Artcompkit 2024

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Calling all young, creative minds in Singapore!

Embark on a journey to transform our functional transit spaces such as MRT stations, bus
stops and/or bus interchanges into vibrant and exciting places for FUN-tastic commutes! Using
your artistic skills and imagination, show us how you would create a public transport node that
inspire and entertain, even as commuters go about their daily journey!

Challenge: Create a visual masterpiece that showcases your ideas for transforming a public
transport node of your choice into an engaging environment. The artwork should reflect the
elements you would like to include to make such spaces more enjoyable and inviting.

From colourful murals to interactive installations, creative seating areas, you can include
anything you can imagine injecting life into the space, all while keeping the commuters moving!

Looking for inspiration? Here are a few ideas to ignite your creativity:

• Bus Stop: Dress it up with vivid colours or turn it into a life size juke box, filling the air
with soothing background music
• Bus Interchange: Imagine floors that light up with every step, turning your walk into a
light show extravaganza!
• MRT Station: Walls with motivational quotes to help us stay inspired as we navigate
the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Let your artwork inspire a future where daily commutes are turned into exciting adventures for
millions of commuters every day!

Competition Details

Date: 1 June 2024 to 15 September 2024

Theme: “Reimagine our Public Transport Nodes as Vibrant Spaces”

Age: 7 to 12 years old

Prize: Top 3 winners will each win an iPad. Selected art pieces will also be featured at various
public transport nodes.

Guiding Questions for Participants:

1. What fun activities, features, design elements would you include to make our bus
stops, MRT stations or bus interchanges fun and inspiring places for commuters?

2. What makes a space feel lively and vibrant? Think about colours, lighting, decorations,
or even sounds! How can you use these elements to transform your dream public
transport stop?
3. Imagine yourself as an Eco Warrior on a mission to encourage more to get around
using public transport. How would you design your dream stop to convince commuters
to choose the bus and train as their preferred modes of travel?

4. As transient spaces, public transport nodes must ensure smooth traffic flow for all
commuters. How will you design a transit space that gets commuters where they need
to be, while keeping everyone engaged at the same time?


• Artwork must be physically executed on an A4-sized (210 x 297 mm) paper.

• Artwork must be two-dimensional, i.e. drawings, paintings, comic art etc.
• Artwork must be accompanied by an artist statement, no longer than 100 words.
• Artwork must be scanned in 300dpi or higher and saved in PNG/ JPG/ PDF format
for submission online via FormSG ( by 15
September 2024.

Participants are advised to keep their original, physical artworks intact until at least 31 March
2025. If your artwork has been shortlisted and/or selected to be featured at our public transport
nodes, you may be requested to deliver or mail in your work to the Singapore Mobility Gallery.


1. The Competition is open to the public except for the immediate family members of
LTA staff.

2. The Competition is only open to children aged between 7 and 12 years old as of 31
December 2024.

3. Only submissions received via the specified FormSG link from 1 June 2024, 00:00
(SGT) to 15 September 2024, 23:59 (SGT) will be accepted.

4. Late submissions will not be accepted and entries with incomplete submission
information will be automatically disqualified. No appeals will be entertained.

5. You are required to provide the following documents and information as part of your
submission via the specified FormSG link:

a. A clear, high-resolution scanned image of your artwork in .png/ jpg/ pdf format
only. You may refer to Section 5 of this Competition Kit for details on how you
can scan and save your pieces as high-resolution files.
b. Title of artwork
c. Artist statement (100 words max.)

6. Participants must submit an original artwork created based on the theme of the

7. Participants are prohibited from submitting any works that have been generated
using artificial intelligence (AI). Any artwork found to be partly or wholly generated
using AI will be immediately disqualified.

8. Participants must execute their artwork in a physical format on an A4-sized (210 x

297 mm) paper.

9. Participants are free to use any drawing medium for their works. This includes, but is
not limited to, colour pencils, coloured ink, water colours, paints, charcoal, crayons

10. Artworks should not be framed, and no relief or collage artwork will be allowed.

11. By participating in the Competition and providing your original artwork (e.g., photo,
video, text, digital artwork etc.), you agree to grant the Land Transport Authority
(LTA) a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use your original artwork for
any purpose that LTA deems appropriate.

12. Participants are advised not to dispose of and retain their physical original artworks
after the competition closes until at least 31 March 2025 in the event LTA requires
them for professional high-resolution digitisation for the purpose of archiving, large-
format display of the work at various public transport nodes, or any such purpose that
LTA deems appropriate.
13. If an artwork is selected for any of the purposes stated in paragraph 12 above, LTA
will contact the relevant participants responsible for creating the artworks to deliver/
mail in their artworks to the Singapore Mobility Gallery. All postage or delivery costs
will be wholly borne by the sender. LTA may retain any such artwork for display at
any public transport node or venue for as long as LTA deems appropriate.


1. Judging of the submissions will be conducted by a panel convened by LTA consisting

of LTA partners and/or staff with different expertise within the organisation.

2. Your artwork should be an original creation that shows your idea(s) to transform our
public transport nodes (MRT station, bus interchange, bus stop) into vibrant spaces
that not only ensures smooth traffic flow for all commuters but enhances their
commuting experience.

3. All submitted artworks will be judged according to:

a. Adherence to theme (Does the artwork follow the theme of the competition?);
b. Creativity and originality (Does the artwork display a creative interpretation of;
the theme?)
c. Technical skill (Does the artwork demonstrate the skilful use of art tool(s)
medium(s)?); and
d. Visual impact (Does the artwork convey a message or evoke emotion?)

4. Only 20 entries will be shortlisted; the top three winning entries will be selected from
the shortlist.

5. The shortlisted artworks and winners will be announced and notified in November
2024 (or any such time as may be specified by LTA) and through any medium as
deemed appropriate by LTA, including the Singapore Mobility Gallery webpage under
‘What’s On’ tab.

6. The shortlisted entries will be displayed at any time as may be specified by LTA and
showcased at various public transport nodes across Singapore.

7. All 20 shortlisted artists will receive Certificates. The top three winners will each be
awarded Certificate of Achievement while the other winners will each receive a
Certificate of Merit. Only the top three winning entries will receive prizes.


1. LTA reserves the right to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time without prior
notice. All such amendments will be posted on this page, and your continued
participation in the Competition will constitute your agreement to the amended Terms
& Conditions.

2. By participating in the Competition, participants consent to the collection, use and/or

disclosure of their personal data by LTA, and/or its service providers or partners for
the purposes of the Competition, which may include, (i) announcement of the
shortlisted artists and prize winners on LTA’s media platforms, including the
Singapore Mobility Gallery webpage; (ii) contacting the shortlisted artists and prize
winners regarding the collection/distribution of their respective Certificates and/or

3. LTA shall also not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind caused as a result
(whether direct or indirect) of your participation in this Competition or any purported
breach of these Terms & Conditions.

4. These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
Singapore law, and you agree to submit any dispute to the exclusive jurisdiction of
the Singapore courts.

1. When do I have to submit my artwork?

The deadline for submission is 15 September 2024, 23:59. Any submissions received
after the deadline will be automatically disqualified.
2. I am not a Singaporean. Will I still be able to take part in the competition?
Yes, this competition is open to students between 7 and 12 years old currently
residing and studying in Singapore.
Each participant will be required to specify the name of their school as part of the
submission via FormSG. Should the artwork be shortlisted or selected for display or
showcasing at a public transport node, LTA may require the participant to provide a
valid ID for verification.
3. Who are the judges and what are they looking for?

We have convened a panel of reputable judges consisting of LTA partners and/or

staff with different expertise within the organisation. They will collectively assess your
artwork based on its creativity, originality, technical skills, and clarity of the message
in expounding the theme of the Competition.

4. How will I know if my artwork has been shortlisted or won a prize?

We will notify participants whose works have been shortlisted and/or awarded prizes
via email by early November 2024.

5. What prize would I receive if I win the competition?

The top 20 shortlisted artists will receive Certificates. The top three winners will each
receive an iPad and a Certificate of Achievement while the other winners will receive
Certificate of Merit.

6. Is it compulsory for me to write an artist’s statement?

Yes. Your artist’s statement will help our judges understand the intention behind your
artwork. Any artworks submitted without an artist’s statement will be automatically
7. Will my artist’s statement be judged?
No. The judges will only refer to the artist’s statement to understand the inspiration
behind your artwork and what it seeks to portray; the submission will not be judged
on the quality of writing.
8. What is the maximum word count for my artist’s statement?
The artist’s statement should be no more than 100 words.
9. Can I submit a digitally created artwork?

No. Your original artwork must be executed in a physical format on an A4-sized (210
x 297 mm) paper. Participants are also prohibited from submitting any works that
have been generated using artificial intelligence (AI). Any artwork found to be wholly
or partly generated using AI will be immediately disqualified.
10. Can I make an appeal if I feel my artwork is qualified to be shortlisted?
No. The judges’ decisions are final.

Key Date(s)/Period Milestone

1 June 2024 Art Competition Opens

15 September 2024 Art Competition Closes

October 2024 Judging of Entries

Early November 2024 Official Announcement of Shortlisted Entries and Winners

*Participants whose artworks have been shortlisted and/or

awarded a prize will be notified via email by early to mid-
November 2024.
Option 1: Use A Scanner
Using a scanner to create a digital image of your artwork is preferred as it produces better
results of your art piece, with higher resolution and better control of the lighting.

• Use the guides on your scanner to
determine how large the size of
your scanned image should be.
• Crop out external portions that do
not contain your digitalized
• Ensure that the corners of your
artwork fit nicely within the edges
of the scanned image.

What to select on your scanner:

• Type of scan: Colour

• Resolution: 300 dpi (or higher)
Scan at 300 dpi or higher as we may be using your image for print or reproduction
(to be featured on public transport nodes).
• Format: Save file as PNG/ JPG/ PDF

Option 2: Use A Third-Party Scanner Mobile App

You could download a third-party mobile scanner app to create a digital image of your

• Use the guides on your mobile app
to frame your artwork; do ensure
that the corners of your artwork fit
nicely within the frame.
• Do not scan your work from an
angle. Position your mobile device
camera directly above your artwork.
• Scan your artwork in a brightly lit
environment for better colour quality.
• Turn off your fan and/or air
conditioner before scanning so the
artwork does not move while
scanning. You can use adhesives to
temporarily fix your artwork in place
for the photoshoot but ensure that
the artwork is flat.
• Crop out external portions that do
not contain your digitalized artwork.
What to select on your app:

• Resolution: 300 dpi or the maximum resolution available on the app

Scan at 300 dpi (or higher) as we may be using your image for print or reproduction
(to be featured on public transport nodes).
• Colour Mode: Full colour
• Format: Save file as PNG/ JPG/ PDF

Option 3: Take A Photo Using Your Camera/Mobile Device

You could choose to take a photo of your artwork using your camera or mobile phone if you
are unable to download a third-party scanner app.
Send your image (saved as PNG/ JPG/ PDF) to a laptop or desktop to upload your

• Select a HDR setting (if available) on your phone before taking a picture of your
• Use the guidelines on your camera to frame your artwork; do ensure that the corners
of your artwork fit nicely within the guidelines.
• Do not snap a photo of your work from an angle. Position your camera directly above
your artwork.
• Take your photo in a brightly lit environment for better colour quality.
• Turn off your fan and/or air conditioner before you snap your photo so the artwork
does not move. You may wish to use adhesives to temporarily fix your artwork in
place for the photoshoot but ensure that the artwork is flat.
• Crop out external portions that do not contain your digitalized artwork.
We have put together some resources that you might find useful to help participants better
understand what it means to create vibrant spaces for commuters using and journeying
through our public transport nodes!
Consider these existing vibrant spaces:
LTA aims to create a more enjoyable, people-centred land transport environment that
connects the artworks and the commuters who live, work, and play around the stations.
Art in Transit
Singapore's largest public art showcase. Under the AIT programme, local artists are
commissioned to create original artworks for MRT stations, providing an opportunity for the
artists to celebrate Singapore’s local history and community. the artworks are platforms for
integrating humour or curiosity into the station architectural finishes. These become a source
of delight for the millions of commuters who travel daily on the rail network.


Fig. 1 Art Sculpture outside of Pasir Panjang Station

Fig. 2 SG50 Artwork at Marina South Pier Station Fig. 3 Artwork at Stadium Station
Fig. 4 Artwork at Sengkang Station

Move in Groove
LTA started this programme to creatively transform spaces within MRT trains and stations to
make the overall public transport experience more pleasant for commuters. We worked with
community partners to explore and design public transport spaces that they can co-own and
at the same time, add vibrancy to the network.

Fig. 5 2023 - Malay cultural dance by Admiralty Primary School at Paya Lebar MRT station.
Other projects by our partners
Immersive and interactive AR-enabled tour by Singapore Discovery Centre

Fig. 6 Walk through Singapore’s history at Through the Lens of Time

To celebrate Total Defence Day, Singapore Navy Museum transforms Expo MRT Station with
a naval-themed physical 3D model submarine, thematic displays, augmented reality (AR)
displays for 2024 theme “Our Defence Story on the Move”.

Fig. 7 Navy AR Exhibition at Expo Downtown Line

In collaboration with the National Reading Movement, the transport nodes are deployed to
encourage commuters to read and learn. The transport nodes are prominently placed at the
train station’s platform screen doors.

URL: Nodes in SMRT: How-to Video (

Calling all participants! Please use this checklist to ensure that you have noted the details of
this Competition and have all the documents and information required ready to complete
your submission.

Checklist Completed

I have noted the Competition Details and

1 Submission Requirements (Section 1) for ☐

participating in this art competition.

I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions

2 ☐
(Section 2) of this Competition.

I have read and understand the Frequently Asked

3 ☐
Questions (Section 3).

I have noted the Schedule of Events (Section 4) for

4 ☐
this Competition.

I have referred to the Guide to Scanning Hi-

5 resolution Visuals (Section 5) for tips on digitalizing ☐

my artwork.

I have checked out the list of Useful Resources

6 (Section 6) to better understand the theme of this ☐


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