Practice Chemistry 1 2

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Unit Test
Std: Science (12th) Subject: Chemistry Time: 3Hrs
Date : 30/Jul/2024 CHP 1,2 Max Marks: 112

Q.1 Select and write the most appropriate answers from given alternatives: 10
1) The molal freezing point constant of water is 1.86 K m⁻¹. If 342 g of cane sugar is dissolved in 1000
g of water, the solution will freeze at
a. −1.86°C b. 1.86°C c. −3.92°C d. 2.42°C
2) The number of octahedral and tetrahedral sites in a cubical close packed array of N spheres
respectively is-
a. N and 2N b. N/2 and N c. 2N and N d. 4N and 2N
3) The addition of non-volatile solute into the pure solvent____________.
(a) Increases the vapor pressure of solvent
(b) Decreases the boiling point of solvent
(c) Decreases the freezing point of solvent
(d) Increases the freezing point of solvent
4) To prepare n-type semiconductor, the impurity t be added to silicon should have the following
number of valence electrons:
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
5) Among the following equimolar aqueous solutions, identify the one having highest boiling point.
(a) Urea (b) Sucrose
(c) Sodium chloride (d) Sodium sulphate
6) The following is not a function of an impurity present in a crystal
a. Contributing to scattering
b. Having a tendency to diffuse
c. Establishing thermal equilibrium
d. Introducing new electronic energy levels
7) The glucose solution to be injected into the blood stream and the blood itself should have the same
a. Molarity b. Vapour pressure
c. Osmotic pressure d. Viscosity
8) An example of a non-stoichiometric compound is
a. Al₂O₃ b. NiO₂ c. Fe₃O₄ d. PbO
9) In calculating osmotic pressure the concentration of solute is expressed in
a. molarity b. molality c. mole fraction d. mass percent
10) In Frenkel defect
a. electrical neutrality of the substance is changed.
b. density of the substance is changed.
c. both cation and anion are missing
d. overall electrical neutrality is preserved.
Q.2 Answer the following very short questions: 10
1) Write the equation relating boiling point elevation to the concentration of solution.
2) How is ferromagnetism different from paramagnetism?
3) Define: Cryoscopy constant.
4) What is the two-dimensional coordination number of a molecule in square close-packed layer?
5) Is smoke a solution?
6) Define a solid.
7) Give an example of a solution that contains a gas dissolved in a liquid.
8) A cubic unit cell has one atom on its each corner and two atoms on its each diagonal. Find the
number of atoms in the unit cell.
9) Why is the osmotic pressure considered to be a colligative property?
10) What is the significance of lattice point.
Q.3 Answer the following Questions: 20
1) A solvent and its solution containing a non-volatile solute are separated by a semipermeable
membrane. Does the flow of solvent occur in both directions? Comment giving reason.
2) What are paramagnetic substances? Give examples.
3) The osmotic pressure of CaCl₂ and urea solutions of the same concentration at the same temperature
are respectively 0.605 atm and 0.245 atm. Calculate van’t Hoff factor for CaCl₂
4) What are Schottky defect and Frenkel defect?
5) What is the effect of temperature on solubility of a gas in a liquid?
6) Classify the following solids into different types:
i. Silver ii. P₄ iii. Diamond iv. NaCl
7) State Henry’s law correlating the pressure of a gas and its solubility in a solvent and mention two
applications of the law.
8) The picture represents bands of MOs for Si. Label valence band, conduction band and band gap.

9) How is van’t Hoff factor related to degree of ionization?

10) Mention two properties that are common to both hcp and ccp lattices.
Q.4 Solve the following: 20
1) An organic substance (M = 169 gram molˉ¹) is dissolved in 2000 cm³ of water. Its osmotic pressure
at 12º C was found to be 0.54 atm. If R = 0.0821 L atm Kˉ¹ molˉ¹, calculate the mass of the salute.
2) Silver crystallizes in fcc structure. If edge length of unit cell is 400 pm, calculate the density of silver
(Atomic mass of Ag = 108)
3) A solution of a substance having mass 1.8 × 10¯³ kg has the osmotic pressure of 0.52 atm at 280 K.
Calculate the molar mass of the substance used. [Volume = 1 dm³, R = 8.314 J Kˉ¹ molˉ¹]
4) The density of iridium is 22.4 g/cm³. The unit cell of iridium is fcc. Calculate the radius of iridium
atom. Molar mass of iridium is 192.2 g/mol. (136 pm)
5) 3.4 g of CaCl₂ is dissolved in 2.5 L of water at 300 K. What is the osmotic pressure of the solution?
(van’t Hoff factor for CaCl₂ is 2.47.)
6) Cu crystallizes in fcc unit cell with edge length of 495 pm. What is the radius of Cu atom?
7) The vapour pressure of pure benzene (molar mass 78 g/mol) at a certain temperature is 640 mm Hg.
A non-volatile solute of mass 2.315 g is added to 49 g of benzene. The vapour pressure of the
solution is 600 mm Hg. What is the molar mass of solute?
8) A compound forms hcp structure. What is the number of (a) octahedral voids (b) tetrahedral voids (c)
total voids formed in 0.4 mol of it.
9) A 0.15 m aqueous solution of KCl freezes at -0.510 °C. Calculate i and osmotic pressure at 0 °C.
Assume volume of solution equal to that of water (1.83, 6.15 atm)
10) Face centered cubic crystal lattice of copper has density of 8.966 g cm ¯³.Calculate the volume of the
unit cell. [Given: Molar mass of copper is 63.5 g mol¯¹ and Avogadro number is 6.022 ×10²³ mol¯¹]
Q.5 Answer the following Questions: 18
1) Define the following terms:
i. Isotonic solution
ii. Hypertonic solution
iii. Hypotonic solution
2) Calculate the number of atoms in a unit cell of a metal crystallizing in face centred cubic structure.
3) Derive the relationship between degree of dissociation of an electrolyte and van’t Hoff factor.
4) What is an impurity defect? What are its types? Explain the formation of vacancies through
aliovalent impurity with example.
5) Derive an expression to calculate molar mass of non volatile solute by osmotic pressure
6) Third layer of spheres is added to second layer so as to form hcp or ccp structure. What is the
difference between the addition of third layer to form these hexagonal close-packed structures?
Q.6 Solve the following: 18
1) An aqueous solution of a certain organic compound has a density of 1.063 gmL¯¹, an osmotic
pressure of 12.16 atm at 25 °C and a freezing point of -1.03 °C. What is the molar mass of the
compound? (334 g/mol)
2) A compound made of elements C and D crystallizes in fcc structure. Atoms of C are present at the
corners of the cube. Atoms of D are at the centres of faces of the cube. What is the formula of the
3) 3.795 g of sulphur is dissolved in 100 g of carbon disulfide. This solution boils at 319.81 K. What is
the molecular formula of sulphur in solution? The boiling point of the solvent is 319.45 K. (Given
that Kb for CS₂ = 2.42 K kg molˉ¹ and atomic mass of S = 32 u
4) A unit cell of iron crystal has edge length 288 pm and density 7.86 g cm¯³. Find the number of atoms
per unit cell and type of the crystal lattice. [Given: Molar mass of iron = 56 g mol¯¹]
Avogadro’s number = 6.022×10²³ mol ¯¹]
5) Fish generally needs O₂ concentration in water at least 3.8 mg/L for survival. What partial pressure
of O₂ above the water is needed for the survival of fish? Given the solubility of O₂ in water at 0 °C
and 1 atm partial pressure is 2.2 × 10¯³ mol/L (0.054 atm)
6) Determine the density of cesium chloride which crystallizes in bcc type structure with the edge
length 412.1 pm.The atomic masses of Cs and Cl are 133 and 35.5 respectively.
Q.7 Answer the following Questions: 16
1) Derive the relationship between relative lowering of vapor pressure and molar mass of non- volatile
2) Distinguish with the help of diagrams metal conductors, insulators and semiconductors from each
3) How will you determine molar mass of non-volatile solute by elevation of boiling point?
4) Calculate the percentage efficiency of packing case of simple cubic cell.
-------- All the Best --------

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