Q2-Week 3 March

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DAILY School Butuan City Comprehensive High School Grade Level Grade-11

LESSON Introduction to World Religions

LOG Teacher Eden O. Perez Learning Area
and Belief Systems
Teaching Dates and Time March 14 & 16, 2023; 01:00pm-03:00pm Semester/Term 2nd Semester, Midterm

Tuesday Thursday
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the
The learner demonstrates understanding of the
elements of Christianity:
elements of Judaism:
a. Founder: Jesus Christ (c. 7 BC30 A.D.) b. Sacred
a. Founders: Abraham (2000 B.C.) and/or Moses
texts: Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) c.
(1391-1271 B.C.) b. Sacred texts: Torah, Poetry,
Doctrines: Trinity, Virgin Birth, Deity of Christ,
Prophets, Talmud, Mishnah c. Doctrines: Ten
Resurrection, Last Judgment d: God: Trinity (Father,
Commandments, 618 Rules d. God:
Son and Holy Spirit) e. Sects: Roman Catholic,
Yahweh/Jehovah e. Sects: Orthodox, Conservative,
Greek/Eastern Orthodox, Protestantism, etc. f. Issues:
Reform Liberal f. Issues: Antisemitism, Zionism,
Ecumenism, Sexuality issues (e.g., contraception,
homosexuality, ordination of women)
B. Performance Standards The learner identifies a story from the Old Testament The learner interviews a Christian parent or couple on
that demonstrates the Jewish belief in one God (e.g. why they are Christians and what beliefs and practices
Story of Samson). they adhere to.
C. Learning After going through this lesson, the learners are
Competencies/Objectives expected to:
Write the LC code for each. a. Understand the fundamental beliefs of
After going through this lesson, the learners are
Judaism (HUMSS_WRB12- I/IIId-4.1);
expected to:
b. Analyze the impact of these beliefs on Jewish
1. Recite the Lord’s prayer, the Apostles Creed
identity and practices. (HUMSS_WRB12- I/IIId-
and the Beatitudes (HUMSS_WRB12I/IIIe-f-5.1).
4.2); and
2. Appreciate Christian faith by reciting the Creed,
c. Justify the core teaching of Judaism is the
Lord’s prayer and Beatitudes.
covenant of one God with a chosen people vs.
other people with many gods.
(HUMSS_WRB12- I/IIId-4.3);

II. CONTENT JUDAISM: Its Key Beliefs Christianity

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Introduction to World Religion and Belief Introduction to World Religion and Belief Systems
Systems Grade 11, First Edition, 2020
Grade 11, First Edition, 2020
2. Learner’s Material pages Introduction to World Religion and Belief Introduction to World Religion and Belief Systems
Systems Grade 11, First Edition, 2020
Grade 11, First Edition, 2020
3. Textbook pages N/A N/A
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource (LR) portal N/A N/A
1. DEPED TV-Official:
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?
1. DEPED TV-Official:
B. Other Learning Resources v=yvmUBI8pUdU
 https://wheelofnames.com/

A. Reviewing previous lesson or The teacher calls the class random students to share Review previous discussion selected issues concerning
presenting the new lesson the Judaism.
The teacher explains the lesson objectives. The class will be shown by a picture of a Spanish
B. Establishing a purpose for the painter depicting the first eucharist—the most significant
lesson ritual in Christianity.
The teacher gives warm-up questions to the The students will be asked the following questions:
learners. What can you associate with the picture? What does
the picture portrays in relation with Christianity? Does it
Activity 1: FEEL-Me In say a lot about the Christian religion? How?
C. Presenting examples/ instances Direction: The teacher shows a video clip about
of the new lesson teachings in Judaism.


The teacher instructs the learners to fill-out their K-

W-L Reflective Journal using the following guide
format. They will first write at least five things they
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher presents the Apostles Creed, The Lord’s
know and they wanted to learn from the given topic.
practicing new skills #1 (Leads to prayer and the Beatitudes.
Formative Assessment 1)
SECTION D. Reflection
E. Discussing new concepts and Activity 2. Concept Map! How does the Creed, The Lord’s prayer and the
practicing new skills #2 1 (Leads Direction: Complete the concept map by filling key beatitudes define the core teaching of Christianity?
ideas about “JUDAISM”. Use a separate sheet of
paper for your answer.

The teacher then discusses how the creed, the Lord’s

to Formative Assessment 2)
prayer and the beatitudes was formed.

The teacher randomly calls five students to share

F. Developing mastery what they have written in their concept map about The students will be grouped into three groups. Each
(Leads to Formative Assessment Judaism. The teacher also gives inputs on their group is assigned with the Creed, The Lord’s prayer ant
3) presentation. the Beatitudes. They will perform in chorus the
recitation of each core teachings.

PANEL DISCUSSION: The class are divided into

four. Each group is tasked to briefly discuss the
following questions and present it to the class. The
other group are tasked to raise questions to
encourage healthy and engaging discussions.
1. How do the basic tenets of Judaism underpin the
importance of actions for the Jewish people? (4pts)
As a student, how do you feel about reciting the core
2. Outline the importance of the synagogue to the
G. Finding practical applications of teachings of Christianity. Do you recite it in a prayerful
Jewish community. (4pts)
concepts and skills in daily living mode? If yes, how do you feel about it?
3. Explain how keeping the 10 commandments might
affect the way Jews live their daily lives? (4pts)
4. All Jews should believe the same things and
practice the same traditions. Do you agree? Give
reasons to support your answer and show that you
simply have considered different points of view?
(4pts) 5. How is Jewish history reflected in the
observances and holidays of Judaism? (4pts)
H. Making generalizations and The teacher asks the learners to share what they What is the point of the Creed, The Lord’s prayer and
have written in Section C from the activities the Beatitudes?
conducted and the topics discussed.
abstractions about the lesson
 Profession of Faith
 Openness with God
 Love and Compassion
The teacher conducts a 15-Item Multiple Choice type The teacher conducts a 10-Item Multiple Choice type of
I. Evaluating learning
of test to the learners. test to the learners.
ASSIGNMENT: Research brief history and ASSIGNMENT: The students are asked to memorize
J. Additional activities for teachings of Christianity. the apostle’s creed. It will be recited in the next
application or remediation meeting.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Checked by: Noted by:
Prepared by:
EDEN O. PEREZ Senior High School Department Head School Principal
Subject Teacher

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