RRMasonry RW 1.8mhigh

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Storm Water Drainage Management Plan at Batterywatta CL/UDA-01/UrWM-

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Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation Design of 1.8m High RR Masonary Retaining Wall 1
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In accordance with EN1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated February 2009 and the UK National Annex
incorporating Corrigendum No.1
Tedds calculation version 2.9.17

Analysis summary
Design summary
Overall design utilisation; 0.871
Overall design status; Pass
Description Unit Capacity Applied FoS Result
Sliding stability kN/m 17.2 15 1.148 PASS
Overturning stability kNm/m 44.5 10.8 4.107 PASS
Bearing pressure kN/m2 243.9 37 6.588 PASS
Retaining wall details
Stem type; Cantilever with stepped rear face
Stem height; hstem = 1500 mm
Number of steps; Nsteps = 2
Height of step 1; hs1 = 900 mm
Thickness of step 1; ts1 = 1000 mm
Height of step 2; hs2 = 600 mm
Thickness of step 2; ts2 = 500 mm
Angle to rear face of stem;  = 90 deg
Stem density; stem = 25 kN/m3
Toe length; ltoe = 500 mm
Base thickness; tbase = 300 mm
Base density; base = 25 kN/m3
Height of retained soil; hret = 1100 mm
Angle of soil surface;  = 0 deg
Depth of cover; dcover = 400 mm
Depth of excavation; dexc = 400 mm
Retained soil properties
Soil type; Medium dense well graded sand and gravel
Moist density; mr = 20 kN/m3
Saturated density; sr = 22.3 kN/m3
Characteristic effective shear resistance angle; 'r.k = 30 deg
Characteristic wall friction angle; r.k = 15 deg

Base soil properties

Soil type; Medium dense fine or silty sand
Soil density; b = 18 kN/m3
Characteristic cohesion; c'b.k = 0 kN/m2
Characteristic effective shear resistance angle; 'b.k = 30 deg
Characteristic wall friction angle; b.k = 15 deg
Characteristic base friction angle; bb.k = 20 deg

Loading details
Permanent surcharge load; SurchargeG = 5 kN/m2
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500 500 500

5 kN/m2
1.8 kN/m2




-42.8 kN/m2 14.9 kN/m2

37 kN/m2 37 kN/m2


General arrangement - sketch pressures relate to bearing check

Calculate retaining wall geometry

Base length; lbase = ltoe + ts1 = 1500 mm
Moist soil height; hmoist = hsoil = 1500 mm
Length of surcharge load; lsur = (lheel + ts1 - ts2) = 500 mm
- Distance to vertical component; xsur_v = lbase - (lheel + ts1 - ts2) / 2 = 1250 mm
Effective height of wall; heff = hbase + dcover + hret = 1800 mm
- Distance to horizontal component; xsur_h = heff / 2 = 900 mm
Area of wall stem; Astem = hs1  ts1 + hs2  ts2 = 1.2 m2
- Distance to vertical component; xstem = lbase - (hs1  ts1  (lheel + ts1 - ts1 / 2) + hs2  ts2  (lheel + ts1 - ts2 / 2))
/ Astem = 937 mm
Area of wall base; Abase = lbase  tbase = 0.45 m2
- Distance to vertical component; xbase = lbase / 2 = 750 mm
Area of moist soil; Amoist = lheel  hs1 + (lheel + ts1 - ts2)  hs2 = 0.3 m2
- Distance to vertical component; xmoist_v = lbase - (lheel  hs1  lheel / 2 + (lheel + ts1 - ts2)  hs2  (lheel + ts1 - ts2)
/ 2) / Amoist = 1250 mm
- Distance to horizontal component; xmoist_h = heff / 3 = 600 mm
Area of base soil; Apass = dcover  ltoe = 0.2 m2
- Distance to vertical component; xpass_v = lbase - (dcover  ltoe (lbase - ltoe / 2)) / Apass = 250 mm
- Distance to horizontal component; xpass_h = (dcover + hbase) / 3 = 233 mm
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Design approach 1
Partial factors on actions - Table A.3 - Combination 1
Partial factor set; A1
Permanent unfavourable action; G = 1.350
Permanent favourable action; Gf = 1.000
Variable unfavourable action; Q = 1.500
Variable favourable action; Qf = 0.000

Partial factors for soil parameters – Table A.4 - Combination 1

Soil parameter set; M1
Angle of shearing resistance; ' = 1.00
Effective cohesion; c' = 1.00
Weight density;  = 1.00

Retained soil properties

Design moist density; mr' = mr /  = 20 kN/m3
Design saturated density; sr' = sr /  = 22.3 kN/m3
Design effective shear resistance angle; 'r.d = atan(tan('r.k) / ') = 30 deg
Design wall friction angle; r.d = atan(tan(r.k) / ') = 15 deg

Base soil properties

Design soil density; b' = b /  = 18 kN/m3
Design effective shear resistance angle; 'b.d = atan(tan('b.k) / ') = 30 deg
Design wall friction angle; b.d = atan(tan(b.k) / ') = 15 deg
Design base friction angle; bb.d = atan(tan(bb.k) / ') = 20 deg
Design effective cohesion; c'b.d = c'b.k / c' = 0 kN/m2

Using Coulomb theory

Active pressure coefficient; KA = sin( + 'r.d)2 / (sin()2  sin( - r.d)  [1 + [sin('r.d + r.d) 
sin('r.d - ) / (sin( - r.d)  sin( + ))]]2) = 0.301
Passive pressure coefficient; KP = sin(90 - 'b.d)2 / (sin(90 + b.d)  [1 - [sin('b.d + b.d)  sin('b.d) /
(sin(90 + b.d))]]2) = 4.977

Sliding check
Vertical forces on wall
Wall stem; Fstem = Gf  Astem  stem = 30 kN/m
Wall base; Fbase = Gf  Abase  base = 11.3 kN/m
Surcharge load; Fsur_v = Gf  SurchargeG  (lheel + ts1 - ts2) = 2.5 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_v = Gf  Amoist  mr' = 6 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_v = Fstem + Fbase + Fsur_v + Fmoist_v = 49.8 kN/m
Horizontal forces on wall
Surcharge load; Fsur_h = KA  cos(r.d)  G  SurchargeG  heff = 3.5 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_h = G  KA  cos(r.d)  mr'  heff2 / 2 = 12.7 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_h = Fsur_h + Fmoist_h = 16.3 kN/m
Check stability against sliding
Base soil resistance; Fexc_h = Gf  KP  cos(b.d)  b'  (hpass + hbase)2 / 2 = 3.9 kN/m
Base friction; Ffriction = Ftotal_v  tan(bb.d) = 18.1 kN/m
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Resistance to sliding; Frest = Fexc_h + Ffriction = 22 kN/m

Factor of safety; FoSsl = Frest / Ftotal_h = 1.352
PASS - Resistance to sliding is greater than sliding force
Overturning check
Vertical forces on wall
Wall stem; Fstem = Gf  Astem  stem = 30 kN/m
Wall base; Fbase = Gf  Abase  base = 11.3 kN/m
Surcharge load; Fsur_v = Gf  SurchargeG  (lheel + ts1 - ts2) = 2.5 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_v = Gf  Amoist  mr' = 6 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_v = Fstem + Fbase + Fsur_v + Fmoist_v = 49.8 kN/m
Horizontal forces on wall
Surcharge load; Fsur_h = KA  cos(r.d)  G  SurchargeG  heff = 3.5 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_h = G  KA  cos(r.d)  mr'  heff2 / 2 = 12.7 kN/m
Base soil; Fexc_h = -Gf  KP  cos(b.d)  b'  (hpass + hbase)2 / 2 = -3.9 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_h = Fsur_h + Fmoist_h + Fexc_h = 12.4 kN/m
Overturning moments on wall
Surcharge load; Msur_OT = Fsur_h  xsur_h = 3.2 kNm/m
Moist retained soil; Mmoist_OT = Fmoist_h  xmoist_h = 7.6 kNm/m
Total; Mtotal_OT = Msur_OT + Mmoist_OT = 10.8 kNm/m
Restoring moments on wall
Wall stem; Mstem_R = Fstem  xstem = 28.1 kNm/m
Wall base; Mbase_R = Fbase  xbase = 8.4 kNm/m
Moist retained soil; Mmoist_R = Fmoist_v  xmoist_v = 7.5 kNm/m
Base soil; Mexc_R = -Fexc_h  xexc_h = 0.4 kNm/m
Total; Mtotal_R = Mstem_R + Mbase_R + Mmoist_R + Mexc_R = 44.5 kNm/m
Check stability against overturning
Factor of safety; FoSot = Mtotal_R / Mtotal_OT = 4.107
PASS - Maximum restoring moment is greater than overturning moment
Bearing pressure check
Vertical forces on wall
Wall stem; Fstem = G  Astem  stem = 40.5 kN/m
Wall base; Fbase = G  Abase  base = 15.2 kN/m
Surcharge load; Fsur_v = G  SurchargeG  (lheel + ts1 - ts2) = 3.4 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_v = G  Amoist  mr' = 8.1 kN/m
Base soil; Fpass_v = G  Apass  b' = 4.9 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_v = Fstem + Fbase + Fsur_v + Fmoist_v + Fpass_v = 72 kN/m
Horizontal forces on wall
Surcharge load; Fsur_h = KA  cos(r.d)  G  SurchargeG  heff = 3.5 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_h = G  KA  cos(r.d)  mr'  heff2 / 2 = 12.7 kN/m
Base soil; Fpass_h = max(-Gf  KP  cos(b.d)  b'  (dcover + hbase)2 / 2, -(Fmoist_h +
Fsur_h)) = -16.3 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_h = max(Fsur_h + Fmoist_h + Fpass_h - Ftotal_v  tan(bb.d), 0 kN/m) = 0
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Moments on wall
Wall stem; Mstem = Fstem  xstem = 38 kNm/m
Wall base; Mbase = Fbase  xbase = 11.4 kNm/m
Surcharge load; Msur = Fsur_v  xsur_v - Fsur_h  xsur_h = 1 kNm/m
Moist retained soil; Mmoist = Fmoist_v  xmoist_v - Fmoist_h  xmoist_h = 2.5 kNm/m
Base soil; Mpass = Fpass_v  xpass_v - Fpass_h  xpass_h = 5 kNm/m
Total; Mtotal = Mstem + Mbase + Msur + Mmoist + Mpass = 57.9 kNm/m
Check bearing pressure
Distance to reaction; x = Mtotal / Ftotal_v = 804 mm
Eccentricity of reaction; e = x - lbase / 2 = 54 mm
Loaded length of base; lload = 2  (lbase - x) = 1392 mm
Bearing pressure at toe; qtoe = 0 kN/m2
Bearing pressure at heel; qheel = Ftotal_v / lload = 51.7 kN/m2
Effective overburden pressure; q = (tbase + dcover)  b' = 12.6 kN/m2
Design effective overburden pressure; q' = q /  = 12.6 kN/m2
Bearing resistance factors; Nq = Exp(  tan('b.d))  (tan(45 deg + 'b.d / 2))2 = 18.401
Nc = (Nq - 1)  cot('b.d) = 30.14
N = 2  (Nq - 1)  tan('b.d) = 20.093
Foundation shape factors; sq = 1
s = 1
sc = 1
Load inclination factors; H = Fsur_h + Fmoist_h + Fpass_h = 0 kN/m
V = Ftotal_v = 72 kN/m
iq = [1 - H / (V + lload  c'b.d  cot('b.d))]m = 1
i = [1 - H / (V + lload  c'b.d  cot('b.d))](m + 1) = 1
ic = iq - (1 - iq) / (Nc  tan('b.d)) = 1
Net ultimate bearing capacity
nf = c'b.d  Nc  sc  ic + q'  Nq  sq  iq + 0.5  b'  lload  N  s  i = 483.7 kN/m2
Factor of safety; FoSbp = nf / max(qtoe, qheel) = 9.351
PASS - Allowable bearing pressure exceeds maximum applied bearing pressure
Design approach 1
Partial factors on actions - Table A.3 - Combination 2
Partial factor set; A2
Permanent unfavourable action; G = 1.000
Permanent favourable action; Gf = 1.000
Variable unfavourable action; Q = 1.300
Variable favourable action; Qf = 0.000

Partial factors for soil parameters – Table A.4 - Combination 2

Soil parameter set; M2
Angle of shearing resistance; ' = 1.25
Effective cohesion; c' = 1.25
Weight density;  = 1.00
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Retained soil properties

Design moist density; mr' = mr /  = 20 kN/m3
Design saturated density; sr' = sr /  = 22.3 kN/m3
Design effective shear resistance angle; 'r.d = atan(tan('r.k) / ') = 24.8 deg
Design wall friction angle; r.d = atan(tan(r.k) / ') = 12.1 deg

Base soil properties

Design soil density; b' = b /  = 18 kN/m3
Design effective shear resistance angle; 'b.d = atan(tan('b.k) / ') = 24.8 deg
Design wall friction angle; b.d = atan(tan(b.k) / ') = 12.1 deg
Design base friction angle; bb.d = atan(tan(bb.k) / ') = 16.2 deg
Design effective cohesion; c'b.d = c'b.k / c' = 0 kN/m2

Using Coulomb theory

Active pressure coefficient; KA = sin( + 'r.d)2 / (sin()2  sin( - r.d)  [1 + [sin('r.d + r.d) 
sin('r.d - ) / (sin( - r.d)  sin( + ))]]2) = 0.371
Passive pressure coefficient; KP = sin(90 - 'b.d)2 / (sin(90 + b.d)  [1 - [sin('b.d + b.d)  sin('b.d) /
(sin(90 + b.d))]]2) = 3.473

Sliding check
Vertical forces on wall
Wall stem; Fstem = Gf  Astem  stem = 30 kN/m
Wall base; Fbase = Gf  Abase  base = 11.3 kN/m
Surcharge load; Fsur_v = Gf  SurchargeG  (lheel + ts1 - ts2) = 2.5 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_v = Gf  Amoist  mr' = 6 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_v = Fstem + Fbase + Fsur_v + Fmoist_v = 49.8 kN/m
Horizontal forces on wall
Surcharge load; Fsur_h = KA  cos(r.d)  G  SurchargeG  heff = 3.3 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_h = G  KA  cos(r.d)  mr'  heff2 / 2 = 11.8 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_h = Fsur_h + Fmoist_h = 15 kN/m
Check stability against sliding
Base soil resistance; Fexc_h = Gf  KP  cos(b.d)  b'  (hpass + hbase)2 / 2 = 2.8 kN/m
Base friction; Ffriction = Ftotal_v  tan(bb.d) = 14.5 kN/m
Resistance to sliding; Frest = Fexc_h + Ffriction = 17.2 kN/m
Factor of safety; FoSsl = Frest / Ftotal_h = 1.148
PASS - Resistance to sliding is greater than sliding force
Overturning check
Vertical forces on wall
Wall stem; Fstem = Gf  Astem  stem = 30 kN/m
Wall base; Fbase = Gf  Abase  base = 11.3 kN/m
Surcharge load; Fsur_v = Gf  SurchargeG  (lheel + ts1 - ts2) = 2.5 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_v = Gf  Amoist  mr' = 6 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_v = Fstem + Fbase + Fsur_v + Fmoist_v = 49.8 kN/m
Horizontal forces on wall
Surcharge load; Fsur_h = KA  cos(r.d)  G  SurchargeG  heff = 3.3 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_h = G  KA  cos(r.d)  mr'  heff2 / 2 = 11.8 kN/m
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Base soil; Fexc_h = -Gf  KP  cos(b.d)  b'  (hpass + hbase)2 / 2 = -2.8 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_h = Fsur_h + Fmoist_h + Fexc_h = 12.3 kN/m
Overturning moments on wall
Surcharge load; Msur_OT = Fsur_h  xsur_h = 2.9 kNm/m
Moist retained soil; Mmoist_OT = Fmoist_h  xmoist_h = 7.1 kNm/m
Total; Mtotal_OT = Msur_OT + Mmoist_OT = 10 kNm/m
Restoring moments on wall
Wall stem; Mstem_R = Fstem  xstem = 28.1 kNm/m
Wall base; Mbase_R = Fbase  xbase = 8.4 kNm/m
Moist retained soil; Mmoist_R = Fmoist_v  xmoist_v = 7.5 kNm/m
Base soil; Mexc_R = -Fexc_h  xexc_h = 0.3 kNm/m
Total; Mtotal_R = Mstem_R + Mbase_R + Mmoist_R + Mexc_R = 44.3 kNm/m
Check stability against overturning
Factor of safety; FoSot = Mtotal_R / Mtotal_OT = 4.438
PASS - Maximum restoring moment is greater than overturning moment
Bearing pressure check
Vertical forces on wall
Wall stem; Fstem = G  Astem  stem = 30 kN/m
Wall base; Fbase = G  Abase  base = 11.3 kN/m
Surcharge load; Fsur_v = G  SurchargeG  (lheel + ts1 - ts2) = 2.5 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_v = G  Amoist  mr' = 6 kN/m
Base soil; Fpass_v = G  Apass  b' = 3.6 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_v = Fstem + Fbase + Fsur_v + Fmoist_v + Fpass_v = 53.4 kN/m
Horizontal forces on wall
Surcharge load; Fsur_h = KA  cos(r.d)  G  SurchargeG  heff = 3.3 kN/m
Moist retained soil; Fmoist_h = G  KA  cos(r.d)  mr'  heff2 / 2 = 11.8 kN/m
Base soil; Fpass_h = -Gf  KP  cos(b.d)  b'  (dcover + hbase)2 / 2 = -15 kN/m
Total; Ftotal_h = max(Fsur_h + Fmoist_h + Fpass_h - Ftotal_v  tan(bb.d), 0 kN/m) = 0
Moments on wall
Wall stem; Mstem = Fstem  xstem = 28.1 kNm/m
Wall base; Mbase = Fbase  xbase = 8.4 kNm/m
Surcharge load; Msur = Fsur_v  xsur_v - Fsur_h  xsur_h = 0.2 kNm/m
Moist retained soil; Mmoist = Fmoist_v  xmoist_v - Fmoist_h  xmoist_h = 0.4 kNm/m
Base soil; Mpass = Fpass_v  xpass_v - Fpass_h  xpass_h = 4.4 kNm/m
Total; Mtotal = Mstem + Mbase + Msur + Mmoist + Mpass = 41.6 kNm/m
Check bearing pressure
Distance to reaction; x = Mtotal / Ftotal_v = 780 mm
Eccentricity of reaction; e = x - lbase / 2 = 30 mm
Loaded length of base; lload = 2  (lbase - x) = 1441 mm
Bearing pressure at toe; qtoe = 0 kN/m2
Bearing pressure at heel; qheel = Ftotal_v / lload = 37 kN/m2
Effective overburden pressure; q = (tbase + dcover)  b' = 12.6 kN/m2
Design effective overburden pressure; q' = q /  = 12.6 kN/m2
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Bearing resistance factors; Nq = Exp(  tan('b.d))  (tan(45 deg + 'b.d / 2))2 = 10.431
Nc = (Nq - 1)  cot('b.d) = 20.418
N = 2  (Nq - 1)  tan('b.d) = 8.712
Foundation shape factors; sq = 1
s = 1
sc = 1
Load inclination factors; H = Fsur_h + Fmoist_h + Fpass_h = 0 kN/m
V = Ftotal_v = 53.4 kN/m
iq = [1 - H / (V + lload  c'b.d  cot('b.d))]m = 0.998
i = [1 - H / (V + lload  c'b.d  cot('b.d))](m + 1) = 0.998
ic = iq - (1 - iq) / (Nc  tan('b.d)) = 0.998
Net ultimate bearing capacity
nf = c'b.d  Nc  sc  ic + q'  Nq  sq  iq + 0.5  b'  lload  N  s  i = 243.9 kN/m2
Factor of safety; FoSbp = nf / max(qtoe, qheel) = 6.588
PASS - Allowable bearing pressure exceeds maximum applied bearing pressure

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