BSP Bottle Trap Data Sheet WK0402

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Technical Data Sheet Healthcare

Waste: 1 ½” Resealing Bottle Trap Architects

Data File
Product Detail

Product: Waste Issue: 1

Code: WK0402 Date: 17/03/16

Product description:
1½" x 75mm Water Seal Resealing Bottle Trap with
Multifit Outlet

The simple non-mechanical action ensures retention

of adequate water seal even under extreme syphonic
conditions. Eliminates the need for secondary

Product: Code: Lined Drawing:

Waste WK0402

Technical Detail:
Waste: 1½” BSP.
Water Seal: 75mm
Material: Plastic
Standard: EN 274-1:2002

Technical Data Sheet Healthcare

Waste: 1 ½” Resealing Bottle Trap

Care Of Your Product


Take care when handling and fixing this product. Exposed edges of the stainless steel, including tap holes, upstand, overflows and
wastes etc. may cause harm if handled without due caution. When using the fixing clips supplied with inset sinks avoid touching
the two prongs on the area of the clip that grips the underside of the worktop.

Please store products in a cool, dry area.
Sinks should, where possible be stood on their ends supported by battens with the bowl uppermost.
If sinks are nested with bowls inside one another, place some dry cushioning material between them to protect the surfaces.

DO handle with care to avoid scuffs and scratches during installation.
DO check that edges of sinks are dead level so that water will flow off the draining board.
DO NOT over-tighten plumbing or other mechanical fixtures.
DO NOT remove the plastic protective film applied to certain products until all installation work has been completed.
DO NOT stand/kneel on the drainer of sinks.
DO NOT drop mortar, plaster or similar substances onto the stainless steel.

Stainless steel will give you a lifetime of trouble free use as long as you follow a few simple rules. If it appears to mark, don’t
worry, it is usually not the steel, but something deposited on it, which has caused the apparent stain.
DO - wash the product before use.
DO - clean the product regularly, using JIF, Goddard’s, or similar recommended cleaners. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
carefully. Always rinse well with clean water and dry the surface with a soft cloth.
DO - use nylon or bristle brushes, not metal scrapers or wire brushes to loosen stubborn stains.
Never use wire wool pads, as they can scratch the steel.
DO - take care when handling sharp objects as they can scratch the surface of the steel. Any scratches will blend together over a
period of time and become less noticeable with age. There is no detriment to the corrosion resistance or general performance of
the material.

DO NOT - allow undiluted bleach to remain in contact with stainless steel (remember dishwasher powders, sterilising agents and
similar products all contain chlorides). Black pit marks can result and permanent damage can be caused. Dilute to manufacturer’s
instructions and always rinse with clean water.
DO NOT - soak clothes in bleach solutions for long periods. Always rinse bowl with clean water after use.
DO NOT - leave such substances as Mortar, Grouting cement, soldering flux, photographic developing fluids, silver dip, denture
liquids or food acids on the surface of the steel. Clean immediately and rinse well with clean water.
DO NOT - allow corrosive foodstuffs, such as fruit juices, damp salt, vinegar, mustards, pickles and mayonnaise to remain on the
surface of the steel for long periods. Wash and rinse away.
DO NOT - let hard water cause a build-up of lime or chalk deposits which can sometimes be seen as a greyish film. Clean regularly
with recommended cleaners to avoid this problem and always wipe dry with a soft cloth.
DO NOT - worry if the steel appears to rust. Usually it’s deposits of wire wool scouring pads, plumbers swarf, particles from
rusting storage tanks or other deposits on the surface which can be cleaned and rinsed away following your usual cleaning
procedure. Bases of washing up bowls can harbour such deposits – check regularly.
DO NOT - use coarse grit cleaners or wire wool pads when cleaning the steel. They will scratch the surface.
DO NOT - leave carbon steel objects such as bottle openers, scissors, whisks and other kitchen objects standing on the surface for
long periods, they can rust and leave marks.


Technical Data Sheet Healthcare

Cleaning Regime

Problem Corrective Treatment Comments

Routine Cleaning. Washing up liquid, all-purpose Satisfactory on all surfaces.
cleaning liquid, swab with cloth or
sponge rinse well.

Oil & Grease Marks. Degreasing fluid or cellulose Rinse with soap & water.

Stubborn marks, stains and light Mild abrasive creams ( Sif / Shiny Heavy stains can be loosened by
discoloration. sinks). soaking with Metsoak or Hi-Phos.
Rinse thoroughly after soaking as
these products cause rust type
marks if left.

Heavy discoloration or heat tint. Use metal polish (Brasso, Use only on grain finish surfaces
Goddard’s S/S Cleaner, Bar and work in direction of grain as
Keepers Friend) or a light non- slight scratching will occur.
metallic abrasive pad. Dura glit.

Bleach solutions including over

the counter brands must only be
used in dilution as instructed and
thoroughly rinse immediately
after application as chloride
containing compounds will cause
corrosion on all grades of stainless

Lime Scale Apply descaler as instructed, Rinse thoroughly after application

agitate & allow to soak, re apply if and wipe dry as rust type stains
not fully removed. can result if left undiluted on
(Met-soak DX4920 or Hi-Phos) surface

There are also products on the market which help to reduce the marks left by fingers and hands one of which is 3m’s
stainless steel cleaner, also of help is baby oil very lightly applied to the surface.


The use of these products must be done with the knowledge that they can in some instances react with other cleaning
agents or on their own and cause scarring of the surface of the stainless steel. It is advisable to move them around the
channel frequently to reduce their effect on one concentrated area.

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