Stainless Steel Cleaning Tips

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Tech Note

no. 5
Cleaning, Care & Maintenance of
Stainless Steel
The attractive and hygienic surface appearance of stainless steel products cannot be
regarded as completely maintenance free. All grades and finishes of stainless steel may
in fact stain, discolour or attain an adhering layer of grime in normal service. To achieve
maximum corrosion resistance the surface of the stainless steel must be kept clean.
Provided the grade, condition and surface finish were correctly selected for the
particular service environment, fabrication and installation procedures were correct and
that cleaning schedules are carried out regularly, good performance and long life will be
achieved. Frequency and cost of cleaning of stainless steel is lower than for many other
materials and this will often out-weigh higher acquisition costs.

These principles apply whether the item concerned is a simple kitchen utensil or a large
and complex architectural installation.

Why Maintenance is Necessary

Surface contamination and the formation of deposits are critical factors which may lead
to drastically reduced life. These contaminants may be minute particles of iron or rust
from other non-stainless steels used in nearby construction and not subsequently
removed. Industrial, commercial and even domestic and naturally occurring
atmospheric conditions can result in deposits which can be quite corrosive. An example
is salt deposits from marine conditions.
Working environments can also create more aggressive conditions, such as the warm,
high humidity atmosphere above indoor swimming pools. This particular environment
has in a small number of instances been found to be highly aggressive, and specialist
advice should be obtained.

Aggressive operating environments can increase the speed of corrosion and therefore
require more frequent maintenance. Modern processes use many cleaners, sterilisers
and bleaches for hygienic purposes. These proprietary solutions, if appropriate for use
with stainless steel and when used in accordance with their makers' instructions are
safe, but if used incorrectly (e.g. warm or concentrated) can cause discolouration and
corrosion on the surface of stainless steels.

Maintenance During Installation

Cleaning of new fabrications should present no special problems, although more
attention may be required if the installation period has been prolonged. Where surface
contamination is suspected, immediate attention to cleaning will promote a trouble-free
service life. Food handling, pharmaceutical and aerospace applications may require
extremely high levels of cleanliness.

Strong acid solutions (e.g. hydrochloric acid or “spirits of salts”) are sometimes used to
clean masonry and tiling during building construction but they should never be
permitted to come into contact with metals, including stainless steel. If this should
happen the acid solution must be removed immediately by copious water flushing, but
even if promptly removed the appearance of the steel may be unacceptably changed.

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Atlas Specialty Metals Tech Note no. 5
Cleaning, Care & Maintenance of
Stainless Steel
On-Going Maintenance
Advice is often sought concerning the frequency of cleaning of products made of
stainless steel, and the answer is quite simply “clean the metal when it is dirty in order
to restore its original appearance”. A rule of thumb for many exterior building
installations is to clean the stainless steel whenever the nearby glass needs cleaning.
This may vary from once to four times a year for external applications or it may be once
a day for an item in hygienic or aggressive situations. In many applications the cleaning
frequency is after each use. Suggested cleaning intervals are as in this table – these
should be modified by experience. Note that natural rain is an effective cleaner – those
items that are not washed by rain water may need more frequent maintenance

Environment Grade 304 Grade 316

Clean inland 3 – 6 months 6 – 12 months
Polluted urban or industrial Not suitable 6 – 12 months
Coastal / Marine (not splashed) Not suitable 3 – 6 months

Good Housekeeping During Manufacture

Stainless steel can be contaminated by pick-up of carbon steel (“free iron”) and this is
likely to lead to rapid localised corrosion. The ideal is to have workshops and machinery
dedicated to only stainless steel work, but in a workshop also processing other steels
avoid pick-up from:

• Tooling used with other metals

• Steel storage racks
• Handling Equipment
• Grinding wheels, wire brushes, finishing belts
• Contamination by grinding or welding sparks from adjacent carbon steel fabrication

Cleaning Methods
Sections below give passivation treatments for removal of free iron and other
contamination resulting from handling, fabrication, or exposure to contaminated
atmospheres, and pickling treatments for removal of high temperature scale from heat
treatment or welding operations.

Passivation Treatments
• Grades with at least 16% chromium (except free machining grade such as 303):
20-50% nitric acid, at room temperature to 40oC for 30-60 minutes.

• Grades with less than 16% chromium (except free machining grades such as 416):
20-50% nitric acid, at room temperature to 40oC for 60 minutes.

• Free machining grades such as 303, 416 and 430F:

20-50% nitric acid + 2-6% sodium dichromate, at room temperature to 50oC for 25
40 minutes.

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Atlas Specialty Metals Tech Note no. 5
Cleaning, Care & Maintenance of
Stainless Steel
Pickling Treatments
• All stainless steels (except free machining grades):
8-11% sulphuric acid, at 65 to 80oC for 5-45 minutes.

• Grades with at least 16% chromium (except free machining grades):

15-25% nitric acid + 1-8% hydrofluoric acid, at 20 to 60oC for 5-30 minutes.

• Free machining grades and grades with less than 16% chromium such as 303, 410
and 416:
10-15% nitric acid + 0.5-1.5% hydrofluoric acid, at 20 to 60oC for 5-30 minutes.

“Pickling Paste” is a commercial product of hydrofluoric and nitric acids in a thickener -

this is useful for pickling welds and spot contamination, even on vertical and
overhanging surfaces.

Recommendations for Cleaning of Specific Products

Stainless steel is easy to clean compared to many other materials. Washing with soap
or a mild detergent and warm water followed by a clean water rinse is usually quite
adequate for domestic and architectural equipment. An enhanced appearance will be
achieved if the cleaned surface is finally wiped dry. Specific methods of cleaning are as
in the table on the next page. These are recommendations only, and it must be
recognised that there are risks associated with all cleaning operations. All such
treatments must be evaluated by the user.


Routine cleaning Soap or mild detergent and Sponge, rinse with clean
All finishes water. (preferably warm) water, wipe dry if
necessary. Follow polish
Fingerprints Soap and warm water or Rinse with clean water and
All finishes organic solvent (eg acetone, wipe dry. Follow polish
alcohol, methylated spirits) lines.
Stubborn stains and Mild cleaning solutions. Ensure Use rag, sponge or fibre
discolouration. any proprietary cleaners state brush (soft nylon or natural
All finishes. compatibility with stainless bristle. An old toothbrush
steel. Phosphoric acid cleaners can be useful). Rinse well
may also be effective. with clean water and wipe
dry. Follow polish lines.
Lime deposits from Solution of one part vinegar to Soak in solution then brush
hard water. three parts water. to loosen. Rinse well with
clean water.
Oil or grease marks. Organic solvents (eg. acetone, Clean after with soap and
All finishes. alcohol, methylated spirits, water, rinse with clean
proprietary “safety solvents”). water and dry. Follow polish
Baked-on grease can be lines.
softened beforehand with

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Atlas Specialty Metals Tech Note no. 5
Cleaning, Care & Maintenance of
Stainless Steel
Rust and other Very light rust stains can be Wear PPE as appropriate.
corrosion products. removed by 10% nitric acid. Afterwards rinse well with
Embedded or More significant rust or clean water. Mix in acid-
adhering “free iron”. embedded iron will require proof container, and be
pickling. See also previous very careful with the acid.
sections on Passivating and (see Precautions for acid
Pickling. Sand or glass-bead cleaners)
blasting is another option.
Routine cleaning of Frequent washing down with Recommended after each
boat fittings. fresh water. time the boat is used in salt
Cooking pot boiled Remove burnt food by soaking Afterwards clean and
dry. in hot water with detergent, polish, with a mild abrasive
baking soda or ammonia. if necessary. See comments
re steel wool.
Dark oxide from “Pickling Paste” or pickling Must be carefully rinsed,
welding or heat solutions given on previous and use care in handling
treatment. page. (see Precautions for acid
Scratches on Slight scratches - use Do not use ordinary steel
polished (satin or impregnated nylon pads. wool - iron particles can
brushed) finish. Polish with polishing wheel become embedded in
dressed with iron-free stainless steel and cause
abrasives for deeper scratches. further surface problems.
Follow polish lines. Then clean Stainless steel and “Scotch-
with soap or detergent as for brite” scouring pads are
routine cleaning. satisfactory.

Acids: should only be handled using personal protective equipment as detailed in
relevant MSDS and other product-specific information. Care must be taken that acids are
not spilt over adjacent areas. All residues must be flushed to a treated waste stream
(refer to local water authorities for regulations and assistance). Always dilute by adding
acid to water, not water to acid. Use acid-resistant containers, such as glass or plastics.
If no dulling of the surface can be tolerated a trial treatment should be carried out;
especially for pickling operations. All treatments must be followed by thorough rinsing.

Solvents: should not be used in confined spaces. Smoking must be avoided when using

Chlorides: are present in many cleaning agents. This entails risk of pitting corrosion of
stainless steel. If a cleaner containing chlorine, chlorides, bleaches or hypochlorites is
used it must be afterwards promptly and thoroughly cleaned off.

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Atlas Specialty Metals Tech Note no. 5
Cleaning, Care & Maintenance of
Stainless Steel
References for Further Reading
“Standard Practice for Cleaning and Descaling Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and
Systems”, ASTM A380, American Society for Testing and Materials.

“Successful use of Stainless Steel Building Materials”, Japan Stainless Steel Association
(Nickel Institute publication 12 013).

“Cleaning of Stainless Steels”, Outokumpu Information 17800GB

Atlas Specialty Metals Technical Services Department

Atlas Specialty Metals maintains a Technical Services Department to assist customers
and the engineering community generally on correct selection, fabrication and application
of special steels. Our metallurgists are supported by our NATA - accredited laboratory
and have a wealth of experience and readily available information. For information
contact our Materials Engineer.

Free call (in Australia only): 1800 818 599 e-mail: [email protected]

Further information is also given on the Atlas website at

Contact details for the extensive Atlas branch network are also listed on this website.

This Tech Note may be freely copied, but it is requested that the source be acknowledged.
Copyright © Atlas Specialty Metals 2006

Limitation of Liability
The information contained in this Technical Note is not an exhaustive statement of all relevant information. It is
a general guide for customers to the products and services available from Atlas Specialty Metals and no
representation is made or warranty given in relation to this Note or the products or processes it describes.

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