Hydraulikservice EN

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Product Information

Service and support for servo-hydraulic materials testing machines

Inspection and calibration

During inspections problem areas can be discovered at

an early stage and rectified. Left unresolved these could
lead to flawed test results and faulty products.

The general condition, operation and in particular the

safety-critical areas of servo-hydraulic materials testing
machines should be checked on a regular cyclical basis.

However, inspections are not carried out simply to maintain

reliability and full operational capability. They are also ne-
cessary to satisfy the requirements of standards such as
EN ISO 7500-1, which set out the need for inspection in
advance of calibration.

Service and support In turn, calibration ensures that the materials testing
machine delivers highly accurate, reliable test results. Re-
Servo-hydraulic testing machines have universal applica- gularly calibrated testing systems operate with maximum
tion for materials and component testing under pulsating possible measurement accuracy. In this way erroneous
or alternating loads, with periodic or random signals. test results are eliminated.
Quasi-static and dynamic loads are also easily achieved.

Regular inspections and calibration, together with main- What sets us apart
tenance of hydraulic components such as oil, filters and • Wide-ranging calibration portfolio
hoses, are essential requirements for reliable test results. • Extensive experience and expertise gained from over
10,000 calibrations annually
If the recommendations below are followed, the operati- • Low measurement uncertainty for highly accurate
onal capability of the testing system will be maintained, test results
service life increased and reliable test results can be • Large number of measuring points enables us to cover
guaranteed. the entire force and measurement ranges
• Inspection of your materials testing machine as part
of the calibration process
Inspection and Oil and filter Hydraulic hoses
• Adjustment free of charge where required
calibration change change • Fast, flexible service provided by our many expert
Basis EN ISO 7500-1 EN ISO 4413 DIN 20066
service technicians
• Calibration of other makes of testing machine
Interval annually every 2 years every 6 years
(for standard • Independence, efficiency and precision
• Internationally recognized calibration certificates
Benefits • Safety for operator and machine

• Compliance with standards

• Extension of machine life expectancy

PI 840 2.0318

All rights reserved.

Product Information
Service and support for servo-hydraulic materials testing machines

Oil analysis

Constantly increasing demands on the reliability, availability

and cost-effectiveness of hydraulic systems call for ever-
cleaner hydraulic fluids.
The size and number of particles are both critical elements Hydraulic hose change
in the progress of wear in the system. Not every particle
actually causes damage to the system, but the smaller Using life-expired hydraulic hoses can be dangerous.
the number of critical particles, the lower the probability As well as causing long-term damage to your machine,
of damage to components. hydraulic oil escaping under high pressure or whipping
hoses can present an increased safety hazard for your
Oil analysis can be performed at regular intervals by our employees and yourself.
Zwick service technicians during on-site support visits;
both the quality and the suitability of the hydraulic oil will To eliminate these hazards, caused for example by wear,
be verified. aging or damage, hydraulic hoses must be replaced
after a defined period of use or storage, depending on
If impurities or other factors are found to be having an requirements.
adverse effect on your hydraulic power-pack, Zwick can
take appropriate action to restore the oil quality in your
hydraulic power-pack to the required level. Advantages at a glance
• Reduced costs through elimination of component
Oil and filter change • Avoidance of unscheduled machine downtime, sys-
tem failures or lost production
During operation, hydraulic oils are subject to wear and • Operational capability and reliability of your hydraulic
aging and must be changed at regular intervals. The instruments secured
need for this can be determined during a Zwick on-site • Observance of statutory maintenance intervals (DIN
support visit. 20066 and BGR237 / BGI5100)
• Active reduction of accident risk
Alternatively we recommend a preventive oil and filter • Cost saving and increased machine availability (in
change every two years to ensure that the hydraulic sys- combination with oil analysis)
tem is supplied with “fresh” oil. • One-stop customer support available from Zwick
This will minimize wear to all hydraulic components and
extend the service life of your testing system.
PI 840 2.0318

All rights reserved.

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