Members Rating Sheet

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WORKING TITLE: _________________________________________________________________



GROUP LEADER: ____________________________________

Outstanding Good Developing Beginning

Point Value
5 4 -3 2 1
Participates actively. Participates in group. Sometimes participates Participates minimally.
Helps direct the group in Shows concern for in group. Shows a little concern for goals.
setting goals. goals. Participates in Shows concern for some Watches but doesn't participate
Helps direct group in goal setting. goals. in goal setting.
meeting goals. Participates in meeting Participates marginally in Completes assigned tasks late or
Participation (5) Thoroughly completes goals. goal setting. turns in work incomplete.
assigned tasks. Completes assigned Participates in meeting
Actively participates in tasks. goals. Completes some
helping the group work Demonstrates effort to assigned tasks.
together better. help the group work

Shares many ideas Freely shares ideas. Shares ideas when Does not share ideas.
related to the goals. Listens to others. encouraged. Watches but does not contribute
Encourages all group Considers other Allows sharing by all to discussions.
members to share their people's feelings and group members. Does not show consideration for
Communication ideas. ideas. Listens to others. others.
(5) Listens attentively to Considers other people's
others. feelings and ideas.
Empathetic to other
people's feelings and

Outstanding Good Developing Beginning

9-10 7-8 6 4-5
Acts as one of the key
writers of the group. Submits incomplete Submits very little No written output submitted at
Submits correct and written output as written output but can all but participates in way that
sufficient written output assigned; submitted be incorporated into the contribute to the group’s
Actual as assigned. work needs editing and research paper with research paper through other
Contribution to Does changes to part/s improvement. proper revision. forms of effort
Research Output of the paper to improve Listens to suggestions Revises written output
substance. and redo written output and submit on time.
(10) Constantly improves the submitted as instructed.
paper where it is

Member's Name: Contribution Participation Communication Total Points

(For Survey Questionnaire) (10) (5) (5) Earned (20 pts)

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