Understanding Dampness: About The Authors

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About the authors

Peter Trotman served a student apprenticeship with Bristol Aero-Engines Ltd (now Rolls-
Royce Ltd), qualifying as a mechanical and structural engineer. He was involved with the
provision of facilities for ground running of aero engines. Peter joined BRE in 1967 and
spent five years in the Public Health Engineering Section, carrying out research into water
services and drainage. He has served on BSI committees dealing with waterproofing of
below-ground structures and was a founder member of the Basement Development Group.
In 1975 he joined the BRE Advisory Service, and became its Head in 1990, managing
programmes of site investigations, lecturing to construction professionals and preparing
BRE technical publications. More recently he has become Co-ordinator for the CIB,


Understanding dampness
International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, Commission
W86 – Building Pathology.

Chris Sanders graduated in physics and meteorology in 1973 and worked for BRE in
Scotland for 29 years, initially on the risk of condensation and mould in houses and roofs
and the assessment of the effects of moulds and mites on health. He carried out the
analysis of the condensation and mould data in four English House Condition Surveys. He
has produced guidance documents giving advice on avoiding thermal bridging in housing
and other buildings and carried out the thermal analysis of the Robust Details that were
produced in association with Approved Document L1 of the English Building Regulations.
He is Convenor of the CEN Working Groups developing European standards on moisture and Peter Trotman
climatic data and chairman of the BSI committee revising BS 5250, the code of practice for Chris Sanders
condensation in buildings. He was actively involved with the UK Climate Impacts Programme
and the BRE programme investigating the effects of climate change on future buildings and Harry Harrison
developing cost effective measures for the repair of housing after flooding. Chris left BRE
in August 2003 to become the director of the newly established Centre for Research on
Indoor Climate and Health at Glasgow Caledonian University.

H W (Harry) Harrison is an architect. After short periods with a large UK building contractor
and a small architectural practice, he joined BRE. He retired 34 years later as Head of
Construction Practice Division. At BRE he carried out research into many aspects of the
design and specification of buildings and building components, especially of
weathertightness, accuracy and jointing. He has served on British and International
Standards Committees responsible for putting into practice the results of BRE and other

H W Harrison and P M Trotman

research, and for several years was the secretary of Commission W60, the Performance
Concept in Building, of the International Council for Building Research, Studies and
Documentation (now the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and
Construction). He was a founder member of the International Modular Group. In later years
he became a specialist in building defects, and was responsible for the Housing Defects
Prevention Unit and the BRE Advisory Service. In the 1990 Queen’s Birthday Honours he was
appointed a Companion of the Imperial Service Order for services to building research.

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BR 466
Understanding dampness
Effects, causes, diagnosis and remedies

Peter Trotman, Chris Sanders and Harry Harrison

constructing the future

A complete list of contents starts on page 212
Readership vii
Scope of the book vii
Some important definitions viii
Acknowledgements viii

1 Introduction
What is dampness? 1
Types of dampness 1
Condensation 2
Rain penetration 2
Rising damp 3
Construction moisture 3
Leaking pipes 3
Leaks at roofing features and abutments 3
Spills 4
Ground and surface water 4
Contaminating salts 4
Where is dampness apparent? 4
Records of dampness -related problems in buildings 5
BRE Advisory Service records 5
BRE Defects database records 6
House Condition Surveys 6
Changes lifestyle and construction 10
Changes in domestic lifestyles 10
Changes in external walling practice 10
Changes in floor construction practice 11
Changes in roof construction practice 12
Changes in levels of risk 13
BRE publications on dampness 13

2 Visible and hidden effects of dampness

Health effects of mould and damp 15
Mould problems and health 15
Diagnosis 18
Surveys 18
Staining 18
Visible moisture 18
Condensation 18
Rain penetration 19
Rising damp 19
Mould growth 20
Surface moulds 20
Algae, lichens and mosses 21
Toxic mould 21
Remedies 21
Salts 23
Diagnosis 23
Remedies 23
Frost 23
Diagnosis 23
Remedies 25
Timber rot 25
Types of fungi 25
Occurrence of rot 25

Understanding dampness

Remedies 26
Metal corrosion 28
Parts of the building at risk 28
Diagnosis 32
Remedies 34
Hidden dampness 36
Diagnosis 36

3 Measuring moisture
Instruments for measuring moisture 39
Sampling 39
Electricalresistance moisture meters 40
Resistance gauges 42
Microwave techniques 42
Capacitance methods 43
Physical sampling by independent cores 43
Drilled samples 43
Moisture contents at which action may be required 46
Laboratory tests for salts 47
Procedure 47
Typical salts contents 48
Instruments for measuring the humidity 48
Thermohydrograph 48
Electronic sensors 49
Wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers 49
Dewpoint sensors 49

4 Condensation
Water vapour 51
Behaviour of water vapour in the air 51
Production of water vapour within buildings 54
Effects of condensation 55
Condensate on surfaces 55
Mould growth 55
Design to control condensation 59
Interstitial condensation 59
Effects of interstitial condensation 60
Controlling interstitial condensation 61
Vapour control layers 62
Construction 62
Joints 62
Performance 62
Hygroscopic materials 63
Materials affected 63
Reverse condensation 63
Incidence of condensation 64
Case studies of surface condensation 64
On walls 64
On windows and doors 65
In roofs 65
On floors 67
Investigating and curing condensation 69
Measuring temperature and humidity by data-loggers 69
Diagnosis 69
Case studies 72
Condensation in a terraced bungalow with ceiling heating 72
Water dripping from the ceiling in a fine-art store room 74
Condensation in an infants’ school 76
Condensation in steel-framed houses 78

5 Rain penetration
Driving rain 84
Wind-driven snow 85
Driving Rain Index 85
Protection given by overhangs 85
Rain penetration in walls 91
The mechanisms 91
Run-off 92
Solid walls 95
Masonry cavity walls 98
Panelled walls 100
Curtain walling 102
Timber frame walls 104
Survey methods 105
Diagnosis 105
Remedies – external 105
Remedies – internal 109
Workmanship 110
Damp-proof courses 111
Rain penetration at openings 116
Windows 116
The window-to-wall joint 116
Doors and thresholds 119
Rain penetration in roofs 122
Pitched tiled and slated roofs 122
Incidence of defects 127
Diagnosis 130
Other pitched roofs 130
Patent glazing 133
Flat and low pitch asphalt and bituminous felt roofs 134
Bays and porches 140
Chimneys 140
Case studies 142
Water dripping from a bakery roof 142
Rain penetration at a medieval church 144
Water ingress through a solid brick parapet 145
Rain penetration in a Victorian stately home 146

6 Rising damp and groundwater movement

The theory 150
Saturated ground 150
Soluble salts 150
Rainfall splashing 151
Diagnosis 151
Failures of existing DPCs 151
Range of possibilities 152
Using an electrical moisture meter 153
Drilled samples 154
Rising damp in walls 155
The problem 155
Earth, clay and chalk walls 155
Solid masonry walls 155
Cavity masonry walls 156
Materials for DPMs and DPCs 157
New build 158
Treatment 158
The choice of DPCs 158
Replastering as a solution 162
Dry lining 162

Understanding dampness

Monitoring of the behaviour of a replacement DPC 163

Replastering following a new DPC 163
Impervious linings 164
Floors 164
The problem 164
Characteristics of failure 165
Sources of moisture 165
Excluding rising damp 169
Materials for DPMs 176
Volatile organic compounds 177
Waterproofness of floorings 179
Groundwater and basements 182
The problem 182
Level of protection required 183
Waterstops 184
Converting basements during rehabilitation 185
Curing dampness problems 186
Drained cavity 187
Mastic asphalt tanking 187
Cementitious render or compound 188
Self-adhesive membranes 188
Liquid-applied membranes 188
Ventilated dry lining 189
Partition walls 189
Basement ceiling level 189
Door thresholds 190
Door and window frames 190
Fixing services 190
Chimney breasts 190
Built-in timbers 190
Case studies 191
Dampness in internal walls in a converted stable block 191
Severe damp and related problems in N0-fines houses 192
Moisture in chipboard flooring over foamed polystyrene 194
Dampness from leaking pipes in commercial properties 196
Damp in a listed building 198
Soluble salts in the Tower of London 200

7 More about dampness

Construction water and drying out 203
Entrapped water 203
Surface DPMs 205
Flooding 205
Immediate action 205
Inspections 207
Remedies 207
Spills and leaks 209
Contaminated materials: sources and treatment 210
Animal residues 210
Chimneys 210
Storage of salts 210

Complete list of contents 212

References and further reading - a complete list 215

Many years ago, before the Building Research Station was founded, the British Medical Association
asked the Royal Institute of British Architects to investigate the causes of dampness in dwelling
houses to help them find the reasons for the prevalence of certain diseases. The RIBA committee
found that direct penetration of rain through walls and lack of a damp-proof course (DPC) accounted
for nearly two-thirds of all cases; condensation contributed only 2%. The causes may have since
changed in relative importance with changes in construction techniques, such as cavity walls and the
tendency for houses to be better heated. Unfortunately, though, dampness is a continuing source of
distress to occupants. It is possibly a source or a contributor to illness, it encourages deterioration in
the building fabric, and it is involved in half of the investigations undertaken over the years by BRE.

As well as damp patches on walls, ceilings and floors, dampness can lead to blistering paint, bulging
plaster, rot in building timbers, mould on surfaces and fabrics, and sulfate attack on brickwork. It can
also lead to less visible problems, such as reduced effectiveness of thermal insulation or cracking in
brickwork as a result of corrosion of embedded metal components. Despite all the technical advice
that has been published in the past, there is still a significant set of problems. This book seeks to
address them.

This book is aimed primarily at all professionals involved in the design, maintenance and management
of domestic, public, commercial and industrial properties; this includes surveyors, architects, builders
and facilities managers. It will also be useful to student members of these professions. Much of the
text and many of the illustrations will also be of relevance to householders and other users of

Scope of the book

The emphasis of this book is on existing buildings with some coverage of the design of new build. It
lists the causes of dampness in buildings and explores the consequential effects of that dampness on
the fabric, the maintenance of protection against dampness, and the remedies which the detrimental
results of dampness will call for.

It is illustrated with photographs of defects from the BRE Advisory Service collection and drawings of
construction elements that need careful design and execution. Case studies illustrate some of the
more typical problems which have been investigated as well as some interesting but informative non-
typical cases, although it must be recognised that it is rare to find two cases which are identical in
every detail.

Chapter 1 contains background information. Chapter 2 provides a visual indication of the most
common manifestations of dampness to be seen in buildings, tabulated according to building
element. When the appearance of the defect under investigation has been matched with the
appropriate photograph, a key provides a link to later chapters which give explanations of the
physics, further information to confirm the diagnosis, and the remedies which might be specified to
put right the defect.

Although this book is mainly about existing buildings, and not specifically about the design of new
buildings, it gives some design criteria so that subsequent performance of the completed building
may be assessed against what was either required or intended.

Understanding dampness

Some important definitions

Condensation: the process whereby water is deposited from air containing water vapour when
its temperature drops to or below the dewpoint.

Dampness: used here to cover a wide variety of phenomena relating to the unwanted presence
of water or water vapour, whatever its cause.

Deliquescent substance: substance which becomes damp and finally liquifies on exposure to the
atmosphere, owing to the low vapour pressure of its saturated solution.

Dewpoint temperature of the air: the temperature at which condensation of liquid water starts
when air is cooled, at constant vapour pressure.

Hygroscopic substance: usually applied to solids which tend to absorb moisture from the
atmosphere without actually becoming liquified.

Psychrometric: Relating to the measurement of water vapour in the air, including the use of the
wet and dry bulb hygrometer.

Rain penetration of walls and roofs: results from water entering the structure to such an extent
that the resulting dampness or dripping of water becomes a nuisance.

Relative humidity: the ratio, normally expressed as a percentage, of the actual amount of water
vapour present to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated at the same

Reverse condensation (old term: summer condensation): interstitial condensation that can occur
when moisture within a wall is driven in by solar radiation on south-facing walls.

Rising damp: normally the upward transfer of moisture in a porous material due to capillary

Thermal bridge (old term: cold bridge): part of a structure of lower thermal resistance which
bridges adjacent parts of higher thermal resistance and which can result in localised cold
surfaces on which condensation, mould growth and/or pattern staining can occur.

Vapour control layer (VCL): usually a thin sheet material with a vapour resistance greater than
200 MNs/g, used on the warm side of thermal insulation to restrict moisture which diffuses
through the insulation from condensing on any colder outer surface.

Unless otherwise attributed, photographs have been provided from our own collections or from
the BRE Photographic Archive, a unique collection dating from the early 1920s.

We offer our thanks to the following colleagues and former colleagues who have suggested
material for this book or commented on drafts, or both:
Phil Cornish
Stephen Garvin
Colin Hunter
Tony Roberts
Charles Stirling
Tim Yates

April 2004

Chapter 5
Rain penetration
Driving rain and the driving rain index
Rain penetration in walls
Rain penetration at openings
Rain penetration in roofs

This chapter tells you how to assess the risk of specific designs in actual
locations in the UK using the driving rain index, and deals with rain
penetration in solid and cavity masonry walls, cavity wall insulation, cladding
systems, DPC detailing principles and well-tried details, rain penetration of
pitched and flat roofs, parapets and leaking windows.

Figure 5.1 A disfiguring deposit of carbonate from

rain penetrating the sloping brickwork parapet

Figure 5.2 Although much of this results from

condensation, there is also some rain penetration

Understanding dampness

There are regional construction differences throughout the UK as a result of

local experience and practice as well as available materials. In more
exposed locations, walls may be sand:cement rendered and slate or tile-
hung in Cornwall and Scotland. Pitched roofs are given a second line of
defence with a sarking material of felt or plastics. In Scotland, boarding is
used as the sarking. Windows in Scotland are usually inset to give
protection; other parts of the UK use a narrow sill with the window much
closer to the line of the outer leaf.

In the Building Regulations, control of moisture is a functional requirement
and the building must be designed to adequately resist such penetration –
see Approved Document Part C and Part G.

An International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and

Construction (CIB) Working Commission on Rain Penetration meeting in the
1950s adopted a definition of rain penetration:
By rain penetration is meant that rainwater penetrates into a wall either
through the surface of the wall, or due to leakage at windows or similar
installations. It is not necessary that water penetrates so far that it may be
discernible on the inside of the wall. More information is in Rain Penetration
Investigations - A summary of the findings of CIB Working Commission on
Rain Penetration - Oslo 1963.

Rain penetration in modern cavity walls tends to show as a well-defined

roughly circular area on internal finishes. Sometimes
surface salts will define the outer limits of such
wetting. If the wetting persists, most of the wall may
become visibly damp. In older, solid wall buildings,
wetting may not be visible because successive
coats of emulsion paint or vinyl wallpaper have
masked the effects. The extent of the dampness, or
if dry the salts which define it, can be traced with a
moisture meter.

Moisture can be deposited on external surfaces in

several ways:
❐ Gentle rain or drizzle normally falls vertically and
will accumulate on flat surfaces. Some splashing
may wet adjacent surfaces.
❐ Driving rain, which is heavy rain blown by a
strong wind on to horizontal and vertical
surfaces. Water can also be blown uphill on
sloping surfaces.
❐ Snowfall and wind-blown snowdrifts have little
effect at the time but when the snow melts, it can
cause severe wetting, particularly very fine snow
blown into pitched roofs.
❐ Fog wets external surfaces but in small quantities
and has little effect.
❐ Condensation can occur on outside surfaces in
tropical climates, particularly with air-conditioned
buildings. Storms in these climates are more
likely to be a test of weathertightness.
Figure 5.3 Severe wetting from driving rain on an
exposed wall


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