State of Art Summary

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Detectors for radiance-balancing sensors are limited to thermopiles and metal bolometers.

Thermistor bolometers exhibit wide variations in resistance and responsivity and in the effects of ambient temperature on these parameters. The precise temperature control required to prevent mismatch in two balancing detectors makes the use of thermistors impractical (ref. 15). Another factor that has to be considered when thermistor bolometers are used is thermal runaway. A thermistor bolometer changes its resistance with temperature. The thermistor material has a negative temperature coefficient. At a temperature called the detector critical temperature, the bolometer impedance has been reduced to the point that the high bias current causes detector self-heating and thermal runaway. Thermistor bolometer behavior (ref. 18) for a detector biased at 60 percent of peak bias voltage and base temperature maintained at room ambient is as follows: Detector signal/noise ratio io1 to 105 105 to i o 6 i o 6 to 107 108 109 Behavior Output is proportional to input. Output is approximately proportional to input. Output is not proportional to input. Detector heating produces a large resistance and voltage imbalance in bolometer bridge. Detector heating causes degradation of cements used in construction, and the detector burns out.


State of the Art Summary

Table I summarizes a number of sensor characteristics. Care must be exercised in interpreting this table because the best valuesgiven are not necessarily applicable to any one known sensor.

Horizon sensors should be designed to indicate the angular position of the optical discontinuity, near where the Earth profile meets the space background, for determination of the spacecraft local vertical under all specified operational conditions. The design should achieve required accuracy, lifetime, and reliability within imposed size, weight, and power constraints. The design shall minimize adverse effects of the natural


TABLE I.-State of the Art Summary

Characteristic Sensor type Possible choices or range of values Conical scan Edge tracker Radiation balancing Horizon -crossing indicator CO;! absorption band 14-16 pm H 2 0 absorption band 20-35 pm Principal factors involved Accuracy required, operational altitude; length of mission;type of satellite, i.e., spinning or 3-axis stabilized; and degree of mechanical complexity permitted Adequate signal/noise ratio for desired scan type, good cloud rejection, and horizon stability

Spectral band

Optical material Aperture

Germanium or silicon 1to3in.

Desired spectral band Large enough to give adequate signal/noise ratio for selected spectral band and scan type Accuracy required, must give adequate signal/ noise ratio for selected spectral band Altitude of operation Spectral band selected Length of mission Degree of mechanical and electrical complexity permitted Degree of complexity permitted Ability to anticipate Sun's presence before entering field of view Selection depends mainly on type of sensor, whether scanning or nonscanning Accuracy required, weight and power limits Accuracy required, type of scan desired Accuracy required, type of scan desired

Field of view

0.75' to 3' rectangular, square, or circular 0.05' to 2'


Sun rejection

Use of separate detector Use of main detector by noting signal level, pulsewidth, etc. Thermistor, metal bolometer, or thermopile MTBFa=15000hrto 120yr 0.5 to 25 Ib
0.5 to 20 W

Detector type

Reliability Weight Power


Mean time between failures.


environment, including cold clouds, atmospheric scattering, Sun interference, Moon interference, and Earth radiance nonuniformities. Susceptibility to spacecraft adverse environmental effects including mechanical obscuration, electromagnetic interference, thermal radiation, and thermal conduction must be minimized. The output signals should be compatible in level, dynamic range, data rate, and format with the control system of which they are functional elements. The simplest, most reliable design capable of performing the specified function should be provided. Designs developed with flight-proven hardware and techniques should be used whenever practicable.

3.1 Input Phenomena

3.1.1 Spectral Region

The spectral region of operation should be selected to be consistent with performance requirements, considering effects caused by clouds, Earth spatial and temporal temperature differences, and radiance profile shape variations.


Sun Interference

Detector damage by solar heating must be prevented. Output errors caused by the Sun being in or near the detector field of view shall be minimized. An alarm signal should be considered to indicate actual or impending Sun errors. This alarm signal should be compatible with switching logic circuits so that appropriate action may be taken consistent with the horizon-sensor design and the requirements of the spacecraft attitude-control system. For radiance-balancing sensors, output errors and detector-plane thermal gradients must be considered when the Sun is in or near the total field of view encompassed by all detectors.


Internal Reflection s

The optical design should be such that multiple reflections from external sources, such as the Sun, Moon, Earth, or spacecraft, and from sources within the sensor itself do not


generate spurious detector signals sufficient to cause output errors greater than a predetermined tolerable magnitude.


Moon Interference

Effects of Moon interference shall be analyzed and considered. Moon interference effects on the horizon-sensor output and the influence of the erroneous output on the spacecraft mission should be considered.


Design Interfaces

The following factors, derived from vehicle system and operational interfaces, shall be considered in the design and by the user.


O ptica I Interface

The optical interface with the spacecraft must be designed so that no part of the spacecraft or its appendages can appear in the field of view of the sensor or be close enough to the field of view to cause output errors. Alternatively, the sensor must contain sufficient logic to reject spurious signals if the field of view of the sensor must include part of the spacecraft, expended reaction jet fuel, or jettisoned parts.


Electrical Interface

Control shall be imposed on the electrical interface with the spacecraft to prevent spurious signal and noise inputs to the detector preamplifier. The prevention of electromagnetic interference is vitally important because of the low signal levels usually encountered in horizon sensors.



Thermal Interface

The thermal design must include special considerations of the radiant thermal interface defined by radiative inputs from Sun, Earth, space, and spacecraft in addition to the normal thermal-conduction interface with the spacecraft, because of the exceptional thermal sensitivity of all types of sensors.


Other Design Considerations

Sca n Mechanization Protection

Sensor designs that use gears and/or bearings that require lubrication must be provided with reliable seals. The optical elements must be protected from contamination by evaporated lubricant, whether from seal failure or other causes. Sensors with torsional-suspension scanning elements, e.g., flex-pivot or taut-wire suspension, must be adequately protected from the launch environment. Fatigue in flex pivots must be considered.


Thermal Design

For sensors using thermistor bolometer detectors, safeguards must be included to prevent thermal runaway of the detector. For radiance-balancing sensors, the thermal design must consider the effects of output errors caused by temperature gradients across individual detectors, thermal gradients between detectors, and the temperature range over which the detectors shall operate.


Detector Life

The thermal environment of detectors, especially immersed thermistor bolometers, should be consistent with required operating time and life versus temperature characteristics of the detectors.


3.3.4 Alinement Provisions

Means for alining the sensor to the required spacecraft references and for verifying this alinement after installation on the spacecraft shall be provided in the design.

3.3.5 Contamination and Degradation of Optical Elements

Contamination and degradation of internal and external optical elements must be prevented. If dust covers are used, positive dust cover removal procedure shall be provided. In all phases of design, including the specification of assembly, test, and handling procedures, attention must be given to the prevention of degradation of any optical element or surface. This includes prevention of contamination during fabrication and testing as well as during mission orbit.


Corona Suppression

The design shall prevent the occurrence of corona discharge at all specified ranges of temperature and pressure. Any electrical potentials above approximately 100 V should be suspect. The low pressure of orbit shall not be depended upon to prevent discharge because of the contingency of accidental turn-on before outgassing is complete.



3.4.1 Ac qui sit ion

The sensor design must provide the required probability of initial Earth acquisition. Loss of track resulting from variations in apparent Earth diameter over the expected mission altitude range and over the required range of vehicle attitudes must be prevented. Alarms to indicate loss of track and/or automatic reacquisition sequence if track is lost should be considered.



Performance Tests

In addition to tests conducted t o verify sensor performance, the test plan should specify that each sensor be subjected to at least one field of view test over the dynamic range of expected radiant inputs and to a cold-wall test with the sensor operated over its expected environment.


Launch -Site Checkout

Required launch-site performance testing should be defined early in the design phase.

The selection or design of an Earth horizon sensor for a particular application involves a complex tradeoff between altitude range of operation, accuracy, reliability, size, weight, power, and cost. The users requirements for operational altitude, linearity, and cross coupling will dictate the scan pattern. The specifications on accuracy and response to spurious signals from cold clouds and the Sun will govern the spectral band, aperture, and field of view. The size, weight, and environment will influence the lenses, mirrors, and material selection. The environment and life requirements will affect the choice of rotational or dither rate, construction, and alinement. Within the broad infrared spectrum of 2 to 30 pm, the Earth presents a variety of horizon scenes, depending on the specific portion of the spectrum used. Where accuracy is limited by horizon noise, the preferred spectral region is the 15-pm C02 absorption band embracing the spectral region from about 14 to 16 pm-although the mechanization employed may include radiation of longer wavelengths. If lifetime and reliability are primary requirements, a static (i.e., no moving parts) sensor is indicated. However, accuracy may dictate the need for dynamic scanning or tracking. Design approaches for dynamic scanning devices range from sealed units with gears and bearings to units with no metal-to-metal friction. Early plans for appropriate spacecraft performance tests and launch-site checks should be made. Detailed plans should provide for avoiding Sun and Moon interference, thermal runaway, optical ghosts, and EMI.



Input Phenomena

4.1.1 Spectral Region

The selection of the spectral region of operation is most important step in the design process and is based on a tradeoff that is influenced by many factors, the most important of which are the properties of the horizon radiation, the Suns radiation, and the available components. The correct spectral region for a particular sensor depends greatly on orbit parameters and scan pattern, and represents the best achievable compromise between accuracy and volume. Operation at wavelengths shorter than about 12.5 pm is to be avoided if possible. The optimum spectral region for high accuracy is the 15-pm COz band from about 14 to 16 pm. For cases where lower accuracy can be tolerated, the 12.5-to-40-pm region may be more advantageous. Earth Spectral Distribution

The Earth-emitted spectral distribution is given in figure 10 (from ref. 1). These approximate curves, which should be considered as illustrative of the Earths spectrum rather than as hard design data, show that the Earth radiates significantly only at wavelengths greater than about 6 pm. The spectral distribution of reflected solar radiation is contrasted with blackbody distributions comparable to the Earths spectral radiance in figure 11 (from ref. 19). Below 5 pm the reflected solar radiation is much greater than self-emitted Earth radiation. Thus a sensor field of view scanning across a partially illuminated Earth would see three large gradients, one at each limb and one at the terminator, if its spectral response extends below 5 pm. The gradient at the terminator could be misinterpreted as the horizon unless the sensor signal processing (or ground data reduction, where applicable) compensates for this error. Sensors with a response below 6 pm have to be designed to eliminate erroneous signals caused by reflected solar radiation.





16 Wark



24 26 Wavelength, p m










Figure 10.-Comparison of estimated and measured upwelling radiation, temperate atmosphere, and vertical path. 1.5

No= Total blackbody radiance

Reflected solar radiation 6000" K Albedo=l.O No (1.8,~~m+~)=3.0 mW/cm2-sr

10 Wavelength, p m



Figure 11.-Reflected solar and simulated Earth blackbody/ spectral energy/distribution curves.

24 Horizon Stability

In those applications where high accuracy is required, a spectral region should be selected to minimize the angular instability of the horizon. The 15-pm COz band satisfies these objectives; the specific spectral width with best stability encompassing this band was shown in reference 20 to extend from 14.0 t o 16.3 pm, with potential detected horizon stability better than 1 km. The radiance profile in that spectral band exhibits deterministic variations with time and latitude as well as random variations. The deterministic changes have been demonstrated analytically and verified experimentally as shown in references 21 through 24. For missions in which extreme accuracy is required, programed compensation for the deterministic effects can improve the local vertical accuracy as indicated in reference 25. For other spectral regions, horizon profiles can be generated from data in reference 26 to assess the effects of atmospheric changes. In addition, amplitude effects can be compensated for by normalizing the time-varying detector output signal to the measured peak radiance or peak detector signal. This has the effect of producing what have been called normalized radiance profiles (refs. 1, 27, and 28). The radiance amplitude effects can be eliminated as shown in figure 12 (from ref. 9). However, care must be taken that the spectral region selected does not allow the radiance compensation technique to be confused by atmospheric anomalies.

Horizon Detection

As a detector field of view sweeps across the discontinuity between Earth and space, it generates an output signal that is a function of the magnitude and shape of the limb radiance profile, as distorted by the transfer function of the sensor. The relationship between the defined infrared horizon and the hard Earth horizon depends on the detection technique used.
A fixed threshold on the detector signal is shown in reference 28 to be one of the more stable techniques. Other features of the detector waveform can be used for horizon identification. Techniques such as sensing a particular value of slope or the waveform inflection point, or extrapolation of the linear portion of the waveform to zero signal on the time or scan angle axis may be employed. However, these techniques require more complex electronics than simple threshold sensing and might offer advantages only in certain special instances. References 1, 27, and 28 discuss many of these signal-processing techniques and their related accuracies. References 29 to 36 provide additional data regarding Earth horizon characteristics that affect the horizon detection problem.




Arctic winter

12 -

m c



Original curves 0.2

0,4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Degrees above horizon at 320 n. mi.


1. I

I ' " ~ ' " U ,


5uesert summer



0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Degrees above horizon at 320 n. mi.



Figure 12.4a) C 0 2 band horizon profiles. (b) C02 band horizon profiles, normalized.



Sun Effects

The two primary Sun effects to be considered are detector damage in sensors using thermistor bolometers that are not adequately shielded, and output errors, which exist even when adequate protection is provided. Detector Damage

Thermistor bolometers can reach a critical temperature where the bolometer impedance has been reduced to the point that the resulting bias current causes detector self-heating and thermal runaway. Care must be taken that the sum of the temperature rises caused by the radiation of the Sun and the operating temperature of the sensor does not exceed the detector critical temperature. Thus, in any particular application using thermistor bolometers, detector heating by the Sun must be carefully analyzed to determine potential detector damage. The margin of safety can be increased by narrowing the spectral region, by decreasing the temperature of the detector heat sink, and by operating the detector at less than the recommended 60 percent of peak bias. If these steps do not provide sufficient safety margin, a Sun shutter may be used to block the optical path until the Sun is no longer in the field of view, or a vehicle maneuver can be executed to change the sensor/Sun line of sight while still maintaining adequate sensor/Earth geometry to retain sensor function. Thermopile detectors do not exhibit the thermal self-heating from bias currents that affect thermistor bolometers. They would not be damaged until incident radiation caused the detector to reach the sintering temperature of the detector materials or the softening temperature of the backing materials.

Output Errors

When the Sun is in or near, in some instances, the detector field of view, detector output will confuse the sensor signal processing unless some form of discrimination exists. Discrimination is based on amplitude sensing, pulsewidth logic, separate Sun sensing detectors, or a combination of these.


When the Sun is in such a position relative to the horizon and to the detector field of view that amplitude discrimination and pulsewidth discrimination are not effective, one of the following steps can be taken: (1) The resulting pointing error may be accepted. (2) The sensor field of view can be caused to change its relative Earth/Sun orientation by a vehicle maneuver or by reorienting the scan planes within the sensor. (3) A redundant sensor head or detector field of view can be placed into operation, as in the OGO sensor (ref. 13). (4) The sensor output can be inhibited until the Sun problem is eliminated by the changing orbit position of the vehicle. If a separate Sun detector is used to sense actual or impending solar interference, the output of the Sun detector must be sufficiently related to the Earth sensor field of view so that the critical Earth-Sun field-of-view orientation can be determined. When the Sun is on the horizon, atmospheric attenuation may prohibit sensing of solar interference by a separate Sun detector. In that case, if resulting horizon-sensor output errors must be avoided, the situation must be predicted and steps (2) or (3) above used. The solar image presents a considerable thermal gradient problem to static or radiancebalancing sensors. This problem can be minimized by operating in as longwave a spectral region as possible to reduce the effective solar signal. Placement of the spectral filter outside the collecting aperture of the optics minimizes the amount of solar flux entering the sensor aperture and the asymmetric solar heating of the collecting optics and lens barrel (ref. 16). Aside from these general statements, specific practices are too intimately related to sensor design details to be generalized. Exceptional optical and thermal design practices must be observed and the internal solar heating problem must be considered carefully.

Sun Rejection

The ratio of Earth spectral radiance to Sun spectral radiance using the data of figure 10 for the Earth and a 6000" K blackbody for the Sun, is illustrated in figure 13. Note that the Sun radiates about 2000 times as much as the Earth at the shortest wavelength at which there is significant Earth emittance, (Le., 8 pm). Thus, a small field of view detector (less than 0.5" X 0.5" or 7.61 X 10-6 sr) with a spectral response centered at about 8 pm would receive a signal 2000 times greater than the Earth signal for which it was designed, when scanning across the Sun. The curve in figure 13 shows that operating at the longest possible wavelength minimizes the problem, and that the Sun radiates considerably more than the Earth, regardless of the infrared spectral region.


:L ,,



Wavelength, pm

Figure 13.-Ratio of Earth spectral radiance to Sun spectral radiance.

By eliminating requirements for spectral filtering other than that provided by the inherent spectral transmission of the sensor optical materials, overall optical efficiency can be improved. Increased efficiency leads to a greater signal-to-noise ratio or a smaller aperture diameter, and consequently smaller overall size. Thus, if sensor operation and required accuracy permit, spectral response down to about 2 pm is permissible as in the Tiros horizoncrossing indicator (HCI) of reference 9. The large Sun-to-Earth radiance ratio causes more problems when changing from the Tiros HCI-type sensor, to wide-angle mechanical sensors, or to dithering edge trackers This ratio has the largest effect on nondithering, nonmechanical-scanning sensors (e.g., electronic-scan, wide-angle scanners or radiance-balancing sensors, or any sensor in which the detector field of view is relatively stationary in object space). As much sunlight as possible must be filtered out to prevent detector damage when the solar image is directly on the detector and to minimize thermal gradients across the detector planes, which cause output errors (refs. 11 and 17). The required magnitude of solar rejection depends on mission requirements and sensor type. The only guidelines on spectral region is that where strjngent solar rejection requirements exist, filtering must be incorporated t o limit the sensor spectral response to the longer wavelengths.



Internal Reflections

Improper control of internal reflections can cause ghost images of the Sun, and such solar ghost images can produce spurious detector signals. The unwanted internal reflections occur whenever refracting optical elements, such as lenses, are used, Unwanted reflections are suppressed through the use of thin film antireflection coatings on the offending refractive surfaces. Where possible, reflecting optics can be used in place of the refracting element. The number of refracting surfaces should be minimized and proper employment o? light baffles and optical stops is important. Both geometrical optics and physical optics must be considered in the design. The optical design must be given an operational test in a cold-wall test chamber at the proper signal levels before the design can be considered adequate.


Moon Interference

If the field of view of the sensor scans across the Moon, the detector output signal will be a function of the lunar illumination phase-sometimes exceeding Earth threshold for a detector with a small field of view. These lunar signals can be discriminated against by measuring signal pulsewidth when the Moon is far enough from the horizon to produce a complete pulse. There will be times, however, when the Moon is so close to the horizon and the sensor field of view that it cannot be discriminated and a pointing error will result. Edgstracking sensors are particularly susceptible to large errors during moonrise. The courses of action are the same as those listed in section 4.2 for Sun near the horizon. Lunar interference can be eliminated by increasing the detector field of view. As the field of view increases beyond the angular subtense of the Moon, the detector signal from Earth increases but the lunar signal remains constant. However, use of a large field of view must be carefully evaluated with respect to other considerations, primarily accuracy. The best-known method for determining when the Moon is in a location to cause interference is prediction based on the spacecraft orbital parameters.


Design Interfaces
Optical Interface

The horizon sensor responds to all the reflected and emitted radiation in its environment. Optical interface is defined to be the total optical environment of the sensor as it is mounted


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