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IELTS - Explained

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Exam overview


IELTS Exam composition

3 sections (11-14 minutes)

• The IELTS exam is scored according to a 9-Band scale. You will get a score for each section. The average of
these 4 marks is your Overall Band Score.
• The total test time is 2 hours 45 minutes. The first three modules - Listening, Reading and Writing - must be
completed in one day. The Speaking Module may be taken, at the test centre's discretion, in the period seven
days before or after the other Modules.

IELTS Part 1: Listening

The Listening Module is the first part of the exam. It takes approximately 30 minutes and consists of 4 sections.
There are approximately 10 questions in each section. You are given time to read the questions before you listen.
You listen only ONCE; while you listen, you can note your answers on the question paper. You have some extra
time at the end to transfer your answers onto an exam answer sheet. A variety of tasks are used, chosen from the
following types: multiple-choice; short-answer questions; sentence completion; notes/summary/diagram/flowchart/
table completion; labelling a diagram which has numbered parts; classification; and matching.

Section Type of listening texts

1 Two speakers have a discussion in a social situation, e.g. talking about travel arrangements or
renting a house.
2 One speaker talks about a non-academic topic, e.g. the benefi ts of exercise.
3 As many as four speakers have a discussion in an educational or training situation, e.g. a group of
students discussing plans for giving a presentation.
4 This is the longest section. One speaker gives a talk or mini lecture about a topic of general
academic interest.

IELTS Part 2: Reading

The Reading Module is the second part of the exam. It lasts 60 minutes and consists of 40 questions. You have to
read 3 texts (about 2000-2500 words in total). You should write your answers directly onto the exam answer paper
as you do NOT have extra time at the end to transfer your answers. A variety of tasks are used, chosen from the
following types: multiple-choice; short-answer questions; sentence completion; notes/summary/diagram/flowchart/
table completion; choosing from a 'heading bank' for identified paragraphs/sections of text; identification of writer's
views/claims - yes, no or not given; identification of information in the text - yes, no or not given/true, false or not
given; classification; and matching lists/phrases.

Section Number and type of reading texts

There is one passage in each section. Texts come from books, magazines, newspapers and journals,
f------ and are non-specialist; at least one passage contains a detailed argument.

IELTS Exam overview

General Training Reading Module

Section Number of texts Type of texts
1 Two or more texts Usually short but containing a lot of information. Based around everyday
Social survival English, e.g. public information leafl ets.
2 Two texts Usually containing information about a university or college, e.g. services or
Training facilities provided.
3 One longer text General reading comprehension on any subject.

IELTS Part 3: Writing

The Writing Module is the third part of the exam. It lasts 60 minutes and consists of 2 tasks. Task 2 carries more
marks than Task 1.
Academic Writing
Task Word count Advised time limit Task description
1 150 words minimum 20 mins Describing visual information, often presented as a
bar chart, table or line graph.
2 250 words minimum 40 mins Writing a discursive (discussion) essay or a defence
of an opinion, relating to a topic of general interest.

General Training Writing

Task Word count Advised time limit Task description
1 150 words minimum 20 mins Responding to a situation with a letter, e.g. asking
for information, or explaining or complaining about
a problem.
2 250 words minimum 40 mins Writing a discursive (discussion) essay or a defence
of an opinion, relating to a topic of general interest.

IELTS Part 4: Speaking

The Speaking Module is the final part of the exam. It does not need to be taken on the same day as the other
Modules. It takes the form of a three-part oral interview, which takes between 11 and 14 minutes.
Task Word count Task description
1 4-5 mins Give your name and talk about things which are personal to you, for example,
Jntroduction your country and home town, your family, your studies or work, what you \ike
and interview doing in your free time and what you might do in the future.
2 3-4 mins The examiner will give you a card that asks you to talk about a person, place,
Individual event or object. You will have 1 minute to prepare to speak, and then you will
long turn talk for 1-2 minutes, during which the examiner will not speak. The examiner will
then ask one or two rounding-off questions.
3 4-5 mins You will talk with the examiner about issues related to the topic on the card.
Two-way However, the discussion will be on less personal topics. For example, in Part 2
discussion you may talk about a teacher you had at school, but in Part 3 you might talk
about education in your country.

IELTS Exam overview


Exam Essentials Practice Tests is a series of materials Score conversion table is then used to trans\ate these
published by National Geographic Learning for students total marks into IELTS band scores. Scores are reported
preparing for the major EFL/ESL examinations, such as a whole Band or a half Band.
as Cambridge English: First (FCE), Cambridge English:
Writing tasks are assessed independently by certified
Advanced (CAE), and International English Language
IELTS examiners, according to the 9-Band scale. Writing
Testing System. Each book in the series pays close
scripts are assessed on the following criteria:
attention to developing a detailed knowledge of the skills
and strategies needed for success in each part or paper
Task achievement/response
of the exams.
Task 1: Has the writer included all the relevant information?
IELTS Practice Tests helps learners become aware of
Task 2: Has the writer fully answered the question by
IELTS exam requirements, offers details about the format
of the exam and helps learners develop the exam skills dealing with all parts of it?
necessary for success. The book also offers extenstve
practice in all parts of the exam, using the actual test Coherence and cohesion
format. As well as students who are planning to take the Does the answer flow well and is there a clear progression
IELTS exam, the book is also suitable for use by teachers of information and opinions with appropriate linking
of IELTS courses and by students and teachers involved words and phrases.
in checking and improving academic English. Lexical resource: Has the writer used appropriate
vocabulary? Is the vocabulary accurately used?
1 Taking the IELTS Exam Grammatical range and accuracy: Has the writer used a
good level of grammatical structures and linking words and
The IELTS exam, which is jointly managed by the phrases? Is the grammar used accurate and not too simple?
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge
ESOL), the British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia, Further information about the exam can also be obtained
assesses the language ability of candidates who need from the IELTS website: www.ielts.org
to study or work where English is the language of
communication. IELTS is recognised by universities
and employers in many countries, such as Australia, 2 IELTS Practice Tests: contents
Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA, as well as by IELTS Practice Tests prepares candidates for the IELTS
professional bodies, immigration authorities and other examination by providing six full practice tests, which
government agencies. follow the latest exam specifications.
There are four parts to the IELTS exam: Listening, There are two guided tests, which provide clear,
Reading, Writing and Speaking. All candidates take the authoritative and complete guidance on the task types
same Listening and Speaking Modules, while the Reading featured in each section of the exam.
and Writing Modules are available in two formats ""'"
Academic and General Training. These guided tests are followed by four tests (with
guidance only for the writing modules), which offer
The Academic Reading and Writing Modules assess students thorough practice at a realistic exam level.
whether a candidate is ready to study or train in the
medium of English. The General Training Modules An additional General Training section contains the
focus on basic survival skills in a broad social and Reading and Writing Modules for two practice tests.
educational context, and are more suitable for candidates Together, these tests provide at least two opportunities to
who are going to English-speaking countries for the practise every task type, whilst covering as full a range as
purposes of work experience, non-degree level training possible of typical IELTS topic areas and situations.
or immigration.
The DVD-ROM accompanying the book include the audio
A full breakdown of the format, task types and timing materials for the Listening Modules, recorded so as to
of each Module can be found in the fixam Overview on reflect accurately the audio element of the actual exam.
pages 4 and 5 of this Practice Test book.
A writing bank has sample answers for the writing tasks,
IELTS candidates receive a Band Score from 1 to 9 for for both Academic and General Training tests.
each Module of the test, and an Overall Band Score
from 1 to 9, which is an average of the four Module You will find sample exam answer. sheets on
scores. A breakdown of the nine Bands can be found in pages 215-216 which you can photocopy and use to note
the Quickstart on the inside front cover of this book. down your answers. These will help you practise using
the answer sheets you will be given in the real exam.
One mark is awarded for each correct answer in the
Listening and Reading Modules. A confidential Band

IELTS Introduction

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