow. The number of
rows is dynamically incremented to accommodate for the visualization of any concurrent
• StallNoContinue: A stall signal that tells if there were any output stalls experienced by the
dataflow processes (the function is done, but it has not received a continue from the
adjacent dataflow process).
• RTL Signals: The underlying RTL control signals that interpret the transaction view of the
dataflow process.

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Figure 124: Waveform Viewer

After C/RTL co-simulation completes, you can reopen the RTL waveforms in the Vivado IDE by
selecting Wave Viewer under the REPORTS header for C/RTL COSIMULATION.

IMPORTANT! When you open the Vivado IDE using this method, because the waveform was previously
generated you can only use the waveform analysis features, such as zoom, pan, and waveform radix.

Cosim Deadlock Detection

A deadlock is a situation in which processes inside a DATAFLOW region share the same
channels, effectively preventing each other from writing to it or reading from it, resulting in both
processes getting stuck. This scenario is common when there are either FIFO’s or a mix of PIPOs
and FIFOs as channels inside the DATAFLOW. Deadlock detection visualizes this scenario on the
Dataflow Viewer report, as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 125: Deadlock Viewer

Deadlock detection, which is enabled by default, highlights any problematic processes and
channels in the Dataflow Viewer when they are encountered during C/RTL Co-simulation. The
Dataflow report opens automatically opens after co-simulation detects the deadlock situation.
The viewer also provides a cross-probing capability to link between the problematic dataflow
channels and the associated source code. You can use the information in solving the issue with
less time and effort. You can disable the feature using the
cosim.disable_deadlock_detection config file command.

In the example shown above the dataflow region consists of two processes which are
communicating through PIPO and FIFO. The first loop in proc_1 writes 10 data items in
data_channel1, before writing anything in data_array. Because of the insufficient FIFO
depth the data_channel loop does not complete which blocks the rest of the process. Then
proc_2 stalls because it cannot read the data from data_channel2 (because it is empty), and
cannot remove data from data_channel1. This creates a deadlock that requires increasing the
size of data_channel1 to at least 10. This example is demonstrated in the deadlock detection
portion of the 03-dataflow_debug_and_optimization tutorial on GitHub.

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The output of the C/RTL Co-Simulation process is shown below. The simulation ends in an error
because of the deadlock detection, and the Dataflow Viewer report is opened automatically.

// Inter-Transaction Progress: Completed Transaction / Total Transaction
// Intra-Transaction Progress: Measured Latency / Latency Estimation * 100%
// RTL Simulation : "Inter-Transaction Progress" ["Intra-Transaction
Progress"] @ "Simulation Time"
// RTL Simulation : 0 / 1 [0.00%] @ "105000"
// Dependence cycle 1:
// (1): Process: example_example.proc_1_U0
// Channel: example_example.data_channel1_U, FULL
// (2): Process: example_example.proc_2_U0
// Channel: example_example.data_array_U, EMPTY
// Totally 1 cycles detected!

Timeline Trace Viewer

The Timeline Trace report is available after C/RTL Co-Simulation. The Timeline Trace viewer
displays the runtime profile of the functions of your design. It is especially useful to see the
behavior of dataflow regions after Co-simulation, as there is no need to launch the Vivado logic
simulator to view the timeline.

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Figure 126: Timeline Trace Viewer

Timeline Trace viewer displays multiple iterations through the various sub-functions of a
dataflow region as shown in the preceding figure. It shows where the functions are starting and
ending, and displays the Co-simulation data in tables below the timeline. To generate the
Timeline Trace during C/RTL Co-simulatio you should enable cosim.trace_level=all and
cosim.enable_dataflow_profiling=true options in the config file, or from the Config
File Editor.

The Timeline Trace view also shows FIFO and PIPO channel stall/starve states with Full and
Empty markers as shown above. In the preceding figure, you can see the read_data PIPO is
empty, resulting in stalls 68% of the time as reported in the table below the graph.

The Dataflow Viewer displays a menu bar at the top of the report that includes the following

• Zoom In/Zoom Out/Zoom Fit/Zoom Full commands

• Toggle Table command to show or hide the table beneath the graph
• Expand All/Collapse All to expand or collapse the design hierarchy
• Previous Marker/Next Marker lets you move from one marker to the next in the timeline
• Delete All Markers remove markers from the timeline
• Legend command for the display

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Troubleshooting C/RTL Co-Simulation

When C/RTL co-simulation completes, Vitis HLS typically indicates that the simulations passed
and the functionality of the RTL design matches the initial C code. When the C/RTL co-
simulation fails, Vitis HLS issues the following message:

@E [SIM-4] *** C/RTL co-simulation finished: FAIL ***

Following are the primary reasons for a C/RTL co-simulation failure:

• Incorrect environment setup

• Unsupported or incorrectly applied optimization directives
• Issues with the C test bench or the C source code

To debug a C/RTL co-simulation failure, run the checks described in the following sections. If you
are unable to resolve the C/RTL co-simulation failure, see Adaptive Computing Support for
support resources, such as answers, documentation, downloads, and forums.

Setting Up the Environment

Check the environment setup as shown in the following table.

Table 24: Debugging Environment Setup

Questions Actions to Take

Are you using a third-party simulator? Ensure the path to the simulator executable is specified in
the system search path.
When using the Vivado simulator, you do not need to
specify a search path.
Ensure that you have compiled the simulation libraries as
discussed in Simulating IP Cores.
Are you running Linux? Ensure that your setup files (for example .cshrc
or .bashrc) do not have a change directory command.
When C/RTL co-simulation starts, it spawns a new shell
process. If there is a cd command in your setup files, it
causes the shell to run in a different location and eventually
C/RTL co-simulation fails.

Optimization Directives
Check the optimization directives as shown in the following table.

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Table 25: Debugging Optimization Directives

Questions Actions to Take

Are you using the DEPENDENCE directive? Remove the DEPENDENCE directives from the design to see
if C/RTL co-simulation passes.
If co-simulation passes, it likely indicates that the TRUE or
FALSE setting for the DEPENDENCE directive is incorrect as
discussed in Verification of DATAFLOW and DEPENDENCE.
Does the design use volatile pointers on the top-level Ensure the DEPTH option is specified on the INTERFACE
interface? directive.
When volatile pointers are used on the interface, you
must specify the number of reads/writes performed on the
port in each transaction or each execution of the C function.
Are you using FIFOs with the DATAFLOW optimization? Check to see if C/RTL co-simulation passes with the
standard ping-pong buffers.
Check to see if C/RTL co-simulation passes without
specifying the size for the FIFO channels. This ensures that
the channel defaults to the size of the array in the C code.
Reduce the size of the FIFO channels until C/RTL co-
simulation stalls. Stalling indicates a channel size that is too
small. Review your design to determine the optimal size for
the FIFOs. You can use the STREAM directive to specify the
size of individual FIFOs.
Are you using supported interfaces? Ensure you are using supported interface modes. For
details, see Co-simulation Requirements for Interface
Are you applying multiple optimization directives to arrays Ensure you are using optimizations that are designed to
on the interface? work together. For details, see Unsupported Optimizations
for Co-Simulation.
Are you using arrays on the interface that are mapped to To use interface-level streaming (the top-level function of
streams? the DUT), use hls::stream.

C Test Bench and C Source Code

Check the C test bench and C source code as shown in the following table.

Table 26: Debugging the C Test Bench and C Source Code

Questions Actions to Take

Does the C test bench check the results and return the value Ensure the C test bench returns the value 0 for C/RTL co-
0 (zero) if the results are correct? simulation. Even if the results are correct, the C/RTL co-
simulation feature reports a failure if the C test bench fails
to return the value 0.
Is the C test bench creating input data based on a random Change the test bench to use a fixed seed for any random
number? number generation. If the seed for random number
generation is based on a variable, such as a time-based
seed, the data used for simulation is different each time the
test bench is executed, and the results can vary.
Are you using pointers on the top-level interface that are Use a volatile pointer for any pointer that is accessed
accessed multiple times? multiple times within a single transaction (one execution of
the C function). If you do not use a volatile pointer,
everything except the first read and last write is optimized
out to adhere to the C standard.

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Table 26: Debugging the C Test Bench and C Source Code (cont'd)

Questions Actions to Take

Does the C code contain undefined values or perform out- Confirm all arrays are correctly sized to match all accesses.
of-bounds array accesses? Loop bounds that exceed the size of the array are a
common source of issues (for example, N accesses for an
array sized at N-1).
Confirm that the results of the C simulation are as expected
and that output values were not assigned random data
Consider using the industry-standard Valgrind application
outside of the HLS design environment to confirm that the C
code does not have undefined or out-of-bounds issues.
It is possible for a C function to execute and complete even
if some variables are undefined or are out-of-bounds. In the
C simulation, undefined values are assigned a random
number. In the RTL simulation, undefined values are
assigned an unknown or X value.
Are you using floating-point math operations in the design? Check that the C test bench results are within an acceptable
error range instead of performing an exact comparison. For
some of the floating point math operations, the RTL
implementation is not identical to the C. For details, see
Verification and Math Functions.
Ensure that the RTL simulation models for the floating-point
cores are provided to the third-party simulator. For details,
see Simulating IP Cores.
Are you using AMD IP blocks and a third-party simulator? Ensure that the path to the AMD IP simulation models is
provided to the third-party simulator.
Are you using the hls::stream construct in the design that Analyze the design and use the STREAM directive to
changes the data rate (for example, decimation or increase the size of the FIFOs used to implement the
interpolation)? hls::stream.
By default, an hls::stream is implemented as a FIFO with
a depth of 2. If the design results in an increase in the data
rate (for example, an interpolation operation), a default
FIFO size of 2 might be too small and cause the C/RTL co-
simulation to stall.
Are you using very large data sets in the simulation? Use the reduce_diskspace option when executing C/RTL
co-simulation. In this mode, HLS only executes 1 transaction
at a time. The simulation might run marginally slower, but
this limits storage and system capacity issues.
The C/RTL co-simulation feature verifies all transaction at
one time. If the top-level function is called multiple times
(for example, to simulate multiple frames of video), the data
for the entire simulation input and output is stored on disk.
Depending on the machine setup and OS, this might cause
performance or execution issues.

Packaging the RTL Design

The final step in the HLS component flow is to package the RTL design into a form that can be
used by other tools in the design flow, such as in the Vivado Design Suite as part of a larger
system design. Click the Package command in the Flow Navigator to export the RTL as a Vivado
IP, Vitis kernel, or a synthesized checkpoint.

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Configure Packaging

You can configure the packaging process to export the IP or kernel according to your settings
prior to running package. The Config File Editor separates Packaging into Output and IP sections
as shown below.

Figure 127: Config File Package Settings

Specifying the Output Format and Output File

The output.format for the RTL synthesis results must be specified. The default format is RTL,
which lets the tool synthesize the Verilog and VHDL code from the C/C++ source files, but does
not generate the Vivado IP or Vitis kernel as an output product. This approach lets you run
synthesis quickly without having to generate hardware files at every iteration. However, to use
the RTL design in downstream processes like embedded software design, or Application projects,
you must generate the hardware files. The flow you are supporting in your design determines the
best choice for output format.

The Package options, and their default values are listed below:

• package.output.file:

The output.file name and location are determined by the tool, and default to the name of the
top function specified for the HLS component. However, you can specify the name and
location to override the default values.

• package.output.format:

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The output.format command supports several different formats as shown in the following

Table 27: Package Output Formats

Package Format Default Location Comments

package.out.format=ip_ <comp-name>.zip The IP is exported as a ZIP file that can be added to
catalog the Vivado IP catalog.
The impl/ip folder also contains the contents of the
unzipped IP.
package.out.format=xo <comp-name>.xo The XO file output can be used for linking by the Vitis
compiler in the application acceleration development
You can link the Vitis kernel with other kernels, and
the target accelerator card, to build the xclbin file
for your accelerated application.
package.out.format=sys <comp-name>.zip The IP is exported as a ZIP file that for use with the
gen Vivado edition of System Generator for DSP.
The impl/ip folder also contains the contents of the
unzipped IP.
package.out.format=rtl Creates Verilog and VHDL This options lets you skip the generation of the
folders in the HLS component packaged IP or XO modules to save time while
working directory. iterating on the initial design.

• package.out.syn: Enable or disable the creation of the IP or XO during synthesis. Specify

false to disable generation of the packaged IP or XO, or specify true to enable it. This
options lets you skip the generation of the packaged IP or XO modules to save time while
iterating on the initial design.

These selections result in the following config file entries:


IP Configuration

When you specify package.output.format=ip_catalog in the HLS configuration file, you

can also specify additional fields that will be applied to the generated IP, such as the Vendor,
Library, Name, and Version (VLNV) of the IP.

The Configuration information is used to differentiate between multiple instances of the same IP
when it is loaded into the Vivado IP catalog. For example, if an implementation is packaged for
the IP catalog, and then a new solution is created and packaged as IP, the new solution by default
has the same name and configuration information. If the new solution is also added to the IP
catalog, the IP catalog will identify it as an updated version of the same IP and the last version
added to the IP catalog will be used.

The IP options, and their default values are listed below:

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• package.ip.vendor: xilinx.com

• package.ip.library: hls

• package.ip.name: Default to HLS component name

• package.ip.version: 1.0

• package.ip.description: An IP generated by HLS component

• package.ip.display_name: This field left blank

• package.ip.taxonomy: This field left blank

• package.ip.xdc_file: This field left blank

• package.ip.xdc_ooc_file: This field left blank

TIP: The packaging process in the Vitis unified IDE uses the vitis-run --mode hls --package
command as described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands.

After the packaging process is complete, the ZIP file archive or XO kernel is written to the
specified package.output.file location, or written in the HLS component folder. The
exported IP file can be imported into the Vivado IP catalog and used in any design. The exported
Vitis kernel can be used with the v++ --link command as paret of a larger system design.

Software Driver Files

For designs that include AXI4-Lite slave interfaces, a set of software driver files is created during
the export process. These C driver files can be included in a Vitis embedded software
development project, and used to access the AXI4-Lite slave port.

The software driver files are written to directory solution/impl/ip/drivers and are
included in the packaged IP export.zip. Refer to AXI4-Lite Interface for details on the C driver

Output of RTL Export

The HLS compiler writes to the impl folder of the active solution folder when you run the
Package command.

The output files and folders include the following:

• component.xml: The IP component file that defines the interfaces and architecture.
• <component_name>.zip: The zip archive of the IP and its contents. The zip file can be
directly added to the Vivado IP catalog.
• <component_name>.xo: The compiled kernel object for use in the Vitis application
acceleration development flow.

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• impl/ip: The IP contents unzipped.

• impl/ip/example: A folder with a Tcl script used to generate the packaged IP, and a shell
script to export the IP.
• impl/report: The report for the synthesized, or placed and routed IP is written to this
• impl/verilog: Contains the Verilog format RTL output files.
• impl/vhdl: Contains the VHDL format RTL output files.

TIP: If the Implementation step in Flow Navigator is performed, the output folders also include the
project.xpr file that can be opened in the Vivado Design Suite.

IMPORTANT! You should not use the files in the verilog or vhdl output folders directly for your own
use. Instead, use the packaged IP output files (impl/ip) for the resons stated below.

In cases where the HLS compiler uses Vivado IP in the synthesized design, such as with floating
point designs, the impl/verilog or impl/vhdl directory includes a script to create the IP
during RTL synthesis. If the files in the verilog or vhdl folders are copied out and used for RTL
synthesis, it is your responsibility to correctly use any script files present in those folders. If the
package IP output files (impl/ip) are used, this process is performed automatically. If C/RTL co-
simulation has been executed in the HLS component, the Vivado project also contains an RTL
test bench, and the design can be simulated.

Running Implementation
Make sure the HLS component is active in the Flow Navigator, or select it from the Component
menu to make it the active component in the tool. When the HLS component is the active
component, the Flow Navigator enables running C Simulation, C Synthesis, C/RTL Co-simulation,
Packaging, and Implementation to build and analyze the HLS component. Select Run beneath the
IMPLEMENTATION heading in the Flow Navigator.

When the HLS compiler reports the results of high-level synthesis, it provides an estimate of the
results with projected clock frequencies and resource utilization (LUTs, DSPs, BRAMs, etc). These
results are only estimates because the tool cannot know what optimizations or routing delays
will be in the final synthesized or implemented design. To get a better analysis of the RTL design
you can actually run Vivado synthesis and place and route on the generated RTL design, and
review the results of timing and resource utilization. However, even these results are only
improved estimates, because the IP or kernel being used in a larger design with other IP and
kernels will yield different results.

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Configure Implementation

You can configure Vivado synthesis and implementation prior to running it by using the
Implementation section of the Config File Editor, as shown below, or by editing the HLS config
file directly.

Figure 128: HLS Component Implementation Settings

The configuration commands for Implementation include:

• vivado.flow: Specify to run only synthesis or both synthesis and implementation. Synthesis
alone will run faster than both synthesis and implementation, but will lack some of details of
the implementation run. The default is syn.

• vivado.rtl: Specifies the language to use when running Vivado out-of-context flow. The
default is Verilog.

• vivado.clock: Specify the clock period to use during synthesis or implementation. When not
specified, the default clock specified when the HLS component is created is used.

• vivado.impl_strategy: Specify the strategy to employ in the implementation run. This is only
for use during the implementation run for resource utilization and timing estimates, and does
not affect the generated Vivado IP or Vitis kernels.

• vivado.max_timing_paths: Specify the number of timing paths to extract from the Timing
Summary report. The specified number of worst case paths are returned.

• vivado.optimization_level: This is a general feature to manage the optimizations performed by

the Vivado tool. The higher the setting, the more optimizations are employed, and the longer
the runtime as a result.

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• vivado.pblock: Specifies a Pblock range or value to use during placement and routing to limit
the area available for the design.

• vivado.phys_opt: Specify the physical optimization to run. Choices include: none, place,
route, and all.

• vivado.report_level: Defines the report-level generated during synthesis or implementation.

The report can include the utilization and timing summary, timing path details, or a failfast
report, which is the default.

• vivado.synth_design_args: Specify options for the synth_design command.

• vivado.synth_strategy: Specify the strategy to employ in the Vivado synthesis run.

Run Implementation

With the Implementation setup defined in the config file you are ready to select Run from the
Flow Navigator. You can track the progress of the implementation run in the Output window.
The transcript for the run will have the top function name as <component-
name>::implementation as shown below.

Figure 129: HLS Component Running Implementation

TIP: The implementation run in the Vitis unified IDE uses the vitis-run --mode hls --impl
command as described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands.

After the implementation is complete you should see the Implementation finished successfully
message at the end of the transcript. You will also see the Reports folder under the
IMPLEMENTATION heading populated with the following reports:

• Summary: Reports the command line used and the time stamp on the results

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• RTL Synthesis: Reports the results of synthesis including resource use and timing
• Place and Route: As described in Implementation Report

TIP: You can cancel the Implementation run using the Cancel Run command from the Flow Navigator.

Implementation Report
The Implementation Report contains the results of Synthesis and Place and Route if it was run.
The sections of the report include the following:

• General Information: Provides general information related to the design and implementation.

• Run Constraints and Options: Reports the constraints and options that were set for the RTL
Synthesis run and/or the Place & Route run. This shows you what constraints were set and/or
modified for the run.

• Resource Usage/Final Timing: The Resource Usage and the Final Timing sections show a
quick summary of the resources and timing achieved by either the RTL Synthesis run or the
Place & Route run. These sections give a very high-level overview of the resource utilization
and status on whether timing goals were met or not. The information in the succeeding
sections provide details useful in debugging timing issues.

• Resources: A detailed per-module split up of resources is shown in this table. In addition, the
tables can also show the original variable and source location information from the source
code. If a particular resource was the result of a user-specified pragma, then this can also be
shown in the table. This allows you to relate your C code with the synthesized RTL
implementation. Inspecting this report is very beneficial because this is after Vivado has
synthesized the design and therefore, functional blocks like DSPs and other logic units have all
now been instantiated in the circuit.

• Fail Fast: The fail fast reports that Vivado provides can guide your investigation into specific
issues encountered by the tool. In the fail fast report, you should look into anything with the
Status of REVIEW to improve the implementation and timing closure. Different sections of the
fail fast report include:

• Design Characteristics: The default utilization guidelines are based on SSI technology
devices and can be relaxed for non-SSI technology devices. Designs with one or more
REVIEW checks are feasible but are difficult to implement.
• Clocking Checks: These checks are critical and must be addressed.
• LUT and Net Budgeting: Use a conservative method to better predict which logic paths are
unlikely to meet timing after placement with high device utilization.

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Figure 130: Design Characteristics

• Timing Paths: The Timing Paths reports show the timing critical paths that result in the worst
slack for the design. By default, the tool will show the top 10 worst negative slack paths. Each
path in the table has detailed information that shows the combination path between one flip-
flop to another. Breaking these long combinational paths will be required to address the
timing issues. So you need to analyze these paths and reason where they are coming from and
map these paths back to the user's C code. Using both these paths and the resources table
presented earlier can help in determining and correlating the path back to your source code.

In the following figure, you can see that the top 10 negative slack paths in the Place & Route
report actually have higher logic levels (9) as compared to after RTL Synthesis (5), and the max
fanout also got worse (64 → 9366). This clearly shows how congestion in the design is causing
high logic levels and higher fanouts which in turn causes issues for meeting timing. Using such
clues, you can modify your design to remove some of this congestion either by rewriting the C
code or making some different design decisions with respect to BRAM/LUTRAM/URAM
resource choices.

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Figure 131: RTL Synthesis Timing Paths

Optimizing the HLS Project

After analysis, you will most likely need or want to optimize the performance of your function.
Even if it is performing well there might be opportunities for improvement. This section discusses
the mechanisms for applying optimizations to your project. Refer to Optimizing Techniques and
Troubleshooting Tips for a discussion of the various types of optimizations you can perform.

You can add optimization directives directly into the source code as compiler pragmas, using
various HLS Pragmas, or you can use configuration commands as described in HLS Optimization
Directives to configure and apply optimization directives to an HLS component.

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In addition to optimization pragmas and directives, the HLS compiler provides a number of
configuration commands to let you manage the default results of simulation and synthesis as
described in HLS Config File Commands.

Cloning HLS Components

The most typical use of the HLS compiler is to create an initial design, analyze the results, and
then perform optimizations to meet the desired area and performance goals. This is often an
iterative process, requiring multiple steps and multiple optimizations to achieve the desired
results. When you begin to explore possible solutions to design challenges, you can clone an HLS
component to let you preserve one while using the second for exploration.

To clone an HLS component right-click the component in the Vitis Component Explorer and
select the Clone Component command, as shown in the following figure. This opens the Clone
Component dialog box, prompting you for a new name for the component.

Figure 132: Clone Component

After creating the cloned component, the design will include the same source files, test bench
files, top-level function, and HLS configuration file settings. However, none of the flow steps in
Flow Navigator will have been completed. You can edit the configuration file settings or other
settings of the new HLS component and begin working through the build process. Keep the
original HLS component in its current state, or develop two different branching approaches to
the design.

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Chapter 13: Creating HLS Components from the Command Line

Chapter 13

Creating HLS Components from the

Command Line
While the prior content described building and running an HLS component using the Vitis unified
IDE, this section focues on doing that using the command line tools that are available.

The v++ -c --mode hls compiler command is used to build an HLS component. The
command uses a configuration file command language as described in HLS Config File
Commands. Running C simulation, Code Analyzer, C/RTL Co-simulation, implementation, and
export all rely on the vitis-run command. The different steps for the command-line flows are
described below.

TIP: The following examples are based on the DCT design in the Getting Started With Vitis HLS. The
example includes the HLS component, with source files and test bench.

Running C-Synthesis

To build the dct HLS component the v++ command-line will look as follows:

v++ -c --mode hls --config ./dct/hls_config.cfg --work_dir dct


• --config specifies a config file with the compiler directives for the build, and to configure
the simulator for the run
• --work_dir provides a work directory to build the component

TIP: When creating an HLS component from the command line, the --work_dir specifies the HLS
component folder, and the parent folder of the --work_dir becomes the workspace for launching
the Vitis IDE.

The contents of a configuration file can vary, but for synthesis the dct HLS component requires
the following commands in the hls_config.cfg file:



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syn.directive.pipeline=dct_2d II=4

IMPORTANT! If your HLS configuration file uses platform= instead of part= then you must also
specify freqhz= instead of clock= as shown here to change the default clock frequency of the

The success of the synthesis command largely depends on the contents of the configuration file.
There are a few key required elements, and then there are a number of options that you can
specify. From the config file provided above, the required elements for synthesis are the part,
syn.file, and syn.top. The flow_target, clock, and clock_uncertainty are not
required except to override the default values. The syn.directive.xxx commands are used
to provide specific optimization to the synthesis of the function.

Running C Simulation or Code Analyzer

To run the HLS component in C simulation or in Code Analyzer, use the vitis-run command as
described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands. C simulation does not require C Synthesis to
have been run as it does not require the RTL code generated by synthesis.

vitis-run --mode hls --csim --config ./dct/hls_config.cfg --work_dir dct


• --csim specifies the target for the run.

• --config specifies a config file as indicated for synthesis, but includes C simulation specific
requirements as shown below.
• --work_dir provides a work directory to build the component as indicated for synthesis.

The contents of a configuration file can vary, but for C simulation the config file requires the
source files and top specified for synthesis, but also require test bench and input files, as well as
csim configuration settings as explained in C-Simulation Configuration:



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syn.directive.pipeline=dct_2d II=4

TIP: Change csim.code_analyzer to true to enable the Code Analyzer as well as simulation.

Running C/RTL Co-Simulation

To run C/RTL Co-simulation on the HLS component use the vitis-run command as shown

vitis-run --mode hls --cosim --config ./dct/hls_config.cfg --work_dir dct

The contents of the configuration file required for C/RTL Co-Simulation include the following:


syn.directive.pipeline=dct_2d II=4

Note: The hls_config.cfg file above shows some of the settings for the C/RTL co-simulation tool.
Refer to Co-Simulation Configuration for more information.

Running Implementation

To run Vivado synthesis or implementation on the HLS component use the vitis-run
command as shown below:

vitis-run --mode hls --impl --config ./dct/hls_config.cfg --work_dir dct

The contents of the configuration file required for implementation include the following:

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Exporting the IP/XO

To export a Vivado IP or Vitis kernel from the synthesized HLS component, you can use the Vitis-
run --package command as shown below:

vitis-run --mode hls --package --config ./dct/hls_config.cfg --work_dir dct

The contents of the configuration file required to export the package IP or XO include the



Note: The --package command exports an IP or an XO from the previously synthesized HLS component.
You can export a Vitis kernel as an IP. However, you cannot export a Vivado flow IP as an XO unless it
meets the specific requirements of the Vitis kernel.

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Section IV: Vitis HLS Command Reference

Section IV

Vitis HLS Command Reference

This section contains the following chapters:

• vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands

• HLS Config File Commands
○ HLS Configuration Options

○ HLS Optimization Directives

• HLS Pragmas
• HLS Tcl Commands
○ Configuration Commands

○ Project Commands

○ Optimization Directives

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Chapter 14: vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands

Chapter 14

vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands

vitis command

Launch the Vitis unified IDE using the vitis command with the following syntax:

vitis -w <workspace>

You can also use a number of other modes when working with the Vitis tool. You can use -h or
--help to show the supported modes of the vitis command.

vitis -h
Syntax: vitis [-g (default) | -a | -w | -i | -s | -h | -v]

-a/--analyze [<summary file | folder>]
Open the summary file in the Analysis view.
Opening a folder opens the summary files found in the folder.
If no file or folder is specified, opens the Analysis view.
Launches Vitis IDE (default option).
-w/--workspace <workspace_location>
Launches Vitis IDE with the given workspace location.
Launches Vitis python interactive shell.
-s/--source <python_script>
Runs the given python script.
Launches Vitis Jupyter Web UI.
Display help message.
Display Vitis version.

The Vitis unified IDE launches either the v++ -c --mode hls command to synthesize the
HLS component, or launches the vitis-run command to run C Simulation, Code Analyzer,
C/RTL Co-Simulation, Package, and Implementation as described in Creating HLS Components
from the Command Line. These commands are explained below.

v++ Command

The v++ -c --mode hls command is used to synthesize the HLS component for either the
Vivado IP or Vitis kernel flow targets as described in Target Flow Overview, or compile the HLS
component for use in software emulation of the System Project in the unified IDE as described in
Building and Running the Application.

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When using the v++ command in HLS component mode, the configuration file specifies a
number of options for the tool and optimization directives for the source code as described in
HLS Config File Commands. You can see some of these options by running the following

v++ -c --mode hls -h

usage: v++ [options] <input file...>

Generic options:
-D [ --define ] arg <name=definition> Predefine name as a macro with
definition. This option is passed to the openCL
-I [ --include ] arg Add the directory to the list of directories to
searched for header files. This option is passed
the openCL preprocessor
-c [ --compile ] Run a compile mode
-h [ --help ] Print usage message
-o [ --output ] arg Set output file name. Default: a.xclbin (link,
build), a.xo (compile)
-v [ --version ] Print version information
--config arg Config file
--input_files arg Specify input file(s). Input file(s) can also be
specified positionally without using the
--input_files option.
--log_dir arg Specify a directory to copy internally generated
files to
--report_dir arg Specify a directory to copy report files to
--work_dir arg Specify a working directory for output files and

Options allowed in a config file:

--part arg Specify a part

[hls] section:
--hls.* arg Specify hls options

vitis-run Command

The vitis-run command is used to run process steps on the HLS component using the --
mode hls option. To see what command options are supported for the vitis-run command
use the following command:

vitis-run --mode hls -h

usage: vitis-run [options] <input file...>

Generic options:
-h [ --help ] Print usage message
-v [ --version ] Print version information
--config arg Config file
--cosim Specify hls run option cosim
--csim Specify hls run option csim
--impl Specify hls run option impl for vivado ooc
--input_file arg Specify an input file as positional argument with

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--mode arg [hls] Specify a mode.

--package Specify hls run option package
--tcl Option to support Tcl script flow
--work_dir arg Specify a working directory for output files and

Options allowed in a config file:

--part arg Specify a part

--platform Specify a platform to define the part

[hls] section:
--hls.* arg Specify hls options

When you start AMD Vitis™ HLS the tool looks for a Tcl initialization script in the following

1. User Specific: In a local user directory, for all versions of the tool:
• • On Windows: %APPDATA%/Xilinx/HLS_init.tcl
• • On Linux: $HOME/.Xilinx/HLS_init.tcl

The HLS_init.tcl lets you use AMD Vitis™ HLS commands to initialize the tool prior to
opening a project.

TIP: There is no HLS_init.tcl script in the software installation. You must create one if needed.

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Chapter 15

HLS Config File Commands

The HLS compilation mode provides access to numerous features for the development,
optimization, analysis, and export of Vitis kernels (.xo) or Vivado IP (.zip) files. The HLS mode
can be reached by using the following command, or by launching the Vitis unified IDE:

v++ -c --mode hls -h [options] <input_files...>

The HLS compilation options should be entered into a configuration file for use with the v++
command using the --config option. The HLS options should be placed under a section head
of [hls] in the config file. For example the following config file specifies the part, the source file,
the test bench files, and the flow target. Notice that part is not specified under the [HLS]
header because this is a general option for the v++ compiler.



Options Allowed in a Config File or on the Command Line

When working with the Vitis unified IDE the following v++ command-line options are available
for use from within a configuration file. These options do not belong under any header in the
configuration file.

• --platform <arg>: Specify path to a platform specification (.xpfm) to target the current
component or project to.

• --freqhz <arg>: Specify a clock frequency in Hz.

IMPORTANT! If your HLS configuration file specifies platform= instead of part= you must use
also use freqhz= instead of clock= . This is because the platform specifies a clock in freqhz
form, and you can only override it using the same form.

• --part <arg>: Specify a target device for the HLS component.

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HLS General Options

IMPORTANT! The following options must appear in the HLS configuration file under the [hls] header.

• clock:

Specify the clock period in ns or MHz (ns is default). If no period is specified a default period
of 10 ns is used.


IMPORTANT! If your HLS configuration file uses platform= instead of part= then you must also
specify freqhz= instead of clock= as shown here to change the default clock frequency of the

• clock_uncertainty:

Specify how much of the clock period is used as a margin by HLS. The margin of uncertainty is
subtracted from the clock period to create an effective clock period. The clock uncertainty is
defined in ns, or as a percentage of the clock period. The clock uncertainty defaults to 27% of
the clock period. When specifying a value, the default units is ns but % or MHz can also be


• flow_target:

Set the flow target to synthesize either a Vitis kernel (.xo) or a Vivado IP (.xci). The Vitis
kernel is used in the Application Acceleration flow, while the Vivado IP can be used in the
embedded software design flow.

IMPORTANT! There are differences in the interface definition supported by Vivado IP or Vitis kernels.

C-Synthesis Sources

• syn.cflags:

Defines compilation flags to be applied to all syn.file defined source files for use during


• syn.csimflags:

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Defines compilation flags to be applied to all syn.file source files for use during C-
simulation or RTL/Co-simulation.

• syn.file:

Specify the file path and name of a source file to be used during synthesis of the HLS
component. Multiple files require multiple syn.file statements.

The file paths can be specified as either absolute or relative, where relative paths are relative
to the location of the config file, whether inside the HLS component or outside the


• syn.file_cflags:

Apply a compilation flag for synthesis to the specified source file. Specify the file path and
name first, followed by a comma, followed by the cflags:


• syn.file_csimflags:

Apply a compilation flag for simulation to the specified source file. Specify the file path and
name first, followed by a comma, followed by the csimflags.


• syn.blackbox.file:

Specify the JSON file to be used for an RTL blackbox. The information in this file is used by
the HLS compiler during synthesis and when running RTL/Co-simulation.


• syn.top:

Specifies the name of the function to be synthesized as the top-level function for the HLS
component. This can be used to identify the top function in source code where multiple
functions are defined.


IMPORTANT! Any functions called by the top-level function will also become part of the HLS

Test bench Sources

• tb.cflags arg:

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Defines compilation flags to be applied to all tb.file defined source files for use during
simulation or co-simulation.


• tb.file arg:

Specify the file path and name of a test bench source file to be used during simulation or co-
simulation of the HLS component. Multiple files require multiple tb.file statements.

The file paths can be specified as either absolute or relative, where relative paths are relative
to the location of the config file, whether inside the HLS component or outside the


• tb.file_cflags arg:

Apply a compilation flag for simulation or co-simulation to the specified test bench source file.
Specify the file path and name first, followed by a comma, followed by the cflags:


Array Partition Configuration

The syn.array_partition commands specify the default behavior for array partitioning for
the whole design. These settings can be overridden for specific arrays using the

• syn.array_partition.complete_threshold <value>:

Sets the threshold for completely partitioning arrays. Arrays which have fewer elements than
the specified value will be completely partitioned into individual elements.


• syn.array_partition.throughput_driven [ auto | off ]:

Enable automatic partial and/or complete array partitioning.

• auto : Enable automatic array partitioning with smart trade-offs between area and
throughput. This is the default value.
• off : Disable automatic array partitioning.


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C-Simulation Configuration
The csim options apply to the C-simulation process used to validate the C/C++ language for the
design. Refer to Running C Simulation in the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for
more information.

• csim.O:

Enables optimizing compilation which eliminates debug constructs. The default is false and
compilation is done in debug mode to enable debugging.


• csim.argv:

Specifies an argument list for the behavioral test bench. The specified <arg> will be passed to
the main() function in the C test bench.

csim.argv=arg1 arg2

• csim.clean:

Enables clean build. The default is false. Without this option the design will compile


• csim.code_analyzer:

Enable code analysis and interactive Code Analyzer report.


• csim.ldflags:

Specifies the options passed to the linker for simulation. This option is typically used to pass
include path information or library information for the C/C++ test bench.


• csim.mflags:

Provides for options to be passed to the compiler for C simulation. This is typically used to
speed up compilation.


• csim.profile:

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Enable the creation of the Pre-Synthesis Control Flow.


• csim.setup:

When this option is specified, the simulation binary will be created in the csim directory of
the current HLS component, but simulation will not be executed. Simulation can be launched
later from the compiled executable. The default is false, and simulation is run after setup is


Co-Simulation Configuration
The cosim options apply to the C/RTL Co-Simulation process used to validate the RTL produced
by HLS synthesis. This includes using the C/C++ test bench used earlier in C-simulation and
using the RTL design in behavioral simulation as described in C/RTL Co-Simulation in Vitis HLS in
the Vitis HLS User Guide (UG1399).

• cosim.O:

Enables optimizing compilation which eliminates debug constructs. The default is false and
compilation is done in debug mode to enable debugging. Enabling optimized compilation of
the C/C++ test bench and RTL wrapper increases compilation time, but results in better run
time performance.


• cosim.argv:

Specifies an argument list for the behavioral test bench. The specified <arg> will be passed to
the main() function in the C test bench.

cosim.argv=arg1 arg2

• cosim.compiled_library_dir:

Specifies the compiled library directory used during simulation with third-party simulators.
The <arg> is the path name to the compiled library directory. The library must be compiled
ahead of time using the compile_simlib command as explained in the Vivado Design Suite
Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).


• cosim.coverage:

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Enables the coverage feature during simulation with the VCS simulator.


• cosim.disable_binary_tv :

Disables the binary test vector format in co-simulation.


• cosim.disable_deadlock_detection:

Disables deadlock detection, and opening the Cosim Deadlock Viewer in co-simulation.


• cosim.disable_dependency_check:

Disables dependency checks when running co-simulation.


• cosim.enable_dataflow_profiling:

This option enables the dataflow channel profiling to track channel sizes during co-simulation.
You must enable this feature to capture dataflow data as described in the Dataflow viewer
section of the Vitis HLS User Guide (UG1399).


• cosim.enable_fifo_sizing:

Enables automatic FIFO channel size tuning for dataflow profiling during co-simulation.


• cosim.enable_tasks_with_m_axi:

Enables stable m_axi interfaces for use with hls::task.


• cosim.hwemu_trace_dir:

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Specifies the location of test vectors generated during hardware emulation to be used as a
test bench during co-simulation. The test vectors are generated by the
syn.rtl.cosim_trace_generation command as described in RTL Configuration. This
argument lets you specify the kernel and instance name of the Vitis kernel in the hardware
emulation simulation results to locate the test vectors for the HLS component.


• cosim.ldflags <arg>:

Specifies the options passed to the linker for simulation. This option is typically used to pass
include path information or library information for the C/C++ test bench.


• cosim.mflags <arg>:

Provides for options to be passed to the compiler for C simulation. This is typically used to
speed up compilation.


• cosim.random_stall:

Enable random stalling of top level interfaces during co-simulation.


• cosim.rtl:

Specifies either Verilog or VHDL as the language to use for C/RTL co-simulation. The default
is Verilog.


• cosim.setup:

When this option is specified, the simulation binary will be created in the cosim directory of
the current HLS component, but simulation will not be executed. Simulation can be launched
later from the compiled executable. The default is false, and co-simulation is run after setup is


• cosim.stable_axilite_update:

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Enable s_axilite to configure registers which are stable compared with the prior


• cosim.tool :

Specify the HDL simulator to be used to co-simulate the RTL with the C testbench. The
Vivado simulator (xsim) is the default, unless otherwise specified.

• auto
• vcs
• modelsim
• riviera
• isim
• xsim
• ncsim
• xceilum


• cosim.trace_level:

Determines the level of waveform trace data to save during C/RTL co-simulation.

• none does not save trace data. This is the default.

• all results in all port and signal waveforms being saved to the trace file.
• port only saves waveform traces for the top-level ports.
• port_hier save the trace information for all ports in the design hierarchy.


The trace file is saved in the sim/Verilog or sim/VHDL folder of the component when the
simulation executes, depending on the selection used with the cosim.rtl option.

• cosim.user_stall:

Specifies the JSON stall file to be used during co-simulation. The stall file can be generated
using the cosim_stall command.


• cosim.wave_debug:

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Opens the Vivado simulator GUI to view waveforms and simulation results. Enables waveform
viewing of all processes in the generated RTL, as in the dataflow and sequential processes.
This option is only supported when using Vitis simulator for co-simulation by setting
cosim.tool=xsim. See Viewing Simulation Waveforms for more information.


Compile Options
The syn.compile commands specify the default behavior for compilation of the HLS

• syn.compile.design_size_max_warning: Specifies the design size that triggers a warning

related to slow compilation or poor QoR.


• syn.compile.enable_auto_rewind:

When true enables an alternative HLS implementation for pipelined loops which uses
automatic loop rewind as described in the Rewinding Pipelined Loops for Performance section
of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for additional information.


• syn.compile.ignore_long_run_time:

Disable long run time warning.


• syn.compile.name_max_length <arg>:

The name_max_length option will specify the maximum length of function names. If the
length is over the threshold, the last part of the name will be truncated.


• syn.compile.no_signed_zeros:

The no_signed_zeros option will ignore the signedness of floating point zero so that
compiler can do aggressive optimizations on floating point operations.


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• syn.compile.pipeline_flush_in_task arg: Specifies that pipelines in hls::tasks will be

flushing (flp) by default to reduce the probability of deadlocks in C/RTL Co-simulation. This
option applies to pipelines that achieve an II=1 with the default option of ii1. However, you
can also specify it as applying always to enable flushing pipelines in either hls::tasks or
dataflow, or can be completely disabled using never. Refer to Flushing Pipelines and Pipeline
Types in Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide(UG1399) for more information.

IMPORTANT! Flushing pipelines (flp) are compatible with the rewind option specified in the
PIPELINE pragma or directive when the syn.compile.enable_auto_rewind option is also

• always: Always make pipelines flushable in hls::tasks or dataflow regardless of II.

• never: Never make pipeline flushable unless specifically overridden by other directives or

• ii1: Make pipelines that achieve II=1 flushable in hls::tasks. This is the default setting.


• syn.compile.pipeline_loops arg:

Loops with a tripcount equal to or greater than the specified value will be pipelined


• syn.compile.pipeline_style arg:

Set default pipeline style, this is a preference not a hard constraint. Refer to Flushing Pipelines
and Pipeline Types inVitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for more information. The
three styles are: stallable (stp), flushable (flp), and free-running (frp). The default is free-


• syn.compile.pragma_strict_mode:

Enable errors instead of warnings for unrecognized and improper pragma syntax.


• syn.compile.unsafe_math_optimizations:

The unsafe_math_optimizations option will ignore the signedness of floating point zero
and enable associative floating point operations so that compiler can do aggressive
optimizations on floating point operations.


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IMPORTANT! Using this option might change the result of any floating point calculations and result in
a mismatch in C/RTL co-simulation. Ensure your test bench is tolerant of differences and checks for a
margin of difference, not exact values.

Dataflow Configuration
Synthesis: Dataflow Options

The syn.dataflow commands configure the dataflow analysis for the whole design. These
settings specify the default memory channel and FIFO depth used by

• syn.dataflow.default_channel:

By default a RAM memory configured in ping-pong fashion is used to buffer the data between
functions or loops when dataflow pipelining is used. When streaming data is used (where the
data is always read and written in consecutive order), a FIFO memory will be more efficient
and can be selected as the default memory type.

The available channels are fifo and pingpong. The default is pingpong.


TIP: Arrays must be set to streaming using the set_directive_stream command to perform
FIFO accesses.

• syn.dataflow.disable_fifo_sizing_opt:

Disable FIFO sizing optimizations that increase resource usage; this can improve performance
and reduce deadlocks.


• syn.dataflow.fifo_depth:

An integer value specifying the default depth of FIFOs. This option has no effect when
pingpong memories are used. By default the FIFOs depth used in the channel will be set to
the size of the largest producer or consumer (whichever is largest). In some cases this
approach can be too conservative and result in FIFOs which are larger than needed. This
option can be used to specify the depth when you know the FIFOs are larger than required.


IMPORTANT! Be careful when using this option as incorrect use can result in a design which fails to
operate correctly

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• syn.dataflow.override_user_fifo_depth:

Specify a depth for every hls::stream, overriding any user settings.


This is useful for checking if a deadlock is due to insufficient FIFO depths in the design. By
setting the override to a very large value (for example, the maximum depth printed by co-
simulation at the end of simulation), if there is no deadlock, then you can use the FIFO depth
profiling options of co-simulation and the GUI to find the minimum depth that ensures
performance and avoids deadlocks.

• syn.dataflow.scalar_fifo_depth:

An integer value specifying the minimum depth of the scalar value propagation FIFOs as
described in the Specifying Compiler-Created FIFO Depth section of the Vitis High-Level
Synthesis User Guide (UG1399). These FIFOs are used to forward the value of scalar arguments
of the dataflow regions to processes which have predecessors in the region itself. They do not
affect functional correctness, but an insufficient automatically computed size can result in loss
of performance and even deadlock.


When this option is not specified, the minimum depth is the value of the
syn.dataflow.fifo_depth option, or it is 2. As a rule of thumb, a good value is the
average number of times the process forwarding the scalar value can start before the last
process that reads it starts.

• syn.dataflow.start_fifo_depth:

An integer value specifying the minimum depth of the start propagation FIFOs as described in
Specifying Compiler-Created FIFO Depth. These FIFOs are used to forward the ap_start
handshake signal to processes which have predecessors in the region. They do not affect
functional correctness, but an insufficient automatically computed size can result in loss of


When this option is not specified, the minimum depth is the value of the
syn.dataflow.fifo_depth option, or it is 2. As a rule of thumb, a good value is the
expected average number of times a process should be allowed to start in advance compared
to its successors.

• syn.dataflow.strict_mode:

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Set severity for dataflow canonical form messages. The available modes are: error,
warning, off. The default is warning.


• syn.dataflow.strict_stable_sync:

Force synchronization of stable ports with ap_done. Refer to the Stable Arrays section of the
Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for more information.


• syn.dataflow.task_level_fifo_depth:

Default task-level FIFO depth (used for FIFOs automatically created to transfer scalars
between processes). A FIFO is synchronized by ap_ctrl_chain. The write is the ap_done
of the producer, the read is the ap_ready of the consumer. Like a PIPO in terms of
synchronization, and like a FIFO in terms of access.


Debug Options
The syn.debug commands enable debugging in the HLS component and specify where to write
debugging output.

• syn.debug.enable:

Enable debug file generation. When not enabled the HLS component can be optimized during
compilation, however it will not support debug.


TIP: This option relates to the v++ -c -g option, and must be manually enabled in the HLS
component when debugging is needed at the Application level.

• syn.debug.directory:

Specifies the location of to write the output of HLS debugging. When not specified the
location is set to hls/.debug.


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Interface Configuration
The syn.interface commands configure the default interface settings applied to the HLS
component. These settings can be overridden for specific top-level interface ports using

• syn.interface.clock_enable:

Add a clock-enable port (ap_ce) to the design. The clock enable prevents all clock operations
when it is active low, and disables all sequential operations. The default is false.


• syn.interface.default_slave_interface:

Specify the default slave interface. The two modes are s_axilite and none. The default is


• syn.interface.m_axi_addr64:

Enable 64-bit addressing for all m_axi interfaces. This is enabled by default. When disabled,
the m_axi interfaces uses 32-bit addressing.


• syn.interface.m_axi_alignment_byte_size:

Specify default alignment byte size for all m_axi interfaces. The default when this option is
not specified is 64 bytes for Vitis kernel flow, or 1 byte for Vivado IP flow as described in the
Default of Vivado/Vitis Flows section of theVitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).


TIP: A value of 0 is not valid.

• syn.interface.m_axi_auto_id_channel:

Enable automatic assignment of channel IDs for m_axi interfaces. This is disabled by default.
Refer to the AXI4 Master Interface section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide
(UG1399) for additional information.


• syn.interface.m_axi_auto_max_ports:

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Enable automatic creation of separate m_axi interface adapters for each argument or port on
the interface. This is disabled by default, reducing the m_axi interfaces to minimum needed.
Refer to the section M_AXI Bundles of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for
more information.


• syn.interface.m_axi_buffer_impl:

Specify the implementation resource for all buffers internal to the m_axi adapters. The
choices are auto, lutram, bram, uram. The default is bram.


• syn.interface.m_axi_cache_impl:

Specify the implementation resource for cache added to the m_axi adapters. The choices are
auto, lutram, bram, uram. The default is auto.


• syn.interface.m_axi_conservative_mode:

Configure all m_axi adapters to work in conservative mode, waiting to issue a write request
until the associated write data is entirely available (typically, buffered into the adapter or
already emitted). It uses a buffer inside the MAXI adapter to store all the data for a burst (both
in case of reading and writing). This feature is enabled by default, and might slightly increase
write latency but can resolve deadlock due to concurrent requests (read or write) on the
memory subsystem. Disable conservative mode by setting it to false.


• syn.interface.m_axi_flush_mode:

Configure all m_axi adapters to be flushable, writing or reading garbage data if a burst is
interrupted due to pipeline blocking (missing data inputs when not in conservative mode or
missing output space). This is disabled by default.


• syn.interface.m_axi_latency:

Globally specify the expected latency of the m_axi interface, allowing the design to initiate a
bus request a number of cycles (latency) before the read or write is expected. The default
value is 64 for the Vitis Kernel flow, and 0 for the Vivado IP flow, as described in the section
Defaults of Vivado and Vitis Flows in the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).


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• syn.interface.m_axi_max_bitwidth:

Specifies the maximum bitwidth for the m_axi interfaces data channel. The default is 1024
bits. The specified value must be a power-of-two, between 8 and 1024. This decreases
throughput if the actual accesses are bigger than the required interface, as they will be split
into a multi-cycle burst of accesses.


• syn.interface.m_axi_max_read_burst_length:

Specifies a global maximum number of data values read during a burst transfer for all m_axi
interfaces. The default is 16.


• syn.interface.m_axi_max_widen_bitwidth:

Enable automatic port width resizing to widen bursts for the m_axi interface, up to the
chosen bitwidth. The specified value must be a power of 2 between 8 and 1024, and must
align with the -m_axi_alignment_size. The default value is 512 for the Vitis Kernel flow,
and 0 for the Vivado IP flow.


• syn.interface.m_axi_max_write_burst_length:

Specifies a global maximum number of data values written during a burst transfer for all
m_axi interfaces. The default is 16.


• syn.interface.m_axi_min_bitwidth:

Specifies the minimum bitwidth for m_axi interfaces data channel. The default is 8 bits. The
value must be a power of 2, between 8 and 1024. This does not necessarily increase
throughput if the actual accesses are smaller than the required interface.


• syn.interface.m_axi_num_read_outstanding:

Specifies how many read requests can be made to the m_axi interface without a response,
before the design stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, and a FIFO of size:


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The default value is 16.


• syn.interface.m_axi_num_write_outstanding:

Specifies how many write requests can be made to the m_axi interface without a response,
before the design stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, and a FIFO of size:


The default value is 16.


• syn.interface.m_axi_offset:

Specify the default offset mechanism for all m_axi interfaces. The options are:

• off: No offset port is generated.

• slave: Generates an offset port and automatically maps it to an s_axilite interface.
This is the default value.
• direct: Generates a scalar input offset port for directly passing the address offset into the
IP through the offset port.


• syn.interface.register_io:

Globally enables registers for all scalar inputs, outputs, or all scalar ports on the top function
(arrays are always registered). The options are off , scalar_in, scalar_out,
scalar_all. The default is off.


• syn.interface.s_axilite_auto_restart_counter:

Enables the auto-restart behavior for kernels. Use 1 to enable the auto-restart feature, or 0 to
disable it which is the default. When enabled, the tool establishes the auto-restart bit in the
ap_ctrl_chain control protocol for the s_axilite interface. For more information refer
to Auto-Restarting Mode in the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).


• syn.interface.s_axilite_data64:

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Enable 64 bit data width for s_axilite interface. Use 1 to enable 64 bit data width and 0 to
disable it. The default is 32 bit data width.


• syn.interface.s_axilite_interrupt_mode:

Specify the interrupt mode for s_axilite interface to be Clear on Read (cor) or Toggle on
Write (tow). Clear on Read interrupt can be completed in a single transaction, while tow
requires two. Tow is the default interrupt mode.


• syn.interface.s_axilite_mailbox: Enables the creation of a mailboxes for non-stream non-stable

s_axilite arguments. The mailbox feature is used in the setting and management of auto-
restart kernels as described in the Auto-Restarting Mode section in the Vitis High-Level
Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).The available options are:

• in: Enable mailbox for only input arguments

• out: Enable mailbox for only output arguments
• both: Enable mailbox for input and output arguments
• none: No mailbox created. This is the default value.


• syn.interface.s_axilite_status_regs:

Enables exposure of ECC error bits in the s_axilite register file via two clear-on-read
(COR) counters per BRAM or URAM with ECC enabled. Options are ecc to enable or off to
disable the feature. The default is disabled.


• syn.interface.s_axilite_sw_reset:

Enable SW reset in s_axilite adapter.


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Package Options
Output Options

The package.output options are used to specify the nature of the exported files generated from
the synthesized RTL design. These options include the following:

• package.output.file: Specifies the output file path and name for the exported file. When not
specified the Vitis unified IDE will name the output file after the HLS component. An example
command would be:


• package.output.format: Specifies the exported format of the output generated after synthesis.
The supported values are:

• package.output.format=ip_catalog: A format suitable for adding to the Vivado IP

• package.output.format=xo: A format accepted by the v++ compiler for linking in
the Vitis application acceleration flow.
• package.output.format=syn_dcp: Synthesized checkpoint file for Vivado Design
Suite. If this option is used, RTL synthesis is automatically executed. Vivado
implementation can be optionally added using vivado.flow=impl
• package.output.format=sysgen: Generate an IP and .zip archive for use in System
• package.output.format=rtl: Outputs the RTL files that are generated by C
synthesis, and does not package the IP or XO used for downstream processes.

TIP: The RTL format is useful for development, analysis, and debug of the HLS component.
However, to export files you must specify one of the other output formats.

• package.output.syn: Enables the running of the Package step as part of the C synthesis step
to generate the required export files during synthesis.

IP Options

The package.ip commands specify details of the IP being generated by the HLS component.
These are settings to define the IP Vendor, Library, Name, and Version (VLNV) for example to
identify it in the IP catalog.

• package.ip.description:

Provides a description for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the IP.

package.ip.description=details of IP

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• package.ip.display_name:

Provides a display name for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the


• package.ip.library:

Provides the library component of the <Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version>

(VLNV) identifier for generated IP.


• package.ip.name:

Provides the name component of the <Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV)

identifier for the generated IP.


• package.ip.taxonomy:

Specifies the taxonomy for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the IP.
Taxonomy is a category to help identify the purpose or application of the IP.


• package.ip.vendor:

Provides the vendor component of the <Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version>

(VLNV) identifier for generated IP.


• package.ip.version:

Provides the version component of the <Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version>

(VLNV) identifier for generated IP.


• package.ip.xdc_file:

Specify an XDC file whose contents will be included in the packaged IP for use during
implementation in the Vivado tool.


• package.ip.xdc_ooc_file:

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Specify an out-of-context (OOC) XDC file whose contents will be included in packaged IP and
used during out-of-context Vivado synthesis for the exported IP.


Operator Configuration
The syn.op command lets you configure the default implementation style, latency, and
precision for different operators used for the HLS component. You can add multiple syn.op
commands to a config file to specify the details of different operators. If an operator is not
specified then the tool determines the default values for the component.

You can override the default settings specified by the syn.op command by using the
syn.directive.bind_op command for specific variables.

• syn.op:

The syntax for the syn.op command is as follows:

syn.op=op:mul impl:dsp
syn.op=op:add impl:fabric latency:6
syn.op=op:fmacc precision:high
syn.op=op:hdiv latency:5

• syn.op=: Starts the command

• op:<operator>: Specifies the op keyword followed by the operator being defined. The
supported operators include:
○ mul: integer multiplication operation

○ add: integer add operation

○ sub: integer subtraction operation

○ fadd: single precision floating-point add operation

○ fsub: single precision floating-point subtraction operation

○ fdiv: single precision floating-point divide operation

○ fexp: single precision floating-point exponential operation

○ flog: single precision floating-point logarithmic operation

○ fmul: single precision floating-point multiplication operation

○ frsqrt: single precision floating-point reciprocal square root operation

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○ frecip: single precision floating-point reciprocal operation

○ fsqrt: single precision floating-point square root operation

○ dadd: double precision floating-point add operation

○ dsub: double precision floating-point subtraction operation

○ ddiv: double precision floating-point divide operation

○ dexp: double precision floating-point exponential operation

○ dlog: double precision floating-point logarithmic operation

○ dmul: double precision floating-point multiplication operation

○ drsqrt: double precision floating-point reciprocal square root operation

○ drecip: double precision floating-point reciprocal operation

○ dsqrt: double precision floating-point square root operation

○ hadd: half precision floating-point add operation

○ hsub: half precision floating-point subtraction operation

○ hdiv: half precision floating-point divide operation

○ hmul: half precision floating-point multiplication operation

○ hsqrt: half precision floating-point square root operation

○ facc: single precision floating-point accumulate operation

○ fmacc: single precision floating-point multiply-accumulate operation

○ fmadd: single precision floating-point multiply-add operation

TIP: Comparison operators, such as dcmp , are implemented in LUTs and cannot be implemented
outside of the fabric, or mapped to DSPs, and so are not configurable with the syn.op or
syn.directive.bind_op commands.

• impl:<value>: Specifies the implementation (impl) keyword followed by the value for
the specified operator. When impl is not specified, the default is for the tool to determine
the best implementation for a given operator. Supported values include:
○ all: All implementations. This is the default setting.

○ dsp: Use DSP resources

○ fabric: Use non-DSP resources

○ meddsp: Floating Point IP Medium Usage of DSP resources

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○ fulldsp: Floating Point IP Full Usage of DSP resources

○ maxdsp: Floating Point IP Max Usage of DSP resources

○ primitivedsp: Floating Point IP Primitive Usage of DSP resources

○ auto: enable inference of combined facc | fmacc | fmadd operators

○ none: disable inference of combined facc | fmacc | fmadd operators

• latency:<value>: Specifies the latency keyword followed by the value. Defines the
default latency for the binding of the operator to the implementation resource. The valid
value range varies for each implementation (impl) of the operation. The default is -1,
which lets the tool apply the standard latency for the implementation resource.

TIP: You can specify the latency for a specific operation without specifying the implementation. This
leaves the tool free to choose the implementation while managing the latency.

• precision:<value>: Used for floating point operators (facc, fmacc, and fmadd), this
specifies the precision keyword followed by one of the following:
○ low: Use a low precision (60 bit and 100 bit integer) accumulation implementation
when available. This option is only available on certain non-AMD Versal™ devices, and
can cause RTL/Co-Sim mismatches due to insufficient precision with respect to C++
simulation. However, it can always be pipelined with an II=1 without source code
changes, though it uses approximately 3X the resources of standard precision floating
point accumulation.
○ high: Use high precision (one extra bit) fused multiply-add implementation when
available. This option is useful for high-precision applications and is very efficient on
Versal devices, although it can cause RTL/Co-Sim mismatches due to the extra precision
with respect to C++ simulation. It uses more resources than standard precision
floating point accumulation.
○ standard: standard precision floating point accumulation and multiply-add is suitable
for most uses of floating-point, and is the default setting. It always uses a true floating-
point accumulator that can be pipelined with II=1 on Versal devices, and II that is
typically between 3 and 5 (depending on clock frequency and target device) on non-
Versal devices.

RTL Configuration
The syn.rtl commands configure various attributes of the compiled RTL, the type of reset
used, and the encoding of the state machines. It also allows you to use specific identification in
the RTL. By default, these options are applied to the top-level design and all RTL blocks within
the design.

• syn.rtl.cosim_trace_generation:

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Generate test vectors during hardware emulation in the Vitis tool flow when the kernel is
synthesized as a Vitis kernel, to be used as a test bench for C/RTL Co-simulation in future
design iterations.


• syn.rtl.deadlock_detection:

Enables simulation or synthesis deadlock detection in the top-level RTL of an exported IP/XO
file. The options are as follows:

• none : Deadlock detection disabled

• sim : Enables deadlock detection only for simulation/emulation. This is the default setting.
• hw : Deadlock detection enabled in synthesized RTL IP. Adds ap_local_deadlock and
ap_local_block signals to the IP to enable local and global deadlock detection.


• syn.rtl.deadlock_diagnosis:

Enable deadlock detection diagnosis for Vitis kernels (.xo) during hardware emulation of the


• syn.rtl.header:

Specify a file whose contents will be inserted at the beginning of all generated RTL files. This
allows you to ensure that the generated RTL files contain user specified content.


• syn.rtl.kernel_profile:

Add top level event and stall ports required by kernel profiling.


IMPORTANT! This option relates to the v++ -c --profile.stall command, and must be
manually added to the HLS component to ensure the stall profiling is available for use in the linked

• syn.rtl.module_auto_prefix:

Specifies the top level function name as the prefix value for generated RTL modules. This
option is ignored if syn.rtl.module_prefix is also specified. This is enabled by default.


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• syn.rtl.module_prefix:

Specify a prefix to be used for all generated RTL module names. Use this to override the
defaul module prefix of the top-level function.


• syn.rtl.mult_keep_attribute:

Enable keep attribute.


• syn.rtl.register_all_io:

Use a register by default for all I/O signals.


• syn.rtl.register_reset_num:

Number of registers to add to reset signal.


• syn.rtl.reset: Variables initialized in the C/C++ code are always initialized to the same value in
the RTL and therefore in the bitstream. This initialization is performed only at power-on. It is
not repeated when a reset is applied to the design.

The setting applied with the -reset option determines how registers and memories are

• none: No reset is added to the design.

• control: Resets control registers, such as those used in state machines and those used to
generate I/O protocol signals. This is the default setting.
• state: Resets control registers and registers or memories derived from static or global
variables in the C/C++ code. Any static or global variable initialized in the C/C++ code is
reset to its initialized value.
• all: Resets all registers and memories in the design. Any static or global variable initialized
in the C/C++ code is reset to its initialized value.


• syn.rtl.reset_async:

Causes all registers to use an asynchronous reset. If this option is not specified a synchronous
reset is used.


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• syn.rtl.reset_level:

Defines the polarity of the reset signal to be either active-Low or active-High. The default
setting is active-High.


TIP: The AXI protocol requires an active-Low reset. If your design uses AXI interfaces the tool will define
this reset level with a warning if the syn.rtl.reset_level is active-High.

Schedule Setting
The syn.schedule command configures the default type of scheduling performed.

• syn.schedule.enable_dsp_full_reg:

Specifies that the DSP signals should be fully registered. This is enabled by default.


Storage Configuration
Sets the global default options for the HLS micro-architecture binding of FIFO storage elements
to memory resources.

The default configuration defined by syn.storage for FIFO storage can be overridden by
syn.directive.bind_storage for a specific design element, or specifying the storage_type option
for syn.directive.interface for objects on the interface.

• syn.storage:

The syntax for the syn.storage command is as follows:

syn.storage=fifo impl=auto auto_srl_max_bits=512 auto_srl_max_depth=3

• syn.storage=fifo: Starts the command to configure FIFOs.

Note: FIFO is the only type supported at this time.

• impl=<value>: Specifies the implementation (impl) keyword followed by the value.

When impl is not specified, the default is auto, allowing the tool to determine the best
implementation for a given operator. Supported values include: auto, bram, lutram,
uram, memory, srl

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• auto_srl_max_bits=<value>: Only valid when for impl:auto (the default). Specifies

the maximum allowed SRL total bits (depth * width) for auto implementations. The default
is 1024.
• auto_srl_max_depth=<value>: Specifies the maximum allowed SRL depth for auto-srl
implementation. The default is 2.

Implementation Configuration
The syn.vivado commands configure the Vivado synthesis and implementation runs used to
derive resource utilization and timing estimates. These settings generally do not affect the RTL
created for the HLS component, but can affect the example hardware design used for estimates.

• vivado.clock:

Override the HLS clock constraint used in the Vivado out-of-context run for determination of
timing analysis. This does not affect the output IP or XO files.


• vivado.flow:

Run the Vivado flow for synthesis only (syn), or for implementation (impl). Running synthesis
will be faster than running implementation, but will lack some of details of the implementation
run. The default setting is impl.


TIP: This is different from the flow_target option that defines the target as being either the Vitis
kernel flow or the Vivado IP flow.

• vivado.impl_strategy:

Specify a Vivado synthesis or implementation strategy. Strategy names can be found in

Defining Implementation Strategies in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation
(UG904). This is used for resource usage and timing analysis and will not affect the output


• vivado.max_timing_paths:

Specify the max number of timing paths to report when the timing is not met in the Vivado
synthesis or implementation.


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• vivado.optimization_level:

Vivado optimization level, sets other vivado_* options. This will not apply to IP/XO output.
The choices are 0, 1, 2, 3. This only applies for report generation and will not apply to the
exported IP. The default setting is 0.


• vivado.pblock:

Specify a Pblock range to use during implementation for reporting purposes.


• vivado.phys_opt:

Run Vivado physical optimization at the specified implementation stage. The choices are no
optimization (none), placement optimization (place), routing optimization (route), or both
placement and routing (all). This option only applies to the implementation run used to
generate resource and timing estimates.


• vivado.report_level:

Specify the report level for Vivado synthesis and implementation run. The valid values and the
associated reports are:

• 0: Post-synthesis utilization. Post-implementation utilization and timing.

• 1: Post-synthesis utilization, timing, and analysis. Post-implementation utilization, timing,
and analysis.
• 2: Post-synthesis utilization, timing, analysis, and failfast. Post-implementation utilization,
timing, and failfast. This is the default setting.


• vivado.rtl:

Specifies RTL language (verilog/vhdl) to select in Vivado flow.


• vivado.synth_design_args:

Specifies arguments for the Vivado synth_design command. Available synth_design

arguments can be found in the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).

vivado.synth_design_args=arg1 arg2

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• vivado.synth_strategy:

Specifies a Vivado synthesis strategy to use when generating the example design to use for
resource and timing estimates. Specific synthesis strategies can be found in Vivado Design
Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901).


Unroll Setting
The syn.unroll setting provides a global tripcount threshold below which loops are
automatically unrolled. Loops with a greater tripcount can be unrolled using

• syn.unroll.tripcount_threshold:

All loops which have fewer iterations than the specified value are automatically unrolled. The
default value is 0, which means that loops are not automatically unrolled.


HLS Optimization Directives

IMPORTANT! The following options must appear in the HLS configuration file under the [hls] header.

Directives, or the syn.directive.xxx commands allow you to customize the synthesis results
for the same source code across multiple implementations. Change the directives to change the
results. The syn.directive.xxx commands are intended for use in the config files associated
with the new Vitis IDE as described in Building and Running an HLS Component in the Vitis High-
Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).

Note: You can also use pragmas in your source code, rather than directives in your config file. This will have
the same result, but also have the added advantage of being stored directly in your source code. Refer to
the HLS Pragmas section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for more information.

Directives applied through a configuration file must include a <location> as an argument to

the directive. The <location> defines what element of the source code the directive applies to,
such as function, loop, region, or variable.

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The example syntax for syn.directive.xxx commands include the location and the
arguments for the directive. For example:

syn.directive.pipeline=dct2d II=4

Where dct2d is the location (function name) to apply the PIPELINE directive to, and II=4 is one
of the possible arguments to the directive.


This directive collects the data fields of a struct into a single wide scalar. Any arrays declared
within the struct and Vitis HLS performs a similar operation as
syn.directive.array_reshape, and completely partitions and reshapes the array into a
wide scalar and packs it with other elements of the struct.

TIP: Arrays of structs are restructured as arrays of aggregated elements. The optimization does not
support structs that contain other structs.

The bit alignment of the resulting new wide-word can be inferred from the declaration order of
the struct elements. The first element takes the least significant sector of the word and so forth
until all fields are mapped.


syn.directive.aggregate=[OPTIONS] <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the variable
which will be packed.
• <variable> is the struct variable to be packed.


• compact=[bit | byte | none | auto]: Specifies the alignment of the aggregated

struct. Alignment can be on the bit-level (packed), the byte-level (padded), none, or
automatically determined by the tool which is the default behavior.


The following example aggregates the variable AB which is a struct pointer containing three 8-bit
fields (typedef struct {unsigned char R, G, B;}pixel) in function func, into a new
24-bit pointer, aligning data at the bit-level.

syn.directive.aggregate=func AB compact=bit

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See Also

• syn.directive.array_reshape
• syn.directive.disaggregate


Specify that two or more M_AXI pointer arguments point to the same underlying buffer in
memory (DDR or HBM) and indicate any aliasing between the pointers by setting the distance or
offset between them.

IMPORTANT! syn.directive.alias applies to top-level function arguments mapped to M_AXI


Vitis HLS considers different pointers to be independent channels and generally does not provide
any dependency analysis. However, in cases where the host allocates a single buffer for multiple
pointers, this relationship can be communicated through syn.directive.alias and
dependency analysis can be maintained. This enables data dependence analysis in Vitis HLS by
defining the distance between pointers in the buffer.

Requirements for syn.directive.alias:

• All ports must be assigned to M_AXI interfaces and also assigned to different bundles, as
shown in the example below
• Each port can only be used in one syn.directive.alias command
• All ports assigned to syn.directive.alias must have the same depth
• When offset is specified, each port can have one offset
• The offset for the M_AXI port must be specified as slave or direct, offset=off is not


syn.directive.alias=[OPTIONS] <location> <ports>

• <location> is the location string in the format function[/label] that the ALIAS
pragma applies to.
• <ports> specifies the ports to alias.


• distance=<integer>: Specifies the difference between the pointer values passed to the
ports in the list.

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• offset=<string>: Specifies the offset of the pointer passed to each port in the ports list
with respect to the origin of the array.


For the following function top:

void top(int *arr0, int *arr1, int *arr2, int *arr3, ...) {
#pragma HLS interface M_AXI port=arr0 bundle=hbm0 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface M_AXI port=arr1 bundle=hbm1 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface M_AXI port=arr2 bundle=hbm2 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface M_AXI port=arr3 bundle=hbm3 depth=0x40000000

The following command defines aliasing for the specified array pointers, and defines the
distance between them:

syn.directive.alias=top arr0,arr1,arr2,arr3 distance=10000000

Alternatively, the following command specifies the offset between pointers, to accomplish the
same effect:

syn.directive.alias=top arr0,arr1,arr2,arr3

See Also

• syn.directive.interface


Specifies instance restrictions for resource allocation.

syn.directive.allocation can limit the number of RTL instances and hardware resources
used to implement specific functions, loops, or operations. For example, if the C/C++ source has
four instances of a function foo_sub, the syn.directive.allocation command can
ensure that there is only one instance of foo_sub in the final RTL. All four instances are
implemented using the same RTL block. This reduces resources used by the function, but
negatively impacts performance by sharing those resources.

The operations in the C/C++ code, such as additions, multiplications, array reads, and writes, can
also be limited by the syn.directive.allocation command.


syn.directive.allocation=[OPTIONS] <location> <instances>

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• <location> is the location string in the format function[/label].

• <instances> is a function or operator. The function can be any function in the original C/C
++ code that has not been either inlined by the syn.directive.allocation command or
inlined automatically by Vitis HLS.


• limit=<integer>:

Sets a maximum limit on the number of instances (of the type defined by the type option) to
be used in the RTL design.

• type=[function|operation]: The instance type can be function (default) or

operation. For a complete list of supported operations refer to Operator Configuration.


Given a design foo_top with multiple instances of function foo, limits the number of instances
of foo in the RTL to 2.

syn.directive.allocation=limit=2 type=function foo_top foo

Limits the number of multipliers used in the implementation of My_func to 1. This limit does not
apply to any multipliers that might reside in sub-functions of My_func. To limit the multipliers
used in the implementation of any sub-functions, specify an allocation directive on the sub-
functions or inline the sub-function into function My_func.

syn.directive.allocation=limit=1 type=operation My_func mul

See Also

• syn.directive.inline


IMPORTANT! syn.directive.array_partition and syn.directive.array_reshape

are not supported for M_AXI Interfaces on the top-level function. Instead you can use the
hls::vector data types as described in the Vector Data Types section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis
User Guide (UG1399).

syn.directive.array_partition partitions an array into smaller arrays or individual


This partitioning:

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• Results in RTL with multiple small memories or multiple registers instead of one large memory
• Effectively increases the number of read and write ports for the storage
• Potentially improves the throughput of the design
• Requires more memory instances or registers


syn.directive.array_partition=[OPTIONS] <location> <array>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the array
• <array> is the array variable to be partitioned.


• dim=<integer>: Specifies which dimension of the array is to be partitioned.

• The dimension is relevant for multi-dimensional arrays only.

• If a value of 0 is used, all dimensions are partitioned with the specified options.
• Any other value partitions only that dimension. For example, if a value 1 is used, only the
first dimension is partitioned.

• type=(block|cyclic|complete):

• block partitioning creates smaller arrays from consecutive blocks of the original array.
This effectively splits the array into N equal blocks where N is the integer defined by the -
factor option.
• cyclic partitioning creates smaller arrays by interleaving elements from the original array.
For example, if -factor 3 is used:
○ Element 0 is assigned to the first new array.

○ Element 1 is assigned to the second new array.

○ Element 2 is assigned to the third new array.

○ Element 3 is assigned to the first new array again.

• complete partitioning decomposes the array into individual elements. For a one-
dimensional array, this corresponds to resolving a memory into individual registers. For
multi-dimensional arrays, specify the partitioning of each dimension, or use -dim 0 to
partition all dimensions.

The default is complete.

• factor=<integer>: Used for block or cyclic partitioning only, this option specifies the
number of smaller arrays that are to be created.

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• off=true: Disables the ARRAY_PARTITION feature for the specified variable. Does not work
with dim, factor, or type.

Example 1

Partitions array AB[13] in function func into four arrays. Because four is not an integer factor of

• Three arrays have three elements.

• One array has four elements (AB[9:12]).

syn.directive.array_partition=func AB type=block factor=4

Partitions array AB[6][4] in function func into two arrays, each of dimension [6][2].

syn.directive.array_partition=func AB type=block factor=2 dim=2

Partitions all dimensions of AB[4][10][6] in function func into individual elements.

syn.directive.array_partition=func AB type=complete dim=0

Example 2

Partitioned arrays can be addressed in your code by the new structure of the partitioned array, as
shown in the following code example. When using the following directive:

syn.directive.array_partition=top b type=complete dim=1

The code can be structured as follows:

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {...}

syn.directive.interface mode=ap_memory top b[0]

syn.directive.interface mode=ap_memory top b[1]
syn.directive.interface mode=ap_memory top b[2]
syn.directive.interface mode=ap_memory top b[3]

See Also

• syn.directive.array_reshape

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IMPORTANT! syn.directive.array_partition and syn.directive.array_reshape

are not supported for M_AXI Interfaces on the top-level function. Instead you can use the
hls::vector data types as described in Vector Data Types.

syn.directive.array_reshape combines array partitioning with vertical array mapping to

create a single new array with fewer elements but wider words.

The syn.directive.array_reshape command has the following features:

• Splits the array into multiple arrays (like syn.directive.array_partition).

• Automatically recombine the arrays vertically to create a new array with wider words.


syn.directive.array_reshape=[OPTIONS] <location> <array>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) that contains the array
• <array> is the array variable to be reshaped.


• dim=<integer>: Specifies which dimension of the array is to be partitioned.

• The dimension is relevant for multidimensional arrays only.

• If a value of 0 is used, all dimensions are partitioned with the specified options.
• Any other value partitions only that dimension. For example, if a value 1 is used, only the
first dimension is partitioned.

• type=(block|cyclic|complete):

• block reshaping creates smaller arrays from consecutive blocks of the original array. This
effectively splits the array into N equal blocks where N is the integer defined by the -
factor option and then combines the N blocks into a single array with word-width*N.
The default is complete.
• cyclic reshaping creates smaller arrays by interleaving elements from the original array.
For example, if -factor 3 is used, element 0 is assigned to the first new array, element 1
to the second new array, element 2 is assigned to the third new array, and then element 3
is assigned to the first new array again. The final array is a vertical concatenation (word
concatenation, to create longer words) of the new arrays into a single array.

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• complete reshaping decomposes the array into temporary individual elements and then
recombines them into an array with a wider word. For a one-dimension array this is
equivalent to creating a very-wide register (if the original array was N elements of M bits,
the result is a register with N*M bits). This is the default.

• factor=<integer>: Used for block or cyclic partitioning only, this option specifies the
number of smaller arrays that are to be created.

• object:

Note: Relevant for container arrays only.

Applies reshape on the objects within the container. If the option is specified, all dimensions
of the objects will be reshaped, but all dimensions of the container will be kept.

• off=true: Disables the ARRAY_RESHAPE feature for the specified variable.

Example 1

Reshapes 8-bit array AB[17] in function func into a new 32-bit array with five elements.

Because four is not an integer factor of 17:

• Index 17 of the array, AB[17], is in the lower eight bits of the reshaped fifth element.
• The upper eight bits of the fifth element are unused.

syn.directive.array_reshape=type=block factor=4 func AB

Partitions array AB[6][4] in function func, into a new array of dimension [6][2], in which
dimension 2 is twice the width.

syn.directive.array_reshape=type=block factor=2 dim=2 func AB

Reshapes 8-bit array AB[4][2][2] in function func into a new single element array (a register),
4*2*2*8 (= 128)-bits wide.

syn.directive.array_reshape=type=complete dim=0 func AB

Example 2

Reshaped arrays can be addressed in your code by the new structure of the array, as shown in
the following code example. When using the following directive:

syn.directive.array_reshape=top b type=complete dim=0

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The code can be structured as follows:

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {...}

And the array interface defined as:

syn.directive.interface=mode=ap_memory top b[0]

See Also

• syn.directive.array_partition
• syn.directive.interface


TIP: This pragma or directive does not play a part in DSP multi-operation matching (MULADD, AMA,
ADDMUL and corresponding Subtraction operations). In fact the use of BIND_OP for assigning an operator
to DSP can prevent the HLS compiler from matching multi-operation expressions.

Vitis HLS implements the different operations in the code using specific hardware resources (or
implementations). The tool automatically determines the resource to use, or you can define
syn.op can be defined to generally specify the implementation as explained in Operator

The syn.directive.bind_op command indicates that for the specified variable an operation
(for example mul, add, or sub) should be mapped to a specific implementation (impl) in the
RTL. For example, to indicate that a specific multiplier operation (mul) is implemented in the
device fabric rather than a DSP, you can use the syn.directive.bind_op command.

You can also specify the latency with syn.directive.bind_op using the latency option as
described below.

IMPORTANT! To use the latency option, the operation must have an available multi-stage
implementation. The HLS tool provides a multi-stage implementation for all basic arithmetic operations
(add, subtract, multiply, and divide), and all floating-point operations.


syn.directive.bind_op=[OPTIONS] <location> <variable>

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• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the
• <variable> is the variable to be assigned. The variable in this case is one that is assigned
the result of the operation that is the target of this directive.


• op=<value>: Defines the operation to bind to a specific implementation resource. Supported

functional operations include: mul, add, sub

Supported floating point operations include: fadd, fsub, fdiv, fexp, flog, fmul, frsqrt,
frecip, fsqrt, dadd, dsub, ddiv, dexp, dlog, dmul, drsqrt, drecip, dsqrt, hadd,
hsub, hdiv, hmul, and hsqrt

TIP: Floating-point operations include single precision (f), double-precision (d), and half-precision (h).

• impl=<value>: Defines the implementation to use for the specified operation.Supported

implementations for functional operations include fabric and dsp.Supported
implementations for floating point operations include: fabric, meddsp, fulldsp, maxdsp,
and primitivedsp.

Note: primitivedsp is only available on Versal devices.

• latency=<int>: Defines the default latency for the implementation of the operation. The
valid latency varies according to the specified op and impl. The default is -1, which lets Vitis
HLS choose the latency.The tables below reflect the supported combinations of operation,
implementation, and latency.

Table 28: Supported Combinations of Functional Operations, Implementation, and


Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

add fabric 0 4
add dsp 0 4
mul fabric 0 4
mul dsp 0 4
sub fabric 0 4
sub dsp 0 0

TIP: Comparison operators, such as dcmp , are implemented in LUTs and cannot be implemented outside
of the fabric, or mapped to DSPs, and so are not configurable with the config_op or bind_op

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Table 29: Supported Combinations of Floating Point Operations, Implementation, and


Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

fadd fabric 0 13
fadd fulldsp 0 12
fadd primitivedsp 0 3
fsub fabric 0 13
fsub fulldsp 0 12
fsub primitivedsp 0 3
fdiv fabric 0 29
fexp fabric 0 24
fexp meddsp 0 21
fexp fulldsp 0 30
flog fabric 0 24
flog meddsp 0 23
flog fulldsp 0 29
fmul fabric 0 9
fmul meddsp 0 9
fmul fulldsp 0 9
fmul maxdsp 0 7
fmul primitivedsp 0 4
fsqrt fabric 0 29
frsqrt fabric 0 38
frsqrt fulldsp 0 33
frecip fabric 0 37
frecip fulldsp 0 30
dadd fabric 0 13
dadd fulldsp 0 15
dsub fabric 0 13
dsub fulldsp 0 15
ddiv fabric 0 58
dexp fabric 0 40
dexp meddsp 0 45
dexp fulldsp 0 57
dlog fabric 0 38
dlog meddsp 0 49
dlog fulldsp 0 65
dmul fabric 0 10
dmul meddsp 0 13
dmul fulldsp 0 13
dmul maxdsp 0 14

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Table 29: Supported Combinations of Floating Point Operations, Implementation, and

Latency (cont'd)

Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

dsqrt fabric 0 58
drsqrt fulldsp 0 111
drecip fulldsp 0 36
hadd fabric 0 9
hadd meddsp 0 12
hadd fulldsp 0 12
hsub fabric 0 9
hsub meddsp 0 12
hsub fulldsp 0 12
hdiv fabric 0 16
hmul fabric 0 7
hmul fulldsp 0 7
hmul maxdsp 0 9
hsqrt fabric 0 16


In the following example, a two-stage pipelined multiplier using fabric logic is specified to
implement the multiplication for variable c of the function foo.

int foo (int a, int b) {

int c, d;
c = a*b;
d = a*c;
return d;

And the syn.directive.bind_op command is as follows:

syn.directive.bind_op=op=mul impl=fabric latency=2 foo c

TIP: The HLS tool selects the implementation to use for variable d because no
syn.directive.bind_op is specified for that variable.

See Also

• syn.directive.bind_storage

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Vitis HLS assigns arrays in the code using specific memory resources (or types). The tool
automatically determines the resource to use. Alternatively, you can define syn.storage to
generally specify the memory type, as explained in Storage Configuration.

The syn.directive.bind_storage command assigns a specific variable in the code (an

array, or function argument) to a specific memory type (type) in the RTL. For example, you can
use the syn.directive.bind_storage command to specify which type of memory, and
which implementation to use for an array variable. Also, this allows you to control whether the
array is implemented as a single or a dual-port RAM.

IMPORTANT! This feature is important for arrays on the top-level function interface, because the memory
type associated with the array determines the number and type of ports needed in the RTL, as discussed in
the Arrays on the Interface section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399). However, for
variables assigned to top-level function arguments you must assign the memory type and implementation
using the storage_type and storage_impl options of syn.directive.interface.

You can also use the latency option of syn.directive.bind_storage to specify the
latency of the implementation. For block RAMs on the interface, the latency option allows you
to model off-chip, non-standard SRAMs at the interface, for example supporting an SRAM with a
latency of 2 or 3. For internal operations, the latency option allows the operation to be
implemented using more pipelined stages. These additional pipeline stages can help resolve
timing issues during RTL synthesis.

IMPORTANT! To use the latency option, the memory must have an available multi-stage
implementation. The HLS tool provides a multi-stage implementation for all block RAMs.


syn.directive.bind_storage=[OPTIONS] <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the
• <variable> is the variable to be assigned.

TIP: If the variable is an argument of a top-level function, then use the storage_type and
storage_impl options of syn.directive.interface.


• type=<value>: Defines the type of memory to bind to the specified variable. Supported
types include: fifo, ram_1p, ram_1wnr, ram_2p, ram_s2p, ram_t2p, rom_1p, rom_2p,
and rom_np.

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Table 30: Storage Types

Type Description
FIFO A FIFO. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless the -impl
option is specified.
RAM_1P A single-port RAM. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless
the -impl option is specified.

RAM_1WNR A RAM with 1 write port and N read ports, using N banks internally.
RAM_2P A dual-port RAM that allows read operations on one port and both read and write
operations on the other port.
RAM_S2P A dual-port RAM that allows read operations on one port and write operations on
the other port.
RAM_T2P A true dual-port RAM with support for both read and write on both ports.
ROM_1P A single-port ROM. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless
the -impl option is specified.

ROM_2P A dual-port ROM.

ROM_NP A multi-port ROM.

TIP: If you specify a single port RAM for a PIPO, then the binder will typically allocate a merged-PIPO,
with only one bank, and reader and writer accessing different halves of the bank. The info message
reported by the HLS compiler says "Implementing PIPO using a single memory for all blocks." This is
often cheaper for small PIPOs, where all banks can share a single RAM block. However, if you specify a
dual-port RAM for a PIPO to get higher bandwidth and the scheduler uses both ports either in the
producer or in the consumer, then the binder will typically allocate a split-PIPO, where the producer will
use 1 port and the consumer 2 ports of different banks. The info message reported by the HLS compiler
in this case says "Implementing PIPO using a separate memory for each block."

• impl=<value>: Defines the implementation for the specified memory type. Supported
implementations include: bram, bram_ecc, lutram, uram, uram_ecc, srl, memory, and
auto as described below.

Table 31: Supported Implementation

Name Description
MEMORY Generic memory for FIFO, lets the Vivado tool choose the implementation.
URAM UltraRAM resource
SRL Shift Register Logic resource
LUTRAM Distributed RAM resource
BRAM Block RAM resource
AUTO Vitis HLS automatically determine the implementation of the variable.

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Table 32: Supported Implementations by FIFO/RAM/ROM

Type Command/Pragma Scope
FIFO bind_storage1 local AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,
FIFO config_storage global AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,
RAM* | ROM* bind_storage local AUTO BRAM, BRAM_ECC,
RAM* | ROM* config_storage2 global N/A

RAM_1P set_directive_interfa local AUTO, BRAM, URAM

ce s_axilite -

config_interface - global AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,

m_axi_buffer_impl URAM

1. When no implementation is specified the directive uses AUTOSRL behavior as a default. However, this value
cannot be specified.
2. config_storage only supports FIFO types.

• latency=<int>: Defines the default latency for the binding of the storage type to the
implementation. The valid latency varies according to the specified type and impl. The
default is -1, which lets Vitis HLS choose the latency.

Table 33: Supported Combinations of Memory Type, Implementation, and Latency

Type Implementation Min Latency Max Latency


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Table 33: Supported Combinations of Memory Type, Implementation, and Latency


Type Implementation Min Latency Max Latency


IMPORTANT! Any combinations of memory type and implementation that are not listed in the prior table
are not supported by syn.directive.bind_storage.


In the following example, the coeffs[128] variable is an argument of the function func1. The
directive specifies that coeffs uses a single port RAM implemented on a BRAM core from the

syn.directive.bind_storage=func1 coeffs type=RAM_1P impl=bram

TIP: The ports created in the RTL to access the values of coeffs are defined in the RAM_1P core.

See Also

• syn.directive.bind_op

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In FPGA, non-burst accesses to the DDR memory are very expensive and can impact the overall
performance of the design. Hence, it is important to devise a scheme that reduces the time
needed to access the necessary information. An efficient solution is to re-write the code or use
manual burst, but if that does not work then another solution might be to use a cache memory.

Cache provides a temporary storage area in the M_AXI adapter so the design can more quickly
retrieve data. The effectiveness of the cache mechanism is measured in a hit/miss ratio and it is
based on a property of computer programs called locality of reference, or the tendency of a
program to access the same set of memory locations repetitively over a short period of time. It
suggests that when a particular memory block is accessed, it is likely to be accessed again in the
near future, along with memory located in close proximity. For instance, when executing
consecutive instructions in memory, the next set of instructions to be accessed will most likely be
within a contiguous block of data nearby.

TIP: You control the cache implementation resources using the

syn.interface.m_axi_cache_impl command.


syn.directive.cache=<location> port=<name> lines=<value> depth=<value>


• <location>: Specifies the function where the specified ports can be found. This is the top

• port=<name>: Specifies the port to add cache to. This is a required argument.

• lines=<value>: Indicates the number of cache lines. The number of lines can be specified
as 1, which indicates a single cache line, or a value greater than 1 expressed as a power of 2,
indicating multiple cache lines. This is an optional value, and defaults to 1 if not specified.

• depth=<value>: Specifies the size of each line in words. The depth must be specified as a
power of 2, and indicates the size in words of the pointer datatype for each line. This is an
optional value, and defaults to the max burst length if not specified. The max burst length
defaults to 16, but can be globally specified by the
syn.interface.m_axi_max_read_burst_length command as described in Interface
Configuration, or by the syn.directive.interface command for specific interfaces.


The CACHE directive or pragma has the following limitations:

• Cache is only supported for read-only port

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• The cache is implemented as a Single port, Single way cache.

• Cache is not supported for multiple ports connected to the same bundle


The following example shows a design where overlapping access will cause the burst to fail.
Using the CACHE pragma or directive will improve the performance of the design.

extern "C" {
void dut(
const double *in, // Read-Only Vector 1
double *out, // Output Result
int size // Size in integer
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=in bundle=aximm depth = 1026
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out bundle=aximm depth = 1024
#pragma HLS cache port=in lines=8 depth=128
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
out[i] = in[i] + in[i + 1];

See Also

• pragma HLS interface

• Interface Configuration
• pragma HLS cache


All operations are performed sequentially in a C/C++ description. In the absence of any
directives that limit resources (such as set_directive_allocation), Vitis HLS seeks to
minimize latency and improve concurrency. Data dependencies can limit this. For example,
functions or loops that access arrays must finish all read/write accesses to the arrays before they
complete. This prevents the next function or loop that consumes the data from starting

However, it is possible for the operations in a function or loop to start operation before the
previous function or loop completes all its operations. syn.directive.dataflow specifies
that dataflow optimization be performed on the functions or loops, improving the concurrency of
the RTL implementation. When syn.directive.dataflow is specified, the HLS tool analyzes
the dataflow between sequential functions or loops and creates channels (based on ping-pong
RAMs or FIFOs) that allow consumer functions or loops to start operation before the producer
functions or loops have completed. This allows functions or loops to operate in parallel, which
decreases latency and improves the throughput of the RTL.

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TIP: The syn.dataflow.xxx command specifies the default memory channel and FIFO depth used by
syn.directive.dataflow as explained in Dataflow Configuration.

If no initiation interval (number of cycles between the start of one function or loop and the next)
is specified, Vitis HLS attempts to minimize the initiation interval and start operation as soon as
data is available. For the DATAFLOW optimization to work, the data must flow through the
design from one task to the next. The following coding styles prevent the HLS tool from
performing the DATAFLOW optimization.

• Single-producer-consumer violations
• Feedback between tasks
• Conditional execution of tasks
• Loops with multiple exit conditions

IMPORTANT! If any of these coding styles are present, the HLS tool issues a message and does not
perform DATAFLOW optimization.

Finally, the DATAFLOW optimization has no hierarchical implementation. If a sub-function or

loop contains additional tasks that might benefit from the DATAFLOW optimization, you must
apply the optimization to the loop and the sub-function, or inline the sub-function.


syn.directive.dataflow=<location> disable_start_propagation

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) at which dataflow

optimization is to be performed.
• disable_start_propagation disables the creation of a start FIFO used to propagate a
start token to an internal process. Such FIFOs can sometimes be a bottleneck for


Specifies DATAFLOW optimization within function foo.


See Also

• syn.directive.allocation

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Vitis HLS detects dependencies within loops: dependencies within the same iteration of a loop
are loop-independent dependencies, and dependencies between different iterations of a loop are
loop-carried dependencies.

These dependencies are impacted when operations can be scheduled, especially during function
and loop pipelining.

• Loop-independent dependence: The same element is accessed in a single loop iteration.

for (i=1;i<N;i++) {

• Loop-carried dependence: The same element is accessed from a different loop iteration.

for (i=1;i<N;i++) {

Under certain circumstances, such as variable dependent array indexing or when an external
requirement needs to be enforced (for example, two inputs are never the same index), the
dependence analysis might be too conservative and fail to filter out false dependencies. The
syn.directive.dependence command allows you to explicitly define the dependencies and
eliminate a false dependence.

IMPORTANT! Specifying a false dependency when the dependency is not false can result in incorrect
hardware. Ensure dependencies are correct (true or false) before specifying them.


syn.directive.dependence=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location>: The location in the code, specified as function[/label], where the

dependence is defined.


• class=(array | pointer): Specifies a class of variables in which the dependence needs

clarification. This is mutually exclusive with the variable option.

• variable=<variable>: Defines a specific variable to apply the dependence directive.

Mutually exclusive with the class option.

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IMPORTANT! You cannot specify a dependence for function arguments that are bundled with
other arguments in an m_axi interface. This is the default configuration for m_axi interfaces on the
function. You also cannot specify a dependence for an element of a struct, unless the struct has been

• dependent=(true | false): This argument should be specified to indicate whether a

dependence is true and needs to be enforced, or is false and should be removed. However,
when not specified, the tool will return a warning that the value was not specified and will
assume a value of false.

• direction=(RAW | WAR | WAW):

Note: Relevant only for loop-carried dependencies.

Specifies the direction for a dependence:

• RAW (Read-After-Write - true dependence): The write instruction uses a value used by the
read instruction.

• WAR (Write-After-Read - anti dependence): The read instruction gets a value that is
overwritten by the write instruction.

• WAW (Write-After-Write - output dependence): Two write instructions write to the same
location, in a certain order.

• distance=<integer>:

Note: Relevant only for loop-carried dependencies where -dependent is set to true.

Specifies the inter-iteration distance for array access.

• type=(intra | inter): Specifies whether the dependence is:

• Within the same loop iteration (intra), or

• Between different loop iterations (inter) (default).


Removes the dependence between Var1 in the same iterations of loop_1 in function func.

syn.directive.dependence=variable=Var1 type=intra \
dependent=false func/loop_1

The dependence on all arrays in loop_2 of function func informs Vitis HLS that all reads must
happen after writes in the same loop iteration.

syn.directive.dependence=class=array type=intra \
dependent=true direction=RAW func/loop_2

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See Also

• syn.directive.disaggregate
• syn.directive.pipeline


The syn.directive.disaggregate command lets you deconstruct a struct variable into

its individual elements. The number and type of elements created are determined by the
contents of the struct itself.

IMPORTANT! Structs used as arguments to the top-level function are aggregated by default, but can be
disaggregated with this directive or pragma.


syn.directive.disaggregate=<location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) where the variable to
disaggregate is found.
• <variable> specifies the struct variable name.


This command has no options.

Example 1

The following example shows disaggregates the struct variable a in function top:

syn.directive.disaggregate=top a

Example 2

Disaggregated structs can be addressed in your code by the using standard C/C++ coding style
as shown below. When using the directives:

syn.directive.disaggregate=top a
syn.directive.disaggregate=top c

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The code can be structured as follows.

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {

syn.directive.interface=mode=s_axilite top a->x

syn.directive.interface=mode=s_axilite top a->y

syn.directive.interface=mode=ap_memory top c.x

syn.directive.interface=mode=ap_memory top c.y

IMPORTANT! Notice the different methods shown above for accessing an element of a pointer (a) versus
an element of a reference (c)

Example 3

The following example shows the Dot struct containing the RGB struct as an element. If you
apply syn.directive.disaggregate to variable Arr, then only the top-level Dot struct is

struct Pixel {
char R;
char G;
char B;

struct Dot {
Pixel RGB;
unsigned Size;

#define N 1086
void DUT(Dot Arr[N]) {

syn.directive.disaggregate=DUT Arr

If you want to disaggregate the whole struct, Dot and RGB, then you can assign the
set_directive_disaggregate as shown below.

void DUT(Dot Arr[N]) {

#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=Arr->RGB

syn.directive.disaggregate=DUT Arr->RGB

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The results in this case will be:

void DUT(char Arr_RGB_R[N], char Arr_RGB_G[N], char Arr_RGB_B[N], unsigned

Arr_Size[N]) {

See Also

• syn.directive.aggregate


Sometimes C/C++ code is written with a sequence of operations, resulting in a long chain of
operations in RTL. With a small clock period, this can increase the latency in the design. By
default, the Vitis HLS tool rearranges the operations using associative and commutative
properties. The rearrangement creates a balanced tree that can shorten the chain, potentially
reducing latency in the design at the cost of extra hardware.

Expression balancing rearranges operators to construct a balanced tree and reduce latency.

• For integer operations expression balancing is on by default but can be disabled.

• For floating-point operations, expression balancing is off by default but can be enabled.

The syn.directive.expression_balance command allows this expression balancing to

be turned off, or on, within a specified scope.


syn.directive.expression_balance=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) where expression balancing
should be disabled, or enabled.


• off: Turns off expression balancing at the specified location. Specifying the
syn.directive.expression_balance command enables expression balancing in the
specified scope. Adding the off option disables it.


Disables expression balancing within function My_Func.

syn.directive.expression_balance=off My_Func

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Explicitly enables expression balancing in function My_Func2.



By default:

• Functions remain as separate hierarchy blocks in the RTL, or are decomposed (inlined) into
higher-level functions.
• All instances of a function, at the same level of hierarchy, uses the same RTL implementation

The syn.directive.function_instantiate command is used to create a unique RTL

implementation for each instance of a function, allowing each instance to be optimized around a
specific argument or variable.

By default, the following code results in a single RTL implementation of function func_sub for
all three instances, or if func_sub is a small function it is inlined into function func.

TIP: By default, the Vitis HLS tool automatically inlines small functions. This is true even for function
instantiations. Using the set_directive_inline off option can be used to prevent this automatic

char func_sub(char inval, char incr)

return inval + incr;
void func(char inval1, char inval2, char inval3,
char *outval1, char *outval2, char * outval3)
*outval1 = func_sub(inval1, 1);
*outval2 = func_sub(inval2, 2);
*outval3 = func_sub(inval3, 3);

Using the directive as shown in the example section below results in three versions of function
func_sub, each independently optimized for variable incr.


syn.directive.function_instantiate=<location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/region label]) where the
instances of a function are to be made unique.
• <variable> specifies the function argument to be specified as a constant in the various
function instantiations.

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This command has no options.


For the example code shown above, the following Tcl (or pragma placed in function func_sub)
allows each instance of function func_sub to be independently optimized with respect to input

syn.directive.inline off=func_sub
syn.directive.function_instantiate=func_sub incr

See Also

• syn.directive.allocation
• syn.directive.inline


syn.directive.inline removes a function as a separate entity in the RTL hierarchy. After

inlining, the function is dissolved into the calling function, and no longer appears as a separate
level of hierarchy.

IMPORTANT! Inlining a child function also dissolves any pragmas or directives applied to that function. In
Vitis HLS, any directives applied in the child context are ignored.

In some cases, inlining a function allows operations within the function to be shared and
optimized more effectively with the calling function. However, an inlined function cannot be
shared or reused, so if the parent function calls the inlined function multiple times, this can
increase the area and resource utilization.

By default, inlining is only performed on the next level of function hierarchy.


syn.directive.inline=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) where inlining is to be



• off: By default, Vitis HLS performs inlining of smaller functions in the code. Using the off
option disables inlining for the specified function.

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• recursive: By default, only one level of function inlining is performed. The functions within
the specified function are not inlined. The recursive option inlines all functions recursively
within the specified function hierarchy.


The following example inlines function func_sub1, but no sub-functions called by func_sub1.


This example inlines function func_sub1, recursively down the hierarchy, excluding function

syn.directive.inline=recursive func_sub1
syn.directive.inline=off func_sub2

See Also

• syn.directive.allocation


syn.directive.interface is only supported for use on the top-level function, and cannot
be used for sub-functions of the HLS component. The INTERFACE pragma or directive specifies
how RTL ports are created from the function arguments during interface synthesis, as described
in the Defining Interfaces section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399). The Vitis
HLS tool automatically determines the I/O protocol used by any sub-functions.

Ports in the RTL implementation are derived from the data type and direction of the arguments
of the top-level function and function return, the flow_target for the HLS component, the
default interface configuration settings as specified by syn.interface.xxx commands
described in Interface Configuration, and by syn.directive.interface. Each function
argument can be specified to have its own I/O protocol (such as valid handshake or acknowledge

TIP: Global variables required on the interface must be explicitly defined as an argument of the top-level
function as described in the Global Variables section of theVitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide
(UG1399). However, if a global variable is accessed, but all read and write operations are local to the
design, the resource is created in the design. There is no need for an I/O port in the RTL.

The interface also defines the execution control protocol of the HLS component as described in
the Block-Level Control Protocols section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).
The control protocol controls when the HLS component (or block) starts execution, and when the
block completes operation, is idle and ready for new inputs.

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syn.directive.interface=[OPTIONS] <location> <port>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) where the function
interface or registered output is to be specified.
• <port> is the parameter (function argument) for which the interface has to be synthesized.
The port name is not required when block control modes are specified: ap_ctrl_chain,
ap_ctrl_hs, or ap_ctrl_none.


TIP: Many of the options specified below have default values that are defined with
syn.interface.xxx commands. You can define local values for the interface defined here to override
the default values.

• mode=<mode>:

The supported modes, and how the tool implements them in RTL, can be broken down into
three categories as follows:

1. Port-Level Protocols:
• ap_none: No port protocol. The interface is a simple data port.
• ap_stable: No protocol. The interface is a simple data port, but the Vitis HLS tool
assumes the data port is always stable after reset which allows optimizations to remove
unnecessary registers.
• ap_vld: Implements the data port with an associated valid signal to indicate when
the data is valid for reading or writing.
• ap_ack: Implements the data port with an associated acknowledge signal to
acknowledge that the data was read or written.
• ap_hs: Implements the data port with both valid and acknowledge signals to
provide a two-way handshake to indicate when the data is valid for reading and writing
and to acknowledge that the data was read or written.
• ap_ovld: Implements the output data port with an associated valid signal to indicate
when the data is valid for reading or writing.

TIP: For ap_ovld Vitis HLS implements the input argument or the input half of any read/write
arguments with mode ap_none.

• ap_memory: Implements array arguments as a standard RAM interface. If you use the
RTL design in Vivado IP integrator the interface is composed of separate ports.
• bram: Implements array arguments as a standard RAM interface. If you use the RTL
design in Vivado IP integrator the memory interface is composed of a single port.

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• ap_fifo: Implements the port with a standard FIFO interface using data input and
output ports with associated active-Low FIFO empty and full ports.
Note: You can only use the ap_fifo interface on read arguments or write arguments. ap_fifo
mode does not support bidirectional read/write arguments.

2. AXI Interface Protocols:

• s_axilite: Implements the port as an AXI4-Lite interface. The tool produces an
associated set of C driver files when exporting the generated RT for the HLS
• m_axi: Implements the port as an AXI4 interface. You can use the
syn.interface.m_axi_addr64 command to specify either 32-bit (default) or 64-
bit address ports and to control any address offset.
• axis: Implements the port as an AXI4-Stream interface.
3. Block-Level Control Protocols:
• ap_ctrl_chain: Implements a set of block-level control ports to start the design
operation, continue operation, and indicate when the design is idle, done, and
ready for new input data.
• ap_ctrl_hs: Implements a set of block-level control ports to start the design
operation and to indicate when the design is idle, done, and ready for new input
• ap_ctrl_none: No block-level I/O protocol.
Note: Using the ap_ctrl_none mode might prevent the design from being verified using
C/RTL co-simulation.

• bundle=<string>:

By default, the HLS tool groups (or bundles) function arguments that are compatible into a
single interface port in the RTL code. All interface ports with compatible options, such as
mode, offset, and bundle, are grouped into a single interface port.

TIP: This default can be changed using the syn.interface.m_axi_auto_max_ports


This bundle=<string> option lets you define bundles to group ports together, overriding
the default behavior. The <string> specifies the bundle name. The port name used in the
generated RTL code is derived automatically from a combination of the mode and bundle, or
is named as specified by name.

IMPORTANT! bundle names must be specified using lower-case characters.

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• clock=<string>: By default, the AXI4-Lite interface clock is the same clock as the system
clock. This option is used to set specify a separate clock for an AXI4-Lite interface. If the
bundle option is used to group multiple top-level function arguments into a single AXI4-Lite
interface, the clock option need only be specified on one of bundle members.

• channel=<string>: To enable multiple channels on an m_axi interface specify the channel

ID. Multiple m_axi interfaces can be combined into a single m_axi adapter using separate
channel IDs.

• depth=<int>: Specifies the maximum number of samples for the test bench to process. This
setting indicates the maximum size of the FIFO needed in the verification adapter that the
HLS tool creates for RTL co-simulation.

TIP: While depth is usually an option, it is needed to specify the size of pointer arguments for RTL co-

• interrupt=<int>: Only used by ap_vld/ap_hs. This option enables the I/O to be

managed in interrupt, by creating the corresponding bits in the ISR and IER in the
s_axilite register file. The integer value N=16..31 specifies the bit position in both
registers (by default assigned contiguously from 16).

• latency=<value>: This option can be used on ap_memory and m_axi interfaces.

• In an ap_memory interface the option specifies the read latency of the RAM resource
driving the interface. By default, a read operation of 1 clock cycle is used. This option
allows an external RAM with more than 1 clock cycle of read latency to be modeled.
• In an m_axi interface the option specifies the expected latency of the AXI4 interface,
allowing the design to initiate a bus request the specified number of cycles (latency) before
the read or write is expected. If this figure it too low, the design will be ready too soon and
might stall waiting for the bus. If this figure is too high, bus access might be idle waiting on
the design to start the access.

• max_read_burst_length=<int>: For use with the m_axi interface, this option specifies
the maximum number of data values read during a burst transfer. Refer to the AXI Burst
Transfers section of theVitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for more information.

• max_write_burst_length=<int>: For use with the m_axi interface, this option specifies
the maximum number of data values written during a burst transfer.

• max_widen_bitwidth=<int>: Specifies the maximum bit width available for the interface
when automatically widening the interface. This overrides the default value specified by the
syn.interface.m_axi_max_bitwidth command. Refer to Automatic Port Width
Resizing in the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for more information.

• name=<string>: Specifies a name for the port which will be used in the generated RTL. By
default the port name is derived automatically from a combination of the mode and bundle
unless specified by name.

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• num_read_outstanding=<int>: For use with the m_axi interface, this option specifies
how many read requests can be made to the AXI4 bus, without a response, before the design
stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, and a FIFO of size:


• num_write_outstanding=<int>: For use with the m_axi interface, this option specifies
how many write requests can be made to the AXI4 bus, without a response, before the design
stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, and a FIFO of size:


• offset=<string>: Controls the address offset in AXI4-Lite (s_axilite) and AXI4

memory mapped (m_axi) interfaces for the specified port.

• In an s_axilite interface, <string> specifies the address in the register map.

• In an m_axi interface this option overrides the global option specified by the
config_interface -m_axi_offset option, and <string> is specified as:
○ off: Do not generate an offset port.

○ direct: Generate a scalar input offset port.

○ slave: Generate an offset port and automatically map it to an AXI4-Lite slave interface.
This is the default offset.

• register: Registers the signal and any associated protocol signals and instructs the signals
to persist until at least the last cycle of the function execution. The
syn.interface.register_io command controls default registering of all interfaces on
the top function, while this option lets you override the default for the current interface. This
option applies to the following interface modes:

• s_axilite
• ap_fifo
• ap_none
• ap_stable
• ap_hs
• ap_ack
• ap_vld
• ap_ovld

TIP: The register option cannot be used on the return port of the function (port=return ). Use
the syn.directive.latency instead.

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• register_mode=(both|forward|reverse|off): This option applies to AXI4-Stream

interfaces, and specifies if registers are placed on the forward path (TDATA and TVALID), the
reverse path (TREADY), on both paths, or if none of the ports signals are to be registered
(off). The default is register_mode=both.

TIP: AXI4-Stream side-channel signals are considered to be data signals and are registered whenever
the TDATA is registered.

• storage_impl=<impl>: For use with mode=s_axilite only, this options defines a

storage implementation to assign to the interface. Supported <impl> values include auto,
bram, and uram. The default is auto.

TIP: uram is a synchronous memory with a single clock for two ports available only on certain devices.
Therefore uram cannot be specified for an s_axilite adapter with two clocks, or when the
specified part does not support uram.

• storage_type=<type>:

For use with mode=ap_memory or mode=bram only, this options defines a storage type (for
example, RAM_T2P) to assign to the variable.

Supported types include: ram_1p, ram_1wnr, ram_2p, ram_s2p, ram_t2p, rom_1p,

rom_2p, and rom_np.

TIP: For objects that are not defined on the interface of the top-level function this can be defined using

Example 1

This example disables function-level handshakes for function func.

syn.directive.interface=mode=ap_ctrl_none func return

Example 2

Argument InData in function func is specified to have a ap_vld interface and the input
should be registered.

set_directive_interface=func InData mode=ap_vld register

See Also

• syn.directive.bind_storage
• syn.directive.latency

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Specifies a maximum or minimum latency value, or both, on a function, loop, or region.

Vitis HLS always aims for minimum latency. The behavior of the tool when minimum and
maximum latency values are specified is as follows:

• Latency is less than the minimum: If Vitis HLS can achieve less than the minimum specified
latency, it extends the latency to the specified value, potentially enabling increased sharing.
• Latency is greater than the minimum: The constraint is satisfied. No further optimizations are
• Latency is less than the maximum: The constraint is satisfied. No further optimizations are
• Latency is greater than the maximum: If Vitis HLS cannot schedule within the maximum limit,
it increases effort to achieve the specified constraint. If it still fails to meet the maximum
latency, it issues a warning. Vitis HLS then produces a design with the smallest achievable

TIP: You can also use syn.directive.latency to limit the efforts of the tool to find an optimum
solution. Specifying latency constraints for scopes within the code: loops, functions, or regions, reduces the
possible solutions within that scope and can improve tool compilation time. Refer to the Improving
Synthesis Runtime and Capacity section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for more

To limit the total latency of all loop iterations, the latency directive should be applied to a region
that encompasses the entire loop, as in this example: syn.directive.latency
Region_All_Loop_A max=10

Region_All_Loop_A: {
Loop_A: for (i=0; i<N; i++)
..Loop Body...

In this case, even if the loop is unrolled, the latency directive sets a maximum limit on all loop


syn.directive.latency=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location (function, loop or region) (in the format function[/label]) to
be constrained.

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• max=<integer>: Limits the maximum latency.

• min=<integer>: Limits the minimum latency.


Function foo is specified to have a minimum latency of 4 and a maximum latency of 8.

syn.directive.latency=min=4 max=8 foo

In function foo, loop loop_row is specified to have a maximum latency of 12.

syn.directive.latency=max=12 foo/loop_row


Flattens nested loops into a single loop hierarchy.

In the RTL implementation, it costs a clock cycle to move between loops in the loop hierarchy.
Flattening nested loops allows them to be optimized as a single loop. This saves clock cycles,
potentially allowing for greater optimization of the loop body logic.

RECOMMENDED: Apply this directive to the inner-most loop in the loop hierarchy. Only perfect and
semi-perfect loops can be flattened in this manner.

• Perfect loop nests:

• Only the innermost loop has loop body content.

• There is no logic specified between the loop statements.
• All loop bounds are constant.

• Semi-perfect loop nests:

• Only the innermost loop has loop body content.

• There is no logic specified between the loop statements.
• The outermost loop bound can be a variable.

• Imperfect loop nests:

When the inner loop has variables bounds (or the loop body is not exclusively inside the inner
loop), try to restructure the code, or unroll the loops in the loop body to create a perfect loop

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syn.directive.loop_flatten=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location (inner-most loop), in the format function[/label].


• off: Option to prevent loop flattening from taking place, and can prevent some loops from
being flattened while all others in the specified location are flattened.

IMPORTANT! The presence of the LOOP_FLATTEN pragma or directive enables the optimization. The
addition of off disables it.


Flattens loop_1 in function foo and all (perfect or semi-perfect) loops above it in the loop
hierarchy, into a single loop.


Prevents loop flattening in loop_2 of function foo.

set_directive_loop_flatten=off foo/loop_2

See Also

• syn.directive.loop_flatten


Merges all loops into a single loop. Merging loops:

• Reduces the number of clock cycles required in the RTL to transition between the loop-body
• Allows the loops be implemented in parallel (if possible).

The rules for loop merging are:

• If the loop bounds are variables, they must have the same value (number of iterations).
• If loops bounds are constants, the maximum constant value is used as the bound of the
merged loop.
• Loops with both variable bound and constant bound cannot be merged.

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• The code between loops to be merged cannot have side effects. Multiple execution of this
code should generate the same results.
○ a=b is allowed

○ a=a+1 is not allowed.

• Loops cannot be merged when they contain FIFO reads. Merging changes the order of the
reads. Reads from a FIFO or FIFO interface must always be in sequence.


syn.directive.loop_merge=[options] <location>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) at which the loops reside.


• force: Forces loops to be merged even when Vitis HLS issues a warning. You must assure
that the merged loop will function correctly.


Merges all consecutive loops in function foo into a single loop.


All loops inside loop_2 of function foo (but not loop_2 itself) are merged by using the force

syn.directive.loop_merge=force foo/loop_2

See Also

• syn.directive.loop_flatten
• syn.directive.unroll


The loop tripcount is the total number of iterations performed by a loop. Vitis HLS reports the
total latency of each loop (the number of cycles to execute all iterations of the loop). This loop
latency is therefore a function of the tripcount (number of loop iterations).

IMPORTANT! syn.directive.loop_tripcount is for analysis only, and does not impact the
results of synthesis.

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The tripcount can be a constant value. It might depend on the value of variables used in the loop
expression (for example, x<y) or control statements used inside the loop.

Vitis HLS cannot determine the tripcount in some cases. These cases include, for example, those
in which the variables used to determine the tripcount are:

• Input arguments, or
• Variables calculated by dynamic operation

In the following example, the maximum iteration of the for-loop is determined by the value of
input num_samples. The value of num_samples is not defined in the C function, but comes
into the function from the outside.

void foo (num_samples, ...) {

int i;
loop_1: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {
result = a + b;

In cases where the loop latency is unknown or cannot be calculated,

syn.directive.loop_tripcount allows you to specify minimum, maximum, and average
iterations for a loop. This lets the tool analyze how the loop latency contributes to the total
design latency in the reports and helps you determine appropriate optimizations for the design.

TIP: If a C assert macro is used to limit the size of a loop variable, Vitis HLS can use it to both define loop
limits for reporting and create hardware that is exactly sized to these limits.


syn.directive.loop_tripcount=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location of the loop (in the format function[/label]) at which the
tripcount is specified.


• avg=<integer>: Specifies the average number of iterations.

• max=<integer>: Limits the maximum number of iterations.

• min=<integer>: Limits the minimum number of iterations.

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loop_1 in function foo is specified to have a minimum tripcount of 12, and a maximum
tripcount of 16:

syn.directive.loop_tripcount=min=12 max=16 avg=14 foo/loop_1


When pipelining functions or loops, the OCCURRENCE pragma or directive specifies that the
code in a pipelined function call within the pipelined function or loop is executed at a lower rate
than the surrounding function or loop. This allows the pipelined call that is executed at the lower
rate to be pipelined at a slower rate, and potentially shared within the top-level pipeline. For

• A loop iterates N times.

• Part of the loop is protected by a conditional statement and only executes M times, where N is
an integer multiple of M.
• The code protected by the conditional is said to have an occurrence of N/M.

Identifying a region with an OCCURRENCE rate allows the functions and loops in this region to
be pipelined with an initiation interval that is slower than the enclosing function or loop.


syn.directive.occurrence=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> specifies the block of code that contains the pipelined function call(s) with a
slower rate of execution.


• cycle=<int>: Specifies the occurrence N/M where:

• N is the number of times the enclosing function or loop is executed.

• M is the number of times the conditional region is executed.

IMPORTANT! N must be an integer multiple of M.

• off=true: Disable occurrence for the specified function.

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Region Cond_Region in function foo has an occurrence of 4. It executes at a rate four times
slower than the code that encompasses it.

syn.directive.occurrence=cycle=4 foo/Cond_Region

See Also

• syn.directive.pipeline


TIP: syn.directive.performance applies to loops and loop nests, and requires a known loop
tripcount to determine the performance. If your loop has a variable tripcount then you must also specify

The syn.directive.performance lets you specify a high-level constraint, target_ti or

target_tl, defining the number of clock cycles between successive starts of a loop, and lets
the tool infer lower-level UNROLL, PIPELINE, ARRAY_PARTITION, and INLINE directives needed
to achieve the desired result. The syn.directive.performance does not guarantee the
specified value will be achieved, and so it is only a target.

The target_ti is the interval between successive starts of the loop, or between the start of
the first iteration of the loop, and the next start of the first iteration of the loop. In the following
code example, a target_ti=T would mean the target interval for the start of loop L2 between
two consecutive iterations of L1 should be 100 cycles.

const int T = 100;

L1: for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
L2: for (int j=0; j<M; j++){
#pragma HLS PERFORMANCE target_ti=T

The target_tl is the interval between start of the loop and end of the loop, or between the
start of the first iteration of the loop and the completion of the last iteration of the loop. In the
preceding code example a target_tl=T means the target completion of loop L2 for a single
iteration of L1 should be 100 cycles.

Note: syn.directive.inline is applied automatically to functions inside any pipelined loop that has
II=1 to improve throughput. If you apply the PERFORMANCE pragma or directive that infers a pipeline
with II=1, it will also trigger the auto-inline optimization. You can disable this for specific functions by using
syn.directive.inline off.

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The transaction interval is the initiation interval (II) of the loop times the number of iterations, or
tripcount: target_ti = II * loop tripcount. Conversely, target_ti = FreqHz / Operations per

For example, assuming an image processing function that processes a single frame per invocation
with a throughput goal of 60 fps, then the target throughput for the function is 60 invocations
per second. If the clock frequency is 180 MHz, then target_ti is 180M/60, or 3 million clock
cycles per function invocation.


Specify the directive for a labeled loop.

syn.directive.performance=<location> [Options]


<location> specifies the loop in the format function/loop_label.


• target_ti=<value>: Specifies a target transaction interval defined as the number of clock

cycles for the loop to complete an iteration. The transaction interval refers to the number of
clock cycles from the first transaction of a loop, or nested loop, to the start of the next
transaction of the loop. The <value> can be specified as an integer, floating point, or constant
expression that is resolved by the tool as an integer.

Note: A warning will be returned if truncation occurs.

• target_tl=<value>:

Specifies a target latency defined as the number of clock cycles for the loop to complete all
iterations. The transaction latency is defined as the interval between the start of the first
iteration of the loop , and the completion of the last iteration of the loop. The <value> can be
specified as an integer, floating point, or constant expression that is resolved by the tool as an

• unit=[sec | cycle]: Specifies the unit associated with the target_ti or target_tl values.
The unit can either be specified as seconds, or clock cycles. When the unit is specified as
seconds, a unit can be specified with the value to indicate nanoseconds (ns), picoseconds (ps),
microseconds (us).

Example 1

The loop labeled loop_1 is specified to have target transaction interval of 4 clock cycles:

syn.directive.performance=loop_1 target_ti=4

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See Also

• syn.directive.inline


Reduces the initiation interval (II) for a function or loop by allowing the concurrent execution of
operations as described in the Pipelining Paradigm section of Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide
(UG1399). A pipelined function or loop can process new inputs every N clock cycles, where N is
the initiation interval (II). An II of 1 processes a new input every clock cycle.

As a default behavior, with syn.directive.pipeline the tool will generate the minimum II
for the design according to the specified clock period constraint. The emphasis will be on
meeting timing, rather than on achieving II unless the -II option is specified.

The default type of pipeline is defined by the syn.compile.pipeline_style command as

described in Compile Options, but can be overridden in the PIPELINE pragma or directive.

If Vitis HLS cannot create a design with the specified II, it issues a warning and creates a design
with the lowest achievable II. You can then analyze the design with the warning messages to
determine what steps must be taken to create a design that satisfies the required initiation


syn.directive.pipeline=[OPTIONS] <location>


• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) to be pipelined.


• II=<integer>: Specifies the desired initiation interval for the pipeline. Vitis HLS tries to
meet this request. Based on data dependencies, the actual result might have a larger II.

• off: Turns off pipeline for a specific loop or function. This can be used when
config_compile -pipeline_loops is used to globally pipeline loops.

• rewind:

Note: Applicable only to a loop.

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Optional keyword. Enables rewinding as described in Rewinding Pipelined Loops for

Performance. This enables continuous loop pipelining with no pause between one execution
of the loop ending and the next execution starting. Rewinding is effective only if there is one
single loop (or a perfect loop nest) inside the top-level function. The code segment before the

• Is considered as initialization.
• Is executed only once in the pipeline.
• Cannot contain any conditional operations (if-else).

• style=<stp | frp | flp>: Specifies the type of pipeline to use for the specified
function or loop. For more information on pipeline styles refer to the Flushing Pipeline and
Pipeline Types section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399). The types of
pipelines include:

• stp: Stall pipeline. Runs only when input data is available otherwise it stalls. This is the
default setting, and is the type of pipeline used by Vitis HLS for both loop and function
pipelining. Use this when a flushable pipeline is not required. For example, when there are
no performance or deadlock issue due to stalls.

• flp: This option defines the pipeline as a flushable pipeline. This type of pipeline typically
consumes more resources and/or can have a larger II because resources cannot be shared
among pipeline iterations.

• frp: Free-running, flushable pipeline. Runs even when input data is not available. Use this
when you need better timing due to reduced pipeline control signal fanout, or when you
need improved performance to avoid deadlocks. However, this pipeline style can consume
more power as the pipeline registers are clocked even if there is no data.

IMPORTANT! This is a hint not a hard constraint. The tool checks design conditions for enabling
pipelining. Some loops might not conform to a particular style and the tool reverts to the default style
(stp) if necessary.


Function func is pipelined with the specified initiation interval.

syn.directive.pipeline=func II=1

See Also

• syn.directive.dependence

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This commands specifies a region of code, a protocol region, in which no clock operations will be
inserted by Vitis HLS unless explicitly specified in the code. The tool will not insert any clocks
between operations in the region, including those which read from or write to function
arguments. The order of read and writes will therefore be strictly followed in the synthesized

A region of code can be created in the C/C++ code by enclosing the region in braces "{ }" and
naming it. The following defines a region named io_section:

lines of code

A clock operation can be explicitly specified in C code using an ap_wait() statement, and can
be specified in C++ code by using the wait() statement.

TIP: The ap_wait and wait statements have no effect on the simulation of the design.


syn.directive.protocol=[OPTIONS] <location>

The <location> specifies the location (in the format function[/label]) at which the
protocol region is defined.


• mode=[floating | fixed]:

• floating: Lets code statements outside the protocol region overlap and execute in
parallel with statements in the protocol region in the final RTL. The protocol region remains
cycle accurate, but outside operations can occur at the same time. This is the default mode.
• fixed: The fixed mode ensures that statements outside the protocol region do not
execute in parallel with the protocol region.


The example code defines a protocol region, io_section in function foo. The following
directive defines that region as a fixed mode protocol region:

syn.directive.protocol=mode=fixed foo/io_section

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The RESET pragma or directive adds or disables reset ports for specific state variables (global or

The reset port is used to restore the registers and block RAM, connected to the port, to an initial
value any time the reset signal is applied. Globally, the presence and behavior of the RTL reset
port is controlled using the syn.rtl.reset configuration settings. The reset configuration
settings include the ability to define the polarity of the reset, and specify whether the reset is
synchronous or asynchronous, but more importantly it controls, through the reset option, which
registers are reset when the reset signal is applied. For more information, see Controlling
Initialization and Reset Behaviour in Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).

More specific control over reset is provided through the RESET pragma. For global or static
variables the RESET pragma is used to explicitly enable a reset when none is present, or the
variable can be removed from the reset by turning off the pragma. This can be particularly
useful when static or global arrays are present in the design.

Note: For public variables of a class, the RESET pragma must be used as the reset configuration settings
only apply to variables declared at the function or file level. In addition, the RESET pragma must be applied
to an object of the class in the top-function or sub-function, and cannot be applied to private variables of
the class.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the variable life cycle.

syn.directive.reset=<location> [ variable=<a> | off=true ]


• location>: Specifies the location (in the format function[/label]) at which the variable
is defined.

• variable=<a>: Specifies the variable to which the RESET pragma is applied.

• off or off=true: Indicates that reset is not generated for the specified variable.


Adds reset to variable a in function foo even when the global reset (syn.rtl.reset) setting is
none or control.

syn.directive.reset=foo a

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Removes reset from variable static int a in function foo even when the global reset setting
is state or all.

syn.directive.reset=off foo a

The following example shows the use of the RESET pragma or directive with class variables and
methods. A variable declared in a class must be a public static variable in the class and can have
the RESET pragma specified for the variable in a method of the class, or after an object of the
class has been created in the top function or sub-function of the HLS design.

class bar {
static int a; // class level static; must be public
int a1; // class-level non-static; must be public
bar(...) {
// #pragma reset does not work here for a or a1
// this is the function that is called in the top
void run(...) {
// #pragma reset does not work here for non-static variable a1
// but does work for static variable a
#pragma reset variable=a
static int c; // file level
int d; // file level
void top(...) {
#pragma HLS top
static int b; // function level
bar t;
static bar s;

// #pragma reset works here for b, c and d, as well as t and s members

// except for t.a1 because it is not static
#pragma reset variable=b
#pragma reset variable=c
#pragma reset variable=d
#pragma reset variable=t.a
#pragma reset variable=s.a
#pragma reset variable=s.a1

The syn.directive.reset command specified for the function top shown above would be
as follows:

syn.directive.reset=top variable=b
syn.directive.reset=top variable=c
syn.directive.reset=top variable=d
syn.directive.reset=top variable=t.a
syn.directive.reset=top variable=s.a
syn.directive.reset=top variable=s.a1

See Also

• RTL Configuration

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syn.directive.stable is applied to arguments of a DATAFLOW or PIPELINE region and is

used to indicate that an input or output of this region can be ignored when generating the
synchronizations at entry and exit of the DATAFLOW region. This means that the reading
accesses of that argument do not need to be part of the “first stage” of the task-level (resp. fine-
grain) pipeline for inputs, and the write accesses do not need to be part of the last stage of the
task-level (resp. fine-grain) pipeline for outputs.

The pragma can be specified at any point in the hierarchy, on a scalar or an array, and
automatically applies to all the DATAFLOW or PIPELINE regions below that point. The effect of
STABLE for an input is that a DATAFLOW or PIPELINE region can start another iteration even
though the value of the previous iteration has not been read yet. For an output, this implies that
a write of the next iteration can occur although the previous iteration is not done.


syn.directive.stable=<location> <variable>

• <location> is the function name or loop name where the directive is to be constrained.
• <variable> is the name of the array to be constrained.


In the following example, without the STABLE directive, proc1 and proc2 would be
synchronized to acknowledge the reading of their inputs (including A). With the directive, A is no
longer considered as an input that needs synchronization.

void dataflow_region(int A[...], int B[…] ...

proc2(A, ...);

The directives for this example would be scripted as:

syn.directive.stable=dataflow_region variable=A
syn.directive.dataflow dataflow_region

See Also

• syn.directive.dataflow
• syn.directive.pipeline

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By default, array variables are implemented as RAM:

• Top-level function array parameters are implemented as a RAM interface port.

• General arrays are implemented as RAMs for read-write access.
• Arrays involved in sub-functions, or loop-based DATAFLOW optimizations are implemented
as a RAM ping-pong buffer channel.

If the data stored in the array is consumed or produced in a sequential manner, a more efficient
communication mechanism is to use streaming data, where FIFOs are used instead of RAMs.
When an argument of the top-level function is specified as INTERFACE mode=ap_fifo, the
array is automatically implemented as streaming. See the Interfaces for Vivado IP Flow section of
the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399) for more information.

IMPORTANT! To preserve the accesses, it might be necessary to prevent compiler optimizations (in
particular dead code elimination) by using the volatile qualifier as described in the Type Qualifiers
section of the Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399).


syn.directive.stream=[OPTIONS] <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the array
• <variable> is the array variable to be implemented as a FIFO.


• depth=<integer>:

Note: Relevant only for array streaming in dataflow channels.

By default, the depth of the FIFO implemented in the RTL is the same size as the array
specified in the C code. This options allows you to modify the size of the FIFO.

When the array is implemented in a DATAFLOW region, it is common to the use the -depth
option to reduce the size of the FIFO. For example, in a DATAFLOW region where all loops and
functions are processing data at a rate of II = 1, there is no need for a large FIFO because data
is produced and consumed in each clock cycle. In this case, you can use the -depth to reduce
the FIFO size to 2 to substantially reduce the area of the RTL design.

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This same functionality is provided for all arrays in a DATAFLOW region using the
config_dataflow command with the -depth option. The -depth option used with
set_directive_stream overrides the default specified using config_dataflow.

• type=<arg>: Specify a mechanism to select between FIFO, PIPO, synchronized shared

(shared), and un-synchronized shared (unsync). The supported types include:

• fifo: A FIFO buffer with the specified depth.

• pipo: A regular Ping-Pong buffer, with as many “banks” as the specified depth (default is
• shared: A shared channel, synchronized like a regular Ping-Pong buffer, with depth, but
without duplicating the array data. Consistency can be ensured by setting the depth small
enough, which acts as the distance of synchronization between the producer and

TIP: The default depth for shared is 1.

• unsync: Does not have any synchronization except for individual memory reads and
writes. Consistency (read-write and write-write order) must be ensured by the design itself.


Specifies array A[10] in function func to be streaming and implemented as a FIFO.

syn.directive.stream=func A type=fifo

Array B in named loop loop_1 of function func is set to streaming with a FIFO depth of 12. In
this case, place the pragma inside loop_1.

syn.directive.stream=depth=12 type=fifo func/loop_1 B

Array C has streaming implemented as a PIPO.

syn.directive.stream=type=pipo func C

See Also

• syn.directive.dataflow
• syn.directive.interface
• Dataflow Configuration

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Attaches a name to a function, which can then be used by the set_top command to set the
named function as the top. This is typically used to synthesize member functions of a class in C+


syn.directive.top=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the function to be renamed.


• name=<string>: Specifies the name of the function to be used by the syn.top command
as described in HLS General Options.


Function foo_long_name is renamed to DESIGN_TOP, which is then specified as the top-level.

If the pragma is placed in the code, the set_top command must still be issued in the top-level
specified in the GUI project settings.

syn.directive.top=name=DESIGN_TOP foo_long_name

Followed by the syn.top=DESIGN_TOP command.

See Also

• syn.top in HLS General Options


Transforms loops by creating multiples copies of the loop body.

A loop is executed for the number of iterations specified by the loop induction variable. The
number of iterations can also be impacted by logic inside the loop body (for example, break or
modifications to any loop exit variable). The loop is implemented in the RTL by a block of logic
representing the loop body, which is executed for the same number of iterations.

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The syn.directive.unroll command allows the loop to be fully or partially unrolled. Fully
unrolling the loop creates as many copies of the loop body in the RTL as there are loop iterations.
Partially unrolling a loop by a factor N, creates N copies of the loop body and adjusting the loop
iteration accordingly.

If the factor N used for partial unrolling is not an integer multiple of the original loop iteration
count, the original exit condition must be checked after each unrolled fragment of the loop body.

To unroll a loop completely, the loop bounds must be known at compile time. This is not required
for partial unrolling.


syn.directive.unroll=[OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location of the loop (in the format function[/label]) to be



• factor=<integer>: Specifies a non-zero integer indicating that partial unrolling is


The loop body is repeated this number of times. The iteration information is adjusted

• skip_exit_check: Effective only if a factor is specified (partial unrolling).

• Fixed bounds
No exit condition check is performed if the iteration count is a multiple of the factor.
If the iteration count is not an integer multiple of the factor, the tool:
• Prevents unrolling.

• Issues a warning that the exit check must be performed to proceed.

• Variable bounds
The exit condition check is removed. You must ensure that:
○ The variable bounds is an integer multiple of the factor.

○ No exit check is in fact required.

• off=true: Disable unroll for the specified loop.

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Unrolls loop L1 in function foo. Place the pragma in the body of loop L1.


Specifies an unroll factor of 4 on loop L2 of function foo. Removes the exit check. Place the
pragma in the body of loop L2.

syn.directive.unroll=skip_exit_check factor=4 foo/L2

See Also

• syn.directive.loop_flatten
• syn.directive.loop_merge

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Chapter 16

HLS Pragmas
Optimizations in Vitis HLS

In the AMD Vitis™ software platform, a kernel defined in the C/C++ language, or OpenCL™ C,
must be compiled into the register transfer level (RTL) that can be implemented into the
programmable logic of an AMD device. The v++ compiler calls the Vitis High-Level Synthesis
(HLS) tool to synthesize the RTL code from the kernel source code.

The HLS tool is intended to work with the Vitis IDE project without interaction. However, the
HLS tool also provides pragmas that can be used to optimize the design, reduce latency, improve
throughput performance, and reduce area and device resource usage of the resulting RTL code.
These pragmas can be added directly to the source code for the kernel.

The HLS pragmas include the optimization types specified in the following table.

Table 34: Vitis HLS Pragmas by Type

Type Attributes
Kernel Optimization • pragma HLS aggregate
• pragma HLS alias
• pragma HLS disaggregate
• pragma HLS expression_balance
• pragma HLS latency
• pragma HLS performance
• pragma HLS protocol
• pragma HLS reset
• pragma HLS top
• pragma HLS stable
Function Inlining • pragma HLS inline
Interface Synthesis • pragma HLS interface
• pragma HLS stream
Task-level Pipeline • pragma HLS dataflow
• pragma HLS stream
Pipeline • pragma HLS pipeline
• pragma HLS occurrence
Loop Unrolling • pragma HLS unroll
• pragma HLS dependence

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Table 34: Vitis HLS Pragmas by Type (cont'd)

Type Attributes
Loop Optimization • pragma HLS loop_flatten
• pragma HLS loop_merge
• pragma HLS loop_tripcount
Array Optimization • pragma HLS array_partition
• pragma HLS array_reshape
Structure Packing • pragma HLS aggregate
• pragma HLS dataflow
Resource Utilization • pragma HLS allocation
• pragma HLS bind_op
• pragma HLS bind_storage
• pragma HLS function_instantiate

pragma HLS aggregate


Collects and groups the data fields of a struct into a single scalar with a wider word width.

The AGGREGATE pragma is used for grouping all the elements of a struct into a single wide
vector to allow all members of the struct to be read and written to simultaneously. The bit
alignment of the resulting new wide-word can be inferred from the declaration order of the
struct elements. The first element takes the LSB of the vector, and the final element of the struct
is aligned with the MSB of the vector.

If the struct contains arrays, the AGGREGATE pragma performs a similar operation as
ARRAY_RESHAPE, and combines the reshaped array with the other elements in the struct. Any
arrays declared inside the struct are completely partitioned and reshaped into a wide scalar and
packed with other scalar elements.

IMPORTANT! You should exercise some caution when using the AGGREGATE optimization on struct
objects with large arrays. If an array has 4096 elements of type int, this will result in a vector (and port) of
width 4096×32=131072 bits. The Vitis HLS tool can create this RTL design, however it is very unlikely
logic synthesis will be able to route this during the FPGA implementation.


Place the pragma near the definition of the struct variable to aggregate:

#pragma HLS aggregate variable=<variable> compact=<arg>

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• variable=<variable>: Specifies the variable to be grouped.

• compact=[bit | byte | none | auto]: Specifies the alignment of the aggregated

struct. Alignment can be on the bit-level, the byte-level, none, or automatically determined by
the tool which is the default behavior.

Example 1

Aggregates struct pointer AB with three 8-bit fields (typedef struct {unsigned char R,
G, B;} pixel) in function func, into a new 24-bit pointer aligned on the bit-level.

typedef struct{
unsigned char R, G, B;
} pixel;

pixel AB;
#pragma HLS aggregate variable=AB compact=bit

Example 2

Aggregates struct array AB[17] with three 8-bit field fields (R, G, B) into a new 17 element array
of 24-bits.

typedef struct{
unsigned char R, G, B;
} pixel;

pixel AB[17];
#pragma HLS aggregate variable=AB

See Also

• set_directive_aggregate
• pragma HLS array_reshape
• pragma HLS disaggregate

pragma HLS alias


Specify that two or more M_AXI pointer arguments point to the same underlying buffer in
memory (DDR or HBM) and indicate any aliasing between the pointers by setting the distance or
offset between them.

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IMPORTANT! The ALIAS pragma applies to top-level function arguments mapped to M_AXI interfaces.

Vitis HLS considers different pointers to be independent channels and generally does not provide
any dependency analysis. However, in cases where the host allocates a single buffer for multiple
pointers, this relationship can be communicated through the ALIAS pragma or directive and
dependency analysis can be maintained. The ALIAS pragma enables data dependence analysis in
Vitis HLS by defining the distance between pointers in the buffer.

Requirements for ALIAS:

• All ports assigned to an ALIAS pragma must be in assigned to M_AXI interfaces and assigned
to different bundles, as shown in the example below
• Each port can only be used in one ALIAS pragma or directive
• The depth of all ports assigned to an ALIAS pragma must be the same
• When offset is specified, the number of ports and number of offsets specified must be the
same: one offset per port
• The offset for the INTERFACE must be specified as slave or direct, offset=off is not


pragma HLS alias ports=<list> [distance=<int> | offset=<list...>]


• ports=<list>: specifies the ports to alias.

• distance=<integer>: Specifies the difference between the pointer values passed to the
ports in the list.

• offset=<list>: Specifies the offset of the pointer passed to each port in the ports list
with respect to the origin of the array.

Note: offset and distance are mutually exclusive.


For the following function top:

void top(int *arr0, int *arr1, int *arr2, int *arr3, ...) {
#pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=arr0 bundle=hbm0 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=arr1 bundle=hbm1 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=arr2 bundle=hbm2 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=arr3 bundle=hbm3 depth=0x40000000

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The following pragma defines aliasing for the specified array pointers, and defines the distance
between them:

#pragma HLS ALIAS ports=arr0,arr1,arr2,arr3 distance=10000000

Alternatively, the following pragma specifies the offset between pointers, to accomplish the
same effect:

#pragma HLS ALIAS ports=arr0,arr1,arr2,arr3


See Also

• set_directive_alias
• pragma HLS interface

pragma HLS allocation


Specifies restrictions to limit resource allocation in the implemented kernel. The ALLOCATION
pragma or directive can limit the number of RTL instances and hardware resources used to
implement specific functions, loops, or operations. The ALLOCATION pragma is specified inside
the body of a function, a loop, or a region of code.

For example, if the C source has four instances of a function foo_sub, the ALLOCATION
pragma can ensure that there is only one instance of foo_sub in the final RTL. All four instances
of the C function are implemented using the same RTL block. This reduces resources used by the
function, but negatively impacts performance by sharing those resources.

Template functions can also be specified for ALLOCATION by specifying the function pointer
instead of the function name, as shown in the examples below.

The operations in the C code, such as additions, multiplications, array reads, and writes, can also
be limited by the ALLOCATION pragma.


Place the pragma inside the body of the function, loop, or region where it will apply.

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IMPORTANT! The order of the arguments below is important. The <type> as operation or function
must follow the allocation keyword.

#pragma HLS allocation <type> instances=<list>



• <type>: The type is specified as one of the following:

• function: Specifies that the allocation applies to the functions listed in the instances=
list. The function can be any function in the original C or C++ code that has not been:

• Inlined by the pragma HLS inline, or the set_directive_inline command, or

• Inlined automatically by the Vitis HLS tool.

• operation: Specifies that the allocation applies to the operations listed in the
instances= list.

• instances=<list>: Specifies the names of functions from the C code, or operators.

For a complete list of operations that can be limited using the ALLOCATION pragma, refer to
the config_op command.

• limit=<value>: Optionally specifies the limit of instances to be used in the kernel.

Example 1

Given a design with multiple instances of function foo, this example limits the number of
instances of foo in the RTL for the hardware kernel to two.

#pragma HLS allocation function instances=foo limit=2

Example 2

Limits the number of multiplier operations used in the implementation of the function my_func
to one. This limit does not apply to any multipliers outside of my_func, or multipliers that might
reside in sub-functions of my_func.

TIP: To limit the multipliers used in the implementation of any sub-functions, specify an allocation directive
on the sub-functions or inline the sub-function into function my_func.

void my_func(data_t angle) {

#pragma HLS allocation operation instances=mul limit=1

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Example 3

The ALLOCATION pragma can also be used on template functions as shown below. The
identification is generally based on the function name, but in the case of template functions it is
based on the function pointer:

template <typename DT>

void foo(DT a, DT b){
// The following is valid
#pragma HLS ALLOCATION function instances=foo<DT>
// The following is not valid
#pragma HLS ALLOCATION function instances=foo

See Also

• set_directive_allocation
• pragma HLS inline

pragma HLS array_partition


IMPORTANT! Array_Partition and Array_Reshape pragmas and directives are not supported
for M_AXI Interfaces on the top-level function. Instead you can use the hls::vector data types as
described in Vector Data Types.

Partitions an array into smaller arrays or individual elements and provides the following:

• Results in RTL with multiple small memories or multiple registers instead of one large memory.
• Effectively increases the amount of read and write ports for the storage.
• Potentially improves the throughput of the design.
• Requires more memory instances or registers.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the function where the array variable
is defined.

#pragma HLS array_partition variable=<name> \

type=<type> factor=<int> dim=<int> off=true


• variable=<name>: A required argument that specifies the array variable to be partitioned.

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• type=<type>: Optionally specifies the partition type. The default type is complete. The
following types are supported:

• cyclic: Cyclic partitioning creates smaller arrays by interleaving elements from the
original array. The array is partitioned cyclically by putting one element into each new array
before coming back to the first array to repeat the cycle until the array is fully partitioned.
For example, if factor=3 is used:

• Element 0 is assigned to the first new array

• Element 1 is assigned to the second new array.
• Element 2 is assigned to the third new array.
• Element 3 is assigned to the first new array again.

• block: Block partitioning creates smaller arrays from consecutive blocks of the original
array. This effectively splits the array into N equal blocks, where N is the integer defined by
the factor= argument.

• complete: Complete partitioning decomposes the array into individual elements. For a
one-dimensional array, this corresponds to resolving a memory into individual registers.
This is the default <type>.

• factor=<int>: Specifies the number of smaller arrays that are to be created.

IMPORTANT! For complete type partitioning, the factor is not specified. For block and cyclic
partitioning, the factor= is required.

• dim=<int>: Specifies which dimension of a multi-dimensional array to partition. Specified as

an integer from 0 to <N>, for an array with <N> dimensions:

• If a value of 0 is used, all dimensions of a multi-dimensional array are partitioned with the
specified type and factor options.
• Any non-zero value partitions only the specified dimension. For example, if a value 1 is
used, only the first dimension is partitioned.

• off=true: Disables the ARRAY_PARTITION feature for the specified variable. Does not work
with dim, factor, or type.

Example 1

This example partitions the 13 element array, AB[13], into four arrays using block partitioning:

#pragma HLS array_partition variable=AB type=block factor=4

TIP: Because four is not an integer factor of 13:

• Three of the new arrays have three elements each

• One array has four elements (AB[9:12])

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Example 2

This example partitions dimension two of the two-dimensional array, AB[6][4] into two new
arrays of dimension [6][2]:

#pragma HLS array_partition variable=AB type=block factor=2 dim=2

Example 3

This example partitions the second dimension of the two-dimensional in_local array into
individual elements.

int in_local[MAX_SIZE][MAX_DIM];
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=in_local type=complete dim=2

Example 4

Partitioned arrays can be addressed in your code by the new structure of the array, as shown in
the following code example;

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {

#pragma HLS array_partition type=complete dim=1 variable=b
#pragma HLS interface mode=ap_memory port = b[0]
#pragma HLS interface mode=ap_memory port = b[1]
#pragma HLS interface mode=ap_memory port = b[2]
#pragma HLS interface mode=ap_memory port = b[3]

See Also

• set_directive_array_partition
• pragma_HLS_array_reshape

pragma HLS array_reshape


IMPORTANT! Array_Partition and Array_Reshape pragmas and directives are not supported
for M_AXI Interfaces on the top-level function. Instead you can use the hls::vector data types as
described in Vector Data Types.

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The ARRAY_RESHAPE pragma reforms the array with vertical remapping and concatenating
elements of arrays by increasing bit-widths. This reduces the number of block RAM consumed
while providing parallel access to the data. This pragma creates a new array with fewer elements
but with greater bit-width, allowing more data to be accessed in a single clock cycle.

Given the following code:

void foo (...) {

int array1[N];
int array2[N];
int array3[N];
#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=array1 type=block factor=2 dim=1
#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=array2 type=cyclic factor=2 dim=1
#pragma HLS ARRAY_RESHAPE variable=array3 type=complete dim=1

The ARRAY_RESHAPE pragma transforms the arrays into the form shown in the following figure.

Figure 133: ARRAY_RESHAPE Pragma

array1[N] array4[N/2]
MSB N/2 ... N-2 N-1
0 1 2 ... N-3 N-2 N-1 block LSB 0 1 ... (N/2-1)

array2[N] array5[N/2]
MSB 1 ... N-3 N-1
0 1 2 ... N-3 N-2 N-1 cyclic LSB 0 2 ... N-2

array3[N] MSB N-1
0 1 2 ... N-3 N-2 N-1 complete N-2


Place the pragma in the C source within the region of a function where the array variable is

#pragma HLS array_reshape variable=<name> type=<type> factor=<int>

dim=<int> off=true


• variable=<name>: Required argument that specifies the array variable to be reshaped.

• type=<type>: Optionally specifies the partition type. The default type is complete. The
following types are supported:

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• cyclic: Cyclic reshaping creates smaller arrays by interleaving elements from the original
array. For example, if factor=3 is used, element 0 is assigned to the first new array,
element 1 to the second new array, element 2 is assigned to the third new array, and then
element 3 is assigned to the first new array again. The final array is a vertical concatenation
(word concatenation, to create longer words) of the new arrays into a single array.

• block: Block reshaping creates smaller arrays from consecutive blocks of the original
array. This effectively splits the array into <N> equal blocks where <N> is the integer
defined by factor=, and then combines the <N> blocks into a single array with word-

• complete: Complete reshaping decomposes the array into temporary individual elements
and then recombines them into an array with a wider word. For a one-dimension array this
is equivalent to creating a very-wide register (if the original array was N elements of M bits,
the result is a register with N*M bits). This is the default type of array reshaping.

• factor=<int>: Specifies the amount to divide the current array by (or the number of
temporary arrays to create). A factor of 2 splits the array in half, while doubling the bit-width.
A factor of 3 divides the array into three, with triple the bit-width.

IMPORTANT! For complete type partitioning, the factor is not specified. For block and cyclic
reshaping, the factor= is required.

• dim=<int>: Specifies which dimension of a multi-dimensional array to partition. Specified as

an integer from 0 to <N>, for an array with <N> dimensions:

• If a value of 0 is used, all dimensions of a multi-dimensional array are partitioned with the
specified type and factor options.
• Any non-zero value partitions only the specified dimension. For example, if a value 1 is
used, only the first dimension is partitioned.

• object: A keyword relevant for container arrays only. When the keyword is specified the
ARRAY_RESHAPE pragma applies to the objects in the container, reshaping all dimensions of
the objects within the container, but all dimensions of the container itself are preserved.
When the keyword is not specified the pragma applies to the container array and not the

• off=true: Disables the ARRAY_RESHAPE feature for the specified variable.

Example 1

Reshapes an 8-bit array with 17 elements, AB[17], into a new 32-bit array with five elements
using block mapping.

#pragma HLS array_reshape variable=AB type=block factor=4

TIP: factor=4 indicates that the array should be divided into four; this means that 17 elements are
reshaped into an array of five elements, with four times the bit-width. In this case, the last element,
AB[17], is mapped to the lower eight bits of the fifth element, and the rest of the fifth element is empty.

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Example 2

Reshapes the two-dimensional array AB[6][4] into a new array of dimension [6][2], in which
dimension 2 has twice the bit-width.

#pragma HLS array_reshape variable=AB type=block factor=2 dim=2

Example 3

Reshapes the three-dimensional 8-bit array, AB[4][2][2] in function func, into a new single
element array (a register), 128-bits wide (4×2×2×8).

#pragma HLS array_reshape variable=AB type=complete dim=0

TIP: dim=0 means to reshape all dimensions of the array.

Example 4

Partitioned arrays can be addressed in your code by the new structure of the array, as shown in
the following code example;

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {

#pragma HLS array_reshape type=complete dim=0 variable=b
#pragma HLS interface mode=ap_memory port=b[0]

See Also

• syn.directive.array_reshape
• pragma HLS array_partition

pragma HLS bind_op


TIP: This pragma or directive does not play a part in DSP multi-operation matching (MULADD, AMA,
ADDMUL and corresponding Subtraction operations). In fact the use of BIND_OP for assigning an operator
to DSP can prevent the HLS compiler from matching multi-operation expressions. Refer to DSP Multi-
Operation Matching for more information.

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Vitis HLS implements the operations in the code using specific implementations. The BIND_OP
pragma specifies that for a specific variable, an operation (mul, add, div) should be mapped to a
specific device resource for implementation (impl) in the RTL. If the BIND_OP pragma is not
specified, Vitis HLS automatically determines the resources to use for operations.

For example, to indicate that a specific multiplier operation (mul) is implemented in the device
fabric rather than a DSP, you can use the BIND_OP pragma.

You can also specify the latency of the operation using the latency option.

IMPORTANT! To use the latency option, the operation must have an available multi-stage
implementation. The HLS tool provides a multi-stage implementation for all basic arithmetic operations
(add, subtract, multiply, and divide), and all floating-point operations.


Place the pragma in the C source within the body of the function where the variable is defined.

#pragma HLS bind_op variable=<variable> op=<type>\

impl=<value> latency=<int>


• variable=<variable>: Defines the variable to assign the BIND_OP pragma to. The
variable in this case is one that is assigned the result of the operation that is the target of this

• op=<type>: Defines the operation to bind to a specific implementation resource. Supported

functional operations include: mul, add, and sub Supported floating point operations include:
fadd, fsub, fdiv, fexp, flog, fmul, frsqrt, frecip, fsqrt, dadd, dsub, ddiv, dexp,
dlog, dmul, drsqrt, drecip, dsqrt, hadd, hsub, hdiv, hmul, and hsqrt

TIP: Floating point operations include single precision (f), double-precision (d), and half-precision (h).

• impl=<value>: Defines the implementation to use for the specified operation. Supported
implementations for functional operations include fabric, and dsp.Supported
implementations for floating point operations include: fabric, meddsp, fulldsp, maxdsp,
and primitivedsp.

Note: primitivedsp is only available on AMD Versal™ devices.

• latency=<int>: Defines the default latency for the implementation of the operation. The
valid latency varies according to the specified op and impl. The default is -1, which lets Vitis
HLS choose the latency.The tables below reflect the supported combinations of operation,
implementation, and latency.

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Table 35: Supported Combinations of Functional Operations, Implementation, and


Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

add fabric 0 4
add dsp 0 4
mul fabric 0 4
mul dsp 0 4
sub fabric 0 4
sub dsp 0 0

TIP: Comparison operators, such as dcmp , are implemented in LUTs and cannot be implemented outside
of the fabric, or mapped to DSPs, and so are not configurable with the config_op or bind_op

Table 36: Supported Combinations of Floating Point Operations, Implementation, and


Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

fadd fabric 0 13
fadd fulldsp 0 12
fadd primitivedsp 0 3
fsub fabric 0 13
fsub fulldsp 0 12
fsub primitivedsp 0 3
fdiv fabric 0 29
fexp fabric 0 24
fexp meddsp 0 21
fexp fulldsp 0 30
flog fabric 0 24
flog meddsp 0 23
flog fulldsp 0 29
fmul fabric 0 9
fmul meddsp 0 9
fmul fulldsp 0 9
fmul maxdsp 0 7
fmul primitivedsp 0 4
fsqrt fabric 0 29
frsqrt fabric 0 38
frsqrt fulldsp 0 33
frecip fabric 0 37
frecip fulldsp 0 30
dadd fabric 0 13

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Table 36: Supported Combinations of Floating Point Operations, Implementation, and

Latency (cont'd)

Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

dadd fulldsp 0 15
dsub fabric 0 13
dsub fulldsp 0 15
ddiv fabric 0 58
dexp fabric 0 40
dexp meddsp 0 45
dexp fulldsp 0 57
dlog fabric 0 38
dlog meddsp 0 49
dlog fulldsp 0 65
dmul fabric 0 10
dmul meddsp 0 13
dmul fulldsp 0 13
dmul maxdsp 0 14
dsqrt fabric 0 58
drsqrt fulldsp 0 111
drecip fulldsp 0 36
hadd fabric 0 9
hadd meddsp 0 12
hadd fulldsp 0 12
hsub fabric 0 9
hsub meddsp 0 12
hsub fulldsp 0 12
hdiv fabric 0 16
hmul fabric 0 7
hmul fulldsp 0 7
hmul maxdsp 0 9
hsqrt fabric 0 16


In the following example, a two-stage pipelined multiplier using fabric logic is specified to
implement the multiplication for variable c of the function foo.

int foo (int a, int b) {

int c, d;
#pragma HLS BIND_OP variable=c op=mul impl=fabric latency=2
c = a*b;
d = a*c;
return d;

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TIP: The HLS tool selects the implementation to use for variable d.

See Also

• set_directive_bind_op
• pragma_HLS_bind_storage

pragma HLS bind_storage


The BIND_STORAGE pragma assigns a variable (array, or function argument) in the code to a
specific memory type (type) in the RTL. If the pragma is not specified, the Vitis HLS tool
determines the memory type to assign. The HLS tool implements the memory using specified
implementations (impl) in the hardware.

For example, you can use the pragma to specify which memory type to use to implement an
array. This lets you control whether the array is implemented as a single or a dual-port RAM for

IMPORTANT! This feature is important for arrays on the top-level function interface, because the memory
type associated with the array determines the number and type of ports needed in the RTL, as discussed in
Arrays on the Interface. However, for variables assigned to top-level function arguments you must assign
the memory type and implementation using the -storage_type and -storage_impl options of the
INTERFACE pragma or directive.

You can also specify the latency of the implementation. For block RAMs on the interface, the
latency option lets you model off-chip, non-standard SRAMs at the interface, for example
supporting an SRAM with a latency of 2 or 3. For internal operations, the latency option allows
the memory to be implemented using more pipelined stages. These additional pipeline stages can
help resolve timing issues during RTL synthesis.

IMPORTANT! To use the latency option, the operation must have an available multi-stage
implementation. The HLS tool provides a multi-stage implementation for all block RAMs.


Place the pragma in the C/C++ source within the body of the function where the variable is

#pragma HLS bind_storage variable=<variable> type=<type>\

[ impl=<value> latency=<int> ]


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• variable=<variable>: Defines the variable to assign the BIND_STORAGE pragma to. This
is required when specifying the pragma.

TIP: If the variable is an argument of a top-level function, then use the -storage_type and -
storage_impl options of the INTERFACE pragma or directive.

• type=<type>: Defines the type of memory to bind to the specified variable. Supported
types include: fifo, ram_1p, ram_1wnr, ram_2p, ram_s2p, ram_t2p, rom_1p, rom_2p,

Table 37: Storage Types

Type Description
FIFO A FIFO. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless the -impl
option is specified.
RAM_1P A single-port RAM. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless
the -impl option is specified.

RAM_1WNR A RAM with 1 write port and N read ports, using N banks internally.
RAM_2P A dual-port RAM that allows read operations on one port and both read and write
operations on the other port.
RAM_S2P A dual-port RAM that allows read operations on one port and write operations on
the other port.
RAM_T2P A true dual-port RAM with support for both read and write on both ports.
ROM_1P A single-port ROM. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless
the -impl option is specified.

ROM_2P A dual-port ROM.

ROM_NP A multi-port ROM.

TIP: If you specify a single port RAM for a PIPO, then the binder will typically allocate a merged-PIPO,
with only one bank, and reader and writer accessing different halves of the bank. The info message
reported by the HLS compiler says "Implementing PIPO using a single memory for all blocks." This is
often cheaper for small PIPOs, where all banks can share a single RAM block. However, if you specify a
dual-port RAM for a PIPO to get higher bandwidth and the scheduler uses both ports either in the
producer or in the consumer, then the binder will typically allocate a split-PIPO, where the producer will
use 1 port and the consumer 2 ports of different banks. The info message reported by the HLS compiler
in this case says "Implementing PIPO using a separate memory for each block."

• impl=<value>: Defines the implementation for the specified memory type. Supported
implementations include: bram, bram_ecc, lutram, uram, uram_ecc, srl, memory, and
auto as described below.

Table 38: Supported Implementation

Name Description
MEMORY Generic memory lets the Vivado tool choose the implementation.
URAM UltraRAM resource

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Table 38: Supported Implementation (cont'd)

Name Description
SRL Shift Register Logic resource
LUTRAM Distributed RAM resource
BRAM Block RAM resource
AUTO Vitis HLS automatically determine the implementation of the variable.

Table 39: Supported Implementations by FIFO/RAM/ROM

Type Command/Pragma Scope
FIFO bind_storage1 local AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,
FIFO config_storage global AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,
RAM* | ROM* bind_storage local AUTO BRAM, BRAM_ECC,
RAM* | ROM* config_storage2 global N/A

RAM_1P set_directive_interfa local AUTO, BRAM, URAM

ce s_axilite -

config_interface - global AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,

m_axi_buffer_impl URAM

1. When no implementation is specified the directive uses AUTOSRL behavior as a default. However, this value
cannot be specified.
2. config_storage only supports FIFO types.

• latency=<int>: Defines the default latency for the binding of the type. As shown in the
following table, the valid latency varies according to the specified type and impl. The default
is -1, that lets Vitis HLS choose the latency.

Table 40: Supported Combinations of Memory Type, Implementation, and Latency

Type Implementation Min Latency Max Latency


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Table 40: Supported Combinations of Memory Type, Implementation, and Latency


Type Implementation Min Latency Max Latency


IMPORTANT! Any combinations of memory type and implementation that are not listed in the prior table
are not supported by set_directive_bind_storage.


The pragma specifies that the variable coeffs uses a single port RAM implemented on a BRAM
core from the library.

#pragma HLS bind_storage variable=coeffs type=RAM_1P impl=bram

TIP: The ports created in the RTL to access the values of coeffs are defined in the RAM_1P.

See Also

• set_directive_bind_storage

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• pragma HLS bind_op

pragma HLS cache


In FPGA, non-burst accesses to the DDR memory are very expensive and can impact the overall
performance of the design. Hence, it is important to devise a scheme that reduces the time
needed to access the necessary information. An efficient solution is to re-write the code or use
manual burst, but if that does not work then another solution might be to use a cache memory.

Cache provides a temporary storage area in the M_AXI adapter so the design can more quickly
retrieve data. The effectiveness of the cache mechanism is measured in a hit/miss ratio and it is
based on a property of computer programs called locality of reference, or the tendency of a
program to access the same set of memory locations repetitively over a short period of time. It
suggests that when a particular memory block is accessed, it is likely to be accessed again in the
near future, along with memory located in close proximity. For instance, when executing
consecutive instructions in memory, the next set of instructions to be accessed will most likely be
within a contiguous block of data nearby.

TIP: You control the cache implementation resources using the

syn.interface.m_axi_cache_impl command.


pragma HLS cache port=<name> lines=<value> depth=<value>


• port=<name>: Specifies the port to add cache to.

• lines=<value>: Indicates the number of cache lines. The number of lines can be specified
as 1, which indicates a single cache line, or a value greater than 1 expressed as a power of 2,
indicating multiple cache lines. This is an optional value, and defaults to 1 if not specified.

• depth=<value>: Specifies the size of each line in words. The depth must be specified as a
power of 2, and indicates the size in words of the pointer datatype for each line. This is an
optional value, and defaults to the max burst length if not specified. The max burst length
defaults to 16, but can be globally specified by the
syn.interface.m_axi_max_read_burst_length command as described in Interface
Configuration, or by the syn.directive.interface command for specific interfaces.


The CACHE directive or pragma has the following limitations:

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• Cache is only supported for read-only port

• The cache is implemented as a Single port, Single way cache.
• Cache is not supported for multiple ports connected to the same bundle


The following example shows a design where overlapping access will cause the burst to fail.
Using the CACHE pragma or directive will improve the performance of the design.

extern "C" {
void dut(
const double *in, // Read-Only Vector 1
double *out, // Output Result
int size // Size in integer
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=in bundle=aximm depth = 1026
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out bundle=aximm depth = 1024
#pragma HLS cache port=in lines=8 depth=128
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
out[i] = in[i] + in[i + 1];

See Also

• pragma HLS interface

• Interface Configuration
• syn.directive.cache
• set_directive_cache

pragma HLS dataflow


The DATAFLOW pragma enables task-level pipelining, allowing functions and loops to overlap in
their operation, increasing the concurrency of the RTL implementation and increasing the overall
throughput of the design.

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All operations are performed sequentially in a C description. In the absence of any directives that
limit resources (such as pragma HLS allocation), the Vitis HLS tool seeks to minimize
latency and improve concurrency. However, data dependencies can limit this. For example,
functions or loops that access arrays must finish all read/write accesses to the arrays before they
complete. This prevents the next function or loop that consumes the data from starting
operation. The DATAFLOW optimization enables the operations in a function or loop to start
operation before the previous function or loop completes all its operations.

Figure 134: DATAFLOW Pragma

void top (a,b,c,d) {

func_A(a,b,i1); func_A
func_B(c,i1,i2); func_B
func_C(i2,d) func_C

return d;

8 cycles 3 cycles
func_A func_B func_C func_A func_A
func_B func_B
func_C func_C

8 cycles 5 cycles

(A) Without Dataflow Pipelining (B) With Dataflow Pipelining


When the DATAFLOW pragma is specified, the HLS tool analyzes the dataflow between
sequential functions or loops and creates channels (based on ping pong RAMs or FIFOs) that
allow consumer functions or loops to start operation before the producer functions or loops have
completed. This allows functions or loops to operate in parallel, which decreases latency and
improves the throughput of the RTL.

If no initiation interval (number of cycles between the start of one function or loop and the next)
is specified, the HLS tool attempts to minimize the initiation interval and start operation as soon
as data is available.

TIP: The config_dataflow command specifies the default memory channel and FIFO depth used in
dataflow optimization.

For the DATAFLOW optimization to work, the data must flow through the design from one task
to the next. The following coding styles prevent the HLS tool from performing the DATAFLOW
optimization. Refer to Limitations of Control-Driven Task-Level Parallelism for additional details.

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• Single-producer-consumer violations
• Feedback between tasks
• Conditional execution of tasks
• Loops with multiple exit conditions

IMPORTANT! If any of these coding styles are present, the HLS tool issues a message and does not
perform DATAFLOW optimization.

Finally, the DATAFLOW optimization has no hierarchical implementation. If a sub-function or

loop contains additional tasks that might benefit from the DATAFLOW optimization, you must
apply the optimization to the loop, the sub-function, or inline the sub-function.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the region, function, or loop.

#pragma HLS dataflow [disable_start_propagation]

• disable_start_propagation: Optionally disables the creation of a start FIFO used to

propagate a start token to an internal process. Such FIFOs can sometimes be a bottleneck for


Specifies DATAFLOW optimization within the loop wr_loop_j.

wr_loop_j: for (int j = 0; j < TILE_PER_ROW; ++j) {

wr_buf_loop_m: for (int m = 0; m < TILE_HEIGHT; ++m) {
wr_buf_loop_n: for (int n = 0; n < TILE_WIDTH; ++n) {
// should burst TILE_WIDTH in WORD beat
outFifo >> tile[m][n];
wr_loop_m: for (int m = 0; m < TILE_HEIGHT; ++m) {
wr_loop_n: for (int n = 0; n < TILE_WIDTH; ++n) {
+TILE_PER_ROW*TILE_WIDTH*m+TILE_WIDTH*j+n] = tile[m][n];

See Also

• set_directive_dataflow
• config_dataflow
• pragma_HLS_allocation
• pragma_HLS_pipeline

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pragma HLS dependence


Vitis HLS detects dependencies within loops: dependencies within the same iteration of a loop
are loop-independent dependencies, and dependencies between different iterations of a loop are
loop-carried dependencies. The DEPENDENCE pragma allows you to provide additional
information to define, negate loop dependencies, and allow loops to be pipelined with lower

• Loop-independent dependence: The same element is accessed in a single loop iteration.

for (i=1;i<N;i++) {

• Loop-carried dependence: The same element is accessed from a different loop iteration.

for (i=1;i<N;i++) {

These dependencies impact when operations can be scheduled, especially during function and
loop pipelining.

Under some circumstances, such as variable dependent array indexing or when an external
requirement needs to be enforced (for example, two inputs are never the same index), the
dependence analysis might be too conservative and fail to filter out false dependencies. The
DEPENDENCE pragma allows you to explicitly define the dependencies and eliminate a false

IMPORTANT! Specifying a false dependency, when in fact the dependency is not false, can result in
incorrect hardware. Ensure dependencies are correct (true or false) before specifying them.


Place the pragma within the boundaries of the function where the dependence is defined.

#pragma HLS dependence variable=<variable> <class> \

<type> <direction> distance=<int> <dependent>


• variable=<variable>: Optionally specifies the variable to consider for the dependence.

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IMPORTANT! You cannot specify a dependence for function arguments that are bundled with
other arguments in an m_axi interface. This is the default configuration for m_axi interfaces on the
function. You also cannot specify a dependence for an element of a struct, unless the struct has been

• class=[array | pointer]: Optionally specifies a class of variables in which the

dependence needs clarification. Valid values include array or pointer.

TIP: <class> and variable= should not be specified together as you can specify dependence for
a variable, or a class of variables within a function.

• type=[inter | intra]: Valid values include intra or inter. Specifies whether the
dependence is:

• intra: Dependence within the same loop iteration. When dependence <type> is
specified as intra, and <dependent> is false, the HLS tool might move operations freely
within a loop, increasing their mobility and potentially improving performance or area.
When <dependent> is specified as true, the operations must be performed in the order

• inter: dependence between different loop iterations. This is the default <type>. If
dependence <type> is specified as inter, and <dependent> is false, it allows the HLS
tool to perform operations in parallel if the function or loop is pipelined, or the loop is
unrolled, or partially unrolled, and prevents such concurrent operation when
<dependent> is specified as true.

• direction=[RAW | WAR | WAW]: This is relevant for loop-carry dependencies only, and
specifies the direction for a dependence:

• RAW (Read-After-Write - true dependence): The write instruction uses a value used by the
read instruction.

• WAR (Write-After-Read - anti dependence): The read instruction gets a value that is
overwritten by the write instruction.

• WAW (Write-After-Write - output dependence): Two write instructions write to the same
location, in a certain order.

• distance=<int>: Specifies the inter-iteration distance for array access. Relevant only for
loop-carry dependencies where dependence is set to true.

• <dependent>: The <dependent> argument should be specified to indicate whether a

dependence is true and needs to be enforced, or is false and should be removed. However,
when not specified, the tool will return a warning that the value was not specified and will
assume a value of false. The accepted values are true or false.

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Example 1

In the following example, the HLS tool does not have any knowledge about the value of cols
and conservatively assumes that there is always a dependence between the write to buff_A[1]
[col] and the read from buff_A[1][col]. In an algorithm such as this, it is unlikely cols will
ever be zero, but the HLS tool cannot make assumptions about data dependencies. To overcome
this deficiency, you can use the DEPENDENCE pragma to state that there is no dependence
between loop iterations (in this case, for both buff_A and buff_B).

void foo(int rows, int cols, ...){

for (row = 0; row < rows + 1; row++) {
for (col = 0; col < cols + 1; col++) {
#pragma HLS dependence variable=buff_A type=inter false
#pragma HLS dependence variable=buff_B type=inter false
if (col < cols) {
buff_A[2][col] = buff_A[1][col]; // read from buff_A[1][col]
buff_A[1][col] = buff_A[0][col]; // write to buff_A[1][col]
buff_B[1][col] = buff_B[0][col];

Example 2

Removes the dependence between Var1 in the same iterations of loop_1 in function func.

#pragma HLS dependence variable=Var1 type=intra false

Example 3

Defines the dependence on all arrays in loop_2 of function func to inform the HLS tool that all
reads must happen after writes (RAW) in the same loop iteration.

#pragma HLS dependence class=array type=intra direction=RAW true

See Also

• set_directive_dependence
• pragma_HLS_disaggregate
• pragma_HLS_pipeline

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pragma HLS disaggregate


The DISAGGREGATE pragma lets you deconstruct a struct variable into its individual
elements. The number and type of elements created are determined by the contents of the struct

IMPORTANT! Structs used as arguments to the top-level function are aggregated by default, but can be
disaggregated with this directive or pragma. Refer to AXI4-Stream Interfaces for important information
about disaggregating structs associated with streams.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the region, function, or loop.

#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=<variable>



• variable=<variable>: Specifies the struct variable to disaggregate.

Example 1

The following example shows the struct variable a in function top will be disaggregated:

#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=a

Example 2

Disaggregated structs can be addressed in your code by the using standard C/C++ coding style
as shown below. Notice the different methods for accessing the pointer element (a) versus the
reference element (c);

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {

#pragma HLS disaggregate variable = a
#pragma HLS interface s_axilite port = a->x
#pragma HLS interface s_axilite port = a->y

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// Following is now supported

#pragma HLS disaggregate variable = c
#pragma HLS interface ap_memory port = c.x
#pragma HLS interface ap_memory port = c.y

Example 3

The following example shows the Dot struct containing the RGB struct as an element. If you
apply the DISAGGREGATE pragma to variable Arr, then only the top-level Dot struct is

struct Pixel {
char R;
char G;
char B;

struct Dot {
Pixel RGB;
unsigned Size;

#define N 1086
void DUT(Dot Arr[N]) {
#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=Arr

If you want to disaggregate the whole struct, Dot and RGB, then you can assign the
DISAGGREGATE pragma as shown below.

void DUT(Dot Arr[N]) {

#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=Arr->RGB

The results in this case will be:

void DUT(char Arr_RGB_R[N], char Arr_RGB_G[N], char Arr_RGB_B[N], unsigned

Arr_Size[N]) {
#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=Arr->RGB

See Also

• set_directive_disaggregate
• pragma_HLS_aggregate

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pragma HLS expression_balance


Sometimes C/C++ code is written with a sequence of operations, resulting in a long chain of
operations in RTL. With a small clock period, this can increase the latency in the design. By
default, the Vitis HLS tool rearranges the operations using associative and commutative
properties. This rearrangement creates a balanced tree that can shorten the chain, potentially
reducing latency in the design at the cost of extra hardware.

Expression balancing rearranges operators to construct a balanced tree and reduce latency.

• For integer operations expression balancing is on by default but may be disabled.

• For floating-point operations, expression balancing is off by default but may be enabled.

The EXPRESSION_BALANCE pragma allows this expression balancing to be disabled, or to be

expressly enabled, within a specified scope.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the required location.

#pragma HLS expression_balance off


• off: Turns off expression balancing at this location.Specifying #pragma HLS

expression_balance enables expression balancing in the specified scope. Adding off
disables it.

Example 1

Disables expression balancing within function my_Func.

void my_func(char inval, char incr) {

#pragma HLS expression_balance off

Example 2

This example explicitly enables expression balancing in function my_Func.

void my_func(char inval, char incr) {

#pragma HLS expression_balance

See Also

• set_directive_expression_balance

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pragma HLS function_instantiate


The FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE pragma is an optimization technique that has the area benefits of
maintaining the function hierarchy but provides an additional powerful option: performing
targeted local optimizations on specific instances of a function. This can simplify the control logic
around the function call and potentially improve latency and throughput.

By default:

• Functions remain as separate hierarchy blocks in the RTL, or is decomposed (or inlined) into a
higher level function.
• All instances of a function, at the same level of hierarchy, make use of a single RTL
implementation (block).

The FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE pragma is used to create a unique RTL implementation for each
instance of a function, allowing each instance to be locally optimized according to the function
call. This pragma exploits the fact that some inputs to a function can be a constant value when
the function is called, and uses this to both simplify the surrounding control structures and
produce smaller more optimized function blocks.

Without the FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE pragma, the following code results in a single RTL
implementation of function func_sub for all three instances of the function in func. Each
instance of function func_sub is implemented in an identical manner. This is fine for function
reuse and reducing the area required for each instance call of a function, but means that the
control logic inside the function must be more complex to account for the variation in each call of

char func_sub(char inval, char incr) {

#pragma HLS FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE variable=incr
return inval + incr;
void func(char inval1, char inval2, char inval3,
char *outval1, char *outval2, char * outval3)
*outval1 = func_sub(inval1, 1);
*outval2 = func_sub(inval2, 2);
*outval3 = func_sub(inval3, 3);

TIP: The Vitis HLS tool automatically decomposes (or inlines) small functions into higher-level calling
functions. This is true even for function instantiations. Using the INLINE pragma with the OFF option can
be used to prevent this automatic inlining.

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In the code sample above, the FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE pragma results in three different
implementations of function func_sub, each optimized for the specified values of incr,
reducing the area and improving the performance of the function implementation.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the required location.

#pragma HLS FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE variable=<variable>


• variable=<variable>: A required argument that defines the function argument to use as

a constant.


In the following example, the FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE pragma, placed in function swInt,

allows each instance of function swInt to be independently optimized with respect to the maxv
function argument.

void swInt(unsigned int *readRefPacked, short *maxr, short *maxc, short

#pragma HLS FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE variable=maxv
uint2_t d2bit[MAXCOL];
uint2_t q2bit[MAXROW];
#pragma HLS array partition variable=d2bit,q2bit cyclic factor=FACTOR

intTo2bit<MAXCOL/16>((readRefPacked + MAXROW/16), d2bit);

intTo2bit<MAXROW/16>(readRefPacked, q2bit);
sw(d2bit, q2bit, maxr, maxc, maxv);

See Also

• set_directive_function_instantiate
• pragma HLS allocation
• pragma HLS inline

pragma HLS inline


Removes a function as a separate entity in the hierarchy. After inlining, the function is dissolved
into the calling function and no longer appears as a separate level of hierarchy in the RTL.

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IMPORTANT! Inlining a function also dissolves any pragmas or directives applied to that function. In Vitis
HLS, any pragmas or directives applied to the inlined function are ignored.

In some cases, inlining a function allows operations within the function to be shared and
optimized more effectively with the calling function. However, an inlined function cannot be
shared or reused, so if the parent function calls the inlined function multiple times, this can
increase the area required for implementing the RTL.

The INLINE pragma applies differently to the scope it is defined in depending on how it is

• INLINE: Without arguments, the pragma means that the function it is specified in should be
inlined upward into any calling functions.

• INLINE off: Specifies that the function it is specified in should not be inlined upward into
any calling functions. This disables the inline of a specific function that can be automatically
inlined or inlined as part of recursion.

• INLINE recursive: Applies the pragma to the body of the function it is assigned in. It
applies downward, recursively inlining the contents of the function.

By default, inlining is only performed on the next level of function hierarchy, not sub-functions.
However, the recursive option lets you specify inlining through levels of the hierarchy.


Place the pragma in the C source within the body of the function or region of code.

#pragma HLS inline <recursive | off>


• recursive: By default, only one level of function inlining is performed, and functions within
the specified function are not inlined. The recursive option inlines all functions recursively
within the specified function or region.

IMPORTANT! Recursive inlining of functions in a dataflow region can result in a single function in the
region which does not meet the conditions of dataflow. In this case the INLINE recursive pragma
or directive is ignored.

• off: Disables function inlining to prevent specified functions from being inlined. For example,
if recursive is specified in a function, this option can prevent a particular called function
from being inlined when all others are.

TIP: The Vitis HLS tool automatically inlines small functions, and using the INLINE pragma with the
off option can be used to prevent this automatic inlining.

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Example 1

The following example inlines all functions within the body of func_top inlining recursively
down through the function hierarchy, except function func_sub is not inlined. The recursive
pragma is placed in function func_top. The pragma to disable inlining is placed in the function

func_sub (p, q) {
#pragma HLS inline off
int q1 = q + 10;
func(p1,q);// foo_3
void func_top { a, b, c, d} {
#pragma HLS inline recursive

TIP: Notice in this example that INLINE RECURSIVE applies downward to the contents of function
func_top, but INLINE OFF applies to func_sub directly.

Example 2

This example inlines the copy_output function into any functions or regions calling

void copy_output(int *out, int out_lcl[OSize * OSize], int output) {

#pragma HLS INLINE
// Calculate each work_item's result update location
int stride = output * OSize * OSize;

// Work_item updates output filter/image in DDR

writeOut: for(int itr = 0; itr < OSize * OSize; itr++) {
out[stride + itr] = out_lcl[itr];

See Also

• set_directive_inline
• pragma_HLS_allocation

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pragma HLS interface


The INTERFACE pragma or directive is only supported for use on the top-level function, and
cannot be used for sub-functions of the HLS component. It specifies how RTL ports are created
from the function arguments during interface synthesis, as described in Defining Interfaces. The
Vitis HLS tool automatically determines the I/O protocol used by any sub-functions.

Ports in the RTL implementation are derived from the data type and direction of the arguments
of the top-level function and function return, the flow_target for the HLS component, the
default interface configuration settings as specified by config_interface, and by the INTERFACE
pragma or directive. Each function argument can be specified to have its own I/O protocol (such
as valid handshake or acknowledge handshake).

TIP: Global variables required on the interface must be explicitly defined as an argument of the top-level
function as described in Global Variables. If a global variable is accessed, but all read and write operations
are local to the design, the resource is created in the design. There is no need for an I/O port in the RTL.

The interface also defines the execution control protocol of the HLS component as described in
Block-Level Control Protocols. The control protocol controls when the HLS component (or block)
starts execution, and when the block completes operation, is idle and ready for new inputs.


Place the pragma within the boundaries of the function.

#pragma HLS interface mode=<mode> port=<name> [OPTIONS]


• mode=<mode>:

The supported modes, and how the tool implements them in RTL, can be broken down into
three categories as follows:

1. Port-Level Protocols:
• ap_none: No port protocol. The interface is a simple data port.
• ap_vld: Implements the data port with an associated valid signal to indicate when
the data is valid for reading or writing.
• ap_ack: Implements the data port with an associated acknowledge signal to
acknowledge that the data was read or written.

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• ap_hs: Implements the data port with both valid and acknowledge signals to
provide a two-way handshake to indicate when the data is valid for reading and writing
and to acknowledge that the data was read or written.
• ap_ovld: Implements the output data port with an associated valid signal to indicate
when the data is valid for reading or writing.

TIP: For ap_ovld Vitis HLS implements the input argument or the input half of any read/write
arguments with mode ap_none.

• ap_memory: Implements array arguments as a standard RAM interface. If you use the
RTL design in Vivado IP integrator the interface is composed of separate ports.
• bram: Implements array arguments as a standard RAM interface. If you use the RTL
design in Vivado IP integrator the memory interface is composed of a single port.
• ap_fifo: Implements the port with a standard FIFO interface using data input and
output ports with associated active-Low FIFO empty and full ports.
Note: You can only use the ap_fifo interface on read arguments or write arguments. ap_fifo
mode does not support bidirectional read/write arguments.

2. AXI Interface Protocols:

• s_axilite: Implements the port as an AXI4-Lite interface. The tool produces an
associated set of C driver files when exporting the generated RT for the HLS
• m_axi: Implements the port as an AXI4 interface. You can use the
config_interface -m_axi_addr64 command to specify either 32-bit (default) or
64-bit address ports and to control any address offset.
• axis: Implements the port as an AXI4-Stream interface.
3. Block-Level Control Protocols:
• ap_ctrl_chain: Implements a set of block-level control ports to start the design
operation, continue operation, and indicate when the design is idle, done, and
ready for new input data.
• ap_ctrl_hs: Implements a set of block-level control ports to start the design
operation and to indicate when the design is idle, done, and ready for new input
• ap_ctrl_none: No block-level I/O protocol.
Note: Using the ap_ctrl_none mode might prevent the design from being verified using
C/RTL co-simulation.

• port=<name>: Specifies the name of the function argument or function return which the
INTERFACE pragma applies to.

TIP: Block-level I/O protocols (ap_ctrl_none, ap_ctrl_hs, or ap_ctrl_chain) can be

assigned to a port for the function return value.

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TIP: Many of the options specified below have global values that are defined in the config_interface
command. Set local values for the interface defined here to override the global values.

• bundle=<string>: By default, the HLS tool groups or bundles function arguments with
compatible options into interface ports in the RTL code. All AXI4-Lite (s_axilite) interfaces
are bundled into a single AXI4-Lite port whenever possible. Similarly, all function arguments
specified as an AXI4 (m_axi) interface are bundled into a single AXI4 port by default. All
interface ports with compatible options, such as mode, offset, and bundle, are grouped
into a single interface port. The port name is derived automatically from a combination of the
mode and bundle, or is named as specified by -name.

IMPORTANT! When specifying the bundle name you should use all lower-case characters.

• channel=<string>: To enable multiple channels on an m_axi interface specify the channel

ID. Multiple m_axi interfaces can be combined into a single m_axi adapter using separate
channel IDs.

• clock=<name>: By default, the AXI4-Lite interface clock is the same clock as the system
clock. This option is used to set specify a separate clock for an AXI4-Lite interface. If the -
bundle option is used to group multiple top-level function arguments into a single AXI4-Lite
interface, the clock option need only be specified on one of bundle members.

• depth=<int>: Specifies the maximum number of samples for the test bench to process. This
setting indicates the maximum size of the FIFO needed in the verification adapter that the
HLS tool creates for RTL co-simulation.

TIP: While depth is usually an option, it is needed to specify the size of pointer arguments for RTL co-

• interrupt=<int>: Only used by ap_vld/ap_hs. This option enables the I/O to be

managed in interrupt, by creating the corresponding bits in the ISR and IER in the
s_axilite register file. The integer value N=16..31 specifies the bit position in both
registers (by default assigned contiguously from 16).

• latency=<value>: This option can be used on ap_memory and M_AXI interfaces.

• In an ap_memory interface, the interface option specifies the read latency of the RAM
resource driving the interface. By default, a read operation of 1 clock cycle is used. This
option allows an external RAM with more than 1 clock cycle of read latency to be modeled.
• In an M_AXI interface, this option specifies the expected latency of the AXI4 interface,
allowing the design to initiate a bus request <value> number of cycles (latency) before the
read or write is expected. If this figure it too low, the design will be ready too soon and
might stall waiting for the bus. If this figure is too high, bus access might be idle waiting on
the design to start the access.

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• max_read_burst_length=<int>: For use with the M_AXI interface, this option specifies
the maximum number of data values read during a burst transfer. Refer to AXI Burst Transfers
for more information.

• max_write_burst_length=<int>:

• For AXI4 (m_axi) interfaces, this option specifies the maximum number of data values
written during a burst transfer.

TIP: If the port is a read-only port, then set the num_write_outstanding=1 and
max_write_burst_length=2 to conserve memory resources. For write-only ports, set the
num_read_outstanding=1 and max_read_burst_length=2.

• max_widen_bitwidth=<int>: Specifies the maximum bit width available for the interface
when automatically widening the interface. This overrides the global value specified by the
config_interface -m_axi_max_bitwidth command.

• name=<string>: Specifies a name for the port which will be used in the generated RTL.

• num_read_outstanding=<int>: For AXI4 (m_axi) interfaces, this option specifies how

many read requests can be made to the AXI4 bus, without a response, before the design stalls.
This implies internal storage in the design, a FIFO of size:


• num_write_outstanding=<int>: For AXI4 (m_axi) interfaces, this option specifies how

many write requests can be made to the AXI4 bus, without a response, before the design
stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, a FIFO of size:


• offset=<string>: Controls the address offset in AXI4-Lite (s_axilite) and AXI4

memory mapped (m_axi) interfaces for the specified port.

• In an s_axilite interface, <string> specifies the address in the register map.

• In an m_axi interface this option overrides the global option specified by the
config_interface -m_axi_offset option, and <string> is specified as:
○ off: Do not generate an offset port.

○ direct: Generate a scalar input offset port.

○ slave: Generate an offset port and automatically map it to an AXI4-Lite slave interface.
This is the default offset.

• register: An optional keyword to register the signal and any relevant protocol signals, and
causes the signals to persist until at least the last cycle of the function execution. The -
register_io option of the config_interface command globally controls registering all
inputs/outputs on the top function. This option applies to the following interface modes:

• s_axilite

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• ap_fifo
• ap_none
• ap_hs
• ap_ack
• ap_vld
• ap_ovld

TIP: The use of the register option on the return port of the function (port=return) is not supported.
Instead use the LATENCY pragma or directive:

#pragma HLS LATENCY min=1 max=1

• register_mode=<forward|reverse|both|off>: This option applies to AXI4-Stream

interfaces, and specifies if registers are placed on the forward path (TDATA and TVALID), the
reverse path (TREADY), on both paths (TDATA, TVALID, and TREADY), or if none of the ports
signals are to be registered (off). The default is both. AXI4-Stream side-channel signals are
considered to be data signals and are registered whenever the TDATA is registered.

• storage_impl=<impl>: For use with s_axilite only. This options defines a storage
implementation to assign to the interface. Supported implementation values include auto,
bram, and uram. The default is auto.

TIP: uram is a synchronous memory with only a single clock for two ports. Therefore uram cannot be
specified for an s_axilite adapter with a second clock.

• storage_type=<value>: For use with ap_memory and bram interfaces only. This options
specifies a storage type (that is, RAM_T2P) to assign to the variable.Supported types include:
ram_1p, ram_1wnr, ram_2p, ram_s2p, ram_t2p, rom_1p, rom_2p, and rom_np.

TIP: This can also be specified using the BIND_STORAGE pragma or directive for an object not on the

Example 1

In this example, both function arguments are implemented using an AXI4-Stream interface:

void example(int A[50], int B[50]) {

//Set the HLS native interface types
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=axis port=A
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=axis port=B
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 50; i++){
B[i] = A[i] + 5;

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Example 2

The following turns off block-level I/O protocols, and is assigned to the function return value:

#pragma HLS interface mode=ap_ctrl_none port=return

The function argument InData is specified to use the ap_vld interface and also indicates the
input should be registered:

#pragma HLS interface mode=ap_vld register port=InData

Example 3

This example defines the INTERFACE standards for the ports of the top-level transpose
function. Notice the use of the bundle= option to group signals.


void transpose(int* input, int* output) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=input offset=slave bundle=gmem0
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=output offset=slave bundle=gmem1

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=input bundle=control

#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=output bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return bundle=control

#pragma HLS dataflow

See Also

• set_directive_interface
• pragma_HLS_bind_storage

pragma HLS latency


Specifies a minimum or maximum latency value, or both, for the completion of functions, loops,
and regions.

• Latency: Number of clock cycles required to produce an output.

• Function latency: Number of clock cycles required for the function to compute all output
values, and return.

• Loop latency: Number of cycles to execute all iterations of the loop.

Vitis HLS always tries to minimize latency in the design. When the LATENCY pragma is specified,
the tool behavior is as follows:

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• Latency is greater than the minimum, or less than the maximum: The constraint is satisfied. No
further optimizations are performed.
• Latency is less than the minimum: If the HLS tool can achieve less than the minimum specified
latency, it extends the latency to the specified value, potentially enabling increased sharing.
• Latency is greater than the maximum: If the HLS tool cannot schedule within the maximum
limit, it increases effort to achieve the specified constraint. If it still fails to meet the maximum
latency, it issues a warning, and produces a design with the smallest achievable latency in
excess of the maximum.

TIP: You can also use the LATENCY pragma to limit the efforts of the tool to find an optimum solution.
Specifying latency constraints for scopes within the code: loops, functions, or regions, reduces the possible
solutions within that scope and can improve tool runtime. Refer to Improving Synthesis Runtime and
Capacity for more information.

If the intention is to limit the total latency of all loop iterations, the latency directive should be
applied to a region that encompasses the entire loop, as in this example:

Region_All_Loop_A: {
#pragma HLS latency max=10
Loop_A: for (i=0; i<N; i++)
..Loop Body...

In this case, even if the loop is unrolled, the latency directive sets a maximum limit on all loop

If Vitis HLS cannot meet a maximum latency constraint it relaxes the latency constraint and tries
to achieve the best possible result.

If a minimum latency constraint is set and Vitis HLS can produce a design with a lower latency
than the minimum required it inserts dummy clock cycles to meet the minimum latency.


Place the pragma within the boundary of a function, loop, or region of code where the latency
must be managed.

#pragma HLS latency min=<int> max=<int>


• min=<int>: Optionally specifies the minimum latency for the function, loop, or region of

• max=<int>: Optionally specifies the maximum latency for the function, loop, or region of

Note: Although both min and max are described as optional, at least one must be specified.

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Example 1

Function foo is specified to have a minimum latency of 4 and a maximum latency of 8.

int foo(char x, char a, char b, char c) {

#pragma HLS latency min=4 max=8
char y;
y = x*a+b+c;
return y

Example 2

In the following example, loop_1 is specified to have a maximum latency of 12. Place the
pragma in the loop body as shown.

void foo (num_samples, ...) {

int i;
loop_1: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {
#pragma HLS latency max=12
result = a + b;

Example 3

The following example creates a code region and groups signals that need to change in the same
clock cycle by specifying zero latency.

// create a region { } with a latency = 0

#pragma HLS LATENCY max=0 min=0
*data = 0xFF;
*data_vld = 1;

See Also

• set_directive_latency

pragma HLS loop_flatten


Allows nested loops to be flattened into a single loop hierarchy with improved latency.

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In the RTL implementation, it requires one clock cycle to move from an outer loop to an inner
loop, and from an inner loop to an outer loop. Flattening nested loops allows them to be
optimized as a single loop. This saves clock cycles, potentially allowing for greater optimization of
the loop body logic.

Apply the LOOP_FLATTEN pragma to the loop body of the inner-most loop in the loop hierarchy.
Only perfect and semi-perfect loops can be flattened in this manner:

• Perfect loop nests:

• Only the innermost loop has loop body content.

• There is no logic specified between the loop statements.
• All loop bounds are constant.

• Semi-perfect loop nests:

• Only the innermost loop has loop body content.

• There is no logic specified between the loop statements.
• The outermost loop bound can be a variable.

• Imperfect loop nests: When the inner loop has variable bounds (or the loop body is not
exclusively inside the inner loop), try to restructure the code, or unroll the loops in the loop
body to create a perfect loop nest.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the nested loop.

#pragma HLS loop_flatten off


• off: Optional keyword. Prevents flattening from taking place, and can prevent some loops
from being flattened while all others in the specified location are flattened.

IMPORTANT! The presence of the LOOP_FLATTEN pragma or directive enables the optimization. The
addition of off disables it.

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Example 1

Flattens loop_1 in function foo and all (perfect or semi-perfect) loops above it in the loop
hierarchy, into a single loop. Place the pragma in the body of loop_1.

void foo (num_samples, ...) {

int i;
loop_1: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {
#pragma HLS loop_flatten
result = a + b;

Example 2

Prevents loop flattening in loop_1.

loop_1: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {

#pragma HLS loop_flatten off

See Also

• set_directive_loop_flatten
• pragma_HLS_loop_merge
• pragma_HLS_unroll

pragma HLS loop_merge


Merges consecutive loops into a single loop to reduce overall latency, increase sharing, and
improve logic optimization. Merging loops:

• Reduces the number of clock cycles required in the RTL to transition between the loop-body
• Allows the loops be implemented in parallel (if possible).

The LOOP_MERGE pragma will seek to merge all loops within the scope it is placed. For example,
if you apply a LOOP_MERGE pragma in the body of a loop, the Vitis HLS tool applies the pragma
to any sub-loops within the loop but not to the loop itself.

The rules for merging loops are:

• If the loop bounds are variables, they must have the same value (number of iterations).

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• If the loop bounds are constants, the maximum constant value is used as the bound of the
merged loop.
• Loops with both variable bounds and constant bounds cannot be merged.
• The code between loops to be merged cannot have side effects. Multiple execution of this
code should generate the same results (a=b is allowed, a=a+1 is not).
• Loops cannot be merged when they contain FIFO reads. Merging changes the order of the
reads. Reads from a FIFO or FIFO interface must always be in sequence.


Place the pragma in the C source within the required scope or region of code.

#pragma HLS loop_merge force


• force: Optional keyword to force loops to be merged even when the HLS tool issues a

IMPORTANT! In this case, you must manually ensure that the merged loop will function correctly.


Merges all consecutive loops in function foo into a single loop.

void foo (num_samples, ...) {

#pragma HLS loop_merge
int i;
loop_1: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {

All loops inside loop_2 (but not loop_2 itself) are merged by using the force option. Place the
pragma in the body of loop_2.

loop_2: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {

#pragma HLS loop_merge force

See Also

• set_directive_loop_merge
• pragma_HLS_loop_flatten
• pragma_HLS_unroll

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pragma HLS loop_tripcount


When manually applied to a loop, specifies the total number of iterations performed by a loop.

IMPORTANT! The LOOP_TRIPCOUNT pragma or directive is for analysis only, and does not impact the
results of synthesis.

The Vitis HLS tool reports the total latency of each loop, which is the number of clock cycles to
execute all iterations of the loop. Therefore, the loop latency is a function of the number of loop
iterations, or tripcount.

The tripcount can be a constant value. It can depend on the value of variables used in the loop
expression (for example, x < y), or depend on control statements used inside the loop. In some
cases, the HLS tool cannot determine the tripcount, and the latency is unknown. This includes
cases in which the variables used to determine the tripcount are:

• Input arguments or
• Variables calculated by dynamic operation.

In the following example, the maximum iteration of the for-loop is determined by the value of
input num_samples. The value of num_samples is not defined in the C function, but comes
into the function from the outside.

void foo (num_samples, ...) {

int i;
loop_1: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {
result = a + b;

In cases where the loop latency is unknown or cannot be calculated, the LOOP_TRIPCOUNT
pragma lets you specify minimum, maximum, and average iterations for a loop. This lets the tool
analyze how the loop latency contributes to the total design latency in the reports, and helps you
determine appropriate optimizations for the design.

TIP: If a C assert macro is used in to limit the size of a loop variable Vitis HLS can use it to both define loop
limits for reporting, and create hardware that is exactly sized to these limits.


Place the pragma in the C source within the body of the loop.

#pragma HLS loop_tripcount min=<int> max=<int> avg=<int>

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• max= <int>: Specifies the maximum number of loop iterations.

• min=<int>: Specifies the minimum number of loop iterations.

• avg=<int>: Specifies the average number of loop iterations.


In the following example, loop_1 in function foo is specified to have a minimum tripcount of
12, and a maximum tripcount of 16:

void foo (num_samples, ...) {

int i;
loop_1: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {
#pragma HLS loop_tripcount min=12 max=16
result = a + b;

See Also

• set_directive_loop_tripcount

pragma HLS occurrence


The OCCURRENCE pragma or directive can be applied to a function call within a region. The
feature works with pipelined function calls within a conditional block such as an if statement or
switch statement. The pragma specifies how often the pipelined function is called inside the
current pipeline. Identifying a function within a condition block with the OCCURRENCE pragma
allows the functions and loops in that region to be pipelined with a higher initiation interval that
is slower than the enclosing function or loop.

When pipelining functions or loops, the OCCURRENCE pragma specifies that a pipelined
function call within the pipelined function or loop is executed less frequently than the enclosing
function or loop. This allows the pipelined function call that is executed less often to be pipelined
at a slower rate, thus potentially improving the resource sharing potential within the top-level

Use the following process to determine the OCCURRENCE cycle value:

• A loop iterates <N> times.

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• However, part of the loop body is enabled by a conditional statement, and as a result only
executes <M> times, where <N> is an integer multiple of <M>.
• The conditional code has an occurrence that is N/M times slower than the rest of the loop

For example, in a loop that executes 10 times, a conditional statement within the loop that only
executes two times has an occurrence of 5 (or 10/2).


Place the pragma in the C source within a conditional block of code that contains the pipelined
sub-function call(s).

#pragma HLS occurrence cycle=<int> off=true


• cycle=<int>: Specifies the occurrence value N/M, where <N> is the number of times the
enclosing function or loop executes, and <M> is the number of times the conditional region

IMPORTANT! <N> must be an integer multiple of <M>.

• off=true: Disable occurrence for the specified function.


In this example, the call of sub-function within the if statement (but not the memory read and
write, because they are not inside a pipelined function) has an occurrence of 4 (it executes at a
rate four times less often than the surrounding code that contains it). Hence, while without the
OCCURRENCE pragma it would be pipelined with the same II as the caller, with the
OCCURRENCE pragma it will be pipelined with an II=4. This will expose more resource sharing
opportunities within it and with other functions.

void subfunction(...) {
#pragma HLS pipeline II=...
// Without the occurrence pragma,
// this will be automatically pipelined with an II=1,
// regardless of its own pipeline pragma,
// since it is called in a pipeline with II=1
// With the pragma, it has an II=4.
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1
if (i % 4 == 0) {
#pragma HLS occurrence cycle=4
a[i+1] = b[i];

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See Also

• set_directive_occurrence
• pragma_HLS_pipeline

pragma HLS performance


TIP: The PERFORMANCE pragma or directive applies to loops and loop nests, and requires a known loop
tripcount to determine the performance. If your loop has a variable tripcount then you must also specify
LOOP_TRIPCOUNT pragma or directive.

The PERFORMANCE pragma or directive lets you specify a high-level constraint, target_ti or
target_tl, defining the number of clock cycles between successive starts of a loop, and lets
the tool infer lower-level UNROLL, PIPELINE, ARRAY_PARTITION, and INLINE directives needed
to achieve the desired result. The PERFORMANCE pragma or directive does not guarantee the
specified value will be achieved, and so it is only a target.

The target_ti is the interval between successive starts of the loop, or between the start of
the first iteration of the loop, and the next start of the first iteration of the loop. In the following
code example, a target_ti=T would mean the target interval for the start of loop L2 between
two consecutive iterations of L1 should be 100 cycles.

const int T = 100;

L1: for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
L2: for (int j=0; j<M; j++){
pragma HLS performance target_ti=T

The target_tl is the interval between start of the loop and end of the loop, or between the
start of the first iteration of the loop and the completion of the last iteration of the loop. For
example, in the preceding code example a target_tl=T means the target completion of loop
L2 for a single iteration of L1 should be 100 cycles.

Note: The INLINE pragma is applied automatically to functions inside any pipelined loop that has II=1 to
improve throughput. If you apply the PERFORMANCE pragma or directive that infers a pipeline with II=1,
it will also trigger the auto-inline optimization. You can disable this for specific functions by using #pragma

The transaction interval is the initiation interval (II) of the loop times the number of iterations, or
tripcount: target_ti = II * loop tripcount. Conversely, target_ti = FreqHz / Operations per

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For example, assuming an image processing function that processes a single frame per invocation
with a throughput goal of 60 fps, then the target throughput for the function is 60 invocations
per second. If the clock frequency is 180 MHz, then target_ti is 180M/60, or 3 million clock
cycles per function invocation.


Place the pragma within the boundary a loop, or the outer loop of a loop nest.

#pragma HLS performance target_ti=<value> target_tl=<value> unit=[sec|cycle]


• target_ti=<value>: Specifies a target transaction interval defined as the number of clock

cycles for the function, loop, or region of code to complete an iteration. The <value> can be
specified as an integer, floating point, or constant expression that is resolved by the tool as an

Note: A warning will be returned if truncation occurs.

• target_tl=<value>:

Specifies a target latency defined as the number of clock cycles for the loop to complete all
iterations. The transaction latency is defined as the interval between the start of the first
iteration of the loop , and the completion of the last iteration of the loop. The <value> can be
specified as an integer, floating point, or constant expression that is resolved by the tool as an

• unit=[sec | cycle]: Specifies the unit associated with the target_ti or target_tl values.
The unit can either be specified as seconds, or clock cycles. When the unit is specified as
seconds, a unit can be specified with the value to indicate nanoseconds (ns), picoseconds (ps),
microseconds (us).

Example 1

The outer loop is specified to have target transaction interval of 1000 clock cycles.

for (int i =0; i < 1000; ++i) {

#pragma HLS performance target_ti=1000
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
int tmp = b_buf[j].read();
b[i * 8 + j] = tmp + 2;

See Also

• set_directive_performance
• pragma HLS inline

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pragma HLS pipeline


Reduces the initiation interval (II) for a function or loop by allowing the concurrent execution of
operations. The default type of pipeline is defined by the config_compile -
pipeline_style command, but can be overridden in the PIPELINE pragma or directive.

A pipelined function or loop can process new inputs every <N> clock cycles, where <N> is the II
of the loop or function. An II of 1 processes a new input every clock cycle. You can specify the
initiation interval through the use of the II option for the pragma.

As a default behavior, with the PIPELINE pragma or directive Vitis HLS will generate the
minimum II for the design according to the specified clock period constraint. The emphasis will be
on meeting timing, rather than on achieving II unless the II option is specified.

If the Vitis HLS tool cannot create a design with the specified II, it issues a warning and creates a
design with the lowest possible II.

You can then analyze this design with the warning message to determine what steps must be
taken to create a design that satisfies the required initiation interval.

Pipelining a loop allows the operations of the loop to be implemented in a concurrent manner as
shown in the following figure. In the figure, (A) shows the default sequential operation where
there are three clock cycles between each input read (II=3), and it requires eight clock cycles
before the last output write is performed. (B) shows the pipelined operations that show one cycle
between reads (II=1), and 4 cycles to the last write.

Figure 135: Loop Pipeline

void func(m,n,o) {

for (i=2;i>=0;i--) {


3 cycles 1 cycle


8 cycles RD CMP WR

4 cycles
(A) Without Loop Pipelining (B) With Loop Pipelining

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IMPORTANT! Loop carry dependencies can prevent pipelining. Use the DEPENDENCE pragma or
directive to provide additional information to overcome loop-carry dependencies, and allow loops to be
pipelined (or pipelined with lower intervals).


Place the pragma in the C source within the body of the function or loop.

#pragma HLS pipeline II=<int> off rewind style=<value>


• II=<int>: Specifies the desired initiation interval for the pipeline. The HLS tool tries to meet
this request. Based on data dependencies, the actual result might have a larger initiation

• off: Optional keyword. Turns off pipeline for a specific loop or function. This can be used to
disable pipelining for a specific loop when config_compile -pipeline_loops is used to
globally pipeline loops.

• rewind: Optional keyword. Enables rewinding as described in Rewinding Pipelined Loops for
Performance. This enables continuous loop pipelining with no pause between one execution
of the loop ending and the next execution starting. Rewinding is effective only if there is one
single loop (or a perfect loop nest) inside the top-level function. The code segment before the

• Is considered as initialization.
• Is executed only once in the pipeline.
• Cannot contain any conditional operations (if-else).

TIP: This feature is only supported for pipelined loops; it is not supported for pipelined functions.

• style=<stp | frp | flp>: Specifies the type of pipeline to use for the specified
function or loop. For more information on pipeline styles refer to Flushing Pipelines and
Pipeline Types. The types of pipelines include:

• stp: Stall pipeline. Runs only when input data is available otherwise it stalls. This is the
default setting, and is the type of pipeline used by Vitis HLS for both loop and function
pipelining. Use this when a flushable pipeline is not required. For example, when there are
no performance or deadlock issue due to stalls.

• flp: This option defines the pipeline as a flushable pipeline. This type of pipeline typically
consumes more resources and/or can have a larger II because resources cannot be shared
among pipeline iterations.

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• frp: Free-running, flushable pipeline. Runs even when input data is not available. Use this
when you need better timing due to reduced pipeline control signal fanout, or when you
need improved performance to avoid deadlocks. However, this pipeline style can consume
more power as the pipeline registers are clocked even if there is no data.

IMPORTANT! This is a hint not a hard constraint. The tool checks design conditions for enabling
pipelining. Some loops might not conform to a particular style and the tool reverts to the default style
(stp) if necessary.


In this example, function func is pipelined with an initiation interval of 1.

void func { a, b, c, d} {
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1

See Also

• set_directive_pipeline
• pragma_HLS_dependence
• config_compile

pragma HLS protocol


This commands specifies a region of code, a protocol region, in which no clock operations will be
inserted by Vitis HLS unless explicitly specified in the code. Vitis HLS will not insert any clocks
between operations in the region, including those which read from or write to function
arguments. The order of read and writes will therefore be strictly followed in the synthesized

A region of code can be created in the C/C++ code by enclosing the region in braces "{ }" and
naming it. The following defines a region named io_section:

lines of code

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A clock operation can be explicitly specified in C/C++ code using an ap_wait() statement, and
may be specified in C++ code by using the wait() statement. The ap_wait and wait
statements have no effect on the simulation of the design.


Place the pragma in the C source within the body of the function or protocol region.

#pragma HLS protocol [floating | fixed]


• floating: Lets code statements outside the protocol region overlap and execute in parallel
with statements in the protocol region in the final RTL. The protocol region remains cycle
accurate, but outside operations can occur at the same time. This is the default mode.

• fixed: The fixed mode ensures that statements outside the protocol region do not execute in
parallel with the protocol region.


This example defines a protocol region, io_section in function foo where the pragma defines
that region as a floating protocol region as the default mode:

io_section: {
#pragma HLS protocol

See Also

• set_directive_protocol

pragma HLS reset


The RESET pragma or directive adds or disables reset ports for specific state variables (global or

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The reset port is used to restore the registers and block RAM, connected to the port, to an initial
value any time the reset signal is applied. Globally, the presence and behavior of the RTL reset
port is controlled using the syn.rtl.reset configuration settings (or config_rtl -reset).
The reset configuration settings include the ability to define the polarity of the reset, and specify
whether the reset is synchronous or asynchronous, but more importantly it controls, through the
reset option, which registers are reset when the reset signal is applied. For more information, see
Controlling Initialization and Reset Behavior.

More specific control over reset is provided through the RESET pragma. For global or static
variables the RESET pragma is used to explicitly enable a reset when none is present, or the
variable can be removed from the reset by turning off the pragma. This can be particularly
useful when static or global arrays are present in the design.

Note: For public variables of a class, the RESET pragma must be used as the reset configuration settings
only apply to variables declared at the function or file level. In addition, the RESET pragma must be applied
to an object of the class in the top-function or sub-function, and cannot be applied to private variables of
the class.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the variable life cycle.

#pragma HLS reset variable=<a> off


• variable=<a>: Specifies the variable to which the RESET pragma is applied.

• off: Indicates that reset is not generated for the specified variable.

Example 1

This example adds reset to the variable a in function foo even when the global reset setting is
none or control.

void foo(int in[3], char a, char b, char c, int out[3]) {

#pragma HLS reset variable=a

Example 2

Removes reset from variable a in function foo even when the global reset setting is state or

void foo(int in[3], char a, char b, char c, int out[3]) {

#pragma HLS reset variable=a off

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Example 3

The following example shows the use of the RESET pragma or directive with class variables and
methods. A variable declared in a class must be a public static variable in the class and can have
the RESET pragma specified for the variable in a method of the class, or after an object of the
class has been created in the top function or sub-function of the HLS design.

class bar {
static int a; // class level static; must be public
int a1; // class-level non-static; must be public
bar(...) {
// #pragma reset does not work here for a or a1
// this is the function that is called in the top
void run(...) {
// #pragma reset does not work here for non-static variable a1
// but does work for static variable a
#pragma reset variable=a
static int c; // file level
int d; // file level
void top(...) {
#pragma HLS top
static int b; // function level
bar t;
static bar s;

// #pragma reset works here for b, c and d, as well as t and s members

// except for t.a1 because it is not static
#pragma reset variable=b
#pragma reset variable=c
#pragma reset variable=d
#pragma reset variable=t.a
#pragma reset variable=s.a
#pragma reset variable=s.a1

See Also

• set_directive_reset
• config_rtl

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Chapter 16: HLS Pragmas

pragma HLS stable


Arguments marked as stable cannot change during kernel execution. Inputs that only change
when the kernel is not running, such as ports that provide configuration data, should be marked
with a STABLE pragma or directive. The STABLE Pragma can only be used for Control-Driven
task modeling because in Data-driven Task-level Parallelism there is no way to detect when the
kernel is idle.

The STABLE pragma informs Vitis HLS of the following:

• The data applied to the port remains stable during normal operation but is not a constant
value that can be optimized.
• The fanout from this port is not required to be registered.

Pragma STABLE pragma in DATAFLOW networks tells the compiler that input does not need to
be read by the first dataflow process and that output does not need to be written by the last
dataflow process in a network. This can dramatically improve II.


#pragma HLS stable variable=<a>


• variable=<a>: Specifies the name of the scalar or array variable to which the STABLE
pragma is applied.


In the following example, without the STABLE pragma, proc1 and proc2 would be
synchronized to acknowledge the reading of their inputs (including A). With the pragma, A is no
longer considered as an input that needs synchronization.

void dataflow_region(int A[...], int B[…] ...

#pragma HLS stable variable=A
#pragma HLS dataflow
proc2(A, ...);

See Also

• set_directive_stable
• pragma HLS dataflow

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Chapter 16: HLS Pragmas

pragma HLS stream


By default, array variables are implemented as RAM:

• Top-level function array parameters are implemented as a RAM interface port.

• General arrays are implemented as RAMs for read-write access.
• Arrays involved in sub-functions, or loop-based DATAFLOW optimizations are implemented
as a RAM ping pong buffer channel.

If the data stored in the array is consumed or produced in a sequential manner, a more efficient
communication mechanism is to use streaming data as specified by the STREAM pragma, where
FIFOs are used instead of RAMs.

IMPORTANT! When an argument of the top-level function is specified as INTERFACE type ap_fifo ,
the array is automatically implemented as streaming. See Defining Interfaces for more information.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the required location.

#pragma HLS stream variable=<variable> type=<type> depth=<int>


• variable=<variable>: Specifies the name of the array to implement as a streaming


• depth=<int>: Relevant only for array streaming in DATAFLOW channels. By default, the
depth of the FIFO implemented in the RTL is the same size as the array specified in the C
code. This option lets you modify the size of the FIFO to specify a different depth.

When the array is implemented in a DATAFLOW region, it is common to use the depth
option to reduce the size of the FIFO. For example, in a DATAFLOW region when all loops and
functions are processing data at a rate of II=1, there is no need for a large FIFO because data
is produced and consumed in each clock cycle. In this case, the depth option can be used to
reduce the FIFO size to 1 to substantially reduce the area of the RTL design.

TIP: The config_dataflow -depth command provides the ability to stream all arrays in a
DATAFLOW region. The depth option specified in the STREAM pragma overrides the
config_dataflow -depth setting for the specified <variable>.

• type=<arg>: Specify a mechanism to select between FIFO, PIPO, synchronized shared

(shared), and un-synchronized shared (unsync). The supported types include:

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• fifo: A FIFO buffer with the specified depth.

• pipo: A Ping-Pong buffer with as many “banks” as the specified depth (default is 2)
• shared: A shared channel, synchronized like a regular Ping-Pong buffer, with depth, but
without duplicating the array data. Consistency can be ensured by setting the depth small
enough, which acts as the distance of synchronization between the producer and

TIP: The default depth for shared is 1.

• unsync: Does not have any synchronization except for individual memory reads and
writes. Consistency (read-write and write-write order) must be ensured by the design itself.

Example 1

The following example specifies array A[10] to be streaming, and implemented as a FIFO.

#pragma HLS STREAM variable=A

Example 2

In this example, array B is set to streaming with a FIFO depth of 12.

#pragma HLS STREAM variable=B depth=12 type=fifo

Example 3

Array C has streaming implemented as a PIPO.

#pragma HLS STREAM variable=C type=pipo

See Also

• set_directive_stream
• pragma HLS dataflow
• pragma HLS interface
• config_dataflow

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pragma HLS top


Attaches a name to a function, which can then be used with the set_top command to
synthesize the function and any functions called from the specified top-level. This is typically
used to synthesize member functions of a class in C/C++.

Specify the TOP pragma in an active solution, and then use the set_top command with the
new name.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the required location.

#pragma HLS top name=<string>


• name=<string>: Specifies the name to be used by the set_top command.


Function foo_long_name is designated the top-level function, and renamed to DESIGN_TOP.

After the pragma is placed in the code, the set_top command must still be issued from the Tcl
command line, or from the top-level specified in the IDE project settings.

void foo_long_name () {
#pragma HLS top name=DESIGN_TOP

Followed by the set_top DESIGN_TOP command.

See Also

• set_directive_top
• set_top

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Chapter 16: HLS Pragmas

pragma HLS unroll


You can unroll loops to create multiple independent operations rather than a single collection of
operations. The UNROLL pragma transforms loops by creating multiples copies of the loop body
in the RTL design, which allows some or all loop iterations to occur in parallel.

Loops in the C/C++ functions are kept rolled by default. When loops are rolled, synthesis creates
the logic for one iteration of the loop, and the RTL design executes this logic for each iteration of
the loop in sequence. A loop is executed for the number of iterations specified by the loop
induction variable. The number of iterations can also be impacted by logic inside the loop body
(for example, break conditions or modifications to a loop exit variable). Using the UNROLL
pragma you can unroll loops to increase data access and throughput.

The UNROLL pragma allows the loop to be fully or partially unrolled. Fully unrolling the loop
creates a copy of the loop body in the RTL for each loop iteration, so the entire loop can be run
concurrently. Partially unrolling a loop lets you specify a factor N, to create N copies of the loop
body and reduce the loop iterations accordingly.

TIP: To unroll a loop completely, the loop bounds must be known at compile time. This is not required for
partial unrolling.

Partial loop unrolling does not require N to be an integer factor of the maximum loop iteration
count. The Vitis HLS tool adds an exit check to ensure that partially unrolled loops are
functionally identical to the original loop. For example, given the following code:

for(int i = 0; i < X; i++) {

pragma HLS unroll factor=2
a[i] = b[i] + c[i];

Loop unrolling by a factor of 2 effectively transforms the code to look like the following code
where the break construct is used to ensure the functionality remains the same, and the loop
exits at the appropriate point.

for(int i = 0; i < X; i += 2) {
a[i] = b[i] + c[i];
if (i+1 >= X) break;
a[i+1] = b[i+1] + c[i+1];

In the example above, because the maximum iteration count, X, is a variable, the HLS tool might
not be able to determine its value, so it adds an exit check and control logic to partially unrolled
loops. However, if you know that the specified unrolling factor, 2 in this example, is an integer
factor of the maximum iteration count X, the skip_exit_check option lets you remove the
exit check and associated logic. This helps minimize the area and simplify the control logic.

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TIP: When the use of pragmas like ARRAY_PARTITION or ARRAY_RESHAPE let more data be accessed in
a single clock cycle, the HLS tool automatically unrolls any loops consuming this data, if doing so improves
the throughput. The loop can be fully or partially unrolled to create enough hardware to consume the
additional data in a single clock cycle. This automatic unrolling is controlled using the config_unroll


Place the pragma in the C source within the body of the loop to unroll.

#pragma HLS unroll factor=<N> skip_exit_check off=true


• factor=<N>: Specifies a non-zero integer indicating that partial unrolling is requested. The
loop body is repeated the specified number of times, and the iteration information is adjusted
accordingly. If factor= is not specified, the loop is fully unrolled.

• skip_exit_check: Optional keyword that applies only if partial unrolling is specified with
factor=. The elimination of the exit check is dependent on whether the loop iteration count
is known or unknown:

• Fixed bounds
No exit condition check is performed if the iteration count is a multiple of the factor.
If the iteration count is not an integer multiple of the factor, the tool:
○ Prevents unrolling.

○ Issues a warning that the exit check must be performed to proceed.

• Variable bounds
The exit condition check is removed. You must ensure that:
○ The variable bounds is an integer multiple of the factor.

○ No exit check is in fact required.

• off=true: Disable unroll for the specified loop.

Example 1

The following example fully unrolls loop_1 in function foo. Place the pragma in the body of
loop_1 as shown.

loop_1: for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

#pragma HLS unroll
a[i] = b[i] + c[i];

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Example 2

This example specifies an unroll factor of 4 to partially unroll loop_2 of function foo, and
removes the exit check.

void foo (...) {

int8 array1[M];
int12 array2[N];
loop_2: for(i=0;i<M;i++) {
#pragma HLS unroll skip_exit_check factor=4
array1[i] = ...;
array2[i] = ...;

See Also

• set_directive_unroll
• pragma HLS loop_flatten
• pragma HLS loop_merge

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Chapter 17

HLS Tcl Commands

Project Commands
Project commands are AMD Vitis™ HLS commands that let you create and manage projects and
solutions. The commands must be run in the interactive mode, vitis_hls -i, or can be run as
a script using the -f option as described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands.

The features of these commands are also available through the Vitis HLS GUI when performing
specific functions as described in sections like Creating an HLS Component and Running C/RTL

TIP: When running the commands through the GUI, the Tcl commands are added to a script of your
project written to solution/constraints/script.tcl.


Adds design source files to the current project.

The tool searches the current directory for any header files included in the design source. To use
header files stored in other directories, use the -cflags option to include those directories to
the search path.


add_files [OPTIONS] <src_files>

• <src_files> lists one or more supported source files.


• -blackbox <file_name.json>: Specify the JSON file to be used for RTL blackbox. The
information in this file is used by the HLS compiler during synthesizing and running C/C++ and

• -cflags <string>: A string with any GCC compilation options.

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• -csimflags <string>: A string with any desired simulation compilation options. Flags
specified with this option are only applied to simulation compilation, which includes C/C++
simulation and RTL co-simulation, not synthesis compilation. This option does not impact the
-cflags option.

• -tb: Specifies any files used as part of the design test bench. These files are not synthesized.
They are used when simulation is run by the csim_design or cosim_design commands.

Do not use the -tb option when adding source files for the design. Use separate add_files
commands to add design files and simulation files.


Add three design files to the project.

add_files a.cpp
add_files b.cpp
add_files c.cpp

Add multiple files with a single command line.

add_files "a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp"

Use the-tb option to add test bench files to the project. This example adds multiple files with a
single command, including:

• The test bench a_test.cpp

• All data files read by the test bench:
○ input_stimuli.dat

○ out.gold.dat
add_files -tb "a_test.cpp input_stimuli.dat out.gold.dat"

If the test bench data files in the previous example are stored in a separate directory (for
example test_data), the directory can be added to the project in place of the individual data
add_files -tb a_test.cpp
add_files -tb test_data


Concatenate one or more INI files into a single file and output the results to stdout or to a
specified file. The resulting INI can be read into the Vitis HLS tool using the apply_ini

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cat_ini { <ini_file1> <ini_file2> ...} [OPTIONS]

• { <ini_file1> <ini_file2> ...} specifies one or more INI files to read into the AMD
Vitis™ HLS tool and concatenate into a single file. The braces "{}" ar required to group multiple


• -exclude <string>: Specify INI section glob patterns to exclude when writing the file.

• -include <string>:

Specify glob patterns found in the INI files to include in the output file. Anything not included
will be excluded.

TIP: -exclude and -include are mutually exclusive, and cannot be used together.

• -out <file name>: Specifies the INI file name to write as output. When not specified, the
output is written to stdout.

• -quiet <true | false>: Suppress all warning and information messages when writing
the INI file. Note that errors will still be returned. The default value is false.

• -show <true | false>: Show verbose messages when writing the INI file. The default
value is false.


This example joins the specified INI files and returns them to stdout:

cat_ini {./run.ini ./test.ini}


Closes the current project. The project is no longer active in the Vitis HLS session.

The close_project command:

• Prevents you from entering any project-specific or solution-specific commands.

• Is not required. Opening or creating a new project closes the current project.

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This command has no options.



• Closes the current project.

• Saves all results.


Closes the current solution. The current solution is no longer active in the Vitis HLS session.

The close_solution command does the following:

• Prevents you from entering any solution-specific commands.

• Is not required. Opening or creating a new solution closes the current solution.




This command has no options.



• Closes the current solution.

• Saves all results.

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Executes post-synthesis co-simulation of the synthesized RTL with the original C/C++-based test

TIP: To specify the files for the test bench run the following command:

add_files -tb

The simulation results are written to the sim/Verilog or sim/VHDL folder of the active
solution, depending on the setting of the -rtl option.


cosim_design [OPTIONS]


• -O: Enables optimized compilation of the C/C++ test bench and RTL wrapper. This increases
compilation time, but results in better runtime performance.

• -argv <string>: The <string> is passed onto the main C/C++ function.

Specifies an argument list for the behavioral test bench.

• -compiled_library_dir <string>: Specifies the compiled library directory during

simulation with third-party simulators. The <string> is the path name to the compiled
library directory. The library must be compiled ahead of time using the compile_simlib
command as explained in the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).

• -coverage: Enables the coverage feature during simulation with the VCS simulator.

• -disable_binary_tv: Use plain text test vector files instead of compressed binary format.

• -disable_deadlock_detection: Disables the deadlock detection feature in co-


• -disable_dependency_check: Disables dependency checks when running co-simulation.

• -enable_dataflow_profiling: This option turns on the dataflow channel profiling to

track channel sizes during co-simulation.

• -enable_fifo_sizing: This option turns on automatic FIFO channel size tuning for
dataflow profiling during co-simulation.

• -enable_tasks_with_m_axi: This option enables simulation of hls::task and

ap_ctrl_none with stable top pointers.

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• -hwemu_trace_dir <kernel_name>/<instance_name>: Specifies the location of test

vectors generated during hardware emulation to be used during co-simulation. The test
vectors are generated by the config_export -cosim_trace_generation command.
The argument lets you specify the kernel and instance name of the Vitis kernel in the
hardware emulation simulation results to locate the test vectors.

• -ldflags <string>: Specifies the options passed to the linker for co-simulation.

This option is typically used to pass include path information or library information for the
C/C++ test bench.

• -mflags <string>: Specifies options required for simulation.

• -random_stall: Enable random stalling of top-level interfaces during co-simulation.

• -rtl [verilog | vhdl]: Specifies which RTL language to use for C/RTL co-simulation.
The default is Verilog.

• -setup: Creates all simulation files created in the sim/<HDL> directory of the active
solution. The simulation is not executed, but can be run later from a command shell.

• -stable_axilite_update: Enable s_axilite to configure registers which are stable

compared with the prior transaction.

• -trace_level [*none* | all | port | port_hier]: Determines the level of

waveform trace data to save during C/RTL co-simulation.

• none does not save trace data. This is the default.

• all results in all port and signal waveforms being saved to the trace file.
• port only saves waveform traces for the top-level ports.
• port_hier save the trace information for all ports in the design hierarchy.

The trace file is saved in the sim/Verilog or sim/VHDL folder of the current solution when
the simulation executes, depending on the selection used with the -rtl option.

• -user_stall <string>: Specifies the JSON stall file to be used during co-simulation. The
stall file can be generated using the cosim_stall command.

• -wave_debug: Opens the Vivado simulator GUI to view waveforms and simulation results.
Enables waveform viewing of all processes in the generated RTL, as in the dataflow and
sequential processes. This option is only supported when using Vivado simulator for co-
simulation by setting -tool xsim. See Viewing Simulation Waveforms for more information.


Performs verification using the Vivado simulator:


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Uses the VCS simulator to verify the Verilog RTL and enable saving of the waveform trace file:

cosim_design -tool VCS -rtl verilog -coverage -trace_level all

Verifies the VHDL RTL using ModelSim. Values 5 and 1 are passed to the test bench function and
used in the RTL verification:

cosim_design -tool modelsim -rtl vhdl -argv "5 1"


Command for development of the co-simulation stall file in JSON format.


cosim_stall [OPTIONS]


• -check <string>: Specify the JSON format stall file to use when running co-simulation.

• -generate <string>: Generate a JSON stall file to be used during co-simulation.

• -list: List all ports which can apply stall during co-simulation. This option returns a list of
ports based on the current design.


The following example generates the specified stall file, and then specifies the file for use during

cosim_stall -generate my_cosim_stall.json

cosim_stall -check my_cosim_stall.json


Creates a virtual clock for the current solution.

The command can be executed only in the context of an active solution. The clock period is a
constraint that drives optimization (chaining as many operations as feasible in the given clock

C and C++ designs support only a single clock.

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create_clock -period <number> [OPTIONS]


• -name <string>: Specifies the clock name. If no name is given, a default name is used.

• -period <number>: Specifies the clock period in ns or MHz.

• If no units are specified, ns is assumed.

• If no period is specified, a default period of 10 ns is used.


Species a clock period of 50 ns:

create_clock -period 50

Uses the default name and period of 10 ns to specify the clock:


Specifies clock frequency in MHz:

create_clock -period 100MHz


Compiles and runs pre-synthesis C/C++ simulation using the provided C/C++ test bench.

TIP: To specify the files for the test bench run the following command:

add_files -tb

The simulation results are written to the csim folder inside the active solution.


csim_design [OPTIONS]


• -O: Enables optimized compilation of the C/C++ test bench. This increases compilation time,
but results in better runtime performance.

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• -argv <string>: Specifies the argument list for the behavioral test bench. The <string>
is passed onto the main() C/C++ function of the test bench.

• -clean: Enables a clean build. Without this option, csim_design compiles incrementally.

• -ldflags <string>: Specifies the options passed to the linker for simulation. This option
is typically used to pass include path information or library information for the C/C++ test

• -mflags <string>: Specifies options required for simulation.

• -profile: Enable the creation of the Pre-Synthesis Control Flow.

• -setup: When this option is specified, the simulation binary will be created in the csim
directory of the active solution, but simulation will not be executed. Simulation can be
launched later from the compiled executable.


Compiles and runs C/C++ simulation:


Compiles source design and test bench to generate the simulation binary. Does not execute the
simulation binary:

csim_design -O -setup

TIP: To run the simulation, execute run.sh in a command terminal, from the csim/build directory of
the active solution.


Synthesizes the Vitis HLS project for the active solution.

The command can be executed only in the context of an active solution. The elaborated design in
the database is scheduled and mapped onto RTL, based on any constraints that are set.


csynth_design [OPTIONS]


• -dump_cfg: Write a pre-synthesis control flow graph (CFG).

• -dump_post_cfg: Write a post-synthesis control flow graph (CFG).

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• -synthesis_check: Runs a pre-synthesis design rule check, but does not generate RTL.


Runs Vitis HLS synthesis on the top-level design.



Deletes the directory associated with the project.

The delete_project command checks the corresponding project directory <project> to

ensure that it is a valid Vitis HLS project before deleting it. If the specified project directory does
not exist in the current work directory, the command has no effect.


delete_project <project>

• <project> is the project name.


This command has no options.


Deletes the Project_1 by removing the directory and all its contents.

delete_project Project_1


Removes a solution from an active project, and deletes the <solution> sub-directory from the
project directory.

If the solution does not exist in the project directory, the command has no effect.


delete_solution <solution>

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• <solution> is the solution to be deleted.


This command has no options.


Deletes solution solution1 from the active project by deleting the sub-directory.

delete_solution solution1


Enables specified beta access devices in the Vitis HLS tool set.


enable_beta_device <pattern>

• <pattern> Specifies a pattern matching the beta devices to enable.


This command has no options.


The following example enables all beta devices in the release:

enable_beta_device *


Exports and packages the generated RTL code as a packaged IP for use in the Vivado Design
Suite, or as a compiled Vitis kernel object (.xo) for the Vitis application acceleration
development flow.

Supported formats include:

• Vivado IP for inclusion in the IP catalog.

• Vitis application acceleration kernel (.xo).

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• Synthesized or implemented design checkpoint (DCP) format.

• Vivado IP and ZIP archive for use in the System Generator for DSP tool.

The packaged project is written to the solution/impl folder of the active solution.


export_design [OPTIONS]


• -description <string>: Provides a description for the catalog entry for the generated IP,
used when packaging the IP.

• -display_name <string>: Provides a display name for the catalog entry for the
generated IP, used when packaging the IP.

• -flow (syn | impl): Obtains more accurate timing and resource usage data for the
generated RTL using Vivado synthesis and implementation. The option syn performs RTL
synthesis. The option impl performs both RTL synthesis and implementation, including a
detailed place and route of the RTL netlist. In the Vitis HLS IDE, these options appear as check
boxes labeled Vivado Synthesis and Vivado Synthesis, place and route stage.

• -format (ip_catalog | xo | syn_dcp | sysgen): Specifies the format to package

the IP. The supported formats are:

• ip_catalog: A format suitable for adding to the AMD IP catalog.

• ip_catalog: A format suitable for adding to the AMD IP catalog.

• xo: A format accepted by the v++ compiler for linking in the Vitis application acceleration

• syn_dcp: Synthesized checkpoint file for Vivado Design Suite. If this option is used, RTL
synthesis is automatically executed. Vivado implementation can be optionally added.

• sysgen: Generate a Vivado IP and .zip archive for use in System Generator.

• -ipname <string>: Provides the name component of the

Vendor:Library:Name:Version (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.

• -library <string>: Provides the library component of the

Vendor:Library:Name:Version (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.

• -output <string>: Specifies the path and file name of the output IP, XO, or DCP files. By
default the file is written to the solution/impl folder of the current project if -output is
not specified.

• -rtl (verilog | VHDL): Specifies which HDL is used when the -flow option is
executed. If not specified, Verilog is the default language for the Vivado synthesized netlist.

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• -taxonomy <string>: Specifies the taxonomy for the catalog entry for the generated IP,
used when packaging the IP.

• -vendor <string>: Provides the vendor component of the

Vendor:Library:Name:Version (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.

• -version <string>: Provides the version component of the

Vendor:Library:Name:Version (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.


Exports RTL for the Vitis application acceleration flow:

export_design -format xo

Exports the RTL as VHDL code in the Vivado IP catalog format. The VHDL is synthesized in
Vivado synthesis tool to obtain better timing and usage data:

export_design -rtl vhdl -format ip_catalog -flow syn


This command returns the clock period for specified clock objects, or returns the default clock
period for the active solution.


get_clock_period [OPTIONS]


• -default: Return the default period if the clock period is not specified.

• -name <string>: Get the clock period for the specified clock.

• -units [ns | ps | hz | MHz | GHz]: Return the clock period in the specified units.
By default Vitis HLS returns the clock period in the same units as it was specified.


The following example creates a clock, ap_clk, and specifies the clock period in MHz. Then it
gets the clock period for the clock as ns:

create_clock -name ap_clk -period 200MHz

get_clock_period -name ap_clk -ns

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This command returns the clock uncertainty for specified clock, or returns the default clock
uncertainty for the active solution.


get_clock_uncertainty [clock_name]

• <clock_name> indicates the clock to get the uncertainty for.


• -default (true | false):

Return the default uncertainty value if it has not been set by user. If true then the default
uncertainty is returned, unless set by the user. If false, then the default is not returned.


The following example gets the clock uncertainty for the specified clock:

get_clock_uncertainty clk1


This command gets the files that have been added to the active solution.


get_files [OPTIONS]


• -cflags: Return any compiler flags specified with the files.

• -csimflags: Return any C simulation flags specified with the files.

• -fullpath: Return the full path of the files.

• -tb: Return only the files that were added as part of the test bench (added with the -tb

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The following example gets the added test bench files from the current solution, and returns the
full path for the files:

get_files -tb -fullpath


This command returns the AMD device used in the active solution.




There are no options for this command.


The following example returns the part used in the active solution:



This command gets information for the currently opened project.


get_project [OPTIONS]


• -directory: Return the full path to the project directory.

• -name: Return the project name.

• -solutions: Return a list of all the solution names in the project.

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The following example gets the full path for the current project:

get_project -directory


This command returns information related to the active solution.


get_solution [OPTIONS]


• -directory: Returns the full path to the active solution.

• -flow_target: Returns the flow target for the active solution.

• -json: Return the absolute path to the solution meta-data JSON file

• -name: Returns the solution name.


The following example returns the flow target for the active solution:

get_solution -flow_target


This command returns the name of the top-level function for the open Vitis HLS project.




There are no options for this command.

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The following example returns the top-level function for the open project:



• When specified without a command name, the help command lists all Vitis HLS Tcl
• When used with a Vitis HLS Tcl command as an argument, the help command returns details
of the specified command.

TIP: For recognized Vitis HLS commands, auto-completion using the tab key is available when entering the
command name.


help <cmd>

• <cmd> specifies a command name to return the help for. If no command is specified, a list of
all Vitis HLS commands will be returned.


This command has no options.


Displays help for all commands and directives:


Displays help for the add_files command:

help add_files


This command returns names of supported device families, parts, or boards.

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If no argument is provided, the command will return all supported part families. To return specific
parts of a family, provide the family name as an argument.


list_part [name] [OPTIONS]

• <family> specifies a device family to return the specific devices of. If no <family> is
specified, the list_part command returns a list of available device families.


• -name <string>: Family, part, board name, or glob pattern.

• -board[=false|true]: Returns list of board names instead of part names.

• -clock_regions: Return a list of clock regions for the specified part. Must be specified with
the -name command.

• -slr_pblocks: Return the SLR Pblock dictionary for the specified part. Must be specified
with the -name command.


Returns all supported device families.


Returns the clock regions of the current part in the active solution.

list_part -name [get_part] -clock_regions


Opens an existing project, or creates a new one if the specified project does not exist.

IMPORTANT! In Vitis HLS, the open_project command returns an error when opening a Vivado HLS
project, unless the -upgrade or -reset option is used.

There can only be one active project in a Vitis HLS session. To close a project:

• Use the close_project command, or

• Open or create another project with the open_project or open_tcl_project

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Use the delete_project command to completely delete the project directory (removing it
from the disk) and any solutions associated it.


open_project [OPTIONS] <name>

• <name> specifies the project name.


• -reset:

• Resets the project by removing any data that already exists in the project.
• Removes any previous project information on design source files, header file search paths,
and the top-level function. The associated solution directories and files are kept, but might
now have invalid results.

RECOMMENDED: Use the -reset option when executing Vitis HLS with Tcl scripts. Otherwise,
each new add_files command adds additional files to the existing data.

• -upgrade: Upgrade a Vivado HLS project to Vitis HLS.


Opens an existing project named Project_1, or creates a new one if it does not exist:

open_project Project_1

Opens a project and removes any existing data:

open_project -reset Project_2


Opens an existing solution or creates a new one in the currently active project. There can only be
one active solution at any given time in a Vitis HLS session. As described in Target Flow
Overview, the solution targets either the Vivado IP flow, or the Vitis Kernel flow. The default
flow is the Vivado IP flow if no flow target is specified.

IMPORTANT! Attempting to open or create a solution when there is no open project results in an error.

Each solution is managed in a sub-directory of the current project. A new solution is created if
the specified solution does not exist in the open project. To close a solution:

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• Run the close_solution command, or

• Open another solution with the open_solution command.

Use the delete_solution command to remove a solution from the project and delete the
corresponding sub-directory.


open_solution [OPTIONS] <name>

• <name> specifies the solution name.

TIP: You can specify both the project name and the solution name in order to use open_solution to
open the project and solution in a single command: open_solution dctProj/solution1


• -flow_target [vitis | vivado]:

• vivado: Configures the solution to run in support of the Vivado IP generation flow,
requiring strict use of pragmas and directives, and exporting the results as Vivado IP. This is
the default flow when -flow_target is not specified.

• vitis: Configures the solution for use in the Vitis application acceleration development
flow. This configures the Vitis HLS tool to properly infer interfaces for the function
arguments without the need to specify the INTERFACE pragma or directive, and to output
the synthesized RTL code as a Vitis kernel object file (.xo).

• -reset:

• Resets the solution data if the solution already exists. Any previous solution information on
libraries, constraints, and directives is removed.
• Also removes synthesis, verification, and implementation results.


Opens an existing solution named Solution_1 in the open project, or creates a new solution if
one with the specified name does not exist. The solution is configured for creating kernel objects
(.xo) for use in the Vitis tool flow.

open_solution -flow_target vitis Solution_1

Opens and resets the specified solution in the open project. Removes any existing data from the

open_solution -reset Solution_2

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Create a project by sourcing a Tcl file, but skipping all design commands in the Tcl script:
cosim_design, csynth_design, and csim_design. This command only creates and
configures the project from a Tcl script. This lets you create a project using Tcl scripts from
existing projects without running simulation or synthesis.

There can only be one active project in a Vitis HLS session. To close a project:

• Use the close_project command, or

• Open or create another project with the open_tcl_project or open_project

Use the delete_project command to completely delete the project directory (removing it
from the disk) and any solutions associated it.


open_tcl_project <tclfile>

• <tclfile> specifies the path and name of a Tcl script to use when creating a project.


This command has no options.


Creates and opens a project from the specified Tcl script:

open_tcl_project run_hls.tcl


Create a Config file (INI format) from an existing project. This lets you specify the project name
and generate a configuration file from the project. Convert a HLS project's solution(s) into INI


project2ini <project> [OPTIONS]

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• <project> specifies the project name to generate an INI file from.


• -all [=true|false]: Write all options regardless if current value is set/unset. . The possible values
are true and false, and the default value is false.

• -filepaths <absolute|none|relative> : Control handling of relative file paths in output

• -fileroot <string> : Path to make file paths relative to (defaults to inifile directory)

• -outdir <string> : Output directory name, default to project directory

• -package_defaults [=true|false] : Include packaging default values

• -quiet [=true|false]: Suppress all messages (will still throw an error)

• -show [=true|false] : Show verbose messages

• -solution <string:*> : Solution names to convert (glob pattern)


project2ini Project_1


Sets a margin on the clock period defined by create_clock.

The margin of uncertainty is subtracted from the clock period to create an effective clock period.
The clock uncertainty is defined in ns, or as a percentage of the clock period. The clock
uncertainty defaults to 27% of the clock period.

Vitis HLS optimizes the design based on the effective clock period, providing a margin for
downstream tools to account for logic synthesis and routing. The command can be executed only
in the context of an active solution. Vitis HLS still uses the specified clock period in all output
files for verification and implementation.


set_clock_uncertainty <uncertainty> <clock_list>

• <uncertainty>: A value, specified in ns, representing how much of the clock period is used
as a margin. The uncertainty can also be specified as a percentage of the clock period. The
default uncertainty is 27% of the clock period.

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• <clock_list>: A list of clocks to which the uncertainty is applied. If none is provided, it is

applied to all clocks.


This command has no options.


Specifies an uncertainty or margin of 0.5 ns on the clock. This effectively reduces the clock
period that Vitis HLS can use by 0.5 ns.

set_clock_uncertainty 0.5


Sets a target device, device family, or board for the current solution. The command can be
executed only in the context of an active solution.

TIP: Each solution in a project can target a separate device or device family.


set_part <device_specification>

• <device_specification> is a device specification that sets the target device for Vitis
HLS synthesis and implementation.
• The device specification includes <device>, <package>, and <speed_grade> information.
• Specifying the <device_family> uses the default device for the device family.


• -board: Specify the part as defined on a board.


The FPGA libraries provided with Vitis HLS can be added to the current solution by providing the
device family name as shown below. In this case, the default device, package, and speed grade
specified in the Vitis HLS FPGA library for the Virtex 7 device family are used.

set_part virtex7

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The FPGA libraries provided with Vitis HLS can optionally specify the specific device with
package and speed grade information.

set_part xc6vlx240tff1156-1

Specifies the part through the definition of a board.

set_part -board u200


Defines the top-level function to be synthesized.

IMPORTANT! Any functions called from the top-level function will also become part of the HLS design.


set_top <name>

• <name> is the function to be synthesized by HLS.


This command has no options.


Sets the top-level function as foo.

set_top foo


Write the current project settings to the specified INI file. This can be used to export a project to
an INI file rather than creating a Tcl script for the project. The INI can be read into the Vitis HLS
tool using the apply_ini command, or can be used with the v++ -c --mode hls command.


write_ini <ini_file> [OPTIONS]

<ini_file> specifies the INI file to create.

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• -all <true | false>: Write all options regardless if current value is set/unset. This
ensures that even default values will be exported to the INI file as it is written.

• -appfile <string>: Project app file to use instead of current open project. Can be used to
generate INI files from projects that are not currently opened.

• -apsfile <string>: Solution aps file to use instead of current open solution, or from an
external project.

• -filepaths <absolute|relative|none>: Control handling of relative file paths in

output. The default is none.

• -fileroot <string>: For use with the -filepaths relative option, this specifies the
path to make file paths relative to. The default is relative to the directory where the tool was

• -include <string>: Specify a string for glob patterns to include.

• -package_defaults [=true|false]: Write the default values of the various package

config settings to the INI file.

• -quiet <true | false>: Suppress all warning and information messages when writing
the INI file. Errors will still be returned.

• -show <true | false>: Show verbose messages when writing the INI file.

• -solution_only [=true|false]: Do not include project data in the generated INI file.

• -workdir <string>: Specify the work directory in the generated INI file.


This exports the current project to the specified INI file, exporting all options whether they are
user specified or in their default values:

write_ini project1.ini -all=true

Configuration Commands
The configuration commands let you configure the AMD Vitis™ HLS tool to control the results of
synthesis and simulation, specify defaults for pragmas and directives, and specify the outputs
generated by default. The commands must be run in the interactive mode, vitis_hls -i, or
can be run as a script using the -f option as described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands.

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These configuration commands can also be set in the Vitis HLS IDE using the Solution Settings
dialog box as described in Defining the HLS Config File.


Specifies the default behavior for array partitioning.


config_array_partition [OPTIONS]


• -throughput_driven <off | auto>:

Enable automatic partial and/or complete array partitioning.

• auto : Enable automatic array partitioning with smart trade-offs between area and
throughput. This is the default value.
• off : Disable automatic array partitioning.

• -complete_threshold <uint:4>:

Sets the threshold for completely partitioning arrays. Arrays with fewer elements than the
specified threshold will be completely partitioned into individual elements.


Partitions all arrays in the design, except global arrays, with less than 12 elements into individual

config_array_partition -complete_threshold 12


Configures the default behavior of front-end compiling.


config_compile [OPTIONS]

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• -enable_auto_rewind[=true|false]: When TRUE uses alternative HLS

implementation of pipelined loops which enables automatic loop rewind. This accepts values
of TRUE or FALSE. The default value is TRUE.

• -ignore_long_run_time[=true|false]: Do not report the "long runtime" warning.

This accepts values of TRUE or FALSE. The default value is FALSE.

• -name_max_length <value>: Specifies the maximum length of function names. If the

length of the name is longer than the threshold, the last part of the name is truncated, and
digits are added to make the name unique when required. The default is 256.

• -no_signed_zeros[=true|false]: Ignores the signedness of floating-point zero so that

the compiler can perform aggressive optimizations on floating-point operations. This accepts
values of TRUE or FALSE. The default value is FALSE.

IMPORTANT! Using this option might change the result of any floating point calculations and result in
a mismatch in C/RTL co-simulation. Please ensure your test bench is tolerant of differences and checks
for a margin of difference, not exact values.

• -pipeline_flush_in_task <always | never | ii1>: Specifies that pipelines in

hls::tasks will be flushing (flp) by default to reduce the probability of deadlocks in C/RTL
Co-simulation. This option applies to pipelines that achieve an II=1 with the default option of
ii1. However, you can also specify it as applying always to enable flushing pipelines in
either hls::tasks or dataflow, or can be completely disabled using never. For more
information refer to Flushing Pipelines and Pipeline Types.

IMPORTANT! Flushing pipelines (flp ) are compatible with the rewind option specified in the
PIPELINE pragma or directive when the config_compile -enable_auto_rewind option is
also enabled.

• always: Always make pipelines flushable in hls::tasks or dataflow regardless of II.

• never: Never make pipeline flushable unless specifically overridden by other directives or

• ii1: Make pipelines that achieve II=1 flushable in hls::tasks. This is the default setting.

• -pipeline_loops <threshold>:

Specifies the lower limit for automatically pipelining loops and nested loops. In the case of a
single un-nested loop, the loop will be pipelined if the trip count of the loop is greater than
the specified threshold. The default value is 64, causing Vitis HLS to automatically pipeline
loops with a trip count greater than 64. For example, a loop with a trip count of 65 will be
pipelined with the default threshold, but not a loop with a trip count of 64.

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For nested loops, the loops are evaluated in pairs starting with the innermost loop. If the inner
loop trip count exceeds the specified threshold it is marked for pipelining, and the analysis
continues to the parent loop of the pair. If the trip count of the parent loop exceeds the
specified threshold then it is also marked for pipelining, and the inner loop (previously marked
for pipelining) is unrolled into the parent loop. The analysis continues upward if there are
additional loops.

However, other optimizations affect the analysis, and can prevent the pipeline behavior you
are looking for. For example, you might need to use loop_flatten off to prevent
flattening and facilitate loop pipeline.

• -pipeline_style <stp | flp | frp>: Specifies the default type of pipeline used by
Vitis HLS for the PIPELINE pragma or directive, or for loop pipelining due to the -
pipeline_loops threshold specified above. For more information on pipeline styles, refer
to Flushing Pipelines and Pipeline Types.

IMPORTANT! This is a hint not a hard constraint. The tool checks design conditions for enabling
pipelining. Some loops might not conform to a particular style and the tool reverts to the default style
(stp) if necessary.

• flp: Flushable pipeline architecture: flushes when input data is not available then stalls
waiting for new data.

• frp: Free-running, flushable pipeline. Runs even when input data is not available. Use this
when you need better timing due to reduced pipeline control signal fanout, or when you
need improved performance to avoid deadlocks. However, this pipeline style can consume
more power, as the pipeline registers are clocked even if there is no data.

• stp: Stall pipeline. Runs only when input data is available otherwise it stalls. This is the
default style when a flushable pipeline is not required, such as when there are no
performance or deadlock issue due to stalls.

• -pragma_strict_mode[=true|false]: Enable error messages for misplaced or misused


• -pre_tcl <arg>: Specify a Tcl script to run prior to starting the csynth_design

• -unsafe_math_optimizations[=true|false]: Ignores the signedness of floating-

point zero and enables associative floating-point operations so that compiler can perform
aggressive optimizations on floating-point operations. This accepts values of TRUE or FALSE.
The default value is FALSE.

Note: Using this option might change the result of any floating point calculations and result in a
mismatch in C/RTL co-simulation. Please ensure your test bench is tolerant of differences and checks
for a margin of difference, not exact values.

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Pipeline the innermost loop with a tripcount higher than 30, or pipeline the parent loop of the
innermost loop when its tripcount is less than or equal 30:

config_compile -pipeline_loops 30

Ignore the signedness of floating-point zero:

config_compile -no_signed_zeros

Ignore the signedness of floating-point zero and enable the associative floating-point operations:

config_compile -unsafe_math_optimizations


Lets you configure the settings of the C/RTL Co-simulation command (cosim_design).


config_cosim [OPTIONS]


• -O: Enables optimized compilation of the C/C++ test bench and RTL wrapper. This increases
compilation time, but results in better runtime performance.

• -argv <string>: The <string> is passed onto the main C/C++ function.

Specifies an argument list for the behavioral test bench.

• -compiled_library_dir <string>: Specifies the compiled library directory during

simulation with third-party simulators. The <string> is the path name to the compiled
library directory. The library must be compiled ahead of time using the compile_simlib
command as explained in the Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).

• -coverage: Enables the coverage feature during simulation with the VCS simulator.

• -disable_deadlock_detection: Disables the deadlock detection feature in co-


• -disable_dependency_check: Disables dependency checks when running co-simulation.

• -enable_dataflow_profiling: This option turns on the dataflow channel profiling to

track channel sizes during co-simulation.

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• -enable_fifo_sizing: This option turns on automatic FIFO channel size tuning for
dataflow profiling during co-simulation.

• -enable_tasks_with_m_axi: Enables stable m_axi interfaces for use with hls::task.

• -hwemu_trace_dir <kernel_name>/<instance_name>: Specifies the location of test

vectors generated during hardware emulation to be used during co-simulation. The test
vectors are generated by the config_export -cosim_trace_generation command.
The argument lets you specify the kernel and instance name of the Vitis kernel in the
hardware emulation simulation results to locate the test vectors.

• -ldflags <string>: Specifies the options passed to the linker for co-simulation.

This option is typically used to pass include path information or library information for the
C/C++ test bench.

• -mflags <string>: Specifies options required for simulation.

• -random_stall: Enable random stalling of top-level interfaces during co-simulation.

• -rtl [verilog | vhdl]: Specifies which RTL language to use for C/RTL co-simulation.
The default is Verilog.

• -setup: Creates all simulation files created in the sim/<HDL> directory of the active
solution. The simulation is not executed, but can be run later from a command shell.

• -stable_axilite_update: Enable s_axilite to configure registers which are stable

compared with the prior transaction.

• -trace_level [*none* | all | port | port_hier]: Determines the level of

waveform trace data to save during C/RTL co-simulation.

• none does not save trace data. This is the default.

• all results in all port and signal waveforms being saved to the trace file.
• port only saves waveform traces for the top-level ports.
• port_hier save the trace information for all ports in the design hierarchy.

The trace file is saved in the sim/Verilog or sim/VHDL folder of the current solution when
the simulation executes, depending on the selection used with the -rtl option.

• -user_stall <string>: Specifies the JSON stall file to be used during co-simulation. The
stall file can be generated using the cosim_stall command.

• -wave_debug: Opens the AMD Vivado™ simulator GUI to view waveforms and simulation
results. Enables waveform viewing of all processes in the generated RTL, as in the dataflow
and sequential processes. This option is only supported when using Vivado simulator for co-
simulation by setting -tool xsim. See Viewing Simulation Waveforms for more information.

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Lets you configure the settings of the C simulation command (csim_design).


config_csim [OPTIONS]


• -O: Enables optimized compilation of the C/C++ test bench. This increases compilation time,
but results in better runtime performance.

• -argv <string>: Specifies the argument list for the behavioral test bench. The <string>
is passed onto the main() C/C++ function of the test bench.

• -clean: Enables a clean build. Without this option, csim_design compiles incrementally.

• -ldflags <string>: Specifies the options passed to the linker for simulation. This option
is typically used to pass include path information or library information for the C/C++ test

• -mflags <string>: Specifies options required for simulation.

• -profile: Enable the creation of the Pre-Synthesis Control Flow.

• -setup: When this option is specified, the simulation binary will be created in the csim
directory of the active solution, but simulation will not be executed. Simulation can be
launched later from the compiled executable.


• Specifies the default behavior of dataflow pipelining (implemented by the

set_directive_dataflow command).
• Allows you to specify the default channel memory type and depth.


config_dataflow [OPTIONS]

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• -default_channel [fifo | pingpong]: By default, a RAM memory, configured in

pingpong fashion, is used to buffer the data between functions or loops when dataflow
pipelining is used. When streaming data is used (that is, the data is always read and written in
consecutive order), a FIFO memory is more efficient and can be selected as the default
memory type.

TIP: Set arrays to streaming using the set_directive_stream command to perform FIFO accesses.

• -disable_fifo_sizing_opt: Disable FIFO sizing optimizations that increase resource

usage and may improve performance and reduce deadlocks.

• -fifo_depth <integer>: Specifies the default depth of the FIFOs. The default depth is 2.

This option has no effect when ping-pong memories are used. If not specified, the default
depth is 2, or if this is an array converted into a FIFO, the default size is the size of the original
array. In some cases, this might be too conservative and introduce FIFOs that are larger than
necessary. Use this option when you know that the FIFOs are larger than required.

CAUTION! Be careful when using this option. Insufficient FIFO depth might lead to deadlock

• -override_user_fifo_depth <value>:

Use the specified depth for every hls::stream, overriding any user settings.

Note: This is useful for checking if a deadlock is due to insufficient FIFO depths in the design. By setting
it to a very large value (for example, the maximum depth printed by co-simulation at the end of
simulation), if there is no deadlock, then you can use the FIFO depth profiling options of co-simulation
and the GUI to find the minimum depth that ensures performance and avoids deadlocks.

• -scalar_fifo_depth <integer>: Specifies the minimum for scalar propagation FIFO.

Through scalar propagation, the compiler converts the scalar from C/C++ code into FIFOs.
The minimal sizes of these FIFOs can be set with -start_fifo_depth. If this option is not
provided, then the value of -fifo_depth is used.

• -start_fifo_depth <integer>: Specifies the minimum depth of start propagation


This option is only valid when the channel between the producer and consumer is a FIFO. This
option uses the same default value as the-fifo_depth option, which is 2. Such FIFOs can
sometimes cause deadlocks, in which case you can use this option to increase the depth of
the FIFO.

• -strict_mode [off | warning | error]: Set the severity for messages related to
dataflow canonical form.

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• -strict_stable_sync[=true|false]: Force synchronization of stable ports with


• -task_level_fifo_depth <integer>: Specifies the depth of the task level FIFO.

A FIFO is synchronized by ap_ctrl_chain. The write is the ap_done of the producer, the
read is the ap_ready of the consumer. Like a PIPO in terms of synchronization, and like a
FIFO in terms of access.


Changes the default channel from ping-pong memories to FIFOs:

config_dataflow -default_channel fifo

Changes the default channel from ping-pong memories to FIFOs with a depth of 6:

config_dataflow -default_channel fifo -fifo_depth 6

CAUTION! If the design implementation requires a FIFO with greater than six elements, this setting results
in a design that fails RTL verification. Be careful when using this option, because it is a user override.

To find the cause of deadlocks, try to increase all the FIFO depths significantly, especially those
that are reported by C/RTL co-simulation. If the deadlock disappears with a large "N", then it is
due to insufficient FIFO depths. You can test this as follows:

config_dataflow -fifo_depth N -start_fifo_depth N -scalar_fifo_depth N -

task_level_fifo_depth N

Generate HLS debug files used in the Vitis application acceleration development flow.


Configures the default behavior of front-end compiling.


config_debug [OPTIONS]


• -directory <path>: Specifies the location of HLS debugging output. If not specified,
location is set to solution/.debug.

• -enable[=true|false]: Enable generation of HLS debugging files used in Vitis debug


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The following example enables the debug files:

config_debug -enable true


Configures options for export_design which can either run downstream tools or package a
Vivado IP or Vitis compiled kernel object (.xo).


config_export [OPTIONS]


• -cosim_trace_generation=<true | false>: Generate test vectors during hardware

emulation in the Vitis tool flow when the kernel is synthesized as a Vitis kernel, to be used
during C/RTL Co-simulation in future iterations.

• -description <string>: Provides a description for the catalog entry for the generated IP,
used when packaging the IP.

• -display_name <string>: Provides a display name for the catalog entry for the
generated IP, used when packaging the IP.

• -flow (none | syn | impl): Lets you obtain more accurate timing and resource usage
data for the generated RTL using Vivado synthesis and implementation. The option syn
performs RTL synthesis. The option impl performs both RTL synthesis and implementation,
including a detailed place and route of the RTL netlist. The default option is none which does
not run either synthesis or implementation.

TIP: In the Vitis HLS IDE, these options appear as check boxes labeled Vivado Synthesis and Vivado
Synthesis, place and route stage.

• -format (ip_catalog | xo | syn_dcp | sysgen): Specifies the format to package

the IP. The supported formats are:

• ip_catalog: A format suitable for adding to the AMD IP catalog.

• xo: A format accepted by the v++ compiler for linking in the Vitis application acceleration

• syn_dcp: Synthesized checkpoint file for Vivado Design Suite. If this option is used, RTL
synthesis is automatically executed. Vivado implementation can be optionally added.

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• sysgen: Generates a Vivado IP and .zip archive for use in System Generator.

• -ip_xdc_file <arg>: Specify an XDC file whose contents will be included in the packaged
IP for use during implementation in the Vivado tool.

• -ip_xdc_ooc_file <arg>: Specify an out-of-context (OOC) XDC file whose contents will
be included in packaged IP and used during out-of-context Vivado synthesis for the exported

• -ipname <string>: Provides the name component of the

<Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.

• -library <string>: Provides the library component of the

<Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.

• -output <string>: Specifies the output location of the generated IP, .xo, or DCP files.
The file is written to the solution/impl folder of the current project if no output path is

• -rtl (verilog | VHDL): Specifies which HDL is used when the -flow option is
executed. If not specified, Verilog is the default language for the Vivado synthesized netlist.

• -taxonomy <string>: Specifies the taxonomy for the catalog entry for the generated IP,
used when packaging the IP.

• -vendor <string>: Provides the vendor component of the

<Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.

• -version <string>: Provides the version component of the

<Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.

• -vivado_clock <arg>: Override the specified HLS clock constraint used in Vivado OOC
run. This is only used for reporting purposes and will not apply to the exported IP.

• -vivado_impl_strategy <string>: Specifies Vivado implementation strategy name.

The default name is 'default'.

• -vivado_max_timing_paths <uint:10>: Specify the max number of timing paths to

report when the timing is not met in the Vivado synthesis or implementation.

• -vivado_optimization_level (0 | 1 | 2 | 3): Vivado optimization level. This

option sets other vivado_* options. This only applies for report generation and will not
apply to the exported IP. The default setting is 0.

• -vivado_pblock <arg>: Specify a Pblock range to use during implementation for

reporting purposes. This will not apply to the exported IP.

• -vivado_phys_opt (none | place | route | all): Specifies whether Vivado

physical optimization should be run during Vivado implementation. Valid values are:

• none: Do not run (default).

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• place: Run post-place.

• route: Run post-route.

• all: Run post-place and post-route.

• -vivado_report_level (0 | 1 | 2): Specifies how many Vivado reports are

generated, and does not apply to the exported IP. The valid values and the associated reports

• 0: Post-synthesis utilization. Post-implementation utilization and timing.

• 1: Post-synthesis utilization, timing, and analysis. Post-implementation utilization, timing,

and analysis.

• 2: Post-synthesis utilization, timing, analysis, and failfast. Post-implementation utilization,

timing, and failfast. This is the default setting.

• -vivado_synth_design_args <string>: Specifies extra arguments to pass to the

Vivado synth_design command. The default is -directive

• -vivado_synth_strategy <string>: Specifies Vivado synth strategy name. The default

strategy is "default".


The following example exports the Vitis .xo to the specified file:

export_design -description "Kernel Export" -display_name kernel_export \

-flow impl -format xo -output "tmp/hls_tests/kernel.xo"


Specifies the default interface options used to implement the RTL ports of each function during
interface synthesis.


config_interface [OPTIONS]


• -clock_enable[=true|false]: Adds a clock-enable port (ap_ce) to the design. The

default is false.

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The clock enable prevents all clock operations when it is active-Low. It disables all sequential

• -default_slave_interface [none | s_axilite]: Enables the default for the slave

interface as either none, which is the default for the Vivado IP flow, or as s_axilite which
is the default for the Vitis Kernel flow, as described in Target Flow Overview.

• -m_axi_addr64[=true|false]: Globally enables 64-bit addressing for all m_axi ports in

the design. By default, this is enabled for the Vitis flow, and otherwise disabled.

• -m_axi_alignment_byte_size <size>: Specifies the memory alignment boundary for

m_axi interfaces provided as bitwidth. The <size> value must be a valid power of 2. A value
of 0 is an invalid value. The default value is 64 when open_solution -flow_target
vitis, and 1 when the -flow_target=vivado, aligning to a single byte.

IMPORTANT! Burst behavior will be incorrect if pointers are not aligned at runtime.

• -m_axi_auto_id_channel[=true|false]: Enable automatic assignment of channel IDs

for m_axi interfaces. Refer to M_AXI Channels for more information.

• -m_axi_auto_max_ports[=true|false]: If the option is true, all the m_axi interfaces

that are not explicitly bundled, with INTERFACE pragmas or directives, will be mapped into
individual interfaces, thus increasing the resource utilization (multiple adapters). The default is
false and m_axi ports are bundled into a single interface.

• -m_axi_buffer_impl [auto | lutram | uram | bram]: Select the implementation

for all m_axi internal buffers. The choices are auto, lutram, bram, uram. The default is

• -m_axi_cache_impl [auto | lutram | uram | bram]:

Specify the implementation resource for cache added to the m_axi adapters. The choices are
auto, lutram, bram, uram. The default is auto.

• -m_axi_conservative_mode=<true|false>: This mode tells the m_axi not to issue a

write request until the associated write data is entirely available (typically, buffered into the
adapter or already emitted). It uses a buffer inside the MAXI adapter to store all the data for a
burst (both in case of reading and in case of writing). This is enabled (true) by default, and
could slightly increase write latency but can resolve deadlock due to concurrent requests (read
or write) on the memory subsystem. This feature can be disabled by setting it to false.

TIP: This mode can be safely set to false to save this internal buffering if the design implements
buffering that is larger than the max write burst length using an alternative approach.

• -m_axi_flush_mode: Configure the m_axi adapter to be flushable, writing or reading

garbage data if a burst is interrupted due to pipeline blocking, missing data inputs when not in
conservative mode, or missing output space. The default is false. This is enabled when the
option is specified.

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• -m_axi_latency <latency>: Globally specifies the expected latency of the m_axi

interface, allowing the design to initiate a bus request a number of cycles (latency) before the
read or write is expected. The default value is 64 when open_solution -flow_target
vitis, and 0 when -flow_target vivado.

• -m_axi_max_bitwidth <size>: Specifies the maximum bitwidth for the m_axi

interfaces data channel. The default is 1024 bits. The specified value must be a power-of-two,
between 8 and 1024. Note that this decreases throughput if the actual accesses are bigger
than the required interface, as they will be split into a multi-cycle burst of accesses.

• -m_axi_max_read_burst_length <size>: Specifies a global maximum number of data

values read during a burst transfer for all m_axi interfaces. The default is 16.

• -m_axi_max_widen_bitwidth <size>: Automatic port width resizing to widen bursts

for the m_axi interface, up to the chosen bitwidth. The specified value must be a power of 2
between 8 and 1024, and must align with the -m_axi_alignment_size. The default value
is 512 when open_solution -flow_target vitis, and 0 when the -flow_target

• -m_axi_max_write_burst_length <size>: Specifies a global maximum number of

data values written during a burst transfer for all m_axi interfaces. The default is 16.

• -m_axi_min_bitwidth <size>: Specifies the minimum bitwidth for the m_axi interfaces
data channel. The default is 8 bits. The value must be a power of 2, between 8 and 1024. This
does not necessarily increase throughput if the actual accesses are smaller than the required

• -m_axi_num_read_outstanding <size>: Specifies how many read requests can be

made to the m_axi interface without a response, before the design stalls. The default value is
16. This implies internal storage in the design, and a FIFO of size:


• -m_axi_num_write_outstanding <size>: Specifies how many write requests can be

made to the m_axi interface without a response, before the design stalls. The default value is
16. This implies internal storage in the design, and a FIFO of size:


• -m_axi_offset [off | direct | slave]: Globally controls the offset ports for all
m_axi interfaces in the design.

• off: No offset port is generated. This is the default value in the Vivado IP flow.

• direct: Generates a scalar input offset port for directly passing the address offset into the
IP through the offset port.

• slave: Generates an offset port and automatically maps it to an AXI4-Lite slave. This is
the default value.

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• -register_io [off | scalar_in | scalar_out | scalar_all]: Globally

enables registers for all inputs, all outputs, or all ports on the top function. The default is off.

• -s_axilite_auto_restart_counter [ 0 | 1 ]: Enables the auto-restart behavior

for kernels. Use 0 to disable the auto-restart feature, which is the default, or use 1 to enable
the feature. When enabled, the tool establishes the auto-restart bit in the ap_ctrl_chain
control protocol for the s_axilite interface. For more information refer to Continuously
Running Kernels in Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration
Development (UG1393).

• -s_axilite_data64[=true|false]: Set the data width for the s_axilite interface to

64 bits.

• -s_axilite_interrupt_mode[=cor|tow]: Specify the interrupt mode for s_axilite

interface to be Clear on Read (cor) or Toggle on Write (tow). Clear on Read interrupt can be
completed in a single transaction, while tow requires two. Tow is the default interrupt mode.

• -s_axilite_mailbox [both | in | out]: Enables the creation of a mailboxes for

non-stream non-stable s_axilite arguments. The mailbox feature is used in the setting and
management of never-ending kernels as described in Continuously Running Kernels in Vitis
Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393). The
argument values specify:

• both : Enable mailbox for input and output arguments

• in : Enable mailbox for only input arguments
• out : Enable mailbox for only output arguments
• none : No mailbox created (default)

• -s_axilite_status_regs [ecc | off]:

Enables exposure of ECC error bits in the s_axilite register map via two clear-on-read
(COR) counters per BRAM or URAM with ECC enabled.

• off: No status registers generated. This is the default setting.

• ecc: Enable counters for ECC errors for BRAMs and URAMs

• -s_axilite_sw_reset[=false|true]: Enable the software reset of a kernel in the

s_axilite adapter.


The following example adds a clock enable port to the IP:

config_interface -clock_enable

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Sets the default options for micro-architecture binding of an operator (add, mul, sub...) to an
FPGA implementation resource, and specify its latency.

Binding is the process in which operators (such as addition, multiplication, and shift) are mapped
to specific RTL implementations. For example, a mult operation implemented as a combinational
or pipelined RTL multiplier.

This command can be used multiple times to configure the default binding of different operation
types to different implementation resources, or specify the default latency for that operation.
The default configuration defined by config_op can be overridden by specifying the BIND_OP
pragma or directive for a specific design element.


config_op [OPTIONS] <op>

• <op>: Specifies the type of operation for the specified variable. Supported values include:

• mul: integer multiplication operation

• add: integer add operation
• sub: integer subtraction operation
• fadd: single precision floating-point add operation
• fsub: single precision floating-point subtraction operation
• fdiv: single precision floating-point divide operation
• fexp: single precision floating-point exponential operation
• flog: single precision floating-point logarithmic operation
• fmul: single precision floating-point multiplication operation
• frsqrt: single precision floating-point reciprocal square root operation
• frecip: single precision floating-point reciprocal operation
• fsqrt: single precision floating-point square root operation
• dadd: double precision floating-point add operation
• dsub: double precision floating-point subtraction operation
• ddiv: double precision floating-point divide operation
• dexp: double precision floating-point exponential operation

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• dlog: double precision floating-point logarithmic operation

• dmul: double precision floating-point multiplication operation
• drsqrt: double precision floating-point reciprocal square root operation
• drecip: double precision floating-point reciprocal operation
• dsqrt: double precision floating-point square root operation
• hadd: half precision floating-point add operation
• hsub: half precision floating-point subtraction operation
• hdiv: half precision floating-point divide operation
• hmul: half precision floating-point multiplication operation
• hsqrt: half precision floating-point square root operation
• facc: single precision floating-point accumulate operation
• fmacc: single precision floating-point multiply-accumulate operation
• fmadd: single precision floating-point multiply-add operation

TIP: Comparison operators, such as dcmp , are implemented in LUTs and cannot be implemented
outside of the fabric, or mapped to DSPs, and so are not configurable with the config_op or
bind_op commands.


• -impl [dsp | fabric | meddsp | fulldsp | maxdsp | primitivedsp |

auto | none | all]: Defines the default implementation style for the specified
operation. The default is to let the tool choose which implementation to use. The selections

• all: All implementations. This is the default setting.

• dsp: Use DSP resources
• fabric: Use non-DSP resources
• meddsp: Floating Point IP Medium Usage of DSP resources
• fulldsp: Floating Point IP Full Usage of DSP resources
• maxdsp: Floating Point IP Max Usage of DSP resources
• primitivedsp: Floating Point IP Primitive Usage of DSP resources
• auto: enable inference of combined facc | fmacc | fmadd operators
• none: disable inference of combined facc | fmacc | fmadd operators

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• -latency <value>: Defines the default latency for the binding of the type to the
implementation resource. The valid value range varies for each implementation (-impl) of the
operation. The default is -1, which applies the standard latency for the implementation

TIP: The latency can be specified for a specific operation without specifying the implementation detail.
This leaves Vitis HLS to choose the implementation while managing the latency.

• -precision [low | high | standard]: Applies to facc, fmacc, and fmadd

operators. Specify the precision for the given operator.

• low: Use a low precision (60 bit and 100 bit integer) accumulation implementation when
available. This option is only available on certain non-Versal devices, and may cause
RTL/Co-Sim mismatches due to insufficient precision with respect to C++ simulation.
However, it can always be pipelined with an II=1 without source code changes, though it
uses approximately 3X the resources of standard precision floating point accumulation.
• high: Use high precision (one extra bit) fused multiply-add implementation when available.
This option is useful for high-precision applications and is very efficient on Versal devices,
although it may cause RTL/Co-Sim mismatches due to the extra precision with respect to C
++ simulation. It uses more resources than standard precision floating point
• standard: standard precision floating point accumulation and multiply-add is suitable for
most uses of floating-point, and is the default setting. It always uses a true floating-point
accumulator that can be pipelined with II=1 on Versal devices, and II that is typically
between 3 and 5 (depending on clock frequency and target device) on non-Versal devices.

Example 1

The following example binds the addition operation to the fabric, with the specified latency:

config_op add -impl fabric -latency 2

Example 2

The following example enables the floating point accumulator with low-precision to achieve II=1
on a non-Versal device:

config_op facc -impl auto -precision low


Configures various attributes of the output RTL, and the type of reset used. It also allows you to
use specific identification in the RTL. By default, these options are applied to the top-level design
and all RTL blocks within the design.

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config_rtl [OPTIONS]


• -deadlock_detection <none | sim | hw | hw_diagnosis>: Enables simulation

or synthesis deadlock detection in top level RTL of exported IP/XO file. The options are as

• none : Deadlock detection disabled

• sim : Enables deadlock detection only for simulation/emulation (default)
• hw : Deadlock detection enabled in synthesized and simulatable RTL IP. Adds
ap_local_deadlock and ap_local_block signals to the IP to enable local and global
deadlock detection.
• hw_diagnosis: Deadlock detection enabled with additional diagnosis logic in generated
RTL code.

• -header <string>: Places the contents of file <string> at the top (as comments) of all
output RTL and simulation files.

TIP: Use this option to ensure that the output RTL files contain user specified identification.

• -kernel_profile: Add top level event and stall ports required by kernel profiling.

• -module_auto_prefix: Specifies the top level function name as the prefix value. This
option is ignored if config_rtl -module_prefix is also specified. This is enabled by

• -module_prefix <string>: Specifies a user-defined prefix to be added to all RTL entity/

module names.

• -mult_keep_attribute: Enable keep attribute.

• -register_all_io: Register all I/O signals by default. The default is false. This is enabled
when the option is specified.

• -register_reset_num <int>: Specifies the number of registers to add to the reset

signal. In the Vivado IP flow the default is 0. For the Vitis kernel flow, the default value is 3.

• -reset [none | control | state | all]: Variables initialized in the C/C++ code are
always initialized to the same value in the RTL and therefore in the bitstream. This
initialization is performed only at power-on. It is not repeated when a reset is applied to the

The setting applied with the -reset option determines how registers and memories are

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• none: No reset is added to the design.

• control: Resets control registers, such as those used in state machines and those used to
generate I/O protocol signals. This is the default setting.

• state: Resets control registers and registers or memories derived from static or global
variables in the C/C++ code. Any static or global variable initialized in the C/C++ code is
reset to its initialized value.

• all: Resets all registers and memories in the design. Any static or global variable initialized
in the C/C++ code is reset to its initialized value.

• -reset_async: Causes all registers to use a asynchronous reset. If this option is not
specified, a synchronous reset is used.

• -reset_level (low | high): Allows the polarity of the reset signal to be either active-
Low or active-High. The default is High.

TIP: The AXI protocol requires an active-Low reset. If your design uses AXI interfaces the tool will define
this reset level with a warning if the config_rtl -reset_level is active-High.


Configures the output RTL to have all registers reset with an asynchronous active-Low reset.

config_rtl -reset all -reset_async -reset_level low

Adds the contents of my_message.txt as a comment to all RTL output files.

config_rtl -header my_mesage.txt


Configures the default type of scheduling performed by Vitis HLS.


config_schedule [OPTIONS]


• -enable_dsp_full_reg[=true|false]: Specifies that the DSP signals should be fully

registered. The default is true.

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The following example disables registering DSP signals:

config_schedule -enable_dsp_full_reg=false


Sets the global default options for Vitis HLS micro-architecture binding of FIFO storage elements
to memory resources.

The default configuration defined by config_storage for FIFO strorage can be overridden by
specifying the BIND_STORAGE pragma or directive for a specific design element, or specifying
the storage_type option for the INTERFACE pragma or directive for objects on the interface.


config_storage [OPTIONS] <type>

• <type>: Configures the fifo type.


• -auto_srl_max_bits <value>: Specifies the maximum allowed SRL total bits (depth *
width) for auto-srl implementations (-impl autosrl). The default is 1024.

• -auto_srl_max_depth <value>: Specifies the maximum allowed SRL depth for auto-srl
implementation (-impl autosrl). The default is 2.

• -impl [auto | bram | lutram | uram | memory | srl]: Defines the device
resource to use in binding the specified type.


The following example configures the default binding of fifo:

config_storage fifo -impl uram


Automatically unroll loops based on the loop index limit (or tripcount).

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config_unroll [OPTIONS] <value>


• -tripcount_threshold <value>: All loops which have fewer iterations than the
specified value are automatically unrolled. The default value is 0.


The following command ensures all loops which have fewer than 18 iterations are automatically
unrolled during scheduling.

config_unroll -tripcount_threshold 18

Optimization Directives
Directives, or the set_directive_* commands, can be specified as Tcl commands that are
associated with a specific solution, or set of solutions. Allowing you to customize the synthesis
results for the same source code across different solutions. This lets you preserve the original
code while engaging in what-if analysis of the design.

Directives must be run in the interactive mode, vitis_hls -i, or can be run as a script using
the -f option as described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands.

Pragmas are directives that you can apply in the source code, rather than as a Tcl script, and so
change the synthesis results for all implementations of your code. There are HLS pragmas for
every set_directive command, so you can choose how you want to work with your AMD
Vitis™ HLS project. Refer to HLS Pragmas for information on the different pragmas.

Directives and pragmas are also available through the Vitis HLS IDE for assignment to specific
elements of your source code, as described in Adding Pragmas and Directives.

TIP: When running the commands through the IDE, the Tcl commands are added to a script of your project
written to solution/constraints/script.tcl.

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This directive collects the data fields of a struct into a single wide scalar. Any arrays declared
within the struct and Vitis HLS performs a similar operation as
set_directive_array_reshape, and completely partitions and reshapes the array into a
wide scalar and packs it with other elements of the struct.

TIP: Arrays of structs are restructured as arrays of aggregated elements.

The bit alignment of the resulting new wide-word can be inferred from the declaration order of
the struct elements. The first element takes the least significant sector of the word and so forth
until all fields are mapped.

Note: The AGGREGATE optimization does not pack the structs, and cannot be used on structs that contain
other structs.


set_directive_aggregate [OPTIONS] <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the variable
which will be packed.
• <variable> is the struct variable to be packed.


• -compact [bit | byte | none | auto]: Specifies the alignment of the aggregated
struct. Alignment can be on the bit-level (packed), the byte-level (padded), none, or
automatically determined by the tool which is the default behavior.


Aggregates struct pointer AB with three 8-bit fields (typedef struct {unsigned char R,
G, B;} pixel) in function func, into a new 24-bit pointer, aligning data at the bit-level.

set_directive_aggregate func AB -compact bit

See Also

• pragma HLS aggregate

• set_directive_array_reshape
• set_directive_disaggregate

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Specify that two or more M_AXI pointer arguments point to the same underlying buffer in
memory (DDR or HBM) and indicate any aliasing between the pointers by setting the distance or
offset between them.

IMPORTANT! The ALIAS pragma applies to top-level function arguments mapped to M_AXI interfaces.

Vitis HLS considers different pointers to be independent channels and generally does not provide
any dependency analysis. However, in cases where the host allocates a single buffer for multiple
pointers, this relationship can be communicated through the ALIAS pragma or directive and
dependency analysis can be maintained. The ALIAS pragma enables data dependence analysis in
Vitis HLS by defining the distance between pointers in the buffer.

Requirements for ALIAS:

• All ports assigned to an ALIAS pragma must be in assigned to M_AXI interfaces and assigned
to different bundles, as shown in the example below
• Each port can only be used in one ALIAS pragma or directive
• The depth of all ports assigned to an ALIAS pragma must be the same
• When offset is specified, the number of ports and number of offsets specified must be the
same: one offset per port
• The offset for the INTERFACE must be specified as slave or direct, offset=off is not


set_directive_alias [OPTIONS] <location> <ports>

• <location> is the location string in the format function[/label] that the ALIAS
pragma applies to.
• <ports> specifies the ports to alias.


• -distance <integer>: Specifies the difference between the pointer values passed to the
ports in the list.

• -offset <string>: Specifies the offset of the pointer passed to each port in the ports
list with respect to the origin of the array.

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For the following function top:

void top(int *arr0, int *arr1, int *arr2, int *arr3, ...) {
#pragma HLS interface M_AXI port=arr0 bundle=hbm0 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface M_AXI port=arr1 bundle=hbm1 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface M_AXI port=arr2 bundle=hbm2 depth=0x40000000
#pragma HLS interface M_AXI port=arr3 bundle=hbm3 depth=0x40000000

The following command defines aliasing for the specified array pointers, and defines the
distance between them:

set_directive_alias "top" arr0,arr1,arr2,arr3 -distance 10000000

Alternatively, the following command specifies the offset between pointers, to accomplish the
same effect:

set_directive_alias top arr0,arr1,arr2,arr3 -offset


See Also

• pragma HLS alias

• set_directive_interface


Specifies instance restrictions for resource allocation.

The ALLOCATION pragma or directive can limit the number of RTL instances and hardware
resources used to implement specific functions, loops, or operations. For example, if the C/C++
source has four instances of a function foo_sub, the set_directive_allocation
command can ensure that there is only one instance of foo_sub in the final RTL. All four
instances are implemented using the same RTL block. This reduces resources used by the
function, but negatively impacts performance by sharing those resources.

The operations in the C/C++ code, such as additions, multiplications, array reads, and writes, can
also be limited by the set_directive_allocation command.


set_directive_allocation [OPTIONS] <location> <instances>

• <location> is the location string in the format function[/label].

• <instances> is a function or operator.

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The function can be any function in the original C/C++ code that has not been either inlined
by the set_directive_inline command or inlined automatically by Vitis HLS.
For a complete list of operations that can be limited using the ALLOCATION pragma, refer to
the config_op command.


• -limit <integer>:

Sets a maximum limit on the number of instances (of the type defined by the -type option) to
be used in the RTL design.

• -type [function|operation]: The instance type can be function (default) or



Given a design foo_top with multiple instances of function foo, limits the number of instances
of foo in the RTL to 2.

set_directive_allocation -limit 2 -type function foo_top foo

Limits the number of multipliers used in the implementation of My_func to 1. This limit does not
apply to any multipliers that might reside in sub-functions of My_func. To limit the multipliers
used in the implementation of any sub-functions, specify an allocation directive on the sub-
functions or inline the sub-function into function My_func.

set_directive_allocation -limit 1 -type operation My_func mul

See Also

• pragma HLS allocation

• set_directive_inline


IMPORTANT! Array_Partition and Array_Reshape pragmas and directives are not supported
for M_AXI Interfaces on the top-level function. Instead you can use the hls::vector data types as
described in Vector Data Types.

Partitions an array into smaller arrays or individual elements.

This partitioning:

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• Results in RTL with multiple small memories or multiple registers instead of one large memory.
• Effectively increases the amount of read and write ports for the storage.
• Potentially improves the throughput of the design.
• Requires more memory instances or registers.


set_directive_array_partition [OPTIONS] <location> <array>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the array
• <array> is the array variable to be partitioned.


• -dim <integer>:

Note: Relevant for multi-dimensional arrays only.

Specifies which dimension of the array is to be partitioned.

• If a value of 0 is used, all dimensions are partitioned with the specified options.
• Any other value partitions only that dimension. For example, if a value 1 is used, only the
first dimension is partitioned.

• -factor <integer>:

Note: Relevant for type block or cyclic partitioning only.

Specifies the number of smaller arrays that are to be created.

• -type (block|cyclic|complete):

• block partitioning creates smaller arrays from consecutive blocks of the original array.
This effectively splits the array into N equal blocks where N is the integer defined by the -
factor option.
• cyclic partitioning creates smaller arrays by interleaving elements from the original array.
For example, if -factor 3 is used:
○ Element 0 is assigned to the first new array.

○ Element 1 is assigned to the second new array.

○ Element 2 is assigned to the third new array.

○ Element 3 is assigned to the first new array again.

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• complete partitioning decomposes the array into individual elements. For a one-
dimensional array, this corresponds to resolving a memory into individual registers. For
multi-dimensional arrays, specify the partitioning of each dimension, or use -dim 0 to
partition all dimensions.

The default is complete.

• -off or off=true: Disables the ARRAY_PARTITION feature for the specified variable. Does
not work with dim, factor, or type.

Example 1

Partitions array AB[13] in function func into four arrays. Because four is not an integer factor of

• Three arrays have three elements.

• One array has four elements (AB[9:12]).

set_directive_array_partition -type block -factor 4 func AB

Partitions array AB[6][4] in function func into two arrays, each of dimension [6][2].

set_directive_array_partition -type block -factor 2 -dim 2 func AB

Partitions all dimensions of AB[4][10][6] in function func into individual elements.

set_directive_array_partition -type complete -dim 0 func AB

Example 2

Partitioned arrays can be addressed in your code by the new structure of the array, as shown in
the following code example;

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {...}

set_directive_array_partition top b -type complete -dim 1
set_directive_interface -mode ap_memory top b[0]
set_directive_interface -mode ap_memory top b[1]
set_directive_interface -mode ap_memory top b[2]
set_directive_interface -mode ap_memory top b[3]

See Also

• pragma HLS array_partition

• set_directive_array_reshape

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IMPORTANT! Array_Partition and Array_Reshape pragmas and directives are not supported
for M_AXI Interfaces on the top-level function. Instead you can use the hls::vector data types as
described in Vector Data Types.

Combines array partitioning with vertical array mapping to create a single new array with fewer
elements but wider words.

The set_directive_array_reshape command has the following features:

• Splits the array into multiple arrays (like set_directive_array_partition).

• Automatically recombine the arrays vertically to create a new array with wider words.


set_directive_array_reshape [OPTIONS] <location> <array>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) that contains the array
• <array> is the array variable to be reshaped.


• -dim <integer>:

Note: Relevant for multi-dimensional arrays only.

Specifies which dimension of the array is to be reshaped.

• If the value is set to 0, all dimensions are partitioned with the specified options.
• Any other value partitions only that dimension. The default is 1.

• -factor <integer>:

Note: Relevant for type block or cyclic reshaping only.

Specifies the number of temporary smaller arrays to be created.

• -object:

Note: Relevant for container arrays only.

Applies reshape on the objects within the container. If the option is specified, all dimensions
of the objects will be reshaped, but all dimensions of the container will be kept.

• -type (block|cyclic|complete):

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• block reshaping creates smaller arrays from consecutive blocks of the original array. This
effectively splits the array into N equal blocks where N is the integer defined by the -
factor option and then combines the N blocks into a single array with word-width*N.
The default is complete.
• cyclic reshaping creates smaller arrays by interleaving elements from the original array.
For example, if -factor 3 is used, element 0 is assigned to the first new array, element 1
to the second new array, element 2 is assigned to the third new array, and then element 3
is assigned to the first new array again. The final array is a vertical concatenation (word
concatenation, to create longer words) of the new arrays into a single array.
• complete reshaping decomposes the array into temporary individual elements and then
recombines them into an array with a wider word. For a one-dimension array this is
equivalent to creating a very-wide register (if the original array was N elements of M bits,
the result is a register with N*M bits). This is the default.

• -off or off=true: Disables the ARRAY_RESHAPE feature for the specified variable.

Example 1

Reshapes 8-bit array AB[17] in function func into a new 32-bit array with five elements.

Because four is not an integer factor of 17:

• Index 17 of the array, AB[17], is in the lower eight bits of the reshaped fifth element.
• The upper eight bits of the fifth element are unused.

set_directive_array_reshape -type block -factor 4 func AB

Partitions array AB[6][4] in function func, into a new array of dimension [6][2], in which
dimension 2 is twice the width.

set_directive_array_reshape -type block -factor 2 -dim 2 func AB

Reshapes 8-bit array AB[4][2][2] in function func into a new single element array (a register),
4*2*2*8 (= 128)-bits wide.

set_directive_array_reshape -type complete -dim 0 func AB

Example 2

Partitioned arrays can be addressed in your code by the new structure of the array, as shown in
the following code example;

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

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int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {...}

set_directive_array_reshape top b -type complete -dim 0

set_directive_interface -mode ap_memory top b[0]

See Also

• pragma HLS array_reshape

• set_directive_array_partition


TIP: This pragma or directive does not play a part in DSP multi-operation matching (MULADD, AMA,
ADDMUL and corresponding Subtraction operations). In fact the use of BIND_OP for assigning an operator
to DSP can prevent the HLS compiler from matching multi-operation expressions. Refer to DSP Multi-
Operation Matching for more information.

Vitis HLS implements the operations in the code using specific implementations. The
set_directive_bind_op command specifies that for a specified variable, an operation (mul,
add, sub) should be mapped to a specific device resource for implementation (impl) in the RTL.
If this command is not specified, Vitis HLS automatically determines the resource to use.

For example, to indicate that a specific multiplier operation (mul) is implemented in the device
fabric rather than a DSP, you can use the set_directive_bind_op command.

You can also specify the latency of the operation using the -latency option.

IMPORTANT! To use the -latency option, the operation must have an available multi-stage
implementation. The HLS tool provides a multi-stage implementation for all basic arithmetic operations
(add, subtract, multiply, and divide), and all floating-point operations.


set_directive_bind_op [OPTIONS] <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the
• <variable> is the variable to be assigned. The variable in this case is one that is assigned
the result of the operation that is the target of this directive.


• -op <value>: Defines the operation to bind to a specific implementation resource.

Supported functional operations include: mul, add, sub

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Supported floating point operations include: fadd, fsub, fdiv, fexp, flog, fmul, frsqrt,
frecip, fsqrt, dadd, dsub, ddiv, dexp, dlog, dmul, drsqrt, drecip, dsqrt, hadd,
hsub, hdiv, hmul, and hsqrt

TIP: Floating-point operations include single precision (f), double-precision (d), and half-precision (h).

• -impl <value>: Defines the implementation to use for the specified operation.Supported
implementations for functional operations include fabric and dsp.Supported
implementations for floating point operations include: fabric, meddsp, fulldsp, maxdsp,
and primitivedsp.

Note: primitivedsp is only available on Versal devices.

• -latency <int>: Defines the default latency for the implementation of the operation. The
valid latency varies according to the specified op and impl. The default is -1, which lets Vitis
HLS choose the latency.The tables below reflect the supported combinations of operation,
implementation, and latency.

Table 41: Supported Combinations of Functional Operations, Implementation, and


Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

add fabric 0 4
add dsp 0 4
mul fabric 0 4
mul dsp 0 4
sub fabric 0 4
sub dsp 0 0

TIP: Comparison operators, such as dcmp , are implemented in LUTs and cannot be implemented outside
of the fabric, or mapped to DSPs, and so are not configurable with the config_op or bind_op

Table 42: Supported Combinations of Floating Point Operations, Implementation, and


Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

fadd fabric 0 13
fadd fulldsp 0 12
fadd primitivedsp 0 3
fsub fabric 0 13
fsub fulldsp 0 12
fsub primitivedsp 0 3
fdiv fabric 0 29
fexp fabric 0 24

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Table 42: Supported Combinations of Floating Point Operations, Implementation, and

Latency (cont'd)

Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

fexp meddsp 0 21
fexp fulldsp 0 30
flog fabric 0 24
flog meddsp 0 23
flog fulldsp 0 29
fmul fabric 0 9
fmul meddsp 0 9
fmul fulldsp 0 9
fmul maxdsp 0 7
fmul primitivedsp 0 4
fsqrt fabric 0 29
frsqrt fabric 0 38
frsqrt fulldsp 0 33
frecip fabric 0 37
frecip fulldsp 0 30
dadd fabric 0 13
dadd fulldsp 0 15
dsub fabric 0 13
dsub fulldsp 0 15
ddiv fabric 0 58
dexp fabric 0 40
dexp meddsp 0 45
dexp fulldsp 0 57
dlog fabric 0 38
dlog meddsp 0 49
dlog fulldsp 0 65
dmul fabric 0 10
dmul meddsp 0 13
dmul fulldsp 0 13
dmul maxdsp 0 14
dsqrt fabric 0 58
drsqrt fulldsp 0 111
drecip fulldsp 0 36
hadd fabric 0 9
hadd meddsp 0 12
hadd fulldsp 0 12
hsub fabric 0 9
hsub meddsp 0 12

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Table 42: Supported Combinations of Floating Point Operations, Implementation, and

Latency (cont'd)

Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency

hsub fulldsp 0 12
hdiv fabric 0 16
hmul fabric 0 7
hmul fulldsp 0 7
hmul maxdsp 0 9
hsqrt fabric 0 16


In the following example, a two-stage pipelined multiplier using fabric logic is specified to
implement the multiplication for variable <c> of the function foo.

int foo (int a, int b) {

int c, d;
c = a*b;
d = a*c;
return d;

And the set_directive command is as follows:

set_directive_bind_op -op mul -impl fabric -latency 2 "foo" c

TIP: The HLS tool selects the core to use for variable <d>.

See Also

• pragma HLS bind_op

• set_directive_bind_storage


The set_directive_bind_storage command assigns a variable (array, or function

argument) in the code to a specific memory type (type) in the RTL. If the command is not
specified, the Vitis HLS tool determines the memory type to assign. The HLS tool implements the
memory using specified implementations (impl) in the hardware. For example, you can use the
set_directive_bind_storage command to specify which type of memory, and which
implementation to use for an array variable. Also, this allows you to control whether the array is
implemented as a single or a dual-port RAM.

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IMPORTANT! This feature is important for arrays on the top-level function interface, because the memory
type associated with the array determines the number and type of ports needed in the RTL, as discussed in
Arrays on the Interface. However, for variables assigned to top-level function arguments you must assign
the memory type and implementation using the -storage_type and -storage_impl options of the
INTERFACE pragma or directive.

You can use the -latency option to specify the latency of the implementation. For block RAMs
on the interface, the -latency option allows you to model off-chip, non-standard SRAMs at the
interface, for example supporting an SRAM with a latency of 2 or 3. For internal operations, the -
latency option allows the operation to be implemented using more pipelined stages. These
additional pipeline stages can help resolve timing issues during RTL synthesis.

IMPORTANT! To use the -latency option, the operation must have an available multi-stage
implementation. The HLS tool provides a multi-stage implementation for all block RAMs.

For best results, AMD recommends that you use -std=c99 for C and -fno-builtin for C and
C++. To specify the C compile options, such as -std=c99, use the Tcl command add_files
with the -cflags option. Alternatively, select the Edit CFLAGs button in the Project Settings
dialog box as described in Creating an HLS Component.


set_directive_bind_storage [OPTIONS] <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the
• <variable> is the variable to be assigned.

TIP: If the variable is an argument of a top-level function, then use the -storage_type and -
storage_impl options of the INTERFACE pragma or directive.


• -type: Defines the type of memory to bind to the specified variable. Supported types
include: fifo, ram_1p, ram_1wnr, ram_2p, ram_s2p, ram_t2p, rom_1p, rom_2p, and

Table 43: Storage Types

Type Description
FIFO A FIFO. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless the -impl
option is specified.
RAM_1P A single-port RAM. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless
the -impl option is specified.

RAM_1WNR A RAM with 1 write port and N read ports, using N banks internally.
RAM_2P A dual-port RAM that allows read operations on one port and both read and write
operations on the other port.

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Table 43: Storage Types (cont'd)

Type Description
RAM_S2P A dual-port RAM that allows read operations on one port and write operations on
the other port.
RAM_T2P A true dual-port RAM with support for both read and write on both ports.
ROM_1P A single-port ROM. Vitis HLS determines how to implement this in the RTL, unless
the -impl option is specified.

ROM_2P A dual-port ROM.

ROM_NP A multi-port ROM.

TIP: If you specify a single port RAM for a PIPO, then the binder will typically allocate a merged-PIPO,
with only one bank, and reader and writer accessing different halves of the bank. The info message
reported by the HLS compiler says "Implementing PIPO using a single memory for all blocks." This is
often cheaper for small PIPOs, where all banks can share a single RAM block. However, if you specify a
dual-port RAM for a PIPO to get higher bandwidth and the scheduler uses both ports either in the
producer or in the consumer, then the binder will typically allocate a split-PIPO, where the producer will
use 1 port and the consumer 2 ports of different banks. The info message reported by the HLS compiler
in this case says "Implementing PIPO using a separate memory for each block."

• -impl <value>: Defines the implementation for the specified memory type. Supported
implementations include: bram, bram_ecc, lutram, uram, uram_ecc, srl, memory, and
auto as described below.

Table 44: Supported Implementation

Name Description
MEMORY Generic memory for FIFO, lets the Vivado tool choose the implementation.
URAM UltraRAM resource
SRL Shift Register Logic resource
LUTRAM Distributed RAM resource
BRAM Block RAM resource
AUTO Vitis HLS automatically determine the implementation of the variable.

TIP: URAMs do not support a read-first output write_mode (unlike BRAMs) when a read and a write to
the same address is mapped to the same memory port. BRAM supports the following write-modes:
write thru , read first , no change . URAM only supports no change . Vitis HLS will issue
the following warning message when it cannot schedule memory operations in the same cycle on a
URAM port:

Usage of URAM can potentially cause worse II as Vitis HLS does not
read-first mode for URAMs. Consider using BRAMs instead.

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Table 45: Supported Implementations by FIFO/RAM/ROM

Type Command/Pragma Scope
FIFO bind_storage1 local AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,
FIFO config_storage global AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,
RAM* | ROM* bind_storage local AUTO BRAM, BRAM_ECC,
RAM* | ROM* config_storage2 global N/A

RAM_1P set_directive_interfa local AUTO, BRAM, URAM

ce s_axilite -

config_interface - global AUTO, BRAM, LUTRAM,

m_axi_buffer_impl URAM

1. When no implementation is specified the directive uses AUTOSRL behavior as a default. However, this value
cannot be specified.
2. config_storage only supports FIFO types.

• -latency <int>: Defines the default latency for the binding of the storage type to the
implementation. The valid latency varies according to the specified type and impl. The
default is -1, which lets Vitis HLS choose the latency.

Table 46: Supported Combinations of Memory Type, Implementation, and Latency

Type Implementation Min Latency Max Latency


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Table 46: Supported Combinations of Memory Type, Implementation, and Latency


Type Implementation Min Latency Max Latency


IMPORTANT! Any combinations of memory type and implementation that are not listed in the prior table
are not supported by set_directive_bind_storage.


In the following example, the coeffs[128] variable is an argument to the function func1. The
directive specifies that coeffs uses a single port RAM implemented on a BRAM core from the

set_directive_bind_storage -impl bram "func1" coeffs RAM_1P

TIP: The ports created in the RTL to access the values of coeffs are defined in the RAM_1P core.

See Also

• pragma HLS bind_storage

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In FPGA, non-burst accesses to the DDR memory are very expensive and can impact the overall
performance of the design. Hence, it is important to devise a scheme that reduces the time
needed to access the necessary information. An efficient solution is to re-write the code or use
manual burst, but if that does not work then another solution might be to use a cache memory.

Cache provides a temporary storage area in the M_AXI adapter so the design can more quickly
retrieve data. The effectiveness of the cache mechanism is measured in a hit/miss ratio and it is
based on a property of computer programs called locality of reference, or the tendency of a
program to access the same set of memory locations repetitively over a short period of time. It
suggests that when a particular memory block is accessed, it is likely to be accessed again in the
near future, along with memory located in close proximity. For instance, when executing
consecutive instructions in memory, the next set of instructions to be accessed will most likely be
within a contiguous block of data nearby.

TIP: You control the cache implementation resources using the config_interface -
m_axi_cache_impl command.


set_directive_cache <location> port=<name> lines=<value> depth=<value>


• <location>: Specifies the function where the specified ports can be found. This is the top

• port=<name>: Specifies the port to add cache to.

• lines=<value>: Indicates the number of cache lines. The number of lines can be specified
as 1, which indicates a single cache line, or a value greater than 1 expressed as a power of 2,
indicating multiple cache lines

• depth=<value>: Specifies the size of each line in words. The depth must be specified as a
power of 2, and indicates the size in words of the pointer datatype for each line. This is an
optional value, and defaults to the max burst length if not specified. The max burst length
defaults to 16, but can be globally specified by the config_interface -
m_axi_max_read_burst_length command, or by the set_directive_interface
command for specific interfaces.


The CACHE directive or pragma has the following limitations:

• Cache is only supported for read-only port

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• The cache is implemented as a Single port, Single way cache.

• Cache is not supported for multiple ports connected to the same bundle


The following example shows a design where overlapping access will cause the burst to fail.
Using the CACHE pragma or directive will improve the performance of the design.

extern "C" {
void dut(
const double *in, // Read-Only Vector 1
double *out, // Output Result
int size // Size in integer
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=in bundle=aximm depth = 1026
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=out bundle=aximm depth = 1024
#pragma HLS cache port=in lines=8 depth=128
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
out[i] = in[i] + in[i + 1];

See Also

• pragma HLS interface

• config_interface
• pragma HLS cache


Specifies that dataflow optimization be performed on the functions or loops, improving the
concurrency of the RTL implementation.

All operations are performed sequentially in a C/C++ description. In the absence of any
directives that limit resources (such as set_directive_allocation), Vitis HLS seeks to
minimize latency and improve concurrency. Data dependencies can limit this. For example,
functions or loops that access arrays must finish all read/write accesses to the arrays before they
complete. This prevents the next function or loop that consumes the data from starting

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It is possible for the operations in a function or loop to start operation before the previous
function or loop completes all its operations. When the DATAFLOW optimization is specified,
the HLS tool analyzes the dataflow between sequential functions or loops and creates channels
(based on ping-pong RAMs or FIFOs) that allow consumer functions or loops to start operation
before the producer functions or loops have completed. This allows functions or loops to operate
in parallel, which decreases latency and improves the throughput of the RTL.

TIP: The config_dataflow command specifies the default memory channel and FIFO depth used in
DATAFLOW optimization.

If no initiation interval (number of cycles between the start of one function or loop and the next)
is specified, Vitis HLS attempts to minimize the initiation interval and start operation as soon as
data is available.

For the DATAFLOW optimization to work, the data must flow through the design from one task
to the next. The following coding styles prevent the HLS tool from performing the DATAFLOW
optimization. Refer to Limitations of Control-Driven Task-Level Parallelism for additional details.

• Single-producer-consumer violations
• Feedback between tasks
• Conditional execution of tasks
• Loops with multiple exit conditions

IMPORTANT! If any of these coding styles are present, the HLS tool issues a message and does not
perform DATAFLOW optimization.

Finally, the DATAFLOW optimization has no hierarchical implementation. If a sub-function or

loop contains additional tasks that might benefit from the DATAFLOW optimization, you must
apply the optimization to the loop, the sub-function, or inline the sub-function.


set_directive_dataflow <location> -disable_start_propagation

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) at which dataflow

optimization is to be performed.
• -disable_start_propagation disables the creation of a start FIFO used to propagate a
start token to an internal process. Such FIFOs can sometimes be a bottleneck for


Specifies dataflow optimization within function foo.

set_directive_dataflow foo

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See Also

• pragma HLS dataflow

• set_directive_allocation
• config_dataflow


Vitis HLS detects dependencies within loops: dependencies within the same iteration of a loop
are loop-independent dependencies, and dependencies between different iterations of a loop are
loop-carried dependencies.

These dependencies are impacted when operations can be scheduled, especially during function
and loop pipelining.

• Loop-independent dependence: The same element is accessed in a single loop iteration.

for (i=1;i<N;i++) {

• Loop-carried dependence: The same element is accessed from a different loop iteration.

for (i=1;i<N;i++) {

Under certain circumstances, such as variable dependent array indexing or when an external
requirement needs to be enforced (for example, two inputs are never the same index), the
dependence analysis might be too conservative and fail to filter out false dependencies. The
set_directive_dependence command allows you to explicitly define the dependencies and
eliminate a false dependence.

IMPORTANT! Specifying a false dependency when the dependency is not false can result in incorrect
hardware. Ensure dependencies are correct (true or false) before specifying them.


set_directive_dependence -dependent <arg> [OPTIONS] <location>

• -dependent (true | false): This argument should be specified to indicate whether a

dependence is true and needs to be enforced, or is false and should be removed. However,
when not specified, the tool will return a warning that the value was not specified and will
assume a value of false.

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• <location>: The location in the code, specified as function[/label], where the

dependence is defined.


• -class (array | pointer): Specifies a class of variables in which the dependence

needs clarification. This is mutually exclusive with the -variable option.

• -dependent (true | false): Specify if a dependence needs to be enforced (true) or

removed (false).

• -direction (RAW | WAR | WAW):

Note: Relevant only for loop-carried dependencies.

Specifies the direction for a dependence:

• RAW (Read-After-Write - true dependence): The write instruction uses a value used by the
read instruction.

• WAR (Write-After-Read - anti dependence): The read instruction gets a value that is
overwritten by the write instruction.

• WAW (Write-After-Write - output dependence): Two write instructions write to the same
location, in a certain order.

• -distance <integer>:

Note: Relevant only for loop-carried dependencies where -dependent is set to true.

Specifies the inter-iteration distance for array access.

• -type (intra | inter): Specifies whether the dependence is:

• Within the same loop iteration (intra), or

• Between different loop iterations (inter) (default).

• -variable <variable>: Defines a specific variable to apply the dependence directive.

Mutually exclusive with the -class option.

IMPORTANT! You cannot specify a dependence for function arguments that are bundled with
other arguments in an m_axi interface. This is the default configuration for m_axi interfaces on the
function. You also cannot specify a dependence for an element of a struct, unless the struct has been

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Removes the dependence between Var1 in the same iterations of loop_1 in function func.

set_directive_dependence -variable Var1 -type intra \

-dependent false func/loop_1

The dependence on all arrays in loop_2 of function func informs Vitis HLS that all reads must
happen after writes in the same loop iteration.

set_directive_dependence -class array -type intra \

-dependent true -direction RAW func/loop_2

See Also

• pragma HLS dependence

• set_directive_disaggregate
• set_directive_pipeline


The set_directive_disaggregate command lets you deconstruct a struct variable into

its individual elements. The number and type of elements created are determined by the
contents of the struct itself.

IMPORTANT! Structs used as arguments to the top-level function are aggregated by default, but can be
disaggregated with this directive or pragma. Refer to AXI4-Stream Interfaces for important information
about disaggregating structs associated with streams.


set_directive_disaggregate <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) where the variable to
disaggregate is found.
• <variable> specifies the struct variable name.


This command has no options.

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Example 1

The following example shows the struct variable a in function top will be disaggregated:

set_directive_disaggregate top a

Example 2

Disaggregated structs can be addressed in your code by the using standard C/C++ coding style
as shown below. Notice the different methods for accessing the pointer element (a) versus the
reference element (c);

struct SS
int x[N];
int y[N];

int top(SS *a, int b[4][6], SS &c) {

set_directive_disaggregate top a
set_directive_interface -mode s_axilite top a->x
set_directive_interface -mode s_axilite top a->y

set_directive_disaggregate top c
set_directive_interface -mode ap_memory top c.x
set_directive_interface -mode ap_memory top c.y

Example 3

The following example shows the Dot struct containing the RGB struct as an element. If you
apply set_directive_disaggregate to variable Arr, then only the top-level Dot struct is

struct Pixel {
char R;
char G;
char B;

struct Dot {
Pixel RGB;
unsigned Size;

#define N 1086
void DUT(Dot Arr[N]) {

set_directive_disaggregate DUT Arr

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If you want to disaggregate the whole struct, Dot and RGB, then you can assign the
set_directive_disaggregate as shown below.

void DUT(Dot Arr[N]) {

#pragma HLS disaggregate variable=Arr->RGB

set_directive_disaggregate DUT Arr->RGB

The results in this case will be:

void DUT(char Arr_RGB_R[N], char Arr_RGB_G[N], char Arr_RGB_B[N], unsigned

Arr_Size[N]) {

See Also

• pragma HLS disaggregate

• set_directive_aggregate


Sometimes C/C++ code is written with a sequence of operations, resulting in a long chain of
operations in RTL. With a small clock period, this can increase the latency in the design. By
default, the Vitis HLS tool rearranges the operations using associative and commutative
properties. As described in Optimizing Logic Expressions, this rearrangement creates a balanced
tree that can shorten the chain, potentially reducing latency in the design at the cost of extra

Expression balancing rearranges operators to construct a balanced tree and reduce latency.

• For integer operations expression balancing is on by default but may be disabled.

• For floating-point operations, expression balancing is off by default but may be enabled.

The set_directive_expression_balance command allows this expression balancing to

be turned off, or on, within a specified scope.


set_directive_expression_balance [OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) where expression balancing
should be disabled, or enabled.

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• -off: Turns off expression balancing at the specified location. Specifying the
set_directive_expression_balance command enables expression balancing in the
specified scope. Adding the -off option disables it.


Disables expression balancing within function My_Func.

set_directive_expression_balance -off My_Func

Explicitly enables expression balancing in function My_Func2.

set_directive_expression_balance My_Func2

See Also

• pragma HLS expression_balance


By default:

• Functions remain as separate hierarchy blocks in the RTL, or are decomposed (inlined) into
higher-level functions.
• All instances of a function, at the same level of hierarchy, uses the same RTL implementation

The set_directive_function_instantiate command is used to create a unique RTL

implementation for each instance of a function, allowing each instance to be optimized around a
specific argument or variable.

By default, the following code results in a single RTL implementation of function func_sub for
all three instances, or if func_sub is a small function it is inlined into function func.

TIP: By default, the Vitis HLS tool automatically inlines small functions. This is true even for function
instantiations. Using the set_directive_inline off option can be used to prevent this automatic

char func_sub(char inval, char incr)

return inval + incr;
void func(char inval1, char inval2, char inval3,
char *outval1, char *outval2, char * outval3)

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*outval1 = func_sub(inval1, 1);
*outval2 = func_sub(inval2, 2);
*outval3 = func_sub(inval3, 3);

Using the directive as shown in the example section below results in three versions of function
func_sub, each independently optimized for variable incr.


set_directive_function_instantiate <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/region label]) where the
instances of a function are to be made unique.
• <variable> specifies the function argument to be specified as a constant in the various
function instantiations.


This command has no options.


For the example code shown above, the following Tcl (or pragma placed in function func_sub)
allows each instance of function func_sub to be independently optimized with respect to input

set_directive_inline -off func_sub

set_directive_function_instantiate func_sub incr

See Also

• pragma HLS function_instantiate

• set_directive_allocation
• set_directive_inline


Removes a function as a separate entity in the RTL hierarchy. After inlining, the function is
dissolved into the calling function, and no longer appears as a separate level of hierarchy.

IMPORTANT! Inlining a function also dissolves any pragmas or directives applied to that function. In Vitis
HLS, any pragmas or directives applied to the inlined function are ignored.

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In some cases, inlining a function allows operations within the function to be shared and
optimized more effectively with the calling function. However, an inlined function cannot be
shared or reused, so if the parent function calls the inlined function multiple times, this can
increase the area and resource utilization.

By default, inlining is only performed on the next level of function hierarchy.


set_directive_inline [OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) where inlining is to be



• -off: By default, Vitis HLS performs inlining of smaller functions in the code. Using the -off
option disables inlining for the specified function.

• -recursive: By default, only one level of function inlining is performed. The functions
within the specified function are not inlined. The -recursive option inlines all functions
recursively within the specified function hierarchy.

IMPORTANT! Recursive inlining of functions in a dataflow region can result in a single function in the
region which does not meet the conditions of dataflow. In this case the INLINE -recursive
pragma or directive is ignored.


The following example inlines function func_sub1, but no sub-functions called by func_sub1.

set_directive_inline func_sub1

This example inlines function func_sub1, recursively down the hierarchy, except function

set_directive_inline -recursive func_sub1

set_directive_inline -off func_sub2

See Also

• pragma HLS inline

• set_directive_allocation

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set_directive_interface is only supported for use on the top-level function, and cannot
be used for sub-functions of the HLS component. The INTERFACE pragma or directive specifies
how RTL ports are created from the function arguments during interface synthesis, as described
in Defining Interfaces. The Vitis HLS tool automatically determines the I/O protocol used by any

Ports in the RTL implementation are derived from the data type and direction of the arguments
of the top-level function and function return, the flow_target for the HLS component, the
default interface configuration settings as specified by config_interface, and by this directive.
Each function argument can be specified to have its own I/O protocol (such as valid handshake
or acknowledge handshake).

TIP: Global variables required on the interface must be explicitly defined as an argument of the top-level
function as described in Global Variables. If a global variable is accessed, but all read and write operations
are local to the design, the resource is created in the design. There is no need for an I/O port in the RTL.

The interface also defines the execution control protocol of the HLS component as described in
Block-Level Control Protocols. The control protocol controls when the HLS component (or block)
starts execution, and when the block completes operation, is idle and ready for new inputs.


set_directive_interface [OPTIONS] <location> <port>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) where the function
interface or registered output is to be specified.
• <port> is the parameter (function argument) for which the interface has to be synthesized.
The port name is not required when block control modes are specified: ap_ctrl_chain,
ap_ctrl_hs, or ap_ctrl_none.


TIP: Many of the options specified below have global values that are defined in the config_interface
command. Set local values for the interface defined here to override the global values.

• mode=<mode>:

The supported modes, and how the tool implements them in RTL, can be broken down into
three categories as follows:

1. Port-Level Protocols:
• ap_none: No port protocol. The interface is a simple data port.

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• ap_vld: Implements the data port with an associated valid signal to indicate when
the data is valid for reading or writing.
• ap_ack: Implements the data port with an associated acknowledge signal to
acknowledge that the data was read or written.
• ap_hs: Implements the data port with both valid and acknowledge signals to
provide a two-way handshake to indicate when the data is valid for reading and writing
and to acknowledge that the data was read or written.
• ap_ovld: Implements the output data port with an associated valid signal to indicate
when the data is valid for reading or writing.

TIP: For ap_ovld Vitis HLS implements the input argument or the input half of any read/write
arguments with mode ap_none.

• ap_memory: Implements array arguments as a standard RAM interface. If you use the
RTL design in Vivado IP integrator the interface is composed of separate ports.
• bram: Implements array arguments as a standard RAM interface. If you use the RTL
design in Vivado IP integrator the memory interface is composed of a single port.
• ap_fifo: Implements the port with a standard FIFO interface using data input and
output ports with associated active-Low FIFO empty and full ports.
Note: You can only use the ap_fifo interface on read arguments or write arguments. ap_fifo
mode does not support bidirectional read/write arguments.

2. AXI Interface Protocols:

• s_axilite: Implements the port as an AXI4-Lite interface. The tool produces an
associated set of C driver files when exporting the generated RT for the HLS
• m_axi: Implements the port as an AXI4 interface. You can use the
config_interface -m_axi_addr64 command to specify either 32-bit (default) or
64-bit address ports and to control any address offset.
• axis: Implements the port as an AXI4-Stream interface.
3. Block-Level Control Protocols:
• ap_ctrl_chain: Implements a set of block-level control ports to start the design
operation, continue operation, and indicate when the design is idle, done, and
ready for new input data.
• ap_ctrl_hs: Implements a set of block-level control ports to start the design
operation and to indicate when the design is idle, done, and ready for new input
• ap_ctrl_none: No block-level I/O protocol.
Note: Using the ap_ctrl_none mode might prevent the design from being verified using
C/RTL co-simulation.

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• -bundle <string>:

By default, the HLS tool groups (or bundles) function arguments that are compatible into a
single interface port in the RTL code. All interface ports with compatible options, such as
mode, offset, and bundle, are grouped into a single interface port.

TIP: This default can be changed using the config_interface -m_axi_auto_max_ports


This -bundle <string> option lets you define bundles to group ports together, overriding
the default behavior. The <string> specifies the bundle name. The port name used in the
generated RTL code is derived automatically from a combination of the mode and bundle, or
is named as specified by name.

IMPORTANT! bundle names must be specified using lower-case characters.

• -channel <string>: To enable multiple channels on an m_axi interface specify the

channel ID. Multiple m_axi interfaces can be combined into a single m_axi adapter using
separate channel IDs.

• -clock <string>: By default, the AXI4-Lite interface clock is the same clock as the system
clock. This option is used to set specify a separate clock for an AXI4-Lite interface. If the -
bundle option is used to group multiple top-level function arguments into a single AXI4-Lite
interface, the clock option need only be specified on one of bundle members.

• -depth <int>: Specifies the maximum number of samples for the test bench to process.
This setting indicates the maximum size of the FIFO needed in the verification adapter that
the HLS tool creates for RTL co-simulation.

TIP: While depth is usually an option, it is needed to specify the size of pointer arguments for RTL co-

• -interrupt <int>: Only used by ap_vld/ap_hs. This option enables the I/O to be
managed in interrupt, by creating the corresponding bits in the ISR and IER in the
s_axilite register file. The integer value N=16..31 specifies the bit position in both
registers (by default assigned contiguously from 16).

• -latency <value>: This option can be used on ap_memory and M_AXI interfaces.

• In an ap_memory interface, the interface option specifies the read latency of the RAM
resource driving the interface. By default, a read operation of 1 clock cycle is used. This
option allows an external RAM with more than 1 clock cycle of read latency to be modeled.
• In an M_AXI interface, this option specifies the expected latency of the AXI4 interface,
allowing the design to initiate a bus request <value> number of cycles (latency) before the
read or write is expected. If this figure it too low, the design will be ready too soon and
might stall waiting for the bus. If this figure is too high, bus access might be idle waiting on
the design to start the access.

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• -max_read_burst_length <int>: For use with the M_AXI interface, this option specifies
the maximum number of data values read during a burst transfer. Refer to AXI Burst Transfers
for more information.

• -max_write_burst_length <int>: For use with the M_AXI interface, this option
specifies the maximum number of data values written during a burst transfer.

• -max_widen_bitwidth <int>: Specifies the maximum bit width available for the
interface when automatically widening the interface. This overrides the global value specified
by the config_interface -m_axi_max_bitwidth command.

• -name <string>: Specifies a name for the port which will be used in the generated RTL. By
default the port name is derived automatically from a combination of the mode and bundle
unless specified by name.

• -num_read_outstanding <int>: For use with the M_AXI interface, this option specifies
how many read requests can be made to the AXI4 bus, without a response, before the design
stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, and a FIFO of size:


• -num_write_outstanding <int>: For use with the M_AXI interface, this option specifies
how many write requests can be made to the AXI4 bus, without a response, before the design
stalls. This implies internal storage in the design, and a FIFO of size:


• -offset <string>: Controls the address offset in AXI4-Lite (s_axilite) and AXI4
memory mapped (m_axi) interfaces for the specified port.

• In an s_axilite interface, <string> specifies the address in the register map.

• In an m_axi interface this option overrides the global option specified by the
config_interface -m_axi_offset option, and <string> is specified as:
○ off: Do not generate an offset port.

○ direct: Generate a scalar input offset port.

○ slave: Generate an offset port and automatically map it to an AXI4-Lite slave interface.
This is the default offset.

• -register: Registers the signal and any associated protocol signals and instructs the signals
to persist until at least the last cycle of the function execution. The -register_io option of
the config_interface command globally controls registering all inputs/outputs on the top
function. This option applies to the following scalar interfaces for the top-level function:

• s_axilite
• ap_fifo
• ap_none

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• ap_hs
• ap_ack
• ap_vld
• ap_ovld

TIP: The use of the register option on the return port of the function (port=return) is not supported.
Instead use the LATENCY pragma or directive:

#pragma HLS LATENCY min=1 max=1

• -register_mode (both|forward|reverse|off): This option applies to AXI4-Stream

interfaces, and specifies if registers are placed on the forward path (TDATA and TVALID), the
reverse path (TREADY), on both paths (TDATA, TVALID, and TREADY), or if none of the ports
signals are to be registered (off). The default is both. AXI4-Stream side-channel signals are
considered to be data signals and are registered whenever the TDATA is registered.

• -storage_impl=<impl>: For use with s_axilite only. This options defines a storage
implementation to assign to the interface. Supported implementation values include auto,
bram, and uram. The default is auto.

TIP: uram is a synchronous memory with only a single clock for two ports. Therefore uram cannot be
specified for an s_axilite adapter with a second clock.

• -storage_type=<type>: For use with ap_memory and bram interfaces only. This options
defines a storage type (for example, RAM_T2P) to assign to the variable. Supported types
include: ram_1p, ram_1wnr, ram_2p, ram_s2p, ram_t2p, rom_1p, rom_2p, and rom_np.

TIP: This can also be specified using the BIND_STORAGE pragma or directive for the variable for
objects that are not defined on the interface.


Turns off function-level handshakes for function func.

set_directive_interface -mode ap_ctrl_none func

Argument InData in function func is specified to have a ap_vld interface and the input
should be registered.

set_directive_interface -mode ap_vld -register func InData

See Also

• pragma HLS interface

• set_directive_bind_storage

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Specifies a maximum or minimum latency value, or both, on a function, loop, or region.

Vitis HLS always aims for minimum latency. The behavior of the tool when minimum and
maximum latency values are specified is as follows:

• Latency is less than the minimum: If Vitis HLS can achieve less than the minimum specified
latency, it extends the latency to the specified value, potentially enabling increased sharing.
• Latency is greater than the minimum: The constraint is satisfied. No further optimizations are
• Latency is less than the maximum: The constraint is satisfied. No further optimizations are
• Latency is greater than the maximum: If Vitis HLS cannot schedule within the maximum limit,
it increases effort to achieve the specified constraint. If it still fails to meet the maximum
latency, it issues a warning. Vitis HLS then produces a design with the smallest achievable

TIP: You can also use the LATENCY pragma or directive to limit the efforts of the tool to find an optimum
solution. Specifying latency constraints for scopes within the code: loops, functions, or regions, reduces the
possible solutions within that scope and can improve tool runtime. Refer to Improving Synthesis Runtime
and Capacity for more information.

If the intention is to limit the total latency of all loop iterations, the latency directive should be
applied to a region that encompasses the entire loop, as in this example: set_directive

Region_All_Loop_A: {
Loop_A: for (i=0; i<N; i++)
..Loop Body...

In this case, even if the loop is unrolled, the latency directive sets a maximum limit on all loop

If Vitis HLS cannot meet a maximum latency constraint it relaxes the latency constraint and tries
to achieve the best possible result.

If a minimum latency constraint is set and Vitis HLS can produce a design with a lower latency
than the minimum required it inserts dummy clock cycles to meet the minimum latency.


set_directive_latency [OPTIONS] <location>

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• <location> is the location (function, loop or region) (in the format function[/label]) to
be constrained.


• -max <integer>: Specifies the maximum latency.

• -min <integer>: Specifies the minimum latency.


Function foo is specified to have a minimum latency of 4 and a maximum latency of 8.

set_directive_latency -min=4 -max=8 foo

In function foo, loop loop_row is specified to have a maximum latency of 12. Place the pragma
in the loop body.

set_directive_latency -max=12 foo/loop_row

See Also

• pragma HLS latency


Allows nested loops to be flattened into a single loop hierarchy with improved latency.

In the RTL implementation, it requires one clock cycle to move from an outer loop to an inner
loop, and from an inner loop to an outer loop. Flattening nested loops allows them to be
optimized as a single loop. This saves clock cycles, potentially allowing for greater optimization of
the loop body logic.

Apply the LOOP_FLATTEN pragma to the loop body of the inner-most loop in the loop hierarchy.
Only perfect and semi-perfect loops can be flattened in this manner:

• Perfect loop nests:

• Only the innermost loop has loop body content.

• There is no logic specified between the loop statements.
• All loop bounds are constant.

• Semi-perfect loop nests:

• Only the innermost loop has loop body content.

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• There is no logic specified between the loop statements.

• The outermost loop bound can be a variable.

• Imperfect loop nests: When the inner loop has variable bounds (or the loop body is not
exclusively inside the inner loop), try to restructure the code, or unroll the loops in the loop
body to create a perfect loop nest.


set_directive_loop_flatten [OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location (inner-most loop), in the format function[/label].


• -off or off=true: Option to prevent loop flattening from taking place, and can prevent
some loops from being flattened while all others in the specified location are flattened.

IMPORTANT! The presence of the LOOP_FLATTEN pragma or directive enables the optimization. The
addition of -off disables it.


Flattens loop_1 in function foo and all (perfect or semi-perfect) loops above it in the loop
hierarchy, into a single loop. Place the pragma in the body of loop_1.

set_directive_loop_flatten foo/loop_1

Prevents loop flattening in loop_2 of function foo. Place the pragma in the body of loop_2.

set_directive_loop_flatten -off foo/loop_2

See Also

• set_directive_loop_flatten
• pragma HLS loop_merge
• pragma HLS unroll


Merges all loops into a single loop. Merging loops:

• Reduces the number of clock cycles required in the RTL to transition between the loop-body

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• Allows the loops be implemented in parallel (if possible).

The rules for loop merging are:

• If the loop bounds are variables, they must have the same value (number of iterations).
• If loops bounds are constants, the maximum constant value is used as the bound of the
merged loop.
• Loops with both variable bound and constant bound cannot be merged.
• The code between loops to be merged cannot have side effects. Multiple execution of this
code should generate the same results.
○ a=b is allowed

○ a=a+1 is not allowed.

• Loops cannot be merged when they contain FIFO reads. Merging changes the order of the
reads. Reads from a FIFO or FIFO interface must always be in sequence.


set_directive_loop_merge <location>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) at which the loops reside.


• -force: Forces loops to be merged even when Vitis HLS issues a warning. You must assure
that the merged loop will function correctly.


Merges all consecutive loops in function foo into a single loop.

set_directive_loop_merge foo

All loops inside loop_2 of function foo (but not loop_2 itself) are merged by using the -
force option.

set_directive_loop_merge -force foo/loop_2

See Also

• pragma HLS loop_merge

• set_directive_loop_flatten
• set_directive_unroll

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The loop tripcount is the total number of iterations performed by a loop. Vitis HLS reports the
total latency of each loop (the number of cycles to execute all iterations of the loop). This loop
latency is therefore a function of the tripcount (number of loop iterations).

IMPORTANT! The LOOP_TRIPCOUNT pragma or directive is for analysis only, and does not impact the
results of synthesis.

The tripcount can be a constant value. It might depend on the value of variables used in the loop
expression (for example, x<y) or control statements used inside the loop.

Vitis HLS cannot determine the tripcount in some cases. These cases include, for example, those
in which the variables used to determine the tripcount are:

• Input arguments, or
• Variables calculated by dynamic operation

In the following example, the maximum iteration of the for-loop is determined by the value of
input num_samples. The value of num_samples is not defined in the C function, but comes
into the function from the outside.

void foo (num_samples, ...) {

int i;
loop_1: for(i=0;i< num_samples;i++) {
result = a + b;

In cases where the loop latency is unknown or cannot be calculated,

set_directive_loop_tripcount allows you to specify minimum, maximum, and average
iterations for a loop. This lets the tool analyze how the loop latency contributes to the total
design latency in the reports and helps you determine appropriate optimizations for the design.

TIP: If a C assert macro is used to limit the size of a loop variable, Vitis HLS can use it to both define loop
limits for reporting and create hardware that is exactly sized to these limits.


set_directive_loop_tripcount [OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location of the loop (in the format function[/label]) at which the
tripcount is specified.

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• -avg <integer>: Specifies the average number of iterations.

• -max <integer>: Specifies the maximum number of iterations.

• -min <integer>: Specifies the minimum number of iterations.


loop_1 in function foo is specified to have a minimum tripcount of 12, and a maximum
tripcount of 16:

set_directive_loop_tripcount -min 12 -max 16 -avg 14 foo/loop_1

See Also

• pragma HLS loop_tripcount


set_directive_occurrence can be applied to a function call within a region. The feature

works with pipelined function calls within a conditional block such as an if statement or
switch statement. The directive specifies how often the pipelined function is called inside the
current pipeline. Identifying a function within a condition block with
set_directive_occurrence allows the functions and loops in that region to be pipelined
with a higher initiation interval that is slower than the enclosing function or loop.

When pipelining functions or loops, set_directive_occurrence specifies that a pipelined

function call within the pipelined function or loop is executed less frequently than the enclosing
function or loop. This allows the pipelined function call that is executed less often to be pipelined
at a slower rate, thus potentially improving the resource sharing potential within the top-level

Use the following process to determine set_directive_occurrence -cycle value:

• A loop iterates <N> times.

• However, part of the loop body is enabled by a conditional statement, and as a result only
executes <M> times, where <N> is an integer multiple of <M>.
• The conditional code has an occurrence that is N/M times slower than the rest of the loop

For example, in a loop that executes 10 times, a conditional statement within the loop that only
executes two times has an occurrence of 5 (or 10/2).

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set_directive_occurrence [OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> specifies the block of code that contains the pipelined function call(s) with a
slower rate of execution.


• -cycle <int>: Specifies the occurrence N/M, where <N> is the number of times the
enclosing function or loop executes, and <M> is the number of times the conditional region

IMPORTANT! N must be an integer multiple of M.

• -off or off=true: Disable occurrence for the specified function.


In this example, the call of sub-function within the if statement (but not the memory read and
write, because they are not inside a pipelined function) has an occurrence of 4 (it executes at a
rate four times less often than the surrounding code that contains it). Hence, while without
set_directive_occurrence it would be pipelined with the same II as the caller, with the
directive it will be pipelined with an II=4. This will expose more resource sharing opportunities
within it and with other functions.

void subfunction(...) {
#pragma HLS pipeline II=...
// Without the occurrence pragma,
// this will be automatically pipelined with an II=1,
// regardless of its own pipeline pragma,
// since it is called in a pipeline with II=1
// With the pragma, it has an II=4.
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1
if (i % 4 == 0) {
a[i+1] = b[i];

Region Cond_Region in function subfunction has an occurrence of 4. It executes at a rate

four times slower than the code that encompasses it.

set_directive_occurrence -cycle 4 foo/Cond_Region

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See Also

• pragma HLS occurrence

• set_directive_pipeline


TIP: set_directive_performance applies to loops and loop nests, and requires a known loop
tripcount to determine the performance. If your loop has a variable tripcount then you must also specify

The set_directive_performance lets you specify a high-level constraint, target_ti or

target_tl, defining the number of clock cycles between successive starts of a loop, and lets
the tool infer lower-level UNROLL, PIPELINE, ARRAY_PARTITION, and INLINE directives needed
to achieve the desired result. The set_directive_performance does not guarantee the
specified value will be achieved, and so it is only a target.

The target_ti is the interval between successive starts of the loop, or between the start of
the first iteration of the loop, and the next start of the first iteration of the loop. In the following
code example, a target_ti=T would mean the target interval for the start of loop L2 between
two consecutive iterations of L1 should be 100 cycles.

const int T = 100;

L1: for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
L2: for (int j=0; j<M; j++){
pragma HLS performance target_ti=T

The target_tl is the interval between start of the loop and end of the loop, or between the
start of the first iteration of the loop and the completion of the last iteration of the loop. For
example, in the preceding code example a target_tl=T means the target completion of loop
L2 for a single iteration of L1 should be 100 cycles.

Note: set_directive_inline is applied automatically to functions inside any pipelined loop that has
II=1 to improve throughput. If you apply the PERFORMANCE pragma or directive that infers a pipeline
with II=1, it will also trigger the auto-inline optimization. You can disable this for specific functions by using
set_directive_inline off.

The transaction interval is the initiation interval (II) of the loop times the number of iterations, or
tripcount: target_ti = II * loop tripcount. Conversely, target_ti = FreqHz / Operations per

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For example, assuming an image processing function that processes a single frame per invocation
with a throughput goal of 60 fps, then the target throughput for the function is 60 invocations
per second. If the clock frequency is 180 MHz, then target_ti is 180M/60, or 3 million clock
cycles per function invocation.


Specify the directive for a labeled loop.

set_directive_performance <location> [OPTIONS]


<location> specifies the loop in the format function/loop_label.


• -target_ti=<value>: Specifies a target transaction interval defined as the number of

clock cycles for the loop to complete an iteration. The transaction interval refers to the time
the loop starts processing a transaction and the time it begins processing the next transaction.
The <value> can be specified as an integer, floating point, or constant expression that is
resolved by the tool as an integer.

Note: A warning will be returned if truncation occurs.

• -target_tl=<value>:

Specifies a target latency defined as the number of clock cycles for the loop to complete all
iterations. The transaction latency is defined as the interval between the start of the first
iteration of the loop , and the completion of the last iteration of the loop. The <value> can be
specified as an integer, floating point, or constant expression that is resolved by the tool as an

• unit=[sec | cycle]: Specifies the unit associated with the target_ti or target_tl values.
The unit can either be specified as seconds, or clock cycles. When the unit is specified as
seconds, a unit can be specified with the value to indicate nanoseconds (ns), picoseconds (ps),
microseconds (us).

Example 1

The loop labeled loop_1 in the function func is specified to have target transaction interval of
4 clock cycles:

set_directive_performance func/loop_1 -target_ti=4

See Also

• pragma HLS performance

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• set_directive_inline


Reduces the initiation interval (II) for a function or loop by allowing the concurrent execution of
operations as described in Pipelining Loops. A pipelined function or loop can process new inputs
every N clock cycles, where N is the initiation interval (II). An II of 1 processes a new input
every clock cycle.

As a default behavior, with the PIPELINE pragma or directive Vitis HLS will generate the
minimum II for the design according to the specified clock period constraint. The emphasis will be
on meeting timing, rather than on achieving II unless the -II option is specified.

The default type of pipeline is defined by the config_compile -pipeline_style

command, but can be overridden in the PIPELINE pragma or directive.

If Vitis HLS cannot create a design with the specified II, it:

• Issues a warning.
• Creates a design with the lowest possible II.

You can then analyze this design with the warning messages to determine what steps must be
taken to create a design that satisfies the required initiation interval.


set_directive_pipeline [OPTIONS] <location>


• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) to be pipelined.


• -II <integer>: Specifies the desired initiation interval for the pipeline. Vitis HLS tries to
meet this request. Based on data dependencies, the actual result might have a larger II.

• -off: Turns off pipeline for a specific loop or function. This can be used when
config_compile -pipeline_loops is used to globally pipeline loops.

• -rewind:

Note: Applicable only to a loop.

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Optional keyword. Enables rewinding as described in Rewinding Pipelined Loops for

Performance. This enables continuous loop pipelining with no pause between one execution
of the loop ending and the next execution starting. Rewinding is effective only if there is one
single loop (or a perfect loop nest) inside the top-level function. The code segment before the

• Is considered as initialization.
• Is executed only once in the pipeline.
• Cannot contain any conditional operations (if-else).

• -style <stp | frp | flp>: Specifies the type of pipeline to use for the specified
function or loop. For more information on pipeline styles refer to Flushing Pipelines and
Pipeline Types. The types of pipelines include:

• stp: Stall pipeline. Runs only when input data is available otherwise it stalls. This is the
default setting, and is the type of pipeline used by Vitis HLS for both loop and function
pipelining. Use this when a flushable pipeline is not required. For example, when there are
no performance or deadlock issue due to stalls.

• flp: This option defines the pipeline as a flushable pipeline. This type of pipeline typically
consumes more resources and/or can have a larger II because resources cannot be shared
among pipeline iterations.

• frp: Free-running, flushable pipeline. Runs even when input data is not available. Use this
when you need better timing due to reduced pipeline control signal fanout, or when you
need improved performance to avoid deadlocks. However, this pipeline style can consume
more power as the pipeline registers are clocked even if there is no data.

IMPORTANT! This is a hint not a hard constraint. The tool checks design conditions for enabling
pipelining. Some loops might not conform to a particular style and the tool reverts to the default style
(stp) if necessary.


Function func is pipelined with the specified initiation interval.

set_directive_pipeline func II=1

See Also

• pragma HLS pipeline

• set_directive_dependence
• config_compile

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This commands specifies a region of code, a protocol region, in which no clock operations will be
inserted by Vitis HLS unless explicitly specified in the code. Vitis HLS will not insert any clocks
between operations in the region, including those which read from or write to function
arguments. The order of read and writes will therefore be strictly followed in the synthesized

A region of code can be created in the C/C++ code by enclosing the region in braces "{ }" and
naming it. The following defines a region named io_section:

lines of code

A clock operation can be explicitly specified in C code using an ap_wait() statement, and can
be specified in C++ code by using the wait() statement. The ap_wait and wait statements
have no effect on the simulation of the design.


set_directive_protocol [OPTIONS] <location>

The <location> specifies the location (in the format function[/label]) at which the
protocol region is defined.


• -mode [floating | fixed]:

• floating: Lets code statements outside the protocol region overlap and execute in
parallel with statements in the protocol region in the final RTL. The protocol region remains
cycle accurate, but outside operations can occur at the same time. This is the default mode.
• fixed: The fixed mode ensures that statements outside the protocol region do not
execute in parallel with the protocol region.


The example code defines a protocol region, io_section in function foo. The following
directive defines that region as a fixed mode protocol region:

set_directive_protocol -mode fixed foo/io_section

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See Also

• pragma HLS protocol


The RESET pragma or directive adds or disables reset ports for specific state variables (global or

The reset port is used to restore the registers and block RAM, connected to the port, to an initial
value any time the reset signal is applied. Globally, the presence and behavior of the RTL reset
port is controlled using the config_rtl -reset command. The reset configuration settings
include the ability to define the polarity of the reset, and specify whether the reset is
synchronous or asynchronous, but more importantly it controls, through the reset option, which
registers are reset when the reset signal is applied. For more information, see Controlling
Initialization and Reset Behavior.

More specific control over reset is provided through the RESET pragma. For global or static
variables the RESET pragma is used to explicitly enable a reset when none is present, or the
variable can be removed from the reset by turning off the pragma. This can be particularly
useful when static or global arrays are present in the design.

Note: For public variables of a class, the RESET pragma must be used as the reset configuration settings
only apply to variables declared at the function or file level. In addition, the RESET pragma must be applied
to an object of the class in the top-function or sub-function, and cannot be applied to private variables of
the class.


Place the pragma in the C source within the boundaries of the variable life cycle.

set_directive_reset <location> [ variable=<a> | off ]


• location>: Specifies the location (in the format function[/label]) at which the variable
is defined.

• variable=<a>: Specifies the variable to which the RESET pragma is applied.

• off or off=true: Indicates that reset is not generated for the specified variable.

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Adds reset to variable a in function foo even when the global reset (config_rtl -reset)
setting is none or control.

set_directive_reset foo a

Removes reset from variable static int a in function foo even when the global reset setting
is state or all.

set_directive_reset -off foo a

The following example shows the use of the RESET pragma or directive with class variables and
methods. A variable declared in a class must be a public static variable in the class and can have
the RESET pragma specified for the variable in a method of the class, or after an object of the
class has been created in the top function or sub-function of the HLS design.

class bar {
static int a; // class level static; must be public
int a1; // class-level non-static; must be public
bar(...) {
// #pragma reset does not work here for a or a1
// this is the function that is called in the top
void run(...) {
// #pragma reset does not work here for non-static variable a1
// but does work for static variable a
#pragma reset variable=a
static int c; // file level
int d; // file level
void top(...) {
#pragma HLS top
static int b; // function level
bar t;
static bar s;

// #pragma reset works here for b, c and d, as well as t and s members

// except for t.a1 because it is not static
#pragma reset variable=b
#pragma reset variable=c
#pragma reset variable=d
#pragma reset variable=t.a
#pragma reset variable=s.a
#pragma reset variable=s.a1

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The set_directive_reset command specified for the function top shown above would be
as follows:

set_directive_reset top variable=b

set_directive_reset top variable=c
set_directive_reset top variable=d
set_directive_reset top variable=t.a
set_directive_reset top variable=s.a
set_directive_reset top variable=s.a1

Example 3

See Also

• pragma HLS reset

• config_rtl


Arguments marked as stable cannot change during kernel execution. Inputs that only change
when the kernel is not running, such as ports that provide configuration data, should be marked
with a STABLE pragma or directive. The STABLE Pragma can only be used for Control-Driven
task modeling because in Data-driven Task-level Parallelism there is no way to detect when the
kernel is idle.

The STABLE pragma informs Vitis HLS of the following:

• The data applied to the port remains stable during normal operation but is not a constant
value that can be optimized.
• The fanout from this port is not required to be registered.

Pragma STABLE pragma in DATAFLOW networks tells the compiler that input does not need to
be read by the first dataflow process and that output does not need to be written by the last
dataflow process in a network. This can improve II dramatically.

set_directive_stable <location> <variable>

• <location> is the function name or loop name where the directive is to be constrained.
• <variable> is the name of the scalar or array variable to be constrained.

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In the following example, without the STABLE directive, proc1 and proc2 would be
synchronized to acknowledge the reading of their inputs (including A). With the directive, A is no
longer considered as an input that needs synchronization.

void dataflow_region(int A[...], int B[…] ...

proc2(A, ...);

The directives for this example would be scripted as:

set_directive_stable dataflow_region variable=A

set_directive_dataflow dataflow_region

See Also

• pragma HLS stable

• set_directive_dataflow


By default, array variables are implemented as RAM:

• Top-level function array parameters are implemented as a RAM interface port.

• General arrays are implemented as RAMs for read-write access.
• Arrays involved in sub-functions, or loop-based DATAFLOW optimizations are implemented
as a RAM ping-pong buffer channel.

If the data stored in the array is consumed or produced in a sequential manner, a more efficient
communication mechanism is to use streaming data, where FIFOs are used instead of RAMs.
When an argument of the top-level function is specified as INTERFACE type ap_fifo, the array
is automatically implemented as streaming. See Defining Interfaces for more information.

IMPORTANT! To preserve the accesses, it might be necessary to prevent compiler optimizations (in
particular dead code elimination) by using the volatile qualifier as described in Type Qualifiers.


set_directive_stream [OPTIONS] <location> <variable>

• <location> is the location (in the format function[/label]) which contains the array
• <variable> is the array variable to be implemented as a FIFO.

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• -depth <integer>:

Note: Relevant only for array streaming in dataflow channels.

By default, the depth of the FIFO implemented in the RTL is the same size as the array
specified in the C code. This options allows you to modify the size of the FIFO.

When the array is implemented in a DATAFLOW region, it is common to the use the -depth
option to reduce the size of the FIFO. For example, in a DATAFLOW region where all loops and
functions are processing data at a rate of II = 1, there is no need for a large FIFO because data
is produced and consumed in each clock cycle. In this case, the -depth option can be used to
reduce the FIFO size to 2 to substantially reduce the area of the RTL design.

This same functionality is provided for all arrays in a DATAFLOW region using the
config_dataflow command with the -depth option. The -depth option used with
set_directive_stream overrides the default specified using config_dataflow.

• -type <arg>: Specify a mechanism to select between FIFO, PIPO, synchronized shared
(shared), and un-synchronized shared (unsync). The supported types include:

• fifo: A FIFO buffer with the specified depth

• pipo: A Ping-Pong buffer with as many “banks” as the specified depth (default is 2)
• shared: A shared channel, synchronized like a regular Ping-Pong buffer, with depth, but
without duplicating the array data. Consistency can be ensured by setting the depth small
enough, which acts as the distance of synchronization between the producer and

TIP: The default depth for shared is 1.

• unsync: Does not have any synchronization except for individual memory reads and
writes. Consistency (read-write and write-write order) must be ensured by the design itself


Specifies array A[10] in function func to be streaming and implemented as a FIFO.

set_directive_stream func A -type fifo

Array B in named loop loop_1 of function func is set to streaming with a FIFO depth of 12. In
this case, place the pragma inside loop_1.

set_directive_stream -depth 12 -type fifo func/loop_1 B

Array C has streaming implemented as a PIPO.

set_directive_stream -type pipo func C

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Chapter 17: HLS Tcl Commands

See Also

• pragma HLS stream

• set_directive_dataflow
• set_directive_interface
• config_dataflow


Attaches a name to a function, which can then be used by the set_top command to set the
named function as the top. This is typically used to synthesize member functions of a class in C+

RECOMMENDED: Specify the directive in an active solution. Use the set_top command with the new


set_directive_top [OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the function to be renamed.


• -name <string>: Specifies the name of the function to be used by the set_top command.


Function foo_long_name is renamed to DESIGN_TOP, which is then specified as the top-level.

If the pragma is placed in the code, the set_top command must still be issued in the top-level
specified in the GUI project settings.

set_directive_top -name DESIGN_TOP foo_long_name

Followed by the set_top DESIGN_TOP command.

See Also

• pragma HLS top

• set_top

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Section IV: Vitis HLS Command Reference
Chapter 17: HLS Tcl Commands


Transforms loops by creating multiples copies of the loop body.

A loop is executed for the number of iterations specified by the loop induction variable. The
number of iterations can also be impacted by logic inside the loop body (for example, break or
modifications to any loop exit variable). The loop is implemented in the RTL by a block of logic
representing the loop body, which is executed for the same number of iterations.

The set_directive_unroll command allows the loop to be fully unrolled. Unrolling the loop
creates as many copies of the loop body in the RTL as there are loop iterations, or partially
unrolled by a factor N, creating N copies of the loop body and adjusting the loop iteration

If the factor N used for partial unrolling is not an integer multiple of the original loop iteration
count, the original exit condition must be checked after each unrolled fragment of the loop body.

To unroll a loop completely, the loop bounds must be known at compile time. This is not required
for partial unrolling.


set_directive_unroll [OPTIONS] <location>

• <location> is the location of the loop (in the format function[/label]) to be



• -factor <integer>: Specifies a non-zero integer indicating that partial unrolling is


The loop body is repeated this number of times. The iteration information is adjusted

• -skip_exit_check: Effective only if a factor is specified (partial unrolling).

• Fixed bounds
No exit condition check is performed if the iteration count is a multiple of the factor.
If the iteration count is not an integer multiple of the factor, the tool:
○ Prevents unrolling.

○ Issues a warning that the exit check must be performed to proceed.

• Variable bounds

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Chapter 17: HLS Tcl Commands

The exit condition check is removed. You must ensure that:

○ The variable bounds is an integer multiple of the factor.

○ No exit check is in fact required.

• -off or off=true: Disable unroll for the specified loop.


Unrolls loop L1 in function foo. Place the pragma in the body of loop L1.

set_directive_unroll foo/L1

Specifies an unroll factor of 4 on loop L2 of function foo. Removes the exit check. Place the
pragma in the body of loop L2.

set_directive_unroll -skip_exit_check -factor 4 foo/L2

See Also

• pragma HLS unroll

• set_directive_loop_flatten
• set_directive_loop_merge

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Section V: Vitis HLS C Driver Reference

Section V

Vitis HLS C Driver Reference

This section contains the following chapter:

• AXI4-Lite Slave C Driver Reference

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Chapter 18: AXI4-Lite Slave C Driver Reference

Chapter 18

AXI4-Lite Slave C Driver Reference


int X<DUT>_Initialize(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, uintptr BaseAddress);

int X<DUT>_Initialize(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId);
int X<DUT>_Initialize(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, const char* InstanceName);


int X<DUT>_Initialize(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, uintptr BaseAddress): For use

on standalone systems, initialize the specified BaseAddress of a device. This API will write a
proper value to InstancePtr which then can be used in other APIs.

Note: The DeviceId is no longer populated into the driver config struct. Instead the BaseAddress is
used to identify the driver instance. The DeviceId will also not be populated in the xparameters.h file.
Software applications using these drivers developed in the classic Vitis or Vitis HLS tools will need to be
updated to reflect this change using #ifdef SDT as shown in the following example:

#ifndef SDT

int X<DUT>_Initialize(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId): For use on

standalone systems, initialize a device. This API will write a proper value to InstancePtr which
then can be used in other APIs. AMD recommends calling this API to initialize a device except
when an MMU is used in the system, in which case refer to function X<DUT>_CfgInitialize.

int X<DUT>_Initialize(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, const char* InstanceName):

For use on Linux systems, initialize a specifically named uio device. Create up to five memory
mappings and assign the slave base addresses by mmap, utilizing the uio device information in

Where the various arguments are defined as:

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

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Chapter 18: AXI4-Lite Slave C Driver Reference

• DeviceId: Device ID as defined in xparameters.h.

• BaseAddress: The BaseAddress as defined in xparameters.h.

• InstanceName: The name of the uio device.


XST_SUCCESS indicates success, otherwise fail.


X<DUT>_CfgInitializeint X<DUT>_CfgInitialize(X<DUT> *InstancePtr,

X<DUT>_Config *ConfigPtr);


Initialize a device when an MMU is used in the system. In such a case the effective address of the
AXI4-Lite slave is different from that defined in xparameters.h and API is required to initialize
the device.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

• ConfigPtr: A pointer to a X<DUT>_Config.


XST_SUCCESS indicates success, otherwise fail.


X<DUT>_Config* X<DUT>_LookupConfig(uintptr BaseAddress);

X<DUT>_Config* X<DUT>_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId);


This function is used to obtain the configuration information of the specified BaseAddress or
DeviceID. Where:

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• BaseAddress: The BaseAddress as defined in xparameters.h.

• DeviceId: Device ID as defined in xparameters.h.

Note: The DeviceId is no longer populated into the driver config struct. Instead the BaseAddress is
used to identify the driver instance. The DeviceId will also not be populated in the xparameters.h file.
Software applications using these drivers developed in the classic Vitis or Vitis HLS tools will need to be
updated to reflect this change using #ifdef SDT as shown in the following example:

#ifndef SDT


A pointer to a X<DUT>_LookupConfig variable that holds the configuration information of the

specified BaseAddress or device whose ID is DeviceId. Returns NULL if no match is found.


int X<DUT>_Release(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Release the uio device. Delete the mappings by munmap. The mapping will automatically be
deleted if the process is terminated.

• InstanceName: The name of the uio device.


XST_SUCCESS indicates success, otherwise fail.


void X<DUT>_Start(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);

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Start the device. This function will assert the ap_start port on the device. Available only if
there is ap_start port on the device.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


void X<DUT>_IsDone(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Check if the device has finished the previous execution: this function will return the value of the
ap_done port on the device. Available only if there is an ap_done port on the device.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


void X<DUT>_IsIdle(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Check if the device is in idle state: this function will return the value of the ap_idle port.
Available only if there is an ap_idle port on the device.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


void X<DUT>_IsReady(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);

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Check if the device is ready for the next input: this function will return the value of the
ap_ready port. Available only if there is an ap_ready port on the device.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


void XExample_Continue(XExample *InstancePtr);


Assert port ap_continue. Available only if there is an ap_continue port on the device.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


void X<DUT>_EnableAutoRestart(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Enables “auto restart” on device. When this is enabled,

• Port ap_start will be asserted as soon as ap_done is asserted by the device and the device
will auto-start the next transaction.
• Alternatively, if the block-level I/O protocol ap_ctrl_chain is implemented on the device,
the next transaction will auto-restart (ap_start will be asserted) when ap_ready is
asserted by the device and if ap_continue is asserted when ap_done is asserted by the

Available only if there is an ap_start port.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

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void X<DUT>_DisableAutoRestart(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Disable the “auto restart” function. Available only if there is an ap_start port.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


void X<DUT>_Set_ARG(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, u32 Data);


Write a value to port ARG (a scalar argument of the top-level function). Available only if ARG is an
input port.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

• Data: Value to write.


void X<DUT>_Set_ARG_vld(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Assert port ARG_vld. Available only if ARG is an input port and implemented with an ap_hs or
ap_vld interface protocol.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

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Chapter 18: AXI4-Lite Slave C Driver Reference


void X<DUT>_Set_ARG_ack(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Assert port ARG_ack. Available only if ARG is an output port and implemented with an ap_hs or
ap_ack interface protocol.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


u32 X<DUT>_Get_ARG(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Read a value from ARG. Only available if port ARG is an output port on the device.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


Value of ARG.


u32 X<DUT>_Get_ARG_vld(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Read a value from ARG_vld. Only available if port ARG is an output port on the device and
implemented with an ap_hs or ap_vld interface protocol.

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• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


Value of ARG_vld.


u32 X<DUT>_Get_ARG_ack(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Read a value from ARG_ack. Only available if port ARG is an input port on the device and
implemented with an ap_hs or ap_ack interface protocol.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


Value of ARG_ack.


u32 X<DUT>_Get_ARG_BaseAddress(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Return the base address of the array inside the interface. Only available when ARG is an array
grouped into the AXI4-Lite interface.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


Base address of the array.

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u32 X<DUT>_Get_ARG_HighAddress(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Return the address of the uppermost element of the array. Only available when ARG is an array
grouped into the AXI4-Lite interface.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


Address of the uppermost element of the array.


u32 X<DUT>_Get_ARG_TotalBytes(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Return the total number of bytes used to store the array. Only available when ARG is an array
grouped into the AXI4-Lite interface.

If the elements in the array are less than 16-bit, AMD Vitis™ HLS groups multiple elements into
the 32-bit data width of the AXI4-Lite interface. If the bit width of the elements exceeds 32-bit,
Vitis HLS stores each element over multiple consecutive addresses.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


The total number of bytes used to store the array.

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u32 X<DUT>_Get_ARG_BitWidth(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Return the bit width of each element in the array. Only available when ARG is an array grouped
into the AXI4-Lite interface.

If the elements in the array are less than 16-bit, Vitis HLS groups multiple elements into the 32-
bit data width of the AXI4-Lite interface. If the bit width of the elements exceeds 32-bit, Vitis
HLS stores each element over multiple consecutive addresses.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


The bit-width of each element in the array.


u32 X<DUT>_Get_ARG_Depth(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Return the total number of elements in the array. Only available when ARG is an array grouped
into the AXI4-Lite interface.

If the elements in the array are less than 16-bit, Vitis HLS groups multiple elements into the 32-
bit data width of the AXI4-Lite interface. If the bit width of the elements exceeds 32-bit, Vitis
HLS stores each element over multiple consecutive addresses.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


The total number of elements in the array.

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u32 X<DUT>_Write_ARG_Words(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, int offset, int *data, int



Write the length of a 32-bit word into the specified address of the AXI4-Lite interface. This API
requires the offset address from BaseAddress and the length of the data to be stored. Only
available when ARG is an array grouped into the AXI4-Lite interface.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

• offset: The address in the AXI4-Lite interface.

• data: A pointer to the data value to be stored.

• length: The length of the data to be stored.


Write length of data from the specified address.


u32 X<DUT>_Read_ARG_Words(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, int offset, int *data, int



Read the length of a 32-bit word from the array. This API requires the data target, the offset
address from BaseAddress, and the length of the data to be stored. Only available when ARG is
an array grouped into the AXI4-Lite interface.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

• offset: The address in the ARG.

• data: A pointer to the data buffer.

• length: The length of the data to be stored.

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Read length of data from the specified address.


u32 X<DUT>_Write_ARG_Bytes(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, int offset, char *data, int



Write the length of bytes into the specified address of theAXI4-Lite interface. This API requires
the offset address from BaseAddress and the length of the data to be stored. Only available
when ARG is an array grouped into the AXI4-Lite interface.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

• offset: The address in the ARG.

• data: A pointer to the data value to be stored.

• length: The length of the data to be stored.


Write length of data from the specified address.


u32 X<DUT>_Read_ARG_Bytes(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, int offset, char *data, int



Read the length of bytes from the array. This API requires the data target, the offset address from
Base Address, and the length of data to be loaded. Only available when ARG is an array grouped
into the AXI4-Lite interface.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

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• offset: The address in the ARG.

• data: A pointer to the data buffer.

• length: The length of the data to be loaded.


Read length of data from the specified address.


void X<DUT>_InterruptGlobalEnable(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Enable the interrupt output. Interrupt functions are available only if there is ap_start.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


void X<DUT>_InterruptGlobalDisable(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Disable the interrupt output.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


void X<DUT>_InterruptEnable(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, u32 Mask);

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Enable the interrupt source. There can be at most two interrupt sources (source 0 for
ap_done and source 1 for ap_ready).

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

• Mask: Bit mask.

• Bit n = 1: enable interrupt source n.

• Bit n = 0: no change.


void X<DUT>_InterruptDisable(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, u32 Mask);


Disable the interrupt source.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

• Mask: Bit mask.

• Bit n = 1: disable interrupt source n.

• Bit n = 0: no change.

void X<DUT>_InterruptClear(X<DUT> *InstancePtr, u32 Mask);


Clear the interrupt status.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.

• Mask: Bit mask.

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• Bit n = 1: toggle interrupt source n.

• Bit n = 0: no change.


u32 X<DUT>_InterruptGetEnabled(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Check which interrupt sources are enabled.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


Bit mask.

• Bit n = 1: enabled.
• Bit n = 0: disabled.


u32 X<DUT>_InterruptGetStatus(X<DUT> *InstancePtr);


Check which interrupt sources are triggered.

• InstancePtr: A pointer to the device instance.


Bit mask.

• Bit n = 1: triggered.
• Bit n = 0: not triggered.

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Section VI: Vitis HLS Libraries Reference

Section VI

Vitis HLS Libraries Reference

This section contains the following chapters:

• C/C++ Builtin Functions

• Arbitrary Precision Data Types Library
• HLS Print Function
• HLS Math Library
• HLS Stream Library
• HLS Vector Library
• HLS Task Library
• HLS Split/Merge Library
• HLS Stream of Blocks Library
• HLS IP Libraries

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Chapter 19: C/C++ Builtin Functions

Chapter 19

C/C++ Builtin Functions

Vitis HLS supports the following C/C++ builtin functions:

• __builtin_clz(unsigned int x): Returns the number of leading 0-bits in x, starting at

the most significant bit position. If x is 0, the result is undefined.
• __builtin_ctz(unsigned int x): Returns the number of trailing 0-bits in x, starting at
the least significant bit position. If x is 0, the result is undefined.

The following example shows how these functions may be used. This example returns the sum of
the number of leading zeros in in0 and trailing zeros in in1:

int foo (int in0, int in1) {

int ldz0 = __builtin_clz(in0);
int ldz1 = __builtin_ctz(in1);
return (ldz0 + ldz1);

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Section VI: Vitis HLS Libraries Reference
Chapter 20: Arbitrary Precision Data Types Library

Chapter 20

Arbitrary Precision Data Types

C-based native data types are on 8-bit boundaries (8, 16, 32, 64 bits). RTL buses (corresponding
to hardware) support arbitrary lengths. HLS needs a mechanism to allow the specification of
arbitrary precision bit-width and not rely on the artificial boundaries of native C data types: if a
17-bit multiplier is required, you should not be forced to implement this with a 32-bit multiplier.

AMD Vitis™ HLS provides both integer and fixed-point arbitrary precision data types for C++.
The advantage of arbitrary precision data types is that they allow the C code to be updated to
use variables with smaller bit-widths and then for the C simulation to be re-executed to validate
that the functionality remains identical or acceptable.

Using Arbitrary Precision Data Types

Vitis HLS provides arbitrary precision integer data types that manage the value of the integer
numbers within the boundaries of the specified width, as shown in the following table.

Table 47: Arbitrary Precision Data Types

Language Integer Data Type Required Header

C++ ap_[u]int<W> (1024 bits) #include “ap_int.h”
Can be extended to 4K bits wide as
explained in C++ Arbitrary Precision
Integer Types.
C++ ap_[u]fixed<W,I,Q,O,N> #include “ap_fixed.h”

The header files define the arbitrary precision types are also provided with Vitis HLS as a
standalone package with the rights to use them in your own source code. The package,
xilinx_hls_lib_<release_number>.tgz, is provided in the include directory in the
Vitis HLS installation area.

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Chapter 20: Arbitrary Precision Data Types Library

Arbitrary Integer Precision Types with C++

The header file ap_int.h defines the arbitrary precision integer data type for the C++
ap_[u]int data types. To use arbitrary precision integer data types in a C++ function:

• Add header file ap_int.h to the source code.

• Change the bit types to ap_int<N> for signed types or ap_uint<N> for unsigned types,
where N is a bit-size from 1 to 1024.

The following example shows how the header file is added and two variables implemented to use
9-bit integer and 10-bit unsigned integer types:

#include "ap_int.h"

void foo_top () {

ap_int<9> var1; // 9-bit

ap_uint<10> var2; // 10-bit unsigned

IMPORTANT! One disadvantage of AP data types is that arrays are not automatically initialized with a
value of 0. You must manually initialize the array if desired.

Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Data Types

In Vitis HLS, it is important to use fixed-point data types, because the behavior of the C++
simulations performed using fixed-point data types match that of the resulting hardware created
by synthesis. This allows you to analyze the effects of bit-accuracy, quantization, and overflow
with fast C-level simulation.

These data types manage the value of real (non-integer) numbers within the boundaries of a
specified total width (W) and integer width (I) with the expression (W = I + B), as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 136: Fixed-Point Data Type


I-1 ... 1 0 -1 ... -B

Binary point

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TIP: In the preceding figure the integer value (I) specifies the number of integer bits to the left of the
binary point, including the sign bit.

Fixed-Point Identifier Summary

The following table provides a brief overview of operations supported by fixed-point types.

Table 48: Fixed-Point Identifier Summary

Identifier Description
W Word length in bits
I The number of bits used to represent the integer value, that is, the number of integer bits to the left of
the binary point, including the sign bit.
When I is negative, as shown in the example below, it represents the number of implicit sign bits (for
signed representation), or the number of implicit zero bits (for unsigned representation) to the right of
the binary point. For example,

ap_fixed<2, 0> a = -0.5; // a can be -0.5,

ap_ufixed<1, 0> x = 0.5; // 1-bit representation. x can be 0 or 0.5

ap_ufixed<1, -1> y = 0.25; // 1-bit representation. y can be 0 or 0.25
const ap_fixed<1, -7> z = 1.0/256; // 1-bit representation for z = 2^-8

Q Quantization mode: This dictates the behavior when greater precision is generated than can be defined
by smallest fractional bit in the variable used to store the result.
ap_fixed Types Description
AP_RND Round to plus infinity
AP_RND_ZERO Round to zero
AP_RND_MIN_INF Round to minus infinity
AP_RND_INF Round to infinity
AP_RND_CONV Convergent rounding
AP_TRN Truncation to minus infinity (default)
AP_TRN_ZERO Truncation to zero
O Overflow mode: This dictates the behavior when the result of an operation exceeds the maximum (or
minimum in the case of negative numbers) possible value that can be stored in the variable used to
store the result.
ap_fixed Types Description
AP_SAT1 Saturation
AP_SAT_ZERO1 Saturation to zero
AP_SAT_SYM1 Symmetrical saturation
AP_WRAP Wrap around (default)
AP_WRAP_SM Sign magnitude wrap around

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Table 48: Fixed-Point Identifier Summary (cont'd)

Identifier Description
N This defines the number of saturation bits in overflow wrap modes.
1. Using the AP_SAT* modes can result in higher resource usage as extra logic will be needed to perform saturation and
this extra cost can be as high as 20% additional LUT usage.
2. Fixed-point math functions from the hls_math library do not support the ap_[u]fixed template parameters Q,O,
and N, for quantization mode, overflow mode, and the number of saturation bits, respectively. The quantization and
overflow modes are only effective when an ap_[u]fixed variable is on the left hand of assignment or being
initialized, but not during the calculation.

Example Using ap_fixed

In this example the Vitis HLS ap_fixed type is used to define an 18-bit variable with 6 bits
representing the numbers above the decimal point (including the sign bit) and 12-bits
representing the value below the decimal point. The variable is specified as signed, the
quantization mode is set to round to plus infinity and the default wrap-around mode is used for

#include <ap_fixed.h>
ap_fixed<18,6,AP_RND > my_type;

C++ Arbitrary Precision Integer Types

The native data types in C++ are on 8-bit boundaries (8, 16, 32, and 64 bits). RTL signals and
operations support arbitrary bit-lengths.

Vitis HLS provides arbitrary precision data types for C++ to allow variables and operations in the
C++ code to be specified with any arbitrary bit-widths: 6-bit, 17-bit, 234-bit, up to 1024 bits.

TIP: The default maximum width allowed is 1024 bits. You can override this default by defining the macro
AP_INT_MAX_W with a positive integer value less than or equal to 4096 before inclusion of the
ap_int.h header file.

Arbitrary precision data types have are two primary advantages over the native C++ types:

• Better quality hardware: If for example, a 17-bit multiplier is required, arbitrary precision types
can specify that exactly 17-bit are used in the calculation.
Without arbitrary precision data types, such a multiplication (17-bit) must be implemented
using 32-bit integer data types and result in the multiplication being implemented with
multiple DSP modules.

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• Accurate C++ simulation/analysis: Arbitrary precision data types in the C++ code allows the C
++ simulation to be performed using accurate bit-widths and for the C++ simulation to
validate the functionality (and accuracy) of the algorithm before synthesis.

The arbitrary precision types in C++ have none of the disadvantages of those in C:

• C++ arbitrary types can be compiled with standard C++ compilers (there is no C++ equivalent
of apcc).
• C++ arbitrary precision types do not suffer from Integer Promotion Issues.

It is not uncommon for users to change a file extension from .c to .cpp so the file can be
compiled as C++, where neither of these issues are present.

For the C++ language, the header file ap_int.h defines the arbitrary precision integer data
types ap_(u)int<W>. For example, ap_int<8> represents an 8-bit signed integer data type
and ap_uint<234> represents a 234-bit unsigned integer type.

The ap_int.h file is located in the directory $HLS_ROOT/include, where $HLS_ROOT is the
Vitis HLS installation directory.

The code shown in the following example is a repeat of the code shown in the Basic Arithmetic
example in Standard Types. In this example, the data types in the top-level function to be
synthesized are specified as dinA_t, dinB_t, and so on.

#include "cpp_ap_int_arith.h"

void cpp_ap_int_arith(din_A inA, din_B inB, din_C inC, din_D inD,

dout_1 *out1, dout_2 *out2, dout_3 *out3, dout_4 *out4
) {

// Basic arithmetic operations

*out1 = inA * inB;
*out2 = inB + inA;
*out3 = inC / inA;
*out4 = inD % inA;

In this latest update to this example, the C++ arbitrary precision types are used:

• Add header file ap_int.h to the source code.

• Change the native C++ types to arbitrary precision types ap_int<N> or ap_uint<N>, where
N is a bit-size from 1 to 1024 (as noted above, this can be extended to 4K-bits if required).

The data types are defined in the header cpp_ap_int_arith.h.

Compared with the Basic Arithmetic example in Standard Types, the input data types have simply
been reduced to represent the maximum size of the real input data (for example, 8-bit input inA
is reduced to 6-bit input). The output types have been refined to be more accurate, for example,
out2, the sum of inA and inB, need only be 13-bit and not 32-bit.

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The following example shows basic arithmetic with C++ arbitrary precision types.

#ifndef _CPP_AP_INT_ARITH_H_
#define _CPP_AP_INT_ARITH_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include "ap_int.h"

#define N 9

// Old data types

//typedef char dinA_t;
//typedef short dinB_t;
//typedef int dinC_t;
//typedef long long dinD_t;
//typedef int dout1_t;
//typedef unsigned int dout2_t;
//typedef int32_t dout3_t;
//typedef int64_t dout4_t;

typedef ap_int<6> dinA_t;

typedef ap_int<12> dinB_t;
typedef ap_int<22> dinC_t;
typedef ap_int<33> dinD_t;
typedef ap_int<18> dout1_t;
typedef ap_uint<13> dout2_t;
typedef ap_int<22> dout3_t;
typedef ap_int<6> dout4_t;

void cpp_ap_int_arith(dinA_t inA,dinB_t inB,dinC_t inC,dinD_t inD,dout1_t

*out1,dout2_t *out2,dout3_t *out3,dout4_t *out4);


If arbitrary precision integers are synthesized, it results in a design that is functionally identical to
Standard Types. Rather than use the C++ cout operator to output the results to a file, the built-
in ap_int method .to_int() is used to convert the ap_int results to integer types used with
the standard fprintf function.

fprintf(fp, %d*%d=%d; %d+%d=%d; %d/%d=%d; %d mod %d=%d;\n,

inA.to_int(), inB.to_int(), out1.to_int(),
inB.to_int(), inA.to_int(), out2.to_int(),
inC.to_int(), inA.to_int(), out3.to_int(),
inD.to_int(), inA.to_int(), out4.to_int());

C++ Arbitrary Precision Integer Types: Reference

Vitis HLS provides a C++ template class, ap_[u]int<>, that implements arbitrary precision (or
bit-accurate) integer data types with consistent, bit-accurate behavior between software and
hardware modeling.

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This class provides all arithmetic, bitwise, logical and relational operators allowed for native C
integer types. In addition, this class provides methods to handle some useful hardware
operations, such as allowing initialization and conversion of variables of widths greater than 64

This section includes comprehensive information on the methods, synthesis behavior, and all
aspects of using the ap_(u)int<N> arbitrary precision integer types.

• Techniques for assigning constant and initialization values to arbitrary precision integers
(including values greater than 1024-bit).
• A description of Vitis HLS helper methods, such as printing, concatenating, bit-slicing and
range selection functions.
• A description of operator behavior, including a description of shift operations (a negative shift
values, results in a shift in the opposite direction).

Compiling ap_[u]int<> Types

To use the ap_[u]int<> classes, you must include the ap_int.h header file in all source files
that reference ap_[u]int<> variables.

When compiling software models that use these classes it might be necessary to specify the
location of the Vitis HLS header files, for example by adding the -I/<HLS_HOME>/include
option for g++ compilation.

Declaring/Defining ap_[u] Variables

There are separate signed and unsigned classes:

• ap_int<int_W> (signed)
• ap_uint<int_W> (unsigned)

The template parameter int_W specifies the total width of the variable being declared.

User-defined types may be created with the C/C++ typedef statement as shown in the
following examples:

include "ap_int.h"// use ap_[u]fixed<> types

typedef ap_uint<128> uint128_t; // 128-bit user defined type
ap_int<96> my_wide_var; // a global variable declaration

The default maximum width allowed is 1024 bits. This default may be overridden by defining the
macro AP_INT_MAX_W with a positive integer value less than or equal to 4096 before inclusion
of the ap_int.h header file.

CAUTION! Setting the value of AP_INT_MAX_W too High can cause slow software compile and

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Following is an example of overriding AP_INT_MAX_W:

#define AP_INT_MAX_W 4096 // Must be defined before next line

#include "ap_int.h"
ap_int<4096> very_wide_var;

Initialization and Assignment from Constants (Literals)

The class constructor and assignment operator overloads, allows initialization of and assignment
to ap_[u]int<> variables using standard C/C++ integer literals.

This method of assigning values to ap_[u]int<> variables is subject to the limitations of C++
and the system upon which the software will run. This typically leads to a 64-bit limit on integer
literals (for example, for those LL or ULL suffixes).

To allow assignment of values wider than 64-bits, the ap_[u]int<> classes provide
constructors that allow initialization from a string of arbitrary length (less than or equal to the
width of the variable).

By default, the string provided is interpreted as a hexadecimal value as long as it contains only
valid hexadecimal digits (that is, 0-9 and a-f). To assign a value from such a string, an explicit C++
style cast of the string to the appropriate type must be made.

Following are examples of initialization and assignments, including for values greater than 64-bit,

ap_int<42> a_42b_var(-1424692392255LL); // long long decimal format

a_42b_var = 0x14BB648B13FLL; // hexadecimal format

a_42b_var = -1; // negative int literal sign-extended to full width

ap_uint<96> wide_var(“76543210fedcba9876543210”, 16); // Greater than 64-bit

wide_var = ap_int<96>(“0123456789abcdef01234567”, 16);

Starting with the 2023.2 release, there is a change in the initialization behavior of the
ap_[u]int/ap_[u]fixed data type support, so that they are more compatible with the C
built-in types (such as int and float).

ap_int<N> A[N]; // Such a declaration would result in uninitialized array

elements in all releases.
ap_int<N> B[N] = {0}; // Starting with the 2023.2 release, the whole array
will be initialized to zero. With previous releases, only the first element
is initialized to zero, other elements remained uninitialized.

ap_int<N> B[N] = { }; // With 23.2, the whole array is initialized to zero.

With previous releases, the array elements remained uninitialized.

Note: Due to this change, this might result in designs now failing dataflow checks as the initialization of the
array element will be inferred as an addition write access to the array.

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The ap_[u]<> constructor may be explicitly instructed to interpret the string as representing
the number in radix 2, 8, 10, or 16 formats. This is accomplished by adding the appropriate radix
value as a second parameter to the constructor call.

A compilation error occurs if the string literal contains any characters that are invalid as digits for
the radix specified.

The following examples use different radix formats:

ap_int<6> a_6bit_var(“101010”, 2); // 42d in binary format

a_6bit_var = ap_int<6>(“40”, 8); // 32d in octal format
a_6bit_var = ap_int<6>(“55”, 10); // decimal format
a_6bit_var = ap_int<6>(“2A”, 16); // 42d in hexadecimal format

a_6bit_var = ap_int<6>(“42”, 2); // COMPILE-TIME ERROR! “42” is not binary

The radix of the number encoded in the string can also be inferred by the constructor, when it is
prefixed with a zero (0) followed by one of the following characters: “b”, “o” or “x”. The prefixes
“0b”, “0o” and “0x” correspond to binary, octal and hexadecimal formats respectively.

The following examples use alternate initializer string formats:

ap_int<6> a_6bit_var(“0b101010”, 2); // 42d in binary format

a_6bit_var = ap_int<6>(“0o40”, 8); // 32d in octal format
a_6bit_var = ap_int<6>(“0x2A”, 16); // 42d in hexidecimal format

a_6bit_var = ap_int<6>(“0b42”, 2); // COMPILE-TIME ERROR! “42” is not binary

If the bit-width is greater than 53-bits, the ap_[u]int<> value must be initialized with a string,
for example:

ap_uint<72 Val(“2460508560057040035.375”);

Support for Console I/O (Printing)

As with initialization and assignment to ap_[u]fixed<> variables, Vitis HLS supports printing
values that require more than 64-bits to represent.

Using the C++ Standard Output Stream

The easiest way to output any value stored in an ap_[u]int variable is to use the C++ standard
output stream:

std::cout (#include <iostream> or <iostream.h>)

The stream insertion operator (<<) is overloaded to correctly output the full range of values
possible for any given ap_[u]fixed variable. The following stream manipulators are also

• dec (decimal)

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• hex (hexadecimal)
• oct (octal)

These allow formatting of the value as indicated.

The following example uses cout to print values:

#include <iostream.h>
// Alternative: #include <iostream>

ap_ufixed<72> Val(“10fedcba9876543210”);

cout << Val << endl; // Yields: “313512663723845890576”

cout << hex << val << endl; // Yields: “10fedcba9876543210”
cout << oct << val << endl; // Yields: “41773345651416625031020”

Using the Standard C Library

You can also use the standard C library (#include <stdio.h>) to print out values larger than

1. Convert the value to a C++ std::string using the ap_[u]fixed classes method
2. Convert the result to a null-terminated C character string using the std::string class
method c_str().

Optional Argument One (Specifying the Radix)

You can pass the ap[u]int::to_string() method an optional argument specifying the radix
of the numerical format desired. The valid radix argument values are:

• 2 (binary) (default)
• 8 (octal)
• 10 (decimal)
• 16 (hexadecimal)

Optional Argument Two (Printing as Signed Values)

A second optional argument to ap_[u]int::to_string() specifies whether to print the

non-decimal formats as signed values. This argument is boolean. The default value is false,
causing the non-decimal formats to be printed as unsigned values.

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The following examples use printf to print values:

ap_int<72> Val(“80fedcba9876543210”);
printf(“%s\n”, Val.to_string().c_str()); // => “80FEDCBA9876543210”
printf(“%s\n”, Val.to_string(10).c_str()); // => “-2342818482890329542128”
printf(“%s\n”, Val.to_string(8).c_str()); // => “401773345651416625031020”
printf(“%s\n”, Val.to_string(16, true).c_str()); // => “-7F0123456789ABCDF0”

Expressions Involving ap_[u]<> types

Variables of ap_[u]<> types may generally be used freely in expressions involving C/C++
operators. Some behaviors may be unexpected. These are discussed in detail below.

Zero- and Sign-Extension on Assignment From Narrower to Wider Variables

When assigning the value of a narrower bit-width signed (ap_int<>) variable to a wider one,
the value is sign-extended to the width of the destination variable, regardless of its signedness.

Similarly, an unsigned source variable is zero-extended before assignment.

Explicit casting of the source variable may be necessary to ensure expected behavior on
assignment. See the following example:

ap_uint<10> Result;

ap_int<7> Val1 = 0x7f;

ap_uint<6> Val2 = 0x3f;

Result = Val1; // Yields: 0x3ff (sign-extended)

Result = Val2; // Yields: 0x03f (zero-padded)

Result = ap_uint<7>(Val1); // Yields: 0x07f (zero-padded)

Result = ap_int<6>(Val2); // Yields: 0x3ff (sign-extended)

Truncation on Assignment of Wider to Narrower Variables

Assigning the value of a wider source variable to a narrower one leads to truncation of the value.
All bits beyond the most significant bit (MSB) position of the destination variable are lost.

There is no special handling of the sign information during truncation. This may lead to
unexpected behavior. Explicit casting may help avoid this unexpected behavior.

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Class Methods and Operators

The ap_[u]int types do not support implicit conversion from wide ap_[u]int (>64bits) to
builtin C/C++ integer types. For example, the following code example return s1, because the
implicit cast from ap_int[65] to bool in the if-statement returns a 0.

bool nonzero(ap_uint<65> data) {

return data; // This leads to implicit truncation to 64b int
int main() {
if (nonzero((ap_uint<65>)1 << 64)) {
return 0;
return 1;

To convert wide ap_[u]int types to built-in integers, use the explicit conversion functions
included with the ap_[u]int types:

• to_int()
• to_long()
• to_bool()

In general, any valid operation that can be done on a native C/C++ integer data type is supported
using operator overloading for ap_[u]int types.

In addition to these overloaded operators, some class specific operators and methods are
included to ease bit-level operations.

Binary Arithmetic Operators

Standard binary integer arithmetic operators are overloaded to provide arbitrary precision
arithmetic. These operators take either:

• Two operands of ap_[u]int, or

• One ap_[u]int type and one C/C++ fundamental integer data type

For example:

• char
• short
• int

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The width and signedness of the resulting value is determined by the width and signedness of
the operands, before sign-extension, zero-padding or truncation are applied based on the width
of the destination variable (or expression). Details of the return value are described for each

When expressions contain a mix of ap_[u]int and C/C++ fundamental integer types, the C++
types assume the following widths:

• char (8-bits)
• short (16-bits)
• int (32-bits)
• long (32-bits)
• long long (64-bits)


ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator + (ap_(u)int op)

Returns the sum of:

• Two ap_[u]int, or
• One ap_[u]int and a C/C++ integer type

The width of the sum value is:

• One bit more than the wider of the two operands, or

• Two bits if and only if the wider is unsigned and the narrower is signed

The sum is treated as signed if either (or both) of the operands is of a signed type.


ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator - (ap_(u)int op)

Returns the difference of two integers.

The width of the difference value is:

• One bit more than the wider of the two operands, or

• Two bits if and only if the wider is unsigned and the narrower signed

This is true before assignment, at which point it is sign-extended, zero-padded, or truncated

based on the width of the destination variable.

The difference is treated as signed regardless of the signedness of the operands.

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ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator * (ap_(u)int op)

Returns the product of two integer values.

The width of the product is the sum of the widths of the operands.

The product is treated as a signed type if either of the operands is of a signed type.


ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator / (ap_(u)int op)

Returns the quotient of two integer values.

The width of the quotient is the width of the dividend if the divisor is an unsigned type.
Otherwise, it is the width of the dividend plus one.

The quotient is treated as a signed type if either of the operands is of a signed type.


ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator % (ap_(u)int op)

Returns the modulus, or remainder of integer division, for two integer values.

The width of the modulus is the minimum of the widths of the operands, if they are both of the
same signedness.

If the divisor is an unsigned type and the dividend is signed, then the width is that of the divisor
plus one.

The quotient is treated as having the same signedness as the dividend.

IMPORTANT! Vitis HLS synthesis of the modulus (%) operator will lead to instantiation of appropriately
parameterized AMD LogiCORE divider cores in the generated RTL.

Following are examples of arithmetic operators:

ap_uint<71> Rslt;

ap_uint<42> Val1 = 5;
ap_int<23> Val2 = -8;

Rslt = Val1 + Val2; // Yields: -3 (43 bits) sign-extended to 71 bits

Rslt = Val1 - Val2; // Yields: +3 sign extended to 71 bits
Rslt = Val1 * Val2; // Yields: -40 (65 bits) sign extended to 71 bits
Rslt = 50 / Val2; // Yields: -6 (33 bits) sign extended to 71 bits
Rslt = 50 % Val2; // Yields: +2 (23 bits) sign extended to 71 bits

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Bitwise Logical Operators

The bitwise logical operators all return a value with a width that is the maximum of the widths of
the two operands. It is treated as unsigned if and only if both operands are unsigned. Otherwise,
it is of a signed type.

Sign-extension (or zero-padding) may occur, based on the signedness of the expression, not the
destination variable.

Bitwise OR

ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator | (ap_(u)int op)

Returns the bitwise OR of the two operands.

Bitwise AND

ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator & (ap_(u)int op)

Returns the bitwise AND of the two operands.

Bitwise XOR

ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator ^ (ap_(u)int op)

Returns the bitwise XOR of the two operands.

Unary Operators


ap_(u)int ap_(u)int::operator + ()

Returns the self copy of the ap_[u]int operand.


ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator - ()

Returns the following:

• The negated value of the operand with the same width if it is a signed type, or
• Its width plus one if it is unsigned.

The return value is always a signed type.

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Bitwise Inverse

ap_(u)int::RType ap_(u)int::operator ~ ()

Returns the bitwise-NOT of the operand with the same width and signedness.

Logical Invert

bool ap_(u)int::operator ! ()

Returns a Boolean false value if and only if the operand is not equal to zero (0).

Returns a Boolean true value if the operand is equal to zero (0).

Ternary Operators

When you use the ternary operator with the standard C int type, you must explicitly cast from
one type to the other to ensure that both results have the same type. For example:

// Integer type is cast to ap_int type

ap_int<32> testc3(int a, ap_int<32> b, ap_int<32> c, bool d) {
return d?ap_int<32>(a):b;
// ap_int type is cast to an integer type
ap_int<32> testc4(int a, ap_int<32> b, ap_int<32> c, bool d) {
return d?a+1:(int)b;
// Integer type is cast to ap_int type
ap_int<32> testc5(int a, ap_int<32> b, ap_int<32> c, bool d) {
return d?ap_int<33>(a):b+1;

Shift Operators

Each shift operator comes in two versions:

• One version for unsigned right-hand side (RHS) operands

• One version for signed right-hand side (RHS) operands

A negative value supplied to the signed RHS versions reverses the shift operations direction.
That is, a shift by the absolute value of the RHS operand in the opposite direction occurs.

The shift operators return a value with the same width as the left-hand side (LHS) operand. As
with C/C++, if the LHS operand of a shift-right is a signed type, the sign bit is copied into the
most significant bit positions, maintaining the sign of the LHS operand.

Unsigned Integer Shift Right

ap_(u)int ap_(u)int::operator >> (ap_uint<int_W2> op)

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Integer Shift Right

ap_(u)int ap_(u)int::operator >> (ap_int<int_W2> op)

Unsigned Integer Shift Left

ap_(u)int ap_(u)int::operator << (ap_uint<int_W2> op)

Integer Shift Left

ap_(u)int ap_(u)int::operator << (ap_int<int_W2> op)

CAUTION! When assigning the result of a shift-left operator to a wider destination variable, some or all
information may be lost. AMD recommends that you explicitly cast the shift expression to the destination
type to avoid unexpected behavior.

Following are examples of shift operations:

ap_uint<13> Rslt;

ap_uint<7> Val1 = 0x41;

Rslt = Val1 << 6; // Yields: 0x0040, i.e. msb of Val1 is lost

Rslt = ap_uint<13>(Val1) << 6; // Yields: 0x1040, no info lost

ap_int<7> Val2 = -63;

Rslt = Val2 >> 4; //Yields: 0x1ffc, sign is maintained and extended

Compound Assignment Operators

Vitis HLS supports compound assignment operators:


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The RHS expression is first evaluated then supplied as the RHS operand to the base operator, the
result of which is assigned back to the LHS variable. The expression sizing, signedness, and
potential sign-extension or truncation rules apply as discussed above for the relevant operations.

ap_uint<10> Val1 = 630;

ap_int<3> Val2 = -3;
ap_uint<5> Val3 = 27;

Val1 += Val2 - Val3; // Yields: 600 and is equivalent to:

// Val1 = ap_uint<10>(ap_int<11>(Val1) +
// ap_int<11>((ap_int<6>(Val2) -
// ap_int<6>(Val3))));

Increment and Decrement Operators

The increment and decrement operators are provided. All return a value of the same width as the
operand and which is unsigned if and only if both operands are of unsigned types and signed


ap_(u)int& ap_(u)int::operator ++ ()

Returns the incremented value of the operand.

Assigns the incremented value to the operand.


const ap_(u)int ap_(u)int::operator ++ (int)

Returns the value of the operand before assignment of the incremented value to the operand


ap_(u)int& ap_(u)int::operator -- ()

Returns the decremented value of, as well as assigning the decremented value to, the operand.


const ap_(u)int ap_(u)int::operator -- (int)

Returns the value of the operand before assignment of the decremented value to the operand

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Relational Operators

Vitis HLS supports all relational operators. They return a Boolean value based on the result of the
comparison. You can compare variables of ap_[u]int types to C/C++ fundamental integer
types with these operators.


bool ap_(u)int::operator == (ap_(u)int op)


bool ap_(u)int::operator != (ap_(u)int op)

Less than

bool ap_(u)int::operator < (ap_(u)int op)

Greater than

bool ap_(u)int::operator > (ap_(u)int op)

Less than or equal to

bool ap_(u)int::operator <= (ap_(u)int op)

Greater than or equal to

bool ap_(u)int::operator >= (ap_(u)int op)

Other Class Methods, Operators, and Data Members

The following sections discuss other class methods, operators, and data members.

Bit-Level Operations

The following methods facilitate common bit-level operations on the value stored in ap_[u]int
type variables.


int ap_(u)int::length ()

Returns an integer value providing the total number of bits in the ap_[u]int variable.

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ap_concat_ref ap_(u)int::concat (ap_(u)int low)

ap_concat_ref ap_(u)int::operator , (ap_(u)int high, ap_(u)int low)

Concatenates two ap_[u]int variables, the width of the returned value is the sum of the
widths of the operands.

The High and Low arguments are placed in the higher and lower order bits of the result
respectively; the concat() method places the argument in the lower order bits.

When using the overloaded comma operator, the parentheses are required. The comma operator
version may also appear on the LHS of assignment.

RECOMMENDED: To avoid unexpected results, explicitly cast C/C++ native types (including integer
literals) to an appropriate ap_[u]int type before concatenating.

ap_uint<10> Rslt;

ap_int<3> Val1 = -3;

ap_int<7> Val2 = 54;

Rslt = (Val2, Val1); // Yields: 0x1B5

Rslt = Val1.concat(Val2); // Yields: 0x2B6
(Val1, Val2) = 0xAB; // Yields: Val1 == 1, Val2 == 43

Bit Selection

ap_bit_ref ap_(u)int::operator [] (int bit)

Selects one bit from an arbitrary precision integer value and returns it.

The returned value is a reference value that can set or clear the corresponding bit in this

The bit argument must be an int value. It specifies the index of the bit to select. The least
significant bit has index 0. The highest permissible index is one less than the bit-width of this

The result type ap_bit_ref represents the reference to one bit of this ap_[u]int instance
specified by bit.

Range Selection

ap_range_ref ap_(u)int::range (unsigned Hi, unsigned Lo)

ap_range_ref ap_(u)int::operator () (unsigned Hi, unsigned Lo)

Returns the value represented by the range of bits specified by the arguments.

The Hi argument specifies the most significant bit (MSB) position of the range, and Lo specifies
the least significant bit (LSB).

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The LSB of the source variable is in position 0. If the Hi argument has a value less than Lo, the
bits are returned in reverse order.

ap_uint<4> Rslt;

ap_uint<8> Val1 = 0x5f;

ap_uint<8> Val2 = 0xaa;

Rslt = Val1.range(3, 0); // Yields: 0xF

Val1(3,0) = Val2(3, 0); // Yields: 0x5A
Val1(3,0) = Val2(4, 1); // Yields: 0x55
Rslt = Val1.range(4, 7); // Yields: 0xA; bit-reversed!

Note: The object returned by range select is not an ap_(u)int object and lacks operators, but can be
used for assignment. To use the range select result in a chained expression with ap_(u)int methods, add
an explicit constructor like below.

ap_uint<32> v = 0x8fff0000;
bool r = ap_uint<16>(v.range(23, 8)).xor_reduce();

AND reduce

bool ap_(u)int::and_reduce ()

• Applies the AND operation on all bits in this ap_(u)int.

• Returns the resulting single bit.
• Equivalent to comparing this value against -1 (all ones) and returning true if it matches,
false otherwise.

OR reduce

bool ap_(u)int::or_reduce ()

• Applies the OR operation on all bits in this ap_(u)int.

• Returns the resulting single bit.
• Equivalent to comparing this value against 0 (all zeros) and returning false if it matches,
true otherwise.

XOR reduce

bool ap_(u)int::xor_reduce ()

• Applies the XOR operation on all bits in this ap_int.

• Returns the resulting single bit.
• Equivalent to counting the number of 1 bits in this value and returning false if the count is
even or true if the count is odd.

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NAND reduce

bool ap_(u)int::nand_reduce ()

• Applies the NAND operation on all bits in this ap_int.

• Returns the resulting single bit.
• Equivalent to comparing this value against -1 (all ones) and returning false if it matches,
true otherwise.

NOR reduce

bool ap_int::nor_reduce ()

• Applies the NOR operation on all bits in this ap_int.

• Returns the resulting single bit.
• Equivalent to comparing this value against 0 (all zeros) and returning true if it matches,
false otherwise.

XNOR reduce

bool ap_(u)int::xnor_reduce ()

• Applies the XNOR operation on all bits in this ap_(u)int.

• Returns the resulting single bit.
• Equivalent to counting the number of 1 bits in this value and returning true if the count is
even or false if the count is odd.

Bit Reduction Method Examples

ap_uint<8> Val = 0xaa;

bool t = Val.and_reduce(); // Yields: false

t = Val.or_reduce(); // Yields: true
t = Val.xor_reduce(); // Yields: false
t = Val.nand_reduce(); // Yields: true
t = Val.nor_reduce(); // Yields: false
t = Val.xnor_reduce(); // Yields: true

Bit Reverse

void ap_(u)int::reverse ()

Reverses the contents of ap_[u]int instance:

• The LSB becomes the MSB.

• The MSB becomes the LSB.

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Reverse Method Example

ap_uint<8> Val = 0x12;

Val.reverse(); // Yields: 0x48

Test Bit Value

bool ap_(u)int::test (unsigned i)

Checks whether specified bit of ap_(u)int instance is 1.

Returns true if Yes, false if No.

Test Method Example

ap_uint<8> Val = 0x12;

bool t = Val.test(5); // Yields: true

Set Bit Value

void ap_(u)int::set (unsigned i, bool v)

void ap_(u)int::set_bit (unsigned i, bool v)

Sets the specified bit of the ap_(u)int instance to the value of integer V.

Set Bit (to 1)

void ap_(u)int::set (unsigned i)

Sets the specified bit of the ap_(u)int instance to the value 1 (one).

Clear Bit (to 0)

void ap_(u)int:: clear(unsigned i)

Sets the specified bit of the ap_(u)int instance to the value 0 (zero).

Invert Bit

void ap_(u)int:: invert(unsigned i)

Inverts the bit specified in the function argument of the ap_(u)int instance. The specified bit
becomes 0 if its original value is 1 and vice versa.

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Example of bit set, clear and invert bit methods:

ap_uint<8> Val = 0x12;

Val.set(0, 1); // Yields: 0x13
Val.set_bit(4, false); // Yields: 0x03
Val.set(7); // Yields: 0x83
Val.clear(1); // Yields: 0x81
Val.invert(4); // Yields: 0x91

Rotate Right

void ap_(u)int:: rrotate(unsigned n)

Rotates the ap_(u)int instance n places to right.

Rotate Left

void ap_(u)int:: lrotate(unsigned n)

Rotates the ap_(u)int instance n places to left.

ap_uint<8> Val = 0x12;

Val.rrotate(3); // Yields: 0x42

Val.lrotate(6); // Yields: 0x90

Bitwise NOT

void ap_(u)int:: b_not()

• Complements every bit of the ap_(u)int instance.

ap_uint<8> Val = 0x12;

Val.b_not(); // Yields: 0xED

Bitwise NOT Example

Test Sign

bool ap_int:: sign()

• Checks whether the ap_(u)int instance is negative.

• Returns true if negative.
• Returns false if positive.

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Explicit Conversion Methods

To C/C++ “(u)int”

int ap_(u)int::to_int ()
unsigned ap_(u)int::to_uint ()

• Returns native C/C++ (32-bit on most systems) integers with the value contained in the
• Truncation occurs if the value is greater than can be represented by an [unsigned] int.

To C/C++ 64-bit “(u)int”

long long ap_(u)int::to_int64 ()

unsigned long long ap_(u)int::to_uint64 ()

• Returns native C/C++ 64-bit integers with the value contained in the ap_[u]int.
• Truncation occurs if the value is greater than can be represented by an [unsigned] int.

To C/C++ “double”

double ap_(u)int::to_double ()

• Returns a native C/C++ double 64-bit floating point representation of the value contained in
the ap_[u]int.
• If the ap_[u]int is wider than 53 bits (the number of bits in the mantissa of a double), the
resulting double may not have the exact value expected.

RECOMMENDED: AMD recommends that you explicitly call member functions instead of using C-style
cast to convert ap_[u]int to other data types.


The standard C++ sizeof() function should not be used with ap_[u]int or other classes or
instance of object. The ap_int<> data type is a class and sizeof returns the storage used by
that class or instance object. sizeof(ap_int<N>) always returns the number of bytes used.
For example:


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Compile Time Access to Data Type Attributes

The ap_[u]int<> types are provided with a static member that allows the size of the variables
to be determined at compile time. The data type is provided with the static const member
width, which is automatically assigned the width of the data type:

static const int width = _AP_W;

You can use the width data member to extract the data width of an existing ap_[u]int<>
data type to create another ap_[u]int<> data type at compile time. The following example
shows how the size of variable Res is defined as 1-bit greater than variables Val1 and Val2:

// Definition of basic data type

typedef ap_int<INPUT_DATA_WIDTH> data_t;
// Definition of variables
data_t Val1, Val2;
// Res is automatically sized at compile-time to be 1-bit greater than data
ap_int<data_t::width+1> Res = Val1 + Val2;

This ensures that Vitis HLS correctly models the bit-growth caused by the addition even if you
update the value of INPUT_DATA_WIDTH for data_t.

C++ Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Types

IMPORTANT! The arbitrary precision fixed-point types require the header file ap_fixed.h to be
included in the code.

C++ functions can take advantage of the arbitrary precision fixed-point types included with Vitis
HLS. The following figure summarizes the basic features of these fixed-point types:

• The word can be signed (ap_fixed) or unsigned (ap_ufixed).

• A word with of any arbitrary size W can be defined.
• The number of places above the decimal point I, also defines the number of decimal places in
the word, W-I (represented by B in the following figure).
• The type of rounding or quantization (Q) can be selected.
• The overflow behavior (O and N) can be selected.

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Figure 137: Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Types


I-1 ... 1 0 -1 ... -B

Binary point : W = I + B

TIP: In the preceding figure the integer value (I) specifies the number of integer bits to the left of the
binary point, including the sign bit.

Arbitrary precision fixed-point types use more memory during C simulation and if you are using
very large arrays of ap_[u]fixed types.

The advantages of using fixed-point types are:

• They allow fractional number to be easily represented.

• When variables have a different number of integer and decimal place bits, the alignment of
the decimal point is handled.
• There are numerous options to handle how rounding should happen: when there are too few
decimal bits to represent the precision of the result.
• There are numerous options to handle how variables should overflow: when the result is
greater than the number of integer bits can represent.

These attributes are summarized by examining the code in the example below. First, the header
file ap_fixed.h is included. The ap_fixed types are then defined using the typedef

• A 10-bit input: 8-bit integer value with 2 decimal places.

• A 6-bit input: 3-bit integer value with 3 decimal places.
• A 22-bit variable for the accumulation: 17-bit integer value with 5 decimal places.
• A 36-bit variable for the result: 30-bit integer value with 6 decimal places.

The function contains no code to manage the alignment of the decimal point after operations are
performed. The alignment is done automatically.

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The following code sample shows ap_fixed type.

#include "ap_fixed.h"
typedef ap_ufixed<10,8, AP_RND, AP_SAT> din1_t;
typedef ap_fixed<6,3, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> din2_t;
typedef ap_fixed<22,17, AP_TRN, AP_SAT> dint_t;
typedef ap_fixed<36,30> dout_t;

dout_t cpp_ap_fixed(din1_t d_in1, din2_t d_in2) {

static dint_t sum;

sum += d_in1;
return sum * d_in2;

Using ap_(u)fixed types, the C++ simulation is bit accurate. Fast simulation can validate the
algorithm and its accuracy. After synthesis, the RTL exhibits the identical bit-accurate behavior.

Arbitrary precision fixed-point types can be freely assigned literal values in the code. This is
shown in the test bench (see the example below) used with the example above, in which the
values of in1 and in2 are declared and assigned constant values.

When assigning literal values involving operators, the literal values must first be cast to
ap_(u)fixed types. Otherwise, the C compiler and Vitis HLS interpret the literal as an integer
or float/double type and might fail to find a suitable operator. As shown in the following
example, in the assignment of in1 = in1 + din1_t(0.25), the literal 0.25 is cast to an
ap_fixed type.

#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
#include "ap_fixed.h"

typedef ap_ufixed<10,8, AP_RND, AP_SAT> din1_t;

typedef ap_fixed<6,3, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> din2_t;
typedef ap_fixed<22,17, AP_TRN, AP_SAT> dint_t;
typedef ap_fixed<36,30> dout_t;

dout_t cpp_ap_fixed(din1_t d_in1, din2_t d_in2);

int main()
ofstream result;
din1_t in1 = 0.25;
din2_t in2 = 2.125;
dout_t output;
int retval=0;

// Persistent manipulators
result << right << fixed << setbase(10) << setprecision(15);

for (int i = 0; i <= 250; i++)


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output = cpp_ap_fixed(in1,in2);

result << setw(10) << i;

result << setw(20) << in1;
result << setw(20) << in2;
result << setw(20) << output;
result << endl;

in1 = in1 + din1_t(0.25);

in2 = in2 - din2_t(0.125);

// Compare the results file with the golden results

retval = system(diff --brief -w result.dat result.golden.dat);
if (retval != 0) {
printf(Test failed !!!\n);
} else {
printf(Test passed !\n);

// Return 0 if the test passes

return retval;

Fixed-Point Identifier Summary

The following table shows the quantization and overflow modes.

TIP: Quantization and overflow modes that do more than the default behavior of standard hardware
arithmetic (wrap and truncate) result in operators with more associated hardware. It costs logic (LUTs) to
implement the more advanced modes, such as round to minus infinity or saturate symmetrically.

Table 49: Fixed-Point Identifier Summary

Identifier Description
W Word length in bits
I The number of bits used to represent the integer value, that is, the number of integer bits to the left of
the binary point, including the sign bit.
When I is negative, as shown in the example below, it represents the number of implicit sign bits (for
signed representation), or the number of implicit zero bits (for unsigned representation) to the right of
the binary point. For example,

ap_fixed<2, 0> a = -0.5; // a can be -0.5,

ap_ufixed<1, 0> x = 0.5; // 1-bit representation. x can be 0 or 0.5

ap_ufixed<1, -1> y = 0.25; // 1-bit representation. y can be 0 or 0.25
const ap_fixed<1, -7> z = 1.0/256; // 1-bit representation for z = 2^-8

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Table 49: Fixed-Point Identifier Summary (cont'd)

Identifier Description
Q Quantization mode: This dictates the behavior when greater precision is generated than can be defined
by smallest fractional bit in the variable used to store the result.
ap_fixed Types Description
AP_RND Round to plus infinity
AP_RND_ZERO Round to zero
AP_RND_MIN_INF Round to minus infinity
AP_RND_INF Round to infinity
AP_RND_CONV Convergent rounding
AP_TRN Truncation to minus infinity (default)
AP_TRN_ZERO Truncation to zero
O Overflow mode: This dictates the behavior when the result of an operation exceeds the maximum (or
minimum in the case of negative numbers) possible value that can be stored in the variable used to
store the result.
ap_fixed Types Description
AP_SAT1 Saturation
AP_SAT_ZERO1 Saturation to zero
AP_SAT_SYM1 Symmetrical saturation
AP_WRAP Wrap around (default)
AP_WRAP_SM Sign magnitude wrap around
N This defines the number of saturation bits in overflow wrap modes.
1. Using the AP_SAT* modes can result in higher resource usage as extra logic will be needed to perform saturation and
this extra cost can be as high as 20% additional LUT usage.
2. Fixed-point math functions from the hls_math library do not support the ap_[u]fixed template parameters Q,O,
and N, for quantization mode, overflow mode, and the number of saturation bits, respectively. The quantization and
overflow modes are only effective when an ap_[u]fixed variable is on the left hand of assignment or being
initialized, but not during the calculation.

C++ Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Types: Reference

IMPORTANT! The arbitrary precision fixed-point types require the header file ap_fixed.h to be
included in the code.

This section includes comprehensive information on the methods, synthesis behavior, and all
aspects of using the ap_(u)fixed<N> arbitrary precision fixed-point data types.

• Techniques for assigning constant and initialization values to arbitrary precision integers
(including values greater than 1024-bit).
• A detailed description of the overflow and saturation modes.
• A description of Vitis HLS helper methods, such as printing, concatenating, bit-slicing and
range selection functions.

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• A description of operator behavior, including a description of shift operations (a negative shift

values, results in a shift in the opposite direction).

Vitis HLS supports fixed-point types that allow fractional arithmetic to be easily handled. The
advantage of fixed-point arithmetic is shown in the following example.

ap_fixed<11, 6> Var1 = 22.96875; // 11-bit signed word, 5 fractional bits

ap_ufixed<12,11> Var2 = 512.5; // 12-bit word, 1 fractional bit
ap_fixed<16,11> Res1; // 16-bit signed word, 5 fractional bits

Res1 = Var1 + Var2; // Result is 535.46875

Even though Var1 and Var2 have different precisions, the fixed-point type ensures that the
decimal point is correctly aligned before the operation (an addition in this case), is performed.
You are not required to perform any operations in the C code to align the decimal point.

The type used to store the result of any fixed-point arithmetic operation must be large enough
(in both the integer and fractional bits) to store the full result.

If this is not the case, the ap_fixed type performs:

• overflow handling (when the result has more MSBs than the assigned type supports)
• quantization (or rounding, when the result has fewer LSBs than the assigned type supports)

The ap_[u]fixed type provides various options on how the overflow and quantization are
performed. The options are discussed below.

ap_[u]fixed Representation
In ap[u]fixed types, a fixed-point value is represented as a sequence of bits with a specified
position for the binary point.

• Bits to the left of the binary point represent the integer part of the value, including the sign
• Bits to the right of the binary point represent the fractional part of the value.

ap_[u]fixed type is defined as follows:

ap_[u]fixed<int W,
int I,
ap_q_mode Q,
ap_o_mode O,
ap_sat_bits N>;

Quantization Modes
Rounding to plus infinity AP_RND
Rounding to zero AP_RND_ZERO
Rounding to minus infinity AP_RND_MIN_INF

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Rounding to infinity AP_RND_INF

Convergent rounding AP_RND_CONV
Truncation AP_TRN
Truncation to zero AP_TRN_ZERO


• Round the value to the nearest representable value for the specific ap_[u]fixed type.
ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_RND, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = 1.25; // Yields: 1.5
ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_RND, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = -1.25; // Yields: -1.0


• Round the value to the nearest representable value.

• Round towards zero.
○ For positive values, delete the redundant bits.

○ For negative values, add the least significant bits to get the nearest representable value.

ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_RND_ZERO, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = 1.25; // Yields: 1.0

ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_RND_ZERO, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = -1.25; // Yields: -1.0


• Round the value to the nearest representable value.

• Round towards minus infinity.
○ For positive values, delete the redundant bits.

○ For negative values, add the least significant bits.

ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_RND_MIN_INF, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = 1.25; // Yields: 1.0

ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_RND_MIN_INF, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = -1.25; // Yields: -1.5


• Round the value to the nearest representable value.

• The rounding depends on the least significant bit.
○ For positive values, if the least significant bit is set, round towards plus infinity. Otherwise,
round towards minus infinity.
○ For negative values, if the least significant bit is set, round towards minus infinity.
Otherwise, round towards plus infinity.
ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_RND_INF, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = 1.25; // Yields: 1.5
ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_RND_INF, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = -1.25; // Yields: -1.5

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• Round to the nearest representable value with "ties" rounding to even, that is, the least
significant bit (after rounding) is forced to zero.
• A "tie" is the midpoint of two representable values and occurs when the bit following the least
significant bit (after rounding) is 1 and all the bits below it are zero.
// For the following examples, bit3 of the 8-bit value becomes the
// LSB of the final 5-bit value (after rounding).
// Notes:
// * bit7 of the 8-bit value is the MSB (sign bit)
// * the 3 LSBs of the 8-bit value (bit2, bit1, bit0) are treated as
// guard, round and sticky bits.
// * See http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~david/courses/cs552/S12/handouts/

ap_fixed<8,3> p1 = 1.59375; // p1 = 001.10011

ap_fixed<5,3,AP_RND_CONV> rconv1 = p1; // rconv1 = 1.5 (001.10)

ap_fixed<8,3> p2 = 1.625; // p2 = 001.10100 => tie with bit3 (LSB-to-be)

= 0
ap_fixed<5,3,AP_RND_CONV> rconv2 = p2; // rconv2 = 1.5 (001.10) => lsb is
already zero, just truncate

ap_fixed<8,3> p3 = 1.375; // p3 = 001.01100 => tie with bit3 (LSB-to-be)

= 1
ap_fixed<5,3,AP_RND_CONV> rconv3 = p3; // rconv3 = 1.5 (001.10) => lsb is
made zero by rounding up

ap_fixed<8,3> p3 = 1.65625; // p3 = 001.10101

ap_fixed<5,3,AP_RND_CONV> rconv3 = p3; // rconv3 = 1.75 (001.11) => round


• Always round the value towards minus infinity.

ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_TRN, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = 1.25; // Yields: 1.0
ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_TRN, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = -1.25; // Yields: -1.5


Round the value to:

• For positive values, the rounding is the same as mode AP_TRN.

• For negative values, round towards zero.
ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_TRN_ZERO, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = 1.25; // Yields: 1.0
ap_fixed<3, 2, AP_TRN_ZERO, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = -1.25; // Yields: -1.0

Overflow Modes
Saturation AP_SAT
Saturation to zero AP_SAT_ZERO

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Symmetrical saturation AP_SAT_SYM

Wrap-around AP_WRAP
Sign magnitude wrap-around AP_WRAP_SM


Saturate the value.

• To the maximum value in case of overflow.

• To the negative maximum value in case of negative overflow.
ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = 19.0; // Yields: 7.0
ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: -8.0
ap_ufixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = 19.0; // Yields: 15.0
ap_ufixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: 0.0


Force the value to zero in case of overflow, or negative overflow.

ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT_ZERO> UAPFixed4 = 19.0; // Yields: 0.0

ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT_ZERO> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: 0.0
ap_ufixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT_ZERO> UAPFixed4 = 19.0; // Yields: 0.0
ap_ufixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT_ZERO> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: 0.0


Saturate the value:

• To the maximum value in case of overflow.

• To the minimum value in case of negative overflow.
○ Negative maximum for signed ap_fixed types

○ Zero for unsigned ap_ufixed types

ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT_SYM> UAPFixed4 = 19.0; // Yields: 7.0

ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT_SYM> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: -7.0
ap_ufixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT_SYM> UAPFixed4 = 19.0; // Yields: 15.0
ap_ufixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_SAT_SYM> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: 0.0


Wrap the value around in case of overflow.

ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> UAPFixed4 = 31.0; // Yields: -1.0

ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: -3.0
ap_ufixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> UAPFixed4 = 19.0; // Yields: 3.0
ap_ufixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: 13.0

If the value of N is set to zero (the default overflow mode):

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• All MSB bits outside the range are deleted.

• For unsigned numbers. After the maximum it wraps around to zero.
• For signed numbers. After the maximum, it wraps to the minimum values.

If N>0:

• When N > 0, N MSB bits are saturated or set to 1.

• The sign bit is retained, so positive numbers remain positive and negative numbers remain
• The bits that are not saturated are copied starting from the LSB side.


The value should be sign-magnitude wrapped around.

ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_WRAP_SM> UAPFixed4 = 19.0; // Yields: -4.0

ap_fixed<4, 4, AP_RND, AP_WRAP_SM> UAPFixed4 = -19.0; // Yields: 2.0

If the value of N is set to zero (the default overflow mode):

• This mode uses sign magnitude wrapping.

• Sign bit set to the value of the least significant deleted bit.
• If the most significant remaining bit is different from the original MSB, all the remaining bits
are inverted.
• If MSBs are same, the other bits are copied over.
1. Delete redundant MSBs.
2. The new sign bit is the least significant bit of the deleted bits. 0 in this case.
3. Compare the new sign bit with the sign of the new value.
• If different, invert all the numbers. They are different in this case.

If N>0:

• Uses sign magnitude saturation

• N MSBs are saturated to 1.
• Behaves similar to a case in which N = 0, except that positive numbers stay positive and
negative numbers stay negative.

Compiling ap_[u]fixed<> Types

To use the ap_[u]fixed<> classes, you must include the ap_fixed.h header file in all
source files that reference ap_[u]fixed<> variables.

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When compiling software models that use these classes, it may be necessary to specify the
location of the Vitis HLS header files, for example by adding the “-I/<HLS_HOME>/include”
option for g++ compilation.

Declaring and Defining ap_[u]fixed<> Variables

There are separate signed and unsigned classes:

• ap_fixed<W,I> (signed)
• ap_ufixed<W,I> (unsigned)

You can create user-defined types with the C/C++ typedef statement:

#include "ap_fixed.h" // use ap_[u]fixed<> types

typedef ap_ufixed<128,32> uint128_t; // 128-bit user defined type,

// 32 integer bits

Initialization and Assignment from Constants (Literals)

You can initialize ap_[u]fixed variable with normal floating point constants of the usual C/C+
+ width:

• 32 bits for type float

• 64 bits for type double

That is, typically, a floating point value that is single precision type or in the form of double
precision. Note that the value assigned to the fixed-point variable will be limited by the precision
of the constant.

#include <ap_fixed.h>

ap_ufixed<30, 15> my15BitInt = 3.1415;

ap_fixed<42, 23> my42BitInt = -1158.987;
ap_ufixed<99, 40> = 287432.0382911;
ap_fixed<36,30> = -0x123.456p-1;

You can also use string initialization to ensure that all bits of the fixed-point variable are
populated according to the precision described by the string.

ap_ufixed<2, 0> x = "0b0.01"; // 0.25 in “dot” format

ap_ufixed<2, 0> y = "0b01p-2"; // 0.25 in binary “scientific”
ap_ufixed<2, 0> z = "0x4p-4"; // 0.25 in hex “scientific” format
ap_ufixed<62, 2> my_pi =
“0b11.001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000010001101"; // pi
with 60 fractional bits

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The ap_[u]fixed types do not support initialization if they are used in an array of
std::complex types.

typedef ap_fixed<DIN_W, 1, AP_TRN, AP_SAT> coeff_t; // MUST have IW >= 1

std::complex<coeff_t> twid_rom[REAL_SZ/2] = {{ 1, -0 },{ 0.9,-0.006 }, etc.}

The initialization values must first be cast to std::complex:

typedef ap_fixed<DIN_W, 1, AP_TRN, AP_SAT> coeff_t; // MUST have IW >= 1

std::complex<coeff_t> twid_rom[REAL_SZ/2] = {std::complex<coeff_t>( 1,
-0 ),
std::complex<coeff_t>(0.9,-0.006 ),etc.}

Support for Console I/O (Printing)

As with initialization and assignment to ap_[u]fixed<> variables, Vitis HLS supports printing
values that require more than 64 bits to represent.

The easiest way to output any value stored in an ap_[u]fixed variable is to use the C++
standard output stream, std::cout (#include <iostream> or <iostream.h>). The
stream insertion operator, “<<“, is overloaded to correctly output the full range of values possible
for any given ap_[u]fixed variable. The following stream manipulators are also supported,
allowing formatting of the value as shown.

• dec (decimal)
• hex (hexadecimal)
• oct (octal)
#include <iostream.h>
// Alternative: #include <iostream>

ap_fixed<6,3, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> Val = 3.25;

cout << Val << endl; // Yields: 3.25

Using the Standard C Library

You can also use the standard C library (#include <stdio.h>) to print out values larger than

1. Convert the value to a C++ std::string using the ap_[u]fixed classes method
2. Convert the result to a null-terminated C character string using the std::string class
method c_str().

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Optional Argument One (Specifying the Radix)

You can pass the ap[u]int::to_string() method an optional argument specifying the radix
of the numerical format desired. The valid radix argument values are:

• 2 (binary)
• 8 (octal
• 10 (decimal)
• 16 (hexadecimal) (default)

Optional Argument Two (Printing as Signed Values)

A second optional argument to ap_[u]int::to_string() specifies whether to print the

non-decimal formats as signed values. This argument is boolean. The default value is false,
causing the non-decimal formats to be printed as unsigned values.

ap_fixed<6,3, AP_RND, AP_WRAP> Val = 3.25;

printf("%s \n", in2.to_string().c_str()); // Yields: 0b011.010

printf("%s \n", in2.to_string(10).c_str()); //Yields: 3.25

The ap_[u]fixed types are supported by the following C++ manipulator functions:

• setprecision
• setw
• setfill

The setprecision manipulator sets the decimal precision to be used. It takes one parameter f as
the value of decimal precision, where n specifies the maximum number of meaningful digits to
display in total (counting both those before and those after the decimal point).

The default value of f is 6, which is consistent with native C float type.

ap_fixed<64, 32> f =3.14159;

cout << setprecision (5) << f << endl;
cout << setprecision (9) << f << endl;
f = 123456;
cout << setprecision (5) << f << endl;

The example above displays the following results where the printed results are rounded when the
actual precision exceeds the specified precision:


The setw manipulator:

• Sets the number of characters to be used for the field width.

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• Takes one parameter w as the value of the width

○ w determines the minimum number of characters to be written in some output

If the standard width of the representation is shorter than the field width, the representation is
padded with fill characters. Fill characters are controlled by the setfill manipulator which takes
one parameter f as the padding character.

For example, given:

ap_fixed<65,32> aa = 123456;
int precision = 5;

The output is:


Expressions Involving ap_[u]fixed<> types

Arbitrary precision fixed-point values can participate in expressions that use any operators
supported by C/C++. After an arbitrary precision fixed-point type or variable is defined, their
usage is the same as for any floating point type or variable in the C/C++ languages.

Observe the following caveats:

• Zero and Sign Extensions

All values of smaller bit-width are zero or sign-extended depending on the sign of the source
value. You may need to insert casts to obtain alternative signs when assigning smaller bit-
widths to larger.
• Truncations
Truncation occurs when you assign an arbitrary precision fixed-point of larger bit-width than
the destination variable.

Class Methods, Operators, and Data Members

In general, any valid operation that can be done on a native C/C++ integer data type is supported
(using operator overloading) for ap_[u]fixed types. In addition to these overloaded operators,
some class specific operators and methods are included to ease bit-level operations.

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Binary Arithmetic Operators


ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator + (ap_[u]fixed op)

Adds an arbitrary precision fixed-point with a given operand op.

The operands can be any of the following integer types:

• ap_[u]fixed
• ap_[u]int
• C/C++

The result type ap_[u]fixed::RType depends on the type information of the two operands.

ap_fixed<76, 63> Result;

ap_fixed<5, 2> Val1 = 1.125;

ap_fixed<75, 62> Val2 = 6721.35595703125;

Result = Val1 + Val2; //Yields 6722.480957

Because Val2 has the larger bit-width on both integer part and fraction part, the result type has
the same bit-width and plus one to be able to store all possible result values.

Specifying the data's width controls resources by using the power functions, as shown below. In
similar cases, AMD recommends specifying the width of the stored result instead of specifying
the width of fixed point operations.

ap_ufixed<16,6> x=5;


ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator - (ap_[u]fixed op)

Subtracts an arbitrary precision fixed-point with a given operand op.

The result type ap_[u]fixed::RType depends on the type information of the two operands.

ap_fixed<76, 63> Result;

ap_fixed<5, 2> Val1 = 1625.153;

ap_fixed<75, 62> Val2 = 6721.355992351;

Result = Val2 - Val1; // Yields 6720.23057

Because Val2 has the larger bit-width on both integer part and fraction part, the result type has
the same bit-width and plus one to be able to store all possible result values.

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ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator * (ap_[u]fixed op)

Multiplies an arbitrary precision fixed-point with a given operand op.

ap_fixed<80, 64> Result;

ap_fixed<5, 2> Val1 = 1625.153;

ap_fixed<75, 62> Val2 = 6721.355992351;

Result = Val1 * Val2; // Yields 7561.525452

This shows the multiplication of Val1 and Val2. The result type is the sum of their integer part
bit-width and their fraction part bit width.


ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator / (ap_[u]fixed op)

Divides an arbitrary precision fixed-point by a given operand op.

ap_fixed<84, 66> Result;

ap_fixed<5, 2> Val1 = 1625.153;

ap_fixed<75, 62> Val2 = 6721.355992351;

Val2 / Val1; // Yields 5974.538628

This shows the division of Val2 and Val1. To preserve enough precision:

• The integer bit-width of the result type is sum of the integer bit-width of Val2 and the
fraction bit-width of Val1.
• The fraction bit-width of the result type is equal to the fraction bit-width of Val2.

Bitwise Logical Operators

Bitwise OR

ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator | (ap_[u]fixed op)

Applies a bitwise operation on an arbitrary precision fixed-point and a given operand op.

ap_fixed<75, 62> Result;

ap_fixed<5, 2> Val1 = 1625.153;

ap_fixed<75, 62> Val2 = 6721.355992351;

Result = Val1 | Val2; // Yields 6271.480957

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Bitwise AND

ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator & (ap_[u]fixed op)

Applies a bitwise operation on an arbitrary precision fixed-point and a given operand op.

ap_fixed<75, 62> Result;

ap_fixed<5, 2> Val1 = 1625.153;

ap_fixed<75, 62> Val2 = 6721.355992351;

Result = Val1 & Val2; // Yields 1.00000

Bitwise XOR

ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator ^ (ap_[u]fixed op)

Applies an xor bitwise operation on an arbitrary precision fixed-point and a given operand op.

ap_fixed<75, 62> Result;

ap_fixed<5, 2> Val1 = 1625.153;

ap_fixed<75, 62> Val2 = 6721.355992351;

Result = Val1 ^ Val2; // Yields 6720.480957

Increment and Decrement Operators


ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator ++ ()

This operator function prefix increases an arbitrary precision fixed-point variable by 1.

ap_fixed<25, 8> Result;

ap_fixed<8, 5> Val1 = 5.125;

Result = ++Val1; // Yields 6.125000


ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator ++ (int)

This operator function postfix:

• Increases an arbitrary precision fixed-point variable by 1.

• Returns the original val of this arbitrary precision fixed-point.
ap_fixed<25, 8> Result;
ap_fixed<8, 5> Val1 = 5.125;

Result = Val1++; // Yields 5.125000

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ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator -- ()

This operator function prefix decreases this arbitrary precision fixed-point variable by 1.

ap_fixed<25, 8> Result;

ap_fixed<8, 5> Val1 = 5.125;

Result = --Val1; // Yields 4.125000


ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator -- (int)

This operator function postfix:

• Decreases this arbitrary precision fixed-point variable by 1.

• Returns the original val of this arbitrary precision fixed-point.
ap_fixed<25, 8> Result;
ap_fixed<8, 5> Val1 = 5.125;

Result = Val1--; // Yields 5.125000

Unary Operators


ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator + ()

Returns a self copy of an arbitrary precision fixed-point variable.

ap_fixed<25, 8> Result;

ap_fixed<8, 5> Val1 = 5.125;

Result = +Val1; // Yields 5.125000


ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator - ()

Returns a negative value of an arbitrary precision fixed-point variable.

ap_fixed<25, 8> Result;

ap_fixed<8, 5> Val1 = 5.125;

Result = -Val1; // Yields -5.125000

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Equality Zero

bool ap_[u]fixed::operator ! ()

This operator function:

• Compares an arbitrary precision fixed-point variable with 0,

• Returns the result.
bool Result;
ap_fixed<8, 5> Val1 = 5.125;

Result = !Val1; // Yields false

Bitwise Inverse

ap_[u]fixed::RType ap_[u]fixed::operator ~ ()

Returns a bitwise complement of an arbitrary precision fixed-point variable.

ap_fixed<25, 15> Result;

ap_fixed<8, 5> Val1 = 5.125;

Result = ~Val1; // Yields -5.25

Shift Operators

Unsigned Shift Left

ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator << (ap_uint<_W2> op)

This operator function:

• Shifts left by a given integer operand.

• Returns the result.

The operand can be a C/C++ integer type:

• char
• short
• int
• long

The return type of the shift left operation is the same width as the type being shifted.

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Note: Shift does not support overflow or quantization modes.

ap_fixed<25, 15> Result;

ap_fixed<8, 5> Val = 5.375;
ap_uint<4> sh = 2;

Result = Val << sh; // Yields -10.5

The bit-width of the result is (W = 25, I = 15). Because the shift left operation result type is
same as the type of Val:

• The high order two bits of Val are shifted out.

• The result is -10.5.

If a result of 21.5 is required, Val must be cast to ap_fixed<10, 7> first -- for example,
ap_ufixed<10, 7>(Val).

Signed Shift Left

ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator << (ap_int<_W2> op)

This operator:

• Shifts left by a given integer operand.

• Returns the result.

The shift direction depends on whether the operand is positive or negative.

• If the operand is positive, a shift right is performed.

• If the operand is negative, a shift left (opposite direction) is performed.

The operand can be a C/C++ integer type:

• char
• short
• int
• long

The return type of the shift right operation is the same width as the type being shifted.

ap_fixed<25, 15, false> Result;

ap_uint<8, 5> Val = 5.375;

ap_int<4> Sh = 2;
Result = Val << sh; // Shift left, yields -10.25

Sh = -2;
Result = Val << sh; // Shift right, yields 1.25

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Unsigned Shift Right

ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator >> (ap_uint<_W2> op)

This operator function:

• Shifts right by a given integer operand.

• Returns the result.

The operand can be a C/C++ integer type:

• char
• short
• int
• long

The return type of the shift right operation is the same width as the type being shifted.

ap_fixed<25, 15> Result;

ap_fixed<8, 5> Val = 5.375;

ap_uint<4> sh = 2;

Result = Val >> sh; // Yields 1.25

If it is necessary to preserve all significant bits, extend fraction part bit-width of the Val first, for
example ap_fixed<10, 5>(Val).

Signed Shift Right

ap_[u]fixed ap_[u]fixed::operator >> (ap_int<_W2> op)

This operator:

• Shifts right by a given integer operand.

• Returns the result.

The shift direction depends on whether operand is positive or negative.

• If the operand is positive, a shift right performed.

• If operand is negative, a shift left (opposite direction) is performed.

The operand can be a C/C++ integer type (char, short, int, or long).

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The return type of the shift right operation is the same width as type being shifted. For example:

ap_fixed<25, 15, false> Result;

ap_uint<8, 5> Val = 5.375;

ap_int<4> Sh = 2;
Result = Val >> sh; // Shift right, yields 1.25

Sh = -2;
Result = Val >> sh; // Shift left, yields -10.5


Relational Operators


bool ap_[u]fixed::operator == (ap_[u]fixed op)

This operator compares the arbitrary precision fixed-point variable with a given operand.

Returns true if they are equal and false if they are not equal.

The type of operand op can be ap_[u]fixed, ap_int or C/C++ integer types. For example:

bool Result;

ap_ufixed<8, 5> Val1 = 1.25;

ap_fixed<9, 4> Val2 = 17.25;
ap_fixed<10, 5> Val3 = 3.25;

Result = Val1 == Val2; // Yields true

Result = Val1 == Val3; // Yields false


bool ap_[u]fixed::operator != (ap_[u]fixed op)

This operator compares this arbitrary precision fixed-point variable with a given operand.

Returns true if they are not equal and false if they are equal.

The type of operand op can be:

• ap_[u]fixed
• ap_int
• C or C++ integer types

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For example:

bool Result;

ap_ufixed<8, 5> Val1 = 1.25;

ap_fixed<9, 4> Val2 = 17.25;
ap_fixed<10, 5> Val3 = 3.25;

Result = Val1 != Val2; // Yields false

Result = Val1 != Val3; // Yields true

Greater than or equal to

bool ap_[u]fixed::operator >= (ap_[u]fixed op)

This operator compares a variable with a given operand.

Returns true if they are equal or if the variable is greater than the operator and false

The type of operand op can be ap_[u]fixed, ap_int or C/C++ integer types.

For example:

bool Result;

ap_ufixed<8, 5> Val1 = 1.25;

ap_fixed<9, 4> Val2 = 17.25;
ap_fixed<10, 5> Val3 = 3.25;

Result = Val1 >= Val2; // Yields true

Result = Val1 >= Val3; // Yields false

Less than or equal to

bool ap_[u]fixed::operator <= (ap_[u]fixed op)

This operator compares a variable with a given operand, and return true if it is equal to or less
than the operand and false if not.

The type of operand op can be ap_[u]fixed, ap_int or C/C++ integer types.

For example:

bool Result;

ap_ufixed<8, 5> Val1 = 1.25;

ap_fixed<9, 4> Val2 = 17.25;
ap_fixed<10, 5> Val3 = 3.25;

Result = Val1 <= Val2; // Yields true

Result = Val1 <= Val3; // Yields true

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Greater than

bool ap_[u]fixed::operator > (ap_[u]fixed op)

This operator compares a variable with a given operand, and return true if it is greater than the
operand and false if not.

The type of operand op can be ap_[u]fixed, ap_int, or C/C++ integer types.

For example:

bool Result;

ap_ufixed<8, 5> Val1 = 1.25;

ap_fixed<9, 4> Val2 = 17.25;
ap_fixed<10, 5> Val3 = 3.25;

Result = Val1 > Val2; // Yields false

Result = Val1 > Val3; // Yields false

Less than

bool ap_[u]fixed::operator < (ap_[u]fixed op)

This operator compares a variable with a given operand, and return true if it is less than the
operand and false if not.

The type of operand op can be ap_[u]fixed, ap_int, or C/C++ integer types. For example:

bool Result;

ap_ufixed<8, 5> Val1 = 1.25;

ap_fixed<9, 4> Val2 = 17.25;
ap_fixed<10, 5> Val3 = 3.25;

Result = Val1 < Val2; // Yields false

Result = Val1 < Val3; // Yields true

Bit Operator

Bit-Select and Set

af_bit_ref ap_[u]fixed::operator [] (int bit)

This operator selects one bit from an arbitrary precision fixed-point value and returns it.

The returned value is a reference value that can set or clear the corresponding bit in the
ap_[u]fixed variable. The bit argument must be an integer value and it specifies the index of
the bit to select. The least significant bit has index 0. The highest permissible index is one less
than the bit-width of this ap_[u]fixed variable.

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The result type is af_bit_ref with a value of either 0 or 1. For example:

ap_int<8, 5> Value = 1.375;

Value[3]; // Yields 1
Value[4]; // Yields 0

Value[2] = 1; // Yields 1.875

Value[3] = 0; // Yields 0.875

Bit Range

af_range_ref af_(u)fixed::range (unsigned Hi, unsigned Lo)

af_range_ref af_(u)fixed::operator [] (unsigned Hi, unsigned Lo)

This operation is similar to bit-select operator [] except that it operates on a range of bits instead
of a single bit.

It selects a group of bits from the arbitrary precision fixed-point variable. The Hi argument
provides the upper range of bits to be selected. The Lo argument provides the lowest bit to be
selected. If Lo is larger than Hi the bits selected are returned in the reverse order.

The return type af_range_ref represents a reference in the range of the ap_[u]fixed
variable specified by Hi and Lo. For example:

ap_uint<4> Result = 0;
ap_ufixed<4, 2> Value = 1.25;
ap_uint<8> Repl = 0xAA;

Result = Value.range(3, 0); // Yields: 0x5

Value(3, 0) = Repl(3, 0); // Yields: -1.5

// when Lo > Hi, return the reverse bits string

Result = Value.range(0, 3); // Yields: 0xA

Range Select

af_range_ref af_(u)fixed::range ()
af_range_ref af_(u)fixed::operator []

This operation is the special case of the range select operator []. It selects all bits from this
arbitrary precision fixed-point value in the normal order.

The return type af_range_ref represents a reference to the range specified by Hi = W - 1 and
Lo = 0. For example:

ap_uint<4> Result = 0;

ap_ufixed<4, 2> Value = 1.25;

ap_uint<8> Repl = 0xAA;

Result = Value.range(); // Yields: 0x5

Value() = Repl(3, 0); // Yields: -1.5

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int ap_[u]fixed::length ()

This function returns an integer value that provides the number of bits in an arbitrary precision
fixed-point value. It can be used with a type or a value. For example:

ap_ufixed<128, 64> My128APFixed;

int bitwidth = My128APFixed.length(); // Yields 128

Explicit Conversion Methods

Fixed to Double

double ap_[u]fixed::to_double ()

This member function returns this fixed-point value in form of IEEE double precision format. For

ap_ufixed<256, 77> MyAPFixed = 333.789;

double Result;

Result = MyAPFixed.to_double(); // Yields 333.789

Fixed to Float

float ap_[u]fixed::to_float()

This member function returns this fixed-point value in form of IEEE float precision format. For

ap_ufixed<256, 77> MyAPFixed = 333.789;

float Result;

Result = MyAPFixed.to_float(); // Yields 333.789

Fixed to Half-Precision Floating Point

half ap_[u]fixed::to_half()

This member function return this fixed-point value in form of HLS half-precision (16-bit) float
precision format. For example:

ap_ufixed<256, 77> MyAPFixed = 333.789;

half Result;

Result = MyAPFixed.to_half(); // Yields 333.789

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Fixed to ap_int

ap_int ap_[u]fixed::to_ap_int ()

This member function explicitly converts this fixed-point value to ap_int that captures all
integer bits (fraction bits are truncated). For example:

ap_ufixed<256, 77> MyAPFixed = 333.789;

ap_uint<77> Result;

Result = MyAPFixed.to_ap_int(); //Yields 333

Fixed to Integer

int ap_[u]fixed::to_int ()
unsigned ap_[u]fixed::to_uint ()
ap_slong ap_[u]fixed::to_int64 ()
ap_ulong ap_[u]fixed::to_uint64 ()

This member function explicitly converts this fixed-point value to C built-in integer types. For

ap_ufixed<256, 77> MyAPFixed = 333.789;

unsigned int Result;

Result = MyAPFixed.to_uint(); //Yields 333

unsigned long long Result;

Result = MyAPFixed.to_uint64(); //Yields 333

RECOMMENDED: AMD recommends that you explicitly call member functions instead of using C-style
cast to convert ap_[u]fixed to other data types.

Compile Time Access to Data Type Attributes

The ap_[u]fixed<> types are provided with several static members that allow the size and
configuration of data types to be determined at compile time. The data type is provided with the
static const members: width, iwidth, qmode and omode:

static const int width = _AP_W;

static const int iwidth = _AP_I;
static const ap_q_mode qmode = _AP_Q;
static const ap_o_mode omode = _AP_O;

You can use these data members to extract the following information from any existing
ap_[u]fixed<> data type:

• width: The width of the data type.

• iwidth: The width of the integer part of the data type.

• qmode: The quantization mode of the data type.

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• omode: The overflow mode of the data type.

For example, you can use these data members to extract the data width of an existing
ap_[u]fixed<> data type to create another ap_[u]fixed<> data type at compile time.

The following example shows how the size of variable Res is automatically defined as 1-bit
greater than variables Val1 and Val2 with the same quantization modes:

// Definition of basic data type

#define IN_INTG_WIDTH 6
// Definition of variables
data_t Val1, Val2;
// Res is automatically sized at run-time to be 1-bit greater than
// The bit growth in Res will be in the integer bits
ap_int<data_t::width+1, data_t::iwidth+1, data_t::qmode, data_t::omode> Res
= Val1 +

This ensures that Vitis HLS correctly models the bit-growth caused by the addition even if you
update the value of INPUT_DATA_WIDTH, IN_INTG_WIDTH, or the quantization modes for

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Chapter 21: HLS Print Function

Chapter 21

HLS Print Function

The hls::print function is similar to printf in C, because it prints a format string and a
single optional int or double argument to standard output, and to the simulation log in C
simulation, RTL co-simulation and HW emulation.

However, it is limited to printing at most one argument, with a restricted set of datatypes, as
mentioned below. It can also change the initiation interval and latency of a pipeline, so it must
used very sparingly.

The hls::print function can be used to:

• Trace the values of selected variables

• Trace the order in which code blocks are executed across complex control and concurrent
execution (for example in dataflow)

TIP: It cannot be used to trace the order in which individual statements are scheduled within a basic
block of code, because the scheduler can significantly change that order.

When used in this simple example:

#include "hls_print.h"
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
#pragma HLS pipeline ii=1
hls::print("loop %d\n", i);

It prints the value of "i" at each iteration of the loop in both C simulation, SW emulation, RTL co-
simulation, and HW emulation (it is currently ignored when the target is a HW implementation).

Note the following:

• hls::print is supported only in Verilog RTL.

• The only supported format specifiers are:
○ %d for integer or unsigned

○ %f for float or double

• Values of type long and long long, and the unsigned variants, must be cast to int or
uint (due to the argument promotion rules of C++).

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• By adding an "observation" point, insertion of hls::print can alter the optimizations

performed by HLS. Thus it can change the behavior of the RTL (just like a printf in SW can
alter the behavior of the binary, but much more dramatically due to the nature of HLS).
• Only a single int or double value can be passed, to minimize the above mentioned impact.
• The order of execution of different hls::print functions within a code block can change
due to optimizations and scheduling.
• In RTL the current simulation time is printed out as well, to ease debugging.
• The amount of data that it produces can be significant, thus it should not be used to dump
large arrays.

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Chapter 22: HLS Math Library

Chapter 22

HLS Math Library

The AMD Vitis™ HLS Math Library (hls_math.h) provides coverage of math functions from C+
+ (cmath) libraries, and can be used in both C simulation and synthesis. It offers floating-point
(single-precision, double-precision, and half-precision) for all functions and fixed-point support
for the majority of the functions. The functions in hls_math.h is grouped in hls namespace,
and can be used as in-place replacement of function of std namespace from the standard C++
math library (cmath).

IMPORTANT! Using hls_math.h header in C code is not supported.

HLS Math Library Accuracy

The HLS math functions are implemented as synthesizable bit-approximate functions from the
hls_math.h library. Bit-approximate HLS math library functions do not provide the same
accuracy as the standard C function. To achieve the desired result, the bit-approximate
implementation might use a different underlying algorithm than the standard C math library
version. The accuracy of the function is specified in terms of ULP (Unit of Least Precision). This
difference in accuracy has implications for both C simulation and C/RTL co-simulation.

The ULP difference is typically in the range of 1-4 ULP.

• If the standard C math library is used in the C source code, there may be a difference between
the C simulation and the C/RTL co-simulation due to the fact that some functions exhibit a
ULP difference from the standard C math library.
• If the HLS math library is used in the C source code, there will be no difference between the C
simulation and the C/RTL co-simulation. A C simulation using the HLS math library, may
however differ from a C simulation using the standard C math library.

In addition, the following seven functions might show some differences, depending on the C
standard used to compile and run the C simulation:

• copysign
• fpclassify
• isinf

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• isfinite
• isnan
• isnormal
• signbit

C90 mode

Only isinf, isnan, and copysign are usually provided by the system header files, and they
operate on doubles. In particular, copysign always returns a double result. This might result in
unexpected results after synthesis if it must be returned to a float, because a double-to-float
conversion block is introduced into the hardware.

C99 mode (-std=c99)

All seven functions are usually provided under the expectation that the system header files will
redirect them to __isnan(double) and __isnan(float). The usual GCC header files do not
redirect isnormal, but implement it in terms of fpclassify.

C++ Using math.h

All seven are provided by the system header files, and they operate on doubles.

copysign always returns a double result. This might cause unexpected results after synthesis if
it must be returned to a float, because a double-to-float conversion block is introduced into the

C++ Using cmath

Similar to C99 mode(-std=c99), except that:

• The system header files are usually different.

• The functions are properly overloaded for:
○ float(). snan(double)

○ isinf(double)

copysign and copysignf are handled as built-ins even when using namespace std;.

C++ Using cmath and namespace std

No issues. AMD recommends using the following for best results:

• -std=c99 for C
• -fno-builtin for C and C++

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Note: To specify the C compile options, such as -std=c99, use the Tcl command add_files with the -
cflags option. Alternatively, use the Edit CFLAGs button in the Project Settings dialog box.

HLS Math Library

The following functions are provided in the HLS math library. Each function supports half-
precision (type half), single-precision (type float) and double precision (type double).

IMPORTANT! For each function func listed below, there is also an associated half-precision only
function named half_func and single-precision only function named funcf provided in the library.

When mixing half-precision, single-precision and double-precision data types, check for common
synthesis errors to prevent introducing type-conversion hardware in the final FPGA

Trigonometric Functions

acos acospi asin asinpi

atan atan2 atan2pi cos
cospi sin sincos sinpi
tan tanpi

Hyperbolic Functions

acosh asinh atanh cosh

sinh tanh

Exponential Functions

exp exp10 exp2 expm1

frexp ldexp modf

Logarithmic Functions

ilogb log log10 log1p

Power Functions

cbrt hypot pow rsqrt


Error Functions

erf erfc

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Rounding Functions

ceil floor llrint llround

lrint lround nearbyint rint
round trunc

Remainder Functions

fmod remainder remquo


copysign nan nextafter nexttoward

Difference Functions

fdim fmax fmin maxmag


IMPORTANT! Vitis HLS does not support Technical Specification 18661-1 sNaN handling in fmin /
fmax yet, This can lead to result differences when compared with glibc 2.25 and later results.

Other Functions

abs divide fabs fma

fract mad recip

Classification Functions

fpclassify isfinite isinf isnan

isnormal signbit

Comparison Functions

isgreater isgreaterequal isless islessequal

islessgreater isunordered

Relational Functions

all any bitselect isequal

isnotequal isordered select

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Fixed-Point Math Functions

Fixed-point implementations are also provided for the following math functions.

All fixed-point math functions support ap_[u]fixed and ap_[u]int data types with the
following bit-width specification,

1. ap_fixed<W,I> where I<=33 and W-I<=32

2. ap_ufixed<W,I> where I<=32 and W-I<=32
3. ap_int<I> where I<=33
4. ap_uint<I> where I<=32

IMPORTANT! Fixed-point math functions from the hls_math library do not support the
ap_[u]fixed template parameters Q,O, and N, for quantization mode, overflow mode, and the number
of saturation bits, respectively. The quantization and overflow modes are only effective when an
ap_[u]fixed variable is on the left hand of assignment or being initialized, but not during the

Trigonometric Functions

cos sin tan acos asin atan atan2 sincos

cospi sinpi

Hyperbolic Functions

cosh sinh tanh acosh asinh atanh

Exponential Functions

exp frexp modf exp2 expm1

Logarithmic Functions

log log10 ilogb log1p

Power Functions

pow sqrt rsqrt cbrt hypot

Error Functions

erf erfc

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Rounding Functions

ceil floor trunc round rint nearbyint

Floating Point

nextafter nexttoward

Difference Functions

erf erfc fdim fmax fmin maxmag minmag

Other Functions

fabs recip abs fract divide

Classification Functions


Comparison Functions

isgreater isgreaterequal isless islessequal islessgreater

Relational Functions

isequal isnotequal any all bitselect

The fixed-point type provides a slightly-less accurate version of the function value, but a smaller
and faster RTL implementation.

The methodology for implementing a math function with a fixed-point data types is:

1. Determine if a fixed-point implementation is supported.

2. Update the math functions to use ap_fixed types.
3. Perform C simulation to validate the design still operates with the required precision. The C
simulation is performed using the same bit-accurate types as the RTL implementation.
4. Synthesize the design.

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For example, a fixed-point implementation of the function sin is specified by using fixed-point
types with the math function as follows:

#include "hls_math.h"
#include "ap_fixed.h"

ap_fixed<26,6> my_input, my_output;

my_input = 24.675;
my_output = sin(my_input);

Verification and Math Functions

If the standard C math library is used in the C source code, the C simulation results and the
C/RTL co-simulation results may be different: if any of the math functions in the source code
have an ULP difference from the standard C math library it may result in differences when the
RTL is simulated.

If the hls_math.h library is used in the C source code, the C simulation and C/RTL co-
simulation results are identical. However, the results of C simulation using hls_math.h are not
the same as those using the standard C libraries. The hls_math.h library simply ensures the C
simulation matches the C/RTL co-simulation results. In both cases, the same RTL implementation
is created. The following explains each of the possible options which are used to perform
verification when using math functions.

Verification Option 1: Standard Math Library and

Verify Differences
In this option, the standard C math libraries are used in the source code. If any of the functions
synthesized do have exact accuracy the C/RTL co-simulation is different than the C simulation.
The following example highlights this approach.

#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

typedef float data_t;

data_t cpp_math(data_t angle) {

data_t s = sinf(angle);
data_t c = cosf(angle);
return sqrtf(s*s+c*c);

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In this case, the results between C simulation and C/RTL co-simulation are different. Keep in
mind when comparing the outputs of simulation, any results written from the test bench are
written to the working directory where the simulation executes:

• C simulation: Folder <project>/<solution>/csim/build

• C/RTL co-simulation: Folder <project>/<solution>/sim/<RTL>

where <project> is the project folder, <solution> is the name of the solution folder and
<RTL> is the type of RTL verified (Verilog or VHDL). The following figure shows a typical
comparison of the pre-synthesis results file on the left-hand side and the post-synthesis RTL
results file on the right-hand side. The output is shown in the third column.

Figure 138: Pre-Synthesis and Post-Synthesis Simulation Differences

The results of pre-synthesis simulation and post-synthesis simulation differ by fractional

amounts. You must decide whether these fractional amounts are acceptable in the final RTL

The recommended flow for handling these differences is using a test bench that checks the
results to ensure that they lie within an acceptable error range. This can be accomplished by
creating two versions of the same function, one for synthesis and one as a reference version. In
this example, only function cpp_math is synthesized.

#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

typedef float data_t;

data_t cpp_math(data_t angle) {

data_t s = sinf(angle);
data_t c = cosf(angle);

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return sqrtf(s*s+c*c);

data_t cpp_math_sw(data_t angle) {

data_t s = sinf(angle);
data_t c = cosf(angle);
return sqrtf(s*s+c*c);

The test bench to verify the design compares the outputs of both functions to determine the
difference, using variable diff in the following example. During C simulation both functions
produce identical outputs. During C/RTL co-simulation function cpp_math produces different
results and the difference in results are checked.

int main() {
data_t angle = 0.01;
data_t output, exp_output, diff;
int retval=0;

for (data_t i = 0; i <= 250; i++) {

output = cpp_math(angle);
exp_output = cpp_math_sw(angle);
// Check for differences
diff = ( (exp_output > output) ? exp_output - output : output -
if (diff > 0.0000005) {
printf("Difference %.10f exceeds tolerance at angle %.10f \n", diff,

angle = angle + .1;


if (retval != 0) {
printf("Test failed !!!\n");
} else {
printf("Test passed !\n");
// Return 0 if the test passes
return retval;

If the margin of difference is lowered to 0.00000005, this test bench highlights the margin of
error during C/RTL co-simulation:

Difference 0.0000000596 at angle 1.1100001335

Difference 0.0000000596 at angle 1.2100001574
Difference 0.0000000596 at angle 1.5100002289
Difference 0.0000000596 at angle 1.6100002527

When using the standard C math libraries (math.h and cmath.h) create a “smart” test bench to
verify any differences in accuracy are acceptable.

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Verification Option 2: HLS Math Library and Validate

An alternative verification option is to convert the source code to use the HLS math library. With
this option, there are no differences between the C simulation and C/RTL co-simulation results.
The following example shows how the code above is modified to use the hls_math.h library.

Note: This option is only available in C++.

• Include the hls_math.h header file.

• Replace the math functions with the equivalent hls:: function.
#include <cmath>
#include "hls_math.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

typedef float data_t;

data_t cpp_math(data_t angle) {

data_t s = hls::sinf(angle);
data_t c = hls::cosf(angle);
return hls::sqrtf(s*s+c*c);

Verification Option 3: HLS Math Library File and

Validate Differences
Including the HLS math library file lib_hlsm.cpp as a design file ensures Vitis HLS uses the
HLS math library for C simulation. This option is identical to option2 however it does not require
the C code to be modified.

The HLS math library file is located in the src directory in the Vitis HLS installation area. Simply
copy the file to your local folder and add the file as a standard design file.

Note: This option is only available in C++.

As with option 2, with this option there is now a difference between the C simulation results
using the HLS math library file and those previously obtained without adding this file. These
difference should be validated with C simulation using a “smart” test bench similar to option 1.

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Common Synthesis Errors

The following are common use errors when synthesizing math functions. These are often (but not
exclusively) caused by converting C functions to C++ to take advantage of synthesis for math

C++ cmath.h

If the C++ cmath.h header file is used, the floating point functions (for example, sinf and
cosf) can be used. These result in 32-bit operations in hardware. The cmath.h header file also
overloads the standard functions (for example, sin and cos) so they can be used for float and
double types.

C math.h

If the C math.h library is used, the single-precision functions (for example, sinf and cosf) are
required to synthesize 32-bit floating point operations. All standard function calls (for example,
sin and cos) result in doubles and 64-bit double-precision operations being synthesized.


When converting C functions to C++ to take advantage of math.h support, be sure that the new
C++ code compiles correctly before synthesizing with Vitis HLS. For example, if sqrtf() is used
in the code with math.h, it requires the following code extern added to the C++ code to support

#include <math.h>
extern “C” float sqrtf(float);

To avoid unnecessary hardware caused by type conversion, follow the warnings on mixing double
and float types discussed in Floats and Doubles.

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Chapter 23: HLS Stream Library

Chapter 23

HLS Stream Library

Streaming data is a type of data transfer in which data samples are sent in sequential order
starting from the first sample. Streaming requires no address management.

Modeling designs that use streaming data can be difficult in C. The approach of using pointers to
perform multiple read and/or write accesses can introduce issues, because there are implications
for the type qualifier and how the test bench is constructed.

IMPORTANT! The hls::stream class is only used in C++ designs.

Vitis HLS provides a C++ template class hls::stream<> for modeling streaming data
structures. The streams implemented with the hls::stream<> class have the following

• In the C code, an hls::stream<> behaves like a FIFO of infinite depth. There is no

requirement to define the size of an hls::stream<>.
• They are read from and written to sequentially. That is, after data is read from an
hls::stream<>, it cannot be read again.
• An hls::stream<> on the top-level interface is by default implemented with an ap_fifo
interface for the AMD Vivado™ IP flow, or as an axis interface for the AMD Vitis™ kernel flow.
• Streams can be defined either locally or globally and are always implemented as internal
FIFOs. Streams defined in the global scope follow the same rules as any other global variables.
• There are two possible stream declarations:
○ hls::stream<Type>: specify the data type for the stream.
An hls::stream<> internal to the design is implemented as a FIFO with a default depth
of 2. The STREAM pragma or directive can be used to change the depth.
○ hls::stream<Type, Depth> : specify the data type for the stream, and the FIFO
Set the depth to prevent stalls. If any task in the design can produce or consume samples at
a greater rate than the specified depth, the FIFOs might become empty (or full) resulting in
stalls, because it is unable to read (or write).

This section shows how the hls::stream<> class can more easily model designs with
streaming data. The topics in this section provide:

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• An overview of modeling with streams and the RTL implementation of streams.

• How to use streams.
• Blocking reads and writes.
• Non-Blocking Reads and writes.
• Controlling the FIFO depth.

Note: The hls::stream class should always be passed between functions as a C++ reference argument.
For example, &my_stream.

C Modeling and RTL Implementation

Streams are modeled as an infinite queue in software (and in the test bench during RTL co-
simulation). There is no need to specify any depth to simulate streams in C++. Streams can be
used inside functions and on the interface to functions. Internal streams may be passed as
function parameters.

Streams can be used only in C++ based designs. Each hls::stream<> object must be written
by a single process and read by a single process.

If an hls::stream is used on the top-level interface in the Vivado IP flow it is implemented in

the RTL as a FIFO interface (ap_fifo) by default, but can be optionally implemented as an
AXI4-Stream interface (axis). In the Vitis kernel flow it is by default implemented as an AXI4-
Stream interface (axis).

If an hls::stream is used inside the design function and synthesized into hardware, it is
implemented as a FIFO with a default depth of 2. In some cases, such as when interpolation is
used, the depth of the FIFO might have to be increased to ensure the FIFO can hold all the
elements produced by the hardware. Failure to ensure the FIFO is large enough to hold all the
data samples generated by the hardware can result in a stall in the design (seen in C/RTL co-
simulation and in the hardware implementation). The depth of the FIFO can be adjusted using
the STREAM directive with the depth option.

IMPORTANT! Ensure hls::stream variables are correctly sized when used in the default non-
DATAFLOW regions.

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If an hls::stream is used to transfer data between tasks (sub-functions or loops), you should
immediately consider implementing the tasks in a DATAFLOW region where data streams from
one task to the next. The default (non-DATAFLOW) behavior is to complete each task before
starting the next task, in which case the FIFOs used to implement the hls::stream variables
must be sized to ensure they are large enough to hold all the data samples generated by the
producer task. Failure to increase the size of the hls::stream variables results in the error

ERROR: [XFORM 203-733] An internal stream xxxx.xxxx.V.user.V' with default

size is
used in a non-dataflow region, which may result in deadlock. Please
consider to
resize the stream using the directive 'set_directive_stream' or the 'HLS

This error informs you that in a non-DATAFLOW region, the default FIFOs depth of 2 may not be
large enough to hold all the data samples written to the FIFO by the producer task, and deadlock
may occur.

Using HLS Streams

To use hls::stream<> objects in your code include the header file hls_stream.h as shown
below. Streaming data objects are defined by specifying the type and variable name. In this
example, a 128-bit unsigned integer type is defined and used to create a stream variable called

#include "ap_int.h"
#include "hls_stream.h"

typedef ap_uint<128> uint128_t; // 128-bit user defined type

hls::stream<uint128_t> my_wide_stream; // A stream declaration

Streams must use scoped naming. AMD recommends using the scoped hls:: naming shown in
the example above. However, if you want to use the hls namespace, you can rewrite the
preceding example as:

#include <ap_int.h>
#include <hls_stream.h>
using namespace hls;

typedef ap_uint<128> uint128_t; // 128-bit user defined type

stream<uint128_t> my_wide_stream; // hls:: no longer required

Given a stream specified as hls::stream<T>, the type T can be:

• Any C++ native data type

• A Vitis HLS arbitrary precision type (for example, ap_int<>, ap_ufixed<>)

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• A user-defined struct containing either of the above types

Note: General user-defined classes (or structures) that contain methods (member functions) should not be
used as the type (T) for a stream variable.

A stream can also be specified as hls::stream<Type, Depth>, where Depth indicates the
depth of the FIFO needed in the verification adapter that the HLS tool creates for RTL co-

Streams can be optionally named. Providing a name for the stream allows the name to be used in
reporting. For example, Vitis HLS automatically checks to ensure all elements from an input
stream are read during simulation. Given the following two streams:

hls::stream<uint8_t> bytestr_in1;
hls::stream<uint8_t> bytestr_in2("input_stream2");

Any warning on elements of the streams are reported as follows, where it is clear that
input_stream2 refers to bytestr_in2:

WARNING: Hls::stream 'hls::stream<unsigned char>.1' contains leftover data,

may result in RTL simulation hanging.
WARNING: Hls::stream 'input_stream2' contains leftover data, which may
result in RTL
simulation hanging.

When streams are passed into and out of functions, they must be passed-by-reference as in the
following example:

void stream_function (
hls::stream<uint8_t> &strm_out,
hls::stream<uint8_t> &strm_in,
uint16_t strm_len

Streaming examples are provided in the Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples repository on GitHub,

under Interface/Streaming. Additional design examples using streams are provided in the
Vitis_Accel_Examples also on GitHub.

Vitis HLS also supports both blocking and non-blocking access methods for hls::stream
objects, as described in the following sections.

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Blocking API
The term blocking means that operation stalls until fresh data is available on the streaming
channels. The blocking API automatically checks if the FIFO is full or empty and performs the
read/write operation on the FIFO. There is no need to manually check for full and empty
conditions of the FIFO. The blocking API is fully deterministic, which means that C-simulation
and RTL/Co-simulation will behave exactly the same way. This blocking API should only be used
in the scenarios described in the following sections. Other uses could lead to non-deterministic

TIP: When used in blocking mode the hls::stream can deadlock due to insufficiently sized data

Blocking Write Methods

In this example, the value of variable src_var is pushed into the stream.

// Usage of void write(const T & wdata)

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int src_var = 42;


The << operator is overloaded such that it can be used in a similar fashion to the stream insertion
operators for C++ stream (for example, iostreams and filestreams). The hls::stream<> object
to be written to is supplied as the left-hand side argument and the value to be written as the
right-hand side.

// Usage of void operator << (T & wdata)

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int src_var = 42;
my_stream << src_var;

Blocking Read Methods

This method reads from the head of the stream and assigns the values to the variable dst_var.

// Usage of void read(T &rdata)

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int dst_var;


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Alternatively, the next object in the stream can be read by assigning (using for example =, +=) the
stream to an object on the left-hand side:

// Usage of T read(void)

hls::stream<int> my_stream;

int dst_var = my_stream.read();

The >> operator is overloaded to allow use similar to the stream extraction operator for C++
stream (for example, iostreams and filestreams). The hls::stream is supplied as the LHS
argument and the destination variable the RHS.

// Usage of void operator >> (T & rdata)

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int dst_var;

my_stream >> dst_var;

Deterministic Behavior
As discussed in Blocking API, the blocking API can have both deterministic and non-deterministic
behavior as shown in the following code example:

while(!s.empty()) {

During C-simulation the data to the stream is always available so the while loop runs through to
completion. However, if the data stream has a single bubble when running in hardware the
while loop will exit, and func1 will return prematurely. This will lead to non-deterministic
behavior between C-simulation and RTL execution.

The proper way to implement this loop is to use the side-channel signal tlast, as shown in the
following example. Refer to AXI4-Stream Interfaces with Side-Channels for more information.

while(!tlast) {

The blocking API can be deterministic when used in one of the following ways.

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• Case 1 - Simple read/write to the FIFO:

int data = in.read();

if (data >= 10)

• Case 2 - FULL and EMPTY check using blocking API:

This case does not perform any computation with side effects, i.e. read or write a stream,
memory, or static variable is still considered to use only blocking stream accesses.

void df(hls::stream<...> &s1, hls::stream<...> &s2, ...) {

#pragma HLS dataflow

p1(s1, ...);
p2(s2, ...);
void p1(hls::stream<...> &s1, ...) {
if (s1.empty())
... = s1.read();
void p2(hls::stream<...> &s2, ...) {
if (s2.full())

Non-Blocking API
IMPORTANT! Non-blocking API is fully supported on interfaces using the ap_fifo protocol. However,
the AXI4-Stream (axis) interface only supports non-blocking read accesses, but not write.

The term non-blocking means that lack of data (or too much data) on the stream does not block
the operation of a function or the iteration of a loop. Non-blocking methods return a Boolean
value indicating the status of a read or write: true if successful, false otherwise. However,
using non-blocking APIs can lead to non-deterministic behavior which cannot be fully validated
during either C-simulation or RTL/Co-simulation, and requires an RTL test bench to test it
exhaustively. Non-deterministic behavior can occur when reading from an empty FIFO or writing
to a full FIFO.

During C simulation, streams have an infinite size. It is therefore not possible to validate with C
simulation if the stream is full. These methods can be verified only during RTL simulation when
the FIFO sizes are defined (either the default size of 1, or an arbitrary size defined with the
STREAM directive).

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IMPORTANT! If the design is specified to use the block-level I/O protocol ap_ctrl_none and the
design contains any hls::stream variables that employ non-blocking behavior, C/RTL co-simulation is
not guaranteed to complete.

Non-Blocking Write
The hls::stream.write_nb() method attempts to push data into the stream, returning a
boolean true if successful. Otherwise, false is returned and the queue is unaffected.

// Usage of bool write_nb(const T & wdata)

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int src_var = 42;

if (my_stream.write_nb(src_var)) {
// Perform standard operations
} else {
// Write did not occur

Non-blocking behavior can also be modeled using blocking writes with full checking conditions,
as explained in hls::stream.full() Method. This can lead to non-deterministic behavior and should
be verified in RTL simulation with a sophisticated test bench.

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int src_var = 42;
bool stream_full;

stream_full = my_stream.full();

Non-Blocking Read
The hls::stream.read_nb() method attempts to read a value from the stream, returning
true if successful. Otherwise, false is returned and the queue is unaffected.

// Usage of bool read_nb(const T & wdata)

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int dst_var;

if (my_stream.read_nb(dst_var)) {
// Perform standard operations
} else {
// Read did not occur

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Non-blocking behavior can also be modeled using blocking read with a check for an empty
stream, as described in hls::stream.empty() Method. This can lead to non-deterministic behavior
and should be verified in RTL simulation with a sophisticated test bench.

while (check != 0) {
if ( !addr_strm.empty() )
hbm[addr_for_HBM] = some_data;
check[0] = 1;
check = (check << 1);

hls::stream.capacity() Method
The hls::stream.capacity() method returns an unsigned integer which defines the
maximum number of elements the stream can hold, or the total depth of the stream This lets you
check how much space is available in the channel prior to writing.

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int var = 16;

if ((my_stream.capacity() - my_stream.size()) >= N) {

for (int=0; i<N;i++)
my_stream.write(...); // this will not block

TIP: In C-simulation hls::stream.capacity() returns MAXINT as a theoretical limit. In synthesis

and C/RTL Co-simulation it returns the computed capacity of the stream.

The hls::stream.capacity() and hls::stream.size() methods enable advanced flow

control to write or read the stream only when there is specific amounts of space or data available
for the transaction. For example, before starting a read burst of size N, you can check if there are
N data items in the input stream so that the burst can complete without stalling. For write bursts
you can also check if there is enough space available in an output stream to store the burst data
without stalling.

hls::stream.empty() Method
The hls::stream.empty() method returns true if the stream is empty, as shown below.

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int dst_var;
bool stream_empty;

stream_empty = my_stream.empty();

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The following example shows how a combination of non-blocking accesses and full/empty tests
can provide error handling functionality when the RTL FIFOs are full or empty:

#include "hls_stream.h"
using namespace hls;

typedef struct {
short data;
bool valid;
bool invert;
} input_interface;

bool invert(stream<input_interface>& in_data_1,

stream<input_interface>& in_data_2,
stream<short>& output
) {
input_interface in;
bool full_n;

// Read an input value or return

if (!in_data_1.read_nb(in))
if (!in_data_2.read_nb(in))
return false;

// If the valid data is written, return not-full (full_n) as true

if (in.valid) {
if (in.invert)
full_n = output.write_nb(~in.data);
full_n = output.write_nb(in.data);
return full_n;

hls::stream.full() Method
The hls::stream.full() method returns true if and only if the object is full, as shown

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
int src_var = 42;
bool stream_full;

stream_full = my_stream.full();

hls::stream.size() Method
The hls::stream.size() method returns an unsigned integer specifying the current number
of elements the stream is holding. This lets you check if there is data or how much data is in the
channel prior to reading to prevent stalls or deadlocks.

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Note: hls::stream.size() can be used to check if an input FIFO is full, and an output FIFO is empty.
While hls::stream.empty() can only be applied to an input FIFO and hls::stream.full() to an
output FIFO.

hls::stream<int> my_stream;
var = 16;

if (my_stream.size()>0) {

The hls::stream.size() and hls::stream.capacity() methods enable advanced flow

control to write or read the stream only when there is specific amounts of space or data available
for the transaction. For example, before starting a read burst of size N, you can check if there are
N data items in the input stream so that the burst can complete without stalling. For write bursts
you can also check if there is enough space available in an output stream to store the burst data
without stalling.

if (instream.size() > N)
for(i=0, i<N; i++)
... = instream.read(); // will not block

To read only when the stream is full:

if (instream.size() == instream.capacity())
... = instream.read(); // read only if full

TIP: You cannot use hls::stream.full() to check for this condition. The following will not work:

if (instream.full())
... = instream.read();

Controlling the RTL FIFO Depth

For most designs using streaming data, the default RTL FIFO depth of 2 is sufficient. Streaming
data is generally processed one sample at a time.

For multirate designs in which the implementation requires a FIFO with a depth greater than 2,
you must determine (and set using the STREAM directive) the depth necessary for the RTL
simulation to complete. If the FIFO depth is insufficient, RTL co-simulation stalls.

Because stream objects cannot be viewed in the GUI directives pane, the STREAM directive
cannot be applied directly in that pane.

Right-click the function in which an hls::stream<> object is declared (or is used, or exists in
the argument list) to:

• Select the STREAM directive.

• Populate the variable field manually with name of the stream variable.

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Alternatively, you can:

• Specify the STREAM directive manually in the directives.tcl file, or

• Add it as a pragma in source.

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Chapter 24: HLS Vector Library

Chapter 24

HLS Vector Library

IMPORTANT! To use hls::vector objects in your code include the header file hls_vector.h . An
example vector application can be found in Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Modeling on GitHub.

Vector Data Type Usage

The vector data type is provided to easily model and synthesize SIMD-type vector operations.
AMD Vitis™ HLS vector data type can be defined as follows, where T is a primitive or user-
defined type with most of the arithmetic operations defined on it. N is an integer greater than
zero. Once a vector type variable is declared it can be used like any other primitive type variable
to perform arithmetic and logic operations.

#include <hls_vector.h>
hls::vector<T,N> aVec;

TIP: The best performance is achieved when both the bit-width of T and N are integer powers of 2.

Memory Layout

For any vector type defined as hls::vector<T,N>, the storage is guaranteed to be contiguous
of size sizeof(T)*N and aligned to the greatest power of 2 such that the allocated size is at
least sizeof(T)*N. In particular, when N is a power of 2 and sizeof(T) is a power of 2,
vector<T, N> is aligned to its total size. This matches vector implementation on most

TIP: When sizeof(T)*N is an integer power of 2, the allocated size will be exactly sizeof(T)*N,
otherwise the allocated size will be larger to make alignment possible.

The following example shows the definition of a vector class that aligns itself as described above.

constexpr size_t gp2(size_t N)

return (N > 0 && N % 2 == 0) ? 2 * gp2(N / 2) : 1;

template<typename T, size_t N> class alignas(gp2(sizeof(T) * N)) vector

std::array<T, N> data;

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Following are different examples of alignment:

hls::vector<char,8> char8Vec; // aligns on 8 Bytes boundary

hls::vector<int,8> int8Vec; // aligns on 32 byte boundary

Requirements and Dependencies

Vitis HLS vector types requires support for C++ 14 or later. It has the following dependencies on
the standard headers:

• <array>
○ std::array<T, N>

• <cassert>
○ assert

• <initializer_list>
○ std::initializer_list<T>

Supported Operations

• Initialization:
hls::vector<int, 4> x; // uninitialized
hls::vector<int, 4> y = 10; // scalar initialized: all elements set to 10
hls::vector<int, 4> z = {0, 1, 2, 3}; // initializer list (must have 4
hls::vector<ap_int, 4> a; // uninitialized arbitrary precision data type

• Access:
The operator[] enables access to individual elements of the vector, similar to a standard array:
x[i] = ...; // set the element at index i
... = x[i]; // value of the element at index i

• Arithmetic:
They are defined recursively, relying on the matching operation on T.

Table 50: Arithmetic Operation

Operation In Place Expression Reduction (Left Fold)

Addition += + reduce_add

Subtraction -= - non-associative

Multiplication *= * reduce_mult

Division /= / non-associative

Remainder %= % non-associative

Bitwise AND &= & reduce_and

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Table 50: Arithmetic Operation (cont'd)

Operation In Place Expression Reduction (Left Fold)

Bitwise OR |= | reduce_or

Bitwise XOR ^= ^ reduce_xor

Shift Left <<= << non-associative

Shift Right >>= >> non-associative

Pre-increment ++x none unary operator

Pre-decrement --x none unary operator

Post-increment x++ none unary operator

Post-decrement x-- none unary operator

• Comparison:
Lexicographic order on vectors (returns bool):

Table 51: Operation

Operation Expression
Less than <

Less or equal <=

Equal ==

Different !=

Greater or equal >=

Greater than >

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Chapter 25: HLS Task Library

Chapter 25

HLS Task Library

IMPORTANT! To use hls::task objects in your code include the header file hls_task.h.

The hls::task library provides a simple way of modeling data-driven processes, allowing static
instantiation of tasks with only streaming I/O (hls::stream or hls::stream_of_blocks)
to eliminate the need to check for empty stream needed to model concurrent processes in C++.

TIP: hls::task also supports stable inputs for scalar values on s_axilite interfaces, or pointers to
arrays on m_axi interfaces as described in Un-synchronized I/O in Data-Driven TLP.

The following is a simple example that can be found at simple_data_driven on GitHub:

void odds_and_evens(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out1,

hls::stream<int> &out2) {
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> s1; // channel connecting t1 and
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> s2; // channel connecting t1 and t3

// t1 infinitely runs splitter, with input in and outputs s1 and s2

hls_thread_local hls::task t1(splitter, in, s1, s2);
// t2 infinitely runs function odds, with input s1 and output out1
hls_thread_local hls::task t2(odds, s1, out1);
// t3 infinitely runs function evens, with input s2 and output
hls_thread_local hls::task t3(evens, s2, out2);

Notice the top-level function, odds_and_evens uses streaming input and output interfaces.
This is a purely streaming kernel. The top-level function includes the following:

• s1 and s2 are thread-local streams (hls_thread_local) and are used to connect the task-
channel tasks t1 and t2. These streams need to be thread-local so that they can be kept alive
across top-level calls.
• t1, t2, and t3 are the thread-local hls::task that execute the functions (splitter, odds,
and evens respectively). The tasks run infinitely and process data on their input streams. No
synchronization is needed.

However, this type of stream-only model does have some restrictions such as:

• You cannot access non-local memory

• Non-stream data, such as scalars, arrays and pointers, can be passed in as arguments, provided
these ports are declared stable via the STABLE pragma. Currently top pointers with m_axi
interface can be passed only with the offset=off option

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IMPORTANT! Scalars, arrays and pointers will be read at unknown intervals as there is no
synchronization with hls::task. So the code needs to be written such that it does not depend on
when these ports are read.

• You must explicitly describe the parallelism in the design by the specification of parallel tasks
• An hls::task must always be instantiated in a parallel context and can not be nested in a
sequential context
○ If you use hls::task in your top function, then the top function becomes a parallel
○ You can instantiate an hls::task inside a dataflow region as it is a parallel context

○ In a sequential context, if you call a function that instantiates a task:

- The function must be a parallel context such as a dataflow region
- The task inputs and output streams must be produced and consumed by regular
dataflow processes in the parallel context
○ Control-driven TLP can be at top, inside another control-driven, or inside a sequential
○ Data-driven can be at top, inside another data-driven, or nested between control-driven
○ Control-driven TLP cannot be inside a pipeline or DIRECTLY inside data-driven. In the latter
case, it must be inside a sequential region executed by a data-driven task
○ Data-driven cannot be directly inside a sequential, pipeline or control driven

○ A sequential region, or a pipeline can only be inside the body of a control or data-driven
TASK (not a control or data-driven region)

The hls::task objects can be mixed freely with standard dataflow-style function calls, which
can move data in and out of memories (DRAM and BRAM). Tasks also support splitting channels
(hls::split) to support one-to-many data distributions to build pools of workers that process
streams of data, and merging channels (hls::merge) to support many-to-one data aggregation.

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Tasks and Channels

The original DATAFLOW model lets you write sequential functions, and then requires the AMD
Vitis™ HLS tool to identify dataflow processes (tasks) and make them parallel, analyze and
manage dependencies, perform scalar propagation and optimizations such as array-to-stream.
Alternatively, the use of hls::task objects requires you to explicitly instantiate tasks and
channels, managing parallelization yourself in your algorithm design. The purpose of hls::task
is to define a programming model that supports parallel tasks using only streaming data channels.
Tasks are not controlled by function call/return, but run whenever data is present in the input

TIP: The hls::task library provides concurrent semantics so that the C-simulation will be consistent
with the RTL. This eliminates some of the problems with the sequential dataflow model.

The following is an example of tasks and channels. You can see that only streaming interfaces
(hls::stream or hls::stream_of_blocks) are used. You can also see that the top-level
function defines the tasks and stream channels using the hls_thread_local keyword.

void func1(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out1, hls::stream<int>

&out2) {
int data = in.read();
if (data >= 10)
void func2(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out) {
out.write(in.read() + 1);
void func3(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out) {
out.write(in.read() + 2);
void top-func(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out1,
hls::stream<int> &out2) {
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> s1; // channel connecting t1 and t2
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> s2; // channel connecting t1 and t3

hls_thread_local hls::task t1(func1, in, s1, s2); // t1 infinitely runs

func1, with input in and outputs s1 and s2
hls_thread_local hls::task t2(func2, s1, out1); // t2 infinitely runs
func2, with input s1 and output out1
hls_thread_local hls::task t3(func3, s2, out2); // t3 infinitely runs
func3, with input s2 and output out2

The hls::task objects are variables that should be declared as hls_thread_local to keep
the variable and the underlying thread alive across multiple calls of the instantiating function
(top_func) in the example above. The task objects implicitly manage a thread that runs a
function continuously, such as func1, func2, or func3 in the example above. The function is
the task body, and has an implicit infinite loop around it.

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Each hls::task must be passed a set of arguments that include the function name, input and
output channels hls::streams or hls::stream_of_blocks. hls::task objects typically
only read and write streaming channels hls::stream and hls::stream_of_blocks.

Both hls::task and the channels that connect to them must be declared as
hls_thread_local. The channels must be declared hls_thread_local to keep them alive
across calls of the top-level function. Non-stream data, such as scalar and array variables, must all
be local to the task functions and cannot be passed as arguments, except as noted in Stable
M_AXI and S_AXILITE Accesses below.

IMPORTANT! Inclusion of hls_task.h makes hls::stream and hls::stream_of_blocks

read calls blocking in C-simulation. This means that code that previously relied on reading an empty stream
will now result in deadlock during simulation.

Unsynchronized Pointer to Array and Scalar I/O Access

You can also pass scalar values (both local and top-level arguments) and pointers to array
arguments in the top-level function, provided that they are marked with the STABLE pragma or
directive as described in Un-synchronized I/O in Data-Driven TLP. You must also be careful to
ensure that either their value never changes during kernel execution (this is virtually impossible
to ensure with hls::task instantiated alone at the top, without regular dataflow processes), or
the kernel behavior does not depend on when these arguments change value. For example the
process can tolerate a value change at an arbitrary point in time, or some other stream-based
synchronization mechanism is used to regulate their access.

Scalar values are passed by reference:

void test(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out, int &n)

Stable top pointers with the m_axi protocol and an s_axilite offset must be enabled for
C/RTL Co-simulation using the cosim.enable_tasks_with_m_axi command as described
in Co-Simulation Configuration.

The following is an example of an hls::task design with a stable by-reference scalar argument,
whose behavior is by and large insensitive to the exact timing of a change of value of that

void task1(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out) {


void task2(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out) {


void task3(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out, int &n) {

int c = in.read();
out.write(c + n);

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void test(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out, int &n) {

#pragma HLS stable variable=n
HLS_TASK t1(task1, in, s1);
HLS_TASK t2(task2, s1, s2);
HLS_TASK t3(task3, s2, out, n);

The following example shows an hls::task design with a stable m_axi pointer argument in
the top-level function. Any accesses to the underlying DRAM buffer will be unsychronized with
the process of the function. The if (mem) statement can be used to ensure that the DRAM
buffer is accessed only after the host code has initialized the offset register with the address of
the buffer in DRAM.

TIP: Because the offset register for the m_axi interface automatically uses the ap_none protocol, the C
++ and RTL will re-read its value only when the write_process is executed again.

void write_process(hls::stream<int>& in, hls::stream<int>& out,
int* mem)
#pragma HLS PIPELINE style=flp
if (mem) {
mem[...] = ...;
... = mem[...];
void stable_pointer(int* mem, hls::stream<int>& in,
hls::stream<int>& out)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port=mem ...
#pragma HLS stable variable=mem

hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> int_fifo("int_fifo");

hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> int_fifo2("int_fifo2");

hls_thread_local hls::task t1(process_23, in, int_fifo);

hls_thread_local hls::task t2(process_11, int_fifo, int_fifo2);
hls_thread_local hls::task t3(write_process, int_fifo2, out, mem);

Use of Flushing Pipelines

In general, hls::task designs must use flushing pipelines (flp) or free-running pipelines (frp),
as described in Flushing Pipelines and Pipeline Types. Non-flushing pipelines introduce
dependencies between process executions and can result in unexpected deadlocks.

Note: You can configure the default flushing behavior in hls::tasks using the
syn.compile.pipeline_flush_in_task as described in Compile Options.

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Nested Tasks

In the following example, there are two instances of task1 used in task2, both also instantiated as
hls::task instances. This demonstrates that in addition to sequential functions the body of an
hls::task can be functions containing only hls::task objects.

void task1(hls::stream<int> &in, hls::stream<int> &out) {

hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> s1;

hls_thread_local hls::task t1(func2, in, s1);

hls_thread_local hls::task t2(func3, s1, out);
void task2(hls::stream<int> &in1, hls::stream<int> &in2, hls::stream<int>
&out1, hls::stream<int> &out2) {
hls_thread_local hls::task tA(task1, in1, out1);
hls_thread_local hls::task tB(task1, in2, out2);

The use of hls_thread_local is still required to ensure safe multiple instantiation of the
intermediate network (tA and tB, both instances of task1 in this example; and safe instances of
the leaf-level processes t1 inside tA and tB, both executing different copies of func2, and t2
inside tA and tB.

Simulation and Co-simulation

C-simulation behavior for tasks and channels model will be the same as in C/RTL Co-simulation.
Reading from an empty stream was previously allowed with only a warning informing that this
condition can cause hangs during simulation. In Vitis HLS 2022.2 reading from an empty stream
can cause deadlock even in C-simulation and therefore is now an error condition with the
following messages:

• In designs containing hls::task objects:

ERROR [HLS SIM]: deadlock detected when simulating hls::tasks.
Execute C-simulation in debug mode in the GUI and examine the source code
location of all the blocked hls::stream::read() calls

• In designs that do not use hls::task:

ERROR [HLS SIM]: an hls::stream is read while empty, which may result in
RTL simulation hanging. If this is not expected, execute C simulation in
debug mode
in the GUI and examine the source code location of the blocked
call to debug. If this is expected, add -
-cflags to turn this error into a warning and allow empty hls::stream
reads to return
the default value for the data type.

TIP: add -DHLS_STREAM_READ_EMPTY_RETURNS_GARBAGE to -cflags to turn this error into

a warning

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Tasks and Dataflow

hls::task also supports the definition of tasks inside of dataflow regions. The dataflow region
allows the definition of processes that access external arrays mapped to M_AXI, scalar, or PIPO
arguments from upper levels of the design hierarchy. This requires dataflow processes identified
by the #pragma HLS dataflow statement, synchronized via ap_ctrl_chain, that read data
from any non-streamed C++ data structure and output it as hls::stream or
hls::stream_of_blocks channels for connection to hls::tasks. Tasks can then output
streams that are read by other dataflow processes and written to M_AXI, scalar, or PIPO
arguments. Tasks must be declared after the processes or regions that produce their input
streams, and before the processes or regions that consume their output streams.

IMPORTANT! Because hls::task objects cannot read or write M_AXI, scalar, or PIPO arguments
dataflow processes must read or write these interfaces and write or read stream channels to
hls::tasks as shown in the example below.

The following example illustrates tasks and dataflow processes together. The top-level function
(top-func) is a dataflow region that defines sequential functions write_out() and
read_in(), as well as hls::task objects and hls::stream channels.

#include "hls_task.h"

// This is an I/O dataflow process

void write_out(int* out, int n, hls::stream<int> &s2) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
out[i] = s2.read();
// This is an I/O dataflow process
void read_in(int* in, int n, hls::stream<int> &s1) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
// This is an hls::task body
void func1(hls::stream<int> &s1, hls::stream<int> &s3) {
// No while(1) needed! This will be a task
s3.write(... + s1.read());
// This is an hls::task body
void func2(hls::stream<int> &s3, hls::stream<int> &s2) {
// No while(1) needed! This will be a task
s2.write(... * s3.read());
// This could legally be at the top of the design hierarchy
void top-func(int *in, int *out, int n) {
#pragma HLS dataflow
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> sk3;
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> sk1;
hls_thread_local hls::stream<int> sk2;

read_in(in, n, sk1); // can access stream,

scalar or array; calling order matters
hls_thread_local hls::task t2(func2, sk3, sk2); // can access only
stream; instance order does not matter

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hls_thread_local hls::task t1(func1, sk1, sk3); // can access only

stream; instance order does not matter
write_out(out, n, sk2); // can access stream,
scalar or array; calling order matters

#pragma HLS DATAFLOW is required for the two sequential functions, but the hls::task
objects do not require it. Internally, Vitis HLS will automatically split top-func, including both
regular dataflow processes and hls::task processes into two dataflow regions:

1. One dataflow region using ap_ctrl_chain that contains regular dataflow processes, like
read_in() and write_out(), in the order in which they appear in the C++ code, and a
call to the ap_ctrl_none region below
2. A second dataflow region using ap_ctrl_none containing the task and channels.

As a result of this, you can expect to see two levels of hierarchy in the Dataflow viewer in the
Vitis HLS GUI.

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Chapter 26: HLS Split/Merge Library

Chapter 26

HLS Split/Merge Library

IMPORTANT! To use hls::split<> or hls::merge<> objects in your code include the header file
hls_np_channel.h as shown in the example below.

For use in Dataflow processes, split/merge channels let you create one-to-many or many-to-one
type channels to distribute data to multiple tasks, or aggregate data from multiple tasks. These
channels have a built-in job scheduler using either a round-robin approach in which data are
sequentially distributed or gathered across the channels, or a load balancing approach that is
determined based on channel availability.

TIP: Load balancing can lead to non-deterministic results in RTL/Co-simulation. In this case, you will need
to write a test bench that is agnostic as to the order of results.

As shown in the figure below, data is read from an input stream and split through the round-robin
scheduler mechanism, and distributed to associated worker tasks. After a worker completes the
task, it writes the output which is merged also using the round-robin scheduler, into a single

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Figure 139: Split/Merge Dataflow

A split channel has one producer and many consumers, and can be typically used to distribute
tasks to a set of workers, abstracting and implementing in RTL the distribution logic, and thus
leading to both better performance and fewer resources. The distribution of an input to one of
the N outputs can be:

• Round-robin, where the consumers read the input data in a fixed rotating order, thus ensuring
deterministic behavior, but not allowing load sharing with dynamically varying computational
loads for the workers.
• Load balancing, where the first consumer to attempt a read will read the first input data, thus
ensuring good load balancing, but with non-deterministic results.

A merge channel has many producers and a single consumer, and operates based on the reverse

• Round-robin, where the producer output data is merged using a fixed rotating order, thus
ensuring deterministic behavior, but not allowing load sharing with dynamically varying
computational loads for the workers.
• The load balancing merge channel, where the first producer that completes the work will write
first into the channel with non-deterministic results.

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The general idea of split and merge is that with the round_robin scheduler data are distributed
around to workers for the split, and read from workers for the merge, in a deterministic fashion.
So if all workers compute the same function the result is the same as with a single worker, but
the performance is better.

If the workers perform different functions, then your design must ensure that the correct data
item is sent to the correct function in the round-robin order of workers, starting from out[0] or
in[0] respectively.


Specification of split/merge channels is as follows:

hls::split::load_balancing<DATATYPE, NUM_PORTS[, DEPTH, N_PORT_DEPTH]>

hls::split::round_robin<DATATYPE, NUM_PORTS[, DEPTH]> name
hls::merge::load_balancing<DATATYPE, NUM_PORTS[, DEPTH]> name
hls::merge::round_robin<DATATYPE, NUM_PORTS[, DEPTH]> name


• round_robin/load_balancing: Specifies the type of scheduler mechanism used for the

• DATATYPE: Specifies the data type on the channel. This has the same restrictions as standard
hls::stream. The DATATYPE can be:
○ Any C++ native data type

○ A Vitis HLS arbitrary precision type (for example, ap_int<>, ap_ufixed<>)

○ A user-defined struct containing either of the above types

• NUM_PORTS: Indicates the number of write ports required for split (1:num) or read-ports
required for merge (num:1) operation.
• DEPTH: Optional argument is the depth of the main buffer, located before the split or after the
merge. This is optional, and the default depth is 2 when not specified.
• N_PORT_DEPTH: Optional field for round-robin to specify the depth of output buffers applied
after split, or before merge. This is optional and the default depth is 0 when not specified.

TIP: To specify the optional N_PORT_DEPTH value, you must also specify DEPTH.

• name: Indicates the name of the created channel object

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Following is an example which can be found at mixed_control_and_data_driven available on


#include "hls_np_channel.h"

const int N = 16;

const int NP = 4;

void dut(int in[N], int out[N], int n) {

#pragma HLS dataflow
hls::split::round_robin<int, NP> split1;
hls::merge::round_robin<int, NP> merge1;

read_in(in, n, split1.in);

// Task-Channels
hls_thread_local hls::task t[NP];
for (int i=0; i<NP; i++) {
#pragma HLS unroll
t[i](worker, split1.out[i], merge1.in[i]);

write_out(merge1.out, out, n);


TIP: The example above shows the workers implemented as hls::task objects. However, this is simply
a feature of the example and not a requirement of split/merge channels.

Application of Split/Merge

The main use of split and merge is to support multiple compute engine instantiation to fully
exploit the bandwidth of a DDR or HBM port. In this case, the producer is a load process that
reads a burst of data from MAXI, and then passes the individual packets of data to be processed
to a number of workers via the split channel. Use the round-robin protocol if the workers take
similar amounts of time, or load balancing the execution time per input if variable. The consumer
performs the reverse, writing data back into DRAM.

TIP: The write back address can be passed through the split and the merge, along with the data, in the
case of load balancing.

These channels are modeled as implementing hls::stream objects at both ends of the split or
the merge channel. This means that a split or merge channel end can be connected to any
process that takes an hls::stream as an input or an output. The process does not need to be
aware of the type of channel connection. Therefore, they can be used both for standard dataflow
and for hls::task objects.

The following example shows how split can be used by a single produce and multiple consumers:

#include "hls_np_channel.h"

void producer(hls::stream<int> &s) {


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void consumer1(hls::stream<int> &s) {

... = s.read();
void consumer2(hls::stream<int> &s) {
... = s.read();

void top-func() {
#pragma HLS dataflow
hls::split::load_balancing<int, 4, 6> s; // NUM_PORTS=4, DEPTH=6

producer(s.in, ...);
consumer1(s.out[0], ...);
consumer2(s.out[1], ...);
consumer3(s.out[2], ...);
consumer4(s.out[3], ...);

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Chapter 27: HLS Stream of Blocks Library

Chapter 27

HLS Stream of Blocks Library

IMPORTANT! To use hls::stream_of_blocks objects in your code include the header file

The hls::stream_of_blocks type provides a user-synchronized stream that supports

streaming blocks of data for process-level interfaces in a dataflow context, where each block is
an array or multidimensional array. The intended use of stream-of-blocks is to replace array-
based communication between a pair of processes within a dataflow region. Refer to the
using_stream_of_blocks example on Github.

Currently, AMD Vitis™ HLS implements arrays written by a producer process and read by a
consumer process in a dataflow region by mapping them to ping pong buffers (PIPOs). The buffer
exchange for a PIPO buffer occurs at the return of the producer function and the calling of the
consumer function in C++.

While this ensures a concurrent communication semantic that is fully compliant with the
sequential C++ execution semantics, it also implies that the consumer cannot start until the
producer is done, as shown in the following code example.

void producer (int b[M][N], ...) {

for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
b[i][f(j)] = ...;

void consumer(int b[M][N], ...) {

for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
... = b[i][g(j)] ...;;

void top(...) {
#pragma HLS dataflow
int b[M][N];
#pragma HLS stream off variable=b

producer(b, ...);
consumer(b, ...);

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This can unnecessarily limit throughput and/or increase resources if the producer generates data
for the consumer in smaller blocks, for example by writing one row of the buffer output inside a
nested loop, and the consumer uses the data in smaller blocks by reading one row of the buffer
input inside a nested loop, as the example above does. In this example, due to the non-sequential
buffer column access in the inner loop, you cannot simply stream the array b. However, the row
access in the outer loop is sequential thus supporting hls::stream_of_blocks
communication where each block is a 1-dimensional array of size N.

The main purpose of the hls::stream_of_blocks feature is to provide PIPO-like

functionality, but with user-managed explicit synchronization, accesses, and a better coding style.
Stream-of-blocks lets you avoid the use of dataflow in a loop containing the producer and
consumer, which would have been a way to optimize the example above. However, in this case,
the use of the dataflow loop containing the producer and consumer requires the use of a PIPO
buffer (2xN) as shown in the following example:

void producer (int b[N], ...) {

for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
b[f(j)] = ...;
void consumer(int b[N], ...) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
... = b[g(j)];

void top(...) {
// The loop below is very constrained in terms of how it must be written
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
#pragma HLS dataflow
int b[N];
#pragma HLS stream off variable=b

producer(b, ...); // writes b

consumer(b, ...); // reads b

The dataflow-in-a-loop code above is also not desirable because this structure has several
limitations in Vitis HLS, such as the loop structure must be very constrained (single induction
variable, starting from 0 and compared with a constant or a function argument and incremented
by 1).

Stream-of-Blocks Modeling Style

On the other hand, for a stream-of-blocks the communication between the producer and the
consumer is modeled as a stream of array-like objects, providing several advantages over array
transfer through PIPO.

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The use of stream-of-blocks in your code requires the following include file:

#include "hls_streamofblocks.h"

The stream-of-blocks object template is: hls::stream_of_blocks<block_type, depth>



• <block_type> specifies the datatype of the array or multidimensional array held by the
• <depth> is an optional argument that provides depth control just like hls::stream or
PIPOs, and specifies the total number of blocks, including the one acquired by the producer
and the one acquired by the consumer at any given time. The default value is 2
• v specifies the variable name for the stream-of-blocks object

Use the following steps to access a block in a stream of blocks:

1. The producer or consumer process that wants to access the stream first needs to acquire
access to it, using a hls::write_lock or hls::read_lock object.
2. After the producer has acquired the lock it can start writing (or reading) the acquired block.
Once the block has been fully initialized, it can be released by the producer, when the
write_lock object goes out of scope.
Note: The producer process with a write_lock can also read the block as long as it only
reads from already written locations, because the newly acquired buffer must be assumed to
contain uninitialized data. The ability to write and read the block is unique to the producer
process, and is not supported for the consumer.
3. Then the block is queued in the stream-of-blocks in a FIFO fashion, and when the consumer
acquires a read_lock object, the block can be read by the consumer process.

The main difference between hls::stream_of_blocks and the PIPO mechanism seen in the
prior examples is that the block becomes available to the consumer as soon as the write_lock
goes out of scope, rather than only at the return of the producer process. Hence the size of
storage required to manage the original example (without the dataflow loop) is much less with
stream-of-blocks than with just PIPOs: namely 2N instead of 2xMxN in the example.

Rewriting the prior example to use hls::stream_of_blocks is shown in the example below.
The producer acquires the block by constructing an hls::write_lock object called b, and
passing it the reference to the stream-of-blocks object, called s. The write_lock object
provides an overloaded array access operator, letting it be accessed as an array to access
underlying storage in random order as shown in the example below.

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The acquisition of the lock is performed by constructing the write_lock/read_lock object,

and the release occurs automatically when that object is destructed as it goes out of scope. This
approach uses the common Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) style of locking and

#include "hls_streamofblocks.h"
typedef int buf[N];
void producer (hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> &s, ...) {
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
// Allocation of hls::write_lock acquires the block for the producer
hls::write_lock<buf> b(s);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
b[f(j)] = ...;
// Deallocation of hls::write_lock releases the block for the consumer

void consumer(hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> &s, ...) {

for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
// Allocation of hls::read_lock acquires the block for the consumer
hls::read_lock<buf> b(s);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
... = b[g(j)] ...;
// Deallocation of hls::write_lock releases the block to be reused by
the producer

void top(...) {
#pragma HLS dataflow
hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> s;

producer(b, ...);
consumer(b, ...);

The key features of this approach include:

• The expected performance of the outer loop in the producer above is to achieve an overall
Initiation Interval (II) of 1
• A locked block can be used as though it were private to the producer or the consumer process
until it is released.
• The initial state of the array object for the producer is undefined, whereas it contains the
values written by the producer for the consumer.
• The principal advantage of stream-of-blocks is to provide overlapped execution of multiple
iterations of the consumer and the producer to increase throughput.

Resource Usage
The resource cost when increasing the depth beyond the default value of 2 is similar to the
resource cost of PIPOs. Namely, each increment of 1 will require enough memory for a block, for
example N * 32-bit words.

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Chapter 27: HLS Stream of Blocks Library

The stream of blocks object can be bound to a specific RAM type, by placing the
BIND_STORAGE pragma where the stream-of-blocks is declared, for example in the top-level
function. The stream of blocks uses 2-port block RAM (type=RAM_2P) by default.

Checking for Full and Empty Blocks

The read_lock and write_lock are like while(empty) or while (full) loops - they
keep trying to acquire the resource until they get the resource - so the code execution will stall
until the lock is acquired. You can use the empty() and full() methods as shown in the
following example to determine if a call to read_lock or write_lock will stall due to the lack
of available blocks to be acquired.

#include "hls_streamofblocks.h"

void reader(hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> &in1, hls::stream_of_blocks<buf>

&in2, int out[M][N], int c) {
for(unsigned j = 0; j < M;) {
if (!in1.empty()) {
hls::read_lock<ppbuf> arr1(in1);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
out[j][i] = arr1[N-1-i];
} else if (!in2.empty()) {
hls::read_lock<ppbuf> arr2(in2);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
out[j][i] = arr2[N-1-i];

void writer(hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> &out1, hls::stream_of_blocks<buf>

&out2, int in[M][N], int d) {
for(unsigned j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
if (d < 2) {
if (!out1.full()) {
hls::write_lock<ppbuf> arr(out1);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
arr[N-1-i] = in[j][i];
} else {
if (!out2.full()) {
hls::write_lock<ppbuf> arr(out2);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
arr[N-1-i] = in[j][i];

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void top(int in[M][N], int out[M][N], int c, int d) {

#pragma HLS dataflow
hls::stream_of_blocks<buf, 3> strm1, strm2; // Depth=3
writer(strm1, strm2, in, d);
reader(strm1, strm2, out, c);

The producer and the consumer processes can perform the following actions within any scope in
their body. As shown in the various examples, the scope will typically be a loop, but this is not
required. Other scopes such as conditionals are also supported. Supported actions include:

• Acquire a block, i.e. an array of any supported data type.

○ In the case of the producer, the array will be empty, i.e. initialized according to the
constructor (if any) of the underlying data type.
○ In the case of the consumer, the array will be full (of course in as much as the producer has
filled it; the same requirements as for PIPO buffers, namely full writing if needed apply).
• Use the block for both reading and writing as if it were private local memory, up to its
maximum allocated number of ports based on a BIND_STORAGE pragma or directive specified
for the stream of blocks, which specifies what ports each side can see:
○ 1 port means that each side can access only one port, and the final stream-of-blocks can
use a single dual-port memory for implementation.
○ 2 ports means that each side can use 1 or 2 ports depending on the schedule:
- If the scheduler uses 2 ports on at least one side, merging will not happen
- If the scheduler uses 1 port, merging can happen
○ If the pragma is not specified, the scheduler will decide, based on the same criteria
currently used for local arrays. Moreover:
- The producer can both write and read the block it has acquired
- The consumer can only read the block it has acquired
• Automatically release the block when exiting the scope in which it was acquired. A released
○ If released by the producer, can be acquired by the consumer.

○ If released by the consumer, can be acquired to be reused by the producer, after being re-
initialized by the constructor, if any. This initialization may slow down the design, hence
often it is not desired. You may use the __no_ctor__ attribute (explained earlier for
std::complex) to prevent calling the constructor for the array elements.

A stream-of-blocks is very similar in spirit to a PIPO buffer. In the case of a PIPO, acquire is the
same as calling the producer or consumer process function, while the release is the same as
returning from it. This means that:

• the handshakes for a PIPO are

○ ap_start/ap_ready on the consumer side and

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○ ap_done/ap_continue on the producer side.

• the handshakes of a stream of blocks are

○ its own read/empty_n on the consumer side and

○ write/full_n on the producer side.

Modeling Feedback in Dataflow Regions

One main limitation of PIPO buffers is that they can flow only forward with respect to the
function call sequence in C++. In other words, the following connection is not supported with
PIPOs, while it can be supported with hls::stream_of_blocks:

void top(...) {
int b[N];
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
#pragma HLS dataflow
#pragma HLS stream off variable=b
consumer(b, ...); // reads b
producer(b, ...); // writes b

The following code example is contrived to demonstrate the concept:

#include "hls_streamofblocks.h"
typedef int buf[N];
void producer (hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> &out, ...) {
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
hls::write_lock<buf> arr(out);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
arr[f(j)] = ...;

void consumer(hls::stream_of_blocks<buf> &in, ...) {

if (in.empty()) // execute only when producer has already generated some
meaningful data

for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {

hls::read_lock<buf> arr(in);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
... = arr[g(j)];

void top(...) {
// Note the large non-default depth.
// The producer must complete execution before the consumer can start
again, due to ap_ctrl_chain.
// A smaller depth would require ap_ctrl_none
hls::stream_of_blocks<buf, M+2> backward;

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for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {

#pragma HLS dataflow
consumer(backward, ...); // reads backward
producer(backward, ...); // writes backward

There are some limitations with the use of hls::stream_of_blocks that you should be
aware of:

• Each hls::stream_of_blocks object must have a single producer and consumer process,
and each process must be different. In other words, local streams-of-blocks within a single
process are not supported.
• You cannot use hls::stream_of_blocks within a sequential region. The producer and
consumer must be separate concurrent processes in a dataflow region.
• You cannot use multiple nested acquire/release statements (write_lock/read_lock), for
example in the same or nested scopes, as shown in the following example:
using ppbuf = int[N];
void readerImplicitNested(hls::stream_of_blocks<ppbuf>& in, ...) {
for(unsigned j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
hls::read_lock<ppbuf> arrA(in); // constructor would acquire A
hls::read_lock<ppbuf> arrB(in); // constructor would acquire B
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)
... = arrA[f(i)] + arrB[g(i)];
// destructor would release B first
// destructor would release A second

However, you can use multiple sequential or mutually exclusive acquire/release statements
(write_lock/read_lock), for example inside IF/ELSE branches or in two subsequent code
blocks. This is shown in the following example:
void readerImplicitNested(hls::stream_of_blocks<ppbuf>& in, ...) {
for(unsigned j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
hls::read_lock<ppbuf> arrA(in); // constructor acquires A
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)
... = arrA[f(i)];
// destructor releases A
hls::read_lock<ppbuf> arrB(in); // constructor acquires B
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)

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... = arrB[g(i)];
// destructor releases B

• Explicit release of locks in producer and consumer processes are not recommended, as they
are automatically released when they go out of scope. However, you can use these by adding
#define EXPLICIT_ACQUIRE_RELEASE before #include "hls_streamofblocks.h
in your source code.

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Chapter 28

HLS IP Libraries
AMD Vitis™ HLS provides C++ libraries to implement a number of AMD IP blocks. The C libraries
allow the following AMD IP blocks to be directly inferred from the C++ source code ensuring a
high-quality implementation in the FPGA.

Table 52: HLS IP Libraries

Library Header File Description

hls_fft.h Allows the AMD LogiCORE IP FFT to be simulated in C and implemented using the
AMD LogiCORE block.
hls_fir.h Allows the AMD LogiCORE IP FIR to be simulated in C and implemented using the
AMD LogiCORE block.
hls_dds.h Allows the AMD LogiCORE IP DDS to be simulated in C and implemented using the
AMD LogiCORE block.
ap_shift_reg.h Provides a C++ class to implement a shift register which is implemented directly
using an AMD SRL primitive.

FFT IP Library
The AMD FFT IP block can be called within a C++ design using the library hls_fft.h. This
section explains how the FFT can be configured in your C++ code. An example FFT application
can be found in Vitis-HLS-Introductory-Examples/Misc on GitHub.

RECOMMENDED: AMD highly recommends that you review the Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP
Product Guide (PG109) for information on how to implement and use the features of the IP.

To use the FFT in your C++ code:

1. Include the hls_fft.h library in the code

2. Set the default parameters using the predefined struct hls::ip_fft::params_t
3. Define the runtime configuration
4. Call the FFT function

TIP: Because it uses the DATAFLOW pragma or directive, the pipelined execution of an FFT must be in
a dataflow loop and not a pipelined loop.

5. Optionally, check the runtime status

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The following code examples provide a summary of how each of these steps is performed. Each
step is discussed in more detail below.

First, include the FFT library in the source code. This header file resides in the include directory in
the Vitis HLS installation area which is automatically searched when Vitis HLS executes.

#include "hls_fft.h"

Define the static parameters of the FFT. This includes such things as input width, number of
channels, type of architecture. which do not change dynamically. The FFT library includes a
parameterization struct hls::ip_fft::params_t, which can be used to initialize all static
parameters with default values.

In this example, the default values for output ordering and the widths of the configuration and
status ports are over-ridden using a user-defined struct param1 based on the predefined struct.

struct param1 : hls::ip_fft::params_t {

static const unsigned ordering_opt = hls::ip_fft::natural_order;
static const unsigned config_width = FFT_CONFIG_WIDTH;
static const unsigned status_width = FFT_STATUS_WIDTH;

Define types and variables for both the runtime configuration and runtime status. These values
can be dynamic and are therefore defined as variables in the C code which can change and are
accessed through APIs.

typedef hls::ip_fft::config_t<param1> config_t;

typedef hls::ip_fft::status_t<param1> status_t;
config_t fft_config1;
status_t fft_status1;

Next, set the runtime configuration. This example sets the direction of the FFT (Forward or
Inverse) based on the value of variable “direction” and also set the value of the scaling schedule.


Call the FFT function using the HLS namespace with the defined static configuration (param1 in
this example). The function parameters are, in order, input data, output data, output status and
input configuration.

hls::fft<param1> (xn1, xk1, &fft_status1, &fft_config1);

Finally, check the output status. This example checks the overflow flag and stores the results in
variable “ovflo”

*ovflo = fft_status1->getOvflo();

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TIP: The example above shows the use of scalar values and arrays, but the FFT function also supports the
use of hls::stream for arguments. Refer to Using FFT Function with Streaming Interface for more

FFT Static Parameters

The static parameters of the FFT define how the FFT is configured and specifies the fixed
parameters such as the size of the FFT, whether the size can be changed dynamically, whether
the implementation is pipelined or radix_4_burst_io.

The hls_fft.h header file defines a struct hls::ip_fft::params_t which can be used to
set default values for the static parameters. If the default values are to be used, the
parameterization struct can be used directly with the FFT function.

hls::fft<hls::ip_fft::params_t >
(xn1, xk1, &fft_status1, &fft_config1);

A more typical use is to change some of the parameters to non-default values. This is performed
by creating a new user-defined parameterization struct based on the default parameterization
struct and changing some of the default values.

In the following example, a new user struct my_fft_config is defined with a new value for the
output ordering (changed to natural_order). All other static parameters to the FFT use the
default values.

struct my_fft_config : hls::ip_fft::params_t {

static const unsigned ordering_opt = hls::ip_fft::natural_order;

hls::fft<my_fft_config >
(xn1, xk1, &fft_status1, &fft_config1);

The parameters used for the FFT struct hls::ip_fft::params_t are explained below. The
default values for the parameters and a list of possible values are provided.

TIP: The FFT LogiCORE IP uses the data_format parameter to specify the values as fixed_point or
floating_point , with the default being fixed_point . However, with the hls_fft.h library the
input variables passed to the FFT function determine the data_format rather than a parameter.

Table 53: FFT Struct Parameters

Parameter Description C Type Default Value Valid Values

input_width Data input port width. unsigned 16 8-34
output_width Data output port width. unsigned 16 input_width to
(input_width +
max_nfft + 1)
status_width Output status port width. unsigned 8 Depends on FFT

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Table 53: FFT Struct Parameters (cont'd)

Parameter Description C Type Default Value Valid Values

config_width Input configuration port width. unsigned 16 Depends on FFT
max_nfft The size of the FFT data set is unsigned 10 3-16
specified as 1 << max_nfft.
has_nfft Determines if the size of the FFT bool false True, False
can be runtime configurable.
channels Number of channels. unsigned 1 1-12
arch_opt The implementation architecture. unsigned pipelined_streaming_i automatically_select
o pipelined_streaming_i
o radix_4_burst_io
phase_factor_widt Configure the internal phase unsigned 16 8-34
h factor precision.
ordering_opt The output ordering mode. unsigned bit_reversed_order bit_reversed_order
ovflo Enable overflow mode. bool true true false
scaling_opt Define the scaling options. unsigned scaled scaled unscaled
rounding_opt Define the rounding modes. unsigned truncation truncation
mem_data Specify using block or distributed unsigned block_ram block_ram
RAM for data memory. distributed_ram
mem_phase_factor Specify using block or distributed unsigned block_ram block_ram
s RAM for phase factors memory. distributed_ram
mem_reorder Specify using block or distributed unsigned block_ram block_ram
RAM for output reorder memory. distributed_ram
stages_block_ram Defines the number of block unsigned (max_nfft < 10) ? 0 : 0-11
RAM stages used in the (max_nfft - 9)
mem_hybrid When block RAMs are specified bool false true false
for data, phase factor, or reorder
buffer, mem_hybrid specifies
where or not to use a hybrid of
block and distributed RAMs to
reduce block RAM count in
certain configurations.
complex_mult_typ Defines the types of multiplier to unsigned use_mults_resources use_luts
e use for complex multiplications. use_mults_resources
butterfly_type Defines the implementation used unsigned use_luts use_luts
for the FFT butterfly. use_xtremedsp_slices

IMPORTANT! When specifying parameter values which are not integer or boolean, the HLS FFT
namespace should be used. For example, the possible values for parameter butterfly_type in the
following table are use_luts and use_xtremedsp_slices . The values used in the C program
should be butterfly_type = hls::ip_fft::use_luts and butterfly_type =

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FFT Runtime Configuration and Status

The FFT supports runtime configuration and runtime status monitoring through the configuration
and status ports. These ports are defined as arguments to the FFT function, shown here as
variables fft_status1 and fft_config1:

hls::fft<param1> (xn1, xk1, &fft_status1, &fft_config1);

The runtime configuration and status can be accessed using the predefined structs from the FFT
C library:

• hls::ip_fft::config_t<param1>
• hls::ip_fft::status_t<param1>

Note: In both cases, the struct requires the name of the static parameterization struct, shown in these
examples as param1. Refer to the previous section for details on defining the static parameterization

The runtime configuration struct allows the following actions to be performed in the C code:

• Set the FFT length, if runtime configuration is enabled

• Set the FFT direction as forward or inverse
• Set the scaling schedule

The FFT length can be set as follows:

typedef hls::ip_fft::config_t<param1> config_t;

config_t fft_config1;
// Set FFT length to 512 => log2(512) =>9

IMPORTANT! The length specified during runtime cannot exceed the size defined by max_nfft in the
static configuration.

The FFT direction can be set as follows:

typedef hls::ip_fft::config_t<param1> config_t;

config_t fft_config1;
// Forward FFT
// Inverse FFT

The FFT scaling schedule can be set as follows:

typedef hls::ip_fft::config_t<param1> config_t;

config_t fft_config1;

The output status port can be accessed using the pre-defined struct to determine:

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• If any overflow occurred during the FFT

• The value of the block exponent

The FFT overflow mode can be checked as follows:

typedef hls::ip_fft::status_t<param1> status_t;

status_t fft_status1;
// Check the overflow flag
bool *ovflo = fft_status1.getOvflo();

IMPORTANT! After each transaction completes, check the overflow status to confirm the correct
operation of the FFT.

And the block exponent value can be obtained using:

typedef hls::ip_fft::status_t<param1> status_t;

status_t fft_status1;
// Obtain the block exponent
unsigned int *blk_exp = fft_status1.getBlkExp();

Using the FFT Function with Array Interface

The FFT function with array arguments is defined in the HLS namespace and can be called as

hls::fft<STATIC_PARAM> (

The STATIC_PARAM is the static parameterization struct that defines the static parameters for
the FFT.

Both the input and output data are supplied to the function as arrays (INPUT_DATA_ARRAY and
OUTPUT_DATA_ARRAY). In the final implementation, the ports on the FFT RTL block will be
implemented as AXI4-Stream ports. AMD recommends

IMPORTANT! You are required to always using the FFT function in a dataflow region using
(set_directive_dataflow ), and to specify both arrays as streaming using the
set_directive_stream command. The FFT cannot be used in a region which is pipelined. If high-
performance operation is required, in particular by avoiding clock cycles in which the FFT is stalled without
processing data, then:

• The entire design hierarchy including and above the FFT must be either dataflow regions or
functions containing only dataflow-in-loop.
• The depth of all FIFOs must be enough to avoid blocking in cosimulation, as described in Cosim
Deadlock Detection.

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• All dataflow processes throughout the hierarchy must contain only:

○ Pipelines with the rewind option

○ Or pipelined loops with the rewind option

The data types for the arrays can be float or ap_fixed.

typedef float data_t;

complex<data_t> in_fft[FFT_LENGTH];
complex<data_t> out_fft[FFT_LENGTH];

To use fixed-point data types, the Vitis HLS arbitrary precision type ap_fixed should be used.

#include "ap_fixed.h"
typedef ap_fixed<FFT_INPUT_WIDTH,1> data_in_t;
#include <complex>
typedef hls::x_complex<data_in_t> cmpxData;
typedef hls::x_complex<data_out_t> cmpxDataOut;

In both cases, the FFT should be parameterized with the same correct data sizes. In the case of
floating point data, the data widths will always be 32-bit and any other specified size will be
considered invalid.

IMPORTANT! The input and output width of the FFT can be configured to any arbitrary value within the
supported range. The variables which connect to the input and output parameters must be defined in
increments of 8-bit. For example, if the output width is configured as 33-bit, the output variable must be
defined as a 40-bit variable.

Multi-Channel FFT

The multichannel functionality of the FFT can be used by using two-dimensional arrays for the
input and output data. In this case, the array data should be configured with the first dimension
representing each channel and the second dimension representing the FFT data.

typedef float data_t;

static complex<data_t> in_fft[FFT_CHANNELS][FFT_LENGTH];
static complex<data_t> out_fft[FFT_CHANNELS][FFT_LENGTH];

The FFT core consumes and produces data as interleaved channels (for example, ch0-data0, ch1-
data0, ch2-data0, etc, ch0-data1, ch1-data1, ch2-data1, etc.). Therefore, to stream the input or
output arrays of the FFT using the same sequential order that the data was read or written, you
must fill or empty the two-dimensional arrays for multiple channels by iterating through the
channel index first, as shown in the following example:

cmpxData in_fft[FFT_CHANNELS][FFT_LENGTH];
cmpxData out_fft[FFT_CHANNELS][FFT_LENGTH];

// Read data into FFT Input Array

for (unsigned i = 0; i < FFT_LENGTH; i++) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < FFT_CHANNELS; ++j) {

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in_fft[j][i] = in.read();
// Write data out from FFT Output Array
for (unsigned i = 0; i < FFT_LENGTH; i++) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < FFT_CHANNELS; ++j) {

Using FFT Function with Streaming Interface

The FFT function with streaming interfaces is defined in the HLS namespace similarly to this:

template <typename PARAM_T>

void fft(hls::stream<complex<float or ap_fixed>> &xn_s,
hls::stream<complex<float or ap_fixed >> &xk_s,
hls::stream<ip_fft::status_t<CONFIG_T>> &status_s,
hls::stream<ip_fft::config_t<CONFIG_T>> &config_s);

and can be called as follows:

hls::fft<STATIC_PARAM> (

The STATIC_PARAM is the static parameterization struct that defines the static parameters for
the FFT.

All input and outputs are supplied to the function as a hls::stream<>. In the final
implementation, the ports on the FFT RTL block will be implemented as AXI4-Stream ports.

IMPORTANT! You are required to use the streaming FFT function in a dataflow region using
set_directive_dataflow or #pragma HLS dataflow. The FFT cannot be used in a region
which is pipelined. If high-performance operation is required, in particular by avoiding clock cycles in which
the FFT is stalled without processing data, then:

• The entire design hierarchy including and above the FFT must be either dataflow regions or
functions containing only dataflow-in-loop.
• The depth of all FIFOs must be enough to avoid blocking in cosimulation, as described in Cosim
Deadlock Detection)
• All dataflow processes throughout the hierarchy must contain only:
○ Pipelines with the rewind option

○ Or pipelined loops with the rewind option

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The data types for input data and output data streams can be float or ap_fixed.

void fft_top(
bool direction,
complex<data_in_t> in[FFT_LENGTH],
complex<data_out_t> out[FFT_LENGTH],
bool &ovflo)
#pragma HLS dataflow
hls::stream<complex<data_in_t>> in_fft;
hls::stream<complex<data_out_t>> out_fft;
hls::stream<config_t> fft_config;
hls::stream<status_t> fft_status;

// convert inputs to hls::stream<> and generates fft_config stream

based on input arguments
proc_fe(direction, fft_config, in, in_fft);
hls::fft<config1>(in_fft, out_fft, fft_status, fft_config);
// convert fft result to outputs data type and sets output ovflo
according to fft_status stream
proc_be(fft_status, ovflo, out_fft, out);

To use fixed-point data types, the Vitis HLS arbitrary precision type ap_fixed should be used.

#include "ap_fixed.h"
typedef ap_fixed<FFT_INPUT_WIDTH,1> data_in_t;
#include <complex>
typedef complex<data_in_t> cmpxData;
typedef complex<data_out_t> cmpxDataOut;

In both cases, the FFT should be parameterized with the same correct data sizes. In the case of
floating point data, the data widths will always be 32-bit and any other specified size will be
considered invalid.

Comparing Stream and Array

The following table shows the array example and stream example usage of the FFT IP. In both
cases the dataflow hierarchy extends all the way to the top, without any sequential code (code
that is not a dataflow region or a dataflow-in-loop function) and that copy-in and copy-out loops
are pipelined with rewind.

TIP: The top functions in each example are using array interfaces for consistency, but could be changed to
use hls::stream<> or use the STREAM pragma or directive to the same effect.

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Table 54: FFT Arguments

FFT with Array Arguments FFT with hls::stream<> Arguments

#include "fft_top.h" #include "fft_top.h"

void proc_fe( void proc_fe(

bool direction, bool direction,
config_t* config, hls::stream<config_t> &config_s,
cmpxDataIn in[FFT_LENGTH], cmpxDataIn in[FFT_LENGTH],
cmpxDataIn out[FFT_LENGTH]) hls::stream<cmpxDataIn> &out_s)
{ {
int i; int i;
config->setDir(direction); config_t config;
config->setSch(0x2AB); config.setDir(direction);
for (i=0; i< FFT_LENGTH; i++) config.setSch(0x2AB);
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1 rewind config_s.write(config);
out[i] = in[i]; for (i=0; i< FFT_LENGTH; i++) {
} #pragma HLS pipeline II=1 rewind
void proc_be( }
status_t* status_in, }
bool* ovflo,
cmpxDataOut in[FFT_LENGTH], void proc_be(
cmpxDataOut out[FFT_LENGTH]) hls::stream<status_t> &status_in_s,
{ bool &ovflo,
int i; hls::stream<cmpxDataOut> &in_s,
for (i=0; i< FFT_LENGTH; i++) cmpxDataOut out[FFT_LENGTH])
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1 rewind {
out[i] = in[i]; int i;
*ovflo = status_in->getOvflo() & 0x1; for (i=0; i< FFT_LENGTH; i++) {
} #pragma HLS pipeline II=1 rewind
out[i] = in_s.read();
// TOP function }
void fft_top( status_t status_in = status_in_s.read();
bool direction, ovflo = status_in.getOvflo() & 0x1;
complex<data_in_t> in[FFT_LENGTH], }
complex<data_out_t> out[FFT_LENGTH],
bool* ovflo) // TOP function
{ void fft_top(
#pragma HLS interface ap_hs port=direction bool direction,
#pragma HLS interface ap_fifo depth=1 complex<data_in_t> in[FFT_LENGTH],
port=ovflo complex<data_out_t> out[FFT_LENGTH],
#pragma HLS interface ap_fifo bool &ovflo)
depth=FFT_LENGTH port=in,out {
#pragma HLS data_pack variable=in #pragma HLS dataflow
#pragma HLS data_pack variable=out hls::stream<complex<data_in_t>> xn;
#pragma HLS dataflow hls::stream<complex<data_out_t>> xk;
complex<data_in_t> xn[FFT_LENGTH]; hls::stream<config_t> fft_config;
complex<data_out_t> xk[FFT_LENGTH]; hls::stream<status_t> fft_status;
config_t fft_config; // convert inputs to hls::stream<>
status_t fft_status; // and generates fft_config stream based on
input arguments
// convert inputs to arrays and generates proc_fe(direction, fft_config, in, xn);
fft_config // FFT IP
// based on input arguments hls::fft<config1>(xn, xk, fft_status,
proc_fe(direction, &fft_config, in, xn); fft_config);
// FFT IP // convert fft result to outputs data type
hls::fft<config1>(xn, xk, &fft_status, // and sets output ovflo according to
&fft_config); fft_status stream
// convert fft results to outputs data type proc_be(fft_status, ovflo, xk, out);
and }
// sets output ovflo according to fft_status
proc_be(&fft_status, ovflo, xk, out);

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FIR Filter IP Library

The AMD FIR IP block can be called within a C++ design using the library hls_fir.h. This
section explains how the FIR can be configured in your C++ code.

RECOMMENDED: AMD highly recommends that you review the FIR Compiler LogiCORE IP Product
Guide (PG149) for information on how to implement and use the features of the IP.

To use the FIR in your C++ code:

1. Include the hls_fir.h library in the code.

2. Set the static parameters using the predefined struct hls::ip_fir::params_t.
3. Call the FIR function.
4. Optionally, define a runtime input configuration to modify some parameters dynamically.

The following code examples provide a summary of how each of these steps is performed. Each
step is discussed in more detail below.

First, include the FIR library in the source code. This header file resides in the include directory in
the Vitis HLS installation area. This directory is automatically searched when Vitis HLS executes.
There is no need to specify the path to this directory if compiling inside Vitis HLS.

#include "hls_fir.h"

Define the static parameters of the FIR. This includes such static attributes such as the input
width, the coefficients, the filter rate (single, decimation, hilbert). The FIR library includes
a parameterization struct hls::ip_fir::params_t which can be used to initialize all static
parameters with default values.

In this example, the coefficients are defined as residing in array coeff_vec and the default
values for the number of coefficients, the input width and the quantization mode are over-ridden
using a user a user-defined struct myconfig based on the predefined struct.

struct myconfig : hls::ip_fir::params_t {

static const double coeff_vec[sg_fir_srrc_coeffs_len];
static const unsigned num_coeffs = sg_fir_srrc_coeffs_len;
static const unsigned input_width = INPUT_WIDTH;
static const unsigned quantization = hls::ip_fir::quantize_only;

Create an instance of the FIR function using the HLS namespace with the defined static
parameters (myconfig in this example) and then call the function with the run method to
execute the function. The function arguments are, in order, input data and output data.

static hls::FIR<param1> fir1;

fir1.run(fir_in, fir_out);

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Optionally, a runtime input configuration can be used. In some modes of the FIR, the data on this
input determines how the coefficients are used during interleaved channels or when coefficient
reloading is required. This configuration can be dynamic and is therefore defined as a variable.
For a complete description of which modes require this input configuration, refer to the FIR
Compiler LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG149).

When the runtime input configuration is used, the FIR function is called with three arguments:
input data, output data and input configuration.

// Define the configuration type

typedef ap_uint<8> config_t;
// Define the configuration variable
config_t fir_config = 8;
// Use the configuration in the FFT
static hls::FIR<param1> fir1;
fir1.run(fir_in, fir_out, &fir_config);

TIP: The example above shows the use of scalar values and arrays, but the FIR function also supports the
use of hls::stream for arguments. Refer to Vitis HLS Introductory Examples for more information.

FIR Static Parameters

The static parameters of the FIR define how the FIR IP is parameterized and specifies non-
dynamic items such as the input and output widths, the number of fractional bits, the coefficient
values, the interpolation and decimation rates. Most of these configurations have default values:
there are no default values for the coefficients.

The hls_fir.h header file defines a struct hls::ip_fir::params_t that can be used to
set the default values for most of the static parameters.

IMPORTANT! There are no defaults defined for the coefficients. Therefore, AMD does not recommend
using the pre-defined struct to directly initialize the FIR. A new user defined struct which specifies the
coefficients should always be used to perform the static parameterization.

In this example, a new user struct my_config is defined and with a new value for the
coefficients. The coefficients are specified as residing in array coeff_vec. All other parameters
to the FIR use the default values.

struct myconfig : hls::ip_fir::params_t {

static const double coeff_vec[sg_fir_srrc_coeffs_len];
static hls::FIR<myconfig> fir1;
fir1.run(fir_in, fir_out);

Fir Struct Parameters

The following table describes the parameters used for the parametrization struct
hls::ip_fir::params_tand lists the default values for the parameters as well as the
possible values.

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Table 55: FIR Struct Parameter Values

Parameter Description C Type Default Value Valid Values

input_width Data input port width unsigned 16 No limitation
input_fractional_bits Number of fractional unsigned 0 Limited by size of
bits on the input port input_width
output_width Data output port width unsigned 24 No limitation
output_fractional_bits Number of fractional unsigned 0 Limited by size of
bits on the output port output_width
coeff_width Bit-width of the unsigned 16 No limitation
coeff_fractional_bits Number of fractional unsigned 0 Limited by size of
bits in the coefficients coeff_width
num_coeffs Number of coefficients bool 21 Full
coeff_sets Number of coefficient unsigned 1 1-1024
input_length Number of samples in unsigned 21 No limitation
the input data
output_length Number of samples in unsigned 21 No limitation
the output data
num_channels Specify the number of unsigned 1 1-1024
channels of data to
total_num_coeff Total number of unsigned 21 num_coeffs * coeff_sets
coeff_vec[total_num_coeff] The coefficient array double array None Not applicable
filter_type The type unsigned single_rate single_rate,
implementation used interpolation,
for the filter decimation, hilbert_filter,
rate_change Specifies integer or unsigned integer integer, fixed_fractional
fractional rate changes
interp_rate The interpolation rate unsigned 1 1-1024
decim_rate The decimation rate unsigned 1 1-1024
zero_pack_factor Number of zero unsigned 1 1-8
coefficients used in
rate_specification Specify the rate as unsigned period frequency, period
frequency or period
hardware_oversampling_r Specify the rate of unsigned 1 No Limitation
ate over-sampling
sample_period The hardware bool 1 No Limitation
oversample period
sample_frequency The hardware unsigned 0.001 No Limitation
oversample frequency
quantization The quantization unsigned integer_coefficients integer_coefficients,
method to be used quantize_only,
best_precision Enable or disable the unsigned false false
best precision true

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Table 55: FIR Struct Parameter Values (cont'd)

Parameter Description C Type Default Value Valid Values

coeff_structure The type of coefficient unsigned non_symmetric inferred, non_symmetric,
structure to be used symmetric,
half_band, hilbert
output_rounding_mode Type of rounding used unsigned full_precision full_precision,
on the output truncate_lsbs,
filter_arch Selects a systolic or unsigned systolic_multiply_acc systolic_multiply_accumu
transposed umulate late,
architecture transpose_multiply_accu
optimization_goal Specify a speed or area unsigned area area, speed
goal for optimization
inter_column_pipe_length The pipeline length unsigned 4 1-16
required between DSP
column_config Specifies the number unsigned 1 Limited by number of
of DSP module DSP macrocells used
config_method Specifies how the DSP unsigned single single, by_channel
module columns are
coeff_padding Specifies if zero bool false false
padding is added to true
the front of the filter

IMPORTANT! When specifying parameter values which are not integer or boolean, the HLS FIR
namespace should be used. For example the possible values for rate_change are shown in the table to
be integer and fixed_fractional . The values used in the C program should be rate_change =
hls::ip_fir::integer and rate_change = hls::ip_fir::fixed_fractional.

Using the FIR Function with Array Interface

The FIR function is defined in the HLS namespace and can be called as follows:

// Create an instance of the FIR

static hls::FIR<STATIC_PARAM> fir1;
// Execute the FIR instance fir1

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The STATIC_PARAM is the static parameterization struct that defines most static parameters for
the FIR.

Both the input and output data are supplied to the function as arrays (INPUT_DATA_ARRAY and
OUTPUT_DATA_ARRAY). In the final implementation, these ports on the FIR IP will be
implemented as AXI4-Stream ports. AMD recommends always using the FIR function in a region
using the dataflow optimization (set_directive_dataflow), because this ensures the arrays
are implemented as streaming arrays. An alternative is to specify both arrays as streaming using
the set_directive_stream command.

IMPORTANT! The FIR cannot be used in a region which is pipelined. If high-performance operation is
required, pipeline the loops or functions before and after the FIR then use dataflow optimization on all
loops and functions in the region.

The multichannel functionality of the FIR is supported through interleaving the data in a single
input and single output array.

• The size of the input array should be large enough to accommodate all samples:
num_channels * input_length.
• The output array size should be specified to contain all output samples: num_channels *

The following code example demonstrates, for two channels, how the data is interleaved. In this
example, the top-level function has two channels of input data (din_i, din_q) and two
channels of output data (dout_i, dout_q). Two functions, at the front-end (fe) and back-end
(be) are used to correctly order the data in the FIR input array and extract it from the FIR output

void dummy_fe(din_t din_i[LENGTH], din_t din_q[LENGTH], din_t

out[FIR_LENGTH]) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < LENGTH; ++i) {
out[2*i] = din_i[i];
out[2*i + 1] = din_q[i];
void dummy_be(dout_t in[FIR_LENGTH], dout_t dout_i[LENGTH], dout_t
dout_q[LENGTH]) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < LENGTH; ++i) {
dout_i[i] = in[2*i];
dout_q[i] = in[2*i+1];
void fir_top(din_t din_i[LENGTH], din_t din_q[LENGTH],
dout_t dout_i[LENGTH], dout_t dout_q[LENGTH]) {

din_t fir_in[FIR_LENGTH];
dout_t fir_out[FIR_LENGTH];
static hls::FIR<myconfig> fir1;

dummy_fe(din_i, din_q, fir_in);

fir1.run(fir_in, fir_out);
dummy_be(fir_out, dout_i, dout_q);

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Optional FIR Runtime Configuration

In some modes of operation, the FIR requires an additional input to configure how the
coefficients are used. For a complete description of which modes require this input configuration,
refer to the FIR Compiler LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG149).

This input configuration can be performed in the C code using a standard ap_int.h 8-bit data
type. In this example, the header file fir_top.h specifies the use of the FIR and ap_fixed
libraries, defines a number of the design parameter values and then defines some fixed-point
types based on these:

#include "ap_fixed.h"
#include "hls_fir.h"

const unsigned FIR_LENGTH = 21;

const unsigned INPUT_WIDTH = 16;
const unsigned INPUT_FRACTIONAL_BITS = 0;
const unsigned OUTPUT_WIDTH = 24;
const unsigned OUTPUT_FRACTIONAL_BITS = 0;
const unsigned COEFF_WIDTH = 16;
const unsigned COEFF_FRACTIONAL_BITS = 0;
const unsigned COEFF_NUM = 7;
const unsigned COEFF_SETS = 3;
const unsigned INPUT_LENGTH = FIR_LENGTH;
const unsigned OUTPUT_LENGTH = FIR_LENGTH;
const unsigned CHAN_NUM = 1;
typedef ap_uint<8> config_t;

In the top-level code, the information in the header file is included, the static parameterization
struct is created using the same constant values used to specify the bit-widths, ensuring the C
code and FIR configuration match, and the coefficients are specified. At the top-level, an input
configuration, defined in the header file as 8-bit data, is passed into the FIR.

#include "fir_top.h"

struct param1 : hls::ip_fir::params_t {

static const double coeff_vec[total_num_coeff];
static const unsigned input_length = INPUT_LENGTH;
static const unsigned output_length = OUTPUT_LENGTH;
static const unsigned num_coeffs = COEFF_NUM;
static const unsigned coeff_sets = COEFF_SETS;
const double param1::coeff_vec[total_num_coeff] =

void dummy_fe(s_data_t in[INPUT_LENGTH], s_data_t out[INPUT_LENGTH],

config_t* config_in, config_t* config_out)
*config_out = *config_in;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < INPUT_LENGTH; ++i)
out[i] = in[i];

void dummy_be(m_data_t in[OUTPUT_LENGTH], m_data_t out[OUTPUT_LENGTH])

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for(unsigned i = 0; i < OUTPUT_LENGTH; ++i)
out[i] = in[i];
// DUT
void fir_top(s_data_t in[INPUT_LENGTH],
m_data_t out[OUTPUT_LENGTH],
config_t* config)

s_data_t fir_in[INPUT_LENGTH];
m_data_t fir_out[OUTPUT_LENGTH];
config_t fir_config;
// Create struct for config
static hls::FIR<param1> fir1;

// Dataflow process
dummy_fe(in, fir_in, config, &fir_config);
fir1.run(fir_in, fir_out, &fir_config);
dummy_be(fir_out, out);

Using FIR Function with Streaming Interface

The run() function with streaming interfaces and without config input is defined in the HLS
namespace similar to this:

void run(
hls::stream<in_data_t> &in_V,
hls::stream<out_data_t> &out_V);

With config input, it is defined similar to this:

void run(
hls::stream<in_data_t> &in_V,
hls::stream<out_data_t> &out_V,
hls::stream<config_t> &config_V);

The FIR function is defined in the HLS namespace and can be called as follows:

// Create an instance of the FIR

static hls::FIR<STATIC_PARAM> fir1;
// Execute the FIR instance fir1

The STATIC_PARAM is the static parameterization struct that defines most static parameters for
the FIR. Both the input and output data are supplied to the function as hls::stream<>. These
ports on the FIR IP will be implemented as AXI4-Stream ports.

AMD recommends always using the FIR function in a dataflow region using
set_directive_dataflow or #pragma HLS dataflow.

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IMPORTANT! The FIR cannot be used in a region which is pipelined. If high-performance operation is
required, pipeline the loops or functions before and after the FIR, and use the DATAFLOW pragma or
directive on all loops and functions in the region, as shown in the exampe below.

The multichannel functionality of the FIR is supported through interleaving the data in a single
input and single output stream.

• The size of the input stream should be large enough to accommodate all samples:
num_channels * input_length
• The output stream size should be specified to contain all output samples: num_channels *

The following code example demonstrates how the FIR IP function can be used.

template<typename data_t, int LENGTH>

void process_fe(data_t in[LENGTH], hls::stream<data_t> &out)
for(unsigned i = 0; i < LENGTH; ++i)
template<typename data_t, int LENGTH>
void process_be(hls::stream<data_t> &in, data_t out[LENGTH])
for(unsigned i = 0; i < LENGTH; ++i)
out[i] = in.read();

// TOP function
void fir_top(
data_t in[FIR1_LENGTH],
data_out_t out[FIR2_LENGTH])

#pragma HLS dataflow

hls::stream<data_t> fir1_in;
hls::stream<data_intern_t> fir1_out;
hls::stream<data_out_t> fir2_out;

// Create FIR instance

static hls::FIR<config1> fir1;
static hls::FIR<config2> fir2;

// Dataflow process
process_fe<data_t, FIR1_LENGTH>(in, fir1_in);
fir1.run(fir1_in, fir1_out);
fir2.run(fir1_out, fir2_out);
process_be<data_out_t, FIR2_LENGTH>(fir2_out, out);

TIP: To avoid bubbles in the execution of the FIR you need to ensure the FIFO depth is sufficient for the
data throughput in the dataflow region using the config_dataflow -fifo_depth command, and
might need to apply loop rewind to the loops in process_fe and process_be as described in the
PIPELINE pragma or directive.

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DDS IP Library
You can use the AMD Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) IP block within a C++ design using the
hls_dds.h library. This section explains how to configure DDS IP in your C++ code.

RECOMMENDED: AMD highly recommends that you review the DDS Compiler LogiCORE IP Product
Guide (PG141) for information on how to implement and use the features of the IP.

IMPORTANT! The C IP implementation of the DDS IP core supports the fixed mode for the
Phase_Increment and Phase_Offset parameters and supports the none mode for Phase_Offset, but it
does not support programmable and streaming modes for these parameters.

To use the DDS in the C++ code:

1. Include the hls_dds.h library in the code.

2. Set the default parameters using the pre-defined struct hls::ip_dds::params_t.
3. Call the DDS function.

First, include the DDS library in the source code. This header file resides in the include directory
in the Vitis HLS installation area, which is automatically searched when Vitis HLS executes.

#include "hls_dds.h"

Define the static parameters of the DDS. For example, define the phase width, clock rate, and
phase and increment offsets. The DDS C library includes a parameterization struct
hls::ip_dds::params_t, which is used to initialize all static parameters with default values.
By redefining any of the values in this struct, you can customize the implementation.

The following example shows how to override the default values for the phase width, clock rate,
phase offset, and the number of channels using a user-defined struct param1, which is based on
the existing predefined struct hls::ip_dds::params_t:

struct param1 : hls::ip_dds::params_t {

static const unsigned Phase_Width = PHASEWIDTH;
static const double DDS_Clock_Rate = 25.0;
static const double PINC[16];
static const double POFF[16];

Create an instance of the DDS function using the HLS namespace with the defined static
parameters (for example, param1). Then, call the function with the run method to execute the
function. Following are the data and phase function arguments shown in order:

static hls::DDS<config1> dds1;

dds1.run(data_channel, phase_channel);

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DDS Static Parameters

The static parameters of the DDS define how to configure the DDS, such as the clock rate, phase
interval, and modes. The hls_dds.h header file defines an hls::ip_dds::params_t struct,
which sets the default values for the static parameters. To use the default values, you can use the
parameterization struct directly with the DDS function.

static hls::DDS< hls::ip_dds::params_t > dds1;

dds1.run(data_channel, phase_channel);

The following table describes the parameters for the hls::ip_dds::params_t

parameterization struct.

RECOMMENDED: AMD highly recommends that you review the DDS Compiler LogiCORE IP Product
Guide (PG141) for details on the parameters and values.

Table 56: DDS Struct Parameters

Parameter Description
DDS_Clock_Rate Specifies the clock rate for the DDS output.
Channels Specifies the number of channels. The DDS and phase generator can
support up to 16 channels. The channels are time-multiplexed, which
reduces the effective clock frequency per channel.
Mode_of_Operation Specifies one of the following operation modes:
Standard mode for use when the accumulated phase can be truncated
before it is used to access the SIN/COS LUT.
Rasterized mode for use when the desired frequencies and system clock
are related by a rational fraction.
Modulus Describes the relationship between the system clock frequency and the
desired frequencies.
Use this parameter in rasterized mode only.
Spurious_Free_Dynamic_Range Specifies the targeted purity of the tone produced by the DDS.
Frequency_Resolution Specifies the minimum frequency resolution in Hz and determines the
Phase Width used by the phase accumulator, including associated phase
increment (PINC) and phase offset (POFF) values.
Noise_Shaping Controls whether to use phase truncation, dithering, or Taylor series
Phase_Width Sets the width of the following:
• PHASE_OUT field within m_axis_phase_tdata
• Phase field within s_axis_phase_tdata when the DDS is
configured to be a SIN/COS LUT only
• Phase accumulator
• Associated phase increment and offset registers
• Phase field in s_axis_config_tdata
For rasterized mode, the phase width is fixed as the number of bits
required to describe the valid input range [0, Modulus-1], that is,
log2 (Modulus-1) rounded up.
Output_Width Sets the width of SINE and COSINE fields within m_axis_data_tdata.
The SFDR provided by this parameter depends on the selected Noise
Shaping option.

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Table 56: DDS Struct Parameters (cont'd)

Parameter Description
Phase_Increment Selects the phase increment value.
Phase_Offset Selects the phase offset value.
Output_Selection Sets the output selection to SINE, COSINE, or both in the
m_axis_data_tdata bus.
Negative_Sine Negates the SINE field at runtime.
Negative_Cosine Negates the COSINE field at runtime.
Amplitude_Mode Sets the amplitude to full range or unit circle.
Memory_Type Controls the implementation of the SIN/COS LUT.
Optimization_Goal Controls whether the implementation decisions target highest speed or
lowest resource.
DSP48_Use Controls the implementation of the phase accumulator and addition
stages for phase offset, dither noise addition, or both.
Latency_Configuration Sets the latency of the core to the optimum value based upon the
Optimization Goal.
Latency Specifies the manual latency value.
Output_Form Sets the output form to two’s complement or to sign and magnitude. In
general, the output of SINE and COSINE is in two’s complement form.
However, when quadrant symmetry is used, the output form can be
changed to sign and magnitude.
PINC[XIP_DDS_CHANNELS_MAX] Sets the values for the phase increment for each output channel.
POFF[XIP_DDS_CHANNELS_MAX] Sets the values for the phase offset for each output channel.

DDS Struct Parameter Values

The following table shows the possible values for the hls::ip_dds::params_t
parameterization struct parameters.

Table 57: DDS Struct Parameter Values

Parameter C Type Default Value Valid Values

DDS_Clock_Rate double 20.0 Any double value
Channels unsigned 1 1 to 16
truncates the accumulated
selects rasterized mode.
Modulus unsigned 200 129 to 256
Spurious_Free_Dynamic_R double 20.0 18.0 to 150.0
Frequency_Resolution double 10.0 0.000000001 to 125000000

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Table 57: DDS Struct Parameter Values (cont'd)

Parameter C Type Default Value Valid Values

Noise_Shaping unsigned XIP_DDS_NS_NONE XIP_DDS_NS_NONE produces
phase truncation DDS.
XIP_DDS_NS_DITHER uses phase
dither to improve SFDR at the
expense of increased noise floor.
XIP_DDS_NS_TAYLOR interpolates
sine/cosine values using the
otherwise discarded bits from
phase truncation
XIP_DDS_NS_AUTO automatically
determines noise-shaping.
Phase_Width unsigned 16 Must be an integer multiple of 8
Output_Width unsigned 16 Must be an integer multiple of 8
PINC at generation time, and
PINC cannot be changed at
This is the only value supported.
not generate phase offset.
POFF at generation time, and
POFF cannot be changed at
produces sine output only.
produces cosine output only.
produces both sin and cosine
Negative_Sine unsigned XIP_DDS_ABSENT XIP_DDS_ABSENT produces
standard sine wave.
XIP_DDS_PRESENT negates sine
Negative_Cosine bool XIP_DDS_ABSENT XIP_DDS_ABSENT produces
standard sine wave.
XIP_DDS_PRESENT negates sine
normalizes amplitude to the
output width with the binary
point in the first place. For
example, an 8-bit output has a
binary amplitude of 100000000 -
10 giving values between
01111110 and 11111110, which
corresponds to just less than 1
and just more than -1,
normalizes amplitude to half full
range, that is, values range from
01000 .. (+0.5). to 110000 .. (-0.5).

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Section VI: Vitis HLS Libraries Reference
Chapter 28: HLS IP Libraries

Table 57: DDS Struct Parameter Values (cont'd)

Parameter C Type Default Value Valid Values

Memory_Type unsigned XIP_DDS_MEM_AUTO XIP_DDS_MEM_AUTO selects
distributed ROM for small cases
where the table can be
contained in a single layer of
memory and selects block ROM
for larger cases.
uses block RAM.
XIP_DDS_MEM_DIST always uses
distributed RAM.
automatically selects the
optimization goal.
optimizes for area.
optimizes for performance.
DSP48_Use unsigned XIP_DDS_DSP_MIN XIP_DDS_DSP_MIN implements
the phase accumulator and the
stages for phase offset, dither
noise addition, or both in FPGA
XIP_DDS_DSP_MAX implements
the phase accumulator and the
phase offset, dither noise
addition, or both using DSP
slices. In the case of single
channel, the DSP slice can also
provide the register to store
programmable phase increment,
phase offset, or both and
thereby, save further fabric
Latency_Configuration unsigned XIP_DDS_LATENCY_AUTO XIP_DDS_LATENCY_AUTO
automatically determines he
manually specifies the latency
using the Latency option.
Latency unsigned 5 Any value
Output_Form unsigned XIP_DDS_OUTPUT_TWOS XIP_DDS_OUTPUT_TWOS outputs
two's complement.
outputs signed magnitude.
PINC[XIP_DDS_CHANNELS_ unsigned array {0} Any value for the phase
MAX] increment for each channel
POFF[XIP_DDS_CHANNELS unsigned array {0} Any value for the phase offset
_MAX] for each channel

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Vitis HLS User Guide 794
Section VI: Vitis HLS Libraries Reference
Chapter 28: HLS IP Libraries

SRL IP Library
C code is written to satisfy several different requirements: reuse, readability, and performance.
Until now, it is unlikely that the C code was written to result in the most ideal hardware after
high-level synthesis.

Like the requirements for reuse, readability, and performance, certain coding techniques or pre-
defined constructs can ensure that the synthesis output results in more optimal hardware or to
better model hardware in C for easier validation of the algorithm.

Mapping Directly into SRL Resources

Many C algorithms sequentially shift data through arrays. They add a new value to the start of
the array, shift the existing data through array, and drop the oldest data value. This operation is
implemented in hardware as a shift register.

This most common way to implement a shift register from C into hardware is to completely
partition the array into individual elements, and allow the data dependencies between the
elements in the RTL to imply a shift register.

Logic synthesis typically implements the RTL shift register into an AMD SRL resource, which
efficiently implements shift registers. The issue is that sometimes logic synthesis does not
implement the RTL shift register using an SRL component:

• When data is accessed in the middle of the shift register, logic synthesis cannot directly infer
an SRL.
• Sometimes, even when the SRL is ideal, logic synthesis may implement the shift-resister in
flip-flops, due to other factors. (Logic synthesis is also a complex process).

Vitis HLS provides a C++ class (ap_shift_reg) to ensure that the shift register defined in the C
code is always implemented using an SRL resource. The ap_shift_reg class has two methods
to perform the various read and write accesses supported by an SRL component.

Read from the Shifter

The read method allows a specified location to be read from the shifter register.

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Chapter 28: HLS IP Libraries

The ap_shift_reg.h header file that defines the ap_shift_reg class is also included with
Vitis HLS as a standalone package. You have the right to use it in your own source code. The
package xilinx_hls_lib_<release_number>.tgz is located in the include directory in
the Vitis HLS installation area.

// Include the Class

#include "ap_shift_reg.h"

// Define a variable of type ap_shift_reg<type, depth>

// - Sreg must use the static qualifier
// - Sreg will hold integer data types
// - Sreg will hold 4 data values
static ap_shift_reg<int, 4> Sreg;
int var1;

// Read location 2 of Sreg into var1

var1 = Sreg.read(2);

Read, Write, and Shift Data

A shift method allows a read, write, and shift operation to be performed.

// Include the Class

#include "ap_shift_reg.h"

// Define a variable of type ap_shift_reg<type, depth>

// - Sreg must use the static qualifier
// - Sreg will hold integer data types
// - Sreg will hold 4 data values
static ap_shift_reg<int, 4> Sreg;
int var1;

// Read location 3 of Sreg into var1

// THEN shift all values up one and load In1 into location 0
var1 = Sreg.shift(In1,3);

Read, Write, and Enable-Shift

The shift method also supports an enabled input, allowing the shift process to be controlled
and enabled by a variable.

// Include the Class

#include "ap_shift_reg.h"
// Define a variable of type ap_shift_reg<type, depth>
// - Sreg must use the static qualifier
// - Sreg will hold integer data types
// - Sreg will hold 4 data values
static ap_shift_reg<int, 4> Sreg;
int var1, In1;
bool En;

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Chapter 28: HLS IP Libraries

// Read location 3 of Sreg into var1

// THEN if En=1
// Shift all values up one and load In1 into location 0
var1 = Sreg.shift(In1,3,En);

When using the ap_shift_reg class, Vitis HLS creates a unique RTL component for each
shifter. When logic synthesis is performed, this component is synthesized into an SRL resource.

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Vitis HLS User Guide 797
Section VI: Vitis HLS Libraries Reference
Chapter 29: Working with OpenCV

Chapter 29

Working with OpenCV

As described at https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries/tree/main/vision, to work with the Vitis
Vision Library you must also have installed the OpenCV computer vision library. Vitis HLS does
not come with OpenCV pre-installed, but the following link describes how to find and install it:
Vitis Libraries - Compiling and Installing OpenCV libraries for use with Vision library.

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Vitis HLS User Guide 798
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide

Section VII

Vitis HLS Migration Guide

This section contains the following chapters:

• Migrating from Vitis HLS to the Vitis Unified IDE

• Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS
• Deprecated and Unsupported Features
• Unsupported Features

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Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 30: Migrating from Vitis HLS to the Vitis Unified IDE

Chapter 30

Migrating from Vitis HLS to the Vitis

Unified IDE
Vitis HLS is being deprecated and will no longer be released in the near future. The Vitis unified
IDE provides a common tool for creating the different components of a heterogeneous system
design, or a Data Center accleleration application. These components include the HLS
component generated from C/C++ source code. The new tool flow includes the v++ and
vitis-run common comand-line for compiling and linking the system design.

The Vitis unified IDE was first introduced in the 2023.1 release, and is now the default tool flow
in the 2023.2 release. The unified IDE provides a number of approaches for migrating an HLS
project from Vitis HLS into the new tool. These include the following:

1. Use an existing Vitis HLS project to create a new HLS component

2. Use the write_ini command to export an HLS config file for use in the Vitis unified IDE
3. Use the vitis-run command to run an existing Tcl script

TIP: If your HLS component is part of a workspace for the Vitis classic IDE, you can migrate the workspace
as described in Migrating Projects from Classic IDE in Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation:
Application Acceleration Development (UG1393).

Create an HLS Component from an Exisiting Vitis HLS Project

As described in Creating an HLS Component you can specify the hls.app file from an existing
Vitis HLS project to generate a new HLS config file. The tool lets you identify the hls.app file
inside the project, and enter a New configuration file name for the config file generated from the
hls.app file.

TIP: If you have a project with multiple solutions, the hls.app file identifies the solutions and the HLS
Component Creation wizard will prompt you to specify which of the available solutions you want to import.
Using this feature you can create separate HLS components for each solution in the project.

Use write_ini to create an HLS Config File

The Vitis HLS tool also has the ability to create a config file from an existing Tcl script using the
write_ini command. To use this feature simply add the write_ini output.cfg with whatever
options are needed to create the needed config file.

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Vitis HLS User Guide 800
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 30: Migrating from Vitis HLS to the Vitis Unified IDE

Launch Vitis HLS in interactive mode and then specify the write_ini command to export the
Tcl commands used to create a project, or a specific solution.

vitis_hls -i
vitis_hls>write_ini output.cfg -appfile project/hls.app
vitis_hls>write_ini output.cfg -apsfile project/solution/solution.aps

After creating the HLS config files from the project or solutions, you can use these confi files
along with the specified source files to recreate th Vitis HLS project as an HLS component in the
Vitis unified IDE.

Use vitis-run to run an Existing Tcl Script

To use an existing Tcl script to generate an Vitis HLS project, you can use the vitis-run
command as described in vitis, v++, and vitis-run Commands:

vitis-run --mode hls --tcl script.tcl

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 801
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 31: Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS

Chapter 31

Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis

AMD Vivado™ HLS was the older generation HLS solution that has its last official release in
2020.1. AMD Vitis™ HLS represents the next-generation HLS solution from AMD and has
several improvements over the older Vivado HLS technology. First and foremost, AMD Vitis™
HLS has a new compiler that uses an updated version of the LLVM compiler standard and
supports C/C++ 11/14 for compilation/simulation. When migrating a kernel module or IP
implemented with one version of Vivado HLS, it is essential to understand the difference
between the versions of HLS, and the impact that these differences have on the design.

The key differences between these version of HLS versions can be categorized as follows:

• Key Behavioral Differences

• Deprecated Commands
• Unsupported Features

In addition, Vitis HLS now supports the following new and stricter syntax checking for both
source code and pragma usage:

• Syntax Checker: Vitis HLS will error out on unconnected ports (either in dataflow regions or
during RTL generation).
• Pragma Conflict Checker: New warnings and errors are reported for pragma conflicts and/or
typos in pragma options.
• New and Improved Messages when user-specified pragmas are ignored by the tool.

Key Behavioral Differences

This section highlights some of the key behavioral differences between HLS and AMD Vitis™
HLS. These key differences can be the source of big quality of results (QoR) differences and
therefore, it is necessary to understand these key differences when comparing QoR between
different versions of HLS tools. AMD recommends reviewing this section before using Vitis HLS.

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Vitis HLS User Guide 802
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 31: Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS

TIP: Due to the behavioral differences between Vitis HLS and Vivado HLS, you might need to differentiate
your code for use in the Vitis tool. To enable the same source code to be used in both tools, Vitis HLS
supports the __VITIS_HLS__ predefined macro to encapsulate source code written specifically for use
in that tool. Use #if defined( __VITIS_HLS__) type pre-processor declarations to encapsulate
tool specific code.

Default User Control Settings

The default global option configures the solution for either Vitis kernel acceleration development
flow or Vivado IP development flow.

open_solution -flow_target [vitis | vivado]

This global option is replacing the previous config option (config_sdx).

Vivado IP Development Flow

Configures the solution to run in support of the Vivado IP generation flow, requiring strict use of
pragmas and directives, and exporting the results as Vivado IP. The command to set up the
project solution for the Vivado IP flow is:

open_solution -flow_target vivado

The table below shows the original default settings of command options in the Vivado HLS tool,
and the new defaults applied in the Vitis HLS tool.

Table 58: Default Control Settings

Default Control Settings Vivado HLS Vitis HLS

config_compile -pipeline_loops 0 64
config_export - 2 0
set_clock_uncertainty 12.5% 27%
config_interface - N/A 0
config_interface - N/A 0
config_export -vivado_phys_opt place none
config_interface -m_axi_addr64 false true
config_schedule -enable_dsp_full_reg false true
config_rtl -module_auto_prefix false true
interface pragma defaults ip mode ip mode

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Vitis HLS User Guide 803
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 31: Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS

Vitis Application Acceleration Development Flow (Kernel Mode)

Configures the solution to run in support of the Vivado IP generation flow, requiring strict use of
pragmas and directives, and exporting the results as Vivado IP. The command to set up the
project solution for the Vivado IP flow is:

open_solution -flow_target vivado

The table below shows the original default settings of command options in the Vivado HLS tool,
and the new defaults applied in the Vitis HLS tool.

Table 59: Default Control Settings

Default Control Settings Vivado HLS Vitis HLS

config_compile -pipeline_loops 0 64
config_export - 2 0
set_clock_uncertainty 12.5% 27%
config_interface - N/A 0
config_interface - N/A 0
config_export -vivado_phys_opt place none
config_interface -m_axi_addr64 false true
config_schedule -enable_dsp_full_reg false true
config_rtl -module_auto_prefix false true
interface pragma defaults ip mode ip mode

Default Interfaces
Both AMD Vivado™ HLS and AMD Vitis™ HLS allow the user to customize the interfaces to the
top-level function using pragma/directions. Vitis HLS additionally supports the ability to
automatically infer the right interface. The type of interfaces that Vitis HLS creates depends on:

• The data type of the C arguments in the top-level function.

• The target flow.
• The default interface mode.
• Any user-specified INTERFACE pragmas or directives.

This is fully described in the Defining Interfaces section of the user guide (UG1399) and should
be reviewed before proceeding further.

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 804
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 31: Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS

Interface Bundle Rules

By default, AMD Vitis™ HLS groups function arguments with compatible options into a single
m_axi/s_axilite interface adapter. Bundling ports into a single interface helps save device
resources by eliminating AXI4 logic, which can be necessary when working in congested designs.
However, a single interface bundle can limit the performance of the kernel because all the
memory transfers have to go through a single interface. For example, the m_axi interface
has independent READ and WRITE channels, so a single interface can read and write
simultaneously, though only at one location. Using multiple bundles lets you increase the
bandwidth and throughput of the kernel by creating multiple interfaces to connect to memory

Bundle rules for AXI interfaces are fully described in M_AXI Bundles/S_AXILITE Bundles section
in the user guide (UG1399) and should be reviewed before proceeding further.

Memory Property on Interface

The storage_type option on the interface pragma or directive lets the user explicitly define
which type of RAM is used, and which RAM ports are created (single-port or dual-port). If no
storage_type is specified, Vitis HLS uses:

• A single-port RAM by default.

• A dual-port RAM if it reduces the initiation interval or latency.

For the Vivado flow, the user can specify a RAM storage type on the specified interface,
replacing the deprecated RESOURCE pragma with the storage_type.

#pragma HLS INTERFACE bram port = in1 storage_type=RAM_2P

#pragma HLS INTERFACE bram port = out storage_type=RAM_1P latency=3

AXI4-Stream Interfaces with Side-Channels

Side-channels are optional signals, which are part of the AXI4-Stream standard. The side-channel
signals can be directly referenced and controlled in the C/C++ code using a struct, provided that
the member elements of the struct match the names of the AXI4-Stream side-channel signals.
The AXI4-Stream side-channel signals are considered data signals and are registered whenever
TDATA is registered. There are significant differences in how this is handled in Vivado HLS vs
Vitis HLS. The AXI4-Stream Interfaces with Side-Channels section in the user guide (UG1399)
details the limitations and restrictions in Vitis HLS.

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 805
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 31: Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS

Memory Model
One key difference between AMD Vivado™ HLS and AMD Vitis™ HLS is how the internal
memory model is implemented. The memory model defines the way data is arranged and
accessed in computer memory. It consists of two separate but related issues: data alignment and
data structure padding. Vitis HLS uses a different memory model from Vivado HLS and the key
differences are as follows:

• Vitis HLS follows the GCC Compiler standard for data alignment
• Vitis HLS differs significantly from Vivado HLS in how it aggregates and disaggregates structs/
classes in the interface
○ Vivado HLS used to disaggregate structs in the interface by default. Vitis HLS instead keeps
structs aggregated. You can use the AGGREGATE/pragma HLS disaggregate pragma/
directive to match the Vivado HLS behavior.
- The exception is when there is a hls::stream object in the struct or an array inside the
struct is partitioned, Vitis HLS will disaggregate the struct in both of these cases.
○ Structs in the code, both internal and global variables, are disaggregated by default and
decomposed into their member elements, as described in Structs. The number and type of
elements created are determined by the contents of the struct itself. Arrays of structs are
implemented as multiple arrays, with a separate array for each member of the struct.
• Vitis HLS also differs in how data alignment is handled for interface protocols (such as AXI).
• Changes also include deprecated pragmas such as DATA_PACK.

These changes are fully described in the Vitis HLS Memory Layout Model section of the user
guide (UG1399) and should be reviewed before proceeding further.

Unconnected Ports
Vivado HLS accepted unconnected output signals for streamed single and multidimensional

Vitis HLS allows the following types of unconnected outputs:

• Unconnected output scalars

• Unconnected output single and multidimensional arrays implemented as PIPOs when used
inside a dataflow region

Vitis HLS does not allow:

• Unconnected output streams

• Unconnected output streamed single or multidimensional arrays

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 806
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 31: Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS

Global Variables on the Interface

Both Vivado HLS and AMD Vitis™ HLS allow global variables to be freely used in the code and
are fully synthesizable. However, while Vivado HLS supported exporting global variables in the
top-level function interface, AMD Vitis™ HLS does not.

Global variables can not be used as arguments to the top-level function, or exposed as ports on
the RTL interface in AMD Vitis™ HLS. Variables needed on the interface of the top-level function
must be explicitly declared in the interface.

Behavior Changes to Module Names and Module

In Vivado HLS, when config_rtl -module_auto_prefix was enabled the top RTL module
would have its name prefixed with its own name. SinceVitis HLS 2020.1, this auto prefix will only
be applied to sub-modules.

There is no change to the -module_prefix behavior. If this option is used, the specified prefix
value will be prepended to all modules including the top module. The -module_prefix option
also still takes precedence over -module_auto_prefix.

# vivado HLS 2020.1 generated module names (top module is "top")


# Vitis HLS 2020.1 generated module names

top.v <-- top module no longer has prefix

Updated Memory (RAM/ROM) Module Name and RTL

File Name
The new naming of the module is appended with the type of memory as shown below.

Table 60: Module and RTL File Names

OLD Module and RTL File Names NEW Module and RTL File Names
ncp_encoder_func_parbits_memcore_ram ncp_encoder_func_parbits_RAM_1P_LUTRAM_1R1W
test_A_V_ROM test_A_V_ROM_1P_BRAM_1R, test_A_V_ROM_1P_BRAM_1.v

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 807
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 31: Migrating from Vivado HLS to Vitis HLS

Behavior Differences in Inlining of Functions

Automatic inlining of functions in Vivado HLS was governed by the size of the function.
However, in Vitis HLS the automatic inlining optimization is driven by user pragma preferences or
by a cost model. For example, consider the case of a loop that is being pipelined, and calls to sub-
functions are being made inside this loop body. In Vivado HLS, these sub-functions may have
been automatically inlined due to their small size. In Vitis HLS they will only be inlined if the user
requests a pipeline of II=1. So the automatic inlining will only occur if the Vitis HLS scheduler
determines that there is a benefit to inlining these sub-functions to achieve II=1 in this pipelined

Due to this change you may see differences in the QoR achieved by Vitis HLS and Vivado HLS.
You can overcome these differences in Vitis HLS by manually inlining the sub-functions to match
the prior behavior of Vivado HLS.

Support of std::complex:

In Vivado HLS, std::complex data type could not be used directly inside the DATAFLOW, because
of multiple writers issue. This multiple reader and writer issue is coming from the std class
constructor being called to initialize the value. When this variable is also used inside the dataflow
as a channel, it leads to the above issue. However, Vitis supports the use of std::complex with
support of an attribute no_ctor as shown below.

// Nothing to do here.
void proc_1(std::complex<float> (&buffer)[50], const std::complex<float>
void proc_2(hls::stream<std::complex<float>> &fifo, const
std::complex<float> (&buffer)[50], std::complex<float> &acc);
void proc_3(std::complex<float> *out, hls::stream<std::complex<float>>
&fifo, const std::complex<float> acc);

void top(std::complex<float> *out, const std::complex<float> *in) {

std::complex<float> acc __attribute((no_ctor)); // here
std::complex<float> buffer[50] __attribute__((no_ctor)); // here
hls::stream<std::complex<float>, 5> fifo; // no need here (hls::stream
has it internally)
proc_1(buffer, in);
proc_2(fifo, buffer, acc);
porc_3(out, fifo, acc);

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 808
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 32: Deprecated and Unsupported Features

Chapter 32

Deprecated and Unsupported

AMD Vitis™ HLS has deprecated a number of AMD Vivado™ HLS commands. These deprecated
commands will be discontinued in a future release, and are not recommended for use; these are
listed in the table below.

Table 61: Vivado HLS Commands Deprecated in Vitis HLS

Type Command Option Vitis HLS Details

config config_interface - Deprecated

config config_interface - Deprecated


config config_interface - Deprecated


config config_interface - Unsupported This is now handled

m_axi_offset=slav through a
e combination of -
ct and -

config config_interface -expose_global Unsupported Global variables are

not supported in Vitis
HLS for exposure as
top-level ports in the
IP or kernel.
config config_interface - Unsupported

config config_array_part - Deprecated

ition auto_promotion_th

config config_array_part - Deprecated Has been renamed to

ition auto_partition_th -
reshold complete_threshol

config config_array_part -scalarize_all Unsupported


config config_array_part - Unsupported

ition throughput_driven

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 809
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 32: Deprecated and Unsupported Features

Table 61: Vivado HLS Commands Deprecated in Vitis HLS (cont'd)

Type Command Option Vitis HLS Details

config config_array_part -maximum_size Unsupported

config config_array_part - Unsupported

ition include_extern_gl

config config_array_part -include_ports Unsupported


config config_schedule All options but - Deprecated


config config_bind * (all options) Deprecated

config config_rtl -encoding Deprecated The FSM encoding is
config config_sdx * (all options) Deprecated
config config_flow * (all options) Deprecated
config config_dataflow - Deprecated

config config_rtl -auto_prefix Deprecated Replaced by

config_rtl -

config config_rtl -prefix Deprecated Replaced by

config_rtl -

config config_rtl - Deprecated Use

m_axi_conservativ config_interface
e_mode -

directive/pragma set_directive_pip -enable_flush Deprecated


directive/pragma CLOCK * Unsupported

directive/pragma DATA_PACK * Unsupported Use AGGREGATE
pragma or directive,
ked(X)) if needed.

directive/pragma INLINE -region Deprecated

directive/pragma INTERFACE -mode ap_bus Unsupported Use m_axi instead.

directive/pragma INTERFACE -mode ap_stable Deprecated Use STABLE pragma or

directive instead.
directive/pragma ARRAY_MAP * Unsupported
directive/pragma RESOURCE * Deprecated Replaced by BIND_OP
pragmas and
directives. Use
INTERFACE pragma or
directive with
storage_type option
for top function

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 810
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 32: Deprecated and Unsupported Features

Table 61: Vivado HLS Commands Deprecated in Vitis HLS (cont'd)

Type Command Option Vitis HLS Details

directive/pragma SHARED * Deprecated The SHARED pragma
or directive has been
moved to the
type=shared option
of the STREAM pragma
or directive.
directive/pragma STREAM -dim Unsupported
directive/pragma STREAM -off Deprecated STREAM off has
become STREAM

project csim_design -clang_sanitizer Add/Rename

project export_design -use_netlist Deprecated Replaced by:
export_design -
format ip_catalog

project export_design -xo Deprecated Replaced by:

export_design -
format xo

project add_files Unsupported System-C files are not

supported by Vitis HLS.
config config_export - Deprecated Replaced by:
disable_deadlock_ config_export -
detection deadlock_detectio

1. Deprecated: A warning message for discontinuity of the pragma in a future release will be issued.
2. Unsupported: Vitis HLS errors out with a valid message.
3. *: All the options in the command.

The following libraries are deprecated.

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Vitis HLS User Guide 811
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 32: Deprecated and Unsupported Features

Table 62: Deprecated Libraries

Library API Deprecated
Replacement / Action
Linear Algebra Lib cholesky deprecated Vitis Solver
hls_linear_algebra.h float, ap_fixed, potrf
hls/hls_axi_io.h x_complex<float>, float, double
hls_linear_algebra_io. cholesky_inverse Vitis Solver
h float, ap_fixed, pomatrixinverse
hls/linear_algebra x_complex<float>, float, double
|-- deprecated x_complex<ap_fixed>
| |-- matrix_multiply
x_complex_back_substit float, ap_fixed,
ute.h x_complex<float>,
| |-- x_complex<ap_fixed>
qrf Vitis Solver
| |--
x_complex_cholesky_inv float, x_complex<float> geqrf
erse.h float, double
| |-- qr_inverse
ply.h float, x_complex<float>
| |-- svd Vitis Solver
x_complex_matrix_tb_ut float, x_complex<float> gesvdj
float, double
| |--
| |--
| |-- x_complex_qrf.h
| `-- x_complex_svd.h
|-- hls_cholesky.h
|-- hls_qr_inverse.h
|-- hls_qrf.h
|-- hls_svd.h
`-- utils
|-- x_hls_complex.h

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 812
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 32: Deprecated and Unsupported Features

Table 62: Deprecated Libraries (cont'd)

Library API Deprecated
Replacement / Action
DSP Lib atan2 deprecated HLS Math
hls_dsp.h input: atan2
hls/dsp std::complex<ap_fixed> ap_fixed/ap_ufixed/float/
|-- hls_atan2_cordic.h output: ap_ufixed double
|-- hls_awgn.h sqrt HLS Math
|-- hls_cmpy.h unsigned binary fraction sqrt
|-- with 1 bit integer, unsigned ap_fixed/ap_ufixed/float/
hls_convolution_encode int double
awgn(Additive white
|-- hls_nco.h Gaussian noise)
|-- hls_qam_demod.h input: ap_ufixed
|-- hls_qam_mod.h output: ap_int
|-- hls_sqrt_cordic.h
cmpy(complex number
|-- multiply)
input: std::complex< ap_fixed
`-- utils >
|-- hls_cordic.h output: std::complex<
|-- ap_fixed >
convolution_encoder (for
`-- data transferring in channel
hls_dsp_common_utils.h with error correcting, used in
pair with viterbi decoder)
input: ap_uint
output: ap_uint
viterbi_decoder(for data
transferring in channel with
error correcting, used in pair
with convolution encoder)
input: ap_uint
output: ap_uint
nco (Numerically-Controlled
input: ap_uint
output: std::complex< ap_int

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 813
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 33: Unsupported Features

Chapter 33

Unsupported Features
The following features are not supported in this release.

IMPORTANT! HLS either issues a warning or error for all the unsupported features mentioned in this

• Pragma DEPENDENCE on an argument that also has an m_axi INTERFACE pragma
specifying a bundle with two or more ports is not supported.
void top(int *a, int *b) { // both a and b are bundled to m_axi port gmem

#prgama HLS interface m_axi port=a offset=slave bundle=gmem

#prgama HLS interface m_axi port=b offset=slave bundle=gmem

#pragma HLS dependence variable=a false

• Pragma INTERFACE no longer supports the ap_bus mode that was supported in AMD
Vivado™ HLS. You should use them_axi interface instead.

Top-Level Function Argument

IMPORTANT! AMD Vitis™ HLS does not support the INTERFACE pragma inside sub-functions.

Top-level argument with C data type of:

• enum or any use of enum (struct, array pointer of enum)

• ap_int<N> (where N is 1-32768)
• _Complex
• _Half, __fp16

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 814
Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide
Chapter 33: Unsupported Features

HLS Video Library

The hls_video.h for video utilities and functions has been deprecated and replaced by the
Vitis vision library. See the Migrating HLS Video Library to Vitis vision on GitHub for more

C Arbitrary Precision Types

Vitis HLS does not support C arbitrary precision types. AMD recommends using C++ types with
arbitrary precision.

In addition, C++ arbitrary precision types in Vitis HLS are limited to a maximum width of 4096
bits, instead of 32K bits supported by Vivado HLS.

C Constructs

• Pointer cast are not supported.

• Virtual functions are not supported.

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 815
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Appendix A

Tcl to Config File Command Map

The following table provides a map to Vitis HLS Tcl commands to the v++ -c --mode hls and
vitis-run configuration file commands.

Table 63: Tcl Project Commands

Tcl Command Option Default Value Type Config File Command

add_files appendflags false bool syn.file_cflags
add_files blackbox false bool syn.blackbox.file
add_files cflags string syn.cflags syn.file_cflags
tb.cflags tb.file_cflags
add_files csimflags string syn.csimflags
add_files src_files string syn.file
add_files tb false bool tb.file
cosim_design enable_tasks_with_m_axi bool
cosim_design hwemu_trace_dir string
cosim_design disable_binary_tv bool
cosim_design stable_axilite_update bool
cosim_design disable_dependency_che bool
cosim_design enable_dataflow_profilin bool
cosim_design enable_fifo_sizing bool
cosim_design random_stall bool
cosim_design user_stall string
cosim_design disable_deadlock_detecti bool
cosim_design wave_debug bool
cosim_design argv string
cosim_design compiled_library_dir string
cosim_design coverage bool
cosim_design ldflags string
cosim_design mflags string
cosim_design O bool
cosim_design rtl verilog enum
cosim_design setup bool

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 816
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Table 63: Tcl Project Commands (cont'd)

Tcl Command Option Default Value Type Config File Command

cosim_design tool xsim enum
cosim_design trace_level none enum
cosim_stall generate_burst_default string
cosim_stall check string
cosim_stall generate string
cosim_stall list bool
create_clock name string
create_clock period 10ns string clock
csim_design code_analyzer 0 bool
csim_design argv string
csim_design clean bool
csim_design ldflags string
csim_design mflags string
csim_design O bool
csim_design setup bool
csynth_design dump_post_cfg 0 bool
csynth_design synthesis_check 0 bool
csynth_design dump_cfg 0 bool
delete_project project string
delete_solution solution string
enable_beta_device pattern * string
export_design output string
export_design description string
export_design display_name string
export_design flow none enum
export_design format ip_catalog enum
export_design ipname string
export_design library string
export_design rtl verilog enum
export_design taxonomy string
export_design vendor string
export_design version string
get_clock_period units enum
get_clock_period default 0 bool
get_clock_period name string
get_clock_uncertainty default 1 bool
get_clock_uncertainty clock_name default string
get_files appfile string
get_files blackbox false bool
get_files filepaths none enum
get_files fileroot string

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 817
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Table 63: Tcl Project Commands (cont'd)

Tcl Command Option Default Value Type Config File Command

get_files quiet false bool
get_files csimflags false bool
get_files cflags false bool
get_files tb false bool
get_part family false bool
get_project solutions 0 bool
get_project directory 0 bool
get_project name 0 bool
get_solution json 0 bool
get_solution directory 0 bool
get_solution flow_target 0 bool
get_solution name 0 bool
help ini 0 bool
help width 120 int
help cmd string
list_part family false bool
list_part clock_regions false bool
list_part slr_pblocks false bool
list_part board false bool
list_part name string
open_project diskless 0 bool
open_project upgrade 0 bool
open_project name string
open_project reset 0 bool
open_solution flow_target enum flow_target
open_solution name string
open_solution reset 0 bool
open_tcl_project write_ini false bool
open_tcl_project tclfile string
set_clock_uncertainty clock_list string
set_clock_uncertainty uncertainty string clock_uncertainty
set_part board string board
set_part value string part
set_top name string syn.top

Table 64: Tcl Configuration Commands

Config File
Tcl Command Option Default Value Type
config_array_partition complete_threshold 4 uint syn.array_partition.co

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 818
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Table 64: Tcl Configuration Commands (cont'd)

Config File
Tcl Command Option Default Value Type
config_array_partition throughput_driven auto enum syn.array_partition.thr
config_array_stencil throughput_driven off enum syn.array_stencil.throu
config_compile design_size_maximum_ 100000 int syn.compile.design_siz
warning e_maximum_warning
config_compile pipeline_flush_in_task ii1 enum syn.compile.pipeline_fl
config_compile ignore_long_run_time 0 bool syn.compile.ignore_lon
config_compile pre_tcl string
config_compile enable_auto_rewind 1 bool syn.compile.enable_au
config_compile pipeline_style frp enum syn.compile.pipeline_st
config_compile pragma_strict_mode 0 bool syn.compile.pragma_st
config_compile name_max_length 80 uint syn.compile.name_ma
config_compile no_signed_zeros 0 bool syn.compile.no_signed
config_compile pipeline_loops 64 uint syn.compile.pipeline_lo
config_compile unsafe_math_optimizat 0 bool syn.compile.unsafe_m
ions ath_optimizations
config_cosim enable_tasks_with_m_a bool cosim.enable_tasks_wit
xi h_m_axi
config_cosim argv string cosim.argv
config_cosim compiled_library_dir string cosim.compiled_library
config_cosim coverage bool cosim.coverage
config_cosim disable_binary_tv bool cosim.disable_binary_t
config_cosim disable_deadlock_dete bool cosim.disable_deadloc
ction k_detection
config_cosim disable_dependency_c bool cosim.disable_depend
heck ency_check
config_cosim enable_dataflow_profili bool cosim.enable_dataflow
ng _profiling
config_cosim enable_fifo_sizing bool cosim.enable_fifo_sizin
config_cosim hwemu_trace_dir string cosim.hwemu_trace_di
config_cosim ldflags string cosim.ldflags
config_cosim mflags string cosim.mflags
config_cosim O bool cosim.O
config_cosim random_stall bool cosim.random_stall
config_cosim rtl verilog enum cosim.rtl

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 819
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Table 64: Tcl Configuration Commands (cont'd)

Config File
Tcl Command Option Default Value Type
config_cosim setup bool cosim.setup
config_cosim stable_axilite_update bool cosim.stable_axilite_up
config_cosim tool xsim enum cosim.tool
config_cosim trace_level none enum cosim.trace_level
config_cosim user_stall string cosim.user_stall
config_cosim wave_debug bool cosim.wave_debug
config_csim code_analyzer 0 bool csim.code_analyzer
config_csim argv string csim.argv
config_csim clean bool csim.clean
config_csim ldflags string csim.ldflags
config_csim mflags string csim.mflags
config_csim O bool csim.O
config_csim setup bool csim.setup
config_dataflow override_user_fifo_dept 0 uint syn.dataflow.override_
h user_fifo_depth
config_dataflow disable_fifo_sizing_opt 0 bool syn.dataflow.disable_fi
config_dataflow task_level_fifo_depth 2 uint syn.dataflow.task_level
config_dataflow strict_stable_sync 0 bool syn.dataflow.strict_sta
config_dataflow default_channel pingpong enum syn.dataflow.default_c
config_dataflow fifo_depth 2 uint syn.dataflow.fifo_dept
config_dataflow scalar_fifo_depth 2 uint syn.dataflow.scalar_fif
config_dataflow start_fifo_depth 2 uint syn.dataflow.start_fifo_
config_dataflow strict_mode warning enum syn.dataflow.strict_mo
config_debug directory .debug string syn.debug.directory
config_debug enable 0 bool syn.debug.enable
config_export xo_type rtl enum package.output.xo_typ
config_export cosim_trace_generatio 0 bool syn.rtl.cosim_trace_ge
n neration
config_export flow none enum vivado.flow
config_export ip_xdc_file string package.ip.xdc_file
config_export ip_xdc_ooc_file string package.ip.xdc_ooc_fil
config_export vivado_clock string vivado.clock
config_export vivado_max_timing_pat 10 uint vivado.max_timing_pat
hs hs
config_export vivado_pblock string vivado.pblock

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 820
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Table 64: Tcl Configuration Commands (cont'd)

Config File
Tcl Command Option Default Value Type
config_export output string package.output.file
config_export description string package.ip.description
config_export display_name string package.ip.display_na
config_export format ip_catalog enum package.output.format
config_export ipname string package.ip.name
config_export library string package.ip.library
config_export rtl verilog enum vivado.rtl
config_export taxonomy string package.ip.taxonomy
config_export vendor string package.ip.vendor
config_export version string package.ip.version
config_export vivado_impl_strategy default string vivado.impl_strategy
config_export vivado_optimization_le 0 enum vivado.optimization_le
vel vel
config_export vivado_phys_opt none enum vivado.phys_opt
config_export vivado_report_level 2 enum vivado.report_level
config_export vivado_synth_design_a -directive string vivado.synth_design_ar
rgs sdx_optimization_effor gs
config_export vivado_synth_strategy default string vivado.synth_strategy
config_interface m_axi_cache_impl auto enum syn.interface.m_axi_ca
config_interface m_axi_auto_id_channel 0 bool syn.interface.m_axi_au
config_interface s_axilite_auto_restart_c 0 enum syn.interface.s_axilite_
ounter auto_restart_counter
config_interface s_axilite_interrupt_mod tow enum syn.interface.s_axilite_i
e nterrupt_mode
config_interface s_axilite_mailbox none enum syn.interface.s_axilite_
config_interface s_axilite_status_regs off enum syn.interface.s_axilite_s
config_interface s_axilite_sw_reset 0 bool syn.interface.s_axilite_s
config_interface m_axi_buffer_impl bram enum syn.interface.m_axi_bu
config_interface m_axi_conservative_m 1 bool syn.interface.m_axi_co
ode nservative_mode
config_interface m_axi_flush_mode 0 bool syn.interface.m_axi_flu
config_interface m_axi_alignment_byte_ 1 uint syn.interface.m_axi_ali
size gnment_byte_size
config_interface m_axi_alignment_size 0 uint syn.interface.m_axi_ali
config_interface m_axi_auto_max_ports 0 bool syn.interface.m_axi_au

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 821
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Table 64: Tcl Configuration Commands (cont'd)

Config File
Tcl Command Option Default Value Type
config_interface m_axi_latency 0 uint syn.interface.m_axi_lat
config_interface m_axi_max_bitwidth 1024 uint syn.interface.m_axi_m
config_interface m_axi_max_read_burst 16 uint syn.interface.m_axi_m
_length ax_read_burst_length
config_interface m_axi_max_widen_bitw 0 uint syn.interface.m_axi_m
idth ax_widen_bitwidth
config_interface m_axi_max_write_burst 16 uint syn.interface.m_axi_m
_length ax_write_burst_length
config_interface m_axi_min_bitwidth 8 uint syn.interface.m_axi_mi
config_interface m_axi_num_read_outst 16 uint syn.interface.m_axi_nu
anding m_read_outstanding
config_interface m_axi_num_write_outst 16 uint syn.interface.m_axi_nu
anding m_write_outstanding
config_interface default_slave_interface s_axilite enum syn.interface.default_sl
config_interface s_axilite_data64 0 bool syn.interface.s_axilite_
config_interface clock_enable 0 bool syn.interface.clock_ena
config_interface m_axi_addr64 1 bool syn.interface.m_axi_ad
config_interface m_axi_offset slave enum syn.interface.m_axi_off
config_interface register_io off enum syn.interface.register_i
config_op precision standard enum syn.op
config_op impl all string syn.op
config_op latency -1 int syn.op
config_op op string syn.op
config_rtl deadlock_detection sim enum syn.rtl.deadlock_detect
config_rtl register_all_io 0 bool syn.rtl.register_all_io
config_rtl register_reset_num 0 int syn.rtl.register_reset_n
config_rtl header string syn.rtl.header
config_rtl kernel_profile 0 bool syn.rtl.kernel_profile
config_rtl module_auto_prefix 1 bool syn.rtl.module_auto_pr
config_rtl module_prefix string syn.rtl.module_prefix
config_rtl mult_keep_attribute 0 bool syn.rtl.mult_keep_attri
config_rtl reset control enum syn.rtl.reset
config_rtl reset_async 0 bool syn.rtl.reset_async
config_rtl reset_level high enum syn.rtl.reset_level

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 822
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Table 64: Tcl Configuration Commands (cont'd)

Config File
Tcl Command Option Default Value Type
config_schedule enable_dsp_full_reg 1 bool syn.schedule.enable_d
config_storage auto_srl_max_bits 1024 uint syn.storage
config_storage auto_srl_max_depth 2 uint syn.storage
config_storage impl autosrl string syn.storage
config_storage type string syn.storage
config_unroll tripcount_threshold 0 uint syn.unroll.tripcount_th

Table 65: Tcl Optimization Directives

Tcl Command Config File Command

set_directive_aggregate syn.directive.aggregate
set_directive_alias syn.directive.alias
set_directive_allocation syn.directive.allocation
set_directive_array_partition syn.directive.array_partition
set_directive_array_reshape syn.directive.array_reshape
set_directive_bind_op syn.directive.bind_op
set_directive_bind_storage syn.directive.bind_storage
set_directive_cache syn.directive.cache
set_directive_dataflow syn.directive.dataflow
set_directive_dependence syn.directive.dependence
set_directive_disaggregate syn.directive.disaggregate
set_directive_expression_balance syn.directive.expression_balance
set_directive_function_instantiate syn.directive.function_instantiate
set_directive_inline syn.directive.inline
set_directive_interface syn.directive.interface
set_directive_latency syn.directive.latency
set_directive_loop_flatten syn.directive.loop_flatten
set_directive_loop_merge syn.directive.loop_merge
set_directive_loop_tripcount syn.directive.loop_tripcount
set_directive_occurrence syn.directive.occurrence
set_directive_performance syn.directive.performance
set_directive_pipeline syn.directive.pipeline
set_directive_protocol syn.directive.protocol
set_directive_reset syn.directive.reset
set_directive_resource syn.directive.resource
set_directive_shared syn.directive.shared
set_directive_stable syn.directive.stable
set_directive_stream syn.directive.stream
set_directive_top syn.top

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 823
Appendix A: Tcl to Config File Command Map

Table 65: Tcl Optimization Directives (cont'd)

Tcl Command Config File Command

set_directive_unroll syn.directive.unroll

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 824
Appendix B: Instruction/Operator Explanation

Appendix B

Instruction/Operator Explanation
The following table offers a definition of some of the operators used in HLS compiler. Standard
llvm instruction can be found here: https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#instruction-reference

Name Description
FSqrt Compute the square root of float
FRSqrt Compute the reciprocal of square root of float
FRecip Compute the reciprocal of float
FLog Compute the Logarithmic of float
FExp Compute the exponential of float
DSqrt Compute the square root of double
DRSqrt Compute the reciprocal of square root of double
DRecip Compute the reciprocal of double
DLog Compute the Logarithmic of double
DExp Compute the exponential of double
BlackBox Instantiate a blackbox function
BitSelect Select a single bit of a variable
BitSet Set a single bit of a variable
PartSelect Select a range of bits of a variable
PartSet Set a range of bits of a variable
BitConcatenate Concatenate two variables
XorReduce Compute XOR reduce of a variable defined by xor_reduce() in ap_(u)int
XnorReduce Compute XNOR reduce of a variable defined by xnor_reduce() in
ap_(u)int types
AndReduce Compute AND reduce of a variable defined by and_reduce() in
ap_(u)int types
NandReduce Compute NAND reduce of a variable defined by nand_reduce() in
ap_(u)int types
OrReduce Compute OR reduce of a variable defined by or_reduce() in ap_(u)int
NorReduce Compute NOR reduce of a variable defined by nor_reduce() in
ap_(u)int types
Read Read a value from an interface
Write Write a value to an interface
NbRead Non-block read a value from an interface
NbWrite non-block write a value to an interface
ReadReq Send a read request to a bus. Only available for m_axi.
WriteReq Send a write request to a bus. Only available for m_axi.

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 825
Appendix B: Instruction/Operator Explanation

Name Description
WriteResp Receive a write respond from a bus. Only for m_axi.
MemShiftRead Shift the registers of SRL primitive
Mux Select a value from multiple values

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 826
Appendix C: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Appendix C

Additional Resources and Legal


Finding Additional Documentation

Documentation Portal

The AMD Adaptive Computing Documentation Portal is an online tool that provides robust
search and navigation for documentation using your web browser. To access the Documentation
Portal, go to https://docs.xilinx.com.

Documentation Navigator

Documentation Navigator (DocNav) is an installed tool that provides access to AMD Adaptive
Computing documents, videos, and support resources, which you can filter and search to find
information. To open DocNav:

• From the AMD Vivado™ IDE, select Help → Documentation and Tutorials.
• On Windows, click the Start button and select Xilinx Design Tools → DocNav.
• At the Linux command prompt, enter docnav.

Note: For more information on DocNav, refer to the Documentation Navigator User Guide (UG968).

Design Hubs

AMD Design Hubs provide links to documentation organized by design tasks and other topics,
which you can use to learn key concepts and address frequently asked questions. To access the
Design Hubs:

• In DocNav, click the Design Hubs View tab.

• Go to the Design Hubs web page.

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 827
Appendix C: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Support Resources
For support resources such as Answers, Documentation, Downloads, and Forums, see Support.

These documents provide supplemental material useful with this guide:

1. Introduction to FPGA Design with Vivado High-Level Synthesis (UG998)

2. Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: High-Level Synthesis (UG871)
3. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973)
4. Floating-Point Design with Vivado HLS (XAPP599)
5. Floating-Point Operator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG060)
6. Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109)
7. FIR Compiler LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG149)
8. DDS Compiler LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG141)
9. Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037)
10. Accelerating OpenCV Applications with Zynq 7000 SoC Using Vivado HLS Video Libraries
11. UltraFast Vivado HLS Methodology Guide (UG1197)
12. Option Summary page on the GCC website (gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Option-
13. Accellera website (http://www.accellera.org/)
14. AWGN page on the MathWorks website (http://www.mathworks.com/help/comm/ug/awgn-
15. AMD Vivado™ Design Suite Documentation

Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for Section II: HLS Programmers Guide.

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 828
Appendix C: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Section Revision Summary

12/18/2023 Version 2023.2
Entire section. Updated Sections.
10/19/2023 Version 2023.2
Entire section. Updated Sections.
07/17/2023 Version 2023.1
Entire section. No changes to this section.
05/10/2023 Version 2023.1
Mixing Data-Driven and Control-Driven Models Updated Sections
Execution Modes of HLS Designs

The following table shows the revision history for Section III: Creating Vitis HLS Components.

Section Revision Summary

12/18/2023 Version 2023.2
Entire section. No changes to this section.
07/17/2023 Version 2023.1
Introduction to Vitis HLS Components Updated Sections.
Refactoring C++ Source Code for HLS
05/10/2023 Version 2023.1
Introduction to Vitis HLS Components Updated Sections and New Section.
Refactoring C++ Source Code for HLS

The following table shows the revision history for Section IV: Vitis HLS Command Reference.

Section Revision Summary

12/18/2023 Version 2023.2
Entire section. No changes to this section.
07/17/2023 Version 2023.1
Entire section. No changes to this section.
05/10/2023 Version 2023.1
Updated Sections
pragma HLS inline

The following table shows the revision history for Section VI: Vitis HLS Libraries Reference.

Section Revision Summary

12/18/2023 Version 2023.2
Entire section. No changes to this section.

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 829
Appendix C: Additional Resources and Legal Notices

Section Revision Summary

07/17/2023 Version 2023.1
Entire section. No changes to this section.
05/10/2023 Version 2023.1
Minor Updates
Vitis HLS Libraries Reference:
C++ Arbitrary Precision Fixed-Point Types
HLS Stream Library
FFT IP Library

The following table shows the revision history for Section VII: Vitis HLS Migration Guide.

Section Revision Summary

12/18/2023 Version 2023.2
Entire section No changes to this section.
07/17/2023 Version 2023.1
Entire section No changes to this section.
05/10/2023 Version 2023.1
Entire section No changes to this section.

Please Read: Important Legal Notices

The information presented in this document is for informational purposes only and may contain
technical inaccuracies, omissions, and typographical errors. The information contained herein is
subject to change and may be rendered inaccurate for many reasons, including but not limited to
product and roadmap changes, component and motherboard version changes, new model and/or
product releases, product differences between differing manufacturers, software changes, BIOS
flashes, firmware upgrades, or the like. Any computer system has risks of security vulnerabilities
that cannot be completely prevented or mitigated. AMD assumes no obligation to update or
otherwise correct or revise this information. However, AMD reserves the right to revise this
information and to make changes from time to time to the content hereof without obligation of
AMD to notify any person of such revisions or changes. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 830
Appendix C: Additional Resources and Legal Notices





© Copyright 2020-2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Alveo, Versal,
Virtex, Vitis, Vivado, Zynq and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices,
Inc. OpenCL and the OpenCL logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. used by permission by Khronos.
PCI, PCIe, and PCI Express are trademarks of PCI-SIG and used under license. AMBA, AMBA
Designer, Arm, ARM1176JZ-S, CoreSight, Cortex, PrimeCell, Mali, and MPCore are trademarks of
Arm Limited in the US and/or elsewhere. Other product names used in this publication are for
identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

UG1399 (v2023.2) December 18, 2023

Vitis HLS User Guide 831

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