CH 2 Relations and Functions

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Q1. Choose and write the correct options in the following questions:
(i) If A = 1,2,4} , B = {2,4,5} , C = {2,5 , then ( A – B) X (B - C) is
(a) (1,2) , (1,5) , ( 2,5 ) (b) (1,4) (c) (1, 4) (d) none of these
(ii) If R is a relation on the set A =1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 given by xRy  y = 3x , then R is
(a) (3,1) , (6,2) , (8,2) , (9,3) (b) (3,1) , (6,2) , (9,3)
(c) (3,1) , (2,6) , (3,9) (d) none of these
(iii) If A = 1,2,3} , B = {1,4,6,9 and R is a relation from A to B defined by 'x is greater than y' . The range
of R is
(a) 1,4,6,9 (b) 4,6,9 (c) 1 (d) none of these
(iv) If R = (x, y) : x,y  Z , x2 + y2  4 is a relation on Z , then domain of R is
(a) 0,1,2 (b) 0, -1,- 2 (c)  − 2,-1,0,1,2 (d) none of these
(v) Let n(A) = m and n(B) = n, then the total number of non-empty relations that can be defined from A to B
(a) mn (b) nm – 1 (c) mn – 1 (d) 2mn – 1
(vi) If f(x) = 4x – x then f(a + 1) – f(a – 1) is equal to
(a) 4 (2 − a) (b) 2 (4 − a) (c) 2 (4 + a) (d) 2 (6+ a)
(vii) Let A = 1,2,3}, B = {2,3,4 , then which of the following is a function from A to B ?
(a) (1,2) , (1,3) , (2,3) , (3,3) (b) (1,3) , (2,4 )
(c) (1,3) , (2,2) , (3,3) (d) (1,2) , (2,3) , (3,2) , (3,4)
(viii) Domain of √ (a > 0) is
(a) (– a, a) (b) [– a, a] (c) [0, a] (d) (– a, 0]
(ix) If f(x) = ax + b, where a and b are integers, f(– 1) = – 5 and f(3) = 3, then a and b are equal to
(a) a = – 3, b = – 1 (b) a = 2, b = – 3 (c) a = 0, b = 2 (d) a = 2, b = 3
(x) The domain and range of the real function f defined by f(x) = is given by
(a) Domain = R, Range = {– 1, 1} (b) Domain = R – {1}, Range = R
(c) Domain = R – {4}, Range = R – {– 1} (d) Domain = R – {– 4}, Range = {– 1, 1}


Q2. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices:
(A) Assertion and Reason both are correct statements and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(B) Assertion and Reason both are correct statements and Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(C) Assertion is correct statement but Reason is wrong statement.
(D) Assertion is wrong statement but Reason is correct statement.

(i) Assertion: If n(A) = 4 and n(B) =3 then n(A X B) =4.

Reason: n(A X B) = n(A).n(B)
(ii) Assertion: f(x) = x2 , f: N to N is a function.
Reason: All relations are functions.
(iii) Assertion: R= {(1, 2), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 6)} is a function.
Reason: The domain of a real valued function is a subset of real numbers.
(iv) Assertion: The following arrow diagram represents a function

Reason: Let f : R – {2} R be defined by f(x) = and g : R R be defined by g(x) = x + 3, then f = g.

Q3. A and B are two sets given in such a way that A  B contains 6 elements. If three elements of A  B be
(1,3),( 2,5) and (3,3) , find its remaining elements.
Q4. If A = x : x2 – 5x + 6 = 0, x  N, B = x : 0 x < 2, x W and C = x : x < 3, x N, then verify:
(i) A (B C) = (A B) U (A C) (ii) A (B C) = (A B) (A C)
(iii) (A – B) C = (A C) - (B C) (iv) (A B) C = (A C)
Q5. Let A = 2,3,5,7 and B = {3,5,9,13,15. Let f = (x,y) : x A , y B and y = 2x - 1 . Write f in the
roster form. Show that f is a function from A to B . Find the domain and range of f .
Q6. Let R = (x,y) : x, y Z , y = 2x - 4 . If (a , -2) and (4, b2 ) belongs to R , find the values of a and b.
Q7. Let A = {– 1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 3}. Determine (i) A  B (ii) B  A (iii) B  B (iv) A  A
Q8. Given A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, S = {(x, y) : x  A, y  A}. Find the ordered pairs which satisfy the condition
given below: (i) x + y = 5 (ii) x + y < 5 (iii) x + y > 8
Q9. If R2 = {(x, y) | x and y are integers and x2 + y2 = 64} is a relation, then find R2.
Q10. Is the given relation a function? Give reason for your answer:
(i) h = {(4, 6), (3, 9), (– 11, 6), (3, 11)}
(ii) f = {(x, x) | x is a real number}
(iii) g = {(n , 1/n) , n is a positive integer }
(iv) s = {(n, n2 )|n is a positive integer}
(v) t = {(x, 3)|x is a real number}
Q11. If f and g are real functions defined by f(x) = x2 + 7 and g(x) = 3x + 5, find each of the following:
(i) f(3) + g(– 5) (ii) f(1/2) X g(14) (iii) f(– 2) + g(– 1) (iv) f(t) – f(– 2)
(v) , if t  5
Q12. Express the following functions as set of ordered pairs and determine their range .
f : X  R, f(x) = x3 + 1, where X = {– 1, 0, 3, 9, 7}.
Q13. Let A be set of first ten natural numbers and R be a relation on A given by (x, y )  R  x + 2y = 10 i.e.
R = {(x, y) : x  A and y  B and x + 2y = 10 .Write R as set of ordered pairs.
Q14. Find the domain and the range of the following functions:
(a) f(x) = (b) f(x) = (c) f(x) = √ (d) f(x) =
(e) f(x) = (f) f(x) = (g) f(x) = (h) f(x) = 11- 7sinx

Q15. If f(x) = y = , then prove that f(y) = x.
Q16. If f(x) = , then show that
(i) f( ) = - f(x) (ii) f( )=- .
Q17. Find range of the following functions:
(a) f(x) = (b) f(x) = ;x -2 (c) f(x) =

Q18. A Relation R from A to B can be depicted pictorially using arrow diagram. In arrow diagram, we write
down the elements of two sets A and B in two disjoint circles. Then we draw arrow from set A to set B
whenever (a, b) R. An example of information depicted through an arrow diagram is shown below. For
A company has four categories of employees given by Assistants (A), Clerks (C), Managers (M) and an
Executive Officer (E). The company provides ₹10,000, ₹25,000, ₹50,000 and ₹1,00,000 as salaries to the
people who work in the categories A, C, M and E respectively. Here A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 are Assistants; C1,
C2, C3, C4 are Clerks; M1, M2, M3 are Managers and E1, E2 are Executive Officers then the relation R is defined
by xRy, where x is the salary given to person y.

Based on the above information, answer the given questions


Define the relation in the above arrow diagram from set P to set Q.
(b) Which among the above figures shows a Relation between the two non - empty sets?

(c) Which among the above figures shows a function between the two non - empty sets?
(d) If the number of elements in Set A and B are p and q then what are the number of relations from A to B ?
(e) If the number of elements in Set A and B are p and q then what are the number of non – empty relations
from A to B ?

1. (i) (b) (ii) (d) (iii) (c) (iv) (c) (v) (d) (vi) (a) (vii) (c) (viii) (b) (ix) (b) (x) (c)
2. (i) (D) (ii) (C) (iii) (B) (iv) (C)
3. (1, 5) , (2, 3) and (3, 5)
5. f =(2,3),(3,5),(5,9),(7,13)} , dom(f) = {2,3,5,7} , range(f) = {3,5,9,13
6. a = 1 , b = 2
7. (i) {(– 1, 1), (– 1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 3)}
(ii) {(1, – 1), (3, – 1), (1, 2), (3, 2), (1, 3), (3, 3)}
(iii) {(1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1), (3, 3)}
(iv) {(– 1, – 1), (– 1, 2), (– 1, 3), (2, – 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, – 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)}
8. (i) (1, 4), (4, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)
(ii) (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1)
(iii) (4, 5), (5, 4), (5, 5)
9. {(0, 8), (0, – 8), (8, 0), (– 8, 0)}
10. (i) No (ii) Yes (iii) Yes (iv) Yes (v) Yes
11. (i) 6 (ii) 1363 / 4 (iii) 13 (iv) t2 – 4 (v) t + 5
12. (– 1, 0), (0, 1), (3, 28), (7, 344), (9, 730) , Range = {0, 1, 28, 344, 730}.
13. R = (2,4),(4,3),(6,2),(8,1)
13. Maximum = 9 and minimum = 6
14. (a) dom = R – {3} , range = R − 0 (b) dom = R – {-1,1} , range = (−, 0) U [1, )
(c) dom = [1,3] , range = 0, 1 (d) dom = R – {3} , range = R − -1
(e) dom = (5,  ) , range = (0, ) (f) dom = R – {-√ , √ } , range = (−, 0)  [3/2, )
(g) dom = R – {4} , range = {-1} (h) dom = R , range = 4, 18
17. (a) {-1, 1} (b) {-1, 1} (c) (1, 7/3]
18. (a) x is a square of y (b) A, C (c) A, B (d) 2pq (e) 2pq - 1

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