Estimation of Methane Emission From Piyungan Landfill Using IPCC Method

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PRATIWI et al., Journal of Science and Applicative Technology vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp.


Original Article
e-ISSN: 2581-0545 -

Estimation of methane emission from Piyungan landfill

Received 9th June 2022 using IPCC method
Accepted 3rd October 2022
Published 12th April 2023
Yuli Pratiwi a*, Paramita Dwi Sukmawati a, and Fisher Inco Rande Bunga a
Open Access a Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science, Institut Sains dan Teknologi AKPRIND, Yogyakarta

DOI: 10.35472/jsat.v7i1.953 * Corresponding E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: One of the greenhouse gases that causes climate change is the emission of methane (CH 4) produced by landfills. The
methane comes from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in the waste at the landfill. The purpose of this study is to
estimate methane emissions at the Piyungan landfill, Bantul, Yogyakarta, from 2021 to 2025 using IPCC method. No similar work
has been conducted so far, especially in the Piyungan landfill. The result shows that methane emissions produced at the
Piyungan landfill in 2021 is 544.05 tons with a total waste generation of 549.49 tons/year and is dominated by 88% organic
waste. Meanwhile from 20,786 tons of waste generated in 2025, the methane emissions are estimated to be 573.85 tons. To
minimize the methane emission from Piyungan landfill, it is recommended mitigation and adaptation efforts, i.e., the 3R method
(reduce, reuse, recycle), the composting of organic waste, the addition of gas ventilation pipes. The methane gas from the
Piyungan landfill should be explored as alternative energy fuel in future work.

Keywords: waste; methane; emission; landfill; IPCC method.

Introduction population growth rate in Yogyakarta was 1.15% and the

amount of waste production was 644.69 tons/day [6].
To encounter the problem of waste disposal in three cities,
Population growth is an important factor in determining the
i.e., Sleman, Bantul, and Yogyakarta, the Province of D.I.
amount of waste generation. Therefore, it is necessary to
Yogyakarta built Piyungan landfill located at Piyungan
take into account population projections for the next few
District, Bantul Regency. The site has area of 12.5 Ha of which
years in an effort to prevent urban waste production.
10 Ha is used as a landfill and 2.5 Ha is used as supporting
Meanwhile, the composition of the waste found in a landfill
facilities in the form of offices, workshops, weighbridges, and
will affect the potential for methane emissions produced. In
buffer zones [1]. An average of 450 ton a day of waste from
general, the higher the percentage of biodegradable organic
those cities is disposed to the Piyungan landfill. The
waste, the higher the potential for methane emissions to be
dominant type of waste is organic waste, which is
generated. The rate and composition of waste generation
approximately 72% of the total waste. However, another
varies depending on the economic situation, industrial
problem arises when the waste in the landfill does not
sector, waste management regulations and lifestyle.
manage and processed properly. It can generate methane
There are several method in evaluating methane
(CH4) gas and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. Typically, municipal
emission, including field experiment and mathematical
solid waste can generate 50-60% CH4 and 40-50% CO2 [2-4].
modelling [7]. Field experiment technique for evaluating
Anaerobic decomposition of organic compound content of
methane emission can be performed using a mobile tracer
the waste produce CH4 which is one of the greenhouse gases
dispersion method. The method with either Fourier
that contribute to climate change.
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), using nitrous oxide
The generation of CH4 from landfill can be affected by
as a tracer gas, or cavity ring-down spectrometry (CRDS),
several factors, such as weather, population, type and
using acetylene as a tracer gas has been employed by
composition of the waste, etc. Population growth and
Monster et al. [8] to quantify methane emission from several
consumptive community patterns [5] are often cited as
landfills in Denmark. A new approach in field experiment
determinants of increasing waste production in urban areas
using a TDLAS (Tunable Diode Laser Absorption
and the lack of waste management. During 2019, the
Spectroscopy) instrument is proposed by Zhu et al. [9].

Journal of Science and Applicative Technology vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11 | 6

Copyright © 2023 Journal of Science and Applicative Technology.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence. Any further distribution of this
work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by Journal of Science and Aplicative
Technology (JSAT).
PRATIWI et al., Journal of Science and Applicative Technology vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11

Journal of Science and Applicative Technology Original Article

Meanwhile, several mathematical models have been used in IPCC Modelling

predicting methane emission from landfill. Das et al. [10] Estimation of population growth
used four different models, i.e. First Order model, Multi- The population of the cities from 2021 to 2025 were
phase model, LandGEM model, and EPER Model to estimated estimated based on the population in those cities in 2020
landfill gas generation from municipal solid waste Indian using the arithmetic method and calculated using Eq. (1).
cities. LandGeM model includes two parameters, the IPCC method is a method which is issued by International
methane production potential and the first-order decay rate Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The method has been used
constant [11]. Meanwhile, Mohsen and Abbassi [12] used around the globe due to its simple calculation procedure.
fuzzy logic model to predict greenhouse gas emissions from 𝑃𝑛 = 𝑃𝑜 (1 + 𝑟𝑡) (1)
Ontario’s solid waste landfills. Another common model used Pn is the population of the projected year, Po is the
to estimate CH4 emission is Inter Governmental Panel on population of the baseline year, r is population growth, and t
Climate Change (IPCC) model. The IPCC model is based on a is the projection duration
First Order Decay (FOD) model that assumes biodegradation
kinetics depending on the type of wastes [13]. The IPCC Calculation of waste volume
model is integrated with (Long-range Energy Alternative According to SNI 19-3964-1994 standard, the volume of
Planning (LEAP) model by Nojedehi et al. [14]. The IPCC waste in the Piyungan landfill was projected by counting the
predicted the methane flow rate emission and LEAP model number of dump trucks that dispose the waste to the landfill
estimated energy and non-energy emission. for 8 consecutive days. After determining the volume of the
Since the methane emission from landfill contributes to waste, the density of the waste and waste generation rate
global warming, it is important to estimate methane were calculated based on the SNI 19-3964-1994 standard. To
emission generated by landfill in the next few years in order obtain the density, the wastes were mixed homogenously
to obtain proper method to manage the waste in landfill. and loaded into the container box having dimension of 0.5 m
Thus, the estimation of methane emission from Piyungan x 1.0 m x 1.0 m. The fulfilled container was stomped to the
landfill during 2021 - 2025 is performed by field mining data ground three times from height of 20 cm. The density was
and mathematical model using IPCC 2006 method in the calculated using Eq. (2). Furthermore, the waste generation
present work. The IPCC method is based on population rate can be obtained using Eq. (3). Once the volume, the
growth in Sleman, Bantul, and Yogyakarta, waste generation density, and generation rate were obtained, the waste
rate, and waste composition in the Piyungan landfill. generation was then estimated using Eq. (4).
𝜌= (2)
Novelty statement:
where 𝜌 is the density of the waste (kg/m3), m is the mass of
The work of investigating methane emission from the
the waste in the container box (kg), and Vb is the volume of
Piyungan landfill from 2021 to 2025 by field mining data and
the container box (m3)
mathematical model using IPCC 2006. No similar work has ̅
been reported so far, especially similar work performed at 𝑚̇ = ×𝜌 (3)
the Piyungan landfill in Yogyakarta where 𝑚̇ is the rate of waste generation, 𝑉̅ is the average
volume of the waste in the landfills (m3), Po is the population
baseline (person)
𝑚𝑛 = 𝑃𝑛 × 𝑚̇ (4)
Method where mn is the waste generation in n year, Pn is the
Field Experiment population of n year (person)
The field experiment aims to collect primary and
secondary population data in Sleman, Bantul, and Yogyakarta Analysis of waste composition
cities and the waste generation rate of the landfill. The After determining the rate of waste generation, then the
population data of those three districts in Yogyakarta were calculation of the composition of the waste was performed.
obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat The first stage was done by sorting the waste samples based
Statistik) Yogyakarta Province. Meanwhile, the waste on the type of waste, and there are six types of organic waste
generation rate data were obtained from Piyungan landfill according to the IPCC (2006) namely, food waste, leaves,
which is an open damping landfill wood, paper, textiles, and nappies. After that, the

Copyright © 2023 Journal of Science and Applicative Technology J. Sci. Appl. Tech. vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11 | 7
Published by: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM)
Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia
PRATIWI et al., Journal of Science and Applicative Technology vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11

Original Article Journal of Science and Applicative Technology

measurement of the weight percentage of waste per population of about 460,792 in 2025. Total population of
component was carried out with Eq. (5) those three cities will reach 3.0 million in 2025
𝑥1 = ∑ 𝑥1 × 100% (5)
𝑚 3,500,000
where x1 is the weight percentage of x component (%), mxi is Bantul Sleman Yogyakarta Total
the mass of x component (kg), the total mass of the waste
(kg) 2,500,000

Estimation of methane emission
Estimation of CH4 emission at Piyungan landfill was
based on waste composition, waste volume, degradable 1,000,000
organic carbon (DOC), fraction of DOC that can decompose 500,000
(DOCf), methane correction factor for aerobic decomposition -
in the year of deposition (MCF), a fraction of methane in 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
generated landfill gas (F) according to IPCC. According to the Year
IPPC method 2006, Eq. (6) and Eq. (7) were used to estimate Figure 1. Projection of population of Sleman, Bantul, and
total degradable waste and the potential of methane Yogyakarta in 2021-2025.
emission [15, 16] at the Piyungan landfill
𝐷𝐷𝑂𝐶𝑚 = 𝐷𝑂𝐶 × 𝐷𝑂𝐶𝑓 × 𝑀𝐶𝐹 × 𝑊 (6) The disposal rates for the landfill from those cities are
where DDOCm is the part of the organic carbon that will given in Figure 2. The data were taken from the weighbridge
degrade under the anaerobic conditions in SWDS is the mass to the landfills for eight days. From Figure 2, it can be seen a
of fixed carbon (ton), DOC is the degradable organic carbon dynamic graph, where the amount of waste varies every day,
in a year (Gg C/Gg waste), DOCf is the rafction of degradable the highest amount of waste is generated on the 2nd day
organic carbon (0.5 for Indonesia), and MCF is the methane (769,962 m3) and the lowest on the 6th day (234,906 m3).
correction factor for aerobic decomposition in the year (ton),
and W is the mass of waste in the landfills (ton)
waste volumetric rate (m3/day)

16 800,000
𝐿𝑜 = × 𝐷𝐷𝑂𝐶𝑚 × 𝐹 (7)
12 700,000
where Lo is the potential of methane emission (ton/year), a
constant 16/12 is indicated by the ratio between methane
molecular weight and carbon atomic weight, and F is the 500,000
fraction of methane in landfill gas produced. 400,000
Generally, the higher the percentage of biodegradable 300,000
organic waste, the higher the potential for CH4 emissions to 200,000
be generated. In the present work, sampling was conducted
on 15-22 September 2020, during the dry season. To
determine the composition of the waste, it is done manually
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
by separating the waste contained in the sampling box
according to its type/composition, which will then be
weighed by the weight of each waste based on its Figure 2. Waste generation rate to the landfill.
Figure 3 presents the result of the waste generation rate
from the city of Sleman, Bantul, and Yogyakarta. The result
Results And Discussion shows that the rate of waste generation from 2021 to 2025
Figure 1 shows a projection of the population of increased significantly. It can be seen from the graph, the
Bantul, Slemen, and Yogyakarta in the next five years rate of waste generation was about 19,900 tons in 2021 and
(2021-2025) by the arithmetic method. Based on the will increase to about 20,800 tons in 2025.
results of the projection using the arithmetic method, it
can be seen that Sleman city will have the largest
population in the year 2025, such that almost 1.3 million.
Meanwhile, Yogyakarta city will have the lowest

8 | Journal of Science and Applicative Technology , vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11 e-ISSN: 2581-0545
Estimation of methane emission from Piyungan landfill using IPCC method
PRATIWI et al., Journal of Science and Applicative Technology vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11

Journal of Science and Applicative Technology Original Article

21,000.00 determined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate

Rate of waste generation (ton/year)

Change), namely, DOC (Degradable organic carbon) data,
DOCf (Fraction of DOC can decompose), MCF (CH4 Correction
factor for aerobic decomposition in the year of deposition),
20,400.00 and F (Fraction of CH4 in generated landfill gas). Table 1
20,200.00 shows the IPCC default values. Meanwhile, the values of
DOCf, MCF, and F obtained are 0.5
19,800.00 Table 1. IPCC default values for DOC.
19,600.00 Composition DOC (% dry weight)
19,400.00 Default Range
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Food garbage 0.15 0.08-0.20
Figure 3. Estimation of rate of waste generation in 2021- Leaves 0.20 0.18-0.22
2025. Paper 0.40 0.36-0.45
Wood & Straw 0.43 0.39-0.46
The composition of waste in the landfill affects the Textile 0.24 0.20-0.40
generation of CH4 emissions. Generally, the higher the
Nappies 0.24 0.18-0.32
percentage of biodegradable organic waste, the higher the
potential for CH4 emissions to be generated. In the present
Figure 5 shows the estimation of CH4 emissions in the
work, sampling was carried out on 15-22 September 2020,
Piyungan landfill from 2021-2025. It can be seen the CH4
during the dry season. To determine the composition of the
emissions will reach 573.85 tons in 2025. Meanwhile,
waste, it is done manually by separating the waste contained
Sasmita et al [17] predicted that 1.331.487 m3/year of
in the sampling box according to its type/composition, which
methane could be generated from Muara Fajar landfill
will then be weighed by the weight of each waste based on
Pekanbaru. The CH4 emissions from 2021 to 2025 will
its type/composition. The percentage composition of waste
increase by an average of 5.96 tons/year. The estimated CH 4
in the Piyungan landfill is shown in Figure 4. It is obtained that
emission at the Piyungan landfill increases from year to year.
the waste in the Piyungan landfill mostly consists of food
The condition of the Piyungan landfill at the time of the
garbage and leaves, which are 54.36% and 20%, respectively.
research can be said to be wet because its composition is
The rest of 25.64% are shared by wood, straw, plastics,
88% in the form of easily biodegradable waste. Theoretically,
rubber, nappies, etc. Typically, organic waste includes food
biodegradable waste in the Piyungan TPA has the potential
waste, leaves, wood, paper, textiles, and nappies.
to produce large amounts of CH4. From the estimation values
of the CH4 emission from 2021-2025, it is recommended that
3% 4% the need to implement and socialize 3R techniques (reduce,
5% reuse and recycle) to reduce the volume of waste disposed
Food garbage
of in the landfill, optimize composting activities both in
7% sources and at the landfill, adding gas ventilation pipes in the
Wood & rice straw
waste heap, and changing the waste handling system at the
4… Plastics
54% landfill. These efforts are expected to be able to control the
CH4 emissions better. For the future work, it is a potential to
capture the CH4 emission and convert it into useful source of
alternative fuel. This work is very important not only for
people in those cities to manage their domestic waste but
also for the local government of Yogyakarta Province. The
Figure 4. Typical waste composition of the Piyungan landfill. result of the work can be used as a reference for making
regulation of waste management and methane mitigation at
Estimation of methane emissions in the Piyungan landfill Piyungan landfills
is based on the percentage of waste composition, waste
generation data, and default data that have been

Copyright © 2023 Journal of Science and Applicative Technology J. Sci. Appl. Tech. vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11 | 9
Published by: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM)
Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia
PRATIWI et al., Journal of Science and Applicative Technology vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11

Original Article Journal of Science and Applicative Technology

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Copyright © 2023 Journal of Science and Applicative Technology J. Sci. Appl. Tech. vol. 7 (1), 2023, pp. 6-11 | 11
Published by: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM)
Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia

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