Toughening Mechanisms of Nanoparticle-Modified Epoxy Polymers
Toughening Mechanisms of Nanoparticle-Modified Epoxy Polymers
Toughening Mechanisms of Nanoparticle-Modified Epoxy Polymers
An epoxy resin, cured with an anhydride, has been modified by the addition of silica nanoparticles. The particles were introduced via a sole
gel technique which gave a very well-dispersed phase of nanosilica particles which were about 20 nm in diameter. Atomic force and electron
microscopies showed that the nanoparticles were well-dispersed throughout the epoxy matrix. The glass transition temperature was unchanged
by the addition of the nanoparticles, but both the modulus and toughness were increased. The measured modulus was compared to theoretical
models, and good agreement was found. The fracture energy increased from 100 J/m2 for the unmodified epoxy polymer to 460 J/m2 for the
epoxy polymer with 13 vol% of nanosilica. The fracture surfaces were inspected using scanning electron and atomic force microscopies, and
the results were compared to various toughening mechanisms proposed in the literature. The toughening mechanisms of crack pinning, crack
deflection and immobilised polymer were discounted. The microscopy showed evidence of debonding of the nanoparticles and subsequent plas-
tic void growth. A theoretical model of plastic void growth was used to confirm that this mechanism was indeed most likely to be responsible for
the increased toughness that was observed due to the presence of the nanoparticles.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction e.g. [6e8], into the epoxy polymer can increase their tough-
ness. Here the rubber or thermoplastic particles are typically
Epoxy polymers are widely used for the matrices of fibre- about 1e5 mm in diameter with a volume fraction of about
reinforced composite materials and as adhesives. When cured, 5e20%. However, the presence of the rubbery phase typically
epoxies are amorphous and highly-crosslinked (i.e. thermoset- increases the viscosity of the epoxy monomer mixture and
ting) polymers. This microstructure results in many useful reduces the modulus of the cured epoxy polymer.
properties for structural engineering applications, such as Hence rigid, inorganic particles have also been used, as
a high modulus and failure strength, low creep, and good these can increase the toughness without affecting the glass
performance at elevated temperatures. transition temperature of the epoxy polymer. Here glass beads
However, the structure of such thermosetting polymers also or ceramic (e.g. silica or alumina) particles with a diameter of
leads to a highly undesirable property in that they are rela- between 4 and 100 mm are typically used, e.g. [9e14]. How-
tively brittle materials, with a poor resistance to crack initia- ever, these relatively large particles also significantly increase
tion and growth. Nevertheless, it has been well established the viscosity of the resin, reducing the ease of processing. In
for many years that the incorporation of a second microphase addition, due to the size of these particles they are unsuitable
of a dispersed rubber, e.g. [1e5], or a thermoplastic polymer, for use with infusion processes for the production of fibre
composites as they are strained out by the small gaps between
the fibres.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 20 7594 7149; fax: þ44 20 7594 7017. More recently, a new technology has emerged which holds
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.C. Taylor). promise for increasing the mechanical performance of such
0032-3861/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.B. Johnsen et al. / Polymer 48 (2007) 530e541 531
thermosetting polymers. This is via the addition of a nanophase 2.2. Glass transition temperatures
structure in the polymer, where the nanophase consists of
small rigid particles of silica [15e18]. Such nanoparticle- The glass transition temperature, Tg, of the various poly-
modified epoxies have been shown to not only increase further mers was measured using differential scanning calorimetry.
the toughness of the epoxy polymer but also, due to the very The sample was heated to 175 C at a rate of 10 C/min,
small size of the silica particles, not to lead to a significant and then cooled to 0 C. The sample was then heated again
increase in the viscosity of the epoxy monomer. to 175 C, and the results quoted are from this second heating
The aims of the present work were to investigate the frac- run.
ture toughness of epoxy polymer modified with silica nanopar- Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) was per-
ticles, and to establish the structure/property relationships. The formed by testing bars 48 3 2 mm in size in the three-
toughening mechanisms which may be operating will be point-bending mode at 1 Hz. The storage modulus, loss
reviewed, and the mechanism most likely to be responsible modulus and loss factor, tan d, were calculated as a function of
will be identified. temperature, over a range from 40 to 175 C. The glass tran-
sition temperature, Tg, was also determined, and was taken to
be the temperature at which the peak value of tan d occurred.
2. Experimental
2.3. Mechanical properties
2.1. Materials
Tensile dumbbell specimens were machined from the
The materials were based upon a one-component hot-cured plates. These were tested at a displacement rate of 1 mm/
epoxy formulation. The epoxy resin was a standard diglycidyl min and a test temperature of 21 C, according to the ISO
ether of bis-phenol A (DGEBA) with an epoxy equivalent standard test method [21,22]. The strain in the gauge length
weight (EEW) of 185 g/mol, ‘Bakelite EPR 164’ supplied by was measured using a clip-on extensometer, and the Young’s
Hexion Speciality Chemicals, Duisburg, Germany. The silica modulus, E, was calculated.
(SiO2) nanoparticles were supplied as a colloidal silica sol in
the resin matrix, ‘Nanopox F400’, by Nanoresins, Geesthacht, 2.4. Fracture testing
Germany. The particles are synthesised from aqueous sodium
silicate solution [19,20]. They then undergo a process of sur- The single-edge notch bend (SENB) test was used to deter-
face modification with organosilane and matrix exchange, to mine the fracture toughness, KIc, at the onset of crack growth
produce a masterbatch of 40 wt% (26 vol%) silica in the epoxy of the polymers. Specimens were machined from the sheets,
resin. The nanosilica particles had a mean particle size of and the fracture toughness was determined according to the
about 20 nm, with a narrow range of particle-size distribution; relevant ISO standard [23], using a displacement rate of
laser light scattering shows that almost all particles are be- 1 mm/min and a test temperature of 21 C. Four replicate
tween 5 and 35 nm in diameter. The particle size and excellent specimens were tested for each blend composition. The ma-
dispersion of these silica particles remain unchanged during chined notch was sharpened by drawing a razor blade across
any further mixing and/or blending operations. Further, the notch tip before testing. All the specimens failed by unsta-
despite the relatively high silica content of 26 vol%, the nano- ble crack growth, and hence only a single initiation value of
filled epoxy resin still has a comparatively low viscosity due to the fracture toughness was obtained from each specimen.
the agglomerate-free colloidal dispersion of the nanoparticles The coefficient of variation in the values of KIc was 15%.
in the resin. The small diameter and good dispersion of the The value of the fracture energy, GIc, was calculated from
nanoparticles of silica have been previously reported and knowledge of the values of KIc and E, using the relationship:
shown [15,16]. The curing agent was an accelerated methyl-
hexahydrophthalic acid anhydride, namely ‘Albidur HE 600’ KIc2
supplied by Nanoresins, Geesthacht, Germany. GIc ¼ 1 n2 ð1Þ
Bulk sheets of unmodified epoxy and nanosilica-modified
epoxy polymers were produced to determine the properties where E is the modulus of elasticity obtained from the tensile
of the polymers. Firstly, the simple DGEBA resin was mixed tests, and n is the Poisson’s ratio of the polymer, taken to be
together with given amounts of the nanosilica-containing ep- 0.35 [24].
oxy resin. The value of the EEW of the blend was then mea-
sured via titration. Secondly, the stoichiometric amount of 2.5. Microscopy
the curing agent was added to the mixture, which was poured
into release-coated moulds and pre-cured for 1 h at 90 C, The fracture surfaces of the specimens were investigated
followed by a cure of 2 h at 160 C. using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A JEOL ‘JSM-
The densities of the plates were measured. An epoxy den- 5300’ scanning microscope was used, and all specimens
sity of 1100 kg/m3 and a silica density of 1800 kg/m3 were were coated with a thin layer of sputtered gold before analysis
calculated. The volume fraction of silica was calculated to prevent charging. An acceleration voltage of 20 kV was
from the known weight fractions using the measured densities. used.
532 B.B. Johnsen et al. / Polymer 48 (2007) 530e541
2.7. Microstructure
3. Results
Table 1 5.0
Glass transition temperatures, modulus and fracture properties of the anhy-
dride-cured epoxy polymer containing nanosilica particles
Nanosilica Nanosilica Tg ( C) Tg ( C) E KIc GIc
content (wt%) content DSC DMTA (GPa) (MN m3/2) (J/m2) 4.5
3 1.2
3.0 Experimental
Halpin-Tsai prediction
2.5 1 Nielsen no slip
Nielsen interfacial slip
Storage Modulus, G' (GPa)
2 0.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Nanosilica Content (vol%)
Tan Delta
1.5 0.6 Fig. 4. Tensile modulus versus nanosilica content. Points are experimental
data, and solid line is the prediction using the HalpineTsai model. The dashed
lines are predictions using the McGee and McCullough form of the Lewise
Control (Modulus)
1 0.4 Nielsen model for no slippage at the particle-matrix interface (kE ¼ 2.167)
2.5 vol% nanosilica (Modulus)
Control (Tan Delta)
and for interfacial slippage (kE ¼ 0.867) for non-agglomerated spheres in a
2.5 vol% nanosilica (Tan Delta) matrix with n ¼ 0.35.
0.5 0.2
where z is the shape factor, Vf is the volume fraction of parti- interface, and kE ¼ 1.0 if there is slippage [32]. Nielsen [41]
cles, and has shown that the value of kE is reduced when the Poisson’s
ratio of the matrix is lower than 0.5. In the present work
Ef Ef n ¼ 0.35, so values of kE are reduced by a factor of 0.867.
h¼ 1 þz ð3Þ
Em Em Hence, kE ¼ 2.167 if there is no slippage and kE ¼ 0.867 if
there is slippage. The predictions for these two cases are
Halpin and Tsai noted that the value of z must lie between
shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that reducing the adhesion,
zero and infinity. Indeed, if z ¼ N then Eq. (2) reduces to the
and hence the value of kE, reduces the predicted modulus.
rule of mixtures, and if z ¼ 0 then it reduces to the transverse
The LewiseNielsen predictions bracket the experimental
rule of mixtures. They suggested that the value of z correlated
data, and indicate that there is likely to be imperfect adhesion
with the geometry of the reinforcing phase, especially with the
between the particles and the matrix.
aspect ratio (w/t) of the particles, where w is the length of the
An alternative explanation for the relatively poor agreement
particle and t is its thickness. By comparison of the predictions
being observed between the HalpineTsai model and the ex-
with the results of a finite-element analysis, Halpin and Kardos
perimental data is the agglomeration of the particles. The
[37] suggested that a shape factor of z ¼ 2w/t is used for cal-
values of the maximum volume fraction of particles and the
culating the modulus of a polymer with the particles aligned
Einstein coefficient in the LewiseNielsen model take into ac-
with the loading direction. They recommended using z ¼ 2
count the degree of dispersion of particles. For example, for
for the modulus perpendicular to the loading direction. For
random close-packed agglomerated particles, Vmax ¼ 0.37,
the spherical particles used in the present work the aspect ratio
and kE ¼ 6.76 0.867 ¼ 5.86 [32]. Substitution of these
is unity, and hence z ¼ 2 will be used.
values into the equations above gives predictions which are
The predictions are shown with the experimental data in
higher than the LewiseNielsen prediction with no slippage,
Fig. 4. This figure shows that the modulus is expected to in-
as shown in Fig. 4, and hence the agreement between the
crease with the volume fraction of nanosilica [38], and that
experimental data and the modified model becomes worse.
the agreement between the predictions and experimental data
In addition, the micrographs of the materials used to show no
is reasonable. However, the measured moduli generally lie
agglomeration of the silica nanoparticles, and hence it seems
slightly below the predicted relationship. This is a common
unlikely that agglomeration is responsible for the relatively
observation, as the model assumes that there is perfect bond-
poor agreement between the HalpineTsai model and the
ing between the particles and the matrix, which is normally
experimental data.
not the case. This effect can be considered further using the
LewiseNielsen model [39] and the work of McGee and
3.3. Fracture toughness and fracture energy
McCullough [40]. The authors showed that the composite
modulus can be predicted using:
A mean fracture toughness, KIc, of 0.59 MN m3/2 was
1 þ ðkE 1ÞbVf measured for the unmodified epoxy polymer. The measured
Ec ¼ Em ð4Þ toughness was increased by the addition of nanosilica, and
1 bmVf
a maximum KIc of 1.42 MN m3/2 was measured for the poly-
where kE is the generalised Einstein coefficient, and b and m mer with 13.4 vol% nanosilica, see Table 1. The fracture en-
are constants. The constant b takes into account the relative ergy, GIc, was calculated for each formulation via Eq. (1),
modulus of the particles and the matrix, and is given by using the modulus measured by tensile testing. These data
are shown in Fig. 5 and Table 1. The fracture energy increases
Ef Ef steadily with the nanosilica content, see Fig. 5.
b¼ 1 þ ðkE 1Þ ð5Þ
Em Em
3.4. Fracture surfaces
The value of m depends on the maximum volume fraction
of particles, Vmax, and can be calculated from
The fracture surface of the unmodified epoxy polymer is
1 Vf shown in Fig. 6a, where the direction of crack propagation
m¼1þ Vmax Vf þ ð1 Vmax Þ 1 Vf ð6Þ is from left to right. The fracture surface is relatively smooth
and glassy, which is typical of a brittle thermosetting polymer
Values of Vmax have been tabulated by Nielsen and Landel [42], and shows that no large-scale plastic deformation has
[32] for a range of particle shapes and types of packing. The occurred during fracture. These observations agree well with
micrographs shown in the present work indicate that the parti- the low measured toughness of the material, where KIc ¼
cles appear non-agglomerated and randomly arranged. For 0.59 MN m3/2. In addition, there are apparent steps and
random close packing, non-agglomerated spheres, Nielsen changes of the level of the crack which can be observed in
and Landel quote a value of Vmax ¼ 0.632. This value will Fig. 6a. These features are feather markings, which are caused
be used in the modulus predictions. by the crack forking due to the excess of energy associated
The value of kE varies with the degree of matrix to particle with the relatively fast crack growth. This repeated forking
adhesion. For a matrix with a Poisson’s ratio of 0.5 containing and the multi-planar nature of the surface are ways of absorb-
dispersed spheres, kE ¼ 2.5 if there is no slippage at the ing this excess energy in a very brittle material [43].
B.B. Johnsen et al. / Polymer 48 (2007) 530e541 535
Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrographs of fracture surfaces, showing the precrack towards the left of the image, for (a) unmodified epoxy polymer, (b) epoxy
polymer with 2.5 vol% nanosilica, and (c) epoxy polymer with 13.4 vol% nanosilica. (Crack propagation is from left to right.)
As the nanosilica particles are so much smaller than the 3.5.2. Crack deflection
crack-opening displacement they are unlikely to cause crack The toughening effect could be due to crack deflection oc-
pinning, and this conclusion is supported by the theory. The curring, where the crack front tilts and twists when it encoun-
absence of bowed crack front markings on the fracture ters the particles and hence passes around them [42,53]. This
surfaces in the present work, and that by Zhang et al. [18], causes an increase in the total fracture surface area and also
indicates that crack pinning is unlikely to be responsible for causes the crack to grow locally under mixed-mode I/II condi-
the observed increase in toughness. tions. The former toughening effect can be evaluated by (i)
comparing the measured fracture toughness with the surface
Table 2
Material properties of the unmodified epoxy polymer, and constants used for
calculation of the fracture energy, GIc, and for the contribution to the increase Table 3
in fracture energy from the plastic void growth mechanism, DGv Theoretical values of the crack-opening displacement and the plastic zone size
using the Irwin model, calculated using Eqs. (8) and (11)
Property Symbol Ref. Units Value
3/2 Nanosilica Nanosilica Crack-opening Radius of a circular
Fracture toughness KIc 1 MN m 0.59
content (wt%) content (vol%) displacement dtc (mm) plastic zone ry (mm)
Modulus Em 1 GPa 2.96
Poisson’s ratio n [24] e 0.35 0 0 1.7 4.9
Tensile yield stress sy 1 MPa 61.1 4.1 2.5 4.8 15
Compressive yield stress syc 1 MPa 77.3 7.8 4.9 5.7 19
von Mises pressure sensitivity mm [65] e 0.2 11.1 7.1 5.6 20
Max. stress concentration factor Kvm [65] e 2.22 14.8 9.6 6.6 24
20.2 13.4 7.5 29
1: Measured in the present work.
B.B. Johnsen et al. / Polymer 48 (2007) 530e541 537
increases in the true (i.e. local) fracture surface area are not
20 nm solely responsible for the increases in the toughness.
The measured fracture energies may also be compared to
predictions by Faber and Evans [53], which consider that crack
deflection causes the crack to grow locally under mixed-mode I/
II conditions. This analysis uses the shape of the particles,
4.8µm which is spherical in this case, and their volume fraction. For ex-
ample, the Faber and Evans model predicts that the fracture en-
ergy for a volume fraction of 2.5% of silica spheres will be 1.2
times that of the unmodified epoxy. The GIc of the pure epoxy is
103 J/m2 and thus the predicted value of GIc from employing the
Faber and Evans model is 120 J/m2. However, the measured
fracture energy of 291 J/m2 is significantly higher than this pre-
Fig. 7. Schematic showing crack tip, with calculated crack-opening displace- dicted value. The Faber and Evans model consistently underpre-
ment (from Eq. (8)) and nanoparticles for the epoxy polymer containing
dicts the fracture energy, and this suggests that this mechanism
approximately 2.5 vol% nanosilica.
is unlikely to fully explain the increased toughness.
In addition, Fig. 7 shows that the nanoparticles are so much
roughness, and (ii) the latter toughening effect can be evalu-
smaller than the crack-opening displacement that they are un-
ated using the analysis by Faber and Evans [53].
likely to cause the crack to deflect. Indeed, Evans states that
Work by Arakawa and Takahashi [54], as reported by Hull
the equations can only be used provided that the obstacle di-
[55,56], showed that the toughening effect due to an increase
mension is larger than the plastic zone [57], which is not the
in the true fracture surface area gives a linear relationship be-
case in the present work, as discussed above. This and the
tween the surface roughness and the overall toughening contri-
relatively poor agreement with the crack deflection models
bution, J [54]. In the present work, the average surface
indicate that crack deflection is unlikely to fully explain the
roughness, Ra, of the fracture surfaces was measured. The av-
observed toughening effect.
erage roughness of the unmodified epoxy polymer was rela-
tively low, an Ra value of 0.04 mm being measured, which is
3.5.3. Immobilised polymer
typical for an unmodified epoxy polymer, e.g. [33]. The rough-
Another mechanism that has been proposed [18,58] is the
ness generally increased with an increasing concentration of
formation of an interphase or immobilised layer of polymer
nanosilica, from a minimum of Ra ¼ 0.03 mm at 2.5 vol%
around the particles. Because the interparticle distance for
nanosilica to a maximum of Ra ¼ 0.15 mm at a concentration
nanocomposites is so small, it is suggested that due to the
of 13.4 vol% nanosilica. These data are shown in Fig. 8, where
proximity of the particles this interphase may be present
the measured roughness is plotted against the overall toughen-
throughout the entire polymer matrix. The formation of an im-
ing contribution, J, from the presence of the nanosilica. These
mobilised layer of polymer around particles has been observed
do not show a linear relationship, and hence it appears that
for various systems. Using absorption studies, the bound layer
thickness is typically 1e5 nm for carbon black-elastomer sys-
0.25 tems [59], and values of 10e20 nm have been reported for ru-
tile (TiO2) filled polyethylene [60]. Viscometric studies
generally give larger thicknesses [59], in the order of tens of
0.2 nanometres, and values as high as 1.4 mm have been reported
Average Roughness, Ra ( m)
3.5.4. Plastic void growth nanosilica, see Fig. 9, showed the presence of voids around
The toughening mechanisms associated with micrometre- several of the nanoparticles. This shows that plastic void
sized particles have frequently been shown to be due to de- growth of the epoxy matrix, initiated by debonding of the
bonding of the particles followed by plastic void growth, nanoparticles, has occurred. The diameter of these voids is
e.g. [12,13,42]. Indeed, Kinloch and Taylor [42] have also typically 30 nm. These voids were also observed in the frac-
demonstrated that the voids around particles closed-up when ture surfaces of samples with different contents of nanosilica.
the epoxy polymer was heated above its Tg and allowed to re- Although the samples are coated to prevent charging in the
lax. The debonding process is generally considered to absorb electron microscope, the voids are not an artefact of the coat-
little energy compared to the plastic deformation of the matrix. ing as they could not be observed on a coated fracture surface
However, debonding is essential because this reduces the con- of the pure epoxy polymer, see Fig. 10. Also, the nanosilica-
straint at the crack tip and hence allows the matrix to deform modified samples appeared similar whether they were coated
plastically via a void growth mechanism. with platinum or gold.
High resolution scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) In addition, similar voids were observed by AFM of
of a fracture surface of the polymer containing 9.6 vol% uncoated fracture surfaces, see Fig. 11. However, the apparent
diameter of the nanoparticle in the void highlighted in Fig. 11
is 30 nm, as shown in Fig. 12, whereas transmission electron
microscopy has shown that the mean particle size is actually
around 20 nm. This discrepancy is due to the tip-broadening
effect when the AFM is used to identify such small features.
As the tip radius of the AFM probe is about 10 nm, this makes
where mm is a material constant, Vv is the volume fraction of
-30 voids, Vf is the volume fraction of particles, syc is the com-
-40 pressive yield stress of the unmodified epoxy polymer, ryu is
0 100 200 300 400 500 the radius of the plastic zone of the unmodified epoxy poly-
Surface distance (nm) mer, and Kvm is the maximum stress concentration factor of
Fig. 12. Surface profile of the line drawn across the nanosilica particle and the von Mises stress in the plastic matrix. The value of mm,
void in Fig. 11. which describes the pressure sensitivity of the material in
the von Mises yield criterion, has been reported [64] to be be-
features that are protruding out of a surface appear larger than tween 0.175 and 0.225, and is normally taken to be 0.2, as re-
their true size in the micrographs. The void diameter in this ported in [44]. The material properties for the calculation of
case is about 70 nm, and it would appear that AFM can only DGv are summarised in Table 2. The maximum stress concen-
be reliably used to detect the largest voids. tration factor, Kvm, was found from a finite-element analysis
Voids with no nanoparticles were also observed with FEG- [65] to be 2.22 around a void in an epoxy matrix.
SEM. Here the particles associated with these voids will be sit- The size of the plastic zone ahead of the crack tip can
uated in the opposite fracture surface, or have fallen out of the be calculated assuming linear-elastic fracture-mechanics
surface completely during fracture, as is commonly observed (LEFM) behaviour. Under plane-strain conditions and assum-
with micrometre-sized particles [42]. (It should be noted that ing that the zone is circular [50] as proposed by Irwin, the
the diameters of most of these holes are less than those dis- radius of the plastic zone, ry, is given by
cussed above, as the matrix is unlikely to fail across the widest
point of the void. Further, the coating, which is 5 nm thick, 2
1 KIc
will partially fill the voids, and hence the observed size may ry ¼ ð11Þ
6p sy
be smaller than the true (uncoated) diameter.)
In the present work, for the unmodified epoxy polymer KIc ¼
3.5.5. Modelling of the contribution from the plastic
0.59 MN m3/2, sy ¼ 61.1 MPa and hence ryu ¼ 5 mm.
void growth mechanism
Now, Eq. (10) requires knowledge of the volume fraction of
To confirm whether the observed debonding and plastic
voids and it is difficult to measure this parameter accurately
void growth which occur for the nanoparticle-modified epoxy
from the micrographs, as it is difficult to identify all the voids
could be responsible for the toughening effect, the increase in
due to the resolution of the microscopes used. Nevertheless,
toughness can be compared to a theoretical model. A suitable
a mean void diameter can be calculated from the features
model for this is by Huang and Kinloch [44]. This model as-
which are clearly voids, see Fig. 9 for example. Analysis of
sumes that the fracture specimens behave in a bulk linear-elas-
micrographs of the polymer with 9.6 vol% nanosilica gave
tic manner, and that the energy dissipation is localised to
a mean void diameter of 30 nm. Micrographs of the formula-
a small plastic zone at the crack tip, as observed in the present
tion containing 2.5 vol% nanosilica indicated an average void
diameter of just below 30 nm. However, some voids up to
Huang and Kinloch suggested that the overall toughening
50 nm in diameter are observed in all formulations where
contribution, J, was composed of contributions from particle
micrographs from FEG-SEM analysis are available.
bridging, localised shear banding in the epoxy matrix, and
The predicted toughening increment, J, was calculated us-
plastic void growth of the epoxy matrix which is initiated by
ing Eqs. (7), (10) and (11), assuming (a) that the measured
cavitation or debonding of the particulate phase. However,
toughening increment is entirely caused by plastic void growth
for rigid spherical particles as used in the present work, mi-
(i.e. J ¼ DGv), and (b) that all of the particles initiate the
croscopy has shown that bridging does not occur. Hence the
growth of voids which have a final diameter of 30 nm. For
plastic void growth mechanism seems to be by far the domi-
the epoxy with 9.6 vol% of nanosilica, the measured toughen-
nant toughening micromechanism, and thus the relationship
ing increment is 303 J/m2 and the predicted toughening incre-
in Eq. (7) may be written as:
ment is 394 J/m2. The toughening increment can also be
GIc zGIcu þ DGv ð9Þ predicted for the other formulations, for which FEG-SEM im-
ages are not available, assuming that the average void diameter
where DGv is the contribution to the increase in fracture is constant and that all of the particles initiate void growth.
energy from plastic void growth of the epoxy matrix. For The results are shown in Table 4.
540 B.B. Johnsen et al. / Polymer 48 (2007) 530e541
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